I AM Enough Magazine Issue 8 November 2014

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I Am Enough


The Movement in Words

An internationally recognized magazine

Nov. 2014

2014 holiday Edition

Make the Holidays Fun

Connect & Celebrate This Season in Style!

Decide to celebrate!

I AM Enough Institute Store

November 2014

I Am Enough

The Movement in Words




Revealed!...Top Tips To Stay Grounded During The Holiday Season!

by: Dr. Anita M. Jackson Ad for Gift of Holiday Healing 12 ThePress Cafe by: Ivana Siska

by: Amy Cheryl The I Am Enough Institute is dedicated to empowering women, especially young college women, in their personal and academic pursuit and goals. To do so, we have established the

“I Am Enough Young College Women’s Scholarship Fund.” Twice a year we will be awarding a young college woman with a scholarship to support her academic year. 10% of all purchases made through our Institute store will be allocated to our scholarship.

Please visit our main website at


by: Sharon Otness


A Gift for You


Time to Connect and Celebrate

by: Angela Mosley

by: Monika Zands




Connect & Celebrate This Season in Style!


to get an update on who has been awarded. Your support is greatly appreciated as you help spread the movement of “I Am Enough” by purchasing and using our products.

Make the Holidays Healthy, Easy and Fun!!

by: Debbie Dobbins

by: DeAnna Dupree


An Intimate Holiday


Increase Sales and Holiday Spirit

by: Elise Cohen Ho

by: Anne D. Johnson

Publisher Dr. Anita M. Jackson draj@iamenoughinstitute.com Editor -In-Chief Elise Cohen Ho


Visit the Store at


Assistant Editor Angela Mosley


Graphic Designer Jennifer Williams yourdesignsbyjen@gmail.com www.creativedesignsbyjen.com

Letter from the Publisher Dr. Anita M. Jackson Wow! Can you believe that 2014 is almost over and in just a few short weeks we will be entering the new year of 2015?! Where did the time go? Well, fortunately at The I Am Enough Institute, 2014 has been an amazing year for us. Since our re-launch of the I Am Enough magazine in September 2013, we have become an internationally recognized magazine in over eight countries; we now have a readership of over 12,000 women (and a few good men), and our message of “I Am Enough” is becoming more recognized as a movement. I, for one, couldn’t be more proud of our team and all the hard work we have done to reach this accomplishment. Well done, Team! In addition to all the progress we’ve made this year, we have a passion to do even more in the years to come by advancing the message of “I Am Enough.” We have been diligently working on creating more content, better services, and expanding our mission and vision to empower all women, and a few good men, to know they are enough by finally creating our very own magazine website. It has truly been exciting as my team and I put the final touches on the website. Now, you will have the opportunity to be empowered, inspired, and even educated weekly on the following topics as you embody the message of “I Am Enough.” Our website is dedicated to offering you, our readers, weekly content in the areas of: Health & Wellness Mastery Living In Your Feminine Power Mastery Emotional & Mental Mastery Relationship Mastery Entrepreneurial & Wealth Mastery Lifestyle Mastery We have a deep passion to continue creating a powerful movement among women that truly empowers, inspires and educates women in personal and entrepreneurial success mastery, and so our website will be updated weekly. We believe that the more you interact with our website, the more you will begin to strengthen and increase your self-confidence, sense of self, and overall personal power that enables you to transform your life and the lives of those you love. Visit us often at www.iamenoughmagazine.com which will be launching in November! In addition, for those of you would like the actual feel of reading a magazine, we will still be offering our digital magazine with videos and audios on a quarterly basis, that’s four issues per year, with even richer content and opportunities that support our readers in developing a stronger mastery in every area of their lives. To receive a digital copy of our magazine each quarter, you must become a subscriber on our website at www.iamenoughmagazine.com. Our one year subscription is $12.95. That’s $3.50 per issue. If you just want one issue of “I Am Enough”, no problem, we offer that too! Remember, subscribers will always have immediate access to past issues to review anytime. If you are a business wanting to advertise your services, programs or products, check out our website for advertising opportunities and prices as well. As we continue to create a powerful “I Am Enough” movement, we welcome your comments, suggestions and thoughts about how we can better serve and support you. You never know, we may include your comments in future issues or on our website.

You ARE Enough…You Always Have Been…You Always Will BE! (~ David J. Walker)

Empowering Women To Know They Are Enough

The I Am Enough Institute presents...

I Am Enough

The Movement in Words

I AM ENOUGH is dedicated to igniting and transforming the heart, soul, and mind of women from a false, negative belief system of “I am not good enough” to a positive, empowering mindset of “I Am Enough.” Catering to women between the ages of 18 to 65, I AM ENOUGH will provide a platform for women to rediscover and reconnect to their authentic truth and purpose as well as reclaim their spiritual, feminine power and intuition for the intent of bringing back harmony and balance to herself, her relationships, her community and the world. We believe that when a woman is empowered she is more than enough in all her beauty, wisdom, glory, and her power.

Issue Timeframe

Winter (Jan/Feb) Spring (March/April/May) Summer (June/July/August) Fall (Sept/Oct) Holidays (Nov/Dec)

Publish Date Jan. 2014 Mar. 2014 June 2014 Sept 2014 Nov 2014

Each issue will offer the following:

Letter from the Publisher Letter from the Editor Vibrant Health and Wellness Mental and Emotional Wellness Meaningful Relationships and Intimacy Spiritual Empowerment Lifestyle Financial Wealth and Abundance Upcoming Institute Events and Announcements Pearls of Wisdom

The I Am Enough Institute

We are a multi-service based female personal development empowerment educational agency. Our staff includes a multicultural team of dedicated and highly experienced women with varied personal and career backgrounds ready to provide their wealth of knowledge and expertise in empowering, teaching and helping women confidently know that they are enough while living whole and outrageously well. Our passion and ultimate intention is to ignite a spirit and knowing of “I Am Enough” within all women that will empower, inspire, and validate them on their journey to rediscovering their true authentic selves. Through a wealth of exciting services, programs, resources, and venues, women will have access to rich transformational information and passionate successful leaders that will assist them in remembering who they are and how to live fully and purposefully on their own terms. In addition, women who participate in our Institute will learn, grow, network, and connect to other like-minded women around the world creating a global sisterhood and female empowerment movement like never before.

Contact Us

I AM ENOUGH Magazine c/o The I Am Enough Institute P.O. Box 292 Azusa, CA 91702 Website: www.iamenoughmagazine.com Email: support@iamenoughinstitute.com Phone Number: (641) 715-3900 ext. 639452# To advertise with our magazine, please contact our advertising department at support@iamenoughinstitute.com for our 2014 Media Kit!

