May 9 -10, 2013
At Target, we believe in a simple approach to healthcare. Here, health is front and center with all the products and services that make good-for-you decisions easier and more accessible. Because simplicity in healthcare is better for us all. Please join us on Friday, May 10, for the following presentations: Helping Employees Become Better Consumers of Healthcare and Health Brian Cooper, Senior Group Manager, Clinics Main Ballroom 8:30–10:00 a.m. What Leading Employers Are Doing To Make Healthcare Consumerism Work Steve Lafferty, Senior Director, Clinics and Health Partnerships Main Ballroom 12:00–1:00 p.m. Health.Target.com ©2013 Target Brands, Inc. The Bullseye Design and Target are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc.
CONTENTS Welcome Letter
Congratulations Superstars
Table Topic Discussions
Cobb Galleria Ballroom Floor Plan
General Sessions
Sponsors and Exhibitors
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Exhibitors
IHC Corporate Members
Thank You
HealthCare Consumerism Connections Game
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On behalf of all of us at The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism, we want to welcome you and say thanks for attending our fourth annual FORUM East produced by The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism. We especially want to thank those speakers, attendees, partners and sponsors who have been with us before and have returned once again to the Cobb Galleria Centre, which has been a gracious host for our event over the years. Just as the health and benefits industry is making signficant changes, so too is FORUM East. This year, we are proud to host two new pre-conference events: Employee Benefits Forum 2013, produced with WEB Atlanta, and Level 1 Broker Pre-Certification: HealthCare Consumerism and PPACA, the first time we will be offering our own continuing education credits. And as we are quickly approaching key deadlines for private and public exchanges, we have dedicated a significant portion of the conference to covering exchanges and defined contribution. At the end of day one, industry leaders representing all the different exchange models will meet for a not-to-miss panel discussion. Leaving this event, all attendees will be equipped with a much better understanding of the changes that will hit the market. With two pre-conference events, five general sessions, 24 workshops and almost 50 sponsors, this is the largest event we have produced yet. And it could not have come at a more important time for the industry. Wherever you are on the path to health care consumerism, FORUM East will provide you with the tools needed for a successful journey. We would like to extend a special thanks to our Gold Sponsors: Truven Health Analytics, gBehavior, InteliSpend and Target. And to our Silver Sponsors: MasterCard, Evolution 1, Foundation for Chiropratic Progress, MedEncentive, PayFlex, J.P. Morgan, Jellyvision Lab, Inc., HSA Bank, Workable Solutions, ConnectYourCare, FusionHealth, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Specialty Division, Visa Healthcare, WageWorks, AmeriFlex, Healthstat, Mercer, CieloStar and Alegeus Technologies. Sincerely,
Doug Field Founder and CEO The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism
Ron Bachman, FSA, MAAA Chairman of The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism Advisory Board 5
The  Leading  Annual  Awards  Issue  from  TheIHCC.com  —  Publishers  of  HealthCare  Consumerism  Solutions  Magazine
Do you know someone who goes the extra mile as a creative problem solver and innovator? The  Institute  for  HealthCare  Consumerism  (www.theihcc.com)  is  looking  for  the  industry’s  true  superstars—professionals  in  health  care  DQG EHQH¿ W PDQDJHPHQW LQFOXGLQJ HPSOR\HUV VROXWLRQV SURYLGHUV brokers,  TPAs  and  HR  managers,  who  have  excelled  at  implementing  solutions  to  complex  KHDOWK FDUH EHQH¿ WV HR  Visionary  of  the  Year   issues.  Superstars  Award,  Sponsored  by:  will  be  published  December  2013  in  our  annual  HealthCare  Consumerism  Superstars  issue  and  To  formally  recognize  human  will  be  accessible  to  UHVRXUFH DQG EHQH¿ WV SURIHVVLRQDOV more  than  70,000  who  are  promoting  healthy  sight  to  readers.
Nominate a Superstar Today! â– Â
â– Â
â– Â
â– Â
â– Â
John  J.  Robbins  Sr.,  Memorial  CEO  Leadership  Award:  To  an  outstanding  leader  of  any  size  organization  who  is  an  exceptional  businessperson,  as  well  as  a  successful  parent  and  pillar  of  the  com- munity. CEO  Leadership  Award:  To  an  outstanding  leader  of  any  size  organization,  who  embraces  supports  and  endorsed  an  innovative  KHDOWK FDUH RU EHQH¿ WV SURJUDP Most  Innovative  Plan  Design  Award 7R DQ +5 %HQH¿ WV H[HFX WLYH ZKR LGHQWL¿ HG DQG VROYHG D SUREOHP XVLQJ DQ LQQRYDWLYH KHDOWK FDUH RU EHQH¿ WV SURJUDP Most  Effective  Plan  Implementation  Award:  To  an  HR/ %HQH¿ WV WHDP WKDW VXFFHVVIXOO\ LPSOHPHQWHG D KHDOWK FDUH RU EHQH¿ WV program  and  exceeded  goals  or  reaped  unanticipated  awards. Most  Innovative  Employee  Education/Communication  Award:  To  an  employer,  who  designed  and  implemented  tools  for  their  employees  that  exceeded  plan  participation.
their  workforce  through  superior  YLVLRQ FDUH EHQH¿ WV RIIHULQJV DQG education.
Most  Innovative  Employee  Empowerment  Award:  To  an  employer,  who  designed  and  implemented  tools  that  had  a  high  HQJDJHPHQW RI HPSOR\HH SDUWLFLSDWLRQ LQ D KHDOWK FDUH RU EHQHÂż WV program.  ■ Most  Effective  Population  Health  &  Wellness  Award:  To  an  employer  who  uses  the  most  innovative  method  to  reduce  absentee- ism  and  chronic  disease  costs  to  improve  overall  employee  health.  ■ Public  Policy  Leadership  Award:  An  individual  who  encourages  health  care  consumerism  in  public  policy  through  legislation.  ■ Most  Effective  Solution  Provider  Award:  To  a  solution  provider  ZKR LQWURGXFHV WKH PRVW LQQRYDWLYH KHDOWK FDUH RU EHQHÂż W VROXWLRQ â– Â Most  Innovative  Partner-ÂConsultant  Award:  To  a  consultant  ZKR ZRUNHG PRVW HIIHFWLYHO\ ZLWK DQ +5 %HQHÂż WV WHDP WR LPSOHPHQW D KHDOWK FDUH RU EHQHÂż WV SURJUDP â– Â Most  Innovative  Broker  Award:  To  a  broker,  who  learned  a  cli- ent’s  needs  and  provided  the  most  effective  solution  for  the  employer. â– Â
NOMINATION CATEGORIES: Nomination  Categories  for  500  -  2500  employees,  2501  -  7500  employees,  and  7500+  employees
For details, please visit www.theihcc.com. Nominations  close  October  1,  2013. E-mail your Superstar nomination to nominations@fieldmedia.com or nominate online.
We are proud to highlight those unsung heroes who are making a difference in the arena of health care consumerism and worthy to be called Superstars.
Showcasing Innovative Health and Benefit Management (From the publishers of HealthCare Consumerism Solutions, the RI¿ FLDO PDJD]LQH RI 7KH ,QVWLWXWH IRU +HDOWK&DUH &RQVXPHULVP
John J. Robbins Senior Memorial HealthCare Consumerism Leadership Award John Young
President, Consumerdriven, LLC, Former Senior Vice President, Consumerism – CIGNA Young’s a Crusader for Health Care Consumerism
CEO Leadership Award Adam Bruckman
President/CEO – Digital Insurance Sticking Up for the Little Guy
Jay Cude
President/CEO – Coeur Inc. Cude Puts Health Care Costs, Employee Health in his own Hands
Dr. John Reynolds
President/CEO – Cielostar After Successful Sale of Company, Reynolds on to Another Challenge
William Short
President/CEO – Ameriflex Ameriflex Continues to Thrive in Market Ravaged by Uncertainty
David Spalding
CEO – SelectAccount Spalding, SelectAccount Turn Minnesota into a Hotbed for HSAs
Most Innovative Health & Benefit Plan Design Award Julie Engebose
Corporate Benefits Manager – WS Packaging Group Inc. Engebose Simplifies Employee Benefit Offerings at WS Packaging
Lynda Morvick
Director of Benefits & HRIS – Toshiba America Medical Systems (TAMS) Morvik Makes Wellness Fun, Effective at TAMS
Most Effective Health & Benefit Plan Implementation Award Steve Gebben
Global Director of Compensation & Benefits – Solutia Inc. Gebben Makes a Career of Transforming Company Cultures
Judith Murphy & Tom Selden
HR Director / CEO – Southwest General Health Center Southwest General Says Bravo to No Increase in Health Care Costs
In our seventh year, we have identified 57 innovative companies, executives, brokers and consultants in various categories, including leadership, plan design, implementation and more who are superstars in the area of health and benefit management. We profile the best of the best in health and benefit management. Learn best practices of implementation from these Superstars and see if their innovative solutions would be a perfect fit for your company.
Most Innovative Employee Communications & Education Plan Award Terri Byron
Benefits Administration Manager – Sonic Automotive Byron, Her Team Soup up Benefits Communication at Sonic Automotive
Steve Eno
Manager, Healthcare Programs & Marketing – General Electric Capital Eno Revolutionizes Benefit Communications at GE Capital
Lisa Gomez
Senior Benefits Analyst – Con-way Freight Gomez Keeps Employee Communications Simple at Con-way
Tashi Theisman
Director of Global Benefit Operations – Dell Rebooting Benefits Communication at Dell
Sally Malowney
Principle Product Consultant – Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota Creating Better Heath Care Consumerism Online
HR Visionary Award Cyndee Blue
Human Resources Director – Everence Switching to Standalone Benefit, Blue Keeps Employees Focused on Vision
Steve Browne
Vice President, Director of Human Resources – Wiginton Fire Systems Browne Focuses on Educating Employees on Importance of Vision Benefits
Maurice Evans, Jr.
Director of Human Resources – The Integral Group Protecting the Vision of Those who Envision Building Better Communities
Most Innovative Employee Empowerment Award Dawn Bading
Vice President of Human Resources – Kaiser Permanente Learning to Thrive at Kaiser’s Georgia Region
Howard Spencer
Vice President of Compensation & Benefits – JetBlue Spencer Connects JetBlue to Better Access to Health Care Through Telemedicine
Shannon Swanson
Director of Benefits & Wellness – APi Group Inc. Swanson Transforms Benefits, Wellness Program at APi Group
Most Effective Population Health Management Award Jennifer Forster
Matt Robbins
Benefits Manager – Sabre Holdings Robbins, Sabre Holdings Challenge Conventional Wellness to Soaring Results
Charity Trujillo
Manager of Benefits & Compensation – Allegiant Travel Company Trujillo Helps Travel Company Embrace Wellness, Healthy Behavior
Financial Wellness Award Dana Hammonds
Director, Financial Programs & Advisor Administration – NFL Players Association Fourth-and-long: How Hammonds Coached the NFL Out of a Dire Situation and into Financial Wellness
Carol Klusek
Head of Retirement & Financial Benefits – Aetna Aetna’s Three-pronged Approach to Wellness
Public Policy Leadership Award Dr. John Goodman
President/CEO – NCPA Dr. Goodman’s Common Sense Approach to Health Care
Most Innovative Partner-Consultant Award David Blanchard
Principal – Digital Benefit Advisors Blanchard Helps Struggling City to Become Better Health Care Consumers
Liz Frayer
President – Strategic Employee Benefit Services of Georgia Inc. Staying Ahead of the Curve: Frayer, Broker Team Welcome Challenges of New Health Care Arena
Ray Tomlinson
President – Crowne Consulting Group Working On-site to Enhance Employee Care
Most Innovative Partner-Consultant Award Johnny Angelone
Principal – Benefit Commerce Group Angelone, Benefit Commerce Group Create an Employee Benefits Firm for the Contemporary Health Care World
Chris Clark
Vice President of Employer Services – The McCart Group Clark Develops Innovative Wellness Program for South Georgia Community
Matt Kleymeyer
Market Lead – Bernard Health Kleymeyer has Eye for Photography, Saving Clients Money With HSAs
Forster Re-fashioning Employee Health and Benefits
Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
2013 FORUM EAST SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 7:30 am – 5:15 pm
Pre-Conference Employee Benefits Forum 2013
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Pre-Conference A Roadmap for Making Healthcare Consumerism Work
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Pre-Conference IHC Level 1 Broker Pre-Certification
12:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Exhibitor Set Up
THURSDAY, MAY 9 7:30 am
7:30 am – 8:45 am
Networking Breakfast / Exhibits Open
8:45 am – 9:00 am
Welcome by Doug Field, CEO, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Opening General Session: “Making Health Care Consumerism Work”
10:30 am – 11:00 am
Networking Break / Exhibits Open
11:00 am – Noon
Track No. 1 Workshops (Choose One) 101 – Achieving My Goals; A Trip Through the Financial Wellness Workshop 102 – HSAs: After 2014 103 – SHARE SESSION: Evolving Relationship Between Broker and Employer and How to Benefit the most from a Partnership 104 – Controlling Costs and Expanding Choice Using Defined Contribution Health Care 105 – Five Chronic Wellness Program Problems and How to Beat Them 106 – The Right Care (Not Just Cost)! 107 – Pre-Paid Card Programs to Engage Consumers and Help Employers Manage Costs in 2014 & Beyond 108 – Beating the Enrollment Blitz: How to Deliver Year-Round Benefits Communication
Noon – 1:00 pm
Table Topic Lunch Discussion
Noon – 1:30 pm
Lunch / Exhibit Open
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Afternoon General Session: “HealthCare Consumerism is Here to Stay!”
