February 7, 2012

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Vol 120 | Issue 6

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Publishing since 1913

Independent Student Newspaper of Sam Houston State University

Check out ‘Best of Huntsville’ competition, pg. 6

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Basketball teams beat SELU, pg. 5

INDEX Viewpoints ....... pg. 2 A&E ................... pg. 4 News .................. pg. 3 Sports................. pg. 5

The instant feedback classroom MOLLY WADDELL Associate News Editor We’ve all had that class where students walk in, open up their laptops, and trudge their way through an endless PowerPoint slide. One political science professor’s interactive lectures keep students away from constantly checking Facebook and Twitter. Stacy Ulbig, Ph.D., was announced as the recipient of the “Excellence in Teaching” award for 2011. “I couldn’t believe I had been nominated, so when I actually won I thought there was some kind of mistake,” Ulbig said. Ulbig has the students’ in mind when teaching; while doing so, she recognizes that the students’ attention spans run short. “It’s not anything against the students,” Ulbig said. “It’s

just human nature to be easily distracted. As a professor, my teaching philosophy is to give them purpose for their learning and to keep them interested.” Ulbig said that her philosophy on teaching comes from an understanding of the difficulty and frustration of going to college without “having a purpose for learning.” “I was a first generation college student,” Ulbig said. “In my own experiences, I never knew why I was doing the things I was doing in class – all the reading and papers. It is so much easier for me to be motivated when I understand the reasons I’m doing something.” Ulbig said the last thing she wants to do is talk for an hour and a half so she gives in class quizzes, which students answer using answer clickers, to change the pace of class and get the students attention again. Students tell Ulbig that the quizzes make them stop and think about what they wrote down. Ulbig has been teaching since 2001, previously teaching at Missouri State University before coming to Sam Houston State University in 2007. “I love teaching because I receive instant feedback,” Ulbig

I love teaching because I receive instant feedback. The other parts of my job...can take forever...I learn something every day.

Ulbig receives teaching award for interactivity

-Stacy Ulbig, Ph.D.

Photo courtesy Today@Sam

RECORD OF RECOGNITION: In addition to her current award, Ulbig was previously recognized for her excellence in teaching by the Political Science department in 2010 and by the MSU College of Humanities and Public Affairs in 2005.

said. “The other parts of my job such as research and service can take forever for me to receive feedback. With teaching it is instant; I feed off of the students’ energy. The students are teaching me too when they ask questions that I have to go look up to answer, I learn something new every day.” This is not the first award

Ulbig has received; she has also been recognized in her teaching excellence by the SHSU department of Political science in 2010, and by the MSU College of Humanities and Public Affairs in 2005. Frank Fair, a philosophy teacher, is the chair of the Excellence in Teaching committee. The committee is comprised of seven

other faculty members nominated by the Faculty Senate and approved by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. According to Fair, the process starts out with solicitations of nominations from students, faculty, —

AWARD, page 3

Alumni donate $1 million endowment fund to COBA MOLLY WADDELL Associate News Editor Two Sam Houston State University business alumni have established a $1 million endowment at the university, according to a university press release. Charles Amato and Gary Dudley have established the AmatoDudley College of Business Administration Dean’s Chair Endowment, which will provide funding for the enhancement of programs within the COBA. The endowment will also help attract and retain eminent scholars, as well as meet emerging student needs. Mitchell Muehsam, the Dean of Business Administration, will serve officially as the AmatoPhoto courtesy Today@Sam Dudley Endowed Chair for the DONATING DUO. Charles Amato and Gary Dudley are graduates from COBA, and will administer the endowment. the SHSU College of Business in 1969 and 1970 respectively.

Book review to showcase ‘prestigious works’ for primary, secondary students MISTI JONES Senior Reporter The Department of Library Science will present its first “Let the Heart of a Book Touch the Heart of a Child” Book Review event in the Eleanor and Charles Garrett Teacher Education Center, Room 279, from 2-3:30 p.m on Wednesday, Feb. 8. All students, faculty and staff are invited to attend the review, sponsored by the Professional and Academic Center for Excellence, the College of Education and the Department of Library Science. The event will be headed by Rosemary Chance,

“We are extraordinarily appreciative of the generosity demonstrated by Mr. Amato and Mr. Dudley,” Muehsam said. Since the funds will provide a “maximum amount of flexibility,” the dean is allowed discretionary use of the endowment’s earnings in what he views as the college’s areas of greatest need, from faculty and student professional travel, development, and scholarly research, to other priorities and opportunities that benefit the college, according to Muehsam. “In a time of diminishing state funds, contributions from alumni and the private sector allow the college to maintain its pursuit of excellence,” Muehsam said. “Their confidence will motivate us to provide even greater services to our students.” Dudley and Amato are co-

