The Glowing Hive Summer 2013

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Where “Sedona of the North” came from (introduction to the first issue of The Glowing Hive: Winter 2011)


to the very first issue of the e-magazine dedicated to providing information on all aspects of holistic wellness, coming to you from the Waterloo Region. Issued quarterly, The Glowing Hive will offer articles on different aspects of health and healing, including physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, business success, energy clearing, reviews and creative inspiration. As The Glowing Hive is a complimentary publication, there will be no paid advertising, although we are happy to support our contributors in the wonderful work they do in their own holistic practices and businesses. This little project was born out of a realization that there are so very many of us in this Region who are doing such wonderful and healing work in a great variety of modalities. I have long been amazed by the energy of this region. As one who moved here about 10 years ago, I was sensitive to what makes this particular area so unique and special. Local history shows that Kitchener itself was originally established in 1798 as a settlement for German Mennonites seeking freedom from religious persecution, becoming the Town of Berlin in 1854. It has long had an association of being a company town with businesses such as Schneiders, Arrow Shirts, Kaufman Footwear and Krug Furniture having long, long histories in the city, many dating back to some of the first families to settle here. Perhaps it is the energy behind what brought the settlement into being. Perhaps it is the many family-owned businesses. Perhaps there is some other, yet-unknown cause. Regardless, I have always found Kitchener to be firmly rooted in a commitment to community. From the personal gathering of friends to the neighbourhood associations to the offering of so many opportunities to gather (usually in Victoria Park) to celebrate some event or another. I have lived in many places, from small towns to huge urban centres, both in Canada and the U.S. I have never experienced the kind of drawing together that happens in Kitchener. It is wonderful. When you look at the “flavours” of this region, it is a pretty remarkable place in which we live. Waterloo, with its cutting edge technological research and future vision-building, is known as “Silicon Valley of the North”. Stratford is worldrenown for its connection to Shakespeare and the arts. Guelph has its dedication to the natural sciences and Cambridge, the beautiful meeting place of the Grand and Speed Rivers, with


its balance of several towns and a hamlet from the past seems to speak, by its very makeup, of how to create synthesis. All these different areas of focus, so close together, contribute to the experience of a Region that is forward-thinking, community-driven, artistic, innovative and expansive. A place where positive change for the future can be explored, take root and grow! I know it is a stretch. I know we have no red rocks or natural cathedrals. I know some may giggle at my proposition. But I say, this area has the feel of a “Sedona of the North”. Perhaps not in the landscape (though the Grand is very grand). But in the underlying and supporting energies. There are more bodyworkers, lightworkers, social workers, mental health professionals, naturopaths and therapists here than I have been witness to in other places. There is something that inspires so many in this area to explore health and healing and energy. And how exciting that is. I had a vision of a place that one can come to, from anywhere in the world, and know that they are stepping into a place where many healing hands are available, from any type of modality one would wish to utilize, ready to gently guide to a place of balance and wholeness. And I say, celebrate. Come together in support of all of us who are doing this work, knowing that we are making a difference not only in this region but with ripple effects emanating out. As we change ourselves, we change the world. So, giggle if you will (and I will giggle along) but I say, hurray – “Sedona of the North”. I hope you enjoy reading The Glowing Hive as much as I have enjoyed putting it together. ~ Tiffany Lazic

The Red Tent Movement was started by ALisa Starkweather, inspired by the book “The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant. A Red Tent is a safe, woman-only supportive space in which women gather to tell their stories, celebrate themselves, learn from each other and let go, if only for a time, of the roles they take on in other aspects of their lives. A Red Tent can encompass sacred ceremony, joyful dance, engaged discussion or rites of passage. A Red Tent is open to all women of every age and serves to strengthen bonds between women across generations. For women to step into empowerment, it is necessary for them to have the space in which to reflect their inner truth and their highest selves, supported and accepted by a community of women. Red Tents provide such a space. ~ Tiffany Lazic

Upcoming Red Tent Events: Sept 21 and Nov 9, 2013 (2:00 – 4:00) at The Hive and Grove. Things We Don’t Talk About: The Film

Things We Don’t Talk About: Woman’s Stories from the Red Tent is a groundbreaking 72-minute documentary film by award winning filmmaker Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD. Available through this link:


The Glowing Hive Health and Healing from Waterloo’s Holistic Community

It is always an exciting moment for me to choose the cover of the next issue of The Glowing Hive. Artist Amanda Clark has been so kind as to allow me to use her stunning artwork for all the issues and it is with a tingle of anticipation that I enter into the space of searching for the piece that feels evocative of the focus of each current issue. This issue is about Celebration. The summer is a time when we feel we can allow ourselves a little more ease. Kids mark summer’s start with Alice Cooper’s infamous chorus. Adults turn their minds to summer vacations or weekends away in the country. Perhaps there is even the opportunity to really reconnect with Nature with a camping excursion. All activities that are far from our minds during winter’s freeze. The warmth brings a release of tension from our bodies and days of real heat can see us flopping here and there with just about enough energy to bring a chilled glass to our lips. Somehow in the summer, everything feels to loosen up, even if just a little. This issue cover, Celestial Illustrations, features the swan. The Hans Christian Anderson tale of The Ugly Duckling is well known and a teaching tale for us all. We may go through times when we feel awkward and ungainly in our actions and activities, but there comes a time when we grow into our natural achievement. It has always been there. It just needed the time to come to full glory. The energy of summer is the energy of coming to that glorious fulfillment. It is a time for celebration and a time to reflect upon all we have undertaken in the previous months and seasons. Enjoy the sun and let yourself bask in the warmth of your own glow. Celebrate.

Celestial Illustrations by Amanda Clark

Editor : Tiffany Lazic is a holistic psychotherapist, spiritual counselor and owner of The Hive and Grove Centre for Holistic Wellness and Gifts for the Soul Shop. She has developed and facilitates several courses which invite participants to experience healing and wellness through the magic of symbol and Nature. She is thrilled to continue her association with Toronto’s Transformational Arts College of Spiritual and Holistic Training by teaching the Discovering the Total Self Program at The Hive and Grove in Kitchener. Tiffany is the creator of “The Glowing Hive” and contributes through “Seasonal Ponderings”, “Of the Earth”, “Sorting Out the Psyche” and “Those Awesome Archetypes” articles.

Managing Editor and Graphic Design: Tanya Snowdon is a multimedia graphic artist who is comfortable in both corporate business design settings and holistic spiritual inspired realms. Much of the vision for her personal creative work is drawn from her own inner exploration. The Glowing Hive offers Tanya the opportunity to integrate her art design and spirit, and for this, she is happy and grateful. She knows it is a great foundation for her upcoming oracle deck.


