FE BRUARY 2 0 1 4
Love Yourself First
Zoe Temple
n the weeks prior to Valentine’s Day, adolescents everywhere scurry to perfect their coquetry and impress their crushes. Among all the chaos and nervous energy, teens often neglect the most important form of affection: self-love.
According to the National Association of Anorexia Nerviosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), 95% of those with eating disorders fall between the ages of 12 and 25—during the formative years. There are several types of eating disorders. Anorexia nerviosa is when an individual experiences a warped perception of their body image, fears weight gain, and restricts their caloric intake, causing significantly low body weight. Bulimia nerviosa is characterized by binge eating followed by purging (through vomit, laxatives, diuretics, fasting, or excessive exercise). Binge eating disorder involves frequently consuming large amounts of food but without the purging associated with bulimia. Eating disorders are often very closely linked to anxiety and depression—in fact, the ANAD has found that half of those with eating disorders also meet the criteria for depression. Eating disorders also cause long-lasting physical damage. Brittle bones, low blood pressure, muscle loss and weakness, severe dehydration, and kidney failure are all consequences of anorexia. Those with bulimia face serious health concerns affecting their digestive system, including the possible rupture of the esophagus, tooth decay, and chronic irregular bowel movements or constipation. Binge eating disorder may cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and gallbladder disease. The diseases are treacherous, painful, and serious. “It took almost a year for my mom to notice I had [an eating disorder],” revealed one student.
news Christie Crisis p. 2
“She thought it was just a passing phase.”
As adolescents, we are most vulnerable to social pressures, either from our peers or the media, that warp our perception of beauty. And the symptoms begin at an even younger age—a 1991 study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders reported that 42% of girls from first grade through third grade wished to be thinner. “I felt pressure to be thin as young as third grade,” commented one Highland Park High School student who suffered from an eating disorde. “I remember that my friends and I tried to go on diets during Bartle’s after school program.” It is shocking that children so young feel this “weight stigma,” stemming partially from our collective tendency to romanticize and belittle eating disorders and depression. From shows like Skins to dolls like Barbie, youth are led to believe that “big” and “beautiful” are mutually exclusive. Our very own bodies become sources of shame.
retouching in their ads. This increase in awareness surrounding eating disorders helps validate the diseases and minimize the stigma often associated with having one.
Eating disorders have been around for centuries, and we have made progress—but not enough. Many countries have declared February as Eating Disorder Awareness Month, and the National Eating Disorder Association organizes NEDAwareness Week, which this year falls from February 23 to March 1. Aerie, a lingerie line associated with American Eagle, has initiated a program called Aerie Real, promising not to use supermodels or
Although eating disorders may appear easy to dismiss and far from utopic Highland Park, national studies show that five in every 100 adolescent females and one in every 100 adolescent males have been affected by an eating disorder. In 2003, the Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders found that approximately 24 million people living in the United States suffered from some type of eating disorder, totaling to about eight percent of
If you or a loved one has an eating disorder, say something. If you are suffering, talk to a parent or a friend or a trusted adult. If you suspect a friend may have an eating disorder, ask them. Eating disorders will not disappear on their own; the sooner you start to help, the better their chances of recovery. When speaking with someone about their eating disorder, be sure not to reinforce any fat prejudice: do not tell them “You’re not fat.” Instead, suggest that they explore the roots of their fear of feeling fat. In these situations, avoid simple solutions.
feature Teachers’ Love Advice p. 8-9
arts Must-See Museums p. 14
opinion The “F” Word p. 4
“FATTY” by Amit Miretzky ’14
the US population in that same year.
“The most painful thing to hear,” a student with an eating disorder told the Fling, “is when people insist that eating disorders can be cured by giving the person a cheeseburger and making them eat it.” Change starts with us. Exhibit extra understanding and compassion for those with eating disorders. Curb your bulimia jokes and limit insensitive comments about others’ bodies. Appreciate all body types. And most importantly, during this Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to save some love for yourself!
sports Be Smart: Keep Your Brain Safe p. 15
“ You Snooze, You... Lose? egardless of whether this ritual is performed in bed or on the warm, fuzzy, carpeted floor or atop the desk in the middle of math class, it carries the participant to blissful ecstasy and leaves them with a craving for more. This private, traditionally nocturnal practice is universal, shared between crawling infants and wobbling elders, Canadians and Azerbaijani, Mozarts and Einsteins. What is this unifying factor of the human race? Sleep—a concept so simple yet so immensely complex and undoubtedly beautiful.
We all sleep (or at least, should), but many of us do not get enough of it. According to the National Sleep Foundation, teenagers (ages 11-17) should be getting eight and a half to nine and a half hours of sleep a night; for the adults, those 18 and older, the requirement is slightly lower, from seven to nine hours. However, one study found that around 67% of American teens were getting less than seven hours of sleep a night. The National Sleep Foundation mentions that sleep requirements vary from person to person, but even so, sleeping less than seven hours every night is not a healthy habit. Sleeping is crucial to maintaining a strong
body and a productive mind. Research shows that sleeping contributes to memory consolidation, the release of growth hormones, and the cleanup of harmful residue like beta-amyloid proteins, which are linked to Alzheimer’s, in the brain from a long day of using our noggins. So what happens when we do not get enough sleep, like the majority of high school students? Many people know from personal experience the repercussions of sleep deprivation—we get cranky, have trouble concentrating, and perform worse on physical tasks. In addition, lack of sleep causes your immune system to weaken, and—to all the beauty queens out there—
We all sleep (or at least, should) but many of us do not get enough of it. According to the National Sleep Foundaion, teenagers (ages 11-17) should be getting eight and a half to nine and a half hours of sleep a night.
Jisu Jeong
ruins your appearance; sleep deprivation has been shown to lead to dark circles and more acne. If not getting enough sleep has so many drawbacks, what is making students stay up so late? When asked, many students identified homework as the primary culprit, followed by procrastination and sports. Chris Zhao ’15, who sleeps seven and a half hours nightly on average, said, “It’s [sleep deprivation] halving my performance; like, I could be 50% better if I got more sleep.” Rasheka Krishan ’16, who usually gets five and a half hours of shuteye every night, said, “I can’t focus in school.” Daniel Zhu ’14, who sleeps five to six hours a night, said, “I’ve never felt like, ‘Wow, I’ve slept really well!’” While most of the students interviewed had a sleeping range from five to seven and a half hours, Elisabeth Landis ’16 said she got a whopping 10 hours of sleep a night.
I DREAM OF As Sleep-deprived students lose a lot more than just rest; their health, grades, and social life suffer as well.
With the demands of school (homework, sports, and extracurricular activities), work, and social obligations, it seems unlikely that most of us will be able to suddenly change our sleep schedules. We will have to learn to make the most out of the few hours of slumber we can manage to squeeze into our busy lives. Sweet dreams!
Bridge Over Troubled Water O
Becca Chant
n September 6, Christie-appointed Director of the Port Authority David Wildstein ordered the closing of two of the three local-access lanes from Fort Lee to the George Washington Bridge, the busiest crossing in the United States. On September 9, the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey followed through with instructions from their director—traffic came to a halt, people were hours late to work, and emergency vehicles could not get through the mess. The mayor of Fort Lee, Mark Sokolich, a democrat, called the Port Authority to ask what was going on, expressing concern for the children who were late to school. The answer? A Port Authority traffic study. Speculators suspected that the closures could have been politically motivated, as Sokolich did not endorse Christie for Governor.
Democrats then began pushing for hearings and investigations to determine if the closures were really for a traffic study. During one of many hearings, Christie emphasized that he was not associated with and knew nothing of the situation, joking, “I worked the cones. Unbeknownst to anyone, I was THE HIGHLAND FLING, FEBRUARY 2014
working the cones.” David Wildstein resigned on December 6, claiming that the bridge accusations were “becoming a distraction,” and that he was “going to move on.” On January 8, emails and text messages were uncovered proving that there was no traffic study planned or conducted, leaving the theory of political revenge as a leading motive. Communication between Christie’s Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly to David Wildstein confirmed that
closure of the lanes was meant to cause congestion.
Text messages between Wildstein and Kelly make matters worse:
To: David Wildstein From: Bridget Anne Kelly Aug 13, 2013, at 7:34 a.m. Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee.
Wildstein: Is it wrong that I’m smiling? Kelly: No Wildstein: I feel badly about the kids Kelly: They are the children of Buono voters Barabra Buono was Christie’s Democratic opponent in the 2013 New Jersey Gubernatorial election, whom he crushed by 24 points.
