2012 Harker Summer Institute, grades 6-12

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2012 Summer Institute Grades 6-12

summer.harker.org Summer Institute Office summerinstitute@harker.org l 4300 Bucknall Road, San Jose, CA 95130 l


Outstanding summer programs for over 50 years

The Harker Summer Institute 2012 Grades 6-12

Summer Institute

June 18–Aug. 10 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

course/activities dates and times vary


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REGISTRATION Registration is open for all 2012 summer programs on January 17 and all classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. •

You may apply online at www.summer.harker.org or submit a paper application. Applications may be downloaded from the website or you may call our office to have one sent to you.

• Complete the application and health forms carefully and submit with your non-refundable deposit. Incomplete applications can not be processed. Full payment is due by May 4. • If classes are full, students may be placed on a waiting list and will be notified if space becomes available. • Confirmation packets will be mailed within five business days of receipt of application. Please contact our office if you do not receive a confirmation.

If you are enrolling in a FOR-CREDIT course • Please check the prerequisites and grade requirements for each course before applying. • Non-Harker students applying for honors level math courses will be contacted about placement testing in May. • Students who apply and are not qualified will be notified and removed from the class. Deposit will be returned if the student does not qualify. Please contact Sabrina Gutierrez in the Summer Office with registration questions.

Courses are held on our upper school campus Saratoga Campus 500 Saratoga Avenue | San Jose, CA 95129 2

408.553.0524 | sabrinag@harker.org

The Harker Summer Institute 2012 ATTENDANCE


Attendance is crucial and strict attendance minimums will apply. Students who miss more than one class period of a three-week course, or two class periods of a six-week course will be dropped from the class and will not be eligible for credit. Students are not allowed to audit a for-credit course.

Mid session and final grade reports will be issued to all students enrolled in for-credit courses. Final grades will be mailed home and posted on the Harker parent portal at the end of each summer semester. You may also make a transcript request, for grades to be mailed to your current school.

HOMEWORK Students enrolled in for-credit classes should be prepared for fast paced rigorous instruction and two to three hours of homework per class, each day.

BOOKS AND MATERIALS Most for-credit classes require the additional purchase of books and/ or materials for the class. Book lists (including ISBN numbers) will be mailed with your confirmation information. Books range in cost from $60-$100 per class and can be purchased on your own or through the Harker bookstore.

PREREQUISITES Many classes require prerequisites or are only offered to certain grade levels. Please carefully review the information provided to make sure your student qualifies.


For-Credit Courses For-Credit Courses

These summer academic courses are equivalent to courses offered during the academic year and use the same texts and materials. Classes are small to ensure quality instruction and retention of course materials. Our teachers (many of whom work at Harker year-round) are caring and professional, and dedicated to providing a quality summer learning experience for each student. All courses are open to qualified students enrolled in any accredited high school. Successful completion of these courses results in course credit for Harker students. For other students, course credit is given at the discretion of each school, so please check with your school before applying.

Algebra 1*


Harker: Grade 9 Non-Harker: Grades 6-12 June 18- July 27 | 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Prerequisites: 83% or better in Pre-Algebra; teacher recommendation and dept. approval

Fee: $1,410 This is an introductory course in algebra and is intended for students who have very little background in algebra. The goals of the course are for students to: manipulate mathematical expressions involving variables, integers and the laws of exponents; solve problems that go beyond manipulative skills; demonstrate mastery in algebraic expressions; factor polynomials; solve real-world problems involving the quadratic formula. A TI-83/84 calculator is required.

Algebra 1 Honors* All: Grades 6-8 June 18- July 27 | 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Prerequisites: 95% or better in Pre-Algebra Honors; teacher recommendation and dept. approval

Fee: $1,410 This is an accelerated and intensive introductory course in algebra. The goals of the course are for students to: manipulate mathematical expressions involving variables, integers and the laws of exponents; solve problems that go beyond manipulative skills; demonstrate mastery in algebraic expressions; solve and graph equations and inequalities; factor polynomials; solve real-world problems involving the quadratic formula and using the TI-83 calculator. This course is aimed at students who are capable of quickly learning and understanding an advanced treatment of Algebra I concepts. A TI83/84 calculator is required. Non-Harker students will be contacted about placement testing in May.

* Textbook required



Algebra 2/Trigonometry*

All: Grades 6-12 June 18-July 27 8 a.m.-12:15 p.m. or 12:45-5 p.m.

