UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
LOOP University College London - he Bartlett School of Architecture Faculty of Built Environment B PRO - Urban Design II RC17
Project team: Anabelle Maria Viegas Yiwei Li Yunchao Tang
Directed By: Ulrika Karlsson Maj Plemenitas
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
PROLOGUE ...to tu s ie tifi esults upside do , ot to tell a g eat a ati e of p og ess, ut si pl to e plo e the atu e of the at osphe es i hi h e a e all olle ti el atte pti g to su i e. [ ] This uote B u o Latou defi es the app oa h ith hi h e e e led i to the p og a e a d has defi ed ou app oa h to a ds outli i g ou p oje t. B deali g ith the a iguities a d i o g uities of ate ializatio of desig ou esea h has led us to defi e a e p o ess o o e a sa a e ethodolog o s ste of app oa hi g t aditio al fo s of ate ializatio hi h ithi its o u e tai ties has gi e us a i sight i to hat a e a hie ed if athe ati al p o esses of o t ol i te fa e ith ioti a d a ioti p o esses. To e a le to go th ough these p o esses a d ette u de sta d the deg ee of esea h a d stud e eed to u de sta d the at osphe es that a e i o te t. What is the at osphe es as stated Bu o Latou ? We u de sta d the at osphe es to e so ethi g that is ithi the egio of i flue e of ea h o je t. The at osphe es ill thus a ased o s ale a d esolutio . A espo se to these s ales of at osphe es a d e ol i g a e is hat ou p oposal atte pts to deal ith. The at osphe es a e fu the i a state of ha ge a d thus eed a espo se that is e ol i g a d adapti g itself a d the outset alo g ith it. Ou p oje t, thus, ite ates the p o edu es of desig , fa i atio , pa ti ipatio , de a a d fi all disi teg atio , a p o ess that loops a d fu the o espo ds to d a i s of state ha gi g p o esses. At the o set, e studied the d a i s of fluid, thei i te a tio , i te e tio a d i flue e o ate ials a d ate ial s ste s. A fo us o lea i g a d esea hi g the i o le el p ope ties of ate ials a d a o e e pe i e tal stud o e osio a d depositio as p o esses fo ged the use to de elop a ate ial dist i utio s ste . This s ste is desig ed to e gage ith the su t a ti e p o ess of e osio a d e fo e a additi e out o e as i the p o ess of depositio . A s ste that itigates a i g s ales ithi the U a . A d othe tha deali g ith a si gle esolutio of a te ito it e pa ds to seek fo a tool that a i itiate u a ha ges. O e the e ha is is o i ed ith the ight ate ial, a LOOP is set i to otio , a s ste that o ks ithi o st ai ts ut o ou da ies a d thus pushes the possi ilities a d pote tialities of a site it is applied to. Thus, Mate ials as the fou datio a d sou e of i fo atio fo ou p oje t, eha es as the edia et ee the theo eti al app oa h a d p a ti al p odu t e te di g the a st a t o ept to a o -site o je t. Left page - Images of the material tests conducted during our research.
[ ] B u o Latou , At osphè e, At osphè e I Olafu Eliasso : The Weathe P oje t, edited Ma ,Lo do :Tate Pu lishi g, : p 9-
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
+ 20M
- M
+ 18M - 0M - 0M
Image 2.1
Image 2.2
DIGITAL RECREATION OF THE TERRAIN CONDITIONS The terrai of the area is apped a d digitall re reated to i for a out the te to i s a d la d for aio . Rather tha a o i uous surfa e, the terrai is o sidered as a three-di e sio al e it , i ludi g oth the superi ial surfa e a d su terra ea part. The terrai ap as a ase i for s the de elop e t a d dra i g of other data aps su h as lo aps oth o soo s a d lo ater seaso a d soil distri uio ap.The k o ledge of the terrai allo s us to ge erate a detailed a al sis of the grou d su strate.
Image 2.1 - Digital recreation of the terrain conditions around the region of the site. All measurements taken from the constant low season level of the Amazon river. All measurements are a mean approximation based on common knowledge from the locals
Laterite Latosols Clay Sand
The difere e i the for aio of the terrai stru ture feeds i for aio to the other aps- lo aps, soil aps a d so o used to al ulate the o ee t a d lo s of ater a d aterial i a d arou d the regio .
Terrapreta Hu us/ orga ic sedi e t Image 2.2 - Digital recreation of the existing composition og the ground around the region of the site. The conditions are influenced by the flows of the rivers.