Contents Opening: Seasonal Ponderings: The Calm Before The Storm

Health and Happiness: That Gentle Touch: Oh My Aching BackHealthy Living: The Backyard Apothecary ‘Ask Cheli Doolittle’: Gemstone Support for Four-Legged Friends of the Earth Of the Earth: Charoite and Wild Thyme

Abundance and Flow: Creating a Legacy: How to Manifest a Financially Prosperous Business

Peace and Serenity: Special thanks to Amanda Clark for allowing use of her beautiful art for the cover. To see more of Amanda’s work visit: To purchase prints, visit her Etsy shop at: earthangelsarts

Sorting out the Psyche: Accepting the All Fabulous Fifty…and Beyond: Taking Up the Challenge

Enlightenment and Inspiration: Dream Weaving: Summer Pleasures Those Awesome Archetypes: A Tarot exploration: The Lovers Miracles: Dropping into the Zone Between the Worlds: A Walk with Spirit

Quirks and Creativity: Angels’ Chorus: Celebration Dance of the Bees Nectar From The Hive

Illumination and Bliss : Upcoming Events at The Hive: Courses and Workshops Hive Scrapbook


Contributors Cheli Chelouche is a Canadian Artist and jewelry designer, expressing her artistic abilities creating unique jewelry pieces incorporating genuine gemstones and crystals. She has a fascination with the artistic contribution with which the ancient civilizations gifted us and uses ancient inspiration in her unique pieces. She is the creator of “Pawmulets”, using the healing power of gemstones to honour animals and all that they give us. Cheli’s column “Ask Cheli Doolittle”: Gemstone Support for Four-Legged Friends appears in the “Health and Happiness Section. Mary C. Davis is a Certified One Command® and ThetaHealing™ Practitioner, Prosperity Guide and Business Coach who helps spiritually-oriented wellness professionals create prosperous, fulfilling businesses with ease and joy. She is the creator of The Prosperous Healer’s Path™, a training and coaching process that integrates conscious creation tools and practical business-building strategies with spiritual truths, values and inner wisdom. Results include an abundance of money, clients and fulfillment. Mary contributes the “Creating a Legacy” article.

Robynne (Tennant) Kingswood. RMT, RRPr Author and therapist, Robynne teaches at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy, for the Healing Arts Learning Organization, and chairs the RRCO Standards and Admission committee. Robynne contributes the “That Gentle Touch” article.

Erin Kiers is the owner of Hybrid, Kitchener Waterloo’s first Environmentally Friendly Salon and Spa, located on Weber St in Waterloo. Erin has enjoyed the transformation of a customarily chemical laden industry to one that is more conscientious and is proud of her involvement in that evolution. After experiencing her own personal acceleration to awareness, she focuses her efforts on the transformation of the human consciousness and has contributed to the Hive and Grove on-line magazine in the hopes of inspiring more people in the evolution of our collective spirit. Erin contributes the “Angels’ Chorus” article. Kerrilynn Shellhorn is an internationally respected Spiritual Medium, Intuitive and Spiritual Teacher, who works with both adults and children. A mother of four beautiful children, Kerrilynn is also the former radio host of Spiritual Parenting: Parenting the Children of the New Earth – and is a Children’s Yoga and Meditation Facilitator. Kerrilynn is also the author of the ebook: Your Purposeful Life and the Children of Light Affirmation Cards. Kerrilynn contributes the “Between the Worlds” article. Lisa D. Theodore, DTCM, Min., is an active practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Integrative therapies and Spiritual healer and teacher. She has spent the greater part of her life on a conscious (and sometimes, a not so conscious) journey toward Self. Throughout this journey, Lisa has discovered many wonderful healing modalities, uncovering the Divine connection and feeling the Spirit moving through all things. She continues to create, write, and teach on Spiritual principles, healing and conscious awareness. Her passion is to be of service to others through many creative outlets, helping them to find the means to express themselves to their fullest, most joyful and loving potential. Lisa maintains a private practice in Kitchener, Ontario. Lisa contributes the “Healthy Living: The Flow of the Seasons” and “Miracles” articles. Julie Wise is a motivational coach who helps people navigate change in their lives and reach their personal and professional dreams. Julie is the author of Dream BIGGER: Reclaiming a Life of Joy and Ease. She in an intuitive, trained in Advanced Energy Awareness and Healing, a Celtic Reiki Realm Master and a practitioner of Karmic Regression Therapy. In her workshops and one-to-one sessions, she combines her gifts to help people find the answers they seek to create the life they desire. Julie contributes the “Dream Weaving” and “Fabulous Fifty…and Beyond” articles. Cheryl contributes Inspiration banner artwork in the Dance of the Bees section. 6


opening message by Tiffany Lazic

Seasonal Ponderings


t is funny how things turn out. The Summer issue of The Glowing Hive is always scheduled for July upload with article topics often planned well in advance. Taking heed of this Summer’s topic, there was an ease in the approach for this issue. It arrives about a month later than originally scheduled. In pondering this issue’s topic for this column on the cusp of Summer, I connected to a sense of that space of respite before the flurry of activity begins again. What is the gift in the calm before the storm? And what can we pull from that calm to help see us through the storms which will follow? The title appeared far before the slew of storms which have rocked many communities. In their wake, the topic seems all the more timely. In the last issue’s column, I spoke about the rhythm of flow and allowing those moments of pause in order to be more discerning about our continued direction. Focusing on the calm is the process of entering even more consciously into that pause. If we are coming from a place of reaction or ongoing sustained activity, we miss the gift of calm. If we see our lives as one storm after another, we will quickly become depleted and depressed. We become nothing more than a cup that is constantly pouring out and never being refilled. We know this on a physical level. The most benefit comes from exercise that allows for a pause


between repetitions. To ignore the pause is to open ourselves up to injury and muscular distress. Why would it be any different for our psyches? Being in the calm is not about getting ready for what is to come. It is the moment that comes after preparations have been completed. A couple of years ago, my husband and I were in Mexico during a hurricane. The day before it was due to hit, we watched the city bustle with preparations: wrapping up telephone booths, nailing boards across windows, taking bulbs out of light fixtures. Then there was a moment – a pause – the holding of a breath, the gathering of strength within. And then it hit. The moment the storm was over, the activity began again. That pause was integral in order to weather the storm and sustain the energy for what needed to be done in the days following. Summer itself is this pause. There is a definite shift in energy that sweeps over us in the Fall. It could be the anchored internalization from years of starting school in September to which we still respond. As Labour Day inches closer, regardless of whether it affects our schedule or not, regardless of whether we have kids or not, most of us tend to feel a slight tightening and hunkering down sensation within. So as Summer comes to a close, remember – take the opportunity to enter the calm and be restored.




