TIP SHEET THE POWER OF WE: THE WORDS WE SAY MATTER | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 1
Clinicians Bill Adams and Debbie
In Every Issue
Cleveland at Barbershop Revival
4 Starting Pitch + Feedback
Never lose sight: singing is why we are all here together
8 Noteworthy
Signature, Wildfire, Westminster win in SLC New eval options, more detailed score sheets
33 Chapter Eternal
Reported May 1-July 1, 2019
28 24 Features
Roxanne Powell shares tips for thriving with a mixed gender group, and we're introduced to men, women, and couples who have already jumped into the joys of mixed harmony.
Great Harmony University content we couldn't fit in the March/April issue. Tips for singers and directors from Sandi Wright, Larry Triplett, Rich Lapp, and Charlotte Murray.
28 A Barbershop Revival
16 Spotlight
18 Mixed barbershop: It's time
34 Member Services Directory Where to find answers
36 The Tag
Jake Tickner's "Like Leaves, We'll Fall"
14 Tip Sheet
A BHS first: Top BHS and Gospel groups led an intensive, thrilling barbershop weekend, which captivated choral students attending historically black colleges in North Carolina.
Monty Duerksen has seen a lot and done a lot since he joined the Society in the 1940s. Catch up with one of only 36 members who have at least 70 years of Society membership.
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Twitter: @barbershopnews
Facebook: barbershopharmonysociety
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2 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
On the cover: Half and Half quartet at 2019 Saturday Night Spectacular, Salt Lake City. Photo by Lorin May
OUR VISION Everyone in Harmony OUR MISSION To bring people together in harmony and fellowship to enrich lives through singing. OUR PURPOSES To perpetuate the old American institution: the barbershop quartet and barbershop harmony To promote appreciation of barbershop harmony To initiate and maintain a broad program of musical education, contests, and appreciation in support of barbershop harmony and the allied arts To establish and maintain foundations that support our vision To initiate, promote and participate in charitable projects that support our vision The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (DBA Barbershop Harmony Society) is a non-profit organization operating in the United States and Canada. July/August 2019 Volume LXXIV Number 4 Complete contact info: pages 34-35 The Harmonizer (ISSN 0017-7849) (USPS 577700) is published bimonthly by the Barbershop Harmony Society, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704.Periodicals Postage Paid at Nashville TN and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Harmonizer, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704.
Advertising rates available upon request at Publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork.
Postmaster: send address changes to editorial offices of The Harmonizer, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704 at least 30 days before the next publication date. (Publications Agreement No. 40886012. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor ON N9A 6J5. Email: A portion of each member’s dues is allocated to cover the magazine’s subscription price. Subscription price to non-members is $25 yearly or $5 per issue; foreign subscriptions are $35 yearly or $7 per issue (U.S. funds only). © 2019 The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. dba The Barbershop Harmony Society. Printed in the USA | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 3
A conversation with our President and CEO
Interviewing Dick and Marty is a roller coaster ride. In 90 minutes, the conversation veers from memorable tag nights to Disney movies, to the psychology of leisure and mental refreshment. The discarded elements are as strong as the parts that end up in print. Accustomed to connecting with and elevating others' ideas, they drew this interviewer into inserting my own experiences into the story. – Brian Lynch
BRIAN: Your first topics together in this column have been high-flown: strategic plan, operations, future vision. All of these ultimately serve the core of singing and performing. Let's bring it back to your own experiences. We put so much effort into public shows and contests, but that's a fraction of the actual barbershop performance going on in the world. What about the other 90% of the barbershop experience? DICK: Most of us don't become a barbershop singer because we read
Get in Touch Dick Powell, Society President Marty Monson, CEO/Executive Director
4 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
a story in the New York Times. Most new singers come because a friend, or a neighbor, or somebody on the train to work invited them to come to a chapter meeting, because we couldn’t wait to share this wonderful experience with another human being. I remember that when I hear hard things from people who are concerned about the future of something they hold very, very dear. We’re all brothers and sisters in song. At the end of every day, I remember that I had another day to raise my voice in song, and nothing else much matters. MARTY: It bothers me when all the energy and emotional equity that we have all been immersed in hasn’t been balanced with enough singing. DICK: You can’t become so busy
Never lose sight: singing is why we are all here together
digging the well that you forget to drink the water. MARTY: Other than singing with Harmony Hall tour folks—even being at a barbershop weekend—I only get to do a little bit of singing because people want to talk to me about everything else. I love it and I want to help and to give people thoughts and space—but where’s the singing time? Last month, I got home from a barbershop weekend with no singing. Some family friends—not Barbershoppers—came over for supper, and we said, “We want to teach you some tags.” They loved it. We stayed up singing a long time. It was so different than my weekend because it was just friends and music. I slept really well that night. I smiled a lot. DICK: It’s because there wasn’t a spotlight on you. MARTY: Maybe my challenge to you is: The next time you see me, ask me to sing first. Talk second. Maybe we Barbershoppers should make that a rule of thumb: Sing a tag before sharing your opinion. DICK: Keeping the music in front is so important. MARTY: I’ve worn these wristbands a long time. “Barbershop Harmony Society. A Better World. Singing.” This other one is from Andrew Shackleton and it says “Harmony is Healing.” I
have to remind myself: Music is who I am. Everything else is what I do. DICK: It's positive energy, like a fusion reaction. Fission consumes material, but fusion brings things together to create energy—you're left with more than when you started. Barbershop is the fusion of life. Take the time to enjoy that energy. BRIAN: Marty, you would probably benefit from a Harmony Brigade weekend, where all you do is stand up and sing, sing, sing. Walk in there with a badge that says “Marty—Not the CEO this weekend.” So where have you found those moments when you felt like singing was the thing that nourished you? DICK: My second youngest son, age 10, had joined the Patapsco Valley Chapter because he wanted to learn from Kevin King. I became a dual member of that chapter so I could give parental support. He loved the guys, the guys loved him. Our big rival was Dundalk, the Chorus of the Chesapeake directed by Kevin's father, Freddie King. Our hard practice at home together was almost as fun as the performance! As we listened to the contest results, we didn't hear our name announced in the medals. We were puzzled. Then they said, “And your champion: Patapsco Valley!” We all just leapt into the air. It was a life-changing moment for me and my son to taste that confirmation that we had really entertained and had touched people with our music. MARTY: At our previous convention in Salt Lake City [2005], Great
Sounds of Aloha Chapter meeting Dick, visiting family, July 12 Category School Marty, July 17-21, Nashville Catonsville Outdoor Theater Dick emcees, July 20 Harmony University Marty, Nashville, July 21-28 American Society of Association Executives Marty, Columbus, OH, Aug. 11-13 Patapsco Valley chapter Dick's chapter's quartet contest, Sept 10 HFI Trustees Meeting Dick and Marty, Sept 13-15 FWD District Convention Sacramento, Oct. 10-12 Dick is watching “Soul Surfer” Marty is Reading: Good to Great and the Social Sectors, Jim Collins Marty is Learning: HU Belmont Music | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 5
A conversation with our President and CEO
Reader Feedback
Let us know what’s on your mind:
Midwinter symbolized musical engagement
Northern Union was going through the pattern in the Conference Center and we get off the buses into an all-marble room. We just sang in a circle in this space, not a contest song but another appropriate to the environment. When we finished, we were saying, “How do we top that?” A lot of the time, the biggest part of contest isn’t the performance but the ramp-up of unification and getting into that same heartbeat in space, mentally, physically, emotionally. My performance memories are just a whirlwind, but I’ll always remember the passion and lead-up and the camaraderie. BRIAN: The best audience I ever sang for was about 15 six-year-olds watching my quartet at my son's grade school sing, “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands …” The kids were into it, and my son gave me a proud “That’s my Dad!” face. That was it—everything I ever needed as a singer. MARTY: Was it because of your emotions or his? BRIAN: Both—that's what nourishes us! I didn’t need applause. I didn’t need anybody else to even hear this story. We had the moment. We connected. MARTY: Singing in harmony, you can experience and be fed the full spectrum of nourishment. It’s a relationship that has been found and created through balance with each other. You’re totally in the room, you’re not anywhere else. DICK: That's so true, isn’t it? The more you feed, the more you are fed. n
6 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
Midwinter exceeded my expectations–kudos to BHS for broadening our mission to include everyone! I wept with joy to see on the stage men, women, youth, African-Americans, and all welcomed with respect and love, the unifying element being music. Thank you for enhancing and expanding musical engagement in North America: in the schools, in the communities, and in our lives! David R. Updegraff Tucson, Ariz. Regarding my After Hours article, (May/June issue), Kevin Keller is the brilliant arranger of "Come What May," which I had attributed to the equally awesome Steve Tramack. Both have arranged for After Hours. Apologies to Kevin and Steve. Mike Lietke New Berlin, Wis. I loved Cindy Hansen Ellis’s article on “How Top Groups Consistently Improve" (March/ April issue), but it highlights the common assumption that barbershopping is a top priority for most members. I see too little BHS emphasis to improve skills among members who love barbershop but for whom chapter time is all the time they have. Many smaller chapters are going away because they are not developing. Many deperately need at least a 5- to 10-minute weekly "craft" session for the less musically fluent, starting with music reading. This would help get “Everyone in Harmony" as well as develop future directors. Ted Norton Olean, N.Y. I was chagrined to read Donny Rose in the Mar/Apr issue cite "giants" who made HU, but failed to mention the giant who created HU in the first place (not to mention the ice cream tradition) and served SPEBSQSA as Director of Musical Activities for two decades, during which the Society had its highest membership level ever: Mr. "Keep-it-Barbershop" Bob Johnson! Bob Balderson Milwaukee, Wis.
110 7th Ave N. Nashville, TN, 37203
Harmonizer@ barbershopharmonysociety | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 7
The latest in the world of Barbershop.
Signature, Wildfire, Westminster win in SLC A soulful gold medal run for Signature and a record-setting performance from Westminster Chorus highlighted a fantastic July contest week in Salt Lake City
Showman was one of the fastest BHS videos to surpass 100,000 views on Facebook and YouTube. Sweden's zero8 (95.6%) added its second international bronze medal, while Central Standard (93.0%) and the Northern Lights (92.6%) added to their medal collections.
Varsity Quartet Contest
Quartet Contest
Smoky R&B songs and a passionate, crowd-pleasing delivery helped Signature capture the 2019 International quartet championship. Five out of six charts were new, including the Ike & Tina Turner classic “Proud Mary” and Aretha Franklin’s “Think.” The quartet edged out strong challenges from the pop/country stylings of Throwback (93.0%), which held onto silver after very strong semifinals and finals rounds from Quorum (92.3%). Rooftop Records (90.7%)
Westminster Chorus won its first International medal, while Midtown (90.1%) debuted as a fifth-place bronze medalist.
Chorus Contest
A jaw-dropping performance by the 100-man Westminster Chorus (97.9%) set an all-time contest scoring record, topping a heart-wrenching and wildly innovative "Black and White" set by the Ambassadors of Harmony (96.5%). Within days, Westminster's "From Now On/Come Alive" medley from The Greatest
With members from Florida, Georgia and Tennessee, Wildfire (80.7%) beat out 19 other young quartets to capture the Next Generation Barbershop Varsity Quartet Contest. This year, all five medalists posted scores above the 76% qualifying average for the open contest. Wildfire was followed by silver medalist Backline (79.5%) and by bronze medalists City Limits (78.6%), Eclectones (77.7%) and The Last Drop (77.1%). Look for detailed convention coverage in the Sept./Oct. issue of The Harmonizer, and photos of all competitors in the 2019 Yearbook, which will be mailed this upcoming January.
A new look/schedule for the International Convention coming in 2020
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• Monday: red carpet event and optional black tie gala dinner. • Tuesday: day-long education sessions, expanded activities, and Opening Night Showcase. • Chorus contest split into four sessions over two days, each with big names. • AIC Show moves to Friday—after the final chorus contest round.
