3 minute read
MidnightAces Book Bar
Interview by Angela Anderson
Podcast of the Month
MidnightAce is an award winning, book talking, reading, wine pairing, book loving connoisseur who lives by the principle of reading being a lifestyle, not a hobby. Eclectic with her reading palette, her genre of choice includes a vast range from romance to thrillers. Unbeknownst to her, this uncontrollable energy granted her the blessing of winning several awards and the title of Award-Winning Book Ambassador.
MidnightAce is the founder and CEO of MidnightAce Book Bar. The book bar was created to provide a comfortable, lounge type of environment to enjoy literary adventures, virtual wine tasting, book pairings, and more.
We caught up with MidnightAce to learn about the book bar experience and her podcast show.
Let’s Chat with MidnightAce Book Bar
Angela Anderson: Tell us how you got started in podcasting.
MidnightAce: One of my favorite things to do is to connect with authors and readers to discuss books and the literary aspects of books. When the pandemic started it forced us all to adjust the way we communicated. I found that this adjustment worked out well for the Book Bar because it allowed me to use my platform to virtually connect readers and authors. As a blogger, I was able to continue to bring the same content with an added flare.
AA: Why did you start your podcast show?
MA: I saw an opportunity to enhance what I was already doing with my written content and turned it into a virtual online experience. Starting my show has allowed me to enjoy the best of two worlds. In addition to my live “Books & Booze” literary show, I co-host a radio broadcast, Iris Moments. It airs every Wednesday on CruzIncRadio (www.cruzincradio.com).
AA: What makes the “Books and Booze” show unique?
MA: At MidnightAce Book Bar our niche is pairing a good book with great wine. We believe “Wine Makes a Good Book Great.” I mean, who does not like discussing a book with their favorite beverage and author?
AA: Share some of the behind-the-scenes of what is involved with making a book bar show.
MA: For someone watching a live show, they might not know that there are several things that happen behind the scenes before it’s lights, camera, action. After our guest is scheduled, I go into research mode, preparing the graphics, and marketing for the actual show. It is important to me that the guest on the show feels comfortable and have everything needed for a positive experience at the book bar.
AA: Which aspect of your podcast show is the most fun for you?
MA: I actually like the entire process. As a creative, I enjoy seeing it all come together. Whenever I have the opportunity to speak with an author about their work, I am transcended into the world they’ve built.
AA: What can a viewer or listener expect when they tune into a MidnightAce Book Bar podcast show?
MA: A viewer or listener can definitely expect to be entertained as well as informed. It is an experience for both the author and those in the listening audience.
AA: Since it is the holiday season, what do you enjoy most about this time of year?
MA: The holiday season for me is a time for family and reflection, readjusting and preparation for the new year. I enjoy the additional time with family that this time of the year brings.
AA: Where and when can people listen to your podcast show?
MA: The Books and Booze show is Friday nights at 7:00 pm CST. Given the name of the show; “Books & Booze,” I think Friday night is an appropriate day and time to enjoy the book bar.
AA: How can people stay connected with you and find your show?
MA: I am very active on social media. They can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at MidnightAce Book Bar. They can also connect with me via my website at www.midnightacebookbar.com. The Books and Booze show can currently be viewed on Facebook via Facebook Live.