The Glowing Hive Fall 2013

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The Glowing Hive

Health and Healing from Waterloo Region’s Holistic Community: ‘Sedona of the North’

1 Issue 8: Autumn 2013

Where “Sedona of the North” came from (introduction to the first issue of The Glowing Hive: Winter 2011)


to the very first issue of the e-magazine dedicated to providing information on all aspects of holistic wellness, coming to you from the Waterloo Region. Issued quarterly, The Glowing Hive will offer articles on different aspects of health and healing, including physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, business success, energy clearing, reviews and creative inspiration. As The Glowing Hive is a complimentary publication, there will be no paid advertising, although we are happy to support our contributors in the wonderful work they do in their own holistic practices and businesses. This little project was born out of a realization that there are so very many of us in this Region who are doing such wonderful and healing work in a great variety of modalities. I have long been amazed by the energy of this region. As one who moved here about 10 years ago, I was sensitive to what makes this particular area so unique and special. Local history shows that Kitchener itself was originally established in 1798 as a settlement for German Mennonites seeking freedom from religious persecution, becoming the Town of Berlin in 1854. It has long had an association of being a company town with businesses such as Schneiders, Arrow Shirts, Kaufman Footwear and Krug Furniture having long, long histories in the city, many dating back to some of the first families to settle here. Perhaps it is the energy behind what brought the settlement into being. Perhaps it is the many family-owned businesses. Perhaps there is some other, yet-unknown cause. Regardless, I have always found Kitchener to be firmly rooted in a commitment to community. From the personal gathering of friends to the neighbourhood associations to the offering of so many opportunities to gather (usually in Victoria Park) to celebrate some event or another. I have lived in many places, from small towns to huge urban centres, both in Canada and the U.S. I have never experienced the kind of drawing together that happens in Kitchener. It is wonderful. When you look at the “flavours” of this region, it is a pretty remarkable place in which we live. Waterloo, with its cutting edge technological research and future vision-building, is known as “Silicon Valley of the North”. Stratford is worldrenown for its connection to Shakespeare and the arts. Guelph has its dedication to the natural sciences and Cambridge, the beautiful meeting place of the Grand and Speed Rivers, with

its balance of several towns and a hamlet from the past seems to speak, by its very makeup, of how to create synthesis. All these different areas of focus, so close together, contribute to the experience of a Region that is forward-thinking, community-driven, artistic, innovative and expansive. A place where positive change for the future can be explored, take root and grow! I know it is a stretch. I know we have no red rocks or natural cathedrals. I know some may giggle at my proposition. But I say, this area has the feel of a “Sedona of the North”. Perhaps not in the landscape (though the Grand is very grand). But in the underlying and supporting energies. There are more bodyworkers, lightworkers, social workers, mental health professionals, naturopaths and therapists here than I have been witness to in other places. There is something that inspires so many in this area to explore health and healing and energy. And how exciting that is. I had a vision of a place that one can come to, from anywhere in the world, and know that they are stepping into a place where many healing hands are available, from any type of modality one would wish to utilize, ready to gently guide to a place of balance and wholeness. And I say, celebrate. Come together in support of all of us who are doing this work, knowing that we are making a difference not only in this region but with ripple effects emanating out. As we change ourselves, we change the world. So, giggle if you will (and I will giggle along) but I say, hurray – “Sedona of the North”. I hope you enjoy reading The Glowing Hive as much as I have enjoyed putting it together. ~ Tiffany Lazic

The Red Tent Movement was started by ALisa Starkweather, inspired by the book “The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant. A Red Tent is a safe, woman-only supportive space in which women gather to tell their stories, celebrate themselves, learn from each other and let go, if only for a time, of the roles they take on in other aspects of their lives. A Red Tent can encompass sacred ceremony, joyful dance, engaged discussion or rites of passage. A Red Tent is open to all women of every age and serves to strengthen bonds between women across generations. For women to step into empowerment, it is necessary for them to have the space in which to reflect their inner truth and their highest selves, supported and accepted by a community of women. Red Tents provide such a space. ~ Tiffany Lazic

Upcoming Red Tent Events: November 9, 2013 and March 15, 2014 (2:00 – 4:00) at The Hive and Grove.

Things We Don’t Talk About: The Film

Things We Don’t Talk About: Woman’s Stories from the Red Tent is a groundbreaking 72-minute documentary film by award winning filmmaker Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD. Available through this link:



The Glowing Hive


Health and Healing from Waterloo’s Holistic Community

Opening: Seasonal Ponderings: Legacy

This issue’s cover is one of my favourite pieces by Amanda Clark. I have a beautiful print of it that I have hanging where I can see it every day. Called “Chalice Well”, it speaks to me of healing waters and sacred spaces. The print itself incorporates the Vesica Pisces symbol of intersecting circles which was used by Frederick Bligh Bond in designing the wellhead of the actual Chalice Well in Glastonbury. Nestled at the foot at the Tor (pictured in the top circle), it is said that the Chalice used by Jesus at the Last Supper was found there. For centuries it was a destination place for pilgrims for the healing properties of its iron rich waters.

Health and Happiness:

This is the time of year we begin to pull within, much like the pictured snails. A bit of rain, a bit of chill, and evidence of the earth moving into its coming deep sleep resonates within us as well. This is a good time to think about that which will sustain and heal you in the coming months. There is much of healing and restoration that comes in the quiet still times. As the Earth begins to move into that place of rest, may you find that sacred space within and discover the treasure hidden there.

Peace and Serenity:

That Gentle Touch: Reflexive Corelations: A Body Language All Its Own Of the Earth: Nuumite and Motherwort

Abundance and Flow: Creating a Legacy: Clearing the Healer’s Shadow Will Help you Prosper

Sorting out the Psyche: The Gift Below the Surface Fabulous Fifty…and Beyond: The Ultimate Wish List

Chalice Well by Amanda Clark

Editor : Tiffany Lazic is a Spiritual Psychotherapist, spiritual counselor and owner of The Hive and Grove Centre for Holistic Wellness. She has developed and facilitates several courses which invite participants to experience healing and wellness through the magic of symbol and Nature, including the new upcoming series “Patterns of Conscious Living”. She is thrilled to continue her association with Toronto’s Transformational Arts College of Spiritual and Holistic Training by teaching the Discovering the Total Self Program at The Hive and Grove in Kitchener. Tiffany is the creator of “The Glowing Hive” and contributes through “Seasonal Ponderings”, “Of the Earth”, “Sorting Out the Psyche”, and “Those Awesome Archetypes” articles.

