I Am Enough Magazine January 2015 Issue

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I Am Enough


The Movement in Words

An internationally recognized magazine

Jan. 2015

Finding your Passion

A New Year, A New Way to Market Your Uniqueness

A Recipe for Success, with Ease

Preparing for

Outrageous Success in 2015

I AM Enough Institute Store

January 2015

I Am Enough

The Movement in Words


Preparing for Outrageous Success in 2015 by: Dr. Anita M. Jackson


5 Sacred Steps to Self Love by: Ivana Siska


Is it time for a big shift in your business? by: Maribel Jimenez


A Recipe for Success, with Ease by: Sharon Otness


Happy New Year, Blah Blah Blah by: Janet Thomas


A New Year, A New Way to Market Your Uniqueness by: Teri Hockett


A New Approach to Sales A New Year’s Resolution with “Better Results and Higher Profits” by: Anne Johnson


Popular Belief About Money is Actually a Myth by: Rebecca Hall Gruyter


Finding Your Passion by: Dr. Elise Cohen Ho

Ad for Paradigm Cafe Press 14 Aby:New Monika Zands

The I Am Enough Institute is dedicated to empowering women, especially young college women, in their personal and academic pursuit and goals. To do so, we have established the

“I Am Enough Young College Women’s Scholarship Fund.” Twice a year we will be awarding a young college woman with a scholarship to support her academic year. 10% of all purchases made through our Institute store will be allocated to our scholarship.

Please visit our main website at


to get an update on who has been awarded. Your support is greatly appreciated as you help spread the movement of “I Am Enough” by purchasing and using our products.

Publisher Dr. Anita M. Jackson draj@iamenoughinstitute.com Editor -In-Chief Elise Cohen Ho


Visit the Store at


Assistant Editor Angela Mosley amosley@iamenoughinstitute.com Graphic Designer Jennifer Williams yourdesignsbyjen@gmail.com www.yourdesignsbyjen.com

Letter from the Publisher Dr. Anita M. Jackson Happy New Year! Welcome to 2015: “The Year of the Woman.” For the past few months, I have been declaring to my team and clients that this year is going to be our BEST year yet, especially for women. Why? Well, the first reason for this belief is Spirit and Feminine Intuition. I spent a great deal of time last year in the company of many women of all ages, backgrounds, experiences, and various stages of entrepreneurial success. In one way or another they all shared their conviction to making whatever changes may be necessary in order to step into and show up more fully in their body, soul, and spirit in 2015. Many women, myself included, have already made some dramatic and powerful changes in their personal lives and businesses that even now are yielding amazing results. The second reason I believe this is “The Year of the Woman” is more global. A spiritual and energetic shift is taking place for everyone. The rise of hope, a new belief in ourselves and each other, is building and getting stronger every day. The now completed year of 2014 was a year of self-development, the shedding and releasing of those things that no longer serve our deepest desires. The months and days of 2014 brought a shifting into a higher sense of awareness and becoming that served to open us up to a more spiritual, authentic way of being, thinking, living, and doing. All of this is giving way to the opportunity to experience and manifest more in every area of our lives. Here at the Institute, we have been growing so fast with the new launch of our online magazine website at www.iamenoughmagazine.com, our growing team of featured and contributing writers, our upcoming launch of a few more online magazines (this is truly exciting!) and our partnership with Outrageous Success Women’s TV (OSWTV), my other company. OSWTV offers online television shows to empower and inspire women and men to a higher level of being, living, and doing in every area of one’s life. We are very excited about all the up-leveling we’re doing collectively and individually. Well done, team! Yet, despite all the growth we’ve had last year, we as a team want to do even more in serving and supporting you--our readers--in making 2015 your BEST YEAR YET. This is why I personally want to invite you to stay more connected to us via our website for weekly updates including new articles and programs and events offered by the Institute or our writers or OSWTV. For now, find a few moments to get comfortable with your favorite tea, turn on some nice music and enjoy reading all the articles in this issue of “I AM Enough” as well as new articles updated on our website at www.iamenoughmagazine.com. We would love to hear from you regarding your thoughts about our magazine and maybe even hear from you what you would love to see us focus on in upcoming issues. You can personally send me any email message at draj@iamenoughinstitute.com. You Are Enough ~ You Always Have Been ~ You Always Will Be!

Dr. Anita M. Jackson Publisher Audio by Dr. Anita M. Jackson

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Empowering Women To Know They Are Enough

The I Am Enough Institute presents...

I Am Enough

The Movement in Words

I AM ENOUGH is dedicated to igniting and transforming the heart, soul, and mind of women from a false, negative belief system of “I am not good enough” to a positive, empowering mindset of “I Am Enough.” Catering to women between the ages of 18 to 65, I AM ENOUGH will provide a platform for women to rediscover and reconnect to their authentic truth and purpose as well as reclaim their spiritual, feminine power and intuition for the intent of bringing back harmony and balance to herself, her relationships, her community and the world. We believe that when a woman is empowered she is more than enough in all her beauty, wisdom, glory, and her power.

Publish Date January 6, 2015 March 3, 2015 May 5, 2015 July 7, 2015 September 1, 2015 November 3, 2015 Each issue will offer the following:

Letter from the Publisher Letter from the Editor Health and Wellness Mastery Living In Your Feminine Mastery Emotional & Mental Mastery Relationship Mastery Entrepreneurial & Wealth Mastery Lifestyle Mastery Upcoming Institute Events and Announcements

The I Am Enough Institute

We are a multi-service based female personal development empowerment educational agency. Our staff includes a multicultural team of dedicated and highly experienced women with varied personal and career backgrounds ready to provide their wealth of knowledge and expertise in empowering, teaching and helping women confidently know that they are enough while living whole and outrageously well. Our passion and ultimate intention is to ignite a spirit and knowing of “I Am Enough” within all women that will empower, inspire, and validate them on their journey to rediscovering their true authentic selves. Through a wealth of exciting services, programs, resources, and venues, women will have access to rich transformational information and passionate successful leaders that will assist them in remembering who they are and how to live fully and purposefully on their own terms. In addition, women who participate in our Institute will learn, grow, network, and connect to other like-minded women around the world creating a global sisterhood and female empowerment movement like never before.

Contact Us

I AM ENOUGH Magazine c/o The I Am Enough Institute P.O. Box 292 Azusa, CA 91702 Website: www.iamenoughmagazine.com Email: support@iamenoughinstitute.com Phone Number: (641) 715-3900 ext. 639452# To advertise with our magazine, please contact our advertising department at support@iamenoughinstitute.com for our 2015 Media Kit!

