2007 November Harker News

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11 a.m. Luncheon Fashion Show with Showcase Drawing n 5:30 p.m. Dinner Gala with Fashion Show, Live Auction, Showcase Drawing and Dancing

The Harker Fashion Show • February 22, 2008 • The San Jose Convention Center

sponsors FASHIONS fashions by


Proceeds from Global Grooves benefit the Harker Scholarship Fund, professional training and continued education for faculty, and the new Science & Technology Center at the upper school campus.

Get In The Groove… Become A Sponsor Or Advertiser! There’s still time to become a sponsor and receive all the benefits that sponsorship provides. One of those benefits is having your name or your company’s name included on the invitation, which will be mailed to over 5,000 members and friends of the Harker community. Hurry - you must commit soon to be included on the Global Grooves invitation! You can also purchase an ad to highlight your company or business, or to thank teachers and staff, congratulate your children, their sports teams, or – the possibilities are endless! Dec. 14 is the deadline to have your ad submitted for inclusion in the beautiful keepsake Global Grooves program. Sponsorship and advertising forms, along with other details, can be found at the fashion show Web site – simply select Fashion Show from the ‘Support Harker’ tab on the Harker home page. A heartfelt THANKS to our premiere group of advertisers: Air Systems Inc., Lon and Mary Allan – Intero Real Estate Services, CH Premier Jewelers, Craig Creasman, M.D., Executive Homes Realty, James Craig Salon.

Davis Family Foundation MAKEUP

Preston Wynne Spa HAIR DESIGN

James Craig Hair Color & Design PHOTOGRAPHY

n Get Ready For Fun – Showcases! Showcases are themed collections of items that will provide you with endless excitement, and this year’s Global Grooves showcases will transport you across the cardinal points of the compass to the world of your dreams. Just one donation drawing ticket could be your magic carpet ride to adventures North, South, East or West! Look for more Showcase information in the next Harker News.


Venz Fine Photography of Saratoga


VOLUNTEERING: Lisa Blickenstaff - lisabl@harker.org PROGRAM AD SALES: Trish Tobin - trishtobin@pacbell.net SPONSORSHIPS: Tina Najibi - tmm@cadence.com DONATIONS: Showcases - Naren Nayak - nn_nayak@pacbell.net Live Auction - Ann Linthacum - alinthacum@yahoo.com WEB SITE: www.harker.org - see Fashion Show under “Support Harker” tab INFO LINE: 408.345.0115 • E-MAIL: fashionshow@harker.org Harker News — November 07

n Going Once, Going Twice…Sold!

Images of Last Year’s excItIng auctIon

When the final hammer sounded at the CinéFest live auction last year, Craig and Mariko Creasman had purchased the cooking class and meal for twenty, and were delighted to share the evening with their loyal medical and office personnel. The staff of Dr. Creasman’s plastic surgery practice enjoyed a fantastic evening at Sur la Table in Los Gatos with Chef Nancy Wokas, supported by three Harker parent volunteers (and last year’s cochairs), Mary Malysz, Carol Underwood and Kim Pellissier. The group was pleasantly surprised to receive a brief French lesson from Madame Shepard before breaking up into groups to prepare their gourmet meal. “This was a win-win-win evening,” said Dr. Creasman. “We got to spend some quality time with our personnel doing what we all love to do, cook and eat, while at the same time contributing to a great cause. So Harker benefits, our employees benefit and we benefit. It doesn’t get better than that.” The Live Auction is always a fun part of the annual fashion show’s evening dinner gala, and you’ll have a chance to bid on some groovy auction items at Global Grooves! Watch for details in the next newsletter.

n You Can Be Groovy, Too! Want to help with the Harker Fashion Show but don’t know where to start? The Program Advertising Committee needs your help! Love the thrill of asking for other people’s money? You’re hired! We’re still looking for Program Advertising Committee members, so contact Trish Tobin at tobintrish@yahoo.com for information on how to get started. Are you good at spending money but don’t feel comfortable asking businesses to take out an ad? No worries – we appreciate any and all leads! Send us the names and contact information of businesses you use on a regular basis. Someone from the program ads committee will give them a call. Have advertising leads you’d like to pursue on your own? Fabulous -- you’re an honorary committee member! Everything you need to sell program ads can be found at the fashion show Web site.

Groove with the Fashion Show team!

Executive Team: Naren Nayak
 Sponsorship & Finance Angela Heslop
 Advertising, Printing & Sales Sue Prutton
 Event Production

Harker News — November 07

Supplied by Kim Pellissier, parent

There’s still time to become part of the Global Grooves crew – join us at our Tues., Nov. 13 meeting at the Blackford MPR starting at 8 a.m., or visit the Global Grooves Web site for more info.

