2007 March Capital Campaign

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MARCH 2007 (VOL. 13, NO. 6)

est. 1893 • K-12 college prep

Capital campaign A


inside Visionary Donors ..2, 6, 7 & 8







Progress Report: Phase III Science & Technology Center Breaks Ground in June

Annual Giving & Capital Campaign: What’s the Difference?........................ 3 History of Harker’s Capital Giving ................. 4, 5 Focus on Green .................. 5

online Visit the new Capital Campaign section on the Harker Web site for updates and news on this project!

events Groundbreaking June

Ribbon Cutting

Late August/ Early September Stay tuned for more details!

Groundbreaking for the new Science & Technology Center is scheduled for the end of this academic year, and the building will be ready for use in the fall of 2008. It will be a 52,000 square foot building and will house chemistry, physics, biology and technology classroom space. Additionally, the building will offer long-term project space for each of the science disciplines and collaboration space for the faculty. It will feature a 200-seat theaterstyle auditorium, a cyber-café for students and an open-air central plaza that can be used for student gathering and events.

Added Phase III Feature: Regulation Size Athletic Field and Pool See pg. 2 for details



Phase III Fundraising Progress Report In the past few years Harker has received gifts and pledges of approximately $10 million for the Science & Technology Center. The estimated cost of Phase III is $25 million. Therefore, at this time we need to raise an additional $15 million to pay for the construction of the Science & Technology Center, the athletic field and pool. The campaign for the Science & Technology Center is moving to its “public phase” with gifts and pledge payments being accepted through the first quarter of 2009. Pledges to this phase of the campaign can be paid over the next three tax years.

Harker Recognizes our Generous Visionary Donors

Phase III Addition to Feature Athletic Field and Pool In addition to breaking ground on the Science & Technology Center this summer, we will also be adding a new athletic field and regulation pool, complete with bleachers for fans to watch and cheer on our teams. The athletic facilities will be completed in the fall of 2007. It is through the generosity and leadership of John and Christine Davis (pictured at left) and other interested parents that this project is able to take place at the same time as the Science & Technology Center. Christine and John Davis are among the Visionary Donors at Harker and will be serving as co-chairs of this phase of the Capital Campaign.

■ Facilities Named in Their Honor The new Science & Technology Center will have specially designed wings for each of the academic disciplines. Each of these wings will be named in honor of one of our generous visionar y benefactors. The Jain Technology Wing will be named in honor of Navindra and Madhu Jain, who made the first visionar y gift of $1 million, after the Nichols Family donated the Saratoga Campus to the school in 1972. The Pawlowski Chemistry Wing will be named in honor of alumni parent Brian Pawlowski, for the visionar y gift he gave when the planning was still just beginning for this project. The Ringold Interdisciplinary Science Research Center will be named in honor of current Harker parents Tanya and Gordon Ringold, who recently made a second generous gift to the Cornerstones Campaign.

■ Additional Visionary Donors Shah Hall was dedicated in 2000 honoring Lata and Ajay Shah, the lead donors for the building. The Patil Performing Arts Center will be built in Phase IV of the Master Site Plan for the Saratoga site. The Patil Per forming Ar ts Center will be named in honor of Suhas and Jayashree Patil, who made an early visionar y gift to the Cornerstones Campaign. Nichols Plaza will be the arrival plaza to the Saratoga campus upon the completion of the Saratoga campus build-out. In 1972, Howard and Diana Nichols donated the land on which the Saratoga site sits to the Harker Foundation.

■ Other Donor Recognition In addition to the Visionaries, Harker is for tunate to have many generous parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty and staf f members, and friends of Harker who have made gifts to the campaign. New donors to the Capital Campaign are recognized in each year’s annual r epor t. Donors making gifts of $2,500 or more are recognized at their lifetime cumulative gift/pledge level on the donor walls located on the Saratoga and Bucknall campuses. Donors making gifts/pledges of $10,000 to $10,000,000 are recognized by having a special place on campus named in their honor.


Campaign Co-Chairs John and Christine Davis, Ashok Krishnamurthi and Deepa Iyenga

Campaign Team Doug and Linda Emery, Sean and Leslie Doherty, Yan Ke and June Li, Shirish and Archana Sathaye, Lon and Mary Allan, Howard and Diana Nichols, Chris Nikoloff, Joe Rosenthal, Melinda Gonzales, Dr. Anita Chetty, Dan Molin, Dan Hudkins, Fred Triefenbach.