To: Bridget Anne Kelly From: David Wildstein Aug 13, 2013 at 7:35 a.m. Got it
There is much speculation circulating in the media as to Kelly and Wildstein’s motivation. Would the Christie administration have condoned such behavior? Although Christie claims that he was not aware of their actions (no evidence has proven otherwise), many citizens are still concerned with the apparent lack of communication between Christie and his administration. As investigations continue, an overbearing question remains—will this so-called “Bridgegate” scandal hinder Chris Christie, the Republican Party’s leading candidate for the upcoming 2016 Presidential elections? As investigations continue, more information is likely to be uncovered and Christie’s fate remains in limbo.
opinion NO LIE
Eli Liebell-McLean
Gabriel Trevor
The Buffer Zone Big Sky President
bortion continues to be a controversial issue in the United States, provoking antagonism between advocates—who consider it a basic right for women—and opponents— who believe the termination of a fetus to be akin to murder. Confrontations at abortion clinics have become common, with protest groups attempting to dissuade women seeking abortions. Often, counter-protest groups arise, and many clinics become besieged by activists from both sides. In response, some states have created “buffer zone” laws that restrict protestors (of either side) from approaching clinics or engaging someone (in conversation or argument) without that person’s express permission—within a radius of the clinic. One Colorado law prohibits anyone within 100 feet of an abortion clinic from “knowingly approach[ing] another person within eight feet…unless [the] other person consents.” In the 2000 Supreme Court Case Hill v. Colorado, Leila Hill, an anti-abortion activist who offered counseling and alternatives to patients entering clinics, argued that the Colorado law violated the First Amendment rights to free speech and press. The Supreme Court disagreed with her and upheld the law, affirming the its content-neutrality and protections against intimidation and harassment without unnecessary infringement on freedom of speech. Content-neutrality means that although the law was tailored to an abortion issue, the restriction was not based solely on protecting the right to an abortion; according to the District Judge, Colorado had not “adopted a regulation of speech because of disagreement with the message it conveys.” Justice Stevens, who delivered the opinion of the Supreme Court, discussed the extent to which the First Amendment protects the right to communicate and discuss information. He quoted Chief Justice William Howard Taft: “How far may men go in persuasion… [without violating] the right of those whom they would influence?” In this case, he argued, the women entering abortion clinics are often in an emotionally and physically vulnerable state and should therefore be granted greater protection from unwanted persuasion.
increased to 35 feet in the contested Massachusetts law. Protestors may demonstrate in any way they choose— provided they stay outside the clearly painted yellow line that designates the zone. McCullen, a “sidewalk counselor”, claims that the law violates her right to free speech. Honestly, I find it hard to believe that this argument continues to be made. Massachusetts has a history of harassment, intimidation, and violence in anti-abortion protests, including an infamous 1994 shooting spree that targeted two clinics outside Boston. The Massachusetts law deviates from Colorado model because an imaginary eight-foot “buffer zone” leaves police to eyeball distances that violate the law, which is simply impractical. Although the yellow line may seem more offensive, as a more physical marker of speech limitations, it should be regarded as a practical update to a theoretically viable but often impractical statute. This is not an argument about abortion rights. The laws in question are contentneutral, and apply to any situation where unwanted confrontation could be considered harassment and intimidation. I am glad that Ms. McCullen remains vigilant for violations of her First Amendment rights, but the fact remains that protestors may say whatever they please provided they stay outside of the clearly painted yellow zone. If you feel morally opposed to abortion, believing that a compelling argument can only be made in a personal, oneon-one conversation, keep in mind that Ms. McCullen alone has convinced over eighty women not to have abortions. These laws do not prevent the impact of anti-abortion speech and protest, nor do they violate First Amendment rights. They simply ensure the protection of American citizens from harassment and intimidation in emotionally vulnerable situations. I hope that anyone who reads this article will maintain an interest in the outcome of McCullen v. Coakley and keep their fingers crossed that “buffer zone” legislation endures.
he 2016 Presidential election is far, far away, but every few weeks a new name seems to pop up as a possible candidate. On the Republican side, our own Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) has been touted, as well as Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).
On the Democratic side, most have coalesced around former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who wields an impressive resume, including serving as a Senator from New York, and taking an active role as First Lady of the United States when husband Bill Clinton served as President. She polls exceptionally high in primary matchups—56 points above Vice President Joe Biden in a December PPP poll; however, she has yet to fully commit herself to a run in 2016, stating she will announce her intentions later this year. Even if Clinton were to run, a particularly strong candidate arises in former Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-MT) who, in a November 24 appearance on the MSNBC morning show “Up with Steve Kornacki,” stated his New Year’s resolution was to visit every one of Iowa’s 99 counties. Iowa also happens to be an important early Presidential caucus state, and former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) made a similar move in 2011 when seeking the 2012 Republican nomination. Schweitzer has advocated in Iowa for a repeal of Obamacare—and to replace it with a Canadian-style single-payer health care system. He takes a more conservative stance on gun control—Schweitzer has an “A” rating with the National Rifle Association (a necessity in most western mountain states for any Democrat). He has also criticized the Obama administration’s national security policy, particularly the recent revelations of NSA spying. While Hillary Clinton is an incredibly strong candidate and would probably win the nomination if she were to run, she has flaws. On the right, Clinton is notoriously derided, and she has been since she helped her husband win in 1992. On the left, Clinton’s foreign policy puts her
Schweitzer won the gubernatorial race in Montana in 2004 and 2008, two times when the state went to a Republican candidate in the Presidential race. He maintained approval ratings in the 60s, while advocating alternative energy and single-payer health care—all in a traditionally red state. Many polls position Chris Christie as the Republican candidate in 2016, which does not bode well for Hillary Clinton, as he polls very well against her. Democrats may be looking for a candidate who can appeal to a broader base than Hillary, and Schweitzer may be that candidate. He would stand in contrast to Christie, who is seen as aggressive and overly emotional. Schweitzer, in public appearances, seems stable in comparison to Christie. As “honest” as Christie acts, Schweitzer is folksy. Both men served as incredibly popular Governors in states that traditionally support the opposite party. Clinton has won her only election in New York, a state that reliably elects Democratic senators. Schweitzer would face a harsh primary battle if he were to run. The Democratic donor class is anxious for Clinton to announce her intention to run. They want a strong consensus candidate so that the large Republican field can rip itself apart in the primaries. Schweitzer has poor name recognition, with 70% of potential Iowa Democratic voters not sure whether or not they approve of him. While he has criticized Clinton’s support of the Iraq War and worked as a businessman overseas in the 1980s, he has little foreign policy experience relative to Clinton. The Democratic base, after making history with the first African-American president in 2008, may want to do so again in 2016 with the first female president. Given Governor Christie’s recent “Bridgegate” scandal and its potential effects on his 2016 prospects, it is important to remember that no one can know exactly what’s going to happen in an election more than two years in advance. At this point in the 2008 election cycle, every pundit said it would be former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani competing against Hillary Clinton. Giuliani placed sixth in the Iowa Caucus and fourth in the New Hampshire Primary, while Clinton lost many late-season primaries—and her advantage over Barack Obama. A candidate like Brian Schweitzer may seem like a long shot now, but the campaign has barely begun.
I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Stevens because this law does not entirely suspend speech and protestors can still demonstrate as long as they maintain a distance of more than eight feet. While cases of harassment and intimidation could be handled on an individual basis, as Mr. Stevens said the vulnerable state of the women in this case should serve as sufficient need for greater legal protection. More than a decade later, a similar case has arisen in McCullen v. Coakley, which the Supreme Court heard on January 15. This case departs from the previous precedent in that the “buffer zone” of eight feet between individuals has been
to the right of many potential candidates. In addition to her initial support for the Iraq War in 2002, Secretary Clinton advocated for the arming of rebels in Syria, escalation of the War in Afghanistan, and the expansion of unmanned lethal drone strikes. For an electorate (and a base) increasingly wary of foreign entanglements, these positions could play badly in a primary or the general election.
