1 minute read
A View from Europe
World leaders in retailing understand the necessity to invest in mobile marketing whilst optimising their own brand and store application precisely because of the fact that customers are accepting more than ever before the role and the function of the smartphone as a natural shopping guide and tool.
About the Polish DIY market and Castorama
Market Size: ¤11 bn - average annual DIY expenditure per capita: ¤183
Castorama Poland: - Present in Poland since 1997
- Total number of stores: 90
- Global Turnover: ¤1.78 bn
- Market Share: 23% (equal to Leroy-Merlin)
Thierry Coeman shares with us more than three decades of experience in the international Home Improvement Sector. He was the chairman of the Belgian DIY Association, a unique organisation which brought together retailers, independants and manufacturers much like Hardware Association Ireland. He works with a network of European and Worldwide Stakeholders to share best practice while seeking innovation in the art of facilitating the common interest focussing on customers’ needs. He is the author of the essay Hammertime, a provocative vision on the future of the Home Improvement store.