We look forward to welcoming you to our annual Autumn Show and Sale, where there will be a bounty of quality stock to select from. The breed continues to grow from strength to strength. With the support of linear classification and genomics, we can continue to breed effective adaptable animals whose traits are proven by the increase in the collection of robust data. This will further secure and enhance desirable qualities such as longevity, health, and efficiency – all traits that the Hereford is renowned for worldwide. Popularity and respect for the breed is continued to be made evident.
Benefits for members:
Support DNA testing pedigree identification disease services
Updates with the developments that may affect Management and regular Hereford shows & sales, annual Awards Collects and compiles available performance on Hereford Cattle
Whether you are a pedigree breeder, new or old or a commercial purchaser, we’d like to take the opportunity to thank you for your continued support and belief in the breed.
Paul Sneyd Director of Operations
Annual Breed Journal Collaborates with research wherever An online database facility
Access to premium
herefordcattle.org l 01432 272057 l hello@herefordcattle.org
To join the Hereford Cattle Society, email hello@herefordcattle.org
scan here
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First The highest bidder for a lot shall be the purchaser thereof, subject to the right of the auctioneer by whom the sale is conducted to refuse to accept any bidding if he thinks proper to do so and also subject as to every lot, to any reserved price that the vendor may have put on the lot. If in the opinion of the auctioneer any dispute shall arise as to the last or best bidding for any lot, the lot in dispute shall be put up again at the last undisputed bidding.
Second A person shall not retract a bidding and only bidding of one or more guineas will be accepted.
Third Every lot will be sold and must be taken by the purchaser with all faults and errors of description (if any) and from the fall of the hammer the lot shall be and remain at the purchaser’s risk; but no lot shall be removed from the sale premises until it has been paid for in cash nor without a pass from the secretary of the society or his clerk.
Fourth No set off nor any deduction against or from the purchase money of any lot will under any circumstances be recognised or allowed by the auctioneers.
Fifth Excepting in any case that may come within the terms of, and as is mentioned in, the proviso in this condition hereinafter contained, no warranty whatever will be given with, nor shall any warranty be implied with or in respect of any lot, nor shall any damages or compensation be payable to any purchaser in respect of any fault in any lot or any error of description (if any) of any lot. Provided nevertheless that this condition shall not extend (a) to any lots as to which a representation is expressly made by the owner and printed under the description of the lot in this catalogue that such lot is fertile or competent as a stock-getter, or to that effect, if such representation be inaccurate, nor (b) to any bull of 12 months old and over at the date of sale (see rule 9 of the society’s rules and regulations).
Six If any purchaser shall fail to comply with condition no. 2 hereof, the auctioneers shall be at liberty to re-sell the lot or lots bought by him or her by either public auction or private contract and the deficiency in price (if any) occasioned by such re-sale, together with all charges and expenses attending the same, and also all charges and expenses attending the keeping and maintenance of the lot or lots until re-sale, shall be made good and paid by the defaulter at the present sale: but, if there be any surplus upon any such re-sale, the defaulter shall not be entitled thereto.
Seventh The society’s rules and regulations, which will be on display at the sale, shall be deemed to be incorporated in and shall form part of these conditions of sale.
Halls Holding Ltd, Shrewsbury Auction Centre, Bowman Way, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 3DR
jonnyd@hallsgb.com 07803 412617 01743 462620
Facebook: Halls Livestock & Machinery Sales
+44(0)1432 272057
hello@herefordcattle.org www.herefordcattle.org
Judge: Steve Edwards, Cosby, Leicester
Chief steward: Scott Coates
Stewards: Caroline Davies, David Makin, Melissa Roberts and Mike Shaw
Female Champion (Classes 1, 2 & 3)Kew Trophy
Senior Male Champion (Classes 4 & 5) - Julius Meinl Trophy
Junior Male Champion (Classes 6, 7 & 8) - Harry Jones Trophy
Grand Male ChampionLeonardo Pereyra Trophy
Best Pair Exhibitor Bred Bulls - Atok Trophy
1st - £ 25:00 2nd - £ 20:00 3rd - £ 15:00 4th - £ 10:00 (Prize money will only be awarded in the case of animals sold)
The sale will be livestreamed with online bidding via Marteye.ie, make sure you register early, as registrations made after 10.00am on the day of sale cannot be guaranteed to be approved.
We very much look forward to welcoming all clients looking to conduct business on the day.
Jonny R Dymond BSc (Hons) FLAA
Sale rules: All entries will be sold under the Hereford Cattle Society rules and regulations which will be displayed at the time of sale.
After sales: Exhibitors are requested to note council’s instructions that any animal(s) sold outside the sale ring at the market must be booked through the auctioneers and the relevant commission paid.
Retesting: See notes on next page.
Show: Cattle will be shown in age order and within age categories.
All cattle entered for this sale will be accompanied by a completed sale animal health declaration card which will be on display alongside each entry.
The notes describing each animal included in their particulars and health declarations in the index have in all cases been supplied by the vendor. The society cannot accept any liability to the purchaser of any animal for any loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation arising from any details or instructions supplied by the vendor of that animal which are incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate or misleading in any way.
By completing an entry, the vendor consents that their details may be shared with the Hereford Cattle Society and Halls. A ‘customer’ is defined as a person who Halls does business with, and their information will be stored in our system in accordance with our data protection policy, which can be viewed on https://www.hallsgb.com/auctions/livestock-sales and shared with the Hereford Cattle Society.
Friday 11 October
2pm - All sale entries must be penned in Shrewsbury Auction Centre 2pm - Veterinary inspection and weighing of bulls will commence
Saturday 12 October
9.00am - Show
12.30 - Sale
The Hereford Cattle Society has adopted a policy of DNA testing all sale entries. Entries are DNA profiled, resulting in a sire verification (SV) or parentage verification (PV). All are tested free of the genetic defect hypotrichosis (hair disorder).
Should any further information be required please contact the society’s office.
Benefits for members:
Support DNA testing for pedigree identification and disease services
Updates with the latest developments and research that may affect Hereford Cattle Management and promotion of regular Hereford Cattle Society shows & sales, along with the annual Awards Dinner.
Collects and compiles available performance data on Hereford Cattle
Collaborates with academic research wherever possible
An online database search facility
Annual Breed Journal
Access to premium Beef Schemes
And much more...
Scan the QR Code to vist our new members page
1,357 Members
12 Associations & clubs
Dedicated support
Only Hereford group Breedplan EBVs or interim EBVs with accuracy (Acc) can be validly compared between herds.
Estimated breeding values (EBVS)
The EBV is the best estimate of an animal's genetic merit for that trait.
An accuracy value is presented with every EBV and gives an indication of the amount of information that has been used in the calculation of that EBV. The higher the accuracy the lower the likelihood of change in the animal's EBV as more information is analysed for that animal or it's relatives. Accuracy below 75% should be considered low.
Calving ease EBVs are based on calving difficulty scores, birth weights and gestation length information. More positive EBVs are favourable and indicate easier calving.
DIR: Direct calving ease indicates how this animal influences the birth of its progeny.
DTRS: Daughter’s calving ease indicates how well the animal produces daughters that have easier calving.
Birth and fertility
GL: Gestation length EBV (days) is based on AI records. Lower (negative) GL EBVs indicate shorter gestation lengths which generally relate to easier calving and increased growth after birth.
BWT: Birth weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for dam age. The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers.
SS: Scrotal size EBV (cm) is an indicator of male fertility in regards to semen quality and quantity. Higher (positive) EBVs indicate higher fertility. There is also a small negative correlation with age of puberty in female progeny.
MILK: 200-day milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animal's milking ability. For sires, this EBV is indicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it affects the 200-day weight of their calves.
200: 200-day growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 and 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for growth to early ages.
400: 400-day weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301 and 500 days of age, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for yearling weight.
600: 600-day weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age.
MWT: Mature cow weight EBV (kg) is an estimate of the genetic difference in cow weight at 5 years of age. Smaller, or more moderate EBVs are generally more favourable.
CWT: Carcase weight EBV (kg) estimates the genetic difference in carcase weight at a standard age of 650 days.
EMA: Eye muscle area EBV (cm2) estimates genetic differences in eye muscle area of a 300kg dressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate better muscling on animals.
FAT: Rib fat EBV (mm) estimates the genetic differences in fat depth at the rib in a 300kg dressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate more subcutaneous fat and earlier maturity.
RBY%: Retail beef yield percent EBV (%) represents total (boned out) meat yield as a percentage of a 300kg dressed carcase. A more positive EBV indicates higher percentage yield for the 300kg carcase size.
IMF%: Intra-muscular fat percent EBV (%) is an estimate of the genetic difference in the percentage of intra-muscular fat at the 12/13th rib site in a 300kg carcase. Depending on market targets, larger more positive values are generally more favourable.
Indexes combine the EBVs with economic information for specific market and production systems to rank animals based on relative profit values.
The Hereford terminal index is aimed at a commercial herd using Hereford bulls over dairy cross cows to breed steers and heifers to turn off at 16 months of age. All progeny are destined for slaughter and no replacement females are selected from within the herd. There is some emphasis on calving ease while finishing steers at around 600 kg live weight (330 kg carcase weight) using a pasture-based production system.
Use this index in a commercial herd to produce progeny for slaughter. The index has moderate emphasis on easier calving (i.e., getting a live calf with minimal human interference) while producing calves that will then grow quickly to market specifications at around 16 months of age. The index is focused on slaughter animals and does not account for maternal traits and is therefore not suited to breeding replacement females.
If you are using smaller framed cows or heifers in your herd, then you should also put extra emphasis on a higher calving ease direct EBV when selecting a sire using this index.
