5 minute read


Upright: Justice, Balance, Equality, Triumph Reversed: Injustice, Imbalance, Inequality, Corruption, Biases
Allow me a moment to list, for posterity, some of the traits associated with the grand house -- Hufflepuff: hardworking, patient, loyal, just and fair. In the same house we associate with comfort and welcome, we see a strong sense of morality, and a desire to do what is right. There is no better, nor more appropriate card to reflect that aspect of Hufflepuff, than Justice itself.
While this is not exactly a ‘dark-side’ of Hufflepuff, it does certainly reflect a side unlike the commonly accepted image of a student of Helga’s. It shows a sense of neutrality, and a willingness to put aside emotion in order to pursue their iron-strong sense of right and wrong. In the great Battle of Hogwarts in May of ‘98, nearly every eligible (as well as some ineligible) Hufflepuff student fought against the forces of the Dark Lord, despite very clearly running into possible death. Many saw this fight as the only path to take in order to fight the injustice they had seen rise at the hands of the Death Eaters.
When Justice appears in a reading, know that the cause of the querent is truly righteous. Justice stands for fairness, truth, and, most obviously, justice. A commonly held (and sometimes accurate) belief among tarot readers, is that its presence could even indicate that the outcome of an argument will land in favor of the querent. The classic illustration of the card holds layer upon layer of symbolism; the most obvious being the scales of justice, the balance we all seek between truth and understanding. Also included, traditionally, is a double edged sword--a reminder that all choices hold consequences.
In this sense, the card itself most often means that you are being called forth to stand in judgement for your actions. If you acted in service of the greater good, and followed your moral compass to the path of the Just, then you have little to worry about. If you have acted selfishly, expect some recompense to be demanded; even then, do not be too afraid. Justice is nothing without understanding the human at the heart of the issue, and one can always be expected to be treated without bias or malice by the forces of Justice.
Should this card appear in a ‘future’ or ‘outcome’ position, take it as a moment of consideration. Why are you following the path you are on? Who does it serve? Would you be willing to stand proudly at judgement, no matter the outcome? Take a moment to consider the consequences of your actions before you act, if only to affirm you are on the right path. While frequently associated with the negative side, there are positive consequences of actions as well. Make sure your choices are worth it.
For this card, we chose Susan Bones, who likely would have been tapped for Minister of Magic had she not been killed by the Death Eaters. Despite the overwhelmingly negative view of Harry within the Ministry, when she was presented with evidence of Harry’s innocence, she refused to continue with the charges, and instead led the vote for his immediate release. It is highly implied that she was a great threat against the forces of the Dark Lord, just one of the reasons why she was targeted before the coup.
I also challenge you to look at the world right now--even if it's the world within your bubble. Do you feel as though you are living your truth? Are you on a path that you can be proud of? While the world is not nearly so black and white, I encourage you to look at the lessons of Justice and at what you yourself wish to stand for, and work towards those goals. When judgement comes, be ready for the consequences, whatever they may be.
By auntieabra

ASK Madame

- Fall 2021 -
Dear Madam Starflash,
I am a second-year student at Hogwarts and I have recently acquired a niffler. Consequently, it has taken all my wealth and hidden it. The niffler shows no signs of where it has hidden my money and I am too worried to ask for help, in case I get expelled. What should I do?
Sincerely, Penniless Student
Dear Madam Starflash,
I am much conflicted about which path I should take in my studies. Should I nourish my interest in writing, or try my wings in magical communication and politics? Many thanks in advance!
Sincerely, Lost in the Woods Dearest Penniless,
Your three Galleons, four sickles, six knuts, and that shiny rock you got from the Muggle shop have all been dropped into the niffler’s pocket. Ask an older student to perform a Summoning Charm for you. Then take the niffler to Hagrid. He’ll keep it safe. May Fortune smile upon you! Dearest Lost, Always start with your area of interest. If you enjoy writing, go for it! All the better if you combine your interests and give writing about magical communication and politics a shot. May Fortune smile upon you!