Ph.D. and Teri Lesesne, Ph.D. as they introduce and review a variety of available children’s books. The Book Review will feature 50 award-winning books published in 2011 for the elementary through high school levels. This event will target all ages and provide a broad selection of books for all attendees to see and hear. “The purpose is to shed some light,” Robert Ellis, Research Assistant at PACE, said. “We want to let everybody know that there are [fictional] and informational books that are worth reading. We’ve got a wide range of books from fantasy to historical fiction to even poetry.” There is not a limited number of space for the event; however, anyone who wants to participate must reserve a spot for the event beforehand with PACE by Feb. 7 at 5 p.m. “We want to make sure we have a book for those who reserve a spot and that they have a name tag —

REVIEW, page 3

owners of the San Antonio-based Southwest Business Corporation (SWBC), a diversified financial services company providing a wide range of insurance, mortgage, and investment services to financial institutions, businesses and individuals. The San Antonio-based SWBC is multi-faceted company with offices across the country and more than 1,400 employees. They are also part owners of the San Antonio spurs. Dudley and Amato met in middle school while growing up in La Porte. Although they lost touch in their teen years they met up again in the mid- 60s when they pledged at the fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon, at SHSU. They each received a —

ALUMNI, page 3

SGA seeks new members after old members resign AMANDA MORGAN Contributing Reporter Within in the Student Government Association (SGA) there are thirty-five senators who collectively represent more than 17,000 students. Earlier this semester, three of SGA’s thirty-eight senators, resigned from their positions within the organization. This is only an eight percent turnover of the overall SGA membership. Justin Haynes, former SGA

Caucus Chair, unofficially resigned from his position within SGA earlier this semester. “I have a firm belief that all politicians on any level should have term limits to keep unfair influences to a minimum due to seniority,” he said. Although Haynes will no longer be a part of SGA, he does not regret his three years in the organization and the service towards the students. —

SGA, page 3

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Page 2 Tuesday, February 7, 2012


The sound of silence Anthony Lane shares his reflections in the wake of another campus visit from ‘brother’ Jed


any of us view men like “Brother Jed” as a source of hysterical entertainment. Many more of us are embarrassed by his rhetoric. Regardless of our true motivation, Jed and his misbegotten cronies became the center of attention at Sam Houston State University last week. The tragic story here, however, begins after Jed’s departure—on a gray Thursday morning, when a young man sits on a ledge in the student mall area with a sign: “I love you because God first loved me. I am so sorry for the men this week.” As expected, the Houstonian published an article in the viewpoints column in which a senior reporter claimed Brother Jed does not represent “what the Christian faith believes in.” This is a matter of debate which I will not begin. Certainly, there are some who believe Brother Jed is testifying to the reality of Christianity. Those

people are rightfully dismissed by the majority as lunatics. We have seen this brand of ministry before, and as a majority have moved away from it. Yet I am constantly brought back to the student on a wall. The one who felt so much shame that he made it his duty to apologize for the hateful message of Jed. Perhaps there is something deeper at work. T hou g h several hundred students gathered around this circus troupe of fire and brimstone preachers simply to laugh, many others felt a variety of emotions. Gay and lesbian communities were outraged, Christians felt ashamed, atheists were divided between disgust and vindication, and many more refused to take part because it is too difficult to

take these people seriously. But all of us who witnessed this event surely felt something. I can only conclude that things will be this way for quite some time. I am often troubled by our society. I want to believe it is the greatest on earth, but

disappointment always follows any brief sense of unity. We are more often drawn to hate than repulsed by it. As I walked by the crowd every day, I wondered why so many people gathered around this man. I developed my own prejudice for the people who “egged him on.” Men like Jed are not taken

seriously in society. I have seen enough to know that. Most of us are able to shrug it off or look the other way, yet the emotion and memory which stays behind is real. We are upset. We think he is disgusting. We feel everything that he means for us to feel, because his message is designed to stir the public. Perhaps he is so effective because his mere Photo courtesy brojed.org p r e s e n c e speaks to greater issues at play. Society today is still plagued by hate. Each one of us deals with people who are different, and we make daily choices on how best to manage these situations. Jed may not be speaking to you directly, but surely he seems to be witness to some hidden bias you may have against a person

standing right next to you in the crowd. Though we are temporarily united in a sense of disgust for the man delivering the message, we remain separate in our own hidden hatreds and prejudices, unable to reconcile these differences in the face of a common enemy. We go about our business and know that one day, Jed will be back. The day after he leaves, we are sure to see another person alone. A person without a crowd gathering to witness his apology or embarrassment, because the people around him are drawn more to the entertainment found in messages of hate than they are in messages of sincerity. This is exactly why I know what the Westboro Baptist Church is. I know who Fred and Shirley Phelps are. I know who “Brother” Jed is. Please don’t ask me the name of a local preacher. I couldn’t tell you. I didn’t even stop to ask the name of the student on the wall. -Anthony is a graduate student in the history department.

