Harker capital campaign

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The Events Center

Rising to the Challenge

Supporting Harker’s Whole-Mission Approach I Summer Programs www.harker.org


Supporting Harker’s Proven Whole-Mission Approach Founding Principles Since our founding in 1893, Harker has always been committed to the development of the whole child and to excellence across all domains. We call this our ABCCs:

A cademic Excellence B road Programs C haracter C ommunity Harker’s century-old whole-mission approach supports our students in reaching their full potentials and preparing them for success in college and beyond.

Building a World Class PK-12 School in Silicon Valley In 1998, Harker responded to the dramatic need in Silicon Valley for a non-sectarian, high quality, independent PK-12 school and launched the multiyear, multiphase Cornerstones Campaign to fund the construction of the necessary facilities. Phases 1-4: The positive impact and associated measurable results from the first four phases of the campaign proudly established the tradition of philanthropy throughout the Harker family. Phase 5: Moving forward with the construction of a new theater and gymnasium on the Saratoga campus will help us solidify the foundation for building a world-class PK-12 school, further enhancing our whole-mission approach.

Phase 5: The Events Center The Challenge is On! Harker history was made on April 21, 2014. Jeff and Marieke Rothschild generously committed to a $10 million matching gift challenge. They will match dollar for dollar specific gifts that are:

a) formally pledged by the beginning of the 2014-15 school year, and

b) paid within the 2014, 2015 or 2016 calendar years.

With this match, when could we begin construction? This transformational matching gift challenge is structured so that, if the Harker community rises to the challenge, construction on the new events center would begin in June 2015. All those who make gifts to help meet the match will be recognized as members of the special Partners Circle.


The committee recommends that the administration move forward with the plan to build an up-to-date gymnasium and improved performing arts facilities.


—Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) recommendation during 2012 re-accreditation process

Features of the Events Center Performing Arts: • 500+ seat theater with balcony • Comfortable audience seating • Quality lighting and sound systems • Fly loft and orchestra pit for large-scale productions • Technical theater and scene shop • Dressing rooms in close proximity to the stage • Classroom studios for voice, drama and dance • Orchestra room with large instrument storage • Individual and group practice rooms

Athletics: • Regulation-size athletic court with dual-side bleachers • Gym divider to provide multiple teams with practice space • Sky loft for community socials during games • Athletic training center to support physical well-being • Sports performance center filled with strength and cardio equipment • Team multipurpose rooms for meetings and instruction • Home and visiting team locker rooms

Student Center: • Ample space for students to meet, study and collaborate during the school day • Community gathering space for families during performances and games • Student art gallery for visual arts displays

Benefits of the Events Center Programmatic Benefits:

Global Benefits:

• Improving functionality of our arts and athletics practice and performance spaces

• Ensuring that the leaders of tomorrow have growth opportunities that allow them to

• Limiting time lost in academic study, with family, etc., due to early dismissals/late practices • Reducing the need for each campus to share its facilities with groups from other campuses • Providing attractive spaces that enhance the safety and comfort of our students • Fostering a greater sense of community and school pride for our students and families • Helping our sports and performing arts programs reach their full potentials

discover and hone their talents • Producing well-rounded students who have been exposed to a variety of different activities and programs • Enhancing the creativity, collaboration and communication skills that enable our students to make valuable contributions to the greater good • Advancing the values outlined in our mission statement

Strategic & Financial Benefits: • Attracting students and families who value our whole-mission approach to education • Cultivating and retaining a diverse pool of outstanding faculty and coaches • Transferring from a leased property to a campus we own • Ensuring the school’s long-term stability in Silicon Valley • Redirecting planned lease dollars to other strategic financial priorities • Saving on venue rental costs and transportation fees • Freeing up existing spaces for the expansion of both our visual arts and business & entrepreneurship programs

Starting each day with orchestra reWhat I love about Harker sports is ally refreshed my mind and set a positive that they are competitive and everyone tone for the rest of the day. I learned who plays wants to do well, but they are how to be a leader outside of the classroom, and I realize how also very fun and relaxing. Building a new athletics center will enhance fortunate I was to live and breathe in this enriching environment not only the actual performance of the athletes; it will also put them that puts just as much emphasis on pursuing artistic passions as in new situations where they can learn valuable life lessons. on achieving academic success.

- Nayeon Kim ’13

- Maverick McNealy ’13

Phases of the Cornerstones for Success Campaign Building a World-Class PK-12 School in Silicon Valley Phase 1: The Bucknall Campus – Lower School In 1998, we purchased and renovated the Bucknall campus. Renovations included a new gymnasium and classroom building, large stage, dance studio, choral music studio, two commercial kitchens, science labs, and a beautiful pool.

Phase 2: Shah Hall – Middle School In 2000, we completed construction of Shah Hall, a new classroom building for our middle school students on the Saratoga campus. Major electrical upgrades where also made to the campus in preparation for future growth. In 2005, when the middle school moved to the leased Blackford campus, Shah Hall became the home of the upper school’s history department.

Phase 3: Nichols Hall, Davis Field and Singh Aquatic Center – Upper School In 2008, we completed construction of a new science and technology complex, athletic field and aquatics center. Our science and technology complex, Nichols Hall, houses the Jain Technology Center, the Krishnamurthi Physics Center, the Madala Biology Center, the Pawlowski Chemistry Center and the Ringold Research Center. Davis Field is home to our football, soccer and lacrosse teams, and the Singh Aquatic Center supports our swimming and water polo programs.

Phase 4: The Union Campus – Preschool In early 2013, we won the bid on the Union Avenue campus, which opened as Harker Preschool later that year. The Union campus will eventually welcome lower school students as we transition away from the Blackford lease and move the middle school students to the Bucknall campus.

Bucknall Gym

Shah Hall

Nichols Hall





1997 & 1999


Davis Field & Singh Aquatic Center

Union Campus

The Challenge is On! As those involved in the daily innovations of Silicon Valley realize, arts and athletics programs cultivate more dynamic, well-rounded individuals for tomorrow’s workforce. These extracurriculars are not something to be dismissed, but rather opportunities to celebrate, cherish and support.

Why should you be a part of this new phase? • You see the value in building character, leadership and creativity through broad-based programming. • You understand the strategic financial advantage to moving quickly on construction and unwinding from our leased property as soon as possible. • Your students have benefited from the generosity of Harker families that have come before you, and you, too, want to be part of the educational legacy that Harker is building in Silicon Valley.

For more information, visit www.harker.org/eventscenter or contact Joe Rosenthal: joe.rosenthal@harker.org l 408.345.9266

I think it is imperative that current parents and future parents and students of Harker recognize that the facilities they enjoy today were based on the contributions that their predecessors made. Without parent and student engagement, and without their contributions, what you see as ‘Harker’ today wouldn’t exist. It is incumbent upon you not only to provide for your students today but for the students who will come later. - Gordon Ringold, Alumni Parent

All of this is possible through your generosity and dedication. It reaches all members of the Harker community, making the school the phenomenal place that it is – a place where students can pursue their passions and succeed. -Jenny Chen ’13





4525 Union Ave., San Jose, CA 95124

4300 Bucknall Rd., San Jose, CA 95130

3800 Blackford Ave., San Jose, CA 95117

500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose, CA 95129




408.249.2510 OofC: 4/14 (BHDG-JQ)

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