The Helicopter Newspaper - Dec 2011

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Volume 11, december 2011

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace


Holidays inside this edition: The VH-71 project 2011 • Are you ready for the winter? FAA approves Bell 212 helicopter flight manual supplement DART Helicopter Services announces certification of their landing wearplates Tanis Aircraft Products releases new helicopter preheat safety video December 2011


International Helicopter Safety Team announces stronger focus on GA pilot community and on extended global outreach Number of accidents down 30 percent, renewed effort needed to accomplish 10year mission

repeating themes throughout the two-day conference. “The International Helicopter Safety Team has developed very thorough analyses on how and why helicopter FORT WORTH – More than 200 accidents occur and they have succeeded professionals from helicopter companies, in creating a wide array of toolkits, associations, and government agencies videos, and training pieces to help all in 21 countries gathered in Fort levels of the helicopter community build Worth, Texas, last week for the fifth a strong safety culture,” explains Kim annual International Helicopter Safety Smith, IHST Co-Chair and Manager of the Symposium. They left the Lone Star FAA Rotorcraft Directorate. “Our focus State with a renewed optimism about is to get these free and simple-to-use safety successes, along with a dedicated tools into the hands of small operators, focus on the work that needs to be general aviation pilots, and mechanics so accomplished in order to reach the that they can reap the benefits of a safe helicopter community’s 2016 safety goal. aviation environment.” Stronger outreach efforts to “GA pilots, mechanics, and owners of general aviation pilots, instructors small helicopter businesses can use tools and mechanics; a continued push such as Safety Management Systems, risk for additional participating countries assessment processes, and flight data worldwide; and a persistent focus monitoring equipment just like the larger Final UTP-0905-Ad 2 color 2:18 operations,” PM Page 1 on creating safety cultures were 11/13/09 helicopter adds Smith. “With



small upfront expenses and adjustments in safety practices, every type of operator can reduce and eliminate accidents. The benefits far outweigh the costs and at the bottom line, that is good business for every segment within the helicopter industry.” The International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST) was created in 2005 with a mission of reducing the worldwide civil helicopter accident rate by 80 percent by 2016. Participants in the effort include operators, manufacturers, trade associations, academics, government regulators, pilots, mechanics, and instructors from Europe, the Middle East/ North Africa region, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Russia, and the United States. Regions where IHST toolkits are being implemented have achieved 20 percent and better reduction in accident rates. Participants from Mexico and South Africa also plan to join the team which aims to expand to all areas of the globe by 2016. More information about the IHST, its reports, its safety tools, and presentations from the recent Symposium can be obtained at its web site: (

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475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA PHONE: 478-988-0787 FAX: 478-987-1836 EMAIL: WEB: EDITOR / PUBLISHER: Graham Lavender ADVERTISING SALES: Ernie Eggler CLASSIFIED ADS: Brittni White PRODUCTION: Deborah Freeman CIRCULATION: Brittni White

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Graham Lavender of The Helicopter Newspaper welcomes into the world his new and first child, daughter Marley Lane Lavender. Marley was born November 13, 2011 at 5.32 EST weighing 7lbs, 12.7 ounces and 20 inches long. Congratulations Graham from the staff at The Helicopter Newspaper!

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The VH-71 project 2011 by Glenn Wargo On Sunday September 12th 2011, the H.W. Farren Company completed the transportation of nine VH-71US-101/ EH-101 helicopters to Department of National Defense in care of IMP Aerospace Enfield Nova Scotia Canada. With numerous meeting and planning we designed and fabricated special wheel cradles that would safely and efficiently transport the aircraft. The cradles were designed by Robert Carroll, and fabricated under his direction by our Head Mechanic Joseph Dukin, and Robert Dukin. These cradles were tested to a weight over 40,000 pounds a safety factor in which we design and fabricate our equipment of more than twice the weight of the full up aircraft. Special surveys were conducted by our agent and pilot car service for Quebec Nova. In addition our oversize manager Dave Vaillancourt personally recertified the route of the first four aircraft from Owego New York to Enfield Nova Scotia.

We were tasked with not only moving the nine aircraft but also numerous parts and support equipment loads from Owego New York and Patuxent Naval Air Station We were tasked with not only moving the nine aircraft but also numerous parts and support equipment loads from Owego New York and Patuxent Naval Air Station Maryland to Enfield. These shipments were coordinated by our operations staff under the direction of Michael Macaione, Betty Pepper, Heather Collins, and Joseph Antonucci. Philip Antonucci and Glenn Wargo met with Lockheed Martin Systems Integration people numerous times to plan the transport of the entire project

beginning in November of 2010 and completing with our accepted proposal by IMP Aerospace in May of 2011. With each transport of the VH-71 aircraft from Owego to Enfield , Glenn would rendezvous at Enfield to oversee, and perform the actions of load captain to safely off load each aircraft. The first aircraft was transported by our Vincent Cataldo and the remaining eight were transported by our Derek Smith. As we completed the last of the first four aircraft, Glenn had meetings along with Mr. Harley Rogers of IMP with Nova Scotia Government and Law Enforcement officials to secure the next challenging part of the project the transportation of five full up VH-71 helicopters. Routes were certified and re-examined to assure a safe and efficient transport of these aircraft. These last five could not be disassembled and were loaded on a barge transported to Baltimore off loaded and placed on an ACL RORO Vessel for transport to Halifax then reloaded onto barges for transport to Canadian Forces Depot Bedford. On Friday September 9th we loaded the first of the last five aircraft. These aircraft stood 20’ high on the trailer, 15’ wide, with 26’ of overhang off the rear of our specially modified aircraft transportation trailer, at the Canadian Forces Depot in Bedford. On Saturday morning at sunrise we transported the first of these aircraft, with the assistance of the Halifax Regional Municipality Police, The Canadian Forces Military Police, and the RCMP. On that Saturday we transported three of these aircraft with closure of parts of the Queens Highway that allowed us to go the opposite way to clear infra-structure. On Sunday morning September 12th we transported the fourth and on Sunday afternoon the fifth and final aircraft. During the entire project we completed the mission from its beginnings in June to completion in September with zero incidents. This was to the satisfaction of IMP Aerospace, DND Canada, and Lockheed Martin Systems Integration.

December 2011


Are you ready for the winter? by James Williams Flying in the winter offers some unique challenges for the rotorcraft community. Temperatures drop, the days get shorter, and snow/ice/sleet become a real possibility for much of theUnited States. To prepare for this change in season,consider making a few changes that apply to both you and your aircraft to ensure safe winter operations.

system. Another concern during winter operations is rotor icing. Even though the rotor blade is moving through the air rapidly, it can still accumulate ice. As with fixed-wing aircraft, the best anti-icing strategy is to avoid potential icing when possible.

The Preflight

The preflight really begins before you The Aircraft even get to the aircraft. You can use Just as there are things you can do to tools like the NationalWeather Service’s get your airplane ready for the winter, aviation icing forecast tool to help there are things you can do for your inform your go/no-go decision (http:// helicopter. While what you might find will vary from helicopter to helicopter, there php).You should also check out the is one fact that is almost universal: It is experimental HealthEmergency Medical rare for a helicopter to be equipped for Services (HEMS) tool at: http://weather. flight into known icing conditions (FIKI). aero/tools/desktopapps/hemstool. Before One of the items you might find, though, you even get to the airport, though, a is a deflector, which keeps the intakes review of the helicopter flight manual is from being clogged with blowing snow. A well warranted. Some helicopters have simple,but sometimes overlooked item is different limitations, especially with regard pitot heat. Some helicopters also require to flight in blowing snow. the addition of a continuous ignition Checking fuel is an even bigger concern

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as the temperature drops. With the addition of cold weather additives comes a new threat, known to the rotorcraft community as “apple jelly.” A gelatinous formation of water, cold weather additives, and miscellaneous components, “apple jelly” can clog fuel filters and other portions of the fuel system. The best countermeasure for avoiding this gloppy mass is to ensure that you regularly sump fuel tanks on the aircraft to keep water from getting into the fuel. During your hands-on preflight, there are a couple of additional things to check during the winter. First is to ensure that the engine’s anti-ice system is working. This system is generally required for cold-weather operations and it is not likely to have been checked during the warmer months. Also,ensure that intake filters are clear of ice or frost. Even a thin covering could possibly choke the engine’s ability to “breathe” and produce power. Many helicopters also require preheating so components and engine oil are warm enough to work properly. Finally, there is the issue of making sure the aircraft isn’t stuck to the ground. It

may sound odd to a fixed-wing pilot, but since helicopters sometimes operate from remote locations, it is possible. And, if one skid is frozen more than the other, this condition could create potential for a dynamic roll over.