The Hereford self replacing index is aimed at a Hereford herd selecting replacement females from within the herd while breeding steers and excess heifers to turn off at 22 months of age. There is emphasis on calving ease and maternal traits while also looking to finish steers for slaughter at around 620 kg live weight (320 kg carcase weight) using a pasture-based production system supplemented with extra rations during the finishing phase.
This self replacing index is also suitable to using Hereford sires over mixed breed cows where replacement females are sourced from within the herd. There may be some hybrid vigour expressed in the progeny depending on the breed type of the cows used. Therefore, you should consider placing extra emphasis on the calving ease EBVs (more positive) of the sire to allow for possible heavier birth weights of his calves due to hybrid vigour.
Use this index in both commercial and pedigree herds where you are balancing the requirements of selecting replacement females while also producing animals for slaughter.
The Hereford group Breedplan estimated breeding values contained in this sale catalogue were compiled by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI) from data supplied by the breeders. Neither the Hereford Cattle Society nor the ABRI oversee or audit the collection of this data.
Hereford Cattle Society is offering a financial incentive to users of certified superior carcase sires. These are bulls which have been identified from their Breedplan records as having potential to produce improved carcase quality in their progeny.
Purchasers of a superior carcase sire will be eligible to claim £5 per calf on the progeny of the bullconfined to a maximum of 100 calves during a claim period of up to four years (three crops of calves) from the purchase date of the bull.
The incentive may only be claimed once in the bull’s life and is confined to the original purchaser.
Claims to be submitted by the owner of the bull at six monthly intervals for calves up to six months of age by 30 June and 31 December each year – no payments will be made in respect of any calf that is over six months of age at the time the claim is received.
All claims must be supported by an official list obtained by the owner of the bull from, in the case of England, Scotland and Wales – BCMS (British Cattle Movement Service) and in Northern Ireland – APHIS (Animal and Public Health Information Service).
Calves will be subject to a random DNA test for sire verification and checks will be made with the appropriate authorities that the bull was present on the farm at the time of conception of the calves.
Bulls qualifying for this incentive will be highlighted within the notes of the sale catalogue.
One of the key factors underpinning the accuracy of EBVs is the quantity of performance information recorded with Breedplan. ‘Completeness of performance’ assesses the quantity of pedigree and performance information submitted to Breedplan by an individual herd.
Star rating
The star rating for each herd is calculated based on the proportion of calves within the herd born in a fixed five year period which have been performance recorded for each trait. Different criteria are used within each individual breed depending on the traits for which EBVs are calculated within the breed. Each herd receives a star rating on a 0 – 5 scale (including half stars) that summarises the ‘completeness’ of their performance information.
Herds with a star rating of 5 are considered to be gold standard and are recording ‘complete’ performance information for all traits for which EBVs are available.
While ultimately EBV accuracy values provide an indication of the reliability an animal’s EBVs, the completeness of performance star rating provides both pedigree and commercial producers alike with an assessment of how much performance has been submitted to Breedplan by a herd when looking at the EBVs for animals within their herd.
Star Rating Description
4.0 or 4.5
Herds with a star rating of “5” are gold standard. They are considered to be recording “complete” performance information with BREEDPLAN for all animals across all traits for which EBVs are available.
Herds with a star rating of “4” or “4.5” are silver standard. They are considered to be recording comprehensive performance information with BREEDPLAN for most animals and traits, but are recording less performance than a 5 star herd.
3.0 or 3.5
2.5 or less
Herds with a star rating of “3” or “3.5” are considered bronze standard. They are considered to be recording performance information with BREEDPLAN for a reasonable number of traits or animals, but are recording less performance information than a 4 or 5 star herd.
Herds with a rating of “2.5” or less are recording information with BREEDPLAN but not for all animals or traits. They are recording less performance information than a 3, 4 or 5 star herd.
Important rule about buying and selling and risk status
It is important to remember that if an animal of a lower risk status level is added to your herd, if it is ever sold on from your holding it must be sold as its original risk level status (i.e. a risk level 3 animal added to a risk level 2 herd must remain as risk level 3 if sold again).
However, animals added from a higher risk level status herd to a lower risk level status herd take on the status of the herd that they are added to and must be sold as such (i.e. a risk level 1 animal added to a risk level 4 herd would then have to be sold as risk level 4 in the future).
If you are looking to buy or sell stock it is important to know your own herd’s Johne’s disease risk level, as well as that of any cattle that you might add to your herd.
Level 1 – There have been at least three clear annual herd tests and there is a Johne’s disease herd health plan in place. This is the lowest level of risk
Level 2 – There has been at least one clear herd test but the herd does not yet qualify for level 1 status. There is a Johne’s disease herd health plan in place
Level 3 – 3% or less of the herd were identified as reactors at the most recent herd test. There is a Johne’s disease herd health plan in place
Level 4 – More than 3% of the herd were identified as reactors at the most recent herd test. There is Johne’s disease herd health plan in place
Level 5 – This includes herds without a health plan for Johne’s disease, herds that do not adhere to the mandatory elements of the health plan and herds that do not carry out the required testing. This is the highest level of risk.
Please note: Important rule about buying and selling and risk status
Selling on animals that have been purchased from another herd: When an animal is purchased from a herd with an inferior Johne’s disease risk level than the herd to which it is added, the purchased animal retains the risk level of the herd of origin should it be sold on. For example it cannot be sold as risk level 1 if purchased as risk level 2, 3, 4 or 5. Animals that are purchased from a herd with a superior risk level can be sold only at the risk level that applies to the purchasers herd at the time of subsequent sale. For example, an animal purchased as risk level 1 into a risk level 4 herd can only be sold at the risk level that applies to the level 4 receiving herd at the time of subsequent sale. Purchased animals are described on sale certificates as ‘not-homebred’ and cannot be sold with a herd status, with the exception of animals sourced from 25 Risk Level 1 herds that have remained throughout their lives in a Risk Level 1 herd and appropriate evidence of this is provided to their health scheme provider. This is at the discretion of the health scheme provider and assessed on a case by case basis.
All entries have been TB tested and are BVD tested and vaccinated
Disclaimer: The health information is as supplied by or on behalf of the breeder. The health status of individual animals may differ from the official sale herd health declaration. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information rests solely with the breeder and not with The Hereford Cattle Society.
J Boomaars (Vexour) Heathdown, The Ridge, Woldingham, Surrey, CR3 7AL
J Boomaars (Vexour) Heathdown, The Ridge, Woldingham, Surrey, CR3 7AL
Herd last tested clear from TB in November 2020 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD & IBR
Herd last tested clear from TB in November 2020 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
Herd testing & Accredited free from BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD & IBR
Herd testing for IBR – Vaccinating against IBR using Bovilis
Herd testing & Accredited free from BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 9 Consecutive Years - Level 1
Herd testing for IBR – Vaccinating against IBR using Bovilis
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 9 Consecutive Years - Level 1
JM Cant & Partners (Panmure) Easter Knox, Arbirlot, By Arbroath, Angus, Tayside, DD11 2PZ
Herd last tested clear from TB on 15/12/22 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
JM Cant & Partners (Panmure) Easter Knox, Arbirlot, By Arbroath, Angus, Tayside, DD11 2PZ
Herd last tested clear from TB on 15/12/22 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s & BVD
Herd testing & Accredited free from BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s & BVD
Vaccinating females only against IBR using Bovilis IBR Marker Live
Herd testing & Accredited free from BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis
Monitored clear from Johne’s - Level 2
Vaccinating females only against IBR using Bovilis IBR Marker Live
Monitored clear from Johne’s - Level 2
PK & IF Cobley (Trading as Stanton Farm) (Kinglee) Stanton Farm, Broughton Road, Stoney Stanton, Leics, LE9 4JA
Herd last tested clear from TB on 02/08/24– Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
PK & IF Cobley (Trading as Stanton Farm) (Kinglee) Stanton Farm, Broughton Road, Stoney Stanton, Leics, LE9 4JA
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD & IBR
Accredited free from BVD since 2015
Herd last tested clear from TB on 02/08/24– Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD & IBR
Herd testing for IBR – Vaccinating against IBR using Bovilis
Accredited free from BVD since 2015
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 9 Consecutive Years – Level 4
Herd testing for IBR – Vaccinating against IBR using Bovilis
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 9 Consecutive Years – Level 4
Cox Family (Wykeham) Wykeham Fields Farm, Middle Hill Farm, Sutton Lane, Lower Brailes, Banbury Oxfordshire, OX15 5BD
Herd last tested clear from TB on 13/09/24– Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
We are in the process of having full Health Scheme accreditation – results due by 26/09/24
Cox Family (Wykeham) Wykeham Fields Farm, Middle Hill Farm, Sutton Lane, Lower Brailes, Banbury Oxfordshire, OX15 5BD
Herd last tested clear from TB on 13/09/24– Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SRUC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto
We are in the process of having full Health Scheme accreditation – results due by 26/09/24
Herd testing & Accredited free for BVD since 13/09/24 – Vaccinating sale animals against BVD using Bovilis Herd testing & Accredited free for IBR since 13/09/24 – Vaccinating sale animals against IBR
Member of SRUC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto
Herd testing & Accredited free for Lepto since 13/09/24
Monitored clear from Johne’s – Level 1
Herd testing & Accredited free for BVD since 13/09/24 – Vaccinating sale animals against BVD using Bovilis
Mrs CS Fletcher (Barwise) Barwise Hall, Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria, CA16 6TD
Herd testing & Accredited free for IBR since 13/09/24 – Vaccinating sale animals against IBR
Herd last tested clear from TB on 26/02/24 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Herd testing & Accredited free for Lepto since 13/09/24
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s, BVD and IBR
Monitored clear from Johne’s – Level 1
Herd testing since 2018 & Accredited free from BVD since 2021 – vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Mrs CS Fletcher (Barwise) Barwise Hall, Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria, CA16 6TD
Herd testing since 2017 & Accredited free since 2019 for IBR
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 10 consecutive years – Level 1
