2007 April Fashion Show Supplement

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APRIL 2007 (VOL. 13, NO. 7)

est. 1893 • K-12 college prep






show H A R K E R


And the Oscars Go to Our Parent ent V Volunteers! Of course, this team was ably supported by hundreds of volunteers who collectively contributed countless hours on behalf of our school. The entire Harker community is grateful for the work they have done and we all know that this event could not happen without their effor ts and commitment.

By the Number Numbers — 1,356 —

Our school is made up of extraordinar y people and once again we have benefited from their talents. Thanks to ever yone in the Harker community, and we look for ward to an exciting event next year!

total guests at both shows

— 83 — models

— 32 — hosts and greeters

— 71 — performers

— 105 — showcase and auction donors

— 100+ — committee members

— 65 — additional parent volunteers

— $119,100 —

On Fri., Feb. 23, at the San Jose Convention Center, hundreds of students, faculty, parents, alumni and friends came together to “Watch our Stars Shine” at the 2007 Harker Fashion Show “Cinéfest.” This sold-out event was a demonstration of the collective dedication and positive spirit that helps to make Harker an exceptional community. We enjoyed wonder ful per formances by our students, stunning clothing provided by Macy’s, and fellowship between all school constituents. While there are far too many

individuals to thank, I do want to extend, on behalf of The Harker School, my sincere gratitude to our remarkable chair Archana Sathaye, her assistant chairs Joan Brooks, Violet Boyle, Roni Wolfe and Susan Cho, and the director, Laura Lang-Ree, for providing the vision and guiding this project to new heights. They worked tirelessly this past year to lead and coordinate all the elements and complexities of a truly important event and have done so with the grace and poise of our ver y own fashion models!

raised at live auction

— $6,055 — raised at silent auction

Thanks to our Shining Stars! CinéFest, Harker’s Fashion Show 2007, was a sold-out event with record attendance from our community.

CinéFest Photos Online NOW! Hundreds of exciting photos are online for viewing and ordering. Many thanks ag again to our press crew ew of students for their fabulous work that night (see pg. 4 for more wellearned credits)!

Thank you for the support! This community-building fundraising event was made possible with generous contributions from many sponsors, advertisers and donors. We encourage you to support those businesses listed in the show program and in the school’s online business director y. Special thanks to the administration, faculty, great team of assistant chairs, committee members, volunteers, models and per forming arts participants for their roles in making this event a success. It was a true team effort from all the shining stars of the Harker community!

—Archana Sathaye, 2007 Harker Fashion Show Chair

—Christopher Nikoloff Head of School


show 2007 An Oscar-W Oscar-Wor thy Performance! It seemed appropriate that Harker’s fourth annual Fashion Show was on Oscar weekend, for Harker has seldom seen a more award-winning event! The change of venue to the San Jose Convention Center was a positive one for all, with lots of room and helpful staff. Beautiful showcases and silent auction items greeted guests as they strolled around the foyer, and a tempting red carpet led into the per formance space. Dramatic and glamorous Hollywood-inspired touches included spotlights, a red marquee, clips and characters from favorite movies and a runway with a “red carpet” down the middle. From the moment the lights dimmed, the room felt like a true old-fashioned Hollywood premiere. After the evening show, master auctioneer Damon Casatico presided over a spirited live auction.The Oscar for Outstanding Achievement in Chairing goes to Archana Sathaye and her team, Violet Boyle, Joan Brooks, Susan Cho and Roni Wolfe, who coordinated this mammoth effort with panache. Oscars in the technical categories go to Harker’s own, director Laura Lang-Ree, production coordinator Brian Larsen, set designer Paul Vallerga, and our favorite impor ts, producer Beverly Zeiss, lighting designer Jon


