HealthCare Consumerism Solutions

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2014 IHC FORUM & EXPO Official Show Issue May 7-9, 2014



Building the Next Generation of Health Care Dudley Slater and Cambia Create Savvy Health Care Consumers

Telehealth: The Doctor Will Video Conference You Now Latest Research on Walgreens’ VBID Program



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Implemented Healthstat for his company last year. Used only 2 sick days. Increased her sales by 5%.

Generated a 2:1 ROI in year 1.


FEATURES 67 Telehealth Emerges in a Consumer-Driven Marketplace With the onset of the Affordable Care Act, new health care trends are driving consumer interest in telehealth to an all-time high. As millions of previously uninsured Americans begin purchasing health care for the first time, many are selecting high deductible health plans to avoid the drastic increase in monthly premium costs. Likewise, increased costs have caused many businesses to restructure their benefit strategies, switching to self-funded plans, defined contribution plans, higher deductible plans or simply sending employees to private or public exchanges to find their own insurance. The health care industry is evolving — and it will continue to become more antiquated, inefficient and costly unless there is change. It’s the perfect storm for innovation. By Jeff Marks, Chief Executive Officer, healthPERX

72 Building the Next Generation of Health Care Health care in America is in a time of transition. In the past, the system focused on the needs of employers and health care providers, insulating the end user, the patient, in many health coverage decisions. And, while employers and providers are essential partners in the health care system, now is the time to further engage patients and develop solutions to help them be motivated and active users of health care. As a result, new tools have emerged that give patients easy-to-understand cost and quality information that will help them better navigate the health care system. These tools are the first step in making consumers savvy shoppers. They are essential to helping consumers thrive in the environment where they are responsible for a greater share of their health care dollars, and, as a result, purchasing decisions. Health care needs to make it easy for consumers to “shop” for health care through online and mobile information prior to and at the point of care. By Dudley Slater, Executive Vice President, Direct Health Solutions, Cambia Health Solutions

INSIDE The Industry’s Only Magazine Dedicated Exclusively to Health Exchanges HealthCare Exchange Solutions HealthCare Exchange Solutions helps you understand the choices in the health and benefit marketplace and make the best decisions among a complicated array of exchange solutions options.

COMING UP NEXT: Following the FORUM & Expo conference in May, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism will be exploring

supplemental benefits and population health management with its May/June issues of HealthCare Consumerism Solutions and HealthCare Exchange Solutions. New technology — telehealth and exchanges, most notably — is driving real change in how health care and employee benefits are delivered and administered, and health management will need to respond to these industry changes. HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014


INSIDE 6 10-12

Publisher’s Letter Briefs & Innovations



2014 FORUM & Expo Insert


What’s Happening at The Institute


Solution Provider Member Profiles


Resource Guide/Ad Index



Bachman’s Banter Transition Relief: Employer Mandate Delayed for Some and Modified for Others By Ronald E. Bachman, FSA, MAAA, Chairman, Editorial Advisory Board, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism

31 Stats & Data Consumer-directed Plans: the Numbers Don’t Lie By Christine Riedl, Director, National Accounts Product Strategy and Management, Aetna

65-66 Plan Design Walgreens’ Value-based Insurance Design Program Paying Off By Heather Loveridge, Senior Editor, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism

Events IHC FORUM West

%FD t Red Rock Resort & Casino – Las Vegas Come LEARN, CONNECT and SHARE with the top thoughtleaders in the rapidly growing health care consumerism megatrend: The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism’s IHC FORUM Conferences are the only national events 100% dedicated to health care consumerism. HR professionals, wellness program directors, brokers, consultants, TPA’s and regional health plan administrators attend IHC FORUM events for cutting-edge workshops, general sessions, preconference events and networking opportunities. FORUMgoers learn from peers who have successfully adopted health care consumerism programs, and gain insights from industry thought leaders and policymakers on how to navigate the marketplace, cut costs, engage employees and comply with current health care laws share leading practices. In addition, attendees are eligible for IHC University’s Certified HealthCare Consumerism Specialist (CHCS) designation as well as HR CEU credits.

Membership Become a Member, Reap the Rewards Have you become a member of The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism (IHC) at Why wait? Visit the website today and sign up for a premium membership. Got a story to tell about an innovative health and benefit program or best practice in health care consumerism? Share it with fellow members of The IHC. Share a case study, white paper, article or post a blog at www.theihcc. com. Members also receive special discounts to attend IHC events, such as the IHC FORUM conference series.

4 March/April 2014 * XXX 5IF*)$$ DPN * HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™

ONLINE EXCLUSIVES Evolution of the HSA Toward Promoting Wellness As someone who works in the health care industry, I often field questions about Medicare (from my parents), plan benefits (from my staff), and which insurance companies are the “best� (from family and friends). Last week, however, my wife posed a question about our health savings account which I had not heard before. She asked, “Why can’t we use our HSA to pay for our gym membership?� I did not have a good answer. By Tim Borchert, Deputy Director, Business Advisory Services, Altarum Institute

Hey Wellness, Lighten Up! Wellness needs to lighten up. It is too heavy as a category and sadly is misaligned with the very individuals it is trying to impact: consumers (yes, employees are consumers). Layer on that it is delivered top down from an employer solely to their employees and it is heavier. Add to it that employers are becoming their own wellness administrators and the system may just as well crumble under the weight of its own ambiguity and inefficiency. Shouldn’t we take a more critical eye to a category that from a macro standpoint has not proven to significantly improve the health of a population? By Russell Benaroya, Co-Founder & CEO, EveryMove

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1#*+2"$3*4#$30/567#4)578$! !"#$90+62)0/$&04$1#*+2"$3*4#$:#&047 Earlier in April, the Health Research Institute at PricewaterhouseCoopers published Healthcare’s New Entrants: Who will be healthcare’s Amazon?, the most comprehensive report to date on health care consumerism’s place in transforming the U.S. health care system. The report confirms the core message that The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism has been delivering for the past decade: consumerism is coming to health care, and all stakeholders will need to innovate or get left behind. In a $2.8 trillion health care market, the new entrants are fighting for billions of dollars in market share. There has never been a more pertinent time to become engaged with the various educational and media channels offered by The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism.

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In the pages of this issue, contributors have covered many of the key areas of innovation: telehealth, private exchanges, mHealth and the gamification of wellness. In his feature, Jeff Marks take a deep dive into the role of telehealth solutions in a consumerdriven marketplace. For the cover feature, Dudley Slater has given us a comprehensive overview of one of the most innovative organizations in health care today: Cambia Health Solutions, a nonprofit total health solutions company that is investing in and building companies that change the way people use and experience the health care system. As an umbrella organization for 22 companies, Cambia is working on all fronts to make the health care system better for the consumer. Finally, with only a few weeks remaining until FORUM & Expo in Atlanta, I hope to see many of our readers at the conference. If you cannot attend the May event, I ask you consider the FORUM West show this December in Las Vegas. And remember: if you cannot attend either event, you can always access the videos after each event, take the exam and become Certified in HealthCare Consumerism.

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34%"5'&'#")6(+'(78)92:+#;(4)0%"-%&()<(+%;(-) 7#4)=#2()%"-)0#-'/(-)7#4)>&,(45 WHO: Employers with 50 or more than full-time employees. WHEN: January 1, 2016 or the next policy anniversary following January 1, 2016. WHAT: The federal government: (1) postponed the PPACA health insurance mandate for groups with 50-99 employees, and (2) did not postpone the mandated requirement for coverage for groups of 100 or more employees. The new standard does allow groups of 100 or more employees a lesser requirement on the percentage of full-time employees that need to be covered under their health plan, before being subject to a tax penalty: a. 70 percent of full-time employees in 2015, and b. 95 percent in 2016 and later years.

