4 minute read
The TV Lady Soaring in Brand and Business
Interview by Angela Anderson
The TV Lady has “a powerful voice, a storytelling ability, and an authoritative presence that commands attention” on screen and in business.
TV Host, Spokesperson, Voice-Over Artist, and actor Valonda Calloway is one to remember with her energetic style, poise, and charisma. With a career spanning over twenty years, Valonda has been seen across the airways as a news anchor at WNCT-TV in Greensboro, WRAL-TV in Raleigh, and host of My Carolina Today/ Talk on WNCN. She is the face of numerous commercials, the host and emcee of prestigious events, and more. She is currently a highly sought-after freelance on-camera personality. This North Carolina Native is sure to be camera ready and make her presence known.
In addition to her remarkable skills and talents on screen, Valonda is a presentation and media coach, adjunct professor, and author of the informative book, Tips From The TV Lady, A Guide For Making A Great Impression On Camera And In Person.
She takes pride in being a light to others and sharing her gifts in a way that brings them joy.
The Heat Seekers Magazine had the opportunity to talk with the TV Lady, Valonda Calloway.
Angela Anderson: When did you know you wanted to work in media and broadcasting?
Valonda Calloway: I was around 6 when I knew I wanted to work in this field.
AA: Would you say that your career path found you, or you found it?
VC: When I was a little girl, I used to watch the news with my dad every evening after dinner. I was captivated by the people (news anchors) sitting at the desk informing us of what was going on. The people who traveled the world (news reporters) to share what was happening made me want to travel and do that too.
AA: What was one of the most surprising things you learned about yourself during your journey?
VC: I learned I’m resilient and don’t mind taking risks. I’ve lost jobs and been disappointed by the industry and people, but I always find a way to keep going.
AA: What do you enjoy about being in the media and broadcasting industry?
VC: I enjoy being able to make a living doing work that I’m really good at and that I enjoy. I’ve been blessed with a powerful voice, a storytelling ability, and an authoritative presence that commands attention.
AA: As a Spokesperson, TV Host, and actor, what is your mission in your line of work?
VC: My mission is to always feel proud of the work I do. I’ve said no to many gigs that didn’t line up with my values, interests, or pay scale.
AA: We have heard it many times, The TV Lady. Share with us how The TV Lady came to be.
VC: Many times, when I’m in public, people will approach me and say, “Aren’t you the TV lady?” Often, they can’t remember my name, but they know they’ve seen me on TV. At first, I found it annoying, but later I decided to embrace it and trademark it.
AA: The name, The TV Lady, is now a part of your brand. What would you say makes the TV Lady brand unique?
VC: The TV Lady brand is multifaceted. Currently, I work on TV as a spokesperson, TV host, and actor, but my years of experience on camera inform my work as a media and presentation trainer. As a media and presentation trainer, I help professionals show up with confidence, whether they are giving an interview, making a presentation, or in a sales meeting.
AA: What is one piece of advice you would share with individuals just getting started in their careers in media, broadcasting, or entrepreneurship?

VC: Know your why. The reason why I wanted to get into the television news business in the first place was to tell stories, travel, and be on TV. I used to be ashamed to say I wanted to be on TV, but at this stage of my career, I can honestly say vanity played a role in my desire to work in television. The reason why I am now an entrepreneur, who is on TV sometimes, but not all the time, is freedom. I enjoy choosing how I spend my time and who I work with.
AA: You are also the author of Tips From The TV Lady, A Guide For Making A Great Impression On Camera And In Person. What inspired this book?
VC: I was inspired to write the book because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I saw people get on TV and social media daily from their homes, and many had no idea how to present themselves. I saw bad lighting, awful backgrounds, terrible clothing, and so much more. I felt bad about it. I wanted to show people how to look better and come across as more polished.
AA: If you had to describe Tips From The TV Lady in three words, what would they be?
VC: Polish Your Presentation https://valondacalloway.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ValCalTV https://www.instagram.com/valcaltv/
AA: We recently celebrated Women’s History Month and are coming upon Mother’s Day. Who are some influential women who have helped shape and mold you into the woman you are today?
VC: 1.My mother. She put me in dance classes and pageants when I was young. Many of the lessons I learned there inform the work I do now as a presentation and media trainer.
2. Carole Simpson was a news anchor for ABC. I had a chance to meet her in the 90s. She was a huge inspiration to me, and I looked up to her.
3. So many women from my community. The elegant ladies from Haw Branch AME in Richlands were great examples of grace and poise. Melva Best was (and is) such a sharp dresser and great speaker. Aunt Catherine Williams was a teacher, so smart and kind. I probably shouldn’t name names because there were so many. My siblings and I had a wonderful community of people who took us to vacation bible school, got us involved in talent shows, and so many other things.
AA: What’s next for Valonda Calloway, The TV Lady?
VC: I’m focusing on my course Polish Your Presentation Skills as well as beefing up my media and presentation training roster.
AA: How can people stay connected with you?
VC: People can stay connected with me on my website and social media.
The Heat Seekers Magazine: Valonda Calloway’s book, Tips From The TV Lady, A Guide For Making A Great Impression On Camera And In Person, can be purchased on her website: www.valondacalloway.com, and Amazon.com