The Helicopter Newspaper - November 2011

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Volume 11, November 2011

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace


New Fly-It Simulator

inside this edition: Blue Hill Helicopters introduces new flight simulator • Obstacle warning Tanis Aircraft Products partners with Bruce’s Custom Covers for AOG protection ‘Saving lives through innovation:’ Kaman unmanned k-max helicopter wins award Donaldson expands faa barrier filter approval to include Eurocopter AS350B3e November 2011


Blue Hill Helicopters introduces new flight simulator It’s not unusual for technology to give a attract new students, as well as iron out business a lift. For Norwood’s Blue Hill safety issues and the scheduling challenges Helicopters, the lift meant not needing a presented by weather that grounds his lift. Based at Norwood Memorial Airport, three helicopters.“The reason we chose to the five-year-old company has seen a get it is that the industry is really changing. boost in its pilot training business by use Everyone who is doing training wants to of a computerized simulator, based on reduce risk. The simulator allows us to Microsoft Corp. Flight Simulator, that lets reduce risk and speed up pilots’ ability to student pilots log a portion of their flight get their license. Also, people who want training by never leaving the ground. The to stay current on their licenses get to simulator, housed in an 19-foot trailer on jump into the simulator for about one the tarmac, features a mocked up cockpit, third the price,” said Boatwright, who a six-by-six-foot rear-projection display emigrated from England, where he was an screen, all the relevant dials, and the electrician, to Florida, where he learned to basic stick controls found in a helicopter, fly helicopters, and then to Massachusetts including vibrations that give students to train pilots. Taxiing across the runway at a tactile feel as the helicopter responds a simulated Norwood Airport, Boatwright to their commands. A separate control explained how the Federal Aviation panel allows an instructor to challenge Administration allows pilots seeking students with elements such as rain, the various levels of helicopter licenses clouds and changing wind directions. — private license, instrument rating, According to owner and chief pilot commercial rating and instructor — to log Final Boatwright, UTP-0905-Ad 2 color 11/13/09 2:18 PM Page 1 in a simulator Stephen technology enables varying numbers of hours the company to trim some prices and rather than the actual helicopter.



A training session in Blue Hill’s two-seat Schweizer training helicopter costs $340 per hour, compared with $125 per hour for simulator time. On the safety side, new students become familiar with the feel of controls and the response of the helicopter in the simulator before putting air between them and the very hard ground. In addition, if a student shows up for a lesson when bad weather has grounded the Schweizer, Boatwright can steer them into the simulator rather than cancelling the lesson. He said the simulator is the only one in the area. Blue Hill Helicopters, which also operates a four-seat Robinson R44 for business such as charters and aerial photography, bought the simulator a month ago from FLYIT Simulators Inc.of Carlsbad, Calif. FLYIT, which charges $139,000 for a new simulator, also sells airplane simulators. “Realistic helicopter simulators have only come on the market in the last few years. We wanted to offer something different to people. They can save quite a lot of aircraft time,” said Boatwright, citing the example of the entry-level helicopter license — a private license — for which the FAA allows students to log 7.5 hours of simulator time as part of their minimum of 40 hours of flighttime training. Blue Hills trains about 25 students per year, although he sees business growing given the number of flight schools that folded during the recession. VOLUME 11, NOVEMBER 2011

S t o c k i n g d i s t r i b u t o r of P T 6 , J T 1 5 D & P W 1 0 0 p a r t s a n d e n g i n e s • N E W, O H a n d S V c o n d i t i o n

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace


New Fly-It Simulator

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The Helicopter Newspaper is published by Universal Helicopter, Inc. P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA 31069 USA 475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA PHONE: 478-988-0787 FAX: 478-987-1836 EMAIL: WEB: EDITOR / PUBLISHER: Graham Lavender ADVERTISING SALES: Ernie Eggler CLASSIFIED ADS: Brittni White PRODUCTION: Deborah Freeman CIRCULATION: Brittni White

The Helicopter Newspaper is published monthly for $24 USD for a one (1) year subscription and $45 USD for a two (2) year subscription (international rates will vary). All material published remains the copyright of The Helicopter Newspaper. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the written consent of the publisher. Editorials published do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. Content within The Helicopter Newspaper is believed to be true and accurate and the publisher does not assume responsibility for any errors. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcomed and encouraged. The Helicopter Newspaper cannot be responsible for return unless submissions are accompanied by a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. Photos submitted by mail or electronically become property of The Helicopter Newspaper unless otherwise specified. Copyrighted photographs must be clearly marked, otherwise they become property of The Helicopter Newspaper. Deadline for all advertising is the first day of each month for the following month’s edition. Information about rates, mechanical requirements, etc. is available upon request.

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October 2011

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Obstacle warning by Lai Nguyen, P. Eng., Vice-President/Chairman It’s always exciting when we get to work with pilots on the field. In the summer of 2006, I was sent to help test the Flight Master system in South Carolina. My job was to set up the system for the pilot to follow the offset guidance to get the spray material drift onto the treated area for mosquito control. We set up glass plates with spinners along one side of the spray field to collect drops about 3 feet above the ground. The test was done at night with a light wind. One thing that has always impressed me about that night was that before each flight, the Chief Pilot always wished the other pilot a good flight and asked him to please come back safely. I attend a couple of Ag shows a year. I found that at each show there was at least one session with a topic related to Pilot Safety. I wondered, why? Searching with the key words “Aerial Accident” on the internet, I found many sad stories about fatal and near fatal accidents caused by hitting obstacles. I remember reading the AgAir Update at lunch time and seeing a list of aerial accidents in 2010. The bottom line is that they are someone’s father, grandfather, brother, son or husband, so it was very unfortunate to learn of their accident. The common denominator in that equation is that many were caused by hitting obstacles. Can these accidents be avoided? If yes, then how? If you use an Ag-Nav Guia system, you will see a feature about Obstacle Points. An obstacle means any object that might be encountered by pilots who fly very low to the ground. Obstacles can be trees, test poles, MET towers, wind turbines, power lines and any high objects that may pose a hazard for aerial spraying. Unfortunately, not all obstacles are marked or lit to make them visible. Whether marked or unmarked, they may be difficult to see depending on the level of ambient light and direction of approach. In general they are a big risk for Ag Pilots. Accidents usually happen because obstacles have not been identified. In other words, the pilot does not know that an obstacle is around, does not see the obstacle for any reason, or recognizes the obstacle too late. If you agree, then by using positive logic thinking, we can

say that an accident can be prevented from happening if the pilot is aware of the obstacles around him and when he is approaching one, he is alerted well ahead of time to squeeze the aircraft past. The key is awareness. Improving the awareness of obstacles is a goal that Ag-Nav Inc. has tried to achieve and the reason that we have implemented the Obstacle feature in our guidance products. Before 1995, obstacles in the AgNav system were called Pick-Up Points (PUP). They served as locations where ground crews were dropped off by helicopters to work in the woods or mining fields in the morning. When dropping people off, the pilot just pushed a function key to mark the location. In the evening, the pilot just flew back to the PUPs to pick up each crew. In 1995 when working with Lee County Mosquito District, pilots and staff of LCMCD used the PUPs for a different purpose. They marked the towers of a whole county with PUPs so that pilots could always see obstacles on the AgNav screen, no matter day or night, sunshine or cloudy. To make it more meaningful, they changed the term Pick-Up Points to Towers. When Ag-Nav Inc. began using color displays in 2001, LCMCD asked us to show the towers in colors depending on tower heights. Other pilots used the tower points to mark power lines or any objects that they want to see during flight. For this reason, Tower points were changed to Obstacle points. The Obstacle Display feature in the AgNav system was well used by many pilots because it’s so convenient and helpful. Before starting a new aerial spraying job, the pilot would fly high around the spray areas. When an obstacle is found, he just pushes a key to mark it. The marked point is immediately shown on screen as a tower and saved to a file for future use. The file can be shared by anyone using the AgNav or Guia system. If the pilot does not have time to mark obstacles before the job, he can do it at any time during the job. (See figure one) In 1998, the AgNav system not only showed obstacles, but also checked the see the closest obstacle the aircraft was approaching. When the distance between the aircraft and the obstacle is within alerting time, the AgNav console

November 2011


Figure 1: Towers/Obstacles in Florida

will give a vigorous warning to the pilot on the light bar and screen to catch their attention. During my time working for Ag-Nav Inc., I have found that my job is never finished because we always want to take the challenges of new technologies and improve our products. By using new technologies, we design new products. By listening to pilots and operators for

Figure 2: Tower Info

feedback, we improve our products. During the NAAA show in 2009, one pilot asked me if he could get all towers or obstacles already identified by the FAA and use them in the AgNav system. I asked him for a sample file but he said that there was none available. My answer was “No, but it could be done”. It was certainly an interesting idea. When I returned back to the office, I searched

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the *.Dat files to the Guia system. When working in a new state or county, simply select the correct Dat file before selecting an area to fly. You will get all identified obstacles around the spray areas. What about my own obstacles? You may ask. Well, no worries! They are loaded too by default. Even though the FAA records new towers and obstacles and updates their files a few times a year, a new tower may be built at any time and not recorded. You should follow the advice I found on the internet “Always check working area before starting an aerial spray job.” As always, Ag-Nav Inc. wishes that all pilots have great flights and arrive back safely.