The Flying For any pilot in the winter, it’s a good idea to sharpen up your night-flying skills and situational awareness. Another area to brush up on is aircraft limitations and procedures, and to take note of any updates and changes. One such change is the required use of engine anti-ice. Unlike some fixed wing aircraft, many helicopters require the use of engine antiice throughout the flight. It’s important to remember, though, that the engine anti-ice is an anti-ice system, not a de-ice system. Hopefully this is a good start for your rotorcraft winter flying checklist. Let us know what other things you like to include on your personal winter checklist. Safe flying! James Williams is FAA Safety Briefing’s assistant editor and photo editor. He is also a pilot and ground instructor.


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calendar of events December 2011 December 6-7, 2011 12th Annual Aircraft Acquisition and Planning Seminar Scottsdale Plaza Resort Scottsdale, AZ

February 2012 February 8-9, 2012 Joseph Cribbins Aviation Symposium Huntsville, AL February 11-14, 2012 Heli-Expo 2012 Dallas, TX

March 2012 March 7-9, 2012 Cygnus Aviation Expo Las Vegas, NV

April 2012 April 1-4, 2012 2012 AAAA Professional Forum & Expo Nashville, TN April 22-27, 2012 MTLI Wheeling, WV

July 2012 July 9-15, 2012 Farnborough International United Kingdom July 23-29, 2012 EAA Airventure Oshkosh, WI

May 2012

May 2013

May 8-10, 2012 EBACE Geneva, Switzerland

May 14-16, 2013 EBACE Geneva, Switzerland

June 2012 June 4-6, 2012 St. Petersburg Int’l Conference on Intergrated Navigation Systems St. Petersburg, Russia

October 2013 October TBA AMTC Virginia Beach, VA

May 2014 May 13-15, 2014 EBACE Geneva, Switzerland

July 2014 July 14-20, 2014 Farnborough International, UK,

May 2015 May 19-21, 2015 EBACE, Geneva, Switzerland,

July 2016 July 18-24, 2016 Farnborough International UK,

Agreement reached by Tradewind International Peter Bales of Tradewind International has reached an agreement with Dick Moorhead of Resources Unlimited to acquire their inventory. Inventory had been shipped from Moorhead’s Texas location to Tradewind International in Janesville, Wisconsin. The inventory includes parts for Eurocopter/ Aerospatiale models SA315 Lama, 330J Puma, 332 Super Puma, AS350 Dauphin, AS355 Twin Star, AS360 and SA365N Dauphin. Mr. Bales said that the inventory is being cataloged and added to the web site daily. To view the inventory, check these web sites, or most major inventory data bases.


Faa approves Bell 212 helicopter flight manual supplement, increasing performance with blr Aerospace Fastfin® system EVERETT, WA—BLR Aerospace, a name synonymous with outstanding performance enhancement technologies that increase the capabilities of rotary-wing and fixed-wing aircraft by manufacturers such as Bell Helicopter and Hawker Beechcraft, today announced an FAA-certified performance increase for its Bell 212 FastFin® System. The FAA has approved a Flight Manual Supplement (FMS) certifying up to 500 pounds of additional out-of-ground effect hover performance for Bell 212s equipped with FastFin. The same approval is expected soon from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). With the FastFin® System, most Bell 212 operators will increase their useful load between 10% and 15%. “Helping the Bell helicopter community fly more productively and more safely is a priority for BLR,” said Dave Marone, BLR’s vice president of Sales and Marketing. “The FastFin® System clearly delivers the

performance benefits operators need and want.” Installation of the FastFin® Tail Rotor Enhancement and Stability System kit involves modifying a helicopter tailboom with two parallel strips (known as Dual Tailboom Strakes), and reshaping the vertical fin to optimize airflow around the tailboom. This field installed kit delivers a range of important benefits to operators who fly the modified aircraft. More than 75 FastFin® Systems have been sold for Bell 412 helicopters since the system was FAA certified in July 2010, and EASA certification is imminent. The system’s advantages — including up to 1,250 pounds of additional in-ground effect hover — are so strong that Bell Helicopter has made the FastFin® System standard on new Bell 412EPs.

about BLR Aerospace

the highest performance aerodynamic solutions in the industry, and we back our superior designs with unsurpassed manufacturing quality. Note: BLR is

no longer known as Boundary Layer Research and appreciates the news media’s support in accurately using the BLR Aerospace name.

The FAA has approved a Flight Manual Supplement certifying up to 500 pounds of additional out-of-ground effect hover performance for Bell 212s equipped with FastFin.

BLR Aerospace is focused on developing



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aeromedical advisory Frederick E. Tilton, M.D. FAA Federal Air Surgeon

Colors of the rainbow Most of us take vision—including our ability to see colors—for granted. As you might remember from ground school, the retina holds two kinds of photoreceptor cells: rods and cones. The rods are highly sensitive to light so they help a person see in dim light situations but they cannot differentiate between colors. Three types of cones (red, blue, and green) provide the ability to perceive color. The condition commonly called “color blindness,” more accurately known as color vision deficiency, is usually an inherited condition caused by a defect in one or more of the cones, and it occurs more commonly in males. However, some pathological conditions can also affect a person’s ability to see color.

Shades of Color Vision There are several types of color vision deficiency, and complete color vision deficiency is quite rare. Partial color blindness can be divided into two types: red-green and blue-yellow. Red-green deficiencies are caused by a lack of either red or green cones. Blue-yellow deficiencies are caused by missing or defective blue cones. They are far less common, and they tend to have less impact on

an individual’s everyday life. Because a pilot’s world is involved with reds and greens, especially when it comes to night flying, evaluation of an individual’s color vision is a required part of the aviation medical exam. Color vision deficiency is a problem, but it is not necessarily the end of the road for an aspiring aviator. An airman suffering from some forms of color vision deficiency may still be eligible for an unrestricted medical certificate if he or she can pass an operational test. For others, however, it may result in a limitation stating that the certificate is “not valid for night flying or by color signal control.” So, if a person fails to pass the color vision part of their medical examination while in their AME’s office, he or she can appeal to the FAA for additional operational testing. The FAA will work with the airman to determine the extent of the airman’s capabilities in color-dependent situations. If the airman successfully completes this evaluation, the FAA will issue a Letter of Evidence (LOE) that modifies or removes the limitation. Wishing you good health, safe flying, and happy holidays!


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DART Helicopter Services announces certification of their landing wearplates wearplates is easier.” Quote, Bill Beckett, DART VP Canadian Operations. DART Helicopter Services LLC., 4650 North Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92056 (, is a privately held Sales, Marketing and Manufacturing Company whose primary focus is developing innovative STC’d

DART Helicopter Services (DHS) is pleased to announce Transport Canada, FAA and EASA approval of DART Aerospace Ltd’s (DAS) stainless steel Run-on Landing Wearplates for the Bell 206L/L1/L3/L4 and 407 Standard Skidtubes and Float Skidtubes. DART Aerospace’s Ltd. (DAS) traditional wearplates and wearpads are designed for durability under normal wear conditions. However, training and run-on landings present unique requirements for durability far in excess of normal operations. DAS Runon Landing Wearplates are specifically designed for the harsh use of training and run-on landings. DAS Run-on Landing Wearplates feature an easy thru-bolt installation, corrosion resistant stainless steel construction, a generous overlay of highly wear resistant tungsten carbide and a corrosion resistant compound between the skidtube and wearplate (no gaskets or sealant required). • Improved wear resistance • Easy & quick to install & remove with an innovative thru bolt design • Corrosion resistant • Ideal for training operations • Compatible on DART skidtubes • Can be retrofitted to older skidtubes or ordered on new skidtubes “DAS recognizes that standard wearplates may not provide sufficient protection for some types of operations. DAS run-on landing wearplates can be retrofitted to existing skidtubes or ordered on new skidtubes. Also, the thru bolt design means that changing

products and creating sales networks for aerospace manufacturers who are looking to benefit from DART’s global marketing network and sales channel. DART is the logical choice for rotary wing operators who are seeking a supplier with a comprehensive product line and superior customer support.

