The Helicopter Newspaper - May 2009

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Volume 10, May 2009 This edition mailed on: April 23, 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

Bell UH-1H Plus

REGISTRATION: N703PH SERIAL NUMBER: 69-15602 TOTAL TIME: 4749.5 ASKING Price: Call for Price CONTACT:, 360-754-7200 More about this helicopter on page 20

Formerly Universal Helicopter INSIDE THIS EDITION: Northwest Helicopters Huey refurbishments, S-92 AD compliance, Helicomb’s employee training is good for business May 2009


calendar of events May 2009 May 12-14 EBACE 2009, Geneva, Switzerland, May 12-14 ITEC 2009, Brussels, Belgium, May 14-15 Electronic Warfare 2009, London, UK, May 27-29 CBAA Convention, Monteal, Canada, May 27-29 AHS 65th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Grapevine, TX,

June 2009 June 15-21 Paris Air Show, LeBourget, Paris France,

July 2009 July 12-14 ALA 2009, Miami, FL, July 22-23 UV Europe, Cardiff, Wales, July 22-25 ALEA 2009, Savannah, GA, July 27-August 2 EAA Airventure, Oshkosh, WI,

August 2009 August 10-13 AIAA Guidance, Navigation & Control Conference & Exhibition, Chicago, IL,

September 2009 September 8-10 Asian Aerospace International Expo, Hong Kong, China, September 8-11 DSEi Exhibition 2009, London, UK, September 15-17 AIAA Space Conference & Exhibition, Pasadena, CA, September 21-24 AIAA ATIO & ANERS, Hilton Head, SC, 2

September 22-24 Helitech Europe, Duxford, Cambridge, UK, September 23-24 MRO Europe 2009 Conference & Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, Sept 30- October 1 NightVision/EOS 2009, Gaylord Nat’l Hotel & Conv Ctr, www.

October 2009 October 20-22 NBAA 62nd Annual Meeting and Convention, Orlando, FL, October 20-22 AFCEA Infotech, Dayton, OH, October 25 Wings, Wheels & Rotors, Los Alamitos Army Airfield, October 26-28 AMTC, San Jose, CA

November 2009 November 4-5 Heli-Power 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, November 5-7 AOPA Expo, Tampa, FL, November 30-December 2 Int’l Aviation Trade Show & Congress, Cancun, Mexico,

P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA 31069 USA

April 2010

475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA

April 25-30 MTLI, Wheeling, WV,

May 2010 May 4-6 EBACE, Geneva, Switzerland, May 25-27 Heli-Pacific 2010, RACV Royal Pines Resort Australia,

March TBA PAMA 2010 Aviation Maintenance & Management Symposium,

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June 2010

EDITOR: Paige Welch

ADVERTISING: Ernie Eggler & Jackie Trotter

June 8-13 ILA, Berlin, Germany, June 14-18 Eurosatory, Paris, France,



CIRCULATION: Tammy Bridges

July 2010

The Helicopter Newspaper, formerly Universal Helicopter, is published monthly for $24 USD for a one (1) year subscription and $45 USD for a two (2) year subscription (international rates will vary).

July 14-17 ALEA 2010, Tucson, AZ, July 19-25 Farnborough International, UK, July 26-August 1 EAA Airventure, Oshkosh, WI,

August 2010 August 2-5 AIAA Guidance Navigation & Control, Toronto, Canada,

October 2010 October TBA AMTC, Ft. Lauderdale, FL,

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

PUBLISHER: Graham Lavender

February 2010

March 2010

PHONE: 866-864-8237 • 478-988-0787


Volume 10, May 2009

February TBA IDEX 2010, Abu Dhabi, UAE, www. February 2-7 Singapore International Air Show 2010, Singapore, February 21-23 Heli-Expo 2010, Houston, TX,

The Helicopter Newspaper is published by Universal Helicopter, Inc.

All material published remains the copyright of The Helicopter Newspaper. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the written consent of the publisher. Editorials published do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. Content within The Helicopter Newspaper is believed to be true and accurate and the publisher does not assume responsibility for any errors. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcomed and encouraged. The Helicopter Newspaper cannot be responsible for return unless submissions are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Photos submitted by mail or electronically become property of The Helicopter Newspaper unless otherwise specified. Copyrighted photographs must be clearly marked, otherwise they become property of The Helicopter Newspaper. Deadline for all advertising is the first day of each month for the following month’s edition. Information about rates, mechanical requirements, etc. is available upon request. The Helicopter Newspaper is a proud member of:

Bell UH-1H Plus REGISTRATION: N703PH SERIAL NUMBER: 69-15602 TOTAL TIME: 4749.5 ASKING PRIcE: cALL fOR PRIcE cONTAcT:, 360-754-7200 More about this helicopter on page 20

Formally Universal Helicopter INSIDE: Northwest Helicopters, Heli-Expo Exhibitor Council, S-92 AD compliance May 2009


Feature your helicopter on our cover. For more information, contact The Helicopter Newspaper, or 866-864-8273, 478-988-0787.

© Copyright 2009 Postmaster: If undeliverable, return mailing label only. Printed in the United States

Graham Lavender, Publisher

from the publisher’s desk

Where did April go? It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting down to compose the editorial for the April edition and planning for the upcoming summer. Our staff has been extremely busy bringing you the latest news in the helicopter industry along with the latest listings of helicopters and helicopter-related items for sale. Don’t forget to visit our website, and browse hundreds of helicopterspecific classifieds, which are instantly updated. Trying to sell yours? Let us help. List your helicopter (with an included color photo) in our printed edition and have it placed on the website at no extra charge. Prices start at only $30 per month. This month we take a look at some organizations doing amazing things in the industry. Brian Reynolds, with Northwest Helicopters, is transforming the UH-1 into the UH-1 Plus. Lightened airframes and an upgrade to the 1800 shp T53-L-703 are just the start. (That’s a 28% increase from the standard UH1-H). The article is on page 5. Helicomb International, out of Oklahoma, is expanding and busier than ever. Recently, 18 of their employees received the

FAA’s diamond award, the agency’s highest award for training. Bob Austin led the company to the completion of their 13,000 square foot expansion. JSL Aviation’s Jim Gardner, makes excellent points about crew resource management in his column beginning on page 7. Crew resource management is a great resource that everyone can use. Even if you fly single pilot VFR, an organized approach to how you handle your daily cockpit tasks will consistently provide results and keep you, your crew and your passengers safe. Same start procedure, same before landing checklist, same vertical speeds, same radio calls, same cool down, you get the idea. In an IFR environment, single or dual pilots, this approach works as well. Same speeds, same procedures; so when something does go awry, it is easily dealt with (hopefully). If you have more-or-less received your April and May editions backto-back, please talk to your post office. There were some locations throughout the country that had a delay with the delivery of the April edition. It was mailed during the last week of March. May’s edition will be mailed the last week of April. You should be reading this

article around the first week of May. If not, give us a call. We’re doing what we can from our end and the more information we have, the better. Another option is to purchase the paper. Your paid subscription ensures you receive The Helicopter Newspaper each and every month via First Class mail. Call our office or send in the form on page 31 to start yours. The summer is starting, and everyone seems to be getting busier. Flights are more in number, passengers seem to have gained about 15 pounds, people want more tours, news breaks hourly and shifts seem to change more

often. With the summer months we should all take an extra two seconds and think. CRM incorporation, good pre-flights (remember the density altitude!) and good equipment will make a safe summer season for all of us.

READ all over! Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace.

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May 2009



Huey refurbishments lead to higher performance The UH-1H on the front cover of this issue of The Helicopter Newspaper was refurbished in a process developed by Brian Reynolds and his team at Northwest Helicopters over the past twenty years. “We take a standard UH-1H helicopter and turn it into a high performance UH-1H Plus,” explains Reynolds. “It’s a cost effective way to achieve performance goals. The direct operating costs of the UH1H Plus are estimated to be only $644.11 per hour.” According to Reynolds, the upgrade starts with a standard UH-1H helicopter, either customer supplied or from the Northwest Helicopters inventory, and is lightened. The engine replaced or upgraded to the T53-L-703 configuration; the tailboom is modified with BLR Strake Kit and BLR Fast Fin Kit; a 212 intermediate gearbox is installed; a high output Bell 209 oil cooler blower installed; and the cockpit is upgraded for 1800 horsepower engine operations. “We retain the commonality between the majority of the UH-1H components and use spares that you may already have in stock,” Reynolds said. “We also give our customers the ability to upgrade their fleet in phases at our facility in Olympia, WA.” Meeting customer specifications drives the majority of refurbishment work. “We have rebuilt aircraft for firefighting, law enforcement, agricultural, exhibition and museum collections,” Reynolds said. He is also proud of a service life extension program that aids our current military operations. The list of available options includes a cargo hook designed by Mechanical Specialties, Inc. “We worked closely with Mechanical Specialties, Inc., to design and put into service the best and strongest cargo hook assembly ever built for a Huey,” Reynolds said. “The new design is simple and rugged and

allows only restricted twisting under a load and returns to centering on its own.” The UH-1H Plus configured for firefighting carries the Isolair Eliminator II Spray System. “We work with Isolair because their system features user oriented innovations made with quality U.S. manufacturing,” Reynolds said. “Its in-flight features make for faster firefighting cycles -- loading, mixing

models, In January we received our certification from MD and we are now an Authorized MD Service Center,” Reynolds said. “We are very excited about furthering our relationship with MD Helicopters and looking forward to supporting their product line as well from our new heliport and maintenance facility, which is the largest of its kind in the country. We have many clients who demand MD


“ e take a standard UH-1H helicopter and turn it into a high performance UH-1H Plus.” ~ Brian Reynolds of foam or retardant, dump volume and drop length are all precisely controlled and monitored from the cockpit.” But Northwest is far more than just a refurbishment facility. “Along with being approved as a Bell Customer Service Facility a couple years ago for most Bell

model helicopters for their high performance capability and we are proud to be aligning ourselves with MD to ensure them lasting support both locally and around the world.” The list of other Northwest capabilities is a

long one – FAA Part 135 Repair Station; STC development and manufacturing; component overhaul; custom pain services for interiors, exteriors and components; domestic and international spares capabilities and even the ability to “pack and ship” client’s aircraft overseas. Northwest Helicopters does just a little bit of flying as well. Over the last 20 years the company has transformed from a single ship operation to the largest helicopter company in the state of Washington. “Flying five different models of helicopters, we can respond to almost any job anywhere in the nation,” said Reynolds. Reynolds is proudest when talking about the new heliport complex. “It took over six years to design and two years to build. The site was planned from day one to be a Heliport. It is the most advanced and modern Helicopter facility in the country,” Reynolds explained. “It can have up to 18 helicopters operating simultaneously in day or night operations. On any given day there are nearly 30 helicopters on site either on the landing area or in any one of the hangars. This is truly a helicopters only site.”

This Northwest Helicopters refurbished UH-1H Plus was on display at Heli-Expo 2009 in Anaheim, CA.

May 2009


Coyne welcomes nomination of Babbitt to FAA position Alexandria, VA–National Air Transportation Association (NATA) President James K. Coyne welcomed the nomination of Randy Babbitt as President Obama’s selection for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator. Babbitt had been rumored for some time to be the likely pick to head the FAA but delays have plagued all Administration selections and prolonged the announcement. Babbitt, former president and chief executive officer of the Air Line Pilots Association, has more than 40 years of aviation experience. Last year, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Mary Peters named Babbitt to the independent review team tasked with evaluating and crafting recommendations to improve the FAA’s implementation of the aviation safety system and its culture of safety.

BLADE REPAIRS BY HeliBlade, Inc. • Composite • Metal • Main & Tail Rotor Blades • Bell • McDonald Douglas • Sikorsky • Distributor & Service Center for Van Horn Aviation, L.L.C. for STC 204 UH-1 Tail Rotors. Pablo Martinez Ejarque 4831 Skyway Drive • Olivehurst, CA 95961-7475 Tel: 530-743-0151 • Fax: 530-743-1391


“I have known Randy Babbitt for more than 15 years, and I think he is an outstanding selection as our next FAA Administrator,” stated Coyne. “Randy knows fullwell how important modernizing our air traffic control system is, so I look forward to working with him to accomplish this critical priority.” Commenting on the importance for the new FAA Administrator to work immediately with Congress to approve a long-term FAA reauthorization bill, Coyne stated, “There is a lot of good intent on Capitol Hill to approve a long-term measure finally. I am hopeful that with Randy filling the Administrator slot momentum will carry us over the hump towards passage of a bill that modernizes our air traffic control system, rejects user fees, and invests in airport infrastructure.”

