September 25, 2012

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Nati Harnik/Associated Press, file


HI: 93o LOW: 69o

Chance of Rain:

Millions of the new iPhone 5 have sold since it’s first sales day, but complaints are on the rise about the Maps App, after the company ceased to use Google.


Likens: Paris Hilton sends the wrong message, but who cares?

Volume 122 / Issue 8

Wynne Home hosts prison art show



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Campus News NATION & WORLD

Houston police kill amputee man in wheelchair

JASMINE BROWN Staff Reporter The Wynne Home Art and Visitor’s center featured Prison Art in its rotating gallery on Saturday, Sept. 22 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The gallery was free and open to the public and was coordinated with the Wynne Home through Molly Campbell, a woman who taught art and dance in the male and female Huntsville Prison Units. She believes the art is important to the prisoners. “It gave them a sense of freedom, and some people discovered talents they didn’t know they had,” Campbell said. “You get a view of the inner spirit of the artists who created these pieces and see that there is a sense of humanity even in those who maybe got off to the wrong start in life.” Much of the displayed work was lent to the Wynne Home by prominent Huntsvillians, including Stephanie Smither, for this gallery. Friends of the Wynne also helped foot the cost of putting on this event. They are the reason many of the events held at the Wynne Home are free and open to the public. SHSU’s Junior Fellows volunteered at the event, doing everything from greeting, serving food and even explaining some of the art. Junior Fellows frequently volunteer and one of the places they continuously volunteer is the Wynne Home. When this gallery came about, it was no doubt that they would help out. Deanna Tyler, one of the Junior Fellows volunteers, was inspired by the prison art that she saw. “It’s definitely interesting and unique. There are pieces you couldn’t even imagine making,” Tyler said. “There’s a lamp made out of matchboxes. It just goes to show that there are some talented inmates.” Among the artists, the most famous were Frank Jones and Henry Ray Clark. Jones usually created works in blue and red because these were the only colors generally provided to him. He also had an affinity for drawing devilfish and many of them can be seen in his artworks. Clark, donned the “Magnificent Pretty Boy” in both art and personal circles, made many of the art pieces featured in the gallery show as well. His art featured many colors and geometrically intricate spectacles. Much of his art also had a religious theme. He was taught by Molly Campbell during her time teaching at the Huntsville Unit. Campbell recounts that Clark wanted her to teach him to draw faces and people. Campbell refused to do so saying “he would no longer be the talented individual that [he was] with [his] own original art.” Campbell may have made the right choice, as Clark went on to have art featured in the Smithsonian and in New York. Linda Pease, Cultural Service Coordinator for the City of Huntsville, said “No one was focused on folk art.” Even though that is not what the artists were focused on, almost all art done in prisons is “folk” or self-taught art. Pease said, “It’s a shame to see that people with this much talent are incarcerated.”

SHSU football gives up lead in fourth quarter against UCA


Photo courtesy Meggan Thompson

SENIOR LEGACY. The 2013 Senior Class Legacy Committee includes (left to right) David Carraway, Melva Gomez, Amanda Koska, Mairead O’Hara, Brittiany Avery, Gabby Martin, Maria Hernandez, and Meredith Mohr.

SHSU seniors leave legacy for future classes via scholarship JAY JORDAN Staff Reporter A program at Sam Houston State University is looking to ease the financial burden for incoming students and encourage the benefit of giving back will kick off its annual campaign today. The Senior Class Legacy program was founded by Meggan Thompson of University Advancement, as a way for senior students to give back to future students in the form of a scholarship. The campaign for the class of 2013 will kick off today and will continue through April 2013. 100 percent of the donations collected will go toward the scholarship fund, which will be awarded the following year to a student at Sam Houston State University through

Scholar X. With the program, Thompson hopes to help pave the way for future students through the philanthropy of the senior class, an important lesson for students. “The Senior Class Legacy program started as a way to promote a culture of giving among students,” said Thompson, who started the program last year. “This allows for students to learn about giving back to SHSU before they graduate.” According to collegeportraits. org, 51 percent of 2011-12 fulltime undergraduates at Sam Houston State University received need-based grants or scholarships with an average award for the year at $6,286. With the amount of students receiving financial aid at SHSU,

the staff in the Annual Giving Department is making a conscious effort to give an SHSU student a chance at thwarting the financial foe. “We suggest a gift of $10 or more, but even a gift of $5 can help change the life of a current or future student,” Thompson said. Students and alumni can donate any amount to the fund either online or by visiting room 120 in the Bobby K. Marks Administration building. Students are encouraged to visit the Senior Class Legacy program at the Career Expo held in the Johnson Coliseum on Sept. 26 and the Senior Health Fair in the LSC mall area on Sept. 27. For more information or to donate, visit www/seniorgifts.html.