DART’S subsidiary and affiliated companies own over 600 STC’s and manufacture over 1,200 products. With its highly trained and knowledgeable North American and International sales team, DART distributes more than 3,500 aftermarket products to over 120 countries worldwide.

December 2011


Tanis Aircraft Products releases new helicopter preheat safety video EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA—Tanis Aircraft Products announced today the release of a new video outlining the safety benefits of helicopter preheat. Tanis is the technology and innovation leader in aircraft preheat systems, including state of the art systems designed specifically for rotary wing aircraft. The new video highlights the functionality and features of the company’s helicopter preheat systems. Tanis preheat technology allows an operator to preheat critical driveline components and fluid reservoirs prior to flight. The video was first presented at the International Helicopter Safety Symposium (IHSS) in Fort Worth, Texas, on November 9th. Following the video presentation, a number of delegates took the time to express support for Tanis preheat technology. One cold climate operator commented, “I have Tanis preheat systems on all of my helicopters.

For my fleet it is simply the best winter safety practice that money can buy.” Another participant opined, “I was not aware that such a system existed. We’ve tried portable heaters at our remote sites and they are cumbersome to transport and fickle to operate. The Tanis system looks like the real deal, transportable, reliable and best of all safe.”

Operators in cold climates have known for years that preheating is a winter season best practice. The short two-minute video identifies wintertime hazards affecting the safe operation of rotary wing aircraft relating to fluids, critical driveline components

and battery efficiency. Tanis advocates the use of preheat systems prior to engine start to ensure a safer, more predictable winter launch with all gauges in the green. With the installation of a Tanis preheat system, the message concludes, helicopter operators can optimize launch times and minimize safety worries concerning critical in-flight components and fluids. Operators in cold climates have known for years that preheating is a winter season best practice and is mandated by both engine manufacturers and certain government jurisdictions. Selecting a proper preheat system enhances operational safety and saves on operational costs, enhances scheduling and decreases downtime during winter operations. See the video “Tanis - Helicopter Preheat - Just Plug It In” online at http:// A7yUE0

about For over 37 years, Tanis has been the technology and innovation leader in aircraft preheat systems. Tanis supports the aviation industry with technology and products that make winter flying safer. For further information on Tanis Aircraft Products, contact Tanis at: 14871 Pioneer Trail, Suite 200, Eden Prairie, Minnesota; call 952-224-4425 or toll-free, in U.S. and most of Canada, 1-800-443-2136; log on to IHSS, sponsored by the International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST, www.ihst. org), is an annual gathering of global aviation related government agencies, manufacturers, operators and others who are vitally committed to reducing worldwide helicopter accidents by 80-percent during the period 2006– 2016. IHST welcomes all volunteers with a helicopter safety perspective to help them achieve this worthy safety goal by 2016.

For 25 years, ISOLAIR has been manufacturing quality helicopter systems for the fire fighting, forestry and aerial application industries with an extensive line of certified and custom built helicopter equipment. ISOLAIR has the right system to fit your company’s needs and helicopter alike. From agricultural spray systems and bucket spreaders to fire fighting systems, forestry grapples and torches, ISOLAIR has the product for you! With competitive pricing, quality assurance, easy to install products and an ongoing commitment to customer service, we invite you to contact us. Our knowledgeable sales staff is ready to answer your questions and advise you on the ISOLAIR system that will best meet your company’s requirements.


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2 1 0 2 O P X E I L E H e Big D!

ads to th e H d rl o W r te p he Helico

through more ry st u d in e th 600 ittee meetings. d, and more than m ye m la p co is d 20 an re th o 2, m ing n February 201 licopter indus‑ ors with everyth it he ib e h es x e th r nd A te p co ustry than 18,000 heli als will receive e in the ind on n o si y es n a of pr y n tr io s . s n ccess industry profe current educatio ld need for su u t o os w m e 0 0 th 1 n ‑ a e fession als from more th HAI’s extensiv se industry pro e h h T g u ro ‑ th th e g t to u me nt rn abo countries will co nal develop®me will meet to lea io s ls s a fe ro n p o ti n s e n v Con the gulatio er at the Dallas . HELI‑EXPO , e latest re s e th rs u y o e c h T ‑ s. si xa u Te ated their b Center in Dallas, trade show dedic that will affect st e rg ve la si n t e u h o re b p m licop‑ hear a will explore a co international he ness. They will e th ‑ n to co e in h th it in w h ent ter community, exhibit hall wit HAI’s involvem n o li il m e n o will converge in vention center’s , Dallas, Texas square feet , February 11-14 of exhibit and 2012. meeting space, n a with more th 65 helicopters





December 2011


ntsb reports NTSB Identification: *CEN12FA001* Date: October 01, 2011 Location: Philip, SD Aircraft: Robinson Helicopter Co R66 Injuries: 1 Fatal. A Robinson Helicopter, R66 was substantially damaged during an in-flight breakup while in cruise flight near Philip, South Dakota. The private pilot was fatally injured. A friend of the pilot was at GCC when the pilot was preparing for the flight. The friend reported that the pilot appeared to be in good health and was excited about the flight. He further reported that the pilot had “topped off” the helicopter with fuel before departure. Approximately an hour and a half later the pilot called the friend during the flight. The pilot


reported that he was between Wall and Philip, South Dakota, and inquired if the Philip Airport (PHP), had jet fuel available. The friend called the pilot back to say PHP did not have jet fuel. The friend stated that the pilot did not report any anomalies with the helicopter during either conversation. An eyewitness observed the helicopter flying from west to east, along a river, at approximately 1,000 feet AGL. The eyewitness reported that he heard nothing abnormal as the helicopter flew past him. He then observed the helicopter make a turn to the left before it flew out of view behind trees. About 20-30 seconds later, he heard a noise that he described as sounding like an “exploding propane tank.”

The helicopter wreckage and debris came to rest on rolling ranch land and was spread out over an area approximately 1,520 feet long by 600 feet wide. The main rotor head, with attached blades, came to rest 513 feet from the main wreckage. The main wreckage consisting of the fuselage, engine, and tail rotor assembly, had sustained substantial thermal damage from a post crash fire. NTSB Identification: *CEN12CA009* Date: October 04, 2011 Location: Hibbing, MN Aircraft: Robinson Helicopter R22 Beta Injuries: 2 Uninjured. The student held a private pilot certificate with a helicopter rating and was receiving instruction toward a commercial helicopter pilot certificate when the accident occurred. According to the instructor, the student pulled aft cyclic too early while beginning a landing flare following a practice autorotation. This resulted in an increase in main rotor rpm and a decrease in airspeed. The instructor then adjusted the throttle in an attempt to decrease the rpm. The instructor stated the student then applied excessive left pedal, which resulted in the helicopter making a 180 degree turn while the helicopter was six feet above the ground. The instructor stated he then decreased the collective and put the helicopter on the ground before the situation worsened. The helicopter contacted the ground as it skidded backwards resulting in substantial damage to the tail boom. NTSB Identification: *ERA12MA005* Date: October 04, 2011 Location: New York, NY Aircraft: BELL 206B Injuries: 1 Fatal,2 Serious,2 Uninjured. A Bell 206B crashed into the East River during takeoff from East 34th Street Heliport (6N5), New York, New York. The helicopter sustained substantial damage to the airframe. The certificated

commercial pilot and one passenger were not injured. Two passengers sustained serious injuries and one passenger was killed. The pilot stated to NTSB investigators that he was taking friends on a local sightseeing flight. He stated that he landed at the heliport, picked up the 4 passengers, and initiated a takeoff to the northeast. The helicopter climbed to a pilot-estimated altitude between 30 to 50 feet over the East River. Shortly thereafter, the pilot experienced a problem which included a small left yaw. He then initiated a right turn to attempt to return and land at the heliport but the helicopter became uncontrolled and impacted the water. After water entry, the helicopter rolled inverted. During the impact, three-fourths of one main rotor blade separated and was not recovered from the river. The remainder of the helicopter was recovered and transported to a hangar for examination. The engine was retained for a subsequent examination. NTSB Identification: *CEN12TA004* Date: October 04, 2011 Location: McAllen, TX Aircraft: Eurocopter EC120B Injuries: 2 Minor. A Eurocopter sustained substantial damage while making a run-on landing to a grass field 10 miles east of McAllen Miller International Airport (MFE), McAllen, Texas. The pilot and the passenger sustained minor injuries. The pilot and the border patrol agent had been dispatched to provide aerial support for an on-going border patrol mission. When the pilot realized there would be a delay in time for when they needed to engage in the mission he decided to land in a grass field and sit idle (to conserve fuel) until their assistance was needed. He said he made a run-on landing to avoid creating a brown-out condition. However, as the helicopter touched down and moved forward (approximately 34 feet) it nosed