the internet for the term “FAA digital obstacle”. Very delighted, I found the website where I could download a free sample file. Thanks to the FAA, I got all the information that I needed. After two weeks of implementing the code to support the FAA Obstacle files, I sent the new software to Gene Sutton, the Chief Pilot of LCMCD, to test the new feature. The next day he replied with surprise how he could see all the towers in Florida and verify that all obstacles were correct. With the new feature, he could see the name and height of each obstacle. No more tedious work! (See figure two) The FAA has obstacle files for all the states in the USA, a file for Canada, a file for Mexico and few others. You can download the latest files from this website: asp?xml=aeronav/applications/digital/dof When you download the file from the website, you will receive a zip file, for example You can unzip this to get obstacle Dat files. Copy 2010 JANuARY VoluMe 11, December 28 2009 mailed on:

This edition

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SAVE UP TO $4000 IN FUEL COSTS WHILE TRAINING FOR THE PRIVATE PILOT LICENSE THROUGH THE INSTRUMENT RATING. FLYIT customers are earning 3 times more net profit with a FLYIT Professional Helicopter Simulator than with the real Helicopter and students pay less. 26 hours per week earns $100,000 per year net profit. HOVER TRAINING (GROW) The Advanced Ground Reference Out the Window View is why students learn to hover in the FLYIT Professional Helicopter Simulator in the approved 7.5 hours and are able to hover the real Helicopter in 1 hour instead of the usual 8 to 20 hours. THE ONLY FIVE YEAR WARRANTY In fact, FLYIT simulators are so reliable that FLYIT is the only simulator manufacturer with enough successful history and confidence in its product to offer a 5 year Warranty on complete simulator. 99% of all tech support is handled over the phone within 10 minutes. COMPONENT REPLACEMENT FLYIT maintains a pool of components that can be sent overnight to the customer in the rare event a replacement is required. MORE APPROACHES PER HOUR Fly 5 times more instrument approaches per hour as the real helicopter. ALWAYS CURRENT AND IMC CAPABLE The FLYIT Professional Helicopter Simulator can keep every pilot full and partial panel proficient. FLYIT’s accuracy and fidelity are so real that pilots have a flying experience. FLYIT IS IMPROVING FLYING SKILLS Train to a higher skill level than just the helicopter. Training in the FLYIT Simulator is about perfecting flying skills. More training is accomplished per hour, more experience. Pause in the middle of procedures to discuss what's wrong / what's right. MORE THAN 100 FLYIT SIMULATORS ARE CONSTANTLY TRAINING IN: Australia Mexico Poland Spain Canada Nigeria Russia United Arab Emirates Colombia Norway Saudi Arabia USA Dominican Republic Panama South Africa Venezuela France Philipines South Korea FREE DEMONSTRATION TRIP TO CARLSBAD, CA

When you buy the FLYIT Professional Helicopter Simulator FLYIT will reimburse your travel expenses for the demonstration trip.


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November 2011


calendar of events November 2011 November 1-3, 2011 ALEA Central Safety Seminar Austin, TX November 8-9, 2011 Int’l Helicopter Safety Symposium Fort Worth, TX November 12-14, 2011 CIAM - Int’l Trade Show Ciam Cancun 2011 November 14-17, 2011 2011 DoD Maintenence Symposium Fort Worth Convention Center Fort Worth, TX

December 2011 December 6-7, 2011 12th Annual Aircraft Acquisition and Planning Seminar Scottsdale Plaza Resort Scottsdale, AZ

February 2012 February 8-9, 2012 Joseph Cribbins Aviation Symposium Huntsville, AL February 11-14, 2012 Heli-Expo 2012 Dallas, TX

March 2012 March 7-9, 2012 Cygnus Aviation Expo Las Vegas, NV

April 2012 April 1-4, 2012 2012 AAAA Professional Forum & Expo Nashville, TN April 22-27, 2012 MTLI Wheeling, WV

July 2012 July 9-15, 2012 Farnborough International United Kingdom July 23-29, 2012 EAA Airventure Oshkosh, WI

May 2012

May 2013

May 8-10, 2012 EBACE Geneva, Switzerland

May 14-16, 2013 EBACE Geneva, Switzerland

June 2012 June 4-6, 2012 St. Petersburg Int’l Conference on Intergrated Navigation Systems St. Petersburg, Russia

October 2013 October TBA AMTC Virginia Beach, VA

May 2014 May 13-15, 2014 EBACE Geneva, Switzerland

July 2014 July 14-20, 2014 Farnborough International, UK,

May 2015 May 19-21, 2015 EBACE, Geneva, Switzerland,

July 2016 July 18-24, 2016 Farnborough International UK,


Tanis Aircraft Products partners with Bruce’s Custom Covers for AOG protection GLENWOOD, MINNESOTA— Tanis Aircraft Products announced the company has entered into a business partnership with Bruce’s Custom Covers to fabricate Tanis brand insulated aircraft covers for protection of aircraft in harsh and demanding winter conditions. Tanis is known as the leader in providing aircraft preheat systems to the global aviation industry. Bruce’s Custom Covers is the renowned global leader in supplying aircraft covers. With over 8,500 patterns, Bruce’s Custom Covers offers the most comprehensive line of custom made covering systems for airplanes, jets, helicopters, and gliders. Together, Tanis and Bruce’s will manufacture and sell the aviation industry’s broadest line of custom-fitted aircraft covers—both insulated and non-insulated—for a full range of fixed and rotary wing aircraft. Operators in cold climates have known for years that preheating is a winter

season best practice that is mandated by both engine manufacturers and certain government jurisdictions. Combining preheat with insulated covers not only enhances operational safety but saves on operational costs, enhances scheduling and decreases downtime during winter operations. Preheat and insulated covers fit hand-in-glove as a system to increase the efficiency of preheating an aircraft. A complete preheat system combined with an insulated cover allows an operator to keep both aircraft and engine warm, thereby minimizing ground time. In combining forces, the Tanis and Bruce’s partnership delivers costeffective solutions for saving money and increasing aircraft utility and longevity. Bob Krueger, President of Tanis, commented, “We are pleased to be partnering with Bruce’s Custom Covers as we consider them the best in the industry. Bruce’s has developed patterns and methods of manufacturing


that really work. The quality of a Tanis designed insulated custom cover built by Bruce’s is second-to-none.”

from harmful ultraviolet light and weather anomalies such as hail and airborne debris.


Bruce’s Custom Covers offers the most comprehensive line of custom made covering systems for airplanes, jets, helicopters and gliders. Covers are available for Engine Cowlings, Propeller/Spinner, Fuselage, Cabin/Canopy, Wings, Empennage/ Tail, and Cowl Plugs. Covers protect engines and propellers from frost and condensation, and paint and windows

For further information on Bruce’s Custom Covers, contact Bruce’s at: Aircraft Covers, Inc., 989 E. California Ave., Sunnyvale, California 94085; call 408-738-3959, or toll-free 1-800-7776405; log on to; or email For further information on Tanis Aircraft Products, contact Tanis at: 14871 Pioneer Trail, Suite 200, Eden Prairie, Minnesota; call 952-224-4425 or toll-free in U.S. and most of Canada 1-800-4432136; log on to; or email


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‘Saving lives through innovation:’ Kaman unmanned k-max helicopter wins award BLOOMFIELD, CT—The Kaman Unmanned K-MAX cargo helicopter has received the Platinum Innovation Prize from the Connecticut Quality Improvement Award Partnership, Inc. The Unmanned K-MAX is an innovative helicopter that combines unique lift efficiency with the flexibility of programmable unmanned flight to handle a wide variety of military and civil missions. “Even in an uncertain economy, Kaman Aerospace has shown that forward-looking organizations continue to introduce and bring to market new products and services,” said Sheila Carmine, founder and director of the Partnership. The award cites the Unmanned K-MAX cargo helicopter for “saving lives through innovation,” and Carmine added that “No other unmanned rotary-wing vehicle has the capability and the proven performance of Kaman’s Unmanned K-MAX.” “Kaman is honored to receive a platinum CQIA Innovation Prize,” said Terry Fogarty, General Manager of Kaman

Helicopters’ Unmanned Aircraft Systems Product Group, who accepted the award on the company’s behalf. “The Unmanned K-MAX’s proven performance and exceptional lift capability will enable our armed forces to handle combat resupply missions without exposing air crews to danger on the battlefield, and alleviate the exposure to improvised explosive devices associated with ground convoys. Kaman’s innovat ion can truly save lives.” The Unmanned K-MAX, developed by Kaman Aerospace Corp.’s Helicopters Division and Lockheed Martin, has recently been given the go-ahead for deployment to Afghanistan for the U.S. Marine Corps Cargo Resupply Program. The program meets the urgent need for an unmanned aerial system to safely deliver supplies to U.S. armed forces in combat areas. Kaman’s manned version of the K-MAX has accumulated more than 265,000 flight hours in the commercial logging and firefighting industry, where it routinely delivers sling loads up to 6,000

pounds, and one million pounds per day in helicopter logging operations. Founded in 1987, the Connecticut Quality Improvement Award Partnership, Inc. is America’s first state-level quality award utilizing the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for Performance

Excellence criteria. The CQIA Platinum Innovation Prize is the group’s highest award. Kaman Helicopters is a division of Kaman Aerospace Corporation, a subsidiary of Kaman Corporation (NASDAQ-GS: KAMN). Founded in 1945 by aviation pioneer Charles H. Kaman, and headquartered in Bloomfield, Connecticut, Kaman conducts business in the aerospace and industrial distribution markets.