I am a feminist. (Yikes!) But what does “feminist” actually mean? For a long time, I refused to call myself one—not because I didn’t think that women should have the same rights as men, or feel empowered, or strong—I chose not to consider myself a feminist because of the stigma. According to the media, society, and common stereotypes, feminists hate men, are unattractive, never shave, don’t want children, and are all the same. (Um, no.) It is difficult to understand why believing in the equality of the genders would automatically make one an ugly, childless man-hater with armpit hair. I do not see the correlation. Feminism, throughout the ages, has been referred to as the “F-word.” Here’s another f-word—fear. Both men and women fear the idea of feminists. While most think that it is just men who fear feminists—the opposite is also true. Women are extremely fearful of calling themselves feminists, as they don’t want to appear unattractive to men. In fact, many female celebrities have come forward explaining why they are not feminists. Lady Gaga declared, “I’m not a feminist. I hail men. I love men. I celebrate American male culture—beer, bars, and muscle cars.” Thanks Miss Gaga for playing into the stereotype that being a feminist means hating men. While she later changed her mind calling herself a “little bit of a feminist,” the damage was already done. Singer Bjork also stated, “[I don’t identify as a feminist] because I think it would isolate me.” And she is probably right about that. In the celebrity sphere, she would be one of a few famous women to call herself a feminist. Carrie Underwood, Katy Perry, Madonna (are you kidding me, Madonna?), Sarah Jessica Parker, and even Beyoncé have at one point renounced the label “feminist.” These women have built their careers and their music on feminism. What does Beyoncé mean when she sings, “Who run the world? Girls,” if she does not consider herself a
feminist? Katy Perry has “the eye of the tiger,” is a “firework,” and has “kissed a girl” and liked it, but was quoted saying “I am not a feminist.” It is sad that influential women, powerful women do not have the will to call themselves feminists. But if you are a feminist, there is hope. Women, both famous and non-famous, have been taking a stand and declaring themselves feminists. Golden-Globe winning actress Amy Poehler has openly declared, “I am a feminist.” Rashida Jones (Parks and Recreation) affirmed, “I would [call myself a feminist], yes.” (As you should, Rashida!) And Lena Dunham (Girls) called being a feminist “an essential part of my identity.” Maybe it is just me, but I have so much more respect for the women who are proud to call themselves feminists than the women who refuse to do so. I understand that it is not easy or that it may not feel important to consider oneself (either privately or publically) a feminist—but defying stereotypes, believing in equality, and feeling empowered are all extremely important. Not believing in feminism is one thing, but not considering oneself a feminist because the fear of what other people might think is another. A feminist by definition is one who advocates for women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality. That does not sound too radical, does it? If it does, read it again. And again. Because nowhere in that definition will one see anything about burning bras, unshaven legs, mannish haircuts or anything that extreme. Being a feminist can mean whatever a women or a man wants it to mean. Trust me, I am dying to delete the part of this piece where I openly call myself a feminist. The backspace button is just staring at me. But I do not want to be a hypocrite, and I do not want to be afraid, because the idea of fearing equality scares me even more then calling myself a feminist does.
The F-Bomb Maddie Hehir
editor-in-chief Oscar Lee layout editor Zoe Temple business manager Maddie Hehir head of photography Zoe Temple online editor Elena Weissmann news editor Sarah Cheng feature editor Jana Choi opinion editor Maddie Hehir sports editor Olivia Draper arts editor Elena Weissmann advisor Brett Roche
writers Shana Oshinskie, Tia Wangli, Amita Shukla, Dawn Park, Jisu Jeong, Sarah Liebau, Miranda Safir, Grace Chong, Becca Chant, Annie McCrone, Eli Liebell-McLean, Gabriel Trevor, Eli Copperman, Camryn Kozachek illustrators & photographers Jisu Jeong, Tia Wangli, Becca Chant, William Chen Tim Gvr, Aaron Gartenberg, Victoria DeLaurentis, Amit Miretzky
the official newspaper of highland park high school highland park, new jersey 08904 . thehighlandfling@gmail.com . hpfling.tumblr.com . facebook.com/hpfling . @hpfling THE HIGHLAND FLING, FEBRUARY 2014
Drive ‘Til You Drop D
Annie McCrone
rive. It’s a force of motivation. It’s a factor of success. The Fling met with Aaron Gartenberg ’14 to explore not only what he does, but also to take something away from his incredible self-determination and dedication. It’s his drive that has gotten him to where he is now. Aaron runs a full service, freelance, multi-media company called Aaron Dean Productions. Sometimes his company is tasked with coming up with ideas for videos; in those cases he is a media consultant. Other times he will get editing jobs. In addition to running his company, he also works as an independently contracted director of photography and cinematography. Currently, Aaron is working with Universal Music Group on a music video in New York City, but he has several projects going on, occasionally with clients in different time zones.
Will this project gain him publicity and therefore better and bigger opportunities? Can he learn new things from doing this project? Will it yield a profit? For example, Aaron’s first big project got over 4 million YouTube views, but did not pay what it was worth. Sometimes projects do not get produced because they do not fit the criteria. Other times they just get tabled and never done. Aaron finds that frustrating because it took up time that could have been spent learning or producing something else: “Every down minute is a wasted minute.”
To learn, Aaron constantly takes many difficult jobs. He exemplifies the saying, “baptism by fire, taking on any job he could get. He explained, “I worked with professionals, and that’s how I learned.” The benefit to having a business model in the media industry is the constant publicity that comes with it. After a project goes viral, Aaron often receives emails from prospective employers, simply because his name was on that project. Before he takes on a project, Aaron has to look at three different factors: exposure, experience, and expense.
Like many, Aaron has extracurricular activities outside his job. He has a range of things to deal with, from Robotics Club to Tech Crew. On the weekends, he usually gets up at seven in the morning and does not stop until his work is done—or until he is interrupted. When he was starting out in his junior year, Aaron explained that he would stay up late every night because he did not know how to handle all of his work. He would drive himself into the ground. “I still drive ‘til I drop,” he said, “but I can manage it better. It’s a hustle.” That is something that everyone can relate to. There are aspects of life that we have a drive for, and that drive can cause us to go beyond our limits, but it can also make us successful if we manage it just right. Things do not stop because you need them to. You have to keep moving.
“I love business,” Aaron told us. Business is something that has always interested Aaron. He longed to create something where he could have his own hours and be his own boss. It was about turning something he loved to do, like media production, into something industrious. Aaron got started when he attended an internship at a New York City record label studio the summer before his junior year. This internship allowed him to set up networks— people he could work with later. When school started, he left the internship and launched his business. Aaron told The Fling that he couldn’t be successful today if he had stayed local because there is nothing sizable or consistent in Highland Park.
never gets a break. People expect things from him while he is at school, and it is difficult to balance both. Aaron tries to keep his head in school and maintain a business that he loves. To decrease his own workload, he has begun hiring professional videographers and editors.
His determination has led him to work with big names in the music industry, like Mike Stud (whose album debuted #1 overall album on iTunes). Aaron was Stud’s director of photography for his last three music videos and appeared in his most recent one. At his internship, Aaron received emails from the desk of Pitbull. He noted, “It was cool to see how he manages his label.” He has been in the studio where Tupac got shot (the first time) and spent time with a guy who produced four tracks off Justin Bieber’s last album. When asked about whether his work was stressful, Aaron replied, “Yes, extremely, but in an interesting way. The work I do is amazing and I love it.” He explains how it is stressful to work with professionals while he’s still in high school. Aaron explained, “the media business is 24/7.” He
Does he want to do this in the future? “Not really. I’ll be pursuing a career in business. I live for business and I love it,” he answered. Aaron has successfully turned something that he loves into something lucrative. Business is a competitive and intense industry, but it is his passion. Working in the music industry has exposed him to the behind-thescenes action. He explained, “Some of it is ugly, but some of it’s beautiful.” More information about Aaron’s company can be found at his website aarondeanproductions.com. For those interested in the music and media industry, Aaron emphasized, “so much of what you do is how you present yourself.” In addition, it is important to keep track of your resources. Aaron strongly believes in karma—your actions will come back around to you, so make sure they are good. What is evident, apart from Aaron’s apparent success, is his passion. And right alongside that passion is an unrivaled drive. The hustle, drive, and passion that exist not only in Aaron’s life, but in everyone’s, push us toward our futures. As Aaron Gartenberg put it, “I put myself way in over my head and go.”
CLOSE-UP READY(Above): Aaron Gartenberg ’14 hangs out with pop legend Aaron Carter after filming his show; (Below): A still from Aaron’s latest project, a documentary in NYC.