Vertical Challenge Air Show Pilots from across the United States will showcase their helicopters at the 10th annual Hiller Aviation Museum’s Vertical Challenge on June 20, 2009. The aim of this event is to get helicopters the respect that is usually reserved for airplanes by showcasing the abilities of the agile aircraft. “They come in so many different shapes and sizes and have such a Varity of different tasks that they perform. The helicopter is kind of the unsung hero. They’re the ones that fly in after the car crash and medivac to the hospital. There the ones that fly head first into the fire that everyone else is running away from and when someone is stranded at sea in a storm that even grounds the birds, it is the helicopter that braves they way for the rescue,” Said Willie Turner, Vice President of Operation for the Hiller Aviation Museum. Helicopters are used for everything from traffic reports to

cliff rescues to national defense. The Vertical Challenge will showcase the different functions of the helicopter with various demonstrations from Sheriff/ SWAT, fire fighting, Search and Rescue and many other types of helicopters. But the 10th Anniversary show will not be limited to just helicopters. This year the Jet Pack International Go Fast Jet Pack will perform at the show along with an appearance from the only Zeppelin in the United States, flown by Airship Ventures. Vertical Challenge would not be possible with out the support of such sponsors like Bell Helicopter, Robinson Helicopter, Golden Gate Helicopter and Helicopter Association International. If you or someone you know has a helicopter and would like to participate please contact the Hiller Aviation Museum (650) 654-0200 and visit the web site at

About the author: Jim Gardner is a retired U.S. Air Force officer, a former commercial pilot, and an aviation insurance specialty broker with JSL Aviation, a division of J Smith Lanier Co., one of the largest privately owned insurance agencies in America, insuring people and business since 1868., 678-639-4108

the anatomy of

aviation insurance

Crew Resource Management training is a proven risk reduction tool In the article “Why We Train” originally published in the March 2009 issue of The Helicopter Newspaper, I referenced the successful wet ditching and rescue of the crew and passengers of US Airways Flight 1549. As a former professional airline pilot for Eastern Air Lines, Piedmont, and US Airways, I understand how easily this success could have turned into disaster if it weren’t for the coordinated efforts and of the crew, passengers, ATC, and rescue personnel who responded to the accident. It wasn’t luck, it was training that made the difference; not just for the aircraft crew, but also for ATC and rescue personnel. Everyone was prepared. It is the classic example of how crew resource management works to save lives and reduce the impact of an accident. Between 1992 and 1995 US Airways experienced 4 major aircraft accidents. We had a cultural problem in our flight operations. From my experience in the Air Force and Eastern Air Lines I understood the value of crew resource management (CRM). In my humble opinion the implementation and integration of CRM at US Airways changed the way both management and flight operations looked at safety awareness and standard operating procedures and probably saved the airline from extinction. It made us a safer and better airline as well as a better risk to insure. The evolution of CRM grew out of a NASA workshop in 1979 that examined resource management on the flight deck. By examining air transport accidents it was determined that failures of interpersonal communications, decision making, and leadership

were responsible for the majority of accidents that fell into the “pilot error” category. Out of this workshop the term “cockpit resource management” or CRM was born. The underlying premise of CRM was to reduce the frequency and severity of errors in the cockpit. CRM has evolved from the continued efforts of NASA, various airlines and the FAA. Through several phases of development it has been recognized that good resource management extends beyond the cockpit to the entire crew as well as the use of automation during normal and non-normal operations. The FAA introduced the advanced qualification program, or AQP. This resulted in another evolution, or generation, of CRM. The AQP concept allowed air lines greater flexibility in developing training programs, but required them to incorporate CRM and LOFT (Line Oriented Flight Training) into their programs. It seems that from one generation to the next the original goal of managing error had been diluted. Now in the fifth generation of CRM this original concept has returned as threat and error management. An acknowledgement that human error is inevitable and the error countermeasures of avoid, trap, and mitigate have become the foundation for this next generation of training. A change in corporate culture that accepts that errors will happen and a non-punitive approach to error reporting is necessary. The aviation industry has evolved to understand that errors cannot be eliminated and CRM training is one of many tools an organization can use to manage errors. The

safety of daily operations is the result of numerous factors that come together to form a corporate culture. CRM training is an integral part of the development of an effective, proactive safety management system which includes crew, passengers and management. The rationale for human factors training remains as strong now as it did when the term CRM was first used So what does CRM have to do with helicopters or light general aviation aircraft? Even if for single pilot operators, when we think through the process, we will discover we have a lot of available resources if we

will just learn to recognize what they are, how they can benefit us, and how to manage those resources in an emergency. Single Pilot Crew Resource Training was developed by Century CRM to address the growing general aviation population that fly single pilot for pleasure and business as well as commercial purposes. It is the first of its kind in the US. The program helps the pilot addresses how the need for identifying team members (inside and outside of the cockpit), planning, time and workload management, the value of passenger relations, SEE CRM, continued on page 9

May 2009


thn tid-bits Letter to the Editor

investigations revealed that I really enjoy reading this newspaper. corrosion from water penetration Thank you for creating it. initiated a fatigue crack in the Gary Turel main rotor blades. Both helicopters Tigaro, OR experienced an increase in main rotor vibration prior to final Feeling good vibrations blade failure. In both aircraft, the Many components on a helicopter vibrations were corrected with track can fail and still allow the pilot to and balance, only to reappear a make a safe landing. The main rotor short time later. system is not one of them. Thus, any abnormal low-frequency vibration felt in the airframe or through the TX heli pilots go wild flight controls should be treated with An exploding population of feral extreme caution and investigated on hogs in Texas could lead to a new the ground until the source is found opportunity for helicopter pilots there: commercial hunting. The and corrected. Another telltale sign of a potential state legislature is considering a bill that would allow pilots to take problem is difficulty with tracking up paying customers who would and balancing the rotor system. hunt the hogs that are causing Two accidents involving Robinson an estimated $400 million in R22 helicopters, one in Israel and property damage each year. There one in Australia, should never are uncertainties over licensing, had happened. In both cases,


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however: Pilots who currently take up landowners to hunt hogs on their own land need only an agricultural permit, but expanding the hunting rules may require a much more expensive commercial license.

Bell AD update

After issuing a large scope Airworthiness Directive for Bell 206, 407 and 427 helicopters, the FAA scaled it back from approximately 2,700 helicopters to about 50. The original AD required immediate inspection for an improperly installed cyclic control lever bearing, which was discovered during a recent delivery of a helicopter. The amended AD only requires aircraft with fewer than 50 hours of flight time to be inspected.

rough conditions

Since November 2008, winter experts from AgustaWestland have been at Muskegon County Airport in Michigan. The team has been working on developing

a midsized helicopter able to operate in harsh, winter conditions. Larger helicopters don’t normally have trouble, but smaller ones do, especially in icy conditions. Focus has been on the AW139, which is being used in studies on how to effectively melt ice on the rotor blades.


Question: I used to live in Canada and had begun flight training but never obtained a pilot certificate. Can I use the flight time I logged in Canada toward an FAA pilot certificate now that I live in the United States? Answer: Yes, you may credit your flight training with a Canadian flight instructor toward an FAA pilot certificate. The Canadian flight instructor would not be eligible to provide any endorsements other than those showing training given. For example, that instructor could not endorse your logbook for a practical test. For more information read FAR 61.41.

No impact from VH-71 cancellation company says MILAN, ITALY–Finmeccanica Italy’s largest aerospace and defense group, will suffer no financial impact from a possible cancellation of the VH-71 U.S. presidential helicopter programme, it reported. Earlier U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said he had proposed terminating the $13 billion VH-71 presidential helicopter programme produced by Finmeccanica in joint venture with Lockheed Martin as part of a number of cuts to big-ticket defense programs. Finmeccanica said the proposal was only the first step in a complex budget approval process. It said the U.S. Congress had already authorised funding for the Increment 1 phase of the programme,

worth around $3.7 billion, of which about $1 billion pertained to Finmeccanica unit AgustaWestland. “The potential cancellation of the programme would entitle Finmeccanica to receive penalty payments that will compensate for the termination of the contract,” it said in a statement. The value of Increment 2 phase was not included in Finmeccanica’s budget and its business plan, the company said. “Therefore there are no changes to the guidance provided to the market.” Finmeccanica said the Increment 1 contract involves the development of nine helicopters, eight of which have already been delivered. The contract is valid until 2011.

CRM, continued from page 7

maintaining and recovering situational awareness, among others. It is designed to help the single pilot recognize and use ALL the resources available to first, prevent an accident, and second, successfully deal with an emergency to minimize the hazards. CRM is more about human factors than systems and stick and rudder. As Carl Carmichael of Century CRM said, “All the time you spend in the simulator doing V1 cuts and engine out approaches or being out there practicing auto-rotations isn’t enough to keep our situational awareness during an emergency.” Carl believes one important way we can learn how to deal with emergencies is by talking about

the ‘what ifs’ in a controlled environment. He further stated, “By talking through the issues and sharing our experiences with fellow pilots, a quality CRM program will help us understand how events can overwhelm us and how to safely get things back on track.” Reducing the risk of having an accident is part and parcel to risk management and insurance. The three elements of risk management are risk avoidance, risk retention (reduction) and risk transfer. A good CRM program properly implemented by a flight department or even single pilot operator can help reduce the likelihood of an accident, or, in the case of Flight 1549, drastically reduce the loss by successfully dealing with the emergency.

Insurance companies love to insure the best or “preferred” risks. They attempt to reduce their risk of loss by requiring annual training and promoting safe operating practices of their insureds. As insurance rate bottom out, underwriters are looking for ways to cut the cost of claims by rewarding the best operators. CRM is all about being prepared and it applies to everyone involved with a flight operation inside and outside the aircraft. It is a proven program that prevents accidents

as well as saving lives and money when it just isn’t our day and the proverbial “sierra” hits the fan. Contributors: Thanks to Gary Rower and Carl Carmichael of Century CRM LLC for contributing to this article. Century CRM is the only FAA certified part 141 Crew Resource Management School in the United States. More information can be found at www.

S-92 operators complying after fatal crash STRATFORD, CT - The majority of the worldwide S-92 helicopter fleet has already complied with the company notice to retrofit the aircraft’s gearbox oil bowl with steel mounting studs. Sikorsky contacted all S-92 helicopter operators on March 20 after broken titanium studs were found during a helicopter crash investigation in Canada. The investigation is continuing, and no determination has been made that the broken studs contributed to the accident or if they resulted from it. Sikorsky immediately notified the operators as a safety precaution, and the FAA is expected to issue an Airworthiness Directive instructing the retrofit. Sikorsky has made available all the parts and tools necessary for all operators to swap out the studs. “While the investigation remains ongoing, our priority has been to maintain safety and eliminate any potential risks,” said Marc Poland, Vice President of Sikorsky Global Helicopters. “The operators are reacting quickly, and we are

doing all we can to encourage full and rapid compliance.” Canada’s Transportation Safety Board (TSB) is leading the investigation into the March 12 helicopter accident that occurred off the coast of Newfoundland and resulted in 17 deaths. Sikorsky is assisting with the investigation. “Our prayers and deepest condolences go out to the families of all involved in this terrible tragedy,” Poland said. “The investigation continues, and we are providing support and technical resources to assist the TSB while we continue to support the fleet.” The S-92 helicopter was designed with numerous structural and avionics safety features. The worldwide fleet has accumulated more than 140,000 flight hours since 2004. Approximately 66% of current S-92 operators are offshore oil customers. The remaining operators are performing search and rescue (SAR), Head of State, VIP and airline missions. May 2009


ntsb reports CEN09WA160 DATE: Monday, February 02, 2009 LOCATION: Dominican Republic Aircraft: BELL OH-58 Injuries: 2 Uninjured. On February 2, 2009, about 1745 UTC, a single-engine Bell helicopter impacted terrain after a loss of engine power during an aerial application flight in the southwest section of the Dominican Republic. The pilot and one additional crewmember were not injured The accident investigation is under the control and jurisdiction of the Government of the Dominican Republic. CEN09CA157 DATE: Friday, February 06, 2009 LOCATION: Cypress, TX Aircraft: R22 BETA Injuries: 2 Uninjured. While performing a 180-degree autorotation, the student pilot raised the collective in order to maintain the helicopter’s RPMs within normal parameters. At approximately 250 feet AGL, the rotor RPM was allowed to decay to 95% at which time the helicopter began to sink. The lowest observed RPM was 85%. The CFI took control of the helicopter could not recover the helicopter prior to an impact with terrain. The helicopter landed hard and rolled onto its left side. Substantial crushing damage was sustained to the fuselage. CEN09WA163 DATE: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 LOCATION: Budaors, Hungary Aircraft: Robinson R44 Injuries: 1 Fatal, 2 Minor On February 10, 2009, at 0930 UTC, a Robinson R-44 helicopter was substantially damaged when it impacted water under unknown circumstances near Budaors, Hungary. The pilot was fatally injured and two passengers received minor 10

injuries. The flight originated from the Budaors Airport, Budaors, Hungary. The Transportation Safety Bureau (TSB Hungary) investigators reported that the helicopter lost engine power during aerial works, and the helicopter crashed into the Danube river. The accident investigation is under the jurisdiction and control of the Hungarian government. This report is for informational purposes only and contains only information released by or obtained from the Hungary government. WPR09CA118 DATE: Wed, February 18, 2009 LOCATION: Encinitas, CA Aircraft: Robinson R22 Beta II Injuries: 2 Uninjured. The pilot/operator reported that he was giving a prospective flight instructor an employment checkout ride. The flight instructor entered a practice autorotation, from approximately 700 to 800 feet mean sea level, to the ocean shoreline (beach) with the plan to perform a power recovery. When the flight instructor attempted to increase power, the power recovered to only approximately 70%. The pilot took the flight controls and performed an emergency autorotation to the sandy beach. The helicopter’s forward motion was between 3 to 5 knots when it touched down. The pilot said the wet sand was like “glue” and the helicopter stopped suddenly, causing the aircraft to “rock forward and back.” The backward motion permitted a main rotor blade to slice through and separate the tail boom. WPR09WA138 DATE: Wed, February 18, 2009 LOCATION: North Sea, UK Aircraft: Eurocopter EC225 Injuries: 18 Uninjured. On February 18, 2009 at 1840 UTC, a Eurocopter EC225 ditched in the North Sea near an oil platform located approximately 125

nautical miles east of Aberdeen, United Kingdom. The pilot and 17 passengers were not injured. The helicopter was substantially damaged during the water landing. CEN09WA216 DATE: Thurs, February 19, 2009 LOCATION: Tocumen, Panama Aircraft: Robinson R44 Injuries: 3 Fatal. On February 19, 2009, at 2152 UTC, a Robinson R44 was destroyed when it exploded in flight and impacted the parking lot at Tocumen International Airport (PTY), Tocumen, Panama. The pilot and two passengers were fatally injured. WPR09GA119 DATE: Thurs, February 19, 2009 LOCATION: San Clemente, CA Aircraft: MD 600 Injuries: 1 Serious, 2 Minor. On February 19, 2009, about 1930 PST, a McDonnell Douglas Helicopter 600N was forced to land on the beach in San Clemente, California, as a result of a reported engine anomaly encountered during cruise flight. The airline transport pilot sustained serious injuries, and the two passengers received minor injuries. The helicopter sustained substantial damage. The helicopter departed from Long Beach, California, about 1900, with an intended destination of San Diego, California. USCBP personnel stated that the occupants reported hearing a “bang” and seeing warning lights illuminate. The pilot performed a 180-degree autorotation and landed in the surf zone on the beach. A main rotor blade contacted and severed the tail boom. Preliminary examination of the helicopter’s engine revealed that both engine chip detector plugs were contaminated with metal particles. Additionally, damage was noted to the number 4 turbine wheel. The engine was

removed from the helicopter for further examination at a later date. WPR09LA125 DATE: Sunday, February 22, 2009 LOCATION: Cave Creek, AZ Aircraft: Eurocopter AS 350 B2 Injuries: 3 Uninjured. On February 22, 2009, about 1955 MST, a Eurocopter AS 350 B2 helicopter was substantially damaged during a hard landing near Cave Creek, Arizona. The pilot and two medical crew members were not injured. The local flight originated from the Phoenix Deer Valley Airport, Phoenix, Arizona, at 1945 with an intended destination of Cave Creek. WPR09IA140 DATE: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 LOCATION: Peach Springs, AZ Aircraft: Eurocopter AS 350 B2 Injuries: 7 Uninjured. On March 3, 2009, at 1045 MST, a Eurocopter AS 350 B2 sustained minor damage following a loss of engine power and subsequent forced landing near the Canyon West Airport, Peach Springs, Arizona. The pilot and six passengers were not injured. The flight originated from the Boulder City Airport, Boulder City, Nevada, at 1015. During a telephone conversation with the NTSB it was reported that the purpose of the flight was to transport passengers from the departure airport to a remote sightseeing area in the Grand Canyon. Approximately 30 minutes after departure, during the descent to the landing area, the pilot heard a “loud pop” followed by a loss in main rotor RPM. The pilot transmitted a mayday call and performed an autorotation. The pilot stated that upon landing the helicopter rocked onto the front of the skids and rotated to the right. He reported that the engine was not running when the helicopter came to rest.

