The Helis Foundation
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
on the cover: Rhenda Saporito, Cigars on the Beach, mixed media on canvas, 67 x 71 inches 2
letter from the director
Louisi a n a Con te m p o rar y Pre s e nt e d b y The H e l is Fo u n dat io n is a s tatewide, ju ried exhib it i o n o rga n i z ed b y th e O g d e n M u se u m of Sou thern Art. E s ta bl is hed in 2012, this a nnual e v e n t pro mo t e s c o n t e m p o rary art p ractices in the s tate of Lou is ia n a , p rovides exhib it i o n s pa c e f o r th e ex p o si t i o n o f l i v i ng a rtis ts ’ work , a n d en g a g es a con temp ora ry a ud ienc e t h at re c o g n i ze s t h e v i b rant v i su al c u l tu re of Lou is ia n a a n d the rol e of N ew Orlea ns a s a r i s i n g i nte rn at i o nal art c e n t e r. Wil lia m Pitt ma n A n d rew s Execu t iv e Dire c t o r, O g d en M u seu m of Sou the r n Art
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Sa ra h A ma c ker
David Arme n t or
Sanctuary, 2017, mixed media, 30 x 30 inches
New Orleans Color Study 1, 2017, photography, 32 x 40 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Lui s C r u z A z a c eta DO NOT KILL HERE ANY TIME FROM 12AM TO 12PM, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 96 x 96 inches 5
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Bri a n B a r b ier i Alli, 2016, gelatin silver fiber based paper, 8 x 10 inches
Ruth, 2017, gelatin silver fiber based paper, 8 x 10 inches
Paul, 2015, gelatin silver fiber based paper, 8 x 10 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Pe t e r B a r n i tz
Aron Be lka
The Wall: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors, 2017, gold leaf, mixed media, acrylic, plywood , 9 x 54 inches
George, 2017, oil on canvas, 72 x 72 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Th om B e n n ett
Empt y S i g n #1 , 2 0 1 7 , insta n t ph o t o gra ph , 4 . 2 5 x 3. 5 inc h e s
E m p t y S i g n # 2 , 2017, i ns tant p h o t o g ra p h, 4. 25 x 3.5 inches
Em p t y Sig n #3 , 2017, in s ta n t p hotog ra p h, 4. 25 x 3. 5 in ches
Empt y S i g n #4 , 2 0 1 7 , insta n t ph o t o gra ph , 4 . 2 5 x 3. 5 inc h e s
E m p t y S i g n # 5 , 2017, i ns tant p h o t o g ra p h, 4. 25 x 3.5 inches
Em p t y Sig n #6 , 2017, in s ta n t p hotog ra p h, 4. 25 x 3. 5 in ches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
M i c h ele B l ev i ns Egret, 2017, acrylic paint and gel medium on canvas, 20 x 30 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
L i l y B ro o ks Bonnet CarrĂŠ Spillway (River Side), 2016, archiv al pigment print, 30 x 24 inch e s
Levee, New Orleans East, 2015, archival pigment print, 24 x 30 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
A nd rea B ro w n
Nesting Boxes, 2017, found objects, 48 x 48 inches
Lau rie A lan Brown e Angola Funeral: I’m Going Home, 2015, acrylic and ink on canvas, 16 x 20 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
C+J Crescent, 2016, archival pigment print, 30 x 56 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
E l i se o Cas i a n o Neon moon, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 48 inches
White Nationalist Hulk, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 48 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Ti m Ca v n ar
Aaron Collie r
Marais & Congress, 2016, oil on panel, 48 x 48 inches
A Certain Uncertainty, 2016, Flashe on canvas, shelf, owl decoy, 54 x 60 x 12 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
A ni t a Co o ke
Dean Dablow
Strata (Undercurrent), 2016, canvas, acrylic paint, thread, 48 x 36 inches
Sea and Sky with Green Horizon, 2016, acrylic and graphite on wood panel, 36 x 45 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
M i c h elle D a s h ev
Thomas Deat on
The Tradition #3, 2017, oil on canvas, 72 x 60 inches
Sleeping Sickness, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 48 x 36 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
C h a n c e D ev i lle Repression Backfires; You Can’t Hide This Anymore, 2017, archival pigment print, 18 x 24 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
A m y Dia z Support Local Music, 2016, color giclĂŠe, 16 x 20 inches
Friday Night at the Dew Drop, 2016, color giclĂŠe, 16 x 20 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