Kaman’s George Schafer, left, and Terry Fogarty accept the CQIA award for the company. Schafer is the business development manager for the UAS product group at Kaman Helicopters.


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DART Helicopter Services announces Transport Canada approval of the electric step replacement pneumatic actuator DART Helicopter Services announces Transport Canada approval of DART Aerospace’s electric step replacement pneumatic actuator for the Bell 412/412EP model of aircraft. FAA approval has been previously received. The DART Step Actuator Release System replaces electrical linear step actuators with pneumatic actuators. This modification is designed to permit the passenger steps to remain in the extended position at all times with the exception of any actual float inflation. During float inflation, nitrogen released from the storage bottle will cause the actuators to retract and allow the passenger steps to free fall or be forced down by the inflating bag. Product Features: • Reduce maintenance costs • Reduce downtime • Quick & easy installation “This is an economical kit for Bell 412 operators with floats that allows them to

continue to use their existing step while ensuring compatibility in the event of float deployment.” Quote Bill Beckett, DART Helicopter Services VP Canadian Operations.

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November 2011


Donaldson expands faa barrier filter approval to include Eurocopter AS350B3e St. Louis, MO—Donaldson Aerospace & Defense, a division of Donaldson Company, Inc. (NYSE: DCI), has obtained Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval for the first Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF) system available for the Eurocopter AS350B3e model helicopter with the Turbomeca Arriel 2D engine. The Donaldson IBF approval adds the AS350B3e to the existing Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for both single hydraulic aircraft (PN#112005-101) and dual hydraulic aircraft (PN#121001-101). With this added IBF solution, Eurocopter operators can obtain maximum engine protection while reaping performance benefits from proven Donaldson technology. Expansion of the STC allows operators to keep commonality within their fleet of different AS350 models equipped with Donaldson IBFs. “We are proud to provide a cuttingedge barrier filtration solution for this new version of the popular AS350B3,” said Michael Scimone, President of Donaldson’s St. Louis operation. “This

approval is a further step towards our goal of reducing our customers’ operating costs in challenging economic times.” Donaldson IBF systems for the Eurocopter AS350B3e feature an easily removed flat filter assembly and integral bypass design, readily installed into existing cowl designs without burdensome cowling alterations. A filter maintenance aid allows for on-condition status checks between established cleaning intervals, eliminating unnecessary service. No restrictions are imposed for flight in falling or blowing snow or with visible moisture in non-icing conditions. Users of the Donaldson IBF systems will realize better engine protection and performance over that offered by traditional sand filters or improved inertial particle separators. Providing the most comprehensive line of IBF solutions, Donaldson Aerospace & Defense is the industry leader in the design, development and manufacture of high-performance engine IBF systems

for commercial and military propulsion systems. Through its St. Louis, Missouri, location, Donaldson provides certified IBF solutions for the AgustaWestland AW109E/S/SP, AW119 Koala, AW119Ke and AW139; Bell 205A1, 206B, 407, 206L-3/4, 206L-1(C30), 230, 429 and 430; Eurocopter EC130, AS350 B/BA/B1/ B2/B3/B3e, AS350s with Soloy or HeliLynx Honeywell engine conversions; and MD Helicopters MD 369H Series, MD 500D/E/F and MD 900/902. Donaldson’s AS350B3e Inlet Barrier Filter will be on display at the upcoming Air Medical Transport Conference/AMTC 2011, Booth 1320, St. Louis, Missouri, October 17-19, 2011. Please drop by for a visit with the Donaldson team. To learn more about the Donaldson Aerospace & Defense group, visit www.

about Donaldson Aerospace & Defense is a leading worldwide provider of filtration systems for the aerospace and defense

industry. Our filtration solutions protect fixed wing aircraft, rotorcraft, military ground vehicles, electronic equipment, space vehicles, missiles, military shipboard systems, and amphibious vehicles. We are committed to advancing filtration technology, providing quality products and prompt customer service. Our group serves customers from sales, engineering, and manufacturing locations around the world. Donaldson is a leading worldwide provider of filtration systems that improve people’s lives, enhance our Customers’ equipment performance, and protect our environment. We are a technologydriven Company committed to satisfying our Customers’ needs for filtration solutions through innovative research and development, application expertise, and global presence. Our over 13,000 employees contribute to the Company’s success by supporting our Customers at our more than 100 sales, manufacturing, and distribution locations around the world.

For 25 years, ISOLAIR has been manufacturing quality helicopter systems for the fire fighting, forestry and aerial application industries with an extensive line of certified and custom built helicopter equipment. ISOLAIR has the right system to fit your company’s needs and helicopter alike. From agricultural spray systems and bucket spreaders to fire fighting systems, forestry grapples and torches, ISOLAIR has the product for you! With competitive pricing, quality assurance, easy to install products and an ongoing commitment to customer service, we invite you to contact us. Our knowledgeable sales staff is ready to answer your questions and advise you on the ISOLAIR system that will best meet your company’s requirements.


y l i a D s a l l a D , 2012

February 11-14


information at w Watch for more

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Big D!

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November 2011


ntsb reports NTSB Identification: *ERA11CA448* Date: August 11, 2011 Location: Titusville, FL Aircraft: ROBINSON R22 Injuries: 2 Uninjured. The two certificated rotorcraft pilots were conducting a ferry flight. According to both pilots, the helicopter was on approach to land for a refueling stop when the airline transport pilot flying asked the private pilot to apply carburetor heat. The private pilot inadvertently pulled-out the engine mixture control with the mixture control guard, which resulted in an immediate total loss of engine power. The helicopter was at an altitude between 300 to 400 feet, and the airline transport pilot entered an autorotation, while the private pilot attempted to restart the engine. The engine did not restart before the helicopter struck trees, a fence, and then nosed over. The helicopter sustained substantial damage to the airframe and both the main and tail rotor drive systems. Both pilots reported there were no mechanical malfunctions during the flight. The private pilot reported 220 hours of total flight experience, which included about 54 hours in the same make and model as the accident helicopter. NTSB Identification: *CEN11CA627* Date: August 26, 2011 Location: Batesville, TX Aircraft: ROBINSON HELICOPTER R44 Injuries: 1 Uninjured. According to the pilot, the helicopter was positioned on a trailer with clamps and blade holders. The pilot added that during the preflight inspection, he forgot to remove the clamp, which held the left skid to the trailer. During takeoff, the tie-down clamp did not give way and the helicopter encountered dynamic rollover. The helicopter rolled to the left and impacted the ground. Postaccident examination of the wreckage revealed structural damage to the helicopter.


NTSB Identification: *ERA11WA508* Date: August 30, 2011 Location: Sao Sebastiao, Brazil Aircraft: ROBINSON R44E Injuries: 3 Fatal. On August 30, 2011, about 1158 Universal Coordinated time (UTC), a Robinson R44 II, crashed near Sao Sebastiao Municipality, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Instrument meteorological conditions prevailed in the area at the time of the accident and a visual flight rules (VFR) flight plan was filed for the flight from Campo dos Amarais Airport (SDAM), Campinas, Brazil, to Angra dos Reis, State of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. The helicopter sustained substantial damage, and the certificated private pilot and two passengers were killed. The flight originated about 1100 UTC, from SDAM. NTSB Identification: *WPR11LA423* Date: September 01, 2011 Location: Stockton, CA Aircraft: Arrow Falcon Exporters Inc UH-1H Injuries: 1 Minor. On September 1, 2011, about 1830 Pacific daylight time, an Arrow Falcon Exporters, Inc. sustained substantial damage during an autorotation following a loss of power near Stockton, California. The commercial pilot, the sole occupant, received minor injuries. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the repositioning cross-country flight, which had originated approximately 10 minutes before the accident. A company visual flight rules (VFR) flight plan was on file and had been activated. The pilot stated that while in cruise flight he noted a low oil indication to the engine. As he was performing a precautionary landing, the engine had a total loss of power. He performed an autorotation, but landed on uneven terrain, and the helicopter rolled onto its left side.