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Networking Break / Exhibits Open
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Track No. 2 Workshops (Choose One) 201 – Defined Contribution – The Next Frontier of Healthcare Consumerism 202 – Ownership and Incentives: Creating Multiple Incentive Channels 203 – The Value of Connecting Consumer Needs with Benefits through Enrollment Technology 204 – SHARE SESSION: Health Care Access When You Want It, How You Want It 205 – The MedEncentive Solution: Achieving the Triple Aim by Triangulating the Interests of Payors, Providers and Patients 206 – SHARE SESSION: How to More Effectively Engage Consumers and get Increased Participation from your Employee Population 207 – Consumer Engagement: The Key to a Successful Exchange 208 – Ten Steps to Delivering on the Promise to Employers: ACOs Enhance Quality of Care, Improve Patient Outcomes and Drive Cost-efficiency
4:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Networking Break / Exhibits Open
4:15 pm – 5:15 pm
Closing General Session: “Defined Contribution and Public/Private Exchanges: a Panel Discussion with Leading Experts”
5:15 pm – 7:15 pm
Opening Night Reception / Exhibits Open
FRIDAY, MAY 10 7:30 am – 8:30 am
Networking Breakfast / Exhibits Open
8:30 am – 10:00 am
Opening General Session: “Helping Employees Become Better Consumers of Healthcare and Health”
10:00 am – 10:30 am
Networking Break / Exhibits Open
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Track No. 3 Workshops (Choose One) 301 – Beware the Great Reform Hoax 302 – The Economics of Healthy Sleep 303 – SHARE SESSION: Exchanges or Marketplace? Whatever it’s Called, Get to Know it 304 – Improving Consumer Health Through Value-Based Plan Design 305 – Taking a Look Inside HSA Trends 306 – The Role of Mobile Health in Changing Behavior 307 – Game Mechanics and Other Game Changers in Benefits Education 308 – SHARE SESSION: Building Better Consumers of Health Care and Health
11:30 am – Noon
Final Break and Sponsor/Exhibitor Drawings
Noon – 1:00 pm
Closing General Session: Employer Panel: “What leading Employers are doing to Make HealthCare Consumerism Work”
Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
TABLE TOPIC DISCUSSIONS Thursday – May 9, 2013 – Lunch – Noon to 1:00 PM Limited to nine attendees per table, our interactive lunch discussions bring you up close to key industry leaders, providing the opportunity to engage in open discussions on topics of interest to you. On a first-come, first-serve basis, we invite you to sign-up for one of these lunch discussions, which will be available at the table next to the Registration Desk for your chance to Learn. Connect. Share. There will be a dozen or more topics from which to choose.
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Sponsor/Exhibitor Booths 406 Acclaris 409 America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) 115 Alegeus Technologies 315 AmeriFlex 414 ARAG 113 Castlight Health 305 Ceridian 402 Change Healthcare 201 CieloStar 107 ConnectYourCare 311 Consumers Medical Resource 416 Delta Dental 214 Discovery Benefits
303 206 212 103 207 101 210 410 404 202 213 213 104 101
empowris Evolution1 First Stop Health Foundation for Chiropractic Progress Fusion Health gBehavior Health Partners America HealthSparq Healthstat HSA Bank IHC Media Lounge ShareWIK InsureXSolutions InteliSpend
105 407 317 304 412 403 205 307 306 117 106 111 415 301
JP Morgan Kaiser Permanante Mayo Clinic MedEncentive MedServ Global Mercer New Benefits Orriant PayFlex Protocol Driven Healthcare Inc. (PDHI) QuadMed SelectAccount Tango Health Truven Health Analytics
313 211 302 216 203 204
TSYS Healthcare UnitedHealthcare WageWorks WeCare TLC Wiser Together Workable Solutions
Sponsor/Exhibitor With No Booths
CDHCentric, Benefitfocus. Jellyvision, Mastercard, Target, Visa
Don’t lose a drop. Many banks add on fees, which means you could waste your HSA one drop at a time. SelectAccount, on the other hand, has no extra overdraft fees or minimum balances, just a tall glass of your savings, ready when you need it. Stop by booth #111 at the IHC Forum East, call 1-866-309-8908 or visit www.SelectAccount.com to learn about our free HSA.
It’s the benefit of knowing.
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FORUM 2013 Formerly Employer Benefits Boot Camp
A day-long event EXCLUSIVELY FOR EMPLOYERS! 8&%/&4%": .": t ". o 1. $11281&,1*ÂŤ (PSOR\HH %HQHÂż WV )RUXP A  day-Âlong  interactive  event  that  offers  you  a  one-Âof-Âa-Âkind  learning  RSSRUWXQLW\ :KHWKHU \RX DUH QHZ WR +5 RU D VHDVRQHG EHQHÂż WV SURIHVVLRQDO (PSOR\HH %HQHÂż WV )RUXP SURYLGHV \RX ZLWK D YDOXDEOH GD\ RI LQIRUPDWLRQ²WKDW LV H[FOXVLYH WR (PSOR\HUV 'LVFXVVLRQV ZLOO EH VWULFWO\ DPRQJ \RX DQG \RXU SHHUV ([SHULHQFHG EHQHÂż WV SURIHVVLRQDOV DQG LQGXVWU\ WKRXJKW OHDGHUV ZLOO OHDG FRPSUHKHQVLYH GLVFXVVLRQV DQG HDFK WRSLF ZLOO EH presented  with  an  emphasis  on  “real  world  applications.â€?  And  this  year,  we  are  adding  the  newest  trend—health  care  consumerism.  This  is  an  area  that  has  seen  strong  growth  and  is  set  to  explode  in  2013  and  beyond.  We  are  also  offering  a  special  bundled  SURJUDP ZLWK WKH LQGXVWU\ÂśV OHDGLQJ HYHQW IRFXVHG RQ LQQRYDWLYH KHDOWK DQG EHQHÂż W PDQDJHPHQW ,+& )2580 (DVW,  at  the  Cobb  Galleria  Centre  May  9-Â10.  Details  at  www.theihccforum.com. All  attendees  will  take  home  a  detailed  compilation  of  related  materials  for  continued  reference  and  will  receive  PHR,  SPHR  and  *3+5 UHFHUWLÂż FDWLRQ FUHGLW KRXUV WKURXJK WKH +5 &HUWLÂż FDWLRQ ,QVWLWXWH (PSOR\HH %HQHÂż WV )RUXP  is  the  ideal  opportunity  to  make  a  meaningful  and  cost-Âeffective  investment  in  the  education  DQG WUDLQLQJ RI \RXU +5 DQG EHQHÂż WV WHDP 7KLV HYHQW LV ÂłH[FOXVLYHO\ IRU (PSOR\HUV´ $QG QHZ WKLV \HDU ²WDEOH WRSLF OXQFKHV 6LW FRQQHFW DQG QHWZRUN ZLWK FRPSDQLHV WKH VDPH VL]H DV \RX DUH WKDW DUH GHDOLQJ ZLWK WKH VDPH EHQHÂż WV LVVXHV :LWK PDQ\ FKDQJHV VHW WR KLW WKH EHQHÂż WV ZRUOG LQ WKH XSFRPLQJ \HDU GRQÂśW JHW OHIW EHKLQG :LWK RXU FRQGHQVHG GD\ ORQJ SURJUDP Employee  %HQHÂż WV )RUXP ZLOO JLYH \RX WKH NQRZOHGJH DQG WRROV WR VXFFHVVIXOO\ PDQDJH \RXU EHQHÂż WV SODQ LQ WKH QH[W \HDU DQG beyond. (PSOR\HH %HQHÂż WV )RUXP  WEB  Members  will  get  $100  off  your  pre-Âconference  price.  SPECIAL  BUNDLE  PRICING IRU (PSOR\HH %HQHÂż WV )RUXP DQG ,+& )RUXP (DVW $WWHQG ERWK IRU D VSHFLDO SULFH 7KLV LV D JUHDW value—register  at  ZZZ WKHLKFFIRUXP FRP HEI VHH DJHQGD RQ QH[W SDJH
Barry Klein
Susan E. Stoffer
Partner, Hunton & Williams LLP
Partner, BNKJ
Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP’s
Fred Stewart
Ron Bachman
Jennifer Del Nero (not pictured)
Managing Director, Southeast Region, PEI
Chairman, Editorial Advisory Board, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism
Associate Regional Director, Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA), United States Department of Labor (USDOL)
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FORUM 2013 Formerly Employer Benefits Boot Camp
Produced by: The Atlanta Chapter
7:30am – 8:30am
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30am – 8:45am
Opening Remarks
8:45am – 9:45am
401(k) Plans and Administrative Practices
9:45am – 10:00am
10:00am – 11:00am
Fiduciary Duties/Fee Disclosure Requirements
11:00am – 11:15am
11:15am – 12:00pm
How to Handle an IRS and DOL Audit
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Table Topic Lunch Discussion
1:00pm – 2:00pm
in partnership with:
Principles of HealthCare Consumerism Consumerism Vision Statement Strategies
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Program Continues Personal Care Accounts Wellness Disease Management
The Worldwide Employee Benefits Network, Inc. (WEB) is a national non-profit organization committed to the development and education of benefits professionals. WEB supports its members through monthly educational meetings, webinars and networking opportunities, and provides access to publications and other resources to help our members meet challenges affecting the benefits world. With more than 160 members, WEB Atlanta is the second largest chapter in the nation — and growing. Our membership is made up of over 25 different professions representing more than 30 areas of expertise in the benefits industry, and includes benefits managers, plan administrators, HR directors, vice presidents of HR, consultants, attorneys, accountants, communication experts, benefits brokers, and investment advisors.
3:00pm – 3:15pm
3:15pm – 4:15pm
Program Continues Decision Support Tools Incentives & Rewards Viewing by Generations
4:15pm – 5:00pm
Program Continues Create Consumerism Plans Time Frames Financial Analysis
5:00pm – 5:15pm
Closing Remarks
Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
PRE-CONFERENCE NO. 1 Healthcare consumerism is different than Consumer-Driven Health Care (CDHC) and account based plans. Health care consumerism is a more robust approach to employee engagement, behavioral change, human capital, and personalized health and healthcare. You need a roadmap — a plan of attack.