Harker: Not eligible Non-Harker: Grades 9-12 June 18-July 27 | 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Prerequisites: Gr. 6-8 90% or better in current course (Algebra 1 or Algebra 2) Gr. 9-12 87% or better in current course (Algebra 1 or Algebra 2)

Prerequisites: 90% or better in Geometry; teacher recommendation and dept. approval

Fee: $1,410 This course in Euclidean geometry aims to present geometry to students as a problem-solving course. It also aims to help students acquire skills in making logical conclusions and developing their visualspatial skills. By the end of the course students are expected to: write narrative proofs and two-column proofs; solve problems related to geometry; demonstrate skills in using auxiliary figures in solving geometric problems; list properties of special geometric elements such as triangles, parallel lines, circles, quadrilaterals and platonic solids; construct geometric figures using a straight edge and compass.

Geometry Honors*◊ All: Grades 6-12 June 18-July 27 8 a.m.-12:15 p.m. or 12:45-5 p.m. Prerequisites: Gr. 6-8 95% or better in current honors course (Algebra 1 Honors or Algebra 2 Honors) Gr. 9-12 90% or better in current honors course (Algebra 1 Honors or Algebra 2 Honors)

Fee: $1,410 This is an accelerated and intensive version of the geometry course described above and is intended for advanced students only. This course is aimed at students who are capable of a quicker pace and a more advanced treatment of the concepts in geometry. Non-Harker students will be contacted about placement testing in May. Learning use of the computer software Geometer’s Sketchpad (GSP) Version 5 is also incorporated into the course.

◊ Laptop (MAC or PC) required

Fee: $1,410 This course aims to further develop the analytical skills of students who have shown capabilities in doing difficult mathematical problems. The goals of the course are for students to: demonstrate mastery in using a TI-83 calculator effectively in solving algebraic problems; show skills in proving theorems, making conjectures and establishing the truth and falsity of these conjectures; graph with ease and state the general characteristics of polynomial, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. This course will prepare students for Pre-Calculus. A TI-83/84 calculator is required.

Algebra 2/Trigonometry Honors* Harker: Not eligible Non-Harker: Grades 9-12 June 18-July 27 | 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Prerequisites: Gr. 9-12 90% or better in Honors Geometry; Gr. 6-8 95% or better in Honors Geometry; teacher recommendation and dept. approval

Fee: $1,410 Areas of study include those listed for the Algebra II course. In addition, this course places greater emphasis on mathematical proof and induction, and explores variation, analytic geometry and trigonometric relationships and solving triangles. This course is designed to prepare the student for Honors Pre-Calculus. A TI-83/84 calculator is required. Non-Harker students will be contacted about placement testing in May.


For-Credit Courses

Economics All: Grades 10-12 June 18-July 6 | 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Prerequisite: World History 1 or World History 1 Honors.

Fee: $760 This course will introduce students to the basic principles of economics, including the theory of supply and demand and market theory. These basic theoretical tools willhelp students analyze current economic issues and their relevance to society and public policy. Classes will consist primarily of discussion developed from readings, films and student reports.

Techno logy Programming*◊ All: Grades 9-12 June 18-July 27 | 8-11 a.m. Prerequisites: Algebra 2/Trigonometry or Honors Algebra 2/Trigonometry

Fee: $1,055 This course helps entry-level computer science students develop their computational thinking skills by applying the basic steps in algorithmic problemsolving and abstraction. Students apply modern software design techniques to strategize and communicate solutions and then develop programs that embody their solutions. Students learn to use techniques such as abstraction and recursion to break complex problems down into smaller, more manageable sub-problems. Students not only gain an appreciation of elegant solutions but also experience the thrill of obtaining them. They will explore virtual worlds with robots and creatures of their own design while learning basic programming and algorithmic thinking skills.

Programming is designed for the student who intends to pursue Advanced Placement Computer Science (not AP CS with Data Structures) yet may not be prepared for the faster pace of Advanced Programming.

Advanced Programming*◊ All: Grades 9-12 June 18- July 27 | 9-12 p.m. or 1-4 p.m. Prerequisites: Algebra 2/Trigonometry or Honors Algebra 2/Trigonometry with an A-

Fee: $1,055 This course helps students develop their computational thinking skills by applying the basic steps in algorithmic problem-solving and abstraction. Students are exposed to design techniques that allow them to decompose problems into smaller, more manageable parts. They then turn their designs into code, which they test and refine until they clearly demonstrate algorithmic solutions to problems. Beyond the acquisition of basic programming skills – variables, control statements and loops – students learn how to program with objects, use elementary data structures and solve selected problems using recursion. Students not only gain an appreciation of elegant solutions but also experience the thrill of obtaining them. Using one or more modern programming languages, students will explore virtual worlds with robots and creatures of their own design while learning object-oriented programming skills such as creating classes, designing and implementing methods and exploring inheritance. Students expand their designs and programming techniques with projects by creating games. Advanced Programming is a fast-paced course that covers more material at a greater depth than Programming and is designed for the student who intends to pursue Advanced Placement Computer Science with Data Structures.

