TheHealthyPlanet June, 2013
St. Louis’ Green & Healthy Living Magazine
Please Read Then Recycle
Water Gardens & Ponds Soothe Our Souls & Improve Our Landscapes POND-O-RAMA Set For June 22 & 23
Women @ Work A Salute To Women-Owned Businesses In The St. Louis Area pages 6-11
The Healthy Planet magazine •
by Rick Hotton
Fatherhood, the Best Job in the World (except maybe for grandfatherhood)
Visit today! ®
The Healthy Planet
Vol. 17 No. 2
PLANET PEOPLE Publisher/Editor: J.B. Lester Lifestyles Editor: Leah O’Donnell Arts Editor: Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky Green & Growing Editor: Linda Wiggen Kraft Associate Editor: Niki Lester Social Media Editor: Natalie Petty
COLumNisTs: Environment: Kat Logan Smith, Jean Ponzi Food & Drink: Kari Hartel, RD, LD Animals & Nature: Teresa Garden, DVM; Ava Frick, DVM, Suzanne Gassner,HSM Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM, Pat Tuholske, Naturalist
send all correspondence to: The Healthy Planet magazine, 20 North gore, ste. 200, st. Louis, mO 63119 Phone: 314-962-7748 • Fax: 314-962-0728 EdiTOriAL POLiCy: The Healthy Planet magazine invites articles and calendar items from environmental groups, charitable organizations, community action and other not-for-profits to be published as a community service at no charge. For-profit businesses can inquire about marketing programs by calling 314-962-7748. The Healthy Planet is printed on recycled newsprint with eco-friendly, soy-based ink.
mArkETiNg Leah O’Donnell, Linda Wiggen Kraft, J.B. Lester
BOOkkEEPiNg & AdmiNisTrATivE Alicia Queen-Martin - 314-962-7748
Printing: Breese Publishing
©2013 The Healthy Planet, LLC
une is known for perhaps the best weather of the year in St. Louis, that first (or second or third) trip to Ted Drewes, and of course Father’s Day. I was thinking of writing a column about being a father, but instead have opted for a narrative on becoming a grandfather. That’s right. I am going to henceforth be known as Gramps or Grandpa, or Papa or whatever nickname my new grandson chooses. Avery James Petty, my grandson to be (around August 1) will become my ally. In a family unbalanced with estrogen, It will be nice to have another man in the house once in while. I have already decided to call him AJ. Initial names are big in my tribe. Although I did not receive my initials until college when I penned my first collegiate newspaper article. I turned in my masterpiece and the editor told me, “Hey, there’s no name on this. Initial it.” So I put J.B. Lester and from there on I was known as J.B. So if anyone calls me Jim or Jimmy I know it’s from high school or my family. And if anyone calls me James, I know it’s a solicitation or something official like the DMV. My grandson Avery will not have to wait until college to receive his “Letters”. In the tradition of his great, great, grandfather J.G. Lester, he will have it from birth. But my paternal grandfather J.G.’s first name was Jethro. That name demands going by J.G. No offense to the Bodine clan. And my maternal grandfather was J.C. Barnard. I always called him
June, 2013 Papa and my grandmother called him Jim, but someone must have called him J.C. It would be only fitting considering our family of initialed names. My father Charles Norton Lester never became CN. The best he could do was Chuck. But like Shakespeare said, “A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” And my new grandson is a sweet treat for me and my wife. At nearly 62, it is time I donned the festive robes of grandfatherhood. And whatever name AJ picks for me, I will be happy. My parents never got to be grandparents for my daughters. They died way too soon. Chuck and Mary Ann would be thrilled to welcome AJ into the world and hold him in their arms and shower him with love. I will have to give AJ double love for them. And don’t think I am taking this new role of grandfather lightly. I know it is not just a title. I will have to remember how to change a diaper and sing a lullaby. It’s been a while but I still recall how to play airplane in the hanger at mealtime and “I got your nose.” I already am looking for a set of short golf clubs and a little baseball mitt. Oh, and some finger paints. Oh, and a little piano in case he is a musical prodigy. And if he loves to cook he can learn so much from his great uncle Bill and his cousin Chef Benjamin. And he will of course be a great singer like his grandmother Niki and his mom Natalie and his auntie Stephanie. And it goes without saying that he will be a great writer like his grandfather. Maybe the next great American novelist or poet. And I know he will have a deep respect for the environment and will live a long, happy and healthy life and some day be a father and grandfather himself and can write his own Father’s Day column. On this father’s day, I want to congratulate all the grandfathers and fathers out there. Especially my sonin-law Ben who is about to be AJ’s Dad. The best job in the world! (Except maybe for grandfatherhood.) In Good Health,
J.B. Lester; Publisher
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Green Living
Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Resources For Green Lifestyles
CoaLition rEPort
by Kathleen Logan Smith Director of Environmental Policy Coalition For The Environment
Let’s Take Ownership for a Healthier Region:
two top ten Lists
ere’s what we know: About 40,000 tons of radioactively contaminated nuclear weapons waste (Uranium-235, Thorium, Thallium, and dozens of other radionuclides) were dumped in the northern portion of the West Lake Landfill on St. Charles Rock Road in Bridgeton near Earth City in 1973. It is not contained in any way underneath, where it encounters groundwater, or above, except for the shrubs and trees that have overgrown it. You can learn more at In the southern portion of the landfill which is known as the Bridgeton Landfill, a landfill fire has been smoldering and spreading since at least December 2010. The owner of the Bridgeton Landfill, Republic Services, has been unable to contain the spread of the fire. Safety features at the landfill have been compromised because of the fire. The Missouri Attorney General, who is pursuing Republic on several environmental law violations and nuisance claims, admitted on May 14 that the distance between the fire and the northern portion where the radioactive waste lies, was about 1,000 feet. Missouri officials told the public in January that the distance was 1,200 feet. The landfill fire emits a terrible stench, along with some chemicals that pose health risks. There are about 40,000-50,000 people living with 3 miles of the site where the landfill fire odor has been reported in both St. Louis and St. Charles County, including schools, a university, hospitals, the Verizon amphitheater, Earth City, and scores of businesses. Removing the radioactive waste will cost an estimated $500 million, an amount less than the annual profits in 2012 ($571.8 million) of Republic Services, which is just one of several companies responsible for the radioactive clean up The Environmental Protection Agency indicated in its Record of Decision and other documents in 2008 and prior that it believed the radioactive particles would not move in groundwater. The EPA’s 2012 groundwater study at the site showed the presence of Uranium 235 at levels above ‘background’ levels in groundwater monitoring wells far from the northern portion of the site. The same study shows Radium 226 and Radium 228 above “Maximum Contaminant Levels” in the South quarry where the fire is located. Here’s what we don’t know and are trying to learn: At what levels would contaminants in the air trigger warnings, evacuations, shut down of the airport, or other precautions, including more aggressive interventions in the landfill fire or nuclear weapons waste removal. Who would be notified about airborne hazards, when, and how. What agencies or organizations would be
involved in keeping the community safe. How fast the fire is advancing. How the Uranium 235 came to be in the monitoring wells remote from the nuclear weapons wastes. How much it would cost to ensure the landfill fire does not reach the area of the nuclear weapons wastes. How much damage the people are suffering from health costs from respiratory problems, lost property values and the inability to conduct normal business or go outside their own homes. How much radioactivity would be released into the air if the landfill fire entered the mass where the nuclear weapons waste lie. Whether the air monitoring network is sufficient and robust enough to detect airborne radiological hazards.
How the data from the air monitoring network would be distributed and communicated. What is certain is this: Pretending the nuclear weapons waste problem in St. Louis will go away or solve itself is a dangerous delusion. Removing those wastes should not be done in a mad rush- it poses hazards of its own and should be done surgically. Removing the nuclear weapons wastes is preferred to any scenario that causes those materials to become airborne, no matter the cost. Elected officials at all levels have been dodging this issue for decades. Each passing year, the nuclear weapons waste situation at West Lake gets more expensive to clean up, less easy to contain. It will, because of the mixture of radiological materials, become more radioactive over the next 9,000years. We are the generation that must address this site. If our leaders will not lead, we must intervene for the sake of our children and their future. Time is not on our side. You can learn more at or on the community’s “West Lake Landfill” Facebook group or see the feature “St. Louis is Burning” by Steven Hsieh in Rolling Stone magazine May 10, 2013.
Earthworms’ Castings with Jean Ponzi
CooLing After a deliciously long, slow, cool and (thankfully drought-relieving) wet Spring of 2013, we find ourselves smack into Summer – the Cooling Season. Energy use in our region’s climate jacks up when air conditioning units kick on. Utility bills skyrocket. Electrical production ramps up to meet the increased demand – with peak demand times in the hottest parts of every day. We’ve come to rely on fossil fuel-intensive mechanical climate control to make it through the heat each year. But there are other options to cope with – and maybe even revel in – Earth’s most productive season. Plant growth ramps up in summer too, as nature makes expert use of the season’s boost in heat and daylight. For home gardeners and farmers, the season many find blazing is the engine of year-round abundance. If you’re tending plants, you know how to work around intensive heat while making best use of it too. You water and weed early in the day – so you get up early to get in your outdoor chores and activities before the sun heats up the landscape. A logical companion practice is to take a siesta, making time-out use of the mid-day blaze to recharge for a second round of activity at twilight. But how many busy, modern folk build a mid-day break into their day? In the season of most vivid color and light, use of these natural properties is another low-tech, highly effective cooling technology. Why would anyone in St. Louis buy a black car, given our summer season? And what about all those hot-tar black flat roofs on buildings all over the area? Last year we had the roof of our home painted white – a one-time investment - and I was amazed at how comfortable our indoor environment remained, even during triple-digit heat waves. One of my Green Dreams is a Cool Roofs Initiative for the City of St. Louis. Imagine the potential for energybill savings for renters in all those flat-roofed buildings – and how we could transform the Urban Heat Island! And generate some jobs..
June, 2013 Moving from a sunny spot to deep shade, you can feel a drop in temperature of easily more than 10 degrees. A regional effort to increase our Urban Forest Canopy would bank a huge investment in energy savings, civic beauty, property values – and cooler summer options all around town. Plus trees are powerful mitigators of stormwater runoff – and they sequester carbon while cleaning pollutants out of the air. Especially in summer, some of humankind’s (and certainly my) best friends are Big Trees. Then there’s the issue of what to wear. Ideally, it’s loose fitting, light-colored, lightly textured - and informal. Seersucker suits, a point of controversy in our most recent legislative session, were invented to enable southern gentry to spruce up year-round, long before air conditioning. Those little fabric ripples are mechanical air circulators. And that white and light blue palette gives just enough color to please the eye without trapping heat in the garment. We have other seasons for black and wools (even light-weight suiting woolens). Summer styles have evolved for a reason. And after the heat of the day, your recharged, refreshed spirit can caper in tie-dye. I sleep comfortably every summer night after a short, cool shower just at bedtime, and turning on the ceiling fan. Fan-generated moving air fools human bodies into feeling cooler, by evaporating humid moisture that feels so sticky on the skin. And creating a comfortable microclimate under an ENERGY STAR ceiling fan can enable you to reduce your AC power consumption – or even, believe it or not, sleep without air conditioning. Choice of fluid intake is a major cooling power determinant. Caffeine, sugar and alcohol all short-circuit our bodies’ cooling mechanisms. The best summer beverage is The Crystal Refresher (free to you from Mother Nature) – good ole H20. Another option is sun-brewed Green Tea. It’s calming, refreshing, anti-oxidating, and cheap: a few cents per compostable teabag. You can sock out many bucks for bottled beverages or enjoy inexpensive, healthy DIY drinks. The household refrigerator is, in my humble opinion, one of the best modern uses of fossil fuels. Some sure-fire, low-impact Cooling secrets have been common knowledge through generations of summers. Let some of them into your summer activities! Jean Ponzi locally broadcasts many cool Green topics: Mondays 7-8 p.m. catch “Earthworms” on FM-88 KDHX, and tune into “Growing Green St. Louis” Sundays 1-2 p.m. on the Big 550 KTRS.
We provide a wide variety of commercial recycling services metro wide with flexible schedules. Please call about our affordable drop-off shredding services!
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June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Exercise and Air Quality: Finding A Healthy Balance Article courtesy of the St. Louis Regional Clean Air Partnership
s temperatures rise you’re more likely to see walkers, runners and bikers on the roads. Dumping the gym for the great outdoors seems like the right thing to do, but some risks are involved this time of year. Exercising on poor air quality days has been linked to health problems and may put pause to some trips outside. However, don’t give up outdoor exercise instead; try to focus on ways to harness the benefits of an outdoors work out while minimizing the risks of air pollution. According to the Mayo Clinic, when exercising, individuals typically inhale larger amounts of air and breathe this air more deeply into the lungs. Individuals are also likely to breathe through the mouth when exercising versus the nose. This process bypasses the nasal passages which filter airborne pollution particles. Outside Online stated that, “breathing polluted air triggers inflammation and oxidative stress that increases your risk of asthma, stroke and heart failure.� A 2010 study in the Netherlands reinforced that with estimates that the air pollution effects of switching from a car to a bike for short daily trips in polluted cities would subtract between .8 and 40 days from the average life span. However, supplementary results in that same study showed that the additional exercise would actually extend the average lifespan between three and 14 months. These results show there are benefits of working out even though there are negative side effects of air pollution. So, the next question to ask is should someone exercise outdoors? The American Lung Association
suggests that children, people with asthma and other respiratory illnesses should avoid exercise or strenuous work outdoors during poor air quality days. Those who typically exercise outdoors can continue to do so. There are signs that the anti-inflammatory effects of frequent exercise can counteract air pollution effects. One should be cautious though and take note when the air quality index reaches extremely high levels. “Monitoring daily air quality levels is important for everyone, not just those with respiratory illnesses. Parks are not only beautiful places to visit, but also can provide cleaner air for those outdoor exercise enthusiasts,� said Susannah Fuchs, senior director of environmental health for the American Lung Association of the Plains-Gulf Region. “If breathing becomes a little more strained while you’re outdoors, head inside and hit the treadmill. Your lungs will thank you.� It is important for everyone to take precaution during the summer months when air quality is at its worst. The Mayo Clinic suggests that individuals should time their workouts carefully by reducing the intensity and duration and also stick to early morning or late night workouts. Choosing a local park versus roadways can also improve your breathing. Breathing through the nose can help curtail some of the effects of air pollution on the lungs. Training yourself to do so even while walking down the street can improve lung function. Ultimately, choosing to exercise indoors or outdoors is up to the individual. It’s important to listen to the body. If you’re feeling winded earlier or have a burning sensation in the lungs, slow it down or take the workout indoors. For more info visit
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The Healthy Planet magazine •
The Healthy Planet’s
Women @ Work A Salute To
Women-oWned Businesses in St. Louis Dr. Vera Gabliani
Helping Girls and Women Achieve Balance In Mind, Body & Spirit
Vera Gabliani, PhD - Psychologist, Owner
r. Vera Gabliani is a Psychologist, Energy medicine practitioner, teacher and healer who specializes in working with girls and women. Through her own personal transformational journey she has studied and relied upon a variety of non-Western wisdom traditions as well as leading edge tools to develop her own unique synthesis of highly effective yet simple ways to develop and maintain a dynamic balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit. When her initial training as a clinical psychologist, with background in family therapy, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy and neuropsychology left her feeling that she needed to learn more to address the struggles of her clients, she began to explore wholistic and alternative schools of thought. Dr. Vera has studied and practiced various forms of meditation and breath-work including Transcendental Meditation® and Trager® body-mind integration, energy medicine approaches including Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese medicine, Qigong, and more recent advances in healing such as the Emotional Freedom Technique. Her approach is heart centered and focuses on freedom from fear and other emotional and mental blocks which keep us all from our own inner wisdom and from living in a more peaceful and centered flow with life and all its challenges. Dr. Vera invites you to come and explore who you are and who you are becoming in a safe and nurturing space. She welcomes your calls. 314.966.0880 10900 Manchester Road, Suite 201 Kirkwood, MO 63122
June, 2013
InMotion Health Center Combining Wisdom and Innovation
Dr. Sharon Fitelson - Energetic Director
r. Sharon Fitelson, Chiropractic Physician, is the founder and clinic director of InMotion Health Center. She graduated in 1980 from Logan College of Chiropractic, Magna Cum Laude. She is a Chiropractic Orthopedist, having received Diplomate status in 1989 and is also certified to perform Acupuncture, having attained Diplomate status with the NCCAOM and Chiropractic Council of Acupuncturists. Dr. Fitelson is committed to empowering others to take care of themselves. A natural extension of this has been education and teaching. She has been an adjunct facility member of Logan College, teaching intern Doctors to be successful in clinical practice. An avid speaker in the St. Louis area, she lectures widely on Fitness, Diet Using Food As Medicine, Sports and Musician Injury Prevention, Women’s Hormones, Acupuncture, Stress and Aging Gracefully. Dr. Fitelson created InMotion out of a vision that treating the whole person with a diversity of approaches would be most successful. Services include Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Herbology, Diet and Nutrition Counseling, Addiction Control, Core Fitness, Rehabilitation, Ergonomic Assessments, Posture Program, Massage Therapy and Stress Reduction. The body has the innate ability to heal itself, and with trust, perseverance, and direction this can be accomplished. This is Dr. Fitelson’s passion. Mon, Wed,Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 6pm Tues, 2pm to 6pm. Thur, Sat,9 am Noon
7800 Clayton Rd.
1/4 mile East of Galleria
St. Louis, MO 63117
314.644.2081 • •
Nature As Art
L. Gay Goessling, MLA Landscape Architect
. Gay Goessling is a Harvard trained Landscape Architect in St. Louis, Missouri. She is also an Environmental Artist and Healing Garden Specialist and Botanist. She has employed over 25 years of experience to create spaces that delight the senses and are enhanced with time. Her award winning residential designs range in scale from small gardens to vast estates that require master planning. Her designs include many traditional designs as well as specialty gardens: Mandala gardens, Labyrinths, Healing Gardens, Earth Sculptures, Chakra Gardens, Secret Gardens, individual Sacred Gardens, Rain Gardens, and native plantings. Her philosophy of Nature as Art draws on ancient and indigenous cultures that use the earth for its inspiration. These people were and are in a constant dance with nature and the world around them. There is a need to reconnect with the natural world, an anchor that will let us bring more ephemeral discoveries back into our lives. Her sculptures and healing gardens are microcosms of the natural world. The Gardens and Earth Art reconnect with nature in a playful and light hearted manner where one individual or many can participate within a defined space, incorporating earth, air , fire, water and all the senses. Gay finds the definition of space very important. By defining the space, the garden becomes a pleasant surprise, creating an air of magic when someone happens upon it and takes one into a different world, space, and time, somewhere in the future or in the past. Incorporated into the design of the specialty and traditional gardens are light, color, texture, sound and fragrance, thus the earth becomes alive and undulates with patterns.
p 314-569-0900 f 314-993-2926
1005 South McKnight Rd. St. Louis, MO 63117
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Herbs & More Your Source For Natural Health
Cathy Schram - Owner
athy Schram, Certified Herbalist, opened Herbs & More in February, 1998. Her vision was to offer a place where people could come and get healthy through a variety of alternative therapies. She has achieved just that with her one-stop health shop. In addition to a full line of vitamins, herbs and other natural products, you can get a relaxing or therapeutic massage, acupuncture, chiropractic care and an ionic foot cleanse. Experience the benefits of the newest addition to Herbs & More, the Whole Body Vibration machine. Ten minutes on this innovative vibrating machine is equal to a one-hour workout! The health benefits are amazing. Knowing which vitamins and herbal supplements to take can be very confusing. One size does not fit all. An herbal consultation with Cathy can help you determine which vitamins are right for you. We carry only the best supplements. You can be assured that they do not contain anything other than what is on the label. They are all pure, pharmaceutical grade and 100% natural. Cathy and her knowledgeable staff always make you feel welcome and are available to answer your questions. The Herbs & More team is passionate about you and your health. They will teach you what your body needs to repair and mend itself through their natural approaches. They offer excellent customer service and personal attention. If you can’t stop by personally, please check out Cathy’s column, “Ask The Herb Lady” which you will find each month in the Healthy Planet magazine.