NTSB Identification: *WPR11WA438* Date: September 03, 2011 Location: Plutonic Aero., Australia Aircraft: ROBINSON R44 Injuries: 1 Fatal,1 Serious. On September 3, 2011, at 0330 universal coordinated time, a Robinson R44, collided with terrain while maneuvering near Plutonic Aerodrome, Australia. The helicopter was operated by Wieland Helicopter Company under the pertinent civil regulations of Australia. The pilot was fatally injured and the passenger was seriously injured. The helicopter was substantially damaged. NTSB Identification: *WPR11GA431* Date: September 04, 2011 Location: Tehachapi, CA Aircraft: BELL 205 Injuries: 1 Minor. On September 4, 2011, about 1445 Pacific daylight time, a Bell 205A-1 landed hard during an off field forced landing near Tehachapi, California. The commercial pilot sustained minor injuries; the helicopter sustained substantial damage to the tail boom from impact forces. No flight plan had been filed for the local flight. The helicopter had a water bucket as an external load, and the pilot stated that the helicopter experienced a loss of engine power. He released the bucket, and performed an autorotation into a clear area of uneven terrain. The helicopter landed hard; the skids collapsed, and the tail boom buckled. NTSB Identification: *ERA11WA509* Date: September 10, 2011 Location: Rio de Janeriro, Brazil Aircraft: ROBINSON R44 Injuries: 2 Fatal. On September 10, 2011, about 2330 universal coordinated time, a Robinson R44 II, was substantially damaged when it impacted wooded terrain during an aerial photography flight, near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The foreign certificated pilot and one passenger received fatal

injuries. The local flight departed Aeroporto Santos Sumont (SBRJ), Rio de Janiero, Brazil, about 2320. NTSB Identification: *CEN11LA648* Date: September 15, 2011 Location: Ocate, NM Aircraft: ROBINSON HELICOPTER R44 Injuries: 1 Serious,1 Minor. On August 15, 2011, about 1715 mountain daylight time, a Robinson R44 was substantially damaged when it impacted terrain during landing at a remote hunting lodge near Ocate, New Mexico. The pilot was seriously injured and the passenger sustained minor injuries. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and a flight plan had been not filed for the 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. At the time of the accident the helicopter was returning from a local flight. The pilot stated that he was about 50 to 150 feet above ground level and his airspeed was about 10 to 15 knots when the nose of the helicopter began to turn to the left and he got a low rotor warning. The pilot lowered the collective pitch lever and put in right pedal, but the helicopter made two to three turns to the left before impacting terrain. During impact the skid landing gear collapsed and the helicopter came to rest upright. There was adequate fuel on-board, but there was no fuel spill and no postimpact fire. NTSB Identification: *CEN11LA646* Date: September 15, 2011 Location: Spicewood, TX Aircraft: BELL 206B Injuries: 2 Minor. On September 15, 2011, at 0940 central daylight time, a Bell 206B singleengine helicopter sustained substantial damage when it impacted terrain following a partial loss of engine power near Spicewood, Texas. The private pilot and passenger sustained minor injuries. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and a flight plan was not filed

for the 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The local flight departed approximately 0920 from Spicewood Airport (88R), Spicewood, Texas. According to the pilot, he and the passenger departed 88R with approximately 70 gallons of fuel. Approximately 20 minutes into the local flight, the engine lost partial power and the low rotor RPM warning horn sounded. The pilot immediately initiated an autorotation to a field. During the autorotation, the pilot attempted to avoid some power lines, and the helicopter impacted terrain. Subsequently, the helicopter rolled over and came to rest on its right side. Postaccident examination of the helicopter showed the tail boom had separated and the main rotor blades were bent and twisted. The helicopter was recovered for further examination. NTSB Identification: *WPR11LA462* Date: September 22, 2011 Location: Ramona, CA Aircraft: HUGHES 269C Injuries: 2 Uninjured. On September 22, 2011, about 1600 Pacific daylight time, a Hughes 269C helicopter was substantially damaged following a hard landing about five miles north of Ramona, California. The certified flight instructor and the student pilot were not injured. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the flight, which was being operated in accordance with Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. A flight plan was not filed. The local instructional flight departed the McClellan-Palomar Airport (CRQ), about 1430. In a telephone interview with the National Transportation Safety Board investigator-in-charge (IIC), the flight instructor, who was the pilot-in-command (PIC) for the flight and occupied the left pilot seat, reported that he was demonstrating an autorotation with the student following along on the controls. The instructor stated that when he rolled off the throttle the engine lost power, which was followed by a hard landing that resulted in substantial damage to the helicopter’s airframe. A company airframe and powerplant mechanic reported that the tail boom had separated, both skids had spread outwards, and that the forward structure of the helicopter had been compromised. The helicopter was recovered for further investigation.

NTSB Identification: *ANC11TA110* Date: September 23, 2011 Location: Seward, AK Aircraft: BELL 206 B3 Injuries: 3 Uninjured. On September 23, 2011, about 1116 Alaska daylight time, a Bell 206 B3 helicopter sustained substantial damage when it collided with terrain while maneuvering at a low altitude, and encountered flat light conditions on the Harding Ice field, about 10 miles west of Seward, Alaska. The helicopter was being operated as a visual flight rules (VFR) public use passenger flight, in conjunction with the National Park Service (NPS), under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 135, when the accident occurred. The commercial pilot and the two passengers were not injured. Instrument meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident, and company flight following procedures were in effect. The purpose of the flight was for NPS employees to sample and monitor the glacier’s snow and ice field. In a written statement provided to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigator-in-charge (IIC) dated September 24, a passenger in the helicopter at the time of the accident, reported that while traveling from one landing site on the Harding Ice field to another, visibility deteriorated rapidly, making it difficult to see the ground surface. The helicopter unexpectedly touched the surface of the ice field, and came to rest with the tail rotor in the snow. The helicopter was shut down, and another helicopter came to the site to remove the passengers. According to a representative of the operator, an aviation mechanic came to the site, and examined the helicopter. Finding no damage, the helicopter was started, and brought to a hover. During the hover, a tail rotor driveshaft coupling separated, and the helicopter was set down on the ice field without further damage. Due to approaching weather, the helicopter was picked up by a larger helicopter, and returned to Homer. NTSB Identification: *CEN11FA666* Date: September 23, 2011 Location: Curren, MI Aircraft: ROBINSON HELICOPTER R44 Injuries: 2 Fatal. On September 23, 2011, approximately 2030 eastern daylight time, a Robinson R44 single-engine helicopter sustained substantial damage when it impact

trees and terrain while maneuvering near Curren, Michigan. The private pilot and passenger sustained fatal injuries. Instrument meteorological conditions prevailed, and a flight plan was not filed for the 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The flight departed the pilot’s residence near Richmond, Michigan, approximately 1830, enroute to a private hunting camp. According to preliminary information provided by local authorities, the pilot and passenger were enroute to a hunting camp near Alpena, Michigan. The helicopter was reported by family as overdue on September 25th at 1000 and was located at 1100 by land owners. The accident site was located in a wooded area approximately 20 miles south of the hunting camp. Examination of the wooded area revealed the helicopter impacted several trees prior to coming to rest inverted. A postimpact fire ensued and partially consumed the main wreckage. The main wreckage consisted of the engine, transmission, main rotor mast and hub, and tail boom. The wreckage debris field, orientated on a 010 magnetic degree heading, was approximately 500 feet in length.  The wreckage debris field contained

fragmented sections of the fuselage, main rotor blades, landing gear skid tubes, and Plexiglas. At 2054, the Alpena Municipal Airport automated surface observing system (ASOS), located approximately 20 miles north of the accident site, reported the wind from 330 degrees at 7 knots, visibility 6 miles, light rain, mist, sky broken at 800 and 1,600 feet above ground level (agl), overcast ceiling at 2,200 feet agl, temperature and dew point 11 degrees Celsius, and an altimeter setting of 30.00 inches of Mercury. NTSB Identification: *WPR11WA476* Date: September 25, 2011 Location: Mataram, West Nusa, Indonesia Aircraft: BELL 412SP Injuries: 2 Fatal. On September 25, 2011, at 1341 local time (0541 UTC) a Bell Helicopter 412SP, crashed in a jungle under unknown circumstances 150 kilometers east of Selaparang Airport, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The Helicopter was operated as an cargo flight. The helicopter sustained substantial damage and both crew      members were fatally injured. The flight

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November 2011


originated at Dodo Camp Airport and was destined for Lemurung Camp. This report is for informational purposes and only contains information released by the government of Indonesia. NTSB Identification: *ANC11LA108* Date: September 26, 2011 Location: Juneau, AK Aircraft: EUROCOPTER AS 350 BA Injuries: 2 Uninjured. On September 26, 2011, about 1300 Alaska daylight time, a Eurocopter AS350BA helicopter sustained substantial damage after landing at a remote



mountain site, about 22 miles northwest of Juneau, Alaska. The helicopter was being operated as a visual flight rules (VFR) passenger flight under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 135, when the accident occurred. The commercial pilot and sole passenger were not injured. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and company flight following procedures were in effect. The flight departed Juneau about 1230. During a telephone conversation with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigator-in-charge (IIC) on

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September 28, the passenger said they landed at the remote site to pickup two passengers. They had landed at the site numerous times. she said prior to leaving Juneau, they received a weather briefing, and were told the wind could be gusting in the 20 knot range. After landing, the helicopter was at flight idle, waiting for the 2 minute cool down. She and the pilot discussed not shutting down due to the gusty wind condition. While waiting, she saw snow blowing off the peaks above, and saw the trees on the pilot’s side of the helicopter begin to move. The helicopter then rocked fore and aft, and a gust of wind rolled the helicopter onto its left side. NTSB Identification: *WPR11LA469* Date: September 27, 2011 Location: Ahwahnee, CA Aircraft: BELL 47D1 Injuries: 1 Serious, 1 Minor. On September 27, 2011, at 1030 Pacific daylight time, a Bell 47D1 collided with trees while descending near Ahwahnee,

California. The helicopter was being operated under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. The helicopter was substantially damaged. The private pilot sustained serious injuries, and the passenger sustained minor injuries. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan was filed. The pilot departed about 1020 for the local area flight. The Federal Aviation Administration accident coordinator interviewed the passenger. The passenger indicated that the purpose of the flight was to check the operation of the helicopter. After finding no operational anomalies, they initiated a return to their departure point. The helicopter entered a slow approach while descending. The pilot increased collective application, but the helicopter continued to descend and collided with a tree.