Special thanks to Amanda Clark for allowing use of her beautiful art for the cover. To see more of Amanda’s work visit: To purchase prints, visit her Etsy shop at: earthangelsarts

Enlightenment and Inspiration: Dream Weaving: Farewell Summer, WElcome Autumn Those Awesome Archetypes: A Tarot exploration: The Chariot Miracles: Seasons of Change Between the Worlds: Healing with Our Ancestors The Cosmic Map: Remedies and Mitigation in Eastern Countries

Quirks and Creativity: Dance of the Bees Angels’ Chorus: Connections Nectar From The Hive

Illumination and Bliss : Graphic Design: Tanya Snowdon is a multimedia graphic artist who is comfortable in both corporate business design settings and holistic spiritual inspired realms. Much of the vision for her personal creative work is drawn from her own inner exploration. The Glowing Hive offers Tanya the opportunity to integrate her art design and spirit, and for this, she is happy and grateful. She knows it is a great foundation for her upcoming oracle deck.


Upcoming Events at The Hive Hive Scrapbook


Contributors Mary C. Davis is a Certified One Command® and ThetaHealing™ Practitioner, Prosperity Guide and Business Coach who helps spiritually-oriented wellness professionals create prosperous, fulfilling businesses with ease and joy. She is the creator of The Prosperous Healer’s Path™, a training and coaching process that integrates conscious creation tools and practical business-building strategies with spiritual truths, values and inner wisdom. Results include an abundance of money, clients and fulfillment. Mary contributes the “Creating a Legacy” article.

Robynne (Tennant) Kingswood. RMT, RRPr Author and therapist, Robynne teaches at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy, for the Healing Arts Learning Organization, and chairs the RRCO Standards and Admission committee. Robynne contributes the “That Gentle Touch” article.

Erin Kiers is the owner of Hybrid, Kitchener Waterloo’s first Environmentally Friendly Salon and Spa, located on Weber St in Waterloo. Erin has enjoyed the transformation of a customarily chemical laden industry to one that is more conscientious and is proud of her involvement in that evolution. After experiencing her own personal acceleration to awareness, she focuses her efforts on the transformation of the human consciousness and has contributed to the Hive and Grove on-line magazine in the hopes of inspiring more people in the evolution of our collective spirit. Erin contributes the “Angels’ Chorus” article. Norah Nasturas is a Swiss-trained Astrologer living in the Kitchener-Waterloo area since 2003. She is a master consultant with over 35 years of practical experience guiding private clients and business owners utilizing her unique knowledge of established scientific tools and systems from around the world. She has published articles, written columns and been frequent guest on radio shows in France. Norah is fluent in French, Spanish and English. Norah contributes the “The Cosmic Map” article.

Kerrilynn Shellhorn is an internationally respected Spiritual Medium, Intuitive and Spiritual Teacher, who works with both adults and children. A mother of four beautiful children, Kerrilynn is also the former radio host of Spiritual Parenting: Parenting the Children of the New Earth – and is a Children’s Yoga and Meditation Facilitator. Kerrilynn is also the author of the ebook: Your Purposeful Life and the Children of Light Affirmation Cards. Kerrilynn contributes the “Between the Worlds” article.

Lisa D. Theodore, DTCM, Min., is an active practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Integrative therapies and Spiritual healer and teacher. She has spent the greater part of her life on a conscious (and sometimes, a not so conscious) journey toward Self. Throughout this journey, Lisa has discovered many wonderful healing modalities, uncovering the Divine connection and feeling the Spirit moving through all things. She continues to create, write, and teach on Spiritual principles, healing and conscious awareness. Her passion is to be of service to others through many creative outlets, helping them to find the means to express themselves to their fullest, most joyful and loving potential. Lisa maintains a private practice in Kitchener, Ontario. Lisa contributes the “Healthy Living: The Flow of the Seasons” and “Miracles” articles.


Julie Wise is a motivational coach who helps people navigate change in their lives and reach their personal and professional dreams. Julie is the author of Dream BIGGER: Reclaiming a Life of Joy and Ease. She in an intuitive, trained in Advanced Energy Awareness and Healing, a Celtic Reiki Realm Master and a practitioner of Karmic Regression Therapy. In her workshops and one-to-one sessions, she combines her gifts to help people find the answers they seek to create the life they desire. Julie contributes the “Dream Weaving” and “Fabulous Fifty…and Beyond” articles.




opening message by Tiffany Lazic

Seasonal Ponderings

I have a confession. After having accidentally caught one episode, I became completely enthralled with the television show “Who Do You Think You Are?” Unabashedly sponsored by, each episode focuses on tracing the lineage of a celebrity. Although I would not take any time to read the gossip rags on Carrie Underwood or Cindy Crawford, I found myself happily turning over hours to learn about their ancestral history. Who would ever have guessed that Cindy Crawford is descended from Charlemagne! The journey of discovery was fascinating and the stories that emerged often brought the person searching (and me) to tears.


More than a quest of casual interest, what struck me was that each celebrity was able to recognize a connection to some inner strength or quality that was evident in their ancestors. A pioneering spirit. A dedication to learning. An ability to thrive in the face of adversity. Carl Jung proposed that we each contain our personal memories in our Unconscious and our heritage (including all of humanity) in the Collective Unconscious. We don’t necessarily actively remember what happened to our ancestors, but we carry the imprint of their experiences deep within us. Many cultures have rich traditions for honouring the ancestors, keeping alive those qualities found in the

past which offer wisdom, strength and integrity. I am lucky. There have been many members of my family who put pen to paper and wrote what they knew of our family’s past. I can look into the faces of my great-great-grand-uncles (pictured above), searching for reflections. It is a worthwhile venture, no matter what wee scrap of information one has to go on. Who you are today has been informed by so much – of your own experiences and of those who have gone before. And we are the ancestors of tomorrow. In the beautiful thread that connects the far past with the potential future, where are you? And which legacy do you choose to fulfill?