What’s Up, DOT? A
Eli Copperman
s a film and video aficionado, Darcy Thompson ’15 began his production company in early 2012 during his freshman year. A mnemonic of his initials, DOT Film and Photo is a business venture in which Darcy invests a lot of time. “DOT is not only a YouTube channel, but also my production company, which I use for shorts that I write and for freelance work,” he said.
ON THE DOT Student producer Darcy O. Thompson snaps some photos at a shoot. Photograph courtesy of Tim Grv ’15.
When it comes to making the videos, he writes the script, shoots the footage, and edits scenes with the help of his friends Tim Gvr ’15, Christopher Michael ’15, Sam Lee ’15 and Ethan Knecht, a friend from nearby Metuchen. Together, they use Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects to edit clips, add audio, and add special effects. “It’s harder than people think, because of how much effort
it takes to complete a project and organize the people I work with,” he shared. In general, Darcy invites friends to star in his films. “It’s easier [that way]—and free. Most of the videos are sketches I or someone else wrote in a day or even one class period. Then that evening or that Friday we shoot it [and] I edit it that night or Saturday.” However, not all of his production timelines are so short. While a small video might only take a week from start to finish, some projects may take up to a year. He has considered producing a feature-length film, but the commitment, team assembly, and story development would take more time and energy than he can afford now. DOT Film and Photo is currently working on a project called Human, which is well on its way to its final cuts. FEBRUARY 2014, THE HIGHLAND FLING
Silly Rabbit, Tips Are for Students Annie McCrone
o help students understand the importance of effective studying, The Fling asked the study body for its studying techniques. Some laughed, replying, “I don’t study,” but the majority of students surveyed did use one of the following methods. Flashcards This concept has been with us for years. The fact that they have withstood the test of time proves their effectiveness. When making vocabulary flashcards, in addition to the definition, write synonyms or use the word in a sentence to increase your chances of remembering the word. Online Resources Teachers are aware of how much the Internet helps students with their work. Partly because of this, there are many available sites that can help. Of course, there is the infamous
Study Island, but that is just the beginning. For example, Spanish textbooks can be found online, and there is Khan Academy to help with math and other subjects. Ask your teacher if there is a recommended site to use so that you get the most accurate information. Study Guides Some teachers hand out or email study guides before a test. For example, Ms. Maharana sends a packet of practice problems that resemble those that will be on the assessment. Other examples of study guides include lists of terms and important concepts for students to complete and memorize. Of the studying techniques used by students, this was the most frequently reported. On your own, include dates or add ancillary notes to the study guide to facilitate your understanding of the subject. Study Groups This technique is effective for
Ways to Relax Binge-watch Orange Is the New Black on Netflix. Eat a carton of Ritz Crackers. Write an article for The Fling. Do nothing. Close your eyes and lie on the floor. Read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Online shop (or window shop - it’s just as much fun!). Make a fruit smoothie and drink it. Learn all of the lyrics to the Frozen soundtrack.
Best Dancers Zoë Temple & Jabril Giannotti
anyone who needs a group of people to motivate them. In addition, comparing notes with others can expose more information. This was not the most popular choice of Highland Park students, but when used correctly, it can be helpful. Stay on task by setting a schedule of what you and your friends want to get done Rewrite Notes This technique is strongly recommended by teachers, especially those in subjects that are heavy on people, dates, or studies. During class, students often rush to get all of the material down, so if the notes are not written in a comprehensive way, studying from them becomes difficult. Rewriting notes is not only like rereading everything taught, it also helps organize information. When you rewrite them, try typing; sometimes a different medium can get you look at information in a new light and increase your ability to remember what
you have learned. Studying is not something that should be blown off until the last second. Although a quick review before class is a good way to boost shortterm memory, those who study further in advance are more likely to succeed. All of these techniques can be completed in that time frame. There is no excuse not to study, especially when there is a strong correlation between studying and getting a good grade. What about big tests like the SATs and APs take months to prepare for. Some students recommended taking an SAT prep class; others were self-motivated enough to work through an official College Board SAT book on their own. Teachers prepare students for their AP tests starting day one. It is important to take the work of AP classes seriously because they are the best practice for the AP test.
Many students had different views on studying for midterms and finals. Some students needed two weeks, others less. Unlike regular tests and quizzes, these larger tests involve much more information. It is important to find out the midterm and final schedules and plan according to them. Prioritize tests to spend enough time studying for each subject. Many teachers do not understand why some students choose not to study. With all of these options and tips, studying can be easier and more effective. Ms. Kaminski said that studying is important because most kids do not remember the information the first time. Mr. Esteban, in Spanish of course, told The Fling that doing well on tests (due to studying) is so you can live an educated life. When The Fling asked Mr. Ruckdeschel why it was important to study, he blinked, “To succeed.”
Post-Midterm Activities Tia Wangli
idterms are the one issue high school students can never slip past. Sure, there is a slim chance that the math teacher might offer exemptions for those terrifying finals, but midterms? Don’t even think about exemptions unless it is a semester class. Now that midterms are finally over, what do students plan on doing?
Best Hair Balint Balassa & Zoë Karagan
As expected, quite a number of students, like Sendy Lin ’16 answered, “Relaxing with friends,” and taking a break from everything school related. Most students agreed that they did not want to think about studying for a while. After all, a two hourlong test covering everything from the beginning of September does seem stressful. Surprisingly enough though, a few students did not plan on relaxing. Ananya Singh
’16 mentioned his plans on “training for soccer season,” while making sure he is keeping up with his SAT work. Another student, Nick De La Cruz ’15 is also hard at work with his plans that consist of “practice, study, practice some more,” as he juggles playing the guitar and school work. Whether it is work, sleep, or play, Highland Park students are ready and set for post-midterm rehabilitation.
Best Musicians David Segal & Nina Xue
Keep your high school memories forever. Buy a 2013-2014 Albadome today! See Ms. Krubski for details. THE HIGHLAND FLING, FEBRUARY 2014
The Pen Is Mightier Than the Camera Jana Choi In an age of iPhones and megapixel cameras, gorgeous photos of scenic landscapes and awe-inspiring architecture are a dime a dozen. Over Christmas vacation, I recalled my love for drawing and the simplicity of a sketchbook and a pen. Travelling across Europe, from Belgium, to Hunga-
ry, Slovakia, and Austria, I was struck by the continent’s beauty. Scrutinizing the details of famous buildings like Schönbrunn Palace allowed me to absorb the incredible elements of the architecture. I took hundreds of photos, but my drawings reflect my travels in a way that a camera lens could never match.
THE NEXT LOUVRE EXHIBITION (Clockwise, from above) Fisherman’s Bastion, Budapest, Hungary; Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna, Austria; Belvedere Palace, Vienna, Austria; Detail of Belvedere, Vienna, Austria.
College Reflections Elena Weissmann It’s that time of the year again— seniors have finished their college applications and are now relaxing in that glorious, lazy state also known as senioritis. While some seniors labored away their winter breaks, others wrote their essays in August and were done by November. These seniors, battle-scarred yet relieved, had a lot to say on the matter when asked about their college application processes. How many colleges did you apply to? What was that like? Miranda Safir It was really stressful, but at the end of the day I felt like I could’ve done more. It’s a really informative process—you learn a lot about yourself. I learned about how amazing I am…just kidding.
Michio Tanaka I applied to nine. Some of them were easy with fewer supplements but overall it was a stressful process.
How would you do things over?
Ana Miletic Nine. It was expensive which added to the stress. I was worried I wouldn’t get everything done on time and it wouldn’t be my best work.
Zoe Temple I thought it all went well. I spaced all my apps out and planned ahead. Maybe I would’ve added a couple schools, like University of Washington in Seattle.
Did you spend your winter break relaxing or doing work?
Thomas Garrity I would have not done so many after school activities. I realized as I was applying to colleges that it was just unnecessary.
Miranda Safir I was pretty busy doing a lot of college apps, but I still had time for fun and family. Zoe Temple Relaxing, because I had already finished my college applications. Thomas Garrity I spent my winter break mostly writing college essays. I guess I left it to the last minute.
Zoe Temple I applied to ten colleges. It was okay because I did it early.
Michio Tanaka I spent my break doing college apps and visiting relatives for Christmas.
Thomas Garrity Nine schools. I found it pretty stressful.
Ana Miletic I was finishing all my apps, so I was pretty busy.
Miranda Safir I would start in August. Definitely.