* Textbook required ◊ Laptop (MAC or PC) required


Upper School Enrichment Upper School Enrichment

These classes (designed just for upper schoolers) provide an opportunity for students to expand their knowledge and interest in a favorite subject area. Our dedicated faculty, combined with small classes, great facilities and a positive learning environment add up to a great summer experience! Please check grade restrictions for each class before applying!

Writing Creative Writers Workshop* All: Grades 9-12 June 18-July 6 | 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Prerequisites: English 1 or dept. approval

Math Pre-Calculus Boost All: Grades 9-12 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11 a.m. Prerequisites: Completion of Algebra 2 and Geometry

Fee: $440 This course is designed for students who have completed Algebra II and will be especially beneficial to those who will be entering Pre-Calculus in the fall. The material covered will include that previously taught in Algebra II, with an emphasis on improving students’ problem-solving skills. Specific topics will concentrate and make use of the linear, quadratic and cubic functions, along with the sinusoidal functions, sin(x) and cos(x). A graphical and numerical approach will be used throughout the course to help students truly understand the mathematics. A TI-83 (or TI-84 - preferred) calculator is required.

* Textbook required


Fee: $760 Creative Writers Workshop affords students the opportunity to write both fiction and poetry in a nonthreatening, workshop atmosphere. We place emphasis on analyses of plot, character, imagery, point of view, tone, form and other elements of fiction and poetry. Students critique and analyze works of published fiction and poetry in order to come to a better understanding of form, and to find the form that best suits their own subject matter and writing style. Each student will come away with a deeper understanding of the narrative process, and, ultimately, will be on the way to finding his or her own voice.

Science AP Biology and AP Chemistry: Courses for Harker students only. Placement in a.m./p.m. sections will be determined by random lottery following the enrollment deadline. The enrollment deadline will be Friday, February 3, 2012.

AP Chemistry* Enrolled incoming Harker sophomores June 18-July 16 8 a.m.-12:15 p.m. or 12:45-5 p.m. Prerequisites: An A in Honors Physics; department approval

Fee: $940 This course will cover approximately the first 25% of the AP Chemistry curriculum including scientific method, atomic theory, stoichiometry, reaction types and the first law of thermodynamics. In addition, laboratory safety and laboratory techniques will be emphasized with college-level labs that reinforce the material being covered in class. Successful completion is required for permission to enroll in AP Chemistry as a sophomore. The AP Chemistry exam will be taken at the end of the sophomore year. Grade 10: Students who qualify for AP Chemistry will have completed semester 1 with an overall grade of A- and a final exam grade of A- or higher. Students who earn an overall grade in semester 1 of A or A+ will qualify regardless of their final exam score. Final approval for AP Chemistry will be based on maintaining strong academic performance and classroom behavior throughout semester 2.

Expository Writing and Grammar Review* All: Grades 9-12 June 18-July 27 | 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $1,410 This course will introduce students to basic rhetorical modes. Using model essays, students will learn to identify effective patterns of writing and to apply those patterns in their own writing. Students will practice paragraph composition using narrative, descriptive and comparative structures. Writing and revision will be emphasized. The course will cover the following grammatical topics: the parts of speech, types of clauses, verb forms, verb tense consistency, active and passive voice, subject and verb agreement, pronoun case/pronoun agreement, phrases and verbals/dangling and misplaced modifiers, subordination and coordination, punctuation usage. This course will prepare students for the grade 9 English course at Harker’s upper school.

AP Biology* Enrolled incoming Harker juniors June 18-July 27 8 a.m.-12:15 p.m. or 12:45-5 p.m. Prerequisites: An A in Honors or AP Chemistry; department approval

Fee: $1,410 This course will introduce students to two of the three major topics of the AP Biology program. The first section on cells and molecules will cover approximately 25% of the AP Biology course, including biochemistry, cell structure and function, cell membranes and enzymes. The second section is drawn from the organisms and populations topic and will cover 5% of the AP Biology course. In the second

Upper School Enrichment as gain invaluable practical skills in applying those concepts to form educated and informed opinions about the crucial issues facing the world today.