E#$564#$20$&0++0B$2"#$5A#()'($46+#5$ &04$(*+(6+*2)/-$&6++M2)7#$#7A+0C##5$ 20$*5564#$B")("$5).#$-406A$C064$ (07A*/C$&*++5$)/20$*/<$B"*2$ ("*/-#5$04$<#+*C5$*AA+C@ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Employers must offer full-time employees the opportunity to enroll in adequate and affordable coverage, or pay a penalty. The rules are referred to as the “employer mandate.� This mandate had previously been delayed from January 1, 2014 until January 1, 2015. The mandate has now been delayed further until January 1, 2016 — but only for groups with 50 to 99 employees. There is no delay for groups of 100 or more employees. There is, however, a relaxing on the percentage of full-time employees to whom groups of 100+ must offer coverage. For these groups, penalties in 2015 will apply only to employers who fail to offer

8 March/April 2014 * XXX 5IF*)$$ DPN * HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™

coverage to at least 70 percent of their full-time workforce. In 2016 and beyond, the non-penalty threshold will be 95 percent for all groups of 50 or more full-time employees. In addition, several methods of calculating “full-timeâ€? employees have been approved: a. Adjunct faculty: count 2 Âź hours for each hour of teaching and one hour for each hour outside of the classroom performing required duties. b. Employees with “on-callâ€? hours: count hours of service, including any on-call hours for which the employee has been paid or is entitled to payment. c. Seasonal employees: Employees for which the customary annual employment is six months or less generally will not be considered full-time employees. d. Re-hired employees: a returning employee is a new employee if the break is more than 13 weeks. The new regulations exclude from “hours of serviceâ€? certain workforce activities, including: a. Hours contributed by bona fide volunteers for a government or tax-exempt entity, b. Service performed by students under federal or state-sponsored work-study programs, and c. Any work performed subject to a vow of poverty as a member of a religious order when the work is in the performance of tasks usually required of an active member of the order. ACTIONS: Employer plan sponsors should consult with their agent, broker, plan consultant, legal counsel or human resources department to determine if and when any changes apply to their group. You should also be sure to follow the specific rules for calculating full-time employees to assure which size group your company falls into and what changes or delays apply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Welltok Acquires Leading Health App Developer Mindbloom <.DD+)9;% +A.% C3):..1% 3:% A.,D+A% )C+323c,+3):;% A,*% ,::)M:@.O% +A.% ,@gM3*3+3):%)b%#.,++D.hN,*.O%?3:OND))2;%,:%3::)X,+3X.%2)N3D.%A.,D+A% @)2C,:P(%$A.%,@gM3*3+3):%d3DD%.SC,:O%<.DD+)9i*%@,C,N3D3+3.*%+)%O.D3X.1% .:-,-3:-;%3:+.1,@+3X.%2)N3D.%.SC.13.:@.*%+A1)M-A%3+*%K,bj<.DD%L.,D+A% GC+323c,+3):%!D,+b)12;%,:O%,DD)d%@):*M2.1*%,:P+32.;%,:PdA.1.%,@@.**% +)%@)2C.DD3:-%A.,D+A%C1)-1,2*;%@):+.:+;%,CCD3@,+3):*%,:O%@)22M:3+3.*(% ?3:OND))2% A,*% NM3D+% C)CMD,1;% +)Ch1,+.O% ,CC*;% 3:@DMO3:-% [D))2% b)1% 3:*C31,+3):%,:O%H3b.%R,2.%b)1%D3b.%32C1)X.2.:+(%/OO3+3):,DDP;%D.,O3:-% A.,D+A%CD,:*%,:O%CA,12,@P%1.+,3D.1*%A,X.%@)DD,N)1,+.O%d3+A%?3:OND))2% +)%@1.,+.%*)DM+3):*%b)1%23DD3):*%)b%@):*M2.1*(

Optum Acquires Majority Interest in Audax Health Solutions GC+M2%,:O%/MO,S%L.,D+A%#)DM+3):*;%0:@(%A,X.%,::)M:@.O%+A,+%GC+M2% G7@% 78WL;D"2% 7% 67=<D;09% @07B"% ;A% NL27/(% Z;A8"% ;0@% C<LA2;AP% ;A% ['+'M% /MO,S% A,*% gM3@9DP% ,++1,@+.O% d3O.*C1.,O% 3:+.1.*+% 3:% 3+*% +.@A:)D)-P% +A,+% .:,ND.*% @):*M2.1*% +)% N.++.1% 2,:,-.% +A.31% A.,D+A(% $A1)M-A% *+1,+.-3@% C,1+:.1*A3C*% d3+A% A.,D+A% CD,:*;% O3*+13NM+3):% C,1+:.1*;% .2CD)P.1*;% @,1.% C1)X3O.1*%,:O%@):O3+3):h2,:,-.2.:+%@)2C,:3.*;%,D):-*3O.%3:+.-1,+3):% d3+A%d.,1,ND.*%@)2C,:3.*%D39.%83+N3+;%!)D,1;%<3+A3:-*%,:O%[)OP?.O3,;% /MO,S% A,*% *d3b+DP% -,3:.O% 2,19.+% *A,1.;% C1)X3O3:-% 23DD3):*% )b% M*.1*% d3+A% 3+*% 3::)X,+3X.;% @):*M2.1h@.:+13@% O3-3+,D% )bb.13:-(% GC+M2% CD,:*% +)% .SC,:O%/MO,Si*%)bb.13:-*%+)%2)1.%N1),ODP%*MCC)1+%@):*M2.1*i%:..O%b)1% ;A0"PD70"2%5"A"30%@"#"80;<AM%Q"##A"@@%7A2%G"7#0G%87D"%726;A;@0D70;<A(

StayWell Health Management and Krames StayWell to Merge ?.O3?.O3,%,::)M:@.O%+A.%2.1-.1%)b%3+*%#+,P<.DD%L.,D+A%?,:,-.2.:+% ,:O% Y1,2.*% #+,P<.DD% O3X3*3):*% 3:+)% ):.% )1-,:3c,+3):;% +)% N.% @,DD.O% #+,P<.DD(% $A.% @)2C,:P% d3DD% D.X.1,-.% :.dDP% @)2N3:.O% 1.*)M1@.*;% .SC.1+3*.% ,:O% +.@A:)D)-P% ,**.+*% +)% A.DC% 3+*% @D3.:+*% ,++1,@+% ,:O% .:-,-.%

10 March/April 2014 * XXX 5IF*)$$ DPN * HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™

A.,D+A% @):*M2.1*;% .OM@,+.% C,+3.:+*% ,:O% 2.2N.1*% +)% 32C1)X.% A.,D+A% )M+@)2.*% ,:O% .:A,:@.% A.,D+A% ,:O% C1)OM@+3X3+P(% K)2N3:3:-% Y1,2.*% #+,P<.DD% ,:O% #+,P<.DD% L.,D+A% ?,:,-.2.:+% M:3+.*% ,% N1),O% C)1+b)D3)% )b% *MC.13)1% A.,D+A% .:-,-.2.:+% *)DM+3):*;% 3:@DMO3:-% @M*+)2% A.,D+A% @)22M:3@,+3):*;% 1)NM*+% A.,D+A% @):+.:+% ,**.+*;% C)CMD,+3):% A.,D+A% 2,:,-.2.:+%*)DM+3):*%,:O%+.@A:)D)-P%@,C,N3D3+3.*(

Quest Diagnostics to Acquire Summit Health kM.*+%&3,-:)*+3@*;%,%D.,O3:-%C1)X3O.1%)b%O3,-:)*+3@%3:b)12,+3):%*.1X3@.*;% 7AA<LA8"2% 0G70% ;0% G7@% "A0"D"2% ;A0<% 7% 2"3A;0;T"% ?LD8G7@"% 7PD""6"A0% M:O.1% dA3@A% kM.*+% d3DD% ,@gM31.% #M223+% L.,D+A(% #M223+% L.,D+A% 3*% ,% D.,O3:-%C1)X3O.1%)b%):*3+.%C1.X.:+3):%,:O%d.DD:.**%C1)-1,2*%C132,13DP% b)1% .2CD)P.1*(% 8)M:O.O% 3:% E667;% #M223+% L.,D+A% 3*% ,% C13X,+.DP% A.DO% 8<6?7A9% G"72WL7D0"D"2% ;A% U<T;M% E;8G(% Q;0G% 7A% <C38"% ;A% Z8<00@27#"M% /13c(%#M223+%L.,D+A%A,*%):.%)b%+A.%D,1-.*+%:,+3):,D%:.+d)19*%)b%:M1*.*% dA)%*+,bb%):h*3+.%d.DD:.**%C1)-1,2*%b)1%.2CD)P.1*;%A.,D+A%CD,:*;%1.+,3D% @D3:3@*% ,:O% )+A.1% d.DD:.**hb)@M*.O% )1-,:3c,+3):*(% #M223+% L.,D+Ai*% *.1X3@.*% @)2CD.2.:+% +A.% A.,D+A% ,:O% d.DD:.**% NM*3:.**% )b% kM.*+% &3,-:)*+3@*(%