trials & tribulations

by Andy Stein

Foggy daze It was foggy again. Very foggy! It was pre-dawn and visibility extremely low. The other pilots had already left, so I felt I was under pressure to leave and catch up. I departed the airport in the helicopter, hopped across the road and flew as low as possible so that I could maintain visibility with the ground. I had flown this route before, but I was still new to the area. I started a slow climb and before I knew it, I had lost all reference to the ground and vertigo hit instantly. I remember feeling a little dizzy as I started to call out over the radio. It all happened so fast, but seemingly took forever to get out of! I remembered a very good friend told me that if I ever got caught in the fog in a helicopter, the natural tendency is to go backwards. I started a slow descending turn to the left. I actually pushed the cyclic forward, which was against my natural tendency. My balance told me to pull back a bit; it felt as though I was falling, even though I wasn’t. I was almost in a hover at about 50 feet AGL. At the exact moment I thought

I was going to lose it, I caught a glimpse of the ground. I was in a slow, yet steep left hand descending turn with just a small amount of forward travel. It took a few seconds to get my balance and resume control. That encounter was my worst scare in a helicopter. The heck with the other pilots! I am the first to admit, I am a VER pilot. I transitioned into helicopters from airplanes and am still not used it. At this particular job assignment, fog was a daily occurrence during certain times of the year, so you either adapted, or left the company, which is what I ultimately did.

The risk just wasn’t worth it to me. I have seen and heard horror stories of pilots flying without the proper lighting when it was too dark or dense and hitting a standpipe or pole with the helicopter, even more stories about CFIT incidents under IIMC. Just a five or ten minute wait and I wouldn’t have gotten caught in the fog. Maybe it is the desire to be the first in the air, or the first to show everyone else they are a “Super Pilot”! What these kinds of pilots don’t realize is that smart pilots are looking at that kind of flying as poor decision-making. When we

start out, many of us feel we have something to prove. But as we mature, these tendencies gradually fade and are replaced with good, sound decisionmaking flying. There is no job worth having an accident for. Our customers understand that we don’t need to risk an accident over a measly five or ten minutes. Today, my philosophy is to sit back, let the other guys go and wait an extra 15 minutes. Simple! If the boss doesn’t understand, time to find better employment elsewhere!

The best value for your advertising dollar! Call for current ad rates!

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May 2009


by Sam Miller

money talk

Is 2009 the year for an aircraft purchase? Congress recently passed the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2000”. How do these factors influence your business? Is an aircraft purchase decision being considered this year? Money is always one of the factors affecting your decision, so visit your tax counsel and advisor to confirm the after tax financial impact. What are some common sense money considerations affecting an aircraft purchase decision this year? Purchasing or trading for a new aircraft offers accelerated bonus depreciation. Bonus depreciation provides extra

depreciation in 2009 if the new aircraft is placed in service during 2009. Will your profits allow you to benefit from this extra depreciation? What is the historical percentage resale value of the new aircraft being considered after five years? The resale value has a big impact on total ownership cost. Even in this tough market today, I believe the new aircraft percentage resale value (after five years) will be about the same as history shows. Purchasing the new aircraft at a significant discount might change the resale percentage, but be careful about jumping to conclusions. New aircraft

can sometimes offer greater reliability and lower operating cost than used aircraft. If you’re trading a used aircraft for a new aircraft, the trade value offered might be a deciding factor in the purchase decision. Will the resale value of the used aircraft increase significantly in the future? Purchasing or trading for a used aircraft is an alternative. Used aircraft values are depressed. After five years, what will be the percentage resale value of the used aircraft? Due to the market today, the used aircraft could actually appreciate in value. Remember, the resale value has

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a big impact on total ownership cost. Since bonus depreciation applies to capital improvements on any type (new or used) aircraft, making improvements to your current aircraft or purchasing a fixer-upper might be considered. The difference between the NEW Bonus depreciation and normal depreciation deserves comment. The total amount that can be depreciated using either method is the purchase price plus sales tax for an outright purchase or the cash difference paid plus the sales tax for a trade transaction. The difference between the NEW BONUS and normal depreciation is the year in which the depreciation is deducted as an expense. To really evaluate the difference, look at the after tax cash flow difference that depreciation and resale values make in your situation. What is the Net Present Value (NPV) of both the new and used after tax cash flows? You might be surprised with the results of this calculation. See www.AircraftCostAnalysis. com for information on performing aircraft cost analysis.

Soloy Turbine, Bell 47 & Hiller 12 Owners Reduce your TOT by up to 38º C with


Call or email for an information pack on this tremendous new STC for your helicopter. Protecting Your Investment Is Important To Your Bottomline! 903 Grinnell Rd. • Garfield, WA 99130 • Tel: 509-635-1212 •

New system delivery for Tokyo fire dept. PORTLAND, OR – Expanding on a long history of providing aviation mission equipment to fire rescue operators, Simplex Manufacturing Company (Simplex) announces the certification and sale of its well-known Model 316 fire-fighting tank; which is now approved for the Eurocopter Model 225 (EC255) helicopter. Partnering with Japan Aerospace Corporation (JAC) of Tokyo, Japan, Simplex has delivered this new system to the Tokyo Fire Department, a long-time customer of both JAC and Simplex. Established in 1948, the Tokyo Fire Department has a strong history of exceptional fire prevention and response measures. The Tokyo Fire Department, wellknown for pioneering the Fire Rescue Robot, has also been a longtime member of the International Rescue Team of Japanese Fire Service for overseas disaster response. As a part of an effort to build a disasterresilient city, the Tokyo Fire Department has added an EC255 to its existing fleet of fire-fighting helicopters, and has enhanced it with a new Model 316 Simplex Fire Attack tank. Uniquely well-suited

to large rescue and firefighting missions, the EC255 is the latest in upgrades of the Super Puma line at

Eurocopter. In anticipation of meeting the future needs of operators, Simplex designed and delivered its first system for the Super Puma line of helicopters in 2001, and has since received airworthiness certifications in the US, Hong Kong, and Japan. With an internal foam injection system, an engineered drop pattern, and an externally mounted design, Simplex’s Fire Attack system greatly increases the flight

application systems and mission equipment for helicopters. Simplex maintains its industry leadership by incorporating the latest technology in design and manufacturing systems from high-strength, low-weight composite materials to produce cost-effective systems for firefighting and other aerial applications. Specializing in the trading of

aerospace and military products, Japan Aerospace Corporation is currently the market leader of the Japanese Aerospace industry. Joining forces with Simplex in 2001, JAC is one of 35 global representatives for Simplex products; appointed to respond to the needs of worldwide aviation missions

utility. Equipped by this external system, the EC225 helicopter becomes particularly well-suited for urban fire fighting missions and internally transporting emergency response teams. Founded in 1946, Simplex has built a reputation as the leader in design, manufacturing, and certification of aerial

PHI inc. currently has openings for full time commercial helicopter pilots. Pilots are required to have a minimum of 1,000 hours Pilot-in-Command time in helicopters and hold an FAA Commercial Helicopter certificate with a helicopter instrument rating. Additionally, a current FAA Class II medical Certificate is required. Applicant must be legal residents of the United States or have a valid work visa. PHI offers a competitive salary plus: 401K Plan/Safety Bonus/Life Insurance/Medical Insurance/ Long Term Disability Insurance/Loss of License Insurance/Dental Insurance/ Paid Vacation/Per-Diem/Sick Leave/Vision Plan/Holiday Pay/ Prescription Cards/ Uniforms/ Bereavement Leave/Employee Assistance Program/and more. If you are interested and meet our requirements, please send your resume to:

PHI, Inc. Attention: Eugene L Resweber III, Human Resources Department Post Office Box 90808 • Lafayette, LA 70509 fax to: (337) 272-4232 • E-mail to EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER May 2009


It isn’t always about flying FFC_UniversalHelicopterAd2008.psd @ 33.3%

The first lesson you will learn at Dowling’s School of Aviation is that there are many exciting careers in aviation besides flying. Our graduates are intensely recruited (RGB/8) because employers know they have a balanced liberal arts background as well as experience

with the industry’s most advanced equipment. The Dowling College School of Aviation is situated at Brookhaven Airport, which enables extensive flying opportunities not present at other collegiate aviation programs. Three Frasca flight simulators are available 24-7. Dowling is one of only 23 approved colleges and universities in the U.S. that participates in the AT-CTI program, providing students an opportunity to become Air Traffic Controllers. Dowling College has expanded and enhanced its educational programs to meet the diverse needs of its 6,500 full- and parttime undergraduate and graduate students. Dowling’s School of Aviation emphasizes excellence in teaching. We offer a challenging curriculum where students and teachers actively engage one another in developing ideas and bringing them to fruition. Our campus promotes individualism and celebrates diversity with a wealth of international students. A wide range of student activities, clubs and organizations, along with the school’s new state-of-the-art athletics complex rounds out the college experience. Essential to Dowling’s success is its focus on being relevant and an unwavering commitment to quality educational experiences. What stands out most about Dowling is the student energy and the excellence of its faculty. (see FSD ad on page 19)

Your message here in color on every page, every month.

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airworthiness directives SIKORSKY AIRCRAFT CORP 2009-07-53 DATE: March 23, 2009 This Emergency Airworthiness Directive (AD) is prompted by the failure of 2 main gearbox filter bowl assembly mounting studs (studs) that were found broken during a fatal accident investigation in Canada. Prior to the accident, the manufacturer was investigating a July 2008 incident that also involved broken studs. In both cases, the broken studs resulted in rapid loss of oil. The failures have been tied to fretting and galling of the original titanium studs; therefore, we are requiring the removal of all titanium studs and replacement with steel studs. We are issuing this EmergencyAD to prevent failure of a stud which could result in rapid loss of oil, failure of the main gearbox, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter. We have reviewed Sikorsky Alert Service Bulletin No. 92-63-014A, Revision A, dated March 20, 2009, which describes procedures for removing the main gearbox bowl assembly titanium mounting studs and replacing them with steel mounting studs. This unsafe condition is likely to exist or develop on other helicopters of the same type design. Therefore, this AD requires, before further flight, replacing titanium studs with steel studs. The actions must be accomplished by following specified portions of the alert service bulletin described previously. Applicability: Model S-92A helicopters with a main gearbox housing assembly, part number (P/N) 92351-15110-042, -043, or -044, that is not marked with “TS062-01” near the P/N, certificated in any category.

Compliance: Required before further flight, unless accomplished previously.

Compliance: Before further flight, unless accomplished previously.

Bell Model 206A series, 206B series, 206L series, 407 & 427 2009-07-52 This superseding Emergency Airworthiness Directive (AD) is being issued to correct the applicability of Emergency AD 2009-07-51. We issued Emergency AD 2009-07-51 on March 17, 2009. The Emergency AD requires, before further flight, inspecting each cyclic control lever assembly (lever assembly) to determine if it is correctly installed and properly staked in the lever assembly. Replacing any bearing that is incorrectly installed or improperly staked in the lever assembly is also required before further flight. AD 2009-07-51 was prompted by a Transport Canada AD report of a bearing incorrectly installed in the copilot lever assembly. Investigation revealed that, although the inspection witness marks were applied on the bearing, it had not been properly staked during manufacture of the lever assembly. This condition, if not detected, could result in failure of a bearing, failure of a lever assembly, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter. Applicability: Bell Model 206A series, 206B series, and 206L series helicopers with a cyclic control lever assembly (lever assembly), part number (P/N) 206-001-401-111, 206-001-400115, or 206-001-400-111, with less than 50 hours time-in-service (TIS) and Model 407 and 427 helicopters with a lever assembly, P/N 407-001-320-105 or 407001-320-109, with less than 50 hours TIS, certificated in any category.

