Carolyn Martin, submitted photo Washington Garcia visits SHSU for a special piano performance.
Chance of Rain:
Sexual assault victim recalls her terrifying October experience
Volume 123 / Issue 13
University releases 2013 football schedule with six home games
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Bearkats put “All Paws In” for community STEPHEN GREEN Editor-in-Chief More than 700 students, faculty and staff swamped the city of Huntsville in the university’s largest community service project, according to Student Government Association officials. The event allows any member of the Sam Houston State University
community to sign up and participate in community service all over Huntsville and Walker County. Event goers participated at places like the National Forest, SAAFE House, Tomorrow’s Promise, the Wynne Home and the Sam Houston Memorial Museum. Although more than 1,300 students registered for the event, Bearkat AllPaws-In director Cristan
Shamburger said the event was still a success. “I’m incredibly proud of the work that SGA put into this event,” Shamburger said. “The Bearkat All Paws In committee and fellow Senators spent hours upon hours in the office preparing registration forms, inputting volunteer data, and putting together volunteer packets. Because of them, the event started and
ended on time and the registration process ran as smoothly as it could.” More than 80 groups participated in community service. Univeristy President Dana Gibson, Ph.D., not only kicked off the day, but participated at four different locations. “The response of our students to participating in (the event) was overwhelming,” Gibson said. “Although it was cold and windy, the students enthusiastically accepted their responsibilities and the challenges of the day to make improvements in the community. This activity is just another example of how our students take ownership of their ‘home away from home’ while attending Sam Houston State University.” BAPI founder Mariel Kanene, Huntsville Mayor Mac Woodward and Dean of Students John Yarabeck also participated and spoke at the event.
All photos Stephen Green | The Houstonian
SERVICE. Above: Brian Howard, president of the Bearkat Democrats, picks up trash outside of the Wynne Home. Left: SGA Sen. William Searuggs signs students in at the registration before service began.
Huntsville celebrates Houston’s 221st birthday MOLLY WADDELL News Editor Huntsville celebrated Sam Houston’s birthday and Texas Independence Day on March 2. The celebration started at the Gibbs-Powel Home Walker County Museum where attendees enjoyed coffee and breakfast. More than 50 people showed up for this part of the day and were talking throughout the home. Several descendants of Houston were also present, including great great grandson, John Murray and Isabella and Lyla, Houston’s great great great great grandchildren. Isabella and Lyla are cousins and just met for the first time at the Gibbs-Powel home. Isabella and Lyla are five and six. Murray’s great grandfather was
Andrew Jackson Houston. Murray said that he was a character. “His grandmother was a pretty good size and she kept her coffin in the house... and he hid in it one time waiting on her to check on it,” Murray said. “She looked in it and there he was playing like he was dead.” The next event of the day was the march to Houston’s grave. This was led by Erin Cassidy, sponsor of the Webb Historical Society. Students, faculty and history lovers all showed up, despite the cold weather, to march to Houston’s grave. Ed Anderson came out from Houston to celebrate Texas Independence day and because of a new found interest in Sam Houston. “He was a very interesting
man,” Anderson said. Anderson said there was a church in Liberty County that Houston attended. There is a pew that they took out that Houston had carved his and Margaret’s name into. Once the group reached the grave there was a ceremony in Houston’s honor. The speaker for the ceremony was Dr. Howard Horton, who has portrayed Houston since 1998 in Salado Legends: An Outdoor Musical Drama. He performed a skit about Houston’s reaction to Texas wanting to secede from the Union. The audience laughed and cheered during Horton’s skit. The day ended with a “Toast to Texas,” and birthday cake. Horton returned to read the Toast to Texas as Houston.
Molly Waddell | The Houstonian
HISTORY LESSON. Dr. Howard Horton protrayed the first Texas president, Sam Houston, giving a speech against secession during a ceremony celebrating his life. Houston’s anti-secession ideas later became a reason he left office.
Report: Most faculty not compensated for Updated master plan approved overloads, independent study courses SOPHIE NELSON Senior Reporter
JAY R. JORDAN Senior Reporter A faculty senate committee published a report that says most faculty members aren’t being paid for overload or independent study classes despite explicit policy standards. The Faculty Affairs Committee presented a survey the committee conducted on work overloads and independent studies to Faculty Senate on Feb. 21. It concluded that at least 53 percent of the faculty who taught overloads did so without compensation of any kind. The highest numbers of uncompensated classes were in the College of Fine Arts and Sciences. An overload class is one where the faculty member teaches
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beyond their maximum required number of classes for the semester. Mark Frank, chair of Faculty Affairs Committee, said that the unusual amount of overloads being uncompensated triggered the committee to do its research. “There’s a specific policy that says faculty should… get a course reduction in a future semester,” Frank said. “If not that, some sort of monetary payment for the course.” The academic policy on “Instructional Overload Assignments” discourages instructional overloads. However, when the departments deem one necessary they should reduce the faculty member’s work load the following semester or pay them for the class “to the extent possible.” Of the 320 faculty surveyed, 25 percent reported teaching an overload in the past year. More than 78 percent of those who taught overload classes were either asked and agreed to the course, or volunteered. Less than seven percent said they were pressured into it.