16021 Manchester, Ellisville, MO 63011
Mon & Wed 10-6 Tues & Thur 10-7 Fri 10-5 Sat 10-4
18 Years and still Cooking
636.207.6673 •
Transformational Speaker
Kimberly Schneider
Soul of a Poet, Mind of a Scholar Heart of a Healer
Kimberly Schneider - Owner
hat do you get when you take a person with the soul of a poet, the mind of a scholar and the heart of a healer--and turn her into a trial lawyer? Existential crisis and more graduate school! Throw in a counseling degree and decades of coaching spiritual adventurers, progressive professionals and other out-of-the-box individuals to consciously create meaningful lives and you end up with Kimberly Schneider, M.Ed., J.D., LPC, the Manifestation Maven. Kimberly’s work arises out of a belief that every experience offers a gift for us, if we are open to receiving it. Her dynamic mix of storytelling, compassionate awareness and accessible poetry make her an engaging speaker and teacher. A former trial attorney and psychotherapist, Kimberly is the author of Everything You Need Is Right Here: Five Steps to Manifesting Magic and Miracles. She teaches Communication at Washington University-St. Louis and is a regular guest expert on Great Day St. Louis television show. Kimberly brings her rich life experience and unique insight to individual and group coaching sessions, keynote speeches, workshops, classrooms, radio and television appearances and Celtic Spirituality retreats in western Ireland. Kimberly’s keynote talks and custom group workshops combine riveting real life stories, on the spot coaching, experiential exercises and original poetry. To book Kimberly for your event call 314-275-8188 or email Visit to request Kimberly’s Free Conscious Manifestation eCourse and you’ll receive the first chapter of her book at no charge.
A Gathering Place
Wellness Education Center
Massage Therapy School & Clinic Cindy Goodnetter - Owner
Gathering Place – Wellness Education Center, offers Massage Training for licensure and Continuing Education, including the Therapeutic Reflexology Certification Program by Paula Stone. Owner, Cindy Goodnetter, has been in the field of massage and bodywork for over 25 years. Currently, she specializes in Medical Massage, working primarily with pain patients and cancer patients. A Gathering Place Massage School has been in St. Louis for 15 years, with a Student Clinic and Professional Clinic available to the public. Each month, on the third Tuesday of the month from 7:00-9:00pm, A Gathering Place provides complimentary bodywork to promote stress reduction. We call this our Community Outreach, which is in its 7th year of serving St. Louis. Part of our Vision is to educate others to learn to hold a healing space for themselves and to let that ripple out and touch the lives of those around them. We Make a Difference in the community through our chair massage events which give back to others. Whether it is through touch or donations raised from our community service events, our focus is to give back and help other people. If stress is a large contributing factor to disease and health issues, we promote healing and stress reduction at A Gathering Place to bring about wellness and a healthy lifestyle. It is more than just learning to rub sore muscles, we educate at the level of whole-person healing. Our students and staff are often described as “Amazing” in the work we do. In 2010, Fox 2 viewers voted A Gathering Place “Best Massage”. We are proud of that title and we strive to help our guests feel as though they have undergone a transformative experience. 12061 Dorsett Road Maryland Heights, MO 63043
A Gathering Place 314-739-5559
More Women at Work on next page
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Psychotherapy & Homeopathy
Treating Chrildren, Teens & Families Beth Reese, LPC, CHom
arents are worried about their child’s emotional struggles or problematic school issues; they want to be proactive, but they don’t have the time (or the funds) to locate a professional with whom they feel comfortable. I have learned a lot during my years as a psychotherapist and three things have held true throughout: 1) Being a parent is a very difficult commitment under the best of circumstances; 2) Adolescence is a difficult stage of life (even under the best circumstances); and 3) The experience is different for EVERY parent and EVERY adolescent …no two people react to the stressors of life the same way. So now we know the problem; the solution is to locate a professional who treats every child, parent and/or family as unique. This is the hallmark of my private practice. Every person deserves to be treated respectfully and appreciated for the unique individual they are, regardless of the struggles they are trying to manage at the time. I don’t use the “f-word” (fault) because nobody lives in a vacuum, meaning who we are and how we react is impacted by our interactions with other people, especially our family. While encouraging children/teens to understand and express their present experiences, I can often assist parents in providing the support their child specifically needs at this point in their life. This approach reduces feelings of blame and fault-finding because everyone is encouraged to accept age-appropriate responsibility for his/her role in the family system. My responsibility as the therapist is to choose among my therapeutic tools to find ones which support each family member while moving the family (or the individual) toward their goals. 314-807-0192 E-mail: 106 West Madison, Kirkwood
Preventive Medicine
Enhancing Traditional Medicine With Holistic Health Dr. Varsha Rathod, MD
r. Varsha Rathod, MD is board certified in internal medicine and rheumatology and has been successfully enhancing traditional medicine with the benefits of holistic healing since 1995. She is an expert in the field of Functional Medicine. At Preventive Medicine, we get to know you by taking your history and using the latest diagnostic tools and labs. Our approach focuses on balancing key biological systems in your body to keep you healthy and feeling good. We believe that each one of us is made up of three components: body, mind and spirit. The Functional approach to healing addresses all three of these aspects to bring about your healing as opposed to the conventional way of thinking in which only certain bodily ailments or dysfunctions require the attention of a physician. If you are tired of being ill, if you would like to understand what made you ill and what you need to do to get better, or if you simply want to maintain your good health, then we believe that you can achieve all these goals at Preventive Medicine. To learn more about how Dr. Rathod and her staff can help you, please visit our website or attend one of our monthly free educational meetings.
1977 Schuetz Rd., St. Louis, MO 63146 M-F 7am-3pm
June, 2013
Kind Soap Company KIND to your skin, KIND to the earth, KIND to others. Jean Scholtes - Owner
IND soap company was born of a personal desire to use the very best, most luxurious, most natural bath and body products on myself and my family's sensitive skin. After searching most of my life for skin care and bath and body products that would not irritate my skin, I realized through trial and error that synthetic fragrance, sulfates, and many other "known skin irritants" were in the products that consistently made my skin mad. I decided that if I was going to jump in head first and start a company, I was going to do it right- from the very beginning. Not only would I create a better product, but I would do everything in my power to lessen the burden of waste on our environment. I would make sure that every product, process, and package was as recyclable, biodegradable, sustainable, eco-friendly, or "green" as possible. Besides pledging to always be honest and decent to my customers, I felt like it would be easy to build in a charitable donation to every product, and it was! - we donate 10 cents from every product sold in addition to several other charitable endeavors. KIND soap company will always be three things... Kind to your skin, Kind to the earth, and Kind to others. By following these three principals, I have created a line of products that I am not only proud of, but also thoroughly enjoy using on myself and my family. I look forward to reaching even more people in the years to come, and to continue doing what I can to make the world a better place- one bar of soap at a time.
20 Allen Ave., Ste. 105 Webster Groves, MO 63119 314-942-2024
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm Closed Sunday
Clinical Hypnotherapy Of Metro St. Louis Take Charge of Your Life Linda Weber Spradling - Cht, CCT Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
specialize in Analytical, Clinical Hypnotherapy as developed by Gil Boyne. I employ techniques and protocols developed by Emile Coue', Gil Boyne, Tim Simmerman Sierra and E.A. Barnett MD. I am a graduate of the Hypnotherapy Academy of America; recognized world wide as a leader in this self help technique. Hypnotherapy is a natural, yet altered state of mind that all people have experienced but perhaps not realized. Anyone who desires to be hypnotized can be hypnotized. Most concerns are about a fear of loss of control, mostly due to stage hypnosis demonstrations. The fact is that you are always in control during hypnosis and hypnosis actually teaches us to have more control of our minds. Hypnotherapy allows the client to review and change deeply held beliefs from earlier in their lives that are limiting his/her current life. When those beliefs are subjected to the clients review and reevaluation, he/she can make different choices as to how they respond and how those memories will affect their current life choices. Thus eliminating self sabotaging behaviors and making goals easier to achieve. The Hypnotherapist's job is to assist the client in achieving their goals. We do this by using time proven hypnotic methods. Hypnotherapy is safe, effective and proven to assist with: pain issues , smoking cessation, overeating, behavioral issues, fears and phobias, stress reduction, past traumatic events PTSD, healing visualization, migraines, headaches, setting and achieving goals, and more! 207 N. Main, Suite 103E Columbia , IL 62236
Free Consultation 314-520-1438 • 314-806-5220
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Kingen Chiropractic Wellness Center New Standard of Patient Care Dr. Brenda Kingen - Owner
t Kingen Chiropractic Wellness Center our goal is to help our patients become pain free, regain and maintain optimal function, and achieve better health using cutting-edge chiropractic care and the most revolutionary rehabilitation and strengthening equipment available. The combination of the BStrong4Life™ training system and the latest research-based procedures has resulted in our raising the bar for a new standard of patient care. Dr. Kingen has been providing chiropractic care for 19 years. She is also certified in acupuncture, kinesiotaping, Active Release Technique and is a Titleist Performance Institute Level 3 medical practitioner. Massage and Energy Therapy are also available at the center. Recently becoming the first BStrong4 Life™ Center in Missouri, Dr. Kingen is very excited to now offer a drugless alternative to reverse osteopenia/osteoporosis, as well as improve strength and stability. Kingen Chiropractic is a personal, comfortable place. We extend every effort to make you feel at home as part of our family of patients. Our promise is to welcome you and make your needs our foremost priority. It’s our mission to help the people of our community have more fun and freedom in their lives with powerful, healthy bodies.
2001 S. Hanley, Ste. 220, Brentwood, MO 63144
Rethink Renovations Green Construction, Cabinetry, Furniture Gail Elwyn - President
ounded in 2007, Rethink Renovations is a family owned and operated company. We offer construction, general contracting, and remodeling services; and new for 2012, a line of eco-conscious cabinetry and furniture. We believe in creating and sustaining healthy environments for living, working, and playing. Through education, understanding, and innovation, we are able to bring sustainability and "green" to our clients in every project with every budget. Our team has been in the remodeling business for over five years, focusing on sustainable construction. We take pride in our work and spend the necessary time to plan every detail with our clients. Understanding that home renovation projects can be overwhelming, we strive for our clients to be completely comfortable and satisfied from beginning to end. We are pleased to introduce our eco-conscious cabinetry and furniture. Our Made in St. Louis Adult and Children’s line is handmade and sourced from Urban Recycled Lumber. All of our products are finished with water based and non-toxic finishes. We enjoy custom projects as well. Rethink Renovations is an award winning eco friendly company located in Webster Groves, MO. We take pride in our work and spend the necessary time to plan every detail with our clients. We understand that home renovation projects can be overwhelming and we want our clients to be completely satisfied. We doing our part to bring awareness and quality to the community.
The Refind Room Previously Owned, Unique, Inspired Decor Suzanne Woodard - Owner
i! My name is Suzanne Woodard and I opened The Refind Room in October 2012. The Refind Room concept combines so much of what I love and believe in. I always had a passion for interior design and decor and I believe that our surroundings influence our state of mind and well-being. Of course I thought it would be amazingly fun to find new, exciting products and bring them to St. Louis. Yet I also wanted to sell affordable items and had serious reservations about sourcing overseas. Bam! Light bulb moment. There are so many gorgeous previously owned items to be found locally. So I looked, and I found, many many stunning pieces that still have tons of life in them, that will make a home comfortable and beautiful, and are unique and inspiring. As a result, The Refind Room was born. The mission of the Refind Room is to collect quality vintage modern, midcentury, antique, and contemporary style furniture and home furnishings that have a style and personality, and then create well-designed rooms in the store for you so you can see how these pieces can be incorporated into your home. The Refind Room is also based on the values of affordability, local products, and making eco-conscious choices by recycling and re-using goods that are already in the stream of commerce. We hope you have as much fun looking at our inventory as we had buying it. Check back often because we love to change it out, move things around and are always keepin’ it fresh!
2525 S. Brentwood Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63144
T-F: 10am-6pm; SAT: 10am-5pm SUN: 12pm-5pm; Closed Mondays
Tish Kettler & Associates
Private Physical Therapy & Ergonomics Tish Kettler, MSPT, CEAS - Owner
icensed physical therapist Tish Kettler provides comprehensive physical therapy and specialized one-on-one care. Physical therapy visits are private sessions, with no delegation of treatment responsibilities and no double-booking. With 15 years clinical experience, Tish has chosen to structure her practice this way simply because quality matters. Such scheduling promotes consistent, individualized care, and the unhurried environment allows ample time for patient questions. In addition, it allows her to use relieving manual and soft tissue techniques that truly catalyze the recovery process. Tish’s goal as a clinician is to get to both cause and source of each client’s symptoms. Her specialty areas include: pain and injury, wellness and prevention, and sport-specific training. Working with local eating disorder specialists, she also offers physical therapy for individuals struggling with anorexia, bulimia, and obesity. Her primary role in eating disorder intervention is to address the orthopedic and cardiac complications of the disorder. On the ergonomic side of her practice, Tish and her associates perform ergonomic analyses of workstations in office, industrial and healthcare settings. The purpose of ergonomics is to identify risk factors that predispose employees to cumulative trauma and address them through worker education and workstation customization. The preliminary goal is to fit the workstation to the worker, with the ultimate goal of preventing pain and injury. Ergonomics services can also help promote healing in individuals who have already developed pain. 7700 Clayton Road Suite 311 St. Louis, MO 63117
More Women at Work on next page
The Healthy Planet magazine •
The Healthy Planet’s
Women @ Work A Salute To
Women-oWned Businesses in St. Louis Stone Hollow Studio Specializing In American Folk Art Called “Scrimshaw” Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky - Owner
ven as a child, Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky wanted to be an artist. Stone Hollow Studio began in 1979 when Ochonicky decided to pursue her love of art in a serious way. Although she works in drawing and photography, it is her award-winning scrimshaw that sets her apart as a rather unique artist. For 33 years, Ochonicky has specialized in the American folk art, using recycled antique ivory piano keys to create framed works of art and even bookmarks. Definitely a “green” art! Her scrimshaw has been chosen by museum curators from around the U.S. for Early American Life magazine’s prestigious Directory of Traditional Crafts for the sixteenth time this year. In both 2010 and 2011, Ochonicky was selected to design Missouri’s ornaments for the National Christmas Tree ceremony in Washington, D.C. Her work has been exhibited in the White House Visitor Center, Missouri’s Capitol Rotunda, Missouri Governor’s Mansion, St. Louis Cathedral Basilica and as far away as the Dedalo Museum of Contemporary Art in Italy. As arts editor of The Healthy Planet magazine, Ochonicky writes her ARTful Living column each month to keep readers informed of the St. Louis art scene. Stone Hollow Studio is eco-friendly, using sustainable materials to reduce our environmental footprint. materials used for scrimshaw and all packaging are 100% recycled materials. We're proud to be green!
