Everyone in Harmony
Thank You
to all who believe in the magic of harmony! Investing in Harmony Foundation means investing in a future where singing education and opportunities are readily available and accessible to everyone for generations to come. C O N N E C T. E N R I C H . S I N G .
LEGACY OF HARMONY Harmony Foundation International
Designating funds to loved ones and organizations you love provides you with peace of mind. Our Legacy of Harmony program helps you meet all your goals through a gift from your estate, will, retirement plan and/or life insurance policy. Contributions support our endowment, providing perpetual support to educators, students and community members alike.
Contact our Donor Care Center: donorcenter@harmonyfoundation.org
OUR VISION Everyone in Harmony OUR MISSION To bring people together in harmony and fellowship to enrich lives through singing. OUR PURPOSES To perpetuate the old American institution: the barbershop quartet and barbershop harmony To promote appreciation of barbershop harmony To initiate and maintain a broad program of musical education, contests, and appreciation in support of barbershop harmony and the allied arts To establish and maintain foundations that support our vision To initiate, promote and participate in charitable projects that support our vision The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (DBA Barbershop Harmony Society) is a non-profit organization operating in the United States and Canada. January/February 2020 Volume LXXX Number 1 Complete contact info: pages 46-47 The Harmonizer (ISSN 0017-7849) (USPS 577700) is published bimonthly by the Barbershop Harmony Society, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704. Periodicals Postage Paid at Nashville TN and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Harmonizer, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704. Advertising rates available upon request at harmonizer@barbershop.org. Publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork.
Postmaster: Send address changes to editorial offices of The Harmonizer, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704 at least 30 days before the next publication date. (Publications Agreement No. 40886012. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor ON N9A 6J5. Email: cpcreturns@wdsmail.com) A portion of each member’s dues is allocated to cover the magazine’s subscription price. Subscription price to non-members is $25 yearly or $5 per issue; foreign subscriptions are $35 yearly or $7 per issue (U.S. funds only). © 2020 The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. dba The Barbershop Harmony Society. Printed in the USA
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The 2019 competitors and participants at district contests, the Midwinter Convention in Nashville, Harmony University, and the International Convention in Salt Lake City all earned their recognition. In the first-ever Yearbook edition of The Harmonizer, all of these—and many others—can be found in a single annual edition that will serve as a handy reference for years to come. Competitor and event photos available at barbershop.org/photos.
2 Nashville Midwinter
Seniors Quartet and NextGen Groups
13 BHS Honors and Awards
Dr. Jim Henry, Steve Armstrong, Lori Lyford, Jack Smith, Bob Morrissey, Midtown quartet
14 Salt Lake City International All competing quartets, Next Generation quartets, and International Chorus Contest competitors
32 Harmony University at Belmont in Nashville
Quartets, choruses, classes, and faculty
35 District Champions 40 Welcome New Members 48 Judges and Society Board 49 The Tag
On the cover: Signature, DoubleDouble, Everyone in Harmony Chorus, Quin-Tones, Westminster Chorus, HU General Session, and Midwinter at the Grand Old Opry Photos by Read Photography and Lorin May. Cover by Eddie Holt. YouTube: BarbershopHarmony38
Twitter: @barbershopnews
Facebook: barbershopharmonysociety
Instagram: @barbershopharmonysociety
barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 1
2 | The Harmonizer |
here were nearly 900 performers among the 2,800 barbershop fans who converged for three days on country music's most coveted stage. Sometimes there were judges writing scores, a lot of the time we were just having fun. All of the time, the results were spectacular. An exciting three days kicked off with a Thursday afternoon Keynote Address for the ages by quartet gold medalist Theo Hicks, who reminded us of the profound impact made by Barbershoppers just behaving like Barbershoppers. Music educators reported that hundreds of their students indeed had "mountaintop experiences" at Midwinter while performing in Next Generation Quartet and Chorus Festivals—and all the thrilling planned and unscheduled activities in between. The rest of us had plenty of unforgettable experiences as well, from singing with the All-Chapter Chorus or quartetting with the Harmony Brigade, participating in Harmony University courses or just tagging with friends old and new. Hundreds of seniors competed in the Seniors Quartet Contest and Seniors Chorus Festival. Together, we enjoyed two of the best evening January/February 2020 | barbershop.org shows in Midwinter's proud history.
Gold Medalist: DoubleDouble (ONT) 76.8% find on Facebook Perry Wildfong (Br), David Feltrin (Bs), John Mallett (L), Bobby Gibson (T)
Silver Medalist: Let's Sing! (NSC) 76.6% Steve Tremper (T), Mark Chandler (L), Greg Zinke (Bs), Joe Doub (Br)
Third Place Bronze Medalist: Hearsay (JAD) 76.2% Bob Moorehead (T), Kent Vanderkolk (L), Mike Bell (Bs), Tom Rouse (Br)
Fourth Place Bronze Medalist: Unfinished Business (JAD) 75.7% find on Facebook George Lepsch (Br), Jeff Gehm (L), Bob Godot (Bs), Dave McKinnon (T)
Fifth Place Bronze Medalist: Fossil Creak (SWD) 75.5% Frank Friedemann (T), Art Swanson (L), John White (Bs), Bill Wilkinson (Br)
6. Mac-n-Cheese (DIX) 75.1% Paul Wietlisbach (Br), Tony Clifton (Bs), Howard McAdory (L), Bob Davenport (T)
7. Vocal Connection (DIX) 74.6% Rick Word (Br), Nick Daley, Jr. (Bs), Jimmy Tompkins (L), Bill Packard (T)
8. Easy Street (SUN) 74.0% easystquartet.com Paul Carter (T), Dave Cross (L), Bryan Hevel (Bs), Charlie Nelson (Br) barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 3
9. Spotlight (JAD) 73.8% Matt Bridger (Br), Paul Gilman (L), Dave Kindinger (Bs), Gary Wulf (T)
10. Social Insecurity (EVG) 72.6% find on Facebook Kevin Stephens (Br), Bob Martindale (L), Marty Anderson (Bs), Gary Raze (T)
11. Nostalgia Express (ONT) 71.8% Larry Maw (T), Brad Brown (L), Jim Doyle (Bs), David Wallace (Br)
12. Senior Varsity (CSD) 71.7% Jeff Veteto (Br), Cal Yoder (L), Darrell Link (Bs), Todd Keeley (T)
13. Mansion Vocal Band (NED) 71.3% Jerry Xavier (T), Al St. Louis (L), Mike Maino (Bs), Bob O’Connell (Br)
14. Papa Joe's (DIX) 71.2% Allen Reynolds (T), Ron Montgomery (L), Joe Ezell (Bs), Tom Cain (Br)
15. Station Break (PIO) 70.6% Mike Hansen (T), Tom Conner (L), Randall Maclaren (Bs), Steve Warnaar (Br)
16. Upgrayed (SLD) 70.3% Mike Glazier (T), Bob Fuest (L), Stan Smith (Bs), Keith Langdon (Br)
4 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
17. CHECKMATE (PIO) 69.7% Bruce LaMarte (T), Craig Pollard (L), Brian Kaufman (Br), Scott McNutt (Bs)
18. Take Note (ILL) 69.7% find on Facebook Rick Anthoney (T), Ralph Brooks, Jr. (L), Ed Chapman (Bs), Dick Kingdon (Br)
19. Old Spice (SLD) 69.2% Todd Horton (T), Don Stothard (L), Steve Fanning (Bs), Ron Mason (Br)
20. Trigger's Broom (BABS) 67.2% find on Facebook Paul Jeffery (T), Andy Salter (L), Steve Cox (Br), Adrian Armstrong (Bs)
21. Naturally Aged (RMD) 66.8% Dave Waddell (T), Mac McWilliams (Bs), Jim Hopper (L), Jim Cole (Br)
22. Fallcreek (LOL) 66.7% Rich Derrick (Br), Kevin Dean (Bs), Mark Diers (L), Mark McLaurin (T)
23. R.I.C.K.S. (FWD) 66.4% Pork Chop (pig), Dave Wallace (T), Steve Leipelt (L), Richard Lund (Bs), Corley Phillips (Br)
24. New Image (CAR) 66.3% find on Facebook Cliff Standiford (T), Wayne Keppler (L), Don Green (Bs), Randy Clark (Br) barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 5
Next Generation Junior Chorus Invitational and Seniors Chorus Contest Now in its 12th year, word is spreading fast among music educators: The Next Generation program is without peer in giving young singers–and audiences–mountaintop experiences.
Plateau A - Small Chorus Plateau AA - Medium Chorus Plateau AAA - Large Chorus
Ratings are Good, Excellent, Outstanding, and Superior. Awards are given for the winner of each of the Plateaus.
Audience Favorite Award and Plateau AAA Winner: Hurricane of Harmony Gaither High School, Tampa, FL SUPERIOR directed by Debbie Cleveland
Plateau AA Winner: A CAPPELLA! James Hubert Blake High School, Silver Spring, MD SUPERIOR directed by Sandra Zinkievich
Plateau A Winner: Upbeat! Lopez Early College High School, Brownsville, TX OUTSTANDING directed by Jason Whitney 6 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
Presenter's Award: Wildcat Chord Ringers (A) Quinton Township School, Quinton, N.J. GOOD directed by John Wernega
Alexandria Central Select Choir (A) Alexandria Central School, Alexandria Bay, NY OUTSTANDING directed by Katie Taylor
Cleveland Heights HS Men's Barbershoppers (A) Cleveland Heights High School, Cleveland Heights, OH EXCELLENT directed by Jesse Lange
Chandler High School Men's Choir (AA) Chandler High School, Chandler, AZ OUTSTANDING directed by Lori Lyford
Cleveland Heights HS Women's Barbershoppers (AA) Cleveland Heights High School, Cleveland Heights, OH OUTSTANDING directed by Jesse Lange barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 7
Prairie Chords (AA) Land O' Lakes District, Saskatchewan High School and Universities, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan GOOD directed by Justin La
Anna Coyotes Chorus (AAA) Anna High School, Anna, TX, Southwestern District EXCELLENT directed by Daniel Rohovit
Chandler High School Treblemakers (AAA) Chandler High School, Chandler, AZ SUPERIOR directed by Lori Lyford
Georgia Spirit (AAA) Atlanta, GA Metro Area OUTSTANDING directed by Becki Hine, Clay Hine, and Lars Grevstad
Harmony Explosion Chorus (AAA) Columbus High School, Columbus, NE and Pius X High School, Lincoln, NE SUPERIOR directed by Jacob Ritter 8 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
Here Comes Treble! (AAA) Burlington High School, Burlington, WI OUTSTANDING directed by Penny Yanke
Intermezzo! (A) Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Magnet, Nashville, TN GOOD directed by Cody Duff
Provo High School Combined Choirs (AAA) Provo High School, Provo, UT SUPERIOR directed by Kenny Wiser
Rowdy Rhythm (AAA) Peters Township High School, McMurray, PA SUPERIOR directed by Ryan Perrotte
Seniors Chorus Contest Festival Grand Champion: Dixie District Seniors Chorus (DIX) SUPERIOR directed by Jimmy Tompkins barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 9
Seniors Chorus Festival: Carolina Statesmen (NSC) SUPERIOR directed by Mark Stock and Larry Triplett
Seniors Chorus Festival: Maple Leaf Chord Company (ONT) OUTSTANDING directed by Dr. Ray Danley
Seniors Chorus Festival: Seneca Statemen (SLD) OUTSTANDING directed by Ron Mason
Seniors Chorus Festival: Vocal Seniority (JAD) OUTSTANDING directed by Doug Smeltz
Seniors Chorus Festival: Senior Moments Chorus (SWD) EXCELLENT directed by Artie Dolt 10 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
NextGen Junior Quartets The inaugural NextGen Junior Quartet Contest brought the house down!
1. Quin-Tones (Men's, Mid-Atlantic District) OUTSTANDING Tommy Hunter (Br), Julian LeFlore (L), Jake Lapp (T), Chris Crawford (Bs)
2. Singing Double (Women's, Gaither High School) OUTSTANDING Krystal Majid (Br), Emma Paschal (Bs), Hannah Paschal (L), Kelly Majid (T)
3. Vintage Mix (Mixed, Waukesha West High School) OUTSTANDING Julia Shoppach (T), Anika Shoppach (L), Ian Shoppach (Bs), Kelsey Shoppach (Br)
4. Brickyard (Men's, Powell High School) OUTSTANDING Wyatt McCarter (Br), Jordan Cagle (Bs), Hayden Rupert (L), Turner Bell (T)
5. Best Sellers (Women's, Onalaska High School) OUTSTANDING Alia Ebbert (T), Chloe Leithold (Bs), Rachel Schoenecker (L), Faith Leithold (Br)
6. Polaris (Men's, Coppell High School) OUTSTANDING Patrick Parker (T), Ryan McCord (L), Max Madlambayan (Bs), Alex McCord (Br)
7. The King’s Crooners (Men's, Martin Luther King High School) OUTSTANDING Tanner Naegle (T), Adam McMorris (L), Matthew Stumpf (Bs), Matthew Noonchester (Br) barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 11
8. JMNJ (Men's, Peters Township High School) EXCELLENT John Vanderhoff (T), Mason Dowd (L), Jaydon Whisker (Bs), Noah Owczarzak (Br)
9. Fourmata (Women's, Owen High School) EXCELLENT Hannah VanGorder (Br), Bethany Lanning (Bs), Josie Davis (L), Kelsey Beck (T)
10. AcousChix (Alexandria Central School, Alexandria Bay, NY) EXCELLENT Andrea Patterson (T), Kelsey Cullen (L), Emily Davis (Bs), Madison Savage (Br)
11. The Barbershop Darlings (Women's, Chandler High School) EXCELLENT Kayla King (T), Sabrina Brooks (Bs), Claire Willes (L), Makayla Kirby (Br)
12. Neptune's Voices (Women's, Columbus High School) EXCELLENT Ashley Harouff (Br), Natalie Jarecke-Ramos (L), Hailey Oshel (Bs), Reagan Gausman (T)
13. Belle Voix (Women's, Chandler High School) EXCELLENT Liz Jones (Br), Sarah Montero (L), Teah Scott (Bs), Sophie Brooks (T)
14. Makeshift (Men's, Powell High School) EXCELLENT Lukas Mills (Br), Tre Leese (Bs), Britten Hutchison (L), Geoffrey Helveston (T)
15. Elementary Mix (Men's, Quinton Township School) EXCELLENT Ronnie Roll (Bs), Dominic Gear (L), James Stinson (T), Ty Coblentz (Br)
12 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
The recipients of our highest honors in 2019
DR. JIM HENRY A 44-year member of the Barbershop Harmony Society, Jim Henry is a two-time BHS international quartet champion bass and a four-time international chorus champion director. Bass of the 1993 International Quartet Champion The Gas House Gang, Jim currently sings with the 2009 BHS International Quartet Champion Crossroads. He holds a Ph.D. in music composition from Washington University and is Head of Choral Studies at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He has worked along with David Wright to help demonstrate in word and song the deep African-American barbershop/jazz connections.
