Hadestown | The Hanover Theatre's Broadway Series 2022-2023

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•INTEGRITY • L PIHSREDAE • LECXE NCE By supporting the arts, you support this vision. By helping you put the proper legal structures in place, we hope we can help you enjoy the beauty that surrounds you now and perpetuate it for the future. • Estate & Tax Planning • Trust & Foundation Administration • Special Needs & Elder Planning • 35 Additional Areas of Practice WORCESTER | FRAMINGHAM | BOSTON | CAPE COD | PROVIDENCE 508.459.8000 | FletcherTilton.com Imagine a Future Filled with Music •INTEGRITY • L PIHSREDAE LECXE NCE Since 1822 19 Glennie St. B, Worcester, MA 01605 | Gold Star Boulevard | 508·791·2211 Celebrate Life’s Important Moments Worcester’s Fine Jewelers Since 1937

Executive Office

President & CEO

Troy Siebels

Executive Assistant

Amanda Bohart


VP of Communications

Lisa K. Condit

Sales Director

Diane Pieciak

Communications Director

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Brendan Donnellan

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Customer Service & Sales Team Leaders

James Herrera

Jean O’Halloran

Customer Service & Sales Associates

Mildred Anderson

Beverly Brown

Julie Carlson

Emma Clardy

Ginny Hilli

Group Sales & Promotions Manager

Amy Osborn

Brand Ambassadors

Sarahbeth Persiani

Abby Rickert

Conservatory & Education

President, THT Conservatory & Education Division

Meghan Montaner

Conservatory Executive Assistant

Erin Kearney



Director of Conservatory Operations

Sharon Hart

Director of Dance

Jennifer Agbay

Student Matinee Coordinator & Youth

Ballet Company Stage Manager

Kim Pheymannicie

Dance Faculty

Jamie Brown

Sarah-Kay “SKooJ” Clark

David DuBois

Mark A. Harootian

Jilanne Hobson

Caroline Jewell

Charlotte McNutt

Ana Luisa Thompson-Konopka

Drama Faculty

Michael Bailey

Naomi Bailis

Jake Berger

Saharra Dixon

Robb Gibbs

Sharon Hart

Robert Isaacson

Michelle Leibowitz

Meredith Stypinski

Nicole Tetreault

Cameron Ward

Technical Theatre Faculty

Nick Joyce

Kim Pheymannicie

Brenda Shepard

Voice Faculty

Sarah Callinan

Mark Mummert

Conservatory Desk Security

Dan Gangnon

Maria Schantz


VP of Advancement

Linda Rosenlund

Director of Development

Nel Lazour

Development Operations Manager

Veronica Bailey

Stewardship & Membership Officer

Betty Blute

Finance & Human Resources

VP of Finance & HR

Janine Diliberto

Director of Finance

Gerry Baeder

Director of Human Resources

Veronica Villacis

Accounting Associate

Natsuko Finn


Victor Start

Operations & Production

VP of Operations & Production

Lisa Hackman

Concessions Manager

Scott Bauman

Function Coordinator

Jackie Dillman

Function House Manager

Yen Boucher

House Managers

Patricia Grigas

Elizabeth LoConto

Ellen Santimaw

Mark Steina

FSS Salon Maître D’s

Karen Cavan

Maureen Hardy

Dale Stafford

Production Manager

Chadyn Case

Assistant Production Manager

Scott McConnell

Head Electrician

Brenda Shepard

House Sound/Audio Engineer

Nick Joyce

Facilities Manager

Bob Krafve

Facilities Associates

Jonathan Bogart

Nathaniel Polsky

Bill Powers

Matt Ricard

Stage Crew IATSE Local 96

THT Repertory

Artistic Director

Olivia D’Ambrosio Scanlon

2 Southbridge Street
Worcester, MA 01608
Worcester, MA Main Street - Streetscape Improvements October 2019 Carroll Plaza North from the Plaza You’re invited to our 15th Anniversary Plaza Party Saturday, June 3 at 6:30 PM 15 YEARS “We are excited that the Francis R. Carroll Plaza with the outdoor Bank of America Stage on our doorstep will allow us to offer even more opportunities for free programming to our community.” ~ Troy Siebels, President and CEO S nfor more nfo Free and open to the public! Featuring live music by South Street Band. Learn more or RSVP today at TheHanoverTheatre.org/plazaparty

Lisa McDonough, Chair

Kellie Thibodeau, Vice Chair

Charles R. Valade, Treasurer

Tracy V. Wells, Clerk

Marie A. Angelini, Esq.

Thomas J. Bartholomew

Maureen F. Binienda

Elissa Boisvert, Esq.

Abigail M. Childs, MD

William M. Finn

Njeri Gichohi, Esq.

Ivan R. Green, MD


Rachel K. Heller

Steven G. Joseph

John Lauring

Helder Machado

Ken Rapp

Kimberly A. Rozak, Esq.

Edward Russo

Ellen Savickas

Edwin T. Shea, Jr

Troy Siebels

Michael D. Sleeper

Carolyn J. Stempler

Maureen O. Stokes

Kimberly Stone, Esq.

Thomas J. Sullivan

Sandy Tassi

Ancy Verdier, DMD


Paul J. Demoga, Esq.

Edward P. Madaus

Honorary Director

Mary C. DeFeudis


Resident Organist • Dr. Jonathan Kleefield

Donor and Technical Consultant • Donald Phipps

Curator • Bruce Hager

Asst. Curator • Jon Anderson

Organ Team Member • Ralph Swick


Land is something sacred to all of us, whether we consciously appreciate it or not, it is the space upon which we play, live, eat, find love and experience life. The land is ever-changing and ever-shifting, giving us and all other creatures and beings on the earth an infinite number of gifts and lessons. Today, we want to acknowledge the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Nipmuc Nation on which we are working and currently performing in Worcester, MA. We recognize and respect Indigenous Peoples as traditional stewards of this land and the enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories. This sort of acknowledgement is essential to human rights work across the world. It is essential to our work of honoring stories that explore the human experience. Find more information here: https://native-land.ca/

Worcester Center for Performing Arts (WCPA), a registered not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, owns and operates The Hanover Theatre and Conservatory for the Performing Arts (THT) and, on behalf of the Worcester Cultural Coalition (WCC), manages Worcester’s BrickBox Theater at the Jean McDonough Arts Center (JMAC). All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.


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Thank you!

*The Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts opened on March 14, 2008


We are grateful to the following for their support of the theatre’s season and educational programs.

Join our community of supporters! Contact Diane Pieciak at 508.930.2424 or diane@thehanovertheatre.org for more information.
Stop by, call 508.756.0807, or visit www.unibank.com to see what over 152 years of banking experience can do for you! Connecting all offices: 800.578.4270 www.unibank.com Member FDIC/Member DIF UniBank NMLS #583135 WORCESTER BRANCH 24 GOLD STAR BOULEVARD is a proud sponsor of Hadestown
701-9153 (9/22) 440 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA 01653 hanover.com Welcoming Broadway’s Best to Worcester Community is at the heart of everything we do. That’s why we are proud to support The Hanover Theatre’s Broadway Series, and we look forward to a season of fabulous shows.












Music, Lyrics & Book by ANAÏS MITCHELL





Scenic Design


Arrangements & Orchestrations



Costume Design


Music Director


Hair Design Casting


Diversity Marketing Consultant


Lighting Design




Tour Booking Agency

Co-Sound Design



Music Coordinator


Tour Marketing & Press


Social Media National Press Representative Production Management


Associate Choreographer Production Stage


General Management
Arrangements LIAM ROBINSON
Music Supervisor & Vocal
with & Directed by RACHEL CHAVKIN Hadestown received its w orld P remiere at tHe n ew Y ork t Heatre w orksHoP on m aY 23, 2016. J im n icola , a rtistic d irector J eremY B locker , m anaging d irector Hadestown received its c anadian P remiere at tHe c itadel t Heatre on n ovemBer 16, 2017. Hadestown received its Uk P remiere at tHe n ational t Heatre on n ovemBer 13, 2018. Hadestown oPened on B roadwaY at tHe w alter k err t Heatre on a Pril 17, 2019. Hadestown was develoPed witH fUnding from tHe e li and e dYtHe B road s tage at tHe s anta m onica c ollege P erforming a rts c enter a dditional develoPment BY n ew Y ork s tage and f ilm and t He g roUnd f loor at B erkeleY r ePertorY t Heatre Hadestown was co - conceived BY B en t . M atchstick
Choreographed by


Eurydice ............................................................................................................HANNAH WHITLEY

Orpheus ............................................................................................................CHIBUEZE IHUOMA

Persephone ...............................................................................................................LANA GORDON

Hades.................................................................................................MATTHEW PATRICK QUINN

Hermes ......................................................................................................NATHAN LEE GRAHAM

Fates ................................................DOMINIQUE KEMPF, BELÉN MOYANO, NYLA WATSON





Understudies never substitute for the listed performers unless a specific announcement is made at the time of the appearance.




Assistant Dance Captain—KC DELA CRUZ



Conductor/Piano—ERIC KANG

Cello/Assistant Conductor—KELY PINHEIRO



Trombone/Glockenspiel—EMILY FREDRICKSON


Drums/Percussion—ELADIO ROJAS

Music Coordinator—DAVID LAI

The use of any recording device, either audio or video, and the taking of photographs, either with or without flash, is strictly prohibited. Please turn off all electronic devices such as cellular phones, beepers and watches

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The WBDC is proud to support The Hanover Theatre’s 2022-2023 Broadway Season Private Investment—Working for the Public Good Investing in Worcester’s Future 89 Shrewsbury Street Suite 300 Worcester, MA 01604 (508) 755-5734 For more information, Please visit us at www.thewbdc.com
I “Road to Hell”.........................................................................................................Hermes, Company “Any Way the Wind Blows”........................................................................................Eurydice, Fates “Come Home With Me” ...........................................................Orpheus, Eurydice, Hermes, Workers “Wedding Song” .....................................................................................Orpheus, Eurydice, Workers “Epic I” .....................................................................................................................Orpheus, Hermes “Livin’ It Up On Top” ........................................................Persephone, Hermes, Orpheus, Company “All I’ve Ever Known” ...........................................................................................Eurydice, Orpheus “Way Down Hadestown” .......................................................................................................Company “A Gathering Storm” .....................................................................Hermes, Orpheus, Eurydice, Fates “Epic II” ...................................................................................................................................Orpheus “Chant” ..................................................................................................................................Company “Hey, Little Songbird” ................................................................................................Hades, Eurydice “When the Chips Are Down” ......................................................................................Fates, Eurydice “Gone, I’m Gone” ........................................................................................................Eurydice, Fates “Wait For Me” ................................................................................Hermes, Orpheus, Fates, Workers “Why We Build the Wall” .........................................................................................Hades, Company
II “Our Lady of the Underground” .........................................................................................Persephone “Way Down Hadestown (reprise)” ................................................Hermes, Fates, Eurydice, Workers “Flowers” ................................................................................................................................Eurydice “Come Home With Me (reprise)” ...........................................................................Orpheus, Eurydice “Papers” .....................................................................................................................Hades, Company “Nothing Changes” .......................................................................................................................Fates “If It’s True” .............................................................................................Orpheus, Hermes, Workers “How Long?” ..........................................................................................................Persephone, Hades “Chant (reprise)” ....................................................................................................................Company “Epic III” ................................................................................................................Orpheus, Company “Promises” ..............................................................................................................Eurydice, Orpheus “Word to the Wise” .......................................................................................................................Fates “His Kiss, The Riot” ...................................................................................................................Hades “Wait For Me (reprise)” ..........................................................................................Hermes, Company
Comes In”.........................................................................Orpheus, Eurydice, Fates, Workers
(reprise)” ..........................................................................................Hermes, Company


LANA GORDON (Persephone) is so excited to be back in this role and to be joining the Hadestown tour family. Broadway: Hadestown (Persephone), Chicago (Velma), The Lion King (Nala/Shenzie), Jesus Christ Superstar (Soul Girl). NY: Hello Again Tour/international: Chicago (Velma), Hair (Dionne), West Side Story (Anita), Carmen Cubana (Carmen), Jazz at Lincoln Center. TV/film: “America’s Got Talent,” NBC’S “One Night Only,” Here Again, Harlem Town, Cabin. Dance: Alvin Ailey Repertory, Dunham Company, Donald Byrd The Group. Special thanks to Matt and Kat at DGRW and Geoff at Soffer Entertainment. Grateful to God for every blessing.

NATHAN LEE GRAHAM (Hermes). Broadway: original casts of The Wild Party; Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Off-Broadway: The View Upstairs (Lucille Lortel nomination), Tarell Alvin McCraney’s Wig Out! (Drama League nomination). Regional: The Colored Museum (IRNE Award nomination). Film: Zoolander, Zoolander 2, Sweet Home Alabama, Hitch. TV: “LA to Vegas,” “Katy Keene,” “Woke” “Broad City,” “The Comeback,” “Absolutely Fabulous,” “Law & Order SVU,” “Scrubs.” The 2005 Best Classical Album Grammy Award for Songs of Innocence and of Experience as a soloist. Nathan is a recipient of the HRC Visibility Award. Next up, the new film Theater Camp! @nathanleegraham.

CHIBUEZE IHUOMA ( Orpheus ), he/him, is a Nigerian-American actor, musician and writer. A 2021 graduate of NYU Tisch (New Studio on Broadway), Chibueze is thrilled to be part of the Hadestown pantheon! He recently was seen in Hangar Theatre’s production of Once (Andrej). University credits include Urinetown (Bobby Strong), The Wild Party (Mr. Black), 12 Angry Animals (Juror 3/Bengal Tiger). Biggest thanks to the cast, crew and creative team for the best support a person could have. For the fam, always. chibuezeihuoma.com. IG: chibreezy7.


National tours: Finding Neverland, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged), Scooby Doo LIVE! Regional: Matilda (Northern Stage), Crazy for You (Pennsylvania Shakespeare), A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder (Engeman), The Addams Family (Gateway), Loch Ness (The REV). Originated several villainous roles for Disney Cruise Line such as Scar, Jafar and Captain Hook. Endless gratitude for the continuous love and support from my family, Todd Eskin and ATB talent, Benton Whitley and the entire Hadestown team and especially YOU for supporting live theater. Enjoy the show! Follow me @matthewpatrickquinn.

HANNAH WHITLEY (Eurydice) is filled with joy and gratitude to join the Hadestown family for her national tour debut! She was most recently seen in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (The Muny). Endless thanks to Ball State University, Stewart Talent, 111 Media, Stewart/Whitley and

the Hadestown team. To my family, friends and teachers, thank you for lifting me up. With you it is always spring. Mom, you helped to make my dreams come true. Dad, you are my biggest cheerleader. All glory belongs to God! whitleyhannah.com. IG: @whitleyhannah.

DOMINIQUE KEMPF (Fate) is from Buffalo, NY and a SUNY Fredonia alumni. Most recent: first national tour of Tootsie (Suzie, u/s Julie). Regional: Ragtime (Sarah)—Artie Award, West Side Story (Maria), Little Shop of Horrors (Ronnette), First Date (Alison/Lauren/Ida), Avenue Q (Gary Coleman). Thank you mom, dad, family, friends and God for the endless support and love. IG: neekx0.

BELÉN MOYANO ( Fate, u/s Eurydice ). OffBroadway: Assistants (Players Theatre). Select regional: American Mariachi (TheatreSquared), The Prince of Egypt, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Tarzan (Tuacahn), In the Heights (Engeman). Bachelor of Music: Utah State University. Curriculum designer and executive podcast producer of “Edify Justice Advocates.” Born in Buenos Aires, she’s passionate about representation, Spanish language projects and accessible arts education. belenmoyano.com.

NYLA WATSON ( Fate , u/s Persephone ). Cleveland-born, NYC-based. Broadway: Waitress. Off-Broadway: Black No More, Gigantic. National tours: Wicked, The Color Purple (revival). She attributes her success to her Christian faith, her parents, CGF Talent, and her professional and personal influences. Proud graduate of Baldwin Wallace and NYU—Steinhardt. Thank you to the amazing team of Hadestown and Stewart/Whitley for this amazing opportunity. queennyla.com. @brandnewnyla. Acts 4:7-12.

JORDAN BOLLWERK (Worker, u/s Orpheus).

