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OUR SCHOOL VALUES We work hard to learn We respect ourselves and each other We value acts of generosity

IN THIS ISSUE Korean Study Tour Arts Week Book Week Uniform

Brunel Drive Modbury Heights South Australia, 5092 Ph: (08) 8263 6244 Fax: (08) 8263 6072 Email: contact@theheights.sa.edu.au WWW: http://www.theheights.sa.edu.au

NEWSLETTER No. 10 1 September 2011

In our last newsletter we celebrated the achievements of our students in Science, Maths and the SACE Stage 2 Research Project. We are pleased to highlight the work of our students showcased in Arts Week and Book Week in this edition of the newsletter.

Junior School Assembly Dates:

While we all enjoyed the performance of ‘Don’t Judge a Moth by its Colour’ by our Wakakirri troupe during Arts Week and on stage at the Entertainment Centre we are delirious with excitement about their success as:




Friday 30th September Activity Room 9:00am Out of School Hours Care Phone Number: 8395 6879 Observatory Phone Number: 8263 6384


WAKAKIRRI 2011 12/9 Parent Club Mtg 9am 13/9 Festival of Music 13/9 Fundraising Comm 3:15pm 15/9 Pedal Prix Murray Bridge 20/9 Governing Council 7pm 23/9 JS Sports Day

Wednesday 14th September Activity Room 2:15pm

The students, teachers and parents were still glowing from the news about their win at the Junior School assembly on Thursday when the troupe were presented with their participation certificates.


TOPIC: Improving your student’s organisational skills

We were fortunate that Isobel Redmond, Leader of the Opposition, David Pisoni, Shadow Minister for Education and Todd Hacking, old scholar now Tea Tree Gully Councillor, were visiting the school at the time and Minister Redmond was able to present their trophies.

PRESENTER: Wendy Stewart – Past President of the Gifted and Talented children’s Association RSVP Rob Perkins 8263 6244


While our Junior School students are basking in their success our year 9, 10 and 11 students have been planning their future pathways to success. 80% of students and their parents completed their subject selections for 2012 on the course counselling day. We appreciate the support from parents who made appointments to be involved in the counselling process. We will now use this information to construct a timetable for 2012 and staffing.

Refurbishment of the Middle School th building starts on Monday 5 September. The builders will need to use the staff car park. This will mean that staff will have to park in the OSHC car park until completion in August 2012. We trust that parents will be considerate and patient during this time and be especially vigilant and mindful of the safety of students and pedestrians in this area.

Helen Calvert Principal

Excess furniture and metal lockers for disposal – make a donation, take them away. See front office if you are interested in these items

Korean Study Tour We recently hosted 14 Korean students for two and a half weeks from South Korea. Students were from two different schools. There were three primary and six secondary age students from Maekyung, and five primary age students from Hans Education Academy. We will have a group from Indonesia in March next year. Students, visiting teachers and the agent organising the visit were very happy with our support of the students and the quality of the program we offered.

Forthcoming Exchange Visits [be quick, filling fast] Penang We have a few spaces left in an Exchange visit to Penang, Malaysia during the July school holidays next year. The cost for this trip will be around $1,300 plus travel insurance. There will be a lot of sight seeing and students will be hosted by Malaysian families and will be buddied by students from these families. This will be a return visit as 10 Penang students from Jit Sin High School visited us during April. Our return visit is eagerly awaited. Two Heights staff will accompany our students. Year 7’s and older students will be considered.

Maekyung, South Korea This trip is 6-21st January for students from Year 6 to 10. The students will stay in University dormitory accommodation and will have Korean student buddies. Costings for this trip are $2,200 including travel insurance. A total of 50 students and five teachers from a number of Adelaide schools will be involved. We may have a teacher attend. If you wish your child to be considered for either of these exchanges please call Brian Harris on 0400288381 or the school number 82636244 or email him at brian.harris@theheights.sa.edu.au

Brian Harris On behalf of the International Team.

“Arts and Culture knits a community together” The Arts provides the individual with the ability to enjoy the life-affirming pleasures of creating through participating in the Arts. The Arts is a collective term. It gathers the means of expression and understanding that engage our imaginations. The study of the arts at The Heights actively involves students in Art, Music, Drama, Multimedia and Dance from Preschool to Yr 12. During week 4 we have been celebrating the promotion of the Arts within the school community. Through Arts Week our aim was to: • To continue to promote the arts across the school • To involve students from the Junior, Middle and Senior School • To showcase the Arts to the students, Parents and community • To increase the participation in Arts Week throughout the school community • To foster creativity This was achieved through the following events and activities • Art Exhibitions and student competition • Drama Productions by Junior and Middle School • Romeo and Juliet by Year 10 Drama • Wakakirri performance • Cupcake Art • Junior School Cookie colour wheels run by Yr 10 and Yr 11 Art classes • Student Music Performances • Arts Quiz • Multi Media and Film Student Poster design, performances by Instrumental Teaching Service Jazz/ Rock Band • Belly Dancing workshop for girls • African Drumming workshop for boys • Abstract Arts Workshop • “The Heights got Talent” Junior, in the Middle and Senior events • Showcase