Bridge over troubled water Kendall Scudder needs students to sign the petition to make Huntsville a ‘wet’ city, thinks it will help grow economy

Stephen Green - "The internet is always Greener" -About national and state politics, social issues, and the media Molly Waddell - "Gleek-Out" -Personal review of each week's Glee episodes and thoughts on its future. Karmen King - "WouldRatherTweet" -Blog about Twitter and other social media issues Zach Birdsong- "College Sports Soundoff" - Updates on the latest in national college sports.


ast year, I wrote an editorial about legalizing alcohol sales within the city of Huntsville. Thanks to great community leaders like Mrs. Sandra Hanscom in Elkins lake, we’re finally making that dream a reality! What you may not know, is that there are only specific areas within the city of Huntsville of which alcohol sales are permitted. For example, alcohol can not be sold up and down highway 19, down veteran’s memorial, or even around Elkins lake. In order to spark economic development and boost the

Kendall Scudder Recurring Columnist

economy of our community, we need your help!

If you are a registered voter in the city of Huntsville and are willing to sign the petition to grow Huntsville’s future, I would love to hear from you! To sign the petition, call (903) 243-2555 and I’d love to meet up with you or your group so that we can work together to bring this community forward. Huntsville deserves better than what we’ve been giving her. If we work together, we can make Huntsville a better live, a better work, and better place to spark new business. Will you join me? -Kendall is a senior political science major.

Matt Frazier - "Crtl+Alt+Escapist" - Video game reviews. Cody Lewis - "Cody Lewis Sports" - Personal reviews of the behavior and actions about Major League sporting events. Misti Jones - "Celebritize Me Cap'n" - Opinion on recent celebrity events. Megan Laurie- "IMAGE(s)" -Discussion of personal and other artists' artwork. Jessica Gomez- "The beat will steal you" -Photography blog All comics courtesy Creators.com

Allison McMath- "Let's button up" - Blog about crafts that made using mainly buttons, but occasionally other things. George Mattingly- “RealityCheck” - A blog about Reality Shows For more information and links to these blogs go to www.houstonianonline.com and click the “Blogs” tab.

The individual opinions on the Viewpoints page are not necessarily affiliated with the view of The Houstonian or SHSU. The Houstonian is published semi-weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is a news publication of Sam Houston State University, a member of the Texas State University system, and is produced by students. It is self-supporting and welcomes all advertisers. Those interested in placing ads or classifieds should call 936-294-1495. The Houstonian is a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association.

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Page 3 Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Sam gives students a chance to reach out

Photo courtesy of program council

COMMUNITY SERVICE. Alternative Spring Break gives SHSU students an opportunity to give back over their spring break.

MISTI JONES Senior Reporter Alternative Spring Break is a program that consists teams of Sam Houston State

University students who engage in community service projects in either Tennessee, Louisiana or Oklahoma during spring break, from March 10 through March 17. The program is designed to

help students learn about issues ranging from literacy to racism while performing community service projects together. The students will experience “social

Students enjoy

really aren’t,” Strait said. Libby Jackson, another ‘blues tripper’, said the cultural experience of being in the midst of the blues acted as a bonding experience catalyst. “The ambiance of the place really settled us into ‘delta time’ – the live music by our fellow blues trippers and some cold beverages also got everyone entrenched into this historically-rich and timelessly-iconic home of the blues,” Jackson said. “We bonded over the beautiful scenery, the sweet sounds of a guitar and some good conversation, which was occasionally interrupted by the sound of smacks and swears as we tried to keep the mosquitoes at bay.” Strait said the experience of getting to know other people for who they are, what makes them tick, is all part of the big picture of the class. “The music captures you more and resonates with you stronger, when you’re there,” Strait said. “You understand much better when you are actually there. You learn how to interact with each other and with other people from vastly different worlds, and you meet a lot of colorful characters.” They travel all over the South, visiting famous places in history such as the National Civil Rights Movement Museum at the Lorraine Hotel where Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated and Money, Miss., the site linked to the lynching of Emmett Till, a major spark of the Civil Rights