The Harker Summer Institute is offering dynamic art immersion classes open to all levels. These three courses are suitable for beginners looking for a challenge or advanced students needing concentrated time to develop exciting new works for submission to the AP Studio Art portfolios. The three-week summer intensive courses give students the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in projects to create well-conceived and polished artworks. All projects specifically address APSA breadth portfolio concerns in mediums and art approaches. A museum field trip is included with the class registration.

Portfolio Preparation: Drawing

section, a broad survey of living things will emphasize taxonomy, structural adaptations and evolution. Students will complete two college-level labs and will have the opportunity to begin a project required in AP Biology. Successful completion is required for permission to enroll in AP Biology as a junior. The AP Biology exam will be taken at the end of the junior year. Grade 11 (via AP Chemistry): Students who qualify for AP Biology will have completed semester 1 with an overall grade of B+ or higher and a final exam grade of A- or higher. Students who earn an overall grade in semester 1 of A or A+ will qualify regardless of their final exam score. Final approval for AP Biology will be based on maintaining strong academic performance and classroom behavior throughout semester 2. Grade 11 (via Honors Chemistry): Students who qualify for AP Biology will have completed semester 1 with an overall grade of A- and a final exam grade of A- or higher. Students who earn an overall grade in semester 1 of A or A+ will qualify regardless of their final exam score. Final approval for AP Biology will be based on maintaining strong academic performance and classroom behavior throughout semester 2.

All: Grades 9-12 June 18-July 6 | 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Fee: $705 In this course students will create works specifically addressing issues related to the AP Drawing portfolio including but not limited to: line quality, light and shade, composition, surface manipulation, the illusion of depth and mark making. Media explored in class will include graphite, charcoal, conte, ink, oil & chalk pastel, mixed media, and monotype printmaking. Projects will include working from observation, approaches to abstraction/stylization, expressive mark-making, realism and imaginary imagery.

Portfolio Preparation: 2D All: Grades 9-12 June 18-July 6 | 1-5 p.m. Fee: $705 In this course students will create works specifically using the art elements and design principles in an

integrative manner. Design issues will be explored using a variety of mediums including graphite, marker, ink, acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, and monotype printmaking. Projects will include working with balance systems, employing unity and variety in a composition, figure/ground relationships, color organization, exaggeration, proportion, scale, pattern and repetition.

Portfolio Preparation: 3D All: Grades 9-12 June 18-July 6 | 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Fee: $705 In this course students will employ a range of approaches to 3D design to create dynamic sculptures. Design issues to be explored include unity, variety, balance, emphasis, rhythm, contrast, proportion, and scale. Materials to be explored include foamboard, wood, wire, plaster, clay, paper, and mixed media. The course will cover various working methods to create sculpture including malleable, subtractive and constructive strategies.

Other Driver’s Education June 11-14 | 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Prerequisites: Minimum age: 15

Fee: $160 (fee includes lunch) Driver’s Education, the state-required course for students to obtain their instruction permit, will be taught by Economic Driving School instructors this summer at The Harker School. The classroom course is four days in length and covers all the material needed for students to pass the written test. All instructors are credentialed school teachers and they have been serving Santa Clara County since 1978.


Applied Economics

All: Grades 10-12 July 9-July 27 | 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Fee: $530 This course is designed as a real-life application of the theories developed in the AP Economics courses. We will survey current events and debates in the news ranging from the microeconomic analysis of environmental or anti-trust policy to macroeconomic issues relating to fiscal and monetary policy differences between the two political parties as well as the Euro Zone debt crisis. Students will deepen their understanding of various economic theories as well

Photo 12


Middle School Enrichment Middle School Enrichment

These classes (designed just for middle schoolers) provide an opportunity for students to expand their knowledge and interest in a favorite subject area. Our dedicated faculty, combined with small classes, great facilities and a positive learning environment add up to a great summer experience! Please check grade restrictions for each class before applying!

Math Fundamentals of Pre-Algebra All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: Entering Pre-Algebra in fall 2012

Fee: $530 (per session) This course is designed to help students solidify the concepts and skills learned in math this past year and look ahead to their upcoming Pre-Algebra class. Students will practice and review their understanding of past skills and be introduced to important new topics and problems that await them in the fall. Lessons, activities and explorations will allow for a greater understanding of important math concepts and added math confidence.

Fundamentals of Algebra

Fundamentals of Geometry

All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m.

All: Grades 6-10 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m.

Prerequisites: Completion of Pre-Algebra

Fee: $530 (per session) This course is designed to help students solidify the concepts and skills learned in math this past year and look ahead to their upcoming Algebra class. Students will practice and review their understanding of past skills and be introduced to important new topics and problems that await them in the fall. Lessons, activities and explorations will allow for a greater understanding of important math concepts and added math confidence.