Off-Broadway: No Strings. Select regional: Aida (White Plains PAC); Mamma Mia! (Theatre Aspen); Hello, Dolly! (The MUNY); Seussical (The MUNY); South Pacific (The MUNY). Much love to all his friends and family! Elon MT ’16. Represented by DGRW. Plan of Escape, his solo album, out now!

IAN COULTER-BUFORD (Swing, Dance/Fight Captain, u/s Hermes). Off-Broadway: Broadway Bounty Hunter . Tour: After Midnight . TV/film: “Modern Love.” Choreography: The Rose Room. Goes by PALAWN as a musician, debut single, “Juxtapose” out 2/4/22, go listen! Thank God, my fam, my amazing team, my circle and the Hadestown squad. Illinois Wesleyan University alum. KEEP DREAMING! Let’s connect! @iancoulterbuford. @iampalawn.

KC DELA CRUZ ( Swing, u/s Fate ). Tour and Hadestown debut! Regional: Kiss My Aztec!, The Prince of Egypt, In the Heights, The Little Mermaid , West Side Story , Miss Saigon .

Television: “I Can See Your Voice,” “The Voice of

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the Philippines.” Much love and gratitude to family, friends and DGRW. This one’s for my mom and dad! @kcdelacruz.

JAMAL LEE HARRIS ( Worker, u/s Hades ).

Broadway: The Lion King. Tours: The Lion King, Miss Saigon, The Full Monty. B.F.A. from Ithaca College. Eternally grateful to anyone making and/or supporting the Arts. Special thanks to SW Casting, Dustin Flores and the entire team at Daniel Hoff Agency. Love to CNPH and my entire family!

COURTNEY LAUSTER (Worker, u/s Eurydice, u/s Fate) is thrilled to be making her touring debut in Hadestown! Proud alumna of Missouri State University. Regional: Beehive, Catch Me If You Can, Grease (Tent Theatre). Many thanks to Meghan and Caroline, Stewart/Whitley, KMR, and family and friends whom she never would have made it this far without. @courtneylauster.

EDDIE NOEL RODRÍGUEZ ( Worker, u/s Hades, u/s Hermes) is thrilled, honored and grateful to be in his second national tour with the family of Hadestown. Tour: On Your Feet! (Emilio). Regional: Godspell (Jeffrey), Man of La Mancha (Dr. Carrasco), La Cage aux Folles (Hanna), Footloose (Willard), Rent (u/s Roger), Hair (Ensemble). Follow him on IG: @eddienoelr.

J. ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ (Swing, u/s Orpheus) is thrilled to be making his national tour debut with this incredible show. Off-Broadway: Emmet Otter’s Jugband Christmas. Select regional: Footloose (The MUNY), Escape to Margaritaville (Ogunquit Playhouse), Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story (The REV). Special thanks to DGRW, Cecilia, and mi familia! Los quiero mucho! IG: @j.antoniorod.

CECILIA TRIPPIEDI ( Swing, u/s Fate), she/ her. Hailing from Orland Park, Ill., Cecilia is especially grateful to make her national tour debut with Hadestown. Endless thanks to Stewart/Whitely, The Link Program and her incredible team at DGRW for their unwavering support. Proud Otterbein alum. Love always to her family, Sav and Antonio. @ceciliatrippiedi.

RACQUEL WILLIAMS (Worker, u/s Persephone, u/s Fate). National Tour debut! Born in Texas and raised in Alabama, Racquel has since performed in The Last Five Years (Cygnet Theatre), In The Heights (Rubicon Theatre), and The Magnificent Seven (Theatre Row). Her film credits include Daisy directed by Kendra Baude. Repped by Lynne Marks and Clear Talent. @racqwilliams

ANAÏS MITCHELL (Music, Lyrics & Book) is a Tony and Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter whose recordings include the original studio album of Hadestown (2010), Young Man in America (2012), Bonny Light Horseman (2019, as Bonny Light Horseman) and Anaïs Mitchell (2022). She was named to the TIME100 list of the Most Influential People in the World in 2020 and her first book Working on a Song: The Lyrics of Hadestown

was published by Plume/Penguin the same year. She headlines shows worldwide and her music has featured regularly on “Best-Of” lists, including NPR, The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal Hadestown is Anaïs’s first musical.

RACHEL CHAVKIN (Director) is a Tony Award winning director, writer and artistic director of Brooklyn-based collective, the TEAM. Hadestown (NYTW, National Theatre, London) has been one of her greatest joys. Tony and Lortel nominations and Drama Desk Award for Dave Malloy’s Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 (Broadway, Ars Nova, A.R.T.). London: Mission Drift (National Theatre), American Clock (Old Vic). Select New York and regional: Marco Ramirez’s The Royale (LCT; Obie Award, Drama Desk and Lortel nominations), Malloy’s Preludes (LCT3), Bess Wohl’s Small Mouth Sounds (Ars Nova and national tour), Carson Kreitzer’s and Matt Gould’s Lempicka (Williamstown Theatre Festival), The Royal Family (Guthrie Theater) and multiple collaborations with Taylor Mac. Her first film, Remind Me, was an official selection of the Venice and Beverly Hills Film Festivals. 2017 Smithsonian Award for Ingenuity. Proud NYTW Usual Suspect and Member SDC.

DAVID NEUMANN (Choreographer ). Film: I Am Legend, Marriage Story (Noah Baumbach). Choreography: An Octoroon and Futurity (Soho Rep); Antipodes (Signature Theatre); Underground Railroad Game (Ars Nova); Hagoromo and Home (BAM); The Antipodes (Signature Theatre). Collaborator and performer: Laurie Anderson, Big Dance Theater, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Doug Elkins. Director: The Object Lesson (NYTW, BAM). Artistic director, Advanced Beginner Group (P.S.122, NY Live Arts, The Kitchen, Symphony Space, Abrons Art Center, The Chocolate Factory, The Whitney, Walker Art Center, MASS MoCA). Recipient of 2020 Obie Award, 2019 Chita Rivera Award, three Bessie Awards for dance/performance, Tony nominee for Hadestown, Lucille Lortel and Helen Hayes awards nominee.

RACHEL HAUCK (Scenic Design). Broadway: Hadestown (Tony Award, Drama Desk and Outer Critics nominations), What the Constitution Means to Me, Latin History for Morons. Recent work: The Wrong Man (MCC); Hadestown (National Theatre, Citadel, NYTW); Hurricane Diane (NYTW); Othello, Twelfth Night (Shakespeare in the Park); The Lucky Ones (Ars Nova); You’ll Still Call Me By Name (Sonya Tayeh/Jacob’s Pillow). Princess Grace, Lilly Awards; Drama Desk, Lortel nominations; Obie Award for Sustained Excellence. “Black lives matter.”

MICHAEL KRASS (Costume Design). Broadway: Tony nominations for Hadestown , Noises Off , Machinal and The Constant Wife ; plus Charlie Brown, Twelve Angry Men, Heisenberg, new plays by Stephen Belber, Nicky Silver, Elaine May, more, and What the Constitution Means to Me. Off-

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April 1 – June 25, 2023

Claude Monet, Waterlilies, detail, 1908, oil on canvas, Museum Purchase, 1910.26 This exhibition is generously supported by the Fletcher Foundation. This project is also funded in part by Ruth and John Adam, Jr. Exhibition Fund, Richard A. Heald Curatorial Fund, Michie Family Curatorial Fund, and the Christian A. Johnson Exhibition Fund. Related programming is supported by the Amelia and Robert H. Haley Memorial Lecture Fund and the Spear Fund for Public Programs


Broadway: premieres by Edward Albee, Christopher Durang, John Guare, Teresa Rebeck, Sarah Treem, John Kander/Greg Pierce, Will Eno, Lauren Yee, Lisa Loomer, Donald Marguilies, etc. He teaches in the graduate program at Brown University.

BRADLEY KING (Lighting Design). With Rachel Chavkin: Hadestown, The Great Comet, Moby Dick, Lempicka, Preludes and many others. Broadway: Hadestown (Tony, Drama Desk), Flying Over Sunset, Bernhardt/Hamlet, The Great Comet (Tony, Drama Desk). Off-Broadway: shows for MCC Theater, Roundabout Theatre Company, Playwrights Horizons, Atlantic Theater Company, New York Theatre Workshop, Signature Theatre and many others. Numerous regional theater and opera productions across the U.S. and worldwide. M.F.A.: NYU. On the web at bradleykingld.com.

NEVIN STEINBERG (Sound Design). Broadway: Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Tony nomination), Hadestown (Tony Award), Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Freestyle Love Supreme, The Cher Show, Bandstand, Bright Star, It Shoulda Been You, Mothers and Sons, Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella (Tony nomination), The Performers, Magic/Bird. Over 30 other Broadway productions with Acme Sound Partners and five additional Tony nominations: The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess , Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, Fences, Hair and In the Heights

JESSICA PAZ (Sound Design). Twelfth Night, Othello , Julius Caesar , A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Miss You Like Hell (The Public Theater); Welcome to Fear City (KC Rep); Burn All Night (A.R.T); A Sucker Emcee , The Muscles in Our Toes (LAByrinth Theater Company); Ugly Lies the Bone (Roundabout Theatre Company); Becoming Dr. Ruth (Westside Theatre); Looking for the Pony (Vital Theatre Company); Women Beware Women (Red Bull Theater); Stretch (a fantasia) (New Georges). Tony, Drama Desk winner for Best Sound Design for Hadestown

LIAM ROBINSON (Music Supervisor & Vocal Arrangements). Broadway: War Horse (Songman, original cast); music director and vocal arranger for Hadestown Off-Broadway at New York Theatre Workshop (cast member), Canada’s Citadel Theatre and London’s National Theatre; orchestrator/ co-producer National Anthem: Arise! Arise! robinsonandrohe.com.

MICHAEL CHORNEY ( Arrangements & Orchestrations) leads ensembles from trio to big band that perform his compositions and songs. As an arranger he has created tributes to Sun Ra, Kurt Weill and Paul Bowles. He has made a bunch of records as a leader, producer and instrumentalist. Michael has been a part of Hadestown since its inception in Vermont.

TODD SICKAFOOSE ( Arrangements & Orchestrations) is a Tony and Grammy award-win-

ning composer, producer, arranger, orchestrator, bandleader and double bassist. He produced, coarranged and performed on the original Hadestown album, co-produced both Hadestown cast recordings and produced and arranged Anaïs Mitchell’s album Young Man in America. Since 2004, Sickafoose has performed internationally with Ani DiFranco. Writing for his band Tiny Resistors, he recently created Bear Proof, a chamber jazz hybrid commissioned by the Doris Duke Foundation.

ERIC KANG (Music Director). NY-based pianist and music director. National tours: Cats, Love Never Dies, A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder. NY: Love and Real Estate (59E59), Bunnicula (DR2). Regional: The Cher Show (Ogunquit), Into the Woods (Annapolis Opera, Holy City Arts and Lyric Opera), Sharon Playhouse. NYU and Williams College. Support arts education in public schools!

KEN CERNIGLIA ( Dramaturg ). Broadway: Aladdin, Peter and the Starcatcher, Newsies, The Little Mermaid, Tarzan. Regional/touring: Freaky Friday, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, High School Musical, The Kennedy Center, La Jolla Playhouse, Signature Theatre, Fisher Ensemble, Arena Stage. Hadestown at NYTW, Citadel, National Theatre London. Librettist: Atlantis (Virginia Rep, 2019), Dream and Laurel Canyon (in development). Education: UC San Diego. Catholic University, University of Washington. Past president, Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas.

DAVID LAI (Music Coordinator). My Fair Lady, King Kong, Come From Away, Cats, Fiddler, The King and I, Evita, Mary Poppins, South Pacific Currently MD/conductor for Phantom of the Opera Producer (multiple Grammy and Emmy winner, eight-time Grammy nominee): Hadestown; West Side Story; Come From Away; Promises, Promises; Joshua Bell; Placido Domingo; Lang Lang; Eldar; Josh Groban; Renee Fleming; Itzhak Perlman; Kristin Chenoweth. Founder ParkAvenueArtists. Management: Bell, Perlman, Fleming, YEBBA, Jordan Donica, 2CELLOS. Consultant producer PBS specials: “Seasons of Cuba,” “Láng Lang,” “Fleming,” “Perlman,” “Time For Three.”

JENNIFER MULLINS (Hair Design). After over a decade as a WigMaker for feature films and episodic television, Jennifer is now designing in the theatrical world. Beginning her career at 15 years old as a licensed hairdresser, Jennifer’s goal has always been to help productions have a visionary experience that brings people together, ignites their imaginations, and assists in creating a world of inclusiveness with diversity of hair on stage and in film.

STEWART/WHITLEY (Casting). Duncan Stewart CSA and Benton Whitley CSA. NY: Hadestown (Artios Award); Chicago; Rock of Ages; Lightning Thief; Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812; Elf; On the Town; Pippin; La Cage; Radio City Christmas Spectacular . TV/film: Netflix, 20th

WHO’S WHO in the


Century Fox, NBC, Lionsgate, Disney Channel. UK: Hadestown, Thriller Live, Menier Chocolate Factory. Tours: Hadestown, Hairspray, Waitress, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , Finding Neverland, Into the Woods, We Will Rock You Regional: A.R.T., Berkeley Rep, Alley Theatre, Bay Street Theater, For The Record, TUTS, Hollywood Bowl, McCarter Theatre Center, Signature Theatre, RCCL. @stewartwhitley. stewartwhitley.com.

KATIE ROSE M c LAUGHLIN ( Associate Director/Choreographer ). Artistic Director of Designated Movement Company and Co-Creative Director of the Drama League Award-winning Theater in Quarantine. Freelance choreographer and director for theater, opera, film, music videos and viral TikToks. Honored to have been Associate Choreographer for Hadestown at NYTW, Edmonton, South Korea and on Broadway. katierosemclaughlin.com. @katierosierose.

CHIKA V. IKE (Associate Director). Upcoming projects: And Certain Women (St. Louis Shakespeare Festival, world premiere), Spacedogs (MCC, associate director). Recipient of the Drama League New York Fellowship, SDCF Gielgud Directing Fellowship, Bret C. Harte Directing Fellowship and Victory Garden’s Directors Initiative Apprenticeship Program. Member of the 2020–2022 WP Theatre Directors Lab. chikavike.com.

JOEL ROSEN ( Production Stage Manager ).

Tours: Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, Avenue Q, Billy Elliot, White Christmas, In the Heights, Shrek, Flashdance, Dirty Dancing, Cheers Live. Broadway: How the Grinch Stole Christmas! , Imaginary Friends. Off-Broadway: Reasons to be Happy, Fat Pig, The Exonerated. Regional: The Color Purple. Over 30 shows Old Globe Theatre, San Diego.

ANNELISE CASTLEBERRY (Stage Manager) is thrilled to be part of the first national tour of Hadestown. Broadway: Cirque du Soleil: Paramour, Waitress. National tours: Beautiful, Pippin, Cheers Live On Stage!, Flashdance, Radio City Christmas Spectacular. Off-Broadway: Carnegie Hall presents Candide, Barrow Street Theatrical’s Sweeney Todd, Sleep No More. Love to my family and friends.

ZACHRY J. BAILEY (Assistant Stage Manager)

he/him. Select regional: A Raisin in the Sun, The Plot, Twelfth Night (Yale Repertory), Jesus Christ Superstar (Connecticut Repertory), Broadway for Biden. Film: CRAM (Radical Rhinoceros Pictures), Overlook (Two + Eight Productions), The Promotion (C1 Media). Love and joy to my friends and family. IG: zachryjbailey.

DE NNY DANIE LLO ( Company Manager ). National tours: Anastasia, The Humans, Cabaret, Cinderella , Anything Goes , West Side Story , Grease, The Drowsy Chaperone, Sweet Charity, Little Women, Chicago, The Exonerated, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Fiddler on the Roof, A

Chorus Line. For my parents whose love story rivals Persephone and Hades.

AURORA PRODUCTIONS ( Production Management ): A Soldier’s Play (tour), Back To the Future, The Book of Mormon, Fat Ham, Frozen (Australia, Germany, London, Japan, North American tour), Into the Woods (tour), Hadestown (tour), Mean Girls (tour), Leopoldstadt, Life of Pi, Prima Facie. Aurora has been providing technical supervision and production management to the entertainment industry since 1989.