Article by Robynne Kingswood

That Gentle Touch


We often notice when we’ve overdone it. The ache and shooting feeling across our back or down our leg is hard to miss. What is more commonly overlooked is the attitude we have towards our bodies limitations. We forget to celebrate all the accomplishments we have achieved. Rub your sore forearms with affection as you gaze at your clean flower bed. Buy Epsom salts when you buy that stack of 2 x 4’s and drywall. It’s part and parcel, and the sooner we celebrate those aching muscles and inflamed joints, the more satisfied and at peace we become. People who have a regimented workout routine often talk about the delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) as “good pain”. Productive pain. Why can’t we apply that to the successful 48 hours of overtime at the computer soreness? We met the deadline didn’t we? Celebrate! Own the war wounds with pride and take the time to heal. Looking after our body and its needs is not admitting weakness; it’s a sign of respect. The knarled finger that sacrificed orderly youthful shape dedicated themselves to writing holiday cards, typing reports that in turn fed the family, tying the shoelaces of young ones. They are not weak and worn, should be celebrated for the impact they’ve made!

Ever wondered what a therapist sees when they are working on the muscles of your back? This is the back of a yogi, brilliant and supple with trigger points, tension and counter balancing from left to right. This is how I see the “dysfunction” when I work. It is a thing of beauty. While working away at changing it to smoother constitution, it can still be respected; honoured for its accomplishments. Often, pain in the body is a means of conveying to the conscious mind “Hey! Do you know what’s going on here? We may have a problem.” The body’s voice is best attended, as ignoring it often leads to a much greater, more painful and restrictive problems. So the next time you stand on the scale and are a little too much or a little too little, remember to celebrate the teeth and digestive system you have that allows you to take in nutrients and carry on. The next time you feel a scab that pulls over broken skin be sure to celebrate the red blood cells that clotted and kept you alive. It is all perspective. We each have the ability to control it and build up the gratitude in each day, be it in little ways or large ones.


Article by Lisa Theodore

Healthy Living

What do aspirin, valium and morphine have in common? They are all originally derived from plant materials. As a matter of fact, over a quarter of all modern pharmaceuticals still include plant extracts, while the rest are now wholly derived from synthetic compounds. Modern western pharmaceuticals generally utilize a single biologically active ingredient to produce a specific physiologic response. They are, thus, highly potent yet also have many side or secondary effects. Drugs may assist with controlling symptoms - such as antibiotics for ridding invasive bacteria - but they often do not improve a person’s ability to resist infection. We also hear of the adverse reactions to such drugs - yeast infections are common after antibiotic use. Everything has a place and must be measured according to the totality of the desired outcome. Over two-thousand years ago, Shen Nung, an Asian mythic sage, harvested and codified wild medicinal herbs. Chinese herbal


medicine has grown over the millennium to become a systematic method of classification & prescription to include over six thousand substances - of which we regularly utilize over 300 today. Chinese herbal tradition continues to evolve and adapt. Many of the herbs that have been effectively used for a thousand years in the east have recently undergone a resurgence in the West due to the western pharmacological testing and clinical research of late. Today we encounter many “miracle cures” or “miracle herbs”, which in reality, have been helping people all over the world for centuries. Classification and uses of traditional Chinese herbs are looked at from a different perspective than the western herbal system. The nature, taste, configuration, colour and properties of each herb are examined, the patient’s constitution, signs and symptoms are determined and patterns observed. The herbalist combines all of these variants and more to create a specialized formula or to match a

traditional formulation with the patient’s specific need at that particular moment. Although it can be incredibly intricate to master traditional Chinese herbal medicine, its everyday use can be simplified and have a profound effect on our well-being. Many of the traditional herbs can be grown in our backyards and many grow wild along the pathways and waterways. Some of the more popular herbs that are seen in gardens include forsythia, chrysanthemum, mint, peony, and magnolia. Daily meals often contain herbs and spices that we think are merely for flavouring - yet their medicinal properties are active and we receive the benefit whether we are conscious of it or not! Taking time out to explore the vast array of herbs available and learning some simple home remedies is a great way to start your own backyard apothecary. Enjoy a refreshing cup of mint tea while discovering this incredible bounty Nature has to offer!

Lisa D. Theodore, R.TCMP is a registered traditional chinese herbalist and will be offering a wonderful and informative eight week course – The Backyard Apothecary: Chinese Herbal Medicine for the Western Body on Thursdays, from September 26 October 31, 2013 call 519-239-6551 today to reserve your space!


Discover the Total Self at The Hive and Grove in Kitchener. New rotation of classes starts September 9, 2013


CAIET - The Canadian Association for Integrative and Energy Therapies presents

15th Annual Canadian Energy Psychology Conference The Conference for Integrative and Energy Therapies

October 25th-27th, 2013 Pre & Post Workshops Oct 24th & 28th Join us this October at the Novotel Toronto Centre to learn directly from the leading innovators in the field of Energy Psychology Learn more at

Keynote Speakers & Special Guests Marlise Karlin

David Feinstein, Ph.D.

Educator, humanitarian & founder of The Simplicity of Stillness Method

Founder of Innersource, clinical psychologist and award winning author.

David Gruder, PhD, DCEP

Founder of Integrity Revolution and widely acclaimed integrity expert.

Colette Baron-Reid

Dr. Eric Pearl

Internationally renowned intuitive counselor, educator and #1 bestselling author

Internationally recognized healer & author


Column by Cheli Chelouche, creator of “Pawmulets”

I received a request from a lady who to help her three four-legged friends, Skittles, Baxter, and Knox. Skittles, her nine year old dachshund, was not shy in the least and not afraid of anything except being stepped on. He was very aware of his surroundings with a tendency to bark in response. Very trained, Skittles was able to be off lead. Baxter, a bit younger, had anxious tendencies, thinking the world is out to get him. He was fearful, whining when nervous and barking at any stimuli from outside, especially during July 4th celebrations and thunder. He would shake and try to get as close to his human companion as possible. Of her third, the lady wrote: “Knox is the baby, my nursemaid and has to have the last word! He wants to be in control. He does look for attention. He is my only cuddler. When I was on crutches he walked right with me, not afraid at all. He has to have the last “word.” He’s the only one that gets anxious riding in the car.” After analysing these cases, I found that the corresponding crystals to be used for the Skittles’ Pawmulet are Aventurine and Amber to bring him calm and confidence, reducing agitation and dispelling negative energy. Amber has various physical and emotional healing properties. In this case I emphasized the emotional levels. Amber acts as a protective and purifying component by helping soothe depression in humans and animals, especially those getting on in age. It brings out out a greater 18

sense of calm and positivity. Aventurine is associated with the heart chakra. It treats emotional problems in animals, particularly fear and nervousness. Aventurine helps sensitive animals who are easily frightened and distressed for no apparent reason. For Baxter, I combined three crystals: Smoky Quartz, Amazonite, and Aventurine. These crystals combined balance the solar plexus chakra, reducing nervousness and alleviating fearful shaking. Smoky Quartz has a fast grounding and calming effect on stress related situations. It works slowly to eliminate negative energy and hostility. Amazonite is a mint green to aqua green stone which is associated with the Heart and Throat Chakras. Amazonite calms the nervous system and improves confidence, loving communication and trust, which helps in training. Amazonite is a stone of expression if you feel your pet has locked up parts of their personality. It eliminates aggravation and negative energies. As the animal becomes calm, the excessive barking stops. Aventurine, as used with Skittles, was included to address Baxter’s fear and nervousness.