The report also states that nearly 95 percent of professors participating in independent study classes didn’t get compensated either. Although there is no policy saying that independent study professors should get compensated, the committee felt that that policy should be changed. Along with the report, the committee also recommended changes to Sam Houston State University’s Academic Policy Statement. The change included allowing 10 undergraduate or five graduate independent study programs to equate to one future credit class workload for professors. The motion to send this recommendation to Provost Jaimie Hebert came through a unanimous vote during the faculty senate meeting. Hebert was unable to be reached by press time for comment. If approved by the provost, the recommended change must be approved by Academic Policy Council and President Dana Gibson before it becomes policy.
The Texas State University System Board of Regents recently released the approved Master Plan for the system, which also included increased costs for students and a degree name change. According to the 2013-2020 campus Master Plan, the goals set are to improve space for the growing campus in the academic, residential, parking and recreational/athletic areas. “The campus infrastructure needed a comprehensive review focusing on the renewal of existing systems and expansion to serve new facilities,” University President Dana Gibson, Ph.D. said. “A conscious effort has been made to update the master plan and build on the efforts of the 2008 plan as a planning tool to give the university the flexibility to address changing demographics and teaching approaches.” Some of the proposed construction projects include South district residence facilities, a South dining facility, new academic buildings for nursing and biology, and an agricultural
and engineering technology building. The university system Master Plan listed approved costs set to go up in Fall 2013. The costs included a rise in all meal plan options and in room rates. The raise in price depended on which meal plan and room was selected. “The increases are a reflection of students’ expectations to provide a strong food service program,” Gibson said. “Meal plans are the foundation of our dining program. The structure, pricing and programs are designed to ensure the right mix of plans and improve the value and satisfaction to our customers.” SHSU also applied to have a degree name change request for its Master of Arts in Community Counseling. The TSUS approved and the name was changed to the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree. The name change will not involve any change to the degree plan. SHSU President Dana Gibson gave a statement regarding the importance of a Master Plan for a university and how the current one will help guide SHSU in the future.
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Ministry causes students to get hot headed KASSIDY TURNPAUGH Contributing Reporter Sam Houston State University was the host to a group of fiery religious demonstrators Monday when a traveling ministry brought several pastors and members to speak to students. The Consuming Fire Campus Ministries, primarily led by Brother Matthew Bourgault condemned any and all students crossing their path to Hell. Both Bourgault, and James Persinger, son of another pastor said they are on campus to spread the word in their own way. “We are here to preach the gospel and to call sinners to repent,” Bourgault said. They spent majority of the afternoon shouting their message at any passerby who would or would not stop to listen. Some students were visibly angered as Bourgault and the rest of his disciples shouted slurs and held signs attacking everyone from “Sports Nuts [and] Mormons” to “Child Molesting Homosexuals.”