The Joe Liles Award honors those who demonstrate lifelong commitment to the barbershop style by raising the standards of excellence through leadership. Steve Armstrong has demonstrated excellence in leadership at the highest levels for over 30 years, most recently leading the Toronto Northern Lights to a gold medal in 2013. An accomplished barbershop arranger, coach and instructor, Steve is currently the Music Category Specialist for BHS Contest & Judging.
The Dave LaBar Emcee award, named for one of our departed Society giants, honors an individual who embodies greatness in the “Art of the Emcee.� This year's Dave LaBar Awards were awarded posthumously to Jack Smith and Bob Morrissey. Bob had a certain presence about him, and his words were Mike Maino accepted the award on behalf of Bob always well con- Morrissey and Bill Biffle accepted the award on sidered, thought- behalf of Jack Smith ful and to the point. His command of an audience in a Chapter Board meeting or before a large public audience was rooted in his intellect, integrity and great sense of caring. Jack was a certified judge, served as president of the Rocky Mountain District, and was honored with the Hall of Fame award at both District and Chapter levels, as well as being a much sought after coach and mentor.
The 2019 BHS/NAfME Music Educator of the Year Award was presented to Lori Lyford, whose 30+ years as a music educator have inspired thousands of young singers' lives. She is currently director of the acclaimed choral ensembles of Chandler High School in Chandler, Ariz. She is a 10-time international medal-winning director for the Scottsdale Chorus of Sweet Adelines International.
MIDTOWN SCORES BIG IN SALT LAKE The Dealer's Choice Award is given to the highest-placing new quartet each year in the Society's International Quartet Contest, with the quartet having no prior international champs and no two members having before competed together on the international stage. The award is named after the 1973 champs who won in their contest debut, and Midtown was the first Dealer's Choice award winner to debut with an international medal, taking fifth place after three amazing sets.
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14 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
n this yearbook, we remember those who participated in the 2019 contests. But everyone in Salt Lake City this past July can recall the many reasons why, as much as we love the contests, we call our largest annual event an International Convention. From the outdoor Monday Night Kickoff Show until Sunday's Music and the Spoken Word featuring The Vocal Majority, you could have skipped every contest (but why would you?) and had plenty to do on every day except during the Chorus Contest. There were 110 different Harmony University class sessions over a four-day span, three days of Harmony Platoon, tagging with AHSOW for 13 hours a day, or rehearsing and performing with the Everyone in Harmony Chorus. We got to watch the champs sing on Thursday's AIC Show, Sing with the Champs for hours on Friday, and see the best groups from around the planet at the World Harmony Showcase. Add in the Gold Medal Hours, an Inclusion Cafe, coloring projects, and community service opportunities, and your convention plate was always as full as you wanted ... or as empty as you needed. After all, the best singing of the week was always personal: Tag Zones day and night and informal tagging 24/7!
InterNational Quartet Contest Signature made audiences swoon while adding five brand-new "Barber Soul" masterpieces to the barbershop lexicon, plus the most perfect "Dance with My Father" rendition yet. Quartets old and new made big moves in 2019, setting up what is sure to be an epic 2020 International Contest. QUARTET PORTRAITS AND ACTION PHOTOS BY READ PHOTOGRAPHY
Gold Medalist: Signature (SUN) 93.8% find on Facebook Paul Saca (T), Daniel Cochran (L), Dan Walz (Bs), Will Rodriguez (Br)
Silver Medalist: Throwback (SUN) 93.0% throwbackquartet.com Dan Ruben (T), Sean Devine (L), Michael Skutt (Bs) Alex Rubin (Br)
Third Place Bronze Medalist: Quorum (JAD) 92.3% find on Facebook Puck Ross (T), Chris Vaughn (L), Gary Lewis (Bs) Nathan Johnston (Br)
Fourth Place Bronze Medalist: Rooftop Records (SUN) 90.7% rooftoprecordsquartet.com Chase Guyton (T), Dustin Guyton (L), Jackson Pinder (Bs), Jamie Breedon (Br)
Fifth Place Bronze Medalist: Midtown (MAD) 90.1% midtownquartet.com Nick Gordon (T), Anthony Fortino (L), Christian O'Neill Diaz (Bs), KJ McAleesejergins (Br) barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 15
6. The Newfangled Four (FWD) 89.7% newfangledfour.com Joey Buss (T), Jackson Niebrugge (L), Ryan Wisniewski (Br), Jake Tickner (Bs)
7. Category 4 (DIX) 89.7% category4quartet.com Clay Hine (Br), Kirk Young (Bs), Tim Brooks (L), Tim Reynolds (T)
8. Pratt Street Power (MAD) 87.3% prattstreetpower.com Ben Hawker (Br), Ed Schubel (L), Darren Schmidt (Bs), Vincent Sandroni (T)
9. 'Round Midnight (MAD) 86.4% roundmidnightquartet.com T.J. Carollo (Br), Jeff Glemboski (Bs), Larry Bomback (T), Wayne Grimmer (L)
10. The Core (JAD) 86.3% find on Facebook Michael Nesler (T), Steve Denino (Bs), Mike Hull (Br), Josh Van Gorder (L)
11. Clutch (SWD) 85.8% clutchquartet.com Steven Keener (Br), Marcus Kang (Bs), Scott Hale (L), Charlie Lotspeich (T)
12. Artistic License (FWD) 85.8% artisticlicensequartet.com Julian Kusnadi (T), Rich Brunner (L), Jason Dyer (Bs), Gabe Caretto (Br)
13. Studio 4 (MAD) 85.4% find on Facebook Eddie Mejia (T), Richard Gray, Jr (L), Dan Van Wetering (Bs), Jeff Gray (Br)
16 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
14. Gimme Four (MAD) 85.1% gimmefour.squarespace.com Paul Franek (T), Dave Ammirata (L), Will Downey (Bs), Joe Servidio, Jr. (Br)
15. Trocadero (SNOBS) 84.7% trocaderoquartet.com David Holst (T), Jakob Berggren (L), Filip Sibien (Bs), Sam Andren (Br)
16. Rawsundah (SNOBS) 84.0% Pontus Ljung (T), Gustav Tillman (L), Jonas Tรถrnqvist (Bs), Rasmus Krigstrรถm (Br)
17. Yonge Guns (ONT) 84.0% yongegunsquartet.com Chris Tanaka-Mann (T), Greg Mallett (L), Reuven Grajner (Bs), Jonah Lazar (Br)
18. Frontier (PIO) 85.8% frontierquartet.com Chris Cordle (T), Cody Harrell (Bs), Aaron Pollard (L), Brandon Smith (Br)
19. Momma's Boys (EVG) 83.7% mommasboysquartet.com Steven Kelly (T), Ian Kelly (L), Michael Kelly (Bs), Sean Kelly (Br)
20. Maelstrom (RMD) 83.3% find on Facebook Kevin Meyer (T), Seth Fetzer (L), Tyler Wigginton (Bs), Wes Short (Br)
21. Legacy Road (SWD) 82.2% find on Facebook Eric Bell (T), Bret Morris (L), Joel Rutherford (Bs), Will Renfroe (Br) barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 17
22. Finest Hour (BABS) 82.2% find on Facebook Nick Williams (Br), Jonny Pipe (Bs), James Williams (T), Eddie Williams (L)
23. Western Addition (FWD) 81.7% Wil Mathews (Br), Matthew Fellows (L), Matthew Herweyer (Bs), Jamie Bedford (T)
24. Suit Up! (FWD) 81.4% find on Facebook Brent Graham (Br), Jeff Dolan (Bs), R.J. Esquivias (L), Justin Klemballa (T)
25. Prime Time (MAD) 81.3% find on Facebook Kevin Juliana (T), James Isley (L), Ethan Wolfe (Bs), Brian Mastrull (Br)
26. Entourage (DIX) 81.1% entouragequartet.com Dusty Schleier (Br), Ian Galvin (L), Jeremy Conover (Bs), DC Nash (T)
27. Fleet Street (CSD) 80.8% find on Facebook Matt Suellentrop (T), Aaron Zart (L), Eeyan Richardson (Bs), Michael Bass (Br)
28. BoomTown (CSD) 80.6% boomtownquartet.wixsite.com Zane Sutton (T), Caleb Fouse (L), Shaun Whisler (Bs), Aaron Walker (Br)
29. Playback (ONT) 80.6% playbackquartet.ca Michael Black (T), Kevin Harris (L), Jean Sauvé (Bs), Lee Sperry (Br)
18 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
30. Harmonic Thunder (JAD) 80.5% Will Baughman (Br), David Parrett (Bs), Nate Ogg (L), Kevin Clark (T)
31. Mic'd Up (JAD) 80.1% find on Facebook Noah Campbell (T), Mike Harrison (L), Dave Kindinger (Bs), Paul Gilman (Br)
32. Interlude (ILL) 80.0% find on Facebook Ben Mills (T), Ben Light (Bs), Mark Servos (L), Nathan Gross (Br)
33. The Con Men (JAD) 80.0% conmenquartet.com Matt Hopper (L), David Strasser (T), Brent Suver (Bs), Russell Watterson (Br)
34. Showpiece (SWD) 79.8% showpiecequartet.com Geoff Kannenberg (Br), Daniel Zeagler (L), Chip Davis (Bs), Phillip Zeagler (T)
35. High Life (EVG) 79.3% showpiecequartet.com Josh LeClerc (Br), Billy Holdsworth (L), Travis Tabares (Bs), Danny Dodd (T)
36. Trademark (JAD) 79.2% Matt Cook (T), Keith Parker Jr. (L), Chris Gregory (Bs), Brandon Miller (Br)
37. Playlist (CAR) 79.1% find on Facebook Joe Bourne (T), Bryan Hughes (L), Pat Garmire (Bs), Scott Trout (Br) barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 19
38. Spitfire (CSD) 78.9% find on Facebook Drew Osterhout (Br), JT Reid (Bs), Chris Pingel (L), Stephen Vandenberg (T)
39. Capitol Ring (FWD) 78.6% find on Facebook Dallas Halvorson (T), Larry Halvorson (L), Mike Stewart (Bs), Kevin Palmer (Br)
40. Daily Special (NED) 78.5% find on Facebook Ben Lewin (Br), Cay Outerbridge (Bs), Chad Putka (L), Isaac Swanson (T)
41. IFK Barbershop (SNOBS) 78.3% find on Facebook Henrik Béen (T), Rickard Klasson (L), Per Thorén (Bs), Christian Godden (Br)
42. The Electric Barbercats (BHA) 78.3% find on Facebook Ian Mulholland (T), Andrew Milner (Bs), Ash Schofield (L), Dan Millgate (Br)
43. Impact (EVG) 78.3% find on Facebook Dane Chevassus (Bs), Ira Allen (Br), Gavin Jensen (L), Ted Chamberlain (T)
44. Average Joes (RMD) 78.1% find on Facebook Joseph Hopkin (T), Adam Haggart (L), Chaz Chesser (Bs), Danny Ryan (Br)
45. Rocky Toppers (DIX) 77.8% find on Facebook Matt Parks (T), Mike Tipton (L), Harrison Cooke (Bs), Mark Beeler (Br)
20 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
46. Harmonium (CSD) 77.8% showpiecequartet.com Michael Troyer (Br), Mark Fortino (L), Brian Bellof (Bs), Micah Jeppesen (T)
47. Supertonic (ONT) 77.7% find on Facebook Chris Scappatura (Br), Chris Arnold (Bs), Pat Brown (L), Jordan Travis (T)
48. Let's Sing! (NSC) 77.6% Steve Tremper (T), Mark Chandler (L), Greg Zinke (Bs), Joe Doub (Br)
49. Drive (NED) 77.5% driveacappella.com Dan Allison (Br), Ray Johnson (Bs), Jordan Kugler (L), Josh Beswick (T)
50. The Hemidemisemiquaver 4 (PIO) 77.5% find on Facebook Don Slamka (Br), Doug Morgan (Bs), Dave Bjork (L), Dave Ellis (T)
51. Mojo (FWD) 77.2% find on Facebook Rich Bresenhan (T), Tom Bronson (Bs), Jon Zimmerman (L), Ken Delaney (Br)
52. Forecast (MAD) 77.2% find on Facebook Mike Fitch (T), Tyler Rackley (L), Kevin Jones (Bs), Travis Murray (Br)
53. Greenlight (NED) 77.0% find on Facebook Will Rogers (Br), Chris Cutler (Bs), Sebastian Massa (L), Louis Ades (T) barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 21
54. Tempest (SWD) 76.8% find on Facebook Chuck Loesch (Br), Mike Wilson (Bs), Daniel Cooper (L), Chris Kirkland (T)
55. Hi-Mark (LOL) 76.1% find on Facebook Isaac Cuellar (T), Zack Lindquist (L), Dylan Ahmann (Bs), Charlie Barrett (Br)
56. All In (SLD) 75.7% Evan Brooksby (T), Brian Sagrestano (L), Joel Barnett (Bs), Dave Melonson (Br)
57. Seventh Degree (CAR) 75.4% Kurt Vogel (T), Chad St. John (L), Joe Schmidt (Bs), Ken Huber (Br)
Signature quartet, on its way to winning the 2019 International Quartet Championship, performs at the Salt Lake Tabernacle. The Quarterfinal rounds were held in this 19th Century acoustical marvel that is recognized for its iconic organ pipes and as home base for the world-famous Tabernacle Choir. All other contests were hosted across the street in the 21,000-seat Conference Center. 22 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
Westminster Sets Record in Chorus Contest Under the direction of Justin Miller, Westminster Chorus (FWD) flew high to set an all-time scoring record of 97.9% and win its fourth gold medal. Only a set that spectacular could have outscored the "black and white" set from Ambassadors of Harmony, a mind-blowing and heart-wrenching masterpiece that, silver medal or not, will go down as one of the most effective and memorable artistic achievements in BHS contest history. Meanwhile, bronze medalists zero8, Central Standard, and Toronto Northern Lights likewise pushed the envelope in ensemble singing and artistry. CHORUS PORTRAITS BY READ PHOTOGRAPHY
Gold Medalist: Westminster Chorus (FWD) Westminster, CA 97.9% Directed by Justin Miller - westminsterchorus.org
Silver Medalist: Ambassadors of Harmony (CSD) St. Charles, MO 96.5% Directed by Dr. Jim Henry and Jonny Moroni - aoh.org
Third Place Bronze Medalist: Zero8 (SNOBS) 95.6% Directed by Rasmus Krigstrรถm - zero8.se barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 23
Fourth Place Bronze Medalist: Central Standard (CSD) Metro Kansas City, MO 93.0% Directed by Rob Mance - centralstandard.net
Fifth Place Bronze Medalist: Toronto Northern Lights (ONT) Toronto, ON 92.6% Directed by Jordan Travis and Steven Armstrong - northernlightschorus.com
6. Sound of the Rockies (RMD) Denver Mile High, CO 92.5% Directed by Mark Hale - soundoftherockies.com
7. Music City Chorus (DIX) 92.1% Directed by Dusty Schleier - musiccitychorus.org
8. Heralds of Harmony (SUN) Tampa, FL 86.3% Directed by Tony De Rosa - heraldsofharmony.com 24 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
9. Saltaires (RMD) Wasatch Front, UT 85.7% Directed by John Sasine - saltaires.org
10. Southern Gateway Chorus (JAD) Western Hills (Cincinnati) , OH 85.5% Directed by Jeff Legters - southerngateway.org
11. The Marcsmen (SWD) San Marcos, TX 85.2% Directed by Brent Dunavant - marcsmen.org
12. Northwest Sound Men's Chorus (EVG) Bellvue, WA 85.1% Directed by Ken Potter - northwestsound.org