Letter from the Editor-In-Chief Elise Cohen Ho Dear I Am Enough Women, I am so excited for the new year that is quickly approaching and want to wish a “Happy New Year!� to you and your loved ones. The Happy New Year ahead will be starting with a bang for us as we work to bring to you all of the tools that you need to help you recognize that you are worth every effort and are absolutely enough. 2015 will be a fabulous year. As we end 2014 and begin 2015, I encourage you to use this great time for reflection on the year that has been left behind and the amazing and happy new year that is ahead of us. As you conduct this personal inventory of accomplishments and failures (lessons to be learned) of the year past and look towards planning resolutions and intentions for the year ahead, you may also like to ponder what effect you wish to have on the world around you. As individuals we have an incredible honor to have a profound effect on the world that surrounds us with even the smallest step making a huge difference. The ability to have this effect begins with KINDness. We must be kind to ourselves, kind to our planet, and kind to the people in our lives. We have a lot of great projects underway here at the I Am Enough Institute and are confident that they will help you to treat yourself with the kindness and love that you deserve and, in turn, be able to do that for all the people who touch your life. As always keep in touch and send your thoughts and comments on what you like in the magazine, what you would like to see in the magazine, and anything else that you think we should know. Naturally Yours,

Elise Cohen Ho,


Editor-In Chief elisecohenho@iamenoughinstitute.com www.elisecohenho.com

I Am Enough





nEW WEBSITE! launching Soon www.iamenoughmagazine.com Starting January 2015, all online digital magazines will be subscription based only. Our new introductory prices are: Yearly $12.95 (Four issues - offered quarterly) and Per Issue $3.50. Subscribers will also receive access to videos, audios and a quarterly FREE audio gift from The I Am Enough Institute!

SUBScRIBE nOW! For more information about advertising with us, please contact our advertising department at support@iamenoughinstitute.com.

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DECIDE by Dr. Anita M. Jackson, Publisher During the holidays, with all the potential landmines of stress, it is vitally important to slow down and make conscious decisions. You have the power, great conversations, wonderful and fattening food, this holiday season, to make a definite choice about how your holidays will unfold. You can make parties, dancing, music, and an opportunity to experience a different way of being, living and doing. a conscious, definitive decision to forgive the past Let’s just face it, this season is just plain fun and for and find joy here in the present. You can make a those of us who work more than play, the last three conscious, definitive decision to let go of the scarmonths of the year give us several excuses to slow city mindset and take in the abundance that is all around you. You can make a conscious, definitive down and just be. Yet, there is also a dark side to decision to release yourself from all the expectathe holidays. tions (held by others and by yourself!) of perfection and simply enjoy the laughter, the warmth, the feelOften times many people avoid the holidays due ing of the moment. to sad, painful or traumatic childhood memories or poor relationships with family. Others avoid the When you make these kinds of positive, life-affirmholidays because they are a reminder of the liming decisions, you increase your personal power ited resources and all the things we don’t have and you communicate to yourself and others, “I am that would help the holidays be just a little bit betEnough. I have Enough. Here. Now.” And that ter. The holiday season can be stressful for some declaration makes a beautiful holiday! because of all the unspoken expectations people have for how Thanksgiving Dinner is supposed to look/taste/smell or how the tree should be decorat- I will be sharing another very important definitive ed or how the presents should be wrapped. Painful decision we all need to make in our next issue, memories, strained relationships, lack of resources, so stay tuned! Until then.....Stop.....And make a conscious, definitive decision to connect to the morigid expectations.....talk about stress! ments and people around you and to truly celebrate If your holiday season is less like a fun sparkle ball this holiday season! and more like a ball of stress, I want to encourage you to remember that you have a choice. You have the power to DECIDE. the holidays. Like many people, I enjoy the Itionlove holiday season because it’s a time for celebra(something I think we should do more often),

The dictionary defines the word decide as “to reach a conclusion.” But, we all make choices every day from the moment we wake up until the moment we get back into bed. Yet, we feel powerless, and this feeling is sometimes heightened during the holidays. That’s because, I believe, a word is missing from the textbook definition. That word is: definitive. Once you make a conscious, definitive decision to be, do, or have something, it is the power of that choice that energetically and viscerally changes you. You begin to vibrate at a higher level because you have now acknowledged your own power to influence your circumstances. Dr. Anita M. Jackson 11

The Gift of Holiday Healing by Ivana Siska the Holidays. For many, the holiday season A h,brings to mind festive gatherings, shopping

you barely know, never-mind the notion of a full-on, family-style holiday gathering. Maybe you have no trips, socializing, celebrating and gift giving. The family. Maybe you’re out of work. Maybe you’re special time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s recently divorced, or your children have emptied is full of food, sparkling lights, and fun times with the nest, or you’re going through a tough time family and friends. Right? financially or health-wise. Maybe you are brokenhearted, depressed, and stressed. For some, but not for everyone. For whatever reason, you just might not be in the For some, and maybe this year that includes you, festive spirit this year, and I want you to know that the holiday season can be one of the most stressful it’s okay. and triggering times of the year. The pressure of being happy and jolly and in the holiday spirit can It really is okay to not be in the mood for holiday be grueling if one is not up to the task. I personally magic. No matter what the media says. No matter have been at the point in my life where I was so what your friends are doing. No matter what you’ve sad, lonely, and stressed out that the mere thought done during holidays past… I challenge you to acof attending yet another Christmas party made me cept the way you are feeling and use this holiday want to run and hide, jump into bed and cover my season to heal. head with enough pillows to drown out all the unbearable Christmas music. Take this season, My Dear, and make it yours. Gift yourself. That’s right, I’m advocating the antithesis Dear One, have you ever felt like that? Maybe you of what most of the holiday messages you will hear are even feeling that way now as the holiday seawill tell you. I’m saying turn down the emphasis on son approaches. Maybe you have absolutely no what everyone else is doing, and buying into, and desire to visit crowded shopping malls, wish people focus on yourself. Give yourself the gift of introhappy holidays, and sip seasonal drinks while spection, and then give yourself permission to give making small talk and exchanging gifts with people and receive whatever it is that you need. 12

1 2 3 4 5

5 Easy Steps to Holiday Healing

Be selective and be protective of your time.

You do not have to attend any event that makes you the least bit uncomfortable. You do not have to shop the holiday sales. You do not have to make the perfect turkey dinner (or even attend one). You do not have to participate in gift exchanges if you think they are silly. The point is that this time is yours. Do what nurtures your heart and soul. Put yourself first and give yourself what you need.

Disconnect with the outside and reconnect with yourself.