Campus News

New law creates standards for Texas college advisors SOPHIE NELSON Staff Reporter

The advising centers at every Texas state school will now be required to provide an assesment of the services they offer after the Texas Legislature passed a bill made effective Sep. 1. The assessment is not to be of the advisors themselves, but rather of the center’s program as a whole and how much students are learning from their visits to advising centers. According to the Texas Senate Bill No. 36, the means by which the centers are to acomplish the assessment are to use student surveys to determine where knowledge is lacking and to determine ways to measure the effectiveness the institution is having on the student population. Bill Fleming, Ph.D., executive director of the Student Advising & Mentoring Center (SAM Center) and one of the members on the state committee who helped devise the assessment plan, said that the bill came about because the legislators themselves were concerned their own children were not getting advised properly and wanted to remedy the problem. The concern over misadvising had also touched the SHSU campus as several students had tales of themselves or friends who experienced difficulties with the SAM Center. Grant Howarth, SHSU Junior and Music Therapy major, recounted that his experience with the SAM Center almost cost him a semester. Howarth said

Photo courtesy SHSU website

ADVISING RECOGNITION. Bill Fleming, Ph.D., was recognized for outstanding advising by the national advising organization.

that he was misadvised and had to be advised three times before connecting with the right advisor, which he was not able to do until the second week of classes. “It was frustrating because I hadn’t been here before as a freshman and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be doing,” Howarth said. “I would have wasted an entire semester if I hadn’t called to see why my classes looked strange.” Fleming expects that the new assessment will be able to clear up some of the confusion and chaos that seems to permeate college advising, but says that there can

always be mistakes in the process, particularly in the few weeks before classes start. “We usually only see students once a semester, so it’s difficult to take enough time to explain everything properly in the amount of time we have,” Fleming said. “It gets even worse when everyone floods in the week before classes and we have to limit our time with the students.” Fleming is hopes the assessment will enable the SAM Center to learn new tips to help SHSU students become more familiar with their studies.

A Houston man was shot and killed by Houston police on Saturday at a group home for the mentally ill, officials said in a press release. Brian Claunch, an amputee diagnosed with schizophrenia, allegedly acted aggresively towards employees of the group home. “The Houston Police Department places teh highest value on human life and events like these are tragic and unfortunate for everyone involved,” police chief Charles McClelland said in a press release. “All Houston police officers receive mandatory crisis intervention training specifically dealing with persons with mental illness.” The police department is asking the FBI to aid in the investigation. Follow us today! @TheHoustonian

Ahmadinejad talks gay rights, anti-Islam film In an interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke on the anti-Islam film that sparked outrage in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as, homosexuality. “Fundamentally, first of all, any action that is provocative, offends the religious thoughts and feelings of any people, we condemn,” he said. “Of course, what took place was ugly. Offending the Holy Prophet is quite ugly. This has very little or nothing to do with freedom and freedom of speech.” The Iranian leader said that he hopes politicians will view this as a “weakness” and “abuse of freedom.” Ahmadinejad also made an attack on homosexual lifestyles. “Homosexuality ceases procreation. Who has said that if you like or believe in doing something ugly, and others do not accept your behavior, that they’re denying your freedom?” he said.” He said that homosexuality must end and to do this proper education must be given. “The political system must be revamped. And these must be also reformed, revamped along the way. But if you, if a group recognizes an ugly behavior or ugly deed as legitimate, you must not expect other countries or other groups to give it the same recognition.” Visit our website!

VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVE Wednesday, Sept. 26 and Friday, Sept. 28 12:00 p.m. to 1 p.m. Locations at the LSC Mall Area, the Newton-Gresham Library, Lee Drain Building and CHSS Building.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Apple #mapocalypse sparks disappointment JEREMY KLIEBER Staff Reporter

Associated Press

LOSING DIRECTION: Critics of Apple Maps were quick to point out flaws in the quality of the 3D images, such as this road that appears deformed.