Speaker:Â Ron Bachman, FSA MAAA, Senior Fellow of National Center for Policy Analysis, President of Healthcare Visions and Chairman of The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism Editorial Advisory Board
Are you an employer confused about: How to start? What to do next? Where to go? or even Why you should implement health care consumerism?
Consumerism Vision Statement
Personal Care Accounts
Disease Management
Decision Support Tools
Incentives & Rewards
Viewing by Generations
10. Create Consumerism Plans 11. Time Frames 12. Financial Analysis
The 2013 FORUM East General Session and Workshops have been approved for 4.0 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and Ce tit rt i fi c a t ion I n s GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute homepage at hrci.org. The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program. It means that this program has met the HR Certification Institute’s criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit. Ž
Professional Credits Available
P HR t G
This program will include a personalized workbook for your notes and exercise results. The twelve segments of this pre-con are as follows:
Who Should Attend:Â HR professionals, C-level executives, benefit managers, brokers, consultants, third-party administrators.
The Roadmap for Making Health Care Consumerism Work will show employers how they can best approach the many decisions necessary for successful design strategies and implementation. The program includes interactive exercises and group discussions. You will come away with principles, strategies, and implementation options unique to your company.
Are you an insurer, a broker/consultant, specialty vendor, or provider of care uncertain about: How your products/services meet employer needs? Where your products/services fit in the evolution of health care consumerism? Or, are your products/ services on the leading edge or the bleeding edge?
8FEOFTEBZ .BZ øtø BN o QN */$-6%&4 &9$-64*7& 1"(& )08 50 803,#00,
Upon completion you will be prepared to lead your company through a structured process of change. You will come away with a better understanding and an approach for developing an integrated roadmap to the future. You will better be able to work with your consultants, ask more direct questions, and be better informed on current options for an effective program of health care consumerism. Don’t waste time and money on programs that fail to fit into a multi-year strategy. Join us at this pre-con for a structured effective way forward into the world of healthcare consumerism.
SPECIAL BONUS:Â This workshop has been approved for four recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute.
PRE-CONFERENCE NO. 2 -&7&- #30,&3 13& $&35*'*$"5*0/ $0634&
that brokers can help their employer clients avoid a penalty.
As we move closer to the full implementation of health reform, both brokers and their clients are looking for answers to very specific questions. To help answer those questions, IHCC will be hosting a 4 hour pre-conference health reform update for insurance agents and brokers.
t Large employer shared responsibility (play or pay) requirements t Determining large employer status t Carve-outs, common ownership, staffing companies, variablehour employees, look-back periods, seasonal workers, parttimers, etc. t Plan design and rating rules in the large group market and their impact on premium t Self-funded plans t Strategies for our large group clients
In this session, Eric Johnson, Director of Education for Health Partners America and founder of ComedyCE.com, will update attendees on the following topics:
)PVS 5IF *OEJWJEVBM .BSLFU The session will begin with an overview of health reform’s impact on the individual market. We’re covering this topic first for several reasons: First, the individual mandate is the most controversial provision in the legislation, and the individual subsidies are the most expensive — so this seems like a good place to start. Second, the future of the individual market is uncertain — brokers have already seen their commissions cut as a result of the MLR provision; the government is creating a new marketplace that will change the way people purchase individual policies; and the new essential benefits requirement and likelihood of adverse selection could result in substantial premium increases. Finally, an understanding of the individual subsidies is critical for employer groups — the employer’s plan isn’t the only game in town anymore, and companies that offer coverage could actually hurt their employees if they don’t structure their plan design and contribution properly. t t t t t t
The Individual Mandate Premium Tax Credits and Cost Sharing Subsidies The Individual Exchange Guaranteed Issue Rules Initial Enrollment Period and Annual Open Enrollment Periods Plan design and rating rules in the individual market and their impact on premiums t How to advise our individual clients
)PVS 5IF -BSHF (SPVQ .BSLFU In some ways, large employers are impacted the least by health reform — the plan design and rating rules are largely unchanged, so their premiums shouldn’t increase as much as they will for individuals and small groups. But large employers are now required to offer coverage, and that raises a lot of questions: Which groups are required to offer coverage? What’s a full-time equivalent? What about variable hour employees? And seasonal workers? And temps? And common ownership? In the second hour, we’ll answer all of those questions and suggest some ways
)PVS 5IF 4NBMM (SPVQ .BSLFU The third hour will focus on the small group market. Small employers are the ones who are most likely to drop coverage completely in 2014, and the plan design and rating rules are similar to those in the individual market. We’ll explain who the government views as a small group for benefits and rating purposes and how these determinations will impact our clients’ premiums, plan design, and contribution strategy. And, most importantly, we’ll tell brokers how to retain their small group clients if they do make the decision to drop their group health plan. t t t t
Definition of “Small Group� The Small Group Tax Credit The SHOP Exchange Plan design and rating rules in the small group market and their impact on premium t Strategies for our small group clients
)PVS &YDIBOHFT Exchanges — this is a topic none of us can get enough of, probably because there are so many unanswered questions. And while we’re beginning to get a few answers, they’re taking too long for most people. So in the final hour we’ll update you on the progress HHS has made, tell you what still needs to be done, and let you know where the broker stands. And we’ll talk about the alternative to the government’s solution — private exchanges and the outside market. t t t t t t t
The Individual Exchange The SHOP Exchange The Broker’s Role Broker Training, Pre-Certification, and Commissions Navigators Exchange notice requirements Private Exchanges and the Outside Market Speaker: Eric Johnson, Director of Education for Health Partners America and founder of ComedyCE. com
Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
The term health care consumerism is starting to gain widespread acceptance; but that is only half the solution. The next step is to actually take steps to implement health care consumerism strategies that help employers save money on their health benefit management and employees, who are engaged in making decisions about their health care benefits and who are becoming healthier and more productive.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is the law of the land and regulations are being issued at a record pace. What impact do they have on Consumer Directed Health plans? What’s the future of HDHPs and HSAs or HRAs in the next three to five years? What design changes will be necessary to comply with new regulations? These questions and more will be answered during this cutting-edge session. Panelists include Washington insider Roy “Mr. HSA� Ramthun and Alston + Bird LLP legal expert John Hickman. Both panelists will give you an inside look at the implications of PPACA’s impact on consumer directed health, and offer practical, actionable strategies your company can use to immediately to be ready. Moderated by Jody L. Dietel, Chief Compliance Officer for WageWorks, Inc., the discussion will be followed by an interactive Q&A session.
What does it take to engage consumers in selecting high-value health care? Successful consumerism is not simply about who pays the bill; it is about a persistent search for better value. To be true consumers, we all need better information, more transparency, and permission to be in charge of our own care. Similarly, employers need to become actively involved as consumers of insurance plans, and how to design coverage that empowers its workers. In this session, learn about the ways consumers are changing the system, and where there is more work to do. Hear the latest results from employers using innovative approaches to activate their employees to select safe, appropriately-priced services, procedures and hospitals. Specifically, attendees will hear: t Ways consumers are actively involved today t The effects of involvement on choices and costs t What information consumers say they use to make choices Moderator: Doug Field, CEO, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism and Producers of IHC Forum Panelists: Ron Bachman, Chairman, Editorial Advisory Board, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism; Dr. Wendy Lynch, Co-director, Altarum Center for Consumer Choice in Health Care; and Roger Travis, President, ExperienceLab Inc.
Moderator: Jody L. Dietel, CFCI, Chief Compliance Officer, WageWorks, Inc. Panelists: John Hickman, Partner, Alston + Bird LLP; Roy Ramthun, President, HSA Consulting Services, LLC and Former Senior Health Policy Advisor to President George W. Dietel Hickman Ramthun Bush
%Fm OFE $POUSJCVUJPO BOE 1VCMJD 1SJWBUF &YDIBOHFT B 1BOFM %JTDVTTJPO XJUI -FBEJOH &YQFSUT 5IVSTEBZ .BZ øtø QN o QN The health care law has changed the way brokers solicit health insurance and how employers provide health insurance with their employee population. The emergence of public and private exchanges and the concept of defined contribution, which encourages the philosophy of consumerism, is becoming a game-changer. The exchanges are meant to increase accessibility to affordable health care, and employers and brokers need to examine how the different exchange models, whether private or public, fit best with the health benefit management strategies of the employer or brokers and consultants who are trying to remain relevant in an ever-
changing, dynamic world of health insurance. In this general session, panelists will explain the different exchange models, the benefits of these different models, the timeline for implementation, compliance issues and how the concept of defined contribution fits into the exchanges. Moderator: John Young, President, Consumerdriven, LLC, Former Senior Vice President, Consumerism, CIGNA
Panelists: Josh Hilgers, President, Health Partners America; Christopher Covill, Exchange Product Leader and Partner, Mercer; John Vlajkovic, Business Development Lead, Bloom Health; and Rosemarie Day, President, Day Health Strategies.
)FMQJOH &NQMPZFFT #FDPNF #FUUFS $POTVNFST PG Health Care and Health 'SJEBZ .BZ øtø BN o BN The health care market is in a flux, and employers are trying to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to coping with rising health care costs and maintaining the bottom line of the company. Luckily employers are not alone in the battle to educate and engage their employee population to make better choices about their health care spend. Innovative solution providers are developing cutting edge transparency tools to help employees make better health care decisions. In this general session, learn the latest trends and tools being designed to help promote the growth and acceptance of health care consumerism trends benefiting employers, employees and the entire community. Moderator: Ron Bachman, Chairman, Editorial Advisory Board, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism
Skyrocketing health care costs, the health care law and compliance issues, shrinking budgets, low employee participation and improper use of benefits are just a few of the issues plaguing employers. Employers are facing several issues, including an attempt to retain their best employees, while providing the very best in employee benefits and maintaining the company’s bottom line. In this general session learn from a panel of the top national employers, who are practicing successful health care consumerism strategies. Strategies designed to make employees better, more educated consumers of health and wellness. These strategies not only make the employee population healthier and more productive, they also help the company’s bottom line. Learn from these mid- to large-size employers who have faced similar Comola Lafferty problems that you have and have successfully implemented health care consumerism plans that have resulted in an reduction in health care costs, increased employee morale and productivity, and engaged workers making well-informed health care Taylor Bading decisions for themselves and their families. Moderator: Jon Comola, CEO and Chairman, Wye River Group and Founder of Foundation for American Healthcare Leadership Panelists: Steve Lafferty, Senior Director, Clinics and Health Partnerships, Target Corporation; Patti Taylor, SPHR, Director, Global Benefits, Newell-Rubbermaid; Dawn M. Bading, Vice President, Human Resources, Kaiser Permanente; and Jamie Benton, Director of Total Rewards, RaceTrac Petroleum
Panelists: Michael Taylor, MD, FACP, Chief Medical Officer, Truven Health Analytics; Sean Slovenski, Vice President, Integrated Wellness, Humana; and Brian Cooper, Senior Group Manager Healthcare, Target Corporation.