over and the main rotor blades struck the ground. The helicopter subsequently nosed over and traveled another 34 feet before it came to rest on its right side. Postaccident examination of the helicopter revealed the and fenestron were substantially damaged. The skids, along with the main and tail rotor blades were also damaged. The pilot reported there were no mechanical problems prior to the accident. NTSB Identification: *CEN12LA039* Date: October 07, 2011 Location: South Pass 93A, GM Aircraft: EUROCOPTER AS 350 B2 Injuries: 3 Uninjured. A Eurocopter sustained damage to the tail boom section while starting the engine on the off-shore oil platform (South Pass 93A), Gulf of Mexico. The commercial pilot and the two passengers were not injured. According to an initial statement from the pilot, the pilot had started the helicopter’s engine. At about 22 Ng and three full main rotor rotations, the pilot felt chatter/vibrations from the helicopter. The pilot shut down the engine and found damage consistent with a main rotor blade to tail boom strike. NTSB Identification: *CEN12CA031* Date: October 14, 2011 Location: Fort Worth, TX Aircraft: HUGHES 269A Injuries: 2 Uninjured. After practicing some flight and landing maneuvers, the certified flight instructor and pilot receiving instruction decided to practice some hovering autorotations on a taxiway. With the skids on the ground for approx. 20 seconds after completing a hovering autorotation and the engine at 2,000 RPM, the helicopter began to vibrate and violently shake. The vibrations and shaking continued to increase and lasted approx. 15 to 30 seconds. After the shaking stopped, the instructor shutdown the helicopter. Postaccident examination of the helicopter revealed the tail rotor and gearbox separated and the fuselage was bent and deformed. No preimpact mechanical malfunctions or failures with the helicopter were noted that would have precluded normal operation. NTSB Identification: *ERA12WA041* Date: October 15, 2011 Location: Santa Rosa, Venezuela Aircraft: BELL 412 Injuries: 1 Serious,5 Minor.

A Bell 412SP collided with trees while on approach to Macagua Airport, Santa Rosa, Venezuela. The Venezuelan Government reported the helicopter as being destroyed. The pilot and four passengers reported minor injuries. One passenger received serious injuries. The flight originated from Aerodromo La Paragua SVGA), Bolivar, Venezuela at 1843 UTC. NTSB Identification: *WPR12LA022* Date: Thursday, October 27, 2011 Location: Colusa, CA Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas 500D, Injuries: 1 Minor. A McDonnell Douglas MD-500D helicopter was substantially damaged during an autorotation and forced landing about 6 miles west of Colusa, California, following a complete loss of engine power. According to the pilot, he had flown the helicopter a total of about 5, noncontinuous, hours on the day of the accident, operating from a remote landing zone near the job site. He had just transferred two construction personnel from one cable tower to another one, and was beginning to climb and translate the helicopter clear of the tower, when he heard a noise and felt a yaw that indicated to him that the engine had ceased developing power. The helicopter began to descend rapidly. The pilot began an autorotation, maneuvered the helicopter away from the tower, and attempted to flare for ground impact. The helicopter impacted in a freshly-plowed field. The aft section of the tailboom and both landing skids were partially fractureseparated from the helicopter. The main rotor blades and flight control linkage were damaged. The fuselage sustained substantial damage. The height of the towers was reported as about 165 feet. The operator reported that the weather conditions about the time of the accident included clear skies, wind speed of 5 knots, and temperature about 27 degrees C. Commercially available geographic data indicated that the accident site elevation was about 430 feet above mean sea level. NTSB Identification: *ANC12FA006* Date: October 29, 2011 Location: Iliamna, AK Aircraft: EUROCOPTER AS 350 B2 Injuries: 1 Fatal. A Eurocopter AS350-B2 helicopter, sustained substantial damage during a collision with tundra-covered terrain

about 6 miles southwest of Iliamna, Alaska. The pilot, the only occupant, died at the scene. During an interview with the NTSB investigator-in-charge (IIC), on October 30, the operator’s general manager reported that the pilot planed to rendezvous with the crew in Anchorage, to remove the helicopter’s specialized survey equipment. However, continuous poor weather conditions delayed the pilot’s departure from Nome until the afternoon of October 29. The operator provided the NTSB with archived Sky Connect flight track data, which shows that after refueling in Bethel, the helicopter departed about 1753 en route to Iliamna. As the flight progressed along a westerly heading toward Iliamna, and eventually along the northern shore of Iliamna Lake, the Sky Connect system signal was lost at 2008, about 8 miles southwest of Iliamna. When the helicopter failed to arrive in Iliamna, company personnel initiated a telephone and satellite phone search to see if the helicopter had diverted to another village. Unable to locate the helicopter, company management personnel contacted the Air Force Rescue  Coordination Center, Anchorage, to

report the missing helicopter. Rescue personnel aboard an Air National Guard C-130 airplane, aided by high intensity luminescent flares, searched the area throughout the night, but were unable to locate the helicopter. No emergency locator transmitter (ELT) signal was detected. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an alert notice (ALNOT) on October 30, at 0615 Alaska daylight time. The following morning, the crew of a company helicopter discovered the fragmented wreckage about 6 miles southwest of Iliamna, in an area of marshy, tundra-covered terrain. During telephone conversations with an NTSB investigator on October 31, the fuel vendors in Unalakleet and Bethel consistently noted that the pilot seemed rushed, and both reported him mentioning that he was trying to get to Iliamna before dark. Sunset on the day of the accident was 1833; the end of civil twilight was 1917.


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December 2011


Q & A with FAA question:


I have been diagnosed with epilepsy (grand mal or clonic-tonic). My last episode was in August 1992. What obstacles would I face if I pursued a pilot’s license?



The FAA’s policy for epilepsy is that you must be seizure-free for ten years and off all anti-seizure medications for three consecutive years. You will need to provide us with a good report that relates your entire history of epilepsy. It should include a description of the seizure, the treatments you were

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given, exactly when the last seizure you had occurred, the date when the medication was discontinued, and a current sleep-deprived electroencephalogram (EEG)—a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. We may request other evaluations and testing depending on your history.

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I hold a third-class medical and have hypertensive issues that have been well controlled with medication for years. My doctor has advised me that I need to change medications. The new medication is on the approved list for the FAA. I plan to stop flying during the first few weeks of changing medication to ensure that I am stable and have no side effects. My letter from the FAA states that I don’t need to contact the FAA until renewal of my third class medical. Does a medication change require me to contact them sooner?

answer: High blood pressure is one of the conditions for which the FAA allows your local aviation medical examiner to issue you a medical certificate, providing you provide your AME with the required information at each examination. If you have checked and the medication is acceptable to the FAA, then you do not need to notify us until the next examination. It is wise not to fly for one to two weeks while your body adjusts to the medication and to see if you are going to have any side effects.

question: I got a DUI in the state of Pennsylvania in the early 1990s. I took advantage of the state’s program for those with no former arrest or conviction, which included classes and a short license suspension. Later the charges and all records were officially expunged. I became a pilot in the early 2000s. Even though the records were expunged, my AME still recommended that I answer “yes” on the aviation medical form question on this topic. Is that correct?

answer: Because you have been responding “yes” to that question, you should not change your future responses to “no.” In our current computer system, if an airman changes the response to a question on the medical history section, it will trigger that exam to “reject” for review by one of our quality assurance examiners. Question 18v is a very sensitive question for the FAA’s Aeromedical Division. It is one of the ways that we use to determine if an airman may have a substance abuse or dependence problem. I always tell airmen that the “truth shall set you free.” It is much better to be completely truthful on your FAA medical examinations; anything less could jeopardize your medical certification. Remember, though, that if you develop a medical issue and you provide the FAA with the proper medical evaluations or testing, you will very likely be able to get medically certificated even if it takes some time to work through the process. Dr. Warren S. Silberman and his staff administer the aeromedical certification program for about 600,000 holders of U.S. pilot certificates and process 450,000 medical certification applications each year. Warren S. Silberman, D.O., M.P.H., manager of FAA’s Aerospace Medical Certification Division, joined FAA in 1997 after a career in the U.S. Army Medical Corps. Dr. Silberman is Board Certified in Internal Medical and Preventive/Aerospace Medicine. A private pilot with instrument and multiengine ratings, he holds a third-class medical certificate.