Apple reigns supreme in the retail world once again after the release of the new iPhone5 this past weekend, but not without some unforeseen growing pains. Apple Maps, the new navigation system used on the new iPhone5 and iOS 6 operating software that replace Google Maps, stirred up almost immediate disapproval and criticism from new users. When Apple first announced they would stop using Google Maps in favor of its own system in June, a mixture of curiosity and excitement came over the iPhone faithful, wondering what greatness the post-Steve Jobs era could possibly have in store. Instead, the Apple Map app is being referred to by many as unsatisfying, inconsistent, and

Water restrictions lifted in Huntsville after rainfall improves drought conditions MCKINZIE BROCAIL Senior Reporter The City of Huntsville is no longer under voluntary water restrictions thanks to the vast amount of rainfall in last 10 days. Huntsville was put under Stage 1 water shortage conditions on Sept. 7 after reaching more than 10 million gallons of firm production capacity for 10 consecutive days. Huntsville’s most current water production fell below that peak amount to an average of 8.4 million gallons from Sept. 11-20. Stage 1 water restriction conditions resulted from the dry weather, high temperatures and overall lack of rain over the summer months, according to Carol Reed, Huntsville Public Utilities Director. Under the Stage 1 restrictions residents were asked to reduce their water consumption for non-essential uses, like washing motor vehicles or power-washing surfaces and sidewalks. The several inches of rain that fell in Huntsville on Sept. 13 and 14 have also influenced the life of the county burn ban last Monday. “Usage has decreased roughly 20 percent since the recent rainfall, which prompted the restriction to be rescinded,” Joyce Hubbard, Water Superintendent of the City of Huntsville, said. Some parts of Huntsville received up to

three inches of rain, whereas in other parts of the city only an inch fell. The most current drought monitor map of Texas shows that during the time span of the rainfall, Texas’ drought conditions have improved. Between Sept. 11 and Sept. 18, the map shows a four percent shift from 92 to 88 percent of the state experiencing “Abnormally Dry” conditions, including a majority of Walker County. The most current map shows parts of Walker County are included in the addition of land no longer considered dry.

Serving lunch specials from 11am untill 3pm, and celebrating happy hour from 2:00pm to 5:00pm each afternoon. We pride ourselves in providing the most entertaining Mongolian grill experience in the area. So, come join us for lunch, dinner, or even just for a drink!!! r ou yH y a pp Ha veryd 00pm : E -6 0pm ay 3:0 Sund AY LD AL

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pointblank: inaccurate. Chief grievances include having a lack of local transit information, wrong directions given steadily, sketchy street views, poor 3D driving interface, and even crucial buildings being non-existent. Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller said the company was focusing to make the experience better and valued the criticism of customers. “Customers around the world are upgrading to iOS 6 with over 200 new features including Apple Maps, our first map service,” Muller said. “We are excited to offer this service with innovative new features like Flyover, turn by turn navigation, and Siri integration. We launched this new map service knowing it is a major initiative and that we are just getting started with it. Maps is a cloud-based

solution and the more people use it, the better it will get. We appreciate all of the customer feedback and are working hard to make the customer experience even better.” Twitter hash-tags such as #Mapocalypse and #Thanksapple began to sarcastically surface on the web, voicing students concerns with their highly anticipated purchases. “Apple forces customers to use its own products, even when they are not as good as those from rivals,” an SHSU student tweeted. Some Bearkats were more than pleased with the new product, but also acknowledged that there were a few hiccups with Apple Maps. “The Apple flyovers are a really cool new feature, but they only work in a couple of cities, —

MAPS, page 6

COME SEE US CAREER EXPO 09/26/2012 10am-2pm Coliseum

SENIOR HEALTH FAIR 09/27/2012 11am-1pm LSC Mall Area




WITH SHSU! The Senior Class Legacy Campaign is an effort by members of the senior class to leave a legacy for Sam Houston State University. You may contribute any amount for a scholarship awarded annually to a fellow student. Begin your legacy today! For more information contact The Annual Fund Office at: 936.294.3625







Sam Houston State University


2012 Career Expo & Graduate School Fair Wednesday, September 26, 2012 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Bernard Johnson Coliseum Professional Dress Attire - Bring Copies of Your Resume!

Thanks to Our Corporate Sponsors:

For more information contact: SHSU Career Services  ABIV, Suite 210  936-294-1713 

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

buy the new phone.

PAWS UP to fall officially being here!

PAWS UP to BOTH Texas NFL teams winning on Sunday and leading their dvisions.