The holidays are a terrific time to cocoon, to get comfy and cozy with the real you, the You who likes to sleep in, to drink hot chocolate, have warm baths and long phone conversations, and then go to bed early with a good book. Contemplate and journal on the question of “Who Am I?”. The deeper you go, the more you will know. This is an excellent time of year to review and practice the “out with the old and in with the new” attitude.

Create your own celebrations and traditions.

Once you rediscover yourself, get creative: try out new ways of honoring yourself and what this time of year means to you; adopt whatever rituals feel good to you and do them! (The doing is important because you are creating a new visceral experience, which is a huge component in successful healing.) Making new traditions for yourself ensures that they are in alignment with what suits you best.

Love yourself.

Now that you have reconnected with the real you, and created some new traditions and holiday rituals, acknowledge yourself for taking this time to take care of yourself. Be proud of what you have achieved and see the beauty of who you truly are. Write about this, mail yourself a love letter, or leave yourself a loving voicemail from this state. Be sure to really focus on why you love all the various parts of you, and how you will continue to show and express this love to yourself. Do this as often and as much as you need until you have replenished the “feel good” feelings you’ve been missing.

Share if you Dare

By now, you are well on your way to healing. In fact, you are likely more energized and charged up, positive about life, and self-confident than most people around you, (yes the ones who have “whoopedit-up” this season), and you are shiny and happy. Notice how truly happy you really do feel, now that you have taken the time and loved yourself up. Now that you are filled up, it is time to share that feeling with others. Surely you wouldn’t want to keep anyone from feeling the energy and vitality you have rediscovered… of course not! Take your time, but do get out there and share yourself with the world once again… rejuvenated and refreshed, and on your own terms. Remember. You are your greatest gift. Give yourself back to you. Graciously accept this gift that you are, and generously share it with those who can also appreciate you. You really are your greatest gift. No wrapping paper required.

Ivana Siska 13

Revealed!...Top Tips To Stay Grounded During The Holiday Season! by Amy Cheryl


have noticed that as we approach the holiday season…a time of year to be with family, friends and loved ones…a time of year to restore, replenish and rejuvenate within ourselves...we are surrounded by the hustle and bustle of back-to-back parties, holiday shopping, epic traffic and incredible stress. The time of winter is a time when we are meant to reflect, go inward, slow down. It is a time of year when naturally and organically all things slow down, stillness meets the air, and the bears go to sleep to rest. The days become shorter, the nights become longer… Yet in our society, it is one of the craziest and busiest times of the year. How can we truly drop in and take the time to connect within ourselves, connect with our loved ones and celebrate the year as a new one begins to roll in when there is so much pressure to “get things done” and be in three places at once? Parties can feel more like an obligation, or a quick drop in to make it to the other party on the other side of town. It can go against what you really want to do which is nestle in with a nice hot cup of cocoa and good conversation.

port system in your daily life. My tip for this season is to revisit that and to make sure it stays at the core for you, especially during the holiday season. This time of year can conjure up tremendous joy, and it can also rustle the feathers of deeper emotional upsets. It is common to feel sadness, grief, and heartache. This is exactly the right time to go deeper into these feelings and resolve them, uncover the gems waiting to emerge, and create the space to welcome in early spring. In alignment with our theme, “Connect and Celebrate,” below are my tips for how to flow with it all and allow yourself to be versus do and to stay grounded and connected.

Tip #1: Morning journaling and meditation can be especially grounding and supportive at this time. Take a minimum of 15 minutes each morning to sit and breathe, coming into deeper connection and communion with yourself. When you are in deeper connection with yourself, your ability to be in deeper communion, compassion and intimacy with others expands.

Beginning your day like this can help to ground you in staying connected as opposed to getting pulled into the swirl of the chaotic energy of the holiday Previously, I’ve written about how to regroup and refocus with a series of tips on how to create a sup- season. 14

The morning journaling can allow you to unload any feelings you are experiencing. Allow them to flow and do not get stuck by feeling judgment or shame around what you feel. All is embraced and all just is.

Tip #2: Have a “connect and celebrate” accountability partner! Often in the world of business, there is a lot of conversation around having an Accountability Partner: a relationship in which two or more people support each other to stay on track towards their goals. What we often overlook is that this practice can also help you have someone in your life to support you in what I call “dropping in” in your LIFE. We, as women, often just need a listening ear to feel better and relieve our stress. In fact this is how we connect with one another and how we can come to our own aha’s and realizations. When we “sit with it” on our own (hence: meditation and journaling) and/or have someone to “hold the space” for us, we tap into a deep power from our well within. This is what it looks like. Once a week or once every other week (the two of you can decide or it can be a circle of women on a conference call or in person), gather together and “hold space” for each other to drop in and unwind. Create a timeline so you can all relax into the “container” of this and let all else go so that you can be fully present. The first round is where it can be a quick 30 minute call where one person is quiet, doesn’t interrupt and the other person “has the floor” to unload and unwind and just talk for perhaps five to 10 straight minutes if they need that and then you switch. No advice is given. No getting too involved in the story. Just be present, listen and hold the space for the other to unload, and then you take a turn. If in person and in a group, sit in a circle to create a true sacred setting. The second round is where you celebrate something about yourself for that week and allow the other person to celebrate YOU and fill you up. Then you switch! The intention of this time is to unload and refill so you can all go about life again feeling more connected, celebrated and replenished! This type of gathering can create such a feeling of nourishment and fulfillment as it raises our oxytocin levels, the “feel good” hormone. You will be glad that you gifted yourself with this! Who knows!? It may become another requirement of self care in your toolbox even after the holidays season runs its course. For more tips, or to sign up for your free gift, ‘Amp Up Your M-Factor In Minutes!”, please visit www.safetoshine.com

Amy Cheryl 15

Make the Holidays Healthy, Easy and Fun!! by Sharon Otness back to your last holiday season. Take a T hink deep breath, close your eyes and bring back

those moments in time. Can you see it, smell it, taste it? Take your time with the memory. Now open your eyes. What came up for you? Do you have a smile on your face, a fond snapshot in your mind and good smells in your memory and love in your heart? Or, is your heart beating a bit fast, sweat on your brow and a feeling of “oh no, here it comes again”? If you are the former, you may not need to read this article. Congratulations! If you are the latter, or anywhere in-between, (which I imagine is most of us), read on! Every year I watch the holidays get just a little more frantic, decorations and ads coming at us a little earlier and expectations even more complicated than the year before. Can you relate? What if this year were different? What if you were to take back the sleigh reins and draw a line in the snow to create a holiday that is healthy, easy and fun?