THE BOOKING GROUP ( Tour Booking Agency) has represented 27 Tony Award-winning Best Musicals and Plays. Current tours include: Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Come From Away, The Book of Mormon , 1776, Hadestown, Mean Girls, MJ The Musical, Pretty Woman, Six, Tina, To Kill A Mockingbird, Anastasia, Chicago, Fiddler on the Roof, Hairspray, My Fair Lady, R.E.S.P.E.C.T. and Tootsie. Future tours include: Almost Famous, Funny Girl , Mamma Mia! , Mrs. Doubtfire , A Strange Loop, The Devil Wears Prada and The Wiz.

ALLIED GLOBAL MARKETING ( Tour Marketing & Press) is an integrated marketing agency working with the world’s largest entertainment, sports, consumer and lifestyle brands, including 80+ Broadway shows over 25 years. Current tours: Ain’t Too Proud, Beetlejuice, The Book of Mormon, Hadestown, Mean Girls, Pretty Woman, Tootsie. Upcoming tours: Elf The Musical, Funny Girl, The Hip Hop Nutcracker, Into the Woods, The Kite Runner, Mamma Mia!, Mrs. Doubtfire.

RCI THEATRICALS ( General Manager ) Productions include &Juliet, Ohio State Murders, A Christmas Carol , Take Me Out , Hadestown (Broadway and tour), American Buffalo , The Minutes , Ain’t Too Proud , Jagged Little Pill (Broadway and tour), A Soldier’s Play (tour), Chicken & Biscuits, The Inheritance, Oklahoma! (Broadway and tour), The Sound Inside, Anastasia, American Son, Torch Song, Fiddler on the Roof, You Can’t Take It With You, All the Way, Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill, Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella, Porgy and Bess, August: Osage County rcitheatricals.com.

MARA ISAACS ( Producer ) founded Octopus Theatricals to foster compelling theatrical works for local and global audiences. Producer of over 150 productions, including Hadestown (Best Musical Tony, Grammy awards), Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike (Tony Award Best Play), Translations, Anna in the Tropics, Into the Woods, The Brother/Sister Plays, Crowns. Current projects: Iphigenia by Wayne Shorter and esperanza spalding, Dreaming Zenzile by Somi Kakoma, And So We Walked by DeLanna Studi, Theatre for One and Arts Impact Collaborative. Co-Founder of Producer Hub and CIPA (Creative and Independent Producer Alliance). Previously: producing director, McCarter Theatre Center; associate producer, Center Theatre Group. octopustheatricals.com.

Mar 29 - Apr 2 THT Rep presents A Staged Reading of The Crucible at the BrickBox Theater sponsored by Mercury International Trading Corporation

April 11 RAIN: A Tribute to The Beatles sponsored by FLEXcon

April 13 The Moth Mainstage

April 23 Neil Berg’s The 60’s Peace, Love and Rock N’ Roll

April 27-30 Jesus Christ Superstar sponsored by Bay State Savings Bank

May 4 Music Worcester presents Dance Theatre of Harlem

Sounds of Hazel: The Hazel Scott Ballet

May 6 Ricky Duran: Space & Time Tour sponsored by Bay State Savings Bank

May 7 Champions of Magic: The Worldwide Wonders Tour

May 12 Lewis Black: Off the Rails

May 12-14 THT Rep presents The Marvelous Party inspired by Noël Coward at the BrickBox Theater sponsored by The Hanover Insurance Group

May 14 Charlie Chaplin Silent Film Double Feature accompanied by Clark Wilson on the Mighty Wurlitzer Organ

May 19 Madagascar The Musical sponsored by Reliant Medical Group

June 3 FREE EVENT! THT’s 15th Anniversary Plaza Party with music by South Street Band

June 4

Celebrating Billy Joel: America’s Piano Man

June 9 Music Worcester presents Sam Bush*

June 11 Film Screening & Expert Panel of BURNED: Protecting the Protectors

July 28-29 THT Youth Summer Program presents Fiddler on the Roof*

August 12 THT Pre-Teen Youth Summer Program presents Fiddler on the Roof Jr.*

August 18-19 THT Youth Summer Program presents Fiddler on the Roof*

August 25 Jazz at Sunset*

September Fall classes begin in the conservatory*

Sept 24 The Australian Pink Floyd Show

October 12 Kansas: Another Fork in the Road

October 14 Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood: Scared Scriptless sponsored by FLEXcon

* This event may not be on sale at time of printing. New shows added all the time. Stay updated at TheHanoverTheatre.org. Please note that all shows, dates, times and pricing are subject to change.

Brett Hennessey Jones and the company of the North American Tour of Jesus Christ Superstar. Photo by Evan Zimmerman for MurphyMade.
All pcoming ev nts
APRIL 27-30 • JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR sponsored by Bay State Savings Bank
Celebrate with us at an upcoming show!

DALE FRANZEN (Producer) has over 40 years of experience in the creative arts industry as an opera singer, artistic director, producer, consultant and educator. Her decision to develop Hadestown into a full musical started the day she was sent the concept album in 2011. Dale is an executive producer for an upcoming documentary One Person One Vote. For the 2022 season, she is a co-producer on for colored girls… on Broadway and supporting Prima Facie in the West End and Caroline, or Change on Broadway. Previously, she built, conceived and served as the founding artistic director of the Broad Stage in Santa Monica, CA. Love always to Don, Ben and Tete, Ali and Zach, and Olivia. DaleFranzen.com.

HUNTER ARNOLD (Producer). Select New York and West End: The Inheritance (Olivier Award and Tony nomination), Once on This Island (Tony Award), Dear Evan Hansen (Tony Award), Kinky Boots (Tony Award and Olivier Award), Little Shop of Horrors (Drama Desk Award and Drama League Award), Deaf West Theatre’s Spring Awakening (Tony nomination), The Visit (Tony nomination), Mothers and Sons (Tony nomination), Moulin Rouge! (Tony nomination), Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune (Tony nomination), Tina: The Musical (Tony nomination), Anastasia, It’s Only a Play. Film: A Christmas Carol, Hello Again, Something Like Summer. @huntercarnold. In Loving Memory of Elaine Sheinmel-Getter.

TOM KIRDAHY ( Producer ) is a Tony and Olivier Award-winner whose projects have spanned Broadway, Off-Broadway, West End, national and international tours. Select NY/London credits: The Inheritance (11 Tony nominations, including Best Play; four Oliviers); Little Shop of Horrors (Drama Desk Award, Best Musical Revival); Terrence McNally’s Frankie & Johnny in the Clair de Lune (two Tony nominations, including Best Revival); Anastasia; It’s Only a Play; The Jungle; The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? Additional Tony nominations: The Visit , Mothers and Sons , Ragtime , Master Class. Recipient, 2019 Robert Whitehead Award for Outstanding Achievement in Theater Producing. Board member, Broadway League and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

WILLETTE & MANNY KLAUSNER (Producer). Broadway: Ain’t Too Proud, Mrs. Doubtfire, MJ: The Musical, The Band’s Visit, Latin History for Morons, Eclipsed, The Encounter, Mountaintop, Trip to Bountiful, Hughie, Romeo & Juliet, Kat and the Kings. Off-Broadway: Desperate Measures, Smokey Joe’s Cafe revival, Three Mo’ Tenors.

NO GUARANTEES (Producer) is a theatrical production company founded by Christine Schwarzman, a recipient of the 2019 Tony Award for Best Musical (Hadestown) and a 6-time Tony nominee. Producing credits include the New York premiere of Pulitzer Prize finalist Soft Power (Public Theater).

SING OUT, LOUISE! PRODUCTIONS (Producer). Lorenzo Thione, Jay Kuo, Joey Monda. Currently on Broadway: Mrs. Doubtfire. Past seasons: Slave Play (Tony nom.), Inheritance (Tony nom.), The Cher Show, The New One, Allegiance, Catch Me… (Tony nom.), American Idiot. In development: Indigo, The Elephant Whisperer. Film: Allegiance, Bandstand. singoutlouise.broadway.

STONE ARCH THEATRICALS ( Producer ). Minnesota and NYC-based partners Jennifer Melin Miller of North Star Theatricals, Frances Wilkinson of the Mount Curve Company, and Christopher Schout and Wayne Zink of Triumph Productions. We are proud and enthusiastic commercial theater producers and committed nonprofit theater supporters.

BENJAMIN LOWY/ADRIAN SALPETER (Producer) produce theater, film and television. Select previous include Mean Girls ; Angels in America; Beetlejuice; The Iceman Cometh; Sunday in the Park with George; A Doll’s House, Part 2 (Tony nom.); Six Degrees of Separation (Tony nom.); My Fair Lady (Australia).

42ND.CLUB (Producer) is a Tony Award-winning club for Broadway investors. Principals include Wendy Federman (10 Tony Awards, 2019 Ellis Island Medal of Honor Recipient), Jim Kierstead (Mrs. Doubtfire, Company, The Lehman Trilogy, Ain’t Too Proud ), Brian Resnick and Bubba Samuels. 42nd.club.

CRAIG BALSAM (Producer). After playing the role of the Innkeeper in his sixth-grade production of Man of La Mancha in the early 1970s, Craig is now prepared and pleased to be co-producing Hadestown Other productions include The Lehman Trilogy, Hangmen, What the Constitution Means to Me.

BROADWAY STRATEGIC RETURN FUND (Producer). Our mission is to bring a truly unique, data-driven approach and professional process to investing in the vibrant global live theater industry, improving the Broadway experience for investors. broadwayfund.com.

CONCORD THEATRICALS (Producer) is the world’s most significant theatrical agency, including R&H Theatricals, Tams-Witmark, the ALW Collection, and Samuel French, providing comprehensive services to creators and producers of plays and musicals: theatrical licensing, music publishing, script publishing, recording and first-class production.

DEMAR MORITZ GANG (Producer). Jonathan Demar: Tony-winning producer, performer and activist. B.A.: Emory University. Michael J. Moritz Jr.: Tony-winning producer, Emmy-winning music director, record producer from Youngstown, Ohio. Love to Gia. Rebecca Gang: Tony-winner. Founder: Lost Gang Films West and Filmmakers First Fund. Love to Hannah and Sarah.

GETTER ENTERTAINMENT LLC (Producer). Partners Elaine Sheinmel-Getter/Philip Getter.

WHO’S WHO in the
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Productions have won Pulitzer Prize, Grammy and Tony awards. Shadow Box, original Grease, introduced David Copperfield’s Magic Man, Tommy Tune’s Hollywood/Ukraine, Harry Chapin’s Cotton Patch, Terrence McNally’s Frankie and Johnny, others. Trustee American Theatre Wing, Kurt Weill Foundation for Music.

DEBORAH GREEN (Producer) is a resident of both Austin and Manhattan. A philanthropist, contemporary art collector and avid supporter of all art forms, she believes in the power of art to change lives and is thrilled to join the Broadway producing community.

MARGUERITE HOFFMAN ( Producer ) of Dallas, is a private investor who works to promote the arts, access to healthcare, biotech initiatives and amplifying green space.

SALLY CADE HOLMES (Producer). Broadway: Hadestown (Tony Award), Anastasia, The Inheritance (GLAAD Award, Drama Desk), Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune. Off-Broadway: Little Shop of Horrors, Puffs. Former associate producer at Tom Kirdahy Productions. sallycadeholmes.com.

HORNOS MOELLENBERG (Producer). Ricardo Hornos is an award-winning theater, film and TV writer/producer in South America, the U.S. and the U.K. Carl Moellenberg is a 12-time Tony Awardwinner who has produced more than 50 Broadway shows and is Chairman of Dominion Pictures.


(Producer) is a consortium of 32 leading presenters of touring Broadway shows. Recent and upcoming Broadway: Company, Mrs. Doubtfire, Jagged Little Pill, Tina: The Tina Turner Musical, Moulin Rouge!, Tootsie, Oklahoma!, The Band’s Visit and Dear Evan Hansen


(Producer). Gavin Kalin Productions, Marc David Levine and Griffin Dohr are proud to be co-producing Hadestown alongside our esteemed partners. Recent credits for Gavin: Betrayal, The Ferryman; for Marc: Tina: The Tina Turner Musical, Company, The Sound Inside; for Griffin: The Inheritance.

PHIL & CLAIRE KENNY ( Producer ). Twotime Tony Award-winning producers, parents to seven children and co-founders of Masters Acting Academy. Current and upcoming: Moulin Rouge!, Jagged Little Pill, The Lehman Trilogy, Company (revival) and Waitress. In development: Alice in Neverland. aliceinneverland.com.


Stuart Galbraith and Joshua Andrews. Current projects: Mrs. Doubtfire; U.K.: Pretty Woman, Cluedo, What’s New Pussycat?. Kili produces Ed Sheeran and Thriller Live . Josh’s credits: An American In Paris (London), Fat Friends—The Musical, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Girl on the Train

LADY CAPITAL (Producer). Jenna Segal and Randi Zuckerberg are proud to welcome the -

ater back and support female-led projects. Select Broadway and New York credits include, Segal: What the Constitution Means to Me, Les Liaisons Dangereuses , Gigi . Zuckerberg: Rock of Ages , Freestyle Love Supreme, Oklahoma!

LD ENTERTAINMENT ( Producer ). Mickey Liddell and Robert Ahrens. Broadway: Oklahoma! (Tony), Ain’t Too Proud, Angels in America (Tony), Anastasia, Sunday in the Park with George, Dear Evan Hansen (Tony), Disaster!, Evita, Xanadu. U.K.: Dear Evan Hansen, Company, Heisenberg, Finding Neverland. Film: Ben is Back, Jackie, Anthropoid, The Grey, Go

MADISON WELLS LIVE (Producer) is the live entertainment arm of Madison Wells, Gigi Pritzker’s award-winning production company. Led by Jamie Forshaw, MWLive focuses on collaborating with partners aligned in the belief that good storytelling sparks important conversations. Broadway: Pass Over, Company, The Inheritance, Million Dollar Quartet.

SANDI MORAN (Producer). Broadway credits include Once on This Island (Tony Award), Moulin Rouge! (Tony nomination), Anastasia, Deaf West Theatre’s Spring Awakening (Tony nomination), Gettin’ the Band Back Together, Head Over Heels, Disaster!, Allegiance, The Visit (Tony nomination).


( Producer ), a Nederlander Presentation based in Chicago, is one of the largest presenters of Broadway series and engagements across North America. Currently, they oversee subscription seasons in more than 20 cities throughout the country.

ReACT ENTERTAINMENT (Producer) is Rob Laqui (@roblaqui), Adam Hyndman (@adam_ hyndman), Cynthia J. Tong (@cinnabunny24) and Toni R. Isreal (@realmnproductions)—four of the founders of The Industry Standard Group (@tisg_org), an organization innovating Broadway by opening new pathways for people of color to invest and produce.


ROBERTS (Producer). Patti is a fine arts photographer and Michael is in international finance. The Roberts are thrilled to be a part of the stellar Hadestown team and this is their Broadway producing debut.

SCHROEDER SHAPIRO PRODUCTIONS (Producer). Erik Schroeder’s work includes MTC, Lookingglass, Bellwether Productions, House Theatre. Love to Nina, Calvin, Orange, Dean, Katrina, Alex, Gabby, Thea. David Shapiro is a longtime Broadway investor and recently producer (Hadestown, Diana, Encounter). Love to Mark, family and friends.

SERIFF PRODUCTIONS (Producer). Bringing Texas investors to Broadway! Broadway: Hadestown (Tony winner), Tony nominations for Tootsie , Frankie and Johnny , The Inheritance


Others: Company, A Christmas Carol, Anastasia, Little Shop of Horrors , Immortal Longings . Upcoming: The King’s Speech, Little Dancer


(Producer). Numerous Broadway, West End and international productions, including Come From Away (Olivier), Tina, Mrs. Doubtfire, Company, Memphis and The New One. First storytellers to Frazier, Cameron and Sinclair; now sharing stories far and wide. Are honored to help tell Hadestown

NATIONAL THEATRE ( Producer) is led by Rufus Norris and Lisa Burger in London. Current U.S. productions: The Lehman Trilogy and Hadestown. Their 2018 production of Angels in America set a record for the most Tony nominations for a play in Broadway history, winning the Tony, Drama Desk, Drama League and Outer Critics

Circle awards for Best Revival. Other U.S. productions: Network; The Jungle; People, Places and Things; Curious Incident; One Man, Two Guvnors; War Horse; The History Boys. Through work on its own stages, on tour, in schools, on cinema screens throughout the U.S. and streaming at home, the NT reaches millions of people worldwide every year through live and digital.