Drug bust at Boeing plant A Thursday morning raid at Boeing’s helicopter plant outside of Philadelphia resulted in the arrest of 37 current and former Boeing employees who authorities allege were associated with the purchase and sale of prescription drugs. The plant at Ridley Park produces the CH-47 Chinook and the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft. It employs roughly 6,000 workers. The majority of those arrested reportedly worked in production at the facility. According to Boeing, the arrests were facilitated by its own internal investigation that began in 2006 after other employees reported suspicious activity to the company’s internal ethics hotline. The company alerted federal law enforcement and a four-year DEA investigation followed. During that time production at the plant continued, with care, according to Boeing. Of the 37 arrested, 23 were indicted on charges of illegally distributing prescription drugs including Xanax (an anti-anxiety pill), as well as painkillers Oxycontin and Actiq. Boeing says it cooperated with investigators throughout the four-year DEA investigation, which included undercover agents. The U.S.

Attorney working the case said that all individuals charged had either bought or sold a controlled substance (or what the workers believed to be a controlled substance) from, or to, an individual working in cooperation with the FBI.

Action was taken to ensure that both employees and products were kept safe during the investigation. According to the U.S. attorney, no accidents have yet been attributed to work performed by the people charged. Boeing told The Wall Street Journal that it took action to ensure that both its employees and its products were kept safe during the investigation to ensure “the absolute integrity and quality of products we produce for our customers.”

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November 2011


heli guide

Manufacturer/Model Eurocopter AS 332L1 Super Puma Total Production (all variants) 648 First flight 1976 (Puma); 1984 (AS332 L1) Engine(s) (2) Makila 1A1 HP (takeoff) 1,819 shp/1,357 kW ea Dimensions main rotor 51.18 ft/15.60 m Tail rotor 10.33 ft/3.15 m Height 16.14 ft/4.92 m Length 61.35 ft/18.70 m Width 11.09 ft/3.38 m Empty weight 9,943 lbs/4,510 kg Gross weight 18,960 lbs/8,600 kg Useful internal load 9,017 lbs/4,090 kg External 9,920 lbs/4,500 kg Vne 150 kts/278 kmh Max cruise 141 kts/262 kmh Max rate of climb 1,618 fpm/8.2 ms HIGE 10,663 ft/3,250 m HOGE 7,546 ft/2,300 m Service ceiling >9,500 ft/2,895 m S/E service ceiling 5,906 ft/1,800 m Std fuel 535 gal/2,020 lit Max fuel 950 gal/3,59 3 lit Max range std fuel (no reserve) 454 nm/841 km Range with opt fuel 806 nm/1,493 km IFR Crew 1/2 Passengers 19

Manufacturer/Model: AgustaWestland AW109 Power Total production (all variants): >500 Comments: Certified single-pilot IFR Category “A” single engine performance. Engine: (2) Pratt & Whitney PW206C HP (takeoff) 640 shp ea. Dimensions: main rotor 11.0 ft/36.09 m Tail rotor 6.35 ft/1.94 m Height: 11.5 ft/3.5m Length 37.6 ft/11.46 m Width 5.28 ft/1.6 m Empty weight: 3,494 lbs/1,585 kg Gross weight 6,283 lbs/2,850 kg Useful load: 2,789 lbs/1,265 kg External: 3,120 lbs/1,415 kg Vne: 168 kts/311 kmh Max cruise: 154 kts/285 kmh Max rate of climb: 1,930 fpm/9.8 ms HIGE: 16,600 ft/5,059 m HOGE: 11,800 /3,596 m Service ceiling: 19,600 ft/5,974 m S/E service ceiling 13,100 ft/3,993 m Std fuel: 160 gal/605 lit Max fuel 221 gal/835 lit Max range: std fuel (no reserve) 378 nm/700 km Range with opt fuel: 512 nm/948 km IFR Crew: 1 Passengers 7

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Formally Universal Helicopter


Manufacturer/Model: Bell Helicopter 407 Total Production (all variants): 800+ Comments: Offers smooth ride with electronic engine controls, competitive operating costs, high useful load, and excellent hover performance. Engines: Rolls Royce 250-C47B HP (Takeoff) 813 SHP/606 kw Dimensions: Main Rotor 35 ft/10.7 m, Tail Rotor 5.4 ft/1.7 m Height: 10.2 ft/3.1 m Length: 41.4 ft/12.6 m Width: 8.1 ft/2.5 m Empty Weight: 2,681 lb/1,216 kg Max Gross Weight Std: 5,000 lb/2,268 kg Max Gross Weight Alt: 5,250 lb/2,381 kg Useful Load Std: 2,319 lb/1,052 kg Useful Load Alt: 2,569 lb/1,165 kg External: 2,646 lb/1,200 kg, Vne: 140 kn/ 259 km/h Max Cruise: 133 kn/ 246 km/h Max Rate of Climb: 1,940 fpm 6.5 mps HIGE: 12,200 ft/3,718 m HOGE: 10,400 ft/3,170 m Service Ceiling: 17,600 ft/5,364 m Std Fuel: 127.8 gal/484 L Max Fuel: 146.8 gal/556 L VFR Crew: 1 Passengers 6



heli guide

Manufacturer/Model Eurocopter EC 155B1 Dauphin Total production (all variants) 79 Engine(s) Arriel 2C2 (takeoff) 935 shp/697 kw ea. Dimensions main rotor 41.34 ft/12.6 m Tail rotor 3.28 ft/1 m Height 14.27 ft/4.35 m Length 46.91 ft/14.30 m Width 11.42 ft/3.48 m Empty weight 5,816 lbs/2,638 kg Gross weight 10,846 lbs /4,920 kg Useful internal load 5,031 lbs/2,282 kg External 3,527 lbs /1,600 kg Vne 175 kts/324 kmh Max cruise 143 kts/265 kmh Max rate of climb 1,154 fpm/5.8 ms HIGE 7,050 ft/2,145 m HOGE < sea level Service ceiling >15,000 ft /4,572 m S/E Service ceiling 6,000 ft/1,829 m Std fuel 332 gal/1,257 lit Max fuel 379 gal/1,437 lit Max range std fuel (no reserve) 427 nm/791 km Range with opt fuel 498 nm/922 km VFR Crew 1/2 Passengers 13/12

Manufacturer/Model Eurocopter EC 130B4 Total production (all variants) 183 Engine(s) Arriel 2B1 (takeoff) 847 shp ea. Dimensions main rotor 35.07 ft/10.69 m Tail rotor 9.97 ft/3.04 m Height 11.84 ft/3.61 m Length 41.47 ft/12.64 m Width 8.95 ft/2.73 m Empty weight 3,034 lbs/1,376 kg Gross weight 5,351 lbs/2,427 kg Useful internal load 2,316 lbs/1,051 kg External 2,557 lbs/1,160 kg Vne 155 kts/287 kmh Max cruise 130 kts/240 kmh Max rate of climb 1,770 fpm/9.0 ms HIGE 10,165 ft/3,100 m HOGE 8,325 ft/2,535 m Service ceiling 15,655 ft/4,770 m Std fuel 143 gal/540 lit Max fuel 193 gal/590 lit Max range std fuel (no reserve) 329 nm/610 km VFR Crew 1 Passengers 7

Boeing CH-46 Sea Knight Specs Produced:1962–1971 Total Production: H-46: 524 First flight: August 1962, introduction in 1964 Engine(s): 2 x General Electric T58-GE-16 turboshaft engines generating 1,870shp and driving two 3-blade rotor systems. Length: 44.82ft (13.66m) Width:0.00ft (0.00m) Height: 16.70ft (5.09m) Max Speed: 166mph (267kmh; 144kts) Max Range: 690miles (1,110km) Rate-of-Climb:1,715ft/min (523m/min) Service Ceiling: 9,498ft (2,895m; 1.8miles) Empty Weight: 11,585lbs (5,255kg) MTOW: 24,299lbs (11,022kg) Accommodation: 3 + 25

classified ad...