Supplied by Carol Underwood, parent

Are you the proud parent of a Harker athlete, club member or performing arts star? A Family or Student Group Ad is the way to go. You can place an individual ad or make it a team effort - either way, Harker wins!

Next meeting: Tues., Nov. 13, 2007 Blackford MPR, 8 a.m. www.harker.org n Committee Information n Sponsorships n Program Advertising n Showcase Donation Drawing n and more!



picnic Picnic Parent Volunteer Thank You: What a Posse!! As long time Picnic Volunteer Melody Moyer said, “The picnic is like a symphony. Everyone plays their part down to the last ding of the triangle... and we make beautiful music!” She’s so right! As we headed to Blackford this year, it was so gratifying to have the support of so many families who were willing to roll up their sleeves to get the job done! From the fabulous decorations committee to the tireless raffle committee, to the amazing auction committee, the diligent set-up committee (and more!) our team of helpers (across the grade levels) made our Pioneer Picnic the greatest Harker picnic of all time!! Please watch for a complete listing of all our wonder ful picnic volunteers in the next issue of the Harker News. We’re “mighty” grateful! –Lynette Stapleton and Kelly Espinosa, event coordinators


Dede Ogami and Ken Azebu/Communicart Winston and Phyllis Chen/Paramitas Foundation The Stapleton Family

Trail Bosses

The Ammatuna Family/I Yogurt The Malley Family/Homestead Lanes The Panu Family The Pellissier Family The Polzin Family The A. Thomas Family The Wardenburg Family/Merrill Lynch

Bronco Busters The Carr Family Samuel Devlin Miss Kelly Espinosa Event Décor

Point Riders

Baysport, Inc. The Costello Family The Liu Family The Moyer Family Whole Foods Market Susan Zhang and Charlie Huang

Picnic Posse Committee Chairs Ken Azebu, Debbie Buss, Candy Carr, Fred Carr, Becky Cox, Kelly Delepine, Janie Fung, Sandhya Jagadeesh, Lana Kipnis, Mary Malysz, Greg Martin, Roopal Mayor, Sangeeta Mehrotra, Melody Moyer, Robyn Peetz, Kim Pellissier, Kathy Polzin, Sue Prutton, Lori Saxon, Alice Schwartz, Janet Smith, Joyce Sum, Shankari Sundar, Carol Underwood, Jane Villadsen.

Picnic Winners Thanks to everyone who sold and purchased Grand Drawing Tickets. We are so proud of our students (and parents) for all their hard work and their support of our school! Total ticket sales this year, $46,124 (Last year $42,921) YEE HAW! Here are the lucky winners: first Prize-- $10,000, Patrick Le, sold by Vanessa Tyagi, Gr. 2; second prize – Trip to Vegas, Malysz Family, sold by Emma Malysz, Gr. 5; third prize – Sharp HDTV, Nelly Leon, sold by Lauren Pinzas, Gr. 8; fourth prize – Nintendo WII, Tomihero; fifth Prize, Mike Jones. Top sellers will receive trophies. LS: first, Alexis Gauba, 1790; second, Jasmine Yee, K, 1210; Lauren Yee, Gr. 3, 1014. MS: first, Preston Young, Gr. 7, 1140; second, Nicholas Navarro, Gr. 6, 956. Staff: Chrissy Chang, MS PE department chair, 240. In the MS race, Gr. 7 triumphed with 6,293 tickets sold. Sixth and eighth grades sold 4,988 and 2,354 tickets respectively. In the US, Anita Satish won the $150 prize in a drawing held for all ticket sellers.


The Casner Family Wes Brown and Andrew Hoffman Ken and Marie Cheng The Harris Family Guojin Liang and Orapin Kanchanachoosak The Riedel Family Fermi and Aida Wang


Balloonatics Tony and Grace Chu Cupertino Bakery The Douglas Family The Lantzsch Family Marc and Janis Lowe The Ma Family MidTech Software Solutions, Inc. The Ozdemir Family My Pony Party Chester Rivera Round Table Pizza


Harker News — November 07

New Family and Alumni Picnic Venue a Wild, Wild Success – Yee Haw! The Harker Family and Alumni Picnic moved west this year to the Blackford campus, and what a western adventure it was! Turning the Blackford campus into the wild frontier took the time and effort of many volunteers, whose labors paid off in the enjoyment of the eager children and adults who explored the transformed campus’ new features, including pony rides, cowboy crafts and watering holes like the High Noon Saloon.