• Next Generation Varsity events on Saturday. • The World Harmony Showcase gets a premium time slot. To get your 2020 early bird registration, go to CONTEST PHOTOS: LORIN MAY
It's not too early to register for our Hollywood-glitz-meets-barbershop 2020 International Convention in Los Angeles. Join us June 28-July 5 for a re-engineered convention based on your feedback: A more intimate setting in the opulent Microsoft Theater, earlier evening show times, afterglows every night, and new singing opportunities. Highlights include:
Help us unlock thousands of vintage barbershop performances— starting with your favorites! The Society's decades-old collection of audio, film, and video recordings keeps aging and becoming more fragile. Over 5,200 media items totaling 30,000-100,000 individual songs can't be accessed without specialized equipment and expertise–and a $3+ million tab. Efforts continue to find large donors and institutional funding, but you can help unlock the treasure trove, either through general contributions to Harmony Foundation or through sponsoring the digitization of performances that are meaningful to you. Read the full details at ASK A CUSTOMER SERVICE REP
Downloadable sheet music
WHY DOES MY MEMBER DISCOUNT NOT APPLY ON DIGITAL SHEET MUSIC, AND WHY IS THERE A MINIMUM QUANTITY OF FOUR? Because the license for published downloadable sheet music costs BHS 50% of the (pre-discount) retail cost, it is not possible to offer discounts. A quantity minimum is a standard practice in digital sheet music, especially for ensemble repertoire, due to the expense of the license. Many distributors require a five-copy minimum, but as a quartet-based organization we have negotiated the minimum to be four. – Allison Barrett,
On June 6, the Sound of the Rockies chorus traveled from Denver to perform at the 75th Anniversary D-Day ceremonies in Normandy, France. The chorus was the only choral representative from the United States.
With the recent look and content changes in The Harmonizer, one thing has not changed—it's supposed to be about you! Did your chapter or quartet make you proud? Impact a life? Or simply have a fun encounter that you couldn't wait to tell your barbershop friends? Send news and/or human interest items to harmonizer@barbershop. org. Great photos receive top priority. (Attach full-size, high resolution, unmodified photos.) Stories may appear in The Harmonizer, LiveWire, on social media, and sometimes all of the above. The more you share with us, the more we'll share with the barbershop world. We look forward to your submissions!
For years, Nebraska chapters have rented a double booth at the Nebraska State fair to promote area and local chapter activity and recruitment. Out of hundreds of judged booths, theirs has won first-place once and second place twice. Above: Lonnie Miner (Hastings Chapter), Alan Zwink (Grand Island Chapter), Fran Wilson (Kearney Chapter). | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 9
The latest in the world of Barbershop.
New eval options, more detailed score sheets This fall, competitors may choose what kind of evaluation session they want– plus, look for new score sheets that contain more information than ever before
fter two years of study based on hundreds of competitor surveys, the Society Contest and Judging Committee (SCJC) is now offering more competitor evaluation choices, to start during the fall 2019 contest season. For more than 25 years, judges have provided feedback and coaching in (typically) three separate 20-minute sessions with each of the three categories. This option remains, but additional options are now also available. Sometime prior to your contest appearance (usually 7-14 days in advance), the quartet or chorus administrator will be emailed a link to an online form that, depending on the contest, lets them choose one of up to four options. One Coaching Session. Rather than
switch from judge to judge in short sessions, you receive one 40-minute holistic coaching experience with a single panel judge. While you’ll still get feedback, the goal is to work with your group to build upon your performance strengths and to address opportunities for improvement. You may either let the panel decide which judge would be the best fit or you may select your 1st/2nd/3rd choices in advance. Three Evaluation Sessions. The traditional coaching evaluation, typically 20 minutes per category, with category-specific feedback comments & limited coaching for the group. Three Feedback Sessions. Three shorter (about 10 minutes each) category-specific comments and feed-
back, without coaching. Groups that might select this: • A chorus that sends only its music team and/or director for feedback. • Quartets with a member in two quartets, meaning all four members cannot be there for coaching. • Groups that wish to spend less time in evaluation and more in afterglow activities. • Groups that desire only feedback from judges, with coaching provided by their primary coaches. No sessions. While this was always an option, you eliminate in advance the concern that judges are expecting you to attend. Judges will keep their score sheets for 30 days, and can be contacted for their comments via email by groups that did not attend an on-site session. Be sure to check your email for the post-convention feedback survey form, which will help us better execute and improve. We're looking forward to seeing you this fall!
– David Mills, Contest & Judging Committee Chairman
New score sheets include quartet members & arrangers, support multiple contests As part of the ongoing Barberscore contest software development, a new BHS Official Scoring Summary (OSS) will roll out during the fall 2019 contest season, which includes: • Arranger name with the song titles. (Competitors must add cleared arrangements to their chart repertory in Barberscore before they appear onstage.)
• Member names. Either all four quartet members or the chorus director's name.
• No ranking numbers. Most district contest sessions now support multiple contests (seniors, district champs, mixed harmony, novice, etc.). Rather than treating one contest as “primary,” all competitors will appear on one OSS in total score order—including
10 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
out-of-district/division competitors—with no ranking numbers to the left. Footnotes indicate the winner of each contest, and the relative rank of those competing for each award can still be ascertained. • Detailed scoring averages. Averages are now displayed for each category and each song rather than only for total score.
• Instant Competitor Scoring Analysis. Instead of receiving a single paper copy in the judging area, competitors will now receive their CSA directly via email once the contest results are finalized and announced. Note: Some may see the older OSS format this fall and next spring, as the old software is being used as a backup in case there are on-site issues with Barberscore. We thank those who volunteered countless hours on behalf of SCJC to make this new system possible! – David Mills
A LOOK INSIDE HEADQUARTERS Our interns discuss their experience at Harmony Hall during spring 2019 semester Q: WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO INTERN AT BHS?
Four high school seniors received a combined $9,000 in scholarships thanks to Sarasota Chorus of the Keys. The Sheridan E. Brown Memorial Scholarship recognizes students who have demonstrated outstanding musical achievement and will be pursuing a vocal or instrumental college curriculum. Chorus President Jeffry Olesen presented to Jonathan Bruzon and Jacob Harvey of Riverview High School, David Linkenhoker of Bradenton Christian School, and Luca Stine, Homeschool & State College of Florida. GREAT TIP!
Building audiences The Narragansett Bay Chorus (Providence, R.I. Chapter) gained 30 new fans this spring by offering free show tickets through Veteran Ticket Foundation (VETTIX). This non-profit arranges free or reduced tickets to active duty military, veterans, and first responders for concerts, sporting events, theater, and other events. The chorus offered the foundation 50 free tickets to its annual show in March, which was headlined by Interstate Rivals (1987 champ) and a local high school a cappella group. Among the 30 tickets scooped up by showtime were active duty Navy, police, and firefighters, and veterans of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. To participate in your area, go to
Mena Han-Lalime, Belmont University, Junior, Public Relations. Internship: Social Media/Marketing "This internship was everything I was looking for: a social media internship at a nonprofit organization with which I had a personal connection. My late grandfather was in a quartet, my older brother sang barbershop in high school, and BHS’s overall mission is one that I really believe in. It seemed like the perfect fit and it was!" Q: WHAT HAS YOUR EXPERIENCE BEEN LIKE WORKING IN AN OFFICE ENVIRONMENT?
Eileen Kahl, Middle Tennessee State University, Senior, Music Business/ Recording Industry Mgmt. Internship: Marketplace eCommerce and Strategy "It’s been professional, but comfortable. It doesn’t feel strict and it’s very inclusive of everyone and everything. I have been included in meetings about music and business that most other places like this that provide internships wouldn’t do." Q: IF YOU COULD DESCRIBE YOUR INTERNSHIP IN ONE WORD, WHAT WOULD IT BE AND WHY?
Daveon Carr, Tennessee State University, Junior, Music/ Minor in Business. Internship: Marketing "Inspirational. I’ve never known a group of people that work hard about something they have so much passion about especially with this being a non-profit organization. They don’t mind letting us work on bigger projects and helping us with it. Some days I didn't feel like an intern, I felt like I was family and I’m helping keep our business running. That inspires me to always look for a work environment like this because now I know it's possible." Other interns at | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 11
The latest in the world of Barbershop.
Past BHS President recognized for non-BHS accomplishments The Greater Manchester, Conn. Chamber of Commerce recognized 48-year resident Alan Lamson (below, right) for his wide-ranging community influence, noting his "list of accomplishments longer than his repertoire of songs with the Manchester Silk City Chorus." A mainstay at chamber meetings, the chorus' influence in the community was highlighted in the presentation of Alan's Community Achievement Award. The award recognized Alan's considerable accomplishments as a professional architect on prominent community projects and his service within area charitable groups, church, scouting, education, arts, and the chamber itself. That's not even mentioning Alan's various BHS roles at all levels since 1981, including Society president from 2011-12. They are (to paraphrase the Chamber) almost longer than his repertoire of service in the city of Manchester!
School for the blind loves joint concerts Boston area's Vocal Revolution annually teams with the Perkins School for the Blind, an institution that has long understood the power of music to transform lives
tudents with severe visual impairments don't need to have the talent of Stevie Wonder or Ray Charles for music to profoundly impact their lives. Established in 1929, The Perkins School for the Blind is the nation's oldest, and music education has always been at the core—up to four hours per day in music study and practice. For several years, a highlight for Perkins students has been a combined concert with Vocal Revolution chorus (Concord, Mass. Chapter). School music director Arnie Harris has long headed musical efforts at the residential school. Barbershoppers Jerry Milgram and Mike Klein initiated the relationship with Harris, who was always looking to expand students' musical experiences. The Perkins choir is musically outstanding, and all the more remarkable considering they learn only by
School music director Arnie Harris rehearses students for the combined concert, part of an ongoing relationship with Vocal Revolution chorus. ear and perform without visual cues. Combined with dozens of Vocal Revolution voices, the concert is a musical and emotional highlight. As much as the concert means to students, many Barbershoppers also consider it the personal highlight of their year, too, surpassing contests and other performances.
And now the rest of the story
The Tip Sheet in the May/June 2019 issue didn't adequately tell the whole story of Fog City Harmonia, the women's chorus of the Barbary Coast, CA chapter. Head to for more about Fog City Harmonia's genesis and how the chorus and chapter both are moving forward.
For the second year in a row, the Danville Barbershop Chorus (Danville, Ill. Chapter) performed "The Star Spangled Banner" at a St. Louis Cardinals home game in Busch Stadium. Plentiful singing and outreach activities have helped the chapter grow from 20 to 50 members over the past three years. n
12 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
What’s Happening
2020 International June 28-July 5 Los Angeles New schedule, new activities! Early Bird Registration is open • Barbershop Music Appreciation Day and Sweet Adelines Birthday July 13th BHS Category School July 17-20
Satchmo Summer Fest August 2-4 New Orleans Louis Armstrong was a barbershop pioneer as well. David Wright, Crossroads take the stage • BHA Convention Sept. 18-22 Hobart, Tasmania Holland Harmony International Barbershop Festival Sept. 27-28 's-Hertogenbosch, Holland
IABS Convention Oct. 3-6 Killarney, Ireland 2020 Midwinter January 7-12 Jacksonville, Fla. Both Junior and Seniors quartets and choruses compete, plus even more of the year’s best shows! •
2021 Midwinter NYC
Harmony University 2020 Belmont U, Nashville Spend a life-changing week learning from barbershop’s best coaches and instructors • 2021 International Cleveland 2022 International Charlotte 2023 International Louisville | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 13
Donny Rose, Director of Music Education
HU Round-up: Tips for singers and directors An extra dose of HU instruction—hard-earned nuggets of wisdom that we wished we could have included in the March/April 2019 Harmony University issue
earning new concepts is like learning new tags. Sure, I love to ring a chord, but my personal joy is the surprise of how each part fits together. I start to predict where the other parts will go, and love the mental game of wondering how that bari note could possibly fit! Sometimes I struggle, but a great tag is always worth it. So it is with barbershop rehearsal concepts and coaching. If we only use the warm-up we learned in 1970, if we only duet the lead and bass, if we sing songs but never rehearse, if we never use technology or outside coaches, we stay at the same level. Our members (including the director) are not musically fed. BHS has been sharing ideas to spice up your rehearsals and help your leaders for 80 years. Look at the articles in this issue and try something new this week: feed your people! When we learn something, you will see a look very similar to what people look like when they learn a tag. Pure joy. While you are at it, teach them the “Silvery Moonlight” tag. You’re welcome. – Donny Rose
RISKY BUSINESS Singing on stage takes risk, and not all of us are risk takers. So let’s break down risks, and maybe your next performance will be a fearless experience. We are hard-wired to avoid danger. What if I forget the notes or words? What if I drop the pitch? What if I drop the pitch pipe? What if I can’t hear the other parts on stage? What if I mess up and people laugh (or cringe, or leave, or don’t applaud)? Hold on! All of these “I” statements keep you too self-conscious! You can control these “what ifs” through practice and let your character emerge. The risk in taking risks is real: • You’ll have to leave your comfort zone. • The challenge might be too great. • You may have to trust someone else.