Call 478-988-0787

...with color photo. print. ...on the web. month. ...$35 USD November 2011


featured classified ads

1978 Hughes 300C IFR trainer, with 430 dual tanks, custom seats 2007, Fresh annual with purchase. email or call 941-350-1069 for more information

Hummingbird Helicopter-Order positions available in our next production run. Contact Vertical Aviation Technologies, Inc., 407-322-9488,, www.

1997 MD600 Great Exec or Utility Notar quiet, Strong RR-C47 Engine, Fadec start, All forward seating or club seats. Custom paint. Mid time components. Reduced to$895k for quick sale. Check all our helicopters at or Call Mark at 717-309-3100 or email at

2007 Schweizer 300C N355SD; 810 TT; VFR; 2007 Paint; 2007 Int; 3 Seats; $279,000, Blue Hill Helicopters Phone: 781-688-0263

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

Highlight your helicopter for sale with a


Tel: 478-988-0787 • 18


The New Authority in Composite Rotor Blades

1978 Hughes 300C IFR trainer, with 430 dual tanks, custom seats 2007, Fresh annual with purchase. email or call 941-350-1069 for more information (11-11)


2007 Schweizer 300C N355SD; 810 TT; VFR; 2007 Paint; 2007 Int; 3 Seats; $279,000, Blue Hill Helicopters Phone: 781-688-0263 T F N

helicopters wanted Need an IRS Tax Deduction? Donate Your Helicopter to Charity, email us: (tfn)

ag related

Hummingbird Helicopter-Order positions available in our next production run. Contact Vertical Aviation Technologies, Inc., 407-322-9488,, 11-11

MD Helicopters

1997 MD600 Great Exec or Utility Notar quiet, Strong RR-C47 Engine, Fadec start, All forward seating or club seats. Custom paint. Mid time components. Reduced to$895k for quick sale. Check all our helicopters at www. or Call Mark at 717-309-3100 or email at 11-11

Robinson NEW 2010 RAVEN II, Dark blue blue leather interior, ac bubble windows, Garmin 430, vertical compass, 406elt $423000 Contact: Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Bill Cooper, 800-391-2397 ( T F N )

Everything for the Ag Operator. Satloc Level III Sales & Service, Spray Systems, CP Nozzles, Dry Breaks, AgTex, Avtex Airforce/Navy Flight Suits Helmets. Light Weight, Noise Attentuated. MidContinent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 573-359-0500, email to: (11-11)

engines Allison/RR250-C20J, This engine has a fresh mini with new number one and two turbine wheels. Specs and photos are available at or contact us at tfn 250C20B/C28/ C30 Engines Modules and Accessories for Sale, Exchange or Lease. Extensive stock of New, Overhauled and Serviceable parts. Contact John Peacocke, Sunrise Helicopter Tel: 281 251 4005 Fax: 281 251 8848 email (04-12)

Lycoming VO/TVO-435 & 540, many new parts, 50% off! Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12) PT-6, Allison and Turbomeca parts. We have a small inventory of new parts, including consumables. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12)

ROBINSON R22 BETA II with Garmin G400 GPS available for lease to flight school. Call 323-3761969 or email, Visit our website (11-11)

Action Aircraft is a full-service overhaul/repair facility for Rolls -Royce 250 series engines located in Dallas, Texas. We offer superior service and pricing in addition to free technical assistance. Engines, modules and parts available on outright and exchange basis. When you need RR250 engine overhaul and repair - “Take Action”. Please call phone 214-351-1284 or 1-800-9097616, fax: 214-351-1286, email:, website: tfn

FOR SALE: 2008 Schweizer 269C with TT 681.8 Instrument Trainer Asking $290K Pls. call: Ken Thrasher/ Heli-Tech: 850-763-9000 email: ana@ t f n

-- More Tail Rotor Authority at High Altitudes -- Increased Service Life -- Reduced Noise -- Reduced Pedal Forces -- Corrosion-resistant

UH-1 Huey T/R Blades Also Available!

Van Horn Aviation Tempe, AZ 85281

UNIVERSAL TURBINE PARTS, INC. Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Parts, Engines & Accessories. New, Overhauled & Serviceable. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call for Fax for a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-3610290 E-MAIL: TFN

Factory Authorized Sales and Service. R22 & R44 Sales and Brokerage. Low Commissions. Buy/ Sell. New/Used. Large Selection. Call Andres L. Kerllenevich at 904-342-0630 or visit R44Sales. com (11-11)


206B/L & OH-58 Tail Rotor Blades

Place your classified ad today!

#9 – 5225 216th Street Langley, B.C. Canada V2Y 2N3 Phone: 604-533-1148 · Fax: 604-533-1517 AOG After Hours Phone: 604-818-4185

Services Provided:

Maintenance Inspections • Structural Repairs using Authorized Bell Fuselage and Tailboom Fixtures Component Overhauls • Refurbishments • Composites Avionics Installations • Modifications • Spare Parts Sales Painting • Completions • NDT AUTHORIZED CSF for Bell Helicopter Models 204, 205, 206 Series, 212, 407, 412 and UH-1H TC Repair Station No. 137-96 · EASA Repair Station No. 145.7112 Fulfilling our customer’s needs with the best service and most superior products.

478-988-0787 November 2011


Targeted advertising to industry buyers... ...not browsers. Contact our advertising department for the most economical and effective advertising in the industry. 866-864-8237 • 478-988-0787

Volume 10, May 2009

2008 Robinson R44 Raven II 2006 Robinson R44 Raven II 2008 Robinson R22 Beta II

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

TOTAL TIME: 110, 675, 45 ASKING PRICE: Call for Pricing CONTACT: Dave Hynes 757-488-9044, More about N62FA on page 20

INSIDE THIS EDITION: Bell 429 achieves Whirly Volume certification, 10, April 2009 Girls accepting applications for training, Common aviation insurance terms and definitions August 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace


2002 Robinson R44 Clipper I

More about this helicopter on page 20

INSIDE THIS EDITION: Come fly with Loudoun Aviation, British team challenges for World Helicopter Championships, Tim McAdam’s Protecting your much more! 1

REGISTRATION: N703PH SERIAL NUMBER: 69-15602 TOTAL TIME: 4749.5 ASKING PRIcE: cALL fOR PRIcE cONTAcT:, 360-754-7200 More about this helicopter on page 20

Formally Universal Helicopter INSIDE: April 2009

REGISTRATION: PENdING SERIAL NUMBER: 1873 & 1087 TOTAL TIME: 9881, 7702 ASKING PRIcE: OPTIONS STARTING AT $850,000 cONTAcT: More about this helicopter on page 20, more on Helisupport NZ on page 4

Formally Universal Helicopter INSIDE: Heli-Expo 2009 review, Helisupport NZ services, Letters to the Editor April 2009


New & Serviceable helicopter floats and fuel cells in stock includes all Bell models. We also repair and certify floats and fuel cells for most helicopters. Call 337-839-0500 or email tjkling@ (11-11)


Bell UH-1H Plus

2 Eurocopter AS350BAs

Are You An Aerial Fire Fighting Company or Specialist? Then be one of the first to discover SKY COMMANDER the “World’s 1st Mission-Critical Management System” developed to streamline the work flow of Aerial Fire Fighters. See action movie at (11-11)

Are You An Oil Platform / Energy Company or Specialist? Then be one of the first to discover SKY COMMANDER the “World’s 1st Mission-Critical Management System” developed to streamline the work flow energy companies. See action movie at (11-11)


June 2009

Are You An Air Medical Company or Specialist? Then be one of the first to discover SKY COMMANDER the “World’s 1st Mission-Critical Management System” developed to streamline the work flow of Air Medical companies. See action movie at (11-11)

Bubble covers, Engine covers, Blade tie-downs, engine plugs & blade covers at Bruce’s Custom Covers, 408-738-3959, bruce@aircraftcovers. com tfn

VoluMe 10, JuNe 2009 This edition mailed on: May 26, 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

Hydra Super Mile with very little use. This item has a very competive price and is ready to ship. It may be viewed at, click on the specials or contact us at info@ tfn

Are You An Air Cargo Transportation Company or Specialist? Then be one of the first to discover SKY COMMANDER the “World’s 1st Mission-Critical Management System” developed to streamline the work flow of air cargo companies. See action movie at (11-11)

This edition mailed on: July 24, 2009


Falcon Insurance is spreading the wings of insurance protection to helicopter owners and operators with the largest independantly owned insurance specialists in the country. We are dedicated to serving you. TFN Specializing in placing aviation/helicopter insurance. We have access to all markets, domestic and overseas. Your inquiries are appreciated. Phone: 562-492-1217 Fax: 562-492-1147 Cell Phone 562-756-8685 E-mail: Clemens Meuleman/CFM Aviation Insurance (11-11) Mid-Continent Aircraft Insurance Brokers - Over 61 years Risk Management Experience for Professional Operators. 800-325-0885, e-mail: Sharon/Laura (11-11)



Are You A Search & Rescue Company or Specialist? Then be one of the first to discover SKY COMMANDER the “World’s 1st Mission-Critical Management System” developed to streamline the work flow of SAR companies. See action movie at (11-11)