K ri sten D o w n i ng
Michae l Eble
Baby Dolls, 2017, acrylic and paint marker on canvas, 48 x 60 inches
Coastal Landscape Right, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 36 x 48 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Ja m e s F l y n n Portable Monument to Harriet Tubman, American Hero, 2016, acrylic on wood panel, steel, wood bowl, dyed cloth cord, electric light, 50 x 120 x 18 inches 20
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Da vi d G amble Not Lolita, 2017, archival print from ink on paper, 40 x 30 inches
Welcome to Amerussca, 2017, archival print, 40 x 30 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
M i t c h ell G au det Ecstasy, 2016, cast glass, found statue, steel, 96 x 60 x 36 inches
2015 Murder Rate, 2015, steel, cast glass, toy gun, 84 x 48 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
M a j a G e o rg io u Julian and Avery in the Forest. Avery Island. 2017, 2017, archival pigment print on fine art paper, 50 x 40 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Sp e n c e r G rego r y Color in the Lines #5, 2017, Epson UltraChrome K3 ink, 18 x 12 inches
Color in the Lines #6, 2017, Epson UltraChrome K3 ink, 18 x 12 inches
Color in the Lines #7, 2017, Epson UltraChrome K3 ink, 18 x 12 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
L . Ka s imu Ha r ris A Blackness Continuum (Henry Glover), 2016, digital photography, 24 x 36 inches
A Blackness Continuum (Jimmie Lee Jackson), 2016, digital photography, 24 x 36 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Ja m e s H en der so n
An a He rn an de z
She Had A Plan, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 36 x 36 inches
The Barnett, 2017, acrylic, latex, gouache, charcoal, nails on wood panel, 14 x 14 x 2.5 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
M i ro H o ff ma n
St e phan Hoffpau ir
Crisp Farms Satellite, 9th Ward New Orleans, 2016, acrylic on panel, 36 x 60 inches
Rainbow, 2016, watercolor on paper, 31.5 x 43.5 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Pe t e r H o r ju s
St e phe n Hos kin s
GW, A Series of Men #5, 2017, cotton blend used mens’ shirts, cotton fabric, cotton cloth, cotton batting, cotton thread, 80 x 75 inches
Mother I, 2017, gouache and colored pencil on paper, 29 x 21.5 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
De b ra Ho w e ll
Rob Hu dak
Descriptio, 2017, lightjet print mounted on sintra and mattelaminated, 36 x 36 inches
Professor Longhair at Piano, 2016, ink on paper, 59 x 43 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Susan I re la n d
Ru s h Jagoe
Suburban Homes, 2016, enamels, thread and found photos on reproduced poster, 23 x 26 inches
Warren Delacroix Sr. , 2017, archival giclee, 20 x 13.5 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Ja so n Ker z i n s ki
Kris t in a Kn ipe
Mary, 2017, 35mm photograph, 8.5 x 11 inches
Backyard Tableau, 2016, archival inkjet print, 36 x 44 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Th e res e K n o w les Message in the Bottle, 2017, clay and found objects, 12 x 12 x 16 inches
Hope, 2017, clay, 10 x 10 x 14 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
D. L a mmie- Ha nso n
C raig Le Blan c
Portrait of His Beautiful Blackness, 2017, silverpoint on charcoal-covered paper, 27.5 x 19. 5 inches
Shades of Red, 2015, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Log a n Ledf o rd ‘Do Whatcha Wanna’ #1, 2017, acrylic paint on cotton stretched canvas, 36 x 36 inches 34
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Ro b y n LeRo y - Eva ns I will go to the places that scare me (red woman no. 1), 2016, archival pigment print, 12 x 18 inches
I will go to the places that scare me (red woman no. 2), 2016, archival pigment print, 12 x 18 inches
I will go to the places that scare me (red woman no. 3), 2016, archival pigment print, 12 x 18 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
C h a r l es Lo v e ll Lee Watches Zulu II, 2017, archival pigment print, 20 x 24 inches
Jon at han "Fe ral Opos s u m" Maye rs La Chousse verte sur la bordure du bayou des Acadiens, 2017, Acrylic and Bayou des Acadiens sediment on panel, 29.75 x 41.75 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Re b e c c a M c G ir ney