• You might fail. • You might not know what to do. • You may experience fear. • You may experience uncertainty. If you got up this morning and drove to work, you took a risk. If you get a tattoo, grow a beard, color your hair or have a baby, you take risks. If you walk on stage, sing and attempt to bare your soul in front of a room full of strangers, you are more of a risk taker than you might think. Go ahead, admit it. Singing in front of people is an extreme sport, and you do that regularly. Congratulations! You take more risks than you know! Consider the degrees of risk as you perform.
14 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
• Insignificant: Think about the message in your song. • Minor: Think about your character as you sing. • Moderate: Pretend you’re the character in your song. • Major: Become the character in your song. • Extreme: Become completely consumed by the character mentally, physically and emotionally—so much so that it takes time for you to come back to being yourself. If perhaps you are still at “minor risk,” it would be neat for you to dip your toe in “moderate risk.” If you can pretend you’re the character (moderate risk), you are very close to actually becoming the character (major risk). The more you are able to move to a higher degree of risk, the more of “you” will be replaced by the character, and that “what if” head will be a thing of the past. Take the risk and the audience will hear the emotional and vulnerable voice of the character. Sandi Wright Director, St. Louis Vocal Project (Harmony, Inc.) DIRECTORS, USE THE POWER OF WE As directors, we have an awesome opportunity to build community while we build music. Without diminishing our leadership role in the slightest, we can be a part of the group as a whole. A simple change of language can do this. Instead of “I want it softer here,” try “Let’s sing that more quietly.” Saying “I want” can create separation between di-
LEARN ONLINE Dozens of in-depth online Harmony University courses are available yearround, both in realtime and delayed viewing. See
rector and chorus. The singer wants to be more than obedient, he wants to be respected and validated. He wants to be a positive contributor to the music. Being at one with the chorus applies to each section as much as to the whole. Instead of “Tenors, bring that out,” say “Tenors, let’s add some more forward presence to the sound on that chord.” When addressing the basses, try “Could we be a little lighter here?” Be a member of every section. Directors are, of course, primarily responsible for developing an interpretive plan for the music, but even the way it is presented can make chorus members feel more included. A new idea can be “Let’s try this,” “Let’s be more tender here,” or “Let’s add more passion." Instead of telling singers what to do, like “Leads, sing softer to start that post,” try, “Leads, let’s leave room for that post to grow.” What if you just can’t resist saying “I want” every once in a while? Try “the music wants.” We know that we as directors are responsible for revealing (our interpretation of) the composer’s and arranger’s intention, but how much more powerful is it to present that as coming from the music itself? Your leadership role as director is not diminished by inviting the singers to join you on this journey lead by the music. The music outranks us all. Larry Triplett Director, coach, arranger PREPARE LIKE A CHAMPION! During the vocal warmup/voice building portion of our chorus rehearsal, we often focus attention on
technical singing fundamentals, but once we get into rehearsal of the music many of these fundamentals fade from our consciousness. Our chorus members need continual reminders of good vocal production basics. Creating a large chart that can be on display in front of the chorus for the entire rehearsal, with the following 6 reminders, can be a constant reminder of good physical and mental preparation to sing each musical phrase. Once these concepts have been taught and are fully understood by chorus members, a simple reference to the chart, or even saying the corresponding number with no explanation, can encourage singers to prepare properly for each musical phrase without verbal instruction or reminders from the director. Create a chart. Make the charge large enough for every chorus member to read and creative/artistic visually: • Align/balance skeletal structure for minimal tension and optimal physical presence. • Embrace the emotion of the upcoming phrase mentally & physically. • Shape your mouth with the target vowel of the first word. • Open the vocal tract for a silent breath. • Release the abs (front, back & sides) to allow lungs to fill with air. • Suspend a buoyant sensation in the abs throughout the musical phrase. Rich Lapp Director, The Alliance THE WORDS WE SAY MATTER "Every time you open your mouth you are being a leader and you make a
choice to speak in the world of the downward spiral or the world of possibility." – Ben Zander The Art of Possibility by Ben Zander had a huge impact on what words I tried to start using as a director, teacher, colleague, and even parent. In my director role, I became aware that I was separating myself from chorus members by using sentence starters like "I’d like you to …" "You should ..." You need to ..." when asking them to do something. When I began trying to use starters like "Shall we ..." Let’s try ...", "How about ...", and replaced "I" or "You" more with "We," there was a definite change of energy in the room and within myself. These words awaken the world of possibility and motivate people to make that world the new reality. As Ben Zander famously said, when you do this you will see people’s eyes shine. This became my way of measuring if I was being successful. It became clear that changing the words I used had a huge impact on the amount of shining eyes I saw in the room. Another benefit was it helped my own eyes shine more too! The connection between members grew; they felt more important to the chorus. Rather than telling them what to do, the change in words meant I was instead inviting them to be part of a solution. We became more of a team. People will continue to turn up to a place where they feel they belong, are valued and contribute to in a positive way. This change in use of words we use is one way to help achieve this. n Charlotte Murray, Co-director, Vocal FX | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 15
Jim Bagby, Rural Route 4 (1986 champ)
It’s Been a Lively 70 Years for Monty Duerksen The Barbershop Harmony Society is filled with singers who discover four-part harmonizing while they are young, then have so much fun that they spend the rest of their lives singing and socializing. Meet one of our longest-tenured members.
enerable Society giant Dave Stevens always said he hardly ever met a man who didn’t wish he’d found barbershopping earlier. Kansas City’s Monty Duerksen was in his first quartet in high school about the time his voice changed, and was a Society member before he had a driver’s license. Now he’s one of about three-dozen BHS members holding a 70-year membership card. The happy-faced 85-year-old bass has seldom been without a quartet in his long and successful barbershopping career, which includes chapters in four states, a medalist senior quartet, a national network television appearance and family ties to two gold medal quartets. Now in a suburban Kansas City retirement home with his wife, Shirley, Monty is still singing—even if he doesn’t always remember all the words. His smile and enthusiasm are undiminished and his voice still strong. It was those qualities that made his Newton High School choir director, Bill Getz, recruit him to lead of the Newtones at the southern Kansas school in about 1948. Getz sang with the Central States District’s first quartet champs, the Keynoters, in 1947. Soon Getz had Duerksen visiting the Newton, Kansas chapter, which Monty later directed. Then the Army summoned and Monty wound up at Camp (later Fort) Carson in Colorado Springs. He promptly put up a bulletin board notice, seeking quartet singers to go with his now robust bass, and thus was born his first Society foursome, the Spring Singers. On a personal note, my grandfather, Mayne Bagby, was a charter member of the Colorado Springs Chapter that I visited when I was 11; the Spring Singers were on post that night instead of at the meeting. But when we got back to Pop’s house, he set up his
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The Spring Singers of Colorado Springs (clockwise from left): Monty Duerksen, Vic Holmes, Bill Brooks, Bill Butler.
big Magnavox reel-to-reel and played the Spring Singers performing “Yokel,” complete with gags. It was my first time to hear a barbershop quartet. It was that magic moment for me. During his Army career, Monty sang with the Alexandria Harmonizers while he was
stationed at Fort Belvoir, Va. After leaving service in 1955, Monty got into pharmaceutical sales. He was a salesman, including an auctioneer, all his life, and his job took him back to southeast Kansas. He directed the Flint Hills Chorus in Emporia for 25 years and put on some of the most successful youth harmony clinics in the CSD. He commuted to Wichita to sing with the Cavaliers, who won the district championship right after Monty gave up the four-hour drive in favor of family time. His family includes daughter Jill, whose first quartet, Top Drawer Priority, was encouraged by Monty when she was in the 5th grade at Emporia. With various part changes, TDP continued through her freshman year of college. Jill is married to Matt Bostick, son of Bobbie Bostick, tenor of the 1957 SAI queen Cracker Jills, and Clint Bostick, baritone of the 1966 gold medalist Auto Towners. Shirley’s quartet, Center Keys, competed against the Cracker Jills in 1957. From Emporia, Monty moved to Kansas City and became a personable mover and shaker with the Heart of America Chorus that then was making regular trips to international competition and had several top 10 finishes. Monty took over and rewrote the chapter orientation program.
Between 1991 and 1998 he also chaired such key committees as Membership, Singing Valentines, Marketing, Sweetheart Dinner and, of course, Quartet Development. He was Chapter and CSD Barbershopper of the Year. His quartet, Gentlemen of Note, landed three times in the international seniors top 10, taking home 3rd-place medals in 2001. Other quartet members were lead Jon Gathright, bari Rich Huyck and the late Rod Rule on tenor. Reformed as Command Performance, first with Mike Mathieu on tenor, the quartet in 2004 sang on the ABC reality TV show Extreme Makeover, surprising a woman whose hair salon was chosen for the remodeling that was the theme of the show. The quartet got in most of two songs. And with Carter Combs on tenor, Command Performance continued performing until Monty’s health forced him off the regular performing circuit. But they ripped a couple of songs, Monty beaming throughout, during the May card presentation ceremony attended by a large crowd of residents, Duerksen family members, and HOA family. n Monty with Gentlemen of Note: Rich Huyck (Br), Jon Gathright (L), Carter Combs (T), Monty Duerksen (Bs). Monty's wife, Shirley, is seated near his elbow.
CELEBRATING 70+ YEARS IN BHS 70 Roger Brooks (Ohio) Lane Bushong (Man.) Harold Casselman (N.C.) Donald Dobson (Mo.) Monty Duerksen (Wis.) Roger Eisenman (Fla.) John Glass (Ill.) Jules Kastens (Wis.) Don Lamont (Fla.) Clare McCreary (Tenn.) 71 Gerald Adams (Calif.) Charles Brooks (Calif.) Dwayne De Long (Iowa) Allan Demorest (Texas) Dennis Driscoll (Mich.) Gordon Dubrul (Okla.) J. Carl Hancuff (Mich.) Lyle Hanson (Mich.) Donald Lucas (Calif.) Oscar Palos (Ariz.) Joseph Salz (N.C.) Robert Tilton (Ont.) 72 Bruce Bonnyman (Mich.) George Dieffenderfer (B.C.) Gareth Evans (Ohio) Donald Juillard (Ariz.) Galen McClain (Ohio) George O'Brien (Ohio) James Pojman (Calif.) 73 Elmer Fairbanks (Fla.) John Haley (Mont.) Dick Johnson (Calif.) Jim Laverty (Mich.) 74 Robert Marshall (N.J.) William Winterberg (Tenn.) 75 Freeman Groat (Tenn.) | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 17
MIX IT Experiencing the joys of mixed harmony singing
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The Time is Right
While the rich musical and social experiences of single-gender barbershop are valuable institutions that should be celebrated and preserved, the vast majority of the world’s singers choose to perform in mixed-gender ensembles. Many barbershop singers have long wanted the best of both worlds—to sing genuine barbershop and to sing with all the people they love. Mixed harmony gives husbands and wives, mothers and sons, friends of all types the authentic four-part harmony they love without regard to gender.
