1 minute read
Let’s Move Jars
Winter boredom setting in? Too much tv and tablet time happening in your home? Try this fun twist to exercise to get the whole family up and moving!
Grab a jar and some popsicle sticks. Write different activities on each stick and have your children draw one out whenever you feel it’s time for some physical activity. Here are some ideas to write down:
Do 10 push-ups
Do 10 jumping jacks Pick a favorite song and dance Play Simon Says Play red light, green light Run the stairs 5 times Do 10 burpees Do 10 push-ups Bundle up and go on a family walk Skip around the house 3 times Do 3 minutes of stretching Build an obstacle course Jump side to side 30 times Have a dance off Play floor is hot lava

...and add some of your kids favorite activities too!

Use #hoodathome to tag us on Facebook and Instagram to show us how you are moving!
Behavior Care Specialists and its affiliate, ABAeCare, can support your child and your family with proven ABA therapy in our centers, schools, in-person or online in your homes, wherever you live and whatever your circumstances. We specialize in helping children improve the following conditions: • Difficulty changing from one activity to another • Behavior concerns • Struggles with communication of wants and needs • Lack of verbal communication skills • Challenges making friends or holding a conversation • Delays in age appropriate self-care skills Contact us TODAY to help your child reach his full potential !

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605-271-2690 Contactus@behaviorcarespecialists.com www.behaviorcarespecialists.com
Serving Multiple States: SD, TX, IA, MN, WY, FL