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BREXIT UPDATE The latest Brexit related information and advice
Whether you manufacture concrete, run the local shop Whether you manufacture concrete, run the local shop - or anything in between - there are three key steps you - or anything in between - there are three key steps you need to take now to prepare your business for the lasting need to take now to prepare your business for the lasting change that Brexit will bring on 1 January 2021. change that Brexit will bring on 1 January 2021.
If you plan to move goods If you plan to move goods to, from, or through to, from, or through the UK, excluding the UK, excluding Northern Ireland, after Northern Ireland, after 1 January 2021 your 1 January 2021 your business must complete business must complete customs formalities.customs formalities.
Examine your supply chain Examine your supply chain closely for UK dependencies. closely for UK dependencies. Seek assurances from your Seek assurances from your suppliers about continuity of suppliers about continuity of supply. Talk to your freight supply. Talk to your freight and logistics providers and logistics providers about their Brexit readiness about their Brexit readiness and their continued ability and their continued ability to get your products to get your products to your customers.to your customers.
Protect your cash Protect your cash flow. Contact your flow. Contact your financial providerfinancial provider to discuss options to discuss options including currency including currency hedging or a working hedging or a working capital loan.capital loan.
Please see www.gov.ie/brexit for more information Please see www.gov.ie/brexit for more information on the steps businesses can take to limit the on the steps businesses can take to limit the impact of Brexit and the supports available.impact of Brexit and the supports available.
Brexit Readiness Checklist
Register with Revenue for your EORI number in order to trade with the UK after 1st January 2021 Find out what is needed to complete customs formalities and decide if they will be completed in-house or through a customs agent/broker Consider if you will be responsible for completing customs formalities in the UK and how this will be organised Check out customs authorisations and simplifications operated by Revenue that could be useful in completing customs formalities, such as the system of deferred payment on import duties Consider the cashflow implications of import duties, VAT and excise on goods imported from the UK (excluding Northern Ireland)

Other Controls
Identify sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) controls needed for live animals, plants and products of animal and plant origin (including wood and wood products) Register with the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine as an importer or exporter of live animals, plants and products of animal and plant origin Contact the Environmental Health Service of the HSE for food of plant origin where applicable Ensure that you and your UK suppliers use the international standard ISPM 15 standard wood pallets for imports and exports of goods
Product Compliance
Ensure you are compliant with import/export regulatory requirements, especially if you are importing/distributing goods from the UK post Brexit Ensure imported goods are correctly labelled and marked under EU Law If you use a UK notified body for conformity assessment you will need to transfer to an EU notified body. A list of EU notified bodies is available on the EU Commission’s NANDO database
Supply Chain
Map your supply chain for goods going to, from or through the UK including the route to final destination Examine supply chain costs and possible implications e.g. tariffs, customs formalities and transport logistics Seek assurances from your suppliers/distributors to ensure continuity of supply or consider alternatives e.g. changing supplier in another market Review contracts terms with your UK suppliers and customers Find out the origin of product components as some goods that come from the UK may not originate in the UK and may have an impact on duties or tariffs payable on the final product Acquaint yourself with the relevant documentation to demonstrate the originating status of your goods

Financial Management
Do you know your breakeven €/£ exchange rate for conducting business with the UK and take the necessary steps to reduce your exposure, e.g. currency hedging? Avail of Government financial supports to help manage your cashflow e.g. by availing of the Brexit Loan Scheme and the Future Growth Loan Scheme Check out the range of enterprise and financial supports available to businesses to meet Brexit related challenges under Government Support and Advice on this leaflet