Doing this might require a shift. It means not worrying about what anyone else is doing, how they are doing it, and what they may be thinking of how you are doing it. Easier said than done, but this is your life we are talking about. Sit down and make a list-include family members where appropriate and decide what your non-negotiables are. We all have our own traditions, so pick and choose a few that are your absolute favorites-the ones that simply say “Holiday” to you. Is that a tree trimming party, a potluck with special friends, an annual lunch with the girls, a winter concert? What about special friends or family members that are your favorites to be around? Put those on your list. Then, leave the rest behind. It simply isn’t possible to go to every cocktail party, luncheon, school event, company party, and social event plus race around buying gifts, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, decorating and entertaining yourself and stay sane! Especially when this is all on top of the daily work we need to do as well. Talk about a stress bomb! No wonder at this time we are eating and drinking to relieve stress, and end up taking medication to get to sleep, soothe an upset stomach and caffeinate ourselves to just get through the day.

Here are some ideas to celebrate the holidays without sabotaging your health: Keep meals simple at this time. Stock the refrigerator and pantry with lots of fruits and veggies for healthy snacks, smoothies for on the go and to add to some of the richer holiday foods that you will want to be able to say “yes” to. This is a great time to have a couple meals worth of soup stocked in the freezer.

Keep plenty of non-alcoholic beverages around. Infused water with lemon slices, mint, and/or cucumber is always refreshing. Keep festive herbal teas for when friends stop in. Kombucha will help keep your gut health and immune system in great shape.

Give a potluck without feeling like you have to do everything yourself. You can supply the theme and maybe a main dish and beverages, then ask guests to bring appropriate salads, vegetable dishes and desserts. Challenge them to keep it healthy! 16

Look at ways to lighten up some of those old traditional recipes. Even if you make the green bean casserole with fresh green beans and mushrooms, or top your sweet potato casserole with fresh apple slices instead of marshmallow topping, you will be ahead of the game, and you will help your family change their taste buds.

Keep the decorations simple. Fresh greens and berries are always beautiful. One of my Design Mentors taught me a trick I always use. If something is less expensive, play it up in multiples and it will suddenly look important. This can work with something like glass balls. Use them in every size and whatever colors you like and place them on the tree, in bowls and clustered on wreaths. Easy.

Fine tune your gift giving. This is one I have had fun with. Instead of trying to race around to 20 places, in my effort to gift friends with something unique, I come up with a theme for the year. Last year, I made everyone on my list bath products. Scrubs, bath salts, etc. By purchasing the ingredients from one or two sources (most of it from the grocery store, the rest from my essential oil business) and finding pretty glass jars, I simplified. Then I decided which person would like which products best to keep it special. I enjoyed making up the mixtures, putting them in the jars and decorating the jars with love and simple bows. This is something my daughter and I used to do together so get the family involved! If that isn’t your thing, you can still do something simple at the health food store or online. Just buy soaps, bath salts and scrubs from one source that fits everyone on your list. Similar ideas can be specialty teas or water or smoothie bottles for on the go.

Make a few treats that are healthy and satisfying to have on hand. They will go a long way in helping you stay away from all the cookies, fruit cake (does anyone still eat this?) and candies that are always around this time of year. Instead of fudge and candy look at all of the wonderful protein ball recipes on pinterest. http://www.pinterest.com/SharonOtness

For your enjoyment as a form of stress free self-love or to give as a gift, here is a great basic bath salt recipe. Enjoy!

Bath Salts 2 cups Epsom salts 2 tsp. oil (jojoba, olive, almond, etc.) 5-10 drops essential oils (I use DoTerra) try lavender for relaxation and orange/peppermint for invigorating mix in a bowl and then put in a pretty glass jar with a lid All the best for a happy, healthy and easy holiday season from me to you!

Sharon Otness 17

A Gift for You by Angela Mosley, Assistant Editor favorite holiday is Christmas. I love everyMything about it, from the food to the music to

the decorations to the overall spirit of the holiday. I especially love the gifts! Gift giving is one of my love languages, and I enjoy spending time thinking about what I could give to those I love. For the adults in my family (especially the women), I am fond of gift baskets. So many things can be done with a gift basket. The themes are endless! In the past, I’ve made gift baskets for friends and loved ones, and I’ve done themes centered around coffee/tea time, spa at home, travel, and chocolate. This holiday season, I would like to give each of you a gift basket. If I could, it would be a real basket, but since that isn’t possible, you’ll have to use your imagination as you open this virtual gift basket. The theme of this gift basket is: An Empowered Woman. Are you ready to open your present....? The first item you pull from the basket is a band aid. This is to remind you to not cover up your wounds. Take the time you need to heal them in whatever way is most honoring to you. When the healing is done, do not cover up your scars. They are a reminder of where your strength has grown, and they are a testimony to others that healing is possible.

The second item is a $100,000 chocolate bar. This is to remind you that you were designed to live in abundance. In this season and the coming year, leave behind the scarcity mindset and step into the infinite wealth that is available to you. The third item you pull out is a Yankee Rose Candle. This is one of my favorite smells because to me, it smells so completely feminine and peaceful. “Stop and smell the roses” more often this holiday season. Give yourself the gift of slowing down and enjoying the moments that will never happen again. The next item you pull from the basket is a bottle of super glue. As women, we tend to not be still as we move through our days. So many things demand our time and energy. But the glue is to remind you to take the time to be still long enough to form strong, supportive bonds of friendship with other women. Connect, and stick like glue, to those women who believe in you, who honor you, and who challenge you. The fifth item you pull out is a gift box. It is empty because YOU are the gift. This “empty” gift box is a reminder to share the gift of yourself with the world. I wholeheartedly believe that someone in the world needs to hear what only YOU can say. Each of us carries a gift, that is our personal story, that can impact someone else’s life. Share the gift of you—your beauty, your strengths, your struggles and victories—when the moment arises. The sixth item in the basket is a small globe. This globe is meant to remind you of several things. You are part of something bigger than yourself and the world you see right in front of you. We are all connected by the beauty and struggle of the human experience. It is also meant to remind you to connect to the earth, in some way, as often as you can. Taking a walk, playing in the snow, walking along the beach, working in your garden, or even putting a vase of flowers on the table are all ways that

you can connect to the Life Force around you. The Life Force that keeps the waves moving, the flowers growing, and each perfect snowflake falling is the same Life that lives and moves through you. Feel, for a moment, the power you could have when you connect to that Source of Life. The seventh and final item you retrieve from the basket is a mirror. Oh, that cursed mirror. But, hear this, Dear One: That mirror shows beauty beyond description! Look into it. Do you see what I see? It matters not if your hair is gorgeous, gray, or gone. What wisdom and knowledge (perhaps untapped) of lessons learned do you hold? It matters not if your eyes are blue, brown, or blind. What do you see when you look with the eyes of your heart? True, I have never met you. But, because we are all connected to Source and Source is infinitely beautiful, there is something infinitely beautiful in each one of us. Look into the mirror and find that infinite beauty within yourself. Once you find it, embrace it. Accept it as Truth. And then, reflect that Truth you now embrace back to the World. When we as women accept the Truth of our own beauty, strength, and abundance and then reflect that back to the World around us, the World around us slowly begins to change. So, there you have it. My gift basket for you this year. And my wish for you this holiday season is that you will know, embrace, and act as if you are fascinatingly beautiful, incredibly powerful, and outrageously abundant. Merry Christmas!