health & happiness


Article by Robynne Kingswood

That Gentle Touch

The next time you smash your toes into the doorframe, or feel a stabbing pain under your arch, take a moment to step beyond: evaluate the reflex points that run along your feet. How might they be impacted? What might they be trying to express? These reflexive correlations are the basis for the art and science known as Reflexology. Few things in life are as random as they may seem at first glance. I was very surprised the first time a Naturopath told me all my little brown spots (not quite small or cute enough to be freckles) were not just random patches from my genetics that I’d assumed. He advised they were markers of diseases my ancestors had been exposed to and had survived. This is how it was marked in our DNA hence


forth. (Being partly English from a very modest working class of Londoners, disease was something they were very much exposed to.) Seemed random, until I understood the language my body was using to express itself. I find Reflexology much like that; a partly forgotten language. Once we remember how to engage in it, we glean a deeper glance into our body, its workings and its state of function or dysfunction. A new study ( 1 Miura et al.: Activity in the primary somatosensory cortex induced by reflexological stimulation is unaffected by pseudo-information: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013 13:114.) shows primary somatosensory cortex reactions that ancient cultures around the world have known for thousands of years. Reflexes on the feet and hands, as well as other areas in the body contain holographic images of the architecture of the body. Tapping into these can positively affect change and self-regulation within the body. It can also give us early cues when change or stress is occurring within our bodies. Ask any reflexologist, the

correlations are clear as day, once you start looking for them. Long arch equals a long back. Crunched up toes? Chances are good there is loads of neck tension and stress. Random? Not really, check with any reflexology chart and you’ll be amazed how precise and clearly the body correlates to the different parts of the foot. Once, while driving behind an obnoxious driver and being quite late, I felt a stabbing pain in my arch just below the ball of my foot. I tried to ignore it, which didn’t work. I pushed off my shoe and tried to press on it wondering what the heck had triggered it. It was a few moments more before I thought about what reflex was in that area. Adrenals. No surprise, other than to realize just how stressed I’d become. I pulled over, called ahead, told them I was running late and spend a few moments breathing deeply. As I started to drive again I realized what a beautiful day it was. Sunny, not too warm, but warm enough I could roll my window part ways down and enjoy the breeze. The rest of my drive was much less eventful, and I didn’t arrive with a headache. (In those days,

tension headaches were not uncommon.) How many car rides had I missed this internal cue? How many other times in my life had my body been trying to talk with me, but I hadn’t bothered to listen? Hadn’t taken the time to translate? We all have different health regimes, and I think the more languages, the better. I’ve found there it is not one therapy that will be “the” answer for all people. Trying different therapies is important, because just like foods, we all need different things to help our bodies. Even as we enter and exit the different stages of our lives these needs change. Final exams, marriage, childbirth, high stress work/ home life, empty nesting, aging joints…any stage has different stressors on the body. What worked ten years ago may or may not be what your body needs now. Ask around, and if the wheel is broken, try something new. Learning a new language is always a good use of your time.


Article by Tiffany Lazic

Of the Earth

One of the amazing stones to come out of Greenland, Nuumite is considered to be a shamanic stone. Sometimes called the ‘Sorceror’s Stone’, it is experienced as very powerful, opening us to the mystical vibration of the Earth. Said to be about 4 billion years old, it is perhaps the oldest mineral in existence and is found in high, rugged terrains that are difficult to access. Nuumite connects us to the deeply ancient past. It can help us access the Unconscious in meditation and opens us to information about other times, places and existences. It allows us to see past the easily evident to that which is true within. Yet, it also has a strongly protective quality. It has a strong electromagnetic field which facilitates releasing energetic blocks on all levels – from chakra clearing to karmic debt. Whether you are looking for protection; seeking to access deep inner wisdom; opening yourself to connecting with your past, past-lives or ancestors; or creating balance and harmony in your energy field, Nuumite is an ancient, beautiful stone that works on all these areas.

Long associated with addressing issues for women, Motherwort was used as far back as the ancient Greeks to calm pregnant women suffering from anxiety. It calmed the nerves both leading up to labour and possible post-partum depression. However, because it is an emmenagogue, it is not advisable to use when pregnant. It became better known as an herb for the heart, bring a sense of peace and calmness. The remarkable 17th century botanist and herbalist, Nicholas Culpepper wrote of Motherwort that “there is no better herb to drive melancholy vapours from the heart, to strengthen it and make the mind cheerful, blithe and merry”. He went on to write that it clears phlegm from the chest and worms from the belly.

abundance & flow

Motherwort, also known as “Lion’s tail” for the look of its flowered top, is known in China as “yi mu cao” where it was also reputed to promote longevity. Using Motherwort from an intuitive perspective, it can be combined with other herbs and resins to add the element of flow to incense or smudge blends, encouraging that which is stuck or stagnant to flow once more.



Article by Mary Davis

Creating a Legacy

Over the past few weeks, I’ve pulled the same oracle cards, urging me to have a “life review” and take ”quiet time” to celebrate what I’ve learned and transformed and to identify and continue releasing patterns of thought, emotion and behaviour that aren’t serving me. Accompanying this has been that undeniable urge from within to have a closer look at the more remote landscapes of my psyche. As I trekked inward, I was directed to circle back over some well-known territory, where I discovered new layers of familiar themes presenting themselves (a phenomenon that’s often discussed in the spiritual/self-growth arena). In the past, I would have been too embarrassed or ashamed to admit to myself – let alone to you – that these particular themes have been part of my experience. They’re aspects of my “shadow”, after all, and rather than seeing this as simply the “unknown” or “unconscious” part of myself, I would have experienced my shadow and its contents as shame-inducing flaws I’d want to hide. There’s a reason Jungian analysts call shame “the swampland of the soul”! Yet, I’ve had deeply healing experiences from exposing that unconscious part of myself, compassionately, to the light of day. The ongoing practice of bringing awareness to and clearing the seemingly infinite layers of my shadow has had a profoundly liberating effect on my business and life. You may relate to some or, perhaps, all of the themes I present here. My hope is that sharing them with you will support your own inner process and open you to more freedom and flow. 16

other words) I jokingly call this my “I have arrived” mask, and I know that it comes from scarcity programs and my shame swampland (which I’ve come to befriend and love…swampland is seriously undervalued real estate!).

Dominant Patterns That Lurk in the Healer’s Shadow As is often the case, the patterns or themes I’ve been progressively transforming in myself are what I’ve been helping many of the healers I work with to transform as well. Without intending to generalize, these seem to be the most common ones: 1. Spiritual bypassing I became aware that I was using spiritual concepts, affirmations, truths and practices as a form of mood alteration or “metaphysical valium” to anaesthetize and avoid painful, uncomfortable feelings. What I’ve now trained myself to do is to relate to what’s living inside me, first, in a grounded, embodied way, allowing the feelings to be felt, seen and heard and the hidden thought patterns to emerge. Then, with awareness and discernment, I use the wise, unconditionally loving parts of myself to support transformation and healing, using a spiritual/metaphysical process or tool. 2. Avoiding/suppressing feelings The feelings I was avoiding fully experiencing through spiritual bypassing were feelings of shame, aloneness and anger. Examples: feeling insufficient, flawed, not enough; feelings of being separate, alone and not belonging; and of course, anger, because of the program I’ve carried that “nice” girls/women and “spiritual people” don’t get angry (it would be a sign that I’m seriously “unevolved”, after all!). 3. Feeling/believing I have to be perfect, know it all, have all the answers and have it all together — or at least, come across this way (wear a mask, in