Prerequisites: Completion of Algebra 1

Fee: $530 (per session) This course is designed to help students solidify the concepts and skills learned in math this past year and look ahead to their upcoming Geometry class. Students will practice and review their understanding of past skills and be introduced to important new topics and problems that await them in the fall. Lessons, activities and explorations will allow for a greater understanding of important math concepts and added math confidence.

Fundamentals of Algebra 2 All: Grades 6-10 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: Completion of Algebra 1

Fee: $530 (per session) This course is designed to help students solidify the concepts and skills learned in math this past year and look ahead to their upcoming Algebra 2 class. Students will practice and review their understanding of past skills and be introduced to important new topics and problems that await them in the fall. Lessons, activities and explorations will allow for a greater understanding of important math concepts and added math confidence.



Middle School Enrichment

Write it Right

All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $530 (per session) In this class, students will learn a variety of skills necessary for formal academic writing. Using different activities both on the computer and handwritten, they will work to strengthen their tone, grammar, organization of ideas, topic sentence formation, and the use of quoted materials as evidence. Major assignments will be single-developed paragraphs, carefully edited for grammar, punctuation and formal wording. Writers at all levels will benefit from this opportunity to focus on their writing and reinforce the skills needed to “write it right”!

Write 4 Life All: Grades 6-9 July 30-August 10 | 8:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $355 The art of writing takes many forms, and school isn’t the only place your writing takes center stage. In this practical class you will utilize your writing knowledge to develop and enhance your grasp of reallife, everyday writing. Exploring all genres of writing, students will pen music and restaurant reviews, craft letters to the editor, draft resumes, compose personal profiles, invent travel journals and more. Confidence and appreciation of writing will improve as you add these useful lifelong skills!

era, proper scientific method and practice writing, and presentation of information to their peers (either using PowerPoint or Prezi) as they study biodiversity in the Bay Area, from their home to the hills, and to the bay.

Forensic Science All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 | 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $530 The curious and clever will want to check out this cool class! Students who join this program will get out their rubber gloves and get ready for investigations, interrogations and evidence analysis. Summer investigators will receive daily lessons in crime solving, including hands-on experiences in securing crime scenes, analyzing shoe prints, skeletal analysis, collecting and identifying fingerprints, etc. Of course, they’ll be reinforcing many important math and science concepts and improving their writing and vocabulary skills, but they will be so busy catching the crooks, they’ll hardly notice! Studies in chromotology and forensic odontology will add to their knowledge and team projects will turn the classroom into a summer “crime scene” where only the students can figure out the clues!

All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Students will develop, practice and utilize skills in: digital microscopy, use of a motion detection cam-

All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $530 (per session) Students in this technology-based class will work together in teams using Legos and Robolab software to solve puzzles, thwart disasters, forge discoveries, save the Earth and quite possibly humankind itself, all with the help of a robot they build and program. And that’s just week one! Seriously, with the technology skills students will acquire (basic programming, electronic control, mechanics, design engineering) they will be able to create and design amazing robotic creatures while developing teamwork, problemsolving, perseverance and ingenuity skills. The confidence and pride that is built along with the robots last long after the Earth has been saved!


Students taking this course need to be willing to learn to read and follow lab procedures, ask questions about why they are carrying out particular activities, and enjoy doing labs indoors as well as outdoors on and off campus.


Prerequisites: None


Fee: $530 This science mashup course includes the union of biology, environmental science, animal behavior and use of the scientific method to understand the biodiversity in the Bay Area through a hands-on approach to science. Students will be employing various sampling techniques (including pitfall traps for insects and quadrate sampling for plants) and exploring several components that influence biodiversity including abiotic factors, animal behavior and, of course, human activities.

Techno logy

Rocket Science All: Grades 6-9 July 30-August 10 | 8:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $355 Design and create your own rockets, using a digital rocket design program and your own skill and imagination. Daily rocket launches will allow students to experience a variety of rocket designs, learn what makes them successful (or not), and problem-solve their way into a awesome rocket design. Individual and group projects will make this a team-building experience as well as an opportunity for individual learning and expression.


Middle School Enrichment On The Spot! Improvisation in Performance All: Grades 6-8 July 30-August 10 8:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $355 Do you enjoy performing? Do you love comedy? How about games? Then look no further, this is the right class for you! We will focus on improvisation and theater games to increase your performance abilities. You will learn how to think on your feet, what creativity and imagination can bring to the party, and how to apply your new skills to all acting and character work. (spoiler alert: it’s not only for being funny…)

From Zero to Show – A Drama Intensive

Pottery 101


All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $530 In this course students will focus on techniquebased lessons exploring hand-building in the medium of clay. Students will have the opportunity to explore ceramics as a medium for both the tradition of functional pottery as well as for non-functional sculpture. Emphasis will be given to learning and mastering techniques students can use to further their artistic expression in ceramics during the normal academic school year. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to explore and share the artistic passion of an upper school chemistry teacher, providing a scientific perspective of and interest in ceramic materials.