The group is a self-proclaimed organized sect of Pentecostal pastors and missionaries who travel across the United States spreading the word of their interpretation of the Bible through the practice of street preaching. This practice is similar to the style Brother Jed (Smock) of the Campus Ministries and the Bulldog Ministries have, each of which are Evangelical churches who frequent the SHSU campus. Bourgault said the SHSU student body doesn’t live up to the “true Christian” standard. ”The bible says light, the word of God, the spirit of God is coming to the world, and the men love darkness,” Bourgault said. “Sam Houston State for the most part, not all of them just the majority, love darkness rather than light Molly Waddell | The Houstonian because their deeds are evil.” Criminal justice student Khayt, CONSUMING FIRE. Brother Matthew Bourgault preaches to several Sam Houston students on campus. Bourgault who didn’t want to reveal her last is from the Consuming Fire Campus Ministries that travels around to campuses to spread the word in their own way. name due to the sensitive nature a visit in 2005 preaching his of the topic, went to listen to the when he [Bourgault] said he giving people the wrong idea.” This is not the first time the message of “True Christianity.” group speak but found herself on was perfect. When you’re a true Christian and someone says Consuming Fire Ministry or the offensive. Connor Hyde contributed to this “I finally couldn’t let him lie something that is untrue, your Bourgault have incited a wave [initial response] is ‘hey that’s not of controversy among the SHSU report. anymore and had to speak up,” Khayt said. “The first time was true’ otherwise you’re going to be student, he first paid the campus
NABA and NABJ end Black History Month with art auction, movie night ADRINA VINES Contributing Reporter
The National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Black Accountants spent the last day of Black History Month auctioning off art representing influential figures in black history. They also showed a movie that represented black history as well. “The ‘Black History Art Auction and Movie Night’ was a great success for NABJ and NABA of Sam Houston State University,” said NABJ President Blake Whittaker. “Our purpose was to give exposure to a great college artist known as Chassity Gibson.” Gibson painted three iconic African American figures including Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, and Beyonce. Each painting was made with oil and took around three hours to complete. The Beyonce painting received the highest bid at $90. This was more than a fundraising event. “We wanted to have a program so that we both NABJ and NABA could get some exposure around campus,” Whittaker said. “We felt that this would be a great start with us focusing on Black history, since it was Black History Month and we are African American organizations. This was a great experience.” John Singleton’s “Higher Learning” was screened during the event. The movie focuses on college students trying to escape racism and
stereotypes in the early 90s. The event was held at the Villas Apartments clubhouse. For more information about each organization, find them on facebook, or visit their pages on org link. NABA has meetings every other Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the SmithHudson Business building, room 300. NABJ has meetings every other Monday at 5 p.m. in the Dan Rather Communication building, room 125.
Adrina Vines | The Houstonian
Need young adults for summer job Fun Valley Family Resort South Fork, Colorado Salary: Room and Board E-mail: Call: (817) 279-1016
Online gambling could cause tax, legal problems CHRISTIAN VAZQUEZ Staff Reporter
AUCTION. These painting were done by SHSU student, Chassity Gibson.
The old adage, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” will no longer apply in the digital age after Nevada governor Brian Sandoval legalized online gambling last week. “This is an historic day for the great state of Nevada,” Sandoval said. “Today I sign into law the framework that will usher in the next frontier of gaming in Nevada.” There is a possibility that online gambling could come to other states such as Texas in the future according to Nevada’s state measure AB114. This measure grants the state the power to license online gaming venues to enter into deals with other states to allow internet poker. States were wary of online gambling until Dec. 23, 2011, when the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel said the 1961 Wire Act did not prevent states from selling lottery tickets to adults over the internet. That decision set a precedent to allow online gambling except for sports wagering. Nevada’s administration also trumped the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 because it “prohibits gambling businesses from knowingly accepting payments in connection with the participation of another person in a bet or wager
that involves the use of the internet and that is unlawful under any federal or state law.” Any form of online gambling is illegal according to Texas state law. Opponents have argued against the current stance by claiming that it invades their privacy because they are conducting their practices in their own home. According to the Texas District & County Attorneys Association, when placing a bet online a defendant may argue that the bet itself is placed in the confines of his home, and thus the exceptions under privacy clause §47.02(b)(1-3) apply. However, according to Attorney General Opinion DM-344, it addresses the argument directly and states, “Just as a private residence would not be a ‘private place’ for purposes of the defense if the public has access to gambling there, neither would it be consistent with the defense here if, for example, anyone who knew the proper ‘telephone number’ and had a computer with a modem could join the games.” The opinion also states that physical presence is not required; most online poker sites operate similarly. Players can log in and join any table they want. Tables are open to the public as long as participants have registered and deposited money to gamble. Thus, privacy defense —GAMBLE, page 6
Need people who wish to work for very few minutes at home and get paid immediately. Coal Creek Mining Co. E-mail: your resume for more details. Salary: $450.00 to $500.00 weekly with some benefits Principals only. Recruiters, please do not contact this job poster. Please, no phone calls, emails about this job will be accepted! Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Miss Sam Houston story misunderstood
Cheyenne Simpson clears the air about a misconstrued article The mass negativity I have received from my article over the crowning of Miss Sam Houston 2013 has caused me to re-think my wording and explain my intentions to the public. I, as a journalist, realize that I made a mistake, the mistake of not clearly relaying or providing information. My intentions were never to offend or hurt anyone. I was simply trying to make a statement in defense of the gossip I had been hearing around campus. I understand that as a journalist I am supposed to provide evidence and factual information to support my story, in which I failed to do. For that I am truly sorry, I personally do not think that the pageant is fixed and I do not believe that race or size played a factor into the judge’s decisions.