Angela Mosley 19

Time to Connect and Celebrate by Monika Zands

are my favorite time of the year. T heMyHolidays husband, our three children, and our two

dogs jump in a minivan packed full of suitcases, snacks, and packages full of memories about to be created as our love pours into what was thought about, wished for and bought. The drive always goes by so quickly as we talk about all the wonderful things we are going to do together, see together, and experience together. This year a new tradition in our family took flight, and it created a completely new level of connection. The result was joyful, grace-filled celebration and a new family dynamic that lasted the tests and triggers of the holidays with our family.

There are four very important lessons I learned: • Create a clear picture of what you want your experience to look and feel like. In our case, we answered the question: “What would a successful outcome to our holiday vacation and travels look like?” • Define and discern what assets, resources and support you have to create what you say you want (from #1 above). • Identify the behaviors or what you are going to do to use the assets (#2 above) to support what you want (#1 above). • Work together as a team, or tribe, to accomplish the outcome you wanted in the first place.

How did I learn these four lessons? Practice. So let me get back to the story of this past holiday. For the past 10 years my husband and I would inevitably get into some kind of fight, disagreement or misunderstanding at least once, if not multiple times, during our family holiday. This left it feeling more like a family tragedy than a family celebration. This particular year was the year things changed. We were about 10 miles away from my mom’s house and as we got closer, a feeling welled up in my heart of how much I love my husband. I thought about how I could keep this feeling alive and protect us from the opinions, unsolicited feedback, and advice that we were undoubtedly going to be receiving at some point in the next week. Then, like the cartoons always show, the imaginary light bulb in my mind went on. I realized that if I shared what I felt would create success, then at least we would have a chance of focusing on success and maybe, just maybe, we would experience the success I was fantasizing about. With only eight miles left before our destination there wasn’t a moment to waste. I jumped into what I thought was the most brilliant tactical plan ever. I laid out each day with details of how it would look, what we might do, and how we would suggest it including the times we would be together and the times we would be apart. I saw every nook and cranny of where interpretation, judgment and expectation could get in our path and shared how we would honor and support each other, and how as a family, we would rise to the occasion to create a sacred loving and interactive environment… with boundaries. My husband smiled and gave a big sigh of relief, my children agreed, and our family team was formed. Like a Sunday morning flag football team huddle we put our hands in the middle, cheered “Teamwork!” and off we went. I must admit my fingers were crossed, and I was most likely holding my breath. Inside I was asking myself, “Could this really work?” On that first day that we arrived, the plan worked. Moment by moment we watched as our conversations went smoothly, emotions stayed calm, love was in the air and feelings stayed balanced. There were no unmet expectations, there were no disappointments or misunderstandings, and there was no fighting. My children said “Yes” more than I have ever heard them say it, and even the baby was silly and brought laughter at every turn. As the days went by, I eased into the peace and serenity that was abundant. The surprising outcome was that each time we collaborated, complimented each other, loved my family, and were present and available to participate, the more fulfilling and yummy the experience was. The more love that was shared between us, the more we were surrounded by ease and grace. When it was time to leave, our family came together, as it never had before, sharing how fun and connected this holiday had felt. My mom was happy because we all got along. My sister was happy because we all interacted so much together. My husband was happy because he felt free. My kids were happy because they got attention. I was happy because these four simple steps were set become the framework for every holiday. Now, before we enter any event we share who we will be, what we will do, and how we want the experience to feel. Inevitably it goes even more smoothly than we had imagined it. As the saying goes… “Ask for what you want and it shall be delivered.” This holiday, I invite you to practice the four simple steps above and experience a deeper connection with people and a celebration of yourself. Happy Holidays and remember: See your greatness. Be your greatness. Pay it forward.™ With love and celebration, Monika

Monika Zands


Mustard by Debbie Dobbins Kimmel loves Holiday J immy pranks. A few years ago he

asked parents to tell their kids they were going to let them open one present a few weeks early. Instead of a good present he asked the parents to put something the kids would not like in the box and then upload a video of the kids unwrapping the presents. He asked that the video be labeled “Hey Jimmy Kimmel I gave my kids a terrible present.” The videos were hilarious and the kids were surprised and shocked by the opening of what they had thought would be an exciting present from Santa. Comments ranged from “I don’t like this”. . . “an old banana?” . . . “I don’t want an onion”. . . “this is the worst gift ever”. . . “I appreciate getting a present but I didn’t know it would be like that”. . . . and so on. Have you ever found yourself thinking these thoughts when the presents of life show up? In our family my niece gave her daughter Madison a bottle of mustard. Madison detests mustard. As the family watched Madison open the gift via Skype, Madison’s dismay was clear and obvious. She threw the gift and stormed around the room. The adults got quite a big kick out of it. The moment subsided and the real gift opening ensued. Madison’s gift opening style resembled law enforcement executing a search warrant. She riffled through the packages, throwing each gift hastily aside as she continued to open the next in a cavalier fashion. I doubt she will remember anything she opened that morning, except the mustard. Not only will she remember the mustard, our family will have a story to share for many Christmas’s to come. It is these moments of uniqueness that we remember over and over. They are not lost in the obligatory celebrations of drinking and ball dropping that we blindly walk through year after year. A component missing from our celebrations is symbolism of the newness the turning of the clock represents. It is when you find yourself in a moment which is not planned and seemingly unceremonious that magic happens. I recall one of those magic moments one New Year’s Eve. After several hours at a local street celebration, my friend Carole and I found ourselves at an Arco gas station at two minutes till midnight. 22

As we hastily punched the radio buttons to find a countdown to the new year, the only station broadcasting the momentous moment was in Spanish. As the countdown continued, “cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno ‘¡Feliz año nuevo!’,” the incongruity of the moment was both comical and perfect. Since my new home is in Mexico it seemed fitting my New Year, albeit in the states, should be rung in this way. It seemed like a gift from the universe. This night it was my “mustard”. We hugged and danced in the gas station for the obligatory moment and then were off to a memorable New Year. It is when life hands us these seemingly mundane moments that we may choose to turn them into our own celebration. Simple life moments, just as mustard, can be boring. Or you can see the possibilities. Mustard can be a cure for a hangover, leave a fingerprint on life, spice to a simple dish or anything you dream. So too are your life moments. It is the memories that we create and hold firm to that change and mold us. I brought in the New Year with a dear friend, had a Buzz Lightyear moment, and am grateful for all the gifts to come in my new home, Playa. I offer to you the challenge, for today and the coming weeks, to consider what your mustard is. Find a moment today, or this week, that appears to be out of place, unceremonious or just plain boring. How can you shift your perception and create a new possibility? How can this moment of “mustard” become a memorable and poignant gift?