Michio Tanaka I wouldn’t. My college application process went really well. Ana Miletic I would probably change my writing style in my supplements. How did you approach your essays? Miranda Safir The Common App essay wasn’t that hard, but I had a lot of supplements. For my schools, a lot of them had different questions. Some people get lucky and can reuse an essay, but
I mostly had to write fresh essays for every school. I also spontaneously dance while I write my essays; it makes it much more fun. Zoe Temple For each essay, I just sat down and wrote it in one sitting. And then I edited each one, with many drafts after that. I like to have a base. Thomas Garrity I wrote down my initial response, outlined what I wanted to add, then kept revising until they were the best they could possibly be. I also had a lot of family, friends, and teachers read and critique them. Michio Tanaka Just get it done and be honest. Don’t procrastinate—it gets much easier once you actually start writing the essays. Ana Miletic I thought a lot about my Serbian background and music and things I spend a lot of time doing. Advice for underclassmen? Miranda Safir Interview at every
school you apply to—it’s good practice for later in life and lets the college get to know you better. Start the process early, take both the SAT and ACT, and get a tutor or take a class for these tests. You’re going to be stressed, and it’s going to suck, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Zoe Temple Definitely don’t procrastinate. Also, if you write down all the dates you need to meet, you’ll be much more organized and efficient in applying. Finish all of your standardized testing before senior year, if you can! Then that’s done and over with, and you can focus on the actual applications in and of themselves. Thomas Garrity Try to start early and do well on the SAT (or ACT). Also try to comprise your list of at least 3 safeties, 3 targets, and 3 reaches. That way, you’ll definitely get in somewhere. Ana Miletic Try to make it fun—this is your chance to show something more than your grades and your scores. Relax and enjoy yourself!
LOVE is in
Single S
Camryn Kozachek
o valentine? No problem! Even if you are single, you can have fun on Valentine’s Day. There are plenty of activities you can do by yourself. If you are spending Valentine’s Day alone, but still want to enjoy something delicious and heart shaped, why not bake it yourself? Maddie Hehir ’14 suggested making some Valentine’s Day treats, “Baking. It’s time
consuming and requires a lot of attention, and after you bake the product, you can eat it! You’re basically making yourself happiness.” Other students suggest you forgo the baking part, and just skip to eating. Lara Perez-Curran ’15 said, “Buy chocolate for yourself. Then eat it all.” Hillel Adiv ’15 agrees, “Chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate—for yourself.” You could also make dinner for your par-
ents. Set up a fancy table, and cook a meal for them. You can make any younger siblings help you make and serve the food. As Bria Drayton ’16 puts it, “If you’re not doing anything else, you might as well do something nice for your parents.” You could also use the day to take advantage of Valentine’s Day deals. Many stores have special discounts on Valentine’s Day. Some offer a percentage off your total purchase, while others give you a discount if
Fun ideas for singles this Valentine’s Day: Grab a few friends and head to Brooklyn for a Skrillex concert on Friday, February 14. Go bowling! Brunswick Zone in North Brunswick has a Friday night special - $10 for two hours of “Cosmic Bowling” with a DJ, plus shoe rental, prizes, and contests. Have your own dance party with a playlist that includes songs like Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” and Jason Derulo’s “Ridin’ Solo.” I’ve had a crush on another student for a really long time. Do you have any love advice you can share? - Solo Sophomore My philosophy is: what’s the worst that happens? If you do a cost-benefit analysis, you’ll quickly realize that the potential benefits far outweigh the potential costs. The feeling of rejection is temporary, but the feelings of happiness, love, and excitement last forever, even if they remain as memories. Good luck… and remember that it’s an exciting time to be alive. - Mr. Gold
Find something you have in common and start a conversation using that to get you going. If they engage and continue, things will open up and you’ll have much more to discuss. If it seems short and you don’t get anything else to go on, you might have to toss out some compliments to get yourself and interest out there. If we can only get them to know you exist we can move forward—but until then, you’re going to have to find some things to say and hope they get chatty with you. - Mr. Ruck
I got rejected when I asked someone out for Valentine’s Day. Has this ever happened to you? How do you recommend getting over it? - Jilted Junior No, I have never been rejected on Valentine’s Day, but then again, I don’t really celebrate that bourgeois holiday propagated more by Hallmark than by genuine love. Don’t sweat it. It’s just a day like any other—spend it doing what makes you happy instead of thinking about what makes you sad. Hang out with friends and eat chocolate—do things because you want to and not because society tells you to. - Ms. Wilson
Tough break, JJ. Having your heart broken is like a rite of passage - been there, done that. My advice to you is to move on and keep busy. Hang out with friends. Work extra hours. Paint a picture. Yoga your troubles away. Do whatever you want to do, but keep at it. (And then later, sometime in your early 20’s, the whole romance thing will make a little more sense. Just a little.) - Mr. Roche
Yo Ask Teac Answ
n the AIR
Struggles you bring a “valentine.” Zoe Temple ’14 suggested bringing a friend in place of a date, “My friend and I went [to a frozen yogurt shop] and got a bunch of frozen yogurt.” Whether you want to take your mind of singledom, or just pass a couple hours, movies and books are a fun way to entertain yourself. If you happen to be online, try giving love advice to people on Yahoo. We have all looked
ou ked, chers wered!
at Yahoo Answers at some point, for various reasons; however, many people may not know that there is a whole section of questions devoted to relationships. If you don’t have a relationship of your own, why not advise someone on theirs, and answer some questions? Being with friends is also an option. Just because you do not have a Valentine does not mean you need to spend the day alone. Hanging out with similarly single friends is a great way to pass a
couple hours. In addition, any of the aforementioned suggestions could be made even more fun when done with friend. When asked how they would spend Valentine’s Day if single, most students suggested spending time with friends. Remember, Valentine’s Day can be fun for anyone, not just those in relationships. And if all else fails, you can always adopt a cat.
Fun ideas for couples this Valentine’s Day: Enjoy a nice dinner in New York City, followed by a Kings of Leon concert at Madison Square Garden. Skate with your date at the Bridgewater Sports Arena: BOGO free skating pass for $7, good for two and a half hours of skating, including skate rentals. Cook dinner together: it’s fun, and you get to enjoy some delicious food afterwards! I like another student in your class. We’re only friends, but I’d like to go on a date with this person for Valentine’s Day. Do you have any date ideas or date advice? Flirty Freshman Have you sorted out whether or not this person has a significant other? If they do, then go fish in other waters. If they do not, then find out on the DL if they have similar feelings. If things are mutual, then do something laid back like going for a walk or getting some coffee (good coffee) and talk. The important thing is to figure them out and get to know them with the least amount of distraction.
It is 2014. Just go for it! There are so many avenues for young people to communicate that are far less intimidating than when I was in high school. And the best part? The anonymity of the technology age! Yes! Send that Facebook message. Like a photo or a funny status update from that special someone. Instagram a heart. Vine a goofy video with your friends. The possibilities are endless!
- Mr. Kruger
- Ms. Finklin
I wish I had made different choices in my love life during high school. Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently navigating the world of love during high school? - Still Single Senior I had a crush on a boy but found out that he liked another girl. I wasted time and got low grades. I wish that I was more focused on my goals during high school. If you are in a relationship during high school, make sure you spend time together. There are a lot of deadlines, afterschool activities, and schoolwork, but find time for each other. At the same time, create a list of things to do outside the relationship. You may want to visit parlors or go to the mall—and you may not want your boyfriend interfering. Time apart will also make you want to see your boyfriend much more.
Don’t get into a serious relationship. Keep it uncomplicated. Focus on friendships. I think it’s too hard to be so young and caught up in all the drama of a high school romance. There will be plenty of time later. Have fun. - Ms. Dewhirst
Food Fight Shana Oshinskie Every day, political analysts debate about the potential for a Third World War, possibly caused by nuclear weapons or overpopulation, but after careful research on the Qdoba-Chipotle rivalry, the debate stops and answers become clear—this war may occur any day, due to the rising tensions between the two Mexican-style food chains. Many Chipotle supporters claim health reasons for their favor, but the health benefits of Chipotle are debatable. Consider the burrito: the average Chipotle burrito has no iron, vitamins A & C, or calcium, while the average Qdoba burrito contains 35%, 20%, 6%, and 30% of your daily value, respectively. The trend of Chipotle unhealthiness continues for calories, fats, and carbohydrates; their burrito has more of each. But Qdoba’s burrito contains more saturated and trans-fats and cholesterol, as well as less fiber and protein. It is hard to quantify which is actually healthier, but it is clear that neither restaurant is very nutritious. Even the McDonald’s Big Mac has fewer calories, fat, and sodium than either burrito. Some students enjoy eating at Chipotle more because they prefer the venue. While this is also hard to judge, Chipotle often has more modern décor, making it seem cleaner. However, two Chipotle locations have experienced serious infectious outbreaks: a norovirus (stomach virus) that infected over 400 people in Kent, Ohio, and 6 cases of Hepatitis A in California. Due to the isolation of these incidences, it is almost certain that they were the fault of the employees and not the corporation, although there have been no reported occurrences at any Qdobas. Furthermore, there are almost 1,000 more Chipotles than Qdobas, so cases such as these are statistically much more likely to occur.