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o "$)*&7*/( .: (0"-4 " 53*1 5)306() 5)& '*/"/$*"- WELLNESS WORKSHOP This workshop provides participants with a basic understanding of the state of financial distress in our nation today. Creative financial solutions exist, however, little is done to educate people on their application. The content emphasizes the fundamentals of financial wellness, behavior change theory and applications. We present lesser known industry examples, indicative of the general lack of holistic financial education in our nation. The examples include the Law of Averages, Seed Versus the Tree, Cash Value Life Insurance and Executor Tools. A set of action-oriented worksheets are also reviewed in class. This hands-on workshop is designed to shed light on how relatable and achievable personal Financial Wellness is. Speakers: Brent Hines, Founder and Chairman, Foundation for Financial Wellness and Karen Meyers, Wellness Program Director, Foundation for Financial Wellness Hines
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Achieve the Triple Aim — with MedEncentive MedEncentive provides a patented, scientific, web-based incentive platform, designed to control healthcare costs. Patients and doctors are financially rewarded for engaging in a way that improves health literacy. The effectiveness of this approach has been proven in multiple, multi-year trials and the results and ROI have been confirmed by independent analysts and independent researchers. Easy to implement and embraced by users. For more information, contact Cecily Hall, Executive Vice President of MedEncentive E: chall@medencentive.com W: medencentive.com
o )4"s: AFTER 2014 What does the future hold for health savings accounts or HSAs? Together with high deductible health plans, HSAs have fostered a consumer driven health care trend that has helped businesses, government and organizations across the country significantly save on health care costs. However, it’s predicted that 2014 will be a big year for HSAs. This workshop will identify and analyze areas in which the Affordable Care Act could directly and indirectly impact HSAs. Speaker: Kirk Hoewisch, Sr. Vice President of Sales, HSA Bank
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o 4)"3& 4&44*0/ 5)& &70-7*/( 3&-"5*0/4)*1 #&58&&/ BROKER AND EMPLOYER AND HOW TO BENEFIT THE MOST FROM A PARTNERSHIP Three to four of the nation’s top brokers share a five-to-seven minute update on the ever-changing market and how they are evolving to meet those changes as well as their clients’ needs — impact of exchanges; involvement with ‘population health’; emergence of tools to help ‘consumers/employees’ such as ‘transparency solutions’; health care consumerism which embraces all of this. An interactive discussion with the attendees and panelists will conclude the share session. Moderator: Jack Curtis, Chief Operating Officer, CHN Health Management, LLC
Panelists: John Hearn, Principal, The Benefit Company; Jodie Braner, Consultant and Broker, Hays Companies of Georgia; Christopher B. Clark, CEBS, VP, Employer Services, The McCart Group; and Barb Vasko, Vice President of Aon Hewitt.
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o $0/530--*/( $0454 "/% &91"/%*/( $)0*$& 64*/( DEFINED CONTRIBUTION HEALTH CARE Employers face an ongoing challenge of managing rising costs and continuing to offer competitive benefits that meet employees’ needs. With the Defined Contribution Health benefits model, employers simply decide the funding model and budget. Employees have access to pre-tax funds to purchase health and other types of insurance, as well as other tax-sheltered plans. The key to success is ensuring employees are given the tools to help them select plans that make the most sense for their unique circumstances. Also, by helping employees take an active role in making decisions and managing costs, these plans are creating a generation of more informed and savvy health consumers. The Defined Contribution Health model is growing in popularity, with high expectations for consumer-centric communication and education, automated processes and selection tools. Speaker: Jeff Bakke, Chief Strategy Officer, Evolution1 Bakke
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o '*7& $)30/*$ 8&--/&44 130(3". 130#-&.4 "/% HOW TO BEAT THEM Despite the surge in wellness program popularity, there hasn’t been an equal surge in healthier employees. So if your wellness program results are disappointing, you’re not alone. And your problem is most likely found in our short list of the most common wellness program flaws. Fortunately, these flaws are easy to diagnose, avoid and correct. Learn how to address barriers to engagement and ROI, whether your wellness program is up and running or in the planning stage. Included in this session: t How to perform a quick wellness program quality check t Key components of a successful wellness program t Experience the fun side of wellness, as a participant Speakers: Don Doster, President, CEO, gBehavior and Deanna Baker, Vice President, Employee Development & Human Resources, InteliSpend Prepaid Solutions
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Take your business to a higher level with a Workable benefits marketplace. Consumers  will  rejoice  in  a  benefits  marketplace  that  makes  shopping  for  insurance  easy  and  painless.  Workable  Choice  matches  employees  with  the  products  that  best  meet  their  unique  needs.  Our  defined  contribution  options  give  employers the  flexibility  to  deploy  a  benefits  program  tailored  to  their  specific  needs.  We  simplify  billing  and  payments  with  full  reporting  capabilities.  Workable  Choice  works  the  way  you  want  it  to,  using  your  eligibility  and  underwriting  guidelines.  We  capture  all  the  information  your  systems  need  to  import  enrollments  and  maintain  eligibility.  With  our  experts  as  your  guide,  launching  a  private  exchange  begins  with  a  phone  call  and  ends  with  your  customized  solution.
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At ConnectYourCare, we believe that consumer directed healthcare accounts should be simple. From HSAs to FSAs and HRAs, we manage all of the complications and leave you with the savings. Learn how simple it can be. Email simple@connectyourcare.com. ZZZ &RQQHFW<RXU&DUH FRP ȧ
o 5)& 3*()5 $"3& /05 +645 $045 Cost transparency is necessary but not sufficient to drive consumerism! Unnecessary or ineffective care purchased at the best price doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t impact health and financial outcomes. This session will help you understand how leading companies are helping employees evaluate and choose the right care for their condition. You will learn how to integrate various consumer tools and services to deliver a seamless experience and make it easier for employees to be smarter consumers of health care. Speakers: Praveen Mooganur, Co-founder & COO, WiserTogether Inc. and Steve Eno, Manager, Healthcare Programs & Marketing, GE Capital.
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IT’S TIME TO GET MORE When it comes to employee benefits, more is better. Across the country, employers trust UnitedHealthcare to provide their employees with quality medical plans. But did you know that we also offer many other types of benefits? From critical illness and accident insurance to dental plans, vision, life and disability, we offer insurance products that help protect your employees and their families. And when you choose UnitedHealthcare for all your benefits, you’ll save time with a single point of contact. To learn more, call your broker or visit uhc.com.
Visit us at Booth 211 at IHC Forum East 2013 ©2013 United HealthCare Services, Inc. UnitedHealthcare Critical Illness product is provided by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company on Form UHICI-POL-1 (01/12). UnitedHealthcare Accident product is provided by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company on Form UHCAC-POL-1 (01/12) and in Texas on form UHCACPOL-1-TX (01/12). Products may not be available in all states. UnitedHealthcare Vision® coverage provided by or through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or its affiliates. Administrative services provided by Spectera, Inc., United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates. UnitedHealthcare Dental® coverage provided by or through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or its affiliates. Administrative services provided by Dental Benefit Providers, Inc., Dental Benefit Administrative Services (CA only), United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates. UnitedHealthcare Life and Disability products are provided by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company; and in California by Unimerica Life Insurance Company; and in New York by Unimerica Life Insurance Company of New York. UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company is located in Hartford, CT. Insurance coverage provided by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or its affiliates. Administrative services provided by United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates. Health Plan coverage provided by or through a UnitedHealthcare company. UHCGA636701-000
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o 13& 1"*% $"3% 130(3".4 50 &/("(& $0/46.&34 "/% HELP EMPLOYERS MANAGE COSTS IN 2014 & BEYOND Health care reform is quickly changing the employee benefits landscape. Employers are faced with the critical tasks of reducing costs while continuing to provide attractive, consumer-friendly benefit offerings that can help them attract and retain talent. In this workshop, Bart will discuss several card-based programs that can help employers accomplish these goals. Health care debit cards are not new, but the technology behind them continues to evolve and improve and many employers may be surprised at the options now available to them. McCollum AmeriFlex is on the front-end of this innovative debit card technology, and continues to explore new ways to engage employees and enhance the consumer experience. Bart will give an overview of some of the more popular programs, including dental HRA and wellness, while also providing attendees with best practices on program implementation, employee education, and cost management.
Speaker: Bart McCollum, COO, AmeriFlex
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o #&"5*/( 5)& &/30--.&/5 #-*5; )08 50 %&-*7&3 YEAR-ROUND BENEFITS COMMUNICATION Taking the time to counsel employees about their benefits takes, wellâ&#x20AC;Śtime. Instead of scrunching everything into enrollment seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s narrow window, learn how keep employees engaged all year long. In this lively workshop presentation, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll receive helpful tips about whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to share as well as when and how to share it. By delivering year-round benefits communication, you can beat the enrollment blitz and ensure that employees enter the season ready to make informed decisions about their benefits options. Speaker: Harry Gottlieb, Founder, The Jellyvision Lab, Inc. Gottlieb
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Fantastic. Just what working families need. © 2012 WageWorks, Inc. All rights reserved. WageWorks® is a registered service mark of WageWorks, Inc. © 2012 Visa. All rights reserved.
o %&'*/&% $0/53*#65*0/ o 5)& /&95 '30/5*&3 0' HEALTH CARE CONSUMERISM As an alternative to the traditional employer sponsored benefit system in health care, the market place is shifting and moving towards a defined contribution approach to health care benefits, providing employees with even greater choice and responsibility with respect to their health care. As the benefits market scrambles to offer defined contribution solutions via private exchanges â&#x20AC;&#x201D; what are the requirements of an effective solution? What are the complexities that must be considered in entering this market space? Join us as we explore the topic of defined contribution â&#x20AC;&#x201D; business drivers, definitions, complexities, market entrants, solution components and critical success factors. Speaker: John Park, Chief Strategy Officer, Alegeus Technologies Park
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o 08/&34)*1 "/% */$&/5*7&4 $3&"5*/( .6-5*1-& */$&/5*7& $)"//&-4 Consumers are increasingly taking on more responsibility for their health care choices. With the growth of consumer-driven health plans, as well as greater insurer and employer reliance on incentives to promote wellness, a new generation of rules-based debit and prepaid cards has been developed to accommodate this drive towards consumerism and further invest consumers in their health care and general wellness. t Meet the challenges and obligations of PPACA t Moving incentives beyond health care and into healthy living t Combining targeted incentives with engagement activity Speakers: Beth Griffin, Global Business Leader for Healthcare and Insurance, MasterCard and David Vielehr, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Medagate, an InComm Company
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o 5)& 7"-6& 0' $0//&$5*/( $0/46.&3 /&&%4 8*5) BENEFITS THROUGH ENROLLMENT TECHNOLOGY In this session you will hear from ConnectiCareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Director of Consumerism Product Development, Michael Nigro and Workable Solutionsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Chief Strategy Officer, Ernie Harris about ConnectiCareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new online benefits platform and consumer experiences with it. Attendees will also learn how ConnectiCare leveraged a technology partner, and the goals ConnectiCare hopes to achieve with their innovative approach. Speakers: Ernie Harris, NPDP, Chief Strategy Officer, Workable Solutions, Inc. and Michael Nigro, Director, Consumerism Product Development, ConnectiCare
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o 4)"3& 4&44*0/ )&"-5) $"3& "$$&44 8)&/ :06 WANT IT, HOW YOU WANT IT Our evolving U.S. health care system poses new challenges for access to quality and affordable care, when such care is most needed. This is particularly true for those suffering from â&#x20AC;&#x201D; or at risk for â&#x20AC;&#x201D; chronic disease. While an era of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Obamacareâ&#x20AC;? in theory offers much promise for Americans in need of health care, those who are in immediate need, those who are chronically ill and those in areas of health care professional shortages are likely to face new barriers to access to appropriate and timely care, given current and emerging market dynamics and trends. This workshop offers the opportunity to discuss access barriers and innovative solutions to the challenges we face in quality, affordable and timely health care access. It also provides insight into novel and strategic ways employers and employees can approach health care in a more individualized, cost-effective and efficient manner, putting the consumer of health care back in the driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seat. Moderator: Dr. Cynthia Haines, Chief Medical Officer, HealthDay Panelists: Ralph Derrickson, CEO & President, Carena, Inc.; Mark McLaren, President, Virtual Health 24/7; and Dr. Douglas Smith, CMO, Consult a Doctor Haines
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Helping you navigate the rapidly changing benefits landscape. Defined Contribution Healthcare 0RIVATE %XCHANGES s #/"2! s #$( !DMINISTRATION 0ROVIDER (EALTHCARE 0AYMENT 3OLUTIONS "ILL #ONSOLIDATION s 7ELLNESS s (EALTH #OACHING
Navigate Your Health Choice
o 5)& .&%&/$&/5*7& 40-65*0/ "$)*&7*/( 5)& 53*1-& AIM BY TRIANGULATING THE INTERESTS OF PAYORS, 1307*%&34 "/% 1"5*&/54 Learn how this innovative model works and what independent studies by academic researchers indicate about the modelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s effectiveness at achieving the Triple Aim. The featured speaker will be Cecily Hall, MedEncentive EVP and former Director of Benefits for the Microsoft Corporation. Cecily will also explain what makes the model unique, the savings this solution has been proven to achieve, and the science behind its effectiveness. Speaker: Cecily Hall, Executive Vice President, MedEncentive Hall
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Industry-leading benefit and payment solutions to process every financial transaction across the benefit value chain
Come see us at the IHC Forum – Booth #115 Hear us speak: Thursday, May 9th from 3 – 4 pm Topic: “Defined Contribution: The Next Frontier of Healthcare Consumerism” alegeus.com
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o 4)"3& 4&44*0/ )08 50 .03& &''&$5*7&-: &/("(& CONSUMERS AND GET INCREASED PARTICIPATION FROM YOUR EMPLOYEE POPULATION Your company may have the most efficient health care plan or innovative wellness strategy but if your employee engagement rate is at or below 10 percent does it really matter? In this share session, the top thought leaders around the country will showcase best and better communication strategies guaranteed to boost participation rates and energize and engage your employee population to be active participants in a workplace health plan or wellness program. Active interaction between the panelists and attendees is encouraged. Moderator: Craig Foster, RSM Mid Market Solutions, Castlight Health
Panelists: Helen Nelling, Director of Compensation and Benefits, Wayne Farms LLC; Steve Eno, Manager, Healthcare Programs & Marketing, GE Capital; and Maurice Evans, Jr., Director of Human Resources, The Integral Group LLC
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empowris is a qualified, accountable marketplace of the country’s top weight management programs, designed to provide your employee’s choice to drive engagement and create healthy outcomes. By qualifying programs, empowris ensures that employees are using programs designed for results. And, by building in accountability parameters for both programs and employees, success rates can be measured against employee investments. Visit us at booth 303 For more information
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A winning combination Our unique experience in both the healthcare and payment services industries means unmatched expertise and reliability. TSYS Healthcare® is focused on lasting relationships and people-centered payments . SM
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© 2013 Total System Services, Inc.® All rights reserved worldwide. TSYS® is a federally registered service mark of Total System Services, Inc.