Christmas spirit: where are you? MORGAN MEARS Staff Reporter Christmas is three months away and many department stores are already bringing in the holiday cheer. From trees to lights, decorating for the holidays has been a big to-do each year. Yet, in recent years, I’ve noticed fewer people are decorating their houses or yards as much as they did in the past. It seems as if many people are leaving it up to the town they live in, or the stores they shop at, to decorate for the holidays. I see it time and time again: the town square all decorates, but the further away you drive, the fewer lights and decorations you see. With the town trimmed from one stop sign to another, I feel like it is discouraging some people from putting up their decorations. They see that the town has already been decked with lights and feel they shouldn’t have to add to it because they either lack the time, will-power or money to do so. It’s diminishing our spirits. Where did our holiday cheer run off to? I remember when I was little, almost everyone had lights up. Some houses even hired Santas to pass out candy canes or treats to light-gazing drivers. It’s as if people have given up or just don’t care about the holiday anymore. It’s arguably the best time of the year, but as each year rolls by, more and more residents are taking their lights down. If we were able to incorporate more people into helping ornament the town or encouraged people to decorate their own homes for the holiday season, we wouldn’t have so many little Scrooges running around. We could bring the spirit of Christmas back to our towns.

Editorial Staff

Robin Johnson Faculty Adviser 936-294-1499

Stephen Green Editor-in-Chief

If there’s one thing people love, it’s puppies. If there’s another, it’s being offended. Because no one important was quoted saying anything stupid last week, all eyes were on Paris Hilton for her comments on homosexual men. And so, offended they were. “Gay guys are the horniest people in the world,” Hilton said, presumably wiping vodka from her collarbone. “They’re disgusting… most of them probably have AIDs.” Mere hours after prancing into one of the most hotly debated topics in American society— whether or not gays actually are subhuman cootie-machines— Hilton found herself forced to break out the crayons and have her publicist assist in scrawling out an apology. “Gay people are the strongest and most inspiring people I know,” she wrote. “I always have been and always will be a huge supporter of the gay community.” Hilton’s message was sent to the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) where it was then published on their website. Of course, this much is an expected consequence when one goes around throwing their opinions into the public forum. Except she didn’t. In fact, Hilton’s statement was in a private conversation with a homosexual friend, recorded by a taxi driver. Naturally, Hilton has a perfectly logical explanation for how the conversation was taken out of context, but that will likely do very little to calm the storm. “Disgusting” is one of those words that can be rather hard to take out of context, especially when overheard from behind closed doors. This is where the torches and

Molly Waddell

A&E Editor

Matt Frazier

George Mattingly

McKinzie Brocail

Misti Jones

Connor Hyde

Viewpoints Editor

Cody Lewis

Sports Editor

TAYLOR LIKENS Staff Reporter pitchforks lose me. Not only because this was a private conversation, but more so because people actually seem to care about Hilton’s opinion. America is not obsessed with Hilton because of her insightful commentary or trademark witticisms. It should come as no surprise when such nuggets of wisdom as “all gays have AIDs” come fumbling out of her mouth. The world enjoys watching her for one reason, and one reason alone: Hilton is so mind-numbingly dull that the only thing she has ever outwitted on record is the male ejaculatory system. Not frank enough? Alright, then. Paris Hilton is an idiot. We know this, we understand who she is, and yet some will still insist on getting their feathers rustled because the one trick pony did the only trick it knows, falling down on its face. If anything, she should be given a cookie, a pat on the head and sent on her way. The amount of passion being poured into fussing over Hilton’s personal opinions illustrates an interesting caricature of our society. Running Hilton through a Google search renders over 14 times as many results as Stephen Hawking. Why anyone even



News Editor

tweeted a quote on his own personal Twitter account (@ Brian_Be11) from former Texas A&M player Beau Bevers: “What you say is not what you believe. What you say is what you want others to think you believe. What you do is what you believe. #SoTrue” While these may be words on a computer screen, Bevers’ quote embodies exactly how the team should feel after that game: humbled. The only way to see how this team responds and really feels is to watch them as the season progresses. The real downside to Saturday’s loss is that no NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) team with less than six losses D-I wins has ever made the playoffs. That means SHSU, who currently sits 1-2 on the season, must win every

PAWS DOWN to Bearkats losing to Central Arkansas.

PAWS DOWN to slow internet in the Houstonian office.

PAWS DOWN to sickness going around. AC-HOO!

Word on the street

Are you excited for the new iPhone?