Qdoba fanatics often argue that their menu is much more diverse. While Chipotle’s menu board is sparser, some secret items are available. If asked, the employees will prepare a child’s meal, a quesadilla, or the most clandestine—a quesarito (a burrito wrapped in a quesadilla). These top secret items are unique, but most students base their preferences on personal experience. Highland Park students and teachers are extremely invested in the Chipotle-Qdoba debate. Zoe Temple ’14 shares her terrible Chipotle experience, “Once, I asked for mild salsa and they gave me spicy!” Ms. Finklin, shares the same sentiment, saying: “Qdoba all the way! They’ve got the queso.” Every Chipotle-Qdoba debate ends in the guacamole vs. queso argument. Chipotle offers fresh “guac,” one of the most popular add-ons. Every batch of this magic green stuff includes over 70 avocados, and the franchise uses an estimated 100,000 avocados every single day. On the other hand, Qdoba offers creamy queso, a cheese dip that contains four cheeses and numerous spices. It is hard to pick which is really better; they are almost equal in nutrition, additions, and menus, but Ogemdi Nwadike ’16 ends the debate, “They’re both trash. Only Burger King. Only. Burger. King.”
Consider the consequences of risky sexual behavior: genital warts, gonorrhea, chlamydia—yet, despite these hazards, 40% of sexually active high school students reported not using condoms during their most recent sexual intercourse, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And that type of behavior has young people (ages 15-24) accounting for 50% of all new STI cases, even though young people only make up 25% of the sexually active population. Sex is a personal decision and not everyone chooses to do it. But those who do should equip themselves with the knowledge to make safe and healthy decisions, decisions to choose safe sex. (When we refer to “safe sex,” we are actually referring to safer sex. The only 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy and STIs is to be abstinent.) Condoms are the most well-known safe sex method—and for good reason; with constant and correct usage, they can offer the best protection against STI transmission and pregnancy by blocking the exchange of fluids during oral, vaginal, and anal sex. For those unfamiliar, a condom is a thin but strong latex that goes on an erect penis. Condoms come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. Before opening a condom, check the expiration date and do not open it with scissors or teeth. Use a water-based or silicone lubricant on the condom to reduce the risk of breakage—stay away from oil-based lubricants because they increase the risk of condom breakage. When used correctly, condoms decrease the odds of pregnancy to less than 3%.
Similar to condoms, dental dams are thin, square pieces of latex (that also come in a variety of sizes and flavors), but they are used during cunnilingus and anilingus. By stopping the exchange of vaginal and anal secretions, dental dams help reduce STI transmission. Do not use more than one side of the dam, as it will spread the very fluids it is meant to block—they can only be used once. Some consider oral sex to be less risky than vaginal or anal sex, but there is still the risk of STI transmission—so dental dams or condoms should be used for all instances of oral sex. When used correctly, birth control pills can prevent pregnancy 98% to 99% of the time (but it is important to remember that they do not offer any protection against STIs). Emergency contraception (EC), on the other hand, is taken after having unprotected sex in order to prevent pregnancy. It works best when taken within 72 hours but has been shown to work within 120 hours. Emergency contraception is available in combined or progestin-only versions. Combined EC pills have a 75% effectiveness rate. Progestin-only pills have an 89% effectiveness rate. It is safe to take EC repeatedly, but it should not be used as a regular form of birth control because it is not as effective other contraceptive methods. Sexual activity, safe or unsafe, will involve some amount of risk. Safe sex methods are effective—but only when done correctly and consistently. Learning about and understanding safe sex will help you to make good decisions and have a positive sexual experience.
Sex Myths Pulling out can stop pregnancy. STIs cannot be treated or cured. You can “spot” STIs. Two condoms are better than one. Birth control will protect against STIs. You can get STIs from toilet seats. Too much sex is bad for you. Masturbation is bad for you. Oral sex is safe sex. You can’t get pregnant standing up.
Sex by the numbers
chance of pregnancy if using a condom correctly THE HIGHLAND FLING, FEBRUARY 2014
“Qdoba” 22% “Chipotle” 65%
Safe Is Sexy Oscar Lee
“No preference” 12%
number of girls ages 15-19 who gave birth in 2009
high school students who have never had sex
Heart Healthy Valentine’s Day Recipes Mint Love Letters: Mint and Lamb Ravioli (for the pasta dough)
Becca Chant
2 cups all-purpose flour 2 large eggs ⅛ teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil (for the filling) ½ pound shelled sweet peas 1 cup mint leaves, 10 leaves reserved for garnish This recipe is adapted from Mario Batali’s Babbo Cookbook. Batali calls these “Love Letters” because of the perfect mint and lamb’s perfect match. To transform this into a Valentine’s Day dish, cut the raviolis out with a heart shaped-cookie cutter. This recipe, while simple, is not for the cowardly cook. To achieve worthy ravioli, put some heart into it. Happy Valentine’s Day! Ingredients (for the sauce) 1 pound merguez (spicy lamb sausage), cut into ½ inch chunks 3 cloves garlic 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 can plum tomatoes
½ cup Parmigiano-Reggiano, grated, extra for garnish ¼ cup milk
1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon oregano, or to taste 1 snip basil, to taste
hearts) out of the pasta sheets. Reform the excess dough and repeat this step. 5. Place one teaspoon of the filling on half of the cutouts. Dip your finger in warm water, and outline the edges of the ravioli, matching pasta sheets and sandwiching the filling. Using a fork, seal the edges by pressing down a ⅛-¼ inch border around the ravioli’s edge.
3. Place peas, cheese, mint, milk, and pepper in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until the mixture is bright green with a few specks.
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
Directions 1. Mince garlic and sauté in heavy bottomed saucepan with olive oil. Add oregano, basil and the bay leaf. Sauté for a few minutes and then add carrots and plum tomatoes. Add sausage, and let it sit for an hour or so, skimming off any fat at the top (coming from the meat). Once sausage is cooked, let the sauce cool and process in a food processor until fully combined. Warm up the sauce again when it is time to serve. 2. Scoop the flour onto a cutting board and make a mound. Create a “well” in the flour and put the eggs and olive oil into the “well.” Take a fork and lightly whisk the egg mixture, keeping mixture in the “well.” Then start to break down the walls of the
1 carrot, shredded
“well” with a fork and incorporate the flour into the mixture. Next give up on being neat and begin to knead the dough with your hands—this will be messy. Continuously knead the dough for eight minutes. Then place it in a bowl, and cover it with plastic wrap until later. You can also speed through this step by placing the ingredients all at once into the bowl of an electric mixer with a dough hook if available.
4. Divide the dough into three or four pieces; this will make rolling out easier. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough until approximately ⅛ of an inch thick. Use either a knife or cookie cutter to cut out two-inch squares (or
6. Boil three quarts of water and add a tablespoon of salt. (The salt is purely for taste. Adding one tablespoon of salt to three quarts of water will not make it boil significantly faster.) Cook the pasta for around two to three minutes. Strain pasta and combine with sauce onto prepared plates. Garnish with mint leaves and Parmigiano-Reggiano. Serve immediately.
Baby’s Got Mac: Macaroni and Cheese Sarah Liebau
2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
1. Cook pasta as directed on box. While pasta is cooking and water is boiling, melt the butter in a medium saucepan.
1 ½ tbsp. butter ¾ cups milk Hand-shredded sharp cheddar cheese (amount dependent on personal choice) 1 box pasta of your choice Enjoy oozy, cheesy, delicious comfort food? Then you will love this recipe for easy homemade macaroni and cheese. This recipe is quick, satisfying, and makes great left-overs: perfect for a Valentine’s Day dinner date!