Agusta Model AB139 & AW139 RIN 2120-AA64 DATE: This AD becomes effective on March 31, 2009 We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Agusta S.p.A. Model AB139 and AW139 helicopters. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the Technical Agent for the Member States of the European Community. The MCAI states: “Operators had reported a number of occurrences of in-flight losses of cockpit door windows, both left and right side. This condition, if not corrected, could result in damage to critical components.” The actions specified by this AD are intended to require that cockpit door windows (windows) be replaced with re-designed windows to prevent a window from separating from the helicopter, contacting the tailboom or tail rotor, resulting in loss of control of the helicopter. Eurocopter France Model EC 155B and EC155B1 RIN 2120-AA64 DATE: This AD becomes effective on March 31, 2009 We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Eurocopter France (Eurocopter) Model EC 155B and EC155B1 helicopters. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the Technical Agent for the Member States of the European

Community. The MCAI states that “the Airworthiness Directive (AD) is prompted by the discovery of a short circuit evidence in hoist connector “24 Delta’’ even though the hoist was removed from the rotorcraft. The short circuit generated sufficient heat to ignite the paint on the cooler support cowling near the hoist cut-off connector “24 Delta.’’ This condition, if not corrected, could result in a fire in this area which could propagate to surrounding zones.’’ This AD requires actions that are intended to address this unsafe condition. Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. Model 412, 412CF, and 412EP RIN 2120-AA64 DATE: Effective March 31, 2009 This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the specified Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. (Bell) model helicopters. This action requires reidentifying a certain part-numbered main rotor yoke (yoke) based on whether it was ever installed on a Model 412CF helicopter or on a Model 412 or 412EP helicopter with a slope landing kit. This AD also requires reducing the retirement life of the reidentified yokes from 5,000 hours time-in-service (TIS) to 4,500 hours TIS. Also, this AD requires recording the reidentified yoke part number (P/N) and the reduced retirement life on the component history card or equivalent record. This amendment is prompted by fatigue analysis that shows that the retirement life should be reduced on certain yokes. The actions specified in this AD are intended to prevent fatigue cracking of a yoke, failure of a yoke, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter. May 2009


Employee training translates to quality and growth Twenty-eight years ago, Bob Austin acquired a 4,000 square feet building, put a handful of people in it and started Helicomb International. His goal was to fill the market need for helicopter composite structure repair. Today, as the company approaches its 30th anniversary with 115 employees and $20 million in revenue in 2008 alone,

Austin has certainly met, and exceeded, his goal. Based in Tulsa, OK, Helicomb International produces commercial and military aircraft structures manufactured from a broad range of composite and metal-bonded material for leading aerospace manufactures, Tier 1 suppliers and overhaul service providers. “We know what’s needed and how best to respond to customer needs quickly, “ Austin explained.

“Accuracy and economy are keys to our success.” Leading industry standards in quality and turn-around time are also key to Helicomb’s reputation


as one of the most acclaimed repair facilities worldwide. “We receive parts for repair from around the world and customers can expect an average lead time of 2-3 weeks once we have the part.” Austin said. Quality assurance is done by a stable, knowledgeable workforce comprised

highest award for training, to 18 Helicomb employees. “Training programs translate into mechanics working smarter and leaner,” Austin said. Helicomb’s core competencies include fabrication and assembly of composite bonded structures, metal bonded structures, and metal processing for aluminum, stainless steel and titanium. The 4,000 square foot facility has


“ e keep a more than ample supply of parts so we can provide rapid response to our customers.” ~ Bob Austin of master mechanics with more than 30 years of experience. That

experience and an emphasis by Austin on constant training are frequently recognized. In 2007 the Federal Aviation Administration presented the Diamond Award, the agency’s

up to handle a myriad task for design, analysis, testing, repair or manufacture of bonded structures. A 13,000 square foot expansion, which was completed recently, houses the company’s

finished goods inventory of approximately 500 repaired parts for most helicopter types. “We keep a more than ample supply of parts so we can provide rapid response to our customers.” Austin’s success with Helicomb was also recognized in the business world. In January a the company was acquired by Synchronous Aerospace Group, a leading provider of flight-critical machined aluminum and hardmetal components, integrated

grown to 80,000 with autoclaves and ovens, environmentallycontrolled clean rooms – all set

kits and complex assemblies to the commercial, military and space markets. Synchronous is majority-owned by Littlejohn and Co of Greenwich, CT. The acquisition expands the current Synchronous capabilities and allows the companies to supply higher-level and value-added assemblies to customers. (See ad on page 32)

May 2009


United Rotorcraft Solutions delivers second Bell 407 to HALO-Flight DECATUR, TX–United Rotorcraft Solutions (URS) delivered another customized Bell 407 to HALOFlight of Corpus Christi, TX on April 10, 2009. This is the second that URS had contracted with HALO-Flight. HALO-Flight, Inc. has been in operations since September, 1987. Based at the Corpus Christi International Airport, this non-profit organization was established to provide the quickest response time for transporting the critically ill and injured and is provided to all persons regardless of their ability to pay. HALO-Flight services an area which covers 26 counties, 28,000 square miles and a population of more than 1.2

million. This new helicopter will bring HALO-Flight’s fleet to three Bell 407’s. URS customized the helicopter with the integration of the Chelton’s synthetic EFIS with WSI AV-300 Satellite Weather and Avidyne TAS 610 Traffic Advisory System, the KRA 405B Radar Altimeter, provisions for Chelton Auto Pilot, dual

for flight following and phone communication was also installed and United Rotorcraft Solutions performed their STC’d Night Vision modifications. URS installed the Lifeport medical interior with some highly customized features requested by HALO-Flight to better suit their operation. The airframe was fitted with the Paravion air

Garmin Comms and Transponder, Technisonic’s TFM 136 VHF/800mhz, A711 and A710 audio

and a TDFM618 for the medical crew and. The SkyConnect Tracker with 11 channel SOP Dialer

conditioning and bleed air heater/ defroster, Super Night Scanner and the AFS Inlet Barrier Filter. United Rotorcraft Solutions, FAA Repair Station UX9R241Y, provides aircraft completions and refurbishment services, systems integration, maintenance, component overhaul, customized interior installations and unsurpassed exterior finishing on most model helicopters. They also offer FAA approved NVG compatible lighting systems for many model helicopters and are the preferred distributor for the ONLY FAA TSO’d Night Vision Goggles, the NIVISYS NVAG-6 Night Vision Aviator Goggles


CONQUER THE DARK 351 Airport Road, Box 10 • Decatur, Texas 76234 • Phone: (940) 627-0626 Fax: (940) 627-0894 • FAA Repair Station UX9R241Y 18

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featured classified ads On The Cov er

This is a totally refurbished Bell UH-1H Plus. This was the show helicopter on display at the HAI in Anaheim California last March displayed as the “Purple Heart” themed helicopter. It is show quality in everyway and is one of the finest UH-1H’s in the world. It looks like a new helicopter. Certified in Restricted Category under the Northwest TC, it is upgraded with the -703 engine, BLR strake and Fast Fin, AFS barrier filter, High skids, bubble door, 212 42 gearbox and more. All components and engine are overhauled to zero time. Painted in spectacular Violet, Black, and Silver metallic colors. Northwest Helicopters is a Bell approved CSF. Come and see us and you will see the difference. Contact, call 360-754-7200 or for more information see our website at

2000 SCHWEIZER 300CB, Instrument Trainer, 1,200 TT, DG, HSI, Turn & Bank, Garmin 430 with Garmin CDI, Davitron Clock, Cabin Heat, Door Actuators. $215,000 (305) 778-5334

File Photo GAZELLE SA341G HELICOPTER, EXCELLENT SPEC & CONDITION. Contact +44 (0) 1328 830060 /

NEW EC-135P-2i, March delivery. SP-IFR certified, Cat ‘A’ ops certified, paint to specs, air cond, corp config, leather int, rotor brake, avionics solution 11, glass cockpit (MEGHAS FCDS). US registered & certified. $5,695,000. Helicopters Unlimited, 979-335-4552,

2001 Agusta 109E Power SN 11129, HB-ZDT. VIP configuration. 1,252 hours. One private owner. Located Switzerland. Exceptional. Full details at Contact Peter Leonard-Morgan, Loudoun Aviation, Inc, +1 (540) 751-9543.

For sale, Bell 206L-1C30P, N207OU, SN45706. Total Time, 11,000 hrs. New paint and good component times. The helicopter has been operated in the Las Vegas area doing FAR 135 flightseeing. Please contact Lash Larew,, 425-825-8411, for more detailed information

Brand New AS350B3

For Sale or Lease. Can be equipped to customer specifications. Call: Tori 337-364-4357 or 20

1990 Bell-412SP, N586AC, Sn-36009, Complete refurb, 0 Timed engines & Cbox (3B’s), New Paint & interior, All maintenance inspections completed, Sperry Autopilot, KMD-540 MFD with RDR-81 Radar, KLN-90B, KRA-405, KTR-908’s, KXP-756, KNR-634, KDF-806’s, KN-63, Wire strike kit, Low skid gear, Alpine Exhaust deflector’s, Rotor Brake, Pop Out float kit and floats avaialable. Contact Brad Emsland for more details. Westcan Aircraft PH-250-554-4202, FX-250-376-1119

featured classified ads

Eurocopter AS350BA, Two available with different configurations. Pricing starting at $850,000 USD. Options for SD1 Power Plant upgrades on both machines. Shipping/packing quote available; can be incorporated in final price Contact:

2007 EC-120B, immediate delivery. 250 TT, no damage history, Freon A/C, dual cntrls w/MF cyclics, US reg/cert, standard factory avionics, custom leather int. Helicopters Unlimited, 979335-4552,

2001 Bell 427 Helicopter. S/N 56028, 3700 TT, Engines Overhauled by Pratt & Whitney, Utility Configuration, Cargo Hook, Complete Records, No Damage, Located and Registered in US. Southern Cross Aviation, 954-377-0320,,

2001 Agusta 109E Power SN 11129, HB-ZDT. VIP configuration. 1,252 hours. One private owner. Located Switzerland. Exceptional. Full details at Contact Peter Leonard-Morgan, Loudoun Aviation, Inc, +1 (540) 751-9543.

Bell 206B JetRanger, C20B Engine, Fresh FAA Annual, VVIP Config. New T/R Blades & Turbine Hot Section Inspection. Dual Controls, High Skids, Garmin GNS 430, Garmin GTX-327, King KCS 55a H.S.I., Garmin GMA-340. Price $599,950 USD. For full details visit www.206bell. com/12 or contact Apple International Tel: 423 652 0206 Email:

2000 Robinson R22 Beta II, S/N: 3140, TT: 4,400 hrs. All components 0 TSO, new lower, upper frames, tailcone, MR hub. This 4400 hour overhaul is a better value than a 2200 hr overhaul. Built to factory new specs. Blue/grey trim. New grey velour interior (opt leather), cabin heat, vertical card compass Avionics include: 7 hole panel Garmin 250 XL GPS/Com, KY197A Com, upgraded Bendix/King KT76A, 3 channel audio. Phone: 805-512-1371

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

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Quality aviation fuel trailers for sale; 600 gallon aluminum tank mounted on two 3500 pound tandem axles. 55 gallon per minute electric pump, more information visit High Altitude Aviation Inc. website at or call Charles at 801-261-3681 or 801-209-7214

Toll Free Tel: 866-864-8237 • Tel: 478-988-0787 • May 2009



For Sale: 2008 Agusta 109E, 75TT. Best deal in the world on an immediately available Agusta 109E Power! Single Pilot IFR, Copilot Flight Nav Instruments, Flight Director and Autotrim, 3000 Kgs Max Take of Weight Mod, Dual Controls, Rotor Brake, Retractable Landing Light, Windshield Wipers, Air Conditioning, Super-silent Soundproofing, Leather Interior, More! See Spec sheet for complete details. Spec Sheet Online at For more information please contact Scott Cannon at 512-868-0007, or by email at info@rotorsales. com (05-09) For Sale: 2008 Agusta AW119 Ke, New! Two New AW119 Ke Koalas available for immediate purchase and delivery! One VIP equipped and ready to go today. One in Basic configuration and ready for your custom completion! Spec Sheet and Photos Online at For more information please contact Scott Cannon at 512-868-0007, or by email at info@rotorsales. com (05-09)

2001 Agusta 109E Power SN 11129, HB-ZDT.VIP configuration. 1,252 hours. One private owner. Located Switzerland. Exceptional. Full details at Contact Peter Leonard-Morgan, Loudoun Aviation, Inc, +1 (540) 7519543. (05-09) 1990 Augusta 109E, SN: 11083, CS-HER 850 TT, dual avionics w/ AFCS Axis Duplex Autopilot, JAR OPS, single pilot IFR, aux. tanks hold 216 gal., 3 hr. autonomy, A/C, bleed air heater, satelite phone, baggage compart. cover ext. Located in Portugal. Asking Price $3,200,000 USD. Contact: 941-3559585 (05-09)

March 2009 delivery LOADED! Six (6) Passenger VIP seating, Silent Soundproofing, Metallic Paint Upgrade, 213 USG Fuel System, Single Pilot IFR, Air Conditioning. Contact: John Hopkinson & Associates 403-291-9027 (05-09)

1994 A109C SPIFR 5645 T, Utility Config with Many Optionals, Contact:, tel: +33-608-786-373, fax: +33-153-016550 (05-09)



1981 Bell-206L-1 C-30P, C-GWCR,TTSN-7480.8, Completley refurb’d, New paint, new front windows, Avionics rewire, Overhauled components front to back including engine, Cargo hook, FDC filter kit, High Skid gear, Par Avion Bleed Air heater, Kflex Drive shaft, AMS-42, TFM-138B 2 x KY196A’s, KT-76A. Westcan Aircraft PH-250-5544202 Fx-250-376-1119 parts@westcanaircraft. com, (05-09)