Debbie Dobbins

Connect & Celebrate This Season in Style! by DeAnna DuPree Season is FINALLY here! For many Theof usHoliday ‘tis the season for reconnecting with fam-

ily and friends. Hopefully this is an exciting and fun time you’ve been looking forward to all year. Holidays bring about such beautiful moments of celebration, sharing, and serving others. Whether you’re seeing your family for the first time in 3 years, or simply reconnecting with girlfriends after a very busy, yet successful, year- here are 6 brilliantly stylish ideas to show up and celebrate this season in style!


If you’re attending a little get-together or holiday soiree, be sure to arrive with gifts in hand for the hostess and significant other. Bringing wine is so last century! Show up with a gift bag filled with treats and eats. I compiled this list with my team, and the votes were unanimous, this would be a perfect little gift bag: • Minneolas • Ambrosia apples • Dark chocolates bites (with sea salt of course) • 2 champagne splits


• Handmade scented (organic) soy candles • His & Hers eye mask, and • Fuzzy House slippers! Cool right? Your hosts will go wild for such a thoughtful and unique gift bag. The coolest part of this gift bag is you’ll spend less than $50!

or sip a bottle of perfectly paired bubbly, alongside an exotic chocolate truffle creation. Mmm, yummy! When I make a recommendation (yes, I’m a former Mixologist) for wine with chocolate I usually suggest: • Demi-Sec or Doux Champagne…that’s sweet .... Champagne to you newbies, and it gives the wine the ability to handle the sweetness in the chocolate. • Rosé Champagne, Cava Rosado – pink bubbly has an extra dose of fruitiness, which allows the wine a better chance to still taste good when paired with something sweet. • Brachetto d’Acqui – Italy’s perfect match for chocolate: slightly sweet, slightly red, and slightly bubbly. • Sparkling Shiraz – A far cry from Champagne, I know – but slightly sweet versions are a good choice to pair with chocolate.


In other words, if you want to pair bubbles with chocolate and want the wine to taste good… choose a sparkling wine with some sweetness or some pink or red color…at least the wine has a chance! You’ll be guaranteed to have a full house with this one. And don’t be afraid to request semiformal attire. After all, it is an exotic and decadent affair!

Speaking of “what to wear,” it’s a good rule of thumb to attend (or host) holiday soirees in dresses that shimmer. Consider wearing gold, metallics, or snow whites, that shimmer. If you’re getting togethIf you’d really like to show out this season, host a er for coffee with a friend, wear colors that reprefun Champagne & Chocolate tasting! Champagne sent friendship, softness, and femininity: yellow, and chocolate are a necessary element of any dec- soft pink, or ivory. Imagine the lotus flower as your adent celebration! Indulge in champagne truffles representative. 24


Haven’t spent much time with your girls this year? Now’s the perfect time to host a fun New Year’s Eve Sleepover!! Gather up your besties and get set to greet the New Year in style. The most amazing sleepover starts with the best invites EVER! New Year’s is all about glitz and glam, so start sparkling before the bash even begins.


As an alternative to sending out boring mundane Holiday cards this year, send out “Let’s connect” cards. There’s nothing like an “I’d love to see you and share a cup of tea and laughs with you this Holiday” to really make a memorable and stylish impression. Be sure to handwrite it; typed letters just seem so impersonal.

• For your invites: Grab a glitter pen, black pen, and Lastly, don’t give gifts, give the gift of Giving! Show you care by giving a helping hand. Volunteer or dosilver metallic paper! Start writin’ and invitin’. natwe your time this season. Ask a friend or family if you could spend a day helping at their business, • Make it a festive atmosphere with silvery tinsel or tag along to volunteer at their favorite organizadecor, lots of lights, and sparkly streamers. Don’t forget the noisemakers and the quirky “Happy New tion. You’ll be surprised how much further your time and presence goes, versus a gift card or another Years” hats (stop by your local Party City for the votive candle set. rad décor). In all you do, put others first- it’s the most stylish • Buy washable markers and make a dream board act one could ever do! or wish tree of inspiration on a blank wall in your Happy Holidays home. This will be so cool to look at throughout your days and reminisce on the most awesome Stylishly Yours New Years you’ve ever had! DeAnna • At MIDNIGHT, make a little box with resolutions xo that you think you can keep this year. After midnight, have each guest make a memory scrapbook using scrap paper (like favorite song, movie, embarrassing moment) and add funny pics and quotes you put up on the wall. Download an app (prior to the sleepover) to print out your favorite pics from 2014. You can even print pics from Facebook. Cool right? Let the last page of the scrapbook be your resolution for the New Year. It’s both a memory book and something to look forward to in 2015!

DeAnna DuPree 25

An Intimate Holiday by Elise Cohen Ho, PhD relationship is one that may, or A truly intimate may not, include physical intimacy but should always include emotional intimacy.

An emotionally intimate relationship offers warmth, acceptance, love and a genuine authenticity. But what exactly does it mean to be emotionally intimate? Emotional intimacy provides a sense of warmth, love and acceptance. When we are emotionally intimate with another person we are invested in their lives. We can share personal thoughts, and we feel secure in their love and acceptance. This true and deep connection is especially important during the holidays. The holidays are a time when many of us feel insecure, possibly unloved, and almost definitely more stressed. We may be stressed because of finances, romantic relationships, family, friends, or an overwhelming sense of urgency regarding all that the holidays represent.