13. The Men of Independence (JAD) Independence, OH 84.2% Directed by Gary Lewis - independencechapter.com barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 25
14. Voices of Gotham (MAD) Hell's Kitchen, NY 84.2% Directed by Larry Bomback - voicesofgotham.org
15. Singing Buckeyes (JAD) Buckeye Columbus, OH 83.6% Directed by Chad Wulf - singingbuckeyes.com
16. Space City Sound (SWD) Houston Metro Area, TX 83.1% Directed by Matt Swann - spacecitysound.org
17. Sound of Tennessee (DIX) Cleveland, TN 82.6% Directed by Brandon Guyton and Chad Guyton - soundoftn.org
18. Circle City Sound (CAR) Greater Indianapolis, IN 82.6% Directed by Theo Hicks and David Zimmerman - circlecitysound.org 26 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
19. Voices of California (FWD) California Delta 82.3% Directed by Gabe Caretto - voicesofcalifornia.org
20. Harmonic Collective (SLD) Liverpool, NY 82.2% Directed by Sky Harris - harmonic-collective.com
21. SmorgasChorus (CSD) South Central Kansas 81.2% Directed by Matt Webber - smorgaschorus.net
22. Midwest Vocal Express (LOL) Greendale, WI 80.7% Directed by Bryan Ziegler - mve.org
23. New Tradition (ILL) Northbrook, IL 80.3% Directed by Dan Wessler - newtradition.org barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 27
24. Vocal Revolution (NED) Concord, MA 80.0% Directed by Cay Outerbridge - vocalrevolution.org
25. Palmetto Vocal Project (NSC) Mount Pleasant, SC 79.4% Directed by Jay Giallombardo - palmettovocalproject.com
26. Pathfinder Chorus (CSD) Fremont, NE 79.3% Directed by Andrew Barber - pathfinderchorus.org
27. Sound of Illinois (ILL) Bloomington, IL 77.7% Directed by Terry Ludwig and Tim Beutel - soundofillinois.org
Mic-Tester: Boise Chordsmen (EVG) Boise, ID Directed by Ian Kelly - boisechordsmen.com 28 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
Next Generation Barbershop Varsity Quartet Contest For more than a quarter century under various contest names, this event has introduced countless young singers to barbershop–and has turned out to be the launching pad for many of today's top BHS singers and leaders. CHORUS PORTRAITS AND ACTION SHOTS BY READ PHOTOGRAPHY
Gold Medalist: Wildfire (SUN) 80.7% find on Facebook Kevin Mendez (Br), Harrison Cooke (Bs), Stephen Goldman (L), Caleb Hayes (T)
Silver Medalist: Backline (DIX) 79.5% find on Facebook Jake Hess (T), Jordan Guyton (L), Andrew Carol (Bs), Micah Buck (Br)
Third Place Bronze Medalist: City Limits (CSD) 78.6% find on Facebook Keegan Eich (T), Aaron Zart (L), Marshall Crowl (Bs), Josh Hughes (Br)
Fourth Place Bronze Medalist: Eclectones (FWD) 77.7% find on Facebook Mario Yniguez (Br), Brady Larson (Bs), R.J. Esquivas (L), Oscar Sotelo (T)
Fifth Place Bronze Medalist: The Last Drop (ONT) 77.1% Matt Dolgin (T), Greg Mallett (L), Reuven Grajner (Bs), Jonah Lazar (Br) barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 29
6. On The Rocks (SWD) 75.7% Francesco Logozzo (T), Trevor Crawford (L), Travis Roy (Bs), Nick Ruiz (Br)
7. Stand-By (CSD) 75.5% find on Facebook Mark Doyle (Br), Kyle Feather (L), Carson Kientz (Bs), Ryan Sanford (T)
8. On Point (SUN) 74.1% find on Facebook Timothy Keatley (Br), Alexander Burney (Bs), Daniel Pesante (L), Gavin Andrews (T)
9. Gents and Tonic (RMD) 73.0% Keith Waldheim (T), Johnny Bugarin (L), Grant Hamilton (Bs), Rockne Newell (Br)
10. Northern Quarter (BABS) 72.8% find on Facebook Seb Marshall (Br), Matt Thomas (Bs), Ciaran Wilson (L), Rob Gall (T)
11. One Eleven (SLD) 71.9% find on Facebook Thomas Keeping (Br), Adam Del Rosso (Bs), Jonathan Lunden (L), Nicholas Peta (T)
12. Midnight Brisket (NED) 71.3% Ben Lewin (Br), Jeremy Marcus (Bs), Louis Ades (L), Cay Outerbridge (T)
13. Full Send (SLD) 71.2% Jordan Peyer (T), Kyle Fioramonti (L), Antonio Devereaux (Bs), Brennan Mathews (Br)
30 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
14. The Tune Squad (JAD) 70.8% find on Facebook Luke Schmidt (Br), Dean Moore II (Bs), Aaron Roos (L), Jonathan Lang (T)
15. Kansas City Barber Q (CSD) 69.7% find on Facebook Daniel Gore (T), Austin Grega (L), Chris Roth (Bs), Stephen True (Br)
16. Wing It! (CSD) 69.6% find on Facebook Kyle Fisher (T), Brandon Zlotnik (L), Giovanni Castiglione (Bs), Hollis Wilson (Br)
17. Discord (SWD) 69.3% find on Facebook Dan Rohovit (Br), Zac Caraway (Bs), Ryan Mattingly (L), Kevin Krawczynski (T)
18. Sunday's Best (BHA) 69.1% find on Facebook Dean Rowe (T), Ryan Chislett (Bs), Sam Brisbane (L), Alex Warr (Br)
19. The PlayHouse Squares (JAD) 68.6% find on Facebook Tim Heilmann (Br), Grant Campbell (Bs), Ian Hackworth (L), Alex Hackworth (T)
WATCH ONLINE All the quartet and chorus performances from Nashville Midwinter and Salt Lake City International can be seen at www.youtube.com/barbershopharmony38
20. Business Casual (FWD) 68.2% Chris Rodrigues (Br), Eddie McNally (Bs), Steph Lee (L), Harrison Patri (T) barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 31
t sounded the same, with good close harmony—and different, with that music made by men and women in new combinations. It looked the same, with multi-decade HU vets sporting classic Aloha Chapter shirts and patches from past colleges—and different, with young people’s bright blue and fuschia hairstyles smartly setting off the silvered and bald heads. But most importantly, it felt the same: the same total immersion in harmony that wards off daily cares, and makes every singer part of a single tribe. Every activity reinforced the feeling, like keynote speaker Shane Scott’s moving testimony of being sustained by the barbershop family as he grieved the loss of his wife. The 40 young men and women in the Next Generation Mixed Chorus showcased a future of artistry unshackled from any constraints on who can participate. Worldwide friendships sprang up among singers from 13 countries, singing late into the night powered by ice cream, the traditional HU dietary staple. 32 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
2019 HU FACULTY Steven Armstrong, Faculty Jake Bartlett, Faculty Danny Becker, Quartet Success Manager Chad Bennett, Show Producer, Faculty Tim Beutel, Faculty Ron Black, Music Coach Blair Brown, Section Leader Beth Bruce, Faculty Cary Burns, Music Coach Don Campbell, Dean of Director's College Andrew Carolan, Music Coach Joe Cerutti, Music Coach Ted Chamberlain, Faculty Anthony Colosimo, Singing Coach Jennifer Cooke, Faculty Peter Cunningham, Singing Coach Katy Dane, Faculty Elizabeth Davies, Faculty Darin Drown, Dean of Music Education College Paul Ellinger, Singing Coach
Cindy Hansen Ellis Faculty Mo Field, Performance Coach Dave Fobart, Performance Coach George G. Gipp, Faculty Dr. Philip Grant, Faculty Caki Gray, Director of Membership Chase Guyton, Private Voice Instructor Mary Halsig, Adjunct Faculty Erin Harris, Faculty Eddie Holt, Men's Chorus Coach Shannon Jeffreys, Faculty Nathan Johnston, Section Leader Holly Kellar, Faculty Mike Kelly, Video Production Rich Knight, Faculty Rasmus Krigstrรถm, NextGen Director Will Lagos, Performance Coach Peggy Viermann Leon, Faculty Patricia Leveille, Private Voice Instructor Marty Lovick, Performance Coach Brian Lynch, Faculty
Rob Mance, Faculty Eddie Martinez, Singing Coach Patrick McAlexander, Music Coach Donya Metzger, Faculty Shawn Mondragon, Performance Coach Marty Monson, Faculty Alexander Morris, Music Coach Charlotte Murray, Faculty Kimberly Newcomb, Section Leader Drew Ochoa, Faculty Paul Olguin, Faculty Manoj Padki, Adjunct Faculty Ravi Raghuram, Section Leader Andrew Rembecki, Singing Coach Jill Rodgers, Coaching Apprentice Program Coordinator Amy Rose, Performance Coach Donny Rose, Director of Harmony University, Chorus Director Coach Dusty Schleier, Men's Chorus Director Shane Scott, Faculty
Steve Scott, Dean of Harmony College and Performing Arts College Stuart Sides, Faculty Rich Smith, Men's Chorus Coach Gene Spilker, Performance Coach Brent Suver, HU Team | Logistics Katie Taylor, Faculty Renee Tramack, Singing Coach Steve Tramack, Music Coach Larry Triplett, Faculty John Ward, Singing Coach Theresa Weatherbee, Faculty Dan Wessler, Faculty Kim Wonders, Women's Chorus Director Cy Wood, Performance Coach David Wright, Faculty Sandi Wright, Faculty Steve Wyszomierski, Think! Coordinator Bryan Ziegler, Faculty
Chorus College Participants
The Alliance (JAD) Greater Central Ohio, Directed by Rich Lapp - alliancechorus.org
The Blenders (BHA) Gold Coast, QLD Australia, Directed by Jono Albertini - theblenders.com.au
West Towns Chorus (ILL) Chicagoland West Suburban, IL, Directed by Carrie Marcotte - westtowns.org barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 33
Reaching Musical Potential
TOGETHER AT HU FOR A WEEK OF INTENSIVE COACHING Groups from India, Argentina, Australia, and Germany joined their North American counterparts for two intensive two-hour coaching sessions daily with some of best coaches the barbershop world has to offer. Individual group members still had plenty of time to take other courses and tracks throughout the week. All groups performed one or more songs on the Friday Night or Saturday Night shows. Row 1 (Top): Organised Chaos, SomeSing, HU Women's Chorus, Daybreak Row 2: Bright Idea, JAQ, Seaside, Tonic! Row 3: HU Men's Chorus, Antique Harmony, Rhinestones, Nightfall Row 4: The Northsiders, Chili Treat, HU NextGen Chorus, Time and a Half Row 5. Rev'l, Easy Does It, Detroit Sound Machine, Lip Service, Journey Men Row 6. Barberdrunk Row 7. Something Good, Eleventh Hour
2019 District Champions F
or years, the district contest score sheet has gradually added new categories: Seniors champs, Novice champs, Plateau and Division champs. But 2019 marked the beginning of a new era—with membership now open to
everyone, new quartet and chorus types are available for the first time. Most districts are still developing the next evolution of their contest offerings, but some have already expanded to include mixed and women's contest categories.
Jay Hawkins (Br), Tony Clifton (Bs), Howard McAdory (L), Allen Reynolds (T) Thoroughbreds (Louisville, KY) Chorus Champion Brothers of a Chord Novice Quartet Champion cityScape Seniors Quartet Champion
Austin Veteto (Br), Justin Reid (Bs), Christopher Pingel (L), Stephen Vandenberg (T) Central Standard (Metro Kansas City, MO) Chorus Champion Jazz! Women's Quartet Champion Hangin' with the Guys Mixed Harmony Quartet Champion radio days Novice Quartet Champion Swipe Right Super Novice Quartet Champ
Kevin Mendez (Br), Harrison Cooke (Bs), Stephen Goldman (L), Caleb Hayes (T) Crimson Pride Chorus (Tuscaloosa, AL) Chorus Champion Silver Ring Seniors Quartet Champion Goodness Gracious Novice Quartet Champion Rock City 4 Super Seniors Quartet Champion
Matthew Hart (T), Ian Kelly (L), Tyler Rands (Bs), Gus Curry (Br) Boise Chordsmen (Boise, ID) Men's Chorus Champion PDX Voices (Portland, OR) Mixed Chorus Champion Mugshot Mixed Harmony Quartet Champion FREE ADVICE Seniors Quartet Champion
barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 35
Eric Bjornsen (Br), Dan Davenport (Bs), Trevor Way (L), Rob Menaker (T) Masters of Harmony (Santa Fe Springs, CA) Chorus Champion Pacific Coast Harmony (La Jolla, CA) Mixed Harmony Chorus Champion Troubadour Women's Quartet Champion Tenor First Mixed Harmony Quartet Champion Over The Line Seniors Quartet Champ Notable Novice Quartet Champion
Center Ring
Patrick Henders (Br), Benjamin Dirks (L), Gregory Martin (Bs), Craig Hall (T) New Tradition (Northbrook, IL) Chorus Champion Upside Downers Seniors Quartet Champion Trebletones Women's Youth Quartet Champion Chord-on-Blues Men's Youth Quartet Champion the Illinois District
Matthew Cook (T), Keith Parker (L), Chris Gregory (Bs), Brandon Miller (Br) Men of Independence (Independence, OH) Chorus Champion Kitsch-N-Sync Mixed Harmony Quartet Champion The Home Team Novice Quartet Champion Champion Champion
LOL Pitch Piper/Bob Fricke
First Ave
Eric Renz (T), Jay Fahl (L), Paul Tabone (Bs), Brent Haagenson (Br) Great Northern Union (Hilltop, MN) Chorus Champion Seasonal Blend Seniors Quartet Champion
Pratt Street Power
Ben Hawker (Br), Ed Schubel (L), Darren Schmidt (Bs), Vince Sandroni (T) Parkside Harmony (Hershey, PA) Chorus Champion Even Money Seniors Quartet Champion M
Di-Atlan stric t
36 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
Daily Special
Ben Lewin (Br), Cay Outerbridge (Bs), Chad Putka (L), Isaac Swanson (T) Vocal Revolution (Concord, MA) Chorus Champion Mansion Vocal Band Seniors Quartet Champion
Ryan Wilson (Br), Scot Gregg (Bs), Jay Lusk (L), Matthew Gorman (T) Palmetto Vocal Project (Mount Pleasant, SC) Chorus Champion Hawketts Youth Chorus Champion Quadrophonic Mixed Harmony Quartet Champion Lämp Youth and Novice Quartet Champion
The Aristocrats
Darryl Marchant (Br), David Feltrin (Bs), John Mallett (L), Bob Gibson (T) East York Barbershoppers (East York, ON) Chorus Champion Generations Women's Quartet Champion Ripple Effect Mixed Harmony Quartet Champion Zenith Novice Champion
Silver Edition
Bruce LaMarte (T), Craig Pollard (L), Cody Harrell (Bs), Aaron Pollard (Br) City Lights (The Motor City Metro, MI) Chorus Champion The Heights Mixed Harmony Quartet Champion CHONK, Novice Quartet Champion
Sound Logic
Grant Goulding (Br), Adam Scott (Bs), Joel Gillespie (L), Dallin Cox (T) Sound of The Rockies (Denver Mile High, CO) Chorus Champion X&Y Mixed Harmony and Novice Quartet Champion Velcro Seniors Quartet Champion
barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 37
Studio Time!