Nothwang and sound designer John Faldetta. Some fabulous local experts were on hand to make our models per fectly made-up and coiffed. Craig Stanley, co-owner and manager of James Craig Haircolor & Design, styled the models’ hair, and said, “The Harker kids are

look, without looking ‘cookie cutter,’” is one of the fun challenges for her. “I’m proud that Preston Wynne was able to be a part of the magic.”

always the most fun to work with; they are a joy, understand the nature of a team event, and are all so cooperative that things go ver y smoothly.” For make-up, the models were in the capable hands of Sushila Battaion from the Preston Wynne Spa who noted that, “making sure that all of the models had a ‘similar’

Y also pr obably noticed the You lovely ar t exhibit surrounding the showcases in the lobby. The fashion show committee chose ar tists from each campus to exhibit their works; from the lower school they hand-selected one from each grade level. Thank you to our ar t teachers, Eric Hoffman, Elizabeth Saltos, Jaap Bongers and Pilar Aguero-Esparza, for helping to coordinate and install the beautiful display. The paparazzi and gossip columnists were on hand to collect candids and quotes, so keep reading to get the latest recap on CinéFest 2007!

Harker News — April 07, Fashion Show Supplement

Interviews With Our Shining Stars On the Red Carpet My favorite vorite segment w was (Dance Fusion’ ‘Footloose. Fusion’s) ‘F ’ I loved the dancer I w ers. was as also ver veryy impressed by the singer sing er who w was as on before dinner (J (Jazz azz Band sing singer Andrea Wang Wang, ang, Gr. 12). So many talented kids! I can’tt w man wait until next year! Y You alwa ways ys top your yourselves. selves.” —Craig Stanley (hair stylist)

my dress from Macy’s! ’ As long as we both knew w he w was as in charg charge e…all was w as g good ood!” —Carol Underwood (last year’ss co-chair co-chair,, mother of Alex, Gr Gr.. 11, Scott, Gr Gr. 9, Rober t, Gr Gr. 3)

“The The entire rehear rehearsal sal process w was as a blast! I loved spending time not only with my friends, but also with other

a lot about teamwork and cooperating “withI learned fellow models, dancers, dancer performer performers and the choreographers. choreographer graphers. ” —Molly Wolfe, lfe, Gr Gr. 6

“It It w was such a delight working with the Harker students. I appreciated their dedication and hard work in trying to achieve my vision. I loved tr their enthusiasm and professionalism....I will definitely miss working with them...we kind of became family!” —Beverly Zeiss (producer) “II w was as impressed at the org organization, anization, structure and and timeliness of your event. The set design of the show and the displa displays ys in the lobb lobbyy were also quite impressive. I really liked the ‘Pulp Fiction’’ segment; animal print is a hot trend for spring spring, so it was nice to see the different variaw tions of print amongst the different brands.” —Leanne M. Turpin (Macy’s Personal Shopper)

“I saw how confident my daughter ( (Sasha , Gr. 2) w was as w walking alking the runway ” —Lana Kipnis way. “II w was as thrilled when our director director,, Bev, suggested sugg ested I w walk alk a Great Dane down the runway way because he matched

people who I never ver g got the chance to know well until now.” —Stephanie Benedict, Gr Gr. 11

“I learned that modeling is really hard work...being up there on the runway way with all the lights on you and having to smile and look flawless even though you’re ’’re worried about tripping or messing up is a lot harder than it looks.” — Ayushi Gummadi, Gr Gr. 11

“I learned that sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone to rreally eally learn things and g get et the most out of life. And if you don’tt tr try these things now, when will your next chance to be in a fashion show or something be?” —Rachel Rachel W Wang, ang, Gr Gr.. 10 “I have designed bags and made shirts, and have done a few internships for fashion designing over the past few w summer summers, and this experience just confirms that fashion/designing is really what I love.” —Neha