Web Design 2.0 All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $530 (per session) In this course, students will study the basic HTML code used to make simple websites. They will learn all of the tags that go into websites, including content-related tags such as those used for images, text formatting, tables, etc. Some advanced topics will be touched upon as well, such as cascading style sheets and Java Script. Students will learn to use the correct syntax for coding their websites, as well as gain an introduction to Web 2.0 ideas.


Music Creativity and Improv All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $530 “Do you know someone who can improvise? Chances are he or she knows a lot of tunes and learns new tunes with relative ease. It seems that improvisers can sing and/or play anything that comes to mind. Improvisers interact in the moment to create one-ofa-kind experiences. Many accomplished musicians do not think of themselves as improvisers, yet if they have something unique to say in their performance, they are improvisers, and it is important to have opportunities throughout our lives to express ourselves creatively.” (Azzara & Grunow, 2008, p. iv) This three-week workshop provides students with interactive sessions that focus on developing their musicianship. Students will: 1. learn repertoire by ear in major, minor and modal tonalities in several keys. 2. learn repertoire by ear in common music forms such as AABA, ABA and Blues. 3. perform, read and compose rhythm patterns, tonal patterns and progressions based on specific repertoire. 4. improvise in many tonalities, meters and styles. 5. transcribe, perform and analyze other selected melodies and improvisations. 6. compose and arrange following specified guidelines. A concert will be performed at the end of each week for parents to observe student learning.

All: Grades 6-8 July 30-August 10 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Fee: 355 Theater is a valuable human resource with which we can equip our children. It builds self –confidence, fosters creativity, enhances communication, and teaches teamwork. It develops a variety of handson skills and cultivates grace under pressure. Every opportunity to practice the art is unique and educational. And did we mention it’s also fun!? Whether seasoned performers or theater newcomers, every student will enjoy this two week drama experience. In just 10 days, participants will learn the ins and outs of producing a show. We start with a script, cast the show, rehearse, build sets and costumes, create posters and programs—in short, we do it all! Your child is sure to enjoy practicing his or her talents (and maybe even find a new one!) as we explore the collaborative art of theater. This course will end with a showcase performance for parents and friends. Space is limited.


Middle School Enrichment So You Think You Can Cook? All: Grades 6-9 July 30-August 10 | 8:30-1130 a.m.

Debate Boot Camp is an opportunity for students to explore multiple aspects of competitive speech and debate in a fun and noncompetitive environment.

Prerequisites: None

Fee: $355 Sure you can! Aspiring chefs will learn cooking basics in this slightly competitive, health-focused, hands-on cooking class. In small teams, students will “digest” and practice culinary skills, create dishes, learn nutritional facts and more, as they compete to present awesome dishes to our summer judges (teachers). No skills required, just a love of food, an interest in acquiring practical kitchen knowledge and a willingness to chop, grate and season your way to the top!

Debate Boot Camp (Beginner) All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $530 (per session) Students will begin the two weeks by playing fun games and learning tips that will reduce or eliminate communication apprehension (the fears associated with public speaking). Then they will learn about and practice impromptu debate as well as interpretation speaking, which helps students to focus on verbal and nonverbal delivery in playful and fun ways. The students will also learn about public forum debate by developing one issue as a group and by researching and preparing cases as a team. Roundtable discussions will prepare them, and then they will wrap up the class with a mini-debate and speech performance that parents and families can attend. This class allows students to try out different performance opportunities that The Harker School speech and debate program offers. Even students who never want to compete will find this an invaluable learning opportunity and a chance to see public presentation (public speaking through speeches/ debates) in a fun light.

Debate Boot Camp (Advanced) All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $530 (per session) The advanced session of Debate Boot Camp is open to any students who have previously taken a debate class or attended Debate Boot Camp. Students will explore more advanced argumentation and advocacy events such as extemporaneous speaking and policy debate. They will do more exploration of current events as well as framing arguments in a policymaker context. Students will learn how to structure and argue policy debate cases as well as learn how to utilize research in extemporaneous-style speaking situations. The class will culminate with a minidebate and speech performance that parents and families can attend. This class allows students to try out different performance opportunities that The Harker School speech and debate program offers. Advanced Debate Boot Camp is strongly recommended for middle school students who would like to compete at middle school as well as high school speech and debate tournaments.

