3 minute read
Irish International Trading Corporation (Cork) Plc (IITC) has acquired Curust Industries Ltd. as a wholly owned subsidiary. IITC is an expanded group with revenues of more than ¤80m in 2022 and employee numbers of 135. It is a diversified business which operates across several different markets and sectors. One of Ireland’s leading distributors of hardware, wire, steel, salt, plumbing materials and bathroom supplies, IITC is a nationwide business with distribution centres in Cork, Naas and Dublin. The acquisition of Curust is in line with its broader growth and investment strategy.
Based in County Wicklow, Curust Industries Ltd. is a supplier of paints and decorating products, security and homecare products. Curust has a broad customer base and sells to hardware/DIY stores, co-ops, paint shops, builders providers, wholesalers and locksmiths. In addition to selling a range of leading third-party brands, the company has successfully developed several of its own brands including Douglas Decorative (paints & decorating products), Douglas Professional (professional cleaning products), Löwe (rust prevention products) and Tessi (security products).
IITC has confirmed that Richard Brocklesby will remain on as MD of Curust Industries Ltd. Under Richard’s leadership, Curust has developed many successful brands and he has steered the company successfully for over 30 years.

According to David Heffernan, MD, IITC Group. “IITC is a growing and expanding group with very ambitious plans. Both IITC and Curust are long established and successful businesses – IITC has been trading for over 100 years, while Curust has been operating for more than 70 years. We are delighted to be adding leading brands such as Douglas, Tessi and Löwe to our stable of products. We are confident that, together, we will continue to grow and expand these brands while serving our customers to the high standards that both IITC and Curust set. This acquisition is in line with our growth strategy and we look forward to exploring further opportunities for expansion in the future.”
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David Lombard 021 4730005 dlombard@oli.ie www.olearyinsurances.ie
Woodland Group
Lee McMullen 01 8111500 lee.mcmullen@woodlandgroup.com www.woodlandgroup.com
Combilift Anthony Rooney 047 80500 anthony.rooney@combilift.com www.combilift.com
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Sam Sharpe +44 (0) 75 8311 9846 sam.sharpe@wgbaird.com www.wgbaird.com
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MyNET Security
Jack Raeburn 062-69112 jack@mynet.ie www.mynet.ie
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Shane Brennan 01 4190419 sales@johnston-shopfitters.com www.johnston-shopfitters.com
OHRA Racking Solutions
Seamus Coyle + 44 28 8224 7858 coyle@ohra.de www.ohra.ie
Storefit Shopfitters Limited
Eamonn Brien 021 4344544 eamonn.brien@storefit.com www.storefit.com
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