Krishnamurthi Matching Gift Challenge Ashok Krishnamurthi and Deepa Iyengar, Harker Visionary Donors, are very committed to helping raise the money for this phase of the campaign. They wish to see the project completed as soon as possible so our students can enjoy the use of the facilities. Therefore, they have made a matching gift challenge to the families with students involved in athletics in grades K-8. They will match dollar for dollar all gifts and pledges made to the school before June of 2007, up to $1,000,000. The Krishnamurthi’s have been long time supporters of the Harker School and hope you will join them in investing in Harker’s future. “It’s not often that one gets an opportunity to positively affect the future. At Harker, by making a difference in the future brain trust of our greater community, we all win.” —Ashok Krishnamurthi

Harker News — March 07

Annual Giving and Capital Campaign: What’s the Difference? Each fall we kick off the Annual Giving Campaign by asking our parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty and friends to make a gift to the Annual Fund. These gifts are solicited by a group of parent volunteers called the Parent Development Council and are used to support the operating budget. As with most independent schools, tuition does not cover the full costs of running Harker. Annual Giving gifts are the primary gifts we ask from the school community and these contributions are what help provide the “margin of excellence” we offer our students and faculty. Generally speaking, a gift to Annual Giving is made from a donor’s disposable income, rather than from their assets. Many corporations will match a gift made to the Annual Giving Campaign.

“…Annual Giving is akin to our checking ac-

count and the Capital Campaign is our savings account.

We are currently leaving the “quiet phase” of our Capital Campaign. This means that we are announcing publicly a campaign to raise funds for Phase III of the Cornerstones Campaign – the Science & Technology Center and athletic field and pool. Capital Campaign gifts, often made from a donor’s assets, can be made with a multiyear commitment and are used to improve permanent assets, i.e. facilities or to build an endowment. One way to think about Annual Giving and a Capital Campaign is to think that Annual Giving is akin to our checking account and the Capital Campaign is our savings account. Our checking account is used for daily and routine expenses and our savings account is to invest in the future. For example, the cost of sets and costumes for a performing arts show are an Annual Giving expense, whereas the cost to build the new performing arts center will use capital funds. It is critical that throughout the capital campaign, we continue to support Annual Giving.

Independent School Financial Model ▲

Annual Operations Tuition & Fees • Salaries • Benefits • Mortgage • Taxes & Utilities

• Insurance • Basic Academic & Extracurricular • Maintenance & Operations

Annual Harker Fund — “Margin of Excellence” • • • •

Student Programs Athletics & Clubs Performing & Visual Arts Teacher Training

• Technology • Library • Student Services

Capital Improvements Capital Campaign • Science & Technology Center • Performing Arts • Library

Harker News — March 07

• Gym • Student Union

Friends of Harker The following is a listing of all the donors who have made gifts, pledges and/or pledge payments to Capital Giving since 1992. It includes all gifts recorded by December 31, 2006.

■ 1992-1993 The Campaign for Harker’s Future Henry Akio & Jui-Pao Cheng Bob & Sally Anderson Dado & Maria Banatao Steve & Bev Floyd Dennis & Polly Fong Lou & Sheila Frankel Wu Lieh & Tsai Luan Ho Ha Lin Yip Huang John & Barbara Kawahara David & April Kawahara Al & Suzanne Maas Larry & Mary Makal Harris & Sharon Meyers Jon & Linda Michaelson Howard & Diana Nichols Ron & Jennifer Ridgeway Joe Rosenthal Joe & Linda Sabeh Rayong & Sunthary Sarai Chet & Irene Silvestri Chusak & Chwen Siripocanont Lynette Stapleton David & Leslie Takamoto

■ 1994-1996 Passing the Torch Campaign Marcia Adams Henry Akio & Jui-Pao Cheng Usua & Mary Amanam Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Ammatuna Robert & Sally Anderson Fayaz & Kausar Ashgar Lyn, Mimi, Wynn-Thor Aye & Khin Nyo Thet Diosado & Maria Banatao Alex & Gloria Banuelos Evelyn Bennett Ms. Joyce Berkowitz Mr. & Mrs. Ravinder Bhatnagar Gloria Brown Jerry & Donna Bulcholz Davis & Jocelin Chang Baldwin & Patricia Choi Katie & Kristi Chou Harold J. Chow, Class of ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Chow Mr. Ed Cismondi, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Clark Bessie Conom Margaret Conway Melvin & Jane Cozby Gregory & Ni Denari