Letter from the Editor-In-Chief Elise Cohen Ho Dear Beautiful and Powerful Women Traveling the journey of bringing the I Am Enough magazine to the point of reaching over 12,000 people monthly in over 10 countries has been an amazing experience. It has been an experience which I have thoroughly enjoyed. During this time, I have had the distinct pleasure of working with our amazing writers, and entire team, in our joint goal to streamline our offerings, provide quality content, and furnish wonderful resources. In these last months, you have all gotten to know my wonderful Assistant Editor, Angela Mosley. Angela has exhibited terrific organizational, communication and editorial skills. All of which has made it very clear to me that it is time for me to pass the Editor-In-Chief reigns to Angela so that I may work on other pursuits including a new and exciting position with the I Am Enough Institute and AMJ Publications. Thank you to each of you for continuing to read our magazine, watching for our new offerings, and supporting us as well as each other. I am honored by all of the amazing feedback that we have received and look forward to continuing to serve you in my new role as Publishing Consultant for both the I Am Enough Institute and AMJ Publications. Happy New Year. Naturally Yours,

Elise Cohen Ho,


Editor-In Chief elisecohenho@iamenoughinstitute.com www.elisecohenho.com

I Am Enough


ThE MovEMEnT In Words

An InTErnATIonAlly rEcognIzEd MAgAzInE


nEW WEBsITE! WE ArE LIvE! www.iamenoughmagazine.com view All Past Issues of The I Am Enough Magazine on our new Website! For more information about advertising with us, please contact our advertising department at support@iamenoughinstitute.com.

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Preparing for Outrageous Success in 2015 by Dr. Anita M. Jackson, Publisher


appy New Year! Welcome to a new year and a new opportunity to begin anew as you let go of all those experiences that may have made 2014 heavy, difficult, and maybe even down right hard. The simple fact is, 2014 is OVER and now gives way to new intentions and possibilities that can empower you to becoming outrageously successful in every area of your life. This is good news as you begin to prepare for so much more in 2015. How cool is that! Let me be transparent here and share that 2014 was filled with several traumatic experiences for

me personally and even within my business. The experiences left me in a position of surrender in order to release everything that no longer served who I am, who I desire to be, and what I am called to do. Yet, despite all my previous accomplishments, successes, failures, losses, disappointments, and hurts, last year was probably my most transformational year yet as it truly prepared me for the outrageous success in every area of my life that I am now experiencing at a new level. In this article, I want to share with you five steps that I learned to prepare myself to experience a whole new level of outrageous success in my personal life and business.

Five Steps to Preparing for Outrageous Success in 2015

In June of 2014, I had the opportunity to speak at an event in Hawaii and while there I also had the opportunity to walk through the Hawaiian Rainforest where I experienced and witnessed the beauty and power of a 187 foot waterfall. During this winding and uphill climb, I had the opportunity to stop and take in the energetic power and beauty of nature. While standing there taking it all in, I clearly heard my spirit say, “Anita, you are not being who we created you to be.” Of course, this caught me off guard, but, unfortunately, I immediately dismissed it. Later, I heard this decree over and over again that I was not being who I was designed to be. When I finally stopped and took in what these words meant, it occurred to me that most of my identity was formed out of what I can do and (indirectly) what other people expect me to be and do, something many women struggle with on a regular basis. What this revelation brought forth was that in order to truly experience MY level of outrageous success, I had to reconnect to my own authentic truth, my values, beliefs, desires, and dreams based on what felt absolutely right to me spiritually and energetically. This led to my first step in preparing for outrageous success.

Step One: Develop a strong spiritual practice Developing a spiritual practice is the foundation to outrageous success. Remembering that we are first and foremost spiritual beings living in a physical body can powerfully aid us in experiencing more balance, peace, joy, fulfillment, satisfaction and success in every area of our lives. Having a spiritual practice doesn’t mean it has to be religious. It does mean, however, that it must be authentically true to helping you feel empowered, grounded, and confident. It can include listening to music, lighting candles, reading an inspirational book, sleeping, having a massage, and spending quiet time in prayer, meditation, and reflection. Whatever empowers and inspires you to have a deeper and more intimate connection to God, Spirit, Source, the Universe, will greatly influence and empower you in becoming and experiencing outrageous success.

Step Two: Define Your Dreams, Define Success, and Get a Burning Desire for Both If you have ever read any book by Napoleon Hill, you already know that his number one recommendation is to define your dream and get a burning desire for its achievement. The task of defining your dream and success enables you to have a clear understanding of who you are becoming as well as what you are working toward—both for your personal life and business. All too often, many women do not take the time to define who they are or what it is they want to experience in their personal lives and business. Unfortunately, when we do not define both, we become subject to others’ opinions and expectations of who we are and what we should do. This inevitably causes the feelings of not being good enough because someone else’s ideas and opinions of us are typically never enough and the expectations cause a vicious cycle of frustrations, disappointments, and hurts. However, when we DO define our dreams and success, based on our own beliefs, truths and values, our internal innate spiritual DNA (encoding of information on how to function) kicks in and guarantees our ability to be outrageously successful. It is your divine birthright to live life abundantly and outrageously well. Your job is to convince yourself that this is true and then do it.

Step Three: Make some commitments to yourself and your destiny I learned years ago that making New Year’s resolutions rarely works for me, or anyone else for that matter. However, last year I decided to make New Year Intentions of what I wanted to experience, and I am proud to state that I accomplished three out of the four intentions I had set for myself in 2014. My intentions were based on my internal convictions and commitments I made to myself in what I wanted to experience differently. As I kept these convictions and commitments not only in the forefront of my mind, but literally on large post-it note paper in my office, my mind stayed focused on pursuing these commitments. This focus literally helped me complete personal and business goals, attract more opportunities, travel more, and dramatically advance my businesses.

Step Four: Create a detailed strategic plan This step may seem funny and maybe even out of place because of the “rigidness” of how strategic plans are often developed. However, creating a detailed strategic plan for my personal life and business has enabled me to eliminate the feeling of being overwhelmed, broke, busted and disgusted in every area of my life. Having a strategic plan was like having a road map guiding me to “paradise”--my deeper dreams and desires. This strategic plan enabled me to launch the new website for the “I Am Enough” magazine (www.iamenoughmagazine.com). It also enabled me to launch Outrageous Success Women’s Media Productions, which is responsible for Outrageous Success Women’s TV (an online women’s television show found at www.oswtv.com, as well as other upcoming online television shows, and later this year the Outrageous Success Women’s Radio Network. Having some type of strategic plan can make all the difference between working hard and working smart. Being and working “smart” has proven to lead toward more freedom, success, collaborations, joy, and yes…even money.