Salt and pepper
2. Add the flour and combine, and mix it continuously, allowing the butter and flour mixture to turn a very slight golden brown. 3. Take the saucepan off the heat and slowly add the milk, stirring constantly. Put the saucepan back on the heat, turn it up to high, and allow the mixture to boil rapidly for about one minute, still stirring it.
4. Reduce heat, and allow mixture to thicken, still stirring. Once the sauce has reached desired consistency, add cheese and allow it to melt into the sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste. You have now made a cheese sauce! 5. Drain pasta and return it to its original saucepan. Add the cheese sauce to the pasta, and mix the two together. Serve with more salt and pepper, if desired.
What Not to Eat Zoe Temple On a date, it is imperative to make a good first impression. While out to dinner, make sure to avoid these distasteful dishes.
Lobster Just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean it’s impressive. Too messy and smelly! Tacos Have you ever tried to hold a conversation while eating a taco? Difficult. Not to mention: beans, beans, they’re good for your heart...
Corn on the Cob Unless you keep floss in your pocket, back away from the cob. Spaghetti and Meatballs Sorry, this isn’t Lady and the Tramp. Guaranteed, one of the parties present will leave wearing red sauce.
Soup No one likes a slurper. Garlic Bread Avoid garlic and onions, especially if you’re plotting for a goodnight kiss. Exception: if your date qualifies as a SpongeBob aficionado, eat plenty of stinky foods and yell from the rooftops, “I’m ugly and I’m proud!” FEBRUARY 2014, THE HIGHLAND FLING
Fun & Games
Love Letters Dear ________________________, (NAME OF PERSON) Happy _________________________! I hope you will be my _________________________ this year. I think you are very _________________________. (HOLIDAY)
In short, I _________________________ you. Was that too _________________________? I’m _________________________. I just feel so _________________________
about you. There’s just something about your _________________________. It’s so _________________________ and _________________________, like something out of a
_________________________; I dream of the day you _________________________ your _________________________ against my _________________________. (NOUN)
A _________________________ can dream, right? I love the way you _________________________ so _________________________. It _________________________
me how much I _________________________ you. There are no _________________________ to describe how much I _________________________ you. (VERB) (PLURAL NOUN)
When I’m _________________________ you, everything is _________________________. _________________________ of my life, you bring _________________________
to all you _________________________. You _________________________ me. I cannot _________________________ without you. I carry a _________________________
of you everywhere I _________________________.
(VERB) Love, _________________________
arts PLAYLIST Olivia Draper
Not-So-Dead Dead Center Dawn Park Don’t be fooled by the name of the club; the DEAD Center is alive and thriving. Members collect works of student writing and imagery and compile them into a literary magazine. Such student writing includes poetry, short stories, and song lyrics. But it is not just the writing that is included in the magazine. Artwork and photography by student will be included and matched with a certain work of writing as a background. This smooth combination between writing and imagery enhances the beauty of the magazine. If you think your work is nothing that spe-
cial, think again—it is something special! The magazine will not only be offered throughout the school, but also to the community for purchase. Students will receive public recognition for their achievements. Ms. Martinez, the advisor, wishes to publish the work of students, particularly that of seniors. “It is their opportunity to leave their final mark on Highland Park High School,” she tells us. “All the work submitted shows talent; therefore I look forward to reading all viewing all the wonderful and creative talent we have.” Those thinking of submitting should stop thinking and submit!
The DEAD Center is looking for submissions of poetry, short stories, artwork, and photographs right now. If you wish to submit your work and get it published in the magazine, submit it either in the submission box located in center hall, directly to Ms. Martinez in room 205, or via email to ereyes-martinez@hpschools.net. Those interested in obtaining copies from previous years can buy them from Ms. Martinez for two to five dollars. Students are always welcome to attend afterschool meetings in room 205 on Tuesdays. The DEAD Center hopes to achieve its goals and cannot wait to see what the literary magazine will look like.
The human heart consists of thin tendons, known as heartstrings, that can break after deep emotional trauma, thus causing the heart to lose form and become unable to pump blood effectively. So, whether you regularly obsess over that senior boy who broadcasts the morning announcements, or you light up at the sound of a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos opening, save yourself a trip to the ER and have a listen to these heartfelt songs!
City and Colour - The Girl
Beyoncé - Me, Myself, and I
Mumford and Sons - Lovers’ Eyes
Passenger - Wrong Direction
DEAD CENTER (Counter-clockwise from top): Acapellics Anonymous, Danielle Benesch ’16, Johnathan Harley ’14, and Hillel Adiv ’15 perform poetry, prose, and music at Dead Center’s last Open Mic Night. Photographs courtesy of Victoria DeLaurentis ’16.
Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight
Mission: Audition Amita Shukla & Tia Wangli In December, throngs of artsy high school students with creative hair and a penchant for eye-catching shoes descended on Middlesex County College. They were there to partake in the annual Arts High School auditions, and they needed to prove that they were specialists in a form of art, whether visual, theatrical or written. Highland Park has had a long-standing history of sending students to Arts High to show off their talents (and skip their afternoon classes). Every year, auditions are slightly different, but one consistent factor is the never-ending supply of stories. This year, Emma Weaver ’16 (Multi-Genre Writing), saw the humor in her fellow students: “There was one guy who managed to put Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Harry Potter all in one writing piece.” Shortly after, another guy asked him, “Will you marry me?” But in other cases, too much of a good thing can be bad. Danielle Benesch ’16 (Theater Arts) recounted the monologues that the theater students did. “Some people do the same ones as others. That’s awk-
ward. Especially if they’re different genders.” Thankfully, none of the repeats were right after each other.
J. Cole - Power Trip
A few of the audition prompts are just as funny as the students (and create results that match their outrageous hair colors). Dawn Park ’16 (Visual Arts) noted, “We had to do abstract drawings of popcorn. And there were so many people doing really brightly colored drawings of popcorn, like hot pink.”
Andy Grammer - Build Me a Girl
Often, a few students find their way into auditions, and prompt responses like, “Actually, I don’t know why his parents let him do that to himself.” Luckily enough, every student can try out for up to two different art forms and those souls will often find their calling in another area. The characters are colorful, the hours are long, and the work is hard. Arts High may seem like an easy way to skip at least 3 hours of class time, but it definitely produces results, some of which you can currently see on display in the Highland Park Public Library or later at the Arts High School final showcase.
One Direction - Through the Dark
SELFIE Amit Miretzky ’14 created this masterful self-portrait for his class at Arts High School. Art work prepared by all Arts High School students is currently on display in the Highland Park Public Library.
John Mayer - Dear Marie
Glacial Perspectives: A New Take on Art Amita Shukla When you see as much art as often as I do, sometimes it is hard to be really dazzled by anything. I did not expect that to change during my latest visit to the Zimmerli Art Museum in downtown New Brunswick. Known for its thorough collection of Soviet art, the Zimmerli has a distinctive character not necessarily for everyone. But recently, a new exhibition opened that shook my attitude. The Daily Targum, called it “the highlight of this year’s exhibitions,” and I am inclined to agree. The star of the show is a painter named Diane Burko, who focuses on glaciers and arctic scenes. Burko’s paintings are huge and evoke the massive, slow-moving glaciers they depict. The paintings are fluid, and, standing in the gallery, give off an icy chill. The most interesting part is not necessarily the actual execution of the paintings, impressive as it is,
but how they are the culmination of a trip to the Arctic poles, which lends the paintings a much more authentic feeling. The paintings reference NASA photos and attempt to create a visualization of climate change. On top of being striking artworks, they are also science references and are an integral part of an upcoming Rutgers class called “Arctic Lens: A Journey to The Great North through Film.” Burko is one of the increasingly rare contemporary artists whose art can really teach an audience. When examined closely, the paintings show simultaneously how beautiful the glaciers are and how we are losing them. The dynamism of her work is a rarity. Although the actual quantity of works in the exhibition is fairly small, about two dozen, they are worth a visit on their own. The Zimmerli’s paintings are free to view for everyone under 18, so next time you are in downtown New Brunswick, stop by.
ENTERTAINMENT ROUND-UP albums Out Now Against Me! - Transgender Dysphoria Blues Angel Haze - Dirty Gold
Mutual Benefit Leapling February 7, 7:30 p.m. Mercury Lounge
Beyoncé - BEYONCÉ
New York, NY
Burial - Rival Dealer
Dum Dum Girls - Too True
I Break Horses Chiaroscuro Mogwai - Rave Tapes Neil Young - Live at the Cellar Door Warpaint - Warpaint Young the Giant - Mind Over Matter
February 15, 8:00 p.m.