James A. & Ann Dobbins Douglas & Ruth Eastman John & Victoria Emmons Terry & Patricia Erwin John & Jan Eurich Behzad & Donia Fatemi Rick & Georgene Ferrera Delbert & Fillmore The Floyd Family Dennis Fong & Polly Kam Diane & Randy Fossum Louis & Sheila Frankel Dan & Pam Gelineau Alicia Gloria Andrew & Susan Green Michael & Anne Green Davinder & Ruby Gulati Thomas Gurnee & Jeanne Ackley Leo Gutstein & Carol Shapiro Gutstein Mark & Linda Hahn Graham Hall & Deborah Sault Timothy Heath Wu-Lieh & Tsai Luan Ho Mr. & Mrs. C.J. Huang Steven & Jane Hubert Michelle Magboo Hunter Ada Anna Glover Jackson William & Leticia Jarvis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jenkins Gordon & Debra Kanagaki Rasik & Jayshree Kansarar Ramesh & Shakira Karipineni David & April Kawahara John & Barbara Kawahara Laverne Keezer Mr. James Kerins Paul & Sue Kim The Father of Kevin & Michael Kim Steve & Jong Ku The Family of Victor, Daniel & Jessica Lee Robert & Marianne Lent Mrs. Jeanne Leonard Cheng-Ming & Pi Chin Li Jiin & Judy Lin George Liu Mr. & Mrs. Wei-Ti Liu Martin & Amanda Lundie Al & Suzanne Maas Drs. Anmol Mahal & Surjit Mahal Lawrence & Mary Makal Kenneth Manaster & Ann Br&ewie Hank & Maria Marr Roger & Gail McCarthy Mrs. Vivian Medzian Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mendell Babette Meyers Harris & Sharon Meyers Continued on pg. 6




A History of Capital Giving at Harker ■ The Early Years Major Donald Nichols established Harker as a nonprofit school in 1965. Prior to 1965, Harker operated as a for-profit school, the common structure for private schools at that time. In 1972, Howard and Diana Nichols

When it became clear that the school was going to be sustainable in the new location, the Nichols family donated the land that the Saratoga campus sits on to the Harker School. Their multimillion dollar gift was the first Visionary gift to Harker and launched Harker on its path to becoming the school it is today. In the early days of Harker, the Mothers and Fathers Clubs, the predecessors to the Parent Development Council, were founded to fundraise for both annual enhancements and major capital improvements, such as the pool, gym, athletic fields and classroom renovations on the Saratoga campus and new school buses. Today, the Parent Development Council focuses its efforts on raising funds for the equipment and programs that make up our “margin of excellence” each year.

moved the schools -- the Palo Alto Military Academy and the Miss Harker School -- from Palo Alto to the beautiful new campus located at 500 Saratoga Avenue in San Jose, Calif. At the new location, the schools merged to become Harker Academy, a co-educational, independent, private school.

In 1992, Harker embarked on its first capital campaign, the Campaign for Harker’s Future, which consisted of the construction of a new kindergarten building (which now houses the Upper School’s visual arts complex). With this campaign, Harker’s financial model reflected the model used by independent schools today. From 1994-96, Harker conducted the Passing the Torch Campaign, which was focused on filling the need for a new academic building for grades 7 and 8. The result was Dobbins Hall. Today, Dobbins is used as general classroom space; upon the completion of the Science & Technology Center, Dobbins will be the US math building.

■ The Cornerstones Campaign for Success In 1996, Harker conducted a feasibility study on whether or not to add a high school. The study concluded with an overwhelming consensus to add a high school and to build one of the very best ones in the country. The following is excerpted from a joint letter from Howard and Diana Nichols that was sent to the Harker community stating the intentions for the new upper school in 1997. “Dear Friends: Big things are happening at The Harker School. You see, we’ll be opening the doors to Harker High School in fall 1998, making it the newest private, non-sectarian, co-educational high school in the South Bay. Why? Because the existing schools are experiencing unprecedented demand as part of a national shift toward private education. And also because we are committed to offering Harker students an education that will prepare them for the university of their choice... As we said, big things are happening here at Harker, and we need your help.” In 1998, the Cornerstones for Success Campaign was launched to complete this vision. It would take an extensive multiyear, multiphase campaign to provide the facilities to match the quality of our students and teachers. The name “Cornerstones Campaign” was chosen to highlight the four cornerstones that are the formula for Harker’s success: 1) outstanding


students, 2) motivating teachers, 3) quality curriculum, and 4) outstanding facilities. Prior to welcoming the first class of incoming freshmen, the lower school students had to be moved to a new site. Then the middle school students needed their own space -- Shah Hall -- and as they outgrew that space, they too needed to be moved to a separate site. And now, Harker can return its focus to the Saratoga site and build out the campus to better fit the needs of its upper school students.