This li o e e t of aterial d a i s i for s the detailed soil distri uio ap fro hi h i for aio is e truded a out the ar i g soil o diio s o the terrai a d at su terra ea le el. It is ge erated ith the terrai as a o i uous surfa e a d de eloped ith the depth of the soil o posiio . There are 8 difere t aterials distri uted throughout the resear h area hi h is oded olours ide iied ith the digital aterials. The are respe i el aterial A- , A- , A- , A- 8, A- , A- , A- , A- . The pater of the olour distri uio is ide i al ith the lo i pa t of the t o ri ers. The ri er a k eroded the Rio Negro is ore tatered a d as fra tal hile the ri er a k hi h is i lue ed Rio Soli oes sho s ore s ooth ess a d o i uit . The Rio Negro-i pa t regio is ai l o posed of aterial A- , A- , A- , A- 8 hilst the Rio Soli oes-i pa t regio is ai l o posed of aterial A- a d A- . The i ed area hi h has oth the i lue e of Rio Negro a d Rio Soli oes e erges ostl of aterial A- a d A- . The are the do i a t o posiio of the Ce tral Pe i sula here Rio Negro a d Rio Soli oes o erge together.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
Image 2.3
Image 2.4
MAPPING THE FLOWS OF THE TWO RIVERS Fo k . i the i e 's ate s u side side ithout i i g.This pheo e o is due to the dife e es i te pe atu e, speed a d ate de sit of the t o i e s. The Rio Neg o lo s at ea k pe hou at a te pe atu e of 째C, hile the Rio Soli 천es lo s et ee to k pe hou a te pe atu e of 째C. The t o i e s also dife i thei o posiio a d thus ha e disi tl diffe e t appea e es. The Colou s also i lue e the ua it of heat t apped ithi the i e s. He e th ough the i age e see the de sit dipla ed the i e Soli oes o the ight side of the pe i sula This ap de o st ates the ha ge i the d a i lo s of the t o i e s du i g the ai seaso . It dei es the high ate le el hile also sho i g the o e e t of the dife e t ate d ai age pate s f o the te ai that feed the i e s ste s. The aps also de o st ates the ate ial o e e t pate a ou d the egio of the hose site. the e is a o sta t li o ee t of ate ials that a e ei g e oded f o the edges of the site a ea a d at the sa e i e the sedi e ts a ied the i e s a e deposited alo g the edges. We see hea o e e t of ate ial spe iall alo g the lo s of the i e soli oes. The i e is hea il lade ith sedi e ts a d thus is de se i o posiio . This auses hea e osio alo g the a ks of the Soli oes. 24
Terrain Rai
ater drai age
Areas ithi the floodplai High ater le el Material
o e e t
Sediment load Image 2.3 - Digital recreation of the existing flows of the two rivers. The map also defines the drainage pattern of the surface runoff and the rainwater.
ater drai age
Regio s of high fertility Grou d ater drai age Areas of Erosio Floodplains Material
o e e t
Co sta t ater le el through the year Regio s of co sta t te perature Image 2.2 - Digital recreation of the existing composition og the ground around the region of the site. The conditions are influenced by the flows of the rivers.
This ap de o st ates the ha ge i the d a i lo s of the t o i e s du i g the su e seaso . The egio e pe ie es edu ed ai fall du i g the su e s. This auses a fall of upto t i the i e le el. the e posed edges a e thus o e ed ith the deposited sedi e ts. The sedi e ts a ied the soli oes a e i h i ut ie ts a d thus a e e fe ile. We see a high a ou t of la deposits alo g the a ks of the i e soli oes. The ap dei es the high ate le el hile also sho i g the o e e t of the dife e t ate d ai age pate s f o the te ai that feed the i e s ste s. The aps also de o st ates the ate ial o e e t pate a ou d the egio of the hose site. the e is a o sta t li o e e t of ate ials that a e ei g e oded f o the edges of the site a ea a d at the sa e i e the sedi e ts a ied the i e s a e deposited alo g the edges. We see la ge a eas of deposited sedi e ts alo g the soli oes. The egio s falls ithi the loodplai s a d thus is e oded o e the e t pe iod of the ea . This o sta t hage i the ate le els th ough the ea e fo es a state of lu i the egio s o posiio . The ate ials a e al a s eithe eaki g do , ei g e oded o a e la e of ate ial is deposited. 25
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
Fluid Dynamics The tectonics of Manaus are dictated by the flows of the rivers that meet along its boundaries. Thus, to set up a base for our research —we digitally went forward to study and understand the dynamics of fluids. This study offers a systematic structure which deals with testing and formulation of systems that define the practical disciplines—the study of flow patterns, here which embraces empirical and semi-empirical laws derived from the flow measurements and used to help solve or even just realize practical performances. Our study focused on calculating and tabulating the various properties of the fluid, such as velocity, pressure, density, temperature as functions of space and time. By digitally recreating and testing the physical performance of fluids we analysed the nature of global and local forces that are in play and a dependency of these parameters enables the non-linear material to behave bottom-up. FLUID SIMULATIONS - Velocity tests and layering of fluid systems were simulated to study the impact of material viscosity. The tests were formulated to tabulate the behaviour patterns based on varying the input parameters of viscosity and speed. A direct relationship between the two was set as the agenda to analyse and build a strategy. In the remainder of this book the virtual and the real will often be connected to one another and used as a recursive process to inform design decisions.
Particles simulated from a Terrain to develop a meshing system that can be used to generate the form of our structure.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
Coagulation force 2 Seperation force 1
5000 Particles
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
Fluid simulation based on the forces exerted by the datamap
Speed: 5 Velocity: 3
Frame: 90 The simulation is based on testing the particles based on the datamaps and having them move along the grid which exerts different forces thus influcing the movement of the particles in a zig zag motion.The fluid flow is simulated based on the forces exerted by the base surface.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
FLUID SIMULATIONS Velo it tests a d la e i g of luid s ste s e e si ulated to stud the i pa t of ate ial is osit . The tests e e fo ulated to ta ulate the eha iou pate s ased o a i g the i put pa a ete s of is osit a d speed. A di e t elaio ship et ee the t o as set as the age da to a al se a d uild a st ateg . I the e ai de of this ook the i tual a d the eal ill ote e o e ted to o e a othe a d used as a e u si e p o ess to i fo desig de isio s. Details of Algorithm Gra it De sit Inelastic Collision Inelastic Friction Frictio Flo rate Thick ess Surface Frictio Mass I ter al Pressure E ter al Pressure Surface Te sio Kernal Radius Cur e Radius Bou dar Pressure I ter al I terface Pressure Viscosit Multiplier Viscosit Co trast Elasticit Elasticit Breaki g Poi t Static Friction Algorith
Fra e:
Fra e:
Fra e:
Fra e:
Fra e:
Fra e:
Table 3a - A tabulated explanation of the parameters in play. Fig. 3.1 - Final frame capture.
