by Sanford Health
Best Ways to Boost
Your Child’s Brain Development In the first 12 months, your baby’s brain is developing very rapidly. You may not even realize it, but every day you are helping your baby’s brain grow. By simply responding to your baby’s needs, talking, singing, holding, and looking at them, you are helping to form connections in his or her brain. There are many games and activities you can play with your baby to further his or her development. Brain boosting items and games for babies: 1. M irror, Mirror. Babies loves to look at their reflection. Try making funny faces with various emotions and help them understand various feelings. Toys with reflective features makes it shiny too. 2. T ouch and feel. Find different fabrics and cut out small squares. You can also punch a hole in the corner and put them on a metal ring to keep them together. Let baby explore his or her senses by touching all of the different textures. Remember babies learn by putting items in his or her mouth so make sure the item is safe. 3. R eading. Reading to your baby is important for his or rapidly developing brain. Simple picture books are just fine to read to your baby. Don’t feel like you have to read the words. Look at and talk about the pictures. This helps your baby build language skills as well as builds a bond between the two of you.
November/December 2021 |
4. P eek-a-boo! When you hide a toy under a blanket or put your hands in front of your face, at first an infant does not understand that the object is still there. Your baby will begin to understand that even though they cannot see the toy under the blanket, it is actually still there. 5. B uilding blocks. Blocks come in all different forms such as wooden and plastic, connecting and stacking. Stacking blocks helps build handeye coordination. The first thing your baby might do with blocks is hit them together. Your baby is also learning that hitting two objects together creates noise! The games that you play with your baby do not have to be complex. Keep it simple. Think of simple materials or no materials at all and you can come up with some great ways to help your baby’s brain grow. The best games are the ones that come naturally between you and your baby. The best toy for your child is you! l