Step Five: Get Support You were not created to be and do everything alone. No matter how gifted you are in having the ability to do everything alone, it is not your responsibility to do so. This is one challenge that every woman I know struggles with. Whether from the bombardment of conflicting messages from society, family rituals, traditions, religion, external expectations and/or our own experiences, women have become indirectly and unconsciously convinced that we are required to do everything on our own. This false and misleading belief is causing many women, especially American women, to experience a rising epidemic of increased psychological and physical problems. The most courageous and powerful thing I ever did for myself and my business was to ask for help and get support. This allowed me to get clear on what and where my focus and energy needed to go, where to place my “genius” in utilizing my gifts and talents, and how to support my team in strengthening their genius, gifts and talents as well. This ultimately helped me holistically in my personal life and business. Whether it’s a therapist, psychologist, success coach, healer, family member, friend or whomever you trust, having a “dream team” support system will dramatically aid you in becoming outrageously successful. If I were to add a sixth step to preparing for outrageous success in 2015 it would be this:


Don’t Forget to

Enjoy and Live Your Life Being outrageously successful means living life on your own terms in a way that honors who you truly are and that does that action or work. However, if your “working” doesn’t include living, then in the end it’s really not worth it because one day you’ll look up and ask, “Where am I? How did I get here?” or my question, “How did I miss all…?” In my pursuit of becoming outrageously successful, I forgot to live abundantly. As 2015 begins, I understand that the practice of embracing my deeper visceral truth of knowing that I AM enough AND that I can be outrageously successful must come from my Truth of who I am designed to BE. As I honor and stay committed to this Truth, I am continuing to experience outrageous success in every area of my life and will be even more during “The Year of the Woman.” You ARE Enough ~ You Always Have Been ~ You Always Will Be! Now, Act Like This Is TRUE!

Dr. Anita M. Jackson 13

A New Paradigm by Monika Zands amazing year slipped through my finA nother gertips as though it were a snowflake in the

first snow of the winter season. I was so excited to have arrived here full of hopes, dreams, New Year’s resolutions, and possibility. But another voice inside my head was simultaneously wondering, “Am I ready? Am I ready for the amazingness that is coming and am I ready for the unexpected challenges that are lurking somewhere?” I invite you to take a deep breath and let go right now of anything that may not serve you, so you can paint on that blank New Year’s canvas your wild, bold, beautiful and adventurous picture of the life you want to embrace for 2015. This is your year! Your year of working hard, creating new opportunities, getting excited to impact lives while recognizing your unique gifts and living a life FULL of GREATNESS, certain to arrive at the goals you desire.

land at your desired outcomes? Do you have the confidence to repeat this process again and again? I have noticed that when people align the things they do on a daily basis with the gifts needed to produce results, the vision they have for their life moves gracefully into their reality. So what is it going to take? Year after year you are presented with this question. But what if this year a new YOU could begin operating in a new paradigm? This is NOT the old you who may have had doubts, fears, scarcity, and confusion. This is the YOU that knows you cannot fail. It is the YOU that you have been all along, but for some reason that old you bought into a different version of yourself.

Did you know that January 28th is the date that goes down on the calendar as the day that 95% of people are no longer pursuing their New Year’s resolution! CRAZY, I know! With that in mind, how then are you going to do things differently this What if this year you started by focusing on aligning year? How will you MAKE SURE that your New Year’s resolution will stick? Here are 3 steps to help your gifts with your actions? Can this be the year you are accurately assessing what skills, tools, and you shift your paradigm and be in that 5% zone of resources you have (and which ones you still need) people sticking to their resolutions this year. in order to produce enough consistent action to



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RENAME: No longer will you call your goals your New Year’s Resolutions. Nope, from now on you will call them your, “NEW NO-MATTER-WHAT ACTIONS”. This year you are choosing to make a no-matter-what commitment to doing your best and striving for greatness. There is no other option because you ALREADY ARE GREAT (you’ve just had temporary amnesia about it)! REPEAT: To shift into your new paradigm repeat this simple affirmation: I matter. I am strong. I am beautiful. I am creative. I am using my gifts. I am loved. I am loving. I am sharing my greatness with the world. Repeat aloud to yourself daily in your room, in your closet, in your car, in your house, in your garden, in your mirror looking right into your very own eyes, and every time it comes to mind!! RECIPROCATE: You are about to conquer your own personal Mt. Everest! It may be cold and the visibility is poor but knowing you have the entire universe cheering you on to recognize your gifts and pay your greatness forward is what it is going to take to WIN this year. No matter what, you will achieve what you set out to achieve because beyond you are the people who have also been wondering if this is their year and you will show them what’s possible just by being YOU!!

YOUR GREATNESS is about recognizing your gifts and doing your best everyday. It is about striving for excellence in all that you do. Take some time to really find what moves you, what about you inspires others and how you wish to pay YOU forward. When that little voice inside of your head begins to spin you around in doubt and confusion, I am here to be the louder voice in there telling you to “FIND YOUR GREATNESS! DON’T YOU DARE STOP UNTIL YOU DO!” I encourage you to stand tall, look your self eye-to-eye in the mirror with a smile, and tell yourself you have everything you need to win today. And then say that each and every day without fail, no matter what, and you too will watch as your life experience changes before your very eyes. As Wayne Dyer Points out your body isn’t even the same, on a cellular level, as it was just 5 years ago, so why do you keep hanging onto the “you” that isn’t even YOU today! Make that shift, make that commitment, and you are well on your way to the life you keep saying you are after!! So now it is up to you. I am ready. SHARE YOUR GIFTS WITH ME, and I will share you with the world to inspire, motivate, and create the belief that will help another! Shift your paradigm and the whole universe shifts with you!! Happy New Year! Spread More Love. #MOLO Love, Monika

Audio by Monika Zands

Listen Now Monika Zands


5 Sacred Steps to Self Love by Ivana Siska are all divine Beings of light and love, caW epable of incredible caring and emotion, com-

passion, understanding, affection, care, and acceptance. We display these characteristics on a daily basis, often giving of ourselves in this way even more deeply than we could have ever imagined.

not partake in any self-indulgent pursuits or comforts, and to never, ever, put ourselves first. Honestly, this is a pretty unnatural dogma to try to live by. The lack of self-love in your life will result in a world of hurt, not just for you, but also for the people you care about most. How can you do for another person something you cannot do for yourself?

Remember how radically powerful it felt when you first fell in love, or how intensely you love your child, your partner, your best friend, or even your pet? Could your pet or baby ever do anything so Without self-love, you will encounter a hunger for terrible that you would stop loving them? I think not. external comfort and love that will always fall short, and you will never be able to attain the type of What about you? Do you have that kind of love for deep, loving, and healthy connection with another yourself? Can you love yourself no matter what? human being that you long for. In some people, a Or, do you have strict rules about who you have lack of self-love will spiral into real debilitating emoto be and how you have to show up in order to be tional challenges and conditions of low self-esteem, loved? Have you forgotten about you? martyrdom, and even a lack of self-value. So what can you do to combat this? If you have neglected yourself a little bit (or a lot), you are certainly not alone. Most of us have been Finding the path to self-love is not rocket science, taught that self-love is a sign of narcissism, selfbut it can be challenging if it is truly a new venture ishness, and not a positive character trait that a for you. Luckily, self-love feels remarkable and, “good� person displays. Depending on our religious therefore, is motivating. And, little efforts result in upbringing and cultural background, we may also huge rewards! It also happens to be simple, so have been taught to care about the feelings of oth- anyone can do it. ers before our own, to compromise, to sacrifice, to 16

Here are Five Sacred Steps to Self-Love that I share with my clients.