By adding Shanece never intended to suggest Smith’s comment, “I can that the pageant was say that I have knocked fixed in order to ensure over another barrier, I a minority woman won. know I can do it, all you This statement was have to do is put your intended to state a fact mind to it and everything and support my point will work its course,” I that race plays no factor wanted my readers to see into the content of the that barriers had been person. I wanted to broken and that Smith then prove my point by has set the stage for every adding the quote from girl out there who ever Donielle Miller, “Most thought they couldn’t CHEYENNE SIMPSON of our judges are not compete in a pageant Multimedia Reporter form minority groups because of their size. and I think it is about the The most criticism I have received content of the person and not the is from the statement in the article, color of their skin…” “Smith is the third woman from a I understand that as a journalist I minority group to win the title of am supposed to provide a clear and Miss SHSU.” This statement was effective message, in which I failed
to do in this article. I want all of the readers who felt offended or hurt by my article to understand that I am only a student and I am still learning, I make mistakes but I learn from them. I have experienced a great deal of hurtful criticisms from an article, one which I never intended to be offensive or cruel. I hope that anyone who did take offense to the article forgives me and understands the true intentions. Lastly, I would like to apologize to Smith and give a past due congratulations for being crowned Miss SHSU 2013. I ask that you please contact me with any further questions, comments or concerns at my e-mail, csimpson@
Campus ministry drives students away with judgment MORGAN MEARS Staff Reporter The great thing about strolling through campus on any given day is that you never know what you are going to see. There could be clubs handing out flyers, students catching up, or grabbing lunch; in addition, on Monday one of the campus ministry groups was at it again, judging students and condemning them to hell. From childhood we are taught to follow the golden rule, “treat others how you would like to be treated.” Unfortunately not many people seem to follow this rule. Between the yelling matches and arguments between students and the members of Consuming Fire Campus Ministries, it was clear to see that the golden rule had been thrown out completely. While both parties have the right to speak freely about their beliefs, Brother Matt Bourgalt and the other members of Consuming Fire Campus Ministries went about it in the wrong way, judging
each student who came their way. Students were judged based on race, gender, and what they were doing while they passed the campus ministry. One student was called a rapper simply because he was African American, while another student was told she was a lesbian because she was wearing athletic shorts rather than a dress that Bourgalt deemed acceptable for women to wear. While listening to Bourgalt spew his hatred for all the campus, there was a student, senior computer animation major Kaitlyn Richardson, standing on the side of the group holding a sign that read “Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or fails. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. Romans 14:1-4” Richardson pointed out that only one being has the right to judge, and that being is not Brother Bourgalt and his ministry members, it is the Lord. During the time spent listening to the yelling matches between the campus ministry and SHSU students, I overheard Bourgalt shouting that those of different faiths are going to hell and that such
people who are looked upon as “good people” in history--like Buddha and Ghandi--are all burning in hell because they were not followers of the Christian faith. We can’t damn those who aren’t like us. I am Christian and I know Christians try to win souls over for the Lord because they try to plant the seed of their faith in people’s hearts. We can’t damn those who practice other religions or who don’t believe in God or Christianity and then expect them to welcome us with open arms. While repentance, eternal damnation and hell should be preached, there is a difference between completely being rude, hateful and preaching the word. Consuming Fire Campus Ministry “preached” nothing but hate Monday. As the old saying goes, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, and the members of the campus ministry used their sour words and hate fueled judgment to drive students away. Those who preach the word of God should not judge, terrify or scorn those around them into joining their religion.
Kassidy Turnpaugh | The Houstonian
“Bearkat All Paws In” brings community together More than 700 students gathered to help the Huntsville community on Saturday for Bearkat All Paws In. I was one of those 700. Let me be honest—I dreaded going. I didn’t feel like waking up at 7:30 a.m. to help out. I wanted to sleep in like everyone else on a Saturday, especially after staying up until 3:30 a.m. the night before. I figured, “The other people from my organization won’t show up, so why should I?” But you know what? Something inside me told me to go. So I rolled out of bed and walked to the Lowman Student Center. The three us from our organization on embarked on an hour long journey to our destination, thrown off course thanks to our GPS. Feeling discouraged, we made a pact that if we didn’t find our location by 11, we would go get IHOP. (I know it sounds selfish but bear with me).