Ensure that adequate protections are in place so that you can continue to transfer personal data if your business involves the transfer of personal data to or from the UK Take the necessary steps to ensure continued protection of intellectual property rights in the UK Apply for licences/authorisations in the EU-27 if your business has relied on these from UK authorities, or transfer such licences/authorisations issued by the UK to an EU-27-authority If you have a trade representative body engage with that body for additional information
Government Advice and GuidanceGovernment Advice and Guidance •Enterprise Ireland’s Brexit Readiness Checker •InterTradeIreland’s Tariff Checker •Enterprise Ireland’s Brexit Readiness Checker •InterTradeIreland’s Tariff Checker •Enterprise Ireland’s Currency Impact Calculator •InterTradeIreland’s Brexit Digital Content •Enterprise Ireland’s Currency Impact Calculator •InterTradeIreland’s Brexit Digital Content •Enterprise Ireland’s Customs Insight Online Course •Competition and Consumer Protection Commission Guidance •Enterprise Ireland’s Customs Insight Online Course •Competition and Consumer Protection Commission Guidance •Local Enterprise Offices’ Brexit Mentor Programme •Skillnet Ireland’s Clear Customs Training •Local Enterprise Offices’ Brexit Mentor Programme •Skillnet Ireland’s Clear Customs Training •InterTradeIreland’s Brexit Advisory Service •InterTradeIreland’s Brexit Advisory Service
Financial SupportsFinancial Supports •Brexit Loan Scheme •Enterprise Ireland’s Be Prepared Grant •Enterprise Ireland’s Act On Initiative •Brexit Loan Scheme •Enterprise Ireland’s Be Prepared Grant •Enterprise Ireland’s Act On Initiative •Future Growth Loan Scheme •Enterprise Ireland’s Market Discovery Fund •Enterprise Ireland’s Ready for Customs •Future Growth Loan Scheme •Enterprise Ireland’s Market Discovery Fund •Enterprise Ireland’s Ready for Customs •InterTradeIreland’s Start to Plan Voucher •InterTradeIreland’s Start to Plan Voucher
Preparing for new Customs ArrangementsPreparing for new Customs Arrangements In addition to the advice about changes in customs arrangements which is offered through Enterprise Ireland, the Local Enterprise Offices, InterTradeIreland, Skillnet Ireland and Bord Bia, information relating to Customs formalities In addition to the advice about changes in customs arrangements which is offered through Enterprise Ireland, is available at: www.revenue.ie/brexit the Local Enterprise Offices, InterTradeIreland, Skillnet Ireland and Bord Bia, information relating to Customs formalities is available at: www.revenue.ie/brexit
Preparing for changes in Legislation and Standards Preparing for changes in Legislation and Standards The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) provides support and advice to Irish companies regarding the legislative obligations for goods and products such as chemicals machinery, pressure equipment, transportable pressure equipment, lifts and safety components, PPE, The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) provides support and advice to Irish companies regarding the legislative obligations for goods equipment for use in explosive atmospheres, and on accreditation and the use of notified bodies. The National Standards Authority and products such as chemicals machinery, pressure equipment, transportable pressure equipment, lifts and safety components, PPE, of Ireland (NSAI) provides advice on how best to ensure businesses are certified to appropriate standards to access markets.equipment for use in explosive atmospheres, and on accreditation and the use of notified bodies. The National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) provides advice on how best to ensure businesses are certified to appropriate standards to access markets.
Enterprise Ireland Skillnet Ireland Údarás na Gaeltachta
www.enterprise-ireland.com www.skillnetireland.ieEnterprise Ireland Skillnet Ireland www.udaras.ie Údarás na Gaeltachta brexitunit@enterprise-ireland.com info@skillnetireland.iewww.enterprise-ireland.com www.skillnetireland.ie eolas@udaras.ie www.udaras.ie 01 727 2727 brexitunit@enterprise-ireland.com 01 207 9630 info@skillnetireland.ie 091 503 100eolas@udaras.ie 01 727 2727 01 207 9630 091 503 100
Local Enterprise Offices Revenue Health and Safety Authority
