MOBILE PHONE POLICY At The Heights School, we discourage students from bringing mobile phones to school, as they are able to access the front office phone in an emergency. The school accepts no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen phones. However if students bring their phone to school it must be used appropriately, within the following guidelines. •
Mobile phones are to be turned OFF and kept out of sight during lessons, assemblies and meetings.
Mobile phones may be used to receive, return, or make calls only during recess and lunch breaks, or before and after school: Recess: 10:40 – 11:00am Lunch Middle/Senior School: 12:40 - 1:10pm Lunch Junior School: 1:10 – 1:40pm
Students must not use phones in an illegal or harassing manner. This includes taking photos of any person without their permission, taking offensive photos or making sound recordings etc.
STUDENTS WITH MP3 players in their phones are reminded that they are not permitted at any time during lessons, assemblies and meetings.
Mobile phones may NOT be used for the following reasons – •
To phone or text parents/caregivers when unwell and subsequently leave the school grounds. Front office staff and your Sub School Manager need to be consulted in these circumstances and the phone call made from the front office.
To make/receive calls or text messages between lessons (unless this has been negotiated previously with Home Group teacher and parents – per diary note)
Consequences of non-compliance with this policy may include; • Confiscation of the phone, returned by the end of the school day •
any serious breach of the school’s behaviour code involving a phone can result in suspension NB
Where a student’s phone has been confiscated due to misuse, the phone will be kept in a secure place eg the school safe. Where there are continual breaches of these guidelines parents will be contacted. Please sign where indicated on the last page of this booklet and return to Home Group Teacher