Harmonic Collective (Liverpool, NY) Chorus Champion Finger Lakes Mixed Chorus Mixed Harmony Chorus Champion Just Four Men Seniors Quartet Champion Bell Curve Novice Quartet Champion
Kyle Fioramonti (T), Stephen Barrie (L), Matt DeMartino (Bs), Jason Kammerer (Br)
Bourbon Brothers
Matthew Nelson (T), Matthew Boutwell (Bs), Christian Espinoza (L), Alex Kuen (Br) Orlando Harmony (Winter Park, FL) Chorus Champion Skirt And Ties Mixed Harmony Quartet Champion
Daniel Zeagler (L), Geoff Kannenberg (Br), Chip Davis (Bs), Phillip Zeagler (T) The Marcsmen (San Marcos, TX) Chorus Champion Two Timers Seniors Quartet Champion Quickdraw Novice Quartet Champion
PLEASE TELL US YOUR STORY! Most of what goes on throughout the Barbershop Harmony Society is initiated by chapters, quartets, and others far away from our International stages. We share the best stories we've heard about throughout the year. Read some at barbershop. org/harmonizer. Tell us your story! Submit text and images to harmonizer@barbershop.org.
38 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
he Everyone in Harmony journey of inclusion in BHS hit full stride in 2019, when chapter membership for all people became an option. Digging deep into their own cultures and hopes, some existing chapters began designing new modes of participation in the barbershop experience. Some chapters converted their choruses to mixed harmony. Others retained a men’s chorus and added a mixed group. Others added a separate women’s chorus under the same chapter entity. Chapters that studied themselves and found that the men-only experience was best suited to their needs also went forward with renewed sense of purpose and confidence. In other cases, enthusiastic singers started up brand-new endeavors built on new goals and visions. The result: the most innovative, energized year of activity since the early days of the Society.
2019 FIRSTS: NEW TYPES OF DISTRICT CHAMPIONS CENTRAL STATES Jazz! Women's Quartet Hangin' with the Guys Mixed Harmony Quartet EVERGREEN PDX Voices Mixed Harmony Chorus and District Small Chorus Mugshot Mixed Harmony Quartet FAR WESTERN Pacific Coast Harmony Mixed Harmony Chorus Troubadour Women's Quartet Tenor First Mixed Harmony Quartet ILLINOIS Second City Chorus Mixed Harmony Chorus JOHNNY APPLESEED Kitsch-N-Sync Mixed Harmony Quartet
CAROLINAS Quadrophonic Mixed Harmony Quartet ONTARIO Generations Women's Quartet Ripple Effect Mixed Harmony Quartet PIONEER The Heights Mixed Harmony Quartet ROCKY MOUNTAIN X&Y Mixed Harmony and Novice Quartet SENECA LAND Finger Lakes Mixed Chorus Mixed Harmony Chorus SUNSHINE Skirt And Ties Mixed Harmony Quartet Florida Suncoast Chorus Mixed Harmony Chorus
BHS BY THE NUMBERS (as of December 2019) CHORUSES
Welcome new 2019 Society members! New members and new Associates reported between January 1-November 30, 2019. Recruiters’ names follow in italics. CARDINAL Chase` Arnold Keith Hanthorn Javon Goard Lucas Kempe-Cook Wyatt Hasler Stephen Chambers Cody Horne Mike Rowe Lucas Kempe-Cook Joseph Grimme Phillip Kendrick Richard Timmerman Jared Knotts Joseph Bourne David Motter Steve Powell Karen Ogden David Ogden Lucas Reed Steve Brodersen Leanne Schneider Thomas Schneider Tsung-Han Sher Lucas Kempe-Cook Ray Snyder Steve Powell Zac Taylor Andrew Wheaton David Williams Frank Ricks Ryan Wolf Alan Temby L. Baker Richard Berryman Cody Byrd James Connair Benjamin Elliott james Lutke Don McCain Charles Packer Cody Russell Kyle Sutton Michaela Upchurch Jack Wheeler CAROLINAS Tyler Ash Paul Martin kelsey Beck Beverly Greene Benjamin Bolt Christopher Street Ken Brandt Bill Pope
Peggy Callahan Erik Lindstrom Dominick Chianese Jr. Robert Lee Skylor Clark James Frisbie Linda Coerr William Adams Loretta Collins Erik Lindstrom Hal Daume Richard Geiger Taylor DiLorenzo Nicholas DiLorenzo Charles Eyler Gregory Martin Michael Field Christopher Scott Deborah Friend William Friend David Gibbons Robert Boone Janet Gregory Erik Lindstrom Scott Grooms Erik Lindstrom Sonya Grooms Nicholas DiLorenzo Kathleen Harris David Harris Trudy Harting Scott Harting James Hayes L. Richard Millard, Jr. Eric Hoisington Bill Pope Aidan Jefferys Brian Giersch Caleb Johnson Drew Blaha Travis Jones Kevin Jones Donna Katula Francis Sullivan Kerri Keys Lynda Keys Lacey Knapp William Adams Bethany Lanning Beverly Greene Gail Lindstrom Erik Lindstrom Karen Marlowe James Stearns Issic Martinez
Christopher Street James Mayes Gerald Meisner Ronald Nappi John Devlin Marsha Oakes Erik Lindstrom John Oakes Robert Magera Robert Panko Joseph Loughlin Kathryn Peer Erik Lindstrom Kevin Randall Christopher Scott Dennison Richter Christopher Street Mark Schmidtke Ronald Nappi Susan Stott-Smith Nicholas DiLorenzo Gareth Thacker Russell Reach Trudy Tresky Nicholas DiLorenzo Hannah VanGorder Beverly Greene William Weiss Lawrence Franzese Lee Werth David Parker Helena Williams Nicholas DiLorenzo Susan Williams Nicholas DiLorenzo Kathleen Yonka Arthur Marble David Armitage Thomas Becker Charles Berry Gary Brookens Dennis Congrove Josie Davis Chris DeStasio William Edwards Charles Floyd Mark Hammerle Andrew Hirst Bonnie Humphrey Aubrey Johnson Frankie Lancaster Debra McDaniel Bruce Rutland Elliot Smith Franklin Stapp
40 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
Rillian Thacker Gary Thompson Kenneth Tice Chris Zilko Carol Zink CENTRAL STATES Irving Aguirre Matthew Webber Logan Albers Dawson Wurdeman Gene Baldwin Dale Ellis Ryan Ballantyne John Hayden Nikolas Barger Dave Riches Doug Beardsley David Keeley Francis Beecher Ross Bricklemyer Benjamin Belanger Steven Greer Natalie Bender Todd Krier Kyle Bergh Kevin Watt John Blatchford Todd Krier Turner Blick Kaleb Jorgensen Brian Bopp Brenton Brown Tawny Brown John Stockstill Adam Deewall Samuel Rinkenbaugh Anthony Dehl Alan Ferden Tracy Dodson Jeff Veteto Edmund England Kaleb Jorgensen Charley Evans Evan Schmidt Zach Fisher Jeremy Kindy Paul Fuhrmeister John Meriwether Ron Galvin Jim Bagby Brad Gibson Larry Swift Colby Gochanour Jordan Skarin
Michael Graber Norman Nellis John Green James Gardner Kevin Grice Theodore Kelley Jacob Hamilton Jonathan Kready Matthew Harder David Waldschmidt William Harms Devon Endsley Corey Harrison Brenton Brown Thomas Hathaway Gene Zeimet Thomas Heathcote Thomas Stratman Timothy Herbig Bill Benner Shannon Hickey Joshua Hickey Aaron Imparato Nathaniel Imparato Robyn Keeley Todd Keeley Carson Kientz Thomas Kientz Jack Kirkham Samuel Rinkenbaugh Gordon Kirkhart Kevin Barker Kim Klauer Joshua Moris Dean Lanier Stephen Walton Kaysar Lines Ralph Walker Spencer Lines Ralph Walker Michael Martinez Sam Revilla John Matthews Steve Sullens Dan Miyoshi Timothy Crook V Krishna Mocherla Evan Schmidt Audrey Monahan Daniel Monahan Kent Morrison Paul Cartwright Dharmadev Nayak Arjun Ramakrishnan Laxmeesh Nayak
Dharmadev Nayak Patricia Norcross Donald Norcross John Pabst Gerald Neeman Loren Pfeifer Gerald Armbruster Gerard Radermacher Loren Tucholke Christopher Reyes Keegan Eich Ben Schulz Kaleb Jorgensen Jack Schulz Kaleb Jorgensen Diana Schweitzer Jeff Veteto Dan Shaw David Lee-Son Jordan Skarin Brenton Brown Scott Slack Samuel Rinkenbaugh Kaleb Smith Devon Endsley Jacob Travis Lisa Woolridge Kevin Tuttle George Flock Ysabel Vandenberg Stephen Vandenberg August Walstad Michael Baggerly Richard Wheeldon Glen Cowan Pete Wilger Robert Laws John Wilson Ed Kespohl Gustave Wolf Wayne Philipp Jarrod Wolfkill Gene Zeimet Kaylyne Woodburne Tawny Brown Clayton Ackerman Lauren Baker Caitlin Bub Martin Butler Alan Clark Austin Cramer Ronald Crook Alyssa Crosby Richard Davies William Dery
Gabrielle Drennen Jeff Eckerman Thomas Elliott Anthony Etherington Mariah Hall Ky Helmich Francis Jacobs Michael Janacaro Chey Jezreel Robert Keefer Kristen Keene William Koperski Scott Kruse Thomas Lauhon Anthony Leiter Logan Lenhart Lane Lindquist Björn Lindström William Logemann Charlie Macaluso Andrew Machado Ray Meador Marjorie Medlen Matthan Mrkvicka Hunter Nathan Laine Nyberg Anna Nyberg Claire Nyberg Jared Pusateri Ethan Reyes Brian Robinson Dave Rozendaal Evan Schmidt Christina Schuler Rachel Sexson Hayden Sillmon Benjamin Stanton Samuel Taylor Trenton Teske Michael Testa Carter Thiemann Julia Vedvig David Waldschmidt Johan Wikstrom Taylor York DIXIE Isabel Abiseid Norman Myers Andrew Adams David Fleury Corey Bethurum Steve Moore Mike Bronzini Wayne Jackson
Johnathan Costello Daniel Becker Timothy Dawson Colin Bagwell Latisha Dozier Frank Houck, Jr Wade Eckler Paul Blazek John Gordon Mark Hyde Katherine Harrison Jernie Talles Millan Louis Johnson Frederick Young Kimberly Johnston Kathleen Stone Robert Jones Mardis Parker Jr. George Kasarjian Walter Johnston Fernando Llana Jernie Talles Millan Mark Long Philip Plantamura Helen McBride Frank Houck, Jr Wyatt McCarter Dave Riches Samuel Meagher Robert Radel Stephen Moeller Norman Myers Ryan O’Leary Charles Sullivan Shane Ownby Adam Wheeley Michael Rutledge Colin Bagwell Paula Rutledge Roger Beale Skip Slatton Jacob Simpson Caroline Stinson Roger Beale Robert Thom Colin Bagwell Effie Tidwell Maggie Barber Adam Davenport Matthew Ferguson Nathan Fink Andrew Galloway Christopher Gaskill Noah Graham David Hargrove
Cherie Letts Ken Emery Del Motteler Florence Farrell John McBain Nancy Fenner Kenneth Kauffman James Ferguson Edward Gentz Janice Friis EVERGREEN Derek Sanft Jeremiah Acosta Benjamin Giertz Spencer Esmond Robert Wilkie Randy Avendano Timothy Giertz David Rohrer Robert Wilkie J. Keith Bankston Mary Giles Lee Holmes Richard Giles Richard Baskett Peter Goodwill John Rettenmayer Michael Simmons Geoffrey Blackmer Janet Hamilton Robert Roman Laurie Boon-Fowlkes J Michael Geier Mike Harding Charlie Boon Matthew Cherry Daniel Boyum John Harris Edward Gentz David Rohrer Dan Briggs Aaron Haws Richard Cederwall Jonathan Browning Tyler Rands Ron Hensley James Sappington Steve Hanft Ken Bulkley Rebecca Hill Duane Lundsten Lanny Gleason Maria Burri Kristi Hinckley John Burri Robert Roman Zach Butts Katherine Jacob Bradley McElroy Ronald Johnson C.C. Camisa Terry Jones Elizabeth Davies Aaron Haws Jonathan Carlile Chloe Kearns Charles Mailander Ismael Cerpa Huerta Hunter Kearns Eileen Kelly-Meyer David Rohrer Daniel Meyer Don Chovil Christopher Kenny Jim Burbidge Mike Menefee Robbie Ciolli Jeremy Kidd Steven Rimer Blake Thomson Queenie Con Landon Kleeman Aaron Con russell johnson Elaine Cotton D.Poppy Kotas David Cotton Josie Savoie Jacob Cummings Marcia Lafferty Andrew Cross Emil Minerich Gordon Curtis Kathy Leib William Cormack Mary Giles Marco Del Rio Jianye Lu Samuel Dabrusin Lee Holmes Glenn Dodson Patricia Lusic Walter Paulsen Roger Bose Trevor Eaden Bobbi Lusic Riley McKinley Roger Bose Gordon Ebel Kristyn Maschhoff Willie Follette Andrew Kopser Debbie Edmiston Pate Hill Farris Hill Caleb Luzader John Mathre Matthew McSpadden Mardis Parker Jr. Bernard Peek Shane Stanbery
Jeff Medcalf Norman Lawson Brian Mills Charles Mailander Heather Mills Derek Sanft Kyle Mitchell Roger Fitch Joshua Moller Austin Beard Anthony Moore Tom Rakes Sherry Morrison Cherie Letts Camden Moyer Bianca Dixon Carson Moyer Bianca Dixon Michael O’Donnell Charles Asplin Antony Oliver-Chandler Edward Gentz Derek Olsen Edward Gentz Conner Osborne Bianca Dixon Michelle Pardis Michael Pardis Timothy Powers Don Tsuchiyama Kelly Probasco Robert Parkinson Jane Radel James Sappington Mike Raichart David Rohrer Barbara Rants Lauren Rants Edith Rebhahn John Rettenmayer Caroline Richards Robert Macdonald Donald Romanik Nora Rackliff David Rupers Robert Chandler Peyton Ryley Kristi Hinckley joyce schaumburg James Sappington Christopher Scheuerman David Dobson II William Scott Elie Diaz Sherri Seaman Eric Seaman Daniel Simon Roger Butterfield Jan Simpson James Simpson