Interactive Health Acquires Health Solutions 0:+.1,@+3X.% L.,D+A;% ,% D.,O3:-% C1)X3O.1% )b% )M+@)2.*hN,*.O% d.DD:.**% C1)-1,2*;% ,::)M:@.O% ,:% .SC,:*3):% )b% 3+*% @,C,N3D3+3.*% d3+A% +A.% ,@gM3*3+3):% )b% L.,D+A% #)DM+3):*;% ,:% ,d,1Ohd3::3:-% C1)X3O.1% )b% ):*3+.% @)2C1.A.:*3X.% d.DD:.**% *.1X3@.*(% $A.% ,@gM3*3+3):% @1.,+.*% +A.% D,1-.*+% '(#(hN,*.O;% 3:O.C.:O.:+% @)2C,:P% )bb.13:-% 3:+.-1,+.O% d)19CD,@.% d.DD:.**% *)DM+3):*(% =,@A% @)2C,:P% A,*% 2)1.% +A,:% +d)% O.@,O.*% )b% .SC.13.:@.% A.DC3:-% 3+*% @M*+)2.1*% 32C1)X.% +A.% d.DD:.**% )b% +A.31% .2CD)P..*(%$A.%@)2N3:.O%)1-,:3c,+3):%2)X.*%b)1d,1O%+)-.+A.1%d3+A%,% *3:-D.%-),D%)b%.:A,:@3:-%.2CD)P..%A.,D+A(%


Survey Finds Spending on Corporate Wellness Incentives to Increase 15 Percent in 2014

Aon Hewitt: Employers Will Continue Sponsoring Health Benefits for Employees and Retirees

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The Leapfrog Group Partners with Castlight Health to Analyze 2013 Leapfrog Hospital Survey Data $A.% H.,Cb1)-% R1)MC% A,*% ,::)M:@.O% 3+% d3DD% C,1+:.1% d3+A% K,*+D3-A+% L.,D+A% ):% ,% @):*M2.1hb13.:ODP% ,:,DP*3*% )b% :,+3):d3O.% A)*C3+,D% C.1b)12,:@.(%$A.%2)X.%@)2.*%OM13:-%,%C.13)O%)b%O1,2,+3@%-1)d+A%b)1% H.,Cb1)-;% dA3@A% 1.@.:+DP% 1.C)1+.O% 1.@)1O% X)DM:+,1P% C,1+3@3C,+3):% NP% 5;7J6%A)*C3+,D*%3:%3+*%E65J%H.,Cb1)-%L)*C3+,D%#M1X.P%,:O%3*%N.-3::3:-% +A.% +A31O% P.,1% )b% 3+*% *.23h,::M,D% L)*C3+,D% #,b.+P% #@)1.(% /*% C,1+% )b% +A.%C,1+:.1*A3C;%K,*+D3-A+%d3DD%N.%,:,DPc3:-%H.,Cb1)-i*%*M1X.P%1.*MD+*;% 3:@DMO3:-% M:3gM.% O,+,% ):% .,1DP% .D.@+3X.% O.D3X.13.*% ,:O% 3:b.@+3):*(% K,*+D3-A+% d3DD% .S,23:.% +A.% 1.*MD+*% ,:O% C1)X3O.% ,:% ,:,DP*3*% )b% *M1X.P% O,+,%:,+3):d3O.;%NP%1.-3):%,:O%NP%.,@A%)b%Eq%*M1X.P%2.+13@*(%

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First Stop Health Receives $2.2 Million in Additional Angel Financing

Gravie Announces $10.5M Series A Funding To Help Meet Demand for Insurance Independence

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HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014



PBM Leader Catamaran Announces Executive Appointments

Tom Daschle, Newt Gingrich and Other Health Care Leaders Join VitalSpring Board of Advisors

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Jiff Taps HHS and for Its Leadership Team ^3bb%A,*%,::)M:@.O%+A.%A313:-%)b%!3.1@.%R1,A,2h^):.*%,*%X3@.%C1.*3O.:+% )b% NM*3:.**% O.X.D)C2.:+% ,:O% &,:3.D% <):-% ,*% X3@.% C1.*3O.:+% )b% .:-3:..13:-(% R1,A,2h^):.*% A,*% 2)1.% +A,:% .3-A+% P.,1*% )b% .SC.13.:@.% 3:%A.,D+A%,:O%+.@A:)D)-P(%<):-%A,*%2)1.%+A,:%5q%P.,1*%)b%.SC.13.:@.% O.D3X.13:-% .:+.1C13*.% *)b+d,1.% CD,+b)12*% b)1% @)2C,:3.*;% 3:@DMO3:-% #,D.*b)1@.(@)2;% Z,A))r% ,:O% G1,@D.(% R1,A,2h^):.*% )X.1*..*% *,D.*;% *+1,+.-3@%C,1+:.1*A3C*%,:O%2,19.+3:-(%[.b)1.%^3bb;%A.%*C.:+%b)M1%P.,1*% .SC,:O3:-% @):*M2.1% ,@@.**% +)% O3-3+,D% A.,D+A% 3:b)12,+3):% ,+% LL#;% dA.1.%A.%d,*%1.@)-:3c.O%NP%8)1N.*%,*%):.%)b%lJ6%M:O.1%J6%A.,D+A%@,1.% D.,O.1*%@A,:-3:-%+A.%d)1DO(m%

Check out our fresh wellness solution! Ceridian LifeWorks is serving up an engaging, interactive new wellness portal. Designed to make it easy for your employees to ramp up their overall well-being with team challenges, tracking tools, online workshops and more. Take a website tour and see how LifeWorks Wellness can help your organization’s wellness initiatives thrive.

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ATLANTA, MAY 7-9, 2014


OFFICIAL SHOWGUIDE !"#$%&'(")#*#$+,',)-./()&0/120&)$"#3".,4) ,/$1&'/*)5./6'3".,4)'*31,&.+)"75".&,)) #*3)+/1.)5"".,8


Atlanta, GA

May 7-9, 2014

We believe every American deserves

affordable health care. With rapid market changes, and the explosive growth of Consumer-Directed Healthcare, employers are facing greater challenges than ever to deliver the right solution(s).

$1.9 billion


client assets mobile

You deserve to partner with a business advisor that brings together experience, technology, service – and passion – to deliver the right mix of CDH options to your organization.

We are that partner.

94% client satisfaction


24/7 support

million+ participants

HSAs, FSAs, HRAs and more...

Visit ConnectYourCare at booth 210 to learn more. ©2014 ConnectYourCare




12:00 pm – 7:00 pm Exhibitor Setup

7:30 am


7:30 am – 8:45 am

Networking Breakfast / Exhibits Open

8:45 am – 9:00 am

Welcome by Doug Field, CEO, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism

3:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Registration Open

WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Registration Opens

9:00 am – 10:00 am Pre-Conference Events

9:00 am – 10:30 am Opening General Session: “An Outstanding Panel of Leading Physicians discuss “Healthcare Consumerism: the Solution for Health Reform”

1:15 pm – 2:15 pm

Lunch and Learn

10:30 am – 11:00 am Networking Break / Exhibits Open

2:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Opening Keynote Address “Health Reform 2.0: The Great Debate!” John Goodman, PhD versus Kenneth E. Thorpe, PhD

11:00 am – 12 noon Track No. 2 Workshops (Choose from 8 available) LEARN SESSION 201: Thief in the Night: How to Stop Sleep Apnea from Robbing Your Company While You Sleep

4:30 pm – 4:45 pm

Networking Break / Exhibits Open

4:45 pm – 5:45 pm

Track No. 1 Workshops (Choose from 8 available)

LEARN SESSION 202: Wellness that Works

LEARN SESSION 101: Drive Behavior Change with Year-Round Engagement

CONNECT SESSION 204: Session for Brokers: Improving the Population Health through Technology

LEARN SESSION 203: Investing with HSA Funds

LEARN SESSION 102: The Future of Private Insurance Exchanges: How Deeper Service Offerings and Technology Change the Consumer Experience

CONNECT SESSION 205: Somewhere Between Action and Apathy: Introducing the ACE Measure of Consumer Health Engagement CONNECT SESSION 206: Ingenuity to the Rescue. Employers Seize Control.