Movement, and Po’Monkey’s Lounge, one of the last remaining rural juke joints, and what Strait calls “an experience of contemporary blues culture – my home away from home.” Walker said that he was surprised by the juxtaposition of the two sides of the human experience. “If I was in Houston, you might know when you are in the wrong neighborhood,” Walker said. “But there, the people are great. You kind of have to talk to them and then you find out that they have interesting stories and they’re really welcoming, in a place with the civil rights movement so deeply embedded in their culture. It’s surprising.” Strait said that it is a vital part of the class to experience first-hand the two sides, together. “On the one hand, you’re experiencing it and you’re in a place where if there was ever a reason for racial animosity to exist, it’s here,” Strait said. “ So we could be sitting around talking about a spot where there was a brutal murder, and you see that side of the human dimension, the ugly side, and you can understand it, and later on that night, you’re sitting there having a great conversation with a stranger from the wrong side of the tracks, a mile from where that happened, and you see the other side of the human experience, the part that’s not so ugly, where you both are just people and human beings can inherently be open to one another. The starkness of the

SHSU blues travelers a cultural experience in Mississippi MEREDITH MOHR Contributing Reporter The porch of the Shack Up Inn, on the Hopson Plantation outside of Clarksdale, Miss., is not known in history books for its significance. However it is known for its blues musical and cultural ambiance and more than that, the members of John Strait’s, Ph. D., cultural geography field class remember it as a significant place in their own histories. That porch, Strait says, is where things really started to happen. It was here that there was no itinerary, no syllabus, just people, playing music together and learning who each other really was. The class, which Strait has been leading for more than ten years, takes students to the Mississippi Delta to explore cultural geography through blues music. Geography senior Cody Walker said that experience was where the group became friends, “shedding who they really are.” “Or maybe they shed who they


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“SGA does a lot of good for the students and works great with the city,” he said. “I would recommend joining if you want to be involved in politics later in life.” Tyler Eberhart, SGA President, understands why the three senators decided to resign and is proud to have worked with them. “Most of the senators resigned because of time commitments,” he said. “It’s sad to see them go but we’re proud of them and happy that they’re pursuing their own personal lives.” Although the resigning senators will be greatly missed, Eberhart suggests that there is ample opportunity within SGA for any students interested in becoming a representative of the student body. “It’s a wonderful time to come in and fill senate seats,” he said. “We want to get students to come in and be fired up about serving other students on campus.” According to Eberhart, as a senate member in SGA, an individual would represent hundreds of other students within their college, and uphold the commitment to that kind of responsibility.

“The majority of responsibility of the organization is the senators,” he said. “They are the workhorse of the organization and I’m proud of the senators I’ve got.” As a former senator and caucus chairman, Haynes is proud of the work he accomplished through the SGA but is looking forward to moving on. “SGA was another home for me,“ he said. “And although they have their issues just like any other organization, I will miss being in SGA, but my time is done for now.” Students who are interested in joining the SGA should contact their office at 936-294-1938 or stop by their office in the Lowman Student Center (LSC) in room 326. Their meetings are held every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in LSC 320 and is open to the public.


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Feb. 7 at 5 p.m. The department will be handing out a free children’s book to each attendee, and refreshments will be served. Ellis described the event as a personal benefit for those who attend.


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and alumni. The committee then takes the nominations and narrows them down to a select few, anywhere between four to six people. They narrow it down by looking at the nominator’s comments, and how many nominations each nominee receives. “She is great, makes class interesting and is there for the students,” one student said on the nomination form. “She learns with us by helping us be up-to-date with world and local news. She guaranteed I would pass the class, and I did! I couldn’t ask for a better professor. She is definitely one of the university’s best assets.” After narrowing down the nominees the committee requests documents from the nominees such as letters of recommendation and statements on what their focus is in the classroom, so the committee can better understand


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Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from SHSU. After graduating in 1969, Dudley began coaching in the Houston school district and served six months of active duty in the Marine Corps before taking a job selling insurance products to banks and credit unions in the Houston area. Amato graduated in 1970 and began a banking career with Bay City Bank and Trust. Amato and Dudley met again in 1974 at a party in Houston. Dudley

and cultural issues through directservice, experiential learning, group discussions and personal reflection,” according to the ASB website. All applicants must submit their forms to the Department of Student Activities in Lowman Student Center 328 by Feb. 8 at 5 p.m. The application asks a series of ques-tions related to personality, social ability, skills and qualifications. Qualifying students must commit to all ASB special events, fundraisers and group meetings. “Students are selected based upon the quality of their essay responses from the application and their willingness to serve as a team member for the week of service,” Meredith Conrey, Program Coordinator of Center for Leadership and Service, said. The students are also asked which trip they prefer to attend between Crossville, Tenn., Lake Charles, La. or Tahlequah, Okla. Each trip takes 10 participants including 1-2 student site leaders, 7-8 student participants and one staff participant, Conrey said. In Crossville, Tenn., selected students will help preserve Cumberland Trails by building footbridges, clearing trails or other duties. The students selected