Eric Skipo Mike Menefee Marilyn Soderquist David Foss John Tallapu Reddy David Rohrer Trudi Thackson Robert Thackston Casey Thiessen Michelle Thiessen Myki Tsuchiyama Don Tsuchiyama Robert Vanderwees Grant Shewchuk Sarah Wallace Robert Roman Xander Weibel Mike Menefee Nelson Whittenton Charles Mailander Derek Wilson John Hostetler Daniel Winsor Billy Sansom Douglas Woollard Richard Johnson Rebecca Wright Doug Walton Denise Beem Michael Bennight James Bingham Royce Bivens Tyler Bosma Dean Brumwell Don Butler Joshua Byers Asia Comeau John Contreras Rick Darke Mindy Engelberg Paul Fairchild Adam Farrell Ryan Fogleman Fred Fox Tyler Georgeson Christopher Grover Grant Herz Volker Hruby Junyuan Jin Michael Johnson Jared Jones Shane Kelley Robert Kerr Michael Kerstetter Heidi Kilbourn Angela Kim Kostiantyn Kramarenko Evan Kuenzi Rebecca LaFond Christopher Lai Diane Lee
Victor Luhowy Michael Margolis Saulius Matas Michael Matloff Eunice Mooney Colin Payne Leonard Robichaud Mark Salvage Seth Scheuerman Jamison Ulibarri Mitch Waldon Kenneth Walker Darrell Weber Vincent Wesley Alan West Jessi White Daniel Wilson Micah Wirhol FAR WESTERN Tyler Armendariz Zach Stillman Jim August Norman Smith Edward Avila Donald Gugeler Cadence Baron Bret Wallach Michael Bartley Eugene Bartley Erin Baumann Adielyn Mendoza Linda Benefield Kimberly Vaughn Dawn Bickett Kelly Sopher Jess Blackshaw Karen Maass Kathryn Blackwood Ian Blackwood David Blaz Kirk Prather Rebecca Blenz Bret Wallach Katherine Blodgett Christina Petroski Caia Brookes Wilfred Mathews Michael Buoniconti Ron Spohn Peter Burt Maurice Freleaux Mark Cantrell Thomas Harmon Elaine Case Luther Case Nikolas Chaconas Jonathan Pilla Donna Chandler Norma Lovelace Christopher Coulter
Brent Anderson Rick Curcio Barry Waite John Cyprien Paul DeWeese Fernando Delgado Erique Bishop Joanne Donley Howard Donley Hunter Farrington Edward McNally Mark Fish Thomas Addison Mike Fotinakis Christopher Lewis Patrick Gerrits Mac McIntosh Paul Golden Barry Waite Sean Goodman Mark Wolf Aliza Gutman Kelly Sopher Amy Hall Andrea Donahue Kimberly Hansen Scott Hansen Anna HarleyTrochimczyk Bryan Sandberg Andrew Hathaway Albert Mabeza Rochelle Herman Thomas Raffety Katie Herron Sang Park Elizabeth Hiler Iain Haukka Jeremy Ingraham Cody Littlefield Beth Karlin Robert Karlin Michael Katkov Mark Travis Tejas Kelkar Richard Kaiser Gerald Kenny Burton Weichenthal Joelle Kline Chase Ferrante Kenneth Knutson Douglass Vestal Ken Kobylenski Samuel Kier Andy Kwan Benjamin Porter Bob Levy Robert Houston Alan Li Clark Abrahamson Lawrence Liu
Christopher Lewis Angelina Lo Lawrence Liu Karen Longobart Kevin Longobart Rosemond Lorona Mark Travis Adam Lorona Mark Travis Norma Lovelace Charles Lovelace Meredith McAdory Howard McAdory Caitlin McAndrew Daniel Ryan Adielyn Mendoza Kelly Sopher James Misa Zach Stillman Linda Myer Christina Petroski Jin Hyun Park Jonathan Pilla Hannah Park Sang Park Ellie Park Sang Park Laci Parker Susan Atkins Kevin Parrish Randy Guerrieri Alisa Peters Karen Maass Christina Petroski Daniel Ryan Vincent Pfeiffer Allen Wolter Caleb Phair Larry Phair Parker Rognrud Daniel Ryan Gloria Rosales Thomas Raffety David Sanchez Juan-Jose Garcia Tracey Sandberg Bryan Sandberg Andrea Sanger Iain Haukka Kayla Schiller Sang Park Jack Schramm Patrick Harrison Cody Scott Benjamin Porter Timothy Smith Roger Leger Kelly Sopher Matthew Herweyer Linda Speier Iain Haukka
Dylan Speirs John Speirs Teancum Stewart Sang Park James Stockton Clayton Ridley William Tavares Terry Hambly Ronald Thorpe Claude Rohwer Christopher Todd Ralph Riggs John Edward Torres Justin Grant Jeremy Valdez Drake Pyatt James Vandersloot Peter Plante Timothy Villegas Emilio Pichardo Jeff Walker Carl Dockendorf Brett Watanabe Christopher Lewis Bobby Watkins Robert Josephson Emily Williams Karen Maass Toni Wilson Thomas Raffety Esther Ajayi Lucas Anker Maria Ashby Henry Beal Brandon Berk Michael Bickerstaff Francesca Blake Dennis Blakey Isaiah Boulware Julian Braddock Leslie Brian Branden Carlson James Carter Kirstin Cummings Justin Curtis Ted DeJung Marlee Delia Joe Eding Lucy Flucker Riley Gallagher Luci Gaudreau Daniel Gilly Eric Glasgow Joshua Gordon Jeffrey Gregory Danyelle Guernsey Donald Hales John Hancock Kathy Hardy Caitlin Hernandez Jocelyn Hickcox
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Christian Higginbotham David Hurley Ryan Irby Karen Johnson Julie Jordan Laura Julian Joseph Klotzle Gary Krall Robert Lee Joseph Long Sharee Markiewicz Nancy Martin Alex Martinez Anna Mavromati Ariel Mazel-Gee Peter McDonald Judy Medina Joel Mesa Kathi Mesloh Larry Mincer Guthrie Mitchell Amy Mitchell Payal Modi Eugene Morrison Audy Mulia Deborah Nelson William Nichols Mark O’Meara Sharon Orsi Jefferson Packer Emilio Pichardo Barbara Pierce Nathaniel Reed Lee Ann Reichow Clayton Ridley Noah Rulison Scott Saito Frank Salazar Cecilia Salinas Eric Samelson Kristi Schneck Kevin Schoenfeld Lawrence Shelton Dennis Shepard Tom Silberkleit Josh Solberg Carole St. John Vanya Tanner Leah Tanzy-Roberts Jackson Thea Kristen Thompson Katrin Traynor Peter Trist Matthew Tukua Jasmine Wade Peggy Wallace Gabriel Warren Bradford Wickes Carolyn Yoshida Dylan Young ILLINOIS
Clare Ashley John Q Morris Christopher Barone Mark Barone Jay Berger John Q Morris Tanner Brown Bryce Cody Steven Doyle Andre Gloeckner Robert Funk John Rigg Luis Galvez Frank Fabian Melanie Hansen Lester Grossman Leanne Holzbauer Douglas Phillips Ethan Ivey Joseph Butcher Rebecca Jaxon Bruce Safbom Bonnie Jones John Q Morris Stuart Jones Richard Kingdon David Kanarek Michael Schnitzler Pierce LaHaye Daniel Signor Mark Leverett Douglas Ferrier Arnel Lo Carrie Marcotte Mitchell McDevitt Roger Fairchild Darryl Miller Glenn Dancey Christine Missele Carl Missele Adam Moy Richard Kingdon Pat Murphy Richard Kingdon Sean Paul Quehl Adam Shake Brandon Schneider Lee Kingdon Alan Sisson Glenn Mills Richard Uhlemann Brian De Stefano Roberta Wahl Robert Wahl Arthur Andersen Susan Beilstein John Brunkhart David Byrnes Calvin Cheng Richard Drake Charles Franklin Steven Hand Jonathan Hidalgo
Aaron Madsen Vicki Marcum Louis Muno Austin Nolan Adam Owens Binu Philip Terrence Reische John Sellers Robert Shutt Thomas Stiefel JOHNNY APPLESEED Kevin Aldana David Hepler June Angle Marilyn Thompson Douglas Anke Richard Weaver Douglas Bailey Christopher Foisy TJ Bellerive Clay Pennington Patricia Bennett Michael Morris John Bigelow Michael Linaberry Martha Blowers Michael Morris Vivien Carmichael Alan Hadsell Jacob Clagett Glendon Deal Travis Clark Brandon Rauch Carol Cormican Martha Blowers Marla Crawford Joshua Gongaware David Dempsey Dale McKinney Kevin Dunkin William Watson Andrew Edwards Theodore Rose Michael Garrett Giovanni Castiglione Ryan Hamilton Robert Udeck Janet Jarrell Ryan Jarrell Alexander Johns Loran Kaper, Jr. Angela Jones Theodore Rose Timothy Kuenzli Michael Renner Kyle Kupniewski Alex Hackworth James Lehnerd Larry Thaxton Mary Madsen Donna Patrick
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Elizabeth Mance Joshua Gongaware David May Charles May Jesse May Charles May Richard Mc Candless Ronald Schermerhorn Elizabeth McCord Alan Hadsell Roger Menchofer Keith Klein Maddison Mitchell Charles Davis Muriel Mitchell Michael Morris Todd Nischan Jordan Huff Seamus O’Connor Clay Pennington Donna Patrick Stephen Patrick Allen Payne Barry Kelley Marjorie Pizzino Michael Morris Aaron Platt Joe Galloway Donald Priest Jonathan Dyer Joseph Rhodes Kevin Tenney Aaron Roos William Baughman Paul Sampson Gregory Sammons Zachary Sanford Alexander Kuhn Danny Scarbery Joe Galloway Mark Schafer Ken Schafer Keith Scherer Tyson Kumorowski Lee Ann Snyder Theodore Rose Mark Statler Frederick Schmidt Owen Swift Jim Riley Doug Taylor Timothy Kuenzli Jacob Terry Kirk King Marilyn Thompson Sherrie Craddock Ida Walkover Fred Walkover Norma Wilson Mary Madsen Shelley Wysong Douglas Smeltz Abigail Bilson
Lora Conrad Douglas Mather Joan Crapper Sherrie Bredesen John Daley Robert Cahill LaVerne Doenier Edward Gunderson Jason Dudley Douglas Peterson Andrew Fox Eric Sorenson Gabriel Glenna Derek Glenna Michael Green Bryan Ziegler Tony Grosvenor Larry Bredesen Eilert Helm Gary Gunstinson Robert Helten Mark Brainard Frederick Henry Donald Carlson Larry Iverson Joseph Gardner Peter Jones Daniel Tiede Christopher Jurewitsch Roger Bosmoe Tony Kelzer Louis Gottwalt Sebastian Kempf Jackson Cooper David Lydeen Carl Andersen Jon Marburger Joseph Gardner Kathleen Mather Douglas Mather LAND O’ LAKES Sean McClanahan Rebecca Ammeter Andrew Dvorak Larry Bredesen Alex Moker Nicholas Beaudin Gordon Moker James Franklin Dwight Muller Marlin Berg Barrie Johnson Robert Black Tom Overby Timothy Birchard Charles Williamson Randall Birchard Martin Ruegemer Noah Braun Brecken Vander Velden Andrew Dvorak Stephen Saunders Jennifer Breneisen Robert Cahill Roberta Zess Riley Schock Ethan Brew Joshua Berndt Dylan Keegan Glenn Schueffner Justin Burde Tyler Stromquist-LeVoir Donald Carlson Spencer Solberg Jamye Casperson Eric Sorenson David Casperson Max Sprangers Shirley Christie Kurtis Schmitt Larry Bredesen Robert Stasica Kevin Coerper Donald Doss Robert Cahill Ben Boring Timothy Bowman Connie Brant Sean Burke Susan Cannon-Ryan Billie Catlett Sherrie Craddock Jerry Craft William Curll Brian Deweese Jacquelyn Dour Hunter Doxey Mark Doyle Kyle Ferguson Kathryn Franks Roy George Susan Hawkins Ian Hogan Robert Howiler George Jakubiak Harlan Karp Evan Keller Tyler Leibengood Sarah Leonard Jens Mayer Thomas McDonagh Ben Pilcher Jeremy Price Paul Riemer Martin Ruehle Jennifer Sheets John Shockey Mark Simons Derek Szabados Aaron Uhl Norman Wasson Leah Whitford William Wiggers William Wray
Reobert Stenson Barry Lentz Spencer Sveen Eric Sorenson Logan Teske Eric Sorenson Mark Tiede James Tiede John Touzinsky James Vandenberg Marilyn Voltz Howard Hutchinson Nathan Willbur Dale Thompson Wayne Wojociechowski Jerry Berns Richard Brown Kris Budke Keith Duprey Mary Evenson Henry Graham John Grape Brady Helget Leslie Hochstetler Richard Holzer Arnold James Andrew Johnson Bruce Kallis Gary Kuntz Louise Malo Mathis Murphy Steve Olson G Salter Robert Shearer Luke Soleim Evi Stiles Erik Ulness Gayle Wharton David Wing MID-ATLANTIC Michael Andriaccio Paul Hamilton Theodore Bassano Charles Borst Emma Bealla Justin Davis Patrick Benson William Downey Eric Bettinger William Floyd Alina Bogovic Robert Paulson Heidi Brown Dale Bird James Bruckart Phil Rhoderick Nicholas Buonvicino Daniel Hutchinson Erik Burgos Aaron Watts Nicolas Burgos Robert Eamigh
Jiles Burnham James Sowers Donald Caldwell Sylvester Buszta Mona Carol-Albala Adam Kaufman Elana Carrera Ethan Wolfe Theresa Chambers Tina Mastrull Stephanie Chelston Chris Dugan Scott Childress Patrick Stapleton Doug Coffey Alan Milne Erin Cook Craig Odell Peter Corbin Barry Fitzpatrick Steve Curlee Frank Dineen Stephen Cushmore Frank Dineen Richard Daingerfield Chris Reel James Darlington Thomas Newmyer Daniel Del Peschio Willem Hordijk Thomas Delahoy William Drosnes John Doherty Vernon Miles Steven Ellner Douglas Makeig Timothy Erickson Donald Farabaugh Gregoire Escoffier James Zinck Benjamin France Robert France, Jr. Robert Franceschini Edward Adams Andrew Frumento Jonah Levinson Vincent Gabriele Stephen Banker Devin Gerzof Anthony Colosimo James Godwin Hal White Donna Halley Thomas Halley Katie Hamrick Charles Hamrick Peggy Hannis Christian Hunter Callan Harding Alexander Crounk Michael Harris Daniel Hutchinson Michelle Hartman