he informal mixed barbershop harmony that existed for generations began to organize in the 1970s. Jerry and Kim Orloff and other North American pioneers spearheaded what in the early 2000s became the Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association (MBHA). By then, mixed harmony had already become as common as single gender barbershop among singers in Germany, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia. The Society’s “Everyone In Harmony” strategic plan has further validated and welcomed the involvement of all people to embrace and enjoy our art form. We can now extend fellowship to family members and friends who may have previously not felt welcome to sing with us. Younger singers, especially those who have attended youth barbershop harmony camps, adjudications, or festivals, are proving that it’s not gender that distinguishes our style but the music—regardless of the ensemble’s composition! CHOOSING “MIXED”—THE RIGHT PEOPLE From the outset, any group strives to assemble the right voices and the right repertoire. But Barbershoppers of all stripes can tell you that above all other considerations, it is caring,
understanding relationships that yield the most satisfying barbershop experiences. For various reasons, participation in a mixed harmony ensemble often requires even more care, compassion, cooperation, and empathy. For example, a quarreling couple may interject some tension in a group due to matters unrelated to singing. The same holds for parent/ child or other family dynamics. Mixed harmony groups may naturally have a greater variety of perspectives and experiences among members, requiring each singer to be especially sensitive to each others’ sensibilities, outside obligations, and priorities. Such considerations ought to be ironed out at the group's inception and then constantly—but courteously—shepherded along the way. Ultimately, a nurturing, supportive environment is perhaps the most important element of a lasting mixed ensemble. CHOOSING MIXED—THE RIGHT MUSIC AND THE RIGHT VOICES Traditional SATB choral literature rarely aligns with the barbershop style. The distinctiveness of our art form requires parts and chords written for barbershop tenors, leads, baritones and basses. The gender of
the singer does not change the name or function of the part. Many mixed harmony groups successfully choose existing single-gender arrangements and pitch them up or down according to their ensemble’s needs. The availability of arrangements specifically for mixed harmony ensembles is rapidly growing, and increasingly available at, through Hal Leonard online, and from dozens of top barbershop arrangers. (Many of these arrangers are listed at www. WHO SHOULD SING WHICH PART IN A MIXED ENSEMBLE? The right voice is solely dependent on the people involved, whether for one song or for the entire repertoire. In quartets, the simplest mixed-gender combination is “3 and 1,” with men on the lower three parts and a female tenor; or, women on the upper
Roxanne Powell is president of the Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association (MBHA) | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 19
three parts and a male bass. In a “2 and 2” ensemble, the tenor is often female, while a great lead can be either a first or second alto or a male singer with a strong upper range. Both male and female singers can make awesome mixed harmony baritones. Men accustomed to singing lead or baritone can become terrific mixed harmony bass singers, as can male basses with a quality upper range. Many successful mixed quartets “share the melody” of select repertoire and even switch parts from their standard, adding both variety for the listener and enhanced musical satisfaction for the singers. If you are interested in mixed harmony chorus singing, expect to work with the chorus music leaders to determine which voice part you can enjoy singing comfortably while meeting the ensemble’s balance needs. CHOOSING MIXED—“RIGHT” REDEFINED The product of mixed barbershop singing—for the right reasons, with the right people, the right music, the right voices—broadens what many of us have known as “right” for years! Opening our minds and expanding our hearts to foster and grow a different (not new!) form of close harmony barbershop singing can enroll so many more people who love to sing— and with whom we’d love to sing—in the joyful barbershop world we love. “Right,” when it comes to barbershop singing, isn’t what it’s always been. It has broadened, it’s more inclusive, it’s empowering, and it’s more “right” than ever before. And we still can enjoy our traditional single-gender barbershop, with all its musical and social values, while pursuing a different form of entertainment, either as participants or listeners, that still relies on great chord-ringing and goosebumps. That’s what’s made barbershop “right” for so many—and now, for so many more! n
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Pacific Coast Harmony
Mixed harmony champ spouses Blair Brown and Ravi Raghuram enjoy chapter life together
oining and participating in a local chapter been such a meaningful part of becoming a BHS member. Our Pacific Coast Harmony chorus is lucky to have many brand new male and female BHS members, and their excitement and enthusiasm is absolutely electric! Our long-time members enjoy a sudden injection of fresh energy, and our new members join in special BHS legacy and traditions. In the past, my husband sang with all-male BHS choruses and it was bittersweet being on the sidelines knowing that we couldn’t share that, even if we wanted to now. As members of the same chorus, we get to do rehearsals, afterglows, contests and shows together; it has been a wonderful journey. As one of the first women on our chapter’s board [Note: This July, Blair became the first woman elected to the BHS Board of Directors, and will begin her term in 2020], I can learn about our organization in a tangible way, give back to the chapter I love, and develop leadership skills. Sharing it all with my husband is an added bonus. I’m so grateful that Everyone in Harmony means we can experience this together! –Blair Brown
Blair and Ravi with Double Date
I love being in a quartet and in a chapter with my wife! Singing together has this amazing ability to reconnect us even when we’re stressed. Working together on the fine musical details gives me a fresh empathy and openness that often unlocks a new closeness between us. When our relationship is in a good place, we can perform together with honesty and vulnerability. I've found a special joy in our new endeavor together as chorus leaders. I love driving to rehearsal and discussing our goals for the evening, being led in physical (and spiritual!) warm-ups by Blair, and directing a song and applying Blair's feedback as a coach. It's thrilling, fulfilling work to share as partners in life. I'm so lucky to be able to bounce ideas off someone whose mind and talent I respect so completely and to share in her process of growth as a leader. Blair and I are professional choral singers in our
community, so we often end up in separate rehearsals several nights a week. Joining single-gender barbershop groups in addition to those commitments would have been tough. Knowing that we have one night a week guaranteed to keep us singing together at our Pacific Coast Harmony rehearsal is so important to me. Seeing Blair's excitement about finally becoming a fullfledged member of the Society has renewed my love for barbershop. I can’t wait to travel to district competition together in the fall and to share the joy of barbershop singing together with anyone we encounter. Thank you, Blair, for being my barbershop hero, and thank you, BHS, for creating a venue where we can share this wonderful music! –Ravi Raghuram
Noise: the first women's competitors in a Society contest have deep BHS family roots
oise formed in 2015 with a strong desire to do our own thing and make our own Noise along the way! We choose music that makes us happy rather than what might score well, and we have performed in contest with no shoes. When the BHS announced that women could join, we jumped on the opportunity to try something new. The members of Noise have deep ties to both BHS and Sweet Adelines: • Lead Donya Metzger and bass Lisa Hood are life-long friends and second- and third-generation barbershop brats with many family members in BHS. • Bari Elaine Cotton has a barbershop brat husband and a daughter who sings with her in Sweet Adelines Lions Gate Chorus. • Tenor Sofia DeRama joined Lions Gate about 15 years ago after years in the choral world, followed quickly by her brother Andry in the BHS. • Our members include: A Queen of Harmony (Brava), a master body and voice coach, learning track master, 8th Place International Quartet medalist, coaches, arrangers, song-
WHY COMPETE WITH BHS Our long-time Society connections made it a no-brainer to compete in BHS this past March in the Evergreen District Division 1. Three of us were already BHS members, and we knew we could make history—and we did!—as the first female members to compete in an official BHS contest!
writers, and many regional medals of all colors! • Together, we have over 100 years of barbershop experience!
DIFFERENCES Our repertoire is wide and varied, and finding contestable SA music can be challenging. BHS’s wider scope of music choice made it easy to choose contestable pieces from our regular repertoire. We also appreciate that the rules are more relaxed around costuming, grooming, scheduling—and we found the evals helpful! It's hard to put into words how special it is that we now stand in the same spot as our dads and other family members—as full members— on that stage, as Barbershoppers, making NOISE! – Lisa Hood | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 21
Always supportive from the sidelines, Becca Wisniewski now serves with her husband in chapter leadership
Starting as a church trio, this quartet has three leads and many voice combinations
outhern Stride formed out of a church trio (Manny Lopez, spouses Diane and Wallace Stanley) that wanted to qualify for the BinG! Convention. We added Peter Cunningham as the lead and the quartet took off. The three men have sung in barbershop choruses and quartets for many years while Diane’s experience has been in opera, choral, and solo work. We started like many quartets—just learning enough songs to compete. After our first contest, we invested more time into discovering the group identity and sound. As a church trio, we have performed hundreds of songs together, from hymns to gospel to contemporary/pop in one formation. As a quartet, Wallace sings bass, so we experimented with all possible combinations of the top three voices. In shows, we feature Diane, Manny, and Peter at lead at different times. Since we have been a singing group longer than a barbershop quartet, we take a flexible approach to the part distribution. Diane sings tenor for most songs, which usually allows us to choose male arrangements and keys. Like every quartet, there are a few exceptions that need simple rewrites or revoicings. For us, it is usually low unison or peel off passages that we either sing as a trio or add the upper octave. We also freely trade notes between parts to get the best sound for our group. Due to fewer mixed quartet contest opportunities thus far, there has been less need to learn contestable songs—and our show package therefore goes beyond straight barbershop. We also actively seek out non-contest performance opportunities, which motivates us to rehearse and keep growing. – Wallace Stanley
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ne of my joys in life is to watch my husband perform, learn, and grow as a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society. I knew little about barbershop until I started dating Ryan and watched him sing with The Newfangled Four, Masters of Harmony, and Westminster Chorus. Barbershop got Ryan through the lowest point of his life, so I've gratefully given back by donating my time and energy to support his chapters in selling tickets, creating costumes, creating raffle baskets. Whatever it was, I knew I had to help. Everyone in Harmony gave Ryan and me the chance to not only sing together in a chorus and a quartet but serve on a chapter board together in the recently mixed BHS chapter Pacific Coast Harmony. It has been my joy to serve on the board as secretary with these men and women. We all want the same thing: to see people from all different walks of life coming together to sing and make people feel something with our performances. What is it like to serve on a board with men? The same as it is with women, really. We have a shared goal, a shared love of the art form, and a shared respect for one another. I have learned so much from my few months on the board, already, about what being a barbershopper truly means. Far more than I'd imagined goes on behind the scenes to make a chorus run smoothly. We must rely on each other to get our job done or to ask for help. I have received nothing but support from my fellow board members. And being a “newbie” to the Society itself, it has been so appreciated. It’s wonderful to see what Everyone in Harmony has done for the men of PCH. After we competed at division in May, we had multiple members say, “That meant so much more than all the times I’ve been on the International Stage.” It’s because we are a part of something much greater than our individual selves, or even our individual chorus. It feels huge and powerful. I am humbled and honored to be a small part of it. Yes, I do this because I love singing with my husband. But I’m also doing this for the next generation of barbershoppers. There are more lives to be changed, and we’re all a small part of that. – Becca Wisniewski, chapter secretary and chorus manager for the La Jolla, Calif. Chapter, asst. director of Pacific Coast Harmony
Quartetting: Why it matters to make it official
hile many Barbershoppers enjoy our hobby while singing in a chapter or chorus, the Barbershop Harmony Society originated as a quartet organization, with a governing purpose “to perpetuate the old American institution: the barbershop quartet.” With an annual average of 1,250 quartets, nearly 20% of BHS members participate in a registered quartet. Many more sing in unregistered quartets. We hope to provide more support and encouragement to those singers as well by sharing the many benefits of registering with BHS–it’s not just about singing in a contest! The enjoyment from you and three others singing your own parts, the friendships formed, and the fellowship shared, are only a few of the reasons to sing in a quartet. Registered quartets: • receive the On the QT quartet newsletter • are findable on by anybody in your area looking to book a gig • receive a 35% BHS discount with • receive an official quartet registration card • get discounts on exhibits, program book, and jumbotron advertising at conventions • have access to the Guidebook for Performing Quartets, as well as the brand new Subject Matter Expert Database
• are eligible for scholarship opportunities at Harmony University • have permission to use the BHS logo and other assets on all marketing materials • may register for BHS quartet contests (Fall 2020/Spring 2021 for mixed & women’s quartets) OTHER BENEFITS
• Your quartet registration plays a vital role in helping the Society perpetuate barbershop harmony • When chapters have quartets in them, the sound, performance, and musicality of the chorus improves overall • Increased fellowship and camaraderie. For many, a quartet bond is like an extension of your family • Ability to deliver performances for charities and other non-profits • Increased opportunity for performing on chapter shows BHS quartet members have said they love the "pride of identity," representing themselves as part of the BHS and the "feeling of greater responsibility" that comes with identifying themselves as an official BHS quartet. And, no
doubt, most love the ability to be adjudicated at competitions. If you are currently singing in an unregistered quartet, consider making it official. There are many benefits now, and so much more to come. For $15 per quartet member, you can register your quartet online at Contact customerservice@barbershop. org or call 800-876-7464. If you are not yet in a quartet, get out there and take your barbershop experience to the next level! – Danny Becker, Quartet Success Manager A key aim of Everyone in Harmony is to build more singing communities. To catalyze more and more healthy quartets, we have committed to revitalize the suite of quartet products and services. This will be directed in a new staff position: our Quartet Success Manager, Danny Becker! Danny has been the unofficial “quartet guy” at HQ since 2013 as a member of the BHS Customer Service team.