1981 Bell-206L1 C-30P, C-GWCF, 8282.9 TTSN, Overhauled Turbine just installed, Cargo Hook, FDC filter, high Skids, Wire strike, Par Avion Bleed Air heater, AMS-42, KY-196A, TFM-138B, KT-76A, Asking 950,000USD Westcan Aircraft PH-250554-4202 Fx-250-376-1119, (05-09) 2002 Bell 407 S/N: 53522, N407BH, 2690 TT, fresh annual, new paint, new interior, 2500 hour completed. $1,900,000. Please contact Lash Larew,, 425-825-8411, for more detailed information (05-09) 2003 Bell 430, 3300TT Configured for EMS, Medical Interior including Dual Stretchers. Single Pilot IFR, Searchlight, Dual Controls, Wire Strike. Spec Sheet Online at, For more information please contact Scott Cannon at 512868-0007, or by email at (05-09) 1991 Bell 206L3, 8350TT $875,000 Garmin GNS 530/ GNC 250 XL/ GTX 327, Particle Separator, Dual Controls, Rotor Brake, Air Conditioning, Bleed Air Heater, Facet Scavenge Oil Filter. Good component times remaining. Hangared and Part 135 operated/maintained. Has been in use as ENG ship since new. Not currently flying in anticipation of sale. High Definition ENG equipment to be removed prior to delivery. May be included with aircraft at additional price upon request. Spec Sheet and Photos Online at www.rotorsales. com, For more information please contact Scott Cannon at 512-868-0007, or by email at info@ (05-09) 2009 Bell 407, 3rd Quarter 2009 Delivery! Green Airframe Standard Equipment. Still Time to Choose Your Options, Paint and Interior - Call For Details! Spec Sheet Online at www.rotorsales. com, For more information please contact Scott Cannon at 512-868-0007, or by email at info@ (05-09)

2009 Bell 407, May 2009 Delivery! Contact us for more details! Spec Sheet Online at, For more information please contact Scott Cannon at 512-868-0007, or by email at (05-09) 2008 Bell 206B3, 75TT King Avionics, Dual Controls, Particle Separator, Leather Interior, Immediately Available! Spec Sheet and Photos Online at or for more information please contact Scott Cannon at 512-868-0007, or by email at (05-09) Bell OH-58, 5712 AFTT, Good times remaining on all major components; Allison 250C20B engine, bleed air heat and defrost, range extender, auto relight, tinted wedge windows, dual controls, particle separator, high skids w/step, total refurbishment in 2000 included 206B nose, new wiring and hydraulic lines. $345,000 Todd @ 208-420-0715. Email: Website: (05-09)

1963 Bell 47G low time, new grips, privately owned since 1988. Lost interest, last Annual October 2008. $75,000 USD. Contact: 304-449-1296 (05-09)

This is a totally refurbished Bell UH-1H Plus. This was the show helicopter on display at the HAI in Anaheim California last March displayed as the Purple Heart themed helicopter. It is show quality in everyway and is one of the finest UH-1Hs in the world. It looks like a new helicopter. Certified in Restricted Category under the Northwest TC, it is upgraded with the -703 engine, BLR strake and Fast Fin, AFS barrier filter, High skids, bubble door, 212 42 gearbox and more. All components and engine are overhauled to zero time. Painted in spectacular Violet, Black, and Silver metallic colors. Northwest Helicopters is a Bell approved CSF. Come and see us and you will see the difference. Contact, call 360-7547200 or for more information see our website at (05-09)

1983 Bell 222 B, EMS equipped. Contact World Wide Helicopters for details/specs. LA/337-3442778; Fax 337-856-0073 (05-09) Bell 206L3 1992 Long Ranger TTSN 3,675 White/ Blue /Red/ Blue cloth Int., King KCS 55A HSI, King KY165, KNA audio Panel, & More! Great times remaining! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 www.prestigehelicopters. com 05-05

Bell UH-1H N5929Z TT 9757.7 Hrs. Very nice, Restricted Category, mid time components and MR blades, new TR blades and low time-22 engine. 360-754-7200 www. (05-09)

Bell UH-1H/EH-1H.N175SF 4732.0 TTAF. Experimental Exhibition category. Mid time average components, all AD’s and inspections current, part sep, tractor TR, King VHF and TXP $450,000 www.nwhelicopters. com (05-09) BellTAH-1P Cobra Helicopters for sale. State dept approval required for export. For more information contact www. (05-09)

Bell 206B3 1982 Jet Ranger,AC,AH, DG,TC, Garmin 150XL, sliding rear door, good times remaining! Free transition training! Ready for Immediate Delivery! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 mikerussell1@att. net 05-09 Bell 206B3 1976 N43CM Jet Ranger TTSN 6,340 hours since new, good times remaining! Free Transition Training! NDH! Ready for Immediate Delivery! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 www.prestigehelicopters. com 05-09 Bell 206L-1C30P, N10761, SN45381. Total Time, 25,600 hrs. New paint and good component times. The helicopter has been operated in the Las Vegas area doing FAR 135 flightseeing. For Sale or Long Term Lease. Please contact Lash Larew, lash@, 425-825-8411, for more detailed information (05-09) Bell 206L-1C30P, N1076T, SN45373. Total Time, 28,200 hrs. New paint and good component times. The helicopter has been operated in the Las Vegas area doing FAR 135 flightseeing. For Sale or Long Term Lease. Please contact Lash Larew, lash@, 425-825-8411, for more detailed information (05-09)

Bell 206L-1C30P, N207OU, SN45706. Total Time, 11,000 hrs. New paint and good component times. The helicopter has been operated in the Las Vegas area doing FAR 135 flightseeing. For Sale or Long Term Lease. Please contact Lash Larew, lash@, 425-825-8411, for more detailed information (05-09) Bell 206B JetRanger, C20B Engine, Fresh FAA Annual, VVIP Config. New T/R Blades & Turbine Hot Section Inspection. Extensive Range of Extras including Dual Controls, Bleed Air Heater, Nightscanner Search Light, Particle Separator, High Skids, Range Extender, Garmin GNS 430, Garmin GTX327, King KCS 55a H.S.I., Garmin GMA-340. Price $599,950 USD. For full details visit www.206bell. com/12 or contact Apple InternationalTel: 423 652 0206 Email: (05-09)

Bell 206B111 New Style JetRanger, S/N 3941, Year 1987, Fresh FAA Annual. Beautifully VVIP refurbished with new Bell Paint Scheme, Leather Seats and Thick Pile Wool Carpets. Extras include Bleed Air Heater, Particle Separator, High Skids, Dual Controls, King KX-165, King KT-79 & Gamin GMA-340. Price $679,950 USD. For full details visit or contact Apple International Tel: 423 652 0206 Email: sales@206bell. com (05-09)


1992 Bell 206BIII SN 4222, 4256TT Original owner, No Damage History, Bell Service Cntr maintained, ACS Audio Panel, 5-place inter, KX155VHF, KT76A Transp,Apollo 360 GPS, Flight Steps, High skid gear, snow deflectors, much more! Call 208-413-2126, (05-09) 1982 Bell 206L-III Long Ranger - Excellent Equipment & Condition, C-GUHZ, S/N 51014, TTAF 9838.3, $1,095,000. More details at, 800-AVIATION (05-09)

Bell 206 Series Helicopters for lease long term all Maintenance included, equipped and configured to customer choice. Short term lease e.g. Natural disaster relief also catered for.Worldwide Lease purchase and outright sales a specialty. Apple International Inc. Bristol TN. Email us on or call office 423 652 0206 or Cell 423 366 3466. Check out our web site (05-09)

1987 ENSTROM F28F HELICOPTER, 436 Hrs. remaining on Lycoming 220 hp Turbo charged, Dual comm. radios. Very nice in & out. Sold w/ fresh annual. $179,900. See specs & photos at or call Mark Clark at (800) 426-8783, IL, (815)2295112. Courtesy Aircraft Sales~QUALITY WARBIRD & CIVILIAN AIRCRAFT SALES SINCE 1957. (05-09)

1990 Bell-412SP, Complete refurb, 0 timed engines, new paint, ready to go April-2009. Inquire for more details See details on website:, PH 250-554-4202, FX 250-376-1119, (05-09) 1998 Bell 412EP ***PRICE REDUCED*** FOR QUICK SALE! N412AT, S/N 36201, TTAF 5760, $7,195,000. More details at www.westernaviation. com, 800-AVIATION (05-09)

ENSTROM F28F HELICOPTER N669CE 225hp Turbo, 1371TT, Dual Controls, Dual Com’s, VOR/ GS. GPS,Transponder, Baggage Compartment, excellent Condition Inside & Out. $200,000. Contact: Ken @ 218-820-3780 (05-09)


2000 Bell 407 NEW ON THE MARKET - BEAUTIFUL! N433KC, S/N 53433, TTAF 1244.5, $2,485,000. More details at www.westernaviation. com, 800-AVIATION (05-09) 1976 Bell 206B IIJR NEW ON THE MARKET GREAT VALUE! 2068, S/N N60EA, TTAF 8005, $435,000. More details at www.westernaviation. com, 800-AVIATION (05-09)

2001 Bell 427 Helicopter. Serial Number 56028, 3700 TT, Engines Overhauled by Pratt & Whitney, Utility Configuration, Cargo Hook, Complete Records, No Damage, Located and Registered in United States. Southern Cross Aviation, 954-591-4490,, (05-09)

New 2009 AS365N-3, May Delivery. SP-IFR cert, FreeFlight 2101 I/O appr GPS,VIP 5-plc leather int, refresh/entertainment cabinet, hinged pax doors, 2 MFD-225s, flt data/voice recorder. Your Choice of Paint and Interior. Helicopters Unlimited, 979335-4552, (05-09)

Precision Air-Power LLC Aircraft Engine Overhaul and Repair 2003 Bell 206B IIIJR CALL AND MAKE YOUR OFFER TODAY! TTAF 1350, $1,350,000. More details at, 800-AVIATION (05-09)

1976 Bell 206B IIJR EXECUTIVE AIR TAXI, TTAF 8994.7, $495,000. More details at, 800-AVIATION (05-09)

Rolls Royce Allison 250 Series Gas Turbine, Teledyne Continental & Textron Lycoming Reciprocating Engines. Overhauls, time continued repairs, top end overhauls, parts restoration, parts inventory, accessories, in-house capabilities.

1978 Bell 206B III Jet Ranger Great Equipment Great Value! C-GUHM, S/N 2439, TTAF 14861.1, $550,000. More details at www.westernaviation. com, 800-AVIATION (05-09)

1979 Bell 206B III - New To The Market! N28ED, S/N 2498, TTAF 2683, $549,000. More details at, 800-AVIATION (05-09)

2003 Bell 407 Gorgeous VIP Helicopter! N407AG, S/N 53559, TTAF 760, $2,300,000. More details at, 800-AVIATION (05-09)

1968 Bell 47G3B2/Soloy Helicopter 8851.1TT High Skids, Spray Gear, Load Support Kit, Dual, Radios & Transp, Red & White, $250,000.00 Contact or call 507-665-4064 for more info (05-09) Bell 206 fuselage SN1510, good shape, good condition. Call 631-588-2780. 05-09

Precision Air-Power LLC 1547 West 2290 South Woods Cross, Utah 84087 USA PH 801-295-9100 FAX 801-295-9115 Email:



Fixed Wing

May 2009


1986 AS 350B-2, Apr delivery, 9700 TT, new Arriel 1D1 engine, new main rotor blades, std avionics w/Garmin GNS-430, Fresh B-2 conv, fresh major “C” inspec, new paint & int, high skid gear, no damage history, new Epicyclic Gear, Excellent Time Remaining. Helicopters Unlimited, 979-335-4552, (05-09)

2007 EC-120B, immediate delivery. 250 TT, no damage history, Freon A/C, dual cntrls w/MF cyclics, US reg/cert, standard factory avionics, custom leather int. Helicopters Unlimited, 979-335-4552, (05-09) NEW 2009 EC-120B, freon air cond, energy attenuating front seats, float provisions, dual controls, engine wash kit. US registered and certified. May Delivery Helicopters Unlimited, 979-335-4552, (05-09)

2002 AS350B2 2975TT, RH & LH Sliding Door, Dual Controls, Air Conditioning. Contact Marc Mongeau: +33 608 786 373 tel, +33 153 016 550 fax (05-09)

2009 Eurocopter EC130B4, New, 4th Quarter 2009 Delivery, Can be completed to Customer’s Specifications. Spec Sheet and Photos Online at, For more information please contact Scott Cannon at 512-868-0007, or by email at (05-09) 2008 Eurocopter AS350B3, NEW, IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE for Purchase and Delivery. Garmin GNS 430, Garmin GTX 327, Dual Controls withTwist Grip, Long Dart Steps, Heating/Demisting, LH Sliding Door, Custom paint just completed. Spec Sheet Online at, For more information please contact Scott Cannon at 512-868-0007, or email (05-09)

1991,SN2415,AS350B-2 for sale.Total time 13,880. Used for flightseeing. No offshore history. Please call or email for component times, pricing and aircraft equipment. For Sale or Long Term Lease. 425-825-8411, (05-09)

Eurocopter AS350BA’s, Two available with different configurations. Pricing starting at $850.000 USD. Options for SD1 Power Plant upgrades on both machines. Shipping/packing quote available; can be incorporated in final price Contact: sacha. (05-09) 1981 Eurocopter AS355F1 EXCELLENT VALUE 5 PASSENGER, N321HC, S/N 5015,TTAF 5595.4, $850,000. More details at www.westernaviation. com, 800-AVIATION (05-09)

2008 Eurocopter AS350B3, NEW, IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE for Purchase and Delivery. Garmin GNS 430, Garmin GTX 327, Dual Controls withTwist Grip, Long Dart Steps, Heating/Demisting, LH Sliding Door, Custom paint just completed. Spec Sheet Online at, For more information please contact Scott Cannon at 512-868-0007, or email (05-09) AS350B2, 1997, S/N: 2981, TTAF: 3468 , Total Time Engine: 481. Asking price $1,600,000. Aircraft converted to B2 by Eurocopter NZ,Very tidy condition with executive interior and no hook fitted. For more details go to or email (05-09)

2006 EUROCOPTER EC-120B-1442, engine: TTSN: 251, Major 2 year inspection just completed, $60,000 Float Package just installed, Dual Controls (Removable Parts), High Skid Gear, LH Rear Sliding Door, Rotor Brake, Air Conditioning System, Leather Seats,Airborne Kit. Contact Chase Aviation: 281-394-4745, or email (05-09)

1980 AS350BA Arriel. S/N:1120.TTAF:11,135.0 EnBrand New AS350B3. Sell or Lease, Can be gine S/N:265,TotalTime Engine 9661.4 Price:$895,000. For more details go to or equipped to meet customer specs. Call Tori 337-       email (05-09) 364-4357 or (05-09)

Spreading The Wings of Insurance Protection to Helicopter Owners and Operators.