4. Feeling/believing that if I have weaknesses, imperfections and vulnerabilities and others see these, no one will like me or approve of me, and clients will think I have nothing of value to offer them and will “fire” me Of course, this is the flip side of #3 and also comes from shame. The false premise is that to have something of value to bring to others, I have to be at that illusory, fairy tale “I have arrived, I’m perfect, I’m master of the universe” place. The wise woman in me knows this to be patently untrue, because the most valuable external support and wisdom I’ve received has, repeatedly, come from people who are refreshingly real, open and self-accepting about their weaknesses, “imperfections” and vulnerability. 5. Feeling overly-responsible for clients’ and loved ones’ challenges, well-being, progress and outcomes Having some codependent patterns and, also, a genuine desire to be of service, the transformation for me has been learning to “stay in my own business”, as Byron Katie would say, while still being supportive. In other words, having healthy inner and outer boundaries around my role as a “helper” and continuing to lovingly support others, in a balanced way, while being detached about their journeys and outcomes. 6. Caretaking and people pleasing These tendencies can be enmeshed with many of the above patterns. What I discovered was that for me, caretaking is a behaviour to compensate for feeling unworthy and to gain others’ approval. People pleasing alleviates my fear of being shamed, rejected and left alone for displeasing others. The transformation has been building the knowing of my innate worthiness, regardless of what I do or don’t do for others, what I say or don’t say or how others react to me.

7. Weak/unclear boundaries Whenever I have weak or unclear boundaries, it’s usually an indication that #5 and/or #6 have been activated for me. The antidote is always to check in with what I’m really feeling and needing, own my own needs, communicate them to others in a loving way, without guilt or apology, and say “no”, when necessary. 8. Martyrdom – setting aside my own needs in the name of compassion or the service of others Like all of the above, this can definitely be a symptom of spiritual bypassing for me, and it’s intimately connected with #7. I’ve learned, through direct experience, that this is an unbalanced dynamic that serves no one and is a recipe for burn-out. 9. Need for recognition and approval from outside of myself This is another response to feelings that come up in me of shame and aloneness. What helps immensely, once I’ve allowed myself to feel the feelings and identify the thoughts, is doing processing work around the polarities of approval and disapproval. This exposes the unconscious “stuff” behind those polarities and allows it to dissipate. 10. Need for control and security This is a typical response when I’m feeling fearful about some external “situation” that’s triggering feelings of insecurity and anxiety. What works well for me is feeling the feelings fully in my body, looking at my thoughts about the situation, asking myself “Whose business am I in?” (à la Byron Katie), re-erecting my mental boundaries and practicing the art of surrender, with tools like The One Command®. The greatest gifts the continuous practice of acknowledging and clearing my shadow has brought me is a deepening of self-love and self-acceptance and an increased empathy for others. It has taught me that no amount of meditation, yoga, affirmations or other spiritual practices can provide inner freedom and prosperity, if not consciously integrated with exploring, embracing and clearing the hidden topography of my inner world. 17

peace & serenity



Article by Tiffany Lazic

Sorting out the Psyche


t is the time of year for ghosts and goblins, spiders and bats. As the air chills, both adults and children start to anticipate the night to revel in those things that go bump in the night. Whether dressing up oneself or dressing up a house, the goal is ‘the scarier the better’. Any other time of year, we try to avoid that which makes us want to curl up and hide, but at Halloween, we make a celebration of it. The roots of this tradition reach far back in time. The Celtic festival of Samhain honoured the ancestors and was felt to be the beginning of a new cycle. It marked the movement into the darkest time in the yearly cycle. The Celts believed that that which comes into the light germinates in the dark. As such, this dark time of the year leading up to the Winter Solstice is when all that is to come actually has its true beginning. In the quest for self-knowledge and understanding, many of us spend a lot of time looking at our own patterns and choices. We become quite well-versed on what makes us tick, what causes us to jam up, what needs to be (or has been) resolved within us from our own past experiences. We strive to become clear within ourselves and current in our responses. This is not always easy work, but it is always rewarding work. But there are times when we find that, no matter how deeply we explore an issue, it just doesn’t seem to shift. We have shone a light into every musty corner of our Personal Unconscious but it still feels like there is something we are missing. What can that be? Where else

can we look? Once again, Carl Jung offers a key with the concept of the Collective Unconscious. As the Personal Unconscious is the storeroom of everything that has ever happened to us personally, the Collective Unconscious is the storeroom of everything that has happened to humanity. It is the place of the Archetypes, but it is also the place of our family legacy and cultural heritage. The ‘memories’ within the Collective Unconscious are not our own personal memories, but the misty, murky past of family stories, the legends of our ancestors, the roots of our culture. It holds the ‘skeletons in the closet’, the ‘black sheep of the family’ and the far off echoes of humanity’s often painful and violent past. These events may not have happened to us personally, but they still have the power to affect us. They provide an additional resonance that help to shape and inform who we are and how we respond to the world. The Collective Unconscious is another whole fascinating area to discover. In the house that is the home of our psyche, it is the sub-basement that is often forgotten about, but which provides the very foundation for the entire structure. As with our Personal Unconscious, the Collective Unconscious also contains that of Shadow and Light. There are many beautiful, strong encouraging

qualities that find their source here. And, as with our Personal Unconscious, it requires the courage to look at the Shadow in order for us to glean that of the Light. •

Are there members of your family no-one talks about?

Do you know the stories of your ancestors? Do you know how you came to live where you live? Are you aware of family lineage in other countries? Was there a ‘black sheep’ who was disowned? Or an adventurer who took off to explore the world?

Are there any ancestors who have had ‘legendary’ stories arise around them?

Was there embracing or rejecting of a cultural heritage? Were family names changed or religions

hidden? Are there family or cultural traditions that are still upheld? Are you part of an ethnic community that experienced persecution in the past? Or aspects of cultural history that may still carry shame?

There are so many positive qualities and learning opportunities that can arise from exploring the deep past. We may see that shame around money, anxiety around religion or a resistance to be proud of our heritage follows a thread back hundreds of years. We may see within ourselves the roots of risk-taking, determination, optimism, community-mindedness, a sense of justice, the desire to be a healer – any number of reflections that are waiting within us ready to be claimed. As with our own past, exploring the past of our ancestors is beneficial for providing information about the who we are today. Being empowered and selfdetermined means that we are able to live fully in the moment, aware of the stories of our past without being defined by them. We keep the stories and leave the negative emotional charge behind. We keep the lessons and leave the shame. If you find that there is a certain inner block that just does not seem to want to budge, ask yourself: is this mine or is there a possibility that this is part of a legacy that has been handed down through the generations? Invite the ancestors to tell you their stories, listening with an open, empathetic heart. Allow the skeletons in the closet to become fleshed out – as individuals struggling to do the best that they could in terrible and troubled times. This is the time, approaching All Hallow’s Eve, when we can open ourselves to hearing the stories from beyond the veil. We can let go of the negative hold of the past and embrace the gifts that lie buried deep below the surface, bringing even more brilliance to our own Light.

