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Week of Feb. 25, 2013 | Volume 67 | Issue 18

The student voice of Indiana University Southeast

Course gives advice for jobs By TINA REED Staff tinkreed@ius.edu

Photo By Sam Weber

Wiley Brown, IUS men’s head basketball coach, co-invented the high five in 1980 with Derek Smith while playing for basketball for the University of Louisville Cardinals in 1980.

Legend of the high-five

Brown credited with co-creating celebration By SAM WEBER Staff samweber@ius.edu

The high-five is one of the most iconic, dynamic and yet simple of social gestures. In the past four decades it has become an unmistakable thread in our cultural fabric and traveled the world over. Even recently, the popularity of the highfive has manifested into an unofficial national holiday. Five students from the University of Virginia created “National High-Five Day” in 2002. Soon after, the students formed the ‘National High-Five Project,’ which is a charity that funds cancer research nationwide. Though the impact of the high-five is unquestioned, the origins of the gesture remain a mystery to this day. ESPN has narrowed the invention of the high-five to two athletes in different years on opposite sides of the country. Many believe it was either Glen Burke of the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1977 or Wiley Brown, IUS men’s head basketball coach, and Derek Smith of the University of Louisville basketball team in 1980. Since Glen Burke and Derek Smith are deceased, Wiley Brown is one of the last living links to the high-five’s origins. Brown and Smith, two of the self-titled ‘Doctors of Dunk,’ were members of the 1980 University of Louisville NCAA championship team. Brown said he can still remember the day he and Smith high-fived for the first time. “We use to do low fives in practice all the time,” Brown said. “But one day in practice, my best friend, Derek Smith, said, ‘Give it up high.’” Brown said both of them being tall is one thing that helped them with in the creation of the move. “You got to understand, you’re talking about a 6-8 guy and another 6-8 guy,” Brown said. “Why are we going to do low

fives, so we just threw it up high, and that’s how it happened.” “It was a wild moment,” Brown said, “because no one had been doing it. We really had a knack for starting things and turning them into a phenomenon. I’ll never forget that team. They are still a really unique group today.” Kathy Tronzo, University of Louisville program assistant for sports information, worked for the University of Louisville Athletics Department during the 1980 basketball season. “It was a very exciting time,” Tronzo said. “I watched every single game and even went to the NCAA championship game in Indianapolis.” Tronzo said she remembers the new presence of the high-five during that season. “They were always so fired up,” Tronzo said. “I think the high-five made them closer as a unit which is important in a championship.” Tronzo said the team’s bus was mobbed by fans upon return to campus from Indianapolis after the university’s first NCAA championship win. “All the students surrounded them and the team couldn’t even get off the bus,” Tronzo said. “The students were cheering and dancing around.” Brown said he remembers that night vividly. “They were climbing up on top of the bus, almost caving it in,” Brown said. “When we got off there were high-fives all around. We were like rockstars.” “That first win was special,” Brown said. “And it’s still special today.” “We had lots of games that were nationally televised,” Brown said. “After a while we noticed other teams started doing [the highfive] too. It was something that caught on throughout the nation.” Brown said he only recently heard of the See HIGH-FIVE page 2

IU Southeast has implemented a new program called Pathways to help students feel comfortable around such people as future employers and CEOs. This conference offers useful resources to students if they are facing any uncertainties in the path they want to choose for their future. The Pathways course was designed to incorporate students to interact with professionals in their field of choice and ask them general questions about their jobs. “The first time we offered the Pathways course we had students separated into groups,” Donna Dahlgren, professor of psychology and director of Pathways said. “It was very hard for them because they weren’t warmed up with the professionals.” Learning from previous experience, Dahlgren decided to do things differently. “This time the pressure was put on the professionals to where they had to speak to the students for 10 minutes to break that barrier,” Dahlgren said. “The students then have a half-hour to ask each person on the panel any questions they may have.” It is never too late to make a career change and you do not necessarily have to change your degree to change your career, Dahlgren said. “Once you have a bachelor’s degree, you have a bachelor’s degree along with writing, thinking, and math skills,” Dahlgren said. “If you wanted to go into a field other than what your degree is in you can just change your focus.” Volunteering is one way to enter into a new career if the student is looking to change their career path, Dahlgren said. “That’s when the people skills you have learned will come into play,” Dahlgren said. “When interviewing for a different position and you

Photo by Tina Reed

Donna Dahlgren, professor of psychology and director of Pathways, listens to the professionals who spoke to students during Pathways event held on Feb. 13.

mention you have a bachelor’s degree along with people and leadership skills you then become a very good candidate for the career you want to enter into.” Rick Barney, chief marketing and public relations officer and co-owner of Focal Point Inc., said, half of the student population at Spalding University is older adults changing career paths. “If you are spending a considerable amount of time in front of a video game and that’s your passion then you change your career to something that requires interaction with people then that would be a difficult change to make.” People skills are required in virtually any industry especially hospitals. “You can’t text your patients,” Barney said. “When I was just starting out in public relations, I would literally go to airports and introduce myself to people just to get comfortable with talking to people.” There are certain ways to contact people for interviews or just requiring about a position. “Do not introduce yourself to others electronically,” Barney said. “Get on the phone and call the person. Leave a message. Come to my office and sit there and introduce yourself to me. Not an e-mail.” Sometimes it is not only about knowing how to talk to others but it is also good to know when to listen.” Brandee Thomas, counselor at the Southern Indiana Treatment Center, said there has been a time in her life where she has had to speak to 40-year-old people like they were 10-year-old children because their comprehension was not there. “Sometimes there are people who get offended over every word you say,” Thomas said. “Sometimes it’s good to keep opinions to yourself and just listen to others.” One of the 25 students who attended the Pathways seminar was April Lamb, biology freshman. “The original reason I came tonight was because it was required for my class,” Lamb said. “I’m really glad I came because it gave me insight on how important it is to do what you enjoy.” Lamb said she was intrigued by what the professionals looked like. “Every single one of them looked exactly like I pictured them to look like,” Lamb said. “They all definitely fit their professions.” Lamb recommends everyone to attend the Pathways course, even if they are already set on a career. “If you couldn’t attend this one or the others that are scheduled, then check up on it,” Lamb said. “Look to see who the professionals are that is going to attend. It’s really an eye opening event.”



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