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Add Festive Fun to New Traditions
Mark Linehan, Keisha Gilles and Viktoria Chiappa visit Scrooge played by Steve Gagliastro. Michael Gerulaitis Photography.
So what does an actor in The Hanover Theatre’s we asked Annie Kerins, cast veteran and associate director, she replied, “Why, make a big batch of Wassail of course!”
What?! You don’t know what Wassail is? Wassailing is a tradition of caroling around the holidays to bless the upcoming crop of apples. It means literally “good health” and became associated with a warmed, mulled cider offered to wassailers for their song. December is the perfect time to make this traditional drink for= the holidays. Enjoy the recipe here. . .
Add Festive Fun to New Traditions
So what does an actor in The Hanover Theatre’s A Christmas Carol do on an evening off? When we asked Annie Kerins, cast veteran and associate director, she replied, “Why, make a big batch
What?! You don’t know what Wassail is? Wassailing is a tradition of caroling around the holidays to bless the upcoming crop of apples. It means literally “good health” and became associated with a warmed, mulled cider offered to wassailers for their song. December is the perfect time to make this traditional drink for= the holidays. Enjoy the recipe here. . .