Article by Julie Wise

Fabulous Fifty...and Beyond


Lately I’ve been noticing the multitude of wish lists in the media: “100 Things to Do Before You Die”; “50 Things Every Woman Over 50 Should Know”; “60 Things Every Woman Over 60 Should Do”… I read through one of those lists and realized that very few of the items appealed to me. In fact, it wasn’t inspiring at all because it wasn’t “my” list. That started me thinking. Now that I’m closer to sixty than fifty, I’m aware that there are fewer decades in front of me than lie behind me. I often think of my parents these days (they passed away many years ago), and wonder what was going through their minds at this age. Did they have unfulfilled dreams or a wish list? Were they satisfied with the choices they’d made in their lives? If they could go back, would they do anything differently? Would I? Would you? When I reflect on my own life by comparison with that of my parents and grandparents, I can see how blessed I’ve been. Unlike my mother and grandmother, I had choices. I was able to go to university, have a career (and marriage, and children), share household responsibilities with my partner, and enjoy activities outside the home (community causes, sports, and travel). Not all my choices turned out well. However, looking back, I wouldn’t change them because they brought me to where I am today, and helped shape me into who I am. A wise man once said to me, “Life is choices.”

It’s what happens after you make the choices that shows what you’re truly made of. One result of all my choices is that I’m more aware of potential repercussions (on me and on those I love), so I tend to make choices more carefully now. The older I get, the clearer I become on what I want and what I need (and the difference between the two). I need basic things like enough money to cover my expenses, a roof over my head, food on the table, clothing that’s comfortable, and internet – for work and to stay in touch with my ever-travelling children. When I look ahead at the years to come, what do I want? What’s on my wish list? Not much, it turns out. It seems I’ve already achieved the main goals I had for my life. I do have a few dreams however.

enlightenment & inspiration


Article by Julie Wise

Dream Weaving

“And summer’s lease hath all too short a date...” William Shakespeare

It’s autumn and you know what that means ... summer is over. At least for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere. Those long, carefree days of sunlight and warm temperatures are drawing to a close. Evenings are cooler now and the sun seems to set far too early. Leaves are falling, children are back in school, and families with cottages, boats or trailers prepare to close them up. Sigh! How was your summer? Was it filled with memorable moments and dream-worthy experiences? This is a good time to reflect back on all the joy and pleasure you had. Tuck the memories (and photos) away for cold winter nights when the wind is howling and the snow is falling. I had a lovely summer with lots of sailing, took some Fridays off to create long weekends, did some travelling, and enjoyed plenty of unexpected adventures. So as I look ahead to the fall, I want more of the same! I’m setting some goals for myself, and one thing I want to keep in mind is the sense of relaxation and balance that I managed to create over the summer. What goals would you like to accomplish in the next few months? What dreams do you want to fulfill? How can you achieve them while maintaining a feeling of joy and peace? Autumn provides a good opportunity to look at where you’ve been, and where you want to go. By putting some thought into it now, you’re more likely to achieve the outcomes you desire and end the year on a positive note. Here are a few basic tips to help you get there. 1. Prioritize one or two areas that you’d like to focus on in the next three months. Why are these areas important to you? What will improving these areas bring into your life? 2. Set achievable goals. Be specific about what you intend to achieve and set a deadline (December 1, Christmas, December 31). 3. Create an action plan. Look at your goals and make a list of steps you can take to get there. Break the list down into steps you’ll take each week. 4. Include some fun time in your plan. If you’re going to work hard at achieving your goals, make sure you have 24

some fun along the way. This is where balance comes in. 5. Ask for support from a friend, family member or colleague. Be sure to choose someone who is truly supportive and will provide positive reinforcement of your plans. 6. Get started! Pick one step you can take today. Each day take another step. Track your progress and celebrate each mini-goal that you reach and pass. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of achievement, so plan something each week that feels grounding, satisfying and fulfilling. It might be as simple as a walk outside on a beautiful day, breathing in the crisp autumn air, noticing the changes in the natural world, and feeling the pleasure of exercising your body. It could also be preparing a new recipe, or getting together with friends for coffee or a meal. Only you know what will feel “just right” for you. Life is short. Let’s make the most of the rest of this year by setting new goals today.

Discover the Total Self at The Hive and Grove in Kitchener. New rotation of classes starts September 9, 2013


Article by Tiffany Lazic

Those Awesome Archetypes: A Tarot Exploration

The Chariot


When we have completed the journey through childhood and adolescence and taken in the lessons and teachings from parents, teachers and peers, we are ready to launch into the world of adults as one ourselves. When the Major Arcana is approached from the perspective of a journey map, we see that there is a progression in self-development that culminates in The Chariot. The Magician and High Priestess represent our spiritual parents. They are our soul teachers who reflect the manifestation of the Divine into Masculine and Feminine. Our True Selves always maintain a connection to our ability to transform our world and to our intuition. The Empress and Emperor represent our earthly parents. They are the Mother and Father. We internalize the messages from our parents into an inner dialogue that continues to guide us, for better or worse, in adulthood. Though they do give us messages about how to be in the world, we are mainly influenced by the reflections they gave us about ourselves – our worth, value and lovability. The Hierophant represents those who guided us

on how to be in relation with others in the world at large. We internalize messages from our teachers, both secular and spiritual, on how to be a contributing and functioning member of society. The Lovers represents our peers, most often presenting as a significant relationship or first love. We internalize messages from that experience as information on our function (and often, worth and lovability as well) in partnership. The movement from family to society to partnership culminates in the development of one’s own identity. From the reflection of our parents, to the reflection of our teachers, to the reflection of our peers, we piece together a view of ourselves and our place in the world. The Chariot sees an accomplished young man leaving the city behind him as he travels forth to seek who knows what adventures. He is surrounded by stars which speak to his aspirations and is adorned with crescent moons which indicate his inner connection. His breastplate seems to shine like the sun, as he himself shines in his

recognized ability. There is something settled in his gaze, as though he is looking forth at a world that may well be his oyster. There is a centredness and stability in his stance and yet an almost jaunty element in the skew of the belt at his waist. The young man goes forth with an air of certainty and confidence. This card speaks quite directly to Plato’s Chariot Allegory which appears in the Phaedrus. In this allegory, Plato refers to the Charioteer as the soul who must learn to control his two winged steeds: one white and one black. The white steed is our moral impulse or ‘spiritedness’. The black steed is the appetites or ‘desire’. The steeds, by their natures, pull in opposite directions and it is the duty of the charioteer (the soul) to guide them to work together in order follow the balanced path to achieve enlightenment. From a Transformational therapy perspective, one can just as easily see the white steed as the Higher Self – that aspect of self which presents the larger picture and allows us to see our decisions in the context of a higher purpose. The black steed is the Inner Child – the expression of our emotional self which, if not healed, can act out of woundedness, fear or