Kat ie McMu llin
God Hates Flags, 2017, archival pigment print, 14 x 11 inches
Pan and Almond Tree, 2017, oil on canvas, 66 x 36 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
K ri stin M e y e r s Bone Shepard, 2017, mixed media, 25 x 22 x 13 inches 38
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Ti -Ro c k M o o re Vile, 2016, neon, 48 x 30 inches
Cracka Please, 2015, mixed media, 72 x 36 x 36 inches
'Merica, 2016, mixed media, 72 x 36 x 36 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Sa ra h N els o n Two Lo ts Le ft, 2 0 1 6, o i l o n w o o d p ane l , 2 4 x 48 in ches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Da l e N ew k ir k
Je s s ica Normin gt on
Trump2, 2017, pigmented ink and spray paint on canvas mounted on panel, 33 x 40 inches
Angelic Slough, 2015, woodcut, frottage, graphite, charcoal, Acrylic on rice paper, 87 x 72 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Ka re n O c ke r
C hris Pavlik
Read, 2016, oil on plywood, 9.5 x 9.5 inches, on loan from the private collection of Jennifer Turner
On the Path Beyond My Old House, 2017, acrylic on YUPO synthetic paper, 60 x 40 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Tre n t Pe c h o n
Carol Pe e ble s
Double Standard s, 2017, broom, newspaper, and mixed media, 62.5 x 31 x 4.5 inches
Phil Sandusky, 2017, pastel on paper, 24 x 20 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
M a ri n a Reed Longue Vue Gardens, 2016, watercolor on paper, 14 x 11 inches 44
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
De vi n Rey n o lds
Jacqu e lin e Roche
The Mega Blow Out, All Sales Final, Liquidation, 2015, acrylic and spray paint on wood and metal, 98 x 180 inches
(Pete’s) Routine, 2017, oil on canvas, 48 x 36 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
He rb Ro e Allons aller chez nos voisins, 2017, oil on canvas, 24 x 18 inches
Lourd est la tete, 2017, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
N at a s h a S a n c h ez Cypress Branch, Ancient Algiers, 2016, RC photo paper, cypress branch, the sun, 11 x 14 inches
Cypress Knees & Stars, Ancient Algiers, 2016, RC photo paper, cypress wood and leaves, metallic stars, the sun, 5 x 7 inches
Cypress Tree, Ancient Algiers, 2016, RC photo paper, cypress wood and leaves, the sun, 5 x 7 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Ro b e rt S an to p a dre
Rhe n da S aporit o
Reflection Parlor at Preservation Hall, 2017, oil on canvas, 30 x 48 inches
Cigars on the Beach, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 67 x 71 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Rya n S art i n
C hris t ophe r S au ce do
PALMETTOS AND ANCESTORS, 2017, acrylic and palm ash on canvas and upholstory, 72 x 49 inches
Water Bottle Buoy, 2016, polystyrene, rope, steel, stone and wood, dimensions variable
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
G ra n t S c h exn ider Gin & Tonic, 2017, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches
The Sazerac Sazerac, 2017, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Vi t us S h ell
Jos e ph S h ore s
Targeted, 2016, acrylic, collage, and foamcut print on canvas, 72 x 68 inches
Rodrigue's One and Only Blue Cat, 2017, acrylic on panel, 40 x 30 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
J ul i e S ilv e r s
Abigail S mit hs on
Bette, 2017, ceramic and mixed media, 12 x 6 inches
Records of Hope and Loss, 2017, basketball nets and thread, 96 x 144 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Ba rry S o n s
Brian St Cyr
Bond to a Memory, 2017, oil, charcoal, oil pastel, graphite on canvas, 40 x 30 inches
The Banality of Evil, 2017, plexiglass, paint, wood, custom bottle, 40 x 40 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
J e ss i c a Strah a n
An dre w Mich ae l St u bbs
Blow Pop, 2017, acrylic on wood, 48 x 36 inches
National Television, 2017, mixed media, 48 x 54 x 36 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
M e l i s s a Ta y l o r Fireflies on the River, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 20 x 20 inches
Crawfish Boil at Mals, 2017, acrylic and newspaper on canvas, 20 x 20 inches
Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation
Ol i vi er Th e lin
Jos e Torre s -Tama
