1 minute read
Your Contributions Make a Difference

–Mairead conservatory student

Do you know about The Hanover Theatre & Conservatory’s Access to the Arts (ATTA) Fund, which provides vital support
for our mission-driven education and outreach programs?
These enrichment opportunities have had lasting impacts on thousands of young people over the years. Your support has made our work possible!
The period of uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has shed light not only on the value of performing arts education, but on its resiliency. Over the last eight months, we have reinvented our education and outreach programs in order to continue to provide accessible arts
education experiences for both our conservatory students
and the thousands of public school students we serve.

At this very moment, we are working to provide high quality arts education programs by meeting the increased demand
for conservatory scholarships, curating a virtual student matinee series for area schools, and providing free, ondemand arts education classes for underserved youth in our
The economic impact of this pandemic has caused many schools and families to sacrifice their involvement in arts programs. We know the arts are a powerful source of healing in these times of high stress and anxiety, please help us to reach all those who are in need of that healing.