Herd last tested clear from TB on 26/02/24 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s, BVD and IBR
MF Gray & Miss L Crowther (Buckenhill) The Grange, Buckenhill, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4PG
Herd testing since 2018 & Accredited free from BVD since 2021 – vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Herd testing since 2017 & Accredited free since 2019 for IBR
Herd last tested clear from TB on 06/09/2024 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s & BVD
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 10 consecutive years – Level 1
Herd testing since 2021 & Accredited free for BVD - vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 3 consecutive years – Level 1
MF Gray & Miss L Crowther (Buckenhill) The Grange, Buckenhill, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4PG
Herd last tested clear from TB on 06/09/2024 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
SC & GL Hartwright (Spartan) Woodlands, Milton Hill, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4DP
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s & BVD
Herd last tested clear from TB on 15/12/23 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto
Herd testing since 2021 & Accredited free for BVD - vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 3 consecutive years – Level 1
Accredited free for BVD
Herd testing for IBR
Herd testing for Lepto and monitored free Johne’s Level 2
G & S Harvey (Harveybros) Harvey Brothers, 100 Buchanan Street, Balfron, Glasgow, G63 0TQ
Herd last tested clear from TB in January 2023 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s & BVD
Herd testing since 2006 & Accredited free for BVD since 2010 – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 4 consecutive years- Level 1
Mr N & Mrs L Holdsworth (Pebworth) Little Meadows Farm, Pebworth, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 8XE
Herd last tested clear from TB on 02/05/24 – Currently on 6 monthly TB testing interval
Status for all diseases currently pending further info & testing following the herd test done in August Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s, BVD & Lepto
Herd testing since 2017 & Accredited free for BVD – Vaccinating against BVD
Herd testing since 2017 & Accredited free for Lepto
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 3 consecutive years – Level 1
DE, ED & AL Jones (Dendor) Gwastadgoed, Llanwnog, Caersws, Powys, SY17 5NZ
Herd last tested clear from TB on 27/11/23 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD & IBR
Herd testing & Accredited free for BVD since 2018 – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis
Accredited free for IBR since 24/02/20
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 9 Consecutive Years – Level 1
Mrs OEM Jones & Mrs EM Roberts (Cynin) Penparc Farm, Llangynin, St Clears, Carmarthen, SA33 4BA
Herd last tested clear from TB on 17/06/24 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD & IBR
Herd Testing for BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Herd testing for IBR
Johne’s Level 2
W & R Kemp & Sons (Auckvale) Wigdon Walls Farm, St Helens, Bishop Auckland, DL14 0LN
Herd last tested clear from TB in October 2022 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
Sale animals tested negative for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto
Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
TD & WT Livesey (Normanton) Manor Farm, The Hollow, Normanton le Heath, LE67 2TJ
Herd last tested clear from TB on 22/01/24 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme
Herd testing & Accredited free for BVD since 2019 – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Johne’s Level 1
M Ludgate (Rempstone) Scotsgrove Farm, Scotsgrove, Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 3RX
Herd last tested clear from TB in March 2024 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD & IBR
Herd testing & Accredited free for BVD since 2023 – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Herd testing & Accredited free since 2022 for IBR
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 5 consecutive years – Level 1
P Massey (Castle Mount) 20 Queens Grove, Queens Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 1JX
Herd last tested clear from TB in January 2022 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s & BVD
Accredited free for BVD for 7 years – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 7 consecutive years – Level 1
RA Mitchell (Lanscombe) Higher Henley Farm, Buckland Newton, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7BL
Herd last tested clear from TB on 27/10/23 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s & BVD
Accredited free for BVD – vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis
Vaccinating against Lepto using Spirovac
Johne’s Level 2
J & L Mooney (Hill Crest) Hill Crest, Moorside Lane, Woodplumpton, Preston, PR4 0TB
Herd last tested clear from TB in March 2021 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s & BVD
Accredited free for BVD since may 2012 – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 13 consecutive years – Level 1
GH Morgan (Fardre) Fardre Farm, St George, Abergele, Conwy, LL22 9RT
Herd last tested clear from TB in January 2024 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s & BVD
Herd Testing & Accredited free for BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Vaccinating against IBR using Rispoval IBR Marker
Vaccinating against Lepto using Leptovoid H
Johne’s Level 3
Paul and Vicky Moyle (Porton House) Porton House, Porton, Newport, NP18 2PJ
Herd last tested clear from TB in July 2024 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto
Herd Testing & Accredited free for BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis
Herd Testing & Accredited free for IBR
Herd Testing & Accredited free for Lepto
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 3 Consecutive Years – Level 2
Newtoncroft Farms (Newtoncroft) Croft Farm, Newton Harcourt, Leicester, Leics, LE8 9FH
Herd last tested clear from TB on 29/04/24 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s, BVD & Lepto
Herd testing & Accredited free for BVD since 28/04/23 – Vaccinating against BVD
Herd testing & Accredited free for Lepto since 06/05/24
Johne’s Level 2
W Awan for N Shaw Upper Midford Farm, Midford, Bath, BA2 7EJ
N Shaw (Sessiagh) 16a Lisgobban Road, Dungannon, Co Tyrone, N Ireland, BT71 7PT
Herd last tested clear from TB on 12/03/24 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s , BVD, IBR & Lepto
Herd testing & Accredited free for BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Herd testing & Accredited free for IBR
Herd testing & Accredited free for Lepto
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 2 consecutive years – Level 1
G & MC Shepherd (Moorside) Moorside House Farm, Moorside Lane, Woodplumpton, Preston, PR4 0TB
Herd last tested clear from TB in March 2021 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s & BVD
Accredited free for BVD since may 2012 – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 13 consecutive years – Level 1
Speirs Farms Ltd (Pepperstock) Pepsal End Farm, Pepperstock, Luton, Beds, LU1 4LH
Herd last tested clear from TB in February 2021 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for BVD
Herd testing for BVD since 2016 – vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Herd testing for IBR – vaccinating against IBR using Rispoval IBR Marker Live
Herd testing for Lepto
TG, EI & EN Thorne (Ashdale/Glenvale/Studdolph) Studdolph Hall, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, SA73 3UW
Herd last tested clear from TB on 28/05/24 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s & BVD
Accredited free (Gold status) since 2012 & Herd Tag testing for BVD since 2012 – vaccinating against BVD
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 10 consecutive years – Level 1
Vaughans Farms Ltd (Kingsland) Oakfields Farm, Kingsland, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 9QU
Herd last tested clear from TB in April 2024– Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s, BVD & IBR
Herd testing & Accredited free for BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela Herd testing for IBR
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 7 consecutive years – Johne’s Level 1
P Walker (Crackleybank) Poolside, Horsepool Farm, Bromsgrove Road, Hunnington, Halesowen W Mids
B62 0JX
Herd last tested clear from TB in February 2024 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto
Herd testing for BVD since 2023 – vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Herd testing for IBR since 2023
Herd testing for Lepto since 2023 – vaccinating against BVD using Risproval Marker
S & E Walker (Hoghton View) Lane Side Farm, Blackburn Old Road, Hoghton, Preston, Lancashire
Herd last tested clear from TB on 04/12/23 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto
Accredited free for BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Accredited free for IBR
Accredited free for Lepto
Johne’s Level 1
Weybrook Farm (Weybrook) Sherborne St John, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 9LH
Herd last tested clear from TB on 30/04/24 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto
Herd testing & Accredited free from BVD since 2014
Herd testing & Accredited free for IBR since 2022
Herd testing & Accredited free for Lepto since 2014
Johne’s Level 2
Miss H Whittaker (Coley) Coley Walks Farm, Coley Hall Lane, Norwood Green, Halifax, W Yorkshire
Herd last tested clear from TB on 14/12/20 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto
Herd testing for BVD since 2016 & Accredited free – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Herd testing for IBR since 2016 & Accredited free
Herd testing for Lepto since 2016
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 10 consecutive years – Johne’s Level 1
Dr E Williams (Holetown) Little Pengwern, Nany-y-Faenol Road, Rhuddlan, Denbighshire, LL18 5UL
Herd last tested clear from TB in November 2023 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Herd testing for BVD since 2021 – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
RJ & PS Windsor (Sound Villa) Villa Farm, Sound Lane, Sound, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8BE
Herd last tested clear from TB on 23/08/24 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval
Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) for Johne’s, BVD, IBR & Lepto
Herd testing & Accredited free from BVD since 2018 – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela
Herd testing & Accredited free from IBR since 2018
Herd testing & Accredited free from Lepto since 2018
Monitored clear from Johne’s for 5 consecutive years – Johne’s Level 1
RJ & PS Windsor 1 Sound Villa 1 Fashion 2nd (P) AI
UK168294 300009
S. Wirruna Ledger L285 AI (WNAL285)
Sire - Wirruna Peace P198 (Semen)(P) AI (Imp AUS) (WNAP198)
D. Wirruna Oyster Girl L334 (WNAL334)
S. Fisher 1 Jaguar J347 (P) (UK263027 100347)
Dam - Sound Villa 1 Fashion (P) AI (UK168294 400003)
Born 29/04/2022
D. Rempstone 1 Fashion E438 (P) AI ET (UK287953 300438)
AI'd on 26/02/24 to UK540081 600508 - Panmure 1 Nugget (P) AI {DLF IEF HYF} {PVF} - scanned in calf and due 05/12/24 A smart, well grown heifer with a fantastic temperament and pedigree to match. Her maternal granddam Rempstone 1 Fashion E438 holds an exceptional show record and this is the first heifer we have offered for sale from this cow family. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
born on or between 01/09/2022 - 23/10/2022
TD & WT Livesey
2 Normanton 1 Blue Leg 19th A678 (S) AI UK206099 300845 Born 01/09/2022
S. Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514)
Sire - Normanton 1 Laertes (P) AI ET (UK206099 300369)
D. Normanton 1 Jews Ear C21 (P) AI (UK206099 500021)
S. Fabb 1 Paco (P) AI ET (UK229303 700168)
Dam - Normanton 1 Blue Leg 11th S555 (P) (UK206099 400678)
D. Normanton 1 Blue Leg 7th P164 (P) AI (UK206099 700555)
Ran with UK286682 700546 - Cleland 1 Nelson (P) AI {DLF IEF HYF} from 30/07/24 to 02/09/24 One of our favourites in the Normanton lineup, successfully shown in 2023 and always been a standout since birth. Length, width and style - this heifer has it all. Breeding includes noted herds: Romany, Fabb & Moeskaer. She is sure to make a stamp in any herd. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest.
