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from 'hood April 2023
Do you have a question for a Sioux Empire expert? ‘hood will be inviting area experts to weigh in and answer various questions from our readers.
soon as they appear in the mouth. When the first tooth erupts, use a small toothbrush or wash cloth to clean the teeth. As more teeth erupt, a parent can graduate to more of a traditional toothbrush for their child. Brush and floss twice daily. This establishes healthy dental habits and routines early.
How do you make going to the dentist not so scary for kids?
I strive to engage kids by asking questions that interest them. Sometimes we sing songs or tell jokes, whatever it takes to help the child feel comfortable. It also doesn’t hurt to have cartoons playing with a comfortable blanket while in the dental chair.
Gulbranson Developmental Optometrist
Can hidden vision problems block learning?
When children continue to struggle with reading and learning despite all best efforts to help them, it can be very difficult to figure out what is needed.
Eye coordination problems are often at the root of a child’s struggles with learning. Unfortunately, the struggles can easily be mistaken for learning difficulties, behavior and attention problems.
Children don’t know how they are supposed to see, so the only way they can tell you they have a vision problem is with their behavior.
The most common signs include a short attention span when reading, poor reading comprehension, and homework taking longer than it should.
A developmental vision evaluation by one of our doctors could open the door to your child’s success.
3305 S Lincoln Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57105 www.legacydds.com
6201 S. Minnesota Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57108 www.sdvisions.com
Dr. Harley Martinmaas Owner/Chiropractor

Should I take my child to a Chiropractor?
The short answer is yes! Just like for adults, Chiropractic helps the body to heal from the inside out. Each stage of a child’s life come with it’s own challenges. We see many babies for latching issues, colic, infantile reflux, and even difficulty sleeping.
For toddlers, we see more issues with crawling or walking. For older kids behavioral problems, ear infections, and bed wetting issues.
We deliver a gentle and specific adjustment to the spine to help restore proper function of the nervous system, which helps the body to heal and feel better. It all starts with a consultation to see what is going on with your child and to see how we can help!
3801 W 34th Street, Suite 105 Sioux Falls, SD 57106 www.balancedlifesd.com 605-215-1785