The Society’s annual dinner will be held on Friday 11 October at Mercure Shrewsbury Albrighton Hall Hotel and Spa (SY4 3AG).
This year we have Billy Athey as our guest speaker who was the opening batsman for England and played first class cricket for Gloucestershire, Yorkshire and Sussex.
Tickets are £36.50 to include a three course meal, with three options for each course.
We are now taking advert bookings for the 2025 Breed Journal so make sure you contact us if you haven’t already booked.
Please see p8 for a booking form and member rates. For businesses or non members please request rates.
Contact steve.rivers@ herefordcattle.org for further information
Dates for upcoming council meetings
10th September
12th November, AGM
The society must thank Dunbia for once again kindly sponsoring the beef.
There is a limited number of rooms available at The Albrighton at a discounted rate of £139 so if reserving a room, please state you will be attending the dinner.
The evening will also host various awards.
If you wish to attend, please complete the menu (link here), and return to beverley.turner@herefordcattle.org
We are still experiencing hair samples being submitted to the office that are either soiled or too sparse. Before collecting your samples, please familiarise yourself with the instructions that are included with every pouch. These offer a clear guide that will ensure that you collect your samples correctly. Failure to do so may result in them being returned to you OR additional costs and delays.
If you would prefer to watch a video guide please select this link, how to sample https://youtube. com/shorts/i2_6PZUXUDQ?si=YndHYfkogrKG6ucl
it is a member’s responsibility to ensure that any online registration batches created are submitted within the specified timescale. Once you have finished adding the calves’ records and receive the Validated – click to go to Submit Screen message you must do so to complete the process. Any batches submitted late will be subject to the relevant additional fees and DNA testing where applicable.
If you have difficulty using the online system, please contact the office straight away so that we can assist you – a batch CANNOT be submitted with Fatal Errors but can be submitted with Warnings.
ALL calves got by Artificial Insemination (registered or notified) must have a copy of the relevant AI certificate submitted to our office in accordance with our rules. Pedigree certificates will NOT be released for calves got by AI unless the requirement has been met. Emailed copies are acceptable.
For members using DIY insemination we can supply DIY certs for the relevant inseminator to complete – please contact tracey.thomas@ herefordcattle.org to request some.
Please remember that calves need to be registered within 27 days and it is the member’s responsibility to submit online batches once they have been created.
Anything registered between 28 and 60 days of age will incur an extra £14.40 (inclusive of VAT).
progeny will not be accepted for registration unless the required testing has taken place:-
All herd sires to be DNA profiled (genotyping), must also include a test for the genetic defect hypotrichosis (hair disorder).
All calves born by a sire known to be a hypotrichosis carrier (HYC) must be tested for the condition. The cost of testing will be borne by the calf owner, but registration fees will be refunded on calves found to be carriers if they are deregistered at the request of the breeder.
Any female having a calf registered with the Hereford Cattle Society for the first time must be DNA profiled (genotyped) and sire or parentage verified (if the sire or sire and dam have been previously SNP tested), testing for hypotrichosis is optional but recommended.
Annual members who do not pay their subscription by Bank Standing Order are reminded that the fee of £85.00 for the year 2024/25 became due on 1st July 2024 Lorem ipsum
Users can now submit their Hereford calves via the system
In Herdwatch, the Pedigree Management record now allows you to select animals you wish to notify or pedigree register, these records are sent to the Society by Herdwatch, eliminating the need to double enter this information.
We are the first breed society to be linked with this feature.
Hereford Breeds : Only animals with the Breed code HE are eligible (100% purebred), so no other animals will appear in the animal selection.
Each breed society will have different required fields needed from farmers.
For example, if you are a member of more than one breed society, your member ID and herd name may be different.
For a full list of Shows and events visit the event page on our website here
For further information and Herdwatch help article, click here where you will find step by step instructions and videos.
Please complete and return to steve.rivers@herefordcattle.org
Date Name
Herd / Company:
Cost _________________________________________ (Prices are subject to VAT)
Copy Deadline 30th October 2024
Full Page (Portrait): ....................................................................................................................................