(Producer) empowers visionary artists and brings their work to adventurous audiences through productions, workshops and educational programs. We’ve mounted more than 150 productions from artists whose work has shaped our very idea of what theater can be, including Rent, Homebody/Kabul, A Number, Peter and the Starcatcher, Once, Mary Jane, Lazarus, What the Constitution Means to Me and Slave Play




David R. Richard Beverly Edwards

Joe Christopher Shaun Moorman Danielle Karliner Naish

Floyd Sklaver Georgina Ratnatunga

Justin Black Brandon Brooks Halle Kilman

Allison Lehman Alexander Parra Siani Woods

Brittany Alvord Turner Barger Kendall Booher

Anna Cortabitarte Luca Fontes Jon Hamel

Jim Harrison Andrew Hartman

Manya Johnston-Ramirez Leon Jones

Kimberly Kelley Jordan Lingreen Frank Lott

J. Anthony Magner Juli Menassian Mitchell Nalos

Jen Sandler Nate Sayatovich Annie Schroeder

Miranda Shaffer Amber Sosa Abi Steinberg

Kevvin Taylor Claire Trempe Brian Tucker



Associate Company Manager .......................David Haines



Andrew Damer

Jennifer Gallagher Scott Praefke

Jessica Cary Adina Hsu Anne Dailey Meyer

Amenkha Sembenu Emily Toppen



Toni Isreal Genetta Robinson

Amanda Haynes Marshay Monet

Stelline Howard Dana Moorhead

Cherine Anderson Theresa O’Neal

Brandon Forbes Richard Pelzer II



Meredith Blair Kara Gebhart

Laura Kolarik Stephanie Ditman




Ben Heller Liza Luxenberg

Chris Minnick Kyle Schuller Nic Forero Jack Rhea

Delaney Teehan Kelly Levy Cori Gardner



Duncan Stewart, CSA & Benton Whitley, CSA

Joey Montenarello, CSA Micah Johnson-Levy

Afsheen Misaghi Samantha Walsh


Stage Manager ................................Annelise Castleberry

Assistant Stage Manager Zachry J. Bailey

Associate Director/Choreographer Katie Rose McLaughlin

Associate Choreographer T. Oliver Reid

Associate Director ........................................... Chika V. Ike

Assistant Choreographer ................................Nick Drake

Dance Captain ........................................Cecilia Trippiedi

Fight Captain........................................Ian Coulter-Buford

Assistant Dance Captain ..............................KC Dela Cruz

Associate Scenic Designer ......................Meredith B. Ries

Assistant Scenic Designer .................Jessica Bonaventure

Associate Costume Designer ............................Orla Long

Assistant Costume Designer .................Matthew Solomon

Associate Lighting Designer ....................John A. Viesta III

Assistant Lighting Designer ....................Alexandra Mannix

Moving Light Programmer ....................Bridget Chervenka

Assistant Sound Designer ........................Connor J. Wang

Special Effects Consultant ......................Jeremy Chernick

Special Effects Programmer .......................Sarah Stolnak

Wig Builder ..............................................Jennifer Mullins

Associate Hair Designer ........................Dana Rose Lobue

Production Carpenter ..........................David “Pfish” Terry

Production Electrician ...............................Justin Freeman

Production Properties Coordinator .............Emiliano Pares

Assistant Production Properties .................Scott Rukowski

Production Sound ....................................Michael Wojchik

Assistant Sound .....................................Nathan Meredith

Head Carpenter...................................David “Pfish” Terry

Deck Automation/Assistant Carpenter ...........Sarah Walker

Flyman/Assistant Carpenter .......................Chee M.F. Lee

Head Electrician ....................................Mitchell Girgasky

Assistant Electrician/Spotlights .......................Katie Barry

Assistant Electrician/Moving Lights ............Jordan Mitchell

Head Props.................................................Nikki Lalonde

Head Sound ........................................Gaven Wedemeyer

Assistant Sound ...................................Zachary R. Ireson

Wardrobe Supervisor ................................Matty Kelbaugh

Assistant Wardrobe ........................................Curtis Kelly

Hair Supervisor ........................................Rachel Auguste

Swing Technician .......................................Sean Sweeny

Assistant to the Director ............................Ryan Sweeney

Production Assistants ..............................Alexander Allen, Matthew Henao, Bailey Saxe



Music Assistant ..........................................Cynthia Meng

Music Copyist ................................................Jon Gingell

Social Media ........................Marathon Digital/Mike Karns, Micayla Brewster, Ava Coploff, Melanie Pateiro

Physical Therapy NEURO TOUR Physical Therapy, Inc.

Medical Director .................................Melody Hrubes, MD

Cultural Competency.........Smith-Soeder Enterprises. LLC/ DeWanda Smith-Soeder

COVID Compliance Manager ....................Nate Sayatovich

Banking .....................City National Bank/Michelle Gibbons

Insurance...................................DeWitt Stern Group Inc./ Peter Shoemaker & Anthony Pittari

Accountant ... Withum Smith + Brown, PC/Robert Fried, CPA; Karen Kowgios, CPA; Anthony Moore, CPA

Comptroller… ..............RCI Theatricals, Inc./Floyd Sklaver

Legal Counsel ................................Lazarus & Harris LLP/ Scott R. Lazarus, Esq.; Robert C Harris, Esq.; Emily Lawson, Esq.; Diane Viale

Payroll ....................................Checks & Balances Payroll

Merchandise The Araca Group/Emma Kerr, Rachel Sheer

Trucking ...................................................Clark Transfer

Travel Agency .............................Tzell Travel/Andi Henig, Alan Henig, Jeanne Lafond

Hotel Booking/Ground Transportation .....Road Concierge/ Lisa Morris, Julia Murphy, Erin Oestreich, Brandon Jones

Production Photographers ..................T Charles Erickson, Kevin Berne


Executive/Creative Producer .........................Mara Isaacs

Business Manager ....................................Michael Francis

Associate Producer/

Production Coordinator ...............................Bryan Hunt

Associate Producer ...............................Sophie Blumberg

Associate Producer .................................Adam Hyndman

Associate Producer/NT America Fellow..............Rob Laqui

Executive Assistant.................................Kendra Holloway


President ...................................................Hunter Arnold

Managing Producer ................................Kayla Greenspan

Finance Director ..........................................Ophelia Chua

Associate Producer ...................................Tina Cocumelli

Producing Assistant ............................Katrina Jarnutowski

Director ..................................................Tyler Newhouse

Editor ......................................................Daniel Hubbard

Assistant to Mr. Arnold ......................Joseph Sykes-Burns


President .....................................................Tom Kirdahy

Associate Producer ..................................Cynthia J. Tong

Literary Manager ............................................Sam Myers

BTC Producing Fellow ............................ Danielle Covington

Terrence McNally Legacy Manager Santino DeAngelo

Executive Assistant + Office Manager ..........Richard Brighi

Scenery built by Hudson Scenic Studio. Props by BrenBri Properties. Lighting equipment by Christie Lights. Sound equipment by Masque Sound. Special effects equipment by Jauchem & Meeh Inc. Costumes executed by Tricorne Costumes, Inc.; Parsons-Meares, Ltd.; Arnold Levine, Inc.; Crystal Thompson, Giliberto Designs, Inc.; Shana Albery; Jeff Fender Studio; Scafati Tailoring, Inc.; Hochi Asiatico. Additional vocal arrangements by Justin Vernon and The Haden Triplets from the 2010 Studio Album. Rehearsed at the New 42nd Street Studios. Technical rehearsals held at Proctors in Schenectady, NY.


The incredible staffs of New York Theatre Workshop, The Citadel Theatre and The National Theatre. Seth Mellman, Renee Mellman, Rachel Quinney, Evan O’Brient, Katie O’Kelly, Liz Riches and Karakter Worldwide, Warner Music Group/Ghost Light Records, The Theatre Department at Dartmouth College, Dartmouth’s Hopkins Center for the Arts, Victoria Seaver, The Seaver Foundation. Noah & Ramona Hahn, the extended Hahn/Mitchell/Keller families, Dave Malloy, Sarah Gancher, Jake Heinrichs, Jeremy Blocker, Jim Nicola, Ben Power, Rufus Norris, Maria Crocker, Sanaz Ghajarrahimi, Karthy Chin. And finally an enormous thanks to every member of the Hadestown company, past and present, artist and crew member, onstage and off, from Vermont to Broadway.


Facebook: @HadestownOfficial

Twitter: @Hadestown

Instagram: @hadestown

The actors and stage managers employed in this production are members of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States.

The Director and Choreographer are members of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, Inc., an independent national labor union.

Backstage and Front of the House Employees are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (or I.A.T.S.E.).

United Scenic Artists represents the designers and scenic painters for the American Theatre.

The Press Agents and Company Managers employed in this production are represented by the Association of Theatrical Press Agents & Managers.

The musicians employed in this production are members of the American Federation of Musicians.

This production is produced by a member of The Broadway League in collaboration with our professional union-represented employees.


A guide to the characters that inspired Hadestown.

ORPHEUS—Son of the muse of epic poetry, engaged to marry Eurydice. With his golden voice and lyre, Orpheus charmed all living things, even rocks and stones.

EURYDICE—A dryad, or tree nymph, engaged to marry Orpheus. On the day of their wedding, she was bitten by a poisonous snake, died, and descended to the Underworld.

HADES—God of the dead, ruler of the Underworld, sometimes called “the Wealthy One.” He fell in love with, abducted, and married Persephone. Her mother, goddess of the harvest, refused to bless the earth while Persephone was below.

PERSEPHONE—Goddess of the seasons, flowers, fruit, and grain. By arrangement, she spent half the year with Hades in the Underworld, causing fall and winter above. The other half she returned to her mother, bringing spring and summer with her.

HERMES—Fleet-footed guide, messenger of the gods, and conductor of souls to the Underworld. In some tellings, it was Hermes who taught Orpheus to play the lyre.

FATES—Three goddesses who together determined the destinies of mortals, measuring their lifespans and apportioning their suffering.

CHORUS—In ancient Greek theater, the Chorus sang, spoke, and danced in unison. Often representing the voice of the citizens, the Chorus commented on the actions of characters and served as an emotional conduit for the audience.


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Join us in celebrating a decade of giving theatre access to Worcester students

In our tenth season of the Adopt-ASchool program, The Hanover Theatre and Conservatory chose to partner with the national tour of Hadestown. As we seek innovative ways to fulfill our mission to ignite and nurture a passion for the performing arts in audiences and artists of today and tomorrow Hadestown presented the perfect opportunity for us to collaborate with school administrators and teachers on this arts enhanced curriculumbased program. Over a period of three weeks, all 2,700 Burncoat High School and South High School students participated in lessons within every subject that incorporated themes from Hadestown, historical and sociological elements, artistic aspects and musical score. Around the lobby, you will notice several displays featuring student work related to this program including science, math, ELA, foreign language and history projects.

In the Worcester Public Schools, many students are economically disadvantaged and have limited access to the arts in our community. The Adopt-A-School program aims to

provide students in the city with the opportunity to experience and interact with live theatre on an annual basis. Over the last decade, thousands of students have experienced their first Broadway show through this program. This week, a special Friday matinee performance was booked exclusively for the students from both schools to come together and witness the incredible story of this production. Whenever possible, students also have the opportunity to interact with the cast through school visits or following the performance with a moderated talk-back.

We are grateful to the many foundations that help to fund this program year after year including the McDonough Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts and our own Access to the Arts Fund. We appreciate the individuals who collaborate to make this program possible, including the faculty at both South and Burncoat high schools, the WPS administration, the Worcester Police Department and Worcester Fire Department. Thank you!

Social media reactions from the cast regarding previous Adopt-A-School experiences
an to learnm e To learn more about the Adopt-A-School program visit our website. Contributions to the Access to the Arts Fund support and grow education programs like this one. Please give today. Call 877.571.7469 or visit the ticketing office.
Supported by Burncoat and South High students engaged in the 2022 Adopt-A-School matinee performance of Summer: The Donna Summer Musical.


Contributions from individuals, organizations and businesses have always played a vital role in bringing the best performances to Worcester, presenting the stories and sounds that reflect our community, and making the arts accessible to all. Just as we strive to make The Hanover Theatre and Conservatory a welcoming and inclusive destination, we also seek to make philanthropy a practice that is open to everyone. Donations at every level are truly meaningful and we are honored by the commitment of those who have invested in our work and our community.

This list reflects donors who have given $150 or more to support our organization over the past year, including those who are also subscribers to our 2022-2023 Broadway season. Thank you!

Encore Circle Subscriber Donors ($10,000 and Above)

Randall S. Barko & Elissa Boisvert

Mary C. DeFeudis

Drs. Ivan & Noreen Green

The Hanover Insurance Group Foundation

Don & Peg Harbert

Lisa & Neil McDonough

Donald & Polly Phipps*

Ken & Karen Rapp

Encore Circle Donors

($10,000 and Above)

Bank of America

Thomas & Lynora Bartholomew


Fred & Patty Eppinger

Lisa Kirby Gibbs

Scott & Lois Rossiter

The Shanklin Family

Kellie Thibodeau & Peter Senghas

Veronica & Howard Wiseman

Celebrity Circle Subscriber Donors

($5,000 - $9,999)

Mike & Marie Angelini

Berkshire Bank

Marianne Felice, MD

Gwyn & Linda Fisher

Njeri Gichohi*

Wayne Canty, Heat Trace Products, LLC

Roberta Henderson

Steve & Lee Joseph

National Grid

John & Ellen Savickas*

Kim & Adrian VanderSpek

James & Tracy V. Wells

Worcester Business Development Corporation

Celebrity Circle Donors

($5,000 - $9,999)

Henry & Pamela Camosse

Dr. Abigail Childs & Timothy Tetreault

Robin Kirby

Jonathan & Sharon Kleefield

Peter Lobdell

Grace & Jack Roche

Marc & Miriam Rogers-Montalvo*

Amy & Edward Russo*

Director Circle Subscriber Donors ($2,500 - $4,999)


Kristen Albright

Barry & Jean Alman*

Archstone Financial Assumption University

Atlantic Vision, Inc.

Avidia Bank

Paul & Jane Baker

Janet Barlow

Bay State Savings Bank

R.E. Bidinger, DDS & J.M. Stiles, DMD*

Bollus Lynch

David Brough

Richard & Jane Callahan

Chacharone Properties

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James & Nancy Coghlin

Community Neuroscience Services

Cornerstone Bank

Janine & John Diliberto

Fallon Health

Allen Fletcher

Richard & Janice Helle

Michael & Jennifer Ivascyn-Dowdle

Robert & Myra McAnulty*

Mirick O'Connell

Vincent & Denise Osterman

Cliff & Susan Rucker

Michael & Carol Sleeper

Kimberly Stone & Patrick Jones

Struck Catering

Ralph & Jeanine Swick


Worcester Fitness*

Director Circle Donors

($2,500 - $4,999)

7 Hills Property Management, a division of Baystate Investment Fund, LLC

AdCare Educational Institute

Jeff Burk & Dale LePage

Frank Carroll & Family

Mary Frances & John Coakley

Commonwealth Electrical Technologies LLC

Country Bank

William & Suzanne Finn

Warner S. & Mary F. Fletcher


Ruth & Richard Grobe

Dr. John Hardin

Hearing and Brain Centers of New England

Herb Chambers Toyota of Auburn

Siobhan Hullinger

IC Federal Credit Union

Judith Ann & Edward J. Keegan III

Dr. Paulette Kimball-Wren

Lamoureux Pagano Associates

The Little Gym of West Boylston

Dorothy Lurier

Richard & Patricia Morin

Oriol Health Care*

Stephen & Cynthia Pitcher

Polar Beverages

Joanne Prizio*

Rand-Whitney Container LLC

Reliant Medical Group

The Club at Rockland Trust

Howard & Carolyn Stempler

Carolyn & John Stimpson

Tom & Kathy Sullivan

Michael & Andrea Urban

Ancy & Katherine Verdier

Worcester State University

Worcester Telegram & Gazette

Producer Circle

Subscriber Donors

($1,200 - $2,499)

A. Arsenault & Sons, Inc.

Cliff & Mary Ellen Anderson

Derrick & Kimberly Anderson*

Brent & Katrinka Arthaud*

David & Linda Ayers

Kristin & Joe Bafaro

Laurian Banciulescu & Matthew Kamins

Jack & Susan Bassick

Dr. Steven J. Beckman & Family

Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Bender*

Bryan & Jacqueline Blomgren*

Betty & Bob Blute

Maurice & Pamela Boisvert

Kenneth & Patricia Boivin

Stephen & Rosanna Burke*

Virginia & Kevin Byrne

Susan & Bill Cammuso

Jeffrey & Ginni Cardoso

Thomas & Candy Cashman*

Kathryn & Karen Cavan

Barbara & Richard Cerny*

Carol & David Chester

Vinny & Brenda Cloutier

Lisa K. Condit*

Mary & Hannah Cooper*

Richard & Ann Marie Cravedi

Debra D'Agostino

Joseph & Linda Depasquale

Donald & Melanie Donegan*

Steven & Peggy Dorval

John Doubleday & Cindy Powers*

Susan Druker & Tom Baker

Richard & Deborah Emmons

Joey & Mike Engling

Jeanne & John Esler

David Faneuf

Annette & Mark Farley

Andy, Carolyn, Owen & Evan Fitzpatrick

Jeffrey Fuller & Paula Cullinane

Mark & Jan Fuller

Mary & Noelle Fura

Debbie, Robert & Jen Gale

Lee & Dina Gaudette*

William & Patricia Giannopoulos

Theresa Goguen

Marty Green & Maura Mahoney

Honorable Mel L. Greenberg, Retd. & Joyce M. Greenberg

The Grenon Family*

Raymond & Donna Griffin

Audrey & Bobby Griffis

Maryanne & Paul Hammond

Barbara Hanc*

John & Melissa Harris*

Donna & Andrew Hebb

Charles Henneberry Sr.