Fra e:
Fra e:
Fra e:
Fig. 3.2 - Fluid simulation 1 freezeframe sequence. Analyses of each frame sequence of the simulation model displays the dynamic changes in the motion of the fluid particles.
- . . . . . . . . -
. 2.4 . 1 3 1.8 . A1
The i st si ulaiio Fig. . tests the lo s of pa i les ith o t ast to the a i g su fa e p essu e a d esista e. The luid lo is si ulated ased o the fo es e e ted the ase su fa e. The Ta le details the a i g fo es that i lue e the o e e t of the pa i les a d the st a ds. The f eezef a e se ue e Fig. . sho i g this si ulaio is ased o tesi g the pa i les ased o the data aps a d ha i g the o e alo g the g id hi h e e ts dife e t fo es thus i lu i g the o e e t of the pa i les i a zig zag oio . The si ulaio sho s that the pa i les a e e fo ed ith i te al a d e te al fo es - sepe aio , ohesio a d alig e t, esides the d ag a d oagulaio fo e .The data ap is also gi e pa a ete s of fo es ased o the olou .It also e eals the oio is i lue ed the fo es of the data ap hi h a ts as a o st u io thus fo i g the otai g oio s o the st a ds. The ha ge of di e io f o the li ea i put to a zigzag oio is di e tl elated to the fo es of the data ap hi h i ease the oagulaio fo e et ee the pa i le st a d a d thus de easi g elo it . 29
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
F a e:
Fig. 3.6
F a e:5
TESTING FOR EROSION E osio at the a o s ale is isi le a pa t i ou egio of stud . The phe o e a is as spe ta ula as it is dist u i e. The egio fa es high le els of e osio alo g the a ks of the Soli oes a d this th ough the ea s has aused high losses fo the lo al i ha ita ts. Loss of la d a d alua les - ops is o a ise i the egio . this phe o e a of e osio o the othe ha d i gs ith it a ou te pa t - deposiio hi h is the ause fo the fe ile la d alo g the a ks of the Soli oes. This egio e pe ie es high deposiio of fe ile a d i h la that is ought do the i e f o the A dea Ra ge. Lea i g f o the a ks of the t o i e sa a d appl i g the asi ha a te isi s of the pa a ete s that i lue e e osio - elo it , de sit , a gle of o e e t a d f i io e tested a d epli ated the a io i ou si ulaio . The stud as to test the aio et ee the esulta t ased o i e.
F a e:
The algorith is de eloped to e a tl repli ate the pro ess of erosio hi h sho s the for atio of the ri er asi . The si ulatio is ru o er a period of ti e depi ti g the slo pro ess of erosio a d e tra ti g through the differe t stratas of the earth. The
si ulaio tests the a o s ale of e osio ased o soil o diio s usi g the paa ete s of elo it , Pa i le u e , g a it , d ag fo e a d su fa e fo es su h as f i io , p essu e-i te al a d e te al. F a e: 5
Fig. 3.6 - Algorithm developed to exactly replicate the behaviour of large scale erosion.
The test as a ied out to si ulate the e osio pate s a d the fo aio of the i e asi . The ua it of e osio depe ds o the elo it a d fo es ith hi h the pa i les lo alo g the su fa e.
SIMULATION 7 The simulation tests the macro scale of erosion based on soil conditions using the parameters of velocity, Particle number, gravity, drag force and surface forces such as friction, pressureinternal and external. The test was carried out to simulate the erosion patterns and the formation of the river basin. The quantity of erosion depends on the velocity and forces with which the particles flow along the surface. SECTIONAL VIEW The algorithm is developed to exactly replicate the process of erosion which shows the formation of the river basin. The simulation is run over a period of time depicting the slow process of erosion and extracting through the different stratas of the earth.