must have physical ability to hike and are required to bring hiking boots. In Lake Charles, La., student service will benefit the Habitat for Humanity Colle-giate Challenge. The weeklong goal is to help decrease poverty by working with com-munity members and possibly building a home for a family in need. In Tahlequah, Okla., students will spend the week with the Cherokee Nation or-ganization and Cherokee community while working with children through working with elderly. The cost per student for the trip is $200 but the price includes transportation, lodging and most meals. Participants are encouraged to bring extra money for any at-tractions, entertainment and meals outside of the lodge. Conrey said, “The benefits of an Alternative Break experience are numerous. The largest benefit is the ability to build friendships with other students at SHSU. Students may also be transformed as they see their hard work and contributions make a difference in another community. The overall goal is to encourage students to become active members in the community and continue their service as they return to SHSU.”

Photo courtesy of John Strait

SHACK UP PORCH. Strait’s cultural geography field class enjoy the porch at Shack Up Inn, on a trip to Clarksdale, Miss.

human experience is right there in your face.” Strait said that a field class, a chance to go out of the classroom and be in it is what he feels is an important part of being a geographer. Besides that, they all wholly agree that the blues culture has a powerful pull. In the end, they learn more about themselves, about race, about music and about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone than they do about bullet points on a syllabus. It is an experience that ultimately changes them. “The land, the people, the storied places we visited – I fell for it all,” Jackson said. “Sitting outside at the Shack Up Inn, I felt

so calm. Living in a major city like Houston, I am constantly bombarded with chaos; the Delta was a welcome reprieve from the urban madness. Something so simple and yet it felt like a luxury. That isn’t everyone’s cup of sweet tea, but for me…it was an unexpected bonus on this trip.” Students who are interested in taking the class, “Race, Blues, Rock ‘N’ Roll and the Mississippi Delta,” GEO 4375, can register for it when classes open this spring. The trip will take place August 4-10, with a shortened lecture-based course in the fall. For more information, contact Strait at jstrait@shsu.edu or look on Facebook for “Strait’s Voodoo Butter Blues Trips.”

the nominees. The committee then engages in peer evaluations where they go into the nominee’s classes, observe and take notes. “In the case of Ulbig, several people came back from evaluating saying, ‘Wow she did a nifty job in keeping the student’s attention with the clicker questions.’” Fair said. Once the peer evaluations are done the committee compares what they saw to what the nominee claims that there focus is to see if it truly matches up. The final vote is made after that, and the committee’s recommendation of who should receive the award goes to the Provost and VP for Academic Affairs Jamie Hebert for approval. “It is always a tough decision, but with the number of excellent professors that were nominated, we knew when making the decision we couldn’t have gone too far wrong,” Fair said.

Ulbig’s path as a first-generation college student began at University of St. Thomas, where she received her bachelor’s degree, and ended up at Rice University, where she earned her master’s and doctoral degrees. “I love teaching but it was never easy getting here,” Ulbig said. “In my time at SHSU, it has really helped to have a good department chair to work with me and let me teach a range of classes.” Ulbig currently teaches introductory-level and advanced-level political science and statistics classes. In addition to the award, she will receive $5,000. Student Nominations for the 2012 University Excellence in Teaching awards are now being accepted. “I had to be stubborn and persistent and be willing to fail again and again,” Ulbig said. “I love political science and sometimes I forget that not all of my students love it as much as I do.”

recruited Amato to work with him in San Antonio. The two alumni decided to cofind their own company in 1976. SWBC was created with the purpose of providing insurance to financial institutions, while providing high levels of customer service. Amato and Dudley have remained active with SHSU and have received multiple recognitions from the university. Amato and Dudley have both received the SHSU Distinguished Alumni Award and have been inducted

into the COBA Hall of Honor. They are members of the President’s Circle, and are Life Members of the SHSU Alumni Association. “Both professionally and personally we understand the importance of giving back, and we appreciate all that Dean Mitchell Muehsam and President Dana Gibson have done to contribute to the success of our youth,” Dudley said. “We have hired many SHSU graduates who become leaders not only at SWBC but in the community.