entitlement. The charioteer, then, becomes the Inner Adult (or the True Self) which is able to listen to the messages from both the Higher Self and the Inner Child, bringing them into alignment so they can work with each other. Plato commented that it is the black steed which most often causes the problems and it is truly an unhealed Wounded Child, who has internalized shaming and damaging messages, who can bring chaos into o ur lives. In the Tarot journey, The Chariot represents the coming of a certain resolution within that enables one to feel capable in one’s life. It is not until we come to The Devil that the wounds from childhood begin to truly have affect. When The Chariot appears to you, ask yourself: In what areas in my life to I feel a sense of mastery? In what ways do I listen to both my highest guidance and my inner emotions? How do I present myself to the world? What roles do I embody in my work and relationships? The Chariot is an invitation for us to acknowledge our ability to go forth into the world with a sense of purpose, honouring our unique contribution.

2 courses that bring the Tarot to life P l a yin g w it h W is d o m: T h e P s yc h o l o g y o f t h e T a r o t Feb 4 – Mar 25, 2014 (7:00 – 9:00 PM) T h e T a r o t A d ept : M a s t er y o f t h e M a j o r A r c a n a July 8 – Aug 12, 2014 (7:00 – 9:00 PM) Contact Tiffany at 519-578-LOVE (5683) or for more information and registration. 27

Article by Lisa Theodore


Everything has a season. Life is ever changing. It flows constantly the winds scatter the leaves of time, the waters wash the sorrows down river, the fires flame the hearts desires, the earth holds us steady with its slow and solid movement. Yet, our world is frantic; dramatic; full of pain and sorrow, confusion and delusion. At what point do we wake up? At what point do we realize that change is the only constant in our lives? What would it feel like to embrace change? To truly go with the flow in all aspects of our world. Some might argue that our inner sanctum, our Spirit, never changes - so in reality change doesn’t have to be a constant. Stillness, oneness, Joy, LOVE... they could be our constants. YES. And how would we get from the ever present changes in the outer world, to the constant of Love from the inner world reflected outward? Embrace the changes in your life. Allow the rivers to flow, the people to come and go, and the desires to grow and wane as new desires come about. Perhaps finding the stillness is more about recognizing the shifts, the changes...recognizing where we put our attention and deciding if that is bringing us more drama or more peace. How do we get there?


Today is a journey, a stepping stone to our

inner most desire - this moment brings us the opportunity to choose and to choose again. We are taught that everything has a season. The cycles of time show that to us. Watch Nature. Each season has a purpose. Each season brings new opportunities, presents life in a different state, and always flows from one to the next. Our life is like that. Our activities, the friends we have, the jobs we do, are all like that. Each has a season, each has a purpose and each will be fulfilled in the exact right way and right time. So, why do we live such frenetic lives? Why do we honour what others “expect” or “want” of us, only to ignore what is right and honouring in our own selves? As beings on this Human Holiday we have many beliefs that have taken hold to guide our travels. Much of the time we don’t even recognize what drives or motivates us; we go through this holiday on automatic pilot, regurgitating old habits and other’s way of thinking. We cling so strongly to tradi-

tions and the “way things have always been done”, that we miss the essence and meaning behind the origin of the tradition. Traditions can be wonderful opportunities - they bring people together to share, to laugh, to love and to honour - they can be very powerful connections. Or they can turn out to be the added dimension to more stress and anxiety in our world. It is a matter of perspective. Our belief system may shape the direction of our life, but it is our emotional guidance system that will remind us of our true journey to Self. When we pay attention to how we really, honestly, feel about a situation (a change in circumstances, a shift in relationship, a move to a new house...anything), we have an opportunity to embrace the beauty of the seasons of our life. We have the occasion to change our minds, to decide for ourselves where Peace lies and what we truly wish to choose for. The unknown is not to be feared, for we never really see the whole picture while the moment is unfolding. The letting go is not to be feared, for if we never let go of what holds us down, we will not have the chance of

reaching for what brings us up, brings us joy. Life is meant to be lived in Light; recognizing the shadow - the fears we may have, the stubbornness we may have created - allows us to open the shades a bit and see life from a new perspective. Seasons are a wonderful thing. Change is a Season. Embrace each season for what it has to offer, and watch the flow of your own life become more of everything that you desire. Realizing our Infinite Potential starts with recognizing that we are the directors, that we have the potential to BE and experience all that we desire. In this time of Thanksgiving, I give thanks for all the wonderful people who have been part of my life, past, present and future. I give thanks for knowing that each person brought a unique gift to my journey. Some may still be with me, others I may have let go of or lost contact with - but they are still valued. The joy comes in knowing that every season, every change, is a gift. As I continue to explore my human holiday - floating on a river of Peace - I encourage you to embrace whatever changes are happening in your life right now. Start Recognizing the Infinite Potential of You! Join Lisa on Tuesday evenings, bi-monthly, for an exploration into the Infinite Potential that is who we are. Each session will explore different avenues of Spiritual Reawakening; playing with transformational tools to expand our Consciousness, our Awareness and our Lives. Course information can be found at Contact Lisa at 519-239-6551 or for more information and registration. 29

Article by KerriLynn Shellhorn

Between the Worlds

In the stillness of the night I lay awake, acutely aware of the heightened energy in the room. Another night filled with spirits eagerly awaiting their loved ones sessions so they can share their messages of love, hope, asking for forgiveness or to help assist in the healing process for the ones still here in this dimension. Often spirits convey to me that their loved ones don’t hear, see or feel the messages they are trying to communicate to them. I get the sense that people are waiting for the talking burning bush and that never, rather, that type of grandiose connection rarely happens. We are constantly receiving signs and messages from our family in Spirit. Usually, the signs from our loved ones in Spirit are subtle, yet deeply meaningful. The messages we receive from our ancestors is support to fulfill our highest potential and healing here on Earth. Not only does our healing raise us to our highest potential it also heals any unfinished lessons for our family and raises their vibration in the Spirit realms. Ironically, the very things that drag us down are often part of our karmic inheritance from our ancestors. Abuses, addictions, patterns of behavior and way of making choices are seeds in our karmic 30

