New SACE 2009
The new SACE What does it mean for your child?
New SACE 2009
Time line • 2009 PLP introduced at year 10 • 2010 new SACE subjects at Stage 1 with compulsory literacy and numeracy requirements • 2011 new SACE subjects offered at Stage 2 including the compulsory Research Project. 2
New SACE 2009
Features of the SACE Students earn credits for completed subjects: • One semester or six months’ study in a subject is worth 10 credits (60hrs) • Students must complete subjects and courses adding up to 200 credits, mostly over two years • Students will need to gain a C grade or better for compulsory subjects to gain 3 the SACE
New SACE 2009
Compulsory subjects At Stage 1: Students must successfully complete compulsory subjects: – Personal Learning Plan (10 credits) – Literacy (at least 20 credits from range of English subjects or courses) – Numeracy (at least 10 credits from range of mathematics subjects or courses) 4
New SACE 2009
Compulsory subjects At Stage 2: -Research Project (10 credits) Must gain a C or better in compulsory subjects
• Students must successfully complete at least 60 credits from Stage Two at C or better • In addition, students must choose and complete at least 90 credits of additional subjects form either stage 1or stage 2
New SACE 2009
200 credits • • • • • •
PLP = 10 (Yr 10) Literacy = 20 (Stage 1 ) Numeracy= 10 (Stage 1 ) Research project = 10 (Stage 2 ) Stage 2 subjects = 60 Stage 1 & Stage 2 subjects = 90 6
New SACE 2009
Personal Learning Plan • • • • • •
New compulsory subject First step in gaining the SACE Generally undertaken in Year 10 Worth 10 credits Stage 1 C grade or better needed- Can be resulted up to time of student leaving school. An opportunity exists to meet this requirement if they haven’t already.7
New SACE 2009
Literacy • Compulsory subject • Stage 1 • At least 20 credits from a range of English, literacy or equivalent subjects and courses • C grade or better needed • Moderation will occur between schools 8
New SACE 2009
Numeracy • Compulsory subject • Stage 1 • At least 10 credits from a range of mathematics, numeracy or equivalent subjects and courses • C grade or better needed • Moderation will occur between schools 9
New SACE 2009
Research Project • New compulsory subject in 2011 • Stage 2 level • Designed to give students time to do a rigorous and detailed study in an area of interest • Worth 10 credits • C grade or better needed • Can be included in the TER but will require 30% external component 10
New SACE 2009
Research project
• Two kinds of Research project A-final evaluation can be written, visual or oral B Written form only to meet a common written assessment component (TER) The rest of the assessment processes is common to both types of project Stage 1 will be taught skills to undertake this project 11
New SACE 2009
New SACE 2009
Subjects • As well as the more traditional subjects there will be recognition for learning inside and outside of school • Examples: – vocational education and training (VET) – TAFE and university courses – community learning such as CFS training or Duke of Edinburgh Award 13
New SACE 2009
Assessment • A - E grades in every subject • Performance standards make clear what students need to achieve for a particular grade in each subject • Students need to achieve A, B or C grade in all compulsory subjects
New SACE 2009
Assessment • Stage 1 - subjects marked by teachers • Stage 2 -30% of every subject marked by others outside of the school – through exams, practical projects, presentations etc • School assessed component of Stage 2 subjects are externally moderated 15
New SACE 2009
Performance standards • Provide a detailed outline of what evidence students need to present under each assessment design criteria for each grade band. • There will be performance standards for each subject in the New SACE • Students will be given a copy of these standards 16
New SACE 2009
University entrance Students wishing to apply for university entry from 2012 must: • Complete the SACE • Complete 80 Stage 2 credits including at least three 20 credit Stage 2 subjects approved by universities • Complete prerequisite requirements 17 for some courses
New SACE 2009
University entrance How will the Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER) be calculated from 2012? • Using results from three full-year tertiary entry subjects Plus • Results from a fourth full-year tertiary entry subject or other studies recognised as equivalent by the SACE Board and universities or research project plus another 10 credit stage 2 subject or half of a 20 credit subject 18
New SACE 2009
University entrance • Full details on university and TAFE entry requirements for 2012 onwards will be provided in the Tertiary Entrance Booklet 2010, 2011, 2012 • Booklet published by the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC) and distributed to schools in July 2009 • Universities have now advised which subjects will be accepted for Uni entry and they will be called Tertiary admission subjects (TAS)
New SACE 2009
Applying for TAFE • TAFE will continue to recognise the SACE as entry requirement for most courses • TAFE also recognises range of other qualifications in the entry and selection process
New SACE 2009
2010 - What does this all mean for students are currently in yr 9 or 807? • They will undertake the Personal Leaning Plan in the 1st semester. This is compulsory and worth 10 credits. The students must achieve a C or better. • This subject can be resulted at any time before the students leaves school so there are opportunities for students to improve their work if they don’t reach a C standard in the 1st semester. 21
New SACE 2009
2010 What does this all mean if you are currently in yr 10? • Stage 1 – No groupness, so free choice is increased • 6 subjects in semester one -English and Maths compulsory ( C grade ) plus 4 choice subjects • 6 subjects in semester two – English( C Grade) and Extension Project compulsory plus 4 choice subjects 22
New SACE 2009
2011 Stage 2 Compulsory Research project = 10 credits C grade or better 3 Subjects = 60 credits C grade or better If a student wants a TER 80 credits 23
New SACE 2009
Subject Selection Process • Full day – appointments with student and parents for pathway planning • 807-Yr 10 English, Maths, Science, SOSE(PLP) and LOTE compulsory, 2 choice subjects • YR 9- Yr 10 English, Maths, Science, SOSE(PLP) compulsory, 4 choice subjects
New SACE 2009
Subject selection Process • Yr 10 – Yr 11 English (Full year), Maths, Extension Project Compulsory, 8 choice subjects • Appropriate choice of Maths and English • Planning for Stage 2 and beyond is necessary when making subject selections- Senior School Course booklet sets out courses and pathways
New SACE 2009
Subject selection Process • Students to bring PLP folders to course selection meetings. • Long home group time to discuss courses and appropriate choices.
New SACE 2009