June, 2013
The Center For Mind, Body, Spirit
An Integrated Approach To Healing & Wellness
Deborah Zorensky, MS, RD, LD, CCN - Owner
n 2001, Deborah Zorensky and her business partner, Linda Duff, saw a need and sought to fill it. The result is The Center for Mind Body Spirit, located at the crossroads of Delmar Boulevard and North and South in University City. The Center offers more than 15 different modalities to promote healing and wellness, including Massage, Facial Energy Work, Acupuncture, Chiropractics, Meditation, Nutrition Education, Transformational Breathwork, Trauma Releasing Exercises, Life Coaching, Intuitive Readings, Astrological Readings, MELT, Work in the Shamanic Tradition, Oriental Medicine and Reflexology. In addition to the extensive treatment space, there is a wonderful, eclectic retail area offering a wide array of merchandise to fulfill her customers every need. Deborah not only owns The Center but also does nutrition counseling. She specializes in digestive disorders, including autoimmune dysfunctions. Deborah received her undergraduate training in dietetics from Fontbonne College, followed by an internship at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. She continued on to receive her Master’s Degree in Allied Health with an emphasis on Nutrition from Barnes-Jewish Hospital School of Nursing and Allied Health. She has also completed a post-graduate program in Nutrition from the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, earning her CCN. In 2012, Deborah finished up her requirements and is a Certified Maternity Eco-Consultant. 7649 Delmar, St. Louis, MO 63130
Creveling Gardens & Creativity For The Soul Enhancing Creativity & Personal Growth Linda Wiggen Kraft - Owner
inda Wiggen Kraft’s passion and work center around enhancing lives through flowers, gardens and creativity. Her holistic approach to enhance body, mind and spirit comes from her background as an artist, meditation teacher and organic gardening advocate. She combines these talents to design Gardens For The Soul; lead creativity workshops called Morning Mandalas, Meditation and Journaling; and teach her Morning Meditations technique. For over eighteen years Linda’s business, Creveling Gardens (named after the street she lives on) has strived to provide gardens and landscapes that are not only beautiful and sustainable, but also a union of the inner landscape of the soul with the outer landscape of the garden. Linda also strives to enhance other’s creativity and personal growth with mandala art workshops and meditation teaching. Morning Mandalas, Meditation and Journaling workshops teach a simple, joyful and profound way to create personal art to bring more creativity and meaning to life. Linda has been a meditator for many decades and teaches Morning Meditations to quiet and center both body and mind in order to live life more fully.
• Garden Design & Installation • Organic Methods & Materials
• Mandala Art Workshops • Meditation Teaching
314-504-4266 • •
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Holistic Journey
Natural Health & New Age Gifts
Jennifer Deschene - Owner
ennifer Deschene opened her shop in March 2011. Her dream was to create a peaceful space that encourages relaxation, well-being, and personal growth. Jenn’s personal experience with chronic pain in her early twenties caused her to spend years looking for answers. Eventually finding relief, she was able to reconnect to her spirituality. She maintains an interest in Holistic therapies – using complementary treatments focusing on the different aspects of the whole person. Jenn believes an individual can achieve health and wellness through harmonizing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self, with the external world. Jenn and her team help clients with stress and pain relief, as well as providing insight and guidance in all areas of life. Jenn is a Reiki Master and Tarot Reader. Stephanie Bethel is a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, Card Reader and Reiki Master. Sue Dailey is a Reiki Master and wire wrapping artist. Rob Caplan is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Tarot and Dream Interpreter. They can direct you to products and services to help you where you are at right now. Holistic Journey offers Intuitive Readings, Reiki or Energy work sessions, Chakra Balancing, Gemstone Healing, Guided Meditations, Aura photos, Therapeutic Massage, Ear Candling, Bio-Mat Heat Therapy, and Ionic Detox Foot Bath sessions. Classes include Yoga, Belly dance, and a growing variety of Metaphysical topics. Guest authors and readers are being scheduled to visit regularly, providing additional wisdom, experience, and training. 106 East Main Street Belleville, IL 62220 618-234-8280
Mon/Tues: 11:00am-5:30pm Wed/Thurs: 10:30am-6:00pm Fri/Sat: 10:00am-5:00pm Sun: open for classes/events only
Gilberg Design & Consulting Cindy Gilberg - Owner
indy is a Missouri native who grew up with a love of being outdoors. Horseback riding and hiking in woodlands and floating Missouri’s rivers solidified her admiration of our Midwest landscapes. She pursued that passion by studying and receiving a degree in ornamental horticulture from University of Missouri-Columbia.
Cindy fine-tuned the art of gardening as co-owner/manager of Gilberg Perennial Farms (1979-2006). She developed extensive display gardens at this retail destination garden center that was devoted to educating the gardening public and offering a wide array of unusual plants. Gilberg Design and Consulting is Cindy’s focus now as she dedicates much of her time to assisting people in landscaping for storm water management, native plant landscaping and creating habitat gardens. Ongoing projects include work with Shaw Nature Reserve and the Deer Creek Watershed Alliance, both part of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Cindy is a garden writer and teaches many gardening classes in the region. She volunteers as manager of the Wildwood Farms Community Garden and as past president of the Horticulture Co-op of Greater St Louis.
• Landscape Designer & Consultant • Native Plant Landscaping
• Creating Habitat Gardens • Garden Writer/Speaker • Horticulturist
314-630-1004 • •
Alternative Hospice
Teaching The Art Of Living And Dying Well
Mary Magill - Founder & Executive Director
rom Vision to fruition! Alternative Hospice was founded in 2005. Mary Magill has been a nurse since 1967 and has been blessed to have experienced everything from birth to death, in all kinds of settings. She is a visionary and a people gazer, and discovered our elders are often not receiving the nurture that they need to thrive. Mary’s thought was to integrate complementary care with conventional medicine so we can address the emotional, spiritual and psycho-social needs as well as the physical needs of the patient...Together we provide true holistic care. Mary is a patient advocate, educates and empowers the patient and family so they can make informed decisions, and a passionate believer that we are spiritual, emotional and physical beings. Our goals at end of life are comfort, quality of life, emotional and spiritual support, and a death with respect, love and dignity. Pain and symptom management and comfort are of high priority. Examples of Complementary care, i.e. aromatherapy, music, compassionate touch, guided imagery, to name a few. Medicare is the primary payer source for hospice care. It does not cover complementary care. We provide it at no cost to the patient and/or family, because it’s so nurturing, and we are blessed by donations to help keep the program running. Alternative Hospice has a great respect for our elders and veterans. They are why you and I are still in the land of the free and the home of the brave, and they deserve premier healthcare, with outstanding caregivers, in a peaceful setting…that peace that passes all understanding. 1749 Gilsinn Ln., Fenton, MO 63026
St. Louis Aquatic Healing Center
Alternative Health Therapies Kathleen Huber Christ - Owner
athleen Christ, founder/owner of St Louis Aquatic Healing Center, is nationally certified in massage and craniosacal therapies, as well as an internationally certified practitioner of aquatic therapies - Watsu, Wassertanzen, and Re-birthing Breathwork. Kathleen is also certified in adult/infant massage, Jin Shin, Shamanic, Nutri-Energetics Systems (NES), and many other cleansing therapies. Since 1993, St Louis Aquatic Healing Center, a Missouri not-for-profit public charity organization, has offered state-of-the-art, cutting-edge Alternative Health Therapies & Palliative Care for comfort, health, healing, balancing & detoxification. We provide the latest in healing and preventative health technologies and are the only provider in the bi-state area of the innovative MG-PRO, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Cellular Therapy, used for over 30 years in Europe to clean, repair and regenerate cells, also the Quantum Pulse Machine, proven to affect the indicators of aging and much more, Nutri-Energetics Systems (NES), a radical new method for evaluating and promoting holistic wellness and optimum health on a quantum level through a scan of your energy fields and specially formulated “Infoceuticals”, Watsu/Wassertanzen, warm water shiatsu therapy to relieve pain and revitalize organs, and Cranial Sacral Therapy in the pool, all the benefits of CST amplified by the water. We also offer T-Zone, Whole Body Vibration for health and fitness. We support our troops and offer discounted services for military, firefighters and law enforcement personnel. 11970 Rocky Drive St. Louis, MO 63141
The Healthy Planet magazine •
June, 2013
Do These Essential Oils Work? by Donna Langenbacher
t was the Saturday before Easter my son Craig and daughter Monica were riding horses. Because one them got his feet stuck in the mud while trying to climb the hill he bucked throwing Monica head first over the front of him. She remembered landing on her head and watching her feet coming over the top over her. It was then she realized she could not move. Her first comment was she had no feeling in her arms and legs and would miss a job interview she had the following week. Monica was rushed to Kansas University Hospital Trauma Center. In intensive care she could not move from her neck down. Monica had broken her back in two places, C6 and C7 along with pulled tendons and ligaments. She would not allow them to give her any pain medication. I started applying Peppermint only to the bottoms for her feet. She was going from hot to cold, pain to numbness. If I touched her hair she said that even hurt. I was informed this was a good sign for the nervous system. By Easter afternoon they moved her out of intensive care to her own room. Monica was not an advocate of the oils. Her two sister-in-laws told her to let your Mom use the Be Young Essential Oils. Surprisingly she consented so I added Helichrysum, Marjoram, Birch, Copiaba, and Cabreuva with the Peppermint. The first 24 hours she was kept flat, then was allowed to sit up as feeling increased in her arms and legs Easter Sunday. After the physical therapist came in
Tuesday the trauma team came in and examined her. They fitted her with a neck brace and informed her the radiologist must have errored when reading her MRI and CAT scans because of her improvement and they let her leave that evening. We drove back to Pacific that night. This was almost seven weeks ago. Tuesday May 14 her Doctor asked her three times about the pain and numbness in her hands and neck. She told them only in one finger she has a little numbness if she writes too much. Monica went back to work. Her Doctor insisted she wear the brace for another 6 weeks. For more information on essential oils please visit or call 314-4200564.
Navigating the Uncharted Emotions of Grief... with
Chaplain Paul
Grief: A Hole in the Soul
At a Hospice Volunteer training class I asked the people in the audience, “How would you define grief?” They were quiet for a moment, and then there were several responses: “Sadness.” “Dealing with loss. Feeling alone.” “Walking through the valley of the shadow of death.” “Yes,” I said. "You all are certainly describing the experience of grief but what is it? “What is it really?” There was silence again, and then a hand went up in the back of the room and a soft voice said, “It is a hole in your soul.” "Yes!" I said. "That's exactly it." The ones who have been there know that grief is much more than being sad. It is a real and tangible injury. It hinders you and can cause you to feel disconnected from yourself. It can plummet you into an abyss and cause you to flounder. You feel alone and afraid and no amount of pep talk can bring you out of it. You just know you need to take it one step at a time; one moment at a time.
Imagine your life has been captured on film. You have a giant photo album full of the many people, places and events as proof of the fullness of the life you lived with your loved one. Then that person dies. Now imagine that when you pick up that album and open it and everywhere there was a picture of your loved one, it is gone! Imagine how that would feel! Every page! You might find it hard to breathe. There might be a giant lump in your throat, and an ache in your gut. You might frantically turn the pages looking desperately for a picture of your loved one as denial sets in that this cannot be happening. You might even feel rage. "He can't be gone." You would cry. Your desperation would continue to bring you back to the realization that not only is he gone, but a part of you is gone too. The grief that comes from the loss of a loved one is like a giant hole in your soul. That is why it is so important to have a plan. Grief is not something you just “get over;” you have to “go through it.” Eight Steps to Navigate the Uncharted Emotions of Grief: 1. Acceptance 2. Healing Starts Within 3. It is a Natural Response 4. You Cannot Do It Alone 5. It is a Spiritual Issue…Faith/Hope/Love 6. Takes Time 7. You need a Plan 8. God’s Grace and healing My column next month will expand on the “how” in implementing these eight dynamics. Let me know your thoughts! Walking Sacred Ground, Chaplain Paul Chaplain Paul R. Johnson, M.Div. Director for Medical Spiritual Wellness Prevention and Healing, Inc. Office 314-432-7802 • Cell 314-440-1527 E-mail
Crossing Back to Health
Amy K. Davis MD
Clinic of Dr. Amy K. Davis, MD For us, it’s personal 16216 Baxter Rd. Suite 110 Chesterfield, MO 63017 Tel. 636-778-9158
Topics for Discussion
• Digestion and Gut Health • Autism – improvement and recovery is possible • Allergies, Sensitivities and Intolerance – Foods, Environmental, and Chemical
Our Foundational Approach to Improve Health Individualized treatment plans provide a guide for nutrition that heals. It’s what you need, when you need it.
Join us! The third Monday of the Month at 6:30 pm Dr. Davis will provide a Free Presentation on a variety of topics, including: Autism, Little known symptoms of poor digestion, Allergies, Sensitivities and Intolerances and more!
Attendance is limited- please call for your reservation.
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
The Amazing Holographic System of Healing with Command Points by Adam Lehman, En.K.
sn’t it amazing that the Asian healing systems of thousands of years ago were so far ahead of their time that they used principles that are only now being understood? As an example, principles that showed an awareness of the functions of hormones and neurotransmitters and ways of balancing them to bring about healing is remarkable considering those substances weren’t even discovered until the 20th century. The way these healing systems mainly came about was through the power of observation of nature. By noticing what affected the body without the need (or in many cases the ability) to understand the actual mechanism, the Eastern approach was to find the cause (or how) instead of the West’s infatuation of the “why” regarding the cause of imbalance. A guiding principle of this Eastern approach of observation was that of looking at the relationship of all things to each other. What often became apparent was that anything can cause something to happen, and as well, anything can fix anything! What is significant is finding the correct relationship to heal. In this way, Chinese medicine is holographic in nature, looking at things from a holistic 3 dimensional perspective.
career as a holistic health practitioner, Applied Physiology’s approach to client wellness provides a complete system with powerful tools. Combining unique integrated healing models-Holographic Meridian Setup, 7 Elements Assessment, 14 Position Muscle Monitoring-with potent balancing techniques Meridian Tuning Forks, Holographic Acupressure, Figure 8s w/ Sound; provides a powerful approach to client wellness. Presented with clear detailed material and instructions, inspiring demonstrations, and supervised practice, you will feel confident about using this amazing system immediately following the workshop! Acupuncture Approved for 28 Hours of PDA/CEUs
This exciting educational series is coming to St. Louis, July 13th beginning with Agape Quest 1: Holographic Balancing which serves as the foundation of all classes. The second class of the series begins July 18th. To Register: Call (800)296-8040 or Email: For Discount, Register by 6-25. July 13-16: St. Louis - Applied Physiology educational series begins with the foundation of all classes, Agape Quest 1: Holographic Balancing, 9:00am6:30pm (4- day module). July 18-21: St. Louis – Agape Quest 2: Muscle Monitoring, 9:00am-6:30pm (4-day module).
YoUr InSTrUCTor: Adam Lehman, En.K., has been involved with Energy Kinesiology and related healing arts for over 20 years. He has taught throughout the US and internationally for over a decade, sharing his knowledge and experience with understanding and depth. He is the Advanced Instructor and Instructor Trainer for Applied Physiology.
The originator of Applied Kinesiology, George Goodheart, D.C., applied these Eastern principles of acupuncture/ acupressure meridian theory to muscle monitoring as a means of identifying areas of imbalance and allowing the body to indicate what it needed to return to balance as a means of healing. Richard Utt, literally saved from certain death through these systems, studied and further researched these principles to continue his already dramatic healing process. His body of work, Applied Physiology, builds and expands upon many of the original concepts, particularly in the use of meridian theory and acupressure, and their applications. The healing art system of Applied Physiology utilizes the Holographic Model extensively, exploring in a 3 dimensional construct, looking at the relationships between the meridians, organs, elements and more. This empowers the practitioner with the tools to accurately pinpoint where imbalances exist. The use of holographic properties is particularly valuable in looking at the connection of the command points of Chinese Medicine and emotions. Looking at the holographic nature of, and therefore the relationships inherent in these command points, you are able to discern a new level of information that is very powerful, providing unique insights leading to new levels of health and awareness for the person experiencing the session. Whether you would like to start or enhance your
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Staying true to the roots of Kinesiology, Applied Physiology (AP) expands the bridge between Eastern traditions and Western precision. Combining unique integrated healing models - holographic meridian setup, 7 Element assessment, 14 position muscle monitoring - with potent balancing techniques - Meridian Tuning Forks, Holographic Acupressure, Figure 8s w/Sound - Presented with clear, detailed materials and instruction, inspiring demonstrations and supervised practice, you will feel confident about using this amazing system immediately after the workshop.