BK-117, 1990, S/N: 1053,TTAF: 2179.2, Engine S/N: LE 45815 & LE 45819, Total Time Engine: 2179.2, Asking price $1.400,000 Negotiable. For more details go to or email (05-09)

EC130, 2005, S/N: 3938, TTAF: 664.6, Engine S/N: 23153, Total Time Engine: 664.6, Asking price $1,975,000. For more details go to 0r email sacha.wetzel@helisupport. (05-09)

2003 Eurocopter EC130B4 MUST SEE! TTAF 797, $2,495,000. More details at www.westernaviation. com, 800-AVIATION (05-09)

2006 Eurocopter EC120B Pristine Condition - One Owner and One Pilot Since New, N104WE, S/N 1445,TTAF 185, $1,500,000. More details at www., 800-AVIATION (05-09)

2003 Eurocopter AS350B2, 3100 hrs TTSN, no damage history, one owner since new/always hangared, operated in non-corrosive environment since new, left hand sliding door, high back seats, door openers, heater, high skids w/ maint. steps, high vis windows, dual control provisions. Excellent, well maintained aircraft. $1,525,000.00 Contact:Wayne 704-233-5000, (05-09) Have a helicopter to sell? Let people know by placing your ad with THE HELICOPTER NEWSPAPER! 478-988-0787,



AS350 Refurbishment, upgrades, SD1 or SD2 configurations, delivery to any location. Options starting at $850,000 USD. Contact: sacha@ (05-09)



Falcon Insurance is one of the largest independently owned insurance specialists in the country. Our professional staff has decades of experience in aviation insurance, and we are uniquely qualified to provide insurance protection for helicopter owners and operators. We are dedicated to serving you with insurance coverage that sets the standard for the industry. Call today for same day quotes and coverage or visit our web site.

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PO Box 291388, Kerrville, TX 78029

1979 SA-300L PUMA 1500 TT,VIP Configuration and Utility Configuration, Contact:, Tel: +33 608 786 373, Fax: +33 153 016 550 (05-09) NEW EC-135P-2i, March delivery. SP-IFR certified, Cat ‘A’ ops certified, paint to specs, air cond, corp config, leather int, rotor brake, avionics solution 11, glass cockpit (MEGHAS FCDS). US registered & certified. $5,695,000. Helicopters Unlimited, 979335-4552, (05-09) 2000 EC-120B, Apr delivery. 2100 TT, no damage history, freon A/C, dual cntrls, New 3-color ext paing, new epicyclic gear, US Reg/Cert, standard factory avionics. Helicopters Unlimited, 979-3354552, (05-09)

2009 EC-130B4 Factory Delivery New March 2009, VIP, Air Conditioning, Cargo Swing, Contact:, Tel: +33 608 786 373, Fax: +33 153 016 550 (05-09)

MD Helicopters

1979 AS-350BA S/N: 1100 7750 TT, Corporate Configuration, Pop Out Floats, Cargo Swing. Contact:, Tel: +33 608 786 373, Fax: +33 153 016 550 (05-09) Looking for your next helicopter? LOOK HERE! And tell them you saw their ad in THE HELICOPTER NEWSPAPER!

Soloy Hiller 12ET with C20B, nice condition, hangared, some high time components, left hand PIC, Par ticle separator, spray system available www.nwhelicopters. com (05-09)

Hughes HUGHES 269B 1964, 4966.0 TT, Currently 135, Excellent Times Remaining, 2 ea. 1190 M/R 3270.5, 1 ea., 1190 M/R 4889.4, -21 T/R 1984.2, M/R Trans. 4068.6, T/R Trans. 1789.4, Dual Tanks, Contols & Oil Coolers, Paravion heater, trailer, platform, too many parts & extras to list. PACKAGE DEAL. (479) 236-3838 (05-09)

GAZELLE SA341G HELICOPTER, EXCELLENT SPEC & CONDITION. Contact +44(0)1328 830060 / (05-09)

Hughes 300C 1989 SN1398 TTSN 5,805 Aux Fuel, Heater, KY 196A Com, KT 76A TXPR w/ mode C, Dual Controls & More! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 www. 05-09

Who reads these ads? MD 530F SN:0044FF, N530KD, 2823 TT, Garmin 430 GPS/VOR, Garmin 327 Transponder / Encoder, AMS42F Audio Panel, Technisonics TFM 138B Flex COM, HTC Main Rotor Blades & Tail Rotor Blades, High Skid Gear, New 6 Place Glass, New Ferrari Red Paint. Call For Price. Carol Mace:(602) 531-9303, (480) 288-9644, (05-09)

MD 530FF Helicopters. Two to choose from. One MD 500D. Email for more information (05-09)

You just did. Place your ad and get RESULTS.


1981 AS-355F1 AFTT: 3600 Hr, Private Use, Corporate Interior with Leather Seats. Contact: marc., +33 608 786 373 tel, +33 153 016 550 fax (05-09)

1978 SA365C3 IFR SN 5013, 8545 TT, Utility configuration, Optionals. Contact: marc.mongeau@, Tel: +33 608 786 373, Fax: +33 153 016 550 (05-09) 1991,SN2475,AS350B-2 for sale.Total time 13,560. Used for flightseeing. No offshore history. Please call or email for component times, pricing and aircraft equipment. For Sale or Long Term Lease. 425-8258411, (05-09)


Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace.

500 C Model, 1973, S/N: 63049S, TTAF: 11197.4, Engine S/N: CAE 822677, Total Time Engine: 13771.0. Engine has C20 Compressor. Asking price Negotiable, Offers. For more details go to or email sacha.wetzel@ (05-09)

2001 Robinson R44 Raven I, S/N: 1047, N646MS, 1764 TT, December 2008 Annual inspection, Garmin GNC 430 GPS/ 2nd Comm., 10 hole IFR, tan leather. $169,000 USD, Greg Smith: 270-4331432 (05-09)

478-988-0787 • 866-864-8237

HUGHES OH-6A professionally restored, most authentic “Loach” available anywhere in the world! Complete historical records. $375,000 See specs and photos at or call Mark Clark at (800) 426-8783, IL (815) 229-5112. Courtesy Aircraft Sales – Quality Warbird & Civilian Aircraft Sales Since 1957 (05-09) 1967 TH55 Hughes/Schweizer 269A, Normal category, 2-owner machine with spare M/R blade, cargo rack, modern avionics. For more info. Pls. Email/call ken at 850-763-9000 sales@ 12-09

Get more BANG for your BUCK! Fairchild-Hiller FH-1100 - this is a museum piece! Plenty of time left on the engine for years of fun with this baby! Lovingly maintained and restored. Very unique turbine, 5 seat helicopter! $195,000 - for more info (818) 557 0903. 05-09

Place your BOX AD today. 866-864-8237 • 4478-988-0787

1955 Hiller UH 12 - ground up restoration. New glass, paint etc. This beautiful ship is perfect for training, tours or photoflights. Low & Mid time components, museum quality restoration! $99,000 Call (818) 557 0903 05-09

Hummingbird Helicopter-Deliver y positions available in our next production run. Contact Ver tical Aviation Technologies, Inc., 407322-9488, sales@ver, www. ver (05-09)


May 2009


R44 II 2006 N729DP TTSN 285 Blue Metallic/ Silver & White custom Paint Scheme Blue Leather, Garmin 530 w/pilot side console & HSI, Garmin GTX330, Art horizon, Bose Headsets, 4 bubble windows, ELT & & more! Priced for quick sale! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 mikerussell1@att. net 05-09

1999 Robinson R44 ASTRO, S/N: 0485, N441SE, 2398 TT, complete logs. More than 10 Years or 2000 hrs. until next overhaul, March 2009 Annual, Onboard Systems cargo hook, Garmin 430 with full 9 hole IFR panel including marker beacon. $210,000 USD, Greg Smith: 270-433-1432. (05-09)

2009 Raven II with AC available May 2009. Gray metallic, bubble windows, gray leather int. Below dealer cost! Add instruments below RHC pricing. Cert of Airworthiness for Export at basic cost: will dismantle, arrange shipping worldwide. . $399,000.00 Call Mark (818) 557 0903 www. 05-09 NEW 2009 ROBINSON BETA II, List $244,000, Offered $212,933. White with Blue Trim. Contact: Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Bill Cooper, 800391-2391 05-09

2002 Robinson R44 Clipper I SN 1146 TT: 2,200.0hrs TSO: 3.0hrs New overhaul. 7 hole, Artificial Horizon, DG, Garmin 420 GPS/Com, Garmin GTX 327 Trnspdr. Pop Out Floats - no longer available on Raven 1. Bubble windows, leather int. 2 camera record system, 7” display. Phone: 805512-1371 Fax: 805-512-8105. 05-09 R44 I 2001 N724RG 300 remaining to Overhaul! Hours Black/Gold/Tan Leather, Garmin 420, AH, DG, Nat AA12, 4 Bose Headsets & More! Bank Financing Available! Call Mike Russell 404 3073254 05-09 NEW 2009 RAVEN I, $292,133. White with Blue Trim. Contact: Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Bill Cooper, 800-391-2391 05-09

Raven 1 - 2009 available now. 25 hrs. 4 Bubble windows, leather interior, stick on numbers ready to ship worldwide. We can supply Cert of Export. Below dealer cost - $299,000 Call (818) 557 0903 - 05-09 NEW 2009 RAVEN II, $364,029. Viper Red. Contact: Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Bill Cooper, 800-391-2391 05-09 R44 I 2001 N474BV TTSN 890 Hours Black/Gold/ Tan Leather, Garmin 420, AH, DG, Nat AA12, 4 Bose Headsets & More! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 05-09

2000 Robinson R22 Beta II, S/N: 3140, TT: 4,400 hrs. All components 0 TSO, new lower, upper frames, tailcone, MR hub.This 4400 hour overhaul is a better value than a 2200 hr overhaul. Built to factory new specs. Blue/grey trim. New grey velour interior (opt leather), cabin heat, vertical card compass Avionics include: 7 hole panel Garmin 250 XL GPS/Com, KY197A Com, upgraded Bendix/King KT76A, 3 channel audio. Phone: 805-512-1371. 05-09 R44 I 2002 (IFRTrainer) N820DFTTSN750 Hours Green/ Gold/ Tan Leather, 10 Hole Panel, HSI, AH, TC, CDI/GS, Dual (2) Garmin 430’s,Marker Beacons, Bubble Windows, 4 Bose Headset Jacks, ELT 3000-10 & More! NDH! Priced for quick sale!! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 (05-09) R44 II 2003 TTSN 175 Hours Blue/Green Met/ Gold/Tan Leather, Bubble Windows, Garmin 250XL GPS/COM, King 196A COM, Nat AA12 Audio Controller & More! Ready for Immediate delivery! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 mikerussell1@att. net 05-09 R44 II 2004 TTSN 510 hours White /Red/ Gray cloth, Garmin GPS/NAV/COM, Garmin 327, Art Horizon, CDI/GS, 4 Bubble Windows, Bose Headsets & more. Ready for Immediate delivery! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 05-09 R44 II 2005 SN10915 TTSN 1,100 hours NDH White/ Blue Trim / Blue Cloth, AH, DG, Garmin 420, AM/FM/CD & more! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 05-09

R44 2006 N122AA TTSNFOH 52 hours! Factory overhauled Nov 2008! Gold Metallic/ Tan Leather, 9 Hole Panel, Air Conditioning, Garmin 530 w/ pilot side console & HSI, Garmin GTX330, Art horizon, turn Coordinator, 2 Bose Headsets, ELT & more! Price reduced for quick sale! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 www. 05-09 R44 II 2007 SN11646 TTSN 600 hours Blue Metallic, Tan Leather, Air Conditioning, Garmin 420 GPS/COM, Garmin GTX 330 TXP, Art Horizon, DG, Bubble Windows, Bose Headsets, & more! Price reduced for quick sale! Ready for Immediate delivery! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 www.prestieghelicopters. com 05-09 R44 2007 N133AATTSN 290 Black Metallic/ Gray Leather, Taped on N#, 9 Hole Panel, Air Conditioning, Garmin 530 w/pilot side console & HSI, Garmin GTX330, Radar Altimeter, Art horizon, turn Coordinator, Bose Headsets, 4 point safety harness, 4 bubble windows, Kannad 406 ELT & more! Price reduced for quick sale! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 www. 05-09 R44 II New 2009 SN12625 Loaded! Black Metallic/ Gray Leather, Taped on N#, Garmin 530 w/ pilot side console & HSI, Garmin GTX330, Art Horizon, Turn Coordinator,4 Bose Headsets, 4 point safety harness, 4 bubble windows, Kannad 406 ELT & more! Ready for Immediate Delivery! Price reduced for Quick Sale! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 05-09

2007 Robinson R44 II NEW TO THE MARKET, N799TH, S/N 11887, TTAF 319, $395,000. More details at, 800-AVIATION (05-09) 2008 & 2009 New and used R44 Raven Is & IIs, Clipper Is & IIs & IFR Trainers. Many new and used listings. Deliveries from October thru May 2009. Choose color and options. Full factory warranty. Call Andres Kerllenevich 904-824-5506 or visit for details. (05-09) ROBINSON R22 BETA II with Garmin G400 GPS available for lease to flight school. Call 323376-1969 or email, Visit our website http://www.robinsonleasing. com (05-09)