LEARN SESSION 103: Four Surefire Ways to Jump Start (or Reinvent) Your Wellness Initiatives

SHARE SESSION 207: Employer Panel on Healthcare Consumerism: Wellness, Incentives, and Engagement

CONNECT SESSION 104: Session for Brokers: Defined Contribution – The CDHC Trifecta

SHARE SESSION 208: Panel Discussion on Health Care Transparency: The Facts are Obligatory!

CONNECT SESSION 105: Panel Discussion: Supplemental Health in the Changing Health Care Benefits Landscape CONNECT SESSION 106: The Fundamentals of Health Care Consumerism and the Principles Behind The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism SHARE SESSION 107: Panel Discussion on Retail Health Clinics: Case Studies and Trends in Accessible, Affordable Healthcare Systems Based in Retail Locations and the Value Proposition for Employers

12 noon – 1:00 pm

Table Topic Lunch Discussion

12 noon – 1:30 pm

Lunch / Exhibit Open

1:30 pm – 2:45 pm

Afternoon General Session: “Health Care Reform and Compliance Issues” Moderator: Jody L. Dietel, AFCFCI, CAS, Chief Compliance Officer, WageWorks, Inc.

2:45 pm – 3:00 pm

Networking Break / Exhibits Open

SHARE SESSION 108: Panel Discussion on TeleHealth: Improving Access through On-Site Solutions, Telemedicine and Technology

5:45 pm – 7:15 pm

Opening of Innovation Showcase/Exhibit Hall Opening Night Reception

7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

League of Leaders Dinner (Invitation Only) Waverly Hotel

HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014


Control your healthcare costs by empowering your employees With HealthSparq’s cloud-based healthcare transparency solutions, your employees can shop online for healthcare services—with accurate costs for providers, treatments, facilities and more.



#235 T O P L A Y HO





It starts with transparency tools that enable smarter decisions

It continues with a customized strategy on how to truly engage employees

In partnership with your health plan, your employees can access industry-leading tools that enable them to make informed decisions on treatment and provider options based on cost, quality, convenience, social content and other information.

Every employer is different so we’ll work with you to engage your employees in healthcare services shopping by delivering additional solutions and services that motivate them to make smart, cost-saving decisions.

Single Search: Allows employees to easily research all their healthcare needs. Real Prices: Shows how much an employee pays for care, based on their health plan’s contracts, benefits and coverage. Patient Ratings & Reviews: Offers insights into patients’ actual experiences with providers. Health & Wellness Community: Provides support, information and encouragement via online interactions with other consumers and health industry experts.

• Proactive Campaigns: Offers cost-saving opportunities through email alerts and personalized dashboards, plus rewards and incentives that recognize positive shopping behaviors. • Conveniences: Delivers services that make it easier to shop and save, such as a phone concierge, Telehealth virtual doctor appointments and online appointment scheduling. • Engagement Services: Keeps shopping for healthcare top of mind and leverages advanced analytics to identify savings opportunities and recommend targeted interventions to drive behavior change. Healthcare innovation powered by HealthSparq HealthSparq ignited the healthcare transparency revolution eight years ago. Today


we’re leading it—empowering employees to become informed healthcare consumers.

© 2014 HealthSparq, Inc. | 855-SPARQ-IT (855-772-7748)

AGENDA ATLANTA, MAY 7-9, 2014 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Track No. 3 Workshops (Choose from 8 available)


LEARN SESSION 301: Outcomes-based Strategies with Incentives Result in Employer Gain

7:30 am – 8:30 am

LEARN SESSION 302: Prepaid: The New Consumer Access Point for Healthcare LEARN SESSION 303: Shaping Consumer Health Habits through an Intelligent Health Engagement Hub CONNECT SESSION 304: Session for Brokers: Modifying, Refining and Adapting in the Topsy, Turvy World of Small Group Health Insurance CONNECT SESSION 305: Employer Panel Discussion: Moving to Consumerism — Selling the C-Suite

8:30 am – 10:00 am Morning General Session: “Healthcare Reform: Creating Better Consumers of Health and Healthcare through Improvements in Plan Design, Transparency, Engagement and More” 10:15 am – 10:30 am Networking Break / Exhibits Open 10:30 am – 11:30 am Track No. 4 Workshops (Choose from 8 available) LEARN SESSION 401: Five Strategies for a Sustainable Wellness Program

CONNECT SESSION 306: ACA Compliance & Strategies Update — Open Discussion

LEARN SESSION 402: Creating Engaged Healthcare Consumers

SHARE SESSION 307: Pharmacy Benefit Management: The Value to Employees and Consumers Can Be Significant

LEARN SESSION 403: Designing Price and Quality Transparency for Maximum Engagement and Results

SHARE SESSION 308: Panel Discussion on Medical Travel: ALL ABOARD! U.S. Centers of Excellence Banking on Employer and Payer Uptake of Domestic Medical Travel Benefits

CONNECT SESSION 404: Session for Brokers: Values-Based Wellness – The Power in Knowing the Why of Employee Wellness

4:00 pm – 4:15 pm

Networking Break / Exhibits Open

4:15 pm – 5:45 pm

Closing General Session: “Defined Contribution and Public/Private Exchanges: a Panel Discussion with Leading Experts” Sponsored by

5:45 pm – 7:30 pm

Networking Breakfast / Exhibits Open

CONNECT SESSION 405: Learn the BarryWehmiller approach to “Organizational Leadership and Inspiring Employee Wellbeing” CONNECT SESSION 406: New Research Results: Applying Value-Based Insurance Design to High-Deductible Health Plans SHARE SESSION 407: Panel Discussion on Defined Contribution / Private Exchanges: Leading Experts Discuss the Models, the Current Experiences and What is Coming for 2015, including Updates on Public Exchanges

Networking Wine and Cheese Reception by THE IHC in Exhibit Hall / Exhibits Open

SHARE SESSION 408: Employer Panel Discussion: Building Better Consumers of Health Care and Health

11:30 am – Noon

Final Break and Sponsor/Exhibitor Drawings

Noon – 1:00 pm

Closing General Session: Employer Panel: “Healthcare Consumerism: The Solution for Health Reform – What Leading Employers are Doing Now!”

HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014



ATLANTA, MAY 7-9, 2014


SPEND TIME IN THE EXHIBIT HALL! Do your research and make valuable business connections with top health and benefit solutions and services NEW! Visit the Health & Wellness Lounge for biometric testing, a complimentary massage and important literature. Sponsored by HooperHolmes and Alere with exhibits from: Level1 Diagnostics, Health Fairs Onsite

Stop by the IHC Booth for additional resources available to you and your company, including IHC Membership!



NEW! Learn about becoming Certified in HealthCare Consumerism (CHC) at the IHC Lounge


NEW! Get invaluable exposure to the marketplace’s leading exchange solutions during the Exchange Showcase — Thursday during the Wine & Cheese Reception






Alegeus Technologies is the leader in healthcare

Alere empowers individuals to take greater control

and benefit payments — offering the industry’s most

of their health at home, under the supervision of

comprehensive platform for the administration of

their healthcare providers. Our coaching and care

benefit accounts, an established private exchange

coordination programs combine the compassion of

solutions, the most widely-used benefit debit card,

human touch with the power of technology to connect

and outsourced claim payment services. Health plans,

and inspire. Using cultural, economic and psycho-

TPAs, and financial institutions leverage Alegeus’

social insights, we align the right resources and

technology to administer accounts for 17.5 million

action plans to empower individuals. Years of research

members and process $18 billion in healthcare

and experience enable us to shape the future of

payments annually. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 205 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________

behavior change solutions. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 225 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________

ClearCost Health helps employers and employees respond to the rising cost of health care by empowering them to readily determine the cost of medical services and prescription drugs. Addressing Ceridian LifeWorks Employee Assistance Programs

a significant blind spot in today’s health care

(EAP), work-life and wellness solutions help

marketplace, ClearCost Health reveals large price

organizations enhance employee health and

disparities between in-network health care providers,

wellness, increase employee engagement and

while simultaneously providing consumers with

improve productivity. LifeWorks offers comprehensive,

relevant quality and patient satisfaction information.

award-winning resources, tools and support to over

The company works with large employers and health

48,000 organizations covering more than 12 million

plans to enable employees and dependents to become

individuals. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 200 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________

smart shoppers for health care, saving significant 20

March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™

money for both plan participants and plan sponsors. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 218 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________