So how do we keep all of this in check and nourish our relationships? First, share your feelings. This may sound very simple, and you may even be thinking that you already do this. However, it is important to really be honest with yourself and determine if you are sharing your feelings or if you are sharing your opinions. Feelings will often cause people to feel more bonded with you, whereas opinions, especially those not delivered in a kind way, tend to drive people away. 26



Also, be respectful of other people’s opinions. This does not mean that you have to agree with them, but it does mean that you should try to listen with an open mind and recognize that we are all truly entitled to our own opinions. If you believe that you are absolutely correct, then think long and hard before you share that little tidbit. You must consider if making your point really serves a purpose. If the only point is to prove that you are right, and that the other person is wrong, then it is time to just agree to disagree and move right along. If there is a point to making sure that your side is heard then use sentences starters such as “I feel” rather than “You should.” Statements in which you seem to be commanding someone to do something will result in bruised egos, hurt feelings and unhappiness. Sentences in which you share your feelings will help facilitate open communication and a sense of closeness.



Third, Listen. Simple, right? However, it is really not that simple for some people. To really listen one has to be completely tuned in. If someone is speaking to you about their feelings, their day, or anything else and you are not in a situation where you can truly engage in what they are saying, then respect them enough to tell them so. If you want to lose a relationship one of the quickest paths to the end is to not fully engage.



Fourth,treat everything that is shared with you as simply between the two of you. If you tell someone else’s information to other people, then they will no longer trust you and a bond may be forever broken. Remember, “A secret is no longer a secret once you tell someone.”



Likewise, do not ever use information shared by a loved one against them. This is unfair and will only serve to ensure that you will no longer be honored with the intimate sharing of information and feelings.



Sixth, share the good times, as well as the bad. To have a truly strong and intimate bond, we must laugh as hard as we cry. Simply put, building a relationship on the foundation that everything is always good, all of the time, is like building a house of cards on a foundation that is easily burnt to the ground.

7 th 8




Ninth, accept that some problems cannot be solved. During this holiday season, this truth may come out in the form of a mother-in-law who does not care for the way you parent, a friend who is upset that you will not go to yet another party, a child who is sad because they cannot eat 15 pieces of candy, or a spouse who is frustrated by how many people are on the holiday guest list. Accept that there are differences, stay calm, be true to your values, and be realistic of what is expected of you.



Finally, enjoy yourself and those who surround you. The Holiday season is not supposed to be about presents and exhaustion but rather fun times with those whom you care about the most. These are the intimate bonds to honor, as these are the bonds that will sustain you and nourish you. Happy Holidays!

Seventh, remember that you do not deserve better than you give. If you want a good relationship with someone, then you must be a good partner in that relationship. Eighth, do not expect someone to change but do help them to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Make sure that, no matter what they understand,you truly believe that they are enough. Give yourself permission to believe that about yourself too. The best version of you can nourish a relationship and create an amazing outcome.

Elise Cohen Ho 27

Increase Sales and Holiday Spirit by Anne D. Johnson Season is meant to be a joyous ThetimeHoliday of year, and for many people it is indeed a special time, as family and friends gather together in celebration. For others, it’s a peaceful time of year as they get away from the hustle and bustle, to rest, relax, and have fun on vacation.

be difficult to recover. To make matters worse, the additional demands on our time and added stress increase the risk of exhaustion and total burn out! Burn out, exhaustion, and declining sales are not desirable outcomes!

I still remember having the exhaustion fueled temptation to just “Let it All Go until the First of the Year”. I know how it feels to struggle with negaUnfortunately for many business owners, entrepre- tive thoughts and excuses like: “The holidays only neurs, and sales professionals, the holidays repcome once a year! What difference will it make?” resent an extremely stressful point in time, when To combat this temptation and negative self-talk, it concerns about sales results run at an all-time high. helps to tackle the question directly. Rightly so. It’s easy to get lost in the excitement of the holidays, let extra demands on time become How do we Increase Sales and Holiday Spirit? a distraction, and push sales down on the list of Once we’ve asked the question, it helps to have an priorities. This is a critical mistake from which it can action plan.

Here are several simple strategies that work together to increase sales during the holiday season by engaging in the spirit of giving. Strategy #1 : Awareness. Taking the focus off sales, even for a short time, makes a big difference. If you intentionally let sales slide or worse yet, grind to a halt, during the holidays, it will be more difficult and will take longer to rebuild momentum in the New Year!

Strategy #2: Reflection. Personal reflection may not seem like an “Action Step” that will warrant significant change, let alone drive sales, but have faith and stay with me! Reflect on your Purpose to Revive the Passion. During any stressful period in sales or business, it’s extremely powerful to stop and reflect on “Why” you originally started down this path. Taking stock of who you are and what’s important makes a difference. Ask yourself these basic questions: • *Why did I select this business, product, or service? • *Whom do I help? • *How do they benefit from what I offer? 28

Realigning with your passion and purpose by reflecting on your answers has a spiritual benefit. Reconnecting to the reasons you are conducting business literally revitalizes energy, attracts clients, and makes selling a whole lot easier in general.

Strategy #3: Plan Ahead. Setting Annual Sales Goals, thinking in terms of overall revenue, allows you to spread out your income to cover slow periods. Planning for the year ahead should start in October so you have time to review, revise, and finalize written goals in November. Implementation in early December ensures January starts with full momentum. If you wait to start planning in January sales will be down in the first quarter. Taking time OFF for the Holidays next year is a choice you make now! If you need a little guidance planning for the year ahead, consider these common business planning steps for any industry: Establish, in writing, your annual sales goals based on desired income. Review current marketing or lead generation activities. Evaluate the results of each activity to identify what works (and what doesn’t). Brainstorm new ideas to generate new leads. Finalize two written plans (One for Sales Goals and One for Marketing/Lead Generation). Take action by implementing your marketing and lead generation activities and by tracking the activities and sales results. Remember, when it comes to holiday sales, a successful business is about serving others. During the holidays, some entrepreneurs donate a percentage of sales to a charity or special cause. Already donating a percentage of your sales? Further promote your Spirit of Giving by letting customers suggest or vote on where you make future donations. If you do, give donation updates so customers feel good about purchasing from you. Also remember that “Sales” can work for or against a business. Price wars with the competition only reinforce a “lack mindset.” Don’t promote “super clearance” sales. You attract customers who shop for low prices without considering value. Long term you are training customers to wait for discounted prices. Your business is bigger than you and your clients, and the focus is on contributing to the greater good. But please keep in mind you are entitled to be paid well for the value you provide. Instead of promoting a “SALE!” reward customers with discounts for full or early payments. Using discounts to reward clients is a different energy than slashing prices out of desperation! A few more ways to jumpstart sales during the holiday season include actively reaching out to clients instead of waiting to take orders and asking all clients for referrals (consider it a gift in the Holiday spirit!)

Strategy #4: Gratitude. Above all else, focus on your blessings. Keep the Spirit of Giving close to your heart. Make a choice to allow both the spirit of the holidays and your sales results to grow. And, remember: The more prosperous you are, the more you can give!