“It is kind of hard NOT to smile while you are on stag stage.” —Niva Niva Bigler Bigler,, Gr Gr.. 8 “I loved being pampered by make-up artists and hair stylists. I had never experienced that before; I felt like a celebrity!” —Nicole Nicole Lindars, Gr Gr. 9 “Both Both m myself and my daughter had an awesome wesome time modeling modeling, and truly enjo enjoyed every ery moment of it. er Ig got ot well acquainted with man manyy parents, staff and faculty faculty, and it w was a great opportunity to know them in per person.” —Reva Reva V Vasan (mother of Vikram, Gr Gr. 3, Rini, K)

“I loved working with the parent fashion show w volunteer volunteers and the faculty staff and parent models. I faculty, was inspired by our laughter. And w wearing g gorg orgeous org eous diamond hoops is surprisingly exhilarating.” —Pauline Paskali (US teacher)

“I learned that everyone veryone ver yone who w was as a part of the fashion show had something special and unique to contribute to make the show great. I really enjo enjoyed surprising the audience when I came on the stag stage by the end of the runway way as Rocky in training as the movie vie clip w was showing on the screen.” —Tayr T o Cho, Gr Tayr Gr. 6 “You You just really have to cherish the Y time that you have ve to be on stag stage and make sure that it doesn’t go by so quickly that you miss it.” —Lauren Ill, Gr Gr. 11

Parikh, Gr Gr. 12

Harker News — April 07, Fashion Show Supplement



show 2007 Roll the Credits!

Jazz Band

Just like in the movie biz, it takes lots and lots of people behind the scenes and in front of the cameras to make a huge production successful. Thanks to the following groups who ensured the smooth operation of both the luncheon and dinner shows!

Alexander Achkinazi, Isaac Ball, Benjamin Carpenter, Patrick Gendotti, Naitri Jadeja, Roger Kim, Richard Kwant, Michael Lee, Brian Ma, Philip Perkins, Aadithya Prakash, Anton Sepetov, Shantanu Swaminathan, Daniel Tien, Steven Tran, Andrea Wang, Winston Wey, Annie Zhou, director Chris Florio.

Hosts and Hostesses

Varsity Dance Troupe V Julia Havard, Laura Holford, Cassie Kerkhoff, Karlene McCallaCreary, Sarah Payne, Ranjita Raghavan, Shilpa Rajgopal, Laura Sanchez Hartzell, Andrea Thomas, Allison Wong, director Laura Rae.

Garrett Brooks, Johnny Chang, Will Courchesne, Matt Emery, Ariel

Dance Fusion Press Corps

Gaknoki, Anjali Gill, Paula Gitis, Adnan Haque, Winny Huang, Jessica Hsueh, Jocelyn Ko, Danyal Kothari, Faustine Liao, Ashley Mor Morishige, Anusha Reddy, Kavita Shah, Arya Srinivasan, Alex Underwood.

Greeters Alison Axelrad, Natasha Chitkara, Alex Creasman, Monisha Dilip, Kelsey Hilbrich, Scott Mohanram, Shanna Polzin.


Priyanka Bearelly, Janise Chan, Brian Chao, Emily Chow, Chow Kaytee Comee, Sharon Shar Huang, Janet Jun, Jennifer Ong, Robert Sesek, Matt Wong, parents Joe NguyenLe and Steven Wong, manager Chris Daren.

PERFORMERS (in order of appearance) Chamber Ensemble Denaly Chen, Joseph Chen, Catherine Chiu, Stephanie Kim, Audrey Kwong, Julia Shim, Jonathan Wang, Tiffany Yu, director Chris Florio.

Megy Appalaraju, Mercedes Chien, Isabelle Connell, David Cutler, Ethan Cutler, Karan Das-Grande, Tiphaine Delepine, Caroline Howells, Michaela Kastelman, Cecilia Lang-Ree, Payal Modi, Kevin Moss, Michelle Pagnon, Katherine Paseman, Hannah Prutton, Sindhu Ravuri, Kevin Susai, Andrew Zhu, director Gail Palmer.