2005 Robinson R44 Raven II, 225 hrs TT, NAT AA12S Audio panel, intercom, KY196A, KT76C, Garmin 420 GPS/COMM, artificial horizon, directional gyro, leather seats, bubble windows. Lane Aviation, Rosenberg, TX, 281-342-5451 OR FAX 281-232-5401,, (tfn)



Call Precision Air-Power for all your engine needs. 801-295-9100, email (12-09)

Dyna Nav (Dynamic Navigation & Mapping Systems) provides GPS guidance systems for your aircraft. 604-465-0009,, www. 06-09

Lycoming VO/TVO-435 & 540, many new parts, 50% off! Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

2000 SCHWEIZER 300CB, Instrument Trainer, 1,200 TT, DG, HSI, Turn & Bank, Garmin 430 with Garmin CDI, Davitron Clock, Cabin Heat, Door Actuators. $215,000 (305) 778-5334 (05-09)

2000 SCHWEIZER 300CB, 1,250-TT, DG/ HSI/ GPS/ dual Hobbs/ HiTorque starter/ELT/Fire Extinguisher, NDH, $207,500. FL/(305) 778-5334 (05-09)


2001 Sikorsky S76 C+, 1120 hours. Single pilot IFR, emergency flotation system, Garmin GS200 MFD moving map, Artex 406 MHS ELT, EGPWS. excellent maintenance, engines/powertrain on support by the hour programs. Contact: Dave 781-2592501, (05-09)

Helicopters Wanted Need an IRS Tax Deduction? Donate Your Helicopter to Charity, email us: amberalert@juno. com (12-09)

Ag Related Ag Business in NICARAGUA Pilot-Partner-Investor WANTED. Bell 47G2, Bell 47D1 and Piper Pawnee Bravo plane. $180,000 takes it all. Call JD 561-719-1479 (USA #) (05-09) Everything for the Ag Operator. Satloc Level III Sales & Service, Spray Systems, CP Nozzles, Dry Breaks, AgTex, Avtex Airforce/Navy Flight Suits Helmets. Light Weight, Noise Attentuated. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 573-359-0500, email to: (05-09)

PT-6, Allison and Turbomeca parts.We have a small inventory of new parts, including consumables. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10) RR250, Lycoming & Continental engine overhauls and accessories, TCRs and prop strikes, call Precision Air-Power 801-295-9100, email fix4u2fly@ (12-09) Action Aircraft is a full-service overhaul/repair facility for Rolls -Royce 250 series engines located in Dallas, Texas. We offer superior service and pricing in addition to free technical assistance. Engines, modules and parts available on outright and exchange basis. When you need RR250 engine overhaul and repair - “Take Action”. Please call phone 214-351-1284 or 1-800-909-7616, fax: 214-351-1286, email:, website: (12-09) UNIVERSAL TURBINE PARTS, INC.Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Parts, Engines & Accesories. New, Overhauled & Serviceable. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call for Fax or a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: (08-09)

EMPLOYMENT GeoDigital International Inc., is currently seeking someone to fill the field ops position of a full-time Airborne System Operator working throughout North America.You will be responsible for in-flight operations of Lidar mapping and other imagery acquisition systems.This system is helicopter based. For more information, please visit www.geodigital. net (05-09)

FOR SALE: DART Heli-Utility-Pod for Eurocopter AS 350. P/N D350-602-011. Like new, with paperwork and hardware. Call: Jay Reeder @ 208-9480506 or Email: (05-09)

Quality aviation fuel trailers for sale; 600 gallon aluminum tank mounted on two 3500 pound tandem axles. 55 gallon per minute electric pump, more information visit High Altitude Aviation Inc. website at or call Charles at 801-261-3681 or 801-209-7214 (05-09)

EC 120 EMERGENCY FLOAT SYSTEM. Equipment is currently housed and available for viewing/inspection at Texas Aviation Services in Fort Worth, Texas. Equipment is offered in “as-is” condition and pick-up must be arranged with Texas Aviation. MANUFACTURER: Air Cruiser–Aerazur, REMOVED FROM AIRCRAFT: November 2008, TOTALTIME: 615 hours, COST NEW: $59,000.00. OWNER: Seminole County Sheriff ’s Office, Financial Services Division, 100 Bush Blvd, Sanford, FL 32773, Attn: Emergency Float System Bid. MINIMUM BID ACCEPTED: $29,500.00 SHERIFF’S OFFICE POC: Chief Pilot Steve Farris or Lt. Brent Davison, 407-708-7600 (05-09)

New & Serviceable helicopter floats and fuel cells in stock includes all Bell models.We also repair and certify floats and fuel cells for most helicopters. Call 337-839-0500 or email (05-09)

Bubble covers, Engine covers, Blade tie-downs, engine plugs & blade covers at Bruce’s Custom Covers, 408-738-3959, (02-10)

Chadwick Track And Balance units, complete. Full warranty. Heli-Tech, 850-763-9000; fax 850-7638712 (12-09)

LongRanger Cargo Hook & Beam Assy 206-706341-101 including provisions.Also have 206B/206L rotor brake, dual control, wire strike Kits and parts for sale Call Tradewind Int’l. 800-585-7004, 608-756-3632. Fax: 608-756-2606. Email: info@, (12-09)

PHI inc. currently has openings for full time commercial helicopter pilots. Send resume to Eugene Resweber 337-272-4232 or eresweber@phihelico. com. EOE. See display ad for qualifications. (05-09) Help Wanted: Full time, year round helicopter Ag pilot. Reply to or Fax resume to 478-987-1836 (05-09)

Equipment 16425 Hart Street Van Nuys, CA. 91406 Phone: 818-997-7667 • • Fax: 818-997-1513 FAA Repair Station No. YT2R331L • EASA Repair Station No. 145.5629



BAG-A-SEAT R22 and R44 seat covers. Totally portable - just slips over the seat and closes down tight. Keep warm in winter and cool in summer. 100% premium lambs wool pelt. (818) 557 0903. 05-09

GE T58-140 commercial engine for sale. Removed from S-61N. 1949.3 hrs since major. Due light overhaul. $145,000 USD 360-754-7200 05-09

General Maintenance, Structural Repairs. Authorized Bell 206B / L Fuselage and Tailboom Fixture, Component Overhauls, Refurbishments, Avionics Installations, Modifications, Spare Parts Full Service NDT: Magnetic Particle Fluorescent Penetrant, Eddy Current, Radiographic and Ultrasonic


AGUSTA: 109 Series BELL MODELS: 47, 205, 206 Series, 212, 222, 407,412, 430, OH58 and UH-1H EUROCOPTER: AS 350 / 355 Series, EC 120 and EC 130 ROBINSON: R22 and R44 SCHWEIZER: 300C


C-30P Gearbox and Fuel system overhauled.Westcan Aircraft PH-250-554-4202 FX-250-376-1119, www.westcanaircraft. com (05-09) ROLLS ROYCE 250 COMPRESSOR CASE ASSEMBLIES. P/N 23057142. EXCHANGE PROGRAM PRICE US $4550.00. PHONE 816-2464527, FAX 816-246-5341, EMAIL, (02-10)

For Sale: Tyler Mini Mount for, film/video, over $100,000. value, Now Only $7500. USD. Camera not included, Call: 770-517-7877 (05-09)

Longranger Pop out floats, Complete. New Aeronatical on condition bags installed in 2002. Aeronautical Electric Valve. Westcan Aircraft PH250-554-4202 FX-250-376-1119,, (05-09)

Garmin, Chelton Flight Systems, Northern Airborne Technologies, Avidyne, PS Engineering Inc, Technisonic Industries Limited, Sagem Avionics Inc. BAG-A-DOOR! How many times have your doors got dinged or scratched, For R22 & 44, MD 500, Bell 206, Astar, EC130 and your helo! Strong gun-case foam material, 3 side zip, ID pocket, soft interior. Every hangar should have some! www. (818) 557 0903


AGUSTA 109 A,C,E / BELL 407 and 430 / EUROCOPTER EC 130

Come for the Parts...stay for the Service! May 2009


FINANCE CENTER CAPITAL CORPORATION, specializes in helicopter finance. We provide competitive rates and terms to the U.S. commercial helicopter market. Call 866-782-0001 option 1: for Jim Pulie - Eastern US.   Option 2: Joe Krolak - Central US. Option 3: Greg Renna -Western US. (06-09)

Insurance Falcon Insurance is spreading the wings of insurance protection to helicopter owners and operators with the largest independantly owned insurance specialists in the country.We are dedicated to serving you. (12-09)

LOT FOR SALE: Beautiful 2.73 acres wooded lot, 298’ wide and 400’ deep, Pine Ridge Equestrian Estates, Public water and septic sewer, Five miles from Crystal River, Florida, Covenant exclusive neighborhood, Community center, Pool & golf course. Mini-ranchettes with zoning that allows up to three horses and stables with your home. 27 miles of horse trails with access at rear of lot. GOOGLE IT! Citrus County, Florida, 3620 Stirrup Drive, Beverly Hills, FL. $104,000. Save Thousandsbuy from owner. No realtor or closing fees. Priced below appraisal for quick sale 888-987-2250, bill@ (tfn)

Operations For Sale, 100X100 Behlen heated aircraft hanger, with 30X15 office, central heat and air in office, Schweis 60’ Bi fold door, electric & water, completed in 2005, located at (47K) KS. Ideal facility for Ag operator, maintenance operation or corporate flight department.Price $265,000. Contact Randy Hardy @ 316-655-2322 or Dick Russell @ 316208-3140 (05-09) 400+ Acres: Managed as wildlife reserve for over 20 years. Area known for record buck, abundant turkey, deer & other native wildlife including eagles. Located on paved road w/large barn, 1-room cabin& well, Noxubee County, MS. 3/4 mile driveway w/mechanical gates. $2650USD per acre. 662-361-8697, (05-09) Ag Business in NICARAGUA Pilot-Partner-Investor WANTED. Bell 47G2, Bell 47D1 and Piper Pawnee Bravo plane. $180,000 takes it all. Call JD 561-719-1479 (USA #) (05-09)

Parts NEED INSURANCE? Call Jeff, Sharon, Monica, Dana, Beth or Jerry at 877-661-1799. Online quote at (05-09) The Right Aviation Insurance Broker makes all the difference in the world. The experience you need to get the job done right. Focused on service. We work for you, not the insurance companies. Jim Gardner & Rick Langley @ J. Smith Lanier & Co. 678 - 639 - 4108, 800-654-7892, x4108 or 4104,, Your team that can’t be beat. (12-09) Specializing in placing aviation/helicopter insurance. We have access to all markets, domestic and overseas. Your inquiries are appreciated. Phone: 562492-1217 Fax: 562-492-1147 Cell Phone 562-7568685 E-mail: Clemens Meuleman/CFM Aviation Insurance (05-09) Mid-Continent Aircraft Insurance Brokers - Over 59 years Risk Management Experience for Professional Operators. 800-325-0885, e-mail: Sharon/Laura (05-09)

MISC. ITEMS The great new Schweiss one-piece hydraulic door features a self-supporting header frame, requiring a minimum 4-inch headroom, and the ever-fastmoving bifold door features the new lift strap technology that provides a quiet, smooth operating door. Schweiss Bifold Doors, at or 800-746-8273 (12-09) LOT FOR SALE: One-acre-square house lot, Plane Living Sky Park, 2,000 s.f., all-brick, covenants, 5 miles west of I-75, Exit 142, Public water, septic sewer. paved streets, curb and gutter, street lights. Lot is one of 13 directly on new sod runway, Google It! (Google photo before development). South side of Hwy 96 at 50 Lane Rd., Fort Valley, Georgia 31030, Save thousands and buy from owner. $59,900 includes closing costs. 478.987.2250 (tfn) Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors leads the bifold door industry in quality, innovation, design, and price. Our website at offers assistance with installing bifold doors, upgrading your existing building structure, and helping you find the best bi-fold door for your needs (12-09)


UH-1H Composite main rotor blades for sale P/N 205-015-150-101 and main rotor blades B model P/N 204-011-001-015. Tail rotor blades Van Horn Aviation P/N 2042200-101 for the H and B models. Call Pablo at HeliBlade, Inc. 530743- 0151. 04-10 1988 Bell-412SP in for parts, Complete undamaged aircraft, Tail boom with strake kit, Twin pac, rotables, instruments, etc,etc Westcan Aircraft PH250-554-4202 FX-250-376-1119, (05-09) Robinson Helicopter Parts - visit our site for complete parts pricing. Overhaul kits. Complete overhauls, 100 hrs and annuals. Best service in California! Dan Casey Phone: 805-512-1371 Fax: 805-512-8105. 05-09 Bell 206L-4 New Low Skid kit for sale. Will trade for float kit for L-4. 631-588-2780. 05-09 Bell 206B Tail Rotor Gear Box as removed. P/N 206-040-400-13 outright. 631-588-2780. 05-09 Cascade Aircraft Conversions new Barrier Filter System. Reduce your TOT by up to 38º C. www.,, 509-635-1212 (06-09) NEW Tail Rotor Blades for UH-1H–FAA STC/ PMA SR02051LA, Carbon Fiber construction, 2400 hr service life, competitive pricing.Van Horn Aviation LLC, 480-483-4202, (12-09) Parting out a 1995 Schweizer 300CB, drive train/ power train & many more parts. Pls. contact Ken 850-763-9000 Fax 850-763-8712 or email sales@ (12-09) Search for over 70 million line items and find the helicopter parts you need with a PartsBase membership., banderson@, 561-953-0700 (08-09) Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, accessory parts for just about everything. Big discounts! 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10) MD Helicopter parts. We have a few new MD Helicopter parts. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-10)

Sikorsky parts. We have a growing stock of new Sikorsky parts. We can often save you time and money. Contact us or check stock on our web site. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10) Hughes parts. We have some new Hughes parts at big discounts. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-10)