Champion Chess All: Grades 6-9 July 30-August 10 | 8:30-1130 a.m. Prerequisites: None


Super Study Skills

All: Grades 6-8 June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $530 (per session) Great study skills set the foundation for all classroom learning. Students in this class will get a head start on the upcoming school year by developing practical and useful strategies and techniques for managing their studies. Each day students will practice and discuss skills in a variety of areas including organization, time management, listening, note taking, memorization, test taking and more. They will have the opportunity to share stories, organize binders, develop memorization skills and increase vocabulary. A smooth and successful school year awaits these newly organized students!

Fee: $355 Calling all chess players! Learn advanced techniques and strategies that will take you from an everyday player to a full-on chess champion. Lessons and techniques balanced with casual and competitive play will add up to huge improvements in your game. There’s a seat for everyone regardless of skill level and the tournament format will encourage deep thinking and award exemplary strategy.

YOU can TUBE! All: Grades 6-9 July 30-August 10 | 8:30-1130 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $355 Go viral in this mini filmmaking class designed to teach you the ins and outs of short video creation. Outline your idea, write your script, storyboard your shots and put it all together (with proper editing) and who knows, you could be a hit! Proper posting techniques and Internet safety will be discussed as we show off our Tube-worthy creations!

Money 101 All: Grades 6-9 July 30-August 10 | 8:30-1130 a.m. Prerequisites: None

Fee: $355 Knowledge and training in money management is the key to teen success in the grown-up world of finances. This class will help students learn, understand and apply the skills every good money manager should know, using real-life situations and hands-on projects. You’ll learn the tricks to earn and save money, identify wants v. needs, spend wisely, balance credit and debt, protect your identity, be a smart charitable giver and more! Utilizing practical applications, fun situations, intriguing scenarios and real-life models you’ll gain the confidence and courage needed to earn, spend and grow your money in every stage of life!


Afternoon Activity Program Afternoon Activity Program (A.P.) Our Summer Institute program will offer FUN activities and on-campus opportunities for students after classes.

Work hard‌ play hard is our motto!


Afternoon Activity Program Middle School Afternoon Activities (6-8) • Sign up weekly to match your class schedule. • Students join activities after their class each day. • Activities run 11:30-5pm with supervision until 5:30 each day • Summer A.P. staff are on campus to provide games, sports, contests and more! • A wide range of activities and options are available. • Swimming pool, library, art room, Ping-Pong, basketball courts and study spaces are available every day! • Weekly special activities and group competition add to the fun.

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• Set your own schedule based on activities offered each day. • Do as much or as little as you like! We vote for as much!

Upper School Afternoon Activities (9-12) • No group activities are planned • Drop in activities available • Library, pool, basketball, ping pong etc. available each day • Lunch included

Fees: • Middle School (Gr. 6-8) $250 per week • Upper School (Gr. 9-12) $125 per week


Quick Quide to Summer Classes For-Credit Classes



Eligible Students

For Credit Date




All for credit math classes require teacher recommendation and deptartment approval.

Algebra 1 *

83% or better in Pre-Algebra

Harker: Grade 9 Non-Harker Grades 6-12:


June 18-July 27

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


Algebra 1 Honors * ▼

95% or better in Pre-Algebra Honors

All: Grades 6-8


June 18- July 27

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


Geometry * (a.m. or p.m.)

Gr. 6-8 90% or better in current course (Alg. 1 or Alg. 2) Gr. 9-12 87% or better in current course (Alg. 1 or Alg. 2)

All: Grades 6-12


June 18- July 27

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 12:45- 5 p.m.


Geometry Honors * ▼ (a.m. or p.m.)

Gr. 6-8 95% or better in current honors course (Alg. 1 Honors or Alg. 2 Honors) Gr. 9-12 90% or better in current honors course (Alg. 1 Honors or Alg. 2 Honors)

All: Grades 6-12


June 18- July 27

8 a.m.-12:15 p.m. or 12:45-5 p.m.


Algebra 2/Trigonometry *

90% or better in Geometry

Harker: Not eligible Non-Harker: Gr. 9-12


June 18-July 27

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


Algebra 2/Trigonometry Honors * ▼

Gr. 9-12 90% or better in Honors Geometry; Gr. 6-8 95% or better in Honors Geometry

Harker: Not eligible Non-Harker: Gr. 9-12


June 18- July 27

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.



June 18-July 6

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


All: Grades 9-12


June 18-July 27

8-11 a.m.