Finally, after driving aimlessly trash bags, raked piles upon piles for an hour, we found the park. of leaves as well as fallen branches An organization, International and thorns, and even shoveled Hispanic Association, had already leaves when we ran out of rakes. been there for an hour, Though the work seemed cleaning up trash and mundane, each one of raking leaves so when us became dedicated to we arrived, we felt like a the tasks, helping the bunch of late a-holes who appearance of the quaint hate the community. park in the community. Just as we began to feel Each one of us took like outsiders and loners, turns doing the work and we realized we were found ways to stay busy. not. The organizations’ If we weren’t laboring members gladly over a pile of leaves with introduced themselves a rake, we were shoveling with bright smiles and leaves into trash bags. MISTI JONES kind voices. Our SGA Many of us went to help Viewpoints Editor site leader greeted us, the others who were empathized with our situation and struggling with a task just to give a gave us our assignment. helping hand. The three of us, as well as the Through the thorns, sticks, IHA group members, cleaned up millions of leaves and endless the park for the remainder of the raking were smiles and the sounds time. We scooped leaves, held open of laughter and joy from every
Editorial Staff Robin Johnson Faculty Adviser
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one of the volunteers. I regretted how foolish I had been, dreading community service with people I didn’t know. But, in all honesty, the people I met Saturday made my day and I believe we helped the community get one step closer to its goal. Bearkat All Paws in was an enlightening experience. It taught me the importance of helping the community and it helped me meet people I wouldn’t normally come in contact with. I hope everyone can become involved with this project and experience what I experienced. I loved going online afterwards and seeing others from Sam Houston experiencing and documenting the same joyful experience that I did, an experience that stemmed from meeting new people and coming together to make a difference.
Editor’s note: Read the full length story online at
Staff Reporters Morgan Mears Katrina Koetting Carian Parker Richard McKinney Colin Harris Ryan Bowers Christian Vazquez
What your drink choices say about you TAYLOR LIKENS Contributing Columnist I believe it was Marilyn vos Savant that said “Avoid using cigarettes, alcohol and drugs as alternatives to being an interesting person.” While I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, I must also add that for those of you who stand not the slightest chance of being interesting without cigarettes, alcohol and drugs--and you know who you are--the door is always open. Or a few doors, if you’re the sort to broaden your horizons. In the realm of alcohol there is a particular variety of choices, all with their own ups and downs and side effects. Here’s what some of your choices may say about you… White Russian - Mandatory “Big Lebowski” reference aside, the popular white Russian is commonly viewed as a classy alternative to less elegant drinks, such as tea or water. The white Russian suggests you are either relaxed or comfortable or just have a draining enthusiasm for life that is best dwindled out by sitting back and watching everyone else get drunk and destroy your faith in humanity. Jack and Cola - Consider jack and cola the right-hand lane on the highway. You clearly have intent to get somewhere this evening (under a table) but haven’t the stones to put pedal to the metal. But that’s all right. You’ll still wind up making a pit stop every hour. Jäger Bomb - The jäger bomb is the utmost sign of sophistication and wisdom in American society. Aristotle remarked that it was “the only measure by which I have ever chosen whom I trust,” and it is rumored that at the height of her power Marie Antoinette developed a fondness for them. Those who chose to drink the jäger bomb are complex individuals who are not prone to spontaneous actions or and have no interest in altered states. Carbomb - Taking the Jäger Bomb’s shameless promotion of terrorism to new extremes, the carbomb says less about you and more about what sort of situation you’re in. For example: you probably don’t own very expensive glasses. Cosmopolitan - Excuse me, ma’am, but feminine products are on aisle five. Long Island Ice Tea Commonly enjoyed despite its womanly nature, the Long Island ice tea is popular enough that defining someone based off of their enthusiasm for it can be tricky. All that can be guaranteed is that you will most certainly be intoxicated, probably won’t know it, and will probably repeat the phrase “are you sure you put alcohol in this” a lot. Bloody Mary - The dollar store was all out of Elmer’s glue, so you’ve realized you’ve no choice but to liven up your evening with something a little less your usual taste. Your roommate had vodka, spices and tomato juice, and you have an overwhelmingly idiotic nature. The rest just came naturally. Trashcan - You are poor but have friends. Enpinyo and Cow’s Blood - No need in searching for a hidden meaning. This African liquor is literally a cocktail of hardcore booze and fresh cow’s blood. Those who choose enpinyo have already achieved the highest level of masculinity and seek only to sustain themselves. If you start drinking enpinyo in public, law decrees that you will henceforth have power of attorney over anyone you can defeat in combat before sunrise.