3 Normanton 1 Cep 9th A452 (P) AI
UK206099 200851
S. Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514)
Sire - Normanton 1 Laertes (P) AI ET (UK206099 300369)
D. Normanton 1 Jews Ear C21 (P) AI (UK206099 500021)
S. Alvian 1 Emperor (P) AI (UK162452 400191)
Dam - Normanton 1 Cep 4th (P) AI (UK206099 200452)
D. Normanton 1 Cep 2nd G13 (P) (UK206099 100171)
Born 02/09/2022
Ran with UK286682 700546 - Cleland 1 Nelson (P) AI {DLF IEF HYF} from 30/07/24 to 02/09/24 This heifer is a meat machine. She demonstrates thickness thoughout, with a great second thigh. She shows several maternal traits with the figures to back it up. The correctness and balance this heifer has makes her an asset to any herd. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest.
TD & WT Livesey
4 Normanton 1 Porcini 5th A456 (P)
UK206099 100850
S. Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514)
Sire - Normanton 1 Laertes (P) AI ET (UK206099 300369)
D. Normanton 1 Jews Ear C21 (P) AI (UK206099 500021)
S. Alvian 1 Emperor (P) AI (UK162452 400191)
Dam - Normanton 1 Porcini 2nd (P) AI (UK206099 600456)
D. Normanton 1 Porcini 1st F9 (P) (UK206099 600134)
Born 02/09/2022
Ran with UK286682 700546 - Cleland 1 Nelson (P) AI {DLF IEF HYF} from 30/07/24 to 02/09/24 This heifer oozes femininity, great bone and a good temperament. She's sired by the bull of the year 2016, Normanton 1 Laertes, who has bred many champions. Her dam is a consistent female breeder here at Normantion. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest.
5 Normanton 1 Fistulina 51st A723 (P) AI UK206099 700849 Born 02/09/2022
S. Dendor 1 Rosco P. Coltrane (P) (UK700495 100899)
Sire - Normanton 1 Twm T611 (P) (UK206099 100724)
D. Normanton 1 Chanterelle 16th R284 (P) AI (UK206099 700611)
S. Panmure 1 Pudding (P) (UK540081 300540)
Dam - Normanton 1 Fistulina 30th T660 (P) (UK206099 700723)
D. Normanton 1 Fistulina 25th S192 (P) (UK206099 700660)
Ran with UK286682 700546 - Cleland 1 Nelson (P) AI {DLF IEF HYF} from 30/07/24 to 02/09/24 This heifer is one not to miss! She is from one of the best female lines at Normanton. Her granddam bred the 12,000 gns Normanton 1 Whiskey W660 and is now part of our flushing programme. This powerful female will make a tremendous cow with the breeding to back it up. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
Mr N & Mrs L Holdsworth
6 Pebworth 1 Amber (P)
UK311280 600370
S. Dendor 1 Nairobi (P) (UK700495 500805)
Sire - Dendor 1 Smokin' Joe (P) (UK700495 200928)
D. Dendor 1 Greta 13th (P) (UK700495 600631)
S. Cato 1 Miller (P) (UK344736 300527)
Dam - Pebworth 1 Rhinestone (P) (UK311280 600258)
D. Blakesley 1 Glamour (P) (UK202392 300165)
Born 28/09/2022
Ran with UK200976 600689 - Kinglee 1 Will-I-Am (P) {HYF} from 02/05/24 to 04/07/24 Amber is a lovely strong heifer from one of our favourite lines. She is a beautiful dark red, with traditional hereford markings and has had a successful summer out showing. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
7 Dendor 1 Anna Mary 45th (P)
UK700495 601100
S. Barwise 1 Mach One (P) AI (UK103000 300825)
Sire - Pepperstock 1 Trigger (P) (UK244821 500619)
D. Pepperstock 1 Molly M248 (P) (UK244821 500248)
Born 23/10/2022
S. Gouldingpoll 1 Moonshine (P) AI ET (Imp IRL) (IE191198 990840)
Dam - Dendor 1 Anna Mary 40th (P) (UK700495 401000)
D. Dendor 1 Anna Mary 19th (P) (UK700495 500672)
Running with UK181862 400210 - Hoghton View 1 Utah (P) {PVF} from 28/05/24 to 26/07/24 Last Pepperstock 1 Trigger daughter offered for sale. "Trigger" sired Dendor 1 Jano 23rd female and top price here last year. Also sired Dendor 1 Greta 37th reserve Champion Christmas Calf show. 4 star rating
for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest by prior arrangement.
JM Cant & Partners
8 Panmure 1 Plum A4 (P)
UK540081 400660
S. Fabb 1 Rocco (P) AI (UK229303 200184)
Sire - Romany 1 Thor FR T4 (P) (UK562010 601463)
D. Romany 1 Dawn BL R18 (P) (UK562010 101297)
S. Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514)
Dam - Panmure 1 Plum H15 (P) (UK540081 100370)
D. Panmure 1 Plum T6 (P) AI (UKAN0401 00225)
4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest.
Born 12/12/2022
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
P Massey
9 Castle Mount 1 Tessa 421 (P) AI UK183418 100421 Born 03/01/2023
S. Moeskaer Upgrade AI (Imp DNK) (69957-01466)
Sire - Solpoll 1 Spike (P) (UK9330013 31405)
D. Solpoll 1 Starlet L3 (P) (UK9330013 27286)
S. Netherhall 1 Jack P517 (P) AI (UK103719 502517)
Dam - Castle Mount 1 Tessa (P) (UK183418 300353)
D. Castle Mount 1 Phoebe (P) (UK183418 300297)
A smart, dark heifer with plenty of style. Left free of the bull. Has been shown successfully this summer at local shows and was 3rd place at Great Yorkshire show.
Calving Ease Dir. (%) Calving Ease Dtrs (%)
Paul and Vicky Moyle
10 Porton House 1 Wondergirl 2nd (P)
UK728490 700132
S. Bakgard 1 Keno 1178 AI (Imp DNK) (39565-01178)
Sire - Dendor 1 Sherlock (P) (UK700495 400930)
D. Dendor 1 Keepsake 17th (P) (UK700495 700828)
S. Kinglee 1 Jericho (P) (UK200976 700403)
Dam - Glenmore 1 Wondergirl (S) (UK281109 500129)
Born 01/02/2023
D. Glenmore 1 Millies Wonder 100 (P) (UK281109 400100)
Full sister to one of our best show heifers from 2022, who has now calved down with an exceptional udder and a great calf! Wondergirl has heaps of stretch and growth and is sure to make a powerful cow, the kind that suits any bull! One of the final Sherlock daughters to be made available!
Paul and Vicky Moyle
11 Porton House 1 Emma Jane (P)
UK728490 100133
S. Bakgard 1 Keno 1178 AI (Imp DNK) (39565-01178)
Sire - Dendor 1 Sherlock (P) (UK700495 400930)
D. Dendor 1 Keepsake 17th (P) (UK700495 700828)
S. Dendor 1 Kohinoor (P) (UK700495 200634)
Dam - Gouldingpoll 1 Emma Jane 812 AI (Imp IRL) (IE191198 950812)
Born 04/02/2023
D. Ford Abbey 1 Emma Jane S13 3rd (P) AI (UK301445 300661)
Check this heifer out for style! Her dam was our pick from the Gouldingpoll sale, and since has been a top breeding and donor cow! Sired by Sherlock whose progeny have sold and shown outstandingly well in recent years for ourselves and Coley, including Overall Champion at Agri Expo last year!
Mrs OEM Jones & Mrs EM Roberts
12 Cynin Pansy 1st (DH)
UK742745 100454
Born 02/03/2023
S. Yarram Star General W251 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (YPHW251)
Sire - HighHouse Merlin (DH) AI (UK315476 300002)
D. Haven Dowager 170th (DH) (UK301650 600759)
S. Free Town Lawrence (DH) (UK301210 500886)
Dam - Llangynin Pansy (X) (UK742726 701038)
D. Caron Pansy L25 (X) (UK752876 200025)
A wealth of breeding in her bloodlines. Eligible for retest.
Mrs OEM Jones & Mrs EM Roberts
13 Cynin Diadem 8th (DH)
UK742745 200455
Born 03/03/2023
S. Yarram Star General W251 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (YPHW251)
Sire - HighHouse Merlin (DH) AI (UK315476 300002)
D. Haven Dowager 170th (DH) (UK301650 600759)
S. Free Town Phantom (DH) AI (UK301210 401074)
Dam - Cynin Diadem 1st (DH) (UK742745 400345)
D. Llandyfai Diadem 26th (DH) (UK744863 600166)
One of our favourite choice of heifers born in 2023 season. A great specimen of the breed. Eligible for retest.