Details of Algorithm Gravity Density Inelastic Collision Inelastic Friction Friction Flow rate Thickness Surface Friction Mass Internal Pressure External Pressure
-9.8 0.1 1.2 0.25 0.1 0.1 / 3.5 0.25 1.5 / 4.0 0.1
Surface Tension
0.1 / 3.5
Internal Interface Pressure
Viscosity Multiplier
Viscosity Contrast Elasticity
0.5 1.0
Elasticity Breaking Point
Static Friction
Sectional View
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
Erosion - Physical Experiments at Micro scale. Sand at a molecular level when analysed displays a reaction based on the acting local and global forces that are in play. The internal forces and the acting external forces were analysed by a series of physical experiments designed to test the reaction that is set into motion when acted upon by an external factor. At a micro scale the particles know a large amount of noise due to their properties of expansion and absorption, this occurs at two scales which sets in motion a chain reaction and defining a state changing progression. Some of the key factors that define the workability of the material systems are: size, size distribution and shape of the granules. The porosity of the mold controls its permeability, which is the ability of the mold to allow gases generated during pouring to escape. The highest porosity will result from grains that are all approximately the same size. Noise occurring at the molecular level between each granule is caused by the internal forces acting upon each individual granule.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
I e peri e t o e e see the i pa t of a droplet of ater o the surfa e of dr gra ular sa d. The relatio et ee the a it a d the lipped depositio that has for ed is studied i relatio to the i put para eters of the ater. These effe ts are further a al sed a d t eaked to ge erate the sa e effe t as ell as u dersta d the ross relatio et ee the aterial a d the para eters that i flue e ertai outputs ithi this s ste . I e peri e t t o e see the i pa t of t o droplets of ater o the surfa e of dr gra ular sa d. Here e see the lipped depositio all arou d the i put droplet of ediu elo it . The higher elo it of ater odulates the ater droplet i to a elo gated for hi h for a a o erla i g of the ater as it hits the surfa e of the sa d thus for i g a a it ore due to the raised deposition. I e peri e t three, our i put as three drops of ater ea h dropped at parti ular ti e i ter als a d ithi a set ou dar thus for i g 3 i di idual et i ter o e ted eroded a ities ith depositio patter . This o erla of the depositio is hat is dra out of this e peri e t as a ue to desig . We see a er disti t la eri g of the depositio of the sa d parti les hi h for a ho oge ous spa e o e ti g the i pa t of the three drops I e peri e t eightee the aterial used is of higher de sit a d thus the i ter al for es ithi the parti les is higher hi h dire tl ha ges the effe t that the ater i pa t has o it. the a ou t of spash is redu ed o sidera l as the spa e et ee the parti les is higher a d thus the ater seeps i faster. The oagulatio o urs i ediatel arou d the outh a d there is ot much spread in the deposition pattern. A dense lipped depositio hi h sta s o sta t e e if the u er of i put drops i rease.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
I e peri e t i etee , a o posite of differe t sa d sizes is used as the aterial ase a d a si gle drop i put is used. The first la er of the aterial is the lo de sit fi e grai s og sa d hi h splash out ith the i pa t of the ater for i g a ide a d spread depositio patter arou d the outh. This i itial erosio e poses the hea ier, de ser sa d parti les hi h for the se o d la er of the aterial s ste . We see that although there has ee a i put of ater i the area the lo er la ers are dr , fro this e a i fer that there is a o sta t ha ge i the state of the ater he it tou hes the parti les. In experiment twenty we use a mixed variety of sand as layers above each other— like the earth's soil layers. Here, recreating the simple process of a single drop and its impact on the surface we tried to examine how does this micro level of erosion occur. Which are the layers of the material that are most affected? Does the patterns of deposition change with the change in material? This experiment generated the understanding of the relation between the material and the process. The impact on the higher mass of material was significantly lower than on the finer grains of sand. The finer grains fanned out to form deposition around the cavity whereas the heavier particles coagulated and formed a dense impact crater. Series of these experiments were tested and they produced a physical, logical anf technical explanation in outlining the behaviour of erosion. We established a list of the type of deposition patterns i.e a. Lipped deposition b. Fanned deposition c. Fanned and Layered deposition d. Diffused deposition e. Ridged deposition A seried of erosion patterns were also established, all which are inluenced by the velocity and direction of the input. a. closed mouth cavity b. open mouth cavity c. caved in erosion d. elongated erosion/ cavity.
90 Deg. 0.05 mm Grain Size Medium Velocity Tapered Cavities Directional Deposition
0.05 mm White Grain Sand
Direction of Input
In experiment fourteen the input of a constant flow of water along the tip of the material compacted to form a pyramid like structure. With constant flows we see the changing morphology of the erosion and deposition pattern .The position along the sides reaches a certain peak after which it stays as a constant and thus the water only generates erosion and hence digging in further into the material and taking the particles along with its flow as sediments.. This morphology in the deposition is what is seen as interesting.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
Experiment 12 Moving trail of water Rotating Motion. 0.05 mm Grain Size Medium Velocity Directional Cavity Fanned Deposition
0.05 mm White Grain Sand
Direction of Input
In experiment fifteen the input was a flow of water over a mound of sand. Here we trace the flow of the water as it moves along the slopes gathering sand and generating a coagulative force between the particles which form a overlapping of the sand in a blobby pattern emulating a pollip form with distinct seperation between each deposited layer.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
Digital Library of Varying Soil conditions Groups of experiments are deployed based on certain comparative statistics in order to explore the relationship between behaviours of real materials and specific factors. This combination of computational research on material behaviours and the analysis of on-site materials compose a database of digital materials. The database includes 15 materials defined by 22 parameters — simulation quality, gravity, density, inelastic collision, inelastic friction, friction flow rate, thickness, surface friction, mass, internal pressure, external pressure, surface tension, kernel radius, custom radius, boundary pressure, internal interface pressure, viscosity multiplier, viscosity contrast, elasticity, elasticity breaking point, static friction, algorithm. Certain parameters are constant to control and define the homogeneous behaviours of a basic material. The other parameters are flexible to generate the heterogeneous behaviours of the 15 derived materials. The technique to test the material behaviours is extracted from testing the reaction of the digital material to certain outer force.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
The output eha iour of sa d i relaio to the i put of ater at a i ro s ale as a al sed a d the a io s ta ulated. This i for aio de eloped a asis for the e t step i our resear h hi h is digitall re reai g the aterials that are prese t o site. This i for aio pla s a ru ial role i dei i g our pre isio i desig a d sei g up refere es hi h ould help orie t our resear h. At this stage, e si ulated the e a t respo se that as resulta t of the ph si al e peri e ts. Through these tests e dei ed a s ie ii approa h to ard reai g a digital aterial li rar hi h i the digital spa e i i s the i here t properiesof the a tual aterial. The irst part of the tests are fo used at a i ro s ale. A digital u e of pari le ith the de sit of sa d is esta lished ae the ase aterial, a i put o je t ide iied as ater for the purpose of larit is used to re reate the ph si al e peri e ts. Emitter Status Radius Direction Su di isio s U V
Material Status Le gth Scale U V Base
o sta t/si gle 5 top-do erti all
Sim Gra it Qualit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
De sit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Friction Inelastic Inelastic Flo Collision Friction Rate 1 . . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1
Thi k ess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surfa e Internal E ter al Surfa e Kernal Custom Bou dar Mass Friction Pressure Pressure Tension Radius Radius Pressure 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 2 2 2 2 2
5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 6 6 6
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 . . . . .