Phase I - Bucknall Campus With the establishment of the upper school on the Saratoga campus, Harker searched for a new home fit for primary and elementary students. On Jan. 7, 1998, escrow closed on the Bucknall campus and Harker officially took possession. By September the Bucknall site was brought to Harker’s high standards, its appearance and functionality had improved greatly and it was ready Harker News — March 07

Phase III Science & Technology Center The Science & Technology Center marks the beginning of the build-out of the Saratoga site. The addition of the Science & Technology Center will provide the kind of classrooms that will match the quality and capabilities of our talented students and teachers. This phase also includes the addition of an athletic field and regulation-size pool Future projects include the Patil Performing Arts Center, a gymnasium, a library and a student center.

for the lower school students and faculty. Among the renovations to the existing site were: completely refurbishing the classrooms with new heating and air conditioning systems; new computer and electrical systems; new paint, carpets, flooring and counter space; densely planting the perimeter of the grounds and adding fences and gates and two new fully equipped commercial kitchens. In addition to renovating existing buildings, Harker built the gymnasium/ classroom complex. This allowed for a state-of-the-art stage and playground complex; two large performing arts classrooms; separate computer labs for grade K-Gr. 3 and Gr. 4-5; a new kindergarten area with classrooms; separate science labs for grades 2-3; the 500-classroom building and a beautiful new pool. These facilities were funded in large part by many generous Harker families.

Phase II – Shah Hall After welcoming the first upper school class, it became a reality that the middle school students needed a space of their own to learn and grow. In response, Phase II of the Cornerstones Campaign was initiated in 1999 and Shah Hall was built. Shah Hall provided the middle school with a state-

To be a part of this exciting project, contact Joe Rosenthal, executive director of advancement, joer@harker.org. Also, visit the NEW Capital Campaign section on the Harker Web site for updates and news on this project!

Focus on Green

of-the-art space that was solely designated and designed to fit their needs. In September 2000, Shah Hall was dedicated recognizing the visionary gift of Ajay Shah and Lata Krishnan. Harker News — March 07

As the planning for the construction of the Science & Technology building moves ahead, one of the many factors being considered is how to make the building as “green” as possible. Part of the process is having the building LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified. The school receives LEED points for employees and visitors who drive very low- and zero-emission vehicles to work, and may offer preferential parking to those drivers to encourage others to purchase those types of vehicle. Other LEED factors include making the building energy efficient and using renewable resources in construction. According to the U.S. Green Building Council Web site, “the LEED Green Building Rating System is the national benchmark for high performance green buildings.”


Capital Continued from pg. 2 Jon & Linda Michaelson Mrs. & Mr. Melissa Michiels Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Fred Muller Mr. & Mrs. Jim Narayama Dr. William E. Neeley & Andrea Neeley Dr. Evelyn M. Neufeld Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Nguyen Donald Nichols Howard & Diana Nichols David & Tricia Niederauer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Okamoto Dr. Judith Oppenheimer Carol Parris Mr. John Pataye & Ms. Helga Preiss Drs. Dushyant Patel & Mandakini Patel Margaret G. Peterson Mrs. Harriet Pittman Beverly & J. Michael Poellot Fletcher & Louise Ponds Monica Preiss-Pataye Irene Pritzker Mr. & Mrs. Barry Posner Mr. & Mrs. Kirk M. Pumphrey Dr. Wilfred Raine & Ms. Regina Olsen-Raine Juanita Reep In Honor of Erica Ridgeway Chris C. Riedel & Marcia A. Prendergast Baudella L. Rios Joe & Blanca Rosenthal Marc & David Roxas Kim Sabbag Joe & Linda Sabeh Drs. Harmeet Sachdev & Tripta Sachdev Howard & Susan Saltzman Jenaro Sanchez Narong & Sunthary Sarai Mr. & Mrs. Lars Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Kimio Shibata Mr. & Mrs. Bok Shin Chet & Irene Silvestri Chusak & Chwen Siripocanont Harriet Skapinsky Ms. Reiko P. Sota Herbert & Huali Chai Stanek Lynette Stapleton Hugh Stuart Center Charitable Trust David & Leslie Takamoto Ron & Linda Tate Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Thenemann Peggy K. Thompson Steve Troy Ali Tsao Mr. & Mrs. Mike Tseng Cornelis & Barbara Van Der Wal Robert & Frances Verbarg Steven & Susan Wade Mr. & Mrs. Harold Wake Mr. & Mrs. Edward Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Ward


campaign The Warmenhoven Family Curtis & Elena Widdoes Mr. & Mrs. Earl R. Williams, Jr. Mrs. Geraldyne Witkin Mr. & Mrs. Ken K.K. Wong Mr. & Mrs. Russell Wong Mr. Steven Wong & Dr. Lorna Yamaguchi Jeorge & Yvonne Wu Eric & George Xanthopoulos Mrs. Milagros L. Yee Dr. & Mrs. Abraham Zachariah Mike & Nancy Zamani Mr. & Mrs. Tuen-hao Zee John Zetterquist