Bleed size = 210mm (width) x 297mm (height) trim plus 3mm bleed (216 x 303mm)
Type Area Size = 188mm (width) x 276mm (height)
Half Page (Landscape): ............................................................................................................................. @£250
Size = 188mm (width) x 133mm (height)
Quarter Page (Portrait): ............................................................................................................................ @£150
Size = 90mm (width) x 133mm (height)
Artwork should be supplied as final press ready pdf with all images and colours cmyk (not rgb) and minimum 300dpi and should be sent to steve.rivers@herefordcattle.org by 30th October
All copy and artwork should be sent to: Steve Rivers, Hereford House, 20 East Street, Hereford HR1 2LU
Tel: 01432 275566, steve.rivers@herefordcattle.org
For adverts requiring layout by us, please supply text in Microsoft Word format and images as 300dpi cmyk by 30th October To maintain the quality of the journal, please ensure submitted photographs are of the highest quality. Professional photography is preferred and we can supply a list of specialist livestock photographers from across the country if required. All advertisers will receive a proof for approval prior to final printing. Any major alterations to original copy provided will be subject to an author’s correction charge. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any advice or assistance in laying out your advert.
Adverts will be invoiced upon publication. This will be approximately end of January 2025. Payment terms, within 30 days of invoice date made payable to Hereford Cattle Society. Bank details will be on your invoice for payment.
The much anticipated dispersal sale of the Hean Herd of pedigree Hereford cattle took place on the Pembrokeshire Coast on Saturday 24th August, with buyers descending to the Hean Castle Estate in vast numbers with buyers from Cornwall to Scotland making their mark!
Highlights included:-
Lot 3 Hean 1 Plover 878 c/w H Calf 5400gns
Lot 20 Solpoll 1 Superduty P (AI) 5000gns
Lot 59 Hean 1 Acorn c/w H Calf 5000gns
Lot 15 Hean 1 Diadem 053 c/w H Calf 4400gns
Lots 46 Hean 1 Plover 006 c/w H Calf 4200gns
Lot 107 Hean 1 Doris 307 ICH 4200gns
Lot 43 Hean 1 Diadem 799 c/w B Calf 4000gns
Lot 8 Hean 1 Dimole 069 c/w H Calf 3800gns
Lot 47 Hean 1 Plover 120 c/w H Calf 3800gns
Lot 146 Hean 1 Plover MHeifer 11mo 1500gns
In all Cows and Calves Averaged £2675, with the sale averaging £1666 per life.
Further information from Halls Auctioneers: https://www.hallsgb.com
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2025
Pre-tour | Herefords in Big Sky Country
Friday, Oct. 17, 2025
Pre-tour | Herefords in Big Sky Country
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2025
Pre-tour | Herefords in Big Sky Country
Sunday, Oct. 19, 2025
Pre-tour | Herefords in Big Sky Country Young Breeders Competition, Manhattan, Kan.
Monday, Oct. 20, 2025
Pre-tour | Herefords in Big Sky Country Young Breeders Competition, Manhattan, Kan.
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2025
Pre-tour | Herefords in Big Sky Country Young Breeders Competition, Manhattan, Kan.
Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2025
World Hereford Conference Welcome Reception, Kansas City, Mo. Young Breeders Competition, Kansas City, Mo.
Thursday, Oct. 23, 2025
World Hereford Conference Sessions, Kansas City, Mo. Young Breeders Competition, Kansas City, Mo.
Herefords in big sky country
Oct. 16 – 21, 2025
Breathtaking wideopen spaces and skies stretching for miles encapsulates the beauty of Montana. This pretour will take attendees on an experience seeing Hereford cattle, agriculture history and U.S. landmarks.
Sandhills Sights ANd Mountain views
Oct. 26 – 29, 2025
The sandy soil coupled with the rolling hills have deemed the land of Nebraska the Sandhills. Attendees will depart Kansas City, Mo., on a scenic drive through the Sandhills and will complete the tour taking in astonishing mountain views.
Friday, Oct. 24, 2025
World Hereford Conference Sessions, Kansas City, Mo. Young Breeders Competition, Kansas City, Mo.
World Hereford Conference Closing Reception, Kansas City, Mo.
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2025
American Hereford Association Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Mo. Young Breeders Fitting and Showing Competition, Kansas City, Mo.
American Royal National Junior Hereford Show, Kansas City, Mo.
International Genetics Sale, Kansas City, Mo
Sunday, Oct. 26, 2025
American Royal National Hereford Show, Kansas City, Mo. Depart for Post-tours
Monday, Oct. 27, 2025
Post-tour | Sandhills Sights and Mountain Views Post-tour | Southbound to Cowtown
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2025
Post-tour | Sandhills Sights and Mountain Views Post-tour | Southbound to Cowtown
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2025
Post-tour | Sandhills Sights and Mountain Views
Post-tour | Southbound to Cowtown
Southbound to Cowtown
Oct. 26 – 29, 2025
History and Herefords mixed with some of the most iconic stops on any tourist’s agenda. Flying south to Cowtown, attendees will make stops in the Lone Star and Sooner states on their way to Oklahoma City, Okla.