Downbeat Lauren Ammatuna, Debanshi Bheda, D.J. Blickenstaff, Ben Englert, Simren Kohli, Cailin MacKenzie, Molly Newman, Joshua PinzĂĄs, Julia PriceMadison, Amaresh Shukla, Aseem Shukla, Siobhan Stevenson, Patrick Sweeney, VyVy VyVy Trinh, Kartik tik V Venkatraman, Nina Vyedin, directors Laura Lang-Ree and Catherine Snider.

Harker News — April 07, Fashion Show Supplement

All Cinema Showcases Win Oscars for Set Design CINEMA SHOWCASE WINNERS On behalf of The Harker School and the CinéFest Showcases Committee we want to thank all of the merchants, parents and friends of Harker who so generously donated items, money and their time to create these exquisitely designed showcases filled with wonderful prizes for all ages.

Feature Film: JERRY MAGUIRE - “Show w Me the Mone Money!” y!” $5,000 CASH Winner: Kathy Fernandes

Cinema 1: GOLDFINGER “My name is Bond - James Bond.” Designer: Marie Peterson, Chelsea Court Designs Winner: Shirlee Schiro

Cinema 2: ST STAR WARS - “May May the force be with you!” Ma Designer: Dennis Baldwin, Dennis Baldwin Interiors Winner: Navindra & Madhu Jain

Cinema 3: THE SECRET GARDEN - “The whole world is a garden.” Designer: Craig Shannon, Stems; Frederick Ojeda, Acanthus Interior Design Winner: Joan Brooks

Cinema 4: PIRA PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN “Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s ’’s life for me!” Designers: Diane Hurd & Peter Hurd, Hurd Designs Six separate Treasure Chest winners! Treasure Chest 1 Winner: Kelly Davis Treasure Chest 2 Winner*: Anna Oleimlkova Treasure Chest 3 Winner*: Jenny Lu Treasure Chest 4 Winner*: Louise Giammona Treasure Chest 5 Winner: Andy & Kim Jonich Treasure Chest 6 Winner*: Theresa Weisbloom * Drawn at luncheon

Harker News — April 07, Fashion Show Supplement



show 2007 Silent Auction Subtitled a Success! Congratulations to the winners of this year’s silent auction items, and our sincere thanks to all of our generous donors! TTeapot & Bottle, still-life watercolor by Akhila Bhoopalam ’07 Donor: Akhila Bhoopalam Winner: Christine Davis Bottles, charcoal by Anna Huang ’07 Donor: Anna Huang Winner: Anna Huang

Five California Wines “A 1994 Horizontal” Donor: Ryan Hong Winner: John Keyashian Golf for Four at Pasadera Gold Resort Donor: Pasadera Golf Resort Winner: Aarti Awashi

Saks Fifth Avenue, photograph by Roger Kim ’ 07 Donor: Roger Kim Winner: Diana Morabito

Golf Threesome and Lunch with Scott Munro at Preserve Golf Course Donor: A Friend of Harker Winner: J. D. Fay

Artt is a Global Languag Language, digital media by Natasha Wu ’08 Donor: Natasha Wu Winner: Christine Davis

Jessie Et’Laurent Gourment, Healthy Meals delivered to your home Donor: Jessie Et’Laurent Winner: Jeri Finch

Classic Hermes of Paris Silk Printed Scarf Donor: Hermes of San Francisco Winner: Madelyn Isaacs

Evening with TTown and Countr y Private Chef Service Donor: TTown & Countr y Resources Winner: Amanda Lundie

Baroque Pearl with Citrine Necklece Set in 18 Karat white gold Donor: Flower Diamond Boutique Pte. LTD Winner: Steve Benedict

Rich Red Fox Fur Capelet by NY Furrier, Cassin Donor: Burlingame Cassin Winner: Aarti Awashi

Premium collection of Pinot Noir Wines Donor: Joseph George Distributors Winner: Christine Davis

Just Dinners Gift Certificates Donor: Just Dinners of Los Gatos Winner: Jeri Finch Signed Script of FOX’s Award-Winning, d-Winning, High-T High-Tension Series “24” Donor: Fran and Jonathan Axelrad Winner: John Davis


Harker News — April 07, Fashion Show Supplement

Live Auction Action Provided Non-Stop Thrills! Dynamic auctioneer Damon Casatico led a passionate evening of bidding at the dinner show’s Live Auction. Congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to the donors!