■ 1997 Master Site Plan Build Out Marcia Adams Mr. & Mrs. Sung Wook Ahn Linda Alexander Peter Anderson Michael & Sandy Archer Adam Arian Alex & Gloria Banuelos Deanna & Don Barnett Bill Bost Rita Bruckler Jacqueline Burden Mark & Barbara Cali Phyllis Carley Lister & Christina Chang Hongtao & Emily Chen Katie & Kristi Chou Joe & Diann Chung Class of 1996 Kim Coulter Raymond & Betty Cyphers Chris Daren Enid & Sanford Davis The Del Alto Family Lisa & Robbie Diffenderfer Linda A. Durnell Trini Edson Sandi Edwards Mary Ehrig “Miss Kelly” Espinosa Rick & Georgene Ferrera Daniel Fockler Diane & Randy Fossum Friends of San Jose Beautiful Hiroyuki & Ikuko Furukawa Jeff Gatlin Dan & Pam Gelineau Giresh & Chitra Ghooray The Giammona Family Tai-Chiang Gou Bharat & Sangeeta Gupte Amy Gurich Leo Gutstein & Carol Shapiro Gutstein Mrs. Hackwood James Hamilton The Harker School

Sylvia & Dennis Harp Yasuhiro & Kimiko Hayashi Steven & Jane Hewitt Jennifer Heyne Dottie Hickey Susan Hoge William Ippolito Niraj & Neena Jain William & Leticia Jarvis Julie Johnson The Jones Family Kawahara Nursery, Inc. Mike Kerbyson Cindy Kerr Kenneth & Kirstin Kim Henry & Stephanie Klee Idris & Sakina Kothari Brian Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Joel Laub Sarah Leonard Ponlee Li & Hawchyz Chyn Marcel & Christine Liang Ming Liao Patrice Marks Lani & Tristan Marshall Lauryn Maurice Melanie McKenna Dorene Meadows Anita Meagher Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mendell Julie Mensch Cyrus & Mindy Merrill Harris & Sharon Meyers Sharron & John Mittelstet Diana & Brian Moss Phoebe Moyer Yasuyuki & Agnes Nagano John Near & Pam Dickinson Sandy Nelson The Neu Family The Nichols Family Stephanie Nichols Norton Nan Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. A.J. O’Brien Shelley Orr Carol Ostensen Mr. & Mrs. David Oxlade Gail Palmer The Pinzás Family Glen Pritzker Marianne & Eric Rager Bong Rak & Young-Kyoung Sohn Gianluca & Chiara Rattazzi Jody Reeg Nancy Reiley Gordon & Tanya Ringold “Miss Mel” Robinson Molly Robinson Cindy Rodenbaugh “Miss Heidi” Rosa Joe & Blanca Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rossi Kim Sabbag Joseph & Linda Sabeh Robert Saint Howard & Susan Saltzman Margaret Santos Erin & Mackenzie Schwartz

Yoko Schwartz Rosie Shaffer Jong Jeon Shin & Jung Im Lee Deepa & Chet Shirali John Sinibaldi Son Hin Siu Theresa “Smitty” Smith Huali Chai Stanek Lynette Stapleton Anitra & Robert Sudderth Chang Sup & Eun-Sook Yim Jocelyn & Mark Swendsen David & Leslie Takamoto Ruth Ann Tebo Dova Thirsk Steven & Melissa Thomas Merry Tomasello Linda Tsai Wen Tung Tsai Jeanne Tyrrell Mark & Christina Vail Marla Vallone Jolene Voss Pat & Terry Walsh Pamela Warner Stephen Wells Betty Wernersbach Patricia White Ellen Williams Kathleen Woods Anonymous

■ 1998 – 2008 Cornerstones for Success Campaign Phase I: 1998-99 Bucknall Campus Wasyl & Sarah Adkins Lon & Mary Allan Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ammatuna Sally Anderson J. Apodaca LaShan Arceneaux Bayer Aspirin Richard & Linda Aurelio Hunter Auyang Mr. & Mrs. Michael Aymar Alex & Gloria Banuelos Terry Baransy Raquel & Alan Baratz William & Edith Barnes Christine Baron Patrick & Penelope Barrett Mike Bassoni Norman Beamer & Diane Tasca Beate Beauchamp Robert & Cheryl Blair Richard & Jacqueline Boberg Frank & Alice Bracken Bronson, Bronson & McKinnion LLP Howard Bull & Sheila Settle Justin Bull Georgia Burbidge Harker News — March 07