Young Breeders Competition
Oct. 19 – 26, 2025
Each country represented at the World Hereford Conference can bring a team of four young breeders to take part in the Young Breeders Competition hosted at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan., Oct. 19 – 22, 2025, and Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 22 – 26, 2025.
We are pleased to confirm details for those planning on attending the world Hereford Conference in October 2025.
In addition to the brief schedule opposite, the following details are now avaliable for Pre and post Tour options.
Click here for Booking form & conditions.
This pre-tour will take attendees on an experience seeing Hereford cattle, agriculture history and U.S. landmarks. Breathtaking wide-open spaces and skies stretching for miles encapsulates the beauty of Montana. Located in the Western region of the United States, Montana is home to 2.5 million head of cattle and some of the most pristine Hereford operations in the country.
Attendees will need to arrive in Billings, Mont., by Thursday, Oct.16. On Friday, Oct. 17, the tour will kick off with ranch visits and will culminate with an evening welcome reception at the Northern International Livestock Expo (NILE) with the option to take in the rodeo. Another night in Billings and then pack your bags for ranch stops on the way to Bozeman, Mont. Attendees will have the chance to explore Bozeman on Saturday, Oct. 18, evening on their own. On Sunday, Oct. 19, enjoy seeing some of the leading Hereford breeders in the U.S. with a dinner that evening. Another night in Bozeman and
Monday’s events will allow attendees to choose to see the sights of the area including one option to go to Yellowstone National Park. On Tuesday, Oct. 21, all attendees will fly to Kansas City, Mo., to prepare for the opening of the World Hereford Conference. This tour includes five nights of hotel accommodations, meals, coach bus transportation and a plane ticket to Kansas City.
Thursday, October 16
Arrive in Billings, Montana
Friday, October 17
Tour NJW Polled Herefords Decker, Montana Attend Hereford Breeder Reception at Northern International Livestock Expo, Billings, Montana
Saturday, October 18
Tour the Public Auction Yards (PAYS), Billings, Montana Tour Mohican Polled Herefords, Laurel, Montana Tour L Bar W, Absarorkee, Montana
Sunday, October 19
Tour Storey Hereford Ranch, Bozeman, Montana Tour Churchill Cattle Company, Manhattan, Montana Cooper/Holden at Cooper Hereford Ranch, Willow Creek, Montana Evening Event at Cooper Hereford Ranch
Monday, October 20
Optional Activities: Explore Yellowstone National Park Gardiner, Montana Visit Historical Belgrade, Montana Local Outdoor Recreation
Tuesday, October 21
Travel from Bozeman, Montana, to Kansas City, Missouri (Airfare Included)
Tour organised by Field Farm Tours. Tel: +44 1636 616060 www.fieldfarmtours.co.uk
Click here for Booking form & conditions
History and Herefords mixed with some of the most iconic stops on any tourist’s agenda as attendees head south. On the afternoon of Sunday, Oct. 26, attendees will fly to Fort Worth, Texas, and begin the tour through Texas and Oklahoma. Attendees will stay in Fort Worth Sunday and Monday night. These days will take attendees to leading Hereford operations, learn about marketing cattle via video marketing and take in the famous Fort Worth Stockyards. A visit to an elite cutting horse operation followed by a stop at a prestigious Hereford operation who are leaders in the show ring and also have a presence in the rodeo industry in America. Moving north to Oklahoma, attendees will visit another Hereford operation coupled with their famous Clydesdale horse operation. The tour will conclude in Oklahoma City, Okla., on Thursday, Oct. 30, with flights out of OKC or a continuation of your stay in the U.S. This tour includes coach bus transportation, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday hotel accommodations; meals and a flight on Sunday, Oct. 26, to Dallas-Fort Worth.