New STC Tail Rotor Blades, Part No. 204-2200101 for 204 UH-1 heliopters from Van Horn Aviaiton LLC. Contact HeliBlade Inc. Distributor & Service Center for these new and improved composite tail rotors 530-743-0151 (04-10) RR 250-C20B complete compressor 0.00 TSO new wheels. $45,000.00 USD exchange. Call 631588-2780. 05-09


Hiller parts. We have a small stock of new Hiller parts. Check with us often. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

Helicopter Component Repair: Metal bond and composite repair - fast and easy! Your one stop repair facility. Now producing High Heat Components. Contact : Helicomb International,Tulsa, OK 918-835-3999 (05-09)

Eurocopter parts. We have purchased several inventories of new parts and are ready to serve you. Contact us, or search our web site for the parts you need. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-10)

Bell UH-1H complete support, parts, and component overhauls. Global fin spars available, UH-1H Type Certificate holder. Call us with any UH-1H needs. 360-754-7200 (05-09)

Enstrom parts. We have a small stock of new Enstrom parts. Check with us often. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-6980280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts. com (02-10)

Bell UH-1H complete refurbishment services. We have over 30 Huey’s in stock and can build to your specifications. Bell UH-1H Authorized Customer Service Facility. Come and visit us and see the difference. Contact see our website at (05-09)

Bell parts. We have a nice stock of new parts for Bell 47, 206 and others. It’s worth the effort to check with us, or search our web site for your part numbers. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-10)

For MD parts and overhauls contact Northwest Helicopters LLC.Authorized MD Service Center for models 500/600 call 360-754-7200 (05-09)

ENSTROM PARTS, SALES & SERVICE Huge parts inventory, 20 yrs exp., loaner tools. AOG same day shipping a specialty, full time factory trained A&P parts man on staff. Get service advice with your parts. A.O.G. and Exports Sales New Garden Aviation, Ask for Tom 610-2682048 Fax 610-268-0342 (05-09) Bell OHC Tailbooms For Sale. Outright or Exchange. 206 A/B -206-031-004-155, 206-031004-071B, 206B - 206-031-004-115B x 2 and -111FM x 1, 206L - 206-033-004-177A, 407 - 407030-801-101, 212 - 212-030-100-069 and -089, 412 - 212-030-100-203A. Canadian Certification provided. Alpine Aerotech Ltd. Contact : Dick Everson, Ph. 250-769-6344 Fax 250-769-6303 or e-mail (05-09) BELL 47 PARTS FAA/PMA Approved Many in stock and ready to ship. M/R Grips for 1200 hours with no eddy current inspections. Fan Belts, Engine Mounts, Mufflers, Sprag Kits, “ No Bar” Control System and many other parts. texashelicopter@, or 972-399-1045 office or 972-790-6397 fax (05-09) Universal Turbine Parts, Inc. Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Parts, Engines & Accesories. New, Overhauled & Serviceable. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call for Fax or a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: (08-09) UH-1 Overhauled Components available exchange or outright; 204-012-101-141 M/R hub, 204-040-016-5 Transmission, 204-011-400-11 Swashplate & Support assy., 204-011-401-11 Scissors & Sleeve assy, 205-040-263-111 Input Quill, 205-040-200-1 gen. Offset Quill, (4) 204040-600-11 Hanger assy., 204-040-003-37 gear box 42, 204-040-012-13 gear box 90. Pac West Helicopters CRS PW6R1161J Tel/530-241-2402 “e” (05-09) UH-1Vertical Fin Spar Kits. Pac West Helicopters is an approved Distributor for the Global Helicopter Technology STC approved Vertical Fin Spar replacement which terminates AD99-25-12 action. Have your kit installed by us at our Cal. facility where we are able to perform extensive repairs if necessary, order your kit and install it at your shop, or arrange for us to install it at your location. For sales and scheduling contact Tel/530-241-2402 “e” (05-09)

For Bell parts and component overhauls contact Northwest Helicopters LLC we are a Bell Authorized CSF for the models 205, 206 B/L, 407, 212, 412, UH-1H, and OH-58. Friendly service and great discounts. Call 360-754-7200 email (05-09) SCENIC FLIGHTS OVER TUCSON, ARIZONA & surrounding area. Call Arizona Aero-Tech @ 520-294-1551. 05-09 MAINTENANCE, TIE DOWNS, HANGERS, FUEL on small Aircraft & Helicopters. Located at Tucson Int’l Airport. Tucson, AZ. Call: Velocity Air @ 520-434-0440. 05-09 D&D Avionics Services–Avionics & Modifications. Distributor of Skeyeview–Producing DVD quality video files with cockpit audio in a vidoe standard format for easy playback. 478-254-6552, (05-09) Need Helicopter Financing? We provide loan financing to Part 91 and Part 135 operators located in the U.S. We specialize in helicopter finance. For more information Call 866-782-0001 option 1: for Jim Pulie - Eastern US. Option 2: Joe Krolak - Central US. Option 3: Greg Renna -Western US. (06-09) Rotor blade repairs by HeliBlade, Inc. a FAA Repair Station. Contact Pablo Martinez at 530743-0151 (04-10) Cylinder restoration, component overhaul, fuel injection, cable assemblies, hose assembllies and top overhauls. Call Precision Air-Power 801-2959100, email (12-09) ROTORCRAFT SUPPORT, INC. is your complete helicopter repair facility supporting AGUSTA, BELL, EUROCOPTER, ROBINSON, and SCHWEIZER aircraft. From Component O/H to Major Maintenance – RSI is there for you. 16425 Hart St.,Van Nuys, CA 91406, www.rotorcraftsupport. com, FAA: YT2R331L, EASA: 145.5629, Phone: 818-997-7667, Fax: 818-997-1513 (06-09) Magellan Aerospace Turbine Services LLC a FAA/ EASA Approved repair station, for A250, T53, CT58 and TPE331 turbine engines component overhaul or repair. For more information visit our website at or Call 623-9310010 (05-09) Bell 212/412 Exhaust Ducts, Repairs-OverhaulsNew, Exchange Units in Stock. Call Alpine Aerotech Ltd. at 250-769-6344 or Fax 250769-6303 (05-09)

Helicopter Management, Consulting, Pilot screening, Maintenance. FAR 133-135-137-145, Southern California area. Contact Phil or Rob at Rotorcraft Support: (818) 997-7667, E-mail: Rob@ (06-09) Reduce the maintenance hassles on your Bell 407 and Agusta 109. We have the STC to convert the Ni Cad to the lead acid Concord battery. Easy install, No maintenance, non spillable, and highly reliable. Never fear of a runaway. Rotorcraft Support: (06-09) Component Overhauls & Part Sales, FAA,CRS, Agusta, Bell, Eurocopter, & MD  Approved CSF, Acclaimed Quality Service, Competitive pricing, Discount on Parts, Dedicated Friendly Customer Service. Contact Tom Sullivan at Sterling Helicopter. 215-271-2510 Fax 215-788-7319, E-mail: (05-09) Export / Import, Pre-Buys & Transport ANYWHERE! Aircraft Recovery. ContactTom Sullivan at Sterling Helicopter 215-271-2510 Fax 215-7887319 E-mail: (05-09) BELL 47 PARTS FAA/PMA Approved We have over 50 years of knowledge in the Bell 47 Model Helicopter. If you have a question or need a part contact us.Texas Helicopter Co., Inc. 972399-1045 office or 972-790-6397 fax or email us at or visit our web site (05-09) Universal Turbine Parts, Inc. Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Parts, Engines & Accesories. New, Overhauled & Serviceable. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call for Fax for a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: (08-09)

Schools / Training

Helicopter FlightTraining Inc. Long Island, NY.We offer training with ratings Private through ATP & CFII. Robinson sales & service center. Contact: or 631-467-2232. 05-09

Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Sarasota and Lakeland. Come fly with us - we offer training & tours. Authorized Robinson sales & service. Call: Sarasota: 941-335-1258 or Lakeland: 863-648-9680. 05-09 HELICOPTER & FLIGHT TRAINING in Tucson, AZ. Private, Instrument , Commercial, CFI and CFII training. We have special hotel rates that include transportation to the school.We have 300+ days of flying weather a year. We also offer fixed wing instruction. Call: 520-2941511 or email: 05-09 Night Vision Google Course at Palm Beach Helicopters,, 866527-0601. 05-09 Helicopter Training in Hawaii.  “Excellence in Flight Training” at Mauna Loa Helicopters on Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island.  Come fly with us in the best weather in the US.  MLH offers: PVT, COM, IFR, CFI, CFII, ATP, FAA certified FLY-IT simulator, mountain course, external load training, and now offering fixed wing training.  MLH is 141 certified, and VA approved.  Student financing / student housing / college degree programs / International flight training / accelerated programs available. Call (808) 334-0234 or e-mail, 05-09

SOFTWARE Helicopter Operators can calculate your breakeven, % investment return, profit potential, and produce annual & monthly cash flows. Project your financials without spending hours of your time. All reports are produced automatically and accurately after you provide your inputs. Types of analyses performed include: Company/Individual Ownership, Managed with/without Leaseback, Commercial Operation,Agricultural/Fire/Ambulance Operations, Joint Ownership, Fractional Ownership, and Charter/Rental. Helicopter sales organizations can provide your prospects with customized & professional ownership cost analysis. This program is a great sales aid and management tool. FREE sample reports. Click REQUEST INFORMATION on the website or call 281-419-7443 (12-09)

TOOLS Make life easier - or at least make your engine and aircraft inspections easier using a flexible borescope from Machida, Inc. Call: 800-431-5420 or (05-09) Borescope and Videoscope Repair Services. Any brand or any model. Your one stop source for the best value visual inspection equipment since 1981. Check out our new products and rental units at or call Borescopes-R-Us at 931-362-4009 (05-09)

WANTED Parts Wanted Bell 206 B&L, 204, 205, 212, 214 , MD, Eurocopter, & Allison. Looking for R/B, W/S, Duals etc. kits and parts. We buy inventories or By The Piece. Call Tradewind Int’l. 800-585-7004, 608-756-3632. info@ (12-09) Universal Turbine Parts, Inc. We buy Turbine Aircraft Engines & Inventory. All conditions. Call or Fax for a Quote 334-361-7853; fax 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: (08-09)

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May 2009


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May 2009

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May 2009

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Action Aircraft Parts................12 Air Shasta.................................. 19 Aircraft Magneto Svcs.............11 Arizona Aero-Tech/ Velocity Air................................ 19 AvidAir..........................................8 Bag-A-Door..................................3 Bruce’s Custom Covers........... 26 Cascade Aircraft Conversions....12

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Center Capital.......................... 13 Dowling College....................... 19 Dyna-Nav.................................. 29 Eastern Helicopter................... 19 Falcon Insurance...................... 24

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Floats & Fuel Cells................... 14 FL Sun Coast............................. 19

Heli-Tech.......................................7 HeliBlade......................................6 Helicomb Int’l........................... 32

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469 Texas 478 Georgia 480 Arizona 484 Pennsylvania 501 Arkansas 502 Kentucky 503 Oregon 504 Louisiana 505 New Mexico 506 New Bruns, Can. 507 Minnesota 508 Massachusetts 509 Washington 510 California 512 Texas 513 Ohio 514 Quebec, Canada 515 Iowa 516 New York 517 Michigan 518 New York 519 Ontario, Canada 520 Arizona 530 California 540 Virginia 541 Oregon 559 California 561 Florida 562 California 564 Washington 570 Pennsylvania 571 Virginia 573 Missouri 580 Oklahoma 586 Michigan 601 Mississippi 602 Phoenix, Arizona 603 New Hampshire 604 British Col, Can. 605 South Dakota 606 Kentucky 607 New York 608 Wisconsin 609 New Jersey 612 Minnesota 613 Ontario, Canada

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747 California 752 California 757 Virginia 760 California 763 Minnesota 764 California 765 Indiana 770 Georgia 773 Illinois 775 Nevada 780 Alberta, Canada 781 New Hampshire 785 Kansas 786 Florida 792 Texas 801 Utah 802 Vermont 803 South Carolina 804 Virginia 805 California 806 Texas 807 Ontario, Canada 808 Hawaii 809 Caribbean Islands 810 Michigan 812 Indiana 813 Florida 814 Pennsylvania 815 Illinois 816 Missouri 817 Texas 818 California 819 Quebec, Canada 828 North Carolina 830 Texas 831 California 832 Texas 843 South Carolina 845 New York 847 Illinois 850 Florida 856 New Jersey 858 California 859 Kentucky 860 Connecticut 863 Florida 864 South Carolina

865 Tennessee 870 Arkansas 872 Illinois 901 Tennessee 902 Nova Scotia, Can 903 Texas 904 Florida 905 Mexico City, Mx 906 Michigan 907 Alaska 908 New Jersey 909 California 910 North Carolina 912 Georgia 913 Kansas 914 New York 915 Texas 916 California 917 New York 918 Oklahoma 919 North Carolina 920 Wisconsin 925 California 931 Tennessee 935 California 936 Texas 937 Ohio 940 Texas 941 Florida 947 Mississippi 949 California 951 California 952 Minnesota 954 Florida 956 Texas 970 Colorado 971 Oregon 972 Texas 973 New Jersey 978 Massachusetts 979 Texas 980 North Carolina 989 Michigan 998 California

Helicopter Assoc, Int’l................4 Helishow Dubai.........................17 Liberty University..................... 19 Machida Borescopes............... 29 Mauna Loa Helicopters.......... 19 Northwest Helicopters.......Cover Palm Beach Helicopters.......... 19 22 Petrolium Helicopters (PHI).... 13 Precision Air-Power.................. 23 Preferred Airparts.......................9 Prestige Helicopters................ 19 RSI (Rotorcraft Support Inc.).......27 Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors..............6 Tradewind Int’l............................3 Tulsa Propulsion....................... 14 United Rotorcraft Sol.............. 18 Universal Turbine Parts...........11 Van Horn Aviation................... 25

May 2009



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