Singing with your spouse is great ... but it helps if the last rehearsal went well!
he best thing about being in a quartet with your spouse? No matter how busy life gets, you are guaranteed to see them at least once a week at rehearsal. The worst thing about being in a quartet with your spouse? The long car ride home after a bad rehearsal. All kidding aside, singing as 4 Better 4 Worse has been a great experience for us. We were destined to get together even before the idea of Everyone in Harmony came about. Doug and John are former quartet mates who sing together with the Singing Buckeyes chorus, while Shelley and Maggie are (very) Sweet Adelines who currently sing with the Scioto Valley chorus. Doug and Shelley are married, John and Maggie are married, and we are all friends. How could we not form a quartet? We have been lucky in that we are able to sing men's arrangements "as-is." Shelley
(who Doug jokes can sing and speak lower than he can), is comfortable singing men's lead; while the tenor part is perfect for Maggie. Because John (bass) and Doug (baritone) already knew songs with both their quartet and their chorus, that allowed us to build our repertoire quickly and easily. To date, we have done a number of gigs, sung on several chapter shows, and have competed in JAD mixed contests in 2017 and 2018, as well as in a mixed quartet contest sponsored by the Sweet Adelines for their Education Symposium in the summer of 2017. We had a blast! Competing just adds another layer of fun to singing and performing, and we are excited to see what the future holds for mixed quartetting. Thinking of singing with your spouse? For me, it's important to never forget these two little words: "Yes, Dear." – Maggie Lehrer | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 23
Florida Suncoast Chorus
A prominent Everyone in Harmony critic from 2018 finds himself happily in a mixed chapter
n June 19, 2018, I would have been one of the last people you’d expect to see today as a happily engaged member of a mixed harmony BHS chapter. In the days after the Society Board announced the removal of gender from Society membership requirements, I was among the more critical voices on barbershop social media channels about how it was handled. But I'm also a realist and recognize demographic trends. More importantly, in a BHS Town Hall meeting with our CEO, Marty Monson, I went in with one set of attitudes and beliefs and walked out considering a different set. He’s good—real good. Greater Pinellas, Fla. is a typical small Society chapter, and we do not have the ability to have multiple choruses within the chapter. Like many BHS chapters, we spent years turning away women. As a chapter, we hadn't yet discussed whether we would remain all-male or become mixed. So when the first woman guest came after the policy change, we treated her just like any guest. She came for a few weeks, wanted to be part of us, and became our chapter’s first female member. (Subsequently, she had to
drop out for personal reasons). During this pre-January transition period, we had still not discussed this issue as a chorus. As odd as this may seem, we still have not. We just segued right into a mixed chorus as if that had always been the norm. There was only slight grumbling from a few, but resignation on their part that “the times they are a-changing.” Then Meagan Clark-Hutchins arrived. She was unaware of the policy change. Her Barbershopper dad had "dragged her" to a convention when she was growing up. Life happened … school, career, marriage, kids—but having loved the sound of barbershop, she decided to look up a local chapter. Again, we treated her the same as any guest, and are we ever glad we did. She has a beautiful voice, reads music, learns at an astonishing rate (our entire repertoire in a month), and has “future section leader” written all over her. She's that good. When we prepared for contest, we were lucky that the Sunshine District had decided to have a Mixed Chorus competition. We increased our previous year’s score by 11 points. Had we entered the "regular"
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competition, we would have taken third place in the District and won "most improved." But we had to be "satisfied" with our Florida Suncoast Chorus being the first-ever Sunshine District Mixed Chorus champion, and due to an early Spring Convention, the Society’s first-ever Mixed Chorus Champions. Too bad it wasn’t possible to have a mixed chorus competition in Salt Lake City, otherwise we would be there. Since then, we have another exciting addition, Zaryn Kluytman, a local high school student in a school that’s geared for the performing arts. Not only is she a gifted musician, but has the stage presence of a gold medalist. She is a member. There is yet an additional woman in process to become a chapter member. Currently, we have not changed any of our arrangements. While we now have a robust tenor section, and it is apparent that if the trend continues, we may have to adapt some arrangements and/or seek mixed arrangements. An unanticipated blessing is that we now have five Chapter quartets, with one more in the works. n – Lance Lubin, assistant director (Above, far left)
Welcome new members! Thank you, recruiters! New members and new Associates reported between July 1 and December 31, 2018. Recruiters’ names follow in italics. New members for 2019 will be listed in the 2019 BHS Yearbook, which will be mailed in January 2020. CARDINAL Jared Bailey Jeffrey Broadfoot Timothy Duncan Christopher Owen Samuel Hathaway Francis Distler Justin Howton Steve Powell Conner Kennedy Merrell Kenworthy David Litster Daniel Wade CAROLINAS Brent Coyle Scott Garrigan Jordan Krafft Nathan Vaughan Jeffrey Krafft Nathan Vaughan Charles Marth Hugh Burford Hamilton Provonsha Christopher Street David Seibert Micheale Collie Clement Surak Charles Gugan William Weiss Lawrence Franzese CENTRAL STATES Tal Boese Howard Stenzel Curtis Canny Bradley Soule Keegan Cearnal Alan Pommier Bruce Cheney Dennis Staudt William Cluck Brian Prashak Joseph Falcomata Marcus Falcomata Marcus Falcomata Matthew Mossinghoff Stephen Hanlin Glenn Hanlin Parl Hummel David Fellwock Todd Karges Ronald Mays David Landwehr Christopher Loftin
Stephen Long John Stockstill Mark Lyman Alan Ferden Freddy Matos Michael Brown Gunner Mengarelli Robert Wentworth Paul Norland Alexander Crippin Brad Notheisen Timothy Myers Kameron Pierce Rick Bywater Phil Porter Jay Hall Louis Riva Patrick Jones Bob Roberts Donald Kracke James Roberts Raymond Harre Jordan Ryner Jayson Ryner Brent Seals Dale Ellis David Sedlock Keegan Eich Larry Swift Robert Wentworth Jon Thompson Ryan Majka Kevin Tuttle George Flock Michael Vlach Darrell Denker William Wilson Darrell Parks DIXIE Caleb Carvell Bedford Smith Kevin Fiorini Robert Klimek Paul Hammond Frank Houck, Jr John Holladay Arlin Wilsher Nathaniel Howell James Veenstra Billy Maloney Frank Savage Clifford Montjoy David W. Howell Ken Rogers
Wilbur Strickland Ryan Shindler Charles Sullivan Isaac Simpson Jacob Simpson Richard Smith Robert Smith Douglas Wellman Colin Bagwell Tony Yonnone Colin Ebdon EVERGREEN Kenneth Born Ramon Heller Brett Cajka Antoine Jones J. David Corry Samuel Corry John Cotton Gary Ackerman Allen Crowley Paul McKenna James Delfel Thomas Roy Jonathan Dill David Price Blaine Grow Chris Wethered John Harris David Rohrer Conan Hirsch Josh Honrud Brian Jones Daniel Pierce Hunter Kearns Norris Boothe Alex Kelley Dan Blackburn Steven MacRae Steven Kari Brian Mills Charles Mailander Matthias Nelsen Rick Nelsen Lance Powers Robert Chandler Mike Raichart David Rohrer Samuel Rausch Ethan Albro Marcus Rosenbam Edward Gentz James Schreppler Isaac Banner
Timothy Hasselman Tanner Naegle Matthew Stumpf Matthew Noonchester Matthew Stumpf Jeremy Padrones Blake Larson Samuel Quiroz Mark Freedkin Trever Rivera FAR WESTERN Thomas Hutton Stefan Bailey Matthew Roberts James Burden Rob Menaker Jim Barden Sigbjoern Roenbeck Jerome Schrunk Jay Henderson Daniel Baudino Moises SanZach Stillman toyo-Walser David Beckstrom Stan Levin Thomas Hutton Alexandru Sasuclark Joseph Berube Thomas Hutton Larry Weiss Jonn Speltie douglas biggs Chase Gray Harry Williams Kyle Stadelhofer Harold Bowers Timothy Hasselman Steven Sarandis Ronald Thorpe Alexander Burr Claude Rohwer Nicholas Roberto Zachary Wallin Thomas Christ Von Wallin Nicholas Roberto Lucas Der Mugrdechian Brennan Waters David Stucki Juan-Jose Garcia Kenneth Gray, Jr. ILLINOIS James Bohart Christopher Hurdle James Anderson Andrij Neczwid Howard McAdory Jason Asaad Passi Iafeta Martha Lindvahl Thomas Hutton Gregory Boylan Alex Jacobson Randall Robinson Juan-Jose Garcia James Bruehler Kahauanu Kai Stan McMorris James Burden Baybars Karacaovali Mark Cockriel Iskandar Rabeendran Bruce Rhoades Michael Jaworek Kenneth Knutson Richard Kingdon Douglass Vestal Tim Kirby Ken Kobylenski Martha Lindvahl Samuel Kier Randy Reitz Kevin Longobart Ric Keaster Ross Brown David Swanson John Mannah Christopher Culp Curtis Mannah Eric Vasquez Jacob McEvoy Richard Kingdon Christopher Lewis Michael Weaver Adam McMorris Micheal Drake Matthew Stumpf Robert Wheeler Brian Mescher Richard Solace Steven Stripling David Thomas Kevin Robertson Adam Woodbeck Steve Woodbeck Zhaodong Zheng Zachary Zimmerman
Kevin Greer JOHNNY APPLESEED William Aiken Gerald Keller Zach Bennett F. John Kaspar Anthony Blake Joe Galloway Bradley Boehringer Jim Riley Dean Brewer Gary Roeth John Burkley Ted Dudra Thomas Christie Robert Moore Larry Dawson Kevin Tenney Justin Elswick Carl Taylor Adam Ingram Chad Wulf Michael Kissinger Clair Zimmerman James Lehnerd Larry Thaxton Steve Livingston Robert Udeck James Novak Robert Moore Santos Orozco John Fritz David Rajski Jacob Fry Maxwell Reardon Tony Lisle Ken Schafer Keith Ebright Joshua Typpi Anthony Taylor Jason Volovar Jonathan Lang Dylan Woodring Lorenzo McKeever Gary Woodward Glenn Schilberg LAND O’ LAKES J. Nathaniel Bash David Mitchell Zachary Beeksma Jack Ryback Sherry Bengsch
Bob Bengsch Joshua Berndt Spencer Urban Kevin Carr Delbert Ryberg Tyler Dorweiler Carl Peterson Barry Drew David Cranton Isaac Finnegan William Mark William Hollander Jerry Bauer Lee Johnson Kenneth Gonske Dylan Keegan Matthew Post Joe Lundequam Don Lundequam Dale Matteson David Dreyer Jared Mielke Karl Wicklund Glenn Miller Jack Kile Matthew Mueller Tim Steffen Thomas O’Keefe David Speidel Ralph Olsen Dale Schueffner Len Paluck Larry Bredesen Dwain Petersen Stanley Bruss Doug Peterson Justin McCullough Timothy Prince Jack Ryback Jonathan Rolfs Zachary Rolfs Paul Rondeau Larry Bredesen Casey Schenkel Matthew Record Zachery Siebenaler Loren Paulson MID-ATLANTIC Michael Barton William Day Ben Bowen Ian Cavalari Michael Brader Joseph Monahan
Jonathan Calata Robert Langston Craig Campbell James W Bova Christopher D’Agostino Andrew Ferreira Alan Dai Robert Bickford Edward Desiderio Goose Stauffer Paul Donohue Nathaniel Barrett Michael Dotterer Harley Ludy Jack Foster James Bell John Friel Raymond Shotter Richard Gaylord Hugh Pepper Aagarshan Gupta Stephen Marrin Christopher Harrah Linda Sherman Andrew Hershey John Zimmerman Anthony Kalanick Steven Richvalsky Joe Kernizan Richard Jones Richard Kessmann James Byrd Paul Kriner Thomas Newmyer Alec Lechlitner David Overbagh Harley Ludy Richard Mextorf Michael Lynch George Seelinger Don MacLeod Nathaniel Barrett Jeffrey Mauro Robert Brocklehurst Richard Mayo R. Kevin Stone Matthew Merolla Dane Bower Robert Monger Johnny Price Zachary Myers Thomas Degan Kishore Nallagatla Nathaniel Barrett Khoi Ngo | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 25