Evolution1 and our Partners serve more than 9 million consumers, making us the nation’s largest electronic payment, on-premise and cloud computing healthcare solution that administers reimbursement accounts, including HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, VEBAs, Wellness and Transit Plans. It is the only solution that offers a single end-to-end user experience, provides innovative autosubstantiation technologies, and automates workflow for Partners, employers, and consumers. It does all this on one technology platform comprised of 1Cloud™, 1Direct™, 1Pay™, 1View™, 1Plan™, and 1Mobile™. Evolution1 and our Partners are dedicated to delivering value, reducing costs and simplifying the business of healthcare. _______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 319 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO _______________________________________

A not-for-profit organization, the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress informs and educates the general public about the many benefits associated with chiropractic care. The Foundation is also developing closer relationships with healthcare executives, employers, payers and health plans. Through continued sponsorship of thought leader initiatives and development of peer-reviewed articles for publication, the Foundation continually offers enhanced opportunities for improved understanding of the benefits of chiropractic care and its role in traditional and emerging healthcare frameworks. To learn more about the Foundation, please visit us online at or call 866-901-3427. _______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 137 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO _______________________________________

gBehavior offers complete reward solutions that Fusion Health® delivers innovative healthcare

incentivize program participants for healthy

technology and care management solutions

behavioral changes. Our wellness platform, Rewards

focused on preventing chronic disease and reducing cost. We enable employers and health

for Wellness, tracks participants’ progress against pre-determined goals, and rewards them for achieving these goals. gBehavior handles all phases of design,

plans to radically alter the trajectory of spiraling

implementation, engagement, rewards management

health-related costs through the fusion of proprietary

and in-depth reporting. gBehavior offers a unique

cloud-based technology, leading medical expertise

value proposition — no monthly fees. We get paid only

and actionable data analytics. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 315 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________

on results. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 126 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________ HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014



Our purpose is to provide individuals and families with the tools, knowledge and support to plan for their current and retirement health care costs. We build value for our customers by offering unique HSA investment options with a personal experience that is flexible for life’s changing health and financial needs. Health Savings Administrators provides employers and employees with a blend of investment opportunity, customer service, and employer support. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 132 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________

Hooper Holmes Health & Wellness, known in the industry for our best-in-class biometric screenings,

Interactive Health provides comprehensive, outcomes-based worksite wellness solutions that are personalized for each individual. Using a

offers turnkey Wellness Solutions that can be

proven methodology to identify at-risk participants,

tailored to meet your needs as an adviser in the

Interactive Health immediately intervenes with

Workplace Benefits Industry. Visit the Health &


Healthstat, Inc. is a leading provider of on-site primary care, high health risk intervention and disease management services. Our goal is to alleviate a corporation’s rising cost of healthcare by improving the health of their employees. With the utmost discretion, we identify chronic health risks and work with the employee to manage their condition before it requires more serious treatment. We accomplish this through the implementation of on-site clinics, preventative care and wellness programs. We get proven results and judge success through both the bottom line and the healthy life. Today, we serve over 200,000 employees at more than 100 companies and staff over 300 clinics nationwide. _______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 135 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO _______________________________________

personalized health improvement programs, including unique achievable goals based on test results. The

Wellness Lounge during the conference and experience

outcome: healthier employees, lower medical costs

firsthand a Complimentary Biometric Screening. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 325 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________

and improved productivity. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 336 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________

March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™


Truven Health Analytics, formerly Healthcare at Thomson Reuters, delivers unbiased information, analytic tools, benchmarks, and services to the healthcare industry. Hospitals, government agencies, employers, health plans, clinicians, and life sciences companies have relied on us for more than 30 years. We combine deep clinical, financial, and healthcare management expertise with innovative technology platforms and information assets to make healthcare better by collaborating with our customers to uncover and realize opportunities for improving quality, efficiency, and outcomes. _______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 105 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO _______________________________________

MasterCard (NYSE: MA), is a global payments and technology company. It operates the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard’s products and solutions make everyday commerce activities — such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances — easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. ______________________________________ Talk with us during THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________

PayFlex® is leading the way in account-

RedBrick Health is a health engagement and

based health plan technology and innovation.

behavior change technology company that helps

HealthHub®, powered by PayFlex®, combines benefits administration with wellness solutions to educate, engage and empower employees to improve their

organizations reinvigorate their population health management initiatives. The company combines

health and financial wellbeing. Incentive-based

financial accountability, clinical and behavioral

wellness programs integrated with account-based

insight, social and game mechanics and powerful

health administration sets PayFlex® apart in the

data analytics to create a personalized experience

consumer-directed marketplace. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 519 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________

delivered through web, mobile and live interactions. ______________________________________ Visit us at Booth 216 in THE IHC FORUM & EXPO ______________________________________ HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014



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March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™

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March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™




HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014




LAS VEGAS, DEC 4-5, 2014


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Red Rock Resort & Casino CLAIM YOUR SPACE AS A SPONSOR AND/OR EXHIBITOR! OR SUBMIT YOUR SPEAKING CREDENTIALS NOW. Be a part of IHC FORUM West panels or general sessions. Submit Presentation Topics — Lead an interactive workshop!


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The 2014 IHC FORUM & Expo Is Just Around the Corner Each day bring us closer to one of the health and benefits industry’s premier events of the year, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism’s FORUM & Expo. And this year’s event, focused around the theme “HealthCare Consumerism: The Solution for Health Care Reform,” will be larger and more encompassing than ever before as all stakeholders converge in Atlanta to find real solutions in the murky waters of today’s health and benefits industry. The three-day event will be headlined by a great debate on the future of our health care system between John Goodman, president and CEO, National Center for Policy Analysis, and Kenneth Thorpe, Robert W. Woodruff Professor of Health Policy at Emory University and former health policy advisor to President Clinton. Special thanks to our platinum sponsor, ConnectYourCare, and gold sponsors, WageWorks and HealthSparq.

Nominations Now Open for the 2014 HealthCare Consumerism Superstars Awards and Issue The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism is proud to announce that nominations for the 2014 HealthCare Consumerism Superstars awards are now open. For the past nine years, The Institute has recognized outstanding professionals in the health and benefit management industry, including employers, brokers, benefit consultants, TPAs, health plans and solution providers. These individuals are awarded for their excellence at implementing solutions that advance the adoption and maturity of health care consumerism within their organizations or with their clients. Last year, the HealthCare Consumerism Superstars awards were given to more than 60 individuals and organizations, including major companies such as Proctor & Gamble, Cummins, MasterCard and MGM Resorts International. The Institute’s Superstars and Industry Innovators will be published in November 2014 as part of the annual HealthCare Consumerism Superstars issue and will be announced at the FORUM West conference December 5 - 6 in Las Vegas.

Education for the inaugural Certified in HealthCare Consumerism designation began at the 2013 FORUM West in Las Vegas and will continue this May at the 2014 IHC FORUM & Expo. So far this year, several individuals — brokers, employers and vendors — have already passed the exam and received their CHC designation! For more information on becoming certified or other education programs offered by The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism, don’t hesitate to contact me at

The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism Revamps to Address Significant Industry Growth and Changes In the spring of 2013, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism foresaw the movement of employer-sponsored health insurance to private health care exchanges and consequently launched HealthCare Exchange Solutions, the industry’s only magazine dedicated exclusively to the exchanges. In October 2013, was launched to continue The Institute’s vision of the future of health benefits. To date, remains the only online directory for private exchange solutions readily available to the public. Throughout 2014, significant changes have come to the directory, including adding over 40 more solutions, logos and more in-depth data. The directory at now has over 130 private exchanges listed. As of this writing, it is currently offline due to major construction of the database and improvements in the Web design; however, a revamped version of the website and directory will be available again in the days leading up to FORUM & Expo.

Annual HealthCare Consumerism Outlook Publishes with 20 Perspectives on the Future of Health Care and Employee Benefits

The Certified in HealthCare Consumerism Designation Takes Off

Every spring, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism collaborates with forward-thinking consultants, health policy leaders and non-profit think tanks to produce its annual HealthCare Consumerism Outlook. The Outlook issue covers a variety of topics, including health care transparency, HSAs, telehealth, ObamaCare, onsite clinics, supplemental health benefits, population health management, private exchanges and more.

As part of The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism’s mission statement to enable all stakeholders to participate in the advancement of health care consumerism, we are proud to introduce the inaugural IHC certification designation that allows forward-thinking professionals the opportunity to become Certified in HealthCare Consumerism. This is a great opportunity to take your professional career to the next level and reaffirm your position as a leader in the health and benefit management industry.