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Connect with God/Mother Nature/the Universe, etc. No matter what you call it, we cannot ignore that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves. Acknowledge this fact, and allow the greatness of All That Is to completely engulf you. Knowing that you are not the end-all-be-all takes an enormous amount of pressure off your shoulders and allows you the space to relax and put things into perspective. Forgive Yourself. Whatever you don’t like about yourself in the past is no longer valid. Just agree to let the past become something that once was and allow yourself to move into Now. Now is what counts. What you do in this moment is what will define you now and take you into the next moment of your life. If you can forgive yourself, others can too. Accept Your Brilliance. You are spectacular and perfect. Just like all the other creatures on this planet, you are here in perfect form, for a reason. Learn about yourself, about who you are and what your strengths, talents and abilities are, how you shine, and how unique you are. Know that you are the only person just like you! Embrace Change. Look beyond what and who you are today, and know that life is about evolution and transformation. Allow people and things to change. Appreciate the uniqueness in them and their life cycles, as you do your own. Invite growth. Find What Brings You Joy and Have As Much Of “IT” As Possible! Really! Be like a big tree: a tree grows its roots deep into the ground so that it can take all the possible nutrients, nourishment, food, sustenance, water and energy it can from its environment. It takes and takes and takes… and by doing so, it can become a magnificent tree! This strong and nourished tree can then give us shade, food, lumber, fresh air, comfort, a place for birds and squirrels to live, and so much more. The more it takes, the more it can give! You… be the tree! Take in what fuels you, and then share your gifts those around you. Whatever it is that makes your heart sing, your spirit soar, your imagination spring to life… get it. Give it to yourself so that you can be who you know you truly are. Fill up so that you can be what you desire most; then be THAT and share it. Remember, Love Always in All Ways!

Ivana Siska 17

Is it time for a big shift in your business? by Maribel Jimenez


s you look over your year so far, how does it make you feel? Are you tired of trying to make it better but feel like you are just not getting the results you would like? What if you could make a shift today? I like to see quick results myself so I understand the feelings in these questions. In my first year in business, I was on a race to figure this out so I could replace the income I had as an employee before starting my business. I did a lot of things that I now realize showed the power of manifesting in action but in a negative way...since I wasn’t enjoying the results. I know now that we get more of what we think about...so here’s what I used to think and how it manifested. Old Belief: “It takes hard work to pay off”, “Work now, play later” So guess what I did? I worked hard! I overworked and became obsessed with the thoughts that I needed to always be working so I could have success later. I would over-complicate my life and take on more than necessary since I really believed that this was the only way….until I started to question it. 18

What if it didn’t have to be so hard? What if I could enjoy a payoff right now? After all, I did have a beautiful family right in my home that I longed to enjoy more time with but didn’t give myself permission to really enjoy. What if I could simplify my life and pay attention to ONLY the most important things? NOT EVERYTHING. I challenged this belief and embraced new beliefs like these, “I enjoy a life filled with peace, playfulness AND prosperity,” “Money comes to me with ease,” “In an easy and relaxed manner, I’m building a business I love.” These types of statements allowed me to start having fun and enjoying my business AND time off. As I embraced these new beliefs, I attracted a new type of client that matched, new opportunities rapidly surfaced with partnerships, I got new insights to re-structure my offerings, I clarified what I enjoyed and wanted to do more of day-to-day in my business and outsourced the stuff I dreaded, and the list goes on. This all happened in weeks, and within 30 days brought in more income in my business than I had in the previous 6 months of business (not to mention with much less effort). Old belief: “I have to be successful before people will want to help me or do business with me”

I didn’t ask anyone for help since I didn’t feel successful. I was afraid to charge more or even ask for money sometimes. I tried to do everything myself and figure things out regardless of whether I wanted to learn it or not. I took course after course hoping I would get more confidence through that only to feel exhausted physically and financially. Don’t get me wrong. I still invest both time and money to develop my skills. The difference now is that I move towards what I enjoy learning about and immediately implement it versus my old way of accumulating knowledge in hopes that I would feel more confident and create success in business. My big shift happened when my mentor told me that I had it all wrong. I needed to define my own success and at the end of the day what was important to me was that I made a difference in the lives of others and was living my life full out. After I wrote it out, I realized that I could do that every day moving forward. I started to feel the success right away by putting my best self out there and serving others! I learned that it was in being willing to receive support (I was cutting that off) that I could multiply my success. How did I shift those limiting beliefs so fast? As my good friend, Jenn August taught me, “You change the movie running in your head” and put in what you would like it to be. I learned to become an investigator of my thoughts so I could make changes. I’ve since embraced this fully. Now, automatically, when I feel like I am not getting the results I would like, I have an opportunity to make a shift right then! I invite you to think about what you no longer want to experience (I find most people are clear about this) and turn it around and ask yourself, “What is it that I would like to experience?” and visualize that exact thing happening in your life. It allows you to immediately raise your vibration and feel good about what you can experience if you choose. This is the beginning of making a shift, and then you can make a new choice to take at least one step in the direction that moves you closer to what you want to experience. Remember, that consistent steps in the right direction lead to multiplied results. Why multiplied? I have found that when I am focused on taking my best next steps, I attract even more support from others through a clear focus. Momentum then happens with the steady movement forward, versus feeling stuck in the experience of what doesn’t feel good through negative thoughts about it. I’ve watched my clients and colleagues shift their experience within minutes and overall make huge shifts in weeks and even in a few days. Are you ready to experience a shift to a business and life that you love right now? It starts with a decision to do so. Then take the next step to clarify the experience you want right now. You absolutely deserve to experience a life and business you love! If you want to learn more tips on creating a business and life that you love, you can access them at www.YourDreamLaunch.com/gifts . Audio by Maribel Jimenez