William Toffey Robert O’Hearn Michael Calhoun Gary Ottey Alistair Rae Charles Pao David Byers Jarrett Perlow Douglas Mader Louis Pizzarello Aaron Watts James Ritch Edward Wadley William Robbins Ronald Klaiss Victor Thompson Paul Archibald Nicholas Vala Alan Wagner James Verhalen Jr Dennis McKevitt Everett Winkler Nathaniel Barrett Ian Wolfe David Ammirata NORTHEASTERN Colin Alexander David MacKenzie Mark Bassel Cyril Weintraub Jay-Lee Busque-Blackburn Francois Raymond Stephen Colella Scott Moss Casey Faria Berel Weiner Lisa Henderson Christopher Henderson Matthew Kamrath Harold Sargent Ian Kean Earl Lohnes Michael Keating Robert Rutherford Joel Maxwell Roger Menard Larry Melanson David Marshall Andrew O’Neil Robert Foulks Michael Page Thomas Weiss Kenneth Paradis Tyler Pinney Rafael Pelles Anthony Guerra Christopher Podeswa
Leslie Richmond Nate Ramsayer Anthony Guerra Samuel Reimer Justin Reimer John David Robertson Timothy Curry James Rollins Richard Pilling Jeremy Schmitt Steven Azzaro Carmi Sienna Berel Weiner Steven Uchacz Elliott Lehman ONTARIO Douglas Agnew Paul Devereux Oliver Giovannitti Paul Yantha Chris Hulan Fraser Gordon Michael Kavcic Robert Hough Hanqing Li Bruce Pellowe Stuart Todd James Lewis Russ White John McLaughlin PIONEER George Anderson Charles Martin Dennis Burns Frank Adams Brian D’Annunzio Calvin Retz Thomas Doane Ralph LeRoy, Jr. Ryan Downing Aaron Pollard Thomas Hages Frederick Phillips Jonah Houtz Donald Slamka Tony Kinde Allen Holmes Kurt Kinde Eddie Tabb Barry Kirkbride David Harasymiw William Lee Brent Genzlinger Connor Lindenmuth Aaron Pollard Jacob Ludwick Tyler Rodriguez Thomas Machiela
David Bosch Joseph Miceli Ted McKinney Harold Petrowsky Robert Facione Edwin Reed Fred Pioch Jackson Reed Robert Shami Calvin Retz Elena Hensel ROCKY MOUNTAIN Darren Bassett Scott Anderson Larry Berghout Scott Anderson Seamus Clark James Clark Casey Coleman Scott Anderson Thomas Gabbitas Rick Gabbitas Walker Gawkoski James Clark Steve Grandona David Woodward David Green Scott Corey Lynn Hall Anthony De Rosa Grant Hamilton John Bugarin, Jr Richard Landrum II Troy Waycott Sean Moss Bruce Gundersen David Musser Mark Andromidas Rocken Newell Darin Drown Gregory Pinkston David Romine Kurt Randall Richard Allen Nathan Rapp Timothy Levin Ian Robbins Bruce Gundersen SENECA LAND Kevin Ammann Theodore Tate Norman Anschuetz Robert Beabout Thomas Eng David Lawson, Jr. Barrett Greene Peter Hart
26 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
Timothy Milloy David Wilkinson Dan Nedzinski John Hendrickson Francis Oconnell Thomas Hoffman Isaac Praetzel Aaron Praetzel Jameson Praetzel Aaron Praetzel Nathan Schultz Jason Kammerer Dominick Slocum Barney Johnson SOUTHWESTERN David Bartels Maurice Collins Tim Bielefeldt Chris Bielefeldt Christopher Chamberlain Dan Ehrhorn Charles Choate Brent Dunavant Jason Coon Jacob Kelso Tristin Crawford Trevor Crawford Austyn Dewaele Michael Hurley Adolfo Diaz David Wheeler Christian Doby Kevin Krawczynski Lawrence Edens Dan Trevino David Friefeld Pete Hasbrook David Fuller Wendell Peters Howard Galletly Irvin Engelbrecht Gerhardt Korn Larry Stewart Tim Kreiter Charles Myers Robert Langdon Roger Morton Reed Martindale Jack Mitchell John Parma Casey Cowan Nowlin Randolph Jeffery Donahue Earl Rogers Kime Rogers Michael Spivey Richard Hanson Andrew Stamper
Gary Stamper Benjamin Stewart Barry Clark Patrick Thurmond Trevor Crawford Mitchell Van Horn Doyal Spence George Waddell Daron Praetzel George Waddell Daron Praetzel Luke Walker Gary Hannah Dustin Wallace Daron Praetzel Vernon Wallace Dustin Wallace Jonathan Wallace Dustin Wallace Kenneth Wamer Deyoe Cole Jakob WilsonStobaugh John Towry Jim Zellner Roger Morton SUNSHINE Patrick Barthauer Christopher Barthauer Cyrus Dillinger Richard Morin Zachary Greene Harold Nantz Michael Griffin Donald Barnes Mark Harrell Philip Voelkel David Hennigan Cory Duplantis Andrew McKay Randall Parrish Jr Henry Myers Clare McCreary Kenneth Nisbett Kealan Rivera Kyle Ojeda Donell Torres Robert Sanders Paul Evert Jacob Van Hall William Ford Anthony Vega Kealan Rivera Patrick Willingham Scott Harrington NO DISTRICT Mimi Allin Philip Allin Nancy Anderson-
McLees Curtis McLees Lisa Becht Michelle Peedin Katie Beverley Scott Beverley Corey Bowers Alan Putnam Mikaela Bradley Ben Geesa Kimberly Britton Theresa Bradway Colleen Brown Brian Brown Lara Brown Miles Brown Jane Brown Samuel Doolittle Norma Buckley Edward Rogers Dona Button Douglas Mather Dana Cinque Donna Steinel Jennifer Cooke Amy Rose Stephanie Cosgrove John Cosgrove Emilee Craycraft Bethany Dover Terry Crescimanno Steven Azzaro Gary Dill Don Slocomb Stephanie Doerner Nancy Chapple Cara Doerr Daniel Brinkmann Abigail Dover Bethany Dover Amanda Dover Paul Dover Courtney Dover-Rickard Bethany Dover Jordan Eisel Ryan Stewart Natalie Faulkner Robert Mance Joan Frank Joseph Servidio, Jr. Sally Galloway Samuel McFarland, III Kathryn Galvin Ian Galvin Melanie Garcia Juan-Jose Garcia Rhonda Gould James Corey Judy Grove Timothy Ellis Sara Henry
Sheryl Berlin Johanna Hookstra Francis Kucheravy Elizabeth Hoversten Robert Hoversten Sarah Katz Stephen Katz Suzanne Kirch Steven Kirch Tim Korthuis Robert Macdonald Bruce Lamartine Maurice Sheppard Alyssa Lang Mark Lang Dante Libertore Timothy Kelly Sara Littlefield Brett Littlefield Karen Littlefield Brett Littlefield Ruth Matteson Peter Stephens-Brown Catherine McCabe Robert Dickson Diane Meyer Randall Meyer Angel Michaels Doug Rowan Connie Miller Douglas Miller Karyn Miller Michelle Peedin Pamela Mumm Merlin Green Susan Neuls Douglas Mather Barbara O’Donnell Logan Patrick-Miernicki Malte Oester Jonas Rasmussen Christopher Ploch Kevin Boehm Debora Pontoni Raymond Pontoni Andrea Porter David Porter Jennifer Powell Matthew Powell Jane Rozga Phil DeBar Lynne Shanley Bernard Hurlbut Jon Shurts Will Fehr Caroline Simyon Robert Johns Roberta Sonnino Cheryl Davis Jillian Spernak Bennett Spernak
Elizabeth Stewart Michael Hengelsberg Dean Sudbury Weston Smith Joan Thomson Don Thomson Barbara Toula Kenneth Toula Jane Warren Kyle Snook Tyler Wigglesworth Antone Rodich Delores Wishart Daniel Renn Rebecca Wisniewski Ryan Wisniewski Beth Wyszomierski Steve Wyszomierski Joshua Yoho Jonathan Kready Roberta Zess Douglas Mather
RECRUITER NOT LISTED CARDINAL John Atkinson Tony Boyd Hunter Browne Brody Conner Zander Cunningham Scott Hallstrom Larry MACQuown Jon Myers Gregory Peters Gerald Yoquelet CAROLINAS Donald Brown Dennis Congrove Mitchell Doub Richard Douglass Dillon Giles Gabriel Jordan Lyle Lisle Gregory Martin Cullen Sprague Gary Teater Ron Tiche Alexander Turnbull CENTRAL STATES Stephen Baker Trenton Bruntz Dustin Burton Jack Cozad Mark Huhman Stuart Jackson
Stanley Karaszewski Matthew Kraywinkel James Kraywinkel Steve Kroninger Kendall Kulesza Tommy LaDuke James Laurienti Phil Lockwood David Luke DIXIE Steven Moore Micah Buck Keith Napier Andrew Carroll Ronald Ostrove Wayne Emfinger Christopher Gaskill Emilio Ozuna Manual Pacheco Ed Geno Lewis Smith Eugene Henry Joseph Stoops Jake Hess Timothy Tuggle Kenneth Lucas Christopher McGee Mark Weidenhoefer Charles Yara George McGrew Andrew Yeh Thomas Mckean Jianlin Zhang Thomas Sagona Chase Shippy ILLINOIS John Thacker Arthur Andersen Tim Tuttle Cole Anderson Gerald Wright Timothy Bueter Howard Clem EVERGREEN Bryce Cody Ron Adler SJon` Coleman Mark Anderson Earl Fuhrmann Samuel Corry Bruce Jones Bill Freeman Roman King Andrew Fryer John Linder Ronald Goebel Jim Russell Nate Hart Samuel Sanders Scott Harwood David Sanders Robert Hulscher Adam Schmillen Bradley Keene Terry Stratton Michael Kleeman Michael Varnes Scott Lucyk William Martin JOHNNY Frank Nicol APPLESEED Colin Payne Jacob Barnhouse Greg Rowden Jonathan Dyer Dan Sanderson Roy George Zackary Semancik Timothy Heilmann David Stevens George Jakubiak David Vincent Logan Kronstain Kenneth Walker Michael Levin Glenn Watson Mark Sluss Frank Svaty FAR WESTERN Scott Wallace Joshua Botha Ian Wisecup Ian Clark Salvador De Jesus LAND O’ LAKES Paul DeWeese Charles Collins Jordan Eldredge Sebastian Dvorak Adam Gilbert Andrew Dvorak Brion Grant William Freels Craig Hill Roger Freund Lin Huang Benjamin Keever Arjun Ramakrishnan Vince Sanfilippo Jerome Schauf Austin Stephens Ian Williams Taylor York
Nien-Chu Kuan Xuanji Li Richard Shipman Donald Simpson Drew Stewart Adrian Vrolyk Kerry Watkin Xingyu Zhou Randall Atwood Matthew BidigMID-ATLANTIC are-Landen Joseph Brendel Daniel Bryson Jacob Broude Johnny Kiel Joseph Bullwinkel Aiden LaPointe Richard Carroll Luke LaPointe Gregory Christian Carl Peebles Torryn Cousin Alexander Davidson Joseph Perrotti James DepretROCKY Guillaume MOUNTAIN Joshua Harper Omar Abaas Joshua Hartman Hunter Adam Richard Koch John Becker Ira Kroll Camden Boyd Benjamin Lamac Nathan Brown Anthony Markert John Glauser Gregory Mercado Paulo Iza Richard Mextorf Mitchell Jacobson Richard Michel Ephraim Maxfield Daniel Niland John McGroarty John Pagliaro Danny Miller Jason Pandelidis Jacob Murphy Mike Panebianco Mark Norton Donald Pflaster James Rightmyer Jr Eugene Peterson Bill Pomeroy Larry Sabino Brandon Rhodes Al Schwartz Richard Ryser Gabriel Spector Gregory Sonnier Joseph Williams Jeremiah Stanfield Drew Xentaras Brian Summers NORTHEASTERN Robert Wilmot Albert Bruno SENECA LAND Richard Christie William Bianchi Amos Cutter, Jr. Howard Greenwald Tom Daniels Joe Harris Fred Dawson Peter Waldmiller Bruce Doulton Maxwell Duff-Shore SOUTHWESTERN Maury Eldridge Adam Alfaro Christopher Haas Charles Cagle Sean Mulford Zac Caraway Michael Norris Martien Carroll Robert Thomas Keith Chesser Kevin Warten David Cuellar Dru Dollar ONTARIO Byron Ellis Robert Chatelain Don Forisha Larry Down Dave Gianettino Akito Iizumi Michael Hair Justin Kotewicz Allen Ison Daniel Kling Simon Marshall Richard Onsrud Garry Post Gerard Potvin Stephen Smalley David Sorenson
Jessica Breitinger Peter Bryant Olivia Burkett Benjamin Burroughs Sheryl Burtch Mark Burton Callie Hewitt Thereasa Carrozzella Lauren Chandler-Holtz Anna Chelak Caren Christenson Faith Cogar Mateo Cuevas Zachary Curington Justin Custer Michala Dennis David Dennis, Sr Carter Detweiler SUNSHINE Annie Ekman Bergstedt Spencer Ault Mary Erickson Jim Beck michael faurot Zyan Busby Deborah Ferenc Edward Carillo Asa Fris Collin Clark Paula Fry James Daugherty Jacob Gates Kollin Dembeck Michelle Giroir Steve Dygert Jonathan Emmerich Lori Greco Victoria Green Doug Engh Yoshiki Hada Neal Frederiksen Carrie Hall Joe Galvin Fiona Hansen Karl Geller Kyle Harper Matthew Howard Evelyn Hazzard Benjamin Jackey Samuel Hergatt Justin Jacobson Amelia Higgins Jordan James Marian Holehan Shawn Klein Andrew Holmes Dallas Nesbitt Spencer Horman Cyndi Ponder Freddie Inscho Josh Price McKenzie Ives Doug Stokes Jan Jacobsen Joseph Tripp Dylan Jebode Ursula Koelle NO DISTRICT Abigail Kuklinca Scott Aaron Ruth Kurak Susan Adent Emma Ländström Sean Agan Mary Laster Kim Ajer-DeVoss Sarah Lechak Simon Allen Maggie Amspaugh Michael Lee Jessie Leov Niklas Arnell Marietta Loehrlein Jarica Awwiller Deborah Benedict Olivia Lutz William Lynch Abby Block JoAnn Mangan Kylie Booth Jackson Marshal Emma Bowers Deborah McCollum Matthew Boyd Valerie Miller James Brant Therese Molyneaux Ethan Brant Jake Hemmle Randall Hicken Andre Jackson John Paul Kinney Patrick Laform BIll Ma Kyle Maninantan Raymond Norris Jeffery patton Alex Ray William Rector Bob Schneider Sr. Karl Skelton Daniel Stephens Joshua Surver Clay Thomasson Bradley Walker Navado Wright
Helen MoonBertrand Walter Munoz Jackson Murphy Marie Nadeau Ava Nastasi Kenneth Nechvatal William Nixon Lysandra Owens Vanessa Patterson Kaona Petcharat Andrew Phillips Gerald Piper Jordan Plair April Qualls Frida Rönnblom Anne Redmo Anne Reed Regina Reninger Autumn Richards Tyler Roach Meranda Romine Kaitlyn Rusnak Megan Rusnak John Rust III Anthony Scardillo Hope Scott Elisabeth Snow Nathaniel Stedman Kristin Stevens Claudia Stewart Dawn Stubley Tina Superville Debora Ternstroem Beverly Thorn Marilyn Turner Kristina Valentino Dorothy Van De Plasse Michael Varilla Daniel Vireday Janice Walton-Hadlock Linda Wells Damaris Wescott Barbara Wheaton Diane Whitford Todd Williamson Colleen Wilton Timothy Winkler Jeffrey Wright Peggy Wu