Sunday, October 26
Travel from Kansas City, Montana to Fort Worth, Texas
Monday, October 27
Visit GKB Cattle, Desdemona, Texas Visit Superior Livestock Auction, Fort Worth, Texas Evening in Fort Worth Stockyards, Fort Worth, Texas
Tuesday, October 28
Visit Pilot Point, Texas Tour EE Ranches, Whitesboro, Texas Tour Buck Cattle Co., Madill, Oklahoma Tour D&H Cattle Co., Ardmore, Oklahoma
Wednesday, October 29
Tour Express Ranches,Yukon, Oklahoma Visit National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Evening in the Stockyards, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
At the conclusion of the World Hereford Conference, attendees will depart Kansas City, Mo., on the afternoon of Sunday, Oct. 26, by coach busses to see the wide-open spaces of Nebraska into Wyoming eventually ending in Denver, Colo., with stops along the way to see Hereford cattle in the U.S. The final stay will be in the historic city of Cheyenne, Wyo., where attendees will enjoy the charm of the city and its unique western style.
This tour will showcase the incredible variety of landscapes the country offers in the central with rolling Sandhills of Nebraska and end with majestic views of the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming and Colorado. At the conclusion, attendees will be able to depart out of Denver International Airport (DEN) or continue their stay in the U.S. This tour includes all meals, coach bus transportation, and hotel accommodations for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday night hotel is not included in fee.
Sunday, October 26
Travel from Kansas City, Montana, to Lincoln, Nebraska.
Monday, October 27
Tour Hoffman Ranch, Thedford, Nebraska. Tour Snowshoe Cattle Company, Arthur, Nebraska.
Tuesday, October 28
Tour Van Newkirk Herefords, Oshkosh, Nebraska. Tour Olsen Hereford Ranch, Harrisburg, Nebraska.
Wednesday, October 29
Feedlot and Ranch Tours (Details to come) Attend National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colorado, facility hosted by Colorado State University
The UK Hereford Cattle Society is delighted to announce that the 2028 World Hereford Conference will be hosted by the United Kingdom.
This historic milestone, marks the 150th anniversary of the world’s first recognised Hereford breed society, established under the patronage of Queen Victoria in 1878.
Taking place in the summer months of June and July, the 20th World Hereford Conference will be a forum for cattle breeders and industry professionals to explore the homeland of this iconic British breed and discover its unique heritage and attributes that continue to connect the global cattle community. While celebrating our past, there will a strong emphasis on the important role Hereford genetics have to play in the sustainable beef systems of the future, with science and innovation at the heart of the conference.
Delegates will be treated to an exciting itinerary that will feature some of the UK’s most established and progressive Hereford herds, as well as leading agricultural shows, technical seminars, social events and young breeder competitions.
We look forward to sharing more details when possible and hope you will be able to join old friends and new, in the United Kingdom in 2028.
Matthew Rollason
Organising Committee Chairman
For the world Hereford conference 2028 the following committee has been chosen:
Chairman – Matthew Rollason
Mike Shaw
Ben Lewis
Emma Edwards
HCS Staff Paul Sneyd
Mark Roberts
James Ludgate
David Makin
As the summer season enters the final round of shows we look back at the most recent successes. For full reports please visit our website here.
Three-year-old Milovaig 1 Vindicator is no stranger to the showring, and this year’s Hereford Scottish National show was no different. Taking place at Biggar Show it welcomed many exhibitors from far and wide to showcase their cattle, displaying true quality and style.
Milovaig 1 Vindicator, a 2021 born bull bred by Calum Smith, now residing with Coxon Herefords took home the winning prize after securing 1st place in the bull born before August 2022 class. Living up to his name, Vindicator’s success was justified beyond doubt. This striking young man has already made his mark earlier in the summer at Echt Show where he not only took home the championship in the Hereford lines, but then went on to take the supreme championship.
Vindicator also had a fruitful summer in 2023 winning numerous titles including reserve senior male at this show last year and owner Martin Poyser celebrates his recent success with daughters and family. Milovaig 1 Vindicator is sired by Shraden 1 Perestroika and out of Milovaig 1 Bonnie Belle 6th and extends his titles year on year.
Breeders and supporters flocked to this years Royal Welsh Show, witnessing the spectacle of Hereford judging in the cattle ring.
Experienced judge, Mr Allen Massey from Bury, Lancashire had the hard task of selecting his champions from nearly thirty pedigree animals put forward. To kick off proceedings were the bull classes with Cleland 1 Regal taking the male and overall male championship. This Solpoll 1 Kitkat son was bred by Nesbitt Farms Ltd, and is
out of Cleland 1 Treat 17th, but is now shown under L and L Bowen of the Bowendu prefix.