This year’s issue — the most comprehensive to date — featured perspectives from Barbara Gniewek, Principal, and Jonathan Har-Even, Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Cindy Gillespie, Senior Managing Director, McKenna, Long & Aldridge, LLP; Suzanne F. Delbanco, Ph.D., Executive Director, Catalyst for Payment Reform; Tine Hansen-Turton, Executive Director, Convenient Care Association; Krista Drobac, Executive Director, Alliance for Connected Care; and many more!

HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014






onsumerism is an important idea that is helping shape the future of health care. People are taking more responsibility than ever before for their personal health, as well as managing their health care finances. Aetna is supporting this change by providing people with the tools and information that will help them live healthier lives and understand the financial impact of their choices. Aetna HealthFund® plans are a prime example of how Aetna is developing solutions that help our members directly, in addition to supporting employers as they navigate a rapidly-changing health care system. The Aetna HealthFund plans have a track record of reducing health care costs for employers, while empowering employees to manage their health. We continue to see more employers moving to consumer-directed plans with a 20 percent increase in enrollment in Aetna HealthFund plans over the past year among Aetna’s largest employer customers.

simply offered Aetna HealthFund plans as an option still saw significant reductions in their health care costs. Across both groups, employers that used a comprehensive implementation strategy saw lower health care costs compared with employers that did not use several “best practices.” These best practices include a yearround employee communications strategy, offering incentives for healthy behaviors, and a combination of wellness and care management programs. While employers that replace their health benefits plans with Aetna HealthFund plans saved nearly $208 per member per year, employers that used these best practices saw an additional $70 per member per year of savings compared with employers that did not use these approaches. Employees with the companies that used a comprehensive approach: t Accessed their benefits information 21 percent more frequently. t Participated in health risk assessments 20 percent more frequently. t Used wellness programs 20 percent more frequently.

'"$(#)*"#+$,!%(-).$%-/)0"1%+$1 This research shows that successful employers not only offer a We recently completed the 10th annual Aetna HealthFund study, which is the longest running review of consumer-directed plans in the industry. consumer-directed plan option, but also encourage and educate their The study shows that employers that replace their health benefits plans with employees on how to best use these plans. As consumerism continues to Aetna HealthFund consumer-directed plans saved nearly $208 per member take hold in the health care system, more employers understand that Aetna per year. The lower health care costs result in savings of $12.5 million over a HealthFund plans can help support this transition by getting people more engaged in their own health care, improving health outcomes for employees six-year period for every 10,000 members. Based on nearly 10 years of data, members with Aetna HealthFund plans and lowering health care costs for their company. consistently spent less on most types of health care services, including visits with specialists, emergency room visits and total cost of medications. Along with lower overall health care costs, members with Aetna HealthFund L>++&)$K+"/$*$(2&D$2("&B$"+2NL>(%&BCD9B8D&& plans received routine preventive care from their primary care doctors nine U:S<;;;<;;; :OHP1& percent more than members with ::HT1& Preferred Provider Organization plans. U:O<;;;<;;; Aetna HealthFund members also had higher rates of screenings for cervical U:;<;;;<;;; RHS1& cancer (nearly five percent higher), QH51& UT<;;;<;;; colorectal cancer (eight percent), and

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prostate cancer (10 percent), as well as mammograms (three percent) and immunizations (three percent).





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HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014


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Accelerating Consumerism 2014’s Power Couple: Private Exchanges and Health Savings Accounts Playing the Exchanges Waiting Game



FEATURE 11 The Power of Choice: The Game-Changing Combination of Private Exchanges and Health Savings Accounts Private exchanges are coming. Regardless of which study you pick or which representative sample of employers you survey, the numbers suggest a sizable number of U.S. employers will adopt some form of private exchange solution by the end of the decade. But what effects will the emerging private exchanges really have on employer-sponsored health care? Benefit plan designs? Account-based plans and the health care consumerism mega-trend? In this feature, John Young and Todd Berkley — two veterans of health care consumerism through former roles at Cigna and Optum respectively — present groundbreaking research on private exchanges, particularly examining the symbiosis between private exchanges and health savings accounts — two generations of health care consumerism coming together to accelerate the mega-trend. By Jonathan Field, Managing Editor, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism, with John Young, CEO, Consumerdriven, LLC

9 Mercer Creates Complete Workforce Exchange Solution Through Partnership with GetInsured

March 2014. Earlier in March, the company, which also recently acquired Transition Assist to bolster its retiree exchange offerings, announced a partnership with Silicon Valley’s GetInsured that will bring the Mercer Marketplace exchange brand into an entirely new sector: the individual market.

With 67 employers already utilizing its private exchange, global consulting firm Mercer has been one of the most visible leaders in the emerging private exchange space. Through its active and retiree exchanges, Mercer currently provides benefits to over 280,000 individuals as of

By Jonathan Field, Managing Editor, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism

4 Publisher’s Letter CEO/Publisher Doug Field covers the latest in private exchanges and defined contribution and shares what’s happening at The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism around exchanges.



New Private Exchanges t t


Briefs & Innovations Keeping you up-to-date with the latest news, research and innovation in defined contribution and health insurance exchanges. t Cigna Launches Private Health Care Exchange in Four Metro Areas

PlanSource Announces $12 Million Series B Investment to Expand its Private Exchange


First Niagara Launches Private Insurance Exchange Regions Insurance Offers Private Exchange Solution to Employers Maestro First to Feature New Solution for EmployerSponsored Health Care Market


10 Is 2014 the Year of ‘Evaluate then Decide’ When it Comes to Exchanges? They are some of this year’s biggest buzz words. Exchanges — whether private or public — have people talking, wondering how they will fare, how many employers will adopt them and so on. As managing director of exchange solutions for Towers Watson, a global professional services company, Bryce Williams has a unique view into the exchange world. From his perspective, while 2013 was the year of “wait and see” for exchanges, 2014 is the year of “evaluate then decide”. By Heather Loveridge, Senior Editor, The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism

HealthCare Exchange Solutions™ I I March/April 2014



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!"#$%&'#($&)$*+,-&.##$/"&01# At The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism, we have long discussed private exchanges as being a key component of health care consumerism. In 2011, Liazon was named an Industry Innovator in the annual HealthCare Consumerism Superstars issue for its Bright Choices exchange. Since acquired by global consulting firm Towers Watson, Liazon is now one of the most recognizable names in exchange solutions today. What a long trip it has been for everyone that has advocated the potential of private exchanges. A “buzz word” in health care and employee benefits media today, the success of private

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In the cover feature for this issue, Managing Editor Jonathan Field talks with John Young, chief executive at Consumerdriven, LLC, and Todd Berkley, president, HSA Consulting Services, LLC, on recent research the two consultants have recently conducted.

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As veterans of health care consumerism through previous roles at Cigna and Optum respectively, Young and Berkley recently turned their focus toward the combination of private exchanges and health savings account, a symbiotic relationship that will accelerate consumerism at even a greater rate. Beyond the pages of this issue, John and Todd will be presenting the completed report of the same name as this issue’s cover feature at the 2014 FORUM & Expo on May 7. Around the same time, they will also be publishing a white paper containing all of their findings. Finally, I hope all of our readers can join us at the upcoming FORUM & Expo, which will feature industry-leading information on private exchanges, public exchanges and defined contribution. And if you cannot make it to the event in Atlanta, I hope you consider FORUM West this December in Las Vegas.

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March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Exchange Solutions™


NEWS BRIEFS Benefitfocus Achieves Web-Based Entity Certification to Offer Employers a Whole Workforce Solution Benefitfocusannounced the company’s wholly owned subsidiary BenefitStore, Inc. has signed an agreement with CMS to confirm its status as a Web-Based Entity. With this agreement, Benefitfocus creates a channel for employers to facilitate enrollment in Qualified Health Plans for employees who may be eligible for an advanced premium tax credit through the Federally Facilitated Marketplace. Benefitfocus HR INTOUCH provides employers a comprehensive benefits solution that accounts for all segments of their employee population as the ACA introduces new health care coverage options for individuals.

Array Health to Offer Private Exchange Solution Through AHIP Connect Program Array Health announced its approval to participate in the AHIP Connect program. AHIP Connect is an industry solution provider sourcing and independent evaluation program that helps AHIP’s health plan members choose companies to implement operational business solutions that reduce costs; increase efficiency, safety and quality; and enhance the consumer experience. Health plans can leverage the Array Spectrum™ private health insurance exchange platform to support end-to-end consumer engagement for marketing, selling, enrolling, managing, renewing and administering health and ancillary benefits for their large and small group, individual and retirement business segments.