Participants were transported to another time and place as they entered the Pioneer Plaza. Hay bales, western facades, wooden fencing and silhouettes of western figures helped set the stage for the western theme. Both children and adults clearly enjoyed the wide variety of events and the new location, with cowboy hats and boots the standard apparel for the day. In keeping with tradition, all of the “wheel” events (teen, child, sweets, plants and adult) were hugely popular, as participants attempted to win prizes by betting on numbers on a roulette-style wheel. New events this year included “Texas Hold’em” poker, line dancing, the “Saloon shoot-out,” and a mechanical bull. Roving entertainment was provided periodically by dancing female staff in period costume, and the amphitheater stage was in use all day for other entertainment. The Gold Country Silent Auction in the theater was filled with bidders throughout the day. Both student sleepovers, the Bucknall pajama party and the MS mystery night were popular items. As always, the student per formers Harker News — November 07

drew a big crowd for their show in Pioneer Plaza. “Trouble in Deadpan,” a rousing musical with songs from the frontier, was provided by per formers from all three campuses, including the US singing groups Downbeat and Bel Canto; MS Harmonics, the new LS choir, and the Gr. 4 singers. Harmonics members provided narration for the show, which featured leading roles by Head of School Chris Nikoloff as Black Bart, the evil sheriff opposed to fun in Deadpan, and Assistant Head Jennifer Gargano as Miss


Sally, the sweet school teacher who arrived on the train to save the day (and the school!). Dance per formances by the US JV Dance Troupe, Dance Fusion (Gr. 4-6 dance group) and the MS Showstoppers (Gr. 7-8) rounded out the show. A special thanks to US drama teacher Jeffrey Draper (script writer), Laura LangRee (show director), Monica Colletti (narration director), choir directors Jennifer Cowgill, Roxann Hagemayer and Catherine Snider; as well as dance directors Gail Palmer, Laura Rae and Amalia Vasconi and technicians Brian Larsen and Paul Vallerga for putting together such a terrific showcase of our talented students for everyone to enjoy! The fun didn’t stop until the concluding event: drawing the winning raffle ticket. The memories of the day won’t be forgotten for a long time. All in all, this round up was a rousing success!




All Harker Campuses Getting State-of-the-Art Technology In the ongoing process of wiring every classroom with the latest technology to assist faculty, Harker has completed seven multimedia makeovers across the campuses. The new installations include a ceiling mounted LCD projector, an interactive whiteboard, built-in DVD/VCR with remote connection to a LCD projector and wall-mounted speakers. The selected classrooms are those of Diana Moss, Spanish, and Evan Barth, math, in the US; Lorna Claerbout, science chair, and Concepcion “Concha” Grande, Spanish, in the MS; and Pat Walsh,

math; Tamara Kley-Contini, science; and Rob Regan, social studies, of the LS.

auditor y authentic language from the Internet,” she said.

“It is a tremendous blessing not to be tripping over cords and computer carts in my small classroom,” noted Moss, “but rather to be able to project to my front board with the ceiling mounted LCD projector with the click of a wall switch.” “I can create grammar explanations and activities on my laptop, project with the LCD, use the Ebeam to highlight, make notes, then save all the additions, upload in Athena

and post for my students to review later at home. We are bringing Spanish language and culture into the classroom by being able to immediately project visual and

Jennifer Gargano, assistant head of school for academic affairs, noted, “The multimedia rooms … have been a tremendous benefit to our teachers and ultimately the students. I have seen the new technology inspire our teachers to really reflect on how they can communicate information best and arouse our students’ love of learning; as a result, I have seen it reinvigorate our teachers’ already high level of excitement for teaching.”

Harker Senior Reminisces About Her First Year at Bucknall This school year marks the occasion of the 10th year since Harker opened the Bucknell campus and launched the new Upper School. Harker News will feature a variety of activities throughout the year to celebrate and to marvel at just how far we’ve come in 10 short years. Here’s one; watch for more! It has been 10 years since senior Ariel Gaknoki saw the Bucknall campus open, but her memories are vivid. “It was a little daunting because the main building was huge compared to me, but I remember getting inside and loving it,” she said. “It was fun to ‘break in’ the campus and see what it had to offer. I loved the idea that the grades were being split so we had more opportunities to use the space.” Gaknoki, a lifer-plus, said she was “a little upset because I had been at the original Harker campus since I was in junior kindergarten and thought I would miss it. However, when I started at the new campus, my grade

was the oldest and the first to ‘graduate’ so I took that as a really great opportunity to set the example for the grades to follow.” Her years on the campus were happy ones. “I loved how there were so many areas to just gather with your friends,” she said. “Especially at such a young age, it was nice to have several places to play. I always remember having so many options as to what I wanted to do after school. I was always busy and learning.” Playing, staying busy, learning: a good legacy.