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The Helicopter Newspaper

PO Box 850 • Perry, GA USA 31069 • Tel 478-988-0787 • Fax 478-987-1836 •

December 2011


heli guide

AgustaWestland AW139 Total production (all variants): >300 First flight Feb 2001 Engine(s): (2) Pratt & Whitney PT6C-67C HP (takeoff) 2 x 1,679 hp/2 x 1,252 kw ea. Dimensions: main rotor 45.25 ft/13.8 m, Tail rotor: 8.83 ft/2.70 m, Height: 12.25 ft/3.7 m, Length: 44.33 ft/13.52 m, Width: 7.42 ft/2.26 m Empty weight: 8,124 lbs/3,685 kg Gross weight: 14,110 lbs/6,400 kg Useful load: 5,986 lbs/2,715 kg External: 6,868 lbs/3,115 kg Vne: 167 kts/310 kmh Max cruise: 165 kts/306 kmh Max rate of climb: 2,140 fpm/10.9 ms HIGE: 15,360 ft/4,682 m HOGE: 8,130 ft/2,478 m Service ceiling: 20,000 ft/6,096 m S/E, service ceiling 11,600 ft/3,535 m Std fuel: 414 gal/1,568 lit Max fuel: 546 gal/2,068 lit Max range std fuel (no reserve): 437 nm/809 km Range with opt fuel: 573 nm/1,061 km VFR/IFR Crew: 1/2 Passengers up to 15

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Formally Universal Helicopter


Bell Helicopter 427 Total Production (all variants): 55+ Comments: Features electronic engine controls, flat-pack transmission, and integrated instrument displays (IIDS). Engines: Pratt & Whitney Canada PW207D. HP: (Takeoff) 1,420 SHP/ 1,059 kw Dimensions: Main Rotor 37 ft/11.3 m, Tail Rotor 5.7 ft/1.7 m, Height: 10.5 ft/3.2 m, Length: 42.6 ft/13 m, Width: 8.8 ft/2.7 m Empty Weight: 3,881 lb/1,760 kg Max Gross Weight Std: 6,350 lb/2,880 kg Max Gross Weight Alt: 6,550 lb/2,971 kg Useful Load Std: L 2,469 lb/1,120 kg Useful Load Alt: 2,669 lb/1,211 kg External: 3,000 lb/1,361 kg Vne: 140 kn/ 259 km/h Max Cruise: 138 kn/ 256 km/h Max Rate of Climb: 1,600 fpm 8.1 mps HIGE: 9,000 ft/2,743 m HOGE: 6,000 ft/1,829 m Service Ceiling: 10,000 ft/3,048 m S/E Service Ceiling 8,000 ft/2,438 m Std Fuel: 203.5 gal/770 L Max Fuel n/a IFR Crew: n/a VFR: Crew 1 Passengers 7

MD 500E Total production (all variants): 4,862 Engine(s): Rolls-Royce 250-C20B/C20R HP (takeoff): 420 shp/450 shp Dimensions: Main rotor: 24.6 ft/8.1 m, Tail rotor: 4.6 ft/1.4 m, Height: 9.7 ft/2.9 m, Length: 30.8 ft/9.4 m, Width: 6.3 ft/1.9 m Empty weight: 1,481lbs/672 kg ; 1,517 lbs/ 689 kg, Gross weight: 3,550 lbs/1,613 kg ; 3,550 lbs/1,613 kg Useful load: 1,519 lbs/690 kg; 1,483 lbs/674 kg, External: 2,069 lbs/940 kg; 2,033 lbs/924 kg Vne: 152 kts/282 km/h sea level Max Cruise: 135 kts/248 km/h sea level Max rate of climb: 1,770 fpm/9.0 ms HIGE: 8,500 ft/2,591 m; 11,300 ft/3,444 m std day, HOGE: 6,000 ft/1,829 m; 8,700 ft/2,652 m std day Service ceiling: 13,000 ft/4,227 m;16,500 ft/5,029 m ISA, Std fuel: 64 gal/ 242 lit, Max range std fuel (no reserve): 239 nm/443 km; 233 nm/431 km VFR: Crew 1 Passengers 4



heli guide

Eurocopter EC 225 Super Puma Total production (all variants): 8 First flight Nov. 27, 2000 Engine(s): (2) Makila 2A HP (takeoff) 2,097 shp/1,563 kW ea Dimensions: main rotor 53.14 ft/16.2 m, Tail rotor 10.33 ft/3.15 m, Height 16.3 ft/4.97 m, Length 63.98 ft/19.5 m, Width 13.0 ft/3.96 m Empty weight: 11,621 lbs/5,271 kg Gross weight: 24,251 lbs /11,000 kg Useful internal load: 12,630 lbs/5,729 kg External 10,472 lbs /4,750 kg Vne: 175 kts/324 kmh Max cruise: 141 kts/261.5 kmh Max rate of climb: 1,062 fpm/5.4 ms HIGE: 6,350 ft/1,936 m HOGE: 2,607 ft/795 m Service ceiling: 13,180 ft /4,020 m, S/E service ceiling 3,130 ft/954 m, Std fuel: 674 gal/2,553 lit Max fuel: 84 gal/318 lit + 5x(126 gal/475 lit) opt tanks Max range std fuel (no reserve): 448 nm/829 km, Range with opt fuel 922 nm/1,707 km IFR Crew: 1/2 Passengers 24 + attendant

Eurocopter AS 355NP TwinStar Total production (all variants): 726 First flight 1979/355N-1989 Comments: Increased horsepower with two Turbomeca Arrius engines over AS355 F2. Engine(s): (2) Turbomeca Arrius 1A HP (takeoff) 456 shp ea. Dimensions: main rotor: 35.07 ft/10.69 m, Tail rotor: 6.10 ft/1.86 m, Height: 10.30 ft/3.14 m, Length: 42.45 ft/12.94 m, Width: 10 ft/3.05 m Empty weight: 2,285 lbs/1,490 kg, Gross weight: 5,732 lbs/2,600 kg Useful internal load: 2,447 lbs/1,110 kg, External: 2,500 lb/1,134 kg Vne: 150 kts/278 kmh Max cruise: 120 kts/222 kmh Max rate of climb: 1,296 fpm/6.6 ms HIGE: 8,450 ft/2,575 m HOGE: 7,080 ft/2,145 m Service ceiling: 13,380 ft/4,050 m S/E Service ceiling: 5,190 ft/1,580 m Std fuel: 193 gal/730 lit Max fuel: 318 gal/1,205 lit Max range std fuel (no reserve): 395 nm/731 km Range with opt fuel: 634 nm/1,174 km (FERRY) VFR: Crew 1 Passengers 6

Erickson Air-Crane S-64F Total production (all variants): 10 First flight 1993 Comments: The S-64F has the multimission capabilities of the E model with an increased external load capability of 25,000 lbs (~11,250 kg). Engine(s): (2) JFTS12A-5A HP (takeoff) 4,800 Dimensions: main rotor 72 ft/22 m Tail rotor 16 ft/5 m, Height 25.4 ft/7.6 m, Length 88.5 ft/26.6 m, Width 21.8 ft/6.5 m Empty weight: 20,000 lbs/9,074 kg Gross weight: 47,000 lbs/21,324 kg Useful load: 25,000 lbs/11,250 kg External: 25,000 lbs/11,250 kg Vne: 104 kts/193 kmh Max cruise 104 kts/193 kmh Max rate of climb: 4,000 fpm/1,200 mpm HIGE: 12,500 ft/3,811 m HOGE: 12,500 ft/3,811 m Service ceiling: 16,000 ft/4,800 m S/E service ceiling 12,500 ft/3,750 m Std fuel: 1,350 gal/5,116 lit, Max fuel 2,450 gals/9,285 lit Max range std fuel (no reserve): 250 nm/463 km Range with opt fuel: 450 nm/833 km VFR: Crew 2 Passengers N/A