Listen Now

Maribel Jimenez 19

A Recipe for Success, with Ease by Sharon Otness I hear the lament that being healthy is Sohardoftenwork! “It takes too long to grocery shop,

chop vegetables, make a meal and squeeze in exercise.” Forget about it! You end up getting takeout, calling in for a pizza, eating on the run and the yoga mat sits in the corner. Does any of this sound familiar? (I can be guilty on the exercise end of things even though I am an avid walker). Let’s flip that around in 2015. How about making 2015 the year of EASE? Loving and being good to your body is a treat and a joy. Making and eating beautiful food is a sensory experience. Exercise sharpens your mind and gets your skin glowing. Hard work, on the other hand, is getting on your hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor. Let’s be honest. You cannot be living your most successful and authentic life professionally and personally if you are not in peak wellness. If you don’t set any other goal in 2015, make this the year you set your priorities straight. The health and wellness of YOU and your family and loved ones needs to come first! You have one beautiful body that houses a brilliant mind and soul. Allow it to work in peak condition with ease. This is what my “living Life on a Natural High” is all about. I advocate finding and using tools that will de-stress your life without resorting to damaging and addictive behaviors with too much alcohol and other substances, pills, sugar and emotional eating. Here are some of my favorite “tricks” that help me live a life of more ease and less stress. When it comes to grocery shopping.....Eating Clean means shopping the perimeter of the store for fresh produce (treat yourself to flowers!), Greek yogurt, wild fish and antibiotic free poultry and meats, and


bulk foods. Add in one or two aisles for frozen fruits and veggies and canned tuna and gluten free pasta. As for cleaning with ease....Make your own cleaning products with one or two simple ingredients that can clean your whole house. No more shuffling through cabinets to find specific ones--which are probably full of chemicals. Try this easy multipurpose cleaner instead. In a spray bottle add 50% water and 50% white vinegar. Add 10 drops of lemon or wild orange essential oils for extra cleaning power (and a better smell) to clean all of your home surfaces except for wood. To make exercise easier....Find one or two online video sites where you can get a 30-60 minute workout at home if you need to. One of my favorites is www.doyogawithme.com To make personal care easier....Take an Epsom salt bath and add in a handful of baking soda for softer skin and a couple drops of lavender essential oils to melt your stress away. Do a 3 minute meditation of deep breathing exercise while you soak. When it comes to cooking, with ease, all that yummy food you just bought....Cook once, eat multiple times. It is easy to cook extra brown rice, quinoa, beans and lentils to use for dishes throughout the week. Nothing is easier than a rotisserie chicken from the deli. Eat the meat for one or more meals, then cook the carcass for the start of a delicious soup for later. Tale advantage of the plethora of already cut-up produce in the market. Markets like Whole Foods will grill fish for you. Frozen fruits are great for smoothies and frozen veggies can be a real time saver. Here is one of my favorite recipes for turning fresh ingredients into a delicious meal, in about thirty minutes. Now, that was easy!

Lemongrass Cilantro Rice with Baby Bok Choy and Broccoli Stir Fry To make the Lemongrass Cilantro Rice, add 1 cup of brown rice to 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Add 1-2 inch piece of fresh, chopped, lemongrass and reduce to simmer. Cook for approximately 30 minutes. Toss with 2 Tablespoons fresh, chopped, cilantro. While rice is cooking, prepare the Baby Bok Choy and Broccoli Stir Fry. Heat small amount of oil (olive or coconut) in hot skillet. Add bok choy, broccoli florets, 1-inch piece of ginger (sliced) and 2 cloves of garlic. Stir fry until hot but still crisp. Finish with a few drops of sesame oil. (You can easily add meat to the dish, if you would like to). Serve over lemongrass cilantro rice. Clean Healthy Eating + Less Stress = Success with ease Happy New Year!

Audio by Sharon Otness

Listen Now Sharon Otness 21


of mine has a friend who wrote a well-reA friend searched and carefully constructed book. With blood, sweat, and tears, she wrote and published the book with the best intentions to serve others with her expertise and passion.

Yet, she encountered a review on Amazon that really upset her. Basically, the reviewer said that the book was more of the same information he had heard over and over again, more “blah, blah, blah” and nothing new. Of course it goes without saying that we see things from our own unique perspective. That was his point of view while other reviewers had some serious praise for the book. I could explore why the author had particularly thin skin about that review (chances are, in her heart of hearts she may have felt that her book contained nothing new and the reviewer’s words hit her secret soft spot). However, what really intrigued me was the reviewer’s perspective of “blah, blah, blah.” The subject matter of her book had to do with the keys to success. In this New Thought era we may find ourselves in a state of enthrall (and perhaps overload). We speak the same messages (e.g., “You create your own reality,” “You are valuable and worthy,” “Be the change you want to see,”) but in different ways. 22

So, yes, perhaps the reviewer, seeking to be successful, was drawn to her book. Perhaps he was looking for that one magic phrase or that brand new concept that would hit him like a lightning bolt and turn his life around. Instead, he was disappointed. Perhaps he was disappointed because after reading the book he was still himself. Perhaps. But, isn’t that what we do? Don’t we explore concepts over and over again looking for that one idea – that needle in a haystack – that will turn our lives around? And before we pull the trigger on applying the ideas to our lives we already know it’s not going to work. Take the idea of a New Year’s resolution. My goodness, how many times have we heard about a fresh start? What is more appropriate to ask, perhaps, is: How many times have we used the idea of a fresh start to begin (or resume) a course of action or an activity that requires consistency, only to abandon it soon after January 1st?

Okay. So, it’s time to take stock. Be honest. Does it all now sound like “blah, blah, blah” to you as well? Does the idea of having a New Year’s resolution feel like old and tired stuff now? If so, I say, “Congratulations!” I say congratulations because obviously you are being honest with yourself. You have the courage to tell yourself the truth and are aware of how you feel about the whole thing. You still have your dreams and goals (and maybe they are bigger and stronger than ever!) but the whole resolution thing feels like more of the same old stuff. I also say congratulations because, the way I see it, you and our “blah, blah, blah” reviewer may have something in common. You have absorbed as much of the knowingness in your head that you need. You know the jargon, you are aware of the steps, you understand the relationship between your consistent effort and the desired outcome. So, again I say, “Congratulations.” But where does that leave you if you are still searching for answers? If you are in the “blah, blah, blah” and still searching for answers, dare I say it? You have not yet PICKED AN IDEA, and chosen to run with it! Although you have already read, SOMEWHERE, the answer to your prayers, at this point you have not been willing to DO the work which is the bridge from your current state of being to your magical and amazing future self. You have the knowingness in your head that has not yet traveled to your heart. I ask you. Is NOW the time? Are you ready to take your particular connection with the idea of “blah, blah, blah” to the next level? Because once you know in your heart (not your head) that you create your own reality, that you are valuable and worthy, and you are living the change, I assure you that NOTHING will feel like “blah, blah, blah” anymore. It will all feel wonderful, magical and amazing. If you are unsure about the direction you should go, let your “blah, blah, blah” tell you. It is what you know best. It is what you have heard and ingested for a long time but not yet used. Just pick one. What have you read about the keys to attaining success, love and/or abundance? Folks have been sharing the information for eons and in different ways. Your answer is already here. It has been staring you in the face. Are you ready to stare back at it? It is time to move from understanding things in your head to knowing them in your heart. You need you to show up in this way. I need you to show up in this way. The world needs you to show up—vital, strong, and alive, from your heart space. It’s time to shine in ways that are uniquely you! www.janetdthomas.com

Audio by Janet Thomas

Listen Now Janet Thomas 23

A New Year, A New Way to Market Your Uniqueness by Teri Hockett has a personal brand, but most peoEveryone ple are not utilizing their brand to grow profes-

sionally. A strong personal brand has a consistent message that showcases your qualifications, interests, passions, and value. Your brand is used to market your expertise and why you are uniquely qualified. Think about it as being your reputation, a representation of what you stand for. Your personal brand may be a deciding factor for that dream job, promotion, or client, so it is imperative that YOU be the person that crafts and maintains your personal brand because you have the most invested in the message!