o $0/46.&3 &/("(&.&/5 5)& ,&: 50 " 46$$&44'6- &9$)"/(& Public and private insurance exchanges are new and evolving. Though it remains to be seen what shape they will ultimately take, it is clear that consumers moving onto any type of exchange will require a range of tools to support their health care decisionmaking. Whether provided by the plan sponsor or carrier, the following tools are critical for consumers as they take on more responsibility for their care: t
A comparison tool that makes it easy for consumers to understand and compare benefit plan designs
A treatment cost calculator that provides out of pocket cost estimates for anticipated services, procedures, and preventive care for chronic conditions
A multi-channel personalized messaging solution to help consumers be proactive in finding ways to save money, manage their chronic conditions, and stay healthy Speaker: Jody Amodeo, Vice President, Practice Leadership, Truven Health Analytics and Matthew Collins, Director, Product Management, Truven Health Analytics
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Leading employers are choosing Castlight Health.
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Visit us at Booth #113
A healthy, engaged workforce makes for a healthier organization! Ceridian LifeWorks The Ceridian LifeWorks family of employee assistance and wellness solutions is designed to help empower your employees to become healthier and more productive. By adding LifeWorks resources to your benefit offerings, you can show your dedication to your employeesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; well-being and work-life balance, while improving their productivity and retention.
Learn more at booth #305.
Ceridian Ad IHC 2013.indd 1
3/26/2013 1:13:17 PM
o 5&/ 45&14 50 %&-*7&3*/( 0/ 5)& 130.*4& 50 EMPLOYERS: ACOs &/)"/$& 26"-*5: 0' $"3& *.1307& 1"5*&/5 065$0.&4 "/% %3*7& $045 &''*$*&/$: As the nation embraces healthcare reform, outcomes-based models including Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are becoming more prevalent. Built on fundamentals that aim to achieve reduced costs, quality care and enhanced patient outcomes, it is essential certain evidence-based services, such as chiropractic care, be included. During the session, a collection of data supporting the cost effectiveness and clinical efficiency of chiropractic care will be presented. Inclusion of chiropractic care offers an opportunity for ACOs to better manage costly conditions, such as musculoskeletal conditions, and provide real value to patients, payers and providers. Clum
Speaker: Dr. Gerard W. Clum, Director of the Octagon at Life University
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Do you want to save millions of dollars in healthcare costs?
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o #&8"3& 5)& (3&"5 3&'03. )0"9 Accountable care, bundled payments, consumerism, disease management, transparency, cost-shifting â&#x20AC;&#x201D; most of the solutions being proposed to fix health care are deceptively ineffective and will not achieve employersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; healthcare goals. Employers who want health improvement, higher productivity and lower costs must take control â&#x20AC;&#x201D; NOW. t How did we get so spoiled? A prescription to engage the apathetic and avoid the high cost of chronic illness. t Health care is essential. Caring about health is ecstasy. A blueprint for a fresh focus on wellness. t The new perspective that healthcare needs, but that the medical establishment shuns. Surreptitious solutions that employers desperately need. Speaker: R. John Kaegi, Chief Corporate Strategist, Healthstat, Inc.
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Enhance Your Understanding of the Affordable Care Act With the ACA Compliance Online Series from AHIP, you will increase your understanding of the complex Affordable Care Act. Plus, you’ll earn credits toward the Healthcare Compliance ProfessionalTM designation. Available Courses: (More to come later this year) Q Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) Q Health Insurance Exchanges and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Q Understanding Medicare Q Understanding the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
Start Today. Visit www.ahip.org/courses. Learn. Achieve. Succeed. www.ahip.org/courses 800.509.4422 Support@AHIPInsurance Education.org
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Follow AHIP’s LinkedIn Profile Follow the AHIP Coverage Blog at www.ahipcoverage.org
Content and Design AHIP—All Rights Reserved: © AHIP 2013
o 5)& &$0/0.*$4 0' )&"-5): 4-&&1 Study after study show humans spend the majority of their life asleep. However we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really fully understand the need for sleep or how much sleep is enough to maintain a healthy and productive lifestyle. Employers, who have multiple shifts in their employee population, such as factories and transportation, could be suffering lower productivity rates simply because their employees are not well rested and becoming increasingly unhealthy. In this workshop attendees will learn: t A Report Card: Health Care Economics in the U.S. t The Pillars of Health: Create Health and Prevent Disease t Focus on Sleep: Economic Benefits of Healthy Sleep t Integrated Sleep Management: Driving Outcomes Durmer
Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Durmer, M.D., Ph.D., Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Fusion Health
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o 4)"3& 4&44*0/ &9$)"/(&4 03 ."3,&51-"$& 8)"5&7&3 *5 4 $"--&% (&5 50 ,/08 *5 Exchanges or Marketplaces are trending in health care. The ultimate in health care consumerism, private exchanges â&#x20AC;&#x201D; group, individual, retiree â&#x20AC;&#x201D; will be up and running in time for this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s open enrollment. State- and federally-run exchanges begin Jan. 1, 2014. The exchanges will change the way Americans acquire health coverage and how employers offer coverage. This share session will focus on what exchanges are, their value and viability and how employers, brokers, advisors, TPAs, and consumers can benefit from exchanges. Active interaction between the panelists and attendees is encouraged. Moderator: Elena E. Merino, President and CEO, The Meridian Group Panelists: Dr. John Reynolds, CEO, Cielostar; Terry McCorvie, CEO, Workable Solutions, LLC; Ronnie Lapidus, Senior Product Manager for Consumer Directed Health Care, Ceridian; and Shandon Fowler, Director of Product Management, Marketplaces for Benefitfocus Merino
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4BWF PWFS QFS ZFBS QFS FNQMPZFF PO IFBMUI DPTUT First  Stop  Health  provides  employers  and  employees  with  a  convenient,  quick,  and  affordable  solution  for  everyday  health  needs  as  well  as  major  health  crises  that  require  skill  and  advocacy  to  navigate.  Whether  bundled  with  traditional  health  insurance  or  provided  as  a  voluntary  benefit,  our  package  of  medical  services,  tools,  and  information  provides  a  highly  efficient  complement  that  will  save  employers  and  employees  money.
We  provide  a  cost  effective  service  that  saves  our  typical  member  or  his  or  her  employer  more  than  $1,000 per year  by: Â&#x2021; (OLPLQDWLQJ WKH FRVW RI WKH RI FRQVXOWDWLRQV WKDW GR QRW UHTXLUH LQ RIILFH GRFWRU YLVLWV Â&#x2021; 6WRSSLQJ XQQHFHVVDU\ WULSV WR WKH HPHUJHQF\ URRP Â&#x2021; ,QFUHDVLQJ SURGXFWLYLW\ E\ HOLPLQDWLQJ ORQJ ZDLWV DW SK\VLFLDQ XUJHQW FDUH DQG (5 ZDLWLQJ URRPV
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o *.1307*/( $0/46.&3 )&"-5) 5)306() 7"-6& #"4&% PLAN DESIGN UnitedHealthcareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Diabetes Health Plan launched in 2009 with employers looking to better engage plan members with diabetes. Through a combination of plan design and consumer education, members enrolled in Diabetes Health Plan increase their compliance with the American Diabetes Associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s measures of diabetic control. Join UnitedHealthcare to learn more about how value-based plan designs like Diabetes Health Plan work and what best practices employers are adopting to drive real changes in consumer behavior that improve the health of those with chronic conditions and reduce plan costs. Hankins
Speaker: Craig Hankins, Vice President, Consumer Engagement Products, UnitedHealthcare
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o 5",*/( " -00, */4*%& )4" 53&/%4 With over 1,000,000 accounts and $1.6B in deposits, J.P. Morgan is the largest administrator of HSAs in the country. In this workshop J.P. Morgan shares its experience and observations of the account holders it serves, including information on account balances, contribution and distribution activity, as well as investment behavior allowing you to see firsthand how health savings accounts have become an integral part of helping people save and pay for medical expenses. Speaker: Jason Kessler, Vice President, HSA Product Manager, J.P. Morgan Kessler
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Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
o 5)& 30-& 0' .0#*-& )&"-5) */ $)"/(*/( #&)"7*03 Last year, the Global Life Sciences Group at Ernst & Young released their 7th Annual report under the Progressions banner. That report was called â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Third Place: Health Care Everywhere.â&#x20AC;? In that report, they make the bold and provocative declaration that everybody in the business of health care is effectively in the behavior change business. This panel of leading mHealth experts is designed to explore the role of Mobile Health â&#x20AC;&#x201C; or mHealth â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in changing both clinical and consumer behavior. Speakers: Dan Munro, Contributor, Forbes.com; Bruce Brandes, EVP, Airstrip Technologies; Sonny Vu, CEO, Co-Founder of Misfit Wearables; and Meredith Ressi, President, ManhattanResearch, LLC Munro
_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ \ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 62
o (".& .&$)"/*$4 "/% 05)&3 (".& $)"/(&34 */ BENEFITS EDUCATION Employers are increasingly seeking ways to engage their employees to become more informed and proactive health care consumers. To do so successfully, they must provide education and engagement solutions that speak â&#x20AC;&#x153;consumer speakâ&#x20AC;? and keep them coming back for more. Enter game mechanics and the call to turn big data into actionable data. In this session, participants will explore: t Trends in health care consumerism t The ROI of employee engagement, including improved employee satisfaction and cost containment t How retail best practices can drive health care consumerism t Game mechanics and other innovations in benefits education t Turning big data into actionable data t Specific techniques that have helped one company transform its employees from passive to active health care consumers â&#x20AC;&#x201C; saving both the employer and employees money Speaker: Clayton Nicholas, Vice President, Strategy and Marketing, Change Healthcare
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Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
o 4)"3& 4&44*0/ #6*-%*/( #&55&3 $0/46.&34 0' HEALTH CARE AND HEALTH Your employees are not children. They want to be treated like adults and make their own decision about their health care choices. However, if they do not have the proper education and decision-support tools they may not be able to make the best choices when it comes to getting care. In this share session, some of the top thought leaders in the nation offer tips and provide tools on how to create better more educated consumers of health care. Active interaction between the panelists and attendees is encouraged. Moderator: John Linss, Founder MedServ Global
Panelists: Bill Gibson, Vice President, National Sales, New Benefits; Barbara Barrett, Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources, Langdale Industries, Inc.; and Dave Seem, EVP and Chief Financial Officer, Miller Zell
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Atlanta Association of Health Underwriters (AAHU)
InteliSpend Prepaid Solutions, LLC Target
Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations (AAPPO)
Truven Health Analytics
ARAG Benefitfocus
BenefitsLink.com & EmployeeBenefitsJobs.com
Castlight Health
Care Continuum Alliance
Enroller Resource Center (ERC)
Alegeus Technologies
Insurance Thought Leadership
Change Healthcare
MyHealthGuide Newsletter
Consumers Medical Resource
Delta Dental
National Association of Alternative Benefits Consultants, Inc. (NAABC)
Discovery Benefits
Foundation for Chiropratic Progress
First Stop Health
Healthstat, Inc.