Bob & Lynn Hennigan

Christine & Bill Herbert

Leigh Catherine Hudson

Patrick & Julie Hurley

Mark Hutchison & Ruth Langlais*

Ian & Maureen Johnson

Kallin & Linda Johnson

The Kauffman Family

Dr. W. David Kelly

Harry P. & Sharon Kotseas

Suzanne & Kevin Kozak*

Sharon & Allen Krause

Debra, Dennis & Heather Lamarche*

Henry & Holly LaMountain*

John & Kathy Lauring

Susan & Richard Leahy

Bruce & Andrea Little

Beth LoConto

John & Susan LoVerso

Carole Lyman*

Edward & Margaret Madaus*

Michael & Audrey Marcy

LisaAnn & Matthew Martin


Carolann McAdam*

Ward & Carolynn McLaughlin*

Margaret Naylor & Robert Condon

Lisa & Nick Nevin*

Ken & Erin Nosek

James D. O'Brien Jr. Esq.*

Matthew Olds & Michael Berthiaume*

Michael Pagano

Mark & Jill Palmerino

Donald & Susan Pegg*

Jane Pond & Thomas Lowe

Russell Pratt & Marilyn Downer

Thomas & Morgan Rafferty

Buz & Nancy Reusch*

Robin Rhodes*

Peter & Patti Rugg

Beth Sannella

John & Ellen Santimaw

John & Ann Savageau

Seaman Engineering Corporation

Patricia Segerson

Karon & Kellie Shea*

William & Carol Shemeth

Dale Stafford & Maureen Hardy

Dr. Daniel & Deborah Steigman

John & Lynn Sullivan

Sullivan, Garrity & Donnelly Insurance

Sunshine Sign Company, Inc.

Michael & Jennifer Tarka*

Sheila & George Tetler

Francis J. & Karen Tighe*

John & Catherine Ushinski

Jody & Charlie Valade

Anthony Vigliotti*

Laura Wachs

William & Deborah Wall*

Edwin & Zachary Ward

Todd H. Wetzel

Wendy Ziesemann & Karen Freker

Producer Circle Donors

($1,200 - $2,499)

AllCom Credit Union

Jon & Janice Anderson*

Atlas Distributing*

Pat & Mandy Baliva

Jeff & Tracy Barlok

The Belsito Family

Len & Maria Beyersdorfer*

Maureen Binienda*

Bowditch & Dewey, LLP

Paul & Sarah Buckingham, III

John & Dawn Budd

Davis Publications

Paul & Sandra Demoga*

Maureen & Richard Dodakian

Monica Elefterion & Mark Wagner*

Alexander & Grace Elton

Ann Marie & Bob Foley

Ford's Hometown Services, Pest & Lawn Professionals

Sheryl Fox

Robert Frankel & Ann McCauley

David Grenon

Dr. Abraham & Linda Haddad

Bruce Hager*

Maureen Hardy

Rachel Heller

William & Patricia Iandoli*

Illusions Hair Design

John & Patty Inwright*

Daniel & Elizabeth Joslyn

Ronald Keats

Helen P. Koskinas

Charlie & Carolyn Kretz

James & Anne Lang

Richard & Tracey Lavey

John Lawrence

Luke Lewkowicz

Dawn & Chris Lineberry

LPSC Financial

Helder & Maggie Machado

Gloria Mackoul

Dan & Anna Marcoux

Catherine Marrion

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Richard & Natasha Miller

Laura Milner

Edward Moore & Shawn Brooks

David & Marlene Persky

Premier Optical

Debra L. & Arthur J. Remillard III

Linda Rosenlund

Thomas & Patricia Ryan

Karen Scopetski

Scumaci Family

Ed & Denise Shea

Mark Steina

Michael & Dorothy Tsotsis

Ron & Marsha Wagner

Patty & Daniel Walton*

Charles & Marjorie Wilson

Sharon & Peter Woodbury*

Susan & David Woodbury

Workers Credit Union

Supporter Level

Subscriber Donors

($600 - $1,199)

Patricia Bruno

Priscilla & Phillips Kerr

Lynette Paczkowski

Supporter Level Donors

($600 - $1,199)

Wanda Cantlin

Hollis Coblentz

Sandra & Russell Doty

Betty Edwards

Andrew & Robin Feldman

Jared & Caitlyn Gentilucci

Kevin Hickey

Jane Kimbrough

David Kimok

Richard & Mary Ellen Letarte

Carolyn Limeri

Pamela & David Murray

Gerald Nugent & Cathy Burke

Debra & John Russell

Victor & Carolyn Somma

Colleen Spelman

Beth Stark

William & Carol Walsh

Linda Wasbes

Phillip & Patricia Woodman

YOU TO OUR 2022-2023

Associate Level Donors ($300 - $599)

Esther Bachrach

Mary & Robert Barrett

Gail & Don Bellefleur

Paul Black

Edie Blackney

Lauren Bowman*

Sheri & Alan Brooks

Beth & Jim Cunningham

Herb & Andrea Daroff

Robert & Cindy DiGirolamo

Susan Direda

Kathy Dulude

Henry Febo

William Fish

Michael Foley

Jim & Deb Gallagher

Russell Hammond

Russ Hatch

Corinne Henry

Tim Hillman

Christine Innamorati

Carl & Ann Kaliszewski

Brian & Rebecca Kapopoulos

Fran & Susan Madigan

Douglas & Dianne May

Taylor McNally

Christine & John Meuse

James & Patricia Moynihan

James & Julie Murray

Jeffrey & Carol Mushnick

Dr. Joseph D. Musto

Charles & Christine Newfell

Michael O'Neil

Elizabeth Proko

Hale & Sarah Pulsifer

Howard Rubin

Ruth Rubin

David Snook & Raluca Iuster

Peter Stanton

Randall Steere

Ann Symes*

Mark Underkofler

Virginia Vaughan

Richard Wawrzynski

Janet Zeidler

Walter Zydlewski

Patron Level Subscriber Donors ($150 - $299)

Patty & Emily Adams

Norman Beisaw

Elaine & Jerry Bouchard

Matthew & Linda Brown

Michael & Debbie Brown

Alexander & Cheryl Chan

Nancy Childress & Ned Banta

Robert & Gloria Ciaffone

Jack & Nancy Collins

Ruth & Audrey Colson

Patricia Contento

Mary Easter & Michael Sammarco

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Enjoy the Show. Come

Dixie Estes

Andrea Falcione

Carl & Susan Foley

Joyce Ford

Christine Gagne

Kilby Anne Garabedian

Gary & Karen Guglielmello

Mark & Sherry Horeanopoulos*

Robert Jalbert & Gerald Marcanio

Michael Keating

Leah Keevan

Kimberly & Sean Keogh

Susan Langlois

Barbara & David Lavallee

Anthony & Christine Long

John & Kathleen Lynch

James F. Messier

Joseph Mewhiney*

Peter & Ellen Mundy

Kurt & Sharon Parent*

Shay Parretti

James Pease & Janice Hitzhusen

Meredith Ramsey

Suzanne Rood

Phyllis Santucci

Dr. Sanjay & Neela Shah

Larry Silverman

Kathryn D. Smith & Linda S. Moulton

Marshall Tate & Judy Rothbard Tate

Patron Level Donors

($150 - $299)


Sandra J. Abrajano

Matthew & Susan Allen

Steve & Sue Almy

Christina Andreoli

Christine Antweiler

Robert & Jacquelin Apsler

John Atlas

Janice Babbitt

Virginia Bates

Reagan Beck

Paul & Shari Belanger*

Joel Benjamin

Steve & Karen Boliver

Suzanne Bono

Gayle Bowe

Carolyn, Tim & Samantha Brady*

David Brooks

Dr. David C. Brown*

Ryan Bruhn

Ruth Bull

Madeline Burak

Julie-Anne & Russell Burdick

Shirley & Donald Bussolari

Deborah Cavicchi

Jeanne Chase

Steven Clark

Mary Clow

Howard Cohen

Tal & Nessa Cohen

Catherine Colinvaux & Phillip Zamore

To make a gift, please visit TheHanoverTheatre.org/support Donate $75 or more and become a member to take advantage of advance ticket offers and invitations to exclusive events! Thank You! As a nonprofit organization, every donation, no matter what size, is critical to the upkeep of this magnificent historical theatre and bringing the performing arts to Worcester. continued


John & Diane Collins

John Colonna-Romano

William Combies

Guistino Conlon

Charlotte Connor

Ed Council & Bridget McManus

Tracy Craig

Paul Crimlisk & Cheryl Shushan

Stephen & Annette D’Ambrosio

Sharon & Angelo Dagnello

Melissa Daroff

Margery & Richard Dearborn

Melanie Demarais

Edward Atamian

Cheryl Esper

Roy Evarts

Bill Fairbanks*

Dennis Fenton*

Leslie Fish & Jerry Gurwitz

Beth & Richard Foley

Regina Gahan

Gerald & Verlan Galena & Family

Kimbrly Goldman-Depietri

Constance Hamilton

Henry & Lee Harrison

Laurel Hemmer*

Heather Hendrick

Linda Hodgdon

Elaine & John Hogan

Carol Hopfenspirger

Charles Howe*

David Hughes

Gregory Hunt

Francesca Iaconi & John Whelan

Lillian Irwin*

Harry & Jean Johnson*

Gayle & Barry Joseph

Lori Keddy

Joan Kellogg

Jennifer & Ted Kremer

Susan & Kenneth Kronlund

Mary Anna Labato

Marie Lampson

Madelaine & Albert Latini*

Patricia & Robert Laut

Nel & Paul Lazour

Joseph & Dianne Leland

Steven Liedell

Charlotte Lisiewski

Maureen & John Locke*

Lisa Lytle

Deborah Mahlert

Leslie & Douglas Malloy*

Jean McCarthy

Kathleen & John McClintock

Paul McCrohon

Marie McKeon

Christopher & Jayne Mehne

Debra Morris

Sandra Powers

Rob & Sue Protano*

Maria Rafalski

Harold Read

Virginia Redpath

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Renzoni

Matthew Ricard

David Risgin

Denise Roane

Edward Romeo

Don Ross

Anne-Marie & Paul Routhier

Dr. Sean Ryder

Eric Saczawa

Dr. Marie Sanchirico

Carol Seager

Shakespeare Club of Worcester

Angela Silvester

Paul & Rosemary Smith

Jay & Nancy Spitulnik

Joseph N. Stiso

Alan & Nina Stoll

H. Stanley Stoney

entertainment at the highest levels and a tremendous source of pride for the City of Worcester and central Massachusetts.”

- Ivan & Noreen Green

Scott Moss & Shelley Chapman-Moss

Mark Mungeam

Stephen Norton

Karen Olivari

Cynthia Orejola

Susan & Chris Palatucci

Holly & Ray Pavlak

David & Linda Pearlstein

Bob & Ginny Picking

Christine Pimentel

Zenie Popkin

Tiffany Poplawski

Anna Porter

Rick & Joanne Powell

Katherine Stroud

Mary A. Sullivan*

Ronald & Barbara Sullivan

Nancy & Janina Swiacki

Julianne Tamasy

James & Paula Tashjian

Patricia Thomas-Fuller

Barbara Thompson

Catherine Underwood

Susan Upham

Judith Uthoff

Anthony Vaver*

Dolly Vazquez

Bob & Holly Ventura

Alec Walker

Dr. Jennifer Weyler

Dr. Faren Williams

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Karen Yeowell

* Sustaining Donor

List current as of 3.6.2023

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Subscribers play a vital role in our efforts to bring the best in Broadway performances to Worcester. This list reflects six-show subscribers to our 022-2023 Broadway Series. Thank you for your support! *Please note, six-show subscribers who are also donors are listed on the previous donor listing. Thank you for your support!

Robert & Mary Abair

Deborah & David Abbott

Martha Abeles

Dr. Cheryl & David Abelow

Linda Acker

Robert & Sandra Ackerman

Edmund G. Adamiak, Jr.

Edmund Adamiki

Ann & Michael Adams

Mary Aframe

Patricia Ainsworth

Geraldine & Michael Alberts

Marilyn Alexander

Sarah & Nicholas Alexander

Scott Alexander

Susan & Howard Alfred

Carol Algier

Peter Allia

Roberta Altamari

Janet & Anthony Amorello

Mary P. Andersen

Steve Andersen

Lisa Anderson

Alexandra Andrews

Christina Andrianopoulos

Sheila Ansley

Peter & Jessye Antonio

Linda & Michael Antonucci

Rye Archibald

Catherine & James Arcure

Susan Armfield-Smith

Carol & Ted Armstrong

Elaine Arsenault

Chris & Nancy Athanas

Alan Aubin

Leo & Judith Audette

Ramakrishna Ayyagari

Patrick Babineau

Gary Babst

Lisa Bachand

Geraldine & Scott Baeder

Douglas & Karen Baer

Karen Baer

Jody & Neil Bagdis

Francine Baggetta

Judith Bagnell

Andrea Baillargeon

Jonathan Baker

Edward Bambauer

Preston Bannard

Jeffrey & Lynne Bannon

Larry & Jane Barbash

Elizabeth Bardasz

James Baril

Joanne & Whitney Barnard

Scott Barnes & David Settlemire

Carrie Barnhart

Charlene Baron

Robert & Joan Barrell

Nancy Barrett

Patricia Barrows

Daniel & Shannon Barry

Joan Barry

Jacqueline Bartkus

Helen Bartlett

Rainie & Scott Barton

Lynne Batchelder

Karen Baudin

Alexandra Bavosi

Suzanne Bayreuther

Jane & John Beahn

Barbara Beale

Joseph Beaulac

Paula Beauregard

Matthew Bedard

Nancy Begin

Karla Belliveau

Paul Belsito & Christie Blik

Howard & Nancy Belsky

Krista Bennett

Ernie Benoit

Jane Benoit

Lois Benotti

James & Stephanie Benson

Christine Berard

Iris Berdrow

Carl & Frances Berger

Amy Bernard

Kathleen Bernier

Patricia & Ralph Berthiaume

Arielle Berti

Joan Bertonazzi

Betty-Ann Berube

Susan Besse

Kenneth Bibeau

John Bibinski

John Biddle

Martha & David Bigelow

Nancy & Greg Billings

Margaret Bilodeau

Chad Binette

Kristine Binette

Dr. Charles & Janet Birbara

Diane Birstein

Jennifer Bisceglia



The following suggestions are based on comments from our patrons. We hope that you take these into consideration so that everyone may enjoy the show in comfort without distractions or interruptions.

• Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices.

• Kindly refrain from talking during the performance.

• Please do not take any photos or videos of the performance, these acts are prohibited in our general policies.