Regal is a 2018 born bull and started his showing career at Bath and West Show in 2019, where he came 2nd. Taking some time out of the show ring he went on to work on a suckler herd, serving Hereford X cows, but has made a royal comeback having matured into a powerful bull. His power and presence were felt in the ring, making him the champion of champions.
Under the vigilant eye of judge Robin Irvine from Northern Ireland, twenty-five entries were put forward for him to consider, crowning Dendor 1 Vodka as his champion. Dendor 1 Vodka has had a successful show season, consistently being among the winners, and continued this streak at the Royal Lancashire Show. Demonstrating quality, style and reliability in the show ring secures the male and breed champion titles. This April 2021 born bull has frequently secured reserve spots including the Royal Highland Show earlier this year, but now achieves the top position. This accomplishment highlights Vodka’s quality and is a testament to his breeding. Bred by DE, ED & AL Jones is now owned by Miss Bethan Hutchinson. He is out of Dendor 1 Wattle 9th and sired by Gouldingpoll 1 Moonshine.
Many turned out to witness the thirty-six entries forward for this year’s Northern Ireland National Hereford show at Antrim. For the second time in one week, judge Allen Massey from Bury, Lancashire, was put through his paces, assessing the quality cattle presented on the day.
Barnburn 1 Nolana stole the heart of the show and the judge taking many titles to her name, including overall breed and female champion. This eight-year-old veteran is a Panmure 1 Henry daughter, out of a Barnburn 1 Fancy cow and secured best polled animal exhibitor bred and IHBS Champion Cup to name but a few.
Nolana is no stranger to winning and earlier in the year at Lurgan Show she won the cow with calf at foot class and then went on to take overall champion. This strong cow paraded the ring alongside her smart calf, Barnburn 1 Nolana 2nd who competed in her own heifer born on 1st September 2023 and before 31stDecember 2023 class, demonstrating the power of the Hereford breeds strength and maternal qualities.
There is no stopping Severnvale Rogue as he continues to secure championship titles across the country. Claiming his fourth consecutive title at the National Hereford Show, owner E G Mills said ‘the bull had far exceeded expectations’.
Rogue is an April 2022 born bull and sired by Somerwood Rando, out of Severnvale Hazel 1st a homebred, milky cow. Catching the eye of the breeder as a young calf, Edward always knew he was destined for the showring, and his second year on the circuit has demonstrated why. This powerful bull displays quality and style, improving and maturing as the year progresses, dominating the showring by taking the championship titles at Royal Cornwall, Royal Three Counties and Cheshire County shows.
Rempstone 1 Alpha N688 from James Ludgate, with stockman Joe Clarke, took the breed and overall interbreed championships at Edenbridge & Oxted Show.
It was the second time in three years that a Hereford took the overall interbreed championship.
The Ludgate’s also won female champion and reserve breed champion with Rempstone 1 Lily N684 on her debut show this season.
To top the show off the pair came together to win the interbreed pairs competition.
Pulham Olive 7th, from PRJ & LR Vincent, was picked out as native interbreed champion, Hereford breed champion and female champion. This followed success at the Shropshire Show earlier in the year, when she won female and reserve breed champion.
The Vincents had further sucess with Pulham 1 Achilles winning Male Champion and Reserve Breed Champion.
Benefits for members:
Support DNA testing for pedigree identification and disease services
Updates with the latest developments and research that may affect Hereford Cattle Management and promotion of regular Hereford Cattle Society shows & sales, along with the annual Awards Dinner.
Collects and compiles available performance data on Hereford Cattle
Collaborates with academic research wherever possible
An online database search facility
Annual Breed Journal
Access to premium Beef Schemes
And much more...
Scan the QR Code to vist our new members page
1,357 Members
12 Associations & clubs
Dedicated support
Friday 23rd August saw the USA applicants complete their next phase in the competition. Organised by Matthew Rollason, agricultural account manager at Dunbia and UKHY member, they were treated to a tour of the Dunbia plant based at Sawley. Spoiled from the beginning, everyone gratefully received bacon rolls and endless cups of coffee and tea. This was a great chance for members to reconnect and meet the team.
Following a business overview and safety talk, meat inspector expert Steve Powdrill from Marketing Best Practice addressed the room and gave a comprehensive briefing on meat quality, the EUROP scale and the importance of understanding their roles within the industry, describing them as food producers. This generated a good discussion around the table which then led to an inspection of three preselected cattle in the lairage.