For Knox, I combined Rose Quartz, Moonstone, and Hematite. Rose Quartz assists in building a loving and lasting relationship with your pet. It balances the animal feelings of love and addresses attention-seeking which often manifests as a animal’s attempt to control. Rose Quartz also reduces anger and aggression. Moonstone carries lunar energy and helps to balance emotional upsets. Moonstone has a gentle energy that helps to ease stresses and feelings of anxiousness. Moonstone has been called the stone of “new beginnings”. It helps to calm over-reactions. The stone is filled with receptive passive energy which helps to alleviate negative attributes (like a bad temper or aggressive behavior) Moonstone helps a pet to deal with stress and emotional instability. It provides your pet with deep emotional healing. In animals, it is particularly helpful for anxiety during car travel, bonding and mood swings. Hematite balances the lower chakras and is very useful for helping to calm animals in panicky situations. Hematite was used specifically to address Knox’s fear of riding in cars.

If you have a question for Cheli about a gemstone that may provide pet relief, please email hiveandgrove@ Please note, gemstone therapy does not replace veterinary care and in cases of concerns about a pet’s health, a visit to the vet is recommended. 19

Article by Tiffany Lazic

Of the Earth

Wild Thyme is a particular and fairly rare variety of the extensive Thyme family that is found in large parts of Europe. Also known as ‘Mother-of-Thyme’, its Latin name is a reference to its tendency to creep. It can be found lying along the ground and trailing out in many directions. It has beautiful purple flowers that are very attractive to bees. It is these flowering tops that are used when working with Wild Thyme. As with other members of the Thyme family, Wild Thyme can be used medicinally as an antiseptic. Attracted by its lemony scent, the ancient Greeks were known to massage a Wild Thyme lotion onto their bodies after bathing while the Romans utilized the scent to alleviate depression. The many benefits of Wild Thyme include relieving respiratory and digestive issues. As an expectorant, it can help those who suffer from a persistent cough. It also reduces excessive gas in stomach or intestine. An easy Wild Thyme Infusion can be created by adding one ounce of Wild Thyme to one pint of boiling water and sweetening with a bit honey.


This beautiful stone is another of so many exciting ‘Stones of the New Consciousness’ which have made themselves known to us in the latter part of the 20th century. Charoite was discovered in 1978 in a remote region of northern Russia. It is named for the Chary River near where it was found. There are stories that the Mongols would boil the stone in water on special feast days to make a special tea that would be drunk by the family members to strengthen and protect them. Charoite is known as a ‘stone of transformation’. It connects us to higher energies, particularly those of the Crown Chakra. It helps transform negative emotions and fear into positivity. As a stone of power, it helps us to establish boundaries and can be particularly helpful in the psychic realm for releasing any energies that may be hanging on or hanging around. It promotes courage and assertiveness. Charoite supports our creativity and inspiration. It allows us to see patterns in our situations, making choices that focus us to grow into our highest potential. Physically, Charoite is said to speed up healing on all levels and is particularly beneficial to those who experience headaches or eye problems. For those who love the beautiful hues of Sugilite, Charoite is a cost-effective alternative that is more readily available. It is a stunning stone that uplifts our spirits.


Creating a Legacy


When I was in my early 20s, I had what I believe were my first truly conscious experiences of manifestation and flow. I had spent a year working after my university graduation to save money for a six-month backpacking trip through Europe. When I was four and a half months into the trip, it was apparent that my financial reserves were dwindling, and it looked like I wouldn’t have the resources to finish the trip. Despite this, I was determined to complete my itinerary and continued joyfully travelling in full faith that everything would work out. I was having such a great time! This fearless faith and conscious connection to my invisible supply resulted in all sorts of seeming miracles. I was given food and shelter by friends and people I met along the way, my uncles in Ireland both gave me money, unexpectedly, after a visit with them, and I was able to hitchhike to all the remaining destinations I wanted to visit. My final “demonstrations” that the Universe had my back occurred when I was completely out of money in London, and a friend gifted me the money to get to the airport to fly home as a “thank you” for making dinner. When I got to Gatwick Airport, I was put on a standby list and told by several other backpackers that they had been trying, unsuccessfully, to fly home on standby every day for the previous three weeks. In spite of this, I felt calm and confident. All of us on the standby list got onto

the flight back to Canada that day, and what a party it was on the return journey! Since that time, my embodied understanding of spiritual prosperity principles has deepened (and continues to deepen), resulting in innumerable demonstrations of flow in my life. The realization of these principles has helped me manifest many material and non-material blessings, including the creation of a prosperous, purposeful, fulfilling business I love, that supports me and allows me to be of service and express my greatest gifts. What I’ve Learned About Allowing the Flow The realization of spiritual truths about prosperity cannot occur in our businesses if we don’t, also, take steps to consciously investigate and process our dualistic, shadow beliefs, thoughts and feelings about money, business, marketing and selling and our limiting identity attachments. These patterns create blocks to manifesting, receiving and self-realization. As we process these shadow patterns, we become more effective at embodying and applying prosperity teachings in our businesses. Here are some principles and tips you can apply right away, to allow the flow: 1. Break the worry/fear habit: take your focus off external conditions. Are you looking at a bank balance that appears to be small and wondering how you’re going to make ends meet? Are you getting anxious be-

Article by Mary Davis

cause your business is not attracting the number of clients you’d like? Are you looking at your present circumstances and starting to panic and think you’ll never get your business into a thriving position? As challenging as this may be, resist the inclination to “judge by appearances”. Metaphysician Florence Scovel Shinn says, “Do not be fooled by the darkness before the dawn”. Don’t be discouraged by seemingly bleak conditions, as they merely signify the “breakdown” before the “breakthrough”. 2. Claim your creative power. You and the Creative Principle of the Universe are one and the same. Make conscious contact with the Creative Principle and your good/supply, on a daily basis, through the spoken word. Prosperity teacher Catherine Ponder says, “It is through the spoken word of prosperity that your words move on that invisible substance, form it as definite results, and give birth to it in the visible world.” Find a statement of truth for prosperity that resonates for you, and use it. Better yet, formulate it into a command, go to the theta brain wave state where you automatically connect with the Creative Principle within you and make your command. (The One Command® and theta brain wave manifesting are highly effective). 3. Detach, prepare for your good and follow your intuition. If you look back on your life, you’ll notice that the goals that were easiest for you to attain were the ones you felt completely relaxed and detached about. You can cultivate this sense of surrender/detachment by using the Sedona Method® and consciously letting go of any desires for approval, security or control associated with the fulfillment of your goals. In this relaxed state of being, you can prepare for your good by moving forward fearlessly, following your intuitive leads and taking inspired actions that demonstrate trust that your goals will be fulfilled and your supply will manifest “into the visible world”. Expect your good to manifest, and act accordingly.