Laurus Strategies Launches Private Exchange Consulting Practice Laurus Strategies, a leading business resource firm specializing in HR, employee benefits and risk management solutions, announced the formal launch of its Private Exchange Consulting practice. The PEC practice was created in 2013 to provide independent, best-inclass health care benefits consulting in the rapidly evolving exchange market. With health care reform underway and private health insurance exchanges gaining momentum, many company executives are struggling to understand what is legally mandated and what the most efficient and effective solution is for their workforce. Adding to this dynamic is the fact that several well-known benefits consulting firms have developed or purchased their own private exchanges.

Liazon Welcomes Humana to the Bright Choices Exchange Liazon has announced that Humana medical and ancillary products will be offered on their Bright Choices Exchange in six select states. Markets will begin quoting in March and April. Future expansion will incorporate Humana medical and ancillary products in additional states throughout 2014 and 2015. Bright Choices’ users with a Humana medical plan can participate in Humana’s wellness and rewards solution, HumanaVitality, a proven, data-driven wellness and rewards program that focuses developing and reinforcing healthy lifestyles.

SelectQuote Benefit Solutions Forms Comprehensive Partnership with GetInsured Through a partnership with GetInsured, SelectQuote Benefit Solutions has added health insurance for pre-65 individuals to their employer benefits portfolio. The integrated partnership allows households to

manage their health insurance benefits — for both pre- and post-65 individuals — through one comprehensive exchange platform. The private exchange marketplace offered by SelectQuote Benefit Solutions and GetInsured allows employees and retirees a broader range of choices, offers plan savings and allows both pre- and post-65 health care coverage independent of the employer.

Bloom Health Advances Its Private Exchange Platform with Empyrean Benefit Solutions Partnership Bloom Health has announced their partnership with Empyrean Benefit Solutions, one of the fastest-growing, most advanced benefits technology and service firms, to enhance the Bloom Private Exchange Platform solution. Bloom Health has been operating private exchanges for health plans, employers and insurance agencies since 2009. The Private Exchange Platform gives employees industry-leading decision support to make informed benefit decisions, while providing employers with cost predictability and administrative relief for HR staff. Bloom Health sells its platform with insurance company sales representatives, through agents and brokers and direct to employers.

bswift to Accelerate Growth With Investment From Great Hill Partners bswift recently announced that it has received a minority equity investment of $51 million from Great Hill Partners, a Boston-based private equity firm focused on partnering with rapidly growing technology and technology-enabled services companies. bswift’s existing leadership team will use proceeds from the financing to further strengthen its service and technology offerings and solidify bswift’s position as a market leader. Great Hill Partners’ investment was funded with equity financing from Great Hill Equity Partners IV, LP, its $1.1 billion committed pool of capital that provides significant availability for follow-on investments.

Moody’s: Benefit Consultants Early Winners in Private Health Exchanges Major benefit consulting firms are investing resources to develop private exchanges, said Moody’s Investors Service in its new report “Benefit Consultants Are Early Winners in Building Private Health Exchanges.” The rating agency notes that enrollment in private exchanges could grow to tens of millions of active employees by the end of this decade from fewer than one million enrolled currently. Moody’s report noted that exchange-related earnings for leading consultants — Aon Hewitt, Mercer and Towers Watson — will be partly offset in the near term by the costs of developing exchanges and by the fact that many enrollees in active employee exchanges are existing clients transitioning from company-specific health plans to exchange-based plans.

Q4 Announces Private Exchange Contract With the Largest Insurance Agency in Arkansas Q4 Systems Corporation announced that they will be implementing their comprehensive QHIX Health Exchange Platform for The Hatcher Agency, Arkansas’ largest insurance group. Hatcher is also the largest agency for Blue Cross Blue Shield in Arkansas with more than 600 employers as clients. QHIX, built by Q4 Systems Corporation, is an industry-leading, cloud-based platform for managing all elements of a private exchange offering.

HealthCare Exchange Solutions™ I I March/April 2014


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The Collective Voice on Innovative Health & Benefit Management

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The HealthCare Consumerism Radio Show LEARN. CONNECT. SHARE. !"#$%&%'#()"**(LEARN(+,-.$($/%(*+$%#$($'%&0#(+&0(,%#$( 1'+2$"2%#("&(/%+*$/(2+'%(2-&#.3%'"#3(+&0(CONNECT()"$/( /%+*$/(2+'%("&0.#$'4($/-.5/$(*%+0%'#6(,'-7%'#6(+08"#-'#6( 0G;D2%?7D09%726;A;@0D70<D@M%Fh%7A2%5"A"30%67A7P"D@%7A2% '%5"-&+*(/%+*$/(1*+&(1'-8"0%'#9(!"#$%&%'#(2+&(+*#-(SHARE(,4( 2-&$+2$"&5($/%(/-#$#(-:($/%(#/-)(+&0(#.55%#$"&5(+'2/"8%#($-( "&0.#$'4(+##-2"+$%#9

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First Niagara Launches Private Insurance Exchange First Niagara Benefits Consulting, a division of First Niagara Risk Management, Inc., has announced its launch of the First Niagara Benefits Exchange. This private insurance exchange can accommodate a wide range of employer contribution approaches to offering employee benefits. This exchange will be offered to businesses with 100 or more employees. Employers can reduce their overall health care spend by using the First Niagara Benefits Exchange to offer their employees more choices and enhanced understanding of their health care expenses. FNBC will partner with bswift, a leader in software and services for employee benefits administration and exchange solutions.

Regions Insurance Offers Private Health Insurance Exchange Solution to Employers Regions Insurance has announced the company is offering employers in four states access to a private health insurance exchange platform that will help companies better manage benefits while offering a wide array of insurance options for their employees. The private exchange, called Regions TruSelect, will be available to employers that are based in Georgia, Indiana, Tennessee or Texas and have 50 or more eligible employees. Regions TruSelect will serve as an online benefits marketplace, connecting employees of participating companies to a wide array of medical, dental and vision coverage plans through a variety of providers. Life and disability coverage, 401(k) enrollment and other ancillary benefits will also be available later this year.

New Private Exchange to Open for Employers Health Members Employers Health, a national coalition of employers seeking to reduce the costs and improve the quality of health care, has announced the creation of the Employers Health Benefits Accelerator, an integrated and comprehensive health benefits platform that facilitates employers’ efforts to provide access to high-quality health care while controlling overall health care costs. The Employers Health Benefits Accelerator is an online private marketplace that Employers Health members will be able to access by August 1, 2014. By partnering with Bloom Health, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and CVS Caremark, Employers Health members will have access to industry-leading technology that powers the nation’s foremost medical, pharmacy and ancillary health care products.

Oswald Companies Launches Private Exchange Powered by Assurex Global A custom-built, comprehensive private health care marketplace and benefits management platform is now available for businesses through Oswald Companies. The Oswald Private Exchange, powered by Assurex Global, is a private marketplace platform that gives employers an unprecedented range of administrative flexibility and employee health benefit options. Oswald Companies, an Assurex Global Partner, is proud to offer this flexible insurance plan customization to employer groups of 50 or more employees. In collaboration with a leading employee benefits out-

sourcing partner, Businessolver, this private exchange allows employers to maintain a competitive advantage by offering best-in-industry benefits while removing the heavy lifting of benefit administration.

Maestro First to Feature New Solution for Employer-Sponsored Health Care Market Rob Butler, CEO of Maestro Healthcare Technology, a cutting-edge health benefits service company, has announced that they are introducing an employer benefit solution that is the first to feature both private exchange and self-funding capabilities on a single platform. The innovative Maestro solution is designed to significantly contain costs, simplify administration and enhance convenience for employers by integrating medical management, consumer driven payment solutions, and other product offerings in an exchange or self-funded model — all on one, proprietary technology platform.

New Keenan Public Agency Marketplace Offers Comprehensive Resources for Selecting, Managing Benefits Keenan, the largest privately held insurance brokerage and consulting firm in California, announced the launch of the Keenan Public Agency Marketplace to provide California’s public agencies and their employees the ability to more effectively navigate employee benefits decision making, enrollment and access to both private and public exchange markets in the post Affordable Care Act environment. Launching the Keenan Public Agency Marketplace is a natural evolution of Keenan’s BenefitBridge platform which is a centerpiece of the firms public agency strategy.