Arts & Entertainment

Page 4 Tuesday February 7, 2012


Dance mesmerizes audience Ligtbulbs, flashlights create special effects on stage GEORGE MATTINGLY Arts & Entertainment Editor Flashlights and light bulbs lit up the stage on Friday night as dancers brought them to life in a series of dances in a concert titled “Illuminate”. Held in the Performing Arts Center Dance Theater, the performances were a part of a Master of Fine Arts Thesis concert for graduate student Crystal Lewis. The five performances, set to classical music, mesmerized the audience as they combined common household lighting with modern dance movement to create different shadows, silhouettes and shapes on stage. Lewis opted to use simple lighting elements such as tap lights, light bulbs and flashlights rather than traditional stage lighting to create an “exploration” of light and body movement. In each piece, the audience got a different view of the human body. At times they saw the full body while at other times only the torso, arms and legs.

Flashlights hung high over the stage in a piece titled “Accumulate”. It opened with a single dancer moving in precise counts under a small beam of light. The movement rippled across the stage until all dancers were each lit by the beam of a flashlight. Then, they swung the lights around the stage and toward the audience, creating a 3-D effect that wowed the audience. “It was beautiful,” Adorina Nguyen, junior dance major, said. “It was amazing how something so simple like a flashlight can make a beautiful performance.” In the final piece titled “Luminescent,” the dancers created a playful mood with light bulbs hanging at different heights above the stage. The dance began with few dancers coming out on stage and interacting with the light bulbs. Some dancers were scared of light, others were curious about it while others kept trying to reach it. “I thought it was genius,” Nguyen said of the use of light bulbs. “In dance, we concentrate so

much on the colors of the lights and how they will make things look. In this concert, we got a 360 view of it.” For Lewis, who has been working on her thesis since last semester, the concert represented a major moment in her dance career. She said she felt “fulfilled and blessed” to see her vision finally come to the stage. As a part of a thesis, the next stage for Lewis includes a writing portion and defense of her concert for a thesis committee, but not without a much-needed rest. “I would like to keep some of the choreography and maybe go further with it,” she said. “The sky is the limit.” The concert was also fulfilling for members of the audience who were buzzing with excitement after the concert. “That was the best freakin’ thesis I’ve ever seen,” Amy Llanes, dance alumnus, said. “The thought process, the choreography, and the dancers were phenomenal.”

life at home in hopes of catching his drunk, abusive father on tape. Soon, Andrew begins carrying his camera everywhere with him, recording every instance in his life from school to encounters with people in his neighborhood. The use of found-footage sounds familiar; it was used for other well-known movies such as the Paranormal Activity movies. However, “Chronicle” puts its own unique twist to the concept by making it seem as though the camera is floating after Andrew

learns to control it with his mind. After Andrew, his classmate Steve and his cousin Matt make a mysterious discovery of their powers, Andrew (resembling Darth Vader from the minus the light saber) starts using his powers to release his anger, eventually becoming too powerful for anyone to control. Though the first 30 minutes of the movie focus mainly on the boys learning to use their powers, plenty of jaw-dropping scenes follow as the movie reaches its

Megan Laurie | The Houstonian

“CHAOTIC LIGHT PLAY”: Dancers Shohei Iwahama and Katy Conner stand under the beam of a light bulb in the a dance titled “Chaotic Light Play”, in which the dancers explored light using finger and tap lights.

‘Chronicle’ takes new spin on superhero flicks SOFIA MEDRANO Contributing Reporter When I saw the previews for the new movie “Chronicle”, I thought it would follow a predictable “average boy gets superpowers” storyline that most superhero movies use, however, I still had to check it out for myself. The movie is shot in a foundfootage style as main character, Andrew, an unpopular high school senior, begins to record his sad

end. The best action and fighting scenes come when Andrew takes on the police, SWAT team, and Matt who all trying to restrain him. There are plenty of twists in the movie explaining why Andrew turns so evil, so make sure you pay attention! The found-footage filming style of the movie causes a lot of unsteady camera work, which means plenty of motion sickness. The random flashing of lights and

abrupt loudness of the characters’ yelling gave me a headache throughout the film. “Chronicle” did a good job at getting the audience relate to the boys lives and made you think differently on how an average teenager could use superpowers. I give it 8 out of ten stars because of the believable plot and action-packed fighting scenes. I definitely recommend it for those seeking a thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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Jessica Gomez | The Houstonian

DRAWING A CROWD: ‘Chronicle’ drew movie-goers over Super Bowl weekend, earning $22 million in the box office and beating out other films like The Woman in Black, which earned $21 million, and Big Miracle with $8.4 million.