profile if under the right conditions can bloom to full blown dysfunction. This legacy with our ancestral line carries not only the hardship but also the remedy. Our family in Spirit want us to be joyful, abundant and have an invested interest in seeing future generations thrive. It is up to us to recognize the lessons in each moment and set things on a healing path so we can elevate the vibrational level of ourselves and their spirits. Since we are constantly sending and receiving information on a subtle level, often times it is hard to distinguish where a sign is coming from. First, understand that the more we open ourselves to receiving signs, the more signs we will receive. If we are not clear energetically and emotionally the messages we will receive will be disjointed. The more healing work we do on ourselves on an emotional and energetic level, the more clear those subtle signs will be for us. The more relaxed and grounded we are, the more we are able to distinguish our thoughts and energies from those in Spirit. Not everyone needs to be a ghost whisperer to receive messages from their beloved in Spirit. I encourage clients to do an exercise each morning that I call My Spirit Says. Place your hand

over your heart; take a full deep breath in through your nose. Inhale to the count of four, hold for the count of four and release a long full releasing breath from your mouth. Repeat this breathing pattern. On the next inhale ask your Spirit, “What does it need today?” You will see, hear, feel or have a sense of what your Spirit needs. Trust whatever guidance you receive and act on it. This exercise quiets your thoughts, grounds you, keeps you in your heart space and allows you to build the confidence and communication with the subtle voice of your intuition. These signs from Spirit could be a faint smell of your mother’s favourite perfume or your Grandfather’s pipe tobacco, a dream, the radio station being changed in your vehicle or even a light or image out of the corner of your eye. When you feel you may be receiving a sign from someone in Spirit, you can go back to this exercise My Spirit Says. Place your hand over your heart, breathe in fully and ask if what you are feeling is your stuff or someone in Spirit. If it is someone in Spirit, you can ask them to pull up closer to you can feel their energy stronger. Ask them for a clear message and thank them. Now, that you can tell what their energy feels like for them and you will be able to recognize their energy when it pulls in at another point in time.

Open yourself to receiving subtle messages and life becomes more magical and less chaotic. These subtle signs offer healing, direction and guidance, empowering you on your journey and bringing confidence with your connection to Spirit. By proactively engaging in simple actions to honour and feed these relationships, our ancestors can become a tremendous source of healing empowerment and nourishment in our everyday lives.

Join Kerrilynn Shellhorn for her Unique Intuition Classes: Sept 24 Oct 8 & 22 Nov 12 & 26 Dec 10 For more information or to register, call 226-820-8745 31

Article by Norah Nasturas

The Cosmic Map

What is a Remedy? From etymology, we learn that the word remedy comes from the Latin ‘remedium’ which means ‘ a cure or antidote, that which restores to health’. It can further be broken down into its roots in the verb ‘mederiare’, meaning ‘to heal’ with the prefix ‘re’ which means ‘again’. So a remedy becomes defined as that which is used to bring the body once again to a place of healing.

In the 1980 AFA convention, an astrologer from New York City had advised some clients to physically move out of the city during certain time periods of inauspicious vibrations. Moving physically is not a panacea for every case, although it may be considered depending on what type of event is impending. As each event is symbolized by a planet, it’s about relationships and interconnections between the planets. It is the astrologer’s task to interpret the stellar code correctly and with accuracy, so as to give the best feedback and opportunity for remedy. In North American and European culture, we have difficulty in considering mitigation as a serious alternative. Astrology takes care of the organization of Time and Space, which is different for every person. It talks about opportunities and difficulties. Changing the dates of an event or changing the place or location can certainly be beneficial in controlling the difficult influences.

which is accepting that all things in our Universe are connected. If I am seated in my car, my eyes are going around taking in all my surroundings: the buildings, the other cars, people walking along the street. Perhaps there are trees through which I can see the rays of the sun. This scene will stay permanently in my mind with the beauty of the sunlight between the trees touching everything. Then I will see that everything is connected. Everyone is touched by the beautiful day. Everybody feels beauty of the moment. Everything is connected in different ways. In this precise moment, I have a connection with the other people who are having the same impression of beauty. Our souls and our spirits are connected with a same interest. We receive many of these perceptions through knowledge which resides in the Mind. We receive other perceptions through the intuition which resides in the Body. The Mind and the Body know many things at the instinctual level, but the spirit doesn’t pay much attention to natural knowledge, because is not in relation with the spirit’s purpose.

When I approach the subject of Mitigation or Remedies in my Astrology classes, I explain that we are going to go for a trip: we are going to change the boundaries of life, for that we need to take the first step

This explains a little and helps us to understand why unconscious mitigation is proceeding all the time. We are living in the rational occidental world. We educate ourselves to ignore the lessons of the Earth,

If that is the case, then what can we do by ourselves to help to fix a problem in relation with health or other situations and problems that arise in our lives? The only solution is to find the weakness and find a way to address it in order to bring the body (and soul) once again to a place of health. Find the weakness and find the remedy. In this, the Natal Astrological chart can help, identifying both weaknesses and strengths in mere minutes.


thinking that existence depends only on our strong will. We need to review the necessity of using ALL parts or ourselves: Mind, Body, and Spirit in Harmony. Those who do not believe in or know about the spirit, will be in disadvantage to understand astrology. Those individuals tend to always look for the reason “WHY”, mistaking the Mind for the Spirit and working only with the Mind. But be assured: the Mind will fool you. I myself resisted this concept at the beginning. I was trained in a very logical mind. It was a hard work to learn how let go and shut the Mind up. In the old Hindu writing it says that Jupiter (the bigger planet) has an essence which permeates everything in the Solar System. In 1974, a NASA scientist released a statement which said that the presence of Jupiter is so powerful that his influence pervades every object in the Solar System. With scientific proof, the Mind can accept what the ancient teachings have presented for thousands of years. Only in the last years have Western people started to accept the idea that what we consume intimately restructures what we are. We have now started to look very careful what we are eating. We are truly starting to realize that our environment affects our thoughts, our balance and our physical welfare.

For Eastern people, it is not only word and action that we need to be careful of , but our very thoughts. The beginning is thoughts - not actions or words. We often have experiences that are very difficult to explain: feeling the presence of someone behind us, without having heard or seen his entry. We know that the world we see is only a perception. Everything is always changing. Everything is composed with vibrations, color, sound and smell. And everything is connected. Mitigation (or Remedies) is not an attempt to change but to modify. It is a conscious use of the vibrations in order to move in tune with them. Even if the event is complicated, the action to apply Remedies is a clear a simple way to improve the life. If we know that our astrological chart is telling us that some of our planets are weak, we can use colors or shapes to help to support or improve the strength or the planet. If our Mars is weak, we can use the colour ‘red’ to improve his strength: a very easy Remedy to apply. But we also need to pay attention to other contributing elements. If Mars is weak, we would need to exercise more care of Tuesdays. We would want to take care around knives or cars. It would be a good idea to check our blood (blood pressure or iron) with our doctor. And it may be something we would want to keep tabs on throughout our lives, as an consistent element in our Natal Chart. Having an understanding of the strong and weak planets in your Natal Chart gives an wide range of information about how you can utilize that which is strong in you and give a lot of guidance around how to balance that which is weak. Mitigation or Remedies is that which allows us to experience the interconnection of all things and use that instinctive wisdom of the Body to bring us back into health and balance once again.


