3 minute read
The Slap Back by David Spencer
Not to beat a dead horse, but I want to talk about it, and since this is my space, I will. I am sure you have heard by now that Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars. Then Red Table Talk Premieres and addresses the Will Smith Oscars Slap, without addressing the Oscar slap by saying it will be discussed ‘when the time Calls.” I remain suspicious of people who publicly deal with other people’s issues but privately ignore their own. And now we have Dave Chappelle being attacked onstage performing at the “Netflix Is a Joke” comedy festival. Telling jokes is becoming a dangerous business.’
Rhetoric, or the art of speaking, has been around since ancient times. For FOREV- ER, people have stood to inform, criticize, and entertain audiences worldwide, delivering commentary about the world around them in which we live. Sometimes they say things the audience doesn’t agree with. Comedians are some of the best practitioners of this art form. The best ones have mastered making people laugh at themselves and even things that should not be laughed at. Isn’t that kind of the point? In my experience, the funniest jokes are the ones that probably shouldn’t have been told. These are the ones that stay with you and cause you to reflect later. It’s really an art form.
People these days have become way too sensitive. If the jokes are too unbearable, just leave. Remove yourself. You don’t even have to do it quietly either. Make a scene as you run to the door. But be advised, comedians everywhere are on high alert, and if you start heading for the stage, many are warning you they plan to take you out. Did you see that picture of the guy that attacked Dave Chappelle? Who hit that man in the face? He looked like he was jumped.
My takeaway from all of this is people don’t really want to be equal; they want to be special. Equal means you get equal protection from the law. But you are not special. Comedians can and will tell jokes about you. Welcome to equality. You’re not exempt from jokes. That is the price of free speech.
It seems comedians don’t plan on backing down, and they slap back.
David Spencer is a communications professional, gifted singer, public speaker, and author. His voice can be heard loud and clear, regardless of the medium he chooses. He is responsible for influencing the people around him through his works.