Meet Me In Brussels, Meet Me At The Fair
here’s a fascinating exhibition, “Lost and Found,” at the Foundry Art Centre in St. Charles through June 21. It strikes a particularly personal and coincidental chord with me this month. A couple of years ago at a consignment shop, Jeff Phillips found more than a thousand unmarked photographs of an unknown man and a woman. Immediately his questions arose: Who are the people? Why were their portraits abandoned? Where are they now? “Lost and Found” shares the story of a social media search party attempting to discover the identities of this anonymous couple who traveled the world more than 50 years ago. The exhibition presents the beauty, humor, and mystery of found photographs and explores the intersection of photography, social media, and our places in history. How Phillips’ curiosity was sparked by mysterious slides, the power of social media and the dedication of one man to uncover Harry and Edna's story has evolved into an art exhibition. Read more at, or visit the Foundry Art Centre. The thought of what future generations will think of the ARTful trail I may leave behind is a bit daunting; I’m too busy living ARTfully to think about the future just now. Since the last issue of The Healthy Planet was printed, I had an opportunity to spend some time in Belgium. The main purpose of the trip (besides eating lots of Belgium chocolates!) was to study fine medieval etchings and view Flemish Primitive classics up close. I love Bruegel and Bosch (but can even enjoy Magritte). A special photograph also factored into the ARTfulness of this trip. Sorting through old photographs some time ago, I
NEW EXHIBITS Through June 15
YVETTE DRURY DUBINSKY: THERE & GONE NEW MEDIA ROOM: BRETT WILLIAMS Bruno David Gallery, 3721 Washington; for info, visit Through June 15 GLENDA HARES: MAKING MUSIC WITH WHAT REMAINS Norton's Fine Art & Framing, 2025 S. Big Bend; for info, visit Through June 21 LOST & FOUND: HARRY & EDNA LONGING FOR NONSENSE Photographic search by Jeff Harris, and works by Jenn McNamara, respectively; The Foundry Art Centre, 520 N. Main in St. Charles; for info, visit or call 636-255-0270. Through June 22 ON STREETS LIKE OURS, IN ROOM, UP COLLAPSING STAIRS Works by Sage Dawson, Reception, June 22, 6-10 p.m.; Good Citizen Gallery; 2247 Gravois; 314-348-4587; Through August 11 LARI PITTMAN, MIKA TAANILA, KERRY JAMES MARSHALL & JOSH FAUGHT Contemporary Art Museum; 3750 Washington; for info, visit Through August 25 THE RIVER BETWEEN US EXHIBITION Presented by Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis and Longue Vue House and Gardens, New Orleans; free; Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road; June 7 ALL GALLERY OPENING Sheldon Art Galleries, reception 5-7 p.m.; special surprise courtesy of Circus Flora; Washington Blvd.; for info,
The Healthy Planet magazine •
ARTful Living St. Louis Area Fine Arts, Crafts & Performing Arts Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Arts Editor
(above left) Atomium 1958, photograher unknown. (above right) Atomium 2013, photogrpaher Mike Ochonicky. found a snapshot of my grandmother, marked “Brussels, Belgium , World’s Fair, 1958”---55 years ago. In the background was a strange, sleek, ultra-modern structure. The Atomium was built for the Fair. It still stands in Brussels, still allows tourists to scurry through its tubes and orbs like hamsters, still affords breathtaking views of the city. So, a detour from 17th century Flemish art to contemporary 20th century sculpture was in order. Cousins from Germany met me there for our quest. We spent over an hour tramping around the Atomium grounds to find the precise location where the 1958
photo was taken, to replicate it with a new generation---and promised to meet again on that spot in 55 years (I might have to renege on that promise!). A high-speed train trip to the northern city of Bruges immersed me totally into a magical place that “stopped” in the 16th century when its harbor silted over and the town went to sleep. Here “old” means 600 years, not 6! Every view is like stepping into a Flemish painting (except for the Salvadore Dali exhibition, which was also awesome!). ARTful living is alive and well in a tiny bed-and-
ARTful Happenings Works by multiple artists; 2nd floor, Regional Arts Commission, Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar; for info, visit Through August 11 LARI PITTMAN: A DECORATED CHRONOLOGY MIKA TAANILA: TOMORROW’S NEW DAWN KERRY JAMES MARSHALL Contemporary Art Museum; 3750 Washington; May 31-June 28 MULTIPLE CHOICE Opening reception 6-9 p.m.; closing reception June 28, 6-9; Grafica Contemporary Fine Art, 7884 Big Bend; for info, call 314-961-4020 or visit
FUN THINGS TO DO Through End of June
Workshops for 8-19 yr, olds; Shakespeare Festival St. Louis; for class info, visit June 12 PARTIES IN THE PARK: WHISKEY MORNING Live music concert; free; 5-8 p.m.; on Central between Forsyth and Maryland in Clayton; for info, call 314-726-3033 or visit June 13 CONCRETE CINEMA: FILMS INSPIRED BY LARI PITTMAN 8 p.m.; free; courtyard between the Pulitzer and CAM; cash bar; Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, 3716 Washington; for info, visit
CINEMA AT CITY GARDEN Continual projections of cinema competition winners, 6-11 p.m.; free; City Garden, downtown on Market Street between 6th and 8th Streets; for info, visit
June 13-October 10 2nd TUESDAYS: EAT, DRINK, & BE CREATIVE Family-friendly, community arts activities; live music; bar cart and food trucks; 5:30-9:30 p.m.; Foundry Art Centre, 520 N. Main in St. Charles; for info, call 636-399-5345 or visit
Through Summer LOST EGYPT: ANCIENT SECRETS Also showing in OmniMax: MUMMIES: SECRETS OF THE PHAROAHS St. Louis Science Center; 314.289.4424
June 15 MISSOURI MASTERS SPEAKER SERIES: JOAN PARKER Free; 2-4 p.m.; Kodner Gallery, 9650 Clayton; for info, visit or call 314-993-4477.
June 2 & 9 FAMILY SUNDAYS: PAPER, ROCK, SCISSORS Family activities; free; 1-4 p.m.; St. Louis Art Museum; for info, visit
June 15 THE AMBASSADORS OF HARMONY: VOICES IN HARMONY 2 & 8 p.m.; Touhill Performing Arts Center on UMSL campus; for info, call 314-516-4949 or visit
June 5-August 7 WHITAKER MUSIC FESTIVAL CONCERTS June 5: FUNKY BUTT BRASS BAND June 12: TERENCE BLANCHARD June 19: KIM MASSIE June 26: RANSOM NOTE 7:30 p.m.; free; Missouri Botanical Garden; for info, visit
June 7-July 19 A FEAST FOR THE EYES Food inspired art exhibition; Webster House Galleries, 75227526 Big Bend; 314-645-2225;
June 9 PLACES OF THE SPIRIT Sheldon Art Galleries 2013 Architecture Tour; 30-min. tours begin at 1 p.m.; advance reservations requires; $25; call 314534-1111 or visit
June 15 2013 WOMEN’S ANTHOLOGY: POETRY & NOTES Poets, singers, dancers celebrate the creative spirit of women, 24 pm; free; St. Louis County Library-Lewis & Clark branch, 9909 Lewis & Clark; or 314-210-4774. June 16-23 7th ANNUAL GREENHOUSE NEW PLAY FESTIVAL Featuring plays by competition finalists Scott Herman, Lia Romeo, Michael Perlmutter; June 18 45th ANNIVERSARY: SGT. PEPPER’S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND St. Louis Symphony Orchestra; Powell Hall; 8 p.m.; for info, visit
June, 2013 breakfast called Anselmus Hotel. Located in the heart of Bruges (the entire city is a registered UNESCO World Historic Site), Anselmus is delightful, charming, wonderfully ARTful!! Two back-to-back houses are connected by a lovely garden room. My room was located in the “new” house (built in 1700), as compared to the “old” house from 1600. Humanist Anselmus Boetius de Boodt called this place home back then. ( Each morning, innkeepers Ronnie and Magda presented breakfast in their dining room while classical music played softly in the background. The diversity of multiple languages, softly spoken by guests sipping coffee, created a gentle hum in the room. Tables draped in multiple shades of dove grey and smooth cream began the day with a rare gentility. Even the rolls were carefully, intentionally arranged to look beautiful. Any disruption of the display sent Magda back to the kitchen with the tray so she could ARTfully place each one, “just so.” Ahhhh, no stress, no hurry here! Churches have served as repositories of fine art for centuries and remain so, especially in Europe. My husband jokes that, “There are no ugly churches in Europe.” Every church on every corner is worth a visit to view masterpieces from painters, sculptors, architects and even musicians. Popping into Sint Salvatorskathedraal in Bruges provided an impromptu concert as the resident organist practiced his art filling the space with audial beauty. A tiny room in Sint Janshospital was the setting for an intimate concert of original works by harpist Luc Vanlaere ( A brick archway provided perfect acoustics for Jacek Dzwonowski and Michal Lech ( to perform string classics such as Pachelbel’s Canon without any amplification. It’s strange to say that I know my way around the Louvre or the Prada better than I will know the newly expanded St. Louis Art Museum when it’s unveiled this month. I am excited about being a “new” visitor, seeing things in different settings and getting to know them all over again. Time to be an ARTful tourist in St. Louis. Beginning June 18 SUMMER ART CLASSES Variety of mediums for all ages through adult; Laumeier Sculpture Park; for registration info, visit July 19-20 COCA SUMMER MUSICAL: IN THE HEIGHTS 7 p.m. nightly, Saturday 2 p.m.; COCA, 524 Trinity Avenue; for info, visit June 21 THIRD FRIDAY PARTY: VROOM-VROOM! 6-10 p.m.; free; car-themed art in the gallery; local car clubs; gourmet ice cream; music by Rosewood at 8 p.m.; Third Degree Glass Factory, 5200 Delmar; 314-367-4527 June 21-22 CITY WIDEOPEN STUDIOS Organized by Contemporary Art Museum; studios/ art spaces east of Grand Boulevard open on Saturday, June 22, 11:00 am–6:00 pm; west of Grand Boulevard open on Sunday, June 23, 11:00 am–6:00 pm; June 28-July 14 SOY YO! AN AFRO LATINA SUITE Written for Gitana by Mariah Richardson, Playwright for "Delilah's Wish" 2011 Kevin Kline Winner; Fridays/ Saturdays 7:30 p.m.; Sunday 3 pm; Krantzberg Arts Center; 501 N. Grand; for info, visit June 29 POST PERFORMANCE FRANCO/HILL, BLACK JAMES & ERIC HALL Site specific art installation and musical performance presented by Luminary Center for the Arts & Downtown St. Louis; 7-9 p.m.; Old Post Office Plaza downtown; free; for info, visit or call 314-724-1322. June 29 OUTDOOR CONCERT SERIES: ST. LOUIS JAZZ Presented on Art Hill in Forest Park by Jazz St. Louis; free; 7 p.m.; for info, visit June 29-30 GRAND REOPENING: ST. LOUIS ART MUSEUM For info, visit June 30 ST. LOUIS WIND SYMPHONY: SONGS OF THE USA 3 p.m.; $5; Grand Hall of Foundry Art Centre, 520 N. Main in St. Charles; for info, visit or call 636255-0270. For more ArtFul Happenings visit
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Ffresh R E S H fare FARE Piccione Pastry Authentic Italian Desserts In The Loop by Leah O’Donnell Healthy Planet Lifestyles Editor
A new, locally-based, grassroots program connecting diners with restaurants that share their values. LIVE GREEN, DINE GREEN, SUPPORT GREEN!
For more information on encouraging your favorite k^lmZnkZgml mh `^m \^kmbÛ^] hk mh Ûg] k^lmZnkZgml maZm Zk^ Zek^Z]r \^kmbÛ^]% `h mh3
tart a new tradition by visiting St. Louis’ one-of-a-kind Italian pastry shop, Piccione Pastry. Just one bite of the “made from scratch” Italian desserts offered here and the tradition will become one to share with family, friends, co-workers, out of town guests, and of course a frequent treat for yourself. Piccione Pastry is located in the Loop at the corner of Delmar Boulevard and Skinker. The shop has a fresh urban décor while offering a taste of Italy and the history of the Loop. More than forty different Italian pastries are available, making the only challenge; which one (or two, or three) to try first. Have no fear; the incredibly friendly staff at Piccione Pastry is happy to assist with (above l to r) Piccione Pastry making selections and even pronouncing crew: co-owner Elizabeth Nix ; Executive Chef Martin Lopez; these Italian named sweets. Piccione Pastry is a tribute to the co-owner Richard Nix, Jr.; Italian heritage of St. Louis and the fami- Manager Carolin Norath, ly history behind the name “Piccione”. (right) a delicous cannoli! Richard Nix Jr., President of Butler’s offered. The Pantry, creator of Palladium St. Louis, and operator of choices are endBixby’s Restaurant, along with his wife Elizabeth, less at Piccione named the pastry shop after Richard’s grandmother, Pastry. In fact, Grace Viviano Piccione. His grandmother owned the plan to make Varsity Theater on Delmar Blvd. And the Piccione several trips to family lived and worked on Delmar for years. Nix’s just get started father and mother opened the original Butler’s Pantry in finding a favorite. While enjoying some of the on Delmar in 1966. The celebration of the Piccione divine desserts, make the experience complete by history is displayed in photos on the walls of the pasordering an Italian coffee or Italian soda. These try shop. New England Culinary Institute graduate, unique drinks are a perfect complement to the sweet Executive Chef Martin Lopez, oversees Piccione treats. Start the tradition today of treating yourself, Pastry. “He has taken our vision and made it a realiyour family, or even your party guests to a memorable ty,” said Nix about the contribution of Lopez. His 26 experience of true, authentic Italian pastries. years of experience and worldly travels help Chef Piccione Pastry is easy to find and conveniently Lopez create authentic Italian recipes for all to enjoy. located in the University City Loop. They are open The Italian desserts at Piccione Pastry include siglate (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday until 9 p.m. nature items such as Cannolis available in nine differand Thursday – Saturday until 11 p.m.) so guests can ent varieties. Italian cookies and candies are also get treats into the evening. As Richard Nix Jr. states, among the choices. I did my best to sample some of “Piccione Pastry’s homemade Italian desserts will be the options and fell in love with the Lemon Ricotta the perfect day-time pick-me-up or late-night snack.” Cookie. This is a delicious balance of sweetness and I could not agree more. decadent lemon flavor. Another pick of mine is the Visit to learn more or Classic Italian Cannoli. This little piece of heaven is give them a call at 314-932-1355. Better yet, stop in exactly what I hoped for when trying an Italian at 6197 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63112 to experidessert. The Fresh Fruit Tart is another stand out for ence and indulge firsthand. me with the combination of the delicious fruit and pastry. Gluten-free and sugar-free items are also
The Healthy Planet magazine •
June, 2013
St. Louis Celebrates Local Brewers At 7th Annual Heritage Festival June 14-15 Festival Moves Back to Forest Park, Addition of New Breweries
or beer lovers looking to toast St. Louis’ rich brewing tradition this summer, the St. Louis Brewers Heritage Festival – presented by the St. Louis Brewers Guild – will return to Forest Park June 14 & 15, bringing together thousands of adults to enjoy a variety of local beer styles and cuisine from St. Louis’ finest restaurants. Now in its seventh year, the festival will feature several new elements, including: • A return to the Central Fields in Forest Park • Entries from over 20 local breweries. • Partnership with the St. Louis Brewers Guild.
Continuing the festival’s beer garden-style atmosphere, with beers arranged by style underneat two open air tents, the Forest Park’s Central Fields will provide an ideal location, enhanced by green space, plentiful parking and a unique atmosphere. The St. Louis Brewers Heritage Festival will continue to bring St. Louis brewers large and small together in one unique space. “This is a great way to experience St. Louis beer culture and tradition. It’s an opportunity to learn about different beer styles while being able to enjoy a good time with friends and family in Forest Park,” said Florian Kuplent of Urban Chestnut Brewing Company. Stephan Hale, the head Brewmaster of The Schlafly Tap Room, said “The Saint Louis Brewers Heritage Festival is a grand occasion, celebrating everything that is great about St. Louis, its beer and local breweries. The brewers look forward to this gathering for a chance to try each others' beers, see so many dedicated supporters, and make new friends. The wide variety of beer styles is exciting for every-
body, giving the opportunity to embrace the goodness of all things beer in such a convivial setting. Kumbaya indeed.” Said Anheuser-Busch brewmaster Pete Kraemer, “The festival is a special event where brewers from across the region come together to celebrate our craft and shared passion for beer. Festival-goers will have a chance to sample a variety of styles, along with some of the new experimental recipes we’ve been working on.” The festival line-up features more than twenty members of the St. Louis Brewers Guild, including 2nd Shift Brewing Company, 4 Hands Brewing Company, Alpha Brewing, AnheuserBusch, Augusta Brewing Company, Buffalo Brewing Company, Cathedral Square Brewery, Charleville Vineyard & Microbrewery, Crown Valley Brewery, Excel Brewing, Exit 6 Pub and Brewery, Ferguson Brewing Company, Kirkwood Station Brewing Company, Morgan Street Brewery, O’Fallon Brewery, Perennial Artisan Ales, Schlafly Beer, Six Row Brewing Company, Square One Brewery, Trailhead Brewing Company, The Civil Life Brewing Company and Urban Chestnut Brewing Company. More than 80 lagers, ales, specialty beers, hybrid styles and homebrews will be available for sampling by adults 21 and older. Several of the brewers will feature their own interpretation of the festival’s showcase beer, the Classic American Pilsner, whose winning homebrew recipe was developed by Chuck Collis. Festival enthusiasts enjoying the variety of beers crafted for the event will also have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of culinary delights from several members of the St. Louis Originals – a collaboration of independently owned and operated restaurants committed to uniting local restaurants and presenting the unique flavors of St. Louis cuisine, and some of the participating Breweries Brewpubs. Proceeds from the event will benefit The St. Louis Brewers Guild – a non-profit organization showcasing and further building the Saint Louis area as a worldclass destination for great beers, educating residents, visitors and the world on the passion, dedication and great beer Saint Louis has to offer. The St. Louis
Brewers Guild will use funds generated by the festival to increase beer tourism in St. Louis, and offer unique experiences for beer lovers across St. Louis. This year’s festival will include three individual sessions spread over two days: • Friday, June 14; 6p.m. – 10 p.m. • Saturday, June 15; 1 p.m. – 5p.m. • Saturday, June 15; 7 p.m. – 11 p.m. Tickets are currently on sale at The festival will feature a unique VIP Experience where a limited number of tickets will be available for patrons to attend the festival one hour before open to the general public. The taps will flow rain or shine, and adults 21 and older may purchase tickets and attend the festival. Tickets are $30 prior to May 15th and will increase to $35 May 16th through May 31st, $40 June 1st through 13th and $45 the day of the event. An additional $10 will be charged for a VIP ticket, which will be limited to 500 tickets per session. The festival is expected to sell out, so beer lovers are encouraged to buy tickets early. For more information on the St. Louis Brewers Heritage Festival, visit or e-mail
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June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
To our fellow STL craft brewers– PROST!