Anne D. Johnson 29

Featured Writers Anita M. Jackson, EdD, Founder and CEO of The I Am Enough Institute Dr. Anita M. Jackson is on a mission to empower all women to know they are enough. With 25 years of experience in working with individuals, mostly women, as a Marriage & Family Therapist and Organizational Psychologist, Dr. Jackson is convinced that when a woman truly understands the powerful and spiritual truth of “I Am Enough” there will be a powerful shift in all areas of life. To step into your next level of outrageous success in every area of your life with confidence, courage, and feminine power, schedule a free 30-min consult with Dr. Jackson via email at draj@iamenoughinstitute.com.

Amy Cheryl Amy Cheryl is the founder of “Mesmerize Your Audience…Be The Women Who Lights Up The Room (Without Saying A Word) To Rock It And Profit in Biz and Beyond! She has been published in several national magazines including SHAPE and SELF, invited to speaking engagements in Dubai and all over the U.S., and interviewed on several radio shows. Originally from New York, Amy currently resides in sunny Los Angeles. To book Amy for speaking engagements or coaching, contact her at amy@amycheryl.com or # 424-279-3253. Remember to get your FREE gift at www.amycheryl.com/freegift

Debbie Dobbins As an international speaker/trainer, Debbie works with women entrepreneurs to dissolve their money roadblocks and instill confidence in their money magnetism. Through her fierce honesty and high-energy presentations, she challenges audiences and her clients to achieve their dreams, create success and overcome excuses. Debbie colors outside the lines of conventional wisdom while motivating, inspiring and encouraging transformation.

Debbie Dobbins Money Mastery 626-434-5421 www.debbiedobbinsinternational.com www.myplayadreams.com

DeAnna Dupree Affectionately known as “America’s Most Stylish Social Butterfly,” DeAnna DuPreeFounder of Divinely Inspired Apparel is a Trendsetter, Speaker, Personal Stylist, as well as a Confidence & Self Esteem Coach.DeAnna works with powerhouse entrepreneurs, who tend to be overworked and underdressed, and teaches them how to make bold first (and lasting) impressions by helping them choose the right colors, fabrics, and ensembles that rock their body and their image. For a unique shopping experience (on or offline), find DeAnna at www.styleseat.com/deannadupree.


Elise Cohen Ho, Ph.Dc., Editor-in-Chief, I Am Enough Magazine Author with expertise in holistic health (mental, physical and emotional) and support of the family unit, as well as support of the individual. Her goal is to offer a no judgment zone, full of inspiration, while providing encouragement and healthy living, information on topics such as personal, family and business priorities, nutrition, and living the life that truly resonates with you. Website: www.elisecohenho.com

Anne D. Johnson Master Sales Consultant and Trainer Anne is the Bold and Classy Selling Expert, who shows people how to effectively sell without feeling pushy or aggressive. With 20 + years of experience working with Entrepreneurs, Not-for-Profit Organizations, Business Owners, and Fortune 500 companies including MetLife, AIG, and Citi Group; Anne teaches everyone from beginners to sales superstars, exactly how to harness their fear and overcome their resistance toward selling…so they can quickly accelerate their results and truly thrive in these changing business times. www.boldandclassyselling.com • www.facebook.com/BoldAndClassySelling https://twitter.com/BoldClassySales • www.linkedin.com/in/boldandclassyselling www.youtube.com/user/boldandclassywomentv

Angela Mosley Angela Mosley is the Assistant Editor of the I Am Enough Magazine. She is also a

freelance ghostwriter and editor.

Her blog can be found at www.b1inspired.com

Sharon Otness Sharon Otness is a certified holistic health counselor and interior designer living in Santa Monica, Ca. Her holistic approach to emotional health and wellness allows her to help women of all ages meet the challenges of food, ultimate vitality, and creating sanctuary in a fast-paced world. Sharon is passionate about supporting clients through depression, anxiety and life transitions so they can discover the balanced and amazng life they were meant to live, full of meaning, love and without self-deprivation or guilt. Her mission is to help people “Live Life on a Natural High.”— Website: www.sharonotnessfoot.com


Featured Writers Ivana Siska On the surface, Ivana Siska is a happy and engaging, Beverly Hills based love, life and relationship expert, speaker and author who wisely advises a diverse range of clients from students to stay-at-home moms, executives, and celebrities on their most intimate and personal issues. She actively speaks on topics such as how sensuality and sexuality are powerful forces of good and not evil, and even provides creative business consulting for some of the more “open & inspired” companies. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of what Ivana brings. Website: www.thelovinglifecoach.com

Monika Zands Monika Zands is an executive business consultant, communications specialist and skilled negotiator serving small businesses, corporate executives, college grads, mompreneurs, and entrepreneurs who are looking for new directions in their career or in their life. Monika uses an array of practical and experiential processes to support her clients in finding focus, balance, and a zest for their life and clarity in the choices they make. She engages her clients in thought-provoking inquiries, inspiring them to look at things in ways they never have before. Website: www.MonikaZands.com

I Am Enough www.iamenoughmagazine.com



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Success Coaching with Dr. Anita M. Jackson,

Founder and CEO of The I Am Enough Institute & Outrageous Success Women’s Network

Dr. Anita M. Jackson’s ultimate mission is to empower every woman to know that she is enough AND can be outrageously successful in her personal life and business too! It is time for women to develop a new identity and level of power, authority, leadership that heals and transforms a woman’s life from merely existing to the highest level of thriving.

Success Coaching with Dr. Anita focuses on: • Developing a deeper sense of inner self-confidence and worth • Empowering a high level of divine feminine intuition and wisdom • Releasing past emotional and energetic traumas and patterns • Strengthening your inner personal success mastery and power • Empowering women in their feminine wealth consciousness • Support in the development of an outrageously successful mindset • Feminine strategic planning for personal and business success • Personalized attention to a client’s current challenges, needs, goals and intentions Dr. Anita offers several success coaching packages designed to powerfully propel her client’s to their next level of outrageous success. For specific details and prices, visit Dr. Anita’s website at www.dranitamjackson.com or contact her at: Email: dranita@dranitamjackson.com Phone Number: 641/715-3900 Ext. 639452#


Contact Us

I AM ENOUGH Magazine c/o The I Am Enough Institute P.O. Box 292 Azusa, CA 91702 Website: www.iamenoughmagazine.com Email: support@iamenoughinstitute.com Phone Number: (641) 715-3900 ext. 639452# To advertise with our magazine, please contact our advertising department at support@iamenoughinstitute.com for our 2014 Media Kit!

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