People love being offended, listening to useless celebs

Web & Multimedia Editor


remaining game of the season, excluding Texas A&M. But, as 2011 proved, this team is more than capable of doing just that. With the loss, there is plenty of upside. The most important piece of advice I can give to you, the students and fans, is don’t give up on your Bearkats. This team still relies heavily on student support and they need you guys now more than ever. The way the schedule sets up, there will be plenty of opportunities for you guys to get out and show your support. This upcoming Thursday, the Bearkats will travel and play Texas Southern University at BBVA Compass Stadium in Houston. On Oct. 6, SHSU plays in Houston against Stephen F. Austin and on Oct. 20, they return home for the homecoming game against McNeese State. The following week on Oct. 27, the Kats will play Lamar in Beaumont and on Nov. 03, they wrap up the season at home against Southeastern Louisiana. Those are five games out of the remaining seven FCS games that students and fans can easily attend without having to drive more than three hours. Do yourself the favor and show up to these games and show off your Bearkat pride. Game time against Texas Southern this Thursday is set for 7 p.m. and I hope to see a lot of you there. Eat ‘em up, Kats!

Senior Reporter Sports Reporter

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Graphic Designer

Megan Laurie Multimedia Reporter

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Copy Editor

Brandon K. Scott Sophie Nelson Karmen King Cheyenne Simpson Jasmine Brown Morgan Mears Allyson Wiley Taylor Likens Leigha Lewis Joselynn Taylor Cody Cobb Cristina Baumann Caitlin Adamcik Jeremy Kleiber

remotely cares what the village idiot has to say about anything— homosexuals included—is beyond me. Celebrities have somewhat overstepped their bounds, in my opinion. Or, more accurately, our entire society has invited them into our homes and asked them to set their feet up on the coffee table. Since when has Martin Sheen, Lady Gaga or Peyton Manning been qualified to give their opinions on politics, social issues or leading shampoo brands? Why are the American people so interested in and infuriated by the opinions of celebrities, mind you, a group we ourselves have already stereotyped as being irresponsible, spoiled and egotistical? And scraping the bottom of the barrel, how could the personal opinion of a person as truly talentless and irrelevant as Hilton possibly make headlines nationwide? The explosive value of Hilton’s banter was so assumed that the taxi driver who recorded it knew from the start he had gold on his hands; he sought out buyers and sold it within two weeks, potentially for thousands of dollars. How is this possible? A satisfying answer is illusive, because an honest answer could only be depressingly cynical enough to drive one to drink. Perhaps America is simply addicted to being offended. Even the fact that Hilton made reference to AIDS in jest has caused a secondary stir. And so there it finally is. America has spoken. It is likely that it will soon be illegal to display bad taste even in private. Lawsuits filed by men from Nantucket will inevitably swamp the legal system.

I am. The maps are completely different. They redid the App store and iTunes and it’s going to be faster with the 4G, LTE and longer battery [life]. -Garrett Burns, Freshman

I’m ecstatic. It’s everything that they said it would be. It’s an improvement over the last one and it’s fast. That’s what important. -Gerald Morris, Senior

iOS 6 update and not having to

You may or may not have heard the news, but the Sam Houston State University football team lost a heartbreaker over the weekend to Central Arkansas, 24-20. If you read Twitter or as well, you might think that the sky is falling and that this season is already over, even though the team is just three games into the season. Last time I checked the schedule though, this season didn’t end until Nov. 17. Right now, it’s not even the end of September. To those fans that are freaking out about the loss, I have one word for you: relax. If you watched the game on Saturday, you saw the same thing that I did, a team who went up 100, got complacent with the lead and blew it. However, what you might not see is the way the team will react and moments that will come as a result of this. Before the season started, this SHSU football team was ranked number one in the Sports Network pre-season poll. The team had swagger and told every media outlet that would listen that they were confident and focused. However, those were just words. If Saturday proved anything, the team just figured they could show up and win. The loss against UCA brought them back down to earth and gave them a reality check. After the game, Brian Bell

PAWS UP to the new iPhone


Zach Birdsong stresses football fans to stay loyal


Don’t give up on SHSU

I’m very excited about the bigger screen. I need a bigger screen. -Lorenzo Castillo, Freshman

Business Staff Paty Mason

Business Manager 936-294-1500

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Advertising Manager

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Production Manager

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Promotions Director

Account Executives

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Keelani Cabrera

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Ad Executive

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Ad Deadlines Tuesday’s Issue Friday at 5 p.m. Thursday’s Issue Tuesday at 2 p.m.