Notable Quotes “The most fun moment w was after the dinner show. My friend and I went on the runw runway ay when people were dancing dancing, and we made up our own routine.”

T Teen Par ty Event with Lead Singer Donor: Nicole Stoehr, lead singer of Devo 2.0 Winner: Ann Lithicum

VIP Package for your Senior’s 2007 Graduation Donors: The Harker School; V Venz Photography Winner: Hemant & Monisha Bheda

Hummer Limo for 20 Donor: Executive Transportation Club Winner: Romesh & Sunita Japra

Fabulous bulous South Lake TTahoe Log Cabin for the Week Donors: Krish and Nina Panu Winner: Lisa Dorrian

Four Seasons Carlsbad Donor: Dr. Maya Chakerian Winner: Sherman Tuan & Maggie Zheng

Greek Dinner for 10 Donors: John and Amalia Keyashian Winner: Gordon don & T Tanya Ringold

Jewelry by Deja & Co. Donor: Deja Laufer Winner: Raj Das & Concepcion Grande

Week at Luxury Villa at Cabo San Lucas Donor: The Davis Family Winner #1: Lisa Dorrian Winner #2: Michel Susai & Sudha Michel

“II had a lot of fun performing performing, being with friends, and it g got a little crazy during the hour hours between the lunch and dinner show.” —Jake Schwartz, tz, Gr Gr. 9

VIP Access to IRL Infineon Grand Prix of Sonoma Donor: Sam Schmidt Motorsports Winner: Daniel Orr & Maia Chakerian

“With this experience, I have gained ined confidence and I am al always conscious about the way I way walk and my posture and subtle things that I learned during the show.” —Nikita Nikita Agrawal, Gr Gr. 9

Y Yorkshir e Terrier Puppy Donor: David Heslop Winner: Christopher & Pamela Contag Chef Steve Dinner Donor: Steve Martin Winner #1: Michael & Susan Eckhardt Winner #2: Julien & Tu Anh Nguyen 2007 Emmy Awards at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles Donors: Academy of TTelevision Ar ts and Sciences Park Hyatt Hotel, Los Angeles; The Jackson Family (airfare) Winner: John & Michelle Keller Indian Catering by Swagat for a Party of 100 plus DJ! Donors: Swagat Restaurant; Illusion Entertainment Winner: Rick & Violet Boyle Lower School Birthday Party ty Hosted by Head of School, Mr. Nikoloff Donors: Christopher and Corina Nikoloff Nikolof Winner: Ashish & Sangeeta Chona Studio TTour at Private Ranch Donor: Denise Brodersen; Winner: John & Christine Davis Designer Gown Certificate tificate by Azadeh Donor: Azadeh Winner: Nack & Susan Cho

Fine Art Photography Donor: Jerry ry Venz Venz Winner: James Heath Pledge Donation Barry Culpepper & Denise Brodersen Brodersen

—Maya Sathaye, Gr Gr. 6

“The most fun moment w was actually the anticipation w wait aitaiting right behind the screens before we w walked alked out on stag stage. e. Also, I g got to know a lot more freshmen …. It w was really fun making new friends during the whole process.” —Daniel Hsu, Gr 10 Gr.