The Healthy Planet magazine •
June, 2013
Bone Up on Calcium for Strong Bones by Kari Hartel, RD, LD Program Coordinator, Cooking Matters, Operation Food Search
Available at Cafes, Restaurants and Grocers Throughout The St. Louis Area
e’ve all heard by now that getting enough calcium and vitamin D in our diets is important for building and maintaining strong bones, and these nutrients play other vital roles in keeping our bodies healthy. Growing up, you were probably told to drink your milk to boost your bone health. How fitting is it that June happens to be Dairy Month. Dairy is an excellent source of calcium and is the mostly widely consumed source of calcium in the American diet today. However, most Americans are still falling short on the recommended daily amount of calcium. Adults aged 1950 need 1,000 mg of calcium a day, while adults over 50 need 1,200 mg of calcium daily. Adults can meet their daily calcium needs by including three cups (or three one-cup equivalents) from the dairy group. These count as one cup: 1 cup milk or yogurt, 1 cup calcium-fortified soymilk, 1 and 1/2 ounces natural or hard cheese, 2 ounces processed cheese or 2 cups cottage cheese). Without Enough Calcium… Failing to get enough calcium and vitamin D throughout your lifetime could lead to osteoporosis, a disease that causes your bones to become weak, brittle, and more likely to fracture. Those who have osteoporosis frequently experience broken bones in their hips, spine and wrists. In the United States, there are over 40 million individuals who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or have a very high risk of developing the disease due to low bone mass. In fact, one out of every
two women who are over the age of 50 (and one in eight men over the age of 50) will experience an osteoporosis-related bone fracture in her lifetime. In order to avoid becoming part of this alarming statistic, take steps now to prevent this disease. Easy Ways to Boost Your Calcium Intake Luckily, there are plenty of ways to boost your calcium intake through low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Add some reduced fat shredded cheese to your morning eggs; make fruit and yogurt parfaits; enjoy cottage cheese with diced fruit as an afternoon snack; use milk or calcium-fortified non-dairy milk (such as almond milk) instead of artificial creamer in your coffee. Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium Some people don’t consume dairy, whether it be because they have lactose intolerance and can’t digest dairy products well or because they choose not to include dairy in their diet for personal reasons (example: vegans). Non-dairy sources of calcium include calcium-fortified soymilk and orange juice, cooked collards, spinach, turnip greens, kale, broccoli, almonds, shrimp, tofu with calcium, salmon or sardines with bones, calciumfortified dry cereal and blackstrap molasses. Operation Food Search seeks volunteer groups for the 5th Annual Saturday Jubilee – a community-wide food drive on July 27, 2013. Over 1,500 volunteers are needed to position themselves outside of 90+ grocery stores throughout the St. Louis area to ask shoppers to donate food as they shop that day. Put together your team and join us for one day – one purpose – to end hunger! Contact Volunteer Coordinator Steve Baer at (314) 726-5355 X 19 or
We promote a holistic approach to health and wellbeing through nutrition and a healthy, natural lifestyle. At The Natural Way, you’ll find additive and chemical-free foods, high quality herbs & vitamins, and items for people following special diets or who have food allergies and sensitivities. We carry natural household products, pet products and bulk foods, too. Bring in this ad and saVE 20% Off your purchase Offer does not include sale items • Offer good at any location
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June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
$0 : 2 $/ 04!! / Lose Weight or stop smoking this summer New In St. Louis!
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The Healthy Planet magazine •
June, 2013
Linda Wiggen Kraft • Green & Growing Editor
New Love - Easy Care & Water Saving Succulents One of the best things about growing succulents is their need for little water. They evolved in harsh dry alling in love with plants is the reason all sunny conditions and need similar growing environgardeners garden. A plant’s beauty and ments. Good drainage and loose soil is the number gifts, whether food for the soul or body, one requirement. In containers they need watering captures our hearts and leads us on our only once or twice a week, even in the hot harsh days garden journeys. There is always room in a gardenof summer. er’s heart for more plants. Many succulents are hardy in our climate, others A type of plant I never gave much thought to are annuals. Combining hardy and non-hardy succubefore has wrapped its beauty around my heart. I am lents is often done in containers. The annuals can be now smitten with succulents. It is taken out at the end of the growing not the blossom of these plants that season, and the hardy ones left outinspires, it is the beauty of the geoside. As long as there is good metric growing patterns, the textures drainage they will survive. The and coloring of the thick water holdnon-hardy ones can be potted up ing leaves that takes my breath and taken inside, where they will away. Their easy care with little live if provided enough light. need for watering makes me love A way to observe and enjoy them even more. I can go away for succulents is to plant them in cona long weekend and not worry about tainers, where they will be seen watering my front door pots. often and close up. Containers can Some succulents have a perfect be any kind as long as there is good symmetry of rosette drainage with loose soil. or mandala shapes Traditional garden pots with spiral geometry made of glazed ceramic, and subtle colorings terra cotta, hypertufa, from cool blue green, and modern materials chartreuse, orange to can be used. Also found purple. Perhaps the objects and vintage conmost familiar shape is tainers are a great display hen and chicks. The option. intricate patterning, Container gardens texture and colors of are usually placed in a the rosette forms prominent place to show make me want to stop off their beauty. The and spend hours lookentrance to the front of ing at and absorbing the house, or a focal point in a garden, are their beauty. These good places for succulent forms are seen mainly gardens. Looking down in the echeverias, into a pot of arranged semipervirins and Potted Succulents. photos by Linda Wiggen Kraft succulents, each one a aloes. world unto itself, is the perfect way to enjoy the beauSedums are also succulents that come in a vast ty and majesty of these easy care plants. array of sizes, shapes and colors. Some are trailing plants. Some have large leaves and flowers, others Linda Wiggen Kraft is a landscape designer and fine leaves that contrast well with the larger shapes. mandala artist. Her work can be seen at The range of shapes, colors and growing heights makes them perfect companions for small garden She can be contactarrangements. ed at 314 504-4266.
by Linda Wiggen Kraft
ECO-CONSCIOUS Please call 314.323.8845 or visit for mor more e information.
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Lady Bugs • Parasitic wasps (trichogramma) • Lace wings • Praying Mantises Beneficial Nematodes (grub control) Order ahead and pick up on one of these dates: April 13th, May 11th, June 8th Orders must be placed one week prior to the delivery date
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June, 2013
Prickly Pear by Cindy Gilberg
n June, the large and delicate yellow flowers of our native prickly pear cactus (Opuntia humifusa) appear at the tips of its rounded ‘pads’, or leaves. After attracting many native bees that come to collect pollen and nectar, oblong red fruit ripens—which is the “pear” part of this unusual hardy succulent. Species of the prickly pear are also known as nopale and have been a staple in the diet of Mexico and Central America for thousands of years but never became a popular food crop north of the border. This more unusual native plant makes an exotic addition for edible landscaping since the leaves (pads) and fruit are edible. To grow this hardy cactus, you can start with as little as a single pad. In spring or fall, place the pad into the soil about 1-2 inches deep—it will begin to grow roots very quickly after contact with soil. It native habitat includes the drier ecosystems such as sandhill prairies, dry open woodlands, glades, and dry upland prairies. Prickly pear is highly drought tolerant and prefers a drier, well-draining soil that is gravely or sandy in full to part sun. Rock garden soils are typical of what these succulents prefer. Our native species grows to a height of about 1.5 feet and spreads out as a ground cover. It is not a good choice to plant where children play or along sidewalks where unwary walkers might hit a spine. The large pads make a beautiful and striking contrast to fine-textured plants such as prairie dropseed grass, slender mountain mint, sand phlox or aromatic aster. The sap of the prickly pear is sticky to slimy, very much like okra so it is not one to eat raw but is better after cooking. When harvesting any part of this plant, always wear thick leather gloves, such as rose gloves or
The Healthy Planet magazine • similar for protection against not only the obvious long spines but especially for protection against the tiny clusters of short spines which are much more irritating. The large, rounded leaves, or ‘pads’, should be collected in spring to early summer. Leave pads that are finishing flowering and setting fruit. Hold pads over a flame to remove spines, roast them over a fire, and then peel the skin and spines (rinse the knife off between peelings due to the sticky sap). Slice the pad into 1/4 inch long slices and add it to a pot of salted boiling water. Boil for about 15 minutes, drain and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking process. A yummy salsa can be made by chopping a small white onion, a medium-sized tomato, some cilantro and mixing with the nopales (diced). Add salt, pepper and lime juice to taste. For a spicy salsa, add diced hot peppers. Nopales can also be added to salads, grilled with other vegetables, or sautéed with onions and peppers as a side to eggs or wrapped up in a tortilla as a snack. Fruit is collected later in the summer—it also has spines so don’t put those gloves away yet. Trim both ends of the fruit and make a lengthwise cut in the fruit. Then scoop out the pulp for later use to make sorbet, syrup or jelly. A quick online search for recipes yields all sorts of culinary delights to try. Eating fresh, local foods is even more fulfilling when you have an edible landscape and local is your very own yard! There are books on edible native plants available at the Missouri Department of Conservation ( and at the Visitor’s Center at Shaw Nature Reserve ( Cindy Gilberg is a Missouri native and horticulturist whose work includes design and consulting, teaching and writing. Much of her work focuses on native plants, habitat gardens and rain gardens. Cindy’s projects include work at Shaw Nature Reserve and its Native Plant School, the Shaw Profes-sional Landscape Series and the Deer Creek Watershed Alliance. You can ontact Cindy at 314-630-1004 or
St. Louis Composting Draws Big Crowd During Compost Awareness Week In May
t. Louis Composting encouraged gardeners from across the bi-state area to join in celebrating International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW), on May 11 at their 3rd Annual “Give Compost a GROW at Home” workshop! The 2013 ICAW theme was “Compost... Nature’s Way to Grow!” and planned activities spanned the globe with events scheduled across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe and Australia. Participants in the workshop (right) learned all about compost and its benefits from the experts – including alternative composting methods and options – and how to start your own compost pile. Roy Gross and Ashley Bement of St. Louis Composting (top photo) gave the inside scoop on composting at home and composting St. Louis Composting style and Kat Golden from the Missouri Botanical Gardens Earthways Center spoke about vermicomposting and Bokashi – a great method for apartment composters! In addition to learning about how to compost, Rob Carrothers (above right) with Filtrex educated participants on how to use compost to grow their plants in GardenSoxx’s, a weed-free, disease-free, no tilling grow system for fruits, flowers and vegetables. With over 200 participants in this year’s workshop, St. Louis Composting is already brainstorming to make ICAW even better and bigger for the St. Louis area in 2014! For more information about compost, visit
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Benefits of Owning A Water Feature
nhanced landscaping improves property value, and water features make your property stand out from the rest. A fountain in the front yard provides curb appeal, while a backyard pond increases a home’s value much like a deck or patio. The sound of a water feature drowns out noise from traffic or neighbors. In addition, water features provide an appealing backdrop for entertaining. Waterfront property is a prized commodity and you can easily incorporate water into your landscape without having to move near a lake or ocean. Nearly 20% of buyers say they consider landscaping to be a ‘very important’ factor in their decision to buy a house, according to a new study by the National Association of Realtors." Wall Street Journal. Selling Houses by the Yard. August 17, 2007 Enjoy Quality Family Time Backyard ponds create a gathering spot for family and friends. Water features act like a magnet pulling family members of all ages together. Enjoy meals outside near the pond and spend the evening unwinding with your loved ones. Educate young children on the wonders of nature with an ecosystem pond. All ages love watching the fish glide underneath lily pads, and enjoy the surprise afforded by a frog poking its head above the surface of the water. Improve Health and Wellness Water features provide soothing sights and sounds that help you relax and de-stress in today’s busy world. Lower your blood pressure and improve your physical and mental health as you prop your feet up and enjoy the therapeutic effects of Mother Nature. Hospital patients who have a view of natural land-
scapes recover faster from surgery and require less pain medication. In addition, heart rate, blood pressure, and other measures return to normal levels more quickly when people view natural rather than urban landscapes after a stressful experience.” The Sustainable Sites Initiative. Standards & Guidelines: Preliminary Report. November 1, 2007 Environmental Conservation Environmental sustainability has taken center stage in today’s world, and water plays an important role. A pond is self-sustaining and while it takes many gallons of water to fill initially, over the long haul it requires less water than the expanse of lawn it replaced. Landscaping can change the microclimate around a building by 20 25 degrees F. According to the US Department of Energy, energy-efficient landscaping can save up to 30% on home heating bills. Savings for cooling can be even more. Tests in Florida showed a 50% reduction in air conditioning costs. Most people can save at least a few hundred dollars a year by properly reworking their yard … Water also tempers heat. Even a small pond can help.” Water features attract wildlife of all kinds, from birds to butterflies, to frogs and salamanders. Certified wildlife habitats are growing in popularity, and water is one of the elements required to achieve certification. The benefits of owning a water feature are numerous. Whether you opt for an ecosystem pond with fish and plants, a waterfall and stream, a fountain or bubbling urn, or even a container water garden or two, you’ll find newfound pleasure in your outdoor surroundings. Contact MPR Supply Company to learn more at 314-426-4838, visit, or stop by at 2541 Link Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63114.
June, 2013
June 22 & 23
Beautiful Ponds & Waterfalls
Ponds Waterfalls Patios Firepits Lighting
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Pond-O-Rama Set For June 22 & 23 with Numerous Ponds On Tour Lewis and Clark Boathouse and Nature Center on 2013 Pond-O-Rama Tour
he St. Louis Water Gardening Society’s Pond-O-Rama will include an important part of Missouri history in its 2013 pond and garden tour—the Lewis and Clark Boathouse and Nature Center in St. Charles. The museum exhibits, which tell the story of the great westward exploration, attempt to recreate a realistic view of life along the great Missouri river in the 1800. It includes a waterfall and stream designed by Todd Rundquist and built by his company, West Winds Earthscaping LLC. The 13th annual Pond-O-Rama will be held Saturday, June 22, and Sunday, June 23. There are 48 private ponds and gardens on the tour— 22 on Saturday and 26 on Sunday. In addition, there are six commercial locations that may be visited on either day or at any time. This is a self-directed driving tour; the ticket booklet contains location addresses, driving directions and maps. This is the first time the museum will be a part of Pond-O-Rama. Normally an admission fee is charged at the museum and nature center, but that fee will be waived for anyone showing a Pond-O-Rama ticket booklet on either of the tour days or for 30 days afterword. Tickets that are good for both days cost $15 and are available at garden centers and other retailers throughout the area. All persons 18
There will be 48 private ponds and 6 commercial ponds and water features on the 2013 Pond-O-Rama tour, including for the first time the Lewis and Clark Boathouse and Nature Center waterfall pictured above far right. years of age or older will need a ticket to visit any tour sites. Children under age 18 do not need a ticket. For information about ticket locations, call 314-995-2988. Tickets also may be ordered from the St. Louis Water Gardening Society website, Garden clubs and other groups of 10 or more wishing to attend may buy tickets at a discounted price of $13 each.
A Hop, Skip and Jump away from you need for a
beautiful water garden!
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Fancy Goldfish Koi Fish Pond Plants Water Lilies Lighting
Pumps/Filters Pond Kits Pond Liners Pond Treatments Accesories
Free Tadpoles With Every Purchase! Contact our service department for pond construction and maintenance needs Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat 9-5 7950 Watson Road 6 311 9
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St. Louis YogaSource Sponsors Guest Teacher Cat Matlock to St. Louis For "OPENING THE DOOR TO BLISS" weekend of Yoga and Meditation June 28- 30 for details visit our website LEARN TO FLOAT WORKSHOP with Sat Inder Saturday, June 29, 3-5:30 pm SUNDAY THEMED CLASSES with Jen Jones every Sunday 5:15-6:45 pm check the website for upcoming themes DYNAMIC VINYASA with Becky Vollmer at noon every Wednesday, beginning in June
1500 S. Big Bend, 2nd Fl Richmond Heights, MO 63117
The Healthy Planet magazine •
June, 2013
The Power Of Letting Go By Dorothy Tomasic, M.A. Certified EPT Works Practitioner
e are empowered when we let go of what no longer serves us. At times, it can be a mystery knowing what to let go of and how. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could begin our life journey fully equipped with an instruction manual for our parents and a trouble-shooting guide for ourselves so we would know when and how to heal and re-harmonize when we are out of balance? We are now at a place in time where more and more holistic approaches are becoming available to help us restore and maintain harmony in body, mind and spirit. We are complex beings with complex emotions. Emotions are not inherently good or bad, they just are. We need to feel anger at times just as we need to feel Love. Love is a high frequency emotion that is in harmony with peace and balance – Love does not need to be released. Our bodies accept and resonate beautifully with the energy of Love. However, emotions with lower vibratory frequencies such as anger, fear or resentment if not fully expressed can affect us negatively. The cells of our body “remember” the anger or fear and this energy can become trapped. We may try to let go of our anger through conscious awareness of releasing it, getting counseling, etc., but in some cases over time echoes of the original anger linger. Blocked or trapped emotions can make us feel stuck or limited in our lives and can eventually express themselves as discomfort, unhappiness or even illness. I worked with a client recently who developed profuse sweating episodes along with panic when traveling by plane for work. He stated that he had never been nervous about flying (he travels weekly), but did feel overwhelmed at times with his job. Through muscle testing (applied kinesiology) we discovered that the emotion related to the sweating was “terror” he felt at age 17 when he totaled his father’s new car and feared his best friend who was with him in the car had died (both young men were fine). Energy
Psychotherapy and Homeopathy
Treating Children/Teens and Families E-mail:
106 West Madison, Kirkwood, MO 63122
Workshop Schedule thru November, 2013
Clinical Acupressure: w/Missy Oleaga 7/11-7/14 Advanced Pranic Healing: w/Tom Tessereau 6/22&6/29 Reiki Mastery: w/Tom Tessereau 7/13&7/20 Touch for Health II: w/Norma Harnack 7/27-7/28 Magic of Hot Stone Massage: w/Tara Thompson 8/9-8/11 Intro to Reflexology: w/Sherry Manes 8/18 Singing Bowl Sound Therapy: w/Vickie Jenny from Innsbruck, Austria 8/25&8/26 Touch for Health III & IV: w/Norma Harnack 9/7-9/9 10073 Manchester Rd., Art Riggs in St. Louis at HAC! 9/14-9/16 Ste. 100 Clinical Acupressure II: w/Missy Oleaga 9/25-9/29 Geriatric Massage II: w/Sharon Puszko 10/11-10/13 St. Louis, MO 63122 Paul Kelly in St. Louis at HAC! 10/26&10/27 Eric Stephenson in St. Louis at HAC! 11/8-11/10
of this intense emotion was still with him. The client reported that he had not thought about this event in over 20 years! This man’s cells “remembered” the overwhelm he felt at the time of the accident and now when feeling overwhelmed with work, his body was responding to this emotional trigger with symptoms similar to the original emotional event. Physical symptoms are often the body’s way of communicating to us that something needs to be brought to our awareness for healing. Since our session six months ago, he has not experienced another panic/sweating episode. EPT-Works (Emotional Polarity Technique) is a holistic therapy that helps with the process of letting go of issues of the heart that no longer serve you. Let go and feel empowered. For more information or to set up an appointment with Dorothy, please call 636.821.1158 or visit or .
