Fall' 19 Issue 1

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Volume 75, Issue 1

September 12, 2019

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Vibrancy of manufacturing celebrated at grand opening

By: Lauren Alford News Editor Students, staff and faculty gathered at the grand opening of the Gene F. Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing Skills on Tuesday, August 27. The building is part of an expansion initiative for Hudson Valley Community College’s advanced manufacturing technology program. “This is a bold statement that American manufacturing is alive, well and growing,” said United States Congressman Paul Tonko. “The vibrancy of manufacturing is what this is all about.” Designed by Mosaic Associates, the $14.5 million structure is seven times the size of the original home of the advanced manufacturing technology program. This allows the program’s enrollment to double from 144 students to 288 students. Gene Haas, founder and president of Haas Automation Incorporated, donated $1 million dollars to the construction. The machines inside of the building are all from his company. “This building is going to be here for a long time and it’s really an honor to have my name on it,” Haas said. The rest of the building’s funding is the result of other manufacturing firms, in addition to federal and state grants. “This accomplishment is a perfect example of the things we can achieve when we work together as partners for the betterment of our community,” said Roger Ramsammy, president of Hudson Val-

ley Community College. As stated by the New York Department of Labor Commissioner, Roberta Reardon, Haas Center is a perfect example of government, business and education coming together to create solutions. “Not only did government come through with the State of New York, but our friends in manufacturing made significant contributions and donations so we’re very thankful for that,” stated David William Davis, president of Simmons Machine Tool Corporation. Davis’ company is a local business that will benefit from the Haas Center. After contributing to Hudson Valley Community College’s advanced manufacturing program, Simmons Machine

Tool is projecting nearly double the profit for the next year. “We view this program as the single most transformative investment we have ever made,” Davis stated. “It changed the corporate culture completely,” he continued. “The contribution to our bottom line has been stunning.” Although New York State’s Capital Region has a rapidly expanding manufacturing sector, a shortage of skilled workers and 40% retirement rates have limited economic growth. Companies can’t deploy the right people to operate their machines. “The skills gap is real, it’s not invented,” said Reardon. “Employers across New York State have jobs that they simply cannot fill because there aren’t enough

workers with a specific set of skills that they need.” According to New York State Assembly District 109 Representative, Patricia Fahy, the manufacturing skills gap is estimated to cost $2.5 trillion over the next decade. There’s a need for about 4.6 million manufacturing skilled workers. As said by Davis, skilled people are the key to improving productivity. Without a corresponding increase in productivity, problems will eventually occur. “So if we want a wealthy community for all then we have to invest in productivity skills for ourselves,” he stated. With the help of expansion initiatives, manufacturing firms and government workers are fighting

this issue. Hudson Valley Community College plans to help drive economic growth by anticipating and meeting the demands of the regional workforce. “We now find ourselves very well-positioned to be the folks who take one of the leading roles in that process,” said Neil Kelleher, chairman of the Hudson Valley Community College Board of Trustees. Michael Yevoli, regional director for Empire State Development, said “[Hudson Valley Community College’s] experience coupled with the program’s expansion and modern facilities, will help ensure regional companies have the skilled recruits they are looking for.” COURTESY OF TWIPU.COM

President Ramsammy addresses the crowd at the grand opening . Hudson Valley Community College officials were there along with Gene Haas


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