Determine Your Current Personal Brand If you are reading this article, you already have a personal brand! With that being said, what does your current personal brand say about you? Complete these five steps to find out what your personal brand currently is: • Google yourself. That’s right, type your full name into the Google Search box and read every thing that pops up.

Super Tip:

Set up a Google Alert on your name at this time so you will be notified every time you are mentioned online. • Open and review all of the social media sites that you currently use. • Read all material that your name pops up on – whether written by you or comments you made on other people’s blogs, articles, posts, pictures, or videos. • Ask a 3 colleagues and /or friends to independently review your personal brand and to give you honest feedback. Objectively look at the results from completing the steps above and answer the following questions: • Is this the best representation of you and your reputation? • Does your personal brand market your best assets in the workplace? • Does it accurately showcase your expertise, skills, experience, accomplishments, and knowledge? • Does your personal brand help you demonstrate why you are the best candidate for the job or for the ideal client that you desire? • Are you effectively using social media to share your personal brand?

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Crafting Your New and Improved Personal Brand Include your elevator pitch that clearly and concisely shares your message. Make it memorable by including your unique value. This is a wonderful opportunity to get a group of colleagues and friends together to brainstorm and give input on words to describe you. Get a current professional head shot and use it consistently across all social media platforms. You want people to recognize you when they meet you in person and also have the feeling they already know you because they have seen you in various online sites. Include a mission statement that clearly states what you stand for and what you are looking for. People have a basic need to help others, so make it easy for them by letting them know exactly what you need, what you have to offer, and/or how you might work together. Know what social media channels are appropriate for your brand and your mission as well as where the people are that you want to know, like, and trust you. • LinkedIn – the number one go to site crosses all channels • Twitter – a great way to connect with people and get a lot of cross promotion • Blogging – the best way to convey the depth and extent of your expertise and passion. • Pinterest and Instagram– great for creative types that are very visual.

Personal Brand Maintenance When you upgrade the look of your personal brand, remember that the use of colors, fonts, and pictures can convey and enhance the various facets of your personal brand. Add in your volunteer work – it demonstrates you are well rounded and have balance in your life. Keep your personal brand up to date. Schedule a quarterly review on the calendar and add new accomplishments and activities as they occur. Newsworthy items such as: speaking engagements, mentions in the media, blogs or articles that you have authored, and promotions all deserve a special shout out.

Super Tip:

Increase your visibility by showcasing and highlighting accomplishments of your peers and colleagues.

Super Tip:

Like, Follow, and Friend people that you want to know. Comment on their current accomplishments and newsworthy activities. Personal branding is a commitment of time and energy, but it will pay off in spades if you do it right and consistently. If all this still seems overwhelming, hire someone to help, as this investment is critical to showcase that YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Teri Hockett 25

A New Approach to Sales A New Year’s Resolution with “Better Results and Higher Profits” by Anne D. Johnson passion for what you do, a burning desire to A help others, and the drive to grow a business

There is no longer a distinction between the sales process and the unsavory people still using the should be the perfect combination to “make things pushy and aggressive sales tactics. The stereotype happen.” But for many people with a vision, gainhas become such a problem that other sales training any kind of traction still seems impossible. Even ers are now advising you “lie” to yourself and your after achieving some degree of success, getting to sales team. Have you been told to say, “I don’t Sell” the next level can be a daunting challenge, keeping yet? Come on, what are we doing? (By the way, their ultimate vision of success at bay. saying that won’t change anything, and it’s also a topic for another day). I understand the frustration of wanting to help people, feeling the pressure to spread the mesThis negative impression of Sales has become so sage, only to end up going in circles, feeling defeat- deeply rooted in society’s subconscious and widely ed, wasting time on people who are not interested, accepted as the norm that it spills over to sales and finally questioning if it even makes sense to try training. The widespread belief is that sales training anymore. teaches you how to manipulate people into buying. It’s no wonder you feel resistance! So the real question becomes, “Why are so many of these passionate, motivated people Whether you are stuck at ground zero, have hit a struggling?” plateau, or are striving for success beyond your wildest dreams, years of experience have proven People simply do not want to be associated with to me that your future results are contingent upon Sales. Many people have an emotional response your ability to consciously shift your thoughts and just hearing the word sales. Try it yourself. Close adopt a “New Approach to Selling.” Let’s face it, your eyes and say, “SELLING.” What’s the first if you are struggling, then what you are currently thing that comes to mind? If it’s negative, you are doing isn’t working! not alone. A common reaction to this exercise is a yucky feeling coupled with the undesirable image of a pushy and aggressive, sneaky, make-the-saleno-matter-what kind of person. Unfortunately, this negative image has become synonymous with the word sales to the point of people reacting as though the actual process of making a sale is unscrupulous, as if anyone selling anything will do or say whatever it takes to get a sale! Ouch.


Changing the way the world thinks about Sales has become my personal mission. My purpose here is to help you unravel the psychology behind your own limiting beliefs, reintroduce the truth about selling, and shift your perception of the sales process. Perception matters more than anything else. Eliminating negative stereo types and replacing them with positive images from the Bold and Classy “New School of Selling” in which you are able to be 100% authentic, honor the Truth, and remain in alignment with your purpose, is the only way to overcome the resistance toward selling that’s buried deep inside, keeping you from achieving better results. I have seen the proof with my coaching clients’ time and time again and it starts by setting aside whatever you think you know about Selling. Here is my own Bold and Classy “New School” definition of Selling: Selling is about educating people to make an informed decision. My responsibility is guiding the client through the decision making process to a point of Resolution. Closing is a Yes or No answer that is their choice, but leaving them to drift endlessly in limbo, without making a decision, is not helping them! Remember, You are enough and You can eliminate resistance and Adopt a New Approach to Selling. What better time is there than right now? The New Year symbolizes a fresh start and brings with it, a sense of renewed hope. It’s a great time for setting new goals, creating new habits, and making a commitment to implement change. Over the coming year you can make simple yet significant changes in your current sales process that will dramatically increase your results and take your vision to a whole new level. Your New Year’s Resolution can and should be “Better Results and Higher Profit!” Audio by Anne D. Johnson