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ag related Hummingbird Helicopter-Order positions available in our next production run. Contact Vertical Aviation Technologies, Inc., 407-322-9488,, 12-11

MD Helicopters

Everything for the Ag Operator. Satloc Level III Sales & Service, Spray Systems, CP Nozzles, Dry Breaks, AgTex, Avtex Airforce/Navy Flight Suits Helmets. Light Weight, Noise Attentuated. MidContinent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 573-359-0500, email to: (12-11)

engines Allison/RR250-C20J, This engine has a fresh mini with new number one and two turbine wheels. Specs and photos are available at or contact us at tfn

1997 MD600 Great Exec or Utility Notar quiet, Strong RR-C47 Engine, Fadec start, All forward seating or club seats. Custom paint. Mid time components. Reduced to$895k for quick sale. Check all our helicopters at www. or Call Mark at 717-309-3100 or email at 12-11

Robinson NEW 2010 RAVEN II, Dark blue blue leather interior, ac bubble windows, Garmin 430, vertical compass, 406elt $423000 Contact: Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Bill Cooper, 800-391-2397 ( T F N )

Factory Authorized Sales and Service. R22 & R44 Sales and Brokerage. Low Commissions. Buy/ Sell. New/Used. Large Selection. Call Andres L. Kerllenevich at 904-342-0630 or visit R44Sales. com (12-11) ROBINSON R22 BETA II with Garmin G400 GPS available for lease to flight school. Call 323-3761969 or email, Visit our website (12-11)


2007 Schweizer 300C N355SD; 810 TT; VFR; 2007 Paint; 2007 Int; 3 Seats; $279,000, Blue Hill Helicopters Phone: 781-688-0263 T F N FOR SALE: 2008 Schweizer 269C with TT 681.8 Instrument Trainer Asking $290K Pls. call: Ken Thrasher/ Heli-Tech: 850-763-9000 email: ana@ t f n

250C20B/C28/ C30 Engines Modules and Accessories for Sale, Exchange or Lease. Extensive stock of New, Overhauled and Serviceable parts. Contact John Peacocke, Sunrise Helicopter Tel: 281 251 4005 Fax: 281 251 8848 email (04-12) UNIVERSAL TURBINE PARTS, INC. Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Parts, Engines & Accessories. New, Overhauled & Serviceable. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call or Fax for a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-3610290 E-MAIL: TFN

The New Authority in Composite Rotor Blades

206B/L & OH-58 Tail Rotor Blades -- More Tail Rotor Authority at High Altitudes -- Increased Service Life -- Reduced Noise -- Reduced Pedal Forces -- Corrosion-resistant

UH-1 Huey T/R Blades Also Available!

Van Horn Aviation Tempe, AZ 85281

Lycoming VO/TVO-435 & 540, many new parts, 50% off! Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12) PT-6, Allison and Turbomeca parts. We have a small inventory of new parts, including consumables. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12) Action Aircraft is a full-service overhaul/repair facility for Rolls -Royce 250 series engines located in Dallas, Texas. We offer superior service and pricing in addition to free technical assistance. Engines, modules and parts available on outright and exchange basis. When you need RR250 engine overhaul and repair - “Take Action”. Please call phone 214-351-1284 or 1-800-909-7616, fax: 214351-1286, email:, website: tfn

equipment Hydra Super Mile with very little use. This item has a very competive price and is ready to ship. It may be viewed at, click on the specials or contact us at info@ tfn

Place your classified ad today! 478-988-0787

#9 – 5225 216th Street Langley, B.C. Canada V2Y 2N3 Phone: 604-533-1148 · Fax: 604-533-1517 AOG After Hours Phone: 604-818-4185

Services Provided:

Maintenance Inspections • Structural Repairs using Authorized Bell Fuselage and Tailboom Fixtures Component Overhauls • Refurbishments • Composites Avionics Installations • Modifications • Spare Parts Sales Painting • Completions • NDT AUTHORIZED CSF for Bell Helicopter Models 204, 205, 206 Series, 212, 407, 412 and UH-1H TC Repair Station No. 137-96 · EASA Repair Station No. 145.7112 Fulfilling our customer’s needs with the best service and most superior products.

December 2011


Targeted advertising to industry buyers... ...not browsers. Contact our advertising department for the most economical and effective advertising in the industry. 866-864-8237 • 478-988-0787

New & Serviceable helicopter floats and fuel cells in stock includes all Bell models. We also repair and certify floats and fuel cells for most helicopters. Call 337-839-0500 or email tjkling@ (12-11)

This edition mailed on: July 24, 2009


VoluMe 10, JuNe 2009 This edition mailed on: May 26, 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

2008 Robinson R44 Raven II 2006 Robinson R44 Raven II 2008 Robinson R22 Beta II

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

TOTAL TIME: 110, 675, 45 ASKING PRICE: Call for Pricing CONTACT: Dave Hynes 757-488-9044, More about N62FA on page 20

August 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace


2002 Robinson R44 Clipper I REGISTRATION: N442EK SERIAL NUMBER: 1146 TOTAL TIME: 2,200, 3 HRS SMOH ASKING PRICE: $315,000 CONTACT: 805-512-1371,

INSIDE THIS EDITION: Come fly with Loudoun Aviation, British team challenges for World Helicopter Championships, Tim McAdam’s Protecting your much more! June 2009


Bell UH-1H Plus REGISTRATION: N703PH SERIAL NUMBER: 69-15602 TOTAL TIME: 4749.5 ASKING PRIcE: cALL fOR PRIcE cONTAcT:, 360-754-7200 More about this helicopter on page 20

Formally Universal Helicopter INSIDE: April 2009

2 Eurocopter AS350BAs REGISTRATION: PENdING SERIAL NUMBER: 1873 & 1087 TOTAL TIME: 9881, 7702 ASKING PRIcE: OPTIONS STARTING AT $850,000 cONTAcT: More about this helicopter on page 20, more on Helisupport NZ on page 4

Formally Universal Helicopter INSIDE: Heli-Expo 2009 review, Helisupport NZ services, Letters to the Editor April 2009



UNIVERSAL TURBINE PARTS, INC. Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Parts, Accessories. Overhauled & Serviceable. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call or Fax for a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: tfn Fuel cell repair or replacement for all makes & models–FAA approved commercial crash resistant construction, flexible bladder nitrile rubber construction, all construction TSO-C80 certified, 2-year warranty. Contact Floats & Fuel Cells at 901-842-7110, tfn Bell Helicopter Tailbooms For Sale. 205/212/412 to 206B/L series and 407. Sold with Transport Canada Form 1 Certification, overhauled using Bell CSF Approved Jigs to ensure Structural Compliance for alignment. CHS, Mike Duck, Phone: 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, TFN Parting out Bell 212 and 206 Fuselages, many parts available. Please phone or Fax your requests. CHS, Mike Duck, Phone: 604-533-1148, Fax: 604533-1517, E-mail: TFN

Specializing in placing aviation/helicopter insurance. We have access to all markets, domestic and overseas. Your inquiries are appreciated. Phone: 562-492-1217 Fax: 562-492-1147 Cell Phone 562-756-8685 E-mail: Clemens Meuleman/CFM Aviation Insurance (12-11)

Parting out a 1995 Schweizer 300CB, drive train/ power train & many more parts. Pls. contact Ken 850-763-9000 Fax 850-763-8712 or email tfn


More about this helicopter on page 20

The only FAA-PMA certified TT Straps for all JetRanger; LongRanger, & OH-58 . $ave thousands over factory prices. In stock. Call today for overnight shipping. 440-632-1687 12-11

NEW Tail Rotor Blades for UH-1H–FAA STC/PMA SR02051LA, Carbon Fiber construction, 2400 hr service life, competitive pricing. Van Horn Aviation LLC, 480-483-4202, tfh

Mid-Continent Aircraft Insurance Brokers Over 61 years Risk Management Experience for Professional Operators. 800-325-0885, e-mail: Sharon/ Laura (12-11)