4. Look for and celebrate the “evidence” and express gratitude. Gently watch for the demonstrations of your good. Sometimes, we’re “asleep” and don’t notice that we’re actually inundated with evidence of the fulfillment of our needs and desires. Or, often, before the complete fulfillment of a goal, we’ll get what looks like a partial or seemingly “imperfect” manifestation. Don’t be discouraged, but rather, celebrate this as evidence that your good is on its way to you. Notice all the signs and demonstrations, write them down in a success journal, celebrate them and give thanks. I have a gratitude rattle I love to shake, thanking Source whenever I receive a demonstration of my good, no matter how “small”. I even shake it when presented with a challenge, affirming gratitude for the solution, which I know is forthcoming. When we own our power, we experience direct knowledge that we are one with Infinite Intelligence, that Infinite Intelligence supplies every need and that the true source of our good, material and otherwise, is our realization of these truths. 23



Article by Tiffany Lazic

Sorting out the Psyche

With all the books, resources, courses and healing modalities available, it is unfortunate and somewhat surprising that self-esteem still seems to be a key issue for many people. There is so much information out there. There are so many possible paths through which to address it. Yet, self-esteem is still one of the main issues that causes struggle in so many people’s lives. What exactly IS self-esteem? Self-esteem is an inner experience and response that is hinged on our beliefs about ourselves and contributes to our feelings about ourselves. When we have positive self-esteem, we know ourselves to be worthy, valuable and loveable. A low self-esteem is fed by thoughts that tell us we are wrong, that nothing we ever do is good enough, that if people really knew us we would be rejected and that we are worthless. Low self-esteem is a devastating wellspring of negativity that flows from a deep sense of shame about who we are and our place in the world. It is well-known that shame and the low selfesteem that results are created in early childhood in response to messages we take in, either consciously or unconsciously, from parents, caregivers and guardians, friends, institutions and more. We internalize these messages in a seemingly permanent feedback loop that continues to play over and over in our heads. “What is wrong with you?” “You are a terrible kid.” “You will never amount to anything.” All these and more are toxic messages that root themselves deeply in our psyches. Unconsciously, and out of a need for emotional and psychological self-preservation, we develop mechanisms for interacting with others that focus on pre-emptive steps. That is to say, we ‘correct’ ourselves before we can be ‘corrected’ by others. We may become Perfectionists, presenting an unbreachable veneer of ‘looking good’ so that others won’t see how broken we feel inside. Or Caretakers, making others dependant on our help, in or-

der to ensure that we won’t be abandoned. Or Pillars of Strength that others see as being so strong even though we feel incapable inside. The inner experience of low self-esteem can lead to depression and despair. It interferes with our ability to have authentic relationships with others. It can lead to isolation and loneliness. The behaviours we take on to try to prove ourselves worthy to others can have a physical cost. Exhaustion, high blood pressure, insomnia, and in truth, any stress-related disease can all stem from what we feel we have to do to quiet that voice inside that keeps telling us nothing we do will ever be good enough. It can be helpful to retrace one’s steps back to childhood to discern from whence these hurtful messages originated. However, in moving towards healthy self-esteem and positive self-regard, it is important to recognize that we ourselves now hold the key. There is

nothing in our past that truly has the power to hurt us anymore. In acknowledging that, we need to begin to learn the ways in which we continue to hurt ourselves and make a commitment to ways through which to honour ourselves. The bedrock of low self-esteem may lie in the past, but the potential for healthy self-esteem lies absolutely in the here-and-now. The most important relationship we have is with ourselves. It is a relationship that requires the utmost in honesty, compassion and acceptance. The truth is we are not perfect. Nor will we ever be perfect. Nor were we meant to be perfect. We are human beings, each and every one of us trying to do the best we can in a world that has a lot of imperfections and, often with not the most appropriate tools. We all have flaws and quirks and things about us that are really annoying to others. It is a guarantee that not everyone will like us. It is a guarantee that there will be those who

will misunderstand us or misinterpret our actions and choices. It is a guarantee that we will make mistakes and that we will choose unwisely. It is part and parcel of the human experience. Healthy self-esteem is not a quest to do things perfectly nor is it about to seeing everything we do as okay just as it is. To try to do things perfectly is to set a bar so high that we run the risk of berating ourselves for not achieving the unachievable. To wash everything we do as ‘okay’ is to eliminate the potential for growth and learning. As with so many things, the truth lies in the middle. Healthy self-esteem is the acceptance of all parts of ourselves with the understanding that there will be some aspects of ourselves that we will want to shift and change. It is the ability to acknowledge those aspects of ourselves that are really wonderful and helpful and engaging and special. But it is also the ability to embrace our limitations, our flaws and our quirks. It is the ability to say “I don’t know”. It is the openness to say “I made a bad choice but that doesn’t make me a bad person”. And it is the commitment to love ourselves in all our nuances. As with so many paths to healing, moving into a place of healthy self-esteem requires both attention and action. The piece that bridges is acceptance. If you want to begin to foster a solid sense of self that is positive, it begins by accepting the all of who you are. Not just part of you. All of you. That does not mean that there aren’t things about yourself that you want to change. It simply means that you don’t beat yourself up for having some qualities that you are open to shifting. It opens us to embracing ourselves with unconditional love and leads to instilling the courage to share our authentic selves with others. Developing a healthy self-esteem occurs when we know ourselves to be valuable, not because of anything we do, but simply because we are. Just as we are.

Article by Julie Wise

Fabulous Fifty...and Beyond

In May, over 10,000 people took up David Suzuki’s challenge to spend 30 minutes outside in nature every day for 30 days. The idea was to get Canadian of all ages outdoors enjoying what nature has to offer – peace, relaxation, beauty, challenge and adventure. Although that challenge is now complete (check out the website for photos and details:, there are many ways to incorporate the concept into our daily lives and improve our health and wellbeing. We often have a tendency to put off until “tomorrow” activities that do not seem urgent. Many of these postponed items are related to our health and relationships – buying more nutritious food, preparing meals at home, getting more exercise, spending time with family and friends. 28

Sometimes we put these things on hold because we’re too busy, or perhaps it’s because we believe (mistakenly) that such things can wait. The end result is that our health and our relationships gradually deteriorate. One day we wake up to unwanted news – a serious health issue, or a relationship that has come to an end. It doesn’t need to be this way. The choices we make today will affect the opportunities that come our way tomorrow. Sometimes it’s just a choice of attitude – consciously taking time to respond rather than react to a difficult situation; focusing on what you can do instead of on what you think you can’t do; deciding to give something new a try before you assume it won’t work.