ASSOCIATES Lynn Blakeney Nicole Adams William Adams Linda Hunt Diane Patterson Karen Caldwell Marlina Martinez Angela Morton-Locke Sandra Dunlop Stephanie Thurman Ann Reed Viveka Boettge Nevaeh Himinn Jean Bernard Cindy Partlow Cherie Hughes Kathy Robitaille Rebecca Barr Gregory Tuttle Paige Sgrignoli Susan Atkins Susan Middleton Alice Outwater Doris Hyde Joe Simpson Emma Michel Dorothy Ann Zandt Jennifer Gaffney Terry Langham Barbara Bell Linda Sherman Patricia Steckowich Autumn Spilker Eugene Spilker Dawn Clifford Robyn Bohls Renee Rios Kenny Rios, Sr. Angel McCray Bianca Dixon Celia Kraatz Diane Clark Donna Gruis Valorie Winslow Kate Schroth Dixie Kennett Barbara Berry Nancy Bergman Natalie Mallis Kathleen Hansen Jennifer Gaspari Abby Sella Vanessa LaRochelle Carol Jaeger | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 27
A Barber
28 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
rshop Revival B
arbershop harmony may have emerged from the music of late 19th Century African-Americans, but if you told anyone—even 10 years ago—that a possible
watershed moment in the 81-year history of the Barbershop Harmony Society would take place on the campus of an historically black college, some would’ve called you crazy. Yet, here we are, on the campus of North Carolina Central University in Durham.
In the 36 hours of Barbershop Revival this March, expert clinicians Dr. Jim Henry, Debbie Cleveland, and Dr. Bill Adams guided the collegiate singers through a barbershop whirlwind. Topics included the similarities between southern gospel and barbershop and the African-American roots of our art form. They also prepared the singers to perform on the Saturday Night Show finale. Attendee Isaiah Mudd had arrived without preconceptions. “I didn’t want to set my expectations too high or too low,” the college senior said. “This is an art form that I’m not used to at all, but I was completely blown away!” He was part of more than a concert weekend. Barbershop Revival was a cornerpiece to a social movement puzzle assembled by passionate Barbershoppers (and spouses) Warren and Andy Fuson, funded in part through
BHS grants provided by Harmony Foundation International, and inspired by the Society’s strategic vision of Everyone in Harmony. The Fusons had attended a lecture by Dr. David Wright that featured a video produced by Harmony Foundation— and it resonated strongly with them. In the video, educator Douglas Carnes spoke about his inner city students' reaction to seeing a barbershop performance as part of a class discussion. “One of the young men said, ‘Why are there no black people?’ Doug said, ‘I
don’t know,’” Andy explained. “In that instant, I knew this was something I could do something about. I didn’t know how, but it was going to happen.” It took two years of trial and error to get Revival off the ground. “It took us a while to figure out Rick Taylor of Harmony Foundation International captures The Fairfield Four demonstrating the similarities between barbershop and gospel. The Society helped underwrite Barbershop Revival with funds provided by Harmony Foundation.
WATCH ONLINE All videos referenced in this article, including both the HFI video that inspired this festival and a post festival recap, can be viewed online. Links are at | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 29
Revival participants applied all they learned about barbershop harmony in a performance on the Saturday Night Show.
ry,” she said. “I wanted to expose them to a genre of music they knew nothing about and had never performed.” Dr. Jim Henry led an hour-long master class for the ages, with Crossroads illustrating a song (or a part of a song) and then The Fairfield Four showing a comparison segment, demonstrating the evolution of barbershop from the southern gospel style. Jim educated, Crossroads rang chords, and The Fairfield Four took the room to church. Everybody in attendance had their ears—and souls— filled by the time it was over. The women then left with Cleveland and the men with Adams to prepare for the finale concert the following night. A camp clinician for decades, Cleveland is no stranger to teaching barbershop to the uninitiated. “The challenge is always to share just enough explanation and background to enhance the performance without overloading them,” she said. “I always ask myself, ‘What do they absolutely need to know?’ and then try to mix it all in together with the
30 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
Performers, section leaders, discussion leaders: Grammy-winning gospel quartet The Fairfield Four, 2009 Champ Crossroads, HALO quartet, GQ quartet.
rehearsal of the music so they can stay actively involved.” With HALO as section leaders, the group prepared to perform, “Java Jive” and “Ain’t that Good News.” Down the hall, Adams and Crossroads prepared the men for “Caroline” and “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” which would include a solo by Mudd. The senior was quick to point out the elite singing quality of the guest groups. “I’m hearing things that I only really imagined when I listen to music,” Mudd said. “It’s cool to hear those harmonies and actually be a part of that.” The second and final day saw more rehearsals and a panel discussion and Q&A with HALO and The Fairfield Four, where attendees could pick the brains of the panel members. As the two groups shared their thoughts, insights and opinions on all things culture, music, and barbershop, they were an example of not only racial and gender diversity but a pristine example of intergenerational singing. HALO bari Niambi Powell left the discussion impressed with the students’ buy-in to the music. “We were just really encouraged,” she said. “Our mission is to help communities come together, help them have difficult conversations and join together in song. It’s a worthy mission. This weekend
how to start a conversation with the African-American musical community without sounding condescending and without seeming like we were coming in just trying to help out, which is not productive,” Warren recalled. “But once people realized that we were sincere, the door was open.” It can be tough building partnerships with musicians who don’t yet share the same passion for the barbershop art form, especially within an education system that has so many existing demands among people and groups. But the Fusons were determined to tear down stereotypes and build bridges. Once they found Roberta A. Laws, Choir Director at North Carolina Central—she so wanted her students to take part that she made Barbershop Revival mandatory—they were on their way. “I wanted my students to grow in the knowledge of African-American histo-
was proof that it’s happening.” Members of GQ likewise came away impressed. “HALO led an amazing discussion about how each barbershop voice part relates to helping people overcome deep issues like racism,” Katie Macdonald, the bass of GQ, said. “They were captivating in their explanations and relating our loved hobby to difficult life discussions. It’s beyond important to have these discussions in order to constantly move toward a bigger, more diversely integrated and positively impacted world of harmony.” A final round of rehearsals and then it was show time. Harmony Foundation International’s Rick Taylor emceed the final concert, featuring all the teaching groups. Standing ovations abounded, especially for the students’ combined chorus performing a barbershop rendition of “Sing” by Pentatonix, followed by “Come What May” from Moulin Rouge. “I know what wonderful musicians my students are and how they step up to the plate when challenged musically,” Laws said. “In every area, they exceeded my expectations. They opened themselves up to a new genre of music, they experienced new learning techniques and they performed with excellence.” There were plenty of takeaways for everyone involved but perhaps the most valuable was the reaction—and acceptance—of the barbershop art
Revival organizers Andy and Warren Fuson worked for two years to get the event off the ground.
form to the students themselves. “Some seemed a little unsure coming in,” Cleveland said. “But by the second day they were performing the group songs with gusto and even singing tags during breaks.” Powell agreed. “To just throw themselves into a style and into a vocal musical relationship with strangers in an unfamiliar genre without fear?” the HALO baritone said. “They were open to the process and they were gracious with each other and with the music. I was so touched by that.” “It was such an amazing and diverse group of singers,” Macdonald added. “Everyone benefited from seeing each other’s different styles and perspectives. It was inspiring to know that the Barbershop Harmony Society was so supportive of such a needed diversity initiative.” BHS is supportive of the efforts, indeed, but all credit for Barbershop Revival goes to Warren and Andy Fuson—a husband and wife team who felt compelled enough to spend two years planning and executing a fantastic event with the hopes that it could change lives in a relatively untapped community. “Both Andy and I have been struck with the terrible need for inclusion,” Warren said. “The wrongs that were done to the African-American culture over the years and the incredibly rich
Dr. Jim Henry leads post-concert tagging with fellow members of Crossroads (2009 champ) and Revival participants. The four-time international gold medal director of Ambassadors of Harmony is Director of Choral Studies at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. His Ph.D. dissertation deepened understanding of the African-American origins of the barbershop style. heritage that we have isolated ourselves from as well as just the conversation between the races. This has been an opportunity for us to get actively involved in that and do our small part to address the cultural divide.” Without question, the event was a success—a success to the point where the Fusons believe others should try similar events where they live. “An outreach like this is possible, in some fashion, in any district,” Andy said. “All you have to do is pinpoint the person and institution who would have the same goals that you have.” In short, it takes a village. And the first village was built on the campus of North Carolina Central University. n
Jeremy K. Gover is the BHS Video Production Manager and is a long-time Nashville sports radio/ tv reporter/analyst. | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 31
CHAPTER CHALLENGE Harmony Foundation has launched a new giving participation and recognition initiative. The top 5 chapters with the highest percentage of participation in giving will be recognized on the Midwinter Jacksonville 2020 stage with a G O L D , S I LV E R , O R B R O N Z E level of recognition.
PA R T I C I PAT I O N I S K E Y Participation means just that…participation at any gift size you are able to contribute. The most meaningful financial gifts are those that take some thought and sacrifice to accomplish, no matter how large or modest it may seem. By participating at any meaningful level, we are able to combine those efforts with thousands of others and collectively make a really big impact!
WAY S T O G I V E BY PHONE: TOLL FREE (866) 706-8021 O N L I N E: H A R M O N Y F O U N DAT I O N.O R G B Y M A I L : 1 1 0 S E V E N T H AV E N O R T H , S U I T E 2 0 0 NASHVILLE, TN 37203 M O R E I N F O A N D C U R R E N T S TA N D I N G S AT H A R M O N Y F O U N D AT I O N.O R G /C H A P T E R-C H A L L E N G E
Barbershoppin’ the Big Easy! Experience the historic neighborhoods, iconic streets, fabulous food and rich musical history of New Orleans during Sweet Adelines International Convention and Competition.