Listen Now

Anne D. Johnson 27

Popular Belief About Money is Actually a Myth by Rebecca Hall Gruyter

Whereas, if they had gotten support from a financial expert and received guidance on how to invest ou may have heard the Myth: I just need more a portion of this windfall or increased income, they money or income to shift forward financially. could have enjoyed a richer lifestyle now and in the future. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can The Powerful Truth is: More is NOT the answer, get support in building a balanced and sustainable but in fact it is how you relate to money that approach that will empower you both now and in helps you shift forward. the future. When you get these windfalls or increased income, it’s an amazing opportunity to shift It’s easy to believe that more money is THE magic forward powerfully, but only if you get support and answer, but that is simply not true. It has been change how you interact with your money. If you proven time and time again that the vast majority don’t change, you will end up right back in a familof people who win the lottery or get a huge inheriiar pattern of money, regardless of the amount you tance end up with the same or less money than earned or brought in. they started with. For example, if you’re used to baking and cooking Over the past 14 years as a financial expert, I have for a group of 4-6 people and you want to shift forseen it again and again. Regardless of the amount ward to serving 150-200 people, you won’t be suca person earns or inherits or wins, if they don’t cessful if you approach it the same way. You would shift their relationship with money, they inevitably need to have different lead times, more ingredients, end up right back where they started (and in many a larger serving area, restaurant size equipment for cases worse off). Frequently, this is because they the kitchen, larger storage areas, etc. But if you feel like the amount they have brought in or been refused to shift, you would end up losing the larger given is endless, so they don’t necessarily focus on opportunity because you kept trying to inefficiently the future or shifting their financial position forward serve the larger group in a smaller group style. To in a permanent way. Instead, they celebrate and be successful, you would need to change your start to spend money on all the things they always relationship with how you approach serving the wanted or wished they could do all at once and larger group and how you thought about resources, quickly spend the money down in one to two years. timing, your role, bringing support and help in, and lead times. It’s the same thing with us if we’re growing and wanting to play a different game or shift our financial position -- we need to be willing to start thinking and being different in our relationship with and approach to money.



I have seen individuals and families who received a large sum of money just spend down the sum to get back to the amount of money they are familiar with or understand. The most powerful way to counteract this is to change your relationship with money so you’re really more connected with it and, in fact, form a relationship with it that puts you in a leadership position in your relationship with money. Once you discover how to do this, then your money can start to serve you, your calling, and your vision.

Part of stepping into a leadership relationship with money includes learning how to take practical steps with it to move you forward -- to make sure you have a firm foundation and clear goals, and that you understand the next steps you need to take to move you forward. This is where it becomes really important to have money experts help you become empowered in your relationship with money. They can help you develop a practical step-by-step plan personalized to you, your goals and your time- frames.

Also, I have seen people who earned a fairly high or very high income during their working years end up struggling in their retirement years because they accumulated a large amount of debt, despite their income, or they spent everything they brought Explore your current relationship with money. in. I have also seen men and women who earned Notice any patterns and feelings that come up. a fairly low income during their working years live Are they serving you? If not, how will you start very well in their retirement years. The difference to shift them to serve you? Where do you need I found was not in how much they earned, but in support and help to do this? And then, take how they interacted with and related to money. It is how they interacted with what they earned, not just action to get the support you need to empower you in your relationship with money. how much they earned. When they learned how to step into a leadership and empowered position with money, then they were able to build the life they Audio by Rebecca Hall Gruyter wanted and needed financially. They were able to Listen Now make decisions to move themselves forward, to accept the consequences both good and bad for their decisions and choices. When they stepped into leadership and took responsibility for their financial position and relationship, they then, in fact, could move their financial position forward. Money then became a tool and resource they could work with to build what mattered most to them on a short term and long term basis.

Success Tip:

Rebecca Hall Gruyter 29

Finding Your Passion by Elise Cohen Ho, PhD fulfilled life is full of passion. The absolute A truly burning love that makes you conquer each and every day. But how do you find that passion? How do you figure out what to do to get you to that truly passionate place that gives you butterflies in your stomach?

The first step is always self reflection. Take a deep look inside of yourself and think about what has made you truly happy and given you a fully satisfied feeling. Take this time to look back so that you can look forward and achieve your wildest dreams.


Perhaps your passion is in starting a new business, or you already have a business but the message is not clear. Either way, a bit of self-reflection can help. I encourage everyone to start with a resume. If you already have a resume then I encourage you to look it over and make sure that it is fully accurate. When writing a resume you can choose among whatever media is the most comfortable for you, though I strongly suggest starting with LinkedIn as this will also dip your feet into a pool full of great resources.

The steps for creating a LinkedIn profile are: • Visit www.linkedin.com and create your profile. • Add a professional photo. If your photo is too casual then you are not giving off the proper image for this particular format of social media. • Next you will visit “privacy & settings” where you will temporarily turn off notifications by clicking on “Turn on/off your privacy settings.” Uncheck the box and click save. By doing this, you can now quietly make changes to your profile without everyone getting a constant notification. Once you have your profile set up you will go back in and turn the notifications back on. Remember that this is a networking platform so you do want people to be aware of changes but not when you are going to be making so many at once. • Start filling in all of your education and job experience. Use this opportunity to make sure that your dates are correct and to fill in any gaps. List all of the job skills and do not forget about volunteer work. • Fill in the personal information such as the summary of your skills. Now that you have a resume do not forget to turn the notifications back on. Remember that you do want to be visible and make With passion, you will be excited to work the long connections now that you have worked through this hours that are necessary for a successful business. amazing self reflection and gotten more clarity. With passion, you will be more than willing to go the extra mile. With passion, you will be excited to If you chose not to use LinkedIn then you may jump out of bed in the morning and embark on your have used pen and paper, or a form that you have day. Without passion, you will want to pull up the found online, but regardless of what method you covers and go back to sleep. have chosen you now have a resume. This means that it is time for some deep reflection. Ask yourDo not go to sleep, find your passion and live your self the following questions: passion. • What is the common thread between all of the jobs?

Truly know that it is never too late to live your life with passion, purpose and fully in your POWER.

• What positions did I really love and flourish in? Why? • Which positions did not nourish me? Why? In answering these questions you will begin to gain focus on what really nourishes you and makes your heart sing. In this is your future. If you take a job, or open a business, that does not excite you than you simply have… a job. If you embark on a career that excites you then you have a passion. Elise Cohen Ho 31

Executive Magazine Team Anita M. Jackson, EdD, Publisher, I Am Enough Magazine Founder and CEO of The I Am Enough Institute Dr. Anita M. Jackson is on a mission to empower all women to know they are enough. With 25 years of experience in working with individuals, mostly women, as a Marriage & Family Therapist and Organizational Psychologist, Dr. Jackson is convinced that when a woman truly understands the powerful and spiritual truth of “I Am Enough” there will be a powerful shift in all areas of life. To step into your next level of outrageous success in every area of your life with confidence, courage, and feminine power, schedule a free 30-min consult with Dr. Jackson via email at draj@iamenoughinstitute.com. www.dranitamjackson.com

Elise Cohen Ho, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, I Am Enough Magazine Author with expertise in holistic health (mental, physical and emotional) and support of the family unit, as well as support of the individual. Her goal is to offer a no judgment zone, full of inspiration, while providing encouragement and healthy living, information on topics such as personal, family and business priorities, nutrition, and living the life that truly resonates with you. Website: www.elisecohenho.com

Angela Mosley, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, I Am Enough Magazine

Angela is a professional ghostwriter, author, and editor. She is also a writing coach who helps women write their stories in a way that honors their unique voice and truth. Currently, her blog can be found at www.b1inspired. com. Her new website, www.angelamosley.com, will be launching in early 2015.