Joshua Hartman Walter Heffner Grant Wickert Andrew Hershey John Zimmerman Robert Highsmith Paul Richard Daniel Hutchinson John Tsigounis Rossano Jacinto James Ewin Erika Ji Meredith Glemboski Robert Kelly Tommy Chedester Andrew Kenawell Phil Rhoderick Charles Kissinger Willem Hordijk Michael Kitsock Albert Hoffman William Konek John Picarello Paul Krech Joshua Getto James Landrum Hal White Jill Larrimore Madeleine Larrimore Jacqueline Lay Robert Kahrs Ken Lee Bruce Newman Mary Jane Leland Christian Hunter George Lindsey Howard Blum Dan Little Richard Wolff Thomas Lynch Tom Vagasky Philip Macaluso Joseph Michael Macaluso Jacek Marczynski Robert Kahrs Summer McMichael Justin Davis Alex Mease Edward Mathews George Molessa Peter Baum Jonathan Moy Douglas Makeig Robert Muller Victor Marino Richard Myers Grant Wickert Yezad Nakra Stephen Marrin Ann Neff Richard Jones Allison Nichols
David Cade Breton Noel William Toffey Matt Norris Joseph Dempsey Helen O’Rourke Meredith Glemboski Charles Ottinger Vincent Caruso Matthew Page Khoi Ngo George Peacock William Colosimo Kayla Ressler Shaun Ressler Harvey Rich Michael Duca Kyle Roberts Kenneth Paulhamus Lindley Robinson John Huetz David Rose Eric Klemmer Roman Sandroni Vincent Sandroni Mark Saylor Nicholas Scopelliti Susan Shields John Shields David Shields John Shields Adam Shoemaker Andrew Mendelsohn Hugh Simpson Edward Evans Joshua Smith Arthur Smith Laura Smith Daniel Smith Eileen Smith Robert Paulson Christiana Staffin Donald Staffin William Steiner Hugh Pepper Susan Sternad-Basel Robert Kahrs Jim Sweet Aaron Watts Connor Terrell Donald Rose Christopher Tillman Ethan Bodsford Quan Vi Aaron Pollock Marvin Wagner Howard Wachspress Alex Wagner John Maybury Matthew Waskiewicz Marcus Luxemburg Martha Welsh Jeanie Collins
Mike Wilson Robert Langston Raiah Wolfe Marian Holehan Amanda Yeh Bradley Meir Robert Arbetter Matthew Arno James Bastian James Batchelder Xavier Bates Joshua Baumgardt Julien Blanchard Ethan Bodsford Gary Brohawn Jacob Broude Tino Ciambriello Eric Cohen William Cohen Patrick Collins Jeanie Collins Linda Cottrill John Coughlin Carmine D’Auria-Gupta Han De Groot Richard Delozier, Jr. Robert Demers Michala Dennis Stan Ellis John Ford Charles Frisk Ben Galle Troy Grant Jared Graveley Susan Greenfield Akiva Harker Khari Harper Ailed Hernandez Nicolasa Hernandez Christopher Hill Ted Howard Devin Humphreys David Katz Todd Keefer Peter Kempf Don Kimpel Zhanna Konnova Graham MacMillan Honora Mara Victor Marino Tina Mastrull James McCluskey Michael Metz Ryan Mextorf Bob Morris Dusan Nesic Richard Peterson Jane Pisapia Terry Reagan David Roos Jean Paul Salinas Grant Schade
William Schaffer Adam Schechter Anthony Schepers Robert Sideli Dylan Smith Thomas Smith Michael Spalthoff Brian Stallings Sharon Steele Ellen Stemler Ian Thorpe Lawrence Tullar R Lee Tyrrell Eric Whitsell Joseph Williams NORTHEASTERN Deborah Arenberg William Peterlein Daniel Barufaldi Joel Merker Joseph Boudreau Christine Freeman Cyndy Brown Barbara Wheaton Jason Colli Ronald Keith Dennis Corrigan Richard Pilling Richard Critz Dave Cross Helen Damuth Wayne Leighton Samuel Dantowitz David Dantowitz Roy Dawe Brian Yager Christopher Driscoll Thomas Bissonnette Frank Egan Bernie Boudreau James Gillen Grant Heineman Paul Goodell David Martinez Tom Green Francois Raymond Benjamin Grieco George Senecal, Jr. Nicholas Grottole Kenneth Goddu Richard Hamilton Tyler Pinney Grant Heineman Thomas Gentry Anthony Hillman Richard Christie Bryan Ingram Paul Lapenas Davin Kingston Grant Heineman Lou Kirschner Cyril Weintraub
James Longfellow Kathy Robitaille Thomas Lowe Don Hewey Joyce MacDonald Paul MacDonald Ron Macnab Hugh Dickie Vicki Martin Barbara Wheaton Jeannette McDonald Wayne Leighton Larry Melanson David Marshall Andrew Mendelsohn Benjamin Lewin Dawson Mercer Calvin Matchim Renae Misner Alexander Misner Alexander Moore Edward Headley James Morgan John Spadafora Trudy Morine Wayne Leighton Taylor Oake Elliott Lehman Matthew Pacheco Andrew Butler Chantal Pare Berel Weiner Christopher Peters Grant Heineman Colin Pilmer Earl Lohnes Sam Rice Mark Genest Carl Robbins Douglas Dunsmore John Senecal George Senecal, Jr. James Smith Neil Shively Jennifer Swartz Robert Sheridan Beatrice Szantyr Mark Weatherbee Patrick Verhoff Roger Menard Joshua Warren Brian Yager Kelly Wennik Jennifer Winston Phyllis wheaton Barbara Wheaton Antone Benevides Andrew Binder Albert Bruno Lee Crepeau Christopher DeGuise Steven Emery David Griffiths
Jean-Philippe Jung Martin Kluger David Lyczkowski Samuel Lyczkowski Colin Mackey C Marsden Jule Martell Sarah McNamee Peter Merry Sam Neu Daniel Schlorff Anthony Szerszen Robert Thomas Charles Thornburg James Tuttle Jamie Warren Stan Watkins ONTARIO Alnoor Allidina Wayne Crosbie Bruce Cazabon Tom Zink Michael Davie Allan Holden Joe Donohue Dan Donohue Jose Gallardo Wayne Crosbie Rachel Hearn Jonah Lazar Timothy Menzies Stuart MacMartin Carlos Pang Jerry Beckerle David Salisbury Richard Cherry Erin Smythe Robert Ross Lester Sy Jerry Beckerle Gertrude Thompson James M. Thompson Vicki Timmons John Gough Emily Travis Jordan Travis Ryan Van Dyl Vernon Simkins Bradley Verrall Paul Devereux Mitchell Wedgewood Robert Siddall Elizabeth Williams Amy Patterson Alan Wise Robert Finley Charles Zhang Robert Brown Daniel Braund James Chapman Terry Dyche Danielle Ethier
William Evoy Diana Francis Christopher Gilmore Susan Harper Robin Heider Jack Jamieson Philip Leuenberger Garry Lonsberry Richard Martin Taylor McKinnon Tim McLeod Amy Patterson Darryl Patterson Brad Pronovost Eran Rozenszain Helmuth Schumann William Smith Robert Sokoloski Katie Stevens Drew Wadden Robert Willatts Don Woods PIONEER Chelsea Barnett John Barnett Ramsey Blough Neil Nugent Dennis Burns Frank Adams William Byers Joseph Miceli Raymond Carter Robert Facione Catherine Cordle Christopher Cordle Brayden Craig Michael Root Mark Daniher Robert Shami Reed Demarco Craig Pollard Paul Ellinger Paul Ellinger Parker Ellinger Paul Ellinger Jonathon Esbri R Craig Roney Paul Finholt Gene Schnuckel Elaine Foster Peter Stephens-Brown John Francisco Donald Levitt Colby Frost Eddie Tabb Ryan Geick Robert Shami David Gould Jim Duncan Carson Greene Collin Price Lisa Hall
Jason Hall Eddie Heavner Mark Schwinkendorf Richard Hoffer Louis Maglione Steve Hoyer Brian Doefer Jennifer Hoyer Steve Hoyer Sherry Knight Joseph McDonald Eric LaVoie Christopher Carland Thomas Machiela David Bosch Victoria Martínez Marlina Martínez Samuel Matteson Peter Stephens-Brown Deborah Netherton Charles Netherton, Jr Marty Peet David Rayburn Logan Perritt Mark Schwinkendorf Harold Petrowsky Robert Facione Collin Price William Stutts, Jr. Alexis Shoner Lisa Hall Landon Watkins Dean Aronson Anthony Williams R Craig Roney Paul Woodin Mark Pritchard Joanne Barnett Tyler Becker Connor Drexler Noah Gorman Harshal Mehta Joseph Perrotti Lance Purkey Michael Roberts Daniel Schneider Dallas Steelman Zach Waas Smith ROCKY MOUNTAIN George Allaman Peter Szymanski Anthony Anderson Scott Anderson Connie Balram William Clyde Ashley Banks Tyler Wigginton Paul Baynes John Taylor Peter Birkeland Tyler Wigginton
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Steve Bonsor Peter Szymanski Gary Byington Garry Berg Gary Carpenter Bruce Winters Stan Chamberlain Eldon Cornish Peter Christenson Bruce Winters Devorah Collins Williams Peter Stach Eric Corrington Scott Anderson John Cummings Martin Jungck Carl Dastrup Barton Buell Conrad Farnsworth James Goforth Randy Favero Tom Roberts Robert Gabbitas Rick Gabbitas Chad Gauthier George Mammarella David Gunderson James Price Steven Hansen Stephen Ferley John Huff Scott Anderson Kyle Johnson Joshua Vanlandingham Patrick Joyce Kelly Michaelis Luke Kjolhede Kenneth Hansen Aaron Knox Mark Palmer Shannon Lunsford Stephen Lunsford Glenn Merrell Jeffery Duncan Cecilia Merrigan Ronald Swank Dianna Orf Ted Orf Orville Parsons David Ring, III Christopher Patton David Green R Perkins Wesley Brown Christina Praetzel Robert S Praetzel John Lee Roring Scott Anderson Greg Shafer Taylor Fugate Anella Southwick Clayton Southwick
Michael Sperry David McWilliams Richard Spotts Steven Ottem Will Stahn Jan Vanderhooft Teresa Swank Ronald Swank David Symonds Tyler Wigginton Leo Twiggs Billy Biffle Joseph Walker Jamie Ritz Jeff Wallingford Gian Porro Rhonda Westman Robert Westman Laura Argotsinger Benjamin Beatty Joe Brown Payton Christie Dave Christopher Frank Derksen Mark Dudley Thomas Elmer Arden Engebretsen Derrick Harmon Thomas Holt Marti Hopper Troy Jensen Alden Kiarsis Carson Knox David Kriebel Andrew LaRochelle Gwen Lewis Alhana Loose Clara Loose Robert Maddalena Randall Maxfield Michael Mitchell Stuart Neef David Nifoussi Michael Nunley John Nydegger Stephen Odum Noah Price Tony Roberts Desiree Sparks Anne Urbanski Monica Walker Kenneth Wexler Gary Wilde Kimberly Wille Robert Wilmot SENECA LAND Logan Cloyd David Cloyd Ann Cobb Donald Cobb Diane Colgan Michele Ford
Stephen Condie George Azzam Jeffrey Dietz George Kapp Jack Durham Gilbert Durham Michelle Eisenman John Kerr David Empson Jared Empson Michele Ford John Hendrickson Gabriella Galanti Amanda Harris Michael Hartland John Hendrickson Joshua Hochman Lawrence Horn Kathleen Horton Todd Horton Cynthia Kapp George Kapp Ellen Link Loren Rinehard Ricky Maffei William Young Michael Mahoney George Azzam Carole Maley Darrell Shirey Timothy Milloy David Wilkinson Matthew Moon Michael Lurenz Brenda Mosher Gary Mosher Blaine Osborne Jared Empson Bonnie Pistner Michele Ford Timothy Praetzel Aaron Praetzel Andrew Rockefeller Kevin Hemstreet-Grimmer Lynne Shanley Bernard Hurlbut Matthew Silvia Thomas Hoffman Chris Suckow David King Clyde Tackley Arthur Williams Joseph Cittadino Jared Empson Howard Greenwald James Howard David Kennedy Janice Kerr Griffin Marriner Nathan Morris Jaden Patterson Katie Sheerin Leland Shoup
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Julia Shoup SOUTHWESTERN Daniel Adams Cary Miller Nichole Armand Jody Armand Matthew Babcock Jocelyn Yanagisawa Debra Badger Manny Lopez Clayton Bramlett Robert Gooding Justin Burkholder Clyde Biggs Jonathan Burton Jack Mitchell Carole Carmichael Thomas Carmichael Craig Cassidy John Weynand Garrett Cayce David Dickey Jared Chastain Scott Tyree Hunter Coleman Sam Ehmke Christine Cooper Daniel Cooper Paul Corley Bernie Sachs Michael Crouch Manuel Quintana Madison Davis Chip Davis Orlando DeHoyos Daniel Smith Karl Dill Mark Holdeman Amor Duff Willard Duff Damien Esparza Steven Burch Lance Fricke Nick Ruiz Elianne Gonzalez Jacob Bankston Adrian Gonzalez Timothy Weitzel Coleman Gray Daniel Tucker Dawn Gutschke Nathan Gutschke Joseph Hartley Nick Ruiz Jared James Rick Brower Elise Kappelmann Thomas Burnett Marcia Kelly Carole Carmichael H Kurn Warren Camarano
Christopher Land Michael Hughes Michael Liddell Charles Cagle Robert Meadows Dustin Wallace Thomas Norman Roger Morton Robert Noster John Liles Edward Palow Andrew Solari Stewart Pearson Dustin Wallace Brian Potts David Carey John Rhea Bret Morris Charles Rice Paul Rowe Edward Robles Steven Burch Ronald Roper Roger Morton Jacob Salas Trevor Crawford Ceara Sams Timothy Weitzel Stacey Schulz Nathan Gutschke Mary Seward Carole Carmichael Bud Seward Thomas Carmichael Stephen Smith James Green Rosetta Springer Nathan Gutschke Daphney Stanley Wallace Stanley William Stauber Mark Holdeman Jason Vick Scott Baylor Bryan Vogler Aaron Ely Steven Wagner Peter Steinbach Blayke Weatherford Alexander Effinger George Weick David Weick Ian Yanagisawa Jocelyn Yanagisawa Jocelyn Yanagisawa Lewis Sitterly Michael Zapata Manny Lopez Kalen Ziegler Dominick Finetti Stuart Aron Duane Ashby Alan Beistegui
