Bulk Minor Cannabinoids
CCC & MDAR Compliant | 1/2 KGs available upon request This is our preferred pricing list. Please do not share outside your organization.
profi l e
THCV Isol at e 85-95%+ Gl ass-l ike amber/ red dist il l at e | no t erpenes
THCV Dist il l at e (Dil ut ed) 60% THCV Made t o order | Dil ut ed int o carrier of choice (increases st abil it y)
CBDV Isol at e 95-99% CBDV Pure cryst al l ine powder | no t erpenes
Ful l Spect rum CBD Oil 50-60% CBD, 20%+ Minors Free fl owing | non cryst al izing | amber col or | t erpene rich
Broad Spect rum CBD Oil
50-60% CBD, 20%+ Minors Free fl owing | non cryst al izing | amber col or | t erpene rich
Organic Ful l Spec t rum CBD 80-90% CBD 5-15% Minors Cert ifi ed organic | gol den col or | Bel ow 0 3% THC
Organic Broad Spect rum CBD 80-90% CBD 5-15% Minors Cert ifi ed organic | gol den col or | No Det ect abl e THC
THCV & CBDV Rich CBD 70-80% CBD, 20%+ Minors
rich dist il l at e | Gol den
or | mil d t erpene profi l e
CBDa Isol at e 99% CBDa Pure cryst al l ine powder | no t erpenes
CBGa Isol at e 99% CBGa Pure cryst al l ine powder |
t erpenes
CBT Isol at e 97-99% CBT Viscous, l ight amber dist ill at e | mil d t erpene profi l e
CBD 10% Wat er Sol ubl e Powder 10% CBD Of f whit e col or | mil d hemp fl avor and odor
CBD 20% Wat er Sol ubl e Liquid 20-24% CBD Reddish gol d col or | hemp fl avor | mil d hemp odor
KG $6,500 00