Jennifer Williams, Graphic Designer, I Am Enough Magazine Provides branding, graphic and layout designing services. With ten years of experience as a graphic designer, She works with entrepreneurs creating high quality custom design packages that support their business endeavors and high-end visibility in print and online. Her expertise is in working with businesses needing to create custom layout designs and marketing materials that truly impress their customers. Whether its creating a flyer, brochure, advertisement, postcards or something as intricate as helping them design an online magazine, She can create it for you. Website: www.yourdesignsbyjen.com • Email: yourdesignsbyjen@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/creativedesignsbyjen 32


– The Movement In Words, an online magazine You’re invited to advertise your business the entire Advertise year of 2015 in our online magazine, With US! “I Am Enough.” Our online magazine reaches over 12,000 views and is considered an international magazine in ten (10) countries. Congratulate us

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Success Coaching with Dr. Anita M. Jackson,

Founder and CEO of The I Am Enough Institute & Outrageous Success Women’s Network

Dr. Anita M. Jackson’s ultimate mission is to empower every woman to know that she is enough AND can be outrageously successful in her personal life and business too! It is time for women to develop a new identity and level of power, authority, leadership that heals and transforms a woman’s life from merely existing to the highest level of thriving.

Success Coaching with Dr. Anita focuses on: • Developing a deeper sense of inner self-confidence and worth • Empowering a high level of divine feminine intuition and wisdom • Releasing past emotional and energetic traumas and patterns • Strengthening your inner personal success mastery and power • Empowering women in their feminine wealth consciousness • Support in the development of an outrageously successful mindset • Feminine strategic planning for personal and business success • Personalized attention to a client’s current challenges, needs, goals and intentions Dr. Anita offers several success coaching packages designed to powerfully propel her client’s to their next level of outrageous success. For specific details and prices, visit Dr. Anita’s website at www.dranitamjackson.com or contact her at: Email: dranita@dranitamjackson.com Phone Number: 641/715-3900 Ext. 639452#


Featured Writers Rebecca Hall Gruyter Rebecca Hall Gruyter, founder/Owner of Your Purpose Driven Practice, Creator of the Women’s Empowerment Series, Best Selling Author, and International VoiceAmerica Talk Radio Show Host. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business, Strategic Management Concentration, and a strong background in corporate and entrepreneurial circles as an in-demand Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Community Leader, and Coach. Rebecca is committed to helping people impact the world powerfully, helping them line up their business and life with their core values and unique gifts. Rebecca wants to help you be seen, heard, and shine!

www.facebook.com/pages/Rebecca-Hall-Gruyter/442052769207010 www.linkedin.com/pub/rebecca-hall-gruyter/9/266/280

Teri Hockett Transitional Career Strategist, CEO What’s For Work, and national speaker. As a Lead Recruiter and Outplacement Specialist for years, Teri thought it would be easy to opt back into the workforce. She quickly discovered that mom’s were devalued because of the gap in employment and for not having a viable personal brand. As entrepreneurship runs deep in Teri’s veins, she created What’s For Work. Teri works with her clients identify and market their unique value with confidence, by developing a strategic personal branding and career management system.

Maribel Jimenez An international speaker, bestselling author, and marketing mentor. She is founder of Creative Solutions Consulting, the New Superwoman community, and co-founder of Bake Your Book mentoring and her newest brand Your Dream Launch community. She works with Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Consultants teaching how to launch to 6 & 7 figures with successful product and program launches. Website: www.yourdreamlaunch.com

Anne D. Johnson Master Sales Consultant and Trainer Anne is the Bold and Classy Selling Expert, who shows people how to effectively sell without feeling pushy or aggressive. With 20 + years of experience working with Entrepreneurs, Not-for-Profit Organizations, Business Owners, and Fortune 500 companies including MetLife, AIG, and Citi Group; Anne teaches everyone from beginners to sales superstars, exactly how to harness their fear and overcome their resistance toward selling…so they can quickly accelerate their results and truly thrive in these changing business times. www.boldandclassyselling.com • www.facebook.com/BoldAndClassySelling https://twitter.com/BoldClassySales • www.linkedin.com/in/boldandclassyselling www.youtube.com/user/boldandclassywomentv 34

Sharon Otness Sharon Otness is a certified holistic health counselor and interior designer living in Santa Monica, Ca. Her holistic approach to emotional health and wellness allows her to help women of all ages meet the challenges of food, ultimate vitality, and creating sanctuary in a fast-paced world. Sharon is passionate about supporting clients through depression, anxiety and life transitions so they can discover the balanced and amazng life they were meant to live, full of meaning, love and without self-deprivation or guilt. Her mission is to help people “Live Life on a Natural High.”— Website: www.sharonotnessfoot.com Ivana Siska

On the surface, Ivana Siska is a happy and engaging, Beverly Hills based love, life and relationship expert, speaker and author who wisely advises a diverse range of clients from students to stay-at-home moms, executives, and celebrities on their most intimate and personal issues. She actively speaks on topics such as how sensuality and sexuality are powerful forces of good and not evil, and even provides creative business consulting for some of the more “open & inspired” companies. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of what Ivana brings. Website: www.thelovinglifecoach.com

Janet D. Thomas

An author, captivating speaker and emotional healing expert whose words inspire and motivate, energizing transformation in those who experience her. Her writing has been hailed as “insightful,” “transformational,” and “revolutionary.” Visit her at www.janetdthomas.com

Monika Zands Monika Zands is an executive business consultant, communications specialist and skilled negotiator serving small businesses, corporate executives, college grads, mompreneurs, and entrepreneurs who are looking for new directions in their career or in their life. Monika uses an array of practical and experiential processes to support her clients in finding focus, balance, and a zest for their life and clarity in the choices they make. She engages her clients in thought-provoking inquiries, inspiring them to look at things in ways they never have before. Website: www.MonikaZands.com


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I AM ENOUGH Magazine c/o The I Am Enough Institute P.O. Box 292 Azusa, CA 91702 Website: www.iamenoughmagazine.com Email: support@iamenoughinstitute.com Phone Number: (641) 715-3900 ext. 639452# To advertise with our magazine, please contact our advertising department at support@iamenoughinstitute.com for our 2015 Media Kit!

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