• Please remove your hat so that patrons behind you can see.

• We request that you limit heavy perfumes or colognes; others around you may be sensitive or allergic.

• If you must leave your seat during a performance, please do so as quietly as possible.

• Please be kind and stay until after the cast bows. The performers work extremely hard to give the public an enjoyable show. It would be greatly appreciated if you share your enthusiasm.

• If any problem should arise and you would like to speak with a theatre representative, please ask your usher for immediate assistance or see a house manager in the main lobby.

Discounts on most shows for groups of 10 or more. To learn more, contact Amy at 508.471.1689 or amy@thehanovertheatre.org. Book Early and Pay Later. Please note: Shows, dates and prices are subject to change Savings based on regular price and all ticketing fees. Groups Save between $10-$15 per ticket!

William Bishop

Lisa Bisnette

Nayantara Biswas

Karl & Janice Bjork

Jeff & Barbara Black

Kim Black

Elizabeth Blais

Paul Blanchard

Shannon Blando

Janet Blasius

Laura Bleakney

Annette Bliss

Elaine Bloom

Michelle Blum

Christina Bohaboy

Lawrence Bolduc

Dean, Lori & Kyle Bonis

Chris Bonni

Laura Booth

Joseph & Sandra Borbone

Deborah Bordage

Mark Borezo

Linda Boria

Katrina Borowiec

Chris Borzumato

Arlene & Andrew Bosch

Jeffrey Bosco

Cecile Boss

Cheryl Bouchard

Brian Boucher

Jill Boulay

Ann Boule

Stacy Bousquet

Laurence Boutiette

Marie Bowker

Valerie Boyd

Tom & Bev Boza

Laura Brady

Jennifer Bram

David Branagan

Kathleen Branagan

Kevin Brassard

Joan Breeds

Linda Brenckle

Cynthia & Jonathan Brennan

Jacqueline Brennan

Jody Brennan

Hilary Bresnahan

Cheryl Briand

Mark Brideau

Richard & Laura Brissette

Sandra Brooks

Debbie Brown

Jennifer Brown

Megan Brown

Dan & Diane Browne

Susan Brownworth

Jessica Bruso

Jay Bry

John & Dawn Bryan

Jennifer Buell

Sally & David Buffum

Anita Bugan

Rosemarie Buragas

Joseph Burbage

Ann Burbank

Sandra Burgoyne

Bernie Burke

Brendan Burke

William Burke

Paula Burton

Anina Butler

Sandra Cabral

Marie Cadigan

Mark Cady

Denise Noyes Cain

Deborah Callahan

Thomas & Rebecca Callinan

Dr. Jacqueline Calvo

Robert Cameron

Steven & MaryAnn Campbell

Patricia & Francis Canali

Paul Caouette

Patricia Capalbo

Adrienne Capaldo

William Sigalis & Barbara Caparso

Bonnie & Don Capman

Janice & Nicholas Cappello

Patricia Caprera

Jacqueline Carano

Barbara Carbone

Lionel Carbonneau

Ann Card & Lois Ducharme

Andrea Cardin

Peter Cardoza

Christine Carey

Janet Carey

Arthur & Elaine Carilo

Claudette Carini

Jessie Carleton

Alice Carlin

Joseph Carlone

Dorothy Carlson

Louis Carmine

Barbara & Paul Carmody

Wendy Caron

Katreena Carrasco

Susan Carrigan

Kathryn & Bradford Carroll

Tabatha Carsus

Ann Carter

Nina Cartwright

Diane Casaceli

Elizabeth Casello

Robin Bahr Casey

Tammy Casey

Debra Cashman

Carolyn Cass

Laura Cassady

Deborah Castellani

David & Marilea Catallozzi

Maren Caulfield

Karen Cavan

Michael, Ellie & Diana Celularo

Nancy Chabot

Paul Challenger

Ruth Chang-Comerato

Karen & Thomas Chappel

Ann Charbonneau

Ann Charrette

Gary Chase

Iris Chase

Don & Kathy Cherry

Kathleen Rauktis

Amy Chirco

Joyce Chiu

Claire Chivallati

Kenneth Choiniere

Paul & Paulette Choquette

Ronald Chorney

Paul Cibelli

Chris Clark

Eric & Stephanne Clark

Cindy Cleary

Marie & Robert Clemente

Liz Clemenzi

Maureen Clifford

Harry Clough

Janet Clougherty

Susan & Joanna Cloutier


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Michelle V. Cochran

Helen Cohane

Joseph Cohen

Nancy & Skip Colby

Marilyn Coltey

AC Hotel by Marriott/Colwen Hotels

Sharon Combs

Jody Comins

Deb Condon

John & Colleen Congdon

Walter & Brenda Conlin

Laura Connolly

Lee Connolly

Filomena & Paul Connor

Kelley Conrad

Kenneth Conrad

Shirley Conrad & Joe Petruccelli

Eileen & Ron Contois

Sally Cook

Kyle Copeland

Lee Cordaro

Deborah Cormier

Samantha Cormier

Edward Cornell

Barbara Correia

Mark & Marian Corriveau

Maria Cosgrove

Diane Costello

Richard & Charlotte Cote

Jennifer Cote

Matthew & Donna Cote

Michael Cotton

Glenn & Suzanne Coughlin

Donald Cousineau

Sabrina Couture

Richard Covel

Andrew & Carmel Cowan

Christopher & Jocelyn Cowan

Barbara Cowden

Shirleen Cox

David Crandall

Katherine Cranson

Kenneth Crater

Anne-Marie Craven

Guillermo Creamer

Shrewsbury Credit Union

Donna Crocker

Tom & Dianne Crosbie

Deborah Croucher

Kathie Cuddeback

Meaghan Culkeen

Lori & Steve Cullen

Henry & Helen Culver

Patricia Cummings

Patti Cummings

Diane Cummins

Donald Cunningham

James Curley

Catherine Cushman

Alana Cyr

Beth Cyr

Marilyn Czajkowski

Jill & Paul Dagilis

David Daigneault

Jean F. Dalbec

Nadine Dalbec

Ann Dalianis

Orla Daly

Timothy & Pamela Daly

Subodh Damle

Joseph & Kristen Dana

Joyce & Norman Danielson

Catherine Darensbourg

Arthur & Jacqueline Davison

Ann Marie Dawes

Lucinda Day

Sarah de Raismes

Joseph DeAngelo

Albert & Laureen DeBenedetto

Daniel & Anne Deedy

David & Kristin Degon

Barbara Delauder

Dana DelDotto

Iris Delgado

Steven Deliberto

Rachel Delisle

Dante & Kate Deliso

Kelli & Joseph Deliso

Helen DeMarco

Lesa DeMaria

Thomas Demlein

Heather Dennis

Justine & Kevin DeNorscia

Carolyn Depasse

Linda & Steve Desatnick

Victoria DeSimone

Kathleen Desmarais

Lori Despres

Giselle & David Desroches

Kathleen Desroches

Patricia Devine & Marc Elie

Kathryn Dexter

Shannon & Eileen Dickieson

Sheila Dickman

Joan Didzbalis

Digital Federal Credit Union

Kellie Diliddo

Jaime Dillon

Lorraine & Richard Dinjian

John DiPasquale

Nicole DiPietro

Marsha DiPilato

Dorothy Diskin

Patricia DiTullio

Mary Doane

David & Linda Doherty

Jody & Mary Doherty

Judith Doherty

Darlene Dolan

Erin Dolan

Eileen & Gary Dombrowski

Patricia Domenick

Patty Donahue

Sandra Donahue

Christine Donohue

Lisa Donovan

Karen Doran-Libby

Ethel Dotts

Mary Anne & Thomas Douville

Korry Dow

Keith & Robin Dowling

Lorraine & William Doyle

Sean Doyle

Charles Dresser

Diane Driscoll

Irene Dube

Russell & Kathleen Dube

Christopher Dubeau

Roger & Joyce Dubuque

Chip Dufault

Robert & Karen Dufault

Lucy Duggan

George & Mary Duhamel

Richard Duhamel

Catherine & Tenley Dunlap

Alyse Dunn & Joseph DeMattia

Katie Dunne

Rose Dunnigan

Nanette Duquette

Maureen Durden


Melissa Durfee

Jennifer Durost

Jocelyne Durrenberger

Joyce Dziedzic & Agnes Coporale

Lori Dzivasen

Jeff Johnson, Eagle Cleaning Corp.

Krista Earley

Riley Easley

Gwen Eaton

Dr Kimberly Ebb

James Edmunds

Jeanne Elliott

Patty Ellis

John & Diane Engle

Khurston Ellia-Epple & Christian Epple

Lynn Eriksen

Catherine Eska

Lynne Esposito

Laura Estes

Peter & Elaine Ettenberg

Dr. Bob Falter

Tatiana Farberova

Marlene Farbman

Pamela Farley

Margaret & Alan Farwell

Carolyn Faubert

Karen Fay

Debbie Feingold

Amy & Curtis Feldman

Karyn Ferdella

Michelle Fernald

Wayne Field

Ameriprise Financial

Barbara Finer

Mary Finlay

Deborah & Daniel Fins

Andy Fishel

Leah & Lloyd Fisher

Sarah Fisher

Valerie Fisk

Lorraine Fitzgerald

Susan Fitzgerald

Linda Flaherty

Terri Flattery

Jane Fletcher

David & Ruth Flynn

Thomas & Susan Flynn

Dawn Foley

Elizabeth Foley

Joan & Michael Foley

Mary Jane Foley

Susan M. Foley

Garth Fondo

Kristin Fonseca

Rosalind Forber

Terrance Ford

Linda Forest

Lauren Forsman

Maria Forson

Chris & Myra Fortugno

Renee & Leonard Fortunato

Barbara S. Foster

Cynthia Foster

Carol Fotos

Richard Foy

Dr. Robert & Beth Ann Fraser

Diane Fratoni

Ray Fredette

Debra & Kenneth Friedman

Helen Friel

Sheila Friel

Jennifer Frye



Lisa Frye

Shelley Fullam

Cynthia & Joe Fusco

John & Charlene Gaca

Martha Gach

Diane & Chris Gage

Ed Gagne

Tyrenna Gaines

Aimee-Jo Gajdos

Janice & Brian Gallagher

Steve & Tricia Gallo

Nicholas Galotti

Ellen Ganley

Mary Garabedian

Ann-Marie Garneau

Janet Garon

Roger Gaudette

Linda Gaulin

Carol Gault

Aura Gauthier

Adam Gaval

Barbara Gaylord

Marion Gebhardt

Donna Geer

Heather & Bill Gelardi

Patricia Genatossio

Coralee Gendron

Susan Genese

Anne Marie & Robert Gentile

Dominic Gentile

Kelly George

Pam George

Clifford & Merrie Gerber

Joyce Germain

Tanya & Kaitlyn Ghiz

Michael Ghizzoni

Michele Giangrande

Patricia Gibb

David Giguere

William & Barbara Giguere

Marsha Gilligan

Suzanne Gillman

Jennifer Gilman

Erin Gilmore

Julie Giordano

Laurie Giovannucci

Paul & Marianne Girouard

Melinda Giustina

Gloria & Robert Givner

Lynne Glode

Katy Gloshinski

Janet Goddard

The Goddard School

Marcie Goding

Robyn Goldberg

Susan Goldman-Kreithen

Elliot Goldstein

Barbara & Arthur Gomes

Carl Gomes

Katrina Gonsalves

Mark Goodwin

Deborah Gordon

Kerry Gorham

Michael & Kristen Gormley

Jim & Luisa Gorske

Paisley Gothreau

James Goulet

Joan-Beth Gow

Sarah Goyette

Donald & Elaine Grady

Mona Grande

Andrea Granito

Sharon Grassel

Doris Grasseschi

Sue Grattan-Richardson

Cameron Graves

Matthew & Camille Graves

Tracy Greene

Minna Gregerman

Stefanie Gregware

Susan Grenier

Richard & Debra Grensavitch

Lisa Griffiths

Shaun & Marcia Grimley

Beverly Grimshaw

David & Lynn Gruber

Philip Guerin

Robert Guerriero

Delores & Anthony Guido

Pamela Guild

Debbie Guiney

Joan Gulick

Evelyn Gulledge

Elaine Gustafson

Barbara Guthrie

Amalia & Faruk Guven

Margaret Guzman

Joyce Habalow

Laurie Hackett

Catherine Haddad

Debra Haddad

Joanne Haddad

Patricia Haddad

William Haddad

Margaret Haggerty

Mary Ellen Hall

Robert Hallen

Angela & Richard Halloran

Patricia Halloran

Susan Halpin

Alfred Hamilton

Edward Hamilton

Susan Hanam

Katie Hanninen

Judy & Mark Hannum

Carol Hansen

Steven Haringa

Catherine & Daniel Harrington

Donna & Robert Harrington

Joanne & James Harrington

Linda Hart

Odette Harvey

Steve Harvey

Ramona & Doug Haskins

Laurie Hassan

Shawn & Mary Hatch

Janice Hathaway

Elaine Hausmann

Scott Hawkins

Daniele Hayes

Patricia & Timothy Haylon

Judith Haynes

Carlos Haz

James Healey

Grace-Louise Hebert

Tina Hebert

Jack & Ellen Hehir

Charlotte Heinrich

Debra & Alan Helfgott

Cynthia Henderson

Amy Hendrick & Paul Blow

Christine & Daniel Heney

Barbara Henrichon

Monique Herman

Hope & Jeff Hersh and Renee & Sam Fortin

Janice Hetherman

Maria Hickey

Roberta Higgins

Pamela Hill

THANK YOU TO OUR 2022-2023

Susan Hitchcock

Emily & Michael Hoadley

Michelle Hoarty

Meredith Hobson

Marcia Hoffman

Eileen Holden

Erica Holleran

Marcia Holman

Abigail Holmes

Karin Holovnia

Kathy Horelik

William & Beth Horgan

Nicole Horton-Stimpson

Jeanmarie Houghton

Barbara Houle

Lisa Houlihan

Timothy Houlihan

Paula Howard & Craig Caruso

Richard Howarth

Claire Howe

Denise Howe

Stuart Howe

Donald & William Howe-Hughes

Christine Huchowski

Anne Hudson

Karl & Susan Hughes

Garry Hunter

Helen Hurley

Edna Hyder

Kathleen Hytinen

Vincent Iacocca

Michael Ibrahim

Anthony & Karen Imbalzano

Wendy Innis

Marcia Irwin

Robert Irwin

Gail & James Ivers

Laura Jacobson

Pamela Jacobson

Catherine Jaffee

David James

Patricia Janaitis

Steve Jasinski

Patricia Jeniski

Virginia Jenkins

Nancy & Eric Jeppson

Brian & Joanna Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

Julianne Johnson

Sandra Johnson

Susie Johnson

Colleen Johnston

Richard Johnston

Kym Jollimore

Cynthia Jordan

Kathy Joubert

Charles Joyal

Jason & Melissa Joyce

Jeremie Juban

Randall Jussaume

Sarah Kac

Richard & Kathy Kaczynski

Joe & Tara Kalinowski

Renuka Kamerkar

Josh Kane

Judith E. Kane

THANK YOU TO OUR 2022-2023 BROADWAY SUBSCRIBERS continued NOTRE DAME ACADEMY Accepting Students for Fall 2023 Š The only Catholic, independent, all-girls school in central MA Š Accepting young women of all faiths grades 7–12 Š STEM, Arts, and World Language Certificate Programs Š 100% college acceptance Š Dual Enrollment Program with Assumption University Š 13 sports teams, over 30 extra-curricular offerings CHARACTER • COMMUNITY • COMMITMENT Notre Dame Academy, 425 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609 www.nda-worc.org/admissions Apply Online Today
Scanfor more info Put Your Child Center Stage! Summer Program Registration Now Open for Ages 6-18 Act • Sing • Dance 877.571.7469 Scholarships Available 2 Southbridge St • Worcester