Tish S. Kettler, MSPT, CEAS
Licensed Physical Therapist Private Physical Therapy Sessions & Ergonomics Consulting • • • •
Pain & Injury Wellness & Prevention Eating Disorder Complications Soft Tissue & Manual Therapies
314.283.6936 7700 Clayton Rd, Suite 311 St. Louis, MO 63117
Dorothy Tomasic
Let Go Of What No Longer Serves You And Transform Your Life
specializes in Emotional Polarity Technique (EPT Works), an empowering holistic healing therapy that quickly transforms your stress, relationships and health with Energy, Intuition and Forgiveness. Stress relief, inner peace, health and more loving relationships result when you let go of issues of the heart.
You will benefit from this unique approach that quickly gets to the root of issues, allowing awareness and release of limiting beliefs that contribute to patterns of unwanted emotions or behaviors that prevent you from living the life you were meant to live. Dorothy offers a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation to see if EPT is right for you. ESSENTIAL CONNECTIONS Dorothy Tomasic, M.A. Certified EPT Works Practitioner 636.821.1158
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
How Your Stomach Affects Chronic Health Conditions by Dr. Adam Hughes
upporting chronic health conditions is complex; there are many pieces to the puzzle. If the body and its parts don’t work in unison, an array of health problems can occur. These problems have a drastic effect on the individual’s health especially if suffering from a chronic health condition. The traditional medical model treats chronic conditions on a sign and symptom basis, which often leads to an improper diagnosis of the problems source. Alternative medicinal practices aim to treat the body as a whole, and find the source in order to correct it. With many chronic conditions, the stomach can be the source of the problem, which is why evaluation is necessary, regardless of where physical symptoms are felt. The stomach has important responsibilities in maintaining overall body health. 90% of people, who have GI dysfunction, have it because their stomach is not functioning properly. Among the stomach’s responsibilities, regulating the flow of hydrochloric acid is one of its most important duties. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) helps break down and dissolve food by activating enzymes. Enzymes must break down food so that it can be digested and passed into the blood stream. Through the blood, the body absorbs nutrients and maintains normal function. Without suitable amounts of HCL in the stomach, the body faces serious health issues. When food sits in the stomach and is not broken down by enzymes, it continues to sit there, eventually rotting and putrefying. The putrefied food begins to produce harmful, acidic gases that travel up the esophagus and cause burning sensations to the throat. This is commonly referred to as acid reflux. Additionally, putrefied food destroys the lining of the stomach, due to its acidity, and can lead to stomach ulcers. Anyone with a preexisting chronic health condition will suffer from worsened symptoms if
the stomach behaves erratically. Whether or not the stomach is the source a chronic health condition, it still needs to be evaluated to ensure it’s working properly. The lack of HCL in the stomach can be caused by a variety of triggers. The most common occurrences are brought on by bacteria, poor diet, and the existence of an autoimmune condition. Diet needs to be changed by eating healthy, non-inflammatory foods and bacteria can be eradicated through a series of different procedures. If autoimmune disease is triggering stomach dysfunction, the treatment process becomes more difficult. The other organs of the body must be evaluated as part of the entire bodily system. Chronic health conditions are brought on by the domino effect – one organ triggers one problem, which causes another organ to trigger another problem and in turn worsens the autoimmune condition. Heightened autoimmunity can then lead to stomach dysfunction. Traditional medical approaches towards a lack of HCL in the stomach treat only the symptoms felt by patients. Doctors frequently prescribe drugs (Nexium, Prilosec) to help decrease acid reflux caused by putrefied food. This method treats acid reflux symptoms yet neglects the problem at hand, which is a lack of HCL in the stomach. In this scenario, food will still rot in the stomach and cause further damage. Alternative medical approaches seek to restore the production and release of HCL in the stomach to ensure it works properly. Proper dieting, eradicating harmful bacteria, or introducing supplements that help produce HCL are all methods to promote a healthy stomach. The alternative method is centered on restoring normal body function by correcting the problem at its source, not simply treating symptoms. Dr. Adam Hughes is a Chiropractor and Internal Health Specialist at Kingen Chiropractic Wellness Center in Brentwood. He can be reached at 314-6460013.
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The Healthy Planet magazine •
Ask The
HERB LADY Cathy Schram
Q: My 17 year old daughter has PMS every month, and I’m not sure what I can do for her. She is extremely moody and complains of breast tenderness. I don’t want her to start taking hormones. What can she do? A: I highly recommend Evening Primrose Oil (EPO). This supplement contains a compound called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This substance supplies the body with essential fatty acids, specifically, omega 6, which are the building blocks of hormones. The use of EPO can be very effective in decreasing PMS symptoms, especially moodiness, irritability and depression. It can help reduce breast tenderness, however, if the EPO alone is not enough, add some natural vitamin E and that will probably take care of the problem. EPO is extremely safe with no known side effects. When purchasing EPO, look for a standardized GLA content of 8% or more. Q: My baby has colic and seems so uncomfortable. Are there any herbal remedies that I can give her? A: There is a great liquid remedy made of catnip and fennel. This formula is especially
Herbal remedies For Pms & ColiC helpful with colic and can also relieve constipation, gas, indigestion and intestinal cramping. I’m not talking about the type of catnip that cats love. Herbal catnip is very soothing and produces a sedative effect on the digestive system. Fennel is a great digestive aid and has antispasmodic properties helping to relieve gas and bloating. If your child does not like the taste of the remedy, you can rub a small amount topically into the abdominal area for absorption through the skin. This method is very effective.
This herb information is for health education purposes only. It is not intended to replace the services of licensed health practitioners. Consult with a physician for any condition that requires professional care. Do you have questions about herbs or vitamins? Send them to Cathy Schram, CNHP and Certified Herbalist. Write to: Herbs & More, 16021 Manchester Rd., Ellisville, MO 63011.
June, 2013
Hypnosis Certification Classes through
Mitchell Institute of Professional Hypnosis
Hypnosis Certification Training 101-103
Rev. William Mitchell, CI Former adjunct faculty, SIU School of Medicine, Board Certified Instructor and Hypnotist
In St. Louis, MO, June 17-22
9am-6pm • Cost: $1,500 • Books $250. Advanced Classes for Practitioners Holiday Inn Express, 13735 Riverport Dr. Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Three Options Available:
1) Traditional Classroom and Clinical Practice Sessions National Guild of Hypnotists Curriculum as well as the text book, Handbook of Hypnotic Phenomenon in Psychotherapy by Dr. Edgette. All students will hypnotize volunteers from outside the class as well as other students. 2) Shadow Class – Hypnosis Training in Clinic. Students observe clinical sessions conducted by William Mitchell and will hypnotize actual clinic clients. Cost: $1800. Books $250.
3) Online video learning combined with resident clinical practice by arrangement with the Faculty Certification Class in St. Louis, Missouri. Cost: Video Learning $400, Resident Clinical Practice $600, Books $250
How to Use Evidence Based Therapies with Hypnotherapy
Saturday, September 21 in STL 8am-5pm. with Richard Nongard, LMFT from Tulsa, OK • CEUs for Mental Health Professionals Cost: Early bird Register by August 31, $220 Register Later = One Day Total Price, $277 This course will introduce the psychological theory and methods of evidence based treatment protocols to improve intervention outcome, response and its integration into a systemic process of hypnotherapy.
Why Mitchell Institute of Professional Hypnosis?
• Professional focus give students the ability to earn an income as a hypnotist
• Theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to be a respected professional • All of our instructors are successfully practicing in the field • Curriculum approved by the National Guild of Hypnotists
• Learn from professionals how to move from what you are doing into an exciting, challenging, and rewarding new career
• Add to your current profession a powerful set of skills for change
To learn more about becoming a hypnosis professional,
contact William Mitchell at
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Parasite Medication Usage Disclaimer: invisible, inaudible, intangible, immeasurable Parasites by Simon Yu, MD
arasites are difficult to detect from a stool test unless there is an acute full blown infection. The stool test has been considered a gold standard test for over 100 years for parasite evaluation. If there are no parasites or parasite eggs detected, we are told there are no parasite problems. However, can we trust the stool test as a reliable test for deeply hidden parasites? Most physicians do not trust the test but there is no better alternative test available for parasites. Many of my patients come from all over the country with the expectation that I will treat them with parasite medication for their unexplainable medical conditions. However, I do not treat everybody with parasite medications. I have written many articles on parasites that explain how difficult it is to detect parasites. I’ve also explained that there is a new way to detect and treat parasites based on acupuncture meridian assessment which is considered a highly unconventional biometric evaluation. Most patients think they have parasites when I prescribe parasite medications. I have written many disclaimers not claiming that I have found the actual parasites but only detected “frequency equivalent parasite activities” based on meridian evaluation and harmonic bio-resonance phenomenon. Parasites are truly hard to detect based on stool analysis, blood test, or DNA analysis and are often misdiagnosed and untreated. My experience in Bolivia as a US Army medical officer treating about 10,000 native Andes Indians in 2001 has been a major turning point for using parasite medications. I’ve been detecting parasites and using a variety of parasite medications for many years in successfully treating chronically ill patients. Many of their success stories are on my website and in my book, Accidental Cure. My practice would generally not be considered standard community care by conventional medicine because I don’t do the standard stool, blood, or DNA tests since I don’t believe they give the true story of parasite-like conditions in the body. However, patients come to me for this very reason. They have not had success with conventional evaluations and treatments. I do not claim to actually detect parasites but rather I
hypothesize that parasite-like conditions are detected based on my evaluation and I therefore treat accordingly. For example, my colleague physician, Dr. W, had an advanced stage of congestive heart failure and came to see me after he heard my lecture on how incurable medical conditions responded to parasite medications. He was willing to take parasite medications without the physical proof for the existence of parasites, as I recommended. I am willing to try parasite medications for my patients’ puzzling medical conditions if they are willing to accept my recommendation based on acupuncture meridian assessment. The determination is based on my clinical experiences with numerous parasite treatments over many years, which all started as a US Army medical officer in Bolivia. No matter how many times I tell my patients there is no physical proof that you have parasites in your body but only “frequency equivalent of parasite infection”, and this is disturbing certain specific meridians, they don’t always hear what I am saying. They think I told them loud and clear, “You have parasites!!!” Dr. W asked how can one claim and treat something when the problem is invisible, inaudible, intangible, and immeasurable by the standard test? I told him, I will start calling parasites Aliens, Terminators, and Predators (ATPs) as a code name. A case study of a large cancer tumor disappearing in a short time after using parasite medications was described in my article, “The Disappearance of the Universe As We Know It for WIMP: What if the cancer patient does not have cancer?” The article was questioning, “what is cancer anyway?” Is there a connection with tumors and parasites? If the tumor mass disappears after parasite medications, we can assume parasites may play a role in the formation of tumors but there is no proof according to current medical science. Cancer and tumor formations are complex biological processes of genetic and epigenetic influences. Parasite medication may have secondary pharmacological properties of which we may not be aware. If other underlying factors are not corrected, the tumor will always come back. There are many phenomena of which it can be said that there are known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. We use parasite medication for specific parasite
Digital X-rays for Biological Dentistry By Michael Rehme, DDS, CCN (Certified Clinical Nutritionist)
entistry has witnessed some incredible advances over the years that have improved the ability of our profession to deliver a higher quality of care for our patients. Several examples include the air driven dental drill, light-cured composites for dental filling materials, and the intra-oral camera which offers the patient a visual aid to view oral conditions inside their mouth. However, the introduction of the dental digital Xray has probably offered one of the greatest contributions in modern times. Digital X-rays quickly capture images of your teeth and gums. They are stored on a computer, which contributes to faster imaging and added ease when transferring X-rays between your various healthcare providers. Digital X-rays also provide greater diagnostic capabilities with software technology that prevails over conventional X-rays. Digital Dental X-rays can reveal: • Abscesses or cysts • Bone loss • Cancerous and non-cancerous tumors • Decay between the teeth • Developmental abnormalities • Poor tooth and root positions • Problems inside a tooth or below the gum line Several years ago, our office converted to digital X-rays because we could see the value that this equipment offered to our patients. Studies have shown that although conventional X-rays have drastically reduced radiation exposure, digital X-rays cut this exposure by an additional 80 – 90%. Additionally, digital X-rays are safer for the environment because they require no dis-
posal of harmful waste chemicals since the images are captured electronically. As a biological dentist (also known as a holistic dentist), one of our major concerns is to consistently reduce any unnecessary or harmful exposures to chemicals, heavy metals, toxins, or radiation levels that may compromise or hinder the overall health and wellness of our patients. That is why digital Xrays became a necessity for our office. How often should dental X-rays be taken? The need for dental x-rays depends on each patient’s individual dental health needs. Your dentist and dental hygienist will recommend necessary x-rays based on the review of your medical and dental history, dental exam, signs and symptoms, age consideration, and risk for disease. A full mouth series of dental x-rays is recommended for new patients. A full series is usually good for three to five years. Bite-wing x-rays (x-rays of top and bottom teeth biting together) are taken at recall (checkup) visits and are recommended in our office once per year to detect new or hidden dental problems. Dr. Michael Rehme, DDS, CCN is one of the few Dentists in the U.S. that are Certified Clinical Nutritionists (CCN). He practices Biological Dentistry that includes mercury free, tooth colored fillings; healthy dental materials; balancing body chemistry; and nutritional therapy. For articles and information about Biological Dentistry and patient success stories visit or call his office 314-9972550. Attend a free monthly presentation and discussion by Dr. Rehme on Biological Dentistry the third Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Please call to verify the date and reserve your space.
infections based on stool test. This is a known known. It might also eradicate unidentified unknown parasites and that is known unknown. We may also experience many unexplainable medical conditions that disappear with parasite medications from an unknown mechanism. This is an unknown unknown. (You may want to read my article for a cancer treatment, Ivermectin Deficiency Syndrome, on my website.). If you are taking parasite medication, it does not necessarily mean that you have an active parasites. The decision to use parasite medication is based on history taking, physical exam, acupuncture meridian assessment, and my clinical experiences. If you feel comfortable with my explanation, you may take the medications. If it does not make any sense, please, don’t take the medications. This is more than a choice of choosing the red pill or green pill and going down the rabbit hole of the biology of belief and quantum effects. Only after you take the medication, will you know the results. If
your condition improves with parasite medications that does not mean you have parasites. However, if you see worms passing in your bowel movement, skin, or coughing up, you can finally say, “I have parasites!” You become a final believer for “show me” the invisible, inaudible, intangible, and immeasurable parasites. Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about alternative medicine as well as patient success stories, and Dr. Yu’s revolutionary health book Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients, visit his web site at or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion by Dr. Yu on Alternative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call to verify the date. Seating is limited, arrive early.
For a copy of Dr. Yu’s new book,
Discover overnew
Accidental Cure, visit his website
avenues new to
nues healing Build your immune system Learn to heal incurable symptoms Take charge of infrared your health offering Thermography
Learn to heal “incurable” symptoms and take charge of your health.
FREE EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm Topics: Cancer, Heart Disease/Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, ADD/ADHD, Food Allergies...
Prevention Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, MD a d take &c Healing a
10908 11710Schuetz Old BallasRd. Rd 5 314-432-7802 to reserve space FREE EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS S
CONNECTING It Just Makes Sense me, Biological means YForOUR HDentistry EALTH dental materials and procedures in tune BETWEEN YOUR TEETH AND BODY with my entire body. It means dental and physical wellness go hand in hand, for life.
FRee Seminars
You may not realize it, but your teeth and gums may be Bmaking IOLOGICAL ENTISTRY IS your ABOUT CHOICES. you illDor weakening immune system.
Uncover the Tooth and Body Connection... HiDDen infeCTions. UnresolveD illness and how your teeth and gums can induce illness.
• find out what may be happening between your teeth Discover dental compatible with wellness. and body and what to materials do about it. • Discover how infection and illness transfer teeth between Balance acid-alkaline chemistry between and body the teeth and body. Learn about dentistry mercury-free, tooth-colored fillings. • Understand how biological focuses on your overall health. • learn aboutSupport dental materials that are compatible with wellness your immune system with nutritional therapy. and those that aren't. • Understand options for mercury-free, tooth-colored fillings. FREE EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS • Discover how certain dental procedures may negatively influence your body. Third Tuesday each month, 6:30 pm 8 Call to reserve space • explore“Biological nutritional therapy that specifically a healthy Dentistry” is a non-specialty interest areasupports that requires no specific mouth. educational training.
Third Tuesday each month, 6:30pm Call to reserve space
“Biological Dentistry” is a non-specialty interest area that requires no specific educational training.