All: Grades 9-12


June 18-July 27

9 a.m.-12 p.m. or 1-4 p.m.


For Credit Date




June 18- July 6 and July 9-27

8:30-11 a.m.



World History 1 or World History 1 Honors.

Programming *

Alg. 2/Trig. or Honors Alg. 2/Trig. (Laptop required)

Advanced Programming *

Alg. 2/Trig. or Honors Alg. 2/Trig. with an A- (Laptop required)


All: Grades 10-12


Upper School Enrichment Classes Class


Eligible Students

Pre-Calculus Boost

Completion of Algebra 2 and Geometry

All: Grades 9-12



Creative Writers Workshop *

English 1 or dept. approval

All: Grades 9-12


June 18-July 6

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


Expository Writing and Grammar Review *


All: Grades 9-12


June 18-July 27

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.



AP Chemistry * (a.m. or p.m.)

An A in Honors Physics; department approval

Enrolled incoming Harker sophomores


June 18-July 16

8 a.m.-12:15 p.m. or 12:45-5 p.m.


AP Biology * (a.m. or p.m.)

An A in Honors or AP Chemistry; department approval

Enrolled incoming Harker juniors


June 18-July 27

8 a.m.-12:15 p.m. or 12:45-5 p.m.


Applied Economics


All: Grades 10-12


July 9-July 27

9 a.m.-12 p.m.


Portfolio Preparation: Drawing


All: Grades 9-12


June 18-July 6

8 a.m.-12 p.m.


Portfolio Preparation: 2D


All: Grades 9-12


June 18-July 6

1-5 p.m.


* Textbook required


History Arts

▼Harker students grade 6-8 subject to department approval

Continued on next page

Portfolio Preparation: 3D Driver’s Education

Quick Quide to Summer Classes None

All: Grades 9-12

Minimum age: 15


Minimum age: 15


June 18-July 6

8 a.m.-12 p.m.



June 11-14

8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.


For Credit Date



(incl. lunch)

Middle School Enrichment Classes Class


Eligible Students

Fundamentals of Pre-Algebra

Entering Pre-Algebra in fall 2012

All: Grades 6-8


June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Fundamentals of Algebra

Completion of Pre-Algebra

All: Grades 6-8


June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Fundamentals of Geometry

Completion of Algebra 1

All: Grades 6-10


June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Fundamentals of Algebra 2

Completion of Algebra 1

All: Grades 6-10


June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27

8:30-11:30 a.m.




(per session)

(per session)

(per session)

(per session)

Write it Right-Gr. 6


Grade 6


June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Write it Right-Gr. 7/8


Grades 7-8


June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Write 4 Life


All: Grades 6-9


July 30-Aug. 10

8:30-11:30 a.m.




All: Grades 6-8


June 18- July 6 or July 9-July 27

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Forensic Science


All: Grades 6-8


June 18-July 6

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Rocket Science


All: Grades 6-9


July 30-Aug. 10

8:30-1130 a.m.



June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27

8:30-11:30 a.m.





Technology All: Grades 6-8


(per session)

(per session)

Pottery 101


All: Grades 6-8


June 18-July 6

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Web Design 2.0


All: Grades 6-8


June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Music Creativity and Improv


All: Grades 6-8


June 18-July 6

8:30-11:30 a.m.


On The Spot! Improvisation in Performance


All: Grades 6-8


July 30-Aug. 10

8:30-11:30 a.m.


From Zero to Show – A Drama Intensive


All: Grades 6-8


July 30- Aug. 10

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Debate Boot Camp (Beginner)



All: Grades 6-8


June 18-July 6 8:30-11:30 a.m. or July 9-July 27


Debate Boot Camp (Advanced) None

All: Grades 6-8


June 18-July 6 8:30-11:30 a.m. and July 9-July 27



(per session)

(per session)

Super Study Skills


All: Grades 6-8


June 18-July 6 or July 9-July 27

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Money 101


All: Grades 6-9


July 30-Aug. 10

8:30-11:30 a.m.


So You Think You Can Cook?


All: Grades 6-9


July 30-Aug. 10

8:30-11:30 a.m.


Champion Chess


All: Grades 6-9


July 30-Aug. 10

8:30-11:30 a.m.


YOU can Tube


All: Grades 6-9


July 30-Aug. 10

8:30-11:30 a.m.


(per session)


Outstanding summer programs for over 50 years

Summer lnstitute Office | 4300 Bucknall Road | San Jose, California 95130 408.553.0524 phone | 408.376.0283 fax summerinstitute@harker.org | summer.harker.org O of C: 3/13/12 (RM)

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