Harker Libraries Continue to Improve and Expand Despite appearances, our libraries never stand still. Since the beginning of the year, innovation has abounded. The library has launched 360 Search, an inter face that allows students to search all of our databases with a single search. This is a big deal in the information world and very few schools have it. The school is subscribing to a new database, Teen Health & Wellness, this year. It’s an excellent resource for parents of children of all ages, but especially for those with students in middle through high school. Finally, the school launched an online student book club and is beginning a program of promoting Reading for Personal Interest across all three campuses. n Ready, Set, Research! (Gr. 3-5) Ready, Set, Research! is an


extracurricular library research game played by students grades 3-5. Students answer research questions and can earn certificates for each of three rounds. Participants in all three rounds may receive a pin, medal or plaque for Top Researcher.

library’s print and electronic resources. Children can come to the library before school, during recess, during lunch and after school to work on their questions. Students may work individually or together.

Each student can compete for individual prizes, but there is also a Knowledge Cup, which is earned by the grade that answers the most questions correctly at the end of the three rounds. Every time a student answers a question correctly, his/her grade earns one point. The Knowledge Cup is presented at the Special Activities Awards program at the end of the school year.

Round One is played from Oct. 15-Nov. 9; Round 2 from Jan. 14- Feb. 8; and Round 3 from March 17-April 18. Certificates are awarded at the trimester awards. Cumulative awards are given out at the Special Activities Awards program.

Questions are posted in the library and on the LS library Web site – click on Kids’ Spot. They are designed for each grade based on their knowledge of the

n Librarians as Tutors (Gr. 3-12) Another opportunity for students to enhance their information literacy skills is to ask the librarian(s) on their campus to

Last year, 166 students participated. They answered 1,202 reference questions (and 80 percent were correct!).

provide one-to-one instruction after school. Topics requested might include: understanding how to use Boolean search; using the “Big6” research methodology; evaluating Web sites; creating citations in NoodleBib; and how to use the online catalog to find books. Sometimes, students new to Harker need help catching up with their basic library skills. All students will benefit from enhancing the skills they have. –Enid Davis, Library Director

Harker News — November 07


The Inside Scoop On Greg Lawson,

Assistant Head of School, Student Affairs Q. How did you discover your passion for education? A. By accident, and only after a long period of “fighting” this vocation. I began coaching basketball the summer after I graduated high school. I coached more than 30 seasons of basketball and/or baseball at a variety of levels, but I worked in the component electronics industr y for several years after college. It wasn’t until I started my own business, reconnected with coaching and developed a client base that included several schools that I realized I loved the atmosphere, I loved the mission and idea of independent education. The light bulb went on and the epiphany occurred telling me, “Hey, Greg, you dummy! You really enjoy working with high school students! Why aren’t you doing something about that in a more complete way?” So my process was really convoluted, long and full of denial until I embraced this vocation. Q. Most important thing you learned from your parents: A. Work ethic from my mother. She was the first woman to be a regional distribution coordinator for the semiconductor division of Texas Instruments in Southern California. She was driven, a ver y hard worker. I always felt like I had to tr y and keep up with her. She was organized to a fault, and passed that along to me – though these days you might not know it from the look of my desk! Q. Fondest childhood memory? A. Summers at Dinkey Creek, a little area in the mountains southeast of Fresno. My sister’s kids (she was 18 years older than me) were about my age, and my parents and she and her husband used to rent the same ramshackle cabin back-to-back – so we boys (four of us) got to spend a month together in those mountains, fishing, hiking, playing, swimming. Best memories – ever. Transcends almost ever ything else in my life. Q. Most memorable moment working with students? A. There are so many. Honestly, it involves a former Harker student, Loren Maas, who came to Webb as a freshman and struggled to find himself and gain acceptance at our school. I worked with him as adviser and director of residence during his four years at Webb and watched him blossom into a dorm prefect and leader in our Outdoor Education program. His determination and positive attitude while he grew and the success he ultimately achieved in growing into a remarkable young man remain an inspiration to this day. The singular moment would be the first time I hiked the interior of the Grand Canyon with Webb’s senior class in 1993 for whom I had been lead class adviser for three years. This was a rite of passage for senior boys at that time. We completed a 16-mile hike down and out of the Canyon in 100-plus degree weather, with all shapes and sizes of young men, some in a good deal of discomfort; but watching those boys work with each other, support each other, and utilize the training and advice we had given them for success was quite a triumph of the spirit. And then the gathering of these boys the following night before we took them home to graduate and listening to them share their experiences and love for each other and their school was the most inspiring experience I had ever had to that point in my life. I went on several more of these trips, but nothing quite matched that first effort. Q. Most special to you about Harker so far? A. The people – how friendly, giving, open, appreciative they are. I have felt welcomed and “at home” since the ver y first day I arrived. And, of course, I had the chance to experience the opening of the football Harker News — November 07