Dance of the Bees

Another piece in my exploration series. Sometimes it is so hard not to see the world in black and white - male and female, right and wrong, good and bad - when there are so many shades of grey to be embraced. Inari is a diety who stands between the extremes. Neither wholly male or female, not completely old or completely young, neither beautiful or ugly, neither animal or human, here he (male) stands as crone (female) at the edge of the firelight, curling a finger in the smoke from the flame.

quirks & creativity

This is grey. Touching the smoke. This is magic - not aiming to control the fire, the wind, or the light of the moon, but changing the small things. Walking the path of Temperance and standing between the extremes and knowing that all things are temporary.

Art by Tracy Hilliard



Poem and Article by Erin Kiers

Angels’ Chorus

Too far removed from primal connection We flee to seek progress Alone we stand alas at life’s end Naked and uneasy To find what so easily flowed through our hands Was in front of our blind eyes from the start Our family our friends connections Was what truly could have mended our hearts ~ Erin Kiers

Dearest ones forget not your connection to the One, which connects you to the All. In this tireless time of constant stimulation and mechanical contact you have become isolated. Seemingly attempting to become more connected, you have become disconnected from your truths, your core, your intimate contact with friends, family, and heritage, hearing their voices on the phone, enjoying simplistic person to person contact. By losing contact with your deeper self in turn your fellow sister or brother, you have lost your story. Feeling lonely walking solidarily down your darkened path eyes diverted down to the ground you have forgotten to look up and see those around you inflicted with the same heart ache of loneliness. You have forgotten your pas t, your present and your future cannot be found in the endless, beeping, ringing and flashing. But by the simple act of looking up and out stretching your eager hand even slightly to engage in life, in love, in light! O how your life would glow, so brightly so that others would emphatically seek out that light to join in your joy! For you are the One, the All, and that which you seek is sought by All, and that which you awaken, you awaken in All. As it was with your ancestors, which courses in your veins and burns in your spirit to reunite with each other and rejoice in the celebration of each other’s story and in turn your own.

What do we bring to our next generation to build upon our story of humanity? What is lost are the beautifully woven tales of days gone by steeped in mysticism and magic! We so deeply bury ourselves in work, in “activities”, in school, in computers, in cell phones, there is not a moment to spare if not for a precious few for sleep. At what point do we recognize the reflection of our time on earth will be over shadowed by broken families, reality T.V and financial and political chaos? From what spring does this spout? Each one of us so dangerously asleep to the incredible power we possess to change our story to the ones enjoyed by our ancestors! With large quantities of food, ale and laughing! Tall tales of courage love and magic! How many nights have we spent merrily engaging in family dinners, reminiscing of childhood follies of ours or recanting stories to our children? How many opportunities have passed that we could unplug and engage in game night, movies of children’s birthdays or cuddle and giggle time? Each child’s history is made up 36

~The Angels~

of these things. What will your child’s history be? We are our grandchildren’s ancestors, what stories will they tell of us? Compare these stories to those told to us of our ancestors. So pale in comparison we must awaken before our story is over so we can change our ending to one that is worthy of going down in the history books and worthy to retell!


New and noteworthy at “Gifts for the Soul”

Nectar from the Hive The Chakra Bible: The Definite Guide to Chakra Energy by Patricia Mercier Chakras are the centers of energy in our body that profoundly affect our wellbeing. Through this exquisitely designed volume, newcomers to this alternative form of spirituality can understand every aspect of chakra power. In addition to an illuminating introduction, a detailed guide covers each chakra, with their associated colors, Indian deity, healing stone, and emotional and physical actions. One by one, go through the base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras, as well as some newly discovered ones and chakras from different traditions. There’s also invaluable information on connecting chakras with aura reading and healing, and yoga exercises and meditations to strengthen each chakra.

The Meditation Bible: The Definitive Guide to Meditations for Every Purpose by Madonna Gauding With more than 140 techniques and practices drawn from Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Sufi, Taoist, Pagan, Jewish, Native American, and mystical traditions, this is the ultimate guide to meditation. Easily find out how to meditate to calm and center; cultivate mindfulness of everyday activities; heal physical and emotional ailments; increase love and compassion; end addictions; work with dreams; and deepen your connection with the Divine. An entire section is devoted to walking meditations that will get you moving, and there’s smart advice on developing a daily practice and on creating a sacred space.

Dream BIGGER: Reclaiming a Life of Joy and Ease by Julie Wise

Julie Wise Consulting Create the Life You Want Now!

Life's greatest gifts are often well disguised by unattractive wrapping! As a coach, my goal is to work with you to discover the hidden potential in your challenges. Together we will: •Discover and clarify what you want to achieve •Explore your vision for the future •Develop solutions and strategies •Create and implement an action plan

The Reiki Bible: The Definitive Guide to Healing with Energy by Eleanor McKenzie Reiki practitioners have unlimited access to healing energy—for themselves and others. For this reason, it has quickly spread across the globe as people use it to cure ills, soothe emotions, and live the life they want. The Reiki Bible provides a comprehensive, stunningly designed guide to this ancient spiritual system. It covers Reiki’s origins and development; the energy and body systems; and the three levels of Reiki. All the hand positions appear in easy-to-follow captioned photographs, and there’s advice on using Reiki for friends and family; at all life stages; for health and well-being; for alleviating common conditions; and in tandem with other therapies.



Upcoming Events At The Hive November Nov 9 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 16

December Dec 7 Dec 14


Jan 7 Jan 22 Jan 25

A Red Tent Event: Stillness Maps of Consciousness: Spirituality and the Higher Self Transformation: Meeting Your Inner Selves Reclaiming the Feminine Tale

Patterns of Conscious Living: Roots and Foundations Transformation Stones

Exploring the Spiritual Realms of the Non-physical Cycles of Life: From Child to Adult Patterns of Conscious Living: Gifts from the Inner Child

illumination & bliss Kitchener/Waterloo’s first Environmentally Friendly Hair Salon and Spa 133 Weber St North, Waterloo * 519-886-8624 40


Embrace the Glow‌ Look forward to future issues of The Glowing Hive, distributed online on a quarterly basis, capturing the energy of the Seasons. Winter: January 2014 Spring: April 2014 Summer: July 2014 Fall: October 2014 For comments, feedback and suggestions, please contact Tiffany Lazic at To join The Hive and Grove online community, for discussions and postings on topics related to holistic health, emotional healing and expressions of Spirit, go to The Hive Social‌



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