P Walker
14 Crackleybank 1 Rita Avita (P)
UK212628 600032
S. Felton 1 Jack (P) (UK312442 700007)
Sire - Lanscombe 1 Ace (P) (UK340542 100509)
D. Lanscombe 1 Rita (P) (UK340542 300371)
S. Lanscombe 1 Maxamillion (P) (UK340542 500282)
Dam - Lanscombe 1 Rita (P) (UK340542 300371)
D. Lanscombe 1 Octavia (P) (UK340542 500317)
Born 03/03/2023
SC & GL Hartwright
15 Spartan 1 Jen 5th SP A218 (P)
UK284111 500218
S. Panmure 1 Henry (P) (UK540081 400345)
Sire - Solpoll 1 Perfection (P) AI ET (UK9330013 29972)
D. Dorepoll 1 R51 Duchess 525 (P) AI (UK9041215 5255)
Born 07/03/2023
S. Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185)
Dam - Englefield 1 Jen 5th (P) AI (UK280226 500869)
D. Englefield 1 Jen 1st (P) (UK280226 300762)
Running with UK287953 300641 - Rempstone 1 Waspy N641 (P) {HYF} from 01/08/24 until sale One of our most consistent female lines producing milky cows with the ability to convert grass to milk. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
N Shaw
16 Midford 1 Brownie 1st (P)
Bred by: W Awan
UK322510 400078
S. Fabb 1 Northern Star (P) AI (UK229303 200093)
Sire - Grifford 1 Try (P) AI ET (UK177197 100026)
D. Coley 1 Clara 315 (P) (UK132143 700315)
S. Barwise 1 Nabucco (P) (UK103000 700920)
Dam - Bosbury 1 Brownie V75 BN (P) (UK317715 100075)
D. Bosa 1 Brownie 973 (P) (UK301116 700973)
Born 10/03/2023
A real meat machine, full of flesh and power! Her dam is a classic quality "Nabucco" daughter, proving to be a really successful brood cow at Midford - her 24 heifer is a pick once again. "Brownie's" 3/4 sister "Elke" has had an outstanding year winning multiple Championships and Interbreed titles. Bought from DGS 2023 for 3,000gns, due to Bluetongue restrictions she has been unable to travel and therefore is being reoffered for sale.
Weybrook Farm
17 Weybrook 1 Dawn 37th (P)
UK281577 200306
S. Panmure 1 Henry (P) (UK540081 400345)
Sire - Solpoll 1 Pirate (P) AI (UK9330013 29526)
D. Solpoll 1 Stella J11 (P) (UK9330013 26192)
S. Classic 1 National (P) AI (UK269231 500012)
Dam - Weybrook 1 Dawn 9th (P) (UK281577 300181)
D. Weybrook 1 Dawn 7th (P) (UK281577 300153)
Born 10/03/2023
Ran with UK103000 101299 - Barwise 1 Whimbrel NP W1299 (P) {PVHF} from 15/04/24 to 11/09/24
Sweet, feminine heifer out of one of our best breeding cows & superior carcase sire Solpoll 1 Pirate - she's sure to do it all. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for retest.
Weybrook Farm
18 Weybrook 1 Ruth 10th (P)
UK281577 600310
S. Panmure 1 Henry (P) (UK540081 400345)
Sire - Solpoll 1 Pirate (P) AI (UK9330013 29526)
D. Solpoll 1 Stella J11 (P) (UK9330013 26192)
S. Panmure 1 Noah (P) (UK540081 500500)
Dam - Weybrook 1 Ruth 4th (P) (UK281577 400259)
D. Baldinnie 1 Ruth 30th (P) (UK541851 300461)
Born 19/03/2023
Ran with UK103000 101299 - Barwise 1 Whimbrel NP W1299 (P) {PVHF} from 15/04/24 to 11/09/24
Naturally grown, correct, stylish heifer with tip-top pedigree to boot. By superior carcase sire Solpoll 1 Pirate. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for retest.
Class 5 - 5 heifers born on or between 04/04/2023
J Boomaars
19 Vexour 1 Astrid (P)
UK268051 301724
S. Kinglee 1 Nimrod (P) (UK200976 600542)
Sire - Classic 1 Scorpio (P) (UK333554 400025)
D. Classic 1 Jodie (P) AI (UK261607 100076)
S. Solpoll 1 Landmark (P) (UK9330013 27345)
Dam - Vexour 1 Sariah (P) (UK268051 301199)
Eligible for retest.
Born 04/04/2023
D. Panmure 1 Blessing J2 (P) (UK540081 500374)
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
RJ & PS Windsor
20 Sound Villa 1 Fashion 3rd (P) AI TF
UK168294 400010
S. Wirruna Ledger L285 AI (WNAL285)
Sire - Wirruna Peace P198 (Semen)(P) AI (Imp AUS) (WNAP198)
D. Wirruna Oyster Girl L334 (WNAL334)
S. Fisher 1 Jaguar J347 (P) (UK263027 100347)
Dam - Sound Villa 1 Fashion (P) AI (UK168294 400003)
Born 05/04/2023
D. Rempstone 1 Fashion E438 (P) AI ET (UK287953 300438)
The sweetest of heifers with a heavyweight pedigree! Out of our milkiest cow she has good length, femininity and style. A heifer ready to go and produce more quality from this amazing cow family. Eligible for retest.
RJ & PS Windsor
21 Sound Villa 1 Fashion 4th (P) AI TF
UK168294 500011 Born 05/04/2023
S. Wirruna Ledger L285 AI (WNAL285)
Sire - Wirruna Peace P198 (Semen)(P) AI (Imp AUS) (WNAP198)
D. Wirruna Oyster Girl L334 (WNAL334)
S. Fisher 1 Jaguar J347 (P) (UK263027 100347)
Dam - Sound Villa 1 Fashion (P) AI (UK168294 400003)
D. Rempstone 1 Fashion E438 (P) AI ET (UK287953 300438)
Twin to lot 20 - two peas in a pod! Another superb opportunity in this equally correct and stylish heifer. Wirruna Peace P198 is one of many outstanding bulls throughout this pedigree. A great addition to any herd. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
Mrs CS Fletcher
22 Barwise 1 Alfreda MU A1373 (P)
UK103000 501373
S. HF 4L Beyond 36N (Ser/Sire) (C02828255)
Sire - Moeskaer Ultra 1582 AI ET (Imp DNK) (69957-01582)
D. BBSF 10W Piper 43A (Donor) (C02984709)
S. Days Calibre G74 (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (DAYG74)
Dam - Barwise 1 Alfreda P993 (P) AI ET (UK103000 300993)
D. Barwise 1 Alfreda (P) (UK103000 100277)
Born 14/04/2023
From a very reliable breeding line going back to Barwise 1 Wellington and Leos Pride 1 Anni-Frid. Excellent EBV's: IMF, Calving Ease daughters plus 200 & 400 day weights and indexes all in top 5%. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
P Walker
23 Crackleybank 1 Ruth Amanda (P)
UK212628 600046
S. Felton 1 Jack (P) (UK312442 700007)
Sire - Lanscombe 1 Ace (P) (UK340542 100509)
D. Lanscombe 1 Rita (P) (UK340542 300371)
S. Brangwyn 1 Emperor (P) (UK722542 400042)
Dam - Lanscombe 1 Ruth (P) (UK340542 500387)
D. Lanscombe 1 Jacqui (P) (UK340542 700249)
Born 28/07/2023
JM Cant & Partners
24 Panmure 1 Admiral (P)
UK540081 200658
S. Fabb 1 Rocco (P) AI (UK229303 200184)
Sire - Romany 1 Thor FR T4 (P) (UK562010 601463)
D. Romany 1 Dawn BL R18 (P) (UK562010 101297)
S. Dendor 1 Leota (P) (UK700495 400713)
Dam - Panmure 1 Plum T6 (P) (UK540081 200602)
D. Panmure 1 Plum M11 (P) (UK540081 600487)
Born 28/11/2022
"Admiral" has had a successful show season this summer. Junior & Reserve male champion at Royal Highland show and Reserve Senior male at the Scottish National show. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Semen tested. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
JM Cant & Partners
S & E Walker
25 Hoghton View 1 Brand (P) AI ET
26 Panmure 1 Alberto (P) UK540081 300673
UK181862 600191 Born 18/01/2023
S. Fabb 1 Rocco (P) AI (UK229303 200184)
S. Minlacowie Jubilant J123 (Semen)(P) (JHOJ123)
Sire - Romany 1 Thor FR T4 (P) (UK562010 601463)
Sire - Hoghton View 1 Jackaroo (P) AI ET (UK181862 600044)
D. Romany 1 Dawn BL R18 (P) (UK562010 101297)
D. Dendor 1 Anna Mary 30th (P) (UK700495 300782)
S. Hawkesbury 1 Volcano (P) (UK202835 600102)
S. Rempstone 1 Trendsetter V346 (P) (UK287953 200346)
Dam - Panmure 1 Plum N7 (P) (UK540081 100510)
Dam - Shraden 1 Alice R842 (P) (UK304633 300842)
D. Shraden 1 Alice M686 (P) (UK304633 100686)
D. Panmure 1 Plum H15 (P) (UK540081 100370)
4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Semen tested. Eligible for retest.