field, and the tribute to Coach Thorp. The genuine emotion of the moment was palpable. Even though I never met the man I was moved by the response of the team and other members of the community. Q. What’s still on your list of things to do in your lifetime? A. Well, I’ve hiked at least one 14,000 foot peak, but I still want to hike Mount Whitney. I’ve yet to visit the Louvre – but Kathleen and I will get there soon. I want to do the Inner Passage cruise in Alaska, see the Great Wall in China, visit the pass of Thermopylae in Greece, hike a mountain pass in the Alps. Watch my grandchildren graduate from college. Q. Favorite spare time activity? A. Walking on the hiking trails around our home in Cambria. Q. If you could teach any course – real or made up – what would it be? A. A course in speech and leadership. There is some symbiosis between the two elements, and while ever yone may not be a great debater, and the fear of speaking in public is one of the most significant phobias in society, I think all students benefit from development of their speaking skills. I have seen some “wallflowers” blossom with just a little knowledge of the subject and a safe place to develop their skills. I would enjoy working with students to help them explore personal growth on both these topics, which are two of my personal favorites. Q. Next dream vacation spot? A. I think I mentioned that above. France, it has to be France. Q. Book you’re reading? A. I am re-reading “The Life of Pi.” I was talking about it with Butch Keller (upper school head), who taught the book in an English class, and realized I had forgotten far too much about it. Q. Favorite Elvis song? A. “Teddy Bear” – there’s one I bet you didn’t expect.


Q. Favorite Beatles song? A. I love their live cover of the Isley Brother’s “Twist and Shout.” Of the ones Lennon and McCartney wrote, “In My Life.”

Q. Favorite road trip music? A. Allman Brothers Band – the complete Fillmore East Concert from 1971, or Widespread Panic, “Live from the Queen City” – nearly three hours of live music and improvisation. Makes the time go by, and you really need to be using cruise control – other wise you wind up with a speeding ticket! Q. Favorite splurge? A. My all-time favorite was when I bought my first Macintosh computer, the little box that you had to exchange disc after disc after disc to operate. They had this “test drive” program where you could take one home and play with it for a weekend. I did, I fell in love with it and it changed my life – honestly. The darn thing cost $3,000 – it’s embarrassing to say that now, but at the time I was working in private business and was making some good coin for my age and just went for it.

Q. Share a little known fact about yourself. A. I was a walk-on basketball player at Pepperdine University in 1972, the year the Malibu campus opened. We had the nation’s leading scorer, William “Bird” Averitt on the team. He averaged more than 32 points per game that year, and I had the opportunity to get schooled by him repeatedly in practice. Still the most amazing player I have ever seen up close. At six feet one inch tall and 165 pounds soaking wet, he was still an unstoppable scorer. I once saw him score in practice with three guys surrounding him by throwing the ball up and behind his back and into the basket. Most amazing feat – ever. Too bad it wasn’t in a televised game, because they would still be showing it on SportsCenter, which did not exist “back in the day.” My independent senior project in college with a partner was to film/ tape a documentar y about sportscasters in Los Angeles. It included footage of, among others, Don Dr ysdale and Dick Enberg, who were both Angels’ broadcasters at that time. Alas, the footage was on reelto-reel and we never were able to convert it to VHS format, so the project was lost. We even got Enberg to say “Oh, My!” on camera to punctuate our credits! It was a fun project.




Hogwarts Comes to Harker Will Harr y Potter last the test of time? Is the post-Harr y world a different place? Could such a phenom happen again? Such were the queries pondered by fans of J.K. Rowling’s seven-title series in the US librar y, at Mudbloods Unite, a Harr y Potter trivia and discussion event in mid-September. Librarians Sue Smith and Lauri Vaughan donned their robes and transformed the librar y into a Hogwarts Great Hall replete with tablecloths, butterbeer and Bertie Botts Ever y Flavored Beans. Over two dozen attendees, including students, teachers and administrators, tried their hand at a bit of HP trivia before taking on weightier topics in an open discussion format. “We had to!” said Vaughan about the decision to sponsor such an event. “How often do you get a chance to gather readers of such an age range to talk so passionately about a single title?” The brainchild of librar y director Enid Davis, Harr y Potter celebrations took place on all three Harker campuses and included school day meetings at Bucknall and Blackford to accommodate younger students’ schedules. Harker’s new MS librarian Bernie Morrissey inaugurated the first meeting of the ever-popular Blackford Book Club in late September with a discussion of “Deathly Hallows.” LS students took part in a lunchtime Harr y Potter party hosted by librarian Kathy Clark in early October that attracted more than 50 students. Supplied by Kathy Clark, LS Librarian

US fans agreed Rowling’s series will be treasured by generations to come and the world is definitely a better place since Harr y’s appearance in June 1997.