MICHAEL G. REHME, DDS, CCN & ASSOCIATES BIOLOGICAL AND GENERAL DENTISTRY FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN 314-997-2550 8 CCN, Certified Clinical Nutritionist 8 NW corner Ballas & Clayton
The Healthy Planet magazine •
HealtHy pets
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. — Gandhi
llergies occur in our pets when their immune system is reacting to chemicals or compounds that have entered the body by any number of pathways. Your vet may use the term 'ATOPY', to describe recurring allergic responses by your family pets. These compounds, referred to as 'allergens', can enter the body by inhalation into the lungs, by ingestion through foodstuffs, by injection as might occur with flea bites, or, by direct contact as can occur with grass, furniture, rugs, etc. In any case, the body will program exposure to these elements, and with successive exposures, may mount a response that becomes more and more dramatic. Dogs, in particular, will respond to allergens with skin conditions, ear infections, or conjunctivitis type syndromes, or what most moms might relate to pink eye in their children. Many of the larger breeds, like golden retrievers and others, are commonly afflicted with a low performing thyroid gland. A simple test at your veterinarian's office will demonstrate the presence or absence of this condition. Treatment is typically very cheap, and usually, persists throughout their lifetime. These sorts of dogs often demonstrate 'hot spots', sometime in the warmer months of the year. The hot spot condition presents as a moist dermatitis. The animal is very uncomfortable, and the area afflicted is usually inflamed, reddened, oozing clear fluid and absent of hair. Your vet will likely suggest antibiotics, shampoos, topicals and possibly an antiinflammatory shot. As stated, ears are another location manifesting chronic, recurring response to allergies. And again, each veterinarian tends to develop their own style of managing and treating ears, skin or eyes. Diagnostically, your vet will discuss special testing that highlights statistically significant allergens that are affecting your pet. Other rule out actions might include food trials to find foodstuffs that are reasonable for your pet. Dust mites, prevalent in the nicest of homes, constitute one of the more common allergens afflicting our house pets. Parasites like fleas, can present as either a true flea infestation, wherein fleas or flea dirt cover the Does Your Pet Suffer From Allergies, Dry Skin, Itchiness and Doggie Odor?
animals body, especially notable on the area just in front of the tail, commonly referred to as the 'tail head', or in the groin area. On the other hand, there is a condition referred to as a 'flea hypersensitivity'. In this latter case, the pet has been repeatedly exposed to flea bites. The flea saliva registers a concern with the immune system, and in future episodes, the flea may bite your pet, fall off the animal, and still create an exaggerated allergic type response. Cats often develop a lumpy bumpy, scaley condition called 'miliary dermatitis', secondary to flea allergy hypersensitivity. We have just touched the surface as regards pet seasonal allergies. Again, many chemicals or compounds can illicit an allergic response in your pets. It's up to your vet, along with your pet ownership assistance, to play detective and attempt to find the cause, and then, the best approach to managing allergies, with pharmaceuticals, desensitizing allergen shots, specialized foods, or even managing your household to minimize dust mite incidence. Finally, keeping your pet's coat trimmed in the spring and summer, may help in minimizing skin conditions associated with allergy conditions. Have a safe and enjoyable summer time! Fondly, Dr. Doug Pernikoff Clarkson-Wilson Veternary Clinic 636-530-1808 •
Dr. Doug’s
Clarkson-Wilson Veterinary Clinic
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June, 2013
The Doggie Diarrhea Days Of Summer by Teresa Garden, DVM
ur pets tend to spend more time outside enjoying summer's pleasant weather as do their human counterparts. This allows them the opportunity to commit the crime of “dietary indiscretion”. Dietary indiscretion is a broad term encompassing such felonious behavior as consuming dead things (think road kill), decomposing things (trash, garbage, mulch, compost), and live things (birds, bugs, bunnies). Drinking contaminated water sources such as ponds, creeks, rivers, streams, lakes, mud puddles, and birdbaths is included in the definition of the crime. My own dog Baby's favorite criminal pursuit is sneaking a snack of goose poop as we stroll merrily around Boathouse Lake in Carondelet Park. She doesn't fool me one bit...I'm well aware of her evil tendencies as she innocently prances around the paths of the park. Once the crime has been committed, we pet owners are literally left to clean up the mess. The “mess” is usually an acute onset of diarrhea, often but not always, containing blood and mucous. This explosion often awakens us out of a sound sleep in the middle of the night. It has been documented to occur during Sunday dinner with the relatives. There are a few very disturbing reports of this horror occurring during long family vacation car trips. After your gag reflex has worn itself out and your tears have dried, it is best to formulate a treatment plan. First and foremost is to fast your pet for 24-36 hours. My mother believes this is a cruel and heinous practice and is thoroughly convinced all pets will die of starvation if a single meal is missed. After practicing veterinary medicine for 28 years, I have found this not to be true. However, I have noticed that people who share my mother's concerns are often accomplices in the crime itself (sneaking bacon, brats, barbeque, a Happy Meal under the table to Pookie). The purpose of the fast is not to punish. Fasting allows the GI tract to empty itself naturally through proper digestion or through purging (vomiting/diarrhea). The body needs to rid itself of pathogens before it can heal. Fasting will allow the GI tract to rest. Often there is a considerable amount of inflammation in the lining of the stomach, intestines, and colon with acute diarrhea. Fasting is a natural way to decrease that inflammation. After a 24-36 hour fast we then advise feeding a bland diet. This could consist of home-cooked lean hamburger meat or chicken breast mixed 50/50 with cooked rice. Low-fat meats are preferred because they are easier to digest. If home-cooking is not an option, your veterinarian can offer prescription diets to treat diarrhea such as Hill's ID or Royal Canin GI
LowFat. These diets are highly digestible and pretty tasty. Feed a bland diet for a few days then gradually transition back to your pet's regular diet. For acute diarrhea lasting more than 48 hours please consult your veterinarian. We will usually advise checking a stool sample for parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and giardia and then prescribe proper treatment based upon results. Supportive treatment to resolve the diarrhea can be started. Metronidazole (Flagyl) is a medicine often employed. This antibiotic can rid the body of bacterial pathogens and the parasite Giardia and will act to decrease inflammation throughout the GI tract. At Animal Health & Healing we will also reach for probiotics to treat diarrhea. Our favorite probiotic for acute diarrhea is Prostora. Made specifically for the dog, it is chewable, tasty, and builds and maintains a healthy digestive system. Prostora contains a clinically proven strain of probiotic that will nutritionally manage acute diarrhea by shortening its course and lessening the severity of symptoms. Other natural remedies which can be helpful are slippery elm, colostrum, and glutamine. Homeopathic remedies can work wonders for acute diarrhea. I will prescribe Arsenicum if the pet is restless, painful, having black, foul-smelling diarrhea-especially worse in the middle of the night. Homeopathic Mercury may be useful for bloody mucoid diarrhea. Podophyllum is used in cases of yellow gushing stools with foul odor. Nux vomica may help if the pet is having diarrhea and vomiting and is irritable and isolating himself. Many of the pathogens causing acute diarrhea can be transmitted to people and other pets. Therefore, special attention should be given to cleaning measures. It is advised to pick up and discard feces immediately. Do not allow them to sit in the yard. Worm eggs will invade the soil and cause reinfection. Giardia can contaminate both soil and water. Both can then be sources for infection for people and pets. In order to prevent reinfection via grooming we advise dog owners to clean the anal area and surrounding hair of any fecal matter. And of course, wash your own hands thoroughly after performing these thankless tasks. Acute diarrhea in our canine friends can be caused by a plethora of palatable pathogens. The commonsense approaches discussed here will often suffice in treating many cases of acute diarrhea caused by dietary indiscretions. After normalcy has returned, you and your pet can continue to enjoy all the blessings of summertime. Dr. Teresa Garden is chief veterinarian/owner of Animal Health & Healing, a full-service holistic and conventional veterinary practice in the Maplewood/Richmond Heights area.; phone: 314-7811738.
ANIMAL HEALTH & HEALING The St. Louis Leader in Holistic Therapies Dr. Garden voted “Best Veterinarian” in 2006 St. Louie Tails Readers’ Choice Awards TERESA GARDEN, D.V.M.
and associates
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June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
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The Healthy Planet magazine •
Stories & Resources For
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE SAInt LoUIS SCIEnCE CEntER SUMMER SCIEnCE BLASt Get ready to have a blast! Sign up for Summer Science Blast at the Saint Louis Science Center and find amazing summer adventures. Learn to fly a real airplane. Design and build your own robot. Build and launch your very own rocket! Explore the science behind cooking and more! For 2013 we are offering a full summer of our popular early childhood programs! Camp opens June 3 through August 2. We offer camps for ages 4-18. Halfday, fullday, and flexible extended care options. Online registration now available! Call (314)-289-4439 or visit /SummerScienceBlast.aspx to get a brochure.
CHEStERFIELD MontESSoRI SUMMER PRoGRAM Chesterfield Montessori School offers a quality, funfilled summer program for children ages 2-1/2 –12. We have a beautiful facility on five acres with a large swimming pool and two tennis courts. CMS offers a good balance of indoor and outdoor activities, including swimming and tennis lessons, gardening and an AMI Montessori education. Enrollment is half or full day. Extended care and catered lunch are available at additional cost. Sessions run from June 3rd through August 16th. For students elementary age and older, special programs include Kitchen Science, Fine Arts, and Dramatic Arts. Enrollments are being accepted. To learn more about this exceptional summer program, contact Chesterfield Montessori School at or (314) 469-7150.
Young People & Their Families YMCA oF GREAtER St. LoUIS DAY CAMPS
TIME TO BE A KID. For more than 130 years, Y camps have been providing kids opportunities to learn, have fun, and create lasting friendships. Y camps have something for every interest – from traditional outdoor camps to dozens of “specialty” camps involving exciting adventures and themes, sports, games, arts, dance, and much more. Sign up at any one of 17 Y branches that offer camps. Ages 3 to 16. Camps run all summer from May 28 to August 9. Half-day and full-day camps available. Check out our DISCOUNTS! Call 314-436-1177 or register online at
CRAFt ALLIAnCE SUMMER ARt CAMPS This summer, have fun in creative art camps for ages 4-18 at Craft Alliance in the Delmar Loop and Grand Center. One week morning and afternoon camps and late afternoon teen camps are available June 3-August 9. Explore hot glass, pottery wheel, jewelry making, digital darkroom, fashion and textile design, painting and drawing and more. Teens 15-18 can become a Summer Camp Intern and work with the younger campers and our artist instructors. New this year is a two week high school immersion camp in collaboration with Saint Louis University, July 22-Aug 2. Visit for more information.
CoUntRYSIDE MontESSoRI SUMMER CAMP Give your child a summer to remember! Countryside offers the following daily activities:
pony rides, Montessori class time, swimming instruction/free swim/water play, art activities, outdoor play and gardening. Our younger campers will enjoy daily pony rides, water play, Montessori class time and art activities. Countryside offers a ten-week summer camp from June 3rd -August 9th. Camp hours: 8:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. with a Full Day Option (8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.) or Extended Hours (7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.) You can register for as little as two weeks or for all ten weeks! Countryside is located at 12226 Ladue Road in Creve Coeur and was established in 1964. Call 314-434-2821 or visit to learn more.
HUMAnE SoCIEtY SUMMER PRoGRAMS CALLING ALL KIDS! Do you love animals? Do you want to have fun and learn lots of fantastic facts about animals? We have the perfect classes for you. Don’t worry…NO homework or tests! The Humane Society of Missouri’s Animal Adventures programs are three-hour “animal encounters” where you’ll learn about your favorite finned, furry or feathered friends and make a great keepsake to take home. Check out the fun and register at or call 314/951-1572. Tell all your friends! It’s a cool way to spend part of a hot, summer day!
YMCA CAMP LAKEWooD YMCA Camp Lakewood is an overnight co-ed summer camp for children ages 6-17 of all abilities. Campers experience life lessons through setting and accomplishing goals, making new friends, building character, experiencing cultural diversity, and having FUN! Located 75 miles south of St. Louis near Potosi, MO, with 5,000 wooded acres and a 360-acre private lake, Camp Lakewood is a place where lifetime memories are made. From archery to water activities, arts & crafts to zip lines and so much more, each child is nurtured to reach their full potential guided by core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Faith., 1-888-FUN-YMCA.
June, 2013
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine â&#x20AC;¢
Animal Adventures Summer Classes â&#x20AC;¢ 3-hour animal encounters â&#x20AC;¢ Learn about finned, furry & feathered friends â&#x20AC;¢ Play fun pet-related games & make crafts â&#x20AC;¢ A cool way to spend a hot day!
The Healthy Planet magazine •
Kid’s Planet
New Book Helps Children Understand Dynamics Of Environmental Topics
Cont. from page 31
Award winning Author, Tanille Edwards, MBA, ignites green in her latest children's book "Go Go Green", a step-by-step guide on the topic of how children can participate in saving the environment. Go Go Green offers scientific information and applicable tips that make going "Green" easy and fun for children. Illustrated using dynamic, colorful, cartoon like characters, this book is part of the Jordan
Dr. James Feinberg Child Clinical Psychologist
For more than 25 years, helping boys & teenage boys excel academically, socially, & emotionally through:
• Pet Assisted Therapy • Play Therapy • Talking Therapy Where caring, competence, and integrity make all the difference. 10900 Manchester Road, Suite 201
Kirkwood, Missouri 63122 • 314-966-0880
JUNE 11 & July 9, 2013 • 10am - 2pm
At the Visitor’s Center between the gift shop and the Incredible Dog Arena
Moms Will Shop. Kids Will Bounce. Fun Will Be Had! Grab your kids and head to Purina Farms for a fabulous day of fun and shopping, including fresh produce from Washington, MO Farmer’s Market vendors, handmade gifts, kids’ apparel, pet accessories and much more!
Plus, A special play area dedicated to the kids will feature a bounce house, inflatable slide, crafts and games.
Admission is free and all are welcome! Please call 314-982-3232 between 9am - 4pm Monday – Friday to make reservations.
June, 2013
Find Us On Facebook
& Justine's Weekend Adventures™ series, a collection of children's science books. In Go Go Green, Jordan, and his sister, Justine, welcome young readers by inviting them to take an ecological journey through time and space, as they seek to understand how to help the environment. Parents, teachers and youngsters will find Jordan & Justine's Weekend Adventures™: Go Go Green and other books
from the Jordan & Justine Collection in major bookstores across the country, including Barnes and Noble and online at For more information on this book and others from the collection visit the website: Also view a commercial of the collection of books on YouTube under Jordan & Justine.
June, 2013
The Healthy Planet magazine •
If you would like to have your professional resource listed, call 314-962-7748 today!
N At U R A l H E A l t H , H E A l i N G , c o U N s E l i N G , c o A c H i N G & c A R E Transformational Speaker Kimberly V. Schneider, M.Ed., J.D., LPC “Anything is Possible” Soul of a Poet, Mind of a Scholar, Heart of a Healer
314-275-8188 •
Alternative Hospice
Mary Magill, R.N.,
Founder and Executive Director 1749 Gilsinn Ln., Fenton, MO 63026
(636) 343-3839
Dr. K. Shane Neifert 12401 Olive Blvd. #202, Tempo Medical Building
314-576-1495 •
Looking for a captivating speaker to inspire transformational change? Kimberly Schneider is the author of Everything You need Is Right Here: 5 Steps to Manifesting Magic and Miracles and the AudioBook Terrible Beauty: Poems and Reflections for Precarious Times. An Adjunct Professor of Communication at Washington University-St. Louis, Kimberly is a reg-
ular contributor to Great Day St. Louis television show. Kimberly has over thirty years of speaking experience in diverse settings. She enjoys engaging and inspiring audiences on topics including thriving in crisis, manifesting miracles, transformational communication, ethics and unconscious limiting beliefs. Kimberly’s keynote talks and custom workshops
combine riveting stories, on the spot coaching, experiential exercises and original poetry. To book Kimberly for your event call 314-275-8188 or email Go to to request Kimberly’s Free Conscious Manifestation eCourse and you’ll receive the first chapter of her book at no charge.
Alternative Hospice is a locally owned, community based end of life program, dedicated to being an advocate for our patients and providing them with a high standard of holistic end of life care. We strive to empower our patients and their caregivers with the knowledge and information that they need to make informed decisions
regarding their care. Our focus is on comfort, quality of life, and facilitating of a peaceful passing with dignity, respect and love. Alternative Hospice is a physician directed, nurse coordinated program of care. Dr. Joseph Flaherty with St. Louis University Medical School Department of Geriatrics serves as our
Medical Director and guides our team. Our team is seasoned in conventional end of life care and several are experienced in complementary care techniques… the body, mind, and spirit in rhythm. Our values include: integrity, accountability, respect, trust, compassion, and passion to serve. Volunteers needed, please call 636-343-3839.
Dr. K. Shane Neifert of St. Louis Spine & Health Center offers a unique set of healing talents to his patients. He views each patient as an individual and seeks to find and correct the ‘weak links’ in their health. Based on his findings, he works to strengthen areas of weakness, which optimizes the patient’s overall health. He facilitates this healing using natural techniques ranging from chiropractic adjustment, acupuncture, ener-
gy balancing, and detoxification, to emotional freedom technique, hormone balancing, nutritional counseling, and allergy testing and treatment. Many use these talents to maintain their body’s own healing potential. The office of St. Louis Spine & Health is equipped with the latest in technological advances in natural healing including Foot Bath Detoxification and Spinal Decompression which addresses sciatica and her-
niated, bulging, and/or slipped discs. Also offered within the office are the services of a superb, licensed massage therapist, Sharon Maust, who is qualified in multiple approaches to massage. St. Louis Spine & Health is located at 12401 Olive Blvd. #202, which is found in the Tempo Medical Building (approx. 1 mile west of Hwy 270 on Olive Blvd). Call for more information at 314-576-1495. • Weight Management o Weight loss o Weight gain
7649 Delmar St.Louis,Mo 63130
Combining traditional training with a cutting edge holistic approach, Deborah specializes in helping people change their eating habits to achieve optimal health. As an experienced educator with a teaching degree, she excels at motivating individuals to improve the quality of their wellbeing.
For more information on the BioMat Call 314-725-6767
The BioMat’s quantum energetics allows the body to fight disease and heal with a naturally strong and efficient immune system. It is composed of 17 layers of technology, combining Far Infrared Rays (FIR), negative ions and amethyst crystals. Time spent on the mat relieves pain and joint stiffness, reduces stress and fatigue, boosts the immune system, burns calories and many other healthful benefits. Infrared Rays, nature’s invisible light and most
beneficial light wave, penetrate skin and increase circulation to detoxify the body of harmful toxins. The FIR can increase blood flow and clean the arteries (which means it can help lower blood pressure), release toxins, increase metabolism, heal soft tissue and relax muscles. Negative Ions are Nature’s Energizer. Ion particles cleanse and purify the air we breathe. Amethyst bolsters the production of the hormones
and strengthens the cleansing organs, the circulatory system and blood, the immune system and body metabolism. Be proactive about your health and well being. A good nights sleep on the BioMat or a mere 30 minute nap, can go a long way to ensuring a healthier, happier you. Call The Center for Mind, Body & Spirit to schedule an appointment to try the BioMat. 314.725.6767.
