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2022-2023 Student Matinees, Field Trips and STEAM Arts Integration Workshops
Since 2008, THTC has served nearly 200,000 students through student matinee programming. Student matinee coordinator, Kim Pheymannicie, is proud to announce the 2022-2023 season of student matinees and field trips. According to Pheymannicie, “This year’s Student Matinee Series serves curriculum standards in English language arts, social studies, science and social emotional learning for all age groups. The education department hopes that this year’s series will enhance and expand what is being learned in the classroom.
New this year, the education department also offers Letting Off STEAM: Arts Integration Workshops! These workshops create the opportunity for students to apply what they are learning in the classroom to real world scenarios while letting them experience the curriculum in a kinesthetic and relevant way. “The STEAM workshops aim to make deeper, meaningful curriculum connections, make the standards more ‘tangible’ through real world applications and experiences, and imbue subjects with social emotional learning,” says Kim Pheymannicie. The workshops combine standards from math, English language arts, science and social studies with dance, technical theatre design and drama, allowing students to immerse themselves in the way STEM and the humanities are naturally used throughout the performing arts.
Groups of any size are welcome, including homeschool groups. Student matinee tickets are subsidized and range from $12 - $17.
Free chaperone ticket included with every 25 student tickets purchased.
2022-2023 Student Matinees
Macbeth October 6 &14 at 10 amSold Out
Fences October 26 at 10 am
Edgar Allan Poe Double Header Sold Out October 26-28 at 10 am
A Christmas Carol December 20-22 at 10 am
African Folktales February 17 at 10:30 & 12Sold Out
The Stories of Hansel and Gretel & Peter and the Wolf March 6 at 10:30 am
The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System April 6 at 10:30 am
The Pout-Pout Fish May 5 at 10:30 am
The Lightning Thief May 10 at 10 am
Learn more about student matinees, STEAM workshops and teacher resources available this season.
To book your school group please contact Kim, Student Matinee Coordinator at 508.471.1765


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