Bombay Bicycle Club - So Long, See You Tomorrow Broken Bells - After the Disco Xiu Xiu - After the Disco
February 25 Beck - Morning Phase The Fray - Helios St. Vincent - St. Vincent Yellow Ostrich - Cosmos THE HIGHLAND FLING, FEBRUARY 2014
cinema Out Now American Hustle Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues Gloria Her The Past
The Bowery Ballroom
Stranger by the Lake
New York, NY
The Awkward Moment
Earl Sweatshirt
February 7
February 20, 7:00 p.m.
The LEGO Movie
Webster Hall
February 4
New York, NY
Vampire Academy
St. Vincent February 26, 7:00 p.m.
March 7 The Grand Budapest Hotel
Terminal 5 New York, NY
March 21
Muppets Most Wanted
Surfer Blood
Nymphomaniac: Part One
March 1, 8:00 p.m. Rough Trade NYC Brooklyn, NY $18
March 28 Noah
Get’cha Head (Safety) in the Game
Olivia Draper
id you know that soccer is the most common sport with a concussion risk for females, while football is the most common for males? Did you know that the impact speed of a soccer ball being headed by a player can reach 70 mph, while that of a football player hitting a stationary player can reach 25 mph? These numbers baffle athletes, coaches, and parents, and cause many to wonder why concussion helmets are not yet a mandatory piece of equipment. After being awarded my second concussion in a span of only two years, I regularly ponder the absence of more protective helmets in sports, as I lay awake plagued by migraines and vertigo. The reason I emphasize the word “protective” is because when I got my second concussion, I was wearing a concussion helmet. I knocked heads with another girl and her forehead hit slightly to right of my eye—one of the few places my helmet did not cover. A concussion is a complex pathophysiological process typically induced by trauma to the brain. The adult brain floats inside the skull and is surrounded by cerebrospinal
fluid, which acts as a shock absorber for minor impacts. The act of the brain moving rapidly inside the skull, or colliding with the skull, is considered a concussion. The prevalence and life-changing repercussions of this injury have encouraged experts to improve concussion helmets overall and, more specifically, the standard football helmet. Although a finalized prototype that consists of the necessary improvements to ensure protection has yet to be released, enhanced football helmets are up and coming. In fact, players on the University of South Carolina football team are required to wear new helmets with padded shells, made of polyurethane fabric, that are designed to fit over helmets and reduce impacts to the head. Researchers have found that athletes who were concussed during their earlier sporting life show a decline in their mental and physical processes more than 30 years later. As a recipient of many such injuries, concussions especially, I advise all athletes to stray away from the toxic words of Troy Bolton from Disney’s beloved High School Musical. If you plan to “get’cha head in the game,” first make sure you are wearing a helmet; your future self will surely thank you.
HEADS UP Olivia Draper ’15 suffered from two concussions due to soccer.
Sports vs. Fitness William Chen Whether Ms. Klimowicz, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Sclafani, or Ms. Washington instruct your gym class, students are all required to participate in all aspects of the class—both fitness and sports. While some students prefer working their core with sit-ups and pushups, others enjoy the fierce competition of handball. When asked their preference, this is how the student body responded:
“No preference” 3% “Fitness” 8% “Sports” 89%
Name: Carly Aversa Grade: Junior Sport: Basketball
Name: Tyler Vella Grade: Senior Sport: Wrestling
Olivia Draper The scraping of Nike basketball shoes against gym floors has undoubtedly become a glorious euphony for Carly Aversa ’15. Starting at only six years of age, Aversa embarked on the journey of becoming a notable high school athlete, as she continued to impress her coaches, family, and friends with her dedication and hard work to her beloved sport—basketball. How long have you been playing basketball? I have been playing basketball since I was in first grade, when I did recreation basketball. I continued to play throughout middle school and now high school. In the summer, the girls team has the option to play at Middlesex County College, where we play against other high schools, but on smaller sized teams. Outside of school, I play for the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) during the spring, summer, and fall. What is your favorite basketball move? It would have to be the crossover; it’s where you get the ball and sharply cut past another player and dribble towards the basket. Although I don’t use it a lot, it’s still my favorite! What motivates you as a player? On the court, my team and my coaches motivate me throughout the season. At home, my family fully supports me—they come to every game. But when I’m actually playing in a game, what pushes me to work harder is that final stretch right before our team officially wins—when my body is reminding me that I have to give it my all to succeed.
What do you think the top priorities of a high school athlete should be? Of course, for all athletes, the top priority in high school should be academics, but athletics is only slightly behind. Finding the balance between the two, like most high school athletes, is what I try to do during the season. Are you planning to play basketball in college? No, I think I’m going to stop after high school. However, I definitely want to participate in a few basketball volunteer leagues after I graduate, or an intramural league, where the competition is not as serious as college competition. Describe your favorite memory since joining the team. This whole basketball season has just been amazing so far—our team is just a big family, and this year is the first time I have truly felt like a part of the team. What goals do you have for the season, both for you, and as a team? As a team, I would like to get as far as possible into both GMCs and states. For me, my main goal is to score as many points as possible; I’m aiming for twenty. Overall, I just want to become the best player I’m capable of being!
Annie McCrone Tyler Vella ’14 has been wrestling since he was 10 years old, and has wrestled for Highland Park High School since his freshman year. Last year, he placed second in the district. The Fling met up with him to uncover more details about his love for the sport. What got you interested in wrestling? The fact that you could fight. You could wrestle without getting into trouble. It was a fun, safe, legal way to get into a fight. The medals are good too. Why did you stick with it? I stuck with it because it was the hardest thing I’d ever done, so I thought that if I did this I could do anything, so I stuck with it. Why do you enjoy wrestling? I enjoy winning, for the most part. Winning tournaments is always the best. Also, you’re out there by yourself; you don’t have anyone to depend on, so if you win, it’s your win. How does it challenge you? Every day after school I have to go to practice. Every Saturday I have to get up early to go to a tournament or match, and I have to maintain my weight for three months. Wrestling is both a team and an individual sport; which aspect is emphasized by Highland Park? Definitely individual—especially this year, because we don’t have a lot of wrestlers.
THAT’S HOW I BEAT SHAQ Carly Aversa ’15 shoots past the competition. What’s the good word? Beat Metutchen!
We don’t fill up all the weight classes, so we go for individual wins. A lot of teams are significantly bigger than we are. Who has aided your success, and helped you win matches? How did they help? Definitely Girv [Mr. Girvan]. He’s been my coach since I was a freshman, so he’s taught me everything. He’s taught me lessons on and off the mat, so we know each other pretty well. Do you think wrestling is more dangerous than other sports? Yea, I definitely do. It’s a dangerous sport, but there are a lot of safety precautions taken so there aren’t that many injuries. Will you continue wrestling in college? Probably not, mainly because it’s really time consuming and a lot of work. I don’t know if I can manage all of that, but I’m not sure yet. What are your comments on the pressure to make weight? I think that it’s not that hard. It’s more about eating healthy, like whole grain foods and lots of vegetables. Sometimes it can be taken to the extreme, but it’s honestly up to each individual to manage it properly. What advice can you give to those interested in wrestling or are only just starting? I would say definitely join, but be ready for hard work and dedication. Don’t join if you’re not ready for that. But, don’t worry; it’s fun too.
DO YOU EVEN LIFT, BRO? Tyler Vella ’14 has wrestled for Highland Park High School for four years and has won many matches.
The Downhill Crew Micah Gartenberg & Olivia Draper In 2011, two Highland Park High School students went looking for a way to get together with a group of friends and go skiing. While organizing the trips, they quickly realized that skiing would be a great way for the school to come together and do something that has never been done before. Thus, the Ski Club was founded. Here are ten reasons why the Ski Club is so awesome: THE HIGHLAND FLING, FEBRUARY 2014
1. Learn how to ski.
trip to the slopes.
2. Develop your skiing skills even further.
6. Two trips per season—woo-hoo!
3. Group rates on lift tickets, gear rental, and lessons make each trip more affordable.
7. Kyle Thieringer.
4. Parents volunteer to drive the club to the mountain, and spend the day there before returning in the evening. 5. Spend quality time in a minivan on the
8. Who doesn’t love awkward tanlines from your ski goggles? 9. Snow. 10. Lots of snow.