73rd Annual Convention and Competition Sept. 16-21, 2019 Smoothie King Center • New Orleans, La., USA Visit for registration and event information.
32 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
DIRECTORS WANTED Need a director? First 50 words are free for BHS chapters. See the most current postings at
DIRECTOR WANTED Par For The Chorus, Greater Sun City FL Chapter, seeks an experienced director for a small, noncompetitive chorus. Contact Joseph Epstein, or 813-6343907 for more information. Knights of the Mohawk in Rome, NY, seeks a director starting in August 2019. We practice Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. We are a small mixed chorus of nine people, with one quartet in the group. We have a lot of fun trying to be the best we can. Contact Lynne at or 315-327-9625.
Land of Legend Chorus (Newark, OH) is a small non-competing chapter that does one annual show each spring at the Midland theatre in downtown Newark that draws around 700. We also do singouts in the community including Memorial Day, Flag Day and a local summer church choir replacement. We are looking for someone who can work with the music team and show committee on music for our annual show. Contact or 614-961-0219 for more information.
The Palm Beach County Coastmen of Boynton Beach, Florida seek a new director for once a week rehearsals (Wednesday), Sunshine District competition, and local community performances. Our 25-member chorus seeks a candidate with some experience directing a cappella music and a desire to continue to develop his/her directing skills. The new director should possess the ability to communicate and create a fun/enjoyable environment while working to achieve excellence in singing and performance. The position is compensated. Chuck Swenson:
CHAPTER ETERNAL Members reported as deceased between May 1 and July 1, 2019. Send updates to CARDINAL Jerry Adams Lexington, KY Robert Bigelow Lake County, IN James Brady Columbia City, IN Scott Keeler Greater Indianapolis Nico Palania Louisville, KY Charles Sheridan Evansville, IN CAROLINAS Mark Barnhill Wilmington, NC William Gowder Charleston, SC CENTRAL STATES Donald Hagan Des Moines, IA Neale Kelley Beatrice, NE Alfred McCrumb McCook, NE Duane Michelsen Greater Ozarks, AR
DIXIE Murray Warren Huntsville Metropolitan, AL EVERGREEN Chester Hagel Oregon Mid-Coast FAR WESTERN Louis Tedesco Santa Fe Springs, CA Woodrow Yoder San Francisco Bay Cities, CA Palo Alto - Mountain View, CA ILLINOIS Clifford Hasselbacher Frank Thorne JOHNNY APPLESEED Ronald Babcock Xenia, OH Mark Barnhill Zanesville, OH Don Cain Zanesville, OH Robert Cain
Western Hills (Cincinnati), OH Dayton Metro, OH Lewis Swann French City, OH Huntington Tri-State, WV Greater Kanawha Valley, WV LAND O’ LAKES Hardin Olson Minneapolis, MN MID-ATLANTIC Don Baumgartner Lansdale, PA Joseph Cunningham Allentown Bethlehem, PA Richard Maurer Lansdale, PA Peter McArdle Five Towns College, NY Nassau-Mid Island, NY Manhattan, NY Joseph Nutry Ocean County, NJ Morris County, NJ Walter Rittenhouse Lansdale, PA Roy Shockey Somerset County, PA
NORTHEASTERN Elmer Brown Hanover, NH Walter Pitts Scituate, MA Gary Richardson Hanover, NH Seymour Woolsey Saratoga Springs, NY ONTARIO Ralph Dekker Kitchener-Waterloo, ON Robert Mitchell Kitchener-Waterloo, ON PIONEER Robert Brown Rochester, MI Eugene Bulka Grosse Pointe, MI Detroit-Oakland, MI Wesley Tomlinson Detroit-Oakland, MI Rochester, MI ROCKY MOUNTAIN Allen Evans Frank Thorne
SENECA LAND Robert Robbins St. Marys, PA Headwaters, PA Seymour Woolsey Mohawk Valley, NY SOUTHWESTERN Robert Hintermaier San Antonio, TX SUNSHINE Wes Branch Palm Harbor, FL Carmen De Angelis Daytona Beach Metro, FL Melbourne, FL James Jackson, Sr Sunrise, FL Marvin Lent Greater Sun City Center, FL Edward Weirauch, Jr. Winter Haven, FL Winter Park, FL NO DISTRICT Kathryn Chao
Grady Kerr, past Society Historian, passed away in June following prolonged health struggles. A tireless researcher and writer, Grady was among a handful of experts with truly encyclopedic knowledge of SPEBSQSA history, especially the lives and careers of gold medal quartets. The landmark 75th Anniversary edition of The Harmonizer was built on his boundless energy and knowledge. In later years, he donated his vast archives to the Society. Grady was opinionated, passionate, argumentative, jocular, and devoted to his very bones to barbershop singing. A masterful writer, he no doubt would throw in a few more adjectives, simultaneously self-deprecating and self-aggrandizing. That would be his way, so we honor it. | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 33
MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTORY How can we help you barbershop today? Get answers from the staff at Harmony Hall
Society Headquarters 110 7th Ave N • Nashville, TN 37203-3704 615-823-3993 • fax: 615-313-7615 • Office hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Central 800-876-7464 (SING) EXECUTIVE OFFICES Marty Monson Executive Director/CEO Megan Tankersley Executive Assistant to the CEO FINANCE Erik Dove CFO/COO Jama Clinard Controller / Human Resources Nick Anello Finance Administrator CONVENTIONS Dusty Schleier Director of Events INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Jaime Man Solutions Architect Sam Hoover Systems Adminstrator HARMONY MARKETPLACE customerservice@ Mark Morgan Director of Marketplace and Retail Ops. Justin Gray Warehouse Manager Krystie Mitchell Warehouse Coordinator Raphael Llana Marketplace eCommerce Assistant STRATEGY Kevin Lynch Chief Strategy Officer
MARKETING Holly J. Kellar Chief Marketing Officer Chris Bernstein Advertising Campaign Manager Sarah Brown Marketing Coordinator Jeremy K. Gover Video Production Manager Eddie Holt Graphic Design Manager James Hurlburt Video Production Specialist Brian Lynch PR Manager Jernie Talles Millan Marketing Assistant Amy Rose Digital Communications Manager PARTICIPATION & ENGAGEMENT customerservice@ Caki Gray Director of Membership James Pennington Chapter Success Manager Devin Bradford Community Development Manager Danny Becker Quartet Success Manager CUSTOMER SERVICE customerservice@ Rich Smith Contact Center Success Manager/ Service Representrative Allison Barrett Service Representative Luke Davis Service Representative Annie Reynolds Service Representative Douglas Gordon Receptionist/Facilities
34 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
PROGRAMS & IMPACT Erin Harris Chief Program Officer Cassi Costoulas Strategic Initiatives Manager OUTREACH Joe Cerutti Director of Outreach Chad Bennett Show Production/Community Engagement Ashley Brown Grant Admin. & Inclusion Coordinator Ashley “Lani” Torroll Outreach Youth Programs Coordinator MUSIC EDUCATION Don Rose Director of Music Education Steve Scott Music Education Specialist Brent Suver Education Team Admin. Assistant MUSIC PUBLICATIONS Janice Bane Copyright & Licensing Manager Scott Harris Arranger & Repertoire Manager
BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Dick Powell • Crofton, MD 410-451-0694 Executive Vice President John Miller • Westport, CT 203-254-9594 Treasurer John Santora • Bel Air, MD 410-937-2611 Immediate Past President Skipp Kropp • Indianapolis, IN 317-946-9882 Executive Director/ Board Secretary Marty Monson • Franklin, TN 800-876-7464 Dr. Perry White • Nashville, TN (Ex Officio, Harmony Foundation) 615-823-5611 BOARD MEMBERS AT LARGE Jeremy Albright • Haslet, Texas 620-249-1605 Steve Denino • Grove City, Ohio 614-875-7211 John Donehower • Monroe, WI 563-599-8565 David Haedtler • Mountain View, Calif. 650-465-2848 Randy Loos • Lecanto, Fla. 727-510-5901 Bernard Priceman • Palm Desert, Calif. 818-625-2832
• Sing Canada Harmony • • American Choral Directors Association • • Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia • • World Harmony Council • • National Museum for African-American Music • • Sweet Adelines International • • Harmony, Incorporated • • National Association for Music Education • • Chorus America • • Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers •
110 Seventh Avenue North, Suite 200, Nashville, TN 37203 866-706-8021 (toll free),615-823-5611, STAFF Dr. Perry White ** *** President/CEO Jim Clark Regional Director 3042 • Sean Devine Planned Giving Manager 3054 • Carolyn Faulkenberry Chief Financial Officer 3041 • J.J. Hawkins Donor Care Center Associate 3045 • Matt Hopper Donor Care Center Associate 3049 • Jim Johnson Director of Communications 3053 • Brian Nelson Donor Care Center Associate 3051 • Sarah Ogiba Donor Care Center Manager 3040 • Dixie Semich Development Operations Manager 3047 • Kyle Snook Regional Director 3050 • Jan Stinson Financial Associate 3040 • Rick Taylor National Development Manager 3046 •
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Gary Plaag – Chair 703-868-5152 Debbie Cleveland – Secretary 813-230-7845 Don Laursen – Treasurer 559-733-1496 Lynn Weaver – Immediate Past Chair 616-485-3392 Mike Deputy 801-733-0562 Don Lambert 850-240-5952 Sherri Matthews 804-938-1611 Mike Moisio 775-580-7395 Casey Parsons 614-306-8858 Kendall Williams 206-949-7464 Marty Monson Society Executive Director/CEO** Jim Warner*– General Counsel 901-522-9000, Ext. 104
*Not board member • **Ex-officio • ***Also trustee
SOCIETY SUBSIDIARIES (PARTIAL LIST) • Association of International Champions • • Association of International Seniors Quartet Champions • • Harmony Brigade • • Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association • • Ancient Harmonious Society of Woodshedders •
• Barbershop Harmony Australia • Dan Millgate: • BHNZ (Barbershop Harmony New Zealand) • John Denton: • BABS (British Association of Barbershop Singers) • Peter Cookson: • BinG! (Barbershop in Germany) • Renate Klocke: • Holland Harmony • Nelleke Dorrestijn: • FABS (Finnish Association of Barbershop Singers) • Jan-Erik Krusberg: • IABS (Irish Association of Barbershop Singers) • Liz Nolan: • MBHA (Mixed Barbershop Harmony Assoc.) • Roxanne Powell: • SABS (Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers) • Lyn Baines: • SNOBS (Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers) • Henrik Rosenberg: • SPATS (Southern Part of Africa Tonsorial Singers) • Mark Jensen van Rensburg:
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE/ EDITORIAL EDITORIAL BOARD Holly J. Kellar, Brian Lynch, Amy Rose, Sarah Brown, Lorin May EDITOR Lorin May ASSOCIATE EDITORS Amy Rose, Brian Lynch | July/August 2019 | The Harmonizer | 35
THE TAG Joe Liles, Tagmaster
The tastiest tag from HU 2016
Boegehold. Jake is the bass of popular 2019 6th-place international finalist The Newfangled Four, and also sings bass with 2019 international champ Westminster Chorus. Written in 2010 and inspired by his then-crush, this tag is not traditional barbershop harmony but it's rewarding to sing the interesting, fun dissonances. Both versions are on Link to a YouTube video of Evan teaching Jake's tag at Enjoy! n
t Harmony University in 2016, much acclaim followed "Like Leaves, We'll Fall," a tag written by Jake Tickner and taught to the general session audience by Evan
LIKE LEAVES, WE'LL FALL for men's & mixed voices
Words, Music and Arrangement by JAKE TICKNER
bbb 3 Œ b V 4 œ
Tenor Lead
b V b b b ˙˙ ..
fall, 3
˙˙ .
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b & b b ˙˙ ..
love. love,
˙. b ˙.
36 | The Harmonizer | July/August 2019 |
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forwomen's female voices for voices
b˙ b˙
Œ b & b b 43 œ
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˙˙ . .
Words, Music and Arrangement by JAKE TICKNER
Ê b b 43 b
˙˙ .
love. love,
Bari Bass
Tenor Lead
leaves 2
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? b b b 43 b
Bari Bass
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