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Emmy’s pulls practical joke to win over viewers CHEYENNE SIMPSON Staff Reporter Laughs, cries and cheers were shared at the 64th annual Emmy Awards on Sunday night as 26 winners were presented with the glimmering gold statue. Not only did the winners have the crowd excited but also host Jimmy Kimmel kept the audience laughing with his outrageous humor and witty sarcasm. The Emmy’s, like years before laid out the famous red carpet for A list celebrities to show off their glamourous styles, while photographers captured the stars of the night. Though the celebrities weren’t there to show off their elegant dresses and fitted suites but instead to see who would be taking away an Emmy. With over 500 nominees, only 26 awards were given out. Some of the awards include Outstanding Comedy Series, which was presented to ABC’s “Modern Family” and Outstanding Drama Series presented to Showtime’s “Homeland.” Individual awards like Outstanding Actress in a drama series went to Claire Danes for her role in Showtime’s “Homeland” and Outstanding Actor in a drama series went to Damian Lewis in his role in Showtime’s, “Homeland” as well. A full list of the 64th annual Emmy winners can be found online at ABC’s “Modern Family” was up with 14 nominees, beating out every other show and taking home several individual awards. The overall results of the award ceremony were nothing less than

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

“Borderlands 2”: Joy puking your face off, bring friends SAMANTHA MCCARL Copy Editor

Jessica Gomez | The Houstonian

PRACTICAL JOKERS. Bruce Rosenblum, chairman of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, left, and Ellen DeGeneres, present an award at the Emmy’s. Ellen has no pants because she gave hers to Jimmy Kimmel.

what was expected, though this year’s Emmy’s did have a few more jokes and laughs than the years before. Kirstie Alley tweeted, “DAMN the Emmys make me proud to be an actress…Soooo much talent in that room that give us endless hours of pleasure… I LOVE IT!!!” What seemed to have everyone tweeting was Tracy Morgan’s

planned accident onstage. Jimmy Kimmel tweeted, “Oh my God- Tracy Morgan just passed out onstage at the Emmysturn ABC on NOW!” Besides the high fashion, A list celebrities and 26 golden statues that were given out, the 64th annual Emmy’s was a great success, we will have to wait for next year to see who comes out on top.

“House at the End of the Street” shocks audience with twisted ending CAITLIN ADAMCIK Staff Reporter

House at the End of the Street is not your typical horror movie; it is more if a psychological thriller. Elissa and her mother move next door to a house where two parents were murdered. There is mystery behind Ryan, the son of the two parents that still lives there. Elissa tries to figure the clouded past of the double murder. The movie started off very flashy, literally. The opening scene was during a lightning storm. It felt like having a seizure. This type of cinematography was done throughout the movie. Towards the end of the film, the main girl tries to use a flashlight that keeps flickering. That was a particularly scary scene because you did not know when the psycho killer was going to pop up. The story was fast paced. It was shorter than expected. The writers kept the story moving without stopping for in depth character development, except maybe for the two main characters. Ryan, a boy who is living in his dead parent’s house, is a troubled boy with a mysterious past. He was played by Max Thieriot. Elissa is the new girl that moves in next to Ryan’s house and tries to help Ryan from his past. She was played by the well-known Jennifer Lawrence. The other characters in the movie were left in the dark.

Jennifer Lawrence is the big stand out performer. She is believable as a girl that wants to be the savior for this secretive boy and terrified when she is in danger. However, she remains level headed when she needs to think her way out of situations. It was not far from her famous Hunger Games performance because both characters are fighting to survive. The rest of the cast members were shadowed because of the non-stop movement of the story. The movie is all about twist and turns. Throughout the movie, there are plot turns that are expected, but there is a huge surprise that leaves the audience in shock. The big surprise was the only pause in the movie that allowed the audience to stop and think. It left the audience blown away and changed the whole dynamic of the story. House at the End of the Street is a good scary movie. It is not all gory and gross. This movie messes with the viewer’s head. It is a calmer movie compared to Saw or Final Destination, but the film is still creepy. There are scarier movies out there, though it depends on the viewer. The big surprise made this movie good. It was alright, then the audience finds out the twist and the film becomes ten times more enticing. Without the huge plot turn, it would have been nothing extraordinary. We give this movie three out of five paws.