Health Partners America
HSA Bank
National Association of Vision Care Plans (NAVCP)
J.P. Morgan
OnSite Clinics
Jellyvision Lab, Inc.
Kaiser Permanente
ShareWIK Media Group
Mayo Clinic
The Leapfrog Group
MedServ Global
New Benefits
Third Party Administrators Association of America (TPAAA)
UnitedHealthcare UnitedHealthcare Specialty Division
Protocol Driven Healthcare, Inc. (PDHI)
Visa Healthcare
Workable Solutions
Tango Health
National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) National Association of Specialty Health Organizations (NASHO)
United Benefit Advisors (UBA) Wye River Group on Healthcare (WRGH) Worldwide Employee Benefits Network, Inc. (WEB)
TSYS Healthcare WeCare TLC Wiser Together
Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
'036. &"45 (0-% 4*-7&3 #30/;& 410/4034 GOLD SPONSORS gBehavior www.gbehavior.com
Truven Health Analytics www.truven.com
gBehavior offers complete reward solutions that incentivize program participants for healthy behavioral changes. Our wellness platform, Rewards for Wellness, tracks participants’ progress against pre-determined goals, and rewards them for achieving these goals. gBehavior handles all phases of design, implementation, engagement, rewards management and in-depth reporting. gBehavior offers a unique value proposition – no monthly fees. We get paid only on results.
Truven Health Analytics, formerly Healthcare at Thomson Reuters, delivers unbiased information, analytic tools, benchmarks, and services to the healthcare industry. Hospitals, government agencies, employers, health plans, clinicians, and life sciences companies have relied on us for more than 30 years. We combine deep clinical, financial, and healthcare management expertise with innovative technology platforms and information assets to make healthcare better by collaborating with our customers to uncover and realize opportunities for improving quality, efficiency, and outcomes.
InteliSpend Prepaid Solutions, LLC www.intelispend.com
SILVER SPONSORS Alegeus Technologies www.alegeus.com
InteliSpend offers intelligent prepaid solutions for a broad range of business needs, including a product designed specifically for wellness: the MasterCard® Wellness Prepaid Card. It inspires and sustains participation by giving individuals the ability to shop and select their ideal reward. Plus, InteliSpend prepaid reward cards are supported by services flexible enough to fit all kinds of wellness initiatives. Visit us at the IHC Forum or online to learn more.
Target https://health.target.com
Target Corporation is a discount retailer that provides on-trend merchandise at attractive prices in 1,782 stores nationwide and online at Target.com. Through its more than 1,600 pharmacies and 54 retail clinics, Target® brings health and care together and makes both more accessible. More human. More Target. Here, simplicity meets convenience with good-for-you products and in-theknow advice. For more information, please visit https:// health.target.com 66
Alegeus Technologies is an industry-leading benefit and payment solutions provider that enables our clients to differentiate and compete in a rapidly changing marketplace. Alegeus provides a comprehensive suite of solutions and services capable of processing every financial transaction that occurs across the benefit value chain — from enrollment and premiums, to benefit accounts, claims and payments.
AmeriFlex www.flex125.com
Established in 1998, AmeriFlex is an independent third party administrator providing technology-based, consumerdriven benefits and compliance solutions. AmeriFlex is headquartered in Frisco, Texas, and serves thousands of employer clients representing millions of individual participants nationwide.
solution that administers reimbursement accounts, including HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, VEBAs, Wellness and Transit Plans. It is the only solution that offers a single end-to-end user experience, provides innovative autosubstantiation technologies, and automates workflow for Partners, employers, and consumers. It does all this on one technology platform comprised of 1Cloud™, 1Direct™, 1Pay™, 1View™, 1Plan™, and 1Mobile™. Evolution1 and our Partners are dedicated to delivering value, reducing costs and simplifying the business of healthcare.
Foundation for Chiropratic Progress www.foundation4cp.com
CieloStar www.cielostar.com
CieloStar has helped brokers, employers and employees navigate the ever-changing world of benefits for 25 years. Now, with the dawn of “Defined Contribution Health Care” we are again on the leading edge with an expanding suite of products and services including private exchanges, CDH administration, COBRA, enrollment, bill consolidation and provider payment solutions.
ConnectYourCare www.connectyourcare.com
ConnectYourCare offers a leading CDH accounts platform, including HSAs, FSAs, and HRAs. The ConnectYourCare solution provides employees with a transparent and seamless transition to CDH. Our stewardship model utilizes behavioral economics optimizing the CDH experience. ConnectYourCare was proudly named the leader in CDH solutions by Forrester, an independent market research firm.
Evolution1 www.evolution1.com
Evolution1 and our Partners serve more than 9 million consumers, making us the nation’s largest electronic payment, on-premise and cloud computing healthcare
Employers and insurers are shifting their attention to valuebased insurance design and its associated cost-sharing principles. While these plans have generally been used to lower cost-sharing for highly effective prescription drugs, the same strategies may be applied to non-drug services. In the case of low back pain, a leading ailment in the US, employers and health plans will find that the utilization of chiropractic care will lead to cost-savings and improved quality of life. This session will expand on the value-based approach for non-evasive treatments, using evidence based assessments to support decision-making at the employer, health plan and individual levels. Learn more about the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress.
FusionHealth www.fusionhealth.com
Fusion Health® delivers innovative health care technology and care management solutions focused on preventing chronic disease and reducing cost. We enable employers and health plans to radically alter the trajectory of spiraling health-related costs through the fusion of proprietary cloud-based technology, leading medical expertise and actionable data analytics.
Healthstat, Inc. www.healthstatinc.com Healthstat, Inc. is a leading provider of on-site primary care, high health risk intervention and disease management services. Our goal is to alleviate a corporation’s rising cost 67
Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
of healthcare by improving the health of their employees. With the utmost discretion, we identify chronic health risks and work with the employee to manage their condition before it requires more serious treatment. We accomplish this through the implementation of on-site clinics, preventative care and wellness programs. We get proven results and judge success through both the bottom line and the healthy life. Today, we serve over 200,000 employees at more than 100 companies and staff over 300 clinics nationwide.
HSA Bank www.hsabank.com
At HSA Bank, we’ve been helping businesses optimize their healthcare spending for over 15 years. We offer unmatched service and expertise when it comes to health-based savings accounts. You can count on our dedicated business relations team for turnkey solutions and ongoing support that help your business and workforce save for a healthy future. To connect with your regional representative, call 866.357.5232 or visit hsabank.com. HSA Bank is a division of Webster Bank, N.A., Member FDIC.
J.P. Morgan www.jpmorgan.com
J.P. Morgan has been administering HSAs since their inception and currently manages more than 900,000 HSAs under their consumer brand Chase for over 10,000 employers in all 50 states. Benefits professionals trust J.P. Morgan every day to provide smart, flexible financial solutions and outstanding service to meet their unique needs. For more information, go to jpmorgan.com/hsa.
Jellyvision Lab, Inc. www.meetalex.com
The Jellyvision Lab, Inc., offers a novel approach to benefits communication. ALEX™ is a most innovative, effective, and beloved Virtual Benefits Counselor, at least according to companies and employees that have met him. Designed as an interactive, online experience, ALEX explains benefits in a way that employees can understand 68
and makes recommendations based on employees’ needs. Oh, and he does all this while saving administrators time, money and enrollment headaches.
MasterCard www.mastercard.us
MasterCard (NYSE: MA), is a global payments and technology company. It operates the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard’s products and solutions make everyday commerce activities — such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances — easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone.
MedEncentive www.medencentive.com
MedEncentive offers a patented, web-based incentive system that’s been independently validated to control healthcare costs. Doctors and patients earn financial rewards for declaring adherence to best practices and healthy behaviors, provided they agree to be accountable to the other party for doing so. Easy to implement and embraced by users.
Mercer www.mercer.com
Mercer is a global consulting leader in talent, health, retirement and investments. Mercer helps clients around the world advance the health, wealth and performance of their most vital asset – their people. Mercer’s 20,000 employees are based in more than 40 countries. Mercer is a wholly owned subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies (NYSE: MMC), a global team of professional services companies offering clients advice and solutions in the areas of risk, strategy and human capital.
PayFlex www.healthhub.com
PayFlex® is leading the way in account-based health plan technology and innovation. HealthHub®, powered by PayFlex®, combines benefits administration with wellness solutions to educate, engage and empower employees to improve their health and financial wellbeing. Incentivebased wellness programs integrated with account-based health administration sets PayFlex® apart in the consumerdirected marketplace.
UnitedHealthcare www.uhc.com
UnitedHealthcare is dedicated to helping people nationwide live healthier lives by simplifying the health care experience, meeting consumer health and wellness needs, and sustaining trusted relationships with care providers. The company offers the full spectrum of health benefit programs for individuals, employers and Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, and contracts directly with more than 650,000 physicians and care professionals and 5,000 hospitals nationwide. UnitedHealthcare serves more than 38 million people and is one of the businesses of UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH), a diversified Fortune 50 health and well-being company.
UnitedHealthcare Specialty Division www.uhc.com
UnitedHealthcare Specialty Division is a leading provider of employee health and voluntary benefits including accident, dental, vision, life, disability and critical illness insurance. UnitedHealthcare’s networks include more than 53,000 vision access points and 67,000 dentists. Over 75,000 small, midsize and large businesses and 14.5 million individuals protect their income, financial security and health through UnitedHealthcare’s products and services including accident, dental, vision, life, disability, accident and critical illness insurance.
Visa Healthcare www.usa.visa.com
Visa Healthcare cards can encourage increased employee participation and satisfaction in tax-advantaged health care programs (FSA/HRA, HSA) while helping to reduce administrative expenses. Maximizing these programs with Visa Healthcare cards provides accountholders with fast, convenient access to funds, which can ease administration and drive participation through increased value for employees. Visa is a global payments technology company that connects consumers, businesses, banks and governments in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to use digital currency instead of cash and checks. Visa’s processing network is capable of handling more than 20,000 transaction messages per second, with reliability, convenience and security.
WageWorks https://www.wageworks.com WageWorks, Inc. is a leading on-demand provider of tax-advantaged programs for consumer-directed health, commuter and other employee spending account benefits, or CDBs, in the United States. We administer and operate a broad array of CDBs, including spending account management programs, such as health and dependent care Flexible Spending Accounts, or FSAs, Health Savings Accounts, or HSAs, Health Reimbursement Arrangements, or HRAs, and commuter benefits, such as transit and parking programs.
Workable Solutions www.workablesolutions.com
Workable Solutions is based in Orlando, FL and provides a full array of employee benefit solutions including HSA, HRA, FSA and commuter accounts, COBRA administration, and benefits administration outsourcing. They offer a comprehensive benefit exchange application, Workable Choice, which provides plan selection assistance, comparison-shopping technology, eligibility management, enrollment, consolidated billing, and more. Workable also offers a myriad of defined contribution options, which allow employers to control their employee health care costs while giving their employees greater choice and flexibility. 69
Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
EXHIBITORS ARAG www.araggroup.com
manage and exchange all their benefits in one place. From consumer engagement and enrollment to communication and billing, Benefitfocus is creating a better way to manage benefits.