Helicopter Dolly, manufactured by Mohawk Northwest Inc. This dolly is set up to fit Multiple aircraft and can be viewed at tradewindinternational. com, just click on specials or contact us at info@ tfn

VoluMe 10, AuGuST 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace


Doctor’s Orders: A pilot’s vacation home with a pilot discount! St. George Island, Florida. Directly on private beach with expansive views of the Gulf of Mexico, three levels of covered furnished decks. Spacious open living/dining/kitchen area. Five bedrooms including two master suites and four baths, multiple TVs/DVDs/VCRs/wireless Internet. Occupancy 12, beds: three kings, four twins, one queen sleeper sofa. Under-house concrete parking, 15’ x 30’ pool (heated for a fee), enclosed hot/cold outdoor shower, fish cleaning area, park-style grill. Paved 3339’ airport on island (F47) a quarter mile from the house. Ask for “pilot’s discount” Major discounts for Spring and Fall! Visit for photos, 877.272.8206. The Helicopter Newspaper “Endorsed”. ( T F N ) LOT FOR SALE: One-acre-square house lot, Plane Living Sky Park, 2,000 s.f., all-brick, covenants, 5 miles west of I-75, Exit 142, Public water, septic sewer. paved streets, curb and gutter, street lights. Lot is one of 13 directly on new sod runway, Google It! (Google photo before development). South side of Hwy 96 at 50 Lane Rd., Fort Valley, Georgia 31030, Save thousands and buy from owner. 478.987.2250 (tfn) Beautiful 2.73 ac wooded lot in upscale Pine Ridge Equestrian Estates, located in Citrus County, Florida only five miles from Crystal River. Covenants, 27 miles of horse trails, community center, pool and golf course. Nicer homes and mini-ranchettes. Zoning allows up to three horses and stables permitted on lot with your house. Horse trail borders back end of lot that is 298’ wide and 400’ deep on 3620 Stirrup Drive, Beverly Hills, Florida (Google it!). Public water and septic sewer. $64,900 Contact Bill Lavender 888-987-2250 (tfn)

parts The only FAA-PMA certified TT Straps for all JetRanger; LongRanger, & OH-58 . $ave thousands over factory prices. In stock. Call today for overnight shipping. 440-632-1687 11-11 UNIVERSAL TURBINE PARTS, INC. Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Parts, Accessories. Overhauled & Serviceable. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call for Fax for a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: thn Fuel cell repair or replacement for all makes & models–FAA approved commercial crash resistant construction, flexible bladder nitrile rubber construction, all construction TSO-C80 certified, 2-year warranty. Contact Floats & Fuel Cells at 901-842-7110, tfn Bell Helicopter Tailbooms For Sale. 205/212/412 to 206B/L series and 407. Sold with Transport Canada Form 1 Certification, overhauled using Bell CSF Approved Jigs to ensure Structural Compliance for alignment. CHS, Mike Duck, Phone: 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, TFN

Parting out Bell 212 and 206 Fuselages, many parts available. Please phone or Fax your requests. CHS, Mike Duck, Phone: 604-533-1148, Fax: 604533-1517, E-mail: TFN

Hiller parts. We have a small stock of new Hiller parts. Check with us often. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-12)

UH-1H Composite main rotor blades for sale P/N 205-015-150-101 and main rotor blades B model P/N 204-011-001-015. Tail rotor blades Van Horn Aviation P/N 2042200-101 for the H and B models and for the 206 P/N 2062200-101. Call Pablo at HeliBlade, Inc. 530-365-1278 TFN

Eurocopter parts. We have purchased several inventories of new parts and are ready to serve you. Contact us, or search our web site for the parts you need. Preferred Airparts, 800-4330814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-12)

NEW Tail Rotor Blades for UH-1H–FAA STC/PMA SR02051LA, Carbon Fiber construction, 2400 hr service life, competitive pricing. Van Horn Aviation LLC, 480-483-4202, tfh

Sikorsky parts. We have a growing stock of new Sikorsky parts. We can often save you time and money. Contact us or check stock on our web site. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12)

Parting out a 1995 Schweizer 300CB, drive train/ power train & many more parts. Pls. contact Ken 850-763-9000 Fax 850-763-8712 or email tfn Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, accessory parts for just about everything. Big discounts! 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12) MD Helicopter parts. We have a few new MD Helicopter parts. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12) Hughes parts. We have some new Hughes parts at big discounts. Preferred Airparts, 800-4330814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-12)

Enstrom parts. We have a small stock of new Enstrom parts. Check with us often. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-12) Bell parts. We have a nice stock of new parts for Bell 47, 206 and others. It’s worth the effort to check with us, or search our web site for your part numbers. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. (02-12)




AirAg E-Series

Integrated Flight Guidance Instrument (IFGI) & embedded Processor


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DynaGrip Control

Entire system weighs less than 7 pounds (3 kilograms)

ENSTROM PARTS, SALES & SERVICE Huge parts inventory, 20 yrs exp., loaner tools. AOG same day shipping a specialty, full time factory trained A&P parts man on staff. Get service advice with your parts. A.O.G. and Exports Sales New Garden Aviation, Ask for Tom 610-268-2048 Fax 610268-0342 (11-11) Y

5:10:03 PM

Integrated Flight Guidance Instrument (IFGI)

DynaGrip Control

Entire system weighs less than 10 pounds (6 kilograms)

GPS Systems for Aerial Applicators & Seismic Operators

DynaNav Systems Inc. Toll Free 1-877-333-9626 E-mail: November 2011


UH-1 Overhauled Components available exchange or outright; 204-012-101-141 M/R hub, 204040-016-5 Transmission, 204-011-400-11 Swashplate & Support assy., 204-011-401-11 Scissors & Sleeve assy, 205-040-263-111 Input Quill, 205-040-200-1 gen. Offset Quill, (4) 204040-600-11 Hanger assy., 204-040-003-37 gear box 42, 204-040-012-13 gear box 90. Pac West Helicopters CRS PW6R1161J Tel/530-241-2402 “e” (11-11) New STC Tail Rotor Blades, Part No. 204-2200101 for 204 UH-1 heliopters from Van Horn Aviaiton LLC. Contact HeliBlade Inc. Distributor & Service Center for these new and improved composite tail rotors 530-365-1278 TFN

services Penderson Powder coating. Custom Colors and two tone available. For more information Call 706-604-4934 12-11 UNIVERSAL TURBINE PARTS, INC. Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Engines & Accessories. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call for Fax for a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-3610290 E-MAIL: TFN Support the helicopter industry...Become a member of HAI! Call 800-435-4976 or 703-683-4646, Email, or visit (tfn)) Floats & Fuel Cells–your N. American Eurocopter authorized repair facility with comprehensive repair capabilities for all makes & models, available for 24/7 shipping. FAA repair staion no. TH4R544M. 901-842-7110, tfn

COMPONENT OVERHAULS / PART SALES, Approved Bell 206,407, 429,430. Eurocopter EC120,AS350/355. Agusta A109,A119,AW139. MD369,500N,MD900 CSF’s. Discounts on Parts, Dedicated Quality Customer Service. Contact Tom Sullivan @ Sterling Helicopter 215-271-2510/ Fax 215-788-7319 & tom@sterlinghelicopter. com (11-11) HELICOPTER EXPORT / IMPORT, Transport Anywhere, Pre-Buys and Recovery Service. Contact Tom at Sterling Helicopter 215-271-2510 /Fax 215788-7319 > (11-11) Bell Helicopter Importations and Exports, Pre Buy Inspections, as well as Helicopter Appraisals. . Contact: CHS. Mike Duck, Phone: 604533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, E-mail: mike@ TFN Rotor blade repairs by HeliBlade, Inc. a FAA Repair Station. Contact Pablo Martinez at 530365-1278 TFN CHS - your complete Bell Helicopter Repair and Overhaul Facility, supporting only Bell Helicopter Products from Component Overhauls to Major Inspections. CHS puts quality first. CHS #9-5225 216th Street Langley, B.C. V2Y 2N3 Transport Canada AMO#.137-96 and EASA.145.7112 604-533-1148 Fax: 604-533-1517 TFN Bell Helicopter Commercial and UH-1 Component Overhauls. 205/212/412/206B/L Series and 407. Quality Services, Competitive Pricing with Technical staff, specializing only in Bell Products. Contact: CHS, Mike Duck, Phone: 604-533-1148, Fax: 604533-1517, E-mail: TFN

Classified Advertising Order Form Use this form to submit your classified ad. Please print carefully, using one (1) letter, punctuation mark or space per box. Send the form along with payment information. or Fax to 478-987-1836

November 2011

Classified Rates: $35.00 USD–includes photo of helicopter for sale & posting on the Internet. Company Name __________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________ Tel #______________________________ Fax #__________________________________ Email ___________________________________________

q Visa q MasterCard Credit Card No. ___________________________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________________ *Security Code ________________________ Card Holder’s Name _____________________________________________________________________

* The Security Code is a 3 digit number found on the back of your credit card. It’s located after the printed card number.