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Page 4
Tuesday , March 5, 2013
Guest pianist enthralls audiences ANGELA BEEL Contributing Reporter
The sounds of Bach and Chopin filled the recital hall Monday night as guest pianist Washington García performed piano at the James and Nancy Gartner Performing Arts Center. García, who is from Ecuador, enthralled audience members in his four piece performance as part of Festival Inspiración, a Latin American arts festival that hosts various events across campus this week. His last piece was the longest and audience members seemed to connect with it more than the others. It was cheerful at parts and there was a good mix of soft and loud notes that produced a boisterous and joyful sound. When the piece was over García was met with a standing ovation and loud round of applause. Some shouts of praise could also be heard. After the finale, he came back for a quick encore that satisfied the audience. In another piece, “Piano Sonata in F Major,” by Franz Joseph Haydn, was considerably more joyful and upbeat. The slow notes
Photo by Carolyn Barton
PASSION IN MUSIC : Guest pianist Washington García wowed audiences as he performed pieces by Bach and Chopin in a concert on Monday in the Performing Arts Center as part of Festival Inspiración.
of the first piece were replaced with quick runs on the piano that left the audience absorbed in the music. There was a wider variety in the sound as hints of mystery within the piece could be detected. The audience focused on the
performance and found the piece as good if not better than the first. Audience member Emily Eisterhold was also impressed by the performance. “I loved the differentiations and different moods of the pieces,”
Eisterhold said. “He was very professional in his way of playing. It was really enjoyable.” The pieces progressed to get louder throughout the performance and García was very absorbed in his playing. His piece
by Frederic Chopin, “Polonaise,” was also loud and up tempo. García’s fingers danced across the keys producing a jubilant sound and he was met with more applause by the audience when the piece was over. His opening pieces led up to the exciting finale, starting off slowly and building up to the jubilant mood that enticed the crowd. His first piece, “Prelude and Fugue,” by Johann Sebastian Bach began slowly, with quiet notes that soon filled the theatre. The piece engaged the audience at each crescendo and when García was finished he stood to take a bow as the audience applauded. Audience member and musical therapy major Brittany Munoz found the performance incredible. “It was remarkable,” Munoz said. “It was really inspiring and made me feel proud to continue on with music instead of doing something else. People missed out who didn’t show up.” Festival Inspiración will continue throughout the week with more performances occurring across campus. For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page or website via the SHSU website.
SHSU theater students earn top honors at regional festival GEORGE MATTINGLY Arts & Entertainmend Editor Two theater students were awarded for their performances on and off the stage this weekend at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival in Shreveport, La. Musical theater major Victoria Villarreal earned second alternate for the Irene Ryan Award for her role in “You Can’t Take it With You,” while theater majorKelsey Sapp was invited to compete for the National Stage Management
Fellowship for her work in the SHSU production of “Spring Awakening,” according to associate chair of the theater department, Tom Prior. Sapp will go on to compete as a national finalist at the KCACTF national festival in Washington, D.C. in May. “It feels great,” Villarreal said. “A lot of work went into my Irene Ryan scenes and monologue so being an alternate was a wonderful award.” Villarreal and Sapp were among the group of 18 students
who were nominated to compete for scholarships and individual awards at this year’s festival. In addition, SHSU productions of “Enron” and “Spring Awakening” were also chosen to compete, which is a rare accomplishment for any university, Prior said. Texas theater programs are judged along with university programs from five other states in Region 6 as part of KCACTF. Although the two productions did not earn any awards, Prior said they were very well-received
by the theater community. “We were very pleased by the number of people who came and supported our shows,” Prior said. “The fact that we had two shows in the festival just shows how strong our students and department are.” For other students who had the chance to compete, the experience of watching other students from outside SHSU was perhaps the biggest benefit. “It was good to get outside perspectives from people you don’t interact with on an everyday basis,” Julia Green, senior musical
theater major and Irene Ryan nominee said. “I have a much broader knowledge of theater that is out there and what I feel like I can apply to myself from watching other people.” In addition to competing, KCACTF was also an opportunity to network and bond with students from other universities. “The camaraderie is pretty strong [among students],” Green said. “You have to be able to make risky choices and it can be hard in front of an audience. But when you have people who support you,
Festival kicks off with guest artist RUTH OVIEDO Contributing Reporter A Chilean illustrator and artist kicked off Festival Inspiración as she showcased a variety of her colorful works to the Huntsville community on Monday. Paula Vásquez presented her work and signed copies of her books for attendees at the event, held at the Wynne Home Arts Center. As Latin-American music filled the room, attendees looked on with interest at Vásquez’s work, which consists of colorful depictions of animals and landscapes. Attendees also had the chance to buy some of the pieces, ranging from $500 to $700. Sam Houston State University alumnus Ben Aguilar was extremely impressed with Vásquez’s work.