www.localenterprise.ieLocal Enterprise Offices Revenue www.revenue.ie/brexit www.hsa.ie Health and Safety Authority www.localenterprise.ie brexitqueries@revenue.iewww.revenue.ie/brexit wcu@hsa.iewww.hsa.ie InterTradeIreland www.intertradeireland.com 01 738 3685InterTradeIreland brexitqueries@revenue.ie 01 738 3685 1890 289 389wcu@hsa.ie 1890 289 389 brexit@intertradeireland.com 048 3083 4100 (028 from NI) Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine www.agriculture.gov.ie National Standards Authority of Ireland www.nsai.ie www.intertradeireland.com brexit@intertradeireland.com 048 3083 4100 (028 from NI) Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine National Standards Authority of Ireland IDA Ireland www.idaireland.com brexit@ida.ie IDA Ireland www.idaireland.com brexitcall@agriculture.gov.ie 076 106 4443 BrexitUnit@nsai.ie 01 807 3800 www.agriculture.gov.ie brexitcall@agriculture.gov.ie 076 106 4443 www.nsai.ie BrexitUnit@nsai.ie 01 807 3800 01 603 4000brexit@ida.ie 01 603 4000 Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation Competition and Consumer Protection CommissionDepartment of Business, Competition and Consumer Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland www.sbci.gov.ie info@sbci.gov.ie 01 238 4000 Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland www.sbci.gov.ie info@sbci.gov.ie 01 238 4000 www.dbei.gov.ie info@dbei.gov.ie 01 631 2121 Bord Bia www.bordbia.ie Enterprise and Innovation www.dbei.gov.ie info@dbei.gov.ie 01 631 2121 Bord Bia www.ccpc.ie 01 402 5555 Health Service Executive www.hse.ie hselive@hse.ie Protection Commission www.ccpc.ie 01 402 5555 Health Service Executive www.hse.ie Microfinance Ireland www.microfinanceireland.ie brexit@bordbia.ieMicrofinance Ireland www.bordbia.ie brexit@bordbia.ie 041 685 0300hselive@hse.ie 041 685 0300 info@microfinanceireland.ie 01 260 1007 Fáilte Ireland www.failteireland.ie www.microfinanceireland.ie info@microfinanceireland.ie Fáilte Ireland Food Safety Authority of Ireland www.fsai.ie Food Safety Authority of Ireland 01 260 1007 info@failteireland.iewww.failteireland.ie brexit@fsai.iewww.fsai.ie 01 884 7101info@failteireland.ie 01 817 1300brexit@fsai.ie 01 884 7101 01 817 1300

Go to www.gov.ie/brexitLEARN MORE Go to www.gov.ie/brexit
CIS share some Industry Stats
In this article Construction Information Services (CIS), www.cisireland.com takes a look at the volume, and value of construction projects across the various sectors and stages within the Construction industry that have been added/updated to CIS Online from 1st Jan – 30th October 2020 by the CIS Research Department.
Projects Published (Summary by Stage) Stage ROI Projects
Completed 201 Contract Awarded 439 On Site 1894 Planning Not Required 1 Plans Granted 4148 Plans Refused 603 Plans Submitted 2701 Plans Withdrawn 1078 Pre Planning 19 Tender 2501
Projects Published (Summary by Location) Region County
Connaught Co. Galway Co. Leitrim Co. Mayo Co. Roscommon Co. Sligo Leinster Co. Carlow Co. Dublin Co. Kildare Co. Kilkenny Co. Laois Co. Longford Co. Louth Co. Meath Co. Offaly Co. Westmeath Co. Wexford Co. Wicklow Munster Co. Clare Co. Cork Co. Kerry Co. Limerick Co. Tipperary Co. Waterford Northern Ireland Co. Antrim Co. Armagh Co. Down Co. Fermanagh Co. Derry Co. Tyrone Ulster (ROI) Co. Cavan Co. Donegal Co. Monaghan
NI Projects
21 208 421 0 1426 80 1388 20 70 528
Projects 738 126 347 205 201 220 2856 561 383 264 168 373 534 262 253 393 390 356 1557 483 589 638 326 1671 327 920 167 533 547 244 650 283 17565
ROI Value ¤1,140,050,358 ¤1,165,636,786 ¤18,535,785,970 ¤684,320 ¤17,344,245,018 ¤3,113,917,380 ¤8,022,420,490 ¤934,010,061 ¤4,273,880,000 ¤6,176,333,034 ¤60,706,963,417

Total Value ¤2,438,849,452.00 ¤60,624,918.00 ¤871,767,403.00 ¤239,860,923.00 ¤385,802,789.00 ¤387,254,581.00 ¤29,713,007,371.00 ¤2,984,738,693.00 ¤820,076,525.00 ¤626,632,712.00 ¤366,965,850.00 ¤1,724,222,274.00 ¤2,856,688,752.00 ¤622,750,279.00 ¤411,721,435.00 ¤1,694,452,537.00 ¤1,463,024,482.00 ¤510,557,011.00 ¤6,848,193,904.00 ¤1,214,164,974.00 ¤1,485,101,338.00 ¤754,921,894.00 ¤778,419,401.00 ¤7,941,396,702.00 ¤370,971,511.00 ¤1,109,979,475.00 ¤161,778,440.00 ¤965,114,897.00 ¤1,009,765,683.00 ¤492,262,117.00 ¤681,184,999.00 ¤276,107,289.00 ¤72,268,360,611.00
NI Value £55,197,019 £871,956,726 £3,487,017,705 £0 £2,433,548,150 £69,732,848 £1,885,976,507 £38,311,148 £565,463,607 £2,151,141,353 £11,558,885,063
About CIS
Construction Information Services (CIS) is Ireland’s leading provider of business intelligence to the Construction and Allied Industries. Founded in 1972, CIS is celebrating 48 years of providing comprehensive, researched, verified and real-time information on all building projects throughout Ireland - North and South. Our highly qualified research team investigate valuable projects in great detail to ensure businesses can make important decisions quickly and generate the right contract and supply opportunities for their pipeline.
For more information, call 01 2999200 or email sales@cisireland.com.