Maddy Karcasinas

Patricia Karpacz

Elaine Karsok

Cheryl & Gary Kasof

Maria Kassos

David Katz

Ellen Kazin

Marie Keane

Heidi Keeley

Diane Keenan

Kevin Keenan

Gary Keilson & Susan Miller

Bob & Deb Kelley

Gary Kelley

Judith Kellogg

Kelly & Neil Kelly

Michelle A Kelly

Linda Kennedy

Thomas & Dana Kennedy

Frank Kenney

Robert & Nancy Kenney

Kathleen & Michael Keohane

Dan Keohane

Doreen Keville

James & Judith Kimble

Barbara King

Cynthia King

Laurie A. King

Leigh King

Edward King & Addison Redfield

Charles & Dalia Kingsbury

Peter Kinnas

Megan Kirby

Larissa Kline

Michael Kneeland

Robert & Mary Knittle

Bernard Kobel

Kristi Koch

Kathy Kocot-Grimaldi

Suzanne Koehler

Henley Konar

William C. Konicki

Nikki Koppel

Donna Kosakowski

Betsy Koss

Carl Kowalski

Cristen Kowalski

Michael Koykka

Amelia & Richard Koziak

Kara Krantz

Marcia Krantz

Michelle Krassapoulos

Eva Kraus

Dale Kristoff

Tracy Kroll

Charles & Anne Kruse

Dr. Vicki Kucia & Dawn Kearney

John Kullas

Roberta Kunen

Otto & Karen Kunz

Colleen & Robert Kushlis

Darlene Kusy

Cathy & Doug Kuzmeskus

Elena Kvaracein

Mark Labbe

Cheryl Labrecque

Eric Lacey

Christine & Richard Lacharite

Maureen Ladd

Kenneth Laferriere

The Laflamme Family

Linda Lafontaine

James & Rosemarie Laird

Calvin D. Lajoie

Sanjiv Lal

Katrina Lallier

Jean Lalone

Alison Lambert

Carol Lambert

James Lambert

Roger & Susan Lamontagne

Bonnie & Daniel Landry

Bonnie Lang

Betsy Langas

Jim Langley

Susan Lannon

Patricia Lanza

Roger & Beverly LaPerle

Brooke Lapierre

Kathleen LaPierre

Betty LaPlante

Kaitlin LaPlante

Richard & Jean Lapointe

Elizabeth Larkin

Denise & Richard Laroche

Judy & Stephanie Laroche

Kathleen Larocque

Cassidy Larsen

Denise, Heather & John Larsen

Mary Ann Lasek

Herb & Linda Lashua

Bart Lasky

Margaret & James Latessa

Leslie Lathrop

Mary Lauria

Denise Lavallee

Dr. Warren Lavallee

James LaVeck II

Stacey Lavely

Debra LaVergne

Gale Lawless

Taylor Lawton

Suzanne Laycock

Carol A. Leach

Karen Leahy

Katherine Leblanc

Carol LeBlanc

Mary Leblanc

Diane Ledoux

Barbara Lee

Janet Lee

Michelle Lee

Nancy Lee

Linda LeFave

Michelle Legere

Claire Lent

Roger & Ethel Leroux

Bruce Leshay

Lisa Letendre

AJ Leto

Robin Levitsky

Catherine Lewis

Eric Lewis

Jennifer Lewis

Muqing Li

Robert Lian

John Liller

David Lima

Stevie's Gals

Christopher P. LoConto

Sara Lohnes

Nicole & Linda Lombardi

Dr Judith Long

Maura Long

Danielle LoPiccolo

Emily Lottes

Cristiano Lourenço

Helena Louzonis

Brian & Patricia Low

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lowe & Family


Tammy Lowe

Thomas Lowkes

Melvin Lubowitz

Dorothy Lucier

Eric Lundquist

Pat Luoto

Kristi Lutjelusche

Michelle Lutter

Robert & Melissa Luukko

William & Rose-Marie Lyon

Craig Macauley

Rita & Wayne MacCallum

James & Michele McDonald

Alyssa MacDonald

Glenn & Cynthia MacDonald

Sharon MacDonald

David MacDougall

John & Martha Macek

Melinda MacGillivray

Marlene Mach

Helder & Maggie Machado, Machado Consulting

Linda Maciejewski

Cindy MacLaurin

Donna & Don MacLean

Sara & Kenneth MacLean

Michael MacLeod

Keith & Paula MacNeal

Heather Madison

John Maenhout

Eddi Magay

Karen Maguire

Joseph Mahan

Pat Mahan

Mike Maheno

Andrea Maile

Lori Main

Judith Mair

Karen Maki

Scott Malia

Marion Malkasian

Barbara Malkowski

Lois Mallalieu

Michael & Mary Malley

Colleen Malloy

Karen Malo

Lorraine Mancini

Joyce Mandell

William & Janet Mangano

Julie Manley

Bonnie Mann

Tom Manning

Craig Manseau

Judith & Steven Mansur

Joe Maple

Mary Marcinkus

Darren Marino

Paul Marr

Joanne Marsh

Edward Martel

Elaine A. Martel, Esq.

Catherine Lynn Martin

S&G Certified Consultants & CPAs

Mason Jen

Matheson Jolie Victor

Matias Alicia

Matos Patricia Mario

Matrow Donald

Matson Amy

Matson Constance

Thomas & Lisa Maulucci

Stephen Maxson

Jean Maynard

Cynthia Mayo

Beth Mazyck

Lorna McCafferty

Robert McCallum

Darcy McCarthy

Eileen M. McCarthy

Patti McCarthy

Dr. Robert M. McCarthy

Roger & Francine McCarthy

Carrie McCartney

Lori McCassie

Anne McCluskey

Edmund McCluskey

Noreen McConville

Meghan McDonald

John McDonough

Lynn McDonough

Suzanne & John McFadden

Jayne McGinn

John & Elizabeth McGovern

Sharon McGowan

Brian & Pat McGrath

Carol McGrath

Thomas & Barbara McGuirk

William McGuirk

Anne McIntosh

Sue & Brian McKeown

Francis & Mary McKiernan

Alan & Pauline McKinney

John McLaughlin

Mary McLaughlin

John McNamara

Sherrie McNamara

Jennifer McNeaney

Robert & Jan Mecca

Jonathan Mehlmann

Michael & Elizabeth Meissner

Lynda Melody

Sandra Meltzer & Jennie Savage

Scott Meninger

Kevin & Kate Mercadante

Graham & Kathleen Merk

Marge Metrik

Dan Metzler

Pamela & Vadim Michajlow

Lisa Michalak

Timothy Michalowski

Carleen & David Potts

Lisa Mielnicki

Stanley Mikoloski & Jo Ann Stanton

Christine Milecki-Buonomo

Kellie Miles

Carol Miller

Elyssa Miller

Patricia & Larry Minton

Therese Miodonka

Heather Miranda

Peggy & Dave Moan

Richard & Karen Molnar

Diane Monaco

Jack & Cynthia Monahan

Lynda Monahan

Susan Mondino

Wendy Monfreda

Lisa & Daniel Mongeau

Teresa Montemurro

Patrick Mooney

Andrew & Lynne Moore

Jennifer Moore

Richard Moore

Donna Moran

Kristine Moran

Brian Morissette

Anne & Patrick Morris

Paul & Laura Morris

Carolyn Morrissette

Kevin & Nicole Morrissey


Danielle Morrow

Annmarie Mortimer

Emily & Bill Mortimer

Errol Mortimer

John & Dorine Mortimer

Penny & Tim Morway

Dave & Anna Moses

Barbara Mozinski & Allison Kelleher

Chris J. Muello, C/J Trucking

Mary Mugg

Erin & James Mulcahy

Mary-Lou Mulhane

Tom & Vanda Mullins

Christine & Ken Mulry

John Mulry

Dr. Ann Mumm

Katharine Munn

Barbara A. Murphy

Brian Murphy

Candace Murphy

Karen Murphy

Marie & Pete Murphy

Mary Lou & Michael Murphy

Paula Murphy

Carol Murray

Carol & Ed Murray

Elizabeth Murray

Maureen Murray

Susanne Musnicki

Beverly Myers

Timothy Myers

Kate & Thomas Myshrall

Nadia Naco

Casey Nagle

Stefanie Natoli

Jean Neale

Katherine Neale

Bogdan Nedelescu

Christa & Kevin Nee

Denise Nelson

Charlene Nemeth

Gail Nessman

Suzanne Neubauer

Monica & Steve Neuman

Bruce & Nancy Neuwirth

Matthew Newell

Linda Newhouse

Kathleen & Gordon Nichols

Randi Nichols

Philip & Judy Niddrie

Fay Nieber

Cindy Nikiforakis

Judith Noar

Kimberly Nobrega

Nancy Noonan

Meredith Nordstrom

Carol Norton

Ernest Norton

Patti Norton-Gatto

Kristen Noto

Theresa Nugent

Jeffrey Nunes

Karen Ober

Dr. William & Laureen O'Brien

Denise & William O'Connell

Cathy & John O'Connor

Cheri O'Connor

Thomas O'Connor

Ruth Odgren

THANK YOU TO OUR 2022-2023 BROADWAY SUBSCRIBERS Family owned and operated since 1958 The freshest selection of flowers for every occasion Local delivery to Worcester and surrounding towns 660 Main St Shrewsbury, MA 508.842.8992 www.danielsonflowers.com

Tanya Ogunfeitimi

Mina O'Hearn

Kathy Ohlson

Gwenn O'Keeffe

Stephen O'Leary

Wendy & Dennis O'Leary

Carol & Bob Oliver

Joshua Oliver

Patricia Oliver

Elizabeth Olsen

Carole O'Neil

Carleen O'Neill

Joan O'Neill

Susan Onffroy

Theresa & David Oriol

Craig & Kimberly Ornell

John Osborne

Pamela Osgood

Marcy Ostrow

Aisling O'Sullivan

Susan Ouellet

Paul Outerson

Robin Owens

Lori & Steve Pacheco

Donald Packard

Jennifer Palumbo

Rebecca Paonessa

Elizabeth & Larry Pape

Harry & Wendy Pape

Jonathan Pappas

Maryellen Paquette

Melanie Paradise

Barbara Parker

Kathy C. Parker

Whitney & Rosemarie Parker

Derek Parks

Pamela Paskalis

Kaye Passmore

Jeff Paster

Andrea Pastick

Harish Patil

Marjorie Peairs

Jill & Anthony Pellegrini

Terrence Pellerin

Arthur Pelletier

Ellen Peloquin

Joseph Pepin

Catherine & Bradford Perch

Robert Pereira

Shanise Perez

Carol Perkins

Pamela Perkins

Donna Perron

Rebecca Perry

Gerald & Janice Peters

Richard Peters

Susan Peters

Carolyn Peterson

Dawn Peterson

Ronald Peterson

John D. & Kim Petrin

Erica Ploof

Linda & Alfred Poirier

Mary Poirier

Margaret Polissack

Barbara Pollock

Jeffrey Pond

Laura Poovakad

Susan & Seth Popinchalk

Catherine Porter

Carolynn Posk

Lisa Postma

Karen & Jim Potter

Michele Potter

Marilyn & Nicholas Powlovich

Gwen Pratt

John & Marcelene Pratt

Susan & Jeremiah Pratt

Teresa & Robert Pratt

Kelly Prendergast

Edward S. Prevost

Scott Price

Denise Priess

Amy Prince

Huhtala Oil & Propane

Denise & Victoria Prouty

David Provencher

Patricia Provost

Janet Prunier

Virginia Pulitzer

Veda & James Quinn

Sheila Quirion

Donna Quitadamo

Linda Racca

Betty & Eric Racine

Gail Radcliffe

Sharyn Philcox

Becky Phillips

Kelly Phillips

Nancy Picard

Paul & Dawn Piccolomini

David & Susan Pickering

Elena F. Pickett

Mary Pierangeli

Mary Pierce

Sandra Pierce

Mary Jude Pigsley

Milissa Pisano

Phyllis Piscitelli

Sandra Piscitelli

Maria Piscitelli-Durant

George & Beverly Ragsdale

Lisa & David Rakouskas

Richard Ramsden

Mark & Michelle Randall

Cheryl Rauh

Cynthia Rawson

Betsy Raymond

Tonia & Robert Raymond

Alicia Record

Marie Record

Melissa Recore

Michael & Ann Refolo

Barbara Reichert

Sean Reidy

Kathleen Reinhardt

“Having a family subscription makes sure that family time is scheduled (and that it happens!) Life gets very busy and you may see an event you want to attend, but forget about. After the shows the conversations are always so rich about what we liked best and comparing it to other theatre performances we have seen. It has enriched our lives to be subscribers. Thanks!”
~ Dr. Mimi Mumm subscriber since 2008

Andrea Renaud

Katelyn Reynolds

Mara Reynolds

Donald Rice

Joanne & Thomas Rich

Cheryl & Kelly Richards

George Richardson

Sarah Richardson

Evelyn Riley

Alice Riordan

Judith Ritacco

Lynne Ritacco

Patricia Ritchie

Alissa Rivard

Diane L. Rivard

Rafael Rivas

Sarah Rivera

William & Celeste Rivernider

Karen Rivet

Rebecca Roach

Lori Robar

Christine Robbins

Harriet Robbins

Paul & Eileen Robbins

Todd Robbins & Karen Healey

Linda Roberge

Catherine Roberts

Kathryn Roberts

Cheryl Robinson

Erika Robinson

Marcia Robinson

Quiyesha Roderigues

Lisa Rodriguez

Kelly Roe

Karen Roehr

Lisa Rohmer

Judy Rondeau

Amy Roode

Brian Rooke

Arlene & Harvey Room

April Rosario

Joshua Rosen

Paul Rosen

Diane Ross

Pamela Rossetti

Jamie Rotman

Alexandra Rougas-Ermilio

Jennifer Rowland

Ginger Ruddy

Stephanie Ruggiere

Edward Ryan III

JoAnne Ryan

Linda Ryan

Lisa Ryan

Robert Ryan

Angelo & Cynthia Sabatalo

Sherri Sacks-Martin

Alice Sahagian

Jessica Saliba

Pamela Samara

Kimberly & Scott Samson

Deborah Sanborn

Marco Santana

Sharon & Luis Santiago

Josh Saper

Carlos Sarmiento

YOU TO OUR 2022-2023
WWW.ARTSWORCESTER.ORG /////// @ARTSWORCESTER PROUD SUPPORTER of the HANOVER THEATRE. Experience contemporary art in a historic setting, just around the corner. Scan the QR code to learn more!