“So you wanna hear a story eh? One about treasure hunters? Haha. Have I got a story for you!” Marcus opens the Borderlands series with these lines, that fit quite perfectly with Borderlands 2 as it did with the first installation. While relatively similar to the first, Borderlands boasts four, soon to be five, new vault hunters and a wide variety of new enemies, places and, most importantly, guns. Familiar faces like the original vault hunters make appearances throughout the story, and many favorite NPCs like Scooter and Moxxi, from DLC, return. Borderlands 2 starts you off in the arctic wasteland or, more specifically, on a glacier where you awake after surviving an encounter with Handsome Jack, the new main baddie. The Last friendly CL4P-TP unit greets you and instantly takes you under his wing – er, arm – as his minion. The first enemies you encounter are new: the bullymong. Hint. Their head is the critical zone. You’re welcome. With no intention to spoil the first few hours of the game, Borderlands 2 definitely throws the player back to what originally drew them to the series. With a familiar feel to the actual gameplay mechanics, the new additions truly add things that we, as gamers, didn’t even know were missing, like a new style of tutorial and game

introduction. One such thing is the new “badass rank” system. By completing challenges, one gains ranks that, at specific intervals, will convert to points that can be used for additional bonuses to characters’ abilities and stats.. Who wouldn’t love additional weapon damage and faster shield recharging? With this new system and some dedication to challenge completion, it is fairly easy to gain the ranks and desired perks. For any shooter fan, this game definitely delivers. Anyone familiar with the first game knows how using the guns are, down to the shaky, unstable aiming and recoil that may be the difference between respawn and a second wind. The controls are easy enough to pick up that any shooter-newbie can learn and enjoy. Overall, this game promises hours of joy-puking and mayhem (bring friends), just as the back cover promised. The celshaded graphics, unique comic style, and captivating story add another facet to the excitement of Borderlands 2. This game is best in hour-long segments or an all-day power play through. It is definitely worth adding to any game collection. Metacritic gives it 90% and the Game Informer gives it a 9.75 out of 10. We give this game four and one third paws out of five. Borderlands 2 is available on PC through the Steam network, the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bearkats choke in fourth quarter, give up 10 point lead against UCA

Courtesy of

ROUGH ROAD GAME. The Bearkats led Central Arkansas 20-10 late in the fourth qaurter before the Sam Houston defense gave up two touchdowns and quarterback Brian Bell threw an interception in the endzone.

CONNOR HYDE Sports Reporter Sam Houston State University fell to the ninth spot in FCS football rankings after they fell, 24-20, against the University of Central Arkansas Saturday in Conway. The Bearkats led by 10 going into the latter half of the fourth quarter before giving up two scoring drives to the Bear offense. With 57 seconds remaining in the game, SHSU’s offense pushed down to the UCA 24-yard line when quarterback Brian Bell threw an interception that sealed a UCA victory. The Bears’ previous drive ended with a 26-yard pass from quarterback Wyrick Smothers to wide-receiver Dominique Croom for the winning touchdown that put the Bears up 24-20 on SHSU. “They made a play when it mattered,” Bearkat wide-receiver Trey Diller said. “They came out playing well the whole entire

game.” Running back Tim Flanders achieved his 17th career 100-plus rushing yards game. With a 39yard touchdown run in the first quarter and a 11-yard touchdown run in the fourth quarter, Flanders posted 125 total rushing yards against the Bears’ defense. Even though Flanders ran for 125-yards, the running back had trouble getting to the outside. “[UCA’s defense] did a good job playing with leverage on Tim,” Coach Willie Fritz said. “He likes to bounce things outside and they did a good job playing with leverage.” The Bearkat offense started strong by posting two unanswered scoring drives (35-yard field goal, 39-yard rushing touchdown) in the first quarter. UCA’s first scoring drive came in the second quarter with a 30-yard pass for a touchdown. “Great job by UCA,” Fritz said. “They really kept answering and

they [were] down by two scores and they stayed after it.” UCA scored unanswered points in the second and third quarter. SHSU attacked first during the fourth quarter with a 35-yard field goal from Miguel Antonio and a rushing touchdown from Flanders. After the 26-yard touchdown completion by UCA’s offense late in the fourth quarter, the Bearkats faced late fourth quarter woes similar to the Baylor game last week. “We weren’t able to answer,” Fritz said. “[Our] offense did a good job coming down the field and almost come back with a miraculous comeback.” According to Fritz and players after the game, SHSU is struggling completing games and maintaining their leads. “I’m disappointed once again in our finishing capabilities,” Fritz said. “Looking from the sideline we just needed more effort.”