1 1 1 1 1 1
. . . . .
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Internal Vis osit Vis osit I terfa e Multiplier Contrast Pressure 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Elasti it Elasti it Breaki g Poi t . 1 -
Static Algorith Friction -
. . . . . . . . .
a a a b1 a b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2
The 1 aterials are di ided i to o parai e groups. Ea h group fo uses o o e propert of the eha iours of the aterials. B ar i g ertai para eters, the i pa t of the outer for e lu tuates, hi h rele ts the relaio ship et ee the hose para eters a d the ertai propert of the aterial eha iours. aria le
Co parati e Group
Co parati e Group
2 . 2
Simulation Output
Co parati e Group
Co parati e Group
Co parati e Group
Co parati e Group
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
Des iptio :
Des iptio : The hit
Filtered Material Ta le
. C ite ia of filte i g Co pa ati e G oup NO.
Output U i ue ess
Output Visi ilit
Pa a ete Diffe e tiatio
ate ial sho s the a outside fo e.
The ate ial sho s a elasti eaki g poi t so that it a ot pile up to get a olu e. I additio , it sho s flu tuatio ea ti g to a outside fo e.
eaki g poi t he it is
Section Section
Section Pe spe ti e Pe spe ti e
Notes: S o es a e ased o - . Highe s o e ea s o e u ial.
Des iptio : The ate ial sho s a o ious a it a outside fo e.
Des iptio : he it is hit
The ate ial sho s a sha p depositio edge ea ti g to a outside fo e.
Selected Material
Sim Qualit
G a it
- .
De sit
Inelastic Collision
Inelastic Friction
Friction Flo Rate
Thi k ess
Su fa e Friction
Internal P essu e
E te al P essu e
Su fa e Tension
Kernal Radius
Custom Radius
Bou da P essu e
Internal I te fa e P essu e
Pe spe ti e
Pe spe ti e
Vis osit Multiplier
Vis osit Contrast
Elasti it
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Static Friction
Algo ith
Th ough all the si ulated tests e i de iied so e spe ii ate ials that e e eated hi h ide iied ith the a tual p ope ies of the o site ate ial syste s. To fu the add p e isio a d e aluate the ualiies of the ate ials o site, e a ied out spe ii tests o the i e ate ials that e e ide iied. These tests e e e aluated ased o a ethod of o pa iso a d y alte i g e e y pa a ete that i lue ed the ate ial.
Des iptio : The ate ial sho s a st o g st u tu e ea ti g to a outside fo e.
Pe spe ti e
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
DESIGN INTERVENTION In this chapter we focus on the digital testing of material systems as a fabrication process. We tested the vaiables influencing extrusions which are further translated to the physical materials in the following chapter. From the digital library we defined the materials that identified with the materials on site, in this chapter we focus on developing a catalogus of extrusions that have varying behaviours which are controlled and studied by changing parameters of forces and material densities which inform us about the manipulation of the material system that would be required to attain the pre defined design definition. We tested the extrusions with simple global forces of material pressure and gravity. The testes varied by changing the resolution of the surfaces and the shape of the surfaces.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
E t udi g i fo aio f o the g ou d a d te ai of ou site, this si ulaio tests the lo of ate a d aps the a eas of a uulaio a d the a eas of u of.
Image 7.1
Image 7.2
The fo aio of the st u tu e is tested ith a ha ge i the fo es. A high adial fo e alo g ith high ohesio tu ulizes the st a ds ge e ated f o the te ai a d i eases the ag itude of the i te al fo es et ee the pa i les ausi g the to oagulate a d ge e ate ell dei e li ea st u tu es. The st u tu e ises f o the fo of the te ai a d the i te sit of the fo aio is ased o the t pe of soil p ope t . The ha de the soil the algo ith is set to si ulate high de sit of st a ds. Digitall set up tests e e a ied out to test the eha iou of the e t usio s i espo se to the fo a d st u tu al s ste .
We tested a se ies od si ple geo et i fo s a d a al sed the e t usio s ased o the ate ial s ste s a d thei espo se to the a io of the fo es of g a it a d othe glo al a i g fo es. The si ulaio s tested the e t usio s ill thei eaki g poi ts. Ci ula shapes ge e ated dei esd pate s of e t usio s that ould e used to set up a lea pate i the fo ulaio of the st u tu e/o je t i uesio . We also tested a se ies of e losed a d se i e losed fo s to u de sta d the i lu e of shape o the output of fo s. The a io of lu pi g, ohesio a d sepe aio ithi the st a ds ould e atego i all a al sed ased o the u e fo aio of the st u tu e a d the di e io all a i g fo es i pla .
Image 7.4
Image 7.1 - Testing extrusions on a enclosed form with an acting force of gravity. These tests inform us on the role of gravity and pressure and how the variations in form can influence the behaviour of the extrusions. Image 7.3 - wrapped semi enclosed forms, a section showing the internal movement of the material and the causal effect of pressure in the form of extrusions. The variations in length are defined by the design of the form.