L’Adorazione Dei Coacci, 2017, acrylic on panel, 51 x 32 inches
No Papers! No Fear!, 2015, pastels on arches paper with conte chalks, steel plates and magnet letters, 44 x 34 inches
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
M i g u e l Viter i Addenda (Portrait of Maria Asteria), 2017, oil on canvas, oil on paper, oil on panel board, 32 x 42 inches, 15 x 15 inches, 30 x 1 5 inches
Summertime , 2015, oil on canvas, 60 x 48 inches
Vi nc en te We ber
J. Carolin e You n gblood
Sunset, 2017, 35mm photograph on photo paper and acetate paper, 16 x 20 inches
Carrie Jo Eating Fried Chicken in Group Seated in front of Cotton Field, 2016, handwritten letter, charcoal, and oil on canvas, 40 x 48 inches
Lub a Zy ga rew icz Nesting Flight (A Thousand Wishes), 2017, emptied tea bags, pins, ink, paper with hand written wishes, 144 x 58 inches 59
about the juror Shantrelle P. Lewis
A native of New Orleans, Shantrelle P. Lewis is a 2014 United Nations Programme for People of African Descent Fellow and 2012-13 Andy Warhol Curatorial Fellow. She is a U.S. based curator and researcher who travels internationally researching Diasporic aesthetics, spirituality and the survival and nuances of Transnational African Diasporan communities. Her traveling curatorial initiative The Dandy Lion Project, examines Global Black Dandyism through photography and film. Other exhibitions and projects, including Sex Crimes Against Black Girls, Dirty Sensibilities: A 21st Century Exploration of the New American Black South, Life After Death: A Multi-Media Analysis of the Persona That Is/Was Fela Anikulapo-Kuti and Standing With Papa Legba: Vodou at the Crossroads, have been on view in institutions throughout the U.S. and Europe. She served as co-curator for the 2016 Brighton Photo Biennial (UK) and independently curated exhibitions for the Museum of Contemporary Photography (Chicago); Lowe Art Museum (Miami); Museum of Contemporary Diasporan Arts (Brooklyn); Museum of the African Diaspora (San Francisco); and Silver Eye Center for Photography and Film (Pittsburgh). Her career in arts administration began at the African American Museum in Philadelphia, and she later served as Director and Curator for the McKenna Museum (New Orleans) and the Director of Exhibitions and Public Programming at the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute (New York). She has worked with over a hundred contemporary artists globally including Amy Sherald, Fahamu Pecou, Radcliffe Roye, Xenobia Bailey, Russell K. Frederick, Allison Janae Hamilton, Firelei Baez, Adrian Viajero Roman, Hebru Brantley, Charl Landvreugd, Elizabeth Colomba, Terence Nance, Numa Perrier, Alexis Peskine, Laylah Amatullah Barrayn, Marilyn Nance and Adama Delphine Fawundu. Additionally, Lewis was awarded residencies at Open Ateliers Zuidoost (Netherlands) and Ateliers ’89 (Aruba). She was the guest editor for HYCIDE: The Art Issue and has written for Slate, NKA: Journal for Contemporary African Art, Art Papers, Prospect.3, AFROPUNK and How We Get To Next. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, BBC, New York Magazine, The Art Newspaper, Art Net and Huffingtonpost. Since 2011, Shantrelle has been immersed in researching ties between the Dutch Caribbean and the African Diaspora at-large. Currently, she is directing and producing, The Black Dutchman, a documentary about the Dutch blackface tradition, Zwarte Piet, and Black identity in the Netherlands, for which she received a 2015 Kindle Project Award. An excerpt of the film was included in ReSignifications exhibition curated by Awam Amkpa in Florence, Italy in collaboration with Black Portraiture[s]. Lewis was recently named co-curator of the 2017 international Read My World Festival (Amsterdam) and recently published her first title, Dandy Lion: The Black Dandy and Street Style.
in appreciation
The Ogden Museum of Southern Art is grateful to these supporters for making Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation possible*: Presenting Sponsor: The Helis Foundation
Supporting Sponsor: Regions Bank Host Committee: Vivian and Richard Cahn Dale R. Fleishmann Shirley R. Masinter in memory of David F. Bradley Roger H. Ogden and Kenneth Barnes Peter Politzer and Jane Murray
*List as of July 20, 2017 61