INSIDE THIS EDITION: Bell 429 achieves Whirly Volume certification, 10, April 2009 Girls accepting applications for training, Common aviation insurance terms and definitions


Falcon Insurance is spreading the wings of insurance protection to helicopter owners and operators with the largest independantly owned insurance specialists in the country. We are dedicated to serving you. TFN

Volume 10, May 2009


Bubble covers, Engine covers, Blade tie-downs, engine plugs & blade covers at Bruce’s Custom Covers, 408-738-3959, bruce@aircraftcovers. com tfn

Professionally built landing dolly. Wood 2”x10” slats in metal frame. 12’x14’x18” high, 10” pneumatic wheels, 4 dual full swivel front, 6 dual wheels rear, 16,000 lb. capacity. Nice ride for any helo. $4,500.00 hughes369d@ (12-11)

VoluMe 10, AuGuST 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

Helicopter Dolly, manufactured by Mohawk Northwest Inc. This dolly is set up to fit Multiple aircraft and can be viewed at tradewindinternational. com, just click on specials or contact us at info@ tfn

LOT FOR SALE: One-acre-square house lot, Plane Living Sky Park, 2,000 s.f., all-brick, covenants, 5 miles west of I-75, Exit 142, Public water, septic sewer. paved streets, curb and gutter, street lights. Lot is one of 13 directly on new sod runway, Google It! (Google photo before development). South side of Hwy 96 at 50 Lane Rd., Fort Valley, Georgia 31030, Save thousands and buy from owner. 478.987.2250 (tfn) Beautiful 2.73 ac wooded lot in upscale Pine Ridge Equestrian Estates, located in Citrus County, Florida only five miles from Crystal River. Covenants, 27 miles of horse trails, community center, pool and golf course. Nicer homes and mini-ranchettes. Zoning allows up to three horses and stables permitted on lot with your house. Horse trail borders back end of lot that is 298’ wide and 400’ deep on 3620 Stirrup Drive, Beverly Hills, Florida (Google it!). Public water and septic sewer. $64,900 Contact Bill Lavender 888-987-2250 (tfn)

Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, accessory parts for just about everything. Big discounts! 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12) Sikorsky parts. We have a growing stock of new Sikorsky parts. We can often save you time and money. Contact us or check stock on our web site. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12) MD Helicopter parts. We have a few new MD Helicopter parts. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12) Hughes parts. We have some new Hughes parts at big discounts. Preferred Airparts, 800-4330814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-12) Hiller parts. We have a small stock of new Hiller parts. Check with us often. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-12) Enstrom parts. We have a small stock of new Enstrom parts. Check with us often. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-12)

Eurocopter parts. We have purchased several inventories of new parts and are ready to serve you. Contact us, or search our web site for the parts you need. Preferred Airparts, 800-4330814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-12) Bell parts. We have a nice stock of new parts for Bell 47, 206 and others. It’s worth the effort to check with us, or search our web site for your part numbers. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12) UH-1H Composite main rotor blades for sale P/N 205-015-150-101 and main rotor blades B model P/N 204-011-001-015. Tail rotor blades Van Horn Aviation P/N 2042200-101 for the H and B models and for the 206 P/N 2062200-101. Call Pablo at HeliBlade, Inc. 530-365-1278 TFN ENSTROM PARTS, SALES & SERVICE Huge parts inventory, 20 yrs exp., loaner tools. AOG same day shipping a specialty, full time factory trained A&P parts man on staff. Get service advice with your parts. A.O.G. and Exports Sales New Garden Aviation, Ask for Tom 610-268-2048 Fax 610268-0342 (12-11) UH-1 Overhauled Components available exchange or outright; 204-012-101-141 M/R hub, 204040-016-5 Transmission, 204-011-400-11 Swashplate & Support assy., 204-011-401-11 Scissors & Sleeve assy, 205-040-263-111 Input Quill, 205-040-200-1 gen. Offset Quill, (4) 204040-600-11 Hanger assy., 204-040-003-37 gear box 42, 204-040-012-13 gear box 90. Pac West Helicopters CRS PW6R1161J Tel/530-241-2402 “e” (12-11)



5:10:03 PM

New STC Tail Rotor Blades, Part No. 204-2200101 for 204 UH-1 heliopters from Van Horn Aviaiton LLC. Contact HeliBlade Inc. Distributor & Service Center for these new and improved composite tail rotors 530-365-1278 TFN

services HELICOPTER EXPORT / IMPORT, Transport Anywhere, Pre-Buys and Recovery Service. Contact Tom at Sterling Helicopter 215-2712510 /Fax 215-788-7319 > (12-11)


AirAg E-Series

Penderson Powder coating. Custom Colors and two tone available. For more information Call 706-604-4934 12-11 UNIVERSAL TURBINE PARTS, INC. Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Engines & Accessories. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call or Fax for a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-3610290 E-MAIL: TFN Floats & Fuel Cells–your N. American Eurocopter authorized repair facility with comprehensive repair capabilities for all makes & models, available for 24/7 shipping. FAA repair staion no. TH4R544M. 901-842-7110, tfn COMPONENT OVERHAULS / PART SALES, Approved Bell 206,407, 429,430. Eurocopter EC120,AS350/355. Agusta A109,A119,AW139. MD369,500N,MD900 CSF’s. Discounts on Parts, Dedicated Quality Customer Service. Contact Tom Sullivan @ Sterling Helicopter 215-271-2510/ Fax 215-788-7319 & tom@sterlinghelicopter. com (12-11)

Integrated Flight Guidance Instrument (IFGI) & embedded Processor

Entire system weighs less than 7 pounds (3 kilograms)


AirAg PRO & SeisBag PRO










DynaGrip Control

Integrated Flight Guidance Instrument (IFGI)

DynaGrip Control

Entire system weighs less than 10 pounds (6 kilograms)

GPS Systems for Aerial Applicators & Seismic Operators

DynaNav Systems Inc. Toll Free 1-877-333-9626 E-mail: December 2011


Support the helicopter industry...Become a member of HAI! Call 800-435-4976 or 703-683-4646, Email, or visit (tfn)) CHS - your complete Bell Helicopter Repair and Overhaul Facility, supporting only Bell Helicopter Products from Component Overhauls to Major Inspections. CHS puts quality first. CHS #9-5225 216th Street Langley, B.C. V2Y 2N3 Transport Canada AMO#.137-96 and EASA.145.7112 604-533-1148 Fax: 604-533-1517 TFN Bell Helicopter Commercial and UH-1 Component Overhauls. 205/212/412/206B/L Series and 407. Quality Services, Competitive Pricing with Technical staff, specializing only in Bell Products. Contact: CHS, Mike Duck, Phone: 604-533-1148, Fax: 604533-1517, E-mail: TFN Specializing in Bell Helicopter Commercial and UH-1 Tailboom Overhauls. 205/212/412 Tailbooms, 206B/L and 407 overhauled using Bell Approved Jigs. Tailbooms overhauled to Bell Specifications. Certification provided Transport Canada Form 1. Mike Duck, 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, TFN Specializing in Bell Helicopter Commercial and UH-1 Air Frame Completions/Refurbishments. Authorized Bell Helicopter Textron Customer Service Facility, specializing in Models 205/212/412, 206 Series, 407s. Quality Services, Competitive Pricing with Technical staff specializing only in Bell Products. CHS, Mike Duck, 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, TFN Rotor blade repairs by HeliBlade, Inc. a FAA Repair Station. Contact Pablo Martinez at 530-365-1278 TFN

Bell Helicopter Importations and Exports, Pre Buy Inspections, as well as Helicopter Appraisals. . Contact: CHS. Mike Duck, Phone: 604533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, E-mail: mike@ TFN

schools / training BLUE HILL HELICOPTERS, Norwood MA. Part 141 approved Flight Training, Photo Flights, Helicopter Sales/Services, Helicopter Tours. For more details, please visit our website: www.bluehillhelicopters. com, Contact us at, (800)-670-4162 Come Fly With Us! T F N Helicopter Instruction: Training in R-44 Raven for private, instrument, commercial and solo time building. Block rates start at $299 wet. Kissimmee Airport near Orlando attractions. Call Thom at 407-973-9347 or visit t f n Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Sarasota and Lakeland. Come fly with us - we offer training & tours. Authorized Robinson sales & service. Call: Sarasota: 941-335-1258 or Lakeland: 941-355-1259 TFN Helicopter Training in Hawaii. Excellence in Flight Training at Mauna Loa Helicopters on Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island. Come fly with us in the best weather in the US. MLH offers: PVT, COM, IFR, CFI, CFII, ATP, FAA certified FLY-IT simulator, mountain course, external load training, and now offering fixed wing training. MLH is 141 certified, and VA approved. Student financing / student housing / college degree programs / International flight training / accelerated programs available. Call (808) 334-0234 or email info@ TFN