Soccer falls to Air Force 2-1 CONNOR HYDE Sports Reporter After closing the first period with a last minute goal, the Sam Houston State University ladies soccer team lost against the U.S Air Force Academy 2-1 late in the second half Friday evening. USAF senior forward, Stephanie Patterson, scored two goals within six minutes against the Bearkats with a penalty kick in the 62-minute and an unassisted goal in the 68-minute. Patterson is USAF’s leading scorer this season with five goals. The Bearkats led at the end of the first period with a late 36-minute goal from

freshman forward Shelby McDaniel. The freshman gained her first goal of the season and of her collegiate career. SHSU committed 12 fouls throughout the match compared to USAF’s four. Both teams had 15 shots on goal. Freshman goalkeeper, Kylie Hambleton had six saves in the loss. The lady Bearkats (3-7) start conference play Friday in Huntsville against Nicholls State at 7 p.m. and Sunday against Central Arkansas at 1 p.m. For more information and a full roster with the remaining schedule, visit www.

Bearkat receiver, Richard Sincere, commented that trust in the coaching staff will help guide the team to winning games. “We just got to stick with it and buy into what our coaches are telling us,” Sincere said. “It’s very disappointing to lose your opening conference game. We just got to find a way to finish the ball game at the end.” To prepare for Thursday’s game against Texas Southern in Houston, Fritz looks to put the UCA in the past and move to the next game. “We got a whole lot of season left to play, but this was a big ball game,” Fritz said. “We got to learn from it. We got to put it behind us.” According to Fritz, to win against TSU the Bearkats must continue to play strong through four quarters of game time. “We got to go out and play lights out against Texas Southern,” Fritz said. “I want to see our guys play with more energy [and] more passion.” For the players themselves, underestimated their opponents’ ability will hinder the winning tradition SHSU created last season. “We can’t control anything that [our opponents] do,” Sincere said. “We can only control ourselves.” SHSU, now 1-2 on the season, will travel Thursday to play against TSU (1-3) at the BBVA Compass Stadium in Houston for a 7 p.m. kickoff. The next conference game for the Bearkats will be Oct. 6 against Stephen F. Austin State University for the Battle of the Piney Woods at Reliant Stadium. Tickets are available online at

Volleyball sweeps A&M Corpus Christi JOHN PERES Contributor The Bearkat Volleyball team rolled over the Texas A&M Corpus Christi Islanders Saturday, earning a dominating road win. In their three set win (25-14 2624 25-11), Sam Houston (6-9) outscored the Islanders 76-49. While Sam Houston was able to cruise through the first and third game, they had to come back from a 16-8 deficit in the second game to earn the sweep. In the second game, the Bearkats scored 18 of the final 26 points squeak out a close win. Both senior Kendall Cleveland and sophomore Deveney WellsGibson led the team in scoring with 11 kills each. Tayler Gray led the team in assists with 24 while also getting 14 digs. The victory gives the Bearkats a 2-2 record in the Southland Conference and a 6-9 record overall. Texas A&M Corpus Christi is now 9-6 (2-2 in conference). The team is going to make a run through Louisiana facing Southeastern Louisiana on Thursday and Nicholls State on Saturday. They will be home next week to take on Stephen F. Austin and Northwestern State at Johnson Coliseum.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Students, consumers point out flaws in new navigation system after iPhone 5 release MAPS,


Independent Student Newspaper of SHSU


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Associated Press

WRONG DIRECTION: The problems with Apple Maps are present on botht he iPhone and the iPad.

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said SHSU alum Christopher Wayne. “ It might take Apple as long as it took Google to fine tune the system into something super useful. I don’t have too big of a problem with it. It gets me where I’m going.” Other iPhone users claim that the Maps’ poor performance will cause them to be hesitant with future Apple products. “What’s odd to me is how Apple could let something like this fall through the cracks after being extremely consistent and disciplined in putting out high value stuff for so long,”

SHSU alum James Smith said. “One more slipup and it’ll be hard not to question any new Apple products on the horizon.” Even Apple’s original cofounder, Steve Wozniak, has spoken up about the new iPhone 5’s bizarre shortcomings . Wozniak claimed that he purchased his iPhone on Friday by queuing at an Apple Store in Australia, and he loves it so far. The one thing he is disappointed with, he told the media, was the Apple Maps app. “I tried to navigate

somewhere, and I couldn’t get to where I wanted to by voice,” he told ZDNet Australia. “So, I was a little disappointed, because I love navigation by voice with my Google [Android] phones, actually, since they always get it and are based on a better database.” However, Wozniak did defend Apple, saying that the reports knocking the new Maps app may have been embellished. “I have been reading about the problems, and I don’t know if they are that severe,” he said.



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