Teachable Moments Abound Thanks to Tech Grant, New Technology Every summer Harker provides funding under its Tech Grant program to teachers and administrators to augment skills used in the classroom and in administering to academic needs. Harker News reports on as many of the experiences as possible, and here is Gr. 3 math teacher Stephanie Woolsey’s account of her Tech Grant experience. “I’ve long wanted to use technology in my classroom to improve my teaching and my students’ learning, so I was fortunate this summer to work with the new Qwizdom classroom response system, which allows students to actively use technology to participate in class lessons. My goal in learning to use Qwizdom was to engage students who are already used to technology while continuing to teach my class content, and to improve the delivery and the interactivity of the lessons. “This system allows the students to answer math problems using remote controls (in some cases after they work the problem the old-fashioned way). Once they have answered, I can use the teacher remote to easily


and randomly choose a student to explain his or her answer, quickly show a graph of the class per formance, or use their per formance with the material in a “Jeopardy”-style or race car game. “The graph is great because I can quickly and privately ascertain how the class did and decide if I want to show students the results. Since (teachers) try to demonstrate that mistakes are a tool for learning, I plan to use this response graph to show how many students got wrong answers as well as demonstrating per fect class per formance. “Almost everything about this system allows for ‘teachable moments.’ We have prepackaged software with a wide variety of math lessons for all levels at Bucknall, and I learned that, with a little bit of effort, I can even change these lessons to fit my individual teaching style. There are so many opportunities for learning with this system! I am excited to begin using Qwizdom with my students, and am thankful to those who contribute to the Annual Giving Campaign.” Harker News — November 07

cHEF’S In the News Aug. 15 Silicon Valley Community Newspapers The Pizookies, an all-Harker, all-girl band (now mostly graduates), were covered in several of these weekly papers.

Sept. 5 San Jose Mercury News In their volleyball wrap up, the Merc mentioned that the Harker girls rank 15th and that Tanya Schmidt, Gr. 12, was County Athlete of the Week. On Sept. 3, the paper noted the team’s win at the Maui Classic tournament in Hawaii (See Harker News, Oct. 2007, p.16).

Sept. 5 San Jose Magazine Our very own LS teacher Diann Chung was named an educator of the year for her creative and innovative teaching.

Sept. 15 San Jose Mercury News The Mercury News had a very nice column on our new Davis Field and the dedication to Coach Thorp.

Sept. 22-23, KTVU Our girls volleyball team made the KTVU High School Sports Report in late September.

Participation in Annual Giving Could Mean Millions for Students Each year we strive for 100 percent parent participation in the Annual Giving Campaign. We’ve seen significant improvement in participation over the past few years, and last year were at 71 percent. However, we’d like to see that number go even higher. Participation in the campaign by all of our families is essential and expected. This year your participation is more important than ever for two reasons:


As you know, we have recently broken ground on the largest capital building project in the school’s history. The new Science & Technology Center on our Saratoga campus will be finished in fall 2008. We plan to apply for corporate and foundation grants to help fund some of the “green” features of the building project already in progress. In order to be considered for these grants, our parent participation in the campaign should be in the 85-95 percent range. High parent participation shows foundations and corporations that our families support the school’s mission and objectives.


To encourage as much participation as possible, a generous Harker family has offered to match incremental donations (any increase over last year’s gift) to the campaign 2-to-1 with donations to the Capital Campaign. For families who did not make a gift last year, their gift this year will be matched 5-to-1. This family will match gifts up to $1 million. Your gift to the campaign could literally lead to millions of dollars for our students because of potential grants and because of this matching gift. You can make your gift online today by going to our Web site and clicking on “Support Harker.” Our dedicated Parent Development Council volunteers worked the phones during Pledge Week in October, seeking support for this year’s Annual Giving Campaign.


Learning About Pears Pears date back to 5,000 B.C., when Feng Li, a Chinese diplomat, abandoned his responsibilities and began grafting pears and other fruit as a new business venture. The Romans continued this grafting process, developing more than 50 varieties and introducing pears to Europe. Some common varieties today include the Bartlett, the Red Bartlett, the Bosc and the Anjou. Do you know the origin of the Bartlett pear? See answer at the bottom. Other interesting pear facts: l A medium-sized pear counts as two servings of fruit and is a good source of fiber. l The pear belongs to the rosaceae (rose) family. l In Washington state, pear production ranks second, behind apples, and is the state’s 11 largest revenue producing agricultural commodity. l Pears are one of the few fruits that don’t ripen on the tree. l A pear provides 30 percent more potassium than an apple. Potassium is necessary for maintaining heartbeat, muscle contraction, nerve transmission and carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Try these yummy ideas: l Ham and pear sandwich – add a slice of your favorite cheese and make it a grilled panini sandwich to jazz it up a bit. l Baked pear – slice pear in half, drizzle with honey and bake at 350 degrees until tender. l Create a fruit salad using pears, banana, strawberries and blueberries, add a little bit of orange juice and top with a tablespoon of vanilla yogurt. Answer: The Bartlett pear dates back to 17th century England and eventually made it to the western United States during the California gold rush of 1849.