Volu e trusio s - the tests ere ased o aterial pushed through ar i g oiled e losures a d the resista e a d i lue e of si ple gra it for es ere tested. The test as desig ed to a al se the eha iour of the e trusio s alo g the e ds of a u oid. The a gle of o e e t a d the degree of e trusio s o ar i g s ales a d di e sio s of the u oid ere a al sed for t pi al eha iours. The i for aio e truded as tested for the difere t aterial s ste s that ere ge erated i the digital li rar . Tesi g the aterial e trusio s didgitall dei ed the possi liies that ould e e gaged ith i our proje t to realize a desig o site. The i here t properies of ea h aterial ere tested for eha ioural pater i o ju io to the a i g for es a d sour e of output. The Stra d are also tested for ass, size a d de sit all para eters that dei e the output. Through our digital tests e ide iied that the defor aio of a rigid geo etri shape a e a hie ed slightl a ipulai g the aterial properies or ha gi g the pressure a d dire io of the a i g for es. This a alases helps us to set up a la guage a d t pologies i our desig .
Image 7.3 60
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
TEST 1 High ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e
TEST 3 High ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e
TEST 4 High ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e
TEST 5 High ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e
TEST 6 High ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e
Mate ial defi itio
Mate ial defi itio
Mate ial defi itio
Mate ial defi itio
Mate ial defi itio
Mate ial defi itio
G a it
- .
G a it
- .
G a it
- .
G a it
- .
G a it
- .
G a it
- .
De sit
De sit
De sit
De sit
De sit
De sit
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
F i tio Flo
F i tio Flo
Thi k ess “u fa e F i tio
. .
Thi k ess
. 1.5 .
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
F i tio Flo
F i tio Flo
F i tio Flo
Thi k ess
Thi k ess
Thi k ess
“u fa e F i tio
“u fa e F i tio
“u fa e F i tio
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
“u fa e F i tio
F i tio Flo .
Thi k ess
“u fa e F i tio
I te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
I te al P essu e
I te al P essu e
I te al P essu e
I te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
“u fa e Te sio
“u fa e Te sio .
Turbulance Scale
“u fa e Te sio
Turbulance Scale
“u fa e Te sio
Turbulance Scale
Turbulance Scale
Turbulance Scale
Turbulance Scale
I te al P essu e
“u fa e Te sio
“u fa e Te sio .
Da g fo e
Da g fo e
Da g fo e
Da g fo e
Da g fo e
Da g fo e
Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Co t ast
TEST 2 High ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
Vis osit Co t ast
Vis osit Co t ast
Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Co t ast
Vis osit Co t ast
Elasti it
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Static Friction
Static Friction
Algo ith
Algo ith
Elasti it
Elasti it
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Static Friction
Static Friction
Static Friction
Static Friction
Algo ith
Algo ith
Algo ith
Algo ith
Elasti it
Vis osit Multiplie Vis osit Co t ast
Elasti it
Elasti it
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
TEST 7 High ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e
TEST 8 High ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
TEST 9 High ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e
TE“T Mediu ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e . Va i g Mate ial s ste s.
TEST 11 Mediu ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e . Va i g Mate ial s ste s.
TEST 12 High ‘esolutio of su fa e te tu e. Va i g Mate ial s ste s.
Mate ial defi itio
Mate ial defi itio
Mate ial defi itio
Mate ial defi itio
Mate ial defi itio
Mate ial defi itio
G a it
- .
G a it
- .
G a it
- . /- /+
G a it
- .
G a it
- .
G a it
- .
De sit
De sit
De sit
De sit
De sit
De sit
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
Neigh ou i g pa ti le Dia
F i tio Flo
F i tio Flo
F i tio Flo
F i tio Flo
Thi k ess
F i tio Flo
F i tio Flo
Thi k ess “u fa e F i tio
Thi k ess “u fa e F i tio
Thi k ess “u fa e F i tio
ate .
“u fa e F i tio
Thi k ess “u fa e F i tio
Thi k ess “u fa e F i tio
. 2
I te al P essu e
I te al P essu e
I te al P essu e
I te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
“u fa e Te sio
“u fa e Te sio
Turbulance Scale
Turbulance Scale
Turbulance Scale
Turbulance Scale
Da g fo e
Da g fo e
E te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
“u fa e Te sio
“u fa e Te sio
Turbulance Scale
Turbulance Scale
. .
Da g fo e
Da g fo e
Da g fo e
Da g fo e
Time Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Co t ast
Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Co t ast
Vis osit Co t ast
Vis osit Co t ast
I te al P essu e
I te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
E te al P essu e
“u fa e Te sio
Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Multiplie
Vis osit Co t ast
Vis osit Co t ast
Elasti it
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Static Friction
Static Friction
Algo ith
Algo ith
Elasti it
Elasti it
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Static Friction
Static Friction
Algo ith
Algo ith
“u fa e Te sio
Elasti it
Elasti it
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Neigh ou i g pa ti le fo e
Elasti it
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Elasti it B eaki g Poi t
Static Friction
Static Friction
Algo ith
Algo ith
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
MATERIAL TESTING We narrowed out that testing for material predictability is one the key processes that help to define its usability. Thus we design a set of experiments to engage with material systems and test their breaking point. The tests also set out to test the modulation of the properties of clay. To properly realize the project and test its capability as a system that can engage with the architectural and urban scale the material needed to respond to certain pre-determined criteria such as stiffness, the resistance to erosion, softness, slump, degrees of bending, interaction between the material systems and reaction to acting forces. The process developed during the year formulates our project as a recursive process adopting and adapting information between the digital and the physical outputs. The digital tests developed the absolute data which could be processed and tabulated based on each type of force acting, the levels of forces in play and the conditions of the global parameters. The physical experiments generated a more intuition based output. The forces acting were global and this helped to study the natural action of the material with acting gravity and a constant pressure of the end effector with the acting resistance of the scaffolding.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
Mate ial - P odu ed la o pou d + Sili o + Thi ot opi fo e e g .