Naum Burkoy Phyllis Carley Lister & Christina Chang Drs. Yuh-Ning Chen & Tsung-Ching Wu Hongtao & Emily Chen Susan Chen S.L. Cho Ajay Chopra & Shyamoli Banerjee Dae Seong Chung & Mi Ja Kim Rebecca Cisar Nancy & Carl Claunch William T. Cleary Dave & Marie Clifford Cobalt Networks Inc. Kim Coulter Kechung & Jeannie Cu Raymond & Betty Cyphers D’Aessandro & Ritchie Enid & Sanford Davis John & Christine Davis C. Michael & Pamela Deese Derrel Depasse Diamond Semiconductor Group, Inc. Timothy Donofrio Harriet Douglas Dan & Lynn Duc Clare Elchert Maya Emshwiller Cosme & Dania Fagundo Sherry Fang Larry & Teri Fernandes Kathleen Ferretti Fish & Neave Ilya & Bella Fishman Don & Sharon Fong Khadija A. Fredericks Peter Friedland & Rosalind Grymes-Friedland Robert & Jennifer Friess Catherine Frye The Fuji Bank, Ltd. Edward Gallagher Laura Toller Gardner Donna Gilbert The Goza Family W. Alfred Graf & Martie Helmreich Concepcion Grande David, Molly, Jake & Luke Grunbaum Sylvia & Dennis Harp John & Karen Havens John & Claire Hawley Denise & Richard Hayashi Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe Kenneth & Irma Hiatt Chris Hockett Michael Hodgson & Susan Rohani John Holden Arthur & Rebecca Homan Neva Howard Dr. Jackson & Michelle Hu Barbara Hunter IBM Corporation Richard Inz & Anita Abraham-Inz William Ippolito Eileen Irving Navindra & Madhu Jain William & Leticia Jarvis Harker News — March 07

Leslie & Barbara Jay Tai-Kuen Jiang & Shu-Fang Chiang Yuan The Jones Family Vandana Kadam & Abhay Salukhe Robert & Susan Kaim Jane Kaufman Paul & Helen Kaufmann Kawahara Nursery, Inc. Patrick & Janie Kelly Cindy Kerr Hwan Kyum Kim & Kwee Sik Jang Ronald & Deborah Knapp Ashok Krishnamurthi & Deepa Iyengar Douglas & Debbie Kundrat Rodney & Shirley LaBrecque Bob & Alana Lee Ping Lee & James Fang Reuel & Malvina Liebert Zoe Leven Marcel & Christine Liang Phil Liao & Miranda Tsao Martin & Amanda Lundie Kurtis MacFerrin Nicholas Manjoine Eric & Rhonda Mann Ken Manuele Saroop & Shamitha Mathur Deirdre McDonough Nitin & Meena Mehta Harris & Sharon Meyers Mrs. Rodenbaugh’s Environmental Fundraiser The Nagalingam Family The Neu Family Jim & Irene Newton The Nichols Family Stephanie Nichols Norton Jeffrey Niederauer Maurice & June Norrish J. Fraser & Margaret O’Neil J. Tracy & Lou Ann O’Rourke Sandy Padgett Carol Parris Mr. & Mrs. William Paseman Suhas & Jayashree Patil Brian Pawlowski Michael Pease Robert & Helen Pederslie Jose Picazo The Polzin Family Cindy Proctor Ali Rahbar Claire Rankin Gianluca & Chiara Rattazzi Saiyed & Noreen Raza Colleen Regan Gordon & Tanya Ringold Mary Rorabaugh & Karen Coates Joe & Blanca Rosenthal John Ross Robert Saint Narong & Sunthary Sarai Frank & Jo Ann Satalich Daniel Scharre & Lenore Dowling Herbert Schwartz & Nan Budde Chequer

Julie Scott Patti Selan Lata & Ajay Shah Daniel Shia & Hui-Yun Rosanna Yuan Tom Simpkins Gary Simpson Son Hin Siu Janet Smith Catherine Snider Carol A. Sosnowski Luanne Stanley Lynette Stapleton Rita Stone Hugh Stuart Center Charitable Trust Anitra & Robert Sudderth Walter & Linda Sullivan Chang Sup & Eun-Sook Yim Robert Sutis David & Leslie Takamoto Dova Thirsk John & Teresa Thomas Kerry & Gail Thompson Peggy K. Thompson The Townzen Family Julie Troop Varian Associates -- Ion Implant Systems Varian Japan Varian Korea Ltd. G. & Nimmi Venkatesh The Villarreal Family Jacob & Jan von Scherrer Jonathan & Lindsay Waldern Wen-Hsiang Wang & Mei-Lin Yeh Karen Wark Herbert & Beverly Weinman Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Weller Lorinda Wintrup Trent Wong Simon & Sandy Wu William F. Wynne, Jr. Myung-Sook Yoon & Soon-Kil Choi Rachel Yudovich Ale� & Liz Zalucky John Zetterquist Anonymous ��0�

