“The obstacle is the
Spring is a time of new beginnings. Start something you have been wanting to do. Perhaps it’s a new business or hobby? If you really want it, don’t take no for an answer. When I started my second business which was Italian coffee shops, I thought it was going to be easier than my first venture. As it turned out, it was not. From the get-go I faced many obstacles. Eventually things worked out. With a partner, I was able to launch Fego Café and build a chain of these restaurants. Over the years I have observed that we tend to see obstacles as an excuse to blame others, such as our bosses, the economy, our politicians or our family. In fact sometimes the only factor at fault is our own attitude and approach. Crises destroy weak people but the strong survive and the exceptional find ways to improve and thrive.
it to strengthen,
Every day we face challenges and seemly insurmountable obstacles. This can cause us to blame others, to be negative or fearful, preventing us from reaching our goals. I am here to remind you that there is a better way of thinking. Change your perspective! Change your mindset. Instead of seeing an obstacle in your path, see it as an opportunity to find a better solution.
The next time you face an obstacle that scares you, stop for a moment and breathe deeply. Take control of your emotions, and look to see if you can find more than one way to solve the issue. Put things in perspective and find the opportunities. Remember endless "obstacles" enter our lives, sometimes even on a daily basis. It's not the end of the world. Control the things you can control and let the rest work themselves
not weaken.” — Ryan Holiday
out. With practice, this will become easier. At the very least it will preserve your health and let you sleep at night. It did for me.
During the spring and summer months we enjoy longer days with more time after work to pursue new endeavors and enjoy life. No excuses.
I wish you all a very Happy Easter!
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