Mesh Used osit .
To esta lish a ode of o t ol to the othe ise u p edi ta le o diio s of the ate ial output. To allo fo a o e o t olled fo of p essu e that a e used to p odu e desi ed a ge a d t pe of e t usio s e de eloped a s ste of appl i g pate ed e d efe to s o to the st u tu al ase. The pate s ge e ate la e s of p e isio that a e i o po ated o to the i al su fa e. The ke pa a ete s that pla a ole i a ipulai g the esulta t output a e : p esu e, ate ial t pes, po osit le els, s ales of esoluio , le gth of st a ds, di e io of fo e.
Di e io of appli aio Boto to Top .
Wo e
- Ve i al agai st G a it
Output - Di e io al e t usio s ith dei iio et ee st a ds. Mate ial ea ts to the fo es of g a it . The sili o helps to i ease the elasi it of the ate ial thus p odu i g lo ge le gth of st a ds. Le gth - Depe da t o the applied p essu e o the ate ial a d ua it of ate ial at a poi t. a le gth atai ed is app o i atel . ate hi h the ate ial ollapses. the i ease i the ua it of sili o added i to the ate ial i lue es the le gth. The shape a d pate of the e t usio s a e o t olled ith the help of a i te fa e i the fo of i l pape ut a o di g to the pate a d stu k o to the su fa e to ge e ate p essu e a eas. We see the le di g of the t o dife e t ate ial s ste s alo g the edges of the pate . The Red ateial is de se that the ello a d thus e see a fo of sepe aio that o u s et ee the st a ds. Image 8.15
Image 8.13
Image 8.14
The Red Mate ial Co posite is e t uded th ough the high esoluio esh The de se p ope t of the ate ial ge e ates a e dei ite esoluio of the st a ds. The ate ial is o e igid he the e t usio s a e the le gth of a stu . The st a ds defo a d ge e ate la e s he e t uded ith o sta t su fa e p essu e. I age . sho the eha iou of the st a ds alo g the e ds of the geo et i su fa eThe t o ateials - o e de se that the othe sho a dife e e i the a the e d agai st g a it . The Da ke ate ial o es of as o e igid st a ds. Clu ped togethe to fo dei ite st u tu al fo aio s.
I age . is a e a ple of a desig ed o t ol i te fa e, the esulta t ate ial su fa e a e see as i age . . These o t ol i te fa es o e d efe to s a add alue to the othe ise a al atu e of the su fa e. This i te fa e helps li k a d de elop a o e p ofou d desig la guage h ih is eas to use, a ipulate, epli ate a d o st u t. Thus this e de s the s ste of desig as o e that a e used the asses a d ith i i u i st u io s, he e eai g a u i e sal s ste of o st u io .
Image 8.16
I age . - Mappi g the eha iou al pate of the ed ate ial alo g a e te al fa i g a ute a gle o the geo et . The ate ial is e t uded to its a i u le gth a d de elops la e s of e t usio s that is fu the su je ted to the i te al fo es et ee the st a ds hi h auses it to add ass to the edge su fa e, disto i g the li ea edge. I age . -The lighte ello ate ial he e t uded alo g the li ea e te al edge of the geo et i su fa e eha es displa s o e lu pi g up of the ate ial. the ate ial ea ts o e to the a gle i hi h the p essu e is applied tha the fo e of g a it . e see la e i g of the st a ds a d sepe aio ithi the hole ass.
Image 8.17 74
Material - Silicon + Thixotropic + Self produced clay compound Co posiio - Test _ to 300 gm. of play doh.
Behaviour type A - COHESION
Behaviour type B - SEPERATION
Behaviour type C - STATIC
Behaviour type D - LAYERING
Behaviour type E - LONG EXTRUSIONS
l of sili o
Mesh Used - 150x300 mm Woven esh, po osit . Di e io of appli aio - Ve i al against Gravity (Top to Down). Output - Highl strands.
dei ed le gth of
Length - Dependant on the applied pressure on the material and quanit of ate ial at a poi t. a le gth atai ed is app o i atel ate which the extrusions begin to break of. Result I eased Elasi it . The o i aio of the sili o with the Pla doh whi h has a sote a d elasi o sistency by itself helps render the length of strands although the weight of the ate ial ass auses it to eak of. Thus a assu pio a e ade that tesi g the aio etwee the sili o a d la the e ui ed o posiio a be achieved.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
DESIGN PROPOSAL As a respo se to the de elop e t of the Ur a e propose to e gage ith a pro ess that seeks to e plore a e ha is or a a hi e. The a hi e e tra ts the i put data fro the o te tualized site to ge erate a ur a i ter e tio i the for of e trusio s as a egi i g state of the LOOP. The e ur a i ter e tio ill sti ulate ur a ha ges, flu tuate a ur a flu a d o plete the le a feed a k i to the ur a o te t. The se o dar ur a o te t as the e i put data the i itiates a se o dar state of ur a i ter e tio ge eratio . The pro ess iterates itself a d e ol es i the otio of a LOOP. The a hi e is also ph si all a ti g as a E truder hi h olle ts, i es a d e trudes the aterials o site. Ho e er, the para eters of the a hi e are defi ed desig ers i ludi g the aterials to olle t, the dire tio of output e trusio s, the aterial distri utio patter , ho lo g, ho thi k, hat shape a d the aterial distri utio of ea h e trusio . As to the resear h ethodolog , oth a alogue e peri e ts a d digital si ulatio s are e plo ed to de elop o the aterial s ste a d the a hi e. The t o ou terparts i for , support a d appro e ea h other iterati el . The a alogue ph si al e peri e ts as a ase i for the asi setup of the i itial digital si ulatio s. The digital si ulatio reaks through the li its of the ph si al aterials a d o ditio s hi h allo s us to e pa d the eha iours a d possi ilities of the ur a i ter e tio as a e trusio . Re ursi el , the digital si ulatio ill o du t the a alogue e peri e t i a highl predi ta le a er. The pro ess iterates itself a d pro otes the ou terpart to a ore pre ise le el.