I want to challenge you to make changes over the next 30 days in one area of your life. It could be spending more time with your family; improving your fitness level; taking the time to create more nutritious meals; adopting a more positive approach to life. I’ll be taking up the challenge too. I want to improve my fitness, so I will be doing 30 minutes of exercise every day for the next 30 days, starting today. Most days, this will mean a brisk walk in my neighbourhood, up and down steep hills to get my heart rate up and tone my leg muscles. However, other options are biking, dancing, running, jump rope, hooping or even housecleaning (trust me, that’s last on my list!)

Finding the time is often the biggest obstacle, so I schedule it into my day the way I would an important business meeting. If it were for business, you’d make the time, right? This is just as important. It’s an investment in a happier, healthier you! And how will you stay motivated over 30 days? Make it fun, include friends and family in the challenge, and turn it into a “feel-good” activity. If it brings pleasure, you’ll be eager to do it again the next day, and the next, and the next…



Article by Julie Wise

Dream Weaving

“Books and summertime go together.” ~ Lisa Schroeder All of my favourite summertime memories as a child involve books. I remember curling up with a good book on rainy days at the cottage, immersed in the worlds of Anne Shirley, Nancy Drew, and Jo March. Or nestled into the branches of a special pine tree behind my house, tucked in for the afternoon with an apple to munch on and Atlas Shrugged in my lap. Summer nights, when it was too hot to sleep, I’d sit near my window and read until my eyelids drooped, unwilling to miss a moment of the excitement of whatever was happening next. Books took me all over the world, to countries I’d never heard of where I explored ancient cities, climbed high peaks, had thrilling adventures and … always came home in time for supper. A good book is like a magic potion – it conjures up people, places and lives that seem so real you become a part of it all. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons I loved to dream when I was younger, and then find ways to make my dreams come true. The characters in my books did that every day. Therefore, nothing was impossible.

Holding on to a sense of unlimited possibility and far-reaching dreams has become more challenging as I grow older. I noticed recently that I don’t read as much anymore, and I’m wondering if that has something to do with it. I started re-reading all the books in the Harry Potter series recently. I read them when my children were young (we read them as a family), and I enjoyed them then. I was curious to see if they’d have the same impact now. All that and more. Just like when I was a child, I can’t put the book down. I’m staying up late to read “just one more chapter”, and sneaking in moments while I eat lunch or take a break during the day. Once again, the characters have become real people, the scenery is vivid, and the adventures are spellbinding. I notice that I’m feeling more creative and energized these days, and have a new excitement about next steps on my path. Now that the reading bug has bitten me once again, I’m carving out time this summer to become reacquainted with some old friends – Anne, Nancy and Jo. I’m curious to see if any new dreams are kindled as a result. Happy summer! 31

Article by Tiffany Lazic

Those Awesome Archetypes: A Tarot Exploration

The Lovers

Out of all the seventy-eight cards that make up the Tarot, there are two that never fail to amuse me – generally in what response they tend to elicit. One is, of course, the Devil – to which so many respond negatively. One can often sense a minute recoil if the Devil appears in a reading and it is a card that requires a lot of explanation to put it into context. The other card I find amusing is the Lovers – to which so many respond positively. One may find, when creating a spread, that there is an air of hopeful anticipation: “Come on, Lovers. Come on, Lovers!” There is most certainly an aspect of this card which is about our relationships with others: a card of Love. It can mean that we are open to or that we are moving into new relationship in our lives. It can herald a need to accept connection and intimacy in our lives. But it also means so much more.


There are many elements going on in the Rider-Waite version of the Lovers, designed by Pamela Colman Smith in 1909. One of the first thing one

notices is that the two figures pictured on the card are not actually looking at each other. The man is looking at the woman but the woman is looking at the angel. It seems a funny representation of two people deeply in love with each other. There is a lot of space between them and there isn’t really any evidence that they are engaged with each other. They have two completely different energies behind them, indicating that they are motivated by different desires or expectations. Traditionally the two people pictured on the Rider-Waite card have been identified as Adam and Eve. The apple tree (The Tree of Knowledge) with the snake coiled around it that stands behind the woman (Eve) makes that perfectly clear. But what stands behind Adam? It is a burning bush with twelve flames, representing each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Above them is the guiding energy of the angel Raphael who shows the way to both truth and healing. Between them is the mountain – the hill we must climb, the path to enlightenment and the culmination of our achievement.

I approach the Lovers from the perspective of Synthesis. When you bring two completely opposing forces together, the result can either be conflict or resolution. There is one traditional interpretation which poses Lovers as being a card of choice, indicating that when one is faced with opposing situations, feelings, or possibilities, one must choose between one and the other. With the concept of Synthesis, rather than deciding between two alternatives, the Lovers card shows us the path to integration– the truth that lies between two contrary forces. This is the dialectic presented by Hegel, the great German philosopher (1770 – 1831). In extremely simple terms the dialectic presents that when you bring one concept (thesis) into relationship with another concept (antithesis), the result is synthesis: a third concept that contains elements of the two opposing concepts but is a whole new entity unto itself. I have always seen the angel pictured in the Lovers as representing the truth that links what appears to be two opposing concepts. Male and female. Reason and emotion. Thinking and feeling. It is not a matter of choosing between the two, but finding a way to enter the dialogue generated by the two. In seeing the Lovers as a card of Synthesis, it reveals the necessity for communication. How do we listen to the other and what do we hear? So often, in communication, we do not actually listen. As the other person is talking, we are in our own heads, formulating a rebuttal to the comment, even as it is being made. Or we are so attached to our perspective that we cannot even begin to entertain an alternative perspective. This creates barriers, not bridges. Successful communication requires us to lay aside our own perspective, if only for a short while, in order to be able to truly enter into the other’s perspective and see things from their point of view. This does not mean that we have be-

trayed our own perspective. It is still there. But it does mean that we honour the other person enough to try to see where they are coming from. And that they offer us the same respect – of taking the time to truly listen to our perspective. More often than not, when we allow each side to have its voice, what begins to appear is the inkling of commonality – the thread of truth that connects the two together. It allows for collaboration rather than compromise. In seeing that there are elements of truth to both perspectives, it is possible to focus on creative resolution through which both feel validated. The angel Raphael shows us that knowledge, insight and healing must be the guiding principles in any dynamic. If I want to win, I have already lost. If I want to understand myself and another, finding a way to honour both, then love is present. The Lovers card does bring happy, positive, optimistic feelings when it appears. But it is not through the message “Relax. Your soul-mate is on the way”. It is through the invitation to claim the presence of love in all our exchanges. It is through the inner acceptance that we are love, we embody love and we are the expression of Divine love made manifest. It is the reflection of our own relationship to ourselves, as well as our relationships with others and to the Divine. When the Lovers card appears, ask yourself: In what ways may I be creating a barrier to the experience of love in all aspects of my life? Where am I attached to my own perspective, rather than being a bridge to love? And how do I encourage synthesis and collaboration in my life? These are all paths to the wisdom of the Lovers. 33

