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Mom Tips of the Month
from February 2020
• Create a crafting day. Get out those art supplies and let the children create masterpieces with simple items you have around the house. From paper snowflakes to DIY valentines, there are countless ways to let your child’s creativity shine!
• Treat the family. Let your children pick out some creative toppings for a hot cocoa bar and then snuggle up in front of the tv for a relaxing day watching your favorite family movies. Your kids will love the treat of a fun hot cocoa bar and you will love the added bonus of being able to relax and snuggle together!
MOM T IP of the Month
We know moms are looking for new tips and ideas. We reached out to our panel of moms we work with and asked them to give us a tip or trick to share with you. Meet our moms for this month.
Name: Alyssa McGinnis Number of kids: 3 girls Kids’ Ages: 6, 4.5, 3 Your Job: Work-fromHome Mom Spouse’s Name: Ryan

Your Mom Tip:
Order groceries online for pickup or delivery at your local grocery store. You will save time, frustration, and money. Once you have ordered, the website or app remembers what you purchased so you can quickly go back and re-order items. This is also an easy way to meal plan throughout the week.
2Name: Brandi Martyna Number of kids: 3 girls Kids’ Ages: 10, 7, 2 months Your Job: Internal Controls Analyst Spouse’s Name: Darin Your Mom Tip: I always keep a small sticky pad of post-it notes in my purse for when we use a restroom with automatic flushing toilets. This has always scared my kids so if you put a post-it over the sensor before sitting down, it won’t flush until you remove it. It works!