Tested Homozygous Polled. Hoghton View 1 Brand a well grown, long, correct and mobile bull. Sired by 2019 Senior Poll Bull Champion Hoghton View 1 Jackaroo and packed full of world class female lines. 4 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
JM Cant & Partners
26 Panmure 1 Alberto (P)
S. Fabb 1 Rocco (P) AI (UK229303 200184)
Sire - Romany 1 Thor FR T4 (P) (UK562010 601463)
D. Romany 1 Dawn BL R18 (P) (UK562010 101297)
S. Hawkesbury 1 Volcano (P) (UK202835 600102)
Dam - Panmure 1 Plum N7 (P) (UK540081 100510)
D. Panmure 1 Plum H15 (P) (UK540081 100370)
4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Semen tested. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
RA Mitchell
27 Lanscombe 1 Endeavor (P)
UK340542 500611
S. Solpoll 1 Landmark (P) (UK9330013 27345)
Sire - Vexour 1 Phantom (P) (UK268051 400948)
D. Romany 1 Mink A84 J22 (P) (UK562010 300837)
S. Brangwyn 1 Emperor (P) (UK722542 400042)
Dam - Lanscombe 1 Susie (P) (UK340542 200412)
D. Lanscombe 1 Lizzy (P) (UK340542 500268)
Born 22/01/2023
A true Vexour 1 Phantom son decending from the female line that bred the prolific show winner Lanscombe 1 Maxamillion. "Endeavor" has been successfully shown all summer. He is a well grown, long, dark bull ready to work.
S. Solpoll 1 Perfection (P) AI ET (UK9330013 29972)
(P) (UK284111
Cox Family
28 Wykeham 1 Albert (P)
UK212527 100021 Born 24/01/2023
S. Solpoll 1 Perfection (P) AI ET (UK9330013 29972)
Sire - Spartan 1 Victorious (P) (UK284111 700129)
D. Spartan 1 Plum (P) (UK284111 200012)
S. Fisher 1 Nomad N440 (P) (UK263027 300440)
Dam - Fisher 1 Eva V531 (P) (UK263027 300531)
D. Fisher 1 Eva L393 (P) (UK263027 500393)
Good natured dark bull, handles well. 1st prize at National Poll Hereford show 2024. Eligible for retest.
Newtoncroft Farms
Paul and Vicky Moyle
29 Newtoncroft 1 Aintree (P)
30 Porton House 1 Atlas (P) AI ET
UK200308 700495
Born 06/02/2023
UK728490 700146 Born 18/02/2023
S. Classic 1 Newsflash (P) (UK323329 600094)
S. SMH Euro 30E (Imp DNK) (114588-00030)
Sire - Hawkesbury 1 Swift (P) (UK202835 200182)
Sire - Dendor 1 Kohinoor (P) (UK700495 200634)
D. Hawkesbury 1 Dolly-Vont (P) (UK202835 300134)
D. Dendor 1 Ruby 11th (P) (UK700495 700499)
S. Solpoll 1 Hollywood (P) AI (UK9330013 25584)
S. Panmure 1 Nugget (P) AI (UK540081 600508)
Dam - Newtoncroft 1 Truelove 346 (P) (UK200308 500346)
Dam - Porton House 1 Jane (P) (UK728490 400038)
D. Newtoncroft 1 Truelove 228 (P) (UK200308 600228)
D. Ashley Moor 1 Amethyst 33rd (P) (UK301433 500555)
Full brother to the 2023 National Poll Show Champion, he is of the same stamp as his sister. Balance, muscle and ease of fleshing in abundance! Sired by Kohinoor, and from our Jane line he is sure to add maternal traits to all his progeny!
An exciting prospect. Has achieved three Male Champion awards this season. Easy to handle. He is bred from our long established and successful female line - Truelove (since 1984). His sire's daughters are very productive and excellent mothers. Aintree has been used on several of our heifers. He would be an assist to any pedigree herd. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
Paul and Vicky Moyle
30 Porton House 1 Atlas (P) AI ET
UK728490 700146
S. SMH Euro 30E (Imp DNK) (114588-00030)
Sire - Dendor 1 Kohinoor (P) (UK700495 200634)
D. Dendor 1 Ruby 11th (P) (UK700495 700499)
S. Panmure 1 Nugget (P) AI (UK540081 600508)
Dam - Porton House 1 Jane (P) (UK728490 400038)
D. Ashley Moor 1 Amethyst 33rd (P) (UK301433 500555)
Born 18/02/2023
Full brother to the 2023 National Poll Show Champion, he is of the same stamp as his sister. Balance, muscle and ease of fleshing in abundance! Sired by Kohinoor, and from our Jane line he is sure to add maternal traits to all his progeny!
JM Cant & Partners
31 Panmure 1 Avenger (P)
UK540081 200679 Born 21/02/2023
S. Fabb 1 Rocco (P) AI (UK229303 200184)
Sire - Romany 1 Thor FR T4 (P) (UK562010 601463)
D. Romany 1 Dawn BL R18 (P) (UK562010 101297)
S. Hawkesbury 1 Volcano (P) (UK202835 600102)
Dam - Panmure 1 Plum L8 (P) (UK540081 100454)
D. Panmure 1 Plum G8 (P) (UK540081 700327)
4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Semen tested. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
Vaughans Farms Ltd
32 Kingsland 1 Armalight (P)
UK301349 200174
Born 01/03/2023
S. Gouldingpoll 1 Captain (Semen)(P)(Imp IRL) (IE191198 950390)
Sire - Gouldingpoll 1 Moonshine (P) AI ET (Imp IRL) (IE191198 990840)
D. Romany 1 Lucy A84 F26 (P) (UK562010 400628)
S. Fisher 1 Jaguar J347 (P) (UK263027 100347)
Dam - Kingsland 1 Cassiopeia 5th (P) (UK301349 500079)
D. Ford Abbey 1 Cassiopeia 11th (P) AI (UK301445 100729)
Reserve Junior Champion Royal Welsh show 2024. Eligible for retest.
TG, EI & EN Thorne
33 Glenvale 1 Herbert (P) TF
UK746564 200890
S. Solpoll 1 Lawman (P) (UK9330013 27463)
Sire - Alderville 1 Dover (P) AI (UK163345 600691)
D. Alderville 1 Dorothy 38th (P) (UK163345 400332)
S. Bosa 1 Hereward (P) (UK301116 100785)
Dam - Glenvale 1 Sara 559 (P) (UK746564 700559)
D. Glenvale 1 Sara 337 (P) (UK746564 200337)
Born 03/03/2023
Maternal brother to Glenvale 1 Sara 798 sold for 5,200gns in the Autumn 2023 Show & Sale. Index values top 10%. A stylish bull with no waste and good structure. Dam classified EX90, Sire classified EX93. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest by prior arrangement.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
Banbury Office: 6 Manor Park, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 3TB
banbury@brown-co.com | 01295 273555 For all your business and property needs, our experts have the local knowledge to help you
Banbury Office: 6 Manor Park, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 3TB banbury@brown-co.com | 01295 273555
W & R Kemp & Sons
34 Auckvale 1 Almighty 2276A (P)
UK104917 702276
Born 09/03/2023
S. Mawarra Outstanding L140 (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (HRPL140)
Sire - Auckvale 1 Tundra 2009T (P) AI (UK104917 602009)
D. Auckvale 1 Beth 1795R (P) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK104917 201795)
S. Dendor 1 Muttley (P) (UK700495 700744)
Dam - Auckvale 1 Beauty 1867S (P) (UK104917 401867)
D. Auckvale Beauty 1386L (DH) (UK104917 601386)
"Almighty" is a well marked, eye catching young bull with fantastic muscling and hind quarter development. His dam "Beauty 1867S" is powerful and maternal. His sire "Tundra 2009T" is one of our best ever herd sires, with several sons already sold into pedigree herds. Tested negative for BVD, IBR, Lepto & Johnes. Eligible for retest.
M Ludgate
35 Rempstone 1 Alpha N688 (P)
UK287953 100688
S. Lanscombe 1 Orkney (P) (UK340542 400330)
Sire - Dendor 1 Nairobi (P) (UK700495 500805)
D. Dendor 1 Molly 41st (P) (UK700495 600652)
Born 16/03/2023
S. Moeskaer Pacman 1417 AI ET (Imp DNK) (69957-01417)
Dam - Rosenkaer Miss World (Imp DNK) (25311-00423)
D. Rosenkaer Indiansummer AI (25311-00354)
Tested Homozygous Polled. Successfully shown throughout the year winning multiple Champions and Interbreed Championships. Both sire and dam were National Champions in 2018. Full brother sold to Solpoll for 10,000 at 11 months old. We think a lot of this young bull, he's sure to have a big future. Semen tested.