Recipe of the Month In the continuing effort to provide nutritious meals to students, Harker’s nutritionist, Anne Kolker, (see Harker News, Dec. 2006, pg. 3) has been recommending healthy suggestions to Harker’s executive chef, Steve Martin. One recipe students will be seeing is International Quinoa Salad. Quinoa is an Andean pseudocereal grown for its seeds, according to Wikipedia. Quinoa is an unusually complete food as it “contains a balanced set of essential amino acids for humans,” according to the site. Try this great salad at home!

International Quinoa Salad 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1

½ cups quinoa cups water clove of garlic, minced cucumber, diced tomatoes, diced cup corn jalapeno pepper, minced ½ cups garbanzo beans

2 ½3

cup parsley ½ cup scallion ½ cup mint 1 avocado, sliced ¼ cup lime juice ¼ cup olive oil 1 pinch salt and pepper

Place quinoa and water in a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until all liquid is absorbed (10-15 min.). Fold the quinoa onto a cookie sheet and allow to cool completely, then toss with remaining ingredients and enjoy!

Harker News — November 07


ScHOOlwIdE Staff Updates n Harker employee extraordinaire Kelly Espinosa is refining her positions. Not only the dean of student affairs for K-Gr. 5 and the longtime director of summer programs, both fulltime jobs, she also is the main organizer of the Family and Alumni Picnic. Head of School Chris Nikoloff has announced that Espinosa will continue to oversee all summer programs and lead the picnic, and the school will begin a search for a new dean. “I would like to take this oppor tunity to thank Kelly for all of the work she has done for The Harker School over the years, and par ticularly for her willingness to assume such broad responsibility in recent years in the form of two very important positions,” said Nikoloff. n Lorna Claerbout, K-Gr. 8 science chair, attended the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation conference in San Diego in June. The mission of UMDF is to promote research and education for the diagnosis, treatment and cure of mitochondrial disorders and to provide suppor t to affected individuals and families. Claerbout attended to learn more about mitochondrial disease research and to support a former student whose family is touched by this disease. n Two baby girls in two days brightened the lives of our staff! US athletic trainer Jaron Olson and his wife, Jenny, welcomed Riley Elizabeth to their family on Sept. 24. Riley joins sister Aver y. LS receptionist Rhonda Mann and her husband, Eric, became proud grandparents to Reagan Gayle Farlow. Congratulations to the Olsons, the Manns and little Reagan’s parents, Erica and Josh Farlow. n We repor ted in the October issue (p. 12) that MS science teacher Raji Swaminathan traveled with her eCybermission students to Washington, D.C., where she received two awards, but we did not provide



details on the honors. Swaminathan and a colleague from Texas were each recognized for being Founding Par ticipants and Five-Year Par ticipants. There are 173 founding team advisers, and only 17 five-year par ticipants. “This was a nice surprise,” said Swaminathan. n US math teacher Misael-Jose Fisico has earned the Distinguished High School Mathematics Teaching Edyth May Sliffe Award from the Mathematical Association of America. He is one of 22 teachers nationwide to be so honored.

Homecoming Prep at Fever Pitch As the campuses all ramped up for Homecoming 2007, varsity football players dropped over to the LS for a rousing assembly, and the younger students were thrilled with their visitors. As the players introduced themselves, many announced they had been at the school since first grade, and were graduates of the LS/Bucknall campus, drawing cheers from the crowd. The Junior Cheerleaders and Eaglets all trotted out their moves to help build the spirit. On the Saratoga campus, students decorated classroom doors to match class themes and, as part of their spirit week activities, each class decorated a giant Harker eagle that will eventually grace the Quad.

These awards are from a bequest by Edyth May Sliffe, a retired high school teacher of mathematics from Emer yville, who always felt that math teachers of award-winning students should also receive awards, according the MAA Web site. In addition to a cash prize, Fisico received a letter of congratulations and a cer tificate from the president of the MAA, and a free one-year membership in the MAA. n Fred Triefenbach, computer science depar tment chair and assistant director of instructional technology, will present at the California League of Middle Schools (CLMS) / California League of High Schools (CLHS) / National High School Association (NHSA / Computer Using Educators (CUE) conference. The conference, titled “Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives” will be in Monterey. Nov. 29 - Dec. 2. Triefenbach will present “Adventures in ALICE,” a workshop introducing a free software program (ALICE) which makes it easier to create computer programs using a drag-and-drop inter face and 3-D animations to allure today’s visually-oriented students while introducing them to object-oriented programming. Triefenbach has been teaching computer applications for 16 years and ALICE for the past three years. He was also a presenter at the 2007 CUE Conference in Palm Springs.