Yr 10 and 11 Art Students working with junior primary students in producing Cookie colour wheels Combined Home Economics and Art Cupcake Art Betty Boo And they tasted exquisite to Boot

“Kirkham’s “Bright Eyes” gouache on paper which was a runner up in the people’s choice. The competition was won by Holly Wiegand “Oriental Dragon– Fantasy Inspired Landscape” Watercolour & Ink on paper and the People’s Choice Award went to Emma Langley “Lonely Girl – An isolated Girl” Conté on Paper


The Heights School has taken 1st Place in the Wakakirri State Finals at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre with our performance of 'Don't Judge a Moth by its Colour' On August 24th our talented students performed in front of a very impressed audience at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre, and after an anxious wait we were awarded 1st place

Water Water looks blurry like the sun. Water smells like chlorine from a swimming pool. Water sounds splash like a whale flipper. The feel of water can be warm, hot or cold. Water tastes nice like lemonade. I LOVE WATER By Jakeisha

Yr 10 Drama production of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Water Poem Pool water looks green when you don’t put chlorine in it Water tastes like plain water. Water feels cold when it comes out of the fridge

Water sounds like the sea Water in the sea smells like salt water I LIKE WATER by Abbie Water looks clear when it is running through the tap. Water feels refreshing like when you have lemonade on a hot day. Water sounds like a cheetah drinking water really fast. Water smells like dust to me. Water tastes nice, fresh and liquidy too. I LIKE WATER By Jacob


Teacher Professional Learning Program Monday 2.45-3.30pm Week 5: Site Review – how are we going with our site priorities for improvement? Week 6: JS-Sports Day, Y6-8 year level, Year 9-12 Course Counselling In response to feedback about the length of sessions enabled by the 2.30pm closure on Mondays, the ½ hour Professional Learning session was extended to 45 minutes. Teachers continue after 3.30 until 4.15 to extend this professional learning opportunity and from 3.30-4.30 on Wednesday in faculty and cluster learning teams.

BOOK WEEK 2011 . . . Last week students at The Heights were very busy participating in Book Week activities. The theme for this year was “One World, Many Stories” The week started with a parade of students dressed as their favourite book character. Ms Sullivan (or was that Mrs Witch?) did an excellent job directing all the traffic. Individual classes participated in a range of activities. Mr Markou’s Year 3 class visited the Maritime Museum. Students enjoyed stories which related to the theme and then had time to explore the Museum. Many thanks to the parents/caregivers who joined us – we all had a great day of learning. On Wednesday of this week the Junior School students watched a special Book Week performance called “TOTALLY AMAZING”. A selection of four short-listed books came to life in an active and energetic manner. We all enjoyed this interpretation and hope that your son/daughter has shared their experience with you. Finally a word about the purpose of Book Week: “Book Week is about encouraging students to read; to learn about new books; to share favourite writers and illustrators; to look again at old favourite books in maybe a different way; to take time to be alone and just read.”

Perhaps every week of the year is Book Week . . . Julie Simpson, Teacher Librarian

UNIFORM Hats – Junior School

Summer Uniform

No Hat No Play policy comes into effect 1st September in accordance with Sun Smart Australia Guidelines. All Junior School students are required to wear sun safe hats. The Uniform Shop stocks small, medium and large sizes of both bucket and broad brim hats

Please think about your summer uniform requirements. We are currently fully stocked with dresses, shorts, shirts and summer tops. We have limited storage space and if we run out of a size, stocks from our supplier can take several weeks to arrive.

Tax Deductions From the 1st of July you may be eligible to claim uniform costs on your tax return under the Education Tax Refund. Further details are available from: http://www.educationtaxrefund.gov.au

The Uniform Shop is open Tuesday 8:30 – 9:30am and 10:40 – 11:05am Thursday 2:45 – 3:30pm Appointments can be made at other times by phoning 8263 6244 Payment by instalments for uniform is available; please talk to the Finance Office to arrange this. Uniform information including order forms and a sizing guide is available on our website. www.theheights.sa.edu.au

SENIORS’ POLOs 2012 If you are in Year 12 next year you will be receiving an order form at the beginning of next term to order your Seniors’ Polo for next year. The cost of $40 needs to be paid at the time of ordering. If you would like a top but can’t pay for it before 14th November, please speak to Lyn Albury. Order forms are available online. Tops will be available for collection during fee paying week in January, before school starts. www.theheights.sa.edu.au

Responding to Abuse & Neglect Education & Care Training Session Everyone wishing to work or volunteer with children and young people at the school must first undertake training in their child protection responsibilities. We have responsibility to support and protect volunteers and at the same time a very important duty of care to students.

Our next training and induction for Volunteers will be: Tuesday 20th September 6:00pm – 7:30pm in the Resource Centre Please RSVP to Lyn Albury lyn.albury@theheights.sa.edu.au or 8263 6244 so you can be informed of any changes and receive any necessary paperwork before the session.

Basketball Results 4/8/11 11/8/11

SFX Comets (14) defeated Heights Magic (13) in a very close game Heights Magic (11) defeated Pedare Light (9) – a great win after many close games! Well done to all players

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