MF Gray & Miss L Crowther
36 Buckenhill 1 Atlas US (P)
UK300185 600398
S. Fabb 1 Northern Star (P) AI (UK229303 200093)
Sire - Upper House 1 Soyuz (P) AI (UK301041 700354)
D. Upper House 1 Nina (DH) (UK301041 700284)
S. Greenyards 1 Nostradamus (P) (UK312145 600392)
Dam - Buckenhill 1 Sunstone (P) (UK300185 700287)
D. Buckenhill 1 Amethyst (P) (UK300185 300108)
Born 24/03/2023
Mrs CS Fletcher
37 Barwise 1 Apple Max MU A1352 (P)
UK103000 501352
S. HF 4L Beyond 36N (Ser/Sire) (C02828255)
Sire - Moeskaer Ultra 1582 AI ET (Imp DNK) (69957-01582)
D. BBSF 10W Piper 43A (Donor) (C02984709)
S. Days Calibre G74 (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (DAYG74)
Dam - Barwise 1 Anise R009 (P) AI (UK103000 501009)
D. Barwise 1 Anise K755 (P) (UK103000 300755)
Born 26/03/2023
A thick, dark bull with good EBV's. Calving Direct top 5%; Self Replacing Index top 10%. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
Class 8 - 10 bulls born on or between 01/04/2023 - 18/04/2023
Speirs Farms Ltd
38 Pepperstock 1 Aled (P)
UK244821 200980
S. Dendor 1 Nairobi (P) (UK700495 500805)
Sire - Dendor 1 Virginian (P) (UK700495 401021)
D. Dendor 1 Jano 18th (P) (UK700495 100794)
S. Pepperstock 1 Rebellious (P) AI (UK244821 700425)
Dam - Pepperstock 1 Miss V766 (P) (UK244821 500766)
D. Pepperstock 1 Miss P395 (P) (UK244821 500395)
Born 01/04/2023
"Aled" is a thick, chunky bull, with plenty of back end & a lovely head on him. Sired by Dendor 1 Virginian, he has some great breeding in his pedigree. Tested clear for TB, BVD, Lepto & IBR. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
39 Vexour 1 Alex (P)
UK268051 501719
S. Kinglee 1 Nimrod (P) (UK200976 600542)
Sire - Classic 1 Scorpio (P) (UK333554 400025)
D. Classic 1 Jodie (P) AI (UK261607 100076)
S. Solpoll 1 Landmark (P) (UK9330013 27345)
Dam - Vexour 1 Penny (P) (UK268051 300947)
D. Romany 1 Plum D1 J23 (P) (UK562010 400838)
4 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
J Boomaars
40 Vexour 1 Apache (P) UK268051 701721
S. Kinglee 1 Nimrod (P) (UK200976 600542)
Sire - Classic 1 Scorpio (P) (UK333554 400025)
D. Classic 1 Jodie (P) AI (UK261607 100076)
S. Kinglee 1 Hero (P) (UK200976 500345)
Dam - Vexour 1 Raakel (P) AI (UK268051 101092)
D. Vexour 1 Nice (P) (UK268051 200841)
4 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
Born 01/04/2023
41 Dendor 1 Ajax (P) AI ET
UK700495 301118
S. Lanscombe 1 Orkney (P) (UK340542 400330)
Sire - Dendor 1 Nairobi (P) (UK700495 500805)
D. Dendor 1 Molly 41st (P) (UK700495 600652)
S. SMH Euro 30E (Imp DNK) (114588-00030)
Dam - Dendor 1 Ruby 17th (P) (UK700495 500623)
D. Dendor 1 Ruby 7th (P) (UK700495 300334)
Born 01/04/2023
Tested Homozygous Polled. Full brother to Dendor 1 Sugar Ray. Maternal brother to Dendor 1 Ruby 29th -2018 Female of the Year. Excellent feet and legs, square and true through his top. A pefect example of a modern hereford. 4 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest by prior arrangement.
Mrs CS Fletcher
42 Barwise 1 Apex MU A1356 (P)
UK103000 201356 Born 03/04/2023
S. HF 4L Beyond 36N (Ser/Sire) (C02828255)
Sire - Moeskaer Ultra 1582 AI ET (Imp DNK) (69957-01582)
D. BBSF 10W Piper 43A (Donor) (C02984709)
S. Barwise 1 Marshall (P) (UK103000 300839)
Dam - Barwise 1 English Rose BM 065S (P) (UK103000 501065)
D. Barwise 1 English Rose (P) ET (UK103000 600527)
Barwise 1 Wellington and Barwise 1 Rosie our original Argentine genetics give this bull's pedigree a sound footing. Calving ease in top 10%, Self Replacing Index in top 5%. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
43 Glenvale 1 Hendre Pollard (P)
UK746564 200904
S. Solpoll 1 Lawman (P) (UK9330013 27463)
Sire - Alderville 1 Dover (P) AI (UK163345 600691)
D. Alderville 1 Dorothy 38th (P) (UK163345 400332)
S. Vexour 1 Palmer (P) (UK268051 500998)
Dam - Glenvale 1 Polly 764 (P) (UK746564 200764)
D. Glenvale 1 Polly 617 (P) (UK746564 200617)
Born 03/04/2023
Tested Homozygous Polled. A correct, clean an modern bull. Heifer's first calf with dam scoring VG88 as a first calver, granddam EX92. "Hendre" has been used during the summer with calves due next spring. Sire classified EX93. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest by prior arrangement.
Miss EN Thorne
44 Studdolph 1 High Flyer (P)
UK746564 300905
S. Solpoll 1 Lawman (P) (UK9330013 27463)
Sire - Alderville 1 Dover (P) AI (UK163345 600691)
D. Alderville 1 Dorothy 38th (P) (UK163345 400332)
S. Dendor 1 Ledley (P) (UK700495 500714)
Dam - Studdolph 1 Vogue 636 (P) (UK746564 700636)
D. Studdolph 1 Vogue (P) (UK746564 600327)
Born 04/04/2023
"High Flyer" is a powerful bull, oozing muscle and strength. Maternal brother sold to Velleyhill herefords. Dam classified EX93, Sire classified EX93. 4.5 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest by prior arrangement.
45 Vexour 1 Apple Jack (P)
UK268051 501726
S. Kinglee 1 Nimrod (P) (UK200976 600542)
Sire - Classic 1 Scorpio (P) (UK333554 400025)
D. Classic 1 Jodie (P) AI (UK261607 100076)
S. Solpoll 1 Landmark (P) (UK9330013 27345)
Dam - Vexour 1 Rosalynn (P) (UK268051 501096)
D. Vexour 1 Madge (P) AI (UK268051 700727)
4 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
J Boomaars
46 Vexour 1 Alamo (P) UK268051 701686
S. Kinglee 1 Nimrod (P) (UK200976 600542) Sire - Classic 1 Scorpio (P) (UK333554 400025)
D. Classic 1 Jodie (P) AI (UK261607 100076)
S. Solpoll 1 Landmark (P) (UK9330013 27345)
Dam - Vexour 1 Nibbler (P) (UK268051 200897)
D. Vexour 1 Lacey (P) AI (UK268051 500627)
4 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
Born 07/04/2023
Dr E Williams
47 Holetown 1 Archie (P)
UK717703 300002
Born 18/04/2023
S. Wirruna Lennon L102 (Semen)(P) AI (Imp AUS) (WNAL102)
Sire - Rempstone 1 Valhalla WL612 (P) AI (UK287953 200612)
D. Rempstone 1 Bonny H387 (P) (UK287953 100387)
S. Gouldingpoll 1 Double Decker (P)(Imp IRL) (IE214806 860898)
Dam - Rempstone 1 Anna Mary D594 (P) (UK287953 500594)
D. Rempstone 1 Anna Mary N506 (P) (UK287953 100506)
Holetown 1 Archie is a really exciting son of Rempstone 1 Valhalla WL612 and out of Rempstone 1 Anna Mary D594 who won the Senior heifer class at the National Poll show 2023 with "Archie" at foot. Eligible for retest.
PK & IF Cobley (Trading as Stanton Farm)
48 Kinglee 1 Aftershock (P)
UK200976 700725 Born 07/05/2023
S. Kinglee 1 Nimrod (P) (UK200976 600542)
Sire - Classic 1 Theodore (P) (UK333554 700042)
D. Classic 1 Showgirl (P) (UK269231 200023)
S. Cleland 1 Nelson (P) AI (UK286682 700546)
Dam - Kinglee 1 Ebony 630 (P) (UK200976 300630)
D. Kinglee 1 Ebony 298 (P) (UK200976 700298)
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
49 Harveybros 1 A-Ladies-Man (S) AI
UK543027 200341
S. Gouldingpoll 1 Robust (IE191198 960722)
Sire - Gouldingpoll 1 Stockman (Semen)(Imp IRL) (372214806 850939)
D. Moeskaer Keepsake 1336 (69957-01336)
S. Venture Night Time 7055 ET (Imp DNK) (77811-00091)
Dam - Harveybros 1 Crocus N1 (P) (UK543027 700206)
D. Harveybros 1 Crocus E2 (P) (UK543027 300083)
Born 14/05/2023
"A-Ladies-Man" is maternal brother to "Crocus Rose", Poll show Champion 2019. "Willy-The-Womanizer" who was Autumn 2023 Bull Sale Champion and sold for 9,000gns after a short but successful summer being Reserve Junior Champion at the Scottish National show. 4 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Will be semen tested prior to sale. Eligible for retest.
Miss H Whittaker
50 Coley 1 Aristocrat (P)
UK132143 100694
S. Moeskaer Vegas 1451 AI (Imp DNK) (69957-01451)
Sire - Coley 1 Teddy (P) (UK132143 200527)
D. Solbakkens Marrigold (Imp DNK) (45366-01263)
S. Venture Moler-989 (Imp DNK) (77811-00078)
Dam - Coley 1 Bubbles 458 (P) AI ET (UK132143 300458)
D.Coley 1 Bubbles 249 (P) (UK132143 400249)
Tested Homozygous Polled. Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
Born 16/05/2023
G & S Harvey
51 Harveybros 1 Ace-of-Spades (S) AI ET
UK543027 700346
S. Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514)
Sire - Normanton 1 Laertes (P) AI ET (UK206099 300369)
D. Normanton 1 Jews Ear C21 (P) AI (UK206099 500021)
S. Venture Night Time 7055 ET (Imp DNK) (77811-00091)
Dam - Harveybros 1 Crocus L4 (P) (UK543027 700192)
D. Harveybros 1 Crocus C4 (P) AI (UK543027 300055)
Born 22/05/2023
"Ace" is first bull from Harveybros 1 Crocus L4 having sold two full sisters to 5,500 and 5,000. "Ace" also had a short show season being Junior and Reserve Overall Male Champion at the Scottish National. 4 star rating herd for completeness of performance recording. Will be semen tested prior to sale. Eligible for retest.