Wayne Bennett Natalie Berdahl Mark Bolerjack Kristopher Bossier Chris Collins Kyle Crist Alejandro Cuellar Leslie Curtis Victor Doan Paul Drexel Alan Earl Brandon Falknor Kyle Feather James Fitts Jackson Forman Ellen Friedman David Granere Karl Herpel Kenneth Herrington Kevin Javier John David Jularbal Gabe Kunda Angee Ledbetter George McDonald Christian Pereira Charlene Perez Kody Pisney Reece Ruhl Ryan Sanford Gerry Schmoker Tracy Shirk Kason Twitchell David Vehon Jordan Weaver-Lee Evan Woods Andy Zook SUNSHINE Tarek Aish Gregory Patterson Douglas Atwater John Osborn Robert Barrett Sanford Schuman Patrick Barthauer Christopher Barthauer Daniel Beaudoin Roosevelt Jones Julian Boudri Daniel Mills Michael Broschak Arthur Ruth Brandon Budzinski Sanford Schuman Bradley Cox Daniel Brinkmann Cindy Dreibelbis Paul Evert Ryan Feeney Daniel Pesante Peggy Fish Thomas Berrien Cohen Fish
Thomas Berrien Amy Fisher Malcolm Gropper Stephen Fodroczi Alexander Charles Sherrie Frayer Leon Frayer Thomas Frutchey Mark Graham, Jr Harold Graber Jay Teutenberg Zaryn Kluytman Michael Wood Ian Le Daniel Pesante Sean Lewis Alexander Rubin Nancy Manion William Manion Emanuel Martinez David Richards Luis Merced Mark Amaral Daniel Mills Sanford Schuman Casey Moore Steven Cragg Madison Padgett Sara Littlefield Louis Perry-McPhail Gerard McPhail James Rotroff Ernest Bourdeau Herman Sanchez Gary Woodward Edward Searl William Bensburg Hunter Stanford Rewben Dozz Paul Stebelton Roosevelt Jones Matthew Stenberg Sanford Schuman Michael Swift Arthur Parr, Jr. Christopher Tinoco Scott Houchins Nick Toohill Daniel Brinkmann Jacob Van Hall William Ford Brooke Weeks Matthew Brock Joe Williams Phil Warmanen Patrick Willingham Scott Harrington Dorman Wilson, IV William Ford Aidan Anderson Gordon Anderson Jack Barbey Martha Barthauer
David Best Eugene Binion Hannah Brinkman Richard Cannon Asher Carlson Megan Clark Shannon Czwalga Kevin Dean Virginia Downey Rewben Dozz Jonathan Emmerich Michael Fulghum Karl Geller John Golon Tobe Halton Brittainie Hay John Hosie Scott Houchins Mark Hussey James Jackson, Jr Kenneth Jordan Douglas Kidd John Langley Kenneth Leawood William McCombie Nicholas McKaig Donald Moorhead Timothy Murphy Richard OBey Patricia Orfitelli Anthony Perry Paul Piergross Donna Rokus Donald Schafhauser Zachary Shapiro Jeremy Sundgren Jonathan Thompson Kyle Wilson NO DISTRICT Zachary Adams Brian De Stefano Dana Anderson Martin Anderson Audrey Aschoff Todd Krier Liam Barcel Dave Riches Leah Bartnik Nicholas Taber Mary Therese Baumgartner Todd Krier Donna Berardinelli Edward Martinez Chris Bernstein Holly Kellar Madeline Birch Todd Krier Brandon Birch Todd Krier Megan Bishop Glenda Lloyd
Cecilia Björzén Anne Redmo Scott Blakeley Marvin Strom Jessica Blakely Dianne Goldrick Anita Brady Megan Bishop Alexander Brandenburg Dave Riches Matthew Brandenburg Alexander Brandenburg Jeremiah Buford-Suber Dave Riches Brian Bui Todd Krier Samantha Bunting Mo Field Bridget Byrne Gary Bolles Jordan Cagle Dave Riches Marilyn Carter Douglas Crowl Gabriel Clark Todd Krier Michael Coleman Lori Lyford Sarah Comer Dale Comer Ronald Comstock Jeffrey Bradway Diane Corkran Wilma Ewing Tanya Corry Samuel Corry Kyle Crawford Dave Riches Zavier Davis Dave Riches Kirk Davis Raymond Korns Gretchen Dennison David Dennison Garth Dewey Michael Matson Ashlynn Dodd Todd Krier Melany Donoghue Jacob Ritter Caleb Dowdle Dave Riches Jeanne Drouin Al Drouin Shawna Dumbaugh Edgar Bittle Alia Ebbert Dave Riches Stephen Flanders Franklin Gould Brandon Foddrill Debbie Cleveland Klea Ford
Dale LaFon, Jr Morgan Framke Todd Krier Rachel Franklin Nicole Franklin Jennifer Fulkerson Richard Lund Bede Fulton Todd Krier Meredith Gamet Todd Krier Melissa Garvin Erin Mulder Ciara Garza Dave Riches Janace Gifford Peter Gifford Rebecca Gilbert Rob Campbell Emma Goeden Todd Krier Sydney Gold Dave Riches Daniel Gore Christian Roth Menlo Grohman Dave Riches Kelly Grow Blaine Grow Brooklyn Guess Todd Krier Agatha Hagepanos Donald Smith Will Harris William Lynch Meagan Heimbrecht Todd Krier Geoffrey Helveston Dave Riches Liam Hines Thomas Keeping Miranda Holcomb Todd Krier Jessica Honz Todd Krier Britten Hutchison Dave Riches Daniel Isch Lori Lyford Tiffany Iza Paulo Iza Natalie Jarecke Todd Krier Anna Ketron Jernie Talles Millan Thea Kohmetscher Todd Krier Laura Konz Todd Krier Alison Konz Todd Krier Brad Krall Gary Krall
David Krier Todd Krier Madisen Kucera Todd Krier Rosemary Lang Todd Krier Corey Lapka Devin Burch Tre Leese Dave Riches Chloe Leithold Dave Riches Faith Leithold Dave Riches Ryan Lopez Benjamin Poulson Eric Maass Nancy Maass Daren Maierle David Haines Stephen Martinez Todd Krier Cynthia McCarver Mo (Maureen) Field Lori Ann McGinty Dale LaFon, Jr Zack McGowan Wilbur McCormick Ryan Melvin Daniel Wessler Rachael Mild Todd Krier Lukas Mills Dave Riches Barbara Moores Jason Woolf Dylan Moreland Elaine Fisher Kata Emily Muellerleile Dave Riches Katherine Mulloy Todd Krier Mary Nash Donald Nash, Sr. Olivia Nelson Todd Krier Annalie Nelson Tyler Stromquist-LeVoir Isaac Nieves Dave Riches Colleen O’Gara Todd Krier Emma Ogea Todd Krier Joey Pace Tyler Horton Sarai Pacheco Todd Krier Haley Patrick Jason Patrick Sarah Patterson Amy Patterson
Nathan Peterson Skyler Lee Susan Pingel Christopher Pingel Wendy Pool Gary Bolles Brady Poulson Benjamin Poulson Benjamin Poulson Dave Riches Faith pranger Autumn Spilker Ayden Prososki Alexander Brandenburg Austin Reinke Dave Riches Amy Reisher Todd Krier Keith Rickards Andrew Robinson Karen Ridout Philip Ridout Fabian Rodriguez-Gomez Rachel Wilton Connor Rosenberger Wilbur McCormick Michael Roublenko Dave Riches Ed Roy Jonathan Prather Maria Rutledge Todd Krier Gage Schmidt Dave Riches Rachel Schoenecker Dave Riches Ann Schoenecker Martin Monson LaShaunda Schulz Stacey Schulz Stacy Schumacher Michael Schumacher Jane Sebold Dale LaFon, Jr Mary Selano Jeff Selano Richard Shernit Zig Palagyi Elisabeth Sinclair Donell Torres Eric Smith Gary Plaag Andrew Socha Todd Krier Connor Speciale Benjamin Poulson Raegan Stauffer Donell Torres Chacey Steen Eugene Spilker Carol Stephens Curtis Mannah
Wyatt Stevens Brent Hairston Julia Suelter Todd Krier Alex Sussman Lori Lyford Rebekah Sweeney Todd Krier Maria Sweeney Todd Krier Louden Tetley Skylar Lee Dyan Thomas Michael McCarthy Sophia Throener Rodriguez Todd Krier Michele Turner Daniel Smith Arielle V Dave Riches Sarah Vagts Todd Krier Melissa VanHousen Kristin Drummond-Mance Aaron Vrbka Dave Riches Patricia Watson Donald Rose Halden Weisman Dave Riches Mary Wessler Daniel Wessler Heather Wiegert John Rettenmayer Frederick Wigham Norman Springer Jason Williford Lori Lyford Rachel Wilton Dave Riches Penny Yanke John Donehower Daniel Yingwane Joseph Klug Teresa Yocum Dale LaFon, Jr Kathryn Zubal-Strang Katie Macdonald Courtney Anderson Tatiana Arkell Agustin Arredondo Gwendolyn Bain Jennifer Ball Sarah Ball Hope Bates Oliver Bay Katie Bell Turner Bell Evelyn Bettridge Jamee Billings Benn Boehme
Clifton Boyd Mark Boyle Rick Bracy Sarah Bradley Kyle Brady Samuel Brisbane David Brittain Michael Brueggman Robyn Bryant Emily Burch Harry Burt Claire Butler Margaret Carioti Hélio Carvalho Kelly Case James Caswell Margaret Chan Hunter Charitan Kalyn Cheney Ryan Chislett Jesse Christensen Daniela Chun Jessica Cockroft Trisha Coley Denver Crary Chloe Dames Jennifer Davis Brian De Stefano Peter Donald Cameron Downs Patricia Dunphy Linda Ecklund Kyra Ellsworth Dana Evans Wilma Ewing SP Fagan Nancy Flagel Mark Fletcher Luke Foster Luke Fowler Katie Freestone Mike Gabriella Robert Gall James Gibson Otha Gibson IV Toby Gilbert Lorena Gillard Hannah Gillings Colin Graebert Edru Granadosin Robert Grant Kaitlyn Graulich De Anna Greene Michaela Griffin Tyell Gustavson Ben Hair Ronald Hall Jason Harmsen Arnie Harris Camille Harrison Mary Hartrick Kaia Hathaway Kindon Helco
Lorri Heneveld Ken Hoffman Robert Hopper Rebecca Huddilston Grace Hughes Dianne Humphrey Elyssa Hurley Lauren Jacob Dan James Natalia Jasso Melanie Jewell Josh Jex Dawn Johnson Jacob Johnson Fred Jones Hinckley Kaupua Hannah Keen Savannah Kersh Edward Kim Kieran King Katie Krueger Wendy Lamont Steven Lance Annette Landry Carin Ländström Jordan Lenchitz Sue “Q” Lethbridge Cherie Letts Annika Linde Ruth Maple Sebastian Marshall Giulia Matteucci Logan Maxwell Sean McCarty Suzanne McCormick Calum McGavock Toni McGill Emily McGrath Linda McMaster Isaac Meecham Janessa Meiners Jenny Mentzer Thomas Mirhady Mindee Mirhady Connie Mitchell Denzel Morales Emily Moriarty Ryotaro Nakano John Neal Scott Neese Brenna Nielsen William Nowlin Jeffrey O’Brien Carson Ohran Wanda Olsen Jacob Olson David Olson Rachel Pack Lorraine Padden Ruth Patterson Edward Patterson James Pecsok Monica Pendergast
Asia Perez Nathan Phui Josiah Piper Adrian Pool Elizabeth Prins Barbara Quinn Daniel Ray Kayla Rodgers Dean Rowe Robert Rupert Ryan Sampson Grady Savant Stefanie Schmidt Sanford Schuman Kelly Schwartz Stuart Sides Megan Simonson Elizabeth Sloan Joyce Smit Julia Smith Bethany Southworth Dax Steggell Justin Stilwell Derek Stull Mira Taferner Beatrice Taylor Evelyn Telford Matt Thomas Lyndal Thorburn Jazmine Torres Karen Trotter Barbara Truelsen Frank Van Atta Frederick Van Heste Vanessa Van Sciver Vicki VanGorder Sarai Velasquez Eileen Wagner Jondavid Waid Marinn Waite Laura Walsh Arnold Ward Alexander Warr Heidi Warrington Jason Whitney Kay Wiesner Carson Williams Ethan Williams Ciaran Wilson Jared Wise Anson Wood Nathan Wood Dawson Wurdeman Daniel Wynkoop Yale Yang
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MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTORY How can we help you barbershop today? Get answers from the staff at Harmony Hall
Society Headquarters 110 7th Ave N • Nashville, TN 37203-3704 615-823-3993 • fax: 615-313-7615 • info@barbershop.org Office hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Central www.barbershop.org 800-876-7464 (SING) EXECUTIVE OFFICES Marty Monson Executive Director/CEO Megan Henderson Executive Assistant to the CEO FINANCE finance@barbershop.org Erik Dove CFO/COO Jama Clinard Controller / Human Resources Nick Anello Finance Administrator CONVENTIONS events@barbershop.org Dusty Schleier Director of Events INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY support@barbershop.org Sam Hoover Systems Adminstrator HARMONY MARKETPLACE customerservice@ barbershop.org Mark Morgan Director of Marketplace and Retail Ops. Justin Gray Warehouse Manager Krystie Mitchell Warehouse Coordinator Raphael Llana Marketplace eCommerce Assistant STRATEGY strategy@barbershop.org Kevin Lynch Chief Strategy Officer
MARKETING marketing@barbershop.org Holly J. Kellar Chief Marketing Officer Chris Bernstein Advertising Campaign Manager Sarah Brown Marketing Coordinator Jeremy K. Gover Video Production Manager Eddie Holt Graphic Design Manager James Hurlburt Video Production Specialist Brian Lynch PR Manager Jernie Talles Millan Marketing Assistant Amy Rose Digital Communications Manager PARTICIPATION & ENGAGEMENT customerservice@ barbershop.org Caki Gray Director of Membership Nate Ogg Chapter Success Manager Devin Bradford Community Development Manager Danny Becker Quartet Success Manager Katie Macdonald Recruitment & Retention Manager