Article by Lisa Theodore


Dropping into the zone - the infinite stream of wisdom, truth and understanding of the highest. All the information you ever need, are ever searching for flows through this infinite, everlasting stream. A consciousness beyond time, beyond self - an energy, a vibration so purely vibrant and brilliant words can never adequately convey the vastness of this flow. Running in, through, around all that is. Dropping into the zone, the Tao, the All that is our “God� space - a moment of silence and we are there and everywhere all at the same time. A moment of intention and the path illuminates. A moment of reflection and all is apparent. The still, quiet voice of the infinite lands quietly in our mind; droplets of loving support guiding us along our journey. Dropping into the zone - finding the expansiveness within; reaching our Divine creation, ourselves. Dropping into the zone - dipping into the Cosmic understanding of our own deepest desires; popping back up like a bobber in the water floating atop the ocean of life. Dropping into the zone - refreshing & recharging; 34

cool, crisp, clear. Dropping into the zone - allowing the flow of all that there is to gently move past; reflections shining up to you as your thoughts take you along the current. What is your desire, your focus; where do you want to go; how do you want to BE? Letting go of the struggle; floating on the waves of consciousness - lightness, brightness - intense joy and love pouring through each cell as it drinks from the well of All that Is. Following the true nature of our heart as we drop further into the void, the emptiness...the zone. Realizing the potential of all things as we recognize the void is really the All. Realizing anything is possible. The Universe holds the space of the Truth, the wisdom of all of our Being. Everything we can dream - we can see we can be. We have the support of the Infinite, the Tao; the way which illuminates our soul, guiding us through the zone and back again with all the resources we need for our ride through this lifetime and eternity. As we speak of one, we speak of all. The I becomes the We. The solitary journey becomes the travels of everyone and everything. The separation fades; vision

opens. The pictures turn to feelings, a sense of knowingness, a sense of truth. A what is, IS moment where the illusion of uniqueness and separation falls away. There is one flow, one Love vibration, and it moves through all creation and time. We, You, I are all connected in this continuum. Our intention and focus bring to light that which we wish to see, to embrace, to manifest and to create. Our deepest moments of regret turning into our greatest joys. Expanding through this limiting vision and belief of this moment into the infinite Divine potential that awaits - the Source - the bubbling effervescence of unconditional Love, Truth, Wisdom and Understanding awaits. In the distractions of this world, the Infinite still resides. In the frenzy and frantic moments of this world - where molecules bang around creating a seeming cacophony of distraction, annoyances, worries, road blocks - the zone holds the space to return to our infinite potential. The Universe is ever ready to respond to our call - our intention and thoughts guiding our way along the super-highway of Love. Where do you want to travel? How do you choose to move through each day -

tapping into the ease and grace of the Universal flow; or caught in the whirlwind of false belief and attachment to pain and suffering. Allow for just a moment, a few seconds, to drop into the zone to hang out in your heart space and connect with the incredible vibration of All that Is - You.

Come Play. Join Lisa on Tuesday evenings, bi-monthly, for an exploration into the Infinite Potential that is who we are. Each session will explore different avenues of Spiritual Reawakening; playing with transformational tools to expand our Consciousness, our Awareness and our Lives. Course information can be found at Contact Lisa at 519-239-6551 or for more information and registration. 35

Article by KerriLynn Shellhorn

Between the Worlds

As the blistering heat of summer settles in, we discover that our energy is high and light is all around us – giving us the perfect opportunity to relax, absorb information and better ourselves. With the passing of the summer solstice the light was at its fullest providing nourishment for both the land and all of us that share Mother Earth. We crave being outdoors, in full light and connected to Nature; a perfect time for a walk with Spirit for guidance and clarity.


The time spent connected to Nature gives me the opportunity to experience guidance in many forms. When you walk with the intention to connect with Spirit the messages are presented in subtle magical ways. The messages you receive can come internally (as telepathic “downloads� or inspirations within your thoughts). Or the guidance and clarity you receive may also come through something you see or encounter in the outer environment. For me, it is usually a combination of both.

On my recent time on the shores of Northern Lake Superior I had many messages presented to me both from the outer environment and visually within my thoughts. The weather was cold and rainy, forcing most of two days to be spent quietly within the cabin. The cabin had no television, telephone or radio. I was able to meditate and be within myself – to connect to my guides and higher self. When the weather – and thoughts- cleared I was able to take in what I believe to be the most ruggedly beautiful landscapes on the continent. Some of the messages that came from that walk with Spirit came from…

Spirit has a message waiting for you – outside in Nature. Don’t let any negative thoughts or habits prevent you from getting outdoors. Dramatic shifts can happen with your life’s experience when you pay attention to the subtle messages Nature has for you. Allow the trees to take away your concerns and worries and recharge your energy. Let the soft breeze clear your mental chatter. Let the radiance of all that is around you inspire you to release your concerns about the future. Allow yourself to receive guidance and appreciate all that is around you in this moment supporting you on your journey trusting it is all divinely unfolding. Heart and spirit filled blessings to you!

Join Kerrilynn Shellhorn for her Unique Intuition Classes: Sept 24 Oct 8 & 22 Nov 12 & 26 Dec 10 For more information or to register, call 226-820-8745



Article and Art (Bird Child) by Michelle Bellerose

Angels’ Chorus

CELEBRATION Beneath the up turned leaf does dance a joyful celebration From fairy wing tips to frogs ribbets Carries every salutation. ~ Erin Kiers How you experience your own celebration of life depends solely on your own perception. We have all witnessed those whose lives mirror something of a soap opera or horror movie in our opinion, however they might dance and laugh with a youthful spirit and love pouring from their hearts with seemingly never ending abundance. Then there are those, whose dark rain cloud never ceases to dampen even a moment in their presents and prevents them from ever feeling a moment of healing sunshine to warm the chilled heart within their wounded chest, from a tormentor only found in their mirror. What is the difference? What makes this celebration of life a reality for some and not for others?