Super Bowl Ads: All Thriller, No Filler

Lengthy ads and dogs this year’s trend JANISE RICHARDSON Contributing Reporter While players take the field for the biggest game of the year, advertisers are praying that more than 100 million viewers love their attempt to sell their shiny car or bag of chips during the break in the action. Commercials are the reason why some watch the game at all. The mini movies are almost as big of attractions as Tom Brady’s butt. Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest day in advertising with 30-second spots selling for $3.5 million, according to USA Today. Advertisers are trying to get more for their money by releasing sneak peeks of their pricy ads on social media sites such as Facebook, Hulu and YouTube. This Super Bowl ad creep, increase in pre-released commercials, erased the element of surprise during the biggest night of football this year. Advertisers want

the sneak peeks to generate buzz and stand out from the pack, according to USA Today. Many commercials featured Twitter hash tags like General Electric’s #whatworks and Best Buy’s #buyitnow. This year’s spots featured sexy models, dogs, and celebrities. Here’s a rundown of the action off the field: John Stamos got knocked out for Greek yogurt, Jerry Seinfeld and Jay Leno battled it out for an Acura sports car, and Matthew Broderick played hooky in an ode to his character in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Ultimate fighting champ Chuck Liddell and Motley Crüe rocked out in a dream sequence, and who could miss Sir Elton Johnin a Elizabethan period costume and high heels? Longer ads and dogs were this year’s trend. I loved the ads that took viewers through a smooth time sequence. Budweiser’s Eternal Optimism ad was a beautiful trip through the

decades and pop culture. GE’s multiple spots focused on employees and their impact on the community. A major standout was Chrysler’s ad featuring Clint Eastwood. His voice evokes goose bumps when he says, “It’s halftime in America. And our second half is about to begin.” The ad evoked trust and hope in the company’s future. My favorite ad was Samsung’s hilarious jab at Apple hipsters. In the ad, a long line of presumable Apple users see the light and switch to Samsung while breaking out in song Glee-style to “A Thing Called Love” by The Darkness. I love the thought that a large crowd can break in to song simultaneously. This year consumers can vote for their favorite ad using USA Today’s Ad Meter at www.usatoday. com/superbowl46/ admeter.htm , accessed through Facebook, to watch, rate and share the ads.


Page 5 Tuesday, February 7, 2012 houstonianonline.com/sports


Basketball teams tame Lions

Womens team bounces back with win at home, 67-46

Mens team ends losing skid with win on road, 57-55

KARMEN KING Viewpoints Editor

CODY LEWIS Sports Reporter

Domination. That is the only way to describe the second half Saturday when the Bearkat women mauled the Southeastern Louisiana Lions 67-46. Only ahead 26-23 at the half, the Bearkats outscored the Lions 41-23 in the second half. “We went in at halftime and I told them there is no way we can let [SELU] stay with us,” head coach Brenda Nichols said. “I told them they better come out with a little bit more fire and intensity or we’re fixing to lose this ballgame.” Forward Sequeena Thomas, led both teams, scoring 24 points and bringing down 16 rebounds, scoring 17 of her points in the second half. The Bearkats shot 46.4 percent (13-28) in the second half, holding the Lions to just 21.9 percent (732). SHSU continued to excel from the charity line hitting 100 percent (11-11) in the second half and 86.7 percent overall (13-15). The game featured standout performances from multiple players, including Britni Martin with 19 points, including five of nine from beyond the arc, and five assists. Jasmine Johnson and Khamra Echols contributed with five assists each. “I thought Thomas had a great stat line across the board, but she couldn’t have done that

Jessica Gomez | The Houstonian

CAN’T BE STOPPED. Junior forward Sequeena Thomas (30) shoots the ball against Stephen F. Austin. The Bearkats took on Southeastern Louisiana this weekend, winning 67-46. Thomas led both teams with 24 points and 16 rebounds.

without Johnson, Martin and Echols assists. I mean we put up 21 assists, you don’t find that in a game too much,” Nichols said. Freshman Angela Beadle brought down 13 rebounds, helping the Bearkats outrebounded the Lions 51-38. “It has a lot to do with positioning,” Beadle said. “You can’t just jump over people, obviously they’ll call over the back. We work a lot on it in practice, it’s one of our main goals in the game. First goal is to focus, second goal is box out and rebound.”