GH Morgan
52 Fardre 1 Archimedes A323 (P)
UK705586 306323
S. R Leader 6964 (Ser/Sire) (C03025498)
Sire - Fardre 1 Armstrong T859 (P) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK705586 204859)
D. Harvie MS Firefly 55C (Donor) (C03005209)
Born 26/05/2023
S. Moeskaer Salute 994 (Semen)(Imp DNK) (69957-00994)
Dam - Fardre 1 Julia T886 (P) AI ET (UK705586 104886)
D. Romany 1 Julia RE K61 (P) (UK562010 300956)
"Archimedes" an excellent, well muscled bull by "Armstrong" himself by top North American bull R Leader 6964. His mother comes from the famous "Julia" line at Romany sired by Moeskaer Salute 994. Looking for a moderate well muscled bull that will still breed maternal females then do the maths and bid on "Archimedes". Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
W & R Kemp & Sons
53 Auckvale 1 Ambition 2300A (P)
UK104917 302300
Born 13/06/2023
S. NJW 73S W18 Downhome 21Z (Ser/Sire) ET (C02983932)
Sire - Auckvale 1 Vice Chancellor 2031 (P) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK104917 702031)
D. CBB 4R Iggy 511C (Donor) (C03006989)
S. Dendor 1 Muttley (P) (UK700495 700744)
Dam - Auckvale 1 Curly 1770R (P) (UK104917 501770)
D. Auckvale Curly 1390L (DH) (UK104917 301390)
Tested Homozygous Polled. "Ambition" is an exceptional thickset, muscular young bull with great calving ease figures. His dam from the great "Curly" family, is a hard working productive cow! He is the first son of the unique "Vice Chancellor" to sell at auction, check out his EBV's. Tested negative for BVD, IBR, Lepto and Johnes. Eligible for retest.
Mr N & Mrs L Holdsworth
54 Pebworth 1 Walnut (P)
UK311280 300360
S. Dendor 1 Nairobi (P) (UK700495 500805)
Sire - Dendor 1 Smokin' Joe (P) (UK700495 200928)
D. Dendor 1 Greta 13th (P) (UK700495 600631)
S. Cato 1 Miller (P) (UK344736 300527)
Dam - Pebworth 1 Sweetpea (P) (UK311280 400284)
D. Pebworth 1 Narcissus (P) (UK311280 700231)
Born 28/02/2022
Ran with UK200976 600689 - Kinglee 1 Will-I-Am (P) {HYF} from 02/05/24 to 04/07/24 Eligible for retest.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
G & MC Shepherd
55 Moorside 1 Maria 4th (P) AI
UK185962 100147
S. Aldersley 1 Dwight (P) (UK163345 500011)
Sire - Blakelaw 1 Calzaghe (P) (UK125853 400115)
D. Blakelaw 1 Yvonne (P) (UK125853 500067)
S. MC Ranger 9615 (Ser/Sire) (P02710083)
Dam - Moorside 1 Maria (P) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK185962 200064)
D. Harvie Miss Hilary 90H (Donor) (C02706216)
Calving Record: 1.15-MAR-2024 S
AI'd on 09/06/24 to UK103719 503098 - Netherhall 1 Matty S098 (P) AI ET {DLF IEF
Born 24/04/2021
{PVF}carries a semen royalty fee of £42.00 at point of registration. This family comes from Harvie Ranching and rear fast growing calves. Sired by Bull of the Year Blakelaw 1 Calzaghe. In calf to FEMALE sexed semen. First calf lost due to owner error, second calf not registered.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
G & MC Shepherd
56 Moorside 1 Camille (P)
UK185962 100161
S. Coley 1 Maverick (Scurs Removed) (UK132143 400347)
Born 31/03/2022
Sire - Coley 1 Pilot (S) (UK132143 300402)
D. Romany 1 Ishbel D1 M11 (P) (UK562010 401069)
S. Moorside 1 Kirby (P) AI ET (Imp DNK) (UK185962 100021)
Dam - Moorside 1 Jackie 3rd (P) (UK185962 400052)
D. Moorside 1 Jacky 2nd (P) AI (UK185962 700013)
Calving Record: 1. 17-APR-2024 F
AI'd on 01/06/24 to UK103719 503098 - Netherhall 1 Matty S098 (P) AI ET {DLF IEF HYF
{PVF}carries a semen royalty fee of £42.00 at point of registration. A pedigree stacked with notable cattle. This solid young cow sells in calf to FEMALE sexed semen.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
G & MC Shepherd
57 Moorside 1 New Dawn 9th (S) UK185962 400171 Born 14/02/2023
S. Coley 1 Maverick (Scurs Removed) (UK132143 400347)
Sire - Coley 1 Pilot (S) (UK132143 300402)
D. Romany 1 Ishbel D1 M11 (P) (UK562010 401069)
S. Injemira Advance Z080 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (IHSZ080)
Dam - Moorside 1 New Dawn (P) AI (UK185962 300058)
D. Moorside 1 Dawn 1st (P) AI (UK185962 100035)
AI'd on 21/05/24 to UK103719 503098 - Netherhall 1 Matty S098 (P) AI ET {DLF IEF HYF
{PVF}carries a semen royalty fee of £42.00 at point of registration. Out of a great cow & sired by Reserve Bull of the World. She shows pleasing EBV's, correctness and will make a fantastic cow. In calf to FEMALE sexed semen.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
J & L Mooney
58 Moorside 1 Dawn 2nd (P)
Bred by: G & MC Shepherd
UK185962 300135 Born 31/08/2020
S. Coley 1 Maverick (Scurs Removed) (UK132143 400347)
Sire - Coley 1 Pilot (S) (UK132143 300402)
D. Romany 1 Ishbel D1 M11 (P) (UK562010 401069)
S. CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S (Semen)(Imp CAN) (C02880797)
Dam - Moorside 1 Dawn 1st (P) AI (UK185962 100035)
D. Romany 1 Dawn E23 H10 (P) (UK562010 600749)
Calving Record: 1.04-JAN-2023 M, 2. 06-MAR-2024 M, 3. 06-MAR-2024 F
AI'd on 01/07/24 to UK103719 503098 - Netherhall 1 Matty S098 (P) AI ET {DLF IEF HYF MSUDF} {PVF}carries a semen royalty fee of £42.00 at point of registration. By an internationally acclaimed bull & from a great cow family. "Dawn" has made a good job of rearing her twin calves (lots 56a & 56b). Back in calf to FEMALE sexed semen.
August 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN
58a Hill Crest 1 Beraht (P) AI TF
UK185962 600180
S. Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1)
Sire - Netherhall 1 OZ Daffy M024 (P) AI ET (Imp AUS) (UK103719 202024)
D. Wirruna Last Day E163 (Donor)(P) AI (WNAE163)
58b Hill Crest 1 Bettina Dawn (P) AI TM
UK185962 700181
S. Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1)
Sire - Netherhall 1 OZ Daffy M024 (P) AI ET (Imp AUS) (UK103719 202024)
D. Wirruna Last Day E163 (Donor)(P) AI (WNAE163)
Born 06/03/2024
Born 06/03/2024
Tomlinson Brothers
07710 933 680
G Tomley Oswestry 07966 090 904
D Newton Shrewsbury 07802 516 122
HF Pugh Bishops Castle 07966 508 693
K Evans Welshpool 07768 995 491
A Morris Llanymynech 07970 116 996
GH Bradshaw Whitchurch (Salop) 07376 127 479
K & S Livestock Whitchurch (Salop) 07539 833 826
W Williams
07931 491 636 Marshall Pass
C & R Livestock
07866 651 575 McTaggarts
01556 503 791 Daveys
07970 790230
E A Ellis
976374 R Harris
07736 107 258 J Swingler
O’Kane & Morgan
07930 276 819
07729 984474
Broad Oak, Shrewsbury SY4 3AF
info@albrighthussey.co.uk (0)1939 290 571
Hotel information
Albrighton Hall Hotel and Spa
49-50 Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury SY1
+44(0)1743 770 345
Premier Inn Shrewsbury
Ellesmere Road, Albrighton SY4 3AG reservations@mercureshrewsbury.co.uk
+44(0)1939 291 000
The Albright Hussey Manor Hotel Broad Oak, Shrewsbury SY4 3AF info@albrighthussey.co.uk
+44 (0)1939 290 571
Lion and Pheasant
North Harmer Hill, Wern Road, Shrewsbury
49-50 Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury SY1 1XJ
+44(0)1743 770 345
+44 (0)71 527 8974
Premier Inn Shrewsbury
Travelodge Shrewsbury Battlefield
Albrighton Hall Hotel and Spa
tlefield Roundabout, Shrewsbury 3EQ (0)871 984 6120
Ellesmere Road, Albrighton SY4 3AG reservations@mercureshrewsbury.co.uk
+44(0)1939 291 000
Travelodge Shrewsbury Battlefield
Holiday Inn Express Shrewsbury
Battlefield Roundabout, Shrewsbury
+44 (0)871 984 6120
Shrewsbury Business Park, Stika Drive, Shrewsbury 6LG (0)871 510 1382
Holiday Inn Express Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury Business Park, Stika Drive, Shrewsbury
+44 (0)871 510 1382
North Harmer Hill, Wern Road, Shrewsbury
Premier Inn Shrewsbury Town Centre
Smithfield Road, Shrewsbury SY1 1QB
+44(0)871 527 9402
+44 (0)71 527 8974
Premier Inn Shrewsbury Town Centre
Smithfield Road, Shrewsbury SY1 1QB
+44(0)871 527 9402
Travel information
Travel information
One and a half hour drive from Birmingham Airport, Manchester Airport and Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Manchester and Birmingham Airports are linked to train stations. The train station in Shrewsbury is located just 11 minutes from the sale centre. Call Shrewsbury Taxis on 01743 242424
One and a half hour drive from Birmingham Airport, Manchester Airport and Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Manchester and Birmingham Airports are linked to stations. The train station in Shrewsbury located just 11 minutes from the sale centre.
Call Shrewsbury Taxis on 01743 242424
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We understand that not all farms and systems are the same, you need an adaptable animal that fits your needs.
The Hereford is bred to perform. If you want to unlock the power of the Hereford, get in touch at hello@herefordcattle.org