“I’m m not sa saying that being a model is tougher than being a neurosurg neurosurgeon, but ut ther there’’s more to it than one would originally think – keeping your weight where it’s ’’s supposed to be, and walking perfectly straight while making it look natural. ” —Jacob Yanovsky Yanovsky anovsky,, Gr Gr.. 12

“When When I w was learning how to walk on the runway, way the hardest way, thing w was to stall and dance if we needed to. F For example, if the kinderg kindergar tner tners didn’t get off the runway way on time, we were g going to basically run over them. So, we had to stop in the middle of the runway way and boo ” —Angeline boogie. Angeline Pan, Gr Gr. 4 “I am more confident. I usually have recitals, where I g get to focus more on my music; but now I had to look at the audience.” —Priya Priya Sathaye, Gr Gr. 9

“I would have ve to sa say the hardest thing is not looking down while going down wn steps without rail railings, at the same speed as your partner, tner stepping with the same tner, feet as her/him in, like, threeinch heels.” —Keri Clifford, d, Gr Gr. 6 “I am not a particularly smooth slow w dancer dancer, and it definitely took a lot of practice to g get the dip down. Nonetheless, we nailed it, and it w was beautiful, if I ma mayy sa sayy so m myself! yself!” —Rupon Bose, Gr Gr. 12

Harker News — April 07, Fashion Show Supplement



show 2007

Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors!

Notable Quotes

Air Systems, Inc. ★ Banerjee Chopra Family

fashions by

CH Premier Jewelers ★ Communicart Graphics and Printing Connell Family ★ Davé Family Trust Davis Family ★ Diamond Quality Printing Federal Realty Investment - Santana Row

of Shazdeh Hussain, Gr Gr. 5)

Hunter Laboratories - Marcia and Chris Riedel Navindra and Madhu Jain ★ Mantra Restaurant and Lounge Morgan Stanley, San Francisco Krish and Nina Panu ★ XL Construction Denise Brodersen, CFP, UBS Financial Services Brooks Family ★ Cho Family ★ Citti’s Florist, Inc. Courtesy Chevrolet ★ Heritage Bank of Commerce INTERO Real Estate Services - Saratoga Jackson Family ★ Lai Family Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP ★ Rector Porsche Smith Barney, Hall Walsworth Group Stevens Creek BMW ★ Susai Family Wells Fargo Private Client Services MAKEUP: Preston Wynne Spa HAIR DESIGN: James Craig, Haircolor & Design PHOTOGRAPHY:: V Venz Fine Photography of Saratoga

“I learned that The Harker School has thousands of supporters ters in the forms of parents, ter staff, students and friends, who are willing to go to great lengths to make it a success. I worked with some ver very cooperative, warm, w g generous people.” —Faiza Rahim (mother “It w was as hard reali realizing zing that the stage stag ew wasn asn’t the same floor as what we had practiced on. During rehear rehearsals, if you stepped outside the blue tape, it w was fine. In the show, if you stepped off the edg edge…you would be in someone’s ’’s food.” —Emily Carr, Gr Gr. 10

“II must sa say that each and every ver time I see Downbeat, Dance Troupe, Orchestra and the other performer performers, it gives me goose bumps, and makes me g sa ‘WOW! this show and these say, children are amazing.’’ I feely truly blessed to showcase the true being of what Harker is all about…the the total per person.” —Marcia Reidel (founding fashion show co-chair co-chair, mother of Randall, Gr.. 6, Hunter Gr Hunter,, Gr Gr.. 3)