CUSTOMER SERVICE customerservice@ barbershop.org Rich Smith Contact Center Success Manager/ Service Representative Allison Barrett Service Representative
46 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
PROGRAMS & IMPACT impact@barbershop.org Erin Harris Chief Program Officer Cassi Costoulas Strategic Initiatives Manager OUTREACH outreach@barbershop.org Joe Cerutti Director of Outreach Chad Bennett Show Production/Community Engagement Ashley Brown Grant Admin. & Inclusion Coordinator Ashley “Lani” Torroll Outreach Youth Programs Coordinator MUSIC EDUCATION harmonyu@barbershop.org Donny Rose Director of Music Education Steve Scott Music Education Curriculum and Online Learning Manager Brent Suver Music Education Operations Coordinator MUSIC PUBLICATIONS library@barbershop.org Janice Bane Copyright & Licensing Manager Scott Harris Arranger & Repertoire Manager Resat Taser Music Production Coordinator Annie Reynolds Service Representative Luke Davis Service Representative Douglas Gordon Receptionist/Facilities
BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Dick Powell • Crofton, MD 410-451-0694 leadsingerpowell@gmail.com Executive Vice President John Miller • Westport, CT 203-254-9594 John.Miller@NBCuni.com Treasurer John Santora • Bel Air, MD 410-937-2611 jsantora@mac.com Immediate Past President Skipp Kropp • Indianapolis, IN 317-946-9882 skipp.kropp@steptoe-johnson.com Executive Director/ Board Secretary Marty Monson • Franklin, TN 800-876-7464 CEO@barbershop.org Dr. Perry White • Nashville, TN (Ex Officio, Harmony Foundation) 615-823-5611 pwhite@harmonyfoundation.org BOARD MEMBERS AT LARGE Jeremy Albright • Haslet, TX 620-249-1605 jeremy.albright@gmail.com Jeremy Brann • Lexington, KY 859-420-7696 jeremy.brann@gmail.com Blair Brown • San Diego, CA 314-486-1668 brown.blair.1986@gmail.com John Donehower • Monroe, WI 563-599-8565 johndonehower@charter.net Randy Loos • Lecanto, FL 727-510-5901 RandyLoos@gmail.com Bernard Priceman • Palm Desert, CA 818-625-2832 bpriceman@sbcglobal.net
FRIENDS IN HARMONY 110 Seventh Avenue North, Suite 200, Nashville, TN 37203 866-706-8021 (toll free),615-823-5611, hf@harmonyfoundation.org STAFF Dr. Perry White ** *** President/CEO pwhite@harmonyfoundation.org Jim Clark Regional Director 3042 • jclark@harmonyfoundation.org Sean Devine Planned Giving Manager 3054 • sdevine@harmonyfoundation.org Carolyn Faulkenberry Chief Financial Officer 3041 • cfaulkenberry@harmonyfoundation.org J.J. Hawkins Donor Care Center Associate 3045 • jhawkins@harmonyfoundation.org Matt Hopper Donor Care Center Associate 3049 • mhopper@harmonyfoundation.org Jim Johnson Director of Communications 3053 • jjohnson@harmonyfoundation.org Brian Nelson Donor Care Center Associate 3051 • bnelson@harmonyfoundation.org Sarah Ogiba Donor Care Center Manager 3040 • ogiba@harmonyfoundation.org Dixie Semich Development Operations Manager 3047 • dsemich@harmonyfoundation.org Kyle Snook Regional Director 3050 • ksnook@harmonyfoundation.org Jan Stinson Financial Associate 3040 • jstinson@harmonyfoundation.org Rick Taylor National Development Manager 3046 • rtaylor@harmonyfoundation.org
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Gary Plaag – Chair 703-868-5152 gplaagbhs@gmail.com Debbie Cleveland – Secretary 813-230-7845 DebbieCsinger@aol.com Don Laursen – Treasurer 559-972-2200 monyman@sbcglobal.net Lynn Weaver – Immediate Past Chair 616-485-3392 rhoda297@aol.com Don Lambert 850-240-5952 lambertDL@cox.net Sherri Matthews 804-938-1611 smattsing@gmail.com Mike Moisio 775-580-7395 mike.moisio@rhacp.com Kendall Williams 206-949-7464 kendall.a.williams@frontier.com Marty Monson Society Executive Director/CEO** Jim Warner*– General Counsel 901-522-9000, Ext. 104 warnerj@martintate.com
*Not board member • **Ex-officio • ***Also trustee
• Sing Canada Harmony • SingCanadaHarmony.ca • American Choral Directors Association • acdaonline.org • Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia • sinfonia.org • World Harmony Council • worldbarbershop.org • National Museum for African-American Music • nmaam.org • Sweet Adelines International • sweetadelines.com • Harmony, Incorporated • harmonyinc.org • Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association • bqpa.com • National Association for Music Education • nafme.org • Chorus America • chorusamerica.org • Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers • labbs.org.uk
• Barbershop Harmony Australia barbershop.org.au • Dan Millgate: dan.millgate@yahoo.com.au • BHNZ (Barbershop Harmony New Zealand) barbershopharmony.nz • John Denton: johnandchrisd@gmail.com • BABS (British Association of Barbershop Singers) singbarbershop.com • Martin Baglow: chairman@singbarbershop.com • BinG! (Barbershop in Germany) barbershop-in-germany.de • Constanze Jager: constanze.jaeger@barbershop.de • Holland Harmony hollandharmony.dse.nl • Leonie Vink: voorzitter@hollandharmony.nl • FABS (Finnish Association of Barbershop Singers) fabs.fi • Valentin Arbamenkov: abramenkov.valentin@gmail.com • IABS (Irish Association of Barbershop Singers) irishbarbershop.org • Liz Nolan: iabsexecutive@gmail.com • MBHA (Mixed Barbershop Harmony Assoc.) mixedbarbershop.org • Roxanne Powell: powellrx@gmail.com • SABS (Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers) sabs.es • Dawn Ritch: president@sabs.es • SNOBS (Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers) snobs.org • Henrik Rosenberg: henrik@rospart.se • SPATS (Southern Part of Africa Tonsorial Singers) spats.co.za • Mark Jensen van Rensburg: president@spats.co.za
2019 YEARBOOK ISSUE STAFF Eddie Holt (primary designer) Lorin May (Editor), Chris Bernstein, Sarah Brown, Jeremy K. Gover, James Hurlburt, Brian Lynch, Amy Rose, Jernie Talles Millan, Holly Kellar
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE harmonizer@barbershop.org EDITORIAL BOARD Holly J. Kellar, Brian Lynch, Amy Rose, Sarah Brown, Lorin May
SOCIETY SUBSIDIARIES (PARTIAL LIST) • Association of International Champions • AICGold.com • Association of International Seniors Quartet Champions • aisqc.com • Ancient Harmonious Society of Woodshedders • ahsow.org • Southern Harmony Brigade • southernharmonybrigade.com
• Harmony Brigade • harmonybrigade.org North Carolina • Indiana • Atlantic • Harmony U • Great Lakes • High Sierra • New England • Lone Star • Northern Pines • European • United Kingdom • Mixed Harmony Brigade (New England)
barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 47
2019 BHS JUDGES & BOARD OF DIRECTORS 145 BHS judges were officially certified at Category School this summer at Belmont University. We honor their dedicated service to the barbershop art form, and we celebrate their service to all our quartets and choruses who benefit from their leadership and guidance! CONTEST ADMINISTRATORS Rob Arnold (ONT) Russell Bell (DIX) David Bowen (LOL) Chris Buechler (MAD) Bari Courts (JAD) Ron Eubank (PIO) Brett Foster (RMD) Don Fuson (CSD) Rob Hopkins (SLD) George Joslyn (DIX) Alan Lamson (NED) Bob Lawson (RMD) Chuck Leavitt (FWD) Peter Maddeaux (LOL) Bill McLaurine (CSD) Randy Meyer (FWD) Linda Muise (NED) Mike Ott (SWD) Kameron Owens (JAD) Randy Rensi (SWD) John Santora (MAD) Matt Suellentrop (JAD) Mike Thompson (SWD) Lynn Trapp (DIX)
Steve Tremper (NSC) Philip VanDyke (CSD) Bill Vermue (ONT) Woody Woods (RMD) MUSIC CATEGORY Steve Armstrong (ONT) Anthony Bartholomew (SWD) Will Baughman (JAD) Johnny Bugarin, Jr (RMD) Cary Burns (FWD) John Burri (EVG) Rob Campbell (FWD) Andrew Carolan ONT) Joe Cerutti (MAD) Steve Delehanty (MAD) Jay Dougherty (JAD) Tom Gentry (JAD) Brent Graham (FWD) Mark Hale (RMD) Melody Hine (DIX) Clay Hine (DIX) Steve Jamison (MAD) Jimbob Kahlke (EVG) Kevin Keller (CSD)
Scott Kitzmiller (CAR) Rasmus Krigstrรถm (MAD) Patrick McAlexander (LOL) Tom Metzger (EVG) Alex Morris (FHT) Phil Ordaz (FWD) Cay Outerbridge (NED) J Pope (EVG) Adam Porter (MAD) Adam Reimnitz (RMD) Adam Scott (RMD) Rod Sgrignoli (RMD) Tony Sparks (RMD) Rick Spencer (DIX) Jeff Taylor (ONT) Steve Tramack (NED) Paul Wigley (LOL) David Wright (CSD) Kirk Young (NED) David Zimmerman (CAR) PERFORMANCE CATEGORY Paul Agnew (SUN) Jamie Bedford (FWD)
Pat Brown (ONT) Greg Caetano (SWD) Steve Curulla (NSC) Sean Devine (MAD) Kevin Dunckel (JAD) Mo Field (ONT) Dave Fobart (DIX) Martin Fredstrom (FWD) George Gipp (SUN) Joe Hunter (MAD) Michael Kelly (EVG) Mark Kettner (DIX) David Krause (CSD) Jon Kready (CSD) Ritchie Lavene (MAD) Mike Lietke (LOL) Mike Louque (CSD) Marty Lovick (EVG) John Mallett (ONT) David McEachern (ONT) Shawn Mondragon (RMD) Charlotte Murray (BHNZ) Brian O'Dell (JAD) Allen Otto (SWD) Jake Pirner (CSD)
Judy Pozsgay (EVG) Larry Reinhart (NSC) Robert Ross (ONT) Dusty Schleier (DIX) Doug Smeltz (JAD) Gene Spilker (SUN) Gary Steinkamp (FWD) Barry Towner (ONT) Theresa Weatherbee (FWD) Sandi Wright (CSD) SINGING CATEGORY Brian Barford (JAD) Jimmy Barr (DIX) Tim Brooks (DIX) Jay Butterfield (MAD) Anthony Colosimo (MAD) Jeremy Conover (NSC) Peter Cunningham (SWD) Eric Dalbey (CSD) Jim Emery (LOL) James Estes (FWD) Aaron Evens (DIX) Matthew Fellows (FWD) Alan Gordon (FWD)
Brandon Guyton (DIX) Chad Guyton (DIX) Chris Hebert (FWD) Ig Jakovac (MAD) Rik Johnson (CSD) James Kastler (SUN) Adrian Leontovich (EVG) Richard Lewellen (MAD) Brett Littlefield (FWD) Rob Mance (CSD) Eddie Martinez (SWD) Bob McFadden (CAR) David Mills (SUN) Nate Ogg (JAD) Michael O'Neill (DIX) Chris Peterson (FWD) Andrew Rembecki (CSD) Tim Reynolds (DIX) Chris Richards (RMD) Steve Scott (CSD) Chad St. John (JAD) Mark Stock (NSC) Jordan Travis (ONT) John Ward (MAD) Freddie Womer (MAD) Chad Wulf (JAD)
JUDGING PANEL, 2019 SALT LAKE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Top row: Jay Dougherty (MUS), Jay Butterfield (SNG), Chris Buechler (CA), Joe Cerutti (MUS), Brent Graham (MUS), Marty Lovick (PER), George Joslyn (CA) Middle row: Anthony Colosimo (SNG), Chris Richards (SNG), Mark Stock (SNG), Steve Curulla (PER), Dave Fobart (PER), Paul Wigley (MUS), Ritchie Lavene (PER) Bottom row: Richard Lewellen (SNG), Mark Kettner (PER), Kevin Keller (MUS), David Mills (C&J Chairman), Woody Woods (CA), Steve Armstrong (MUS)
2019 SOCIETY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Top row: Bernard Priceman, John Donehower, Jeremy Albright, Randy Loos, David Haedtler, Perry White (ex officio), Steve Denino Bottom row: John Santora (Treasurer), John Miller (EVP), Dick Powell (President), Skipp Kropp (IPP), Marty Monson (ex officio)
48 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2020 | barbershop.org
THE TAG Joe Liles, Tagmaster
P Start off 2020 with this (still) anonymous gem
remiere arranger Tom Gentry contributed this lovely gem to start off 2020. He did not know the source, but always enjoyed teaching and singing it. If you know the creator, please contact me and I will gladly make the name known. All three versions below are at www.barbershop.org/tags. Measure 3 is particularly tasty! n
When the Moon Disappears Tenor Lead
b c 1 œœ œœ ˙˙ b V When the moon,
Bari Bass
? bb c œœ œœ ˙˙
When the Moon Disappears Tenor Lead
& b c œœ œœ 1
When the moon,
Bari Bass
Ê b c œœ
Tenor Lead
c œ œ ˙ œ œ ˙ 1
When the moon,
Bari Bass
? # # c œœ œœ ˙˙
œ œ
˙ #˙
˙ ˙
for femalefor voices women‘s voices
œ œ
˙ ˙
œ œ
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˙ #˙
n ˙˙
n ˙˙
˙ ˙
˙ ˙
˙ ˙
for mixed for voices mixed voices 2
˙ ˙
When the Moon Disappears
for male voices
# ˙˙
# ˙˙
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˙ ˙
˙ ˙
barbershop.org | January/February 2020 | The Harmonizer | 49