Phase II – 2000 Shah Hall Walter & Anna Alessandrini Lon & Mary Allan Sally Anderson Abid & Afshan Asghar William & Edith Barnes Richard & Jacqueline Boberg Mike Bourquin Frank & Alice Bracken Phyllis Carley Lister & Christina Chang Hongtao & Emily Chen Drs. Yuh-Ning Chen & Tsung-Ching Wu The Cheney Family

Ajay Chopra & Shyamoli Banerjee Kirk & Alison Davis Enid & Sanford Davis John & Christine Davis Bob & Terence Dowling Jeff Draper Michelle Ehlers Robert & Margaret Fair Kathleen Ferretti Khadija A. Fredericks Robert & Jennifer Friess Catherine Frye Sai-Wai & Beatrice Fu Isabel Garcia Jennifer Gargano Antoinette Gathy Jeff Gatlin Alberto & Sharon Gavarre Steve & Debra Gordon Concepcion Grande David, Molly, Jake & Luke Grunbaum Edward & Deborah Harriman Alicia D. Hart John & Linda Heyes Jim & Dawn Hill Keith & Debbie Hirota Christine Howkins Rick Hyman & Cheryl Acheson Shelley Innes & Manuel Valdivia Vallejo Intel Corporation Keiko Irino Dov & Madelyn Isaacs Navindra & Madhu Jain The Jones Family George Jordan Kim Jordan Ron & Francesca Karpel Cindy Kerr John & Amalia Keyashian Kenneth & Kirstin Kim Jimmy Lam & Rosanna Chu-Lam The Lang-Ree Family Bob & Alana Lee Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery Lee Violet Lee Phil Liao & Miranda Tsao George & Yuko Malek William & Linda Manry Mrs. Judith Markow Nitin & Meena Mehta Narayan & Ruth Mohanram Diana & Brian Moss Harry & Carol Motro The Nagalingam Family Kishore & Padmaja Narra Hem & Neela Navangul The Neu Family Stacie & Keith Newman Maria Nguyen & Ba Tran The Nichols Family Stephanie Nichols Norton Sammy A.K. Osoka The Paik Family Suhas & Jayashree Patil Brian Pawlowski Jow H. Peng & Ivy Chang


Capital Margaret G. Peterson Jose Picazo Andrew & Kelly Piunti The Polzin Family David & Heidi Qua Ramesh & Valya Ragu Gianluca & Chiara Rattazzi Saiyed & Noreen Raza Marsha Langston Rhodes Chris & Marcia Riedel Gordon & Tanya Ringold Mary Rorabaugh & Karen Coates Robert Saint The Santora Family Daniel Scharre & Lenore Dowling Lata & Ajay Shah John & Ruby Stiga The Stoll Family Robert Storfer Anitra & Robert Sudderth Rajesh & Kavita Suri The Townzen Family G. & Nimmi Venkatesh The Villarreal Family Curtis & Elena Widdoes Kevin & Andrea Williamson Allan & Marcia Wright Anonymous (7)

Phase III – 2001-08 Science & Technology Ctr. Athletic Field & Pool Advanced Micro Devices Lon & Mary Allan Sally Anderson Jonathan & Frances Axelrad Shena Bachman Raquel & Alan Baratz William & Edith Barnes Deanna & Don Barnett Mike Bassoni Judi Beil Robert L. Blair Gary Blickenstaff & Cynthia D’Agosta Robert & Lisa Blickenstaff Richard & Jacqueline Boberg Bill Bost Frank & Alice Bracken Jeremiah Brewer Nicole & Christopher Burrell Charles & Laura Cali Phyllis Carley Cheryl Cavanaugh David & Monica Chang

campaign Peter & Ruth Chang Sheila & Sanjay Chatterjee Wen & Yee-Chien Chiu Joe & Diann Chung Kathy & Richard Clark Class of 2001 The Clifford Family Chris Colletti Roger & Andrina Cottier Henry & Wendy Cuningham Robb Cutler & Heather Blair Wei-Jin Dai & Faustina Chen Chris Daren Dr. Ilona Davies Enid & Sanford Davis John & Christine Davis Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Diaz Sean & Leslie Doherty Jeff Draper Clare Elchert Linda & Doug Emery Suzanne E. Estes Cosme & Dania Fagundo Kathleen Ferretti Misael Fisico Rachel Freed Sai-Wai & Beatrice Fu Isabel Garcia Jennifer Gargano Gartner Group Kevin Garvey The Gaston Family Dan & Pam Gelineau Melinda & Eric Gonzales The Goza Family Scott Graham Concepcion Grande Harker Performing Arts Students Sylvia & Dennis Harp Richard & Susana Hartzell John & Claire Hawley Jacob Hazard Steven & Jane Hewitt John & Linda Heyes Keith & Debbie Hirota Wei Teh Ho & Chung Ting Tseng Christine Howkins Dr. Jackson & Michelle Hu Daniel Hudkins & Susan Bass Marc Hufnagl Dan & Tracy Hughes Intel Corporation Keiko Irino Dov & Madelyn Isaacs Navindra & Madhu Jain William & Leticia Jarvis Vandana Kadam & Abhay Salukhe Ron & Francesca Karpel Simon & Carlynn Keilty