Assessing cattle visually was one of the first challenges of the day and the team were asked to attempt weights and potential meat scoring of the cattle. A good mixture of cattle was presented with a Hereford X, Angus X and a Simmental X further debating prospective grading. After a quick change of clothes, the members were separated into manageable groups, and we entered the factory floor. Matthew aimed to cover a lot of ground in a short space of time, demonstrating how life transitions to death, with every aspect utilised.
Visits to the slaughter hall, boning hall, maturation room, and chillers proved to be highly educational, providing everyone with a deeper understanding of the entire process. This would bode them well for the afternoon task. A quick lunch break, and a short drive back to their hotel saw them waiting in anticipation for what may lie ahead.
A visit from Alan Sugar*, Baroness Brady*, Tim Campbell* and Claude Littner* made the applicants nervous as their brief was delivered in the board room.
‘How do we attract Gen Zs into the beef category and how do we advertise to them?’
To fulfil the brief, they separated into two teams and created a questionnaire which was then used on the public in the town of Clitheroe. Pushing most of them out of their comfort zone off they went, chaperoned by the judges, and started to
talk to people, visiting shops and butchers. On their return to base, they had roughly 45 minutes to design a logo for a steak and pitch to the judges. They were judged on teamwork, creativity, communication, presentation skills and resourcefulness. After a long day, all applicants finished off by reviewing their findings and critiquing their opponents. A kind invitation from Richard Jackson farm manager at Bradley Hall Farm, and wife Emma took them on a second day of cattle assessments and business understanding. Richard manages 350 acres across two farms, with 340 animals in total. 250 of the animals were run commercially with Lincoln Reds as the prominent breed. The remaining animals were Water Buffalo. Although not officially having organic status, the farm is managed with minimum inputs, resulting in native cattle utilising the ground and turning grass into meat. Richard has a target of putting 120 animals per year on average through the onsite butchery to supply the on-farm shop, this also includes the water buffalo, which prove to be a very popular product.
The carcases are hung for at least 21 days and allow a good time for maturing. Having the opportunity to visit their chiller room further enhanced their knowledge and sparked great discussions on comparison from the previous day. Topped off by an enjoyable tractor ride to look at cattle, grass quality and talk about the beef industry in general. To finish the day off, everyone enjoyed a buffalo burger and goodies, kindly provided by Emma Jackson.
UK Hereford Youth would like to thank everyone who had an input in allowing us to achieve a challenge like this. A special mention must go to all the team at Dunbia and for their sponsorship, Ellie Layton from Farmers Guardian for coming along as a guest judge and Richard and Emma for providing an enjoyable visit and treats.
Judges - *Alan Sugar – Allen Massey, *Baroness Brady – Ellie Layton, * Tim Campbell – Matthew Rollason and *Claude Littner – Paul Westaway
Don’t forget to reach out and get involved with your local Club or Association
Midlands & East Anglia
Hereford Breeders' Association
Peter Moyes, secretary 07767 353205
petermoyes@btinternet.com www.meahba.co.uk
Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association
West Midlands
Matthew Bailey, secretary 07557 951830
South of England
Hereford Breeders' Association
Nick Williams, secretary 07977 135624
sehbasecretary@gmail.com www.southofenglandherefords.co.uk
North of England
Hereford Breeders' Association
Phil Massey, secretary 07878 665309
nehbasecretary@gmail.com www.northernherefordcattle.com
National - Traditional
Hereford Club
Sarah Cook, secretary 07771 333303
alcroftcattle@hotmail.co.uk www.traditionalherefords.org
South Western
Hereford Association
Shelly Locket, secretary 07472 998868
shellylockett@icloud.com www.herefordsouthwest.com
National - Hereford Club
Horned & Dehorned
Sarah Cook, secretary 07771 333303
Northern Ireland
Hereford Breeders' Association
Stephen Cherry, secretary 07779 036556
steviecherry_69@yahoo.co.uk www.herefordni.co.uk
Hereford Breeders' Association
Pauline Wason, secretary 07855 237474
Hereford Breeders' Club
Liz Roderick, secretary 01792 390389
tombankfarm@aol.com www.welshherefords.co.uk
North Wales
Hereford Breeders' Club
Audrey Morgan, secretary 01745 833012
morganfardre@btconnect.com www.welshherefords.co.uk
Hereford Breeders' Club
Glenn Pritchard, secretary 07903 021680
gpritcharf@gmail.com www.welshherefords.co.uk