Harker News — November 07

MS Sports n Cross Country The cross country team has had a successful season so far. At the J.D. Morgan Park meet, the team

had several students per form well, including Michael Amick, Gr. 7, first place; Ragini Bhattacharya, Gr. 7, third place (five seconds off the winner!); Gr. 7 girls team, second place; Claudia Tischler, Gr. 6, second place. n Softball The softball team was an impressive 4-2 after recent victories against St. Simons, 17-6, and St. Joseph’s of Atherton, 7-5. They are led by

n Football At press time, the A (Gr. 8) football team was 6-1 after a victory against Valley Christian, 32-24. In September, they took first place in the third annual Harker Flag Football Tournament, played on the Saratoga campus on the new Davis Field. Coach C.J. Cali reported, “Harker went 4-0 in the tournament. The boys played exciting, competitive and in-

Harker News — November 07

The girls team also earned their second league win in history and first ever at home against Santa Clara, 12-8. They previously won their game against Cupertino High with a score of 11-7. Scorers for

spiring football throughout a raining Saturday.” At the end of regulation play, Harker and Menlo were tied 20-20 and Harker gained 28 yards to Menlo’s 0 in the tie breaker to take the championship. During the tournament, Grant Napier had over 400 yards of total offense, with 10 tackles on defense; Daanish Jamal had 10 catches over 100 yards with one touchdown and three extra points; Ananth Subramaniam had 10 catches for 165 yards and two touchdowns; and Steven Hughes had 10 carries for a total of 100 yards to lead the offense. On defense, Adam Boone had five tackles and two sacks, Jason Kuan had three tackles and two sacks, and strong line play from David Fang, Sebastian Herscher and Saagar Sarin were key to Harker’s success. Athletic director Theresa “Smitty” Smith commended the team for a terrific job by all the players who participated in the tournament. continued on back page

US Sports pitcher Ashley Del Alto, Gr. 7, and the defense of Shivani Bigler, Gr. 8, as well as the offense of up-andcoming Regina Chen, Gr. 6.

fourth quarter. The Eagle’s defensive game has improved dramatically and they are playing with more confidence. Senior Raymond Paseman and sophomore Michael Clifford lead the team in number of goals scored, followed by junior Alex He, sophomore Stefan Schwartz and freshman Rex Chen.

n Water Polo Harker’s varsity boys water polo made history when they won their first league water polo game, beating the Santa Clara Bruins 12-4 at home, after scoring six goals in the

“Juniors Tara Panu and Elizabeth Liu have also played key roles in the season thus far,” said Pasqua. In the second half of the season the girls play against Mitty, followed by matches against perennial CCS powerhouses Leland and Sacred Heart Prep. The JV team defeated Notre Dame at home 5-2, to improve their record to 3-1 with a 22-6 match score record.

the girls included Tina Ma, Gr. 10, Angeli Agrawal, Gr. 11, and Dawn Queen, Gr. 9. n Girls Tennis According to coach Craig Pasqua, “The girls varsity tennis team got off to a great start.” The team finished the first half of the season with a strong fourthplace finish (out of 16 teams) in the Santa Catalina Tournament in Monterey. Sophomores Kelly E. Chen, Brittany Chu, Vivian Huang and senior Divya Mandava made it to the semifinals. Juniors Sarah Christiano and Lauren Moser were doubles consolation winners.

n Cross Country The boys cross country team recently won their first meet ever! The boys ran the 2.8-mile course in San Bruno led by Sam Levine, Gr. 11, (sixth place) and Aadithya Prakash, Gr. 10, (seventh place). Others scoring for the boys were: Kevin Xu, Gr. 11, Adam Perelman, Gr. 10, and Evan Maynard, Gr. 11. At the same meet, the girls team placed fourth, led by two juniors, two sophomores and three freshmen. At the Ram Invitational, according to coach Dan Hodgin, “Harker cross country had an exceptional day! In a field of over forty teams and one thousand participants, Harker runners received 13 medals. Medal winners included: Xu, Perelman, Prakash, Roshmi Bhattacharya, Gr. 11, Jennifer Dai, Gr. 9, Kristie Sanchez, Gr. 9, and Tyler Koteskey, Gr. 9. Junior Elena Madan came in second place in her field while fellow junior Levine dominated his field and became the first Harker Eagle to win a major cross country invitational.” continued on back page


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Erin Clifford

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