A CHOICE. As beautiful, simple and shocking as it is.

No one man’s life experiences can be compared to another in suffering or joy. So how then can we witness one so full of joy and be amazed at their fortitude in the face of adversity and yet also witness the self-deprecating darkness shrouded around some that seem unendingly miserable? It is the choice of the individual whether or not they choose to see the celebration of life in every experience, no matter how ravaging life has been. Perhaps it is easier for those whose lives have been irrevocably derailed, because they know what loss, pain and suffering are, in order to see the blessings hidden so obviously in the gift of another day, another breath, another cherished moment with a loved one, another smell of a flower or song of a bird.

Don’t wait for life to force you to recognize your gifts by taking those you take for granted from you. Choose to celebrate this gift of Human Experience by honoring yourself, the Earth and your fellow neighbour, with the zeal, joy and excitement of a child. Forgive yourself and others for being perfect imperfection, and release yourself from the bonds of darkness, by celebrating the light! Wake up to the celebration of life in every moment Dearest Ones. In every breath, every leaf, every water fall, every bird’s song sweetly sung, lies the celebration of all things. The magical colours nestled within each petal of flower, the loving murmur from mother to child, every embrace offered to another,, rewarding you in awareness lies the promise of renewal and everlasting life. Each cycle of beginning growth, end and yet renewal again is a celebration of the miracle we all celebrate as life. Hover not in the shadows of doubt and pain, for just by wiping away your tears you will see once again clearly that life is a constant celebration riotous in joy and splendor, if only you take the time to allow each moment into your heart. Learn to honour this celebration and never again will the darkest hour linger long enough to snuff the candle of hope love and celebration from your heart. ~The Angels~


Dance of the Bees

Handpainted serving tray by Cheli Chelouche

Inspired Message Puppy Eyes so bright, clear Message be jovial Speak up against injustice, grief Armor Sunburst personality, yes! Fire flames golden yellow Animate strength Conquer ~ Sonia Gaudreau

Celebrate Power Animal cry Celebrate life, live, love Growl like a bear protecting cubs Nurture Blow bubbles in the sun, colour world Touch someone’s hand, care Stand among crowd Real spunk ~ Sonia Gaudreau


Art and story by Tracy Hillard. This is the fairy who sits at the edge of the swamp of human interactions. When something happens between you and another person and they don’t act the way you expect them to, you have a choice. You can brave out asking what went wrong, or you can draw a wisp from his bag and you can make up a story. But this story you make up is just a story, and it is not the only one in his bag. This fairy is not cruel, he simply provides the spark that leads you to a conclusion. But his bag is always open, and you can always pick another one from his bag. So if you have a friend, a coworker, a family member or just someone you interacted with that went a bit strange or sour on you...and you’re CERTAIN that you caused offense even though the person didn’t say anything to you? Ask this fairy for another draw from the bag. He is always willing to let you change the story so you don’t end up buried in the swamp. Prismas on Paper ‘Writing a Different Story’ - name of fairy: The Story Seller 41

New and noteworthy at “Gifts for the Soul”

Nectar from the Hive The Divine Name: The Sound That Can Change the World by Jonathan Goldman In this ground-breaking work, sound-healing pioneer, Jonathan Goldman shares his incredible discovery of the Divine Name, a universal code that, when intoned, can bring harmony and healing to ourselves and the planet. This sound, encoded within our DNA, is the personal name of God, once found in religious texts that link over half the world’s population. Prohibited and then lost for nearly 2,500 years, the Divine Name is available once again. When vocalized, it is a sound that has the ability to resonate both the physical body and the subtle energy fields of anyone who intones it – irrespective of religion, tradition or belief. It has the power to usher in a new era of human consciousness, uniting us in healing, peace and oneness.

The Power of Sound: How to Manage Your personal Soundscape for a Vital, Productive & Healthy Life by Joshua Leeds What we hear – and how we process it – has a far greater impact on our daily living that we realize. From the womb to the moment we die we are inescapably surrounded by sound, and what we hear can either energize or deplete our nervous system. It is no exaggeration to say that what goes into our ears can harm us or heal us. In The Power of Sound, Joshua Leeds explores the importance of healthy auditory function. He investigates how noise- or stressinduced auditory dysfunction may result in difficulties in learning, communication, and social interactions, and he explains new techniques designed to invigorate auditory skills. The accompanying CD of psychoacoustically refined classical music provides immediate examples of the benefits of music explained in the book. Readers can experience the effects of a variety of sounds and begin the life-enhancing design of their own soundscapes.

Singing Bowls have been widely used since ancient times in Nepal and Tibet for meditation and religious ceremonial music. With the rich harmonic soothing sounds, they produce harmonious energetic sound and vibration. Singing bowls have been used by sound therapists, sound massage experts, health practitioners and in yoga practice as tools for activating higher brain function, calming the nervous system, clearing and purifying the air, relaxation and soothing the mind and balancing our entire being. 42

Dream BIGGER: Reclaiming a Life of Joy and Ease by Julie Wise

Julie Wise Consulting Create the Life You Want Now!

Life's greatest gifts are often well disguised by unattractive wrapping! As a coach, my goal is to work with you to discover the hidden potential in your challenges. Together we will: •Discover and clarify what you want to achieve •Explore your vision for the future •Develop solutions and strategies •Create and implement an action plan



Upcoming Events At The Hive September Sept 9 Sept 11 Sept 14 Sept 21 Sept 22 Sept 24 Sept 26 Sept 28

November Nov 7 Nov 9 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 16

December Dec 7 Dec 14

Meditation and the Mystical Path of the Chakras Being Human: The Path of Emotional Healing The Transformers: Healers for a New Paradigm A Red Tent Event: Wisdom of the Elders Sharing Our Stories with Masks and Music Intuition Class Backyard Apothecary: Chinese Herbal Medicine for the Western Body Introduction to the Divine Language of Symbols

Exciting TBA with Lisa Theodore A Red Tent Event: Stillness Maps of Consciousness: Spirituality and the Higher Self Transformation: Meeting Your Inner Selves Reclaiming the Feminine Tale

Patterns of Conscious Living: Roots and Foundations Transformation Stones

Kitchener/Waterloo’s first Environmentally Friendly Hair Salon and Spa 133 Weber St North, Waterloo * 519-886-8624 45


Embrace the Glow‌ Look forward to future issues of The Glowing Hive, distributed online on a quarterly basis, capturing the energy of the Seasons. Fall: Oct 1, 2013 Winter: January 1, 2014 For comments, feedback and suggestions, please contact Tiffany Lazic at To join The Hive and Grove online community, for discussions and postings on topics related to holistic health, emotional healing and expressions of Spirit, go to The Hive Social‌


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