“It is very, very beautiful, very unique,” Aguilar said. “I’ve never seen anything like this up close.” Vásquez has worked with several Chilean graphic groups to produce several picture books including “Al este del sol, al oeste de la luna”, “Mis aromas favoritos”, “Amor” and “De a dos”. Participants also got the opportunity to purchase one of Paula Vásquez many books and receive a personal signature from the artist. While at the event, Vásquez offered her advice about becoming an illustrator. “At first it’s really difficult, but if you want to be an illustrator you first have to make some work to show,” Vásquez said. “But also don’t get disappointed because you’re going to be disappointed a lot of —
VASQUEZ, page 6
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Seniors shine in final home game CODY LEWIS Sports Editor In their last home game in Bearkat uniforms, Sequeena Thomas recorded another double-double, Britni Martin led the team in scoring and Chanice Smith scored 10 points. The three led the Sam Houston State women’s basketball team to a 93-75 victory over Southeastern Louisiana (17-10, 9-7 SLC) Saturday in Johnson Coliseum. “What a great group of young ladies,” Kats head coach Brenda Nichols said. “It’s been a crazy ride. We’ve had ups and downs and today was just fun.” The Bearkats (16-12, 12-4 SLC) are now only two wins away from bringing home the program’s first conference championship in their 26 years in the Southland Conference. The Kats gained sole possession of first place when Oral Roberts defeated Lamar 62-55 Saturday. Sam Houston never trailed in the game and held the Lions scoreless until the 14:58 minute mark, where the Bearkats already held an 11-0 advantage.
Martin led the Bearkats in scoring with 16 points, passing the 1,750 point mark and making it her 95th game in the double digits. Thomas had 11 points and 11 rebounds, her 18th double-double of the season and a school record 50th overall. Smith was one of five Bearkats who were in the double digits. Smith scored 10, Jasmine Johnson scored 12 and Sally Clavelle scored 13. Minutes before halftime, Johnson ignited with two consecutive three pointers, putting the Kats up 29-15. As time expired in the first half, Martin assisted Victoria Gonzalez on a layup to put SHSU up 43-28 going into the break. The Bearkats led by as much as 31 points late in the last home game of the season. “A lot of tears will be cried,” Nichols said. “There’re no tears right now. We have a lot of basketball to play.” The first place Kats will end the season with two road games at Stephen F. Austin Thursday night and Northwestern State Saturday afternoon. The team
has never finished higher than third place in their Southland Conference history. “It’s all in our hands,” Nichols said. “We just have to do our job.” If the Bearkats win out, they will be the undisputed champions of the Southland Conference.
BIG FINISH: Seniors Sequeena Thomas, Britni Martin and Chanice Smith all gave dominant performances in their last home game in a Bearkat uniform. The Bearkats will finish the season on the road against Stephen F. Austin and Northwestern State. Juanita Rodriguez | The Houstonian
Bearkats win home series over Arkansas State CONNOR HYDE Sports Reporter Sam Houston State’s starting pitchers continued to toss strong outings against Arkansas State, but still struggled to gain support from the bullpen late in games. Despite winning the series with an 8-1 win Saturday and 11-6 Sunday, SHSU’s relievers gave up eight of ASU’s 11 runs this weekend, straining the Bearkats lineup. Three Bearkat relievers circulated in the eighth inning of game one, allowing two runs, two walks and two hits to open up an ASU rally to clench game one. Coach David Pierce credits the bullpen’s slump to insecurity of pitches. “I don’t want to get to a point where
we’re compensating we’ve got to throw strikes and that’s the bottom line,” Pierce said. “We’ve just got to get better and a little bit more relaxed out of the bullpen… They’re just going to have to relax.” In games two and three, starting pitchers Cody Dickson and Andrew Godail silenced the Red Wolves’ lineup and set up the Bearkats’ hot bats as they continued to rally strong in early innings to take the series. “I think the best thing about [Dickson] is that he’s competing right now and he’s competing well,” Pierce said. “He threw a lot of fastballs and he threw the ball best to his glove side. All together he gave us a chance to win.” Of the 16 pitchers on the active roster, seven freshmen fill the role of relievers. According to Pierce, repetition and practice
will develop trust in the freshmen and their pitches to become frequent arms throughout the season. “What we’re trying to do is get our guys in an opportune time to eventually be contributors,” Pierce said. Offensively SHSU wore out ASU’s pitching with multiple extra base hits and executing situational hitting at-bats. Shortstop Carter Burgess hit 3-4 against the Red Wolves Sunday with two doubles and a triple to spark multiple run rallies in the second and sixth innings. Centerfielder Colt Atwood fed off Carter’s streak with a single to drive in Burgess to give SHSU a 7-4 lead. A series of singles drove in Atwood and second basemen Ryan Farney to close the bottom of the sixth with a 9-4 lead.