Q. What w was the hardest thing about learning to w walk the runway? wa A. “The turns!” —Matt way? Giammona, Gr Gr. 6

Program Advertisers Manyy thanks ag again to the wonderful advertisers tisers who suppor ted Harkerr with an ad in our pro tiser program: Aarisha Dental • Academic Expeditions • Ackerly Entertainment • Age Defying Dermatology • Air Systems • All About Eyes Optometry • All Chem Supply • Allan Advisors, Inc. • Intero Real Estate Services • Autowest Acura of Stevens Creek • B & G Jewelers • Barry ry Kliger DDS • Bayspor t, Inc. • Bellarmine College Preparatory • Bernadine nadine Ai-Kuo • Re/Max V Valley Properties • Buddy System In-Home Tutors, Inc. • Byjan Bakery • California Bathroom & Kitchen Remodelers • California Karate Academy • California Sport Design • Capers • CBIZ • CH Premier Jewelers • Chelsea Court Design • Cheryl yl Acheson • ClickA ClickAway • Coelho’s Body Repair • Coldwell Banker • Craig Creasman, MD • Daniel Hall, DDS, MSD • Danny Thomas Party Rentals • Designed to Treasure • Downey Savings • Alan Everett, DDS, Inc. • Brian S. Nettleman, DDS • David Constant, DDS • Mark DalPorto, DDS • Eco Struction • Elaine and Mitch Lee • Executive Homes Realty • First City Bancorp Mortgage Inc. • Fletcher Jones Motorcars of Fremont emont • Frankie, Johnnie, & Luigi TToo! • Fremont Foreign Auto • George Ziemek, DDS and Jeanette Ziemek, DDS • Goldman, Sachs & Co./Nicholas Eaton • Hand in Hand Parenting Organization ganization • Heda Koh, D.D.S • High TTech Passpor t • Hopkins and Carley, A Law Corporation • Hunter Labs • India Parent • Irene Lo, DDS, Inc. • J. Barnes Construction • Jespersen & Jespersen, DDS, Inc. • Joe Escobar Diamonds • Joseph Gill • Just Windows • Keith Chow, OD • Keith Kosakura, OD • Kitsch Couture • Knitting Arts • KPMG LLP • Lampshade Party Productions • Le Papillon Restaurant • Leland, Parachini, Steinberg, g, Matzger & Melnick, LLP • Mark TTantr um Photography • Mc Pharlin, Sprinkles & Thomas, LLP • Medallion Rug Gallery ry • Mer rill Lynch • Merry ry Mar t • Mission Electric Company • Mortgage Magic • Nirus us TTennis Academy • Nishimura Dental Group • Notre Dame High School • Oakley and Associates • Odwalla • Out of the Envelope • Pakmail • Piercey cey TToyota • Presidio Exchange Advisors • R. W. Gabler • RJ Dailey Construction Co. • San Jose Grand Prix • Santa Clara Swim Club • Satara TTechnology • Sereno Group oup • Silicon V Valley Auto Group • SkyBlue Pools • Steve Nazzal Construction • Sunita Bajaj, DDS • Sunstar Energy • Susanne Bohl - Realtor • The Conrado Company • The Hall-Walsworth Group • The Mountain Winery • Thomas G. Peters, DDS, MS • Tiempo Interior • Transcultural Promotions • United TTours and Travel • V Valya Ragu • Warren Lee, DMD • Wells Fargo • Wen-Jing Lin, M.D. • Wooden ooden Horse TToy Store • Zip Realty

The Harker School is a K-12 independent, co-ed, college-prep school. Grades K-5: 4600 Bucknall Rd., San Jose, CA 95130; Grades 6-8: 3800 Blackford Ave., San Jose, CA 95117; Grades 9-12: 500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose, CA 95129 Harker believes that all persons are entitled to equal employment yment oppor opportunity and does not discriminate against its employees yyees or applicants because of race, color, color religion, sex (including pregnancy pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), national origin, ancestry, ag age (over 40), marital status, political affiliations, physical ysical or mental disability disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by state or federal laws, local law or ordinance.


The Harker News provides timely information, news and features about the Harker community to current and alumni Harker families. Editor: P Pam Dickinson; Lead Writer:: Catherine Snider Snider; Cop Copy Editor : Jennifer ennifer Marag Maragoni; Production: Blue Heron Design Group; Photos: Harker archives; Contributors: Contributor Lisa Blickenstaff & Desiree Mitchell Printing: Carol Sosnowski; Mailing Coordinator:: Desir Desiree Mitchell.

Harker News — April 07, Fashion Show Supplement

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