Margaret & Barry Sbordy

Dianne Scanlon

Scarlett Scannell

Tony Scanzillo

Elizabeth Schieber

Katie Schiering

David Schmidt

Kerry & Chuck Schmidt

Daniel Schmitt

Catherine Schoenleber

Linda Schoonmaker

Valerie Schrank

Bernard & Gina Schultz

Scott & Karen Schultz

Elizabeth Schwartz

Kathryn Schwartz

Mary Sciannameo

David Scott

Kathleen Scrimgeour

Nancy & Harry Sechman

Dan Secor

Aaron Seider

Timothy Seiger

Douglas & Janice Selby

Maureen Sendrowski

Sheila Sergel

Samuel Sespaniak

Doug & Mary Sevon

Viktoria Shad

Neil Shailer

Susan Shapiro

Cliff & Marianne Sharin

Gail Sharp

John Shaver

Jeannette Shaw

Kathryn Shaw

Peter Shaw

Lynne Shea

Mary C. Shea

Mark & Debra Shear

Ellen & John Sheedy

Dwight & JoAnn Shepard

Katherine Sheridan

Michelle Sherillo

Dan Shimkus

Geraldine Shine

Rebecca Sholes

Paula Shonak

Robin Shropshire

Alan & Pam Sigel

Mary Jane Silva

Julie Silvestris

Millicent Simon

Mark & Tracey Simonelli

Cara Simpson

Hathy & Rich Simpson

Andrea Singer

Royce & Nancy Singleton

Carol Sinkis

Deborah Sinkis

Denise Skrocki

Laura M. Slaney

Emily Slater

Deborah Slavinskas

Mary Sliwowski

Nancy Small

Joan Smiley

Bonnie Smith

Rev. Carol Smith

David Smith

Gregory Smith

Jennifer Smith

Nina Smith

Rev Samuel Smith

Vincent & Kim Smith

Roxanne & Nicholas Smyrnios

Bruce & Kelly Smythe

Zachary Sneeringer

Alison Snyder & Don Allison

Robert & Judy Snyder

Andrzej Sobiech

William Soucy

Steven Sousa

Anne Sowerbutts

John & Frances Spath

Judith Spaulding

Michael & Karen Speroni

Karen Spinelli

Patrick Spinelli

Geoffrey & Juliana Spofford

Sallie Spring

Richard & Barbara St Pierre

Nanette St Pierre-Locke

Mary K. Stanley

Virginia Stanley

Jennifer Stanovich

R. D. Stark

Dotty & Jerry Starr

Susan Stebbins

Gail Steele

Paul & Donna Steen

John Stella

Sylvia Stepien

Aaron Stevens

Debbie Stevens

Judith Stevens

Raymond Stevens

Beth Stewart

Therese Stewart

Pam Stickles

Mark & Darlene Stoever

Amy Story

Steve Strand

Jay Stranieri

Deborah Stringer

Gail Stuczko

Ann & Thomas Sullivan

Brian & Chris Sullivan

Bridie Sullivan

Lawrence & Charlene Sullivan

Michael & Maureen Sullivan

Susan & Joseph Sullivan

Susan Sullivan

Thomas & Linda Sullivan

Tim & Linda Sullivan

James & Joan Sundstrom

Peggy Sue Supernor

Donna Sutherland

Roxanne Sutherland

Sabrina Svec

Linda Swadel

Michael & Lisa Swalec

Eric & Christine Sweeney

Steven Sweet

Dave Swekla

Debby & Stanley Swenson

Linda Swenson

Barbara Swidler

Lorice Swydan

MaryEllen Swydan

James & Nancy Tabor

Heather Takle

Ken Talbot

Lucille Talbot

Jacqueline Tallen

Sheila & Ronald Talman

Peter Tamulis

Allyn Taylor

Anne Taylor

Robert & Susan Taylor

Jaylene Terminello

Kelly Tessitore

Halina Tetreault

Pauline Thayer

Doreen Thomas

Arlene Thompson

Deborah Thompson

Troy Thompson

Lynn Thorpe

Christine Tocci

Jenniefer Todd


Mary Ann Toll

Councilor Kate & Steve Toomey

Kathryn Toomey

Paul & Deborah Torrey

Heather Towery

Lisa Towle

Dr. Roger Towne

Laura & Richard Traiger

Diane & Salvatore Trapasso

Cynthia Trapp

Donatella Travaglio

Paul Treantafel

Patricia Tremblay

Ray & Diane Tremblay

Ann & Samuel Tripp

Macy Trosclair

Matthew Trudeau

Elizabeth Tuff

Rosie Turner

Margaret Twiss

Jane Umphrey

Catherine & David Upton

Robert Ushinski

Cynthia Vail

Lori Valis

Amy Valletta

Dawn & Keith VanRiper

Dorothy Vecchiolla

Elizabeth & Eric Vecsey

Frank & Catherine Vellaccio

Donna Venuto

Laura Verheijen

Pamela Verret

Kristina Vickstrom

Karin Victor

Carol & Lawrence Vifquain

Michael & Susan Vigeant

Gena Vigliotti

Michelle Vigneux

Mary Lou & Howard Vinnes

Stacey Vogel

Susan Volpe

Carolyn Walker

Donna Wallace

Marla Wallace

Amy Walsh

Edward Walsh

Linda & Stephen Walsh

Janet A. Ward

Kathleen Warnken

Paul D. Wasgatt

Mary Elizabeth Waters

Mark Watson

Lee Ann Watterson

John Webb

Karen Webber

Lee Weber

Webster Five

Francis Weeks

Carolyn Wellington

Mary Ellen Wessell

Michelle Wesson

Willows at Westbourough

Stephen Westerlind

Cheryl Wheaton-Reyes

Robyn Wheel

Jeffrey & Elizabeth Wheeler

David Wheeler

Christine Whipple

Matthew Whipple

Cheryl White

Heather Whitman-Johnston

Kathleen Whitney

Leah Wickman

Brian Wiedle

Peter & Kathy Wilcox

Beth Williams

Eric Williams

Gail Williams

Melissa Williams

Carl Wilson

Nancy Wilson

Kathleen Winacoo

Cindy Wing

Richard & Rosemary Wolanski

Wendy Wolf

Margaret Wong

Marie Wood

Wendy Woodard

Linda Woodland

Shawn Woods & Brenna Eckert

Julia Woodward

Sheri & Dave Workman

Sarah & Barbara Worrest

Linda & Fred Wozniak

Patricia Wrenn

Bradley Wright

Alexandra Xanthopoulos & Jennifer MacKoul

Judy Yauckoes

Susan Zack

Judy & Michael Zalansky

Rebecca Zash

Debra Zawielski

Danielle Zecco

Rita Zeffert

Sonia Zeglen

Jason Zelesky

Elizabeth Zglobicki

Jeremy Zglobicki

Judith Zinkus

Wendy & Emily Zinkus

Joseph Zito

Steve Zona

List current as of 3.6.2023 15 YEARS PUt your message in the hands of our patrons Contact Diane Pieciak at 508.930.2424 or diane@thehanovertheatre.org for more information. • Sponsor a show • Advertise • Become a partner • Join our All Access Club

Edmund Adamiak

Diane Adamowicz

Dick Adams

Linda Adams

Barry Alman

Maryellen Anderson

Mildred Anderson

Cliff Anderson

Sofia Apostol

Patricia Ascione

Pamela Ashmankas

Charlene Baron

Maria Bella

Patricia Belsito

Jane Benoit

Gail Bergeron

Joanne Bernier

Susan Berry

Maureen Binienda

Carol Bishop

Linda Boll

Laurie Boucher

David Boucher

Steve Brophy

Brian Brophy

David Brough

Phyllis Buck

Sandra Buckley

Jeff Burdick

Pat Burdick

Ann Cappabianca

Patricia Carignan

John Caron

Elizabeth Casello

Angela Casey

Linda Casey

Tommy Catacchio

Karen Cavan

Jane Champagne

Irene Chiarvalloti

Suzanne Cleary

Kathryn Close

Bonnie Colacchio

Debora Colt

Michael Comer

Robert Condon

Janice Conrad

Eileen Contois

Laura Coughlin

Diane Cowes

Margot Crawford

Daniel Creeron

James Crete

Jim Crowley

Patti Cummings

Linda Dattis

Marianne Davis

Eileen Dawson

Patricia Dawson

Sharon DeBonis

Angie Dellovo

Christine Del'Olio

Eileen Desautels

Dianne Desrosiers

Stephanie Dieterle

Mary Doane

Charles Dodd

Sheila Donahue

Debra Donovan

Daniel Donovan

Suzette Dowd

Irene Dube

Nancy Duprey

Emily Eaton

Charlie Engdahl

Diane Engle

John Engle

David Faneuf

Dolores Farrell

Joan Foley

Apply now to be a volunteer for the 2023-2024 season.

Volunteers are Vital to the Success of the Theatre

The Hanover Theatre is proud to have a dedicated force of well trained volunteers who are ushers that seat and assist our guests, work in our administrative offices, assist the box office, share the love of theatre and great experiences.

Here’s How It Works

Applications are collected on an ongoing basis. We contact applicants for interviews and training annually in August before the start of each new season. For example, if you submit your application in September, you will be contacted for an interview in August of the next year.

To volunteer, please download the application at thehanovertheatre.org/support/volunteer or email volunteer@thehanovertheatre.org


Sue Foley

Elizabeth Foley

David Ford

Nancy Franchi

Vicki Freilich

Sheila Garvey

Greg Gentile

Suzanne Gilbert

Cathy Gleason

Jeanne Gohary

Ernie Gozdur

Deborah Gradowski

Jennifer Greene

Patricia Grigas

Maria Carmel Gurucharri

Patricia Hackett

Mark Hannum

Carol Hansen

Cynthia Hanslik

Donald Harbert

Maureen Hardy

Patty Harkins

Robert Harrington

Donna Harrington

John Harrington

Nancy Hart

Carol Harwood

Cynthia Hennessey

James Heywood

Sally Hodgerney

Diane Hoff

Cathleen Holmberg

Helene Holmes

Abby Holmes

Kathleen Horahan

Bunny Hurley

Diane Irvine

Tom Jarmas

Nan Johnson

Lynn Kapinos

Kelly Keevan

Patricia Kennedy

Felice Kleya

Amy Kolb

Debra Korman

Donna Kosakowski

Patricia Kowalchek

Michael Kozminski

Janet Krause

Sara Kreisel

Linda LaBrie

John Ladroga

Linda Ladroga

John Lafleche

Debi Lang

Frances Langille

Elizabeth Larkin

Bonnie LaRue

Lori Lauria

Marilyn Leary

Tim Lee

Heather Levin

Kathi Lewando

Annette Lisi

Richard Lisi

Beth LoConto

Irene Logan

Sara Lohnes

Luann Loughlin

Barbara Luby

Dorothy Lucier

Sharon MacDonald

Patricia Mahan

Mary Malone

Mary Marcinkus

Elaine Martel

Marilyn Mason

Carolyn May

Myra Mcanulty

Bob Mcanulty

Rosemary McCarthy

Denise McGrath

David McRae

Janice Melchiore

Paul Meleski

James Messier

Debra Monahan

Phyllis Monahan

Mary Ellen Moore

Patrick Morris

Anne Morris

David Murray

Lisa Murrman

Judy Myers

Annette Mysliwiec

Margaret Naylor

Nancy Neuwirth

Bruce Neuwirth

Lisa Normandin

Lucinda Oates

Michael Oates

Darlene Orne

Darlene Orrell

Helen Panagiotopoulos

Margaret Pappas

Patricia Parent

Lorraine Parretti-Crete

Renee Peace

Jennifer Perkins

Maggie Perreault

Dick Perry

Susan Perschbacher

Mary Pierangeli

Phyllis Piscitelli

Gerard Piscitelli

Maria Piscitelli-Durant

Elizabeth Plante

Mary Poirier

Paula Police

Jodi Porter

Darrell Potosnak

Joyce Power

Janet Price

Helen Quist

Judith Reilly

Anne Reynolds

John Riccio

Deborah Richards

Barbara Roach Kyes

Dorene Robinson

Carol Robison

Cheryl Romeo

Marguerite Rooney

Judith Rothbard Tate

Lucille Sampson

John Sampson,III

Beth Sannella

Ellen Santimaw

William Sarkisian

Suzanne Saven

Mary Sevon

Andrea Sheridan

Jane Shropshire

Meridith Singleton

Patricia Smaldone

Susan Small

Joyce St. Germain

Dale Stafford

Diane Steere

Mark Steina

Brigitte Sterf

Helen Stockdale

Ann Sullivan

Bridie Sullivan

Peggy Sue Supernor

Ann Sweetman

Kenneth Takvorian

Marshall Tate

Allyn Taylor

Lorraine Taylor

Mary Teixeira

Karen Terranova

Eileen Terrill

Sandra Theros

Wendy Thomas

Cecelia Thurber

Victor Tolis

Stacey Tomasetti

Pauline Tranter

Raymond Tremblay

Rosie Turner

Deborah Tyborowski

Timothy Veilleux

Ann Verhage

Kathy Vignaly

Laura Wachs

Barbara West

Jean Weston

Nancy White

Nancy Wilby

Robert Wilby

Michael Wilder

Joanne Wilder

Susan Wood

Amy Woodsmall


The following is presented to inform our patrons and to maintain an orderly theatrical environment and experience. These policies notwithstanding, management will always strive to be fair, ethical and understanding of our patrons’ needs. For answers to frequently asked questions visit TheHanoverTheatre.org

Accessible Seating and ADA Provisions: The Hanover Theatre is committed to providing access and an enjoyable visit for persons of different abilities. Spaces are reserved for patrons who use wheelchairs and for their ambulatory companions. When purchasing tickets, please be sure to mention if any special accommodations are required, including low vision, hard of hearing, limited mobility, etc.

Assistive Listening Devices: Devices are available. Please inquire at the box office or ask an usher. These cannot be reserved in advance, but the number of devices available should be sufficient for the usual demand. You will be asked to leave your driver’s license as a deposit.

Booking Protect: Protect your investment by participating in B o oking Protect, a ticket insurance option. You can choose to select Booking Protect as an add-on before finalizing your transaction.

Booking Protect is only available at the time of purchase and allows you to receive a full refund of the purchase price should you or anyone in your party be unable to attend due to injury, illness, adverse weather conditions and more.

Box Office Hours of Operation: (in person and by telephone)

Monday through Saturday, 10am to 6pm; Sunday (if there is a performance), noon until 30 minutes after curtain on performance evenings. So that we may best serve patrons attending each event, please avoid visiting the box office to purchase tickets to future events during the hour prior to curtain time. Tickets may be purchased online 24/7 at TheHanoverTheatre.org. By telephone, call the box office at 877.571.7469 during standard hours of operation.

Visit or mail the box office at: 2 Southbridge Street, Worcester, MA 01608

E-mail: boxoffice@thehanovertheatre.org

Cameras (Recording Devices): Our standard policy is that all such devices are prohibited from use in the theatre, and offenders may be ejected without compensation. On rare occasions, specific performers or engagements may request that this policy be suspended, in which case we will advise our patrons by covering lobby signage which lists the standard policy. All members of the press or media must receive advance authorization from the PR dept. (PR@thehanovertheatre.org) to use cameras or recording devices inside the theatre and must display identification upon arrival.

Cell Phones: Out of respect to the performers and to fellow audience members, please remember to silence all cell phones while in the theatre. Also, please note, there is no telephone which is manned throughout the performance. Please be sure to leave your cellular number with anyone who may need to reach you during an emergency, and in the event of an emergency please take your call in the lobby.

Children: All patrons MUST have a valid ticket. Parents are discouraged from bringing children under five years of age to performances which are not specifically oriented to children. Parents must remove any disruptive children from the theatre into the lobby. For these reasons, and for the comfort of all audience members, please consider carefully whether it is appropriate for you to bring children under five to the theatre.

Concessions: Please do not bring outside food and drinks to the theatre. Snacks and beverages are available for sale in the lobby.

First Aid: Please speak with the house manager or any of the ushers if you need first aid or have any sort of accident or medical emergency. Insurance regulations require that such instances be documented immediately.

Gift Certificates: These are available in any denomination and are available online, by calling or visiting the box office and may be used by the recipient in full or partial payment for event tickets or conservatory classes.

Groups: Attending the theatre is even more fun when you bring a group. Groups of 10 or more may be eligible for a discount. For information, contact Amy Osborn at 508.471.1689.

Inclement Weather Policy: It is generally impossible for touring shows and per formances to be rescheduled, so we do not cancel events due to inclement weather. As with other touring performances and sporting events, we are unable to refund tickets. In extreme weather conditions we will do our best to exchange subscriber, FLEX package and member tickets to an alternate performance, if applicable. To protect your purchase, the theatre strongly recommends that you add on ticket insurance at the time of ticket purchase through Booking Protect.

Lost and Found: Management is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Items found at the theatre will be held by the house manager. If you have lost an item, please contact the box office as soon as possible to make a report. You will then be contacted if the item has been found. Retrieval of the item is the responsibility of the customer. Items not claimed within 30 days will be donated or disposed of without compensation.

Prohibited items and activities which are prohibited include (but are not limited to): smoking, weapons, outside food or drinks, camera or recording devices, cell phones not silenced or set to vibrate, laser pointers, disruptive or abusive language, pets (except those assisting persons with disabilities), and persons exhibiting intoxication or drug use. Offenders may be removed from the theatre without compensation.|

Rental of Theatre and Event Spaces: The Hanover Theatre is available for appropriate organizations and activities. Please contact Jackie Dillman, function coordinator at 508.471.1799 or specialevents@thehanovertheatre.org for further information. Resale of Tickets for Profit: Ticket holders may on occasion be in a position where they have purchased tickets that they later cannot personally use and will want to donate, give, trade or sell these tickets to friends or acquaintances. Management does not discourage private transactions of this nature. However, we may take appropriate actions to thwart the organized resale of tickets for profit by third parties, which we do not condone. The public is advised to be careful purchasing tickets from individuals they do not know personally, as such tickets may be void and in such cases admission to the theatre will be denied without compensation.

Standing Room: All persons entering the theatre must have a valid ticket, and are not allowed to stand in the back or aisles.

Ushers: The Hanover Theatre uses a dedicated and trained force of volunteer ushers that seat and assist our guests. If you would like to volunteer, please email volunteer@thehanovertheatre.org.

We offer ASL and audio description services at specific performances during our season. We offer wheelchair accessibility at all shows. Please visit TheHanoverTheatre.org/plan-your-visit/accessibility

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