St Louis Aquatic Healing Center offers state of the art, cutting edge alternative health therapies for health, healing, balancing and detoxification. Many of our therapies can only be found at St Louis Aquatic such as: The MG-PRO, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Cellular Exercise, widely used in Eastern Europe for 30 years with extensive research behind it; cleaning and
promoting cell repair and regeneration; The Quantum Pulse frequency generator, successfully eradicates many viruses and pathogens; Watsu/Wassertanzen, warm water shiatsu therapy to relieve pain and revitalize organs, and Cranial Sacral Therapy in the pool, all the benefits of CST amplified by the water. We also offer T-Zone, Whole Body Vibration for health and fitness, Nutri-
Energetics Systems (NES) health evaluation and therapy to promote the body’s natural healing and detoxification, far-infrared sauna, ionic foot soaks, ear candling, lymphatic drainage, other therapeutic massages and much more. Call, email or visit our websites for more information. 314-432-5228,,,
An Integrated Approach To Healing & Wellness
Deborah Zorensky, rD, LD, CCN
St. Louis Aquatic Healing Center Kathleen Huber Christ Licensed Massage Therapist Internationally Certified in Watsu/ Wassertanzen Water Massage
Natural Peacefulness For The Whole Body
314-432-5228 •
Cutting edge nutrition for: • Autism • Auto-Immune Disorders • Cancer • Digestive Problems • Fibromyalgia • Food Allergies & Sensitivities • Learning Disabilities
For more information contact Deborah Zorensky, RD, LD, CCn, Clinical nutritionist at The Center For Mind, Body, Spirit, 7649 Delmar, 314-725-6767.
H o l i s t i c D E N tA l c A R E BioLogiCAL DENTiSTry Michael g. rehme, DDS, CCN & Associates
314-997-2550 at the corner of Ballas & Clayton Roads
ronald Schoolman, DDS rodney Lofton, DDS
636-458-9090 16976 Manchester Road, Wildwood, MO 63040
Our approach to holistic health includes the entire body and the oral cavity is no exception. We are dedicated to serving our patients and promoting a level of health care that carefully evaluates and reviews the use of dental materials, dental procedures and also offers dietary and nutritional support for each and every individual that is seen in our office.
Did you know that examining the mouth can reveal the presence of illnesses or unstable conditions in other areas of the body? If you feel like you’ve just about exhausted all your options in your search for better health, have your mouth examined with a different approach in mind. Get motivated, get educated, and get ready to participate in a
health-oriented lifestyle that will provide dental alternatives and a nutritional foundation designed to help support your own body’s healing powers.
The focus of holistic dentistry is to consider the mouth as a part of the whole body. We use materials and methods that are more compatible biologically with the body instead of the traditional dental materials. Examples of non-compatible materials are mercury fillings, non-precious heavy metal crowns, bridges and partials or dentures. Alternatives to fluoride are used
for the prevention of cavities. Proper alignment of the jaws and teeth are the foundation of how the body perceives itself in space. The result of improper alignment can result in symptoms of headache, ears ringing, loss of hearing, pain in the head and neck and clenching or grinding of the teeth. Good nutrition is inseparable for good
health. If your diet consists of food and drink made with white flour, sugar and no fresh fruits and vegetables, your body is likely to be acidic with resultant more medical and dental problems. For your dental evaluation contact our office for an appointment by calling 636-4589090 or email at
For more information visit our website at
The Healthy Planet magazine •
June, 2013
HealtHy Planet HaPPenInGS Circus Flora Soars To The Moon For Its 27th Big Top Production St. Louis’ own one-ring circus announces an all-new show, A Trip to the Moon, channeling Georges Melies’ iconic film, May 30 – June 23. In its 27th big top production, St. Louis’ own Circus Flora goes where no circus has gone before: to the moon. Circus Flora's creative team captures the film’s imaginative spirit under the big top, next to Powell Hall. Circus Flora’s A Trip to the Moon borrows this iconic piece of cinematic history and Melies’ artistic instruments to construct the visual styling, costuming and narrative elements for its 2013 production. Tickets start at $10; show times are Tuesday through Thursday at 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday at 1 and 7 p.m.; Sunday at 1 and 5:30 p.m.; and “Little Top Wednesday” at 10 a.m., a special one-hour show for smaller kids or the “kids at heart.” Call 314-289-4040 or visit for tickets and more information. Tickets are also available at the Circus Flora Box Office in the Centene Center for the Arts & Education, 3547 Olive St. Group discounts are now available for groups of 20+. Visit for more information. June 1, 3, 5 PERILS OF ‘FREE’ TRADE Airs on KNLC Channel 24 6/01 at noon & 6/05 at 5:30 pm and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 6/03 at 8:00 p.m. Marilyn Lorenz and Karen Wilson discuss dangers of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership. They describe how it could allow foreign lawsuits to overturn domestic courts and expand extractive industries. This could push poor people off their land and cause enormous environmental harm. June 8 ThE GARDEn COnSERvAnCy’S OPEn DAyS PROGRAM. Explore six private gardens in St. Louis, open to the public for self-guided tours, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. No reservations required; rain or shine. $5 per garden; children 12 & under free. 888842-2442 or for information. June 8, 10, 12 PERILS OF A PACIFIC ‘PARTnERShIP’ Airs on KNLC Channel 24 6/08 at noon & 6/12 at 5:30 pm and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 6/10 at 8:00 p.m. Jillian Severinski and Mark Strothmann discuss secret negotiations of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership. Previous trade deals have proven disastrous for El Salvador and Peru, which both suffer harm from extractive industries. Trade agreements can hasten climate change, reduced access to medicines and increase US job loss. June 10 LEARn ABOUT ACUPRESSURE "TAPPInG" TO hELP WITh DEPRESSIOn, AnXIETy, AnD PAIn Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a form of acupressure in which you "tap" on acupuncture points to relieve symptoms. This class provides you with a take-home technique you can use to relieve stress, anxiety, and pain. Kim Archer is a skilled presenter who can help with the toughest cases. She will also introduce Matrix Reimprinting, in which you revisit previous traumas with new perspectives - healing them through acupressure. Class to be held at 7pm on Monday, June 10th at Community Acupuncture of St Louis, 2006 South 39th Street, STL, 63110. The cost of the class is $10. Please register: Either book online at under "Make an Appointment", or call 314-772-4325. Learn more about EFT at, and click on "Other Services". June 11 InTEGRATInG ALTERnATIvE MEDICInE WITh COnvEnTIOnAL MEDICInE June 11 - FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine - Learn how to build your immune system and take charge of your health. If you are suffering from chronic conditions, you'll learn why you don't have to live with your "incurable" symptoms anymore. Topics covered include: Cancer, Heart Disease/Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, ADD/ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Nutrition, and many more. You should come to this discussion also if you feel, "My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so lousy?" Second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm
at our healing clinic - Prevention and Healing, Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board Certified Internist, 10908 Schuetz Road, St. Louis, MO 63146, Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify meeting date; seating is limited, arrive early, 314432-7802. See patient success stories at June 11 FREE CLASS, OPTIMAL EATInG! Unfortunately there is not one eating plan that is optimal for everyone. In this class we will look at ways to figure out what may be the best way to eat for you. We will also discuss healthy food sources, nutritional supplements and healthy eating strategies for busy people and parents. Presentation and discussion led by Dr. Rebecca Gould DC, holistic health practitioner and nutrition specialist. Cost: Free, $5 registration fee refunded at the door. Held 6/11, 7:30 pm at The Healing Center, 734 DeMun Ave in Clayton. For details or to register call 314-727-2120 or visit June 13 AUThOR BOOKSIGnInG & CLASS 6-7pm Come meet the author of Chakra Awakening and get a personal message! Margaret Ann Lembo, award winning author, has just released two new books, The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones and Color Your Life With Crystals. 7p-9pm Colors and Gemstones: Positive Thoughts for Successful Living workshop. Speaker: Margaret Ann Lembo, Author and owner of The Crystal Garden metaphysical shop in Florida. Cost: 6-7pm Free, 7-9pm class $25. Held at Holistic Journey. 618-234-8280 or visit, 106 E. Main St, Belleville, IL 62220. June 15 FInDInG PEACE & hEALInG RELATIOnShIPS WITh ThE WORK OF ByROn KATIE Relationships can bring great joy into our lives, and they can bring some of our deepest pain. Despite our best efforts, we end up in battles with those we love. We get hurt, angry and frustrated with those closest to us. The Work of Byron Katie is a way to end the battles and begin to once again love those we love and stop arguing with them. With The Work, other
people do not have to change. We inquire within and change happens within us. This Workshop will teach you how to do The Work and find your own peace regardless of your circumstances. Bryan Wagner, certified facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie, will lead the workshop. It is held at Jane’s House of Well Being in St. Charles on Saturday June 15, from 9 am to 5 pm. Cost is $65 dollars before June 7th and $75 afterwards. To register call 636-255-9642 or go to June 15, 17, 19 ST. LOUIS' ThIRD SUSTAInABLE BACKyARD TOUR Airs on KNLC Channel 24 6/15 at noon & 6/19 at 5:30 pm and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 6/17 at 8:00 p.m. The Sustainable Backyard Tour inspires and educates about green living outdoors in St. Louis City and County. Terry Winkelmann and Travis DeRousse discuss the reasons to rethink the traditional lawn and reimagine how we use our backyards to lighten our impact on the earth. June 17 - 23 POLLInATOR WEEK EvEnTS AT WhOLE FOODS Six years ago, the U.S. Senate’s unanimous approval and designation of the final week in June as “National Pollinator Week” marked a necessary step toward addressing the urgent issue of declining pollinator populations. Pollinator Week has now grown to be an international celebration of the valuable ecosystem services provided by bees, birds, butterflies, bats and beetles. The growing concern for pollinators is a sign of progress, but it is vital that we continue to maximize our collective effort. We have some special events planned on Saturday, June 15 to help us learn more about this very important topic. Along with many others around the world, we hope to “bee” part of the change in our awareness and how we take care of our environment to protect our pollinators. For more information please call 636-527-1160. June 18 COnnECTInG yOUR hEALTh BETWEEn yOUR TEETh AnD BODy FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion. Connecting Your Health Between Your Teeth and Body. You may not realize it, but your teeth and gums may be making you ill or weakening
your immune system. Hidden infections. Unresolved illness. Find out what may be happening between your teeth and body and what to do about it. Discover how infection and illness transfer between the teeth and body. Understand how biological dentistry focuses on your overall health. Learn about what dental materials are compatible with wellness, mercury-free, tooth-colored fillings,the impact of dental procedures, how certain dental procedures can influence your body, and nutritional therapy that supports a healthy mouth. Third Tuesday Each Month, 6:30 pm at the Holistic Dentistry office of, and presented by, Dr. Michael Rehme, D.D.S., C.C.N. (Certified Clinical Nutritionist), 2821 N. Ballas Rd, Suite 245, St. Louis, MO 63131. A Healthy Choice for Dental Care. Call to verify seminar date and reserve your space at 314-997-2550. See Patient Success Stories at June 18 FREE MOnThLy WELLnESS SUPPORT GROUP Free Monthly Wellness Support Group. Come and enjoy an evening of fellowship, learning opportunities in Medical Spiritual Information and exercises to strengthen your journey in managing your plan of care and treatment. Support Group Leaders: Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. and Chaplain Paul R. Johnson, M.Div. When: Third Tuesday each month (with an occasional exception) at 6:30 pm. at our healing clinic, Prevention and Healing, Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board Certified Internist, 10908 Schuetz Road, St Louis, MO 63146, Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify meeting date, 314-432-7802. For more information, read the article on our web site at titled "New Medicine, New Biology: Spiritual Wellness, Spiritual Assessment, and Spiritual Care." June 20 FREE CLASS, SUPERFOODS! or SUPERFOODS? Have you heard the latest news on the health benefits of TheNumber-One-Superfood-Everyone-Should-Eat? There is a lot of information out there on certain foods that are not simply good for us, they have healthful properties greater than those of regular foods. Perhaps. Sometimes a news story will take a reseacher's theory from a small pilot study and expand it into a national news story that sends people running for the health food store store. How can you know if a food featured in the media is a must-have for health? Dr. Gould will teach you to be a healthy skeptic, how to quickly discern nutrition fact from fad. Dr. Gould will also summarize the research behind a few of today's super food media darlings. Presentation and discussion led by Dr. Rebecca Gould DC, holistic health practitioner and nutrition specialist. Cost: Free, $5 registration fee refunded at the door. Held 6/20, 7:30 pm at The Healing Center, 734 DeMun Ave in Clayton. For details or to register call 314-727-2120 or visit June 21 AROMAThERAPy CERTIFICATIOn COURSE Two weekends needed for course of 10 three-hour classes. Class times: Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon, Sunday morning and afternoon. Dates: June 21, 22, 23 and July 19, 20, 21. Cheryl’s Herbs will sponsor Aroma 101: Foundations, offered by The East-West School of Herbal and Aromatic Studies. Taught by Cheryl Hoard, owner of Cheryl’s Herbs. Cost: $450. Held at Cheryl’s Herbs. For more information visit Please call for a reservation 314-645-2165. June 22, 24, 26 WATER, EnERGy AnD MInInG Airs on KNLC Channel 24 06/22 at noon & 06/26 at 5:30 p.m. and KNLC Channel 24-2 06/24 at 8:00 p.m. Earth’s supply of fresh water is being compromised. Dr. Bob Criss describes how water is used by extractive industries such as the mining of coal, uranium, and lead. How much water contamination is due to bad corporate practices and how much is inherent in industrial production? June 28-30 STAR hEALInG PRACTITIOnER CERTIFICATIOn Fri 6-9pm, Sat/Sun 9a-6pm. Learn this new age healing technique and practice on several volunteers for this weekend intensive. Certificate provided upon completion of requirements. Speaker: Kelly Hampton, Author of Medium and Teacher. Cost: $590 paid by 6/14, $625 after. Held at Holistic Journey. Call 618-234-8280 or visit, 106 E. Main St, Belleville, IL 62220. June 29 & July 1, 3 vEGAnISM FOR ThE PLAnET, PEOPLE / AnIMALS Airs on KNLC Channel 24 06/29 at noon & 07/03 at 5:30
June, 2013
Tibetan Buddhist Master Venerable
Lama Lodu Rinpoche
May 31, 7-9 pm • June 1st, 10 am -12 pm & 2 pm - 4 pm June 2, 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm The Healing Arts Center 10073 Manchester Road, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63122 Contact Jennifer McGrath
314-210-5134 • p.m. and KNLC Channel 24-2 07/01 at 8:00 p.m. If you don’t eat meat, do you end up malnourished or with insufficient protein? Or, are people who do not eat animal products healthier? Alexandria Graff and Laura Shields of St. Louis Vegans see not eating meat or any other animal products (veganism) actually helping to end world hunger. June 30 INNER MASTERY OR INNER MISERY 12:30 - 3:30 pm. Imagine freeing yourself from stress, fear and emotional baggage. Step into a new state of empowerment with your handcrafted, personalized aromatherapy roll-on blend that you prepare in this workshop led by Donna Nicks. Understanding the concepts of selection, blending, intention and use are key in achieving outstanding results. Cost: $20. Held at Cheryl's Herbs. Visit Please call in advance for a reservation 314-645-2165.
UPCOMING: July 13-16 AGAPE QUEST 1: HOlOGRAPHIC BAlANCING Here is your opportunity to start or enhance your career as a holistic practitioner. International instructor Adam Lehman, En.K., has been involved in Energy Kinesiology for over 20 years. Staying true to the roots of Kinesiology, Applied Physiology expands the bridge between Eastern traditions and Western precision. Combining unique integrated healing models – Holographic Meridian Setup, 7 Element Assessment, 14 Position Muscle Monitoring with potent balancing techniques – Meridian Tuning Forks, Holographic Acupressure, Figure 8’s w/Sound - AP’s approach to client wellness provides a complete system with powerful tools. Acupuncture Approved for 28 PDA/CEUs. This class serves as the foundation for the entire Applied Physiology professional education spectrum. This amazing workshop presents a complete and powerful system that allows one to begin helping others immediately upon completion of the workshop. 9:00am-6:30pm, 4 days per each module. For Discount: Email AppliedPhysiologyClasses or Call800-296-8040 by 6-25. July 18-21: AGAPE QUEST 2: MUSClE MONITORING with international instructor Adam Lehman, En.K., who has taught throughout the US and internationally for over a decade, sharing his knowledge and experience with understanding and depth. In this 4 day module, the student is introduced to sixteen major muscles in the body and how to monitor them, their origins and insertions and their related meridians and organs. Also, the balancing techniques of NeuroLymphatic Reflexes and NeuroVascular Reflexes are introduced. In ways, there are similarities between this early stage of Applied Physiology and Touch for Health. Even those accomplished in other forms of Energy Kinesiology such as Touch for Health, will find this new information very powerful and rewarding, offering new applications. 9:00am-6:30pm, 4 days per each module. For Discount: Email or Call 800-296-8040 by 6-25.
The Healthy Planet magazine •
DANIEL NAHMOD in CONCERT July 27, 2013 – 7:00 p.m Unity Christ Church, 33 N. Skinker Blvd St. Louis, Missouri 63105 (314) 727-6478
Tickets $10.00 in advance and $15.00 at the Door As seen on CNN and PBS Award-winning, Heart-opening Music For Humanity
July 27, 2013 Time: 2:30 -5:30 p.m. At Unity Christ Church If you would like to attend both the workshop and concert, the cost is $25.00 (a savings of $5.00). For more information visit •
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Spiritual Experiences Guidebook Free. Call 636-527-7253 St. Louis Eckankar Center 14538 Manchester #202 Ballwin, MO
July 27 “WATER”–A WORKSHOP W/ DANIEl NAHMOD. 2:30-5:30 p.m. – This workshop centered around the awardwinning songs of Daniel’s CD “Water” originated from his 3month sabbatical in Utah. We’ll explore the capacity we all share to listen deeply and follow our true calling, like water itself does – without struggle or fight. Cost: $20.00. The workshop will be held at Unity Christ Church, 33 N. Skinker Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. Call (314) 727-6478 for tickets or more information.
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July 27 DANIEl NAHMOD IN CONCERT 7:00 p.m. – Come enjoy the music of Singer/Songwriter, Humanitarian Daniel Nahmod. Daniel has presented his music and message for nearly all of the world major faiths. Cost $10.00 in advance or $15.00 at the door. The concert will be held at Unity Christ Church, 33 N. Skinker Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. Call (314) 727-6478 for tickets or information.
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June, 2013
How To Get Rid Of Knee Pain Once And For All ... Without Drugs, Shots or Surgery