Yan Ke & June Li Cindy Kerr Ashok Krishnamurthi & Deepa Iyengar The Lang-Ree Family Brian Larsen Bob & Alana Lee Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery Lee Sarah Leonard Cheng-Ming & Pi Chin Li Ho Fa Lin & Chen Chen Huang Dr. & Mrs. Steven Linder Wei-Ti and Ping Liu Monica MacKinnon Srini & Durga Madala Tim Mahoney Jay & Susan Mandell Nicholas Manjoine Eric & Rhonda Mann Stephen Martin Deborah Martinez Daniel & Janet Matthews Margaret & Lee McGovern Sanjay & Sangeeta Mehrotra Nitin & Meena Mehta Laura Miller Sharron & John Mittelstet Benjamin Morgensen Diana & Brian Moss Chad & Kisstopher Musick The Nagalingam Family Eric & Kathleen Nelson Stacie & Keith Newman Jim & Irene Newton Maria Nguyen & Ba Tran The Nichols Family Stephanie Nichols Norton Jeffrey Niederauer Nan Nielsen Christopher & Corina Nikoloff Mr. Zenichi Ogawa Abel Olivas Mary Kay Olks Masako Onakado Sandy Padgett The Paik Family Dr. & Mrs. Debajyoti Pal Kelly & John Parker Carol Parris Suhas & Jayashree Patil Sushant & Namrata Patnaik Brian Pawlowski Jow H. Peng & Ivy Chang Jose Picazo Paul & Ches Pickering The Pinzás Family Dasha Polzik The Polzin Family Cindy Proctor

The Harker School is a K-12 independent, co-ed, college-prep school. Grades K-5: 4600 Bucknall Rd., San Jose, CA 95130; Grades 6-8: 3800 Blackford Ave., San Jose, CA 95117; Grades 9-12: 500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose, CA 95129 Harker believes that all persons are entitled to equal employment opportunity and does not discriminate against its employees or applicants because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), national origin, ancestry, age (over 40), marital status, political affiliations, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by state or federal laws, local law or ordinance.


Ramesh & Valya Ragu Gianluca & Chiara Rattazzi Saiyed & Noreen Raza Nancy Reiley Gordon & Tanya Ringold “Miss Mel” Robinson Ray Rogoway Joe & Blanca Rosenthal Howard & Susan Saltzman Jenaro Sanchez The Sathaye Family Foundation Michael Schmidt Erin & Mackenzie Schwartz Marcie Gilbert Shaffer Lata & Ajay Shah Mr. & Mrs. Nilesh Shah Steven Shatas & Meiying Forney-Shatas Alice & John Siegel John Sinibaldi Janet Smith Theresa “Smitty” Smith Carol A. Sosnowski Ben Spencer-Cooke Partha & Geetha Srinivasan Lynette Stapleton Mr. John Stevenson & Ms. Maura Donohue The Stoll Family Anitra & Robert Sudderth The Surapaneni Family Sehat Sutardja & Weili Dai Sharon & Stuart Svensson Raji & Ram Swaminathan Bob & Sheila Swanson Stephanie & Kirk Woolsey Margaret Wright Theodore & Beibei Young John Zetterquist Hong Zhang & Liya Liang Swanson-Jackson Family Trust John & Teresa Thomas Francoise D. Thompson Peggy K. Thompson The Townzen Family Fred Triefenbach Joey Tyndal Mark & Christina Vail Camila Valdes Paul Vallerga The Villarreal Family Jonathan & Lindsay Waldern The Wardenburg Family Patricia White Curtis & Elena Widdoes Kenneth & Roberta Witte Anonymous (11)

The Harker News provides timely information, news and features about the Harker community to current and alumni Harker families. Editor: Pam Dickinson; Lead Writer: Emilie Robb; Copy Editors: Catherine Snider; Production: Blue Heron Design Group; Photos: Harker archives; Contributors: Bill Cracraft; Printing: Carol Sosnowski; Mailing Coordinator: Desiree Mitchell.

Harker News — March 07

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