Classified Advertising Order Form Use this form to submit your classified ad. Please print carefully, using one (1) letter, punctuation mark or space per box. Send the form along with payment information. or Fax to 478-987-1836

December 2011

Classified Rates: $35.00 USD–includes photo of helicopter for sale & posting on the Internet. Company Name __________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________

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The Helicopter Newspaper, P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA USA 31069 • Tel 478-988-0787 • Fax 478-987-1836 • 22


Advertisers Index Helicopter Operators can calculate your breakeven, % investment return, profit potential, and produce annual & monthly cash flows. Project your financials without spending hours of your time. All reports are produced automatically and accurately after you provide your inputs. Types of analyses performed include: Company/Individual Ownership, Managed with/without Leaseback, Commercial Operation, Agricultural/Fire/Ambulance Operations, Joint Ownership, Fractional Ownership, and Charter/ Rental. Helicopter sales organizations can provide your prospects with customized & professional ownership cost analysis. This program is a great sales aid and management tool. FREE sample reports. Click REQUEST INFORMATION on the website or call 281-419-7443 (tfn)

Action Aircraft Parts..................8 AgNav Inc....................................3 AvidAir..........................................8 Blue Hill Helicopters............... 15

tools Make life easier - or at least make your engine and aircraft inspections easier using a flexible borescope from Machida, Inc. Call: 800-431-5420 or (03-12)

wanted UNIVERSAL TURBINE PARTS, INC. We buy Turbine Aircraft Engines & Inventory. All conditions. Call or Fax for a Quote 334-361-7853; fax 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: TFN Parts Wanted Bell 206 B&L, 204, 205, 212, 214 , MD, Eurocopter, & Allison. Looking for R/B, W/S, Duals etc. kits and parts. We buy inventories or By The Piece. Call Tradewind Int’l. 800-585-7004, 608-756-3632. info@ TFN

Don’t Miss a Thing. If it’s helicopters, it can only be

313 Detroit, MI 314 Missouri 315 New York 316 Kansas 317 Indiana 318 Louisiana 319 Iowa 320 Minnesota 323 California 330 Ohio 331 Illinois 334 Alabama 336 North Carolina 337 Louisiana 341 California 347 New York 352 Florida 360 Washington 361 Texas 401 Rhode Island 402 Nebraska 403 Alberta, Canada 404 Atlanta, GA 405 Oklahoma 406 Montana 407 Florida 408 California 409 Texas 410 Maryland 412 Pittsburgh, PA 413 Massachusetts 414 Wisconsin 415 San Francisco, CA 416 Ontario, Canada 417 Missouri 418 Quebec, Canada 419 Ohio 423 Tennessee 424 California 425 Washington 435 Utah 440 Ohio 442 California 443 Maryland 450 Quebec, Canada 464 Illinois

Canadian Heli Structures....... 19 DynaNav................................... 21 Falcon Insurance...................... 13 Floats & Fuel Cells................... 24

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

SUBSCRIBE TODAY! 478-988-0787

469 Texas 478 Georgia 480 Arizona 484 Pennsylvania 501 Arkansas 502 Kentucky 503 Oregon 504 Louisiana 505 New Mexico 506 New Bruns, Can. 507 Minnesota 508 Massachusetts 509 Washington 510 California 512 Texas 513 Ohio 514 Quebec, Canada 515 Iowa 516 New York 517 Michigan 518 New York 519 Ontario, Canada 520 Arizona 530 California 540 Virginia 541 Oregon 559 California 561 Florida 562 California 564 Washington 570 Pennsylvania 571 Virginia 573 Missouri 580 Oklahoma 586 Michigan 601 Mississippi 602 Phoenix, Arizona 603 New Hampshire 604 British Col, Can. 605 South Dakota 606 Kentucky 607 New York 608 Wisconsin 609 New Jersey 612 Minnesota 613 Ontario, Canada

614 Ohio 615 Tennessee 616 Michigan 617 Massachusetts 618 Illinois 619 San Diego, CA 623 Arizona 626 California 628 California 630 Illinois 631 New York 636 Missouri 646 New York 647 Ontario, Canada 650 California 651 Minnesota 657 California 660 Missouri 661 California 662 Mississippi 669 California 678 Georgia 679 Michigan 701 North Dakota 702 Nevada 703 Virginia 704 North Carolina 705 Ontario, Canada 706 Georgia 707 California 708 Chicago, IL 709 Newfoundland, 712 Iowa 713 Houston, TX 714 California 715 Wisconsin 716 New York 717 Pennsylvania 718 New York City, NY 719 Colorado 720 Colorado 724 Pennsylvania 727 Florida 732 New Jersey 734 Michigan 740 Ohio

747 California 752 California 757 Virginia 760 California 763 Minnesota 764 California 765 Indiana 770 Georgia 773 Illinois 775 Nevada 780 Alberta, Canada 781 New Hampshire 785 Kansas 786 Florida 792 Texas 801 Utah 802 Vermont 803 South Carolina 804 Virginia 805 California 806 Texas 807 Ontario, Canada 808 Hawaii 809 Caribbean Islands 810 Michigan 812 Indiana 813 Florida 814 Pennsylvania 815 Illinois 816 Missouri 817 Texas 818 California 819 Quebec, Canada 828 North Carolina 830 Texas 831 California 832 Texas 843 South Carolina 845 New York 847 Illinois 850 Florida 856 New Jersey 858 California 859 Kentucky 860 Connecticut 863 Florida 864 South Carolina

FL Sun Coast............................. 15 FlyIt Simulators............................5 HAI..............................................11 Heli-Tech.................................... 22

U.S. & Canada Telephone Area Codes 201 New Jersey 202 Washington, DC 203 Connecticut 204 Manitoba, Canada 205 Alabama 206 Washington 207 Maine 208 Idaho 209 California 210 Texas 212 New York City, NY 213 Los Angeles, CA 214 Dallas, TX 215 Pennsylvania 216 Ohio 217 Illinois 218 Minnesota 219 Indiana 224 Illinois 225 Louisiana 228 Mississippi 229 Georgia 231 Michigan 240 Maryland 248 Michigan 250 British Col, Can. 252 North Carolina 253 Washington 254 Texas 256 Alabama 262 Wisconsin 267 Pennsylvania 270 Kentucky 278 Michigan 281 Texas 301 Maryland 302 Delaware 303 Colorado 304 West Virginia 305 Miami, FL 306 Sask, Can. 307 Wyoming 308 Nebraska 309 Illinois 310 Long Beach, CA 312 Chicago, IL

Bruce’s Custom Covers..............6

865 Tennessee 870 Arkansas 872 Illinois 901 Tennessee 902 Nova Scotia, Can 903 Texas 904 Florida 905 Mexico City, Mx 906 Michigan 907 Alaska 908 New Jersey 909 California 910 North Carolina 912 Georgia 913 Kansas 914 New York 915 Texas 916 California 917 New York 918 Oklahoma 919 North Carolina 920 Wisconsin 925 California 931 Tennessee 935 California 936 Texas 937 Ohio 940 Texas 941 Florida 947 Mississippi 949 California 951 California 952 Minnesota 954 Florida 956 Texas 970 Colorado 971 Oregon 972 Texas 973 New Jersey 978 Massachusetts 979 Texas 980 North Carolina 989 Michigan 998 California

HeliBlade......................................7 HEROs...........................................9 HW Farren................................ 21 Isolair ........................................ 10 Kissimmee Helicopters........... 15 Machida Borescopes..................4 Mauna Loa Helicopters.......... 15 Preferred Airparts.................... 14 Simplex Manufacturing...........12 Tradewind Int’l............................7 Universal Turbine Parts.............2 Van Horn Aviation................... 19

December 2011



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