Castlight Health www.castlighthealth.com ARAG® is a leading provider of voluntary legal insurance products and services for employers, membership groups and associations. More than 400 organizations count on ARAG to expand their benefits programs and gain a competitive advantage in attracting employees and members. We offer fully insured legal plans — not just discount services — which we believe results in greater satisfaction. Our turnkey solutions require minimal administration and are available at no cost to your organization.
Acclaris www.acclaris.com
Acclaris delivers financial technology and services that power and simplify the complex administration of HSAs, HRAs, FSAs and much more for HR outsourcers, benefits administrators, financial institutions and health plans. Acclaris offers clients an innovative approach to faster, more profitable growth, greater agility and higher member satisfaction.
America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) www.ahip.org
America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) is a national association representing nearly 1,300 member companies providing health insurance coverage to more than 200 million Americans.
Benefitfocus www.benefitfocus.com Benefitfocus is a leading benefits technology provider. Over 18 million members and 300,000 employers use the Benefitfocus cloud-based platform to shop, enroll, 70
Castlight Health enables employers, their employees, and health plans to take control of health care costs and improve care. With engagement rates up to 70% Castlight helps companies create true behavior change among employees so they can achieve proven, measurable results. Named #1 on The Wall Street Journal’s list of “The Top 50 Venture-Backed Companies” for 2011 and one of Dow Jones’ 50 Most Investment-Worthy Technology Start-Ups, Castlight Health helps the country’s self-insured employers and health plans empower consumers to shop for health care. Castlight Health is headquartered in San Francisco and backed by prominent investors including Allen & Company, Cleveland Clinic, Maverick Capital, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Oak Investment Partners, Redmile Group, T. Rowe Price, U.S. Venture Partners, Venrock, Wellcome Trust and two unnamed mutual funds.
CDHCentric www.experiencelab.com ExperienceLab has created a breakthrough, patented communication program for employers that want to increase adoption and usage of consumer directed health (CDH) insurance plans among their employees. CDHCentric, sold on a subscription basis, delivers regular, multi-media communications that are tailored based on seven unique attitudinal segments developed from proprietary research.
Ceridian www.ceridian.com
Ceridian is a global business services company that provides a variety of human resource solutions. From benefits to payroll services, we help organizations maximize their human, financial and technology resources. Whether an organization’s goals are to save money or improve productivity, Ceridian provides the insights and solutions that ensure success.
Change Healthcare www.changehealthcare.com
Change Healthcare’s mission is to engage consumers in obtaining personalized, actionable cost-savings information that changes the way they purchase health care. Built on a database of claims from a national client base, CHC delivers savings to health plan members and employers, and offers the only tool able to generate and proactively communicate savings opportunities customized to the individual, their plan and their local area.
Consumers Medical Resource www.consumersmedical.com
their employees. We are a consumer-focused organization blending people and technology to provide high-quality customer service and administration.
empowris www.empowris.com
empowris is a qualified, accountable marketplace of the country’s top weight management programs, designed to provide your employee’s choice to drive engagement and create healthy outcomes. By qualifying programs, empowris ensures that employees are using programs designed for results. And, by building in accountability parameters for both programs and employees, success rates can be measured against employee investments.
First Stop Health https://www.fshealth.com Consumers Medical Resource (CMR) provides Medical Decision Support® (MDS) services to help its members become more empowered and accountable consumers of health care. MDS addresses all medical conditions and supports decisions at any point in the continuum of care, including: facilitating expert second opinions, confirming diagnoses and treatment plans, and uncovering new treatment options.
First Stop Health is your personal online medical advice service. We offer 24/7 access to our US-based and licensed doctors for you and your entire family. Whether it’s advice, a prescription or just the peace of mind that you don’t need to go to the ER, our doctors can help.
Delta Dental www.deltadentalins.com
Health Partners America www.healthpartnersamerica.com
Delta Dental leads the industry in designing innovative dental coverage programs that keep costs down and deliver quality care. Our diverse client list includes everyone from Fortune 100 companies to public agencies to individuals and families. Our customer’s satisfaction is based on our expansive dentist network, cost-saving mechanisms and superior customer service. We are part of the Delta Dental Plans Association that provides dental coverage to more than 59 million people in the US.
Health Partners America creates tools, training and technology for financial service professionals to help them sell more effectively. Through our thought leadership white papers, media appearances and keynote speaking, we build awareness around the REAL solutions to America’s health care crisis.
HealthSparq www.healthsparq.com
Discovery Benefits www.discoverybenefits.com
Discovery Benefits is the 6th largest third party administrator of FSA, HSA, HRA, Transportation and COBRA plans. Discovery’s philosophy is to provide responsive and flexible administrative services creating value for our clients and
HealthSparq offers an integrated health care transparency solutions platform that brings the online shopping experience to health care by leveraging provider and claims data with cost and treatment data linked together with community reviews and discussions. HealthSparq’s software-as-aservice platform is designed to be integrated into health plan and employer websites. HealthSparq is part of the 71
Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
Cambia Health Solutions family of companies and is located in Portland, Oregon. To learn more about HealthSparq, visit www.HealthSparq.com and follow @HealthSparq on Twitter. To receive a HealthSparq demo, please send an email to info@HealthSparq.com or call 503-220-6200.
InsureXSolutions www.insurexsolutions.com
InsureXSolutionsÂŽ is a private exchange that helps businesses of all sizes in the new healthcare landscape. Available in select markets, InsureXSolutions offers defined contribution funding options, an online marketplace with multiple coverage options from leading insurance companies, decision support tools and a call center with licensed insurance professionals. InsureXSolutions is operated by Flexible Benefit Service Corporation (Flex), a leading provider of consumer driven benefit programs for the past 25 years. Learn more at www.insurexsolutions.com.
Kaiser Permanente www.healthy.kaiserpermanente.org
MedServ Global www.medservglobal.com
MedServ Global is leading the way in delivering effective and flexible healthcare solutions that save money and improve health. Our Integrated HealthShare Solutions Platform transforms health benefit plans by putting economic, health, and wellness choices into the hands of the people that are directly affected and provides the support to help them be better health care consumers. Each component is tailored to encourage personal involvement in altering health and health care purchasing behaviors which saves money for employers and employees while improving overall population health. By integrating components such as Education and Engagement, Access and Affordability, and Wellness and Incentives, these solutions create an environment that drives maximum adoption and effectiveness.
New Benefits www.newbenefits.com
Kaiser Permanente is committed to helping shape the future of health care. Our mission is to provide highquality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. We currently serve more than 9 million members nationwide, including more than 240,000 members in metro-Atlanta.
New Benefits provides a full range of valuable noninsurance health and lifestyle benefits. Thousands of clients trust New Benefits to deliver superior products, customer service, administration, print services, billing and compliance. Stop by our booth to hear how DefiniteBenefits can help your employees save money on health care.
Mayo Clinic www.populationhealth.mayoclinic.com
Orriant www.orriant.com
Mayo Clinic extends medical expertise to people throughout their lives through its population health and third-party benefits administration solutions. An integrated suite of online, phone and print programs aim to facilitate wise health care consumerism by improving population health and increasing productivity. Benefits administration services include consumer-drive health plan options and reimbursement account options. Contact us to learn more about Mayo Clinic resources to improve health and increase engagement.
Orriant helps businesses produce a better, more profitable product by creating a workforce that is healthier, more productive, and less expensive to insure. Orriantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proven strategy is to hold people accountable for improving their health as an integral part of your benefit strategy in a way that is fair and compassionate to all.
Protocol Driven Healthcare, Inc. (PDHI) www.pdhi.com
Protocol Driven Healthcare, Inc. (PDHI) is a health care technology company that licenses the ConXus® health improvement platform for the delivery of workplace wellness programs and wellness analytics. The ConXus Platform is used by wellness providers servicing many end clients and large employers delivering comprehensive wellness programs with coaching. ConXus modules can be deployed in multiple configurations to match client service levels, with additional localization for each end-client.
QuadMed www.quadmedical.com
QuadMed is a nationally recognized leader in innovative healthcare solutions, and offers comprehensive healthcare services tailored to your company’s goals and employee health needs. QuadMed specializes in staffing, managing and operating employer-sponsored primary care centers that offer services spanning the care continuum to ensure a model that best meets our clients’ needs. This includes onsite, near-site, multiemployer/shared sites, corporate health suites and telehealth options.
SelectAccount www.selectaccount.com SelectAccount is one of the largest spending account administrators in the nation. Known for service excellence, health care expertise, and product innovation, SelectAccount offers a full line of spending accounts for one competitive fee and high interest rates. To learn more, visit www. selectaccount.com, or contact Larry Deegan at 1-847-2731649.
Tango Health www.tangohealth.com
Tango Health helps reduce the total cost of health benefits for employers and employees by driving adoption of HDHP+HSA, eliminating the HSA administrative burden
and maximizing the tax savings. Employers that are focused on containing or reducing their health care costs have come to rely on Tango’s software and services.
TSYS Healthcare www.tsys.com TSYS Healthcare TSYS Healthcare provides end-toend strategic payment solutions for consumer directed healthcare. We partner with benefits administrators, financial institutions, health plans and software providers to navigate all aspects of HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, cash reimbursements and lines of credit, rewards and claim payments. TSYS Healthcare cards offer participants the security they expect along with the ability to conveniently access funds from multiple accounts and manage their benefits payments with simplified single-card access. Clients and partners benefit from simplified processes, reduced paperwork and cost savings that contribute to improved return on investment.
WeCare TLC www.wecaretlc.com
WeCare TLC is a medical risk management company that leverages onsite primary care clinics to provide solutions to rising health care costs while improving patient health and wellness. Our holistic approach to care empowers the clinic staff to act as patient advocates, which increases compliance and decreases unnecessary expensive services.
Wiser Together www.wisertogether.com
Wiser Together, helps patients choose the right care at the time. It offers an innovative online treatment selection & shared decision support platform that helps patients make evidence-based, cost effective treatment decisions across musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, mental health, diabetes, pregnancy and respiratory illnesses saving payers money. Currently 1.5 million members have access to the platform through employers and health plans in the country. WiserTogether was founded in 2008 and is based in Washington, DC.
Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
PARTNERS Atlanta Association of Health Underwriters (AAHU) /www.atlantaahu.org The Mission of the Atlanta Association of Health Underwriters is to provide in-depth education, advocacy and professional development to its members so that they may better serve the public and decision makers in securing and maintaining health and related insurance coverage.
ABA HSA Council www.aba.com/issues/HSA The ABA HSA Council is an organization of banks, insurers and technology leaders committed to increasing the adoption velocity of health savings accounts in the United States. The ABA HSA Council represents its members before Congress, the White House and U.S. Courts in order to preserve the ability of Americans to pay for healthcare using an HSA.
American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations (AAPPO) www.aappo.org The American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations (AAPPO) is the leading national association of preferred provider organizations (PPOs). AAPPO’s membership includes both payer and nonrisk networks, as well as affiliate organizations. Established in 1983, AAPPO was created to advance awareness of the health care benefits — greater access, choice and flexibility — that PPOs bring to more than 203 million Americans. Since its inception, AAPPO has been the only association advocating solely on behalf of PPOs and their affiliates, and continues to lead the way in promoting, supporting and advocating on behalf of the PPO industry.
BenefitsLink.com & EmployeeBenefitsJobs.com www.benefitslink.com www.employeebenefitsjobs.com Since 1995, the BenefitsLink daily e-newsletters have provided employee benefits professionals with the latest developments and analysis in plan compliance, administration, policy and design — we 74
scour the web to deliver the very best articles to keep you on top of this ever-changing field. Our website includes active message boards, industry news and an extensive calendar of conferences and webcasts. EmployeeBenefitsJobs.com offers the opportunity to find the best-informed benefits professionals to fill job openings in this niche field.