Nichols hopes the Bearkats can continue to improve on that. “I’m not happy with the boxing out part. We’re rebounding but we’re not getting anybody butt to gut and getting in there,” Nichols said. The Bearkats had to come back from a difficult loss against McNeese state earlier in the week. “We didn’t play McNeese with the intensity we did in the second half [today],” Nichols said. “Those are the things that have been hurting us, so for the last two days in practice we’ve played drills

Super Bowl XLVI lives up to expectation, worth the watch Sports Editor Zach Birdsong gives his take on this year’s Super Bowl From a sports perspective, it’s hard to find any stage that is grander than the Super Bowl. That’s precisely what occurred on Sunday as the New York Giants defeated the New England Patriots 21-17, in the 46th edition of the annual event. Behind quarterback Eli Manning, the Giants clinched their second Super Bowl in the last four years and the second straight against the Patriots, as four years ago the Giants took down a previously undefeated Patriot squad. Manning finished the game completing 75 percent of his passes (30-of-40) for 292 yards and one touchdown on his way to his second Super Bowl Most Valuable Player (MVP) award. With 57 seconds left to go in the game, Giants running back Ahmad Bradshaw scored on a six-yard scamper that gave New York the lead for good. Patriots quarterback Tom Brady let a Hail Mary pass go as time expired, but the ball fell aimlessly to the turf as New York celebrated on the sidelines. Putting the game aside, what makes the Super Bowl the biggest spectacle in all of sports is the amount of coverage that the game receives and the numerous events that surround the game. This year, 111.3 million viewers watched the game versus last year’s 111 million. One of those aspects surrounding the game that viewers look forward to the most is the new commercials that are typically air during the game. This year’s advertisements included canines, Elton John as the king of Pepsi, Matthew Broderick in his role as Ferris Bueller, naked M&M’s, John Stamos getting punched in the face, Jerry Seinfeld bringing back a cast of characters from his TV show, and a sing along to “A Thing Called Love,” by the Darkness. The car industry dominated the advertisements and according to Kantar Media, the automotive industry spent an estimated $77.5 million on spots during the game. Of the entire car commercials that aired in the night, the most talked about was a Chrysler advertisement that appeared right before the second half started and was narrated by actor Clint Eastwood.

photo courtesy of flickr.com/kennethkonica

WINNING THE BIG ONE. The New York Giants took on the New England Patriots in Super Bowl 46. The Giants would win, 21-17.

The ad hit on the downfall of the automotive industry and compared it to the downfall of the recent economy. He urged fans to keep their spirits high insisting that the economic downturn was the “first half” and fans should get ready for the “second half.” While some will disagree, the award for “most ridiculous commercial of the night,” was a Jack in the Box ad that featured a young man, telling his mother that he was getting married. However, instead of announcing that he plans on marrying a human, he tells his mother that he is getting married to bacon. The commercial went on to show a sequence of videos as he prepares for the wedding, ultimately ending with a wedding shot. Moving forward, one of the attractions that viewers look forward to is the halftime show, and this year’s performance was put on by Madonna. The pop star made her way onto the stage with a group of guys dressed up as ancient Egyptians as she was carried onto the stage on a throne, singing the words to “Vogue.” After that was a mash of her songs that featured her 2000 hit “Music,” her new single “Give me all your Luvin,” and the classic “Like a Prayer.” Her performance, which featured cameos by LMFAO, Nikki Minaj, MIA and Cee Lo-Green, was not spectacular, but it was entertaining and did its job. With the game, commercials and halftime performance combined, Super Bowl XLVI delivered and was well worth the hype making it one of the best in recent history.

called ‘Queen of the Court’ where it’s complete up, it’s ugly. There’s no whistles being called and you better step up and be the Queen.” Nichols notes that coming back from that loss was difficult. “I like the way they stepped up to this challenge,” Nichols said. “We could have come in after McNeese and folded but it was a big game and I’m proud of them.” The Bearkats next hit the road to UT-Arlington at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday. For more information about the team, visit gobearkats.com.

A 57-55 win over the Southeastern Louisiana Lions ended the Sam Houston State men’s basketball team’s four-game losing streak. The Bearkats won the game when guard Demarcus Gatlin hit a jumper with four seconds left giving Sam Houston a two point lead that the Lions would not come back from. Not long before the Gatlin jumper, Steve Werner made a shot with 47 seconds left that gave the Bearkats a 55-54 lead. Southeastern Louisiana’s Elgin Bailey was fouled on the next possession, but he only converted one of the two free throws, which gave Gatlin the chance to make the game-winning shot. Gatlin finished the night with 17 points and four assists. He shot 5-of-11 from the field and 7-of-12 from the free throw line. Forward Steve Werner scored 10 points and pulled down seven rebounds for the Kats while junior guard Konner Tucker scored 14. The Bearkats next play host to the UT-Arlington Mavericks at Johnson Coliseum and during halftime, the Sam Houston State football team will be honored. The game will also be broadcasted by the Southland Conference television Network. Tipoff is set for 7 p.m. For more information about the team, visit gobearkats.com.

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