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Through our passion for Learning we will create Happy Healthy Productive Global Citizens Keen to meet challenges and build a just society


VALUES: We work hard to learn We respect each other We value acts of generosity

Learning is enhanced when the curriculum is differentiated through providing a variety of learning options to meet the individual needs of students. Students are more engaged in their learning when their curriculum is innovative, challenging, rigorous, relevant to their life experiences, connected to their world beyond school and prepares them for post– secondary pathways. Learning is enhanced when students are provided with a variety of learning processes that actively engage them in deep creative thinking, skill development and problem solving. Learning is strengthened when students form positive relationships with peers, staff and families.



Our commonly agreed school values and beliefs about learning revitalise curriculum and pedagogy across the school…

Our whole school approach delivers improved skill development and achievement in reading…

Through all staff working collaboratively to – • develop units of work/tasks differentiated to meet the range of student needs/skills • implement individual learning plans in classes through differentiated tasks and assessment approaches • moderate the differentiated units/tasks to monitor standards, achieve consistency of judgement and share strategies for effective support of learners.

Through all staff working collaboratively to – • develop the scope and sequence of comprehension skills (for specific subject areas) and approaches to incorporate the explicit teaching of these skills in units of work/tasks differentiated to meet the range of student needs.

BEHAVIOUR LEARNING and ATTENDANCE Our coherent and consistent implementation of student behaviour education across the whole school and effective monitoring of student attendance both daily and from lesson to lesson support learner achievement and satisfaction Through all staff working collaboratively to: • implement agreed policy and practices in regard to behaviour and attendance.

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Priorities: 2011



The two or three key areas for specific focus over the next 12 months, as determined from analysis of learner data and Self Review processes

Agreed, specific targets that clearly indicate what improved outcomes learners will achieve or demonstrate

The major actions that staff – teachers, SSOs, leaders – commit to do so that learners are supported at classroom level to achieve the Targets

Literacy Improvement in comprehension (making meaning from text): Improvement in ‘making connections’ and ‘inference’ outcomes in Reading Comprehension P-12.

The % ‘correct’ at the question item level for questions about ‘making connections’ and inference in the 2011 NAPLaN reading results is at the like school/state levels at years 5, 7 and 9 indicating that students are able to show improved understanding in these aspects

Staff will participate in establishing effective results-oriented professional learning teams with a focus on learning, working collaboratively and that are accountable for results Selected secondary teachers will undertake the Tactical Teaching-Reading program and facilitate and mentor teachers in explicit teaching of reading strategies Teachers and SSOs will explicitly teach ‘making connections’ and ‘inference’ within classroom reading approaches for non fiction texts Leaders will timetable school structures and connect events (Term calendar, PF days, meeting schedule) and target resources to support staff to successfully enact comprehension strategies in daily classroom practice. Teachers will utilize ICT software, hardware & peripherals as a resource for making meaning. ICT Committee will develop a student assessment tool to establish base line data and evaluate improvement of student comprehension skills and views about ICT improving comprehension Leaders will analyse English results to determine the 2011 target in relation to: • students who did not achieve C • students who achieved a C or greater

100% students achieve C in SACE literacy requirement

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Evaluation Measures:2011 The data, evidence, processes and timelines to be used to monitor / measure / evaluate progress towards achievement of the Targets and/or effectiveness of Strategies

Running Records taken in terms 1 and 4 in R/1/2 to track improvement in reading levels Compare 2009, 2010 & 2011 NAPLaN Reading data for years 3, 5, 7 and 9 to confirm direction and overall effectiveness of strategies Performance Development & Review Processes provide evidence towards achievement of target

SACE Stage 1 English course term 1 and 2 school report data identifies students requiring targeted support

Improvement in levels of achievement of learner outcomes: • SACE Performance Standards

Australian Curriculum (Maths, English, Science, History) familiarisation

Improve attendance – engagement in learning and level of achievement

100% students achieve C in compulsory subjects/components of SACE: Stage 1 English, Stage 1 Maths, PLP, Research Project

Home group teachers will explicitly teach strategies to increase student work completion years 6-12 in Pastoral Care

% increase in achievement of B and A in Stage 2 subject results

Teachers will analyse achievement results in each subject to identify trends in results, % of a, b, c, d, e and establish goals for improvement at the end of each term ( and mid- term using predicted/formative and summative results) Teachers will participate in PL activities to plan, program and report the Australian Curriculum in: • Maths & Science at R-8 level • English and History at Y8 level Leaders will develop an implementation plan for the Science, Maths, English & History Australian Curriculum All teachers will be trained to us Daymap to record and monitor attendance Subschool meeting agenda will support home group teachers to follow up on unexplained absences and lateness Middle School and Senior School awards and rewards at end of term will acknowledge students with 100% attendance R-12 Attendance Procedures and Improvement Plan documented Individual Learning Plans developed with families to support individual student engagement in learning Develop processes to support teachers to more easily communicate with parents about student learning including Daymap

100% of R-8 students engage in an aspect of the Maths & Science Australian Curriculum 100% of Y8 students engage in an aspect of the English and History Australian Curriculum

3% increase in student attendance annually

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Term 3 report data identifies students requiring intervention and targeted support Work completion data analysed and acknowledged by year level at the end of each term to determine effectiveness of strategies

Performance Development & Review Plans provide evidence of planning and programming in Maths & Science

Attendance data analysed at the end of each term by year level, homegroup, school card, ATSI to identify students at risk. Achievement results of students identified as at risk analysed at end of each term to develop IEPs IEP reviewed at the end of each term % of Middle School and Senior School student acknowledgements

2011 SCHOOL OPERATIONS FOCUS to facilitate student achievement and success: Classroom learning environment-consistent expectations for orderly physical environment -common print displays for learning expectations, culture of achievement & excellence -common print displays of literacy scaffolds Litter management-implement litter management proposal Time Out Room-clear role & responsibility statement for teachers for face to face teaching time out room lessons Performance Development and Review Process-implement for all leadership and staff Communication-term planner, bulletin, website

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