Care Continuum Alliance www.carecontinuumalliance.org The Care Continuum Alliance represents more than 200 organizations and individuals and aligns all stakeholders on the care continuum toward improving population health. Through advocacy, research and education, the Care Continuum Alliance advances strategies to improve care quality and outcomes and reduce preventable costs for the well and those with and at risk of chronic conditions. Learn more at www.carecontinuumalliance.org.
Enroller Resource Center (ERC) www.enrollerresourcecenter.com Enroller Resource Center (ERC) has almost 1300 independent benefit counselors (230 bilinguals) located all across the country. These enrollers contract with carriers and enrollment firms to do onsite and Call Center benefits communications. ERC consults with its clients to create effective and affordable worksite communications.
Insurance Thought Leadership www.insurancethoughtleadership.com Insurance Thought Leadership exists to “simplify the complex.” The insurance industry is fraught with complexity so our defining vision is to aggregate and deliver best practice solutions from highly respected experts in their field. Insurance Thought Leadership provides knowledge and experience at a time when its needed most, times of sweeping change and market uncertainty. Whether it’s Healthcare, Worker’s Compensation, Property & Casualty, Auto, Sophisticated Life Insurance designs, Directors & Officer’s, Safety, Risk Control or other Claims Management, Insurance Thought Leadership promises to deliver the most relevant mind share the industry has to offer, thus our defining vision … to “simplify the complex.”
MyHealthGuide Newsletter www.myhealthguide.com
National Association of Specialty Health Organizations (NASHO) www.nasho.org
MyHealthGuide Newsletter is published weekly for subscribers in the self-funded community including TPAs, stop loss carriers and MGUs, PPOs, PBMs, LC/DM firms, legal and legislative parties and more. Article categories include: General & Company News; People News; Market Trends, Studies, Books & Opinions; Legal, Legislative & Regulatory News; Medical News and Upcoming Conferences. Subscribe free at www.MyHealthGuide.com
The NASHO is a subsidiary association of the American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations (AAPPO) founded to advance and evolve specialty healthcare delivery in the United States. Its mission is to enhance and promote the value proposition of specialty health organizations. To learn more about NASHO, visit www.nasho.org.
National Association of Alternative Benefits Consultants, Inc. (NAABC) www.naabc.com
National Association of Vision Care Plans (NAVCP) www.navcp.org
The The National Association of Alternative Benefits Consultants, Inc. (NAABC), is a professional “non-commercial” trade organization that was developed to represent insurance producers and brokers across the United States who market Health Savings Accounts, Health Reimbursement Arrangements and other Consumer Driven Health Plans to individuals and employers/ groups. Our goal is to provide formal support and education to those agents who are, or wish to become active in the consumer driven health plan and self-funding markets.
The NAVCP is the trade association for the Managed Vision Care industry serving as the voice for the vision benefits industry. The mission of NAVCP is efficient consumer access to quality vision care through promotion and advancement of the vision benefits industry. NAVCP strives to improve quality and efficiency in the delivery of vision care for consumers and providers and promotes the value and importance of vision care and vision benefits to both consumers and employers. The 16 primary member companies manage extensive networks of vision care providers and include vision benefit coverage to tens of millions of Americans.
National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) www.nahu.org The National Association of Health Underwriters represents more than 100,000 licensed health insurance agents, brokers, general agents, consultants and benefit professionals through more than 200 chapters across America. NAHU members service the health insurance needs of large and small employers as well as people seeking individual health insurance coverage. Every day, NAHU members work to obtain insurance for clients who are struggling to balance their desire to purchase highquality and comprehensive health coverage with the reality of rapidly escalating medical care costs. As such, one of NAHU’s primary goals is to do everything we can to promote access to affordable health insurance coverage.
OnSite Clinics www.onsiteclinics.org The FORUM is dedicated to the collection and dissemination of news and ideas relating to employer sponsored workplace health installations and on-site clinics.
ShareWIK Media Group www.sharewik.com ShareWIK Media Group produces and distributes a new breed of health and wellness video. Using the power of personal story telling, we Engage, Educate and Inspire consumers to more effectively manage their health conditions and make healthier lifestyle choices. Whether you are an employer, solution provider, publisher, or broadcaster -ShareWIK media can help you reach your employees, clients, users, or audience.
Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
The Leapfrog Group www.leapfroggroup.org The Leapfrog Group is a national nonprofit organization using the collective leverage of large purchasers of health care to initiate breakthrough improvements in the safety, quality, and affordability of health care for Americans. The flagship Leapfrog Hospital Survey allows purchasers to structure their contracts and purchasing to reward the highest performing hospitals. The Leapfrog Group was founded in November 2000 with support from the Business Roundtable and national funders, and is now independently operated with support from its purchaser and other members.
Third Party Administrators Association of America (TPAAA) www.tpaaa.org The Third Party Administrators Association of America (TPAAA) advocates advancement of state public policy and business interests for Third Party Administrators (TPAs) to foster choice, innovation, and quality affordable health care delivery options for self-funded employers, Taft-Hartley and municipal health benefit plans nationwide.
United Benefit Advisors (UBA) www.ubabenefits.com United Benefit Advisors® (UBA) is the nation’s leading independent benefits advisory organization with more than 140 Partner Firms in more than 200 locations throughout the U.S., Canada and the U.K. UBA Partners educate nearly 5 million employees and their families to become better health care consumers and lead healthier lives, easing the strain on health care claims and costs. Our Partners saved employers on average 5.2 percent from the initial medical plan renewal offer in 2012, which translates to a staggering $584.1 million in annual medical plan cost savings.
Worldwide Employee Benefits Network, Inc. (WEB) www.webnetwork.org The Worldwide Employee Benefits Network, Inc. (WEB) is a national non-profit organization committed to the development and education of benefits professionals. WEB supports its members through monthly educational meetings, webinars and networking opportunities, and provides access to publications and other resources to help our members meet challenges affecting the benefits world. With more than 160 members, WEB Atlanta is the second largest chapter in the nation – and growing. Our membership is made up of over 25 different professions representing more than 30 areas of expertise in the benefits industry, and includes benefits managers, plan administrators, HR directors, vice presidents of HR, consultants, attorneys, accountants, communication experts, benefits brokers, and investment advisors.
Wye River Group on Healthcare (WRGH) www.wrgh.org Wye River Group on Healthcare (WRGH) and its affiliated Foundation for American Health Care Leadershipsm (FAHCL) are nonpartisan, not for profit entities, which serve as catalysts to raise awareness and broaden perspectives to enable constructive healthcare change.
The Collective Voice on Innovative Health & Benefit Management
4IBSF :PVS 0QJOJPOT 4USBUFHJFT $BTF 4UVEJFT #MPHT 8IJUF 1BQFST 1PEDBTUT BOE 7JEFPT 0OMJOF JO PVS F/FXTMFUUFST PS JO 1SJOU UP 0VS 8JEFTQSFBE "VEJFODF PG .PSF 5IBO 3FBEFST Contribute to the Health Care Consumerism conversation by submitting an article, blog, case study, white paper, podcast or WJEFP UP 5IF *OTUJUVUF GPS )FBMUI$BSF $POTVNFSJTN T DPMMBCPSBUJWF membership-based online community (www.TheIHCC.com), as part of its bi-monthly eNewsletter or in the print and digital publication, HealthCare Consumerism Solutions. We are actively looking for content including, but not limited to: t Health care reform and how it pertains to employers t Pharmacy and drug benefit management t Population health and wellness t Health care consumerism decision support tools t Trends in health care access
t Trends in supplemental and voluntary health benefits t Broker and consultant trends t Trends in health incentives t Trends in employee communication education t Trends in account-based and other plan designs
Platforms for Your Content: 1.
The Institute for HealthCare Consumerismâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Online Community If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not already a member of our online community, simply sign up for your FREE membership (at www.TheIHCC. com) and you can begin posting blogs and commenting in forums immediately. Your blog will be read by your fellow members who are employers, solution providers, brokers, advisors, consultants, human resources and benefits managers, C-suite executives, financial management decision makers, TPAs, executives and administrators of regional health plan providers.
HealthCare Consumerism Solutions As the official publication for The Institute, each issue is focused 100 percent on innovative health and benefit management solutions. In addition to publishing this magazine eight times each year, you also can contribute to the annual Outlook edition, where the top industry thought leaders share their perspective on the coming year, and the Superstars edition where the top health care consumerism contributors are named. Each magazine is available digitally and in print.
HealthCare Exchange Solutions To better cover significant changes in health benefits, The Institute has created a new magazine supplement that is dedicated exclusively to covering exchanges and defined contributions. Debuting in the March/ April issue of HealthCare Consumerism Solutions, Exchange Solutions will help employers, brokers, consultants and other stakeholders successfully navigate the changes ahead.
HealthCare Consumerism Today eNewsletter Within this bi-monthly email newsletter, subscribers and members of the The Instituteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s online community can expect a collection of fresh content, including recent blogs and posts delivered right into their inbox. Your content could be featured in the eNewsletter as a stand-alone piece, or linked from our online community.
#Z 4IBSJOH :PVS 7PJDF PS 3FTFBSDI 8JUI 6T :PV BSF 4IBSJOH it With the Health and Benefit Management Community and the )FBMUI $BSF $POTVNFSJTN $POWFSTBUJPO "U -BSHF To Submit Content: For more information, please contact The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism CEO and Founder, Doug Field at dfield@theihcc.com
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Formerly CDHC Solutions FORUM
SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR MODERATORS Jody Dietel, Chief Compliance Officer, WageWorks, Inc. John Young, President, Consumerdriven, LLC, Former Senior Vice President, Consumerism, CIGNA Jon Comola, CEO and Chairman, Wye River Group and Founder of Foundation for American Healthcare Leadership Jack Curtis, Chief Operating Officer, CHN Health Management, LLC Dr. Cynthia Haines, Chief Medical Officer, HealthDay Craig Foster, RSM Mid Market Solutions, Castlight Health John Linss, Founder, Chairman, MedServ Global Donald Weber, Managing Director, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Human Resourses Services Group Scott Harward, President, Pilot USA Tony Holmes, FSA, MAAA, FCA, Mercer Health & Benefits Sanders McConnell, Director of Healthcare Sales, TSYS Healthcare
Laura Carabello, Chief Creative Officer, CPR Strategic Marketing Communications; Publisher and Editor of Medical Travel Today
SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR HARD WORKING STAFF Brent Macy, Managing Director Karen Raudabaugh, Events Manager Rogers Beasley, Director of Conference Sponsorship/ Corporate Membership Joni Lipson, Director Partnerships & Alliance Jonathan Field, Managing Editor Kelvin Hosken, Associate Editor Dusty Rhodes, Director of Education Lana Perry, Public Relations Kellie Frissell, Art Director Kevin Carnegie, Lead Web Developer Tom Becher, Web Developer Diana Bickel, Audience Development And to the telemarketing team at Plexus Marketing Group.
HEALTHCARE CONSUMERISM CONNECTIONS Report Card Health Plans Supplemental Health Alternative Care HSA/HRA/FSA Admin & Finance Population Health/Wellness
Visit all of the exhibitors and learn about the different solutions that will help you on your journey. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to get your game sheet stamped on the logoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s below. After the game sheet is completed, tear the sheet out, fill out your contact information on the back and drop off at the registration desk before Friday, May 10, 10:30 am. Drawing to take place on the Main Stage at 11:00 am on Friday, May 10. Must be present to WIN!
Pharmacy Benefits Management Employee Education Employee Communications Health Incentives Health & Decision Support Tools
HEALTHCARE CONSUMERISM CONNECTIONS We encourage you to visit all of the exhibitors and learn about the different solutions that will help you on your health care consumerism journey. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to get your game sheet stamped on the road below. After the game sheet is completed, tear the sheet out, fill out your contact information on the back and drop off at the registration desk before Friday, May 10, at 10:30 am Drawing to take place at 11:00 am on Friday, May 10. Must be present to win!
NAME______________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ PHONE _____________________________________________ EMAIL _____________________________________________ CO NAME ___________________________________________
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