“I saw more pitches I’ve seen in the past working the counts and I was getting my pitch and hitting them hard,” Burgess said. “When [there are] runners on base you don’t want to press too much and you know I got lucky to get into counts that were favorable and I was able to drive the ball and drive the guys in.” SHSU’s offense gained momentum early Sunday with a solo homerun from Spence Rahm off a hanging curveball to begin the inning. The Bearkats will travel to Rice University to face off against the Owls Wednesday. First pitch is set for 6:30 p.m. Pierce and company will return to Huntsville a three game home series against the University of Connecticut with game one starting on Friday.
Six home games pack 2013 football schedule RYAN BOWERS Staff Reporter Fans will have plenty of opportunities to see their Bearkats in action coming this fall with six home games and two away games only an hour away from Huntsville. The 2013 season will provide a chance to spend Saturdays inside Bowers Stadium, something that was rarely offered last year due to only three home games being on the schedule. The schedule kicks off with a return to Kyle Field to face the Texas A&M Aggies, a game that will take place on Sept. 7. Four home games follow this opening week game: Texas Southern, Incarnate Word, Eastern Washington and Lamar will make appearances at Bowers Stadium. The Eastern Washington game is a rematch of last year’s FCS semifinal round matchup between the Bearkats and the Eagles, a 45-42 win for Sam Houston that quickly became a classic and unforgettable game for anyone who watched. This game on Sept. 28 will also be Parents/Family Weekend. The Lamar game will be Homecoming weekend for Sam Houston. Following this four game home stretch sits an away game against conference rival McNeese State. The Bearkats will then return home for a three game homestand against Northwestern State, archrival Stephen F. Austin and Nicholls State. The game against
SFA will be held again at Reliant Stadium, but Sam Houston will be considered the home team for the game. The past three years the rivalry game has drawn crowds of around 25,000 per game. Nicholls State will be Senior Day for those Bearkat football players who will be donning their uniforms for the last time inside Bowers Stadium. The schedule will conclude with away games against Southeastern Louisiana and Central Arkansas. “Returning to Conway for the second year in a row to play Central Arkansas was a scheduling decision made by the Southland Conference,” SHSU athletic director Bobby Williams said. “Our appeal to change that decision was denied.” Sam Houston will have one bye week in between the Eastern Washington and Lamar games. Efforts are still being made to add a 12th regular season game to the schedule as well. “Everyone involved in Bearkat athletics is thrilled about our exciting football schedule for 2013,” Williams said. “With six games in Huntsville and two more just one hour away in Houston and College Station, Sam Houston fans will have plenty of opportunities to come cheer for their nationally ranked Bearkats.” For a full listing of the schedule and dates for every game, fans can visit Season tickets will go on sale shortly according to the ticket office.
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under clause 47 cannot apply. Circumventers have created public rooms to avert the law. Most sites offer private rooms in which the creator can control who may participate. While this method may be sufficient for privacy clause 47, it also defeats the purpose for many poker players simply looking for a game, those trying to make money in tournaments, or those trying to improve their skills in bigger games. Private and public rooms usually cost each entrant a percentage of each hand won or an entry fee, thus creating an economic benefit other than personal winnings and violating privacy clause 47. While politics and laws may change over time, the biggest issue for online gambling is taxation. According to a policy analysis expert in Texas, the state of Nevada collects 6.25 percent of revenue gained from recognized gambling businesses. So it is assumed that online gambling businesses will be taxed in a similar fashion. However, the expert questioned the future of taxation for online businesses as a whole if all states were to legalize online gambling. Because most online businesses have a sales tax, the issue of which state would receive tax revenue would arise. For example, if a user from Texas were to log onto an online poker site stationed in Nevada, Nevada would receive the tax
revenue, not Texas. But if Texas had legalized online gambling as well, the whereabouts of tax revenue would be unknown because no rules have been established for that yet. “It would be very difficult to determine who would get what if all states were to legalize it,” the expert said.
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times.” Vásquez also emphasized the importance of working hard in any field, “Work hard because when you never know it it becomes a big opportunity and you start looking around all the time with a lot of energy and that’s the main thing all the time,” She said. The Cultural Services Coordinator of the Wynne Home Arts Center Linda Pease was excited to be hosting the event as a way to expose the Huntsville community to different cultures. “I think that this is a marvelous opportunity for people to be introduced to the culture of Chile,” Pease said. Attendees were immersed in Latin American culture as they experienced the tastes of El Salvador from Carbonero restaurant in Huntsville and other refreshments. Vásquez will be exhibiting her work until May 4 at the Wynne Home. For more information contact the Wynne Home Arts Center, or visit the Festival Inspiración website via the SHSU website.
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