Express your love and appreciation.
“Love doesn’t make the world go ‘round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” — Franklin P. Jones
Love is in the air, or is it? It’s that time of year when we rush out to spend our money — approximately $350 if you are a man, and about two-thirds of that if you are a woman — on flowers, cards, candy, and dining out. About one billion Valentine’s cards are exchanged in the U.S. every year, second only to Christmas. With all this love floating around, you would think that everyone would be happy. But they’re not. I heard on the radio the other day that California has the highest divorce rate in the country, and Orange County comes in at #1 in California. This begs me to ask this question: are people not happy being who they are?
Here in Orange County we are chasing the money to be able to live in one of the most expensive places in America. The net result is a lot of stress and long hours spent working. The average person doesn’t have
the time or the energy to exercise or eat healthy. Any extra time they do have is devoted to their loving children, who need to be carted back and forth to meet with friends or attend sports practices and games. When they finally do get home, they typically crash, watch TV, eat, do more work, and then go to bed. It makes me tired just thinking about it.
How about this for an idea? My wife, Debbie and I have been married for 30 years now. For residents of Orange County that’s a pretty big deal. To help keep our relationship strong we have implemented one rule: DATE NIGHT every Friday. If habits lead to success, then make one night a week your night, no matter what... no excuses.
We have been doing this successfully for many years. No matter how hard the week is, we both look forward to our date night.
Sometimes it’s with friends; sometimes it’s just the two of us. Sometimes we don’t even go out. We just set aside everything else to spend time together.
I challenge you to take time to tell the special person in your life how important they are to you. Women and men alike want—and need—to hear that they are loved and appreciated. After 30 years, you would think I’d have that down, but I don’t. Guys—and gals—just tell your significant other how you feel and watch good things happen. Have a happy Valentine’s Day!
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