Signature _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Helicopter Newspaper, P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA USA 31069 • Tel 478-988-0787 • Fax 478-987-1836 • 22

Specializing in Bell Helicopter Commercial and UH-1 Tailboom Overhauls. 205/212/412 Tailbooms, 206B/L and 407 overhauled using Bell Approved Jigs. Tailbooms overhauled to Bell Specifications. Certification provided Transport Canada Form 1. Mike Duck, 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, TFN Specializing in Bell Helicopter Commercial and UH-1 Air Frame Completions/Refurbishments. Authorized Bell Helicopter Textron Customer Service Facility, specializing in Models 205/212/412, 206 Series, 407s. Quality Services, Competitive Pricing with Technical staff specializing only in Bell Products. CHS, Mike Duck, 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, TFN

schools / training BLUE HILL HELICOPTERS, Norwood MA. Part 141 approved Flight Training, Photo Flights, Helicopter Sales/Services, Helicopter Tours. For more details, please visit our website: www.bluehillhelicopters. com, Contact us at, (800)-670-4162 Come Fly With Us! T F N Helicopter Training in Hawaii. Excellence in Flight Training at Mauna Loa Helicopters on Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island. Come fly with us in the best weather in the US. MLH offers: PVT, COM, IFR, CFI, CFII, ATP, FAA certified FLY-IT simulator, mountain course, external load training, and now offering fixed wing training. MLH is 141 certified, and VA approved. Student financing / student housing / college degree programs / International flight training / accelerated programs available. Call (808) 334-0234 or email info@ TFN

Helicopter Instruction: Training in R-44 Raven for private, instrument, commercial and solo time building. Block rates start at $299 wet. Kissimmee Airport near Orlando attractions. Call Thom at 407-973-9347 or visit t f n Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Sarasota and Lakeland. Come fly with us - we offer training & tours. Authorized Robinson sales & service. Call: Sarasota: 941-335-1258 or Lakeland: 941-355-1259 TFN


wanted UNIVERSAL TURBINE PARTS, INC. We buy Turbine Aircraft Engines & Inventory. All conditions. Call or Fax for a Quote 334-361-7853; fax 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: TFN Parts Wanted Bell 206 B&L, 204, 205, 212, 214 , MD, Eurocopter, & Allison. Looking for R/B, W/S, Duals etc. kits and parts. We buy inventories or By The Piece. Call Tradewind Int’l. 800-585-7004, 608-756-3632. info@ TFN Helicopter Operators can calculate your breakeven, % investment return, profit potential, and produce annual & monthly cash flows. Project your financials without spending hours of your time. All reports are produced automatically and accurately after you provide your inputs. Types of analyses performed include: Company/Individual Ownership, Managed with/without Leaseback, Commercial Operation, Agricultural/Fire/Ambulance Operations, Joint Ownership, Fractional Ownership, and Charter/ Rental. Helicopter sales organizations can provide your prospects with customized & professional ownership cost analysis. This program is a great sales aid and management tool. FREE sample reports. Click REQUEST INFORMATION on the website or call 281-419-7443 (tfn)

Get your helicopter sold today Advertise in The Helicopter Newspaper Today Only $35

313 Detroit, MI 314 Missouri 315 New York 316 Kansas 317 Indiana 318 Louisiana 319 Iowa 320 Minnesota 323 California 330 Ohio 331 Illinois 334 Alabama 336 North Carolina 337 Louisiana 341 California 347 New York 352 Florida 360 Washington 361 Texas 401 Rhode Island 402 Nebraska 403 Alberta, Canada 404 Atlanta, GA 405 Oklahoma 406 Montana 407 Florida 408 California 409 Texas 410 Maryland 412 Pittsburgh, PA 413 Massachusetts 414 Wisconsin 415 San Francisco, CA 416 Ontario, Canada 417 Missouri 418 Quebec, Canada 419 Ohio 423 Tennessee 424 California 425 Washington 435 Utah 440 Ohio 442 California 443 Maryland 450 Quebec, Canada 464 Illinois

AvidAir..........................................8 Blue Hill Helicopters............... 15

DynaNav................................... 21 Falcon Insurance...................... 13 Floats & Fuel Cells................... 24 FL Sun Coast............................. 15

Make life easier - or at least make your engine and aircraft inspections easier using a flexible borescope from Machida, Inc. Call: 800-431-5420 or (03-12)

614 Ohio 615 Tennessee 616 Michigan 617 Massachusetts 618 Illinois 619 San Diego, CA 623 Arizona 626 California 628 California 630 Illinois 631 New York 636 Missouri 646 New York 647 Ontario, Canada 650 California 651 Minnesota 657 California 660 Missouri 661 California 662 Mississippi 669 California 678 Georgia 679 Michigan 701 North Dakota 702 Nevada 703 Virginia 704 North Carolina 705 Ontario, Canada 706 Georgia 707 California 708 Chicago, IL 709 Newfoundland, 712 Iowa 713 Houston, TX 714 California 715 Wisconsin 716 New York 717 Pennsylvania 718 New York City, NY 719 Colorado 720 Colorado 724 Pennsylvania 727 Florida 732 New Jersey 734 Michigan 740 Ohio

AgNav Inc....................................3

Canadian Heli Structures....... 19


469 Texas 478 Georgia 480 Arizona 484 Pennsylvania 501 Arkansas 502 Kentucky 503 Oregon 504 Louisiana 505 New Mexico 506 New Bruns, Can. 507 Minnesota 508 Massachusetts 509 Washington 510 California 512 Texas 513 Ohio 514 Quebec, Canada 515 Iowa 516 New York 517 Michigan 518 New York 519 Ontario, Canada 520 Arizona 530 California 540 Virginia 541 Oregon 559 California 561 Florida 562 California 564 Washington 570 Pennsylvania 571 Virginia 573 Missouri 580 Oklahoma 586 Michigan 601 Mississippi 602 Phoenix, Arizona 603 New Hampshire 604 British Col, Can. 605 South Dakota 606 Kentucky 607 New York 608 Wisconsin 609 New Jersey 612 Minnesota 613 Ontario, Canada

Action Aircraft Parts..................8

Bruce’s Custom Covers..............6

FlyIt Simulators............................5 HAI..............................................11

U.S. & Canada Telephone Area Codes 201 New Jersey 202 Washington, DC 203 Connecticut 204 Manitoba, Canada 205 Alabama 206 Washington 207 Maine 208 Idaho 209 California 210 Texas 212 New York City, NY 213 Los Angeles, CA 214 Dallas, TX 215 Pennsylvania 216 Ohio 217 Illinois 218 Minnesota 219 Indiana 224 Illinois 225 Louisiana 228 Mississippi 229 Georgia 231 Michigan 240 Maryland 248 Michigan 250 British Col, Can. 252 North Carolina 253 Washington 254 Texas 256 Alabama 262 Wisconsin 267 Pennsylvania 270 Kentucky 278 Michigan 281 Texas 301 Maryland 302 Delaware 303 Colorado 304 West Virginia 305 Miami, FL 306 Sask, Can. 307 Wyoming 308 Nebraska 309 Illinois 310 Long Beach, CA 312 Chicago, IL

Advertisers Index

747 California 752 California 757 Virginia 760 California 763 Minnesota 764 California 765 Indiana 770 Georgia 773 Illinois 775 Nevada 780 Alberta, Canada 781 New Hampshire 785 Kansas 786 Florida 792 Texas 801 Utah 802 Vermont 803 South Carolina 804 Virginia 805 California 806 Texas 807 Ontario, Canada 808 Hawaii 809 Caribbean Islands 810 Michigan 812 Indiana 813 Florida 814 Pennsylvania 815 Illinois 816 Missouri 817 Texas 818 California 819 Quebec, Canada 828 North Carolina 830 Texas 831 California 832 Texas 843 South Carolina 845 New York 847 Illinois 850 Florida 856 New Jersey 858 California 859 Kentucky 860 Connecticut 863 Florida 864 South Carolina

865 Tennessee 870 Arkansas 872 Illinois 901 Tennessee 902 Nova Scotia, Can 903 Texas 904 Florida 905 Mexico City, Mx 906 Michigan 907 Alaska 908 New Jersey 909 California 910 North Carolina 912 Georgia 913 Kansas 914 New York 915 Texas 916 California 917 New York 918 Oklahoma 919 North Carolina 920 Wisconsin 925 California 931 Tennessee 935 California 936 Texas 937 Ohio 940 Texas 941 Florida 947 Mississippi 949 California 951 California 952 Minnesota 954 Florida 956 Texas 970 Colorado 971 Oregon 972 Texas 973 New Jersey 978 Massachusetts 979 Texas 980 North Carolina 989 Michigan 998 California

Heli-Tech.................................... 22 HeliBlade......................................7 HEROs...........................................9 HW Farren................................ 21 Isolair ........................................ 10 Kissimmee Helicopters........... 15 Machida Borescopes..................4 Mauna Loa Helicopters.......... 15 Preferred Airparts.................... 14 Tradewind Int’l............................7 Universal Turbine Parts.............2 Van Horn Aviation................... 19

November 2011



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