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Portfolio - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
I the appli atio stage, usi g Ma aus as a test site, here the e ha is is applied, o upies a alua le lo atio i the A azo surrou ded a highl o ple ur a flu . As a post- olo ial it , Ma aus has e perie ed a e or ous i ratio s i the e o o i s si e the ru er oo . As a free trade zo e, Ma aus has ra ge of li ert i poli hi h has a stro g o e tio ith the lo al e o o i s e iro e t. Both refle t o the ur a orpholog a d ar hite tural for s deepl . Mea hile, the atural e iro e ts also i pa t the patter of the it profou dl su h as the hu id eather, soil o ditio , o ti uous ha gi g terrai , a u da t gree s ste a d e os ste as ell as the i of the t o er differe t ri ers.
Tesi g the fo aio of e t usio s at a uasi a hite tu al s ale. The fo aio s a e dei ed fo a i g pu poses a d ased o the fo s of the geo et . B a i g the le gths a d te tu es of the e t usio s e a a i ulate dife e t spa es.Si ple geo et i fo s - e losu es a d ope su fa es a e a efull desig ed to ge e ate spa es that a the e spaiall a i ulated. The te tu es a d t pe of e t usio s a e a efull desig ed to suit the spaial dei iio a d eeds. The t pe of e t usio also dete i es the ate ial t polog i use thus the life spa of the spa e is dete i ed .We p opose the use of ate ial that is a o posite of a o e esilie t ate ial - la a d u e i ed to p odu e a spa e that eed to ithsta d the atu al fo es, he e as o e ope a d d a i spa es a e fu he e ha ed ith a ate ial t polog that a shit i fo p odu i g a d a i su fa e fo aio a d also esta lishes a faste Loop. These su fa e a e o sta tl i oio a d ha gi g. 82
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
The e t usio s a e ased o the pate s of o t ol. The olou s ep ese t the a i g ate ial s ste s the p ope ies of hi h a e dei ed i the digital li a . The de sit a d ass of the ate ial ha e the highest i pa t o the fo aio of the e t usio s. The si ulaio tests the use of the o t ol i te fa e. The i ages aptu ed of the g o th of the e t usio s at dife e t p ogessi e f a es helpes di iphe the eed of the ki d of output ased o the pu pose it is deplo ed fo . He e the le gth pla s a i po ta t ole i ge e ai g the spaial ha a te isi s of the dife e t egio s i ou desig .
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The efo e, e tai i fo aio is a efull olle ted, sele ted a d p o essed as the i put data fo the LOOP. The ateial s ste is the ste of the e i e p o ess hi h is o side ed as lo al data. O e the LOOP i iiates, a state ha gi g u a i te e io is ge e ated the a hi e o t olled a d desig ed the desig e s, o espo di g to the i sta t ha gi g o te tualized u a o te t. The LOOP i iiates the u a ha ges a d pushes the e oluio of the it . The u a i te e io eated p o okes the possi iliies fo i ha itaio . Ma aus as p otot pe i tu eapp o es the a hi e o the desig s ste e eate a d ide if the LOOP p a i all . The LOOP ill ope ate itself ut adjust the desig e s a o di g to the ha gi g u a o te t as a p o ess ite ai g the p o edu es of desig , fa i aio , pa i ipaio , de a a d i all disi teg aio . Fi all , the p oposal is a oto up p o ess hilst also deali g ith e tai e iies that a e p e dete i ed, a d the hole is dei ed the ate ials i o te t. The p o ess th ough its si pli it a e adopted to de elop a s ste , spa es a d pla es at the s ale of a o je t to that of a it . The age ies that o k ith the s ste a e adapta le, le i le a d usto isa le. Its a s ala le p o ess that a e usto ized to the e i o e t it sta ds ithi . The p o ess feeds o ei g adapta le a d le i le ithi the o te t hilst sei g i oio a s ste of ge e aio of the u a at a pa e that the iies a e de elopi g at. The p o ess allo s fo fast a d apid o st u io he i i e of eed. The Methodolog d eloped hile it sta ds to e le i le is uite di e ted a d spe ii to the egio s of a pa i ula ha a te .
The e t usio s a e ased o the pate s of o t ol. The olou s ep ese t the a i g ate ial s ste s the p ope ies of hi h a e dei ed i the digital li a . The de sit a d ass of the ate ial ha e the highest i pa t o the fo aio of the e t usio s. 84
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014
UCL - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 / UDII - L O O P - Final design Report - Yunchao Tang / Anabelle Viegas / Yiwei Li - 2013-2014