The Graham Company Launches Private Exchange The Graham Company, one of the Mid-Atlantic region’s largest insurance and employee benefits brokerages, announced it is now offering a private health care marketplace for businesses. The Assurex Global Private Exchange is a private marketplace platform that gives employers an unprecedented range of administrative flexibility and employee health benefit options. The Graham Company, as an Assurex Global Partner, is proud to offer this flexible insurance plan customization to middle market employer groups. In collaboration with leading employee-benefits outsourcing partner Businessolver, this private exchange allows employers to maintain a competitive advantage by offering best-in-industry benefits while removing the heavy lifting of benefits administration.

New Regence Marketplace Launching for Private Exchange Health Insurance Regence Health Insurance Services announced it is launching Regence Marketplace, a new private exchange health insurance option for select businesses in Idaho, Oregon, Utah and Washington. Regence Marketplace offers employers a number of advantages, including the ability to control health insurance costs, predictably plan for future benefit needs, and cater to a demographically diverse workforce. Through Regence’s private exchange, employees have the freedom to choose coverage that best fits their unique needs and budget, enabling more ownership over their health care decisions. This new model provides mid- and large-sized businesses with a customizable private exchange containing multiple Regence coverage options for safe, affordable and effective quality care. HealthCare Exchange Solutions™ I I March/April 2014



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For details, please visit !"#$%&'$"%()*+"(,)-*'".,/)01)2304. E-mail your Superstar nomination to or nominate online.


Mercer Creates Complete Workforce Exchange Solution Through Partnership with GetInsured


ith 67 employers already utilizing its private exchange, global consulting firm Mercer has been one of the most visible leaders in the emerging private exchange space. Through its active and retiree exchanges, Mercer currently provides benefits to over 280,000 individuals as of March 2014. Earlier in March, the company, which also recently acquired Transition Assist to bolster its retiree exchange offerings, announced a partnership with Silicon Valley’s GetInsured that will bring the Mercer Marketplace exchange brand into an entirely new sector: the individual market. “Most employers don’t have a single, uniform workforce, but a collection of different groups — including part-timers and retirees, each with a very different set of benefit needs,” said Julio A Portalatin, president and chief executive officer, Mercer.

“Now, Mercer Marketplace can meet all of these needs through a single point of access. This expanded reach is part of Mercer’s commitment to ensuring that all Americans have easy access to the best insurance products available on the market today.” This move coincides with a greater trend within the private exchanges to offer a solution that addresses each segment of an employer’s population, including retirees, part-timers and full-time employees — what Cindy Gillespie, senior managing director, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs practice at McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, has called the “sorting hat” exchange solution. In the new partnership, GetInsured, a federally approved webbased entity, will provide access to individual medical plans both on and off the public exchanges. The Palo Alto technology company is also a key partner for several state-based health insurance exchanges.

The Way to... Manage Health Care Costs & Increase Health Plan Choice Manage health care costs and increase health plan choice with Towers Watson’s OneExchange—an integrated and flexible private health care exchange that delivers value and choice to your entire employee and retiree populations. OneExchange provides coverage options that promote value and sustainability for employers. In our exchange environment, your people will engage as consumers in the purchase and use of their health care benefits. One call does it all. OneExchange: +1 855 372 3944 or visit Benefits Risk and Financial Services Talent and Rewards Exchange Solutions

HealthCare Exchange Solutions™ I I March/April 2014



‘Evaluate then Decide’

When it Comes to Exchanges?



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March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Exchange Solutions™

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If companies do not have a defined contribution plan, they are racing to it to manage costs — although they may not be changing carriers or plans at this point. l\@+ %"A+ @L(@$G@A+ G%@+ *"=H$%+ Fa+ G%@+ ?G"G@+ "HA+ a@A@#"*+ @L$%"HU@?+ $F=*A+ >@+ >=Q(B+ j+ G%@+ ?$"*@+Fa+G%@)#+*"=H$%+)?+=H("#"**@*@A+>B+"HB+FG%@#+ @L$%"HU@6m 4H#F**Q@HG?+T)"+SFc@#?+\"G?FHg?+$FH$)@#U@+ ?@#T)$@+ GF+ G%@+ (=>*)$+ @L$%"HU@?+ %"T@+ H"G=#"**B+ QFT@A+"G+G%@+("$@+Fa+G%@+UFT@#HQ@HG+@L$%"HU@?6+ '?+G%@+?G"G@+"HA+a@A@#"*+@L$%"HU@?+%"T@+>@@H+">*@+ GF+ $FQ(*@G@+ G%@)#+ (F#G)FH?+ Fa+ G%@+ @*)U)>)*)GB+ "HA+ "((*)$"G)FH+ (#F$@??I+ SFc@#?+ \"G?FH+ ?")A+ G%@B+ >@@H+ #@"AB+ "HA+ ">*@+ GF+ %@*(+ @H#F**+ ("#G)$)("HG?6+ R=#)HU+ G%@)#+ #"Q(+ =(I+ G%@+ #@?=*G?+ G%@)#+ %@"*G%+ )H?=#"H$@+ "AT)?F#?+ %"T@+ ?@@H+ c)G%+ $FH?=Q@#?+ %"T@+>@@H+T@#B+@H$F=#"U)HU+GF+"**+)HTF*T@A6 l1H@+ (F?)G)T@+ ?)A@+ @aa@$G+ Fa+ G%)?+ ("?G+ a"**g?+ %@"A*)H@?+)?+G%"G+@L$%"HU@?+"#@+FH+G%@)#+c"B+GF+ >@$FQ)HU+ "+ %F=?@%F*A+ G@#Q6+ '+ B@"#+ "UFI+ QF?G+ $FHT@#?"G)FH?+">F=G+@L$%"HU@?+?G"#G@A+c)G%+G%@+ QF?G+ >"?)$+ @L(*"H"G)FH?+ Fa+ c%"G+ "H+ @L$%"HU@+ ;@%i%#;B"%0G"%3D@0%279@%<C%?"<?#"%5L9;AP%7%?#7A"% G)$]@G+FH*)H@Im+\)**)"Q?+?")A6+ lX=G+HFc+$FHT@#?"G)FH?+FaG@H+?G"#G+"G+"+QF#@+ "AT"H$@A+ *@T@*+ aF#+ $FH?=Q@#?+ "HA+ @Q(*FB@#?+ "*)]@+j+"HA+G%@+QF#@+@A=$"G@A+>FG%+U#F=(?+"#@+ ">F=G+ @L$%"HU@?I+ G%@+ >@GG@#+ )G+ )?+ aF#+ G%@+ %@"*G%+ $"#@+"HA+)H?=#"H$@+)HA=?G#)@?+"*)]@6m++




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POWER OF CHOICE: Game-Changing Combination of Private Exchanges and Health Savings Accounts Theme One: Employer Interest in Private Exchanges is Real and Growing N#U4#$5##)/-$+025$0&$)/2#4#52$)/$A4)H*2#$#L("*/-#5$B)2"$ #7A+0C#45$(+*)7)/-$2"*2U5$2"#$<)4#(2)0/$2"#C$B)++$=#$2*T)/-$500/$ V$=62$+025$0&$"#5)2*2)0/$*5$B#++@$W40B2"$#52)7*2#5$&407$76+2)A+#$ 5064(#5$*4#$-#/#4*++C$(0/5)52#/2F$2")/T)/-$XY$7)++)0/$A#0A+#$ B)++$=#$5#4H#<$)/$A4)H*2#$#L("*/-#5$=C$PYOZ@

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\)G%F=G+"+AF=>GI+G%@#@+%"T@+>@@H+?@T@#"*+(#FQ)H@HG+36E6+@Q(*FB@#?+ j+ Q"HB+ Fa+ c%FQ+ *)]@+ ;)GH@B+ XFc@?+ %"T@+ @T@H+ >@@H+ (#F(FH@HG?+ Fa+ ;AA<T70;T"% "6?#<9""% 5"A"30@% ?D<PD76@% i% 0G70% G7T"% "/?D"@@"2% 2<L50% <D% $FH$@#H+ FT@#+ G%@+ ">)*)GB+ Fa+ (#)T"G@+ @L$%"HU@?+ GF+ AF+ c%"G+ G%@B+ ?"B+ G%@B+ c)**+AF6+ 'HA+ (@#%"(?+ aF#+ UFFA+ Theme Three: One of the most notable announcements #@"?FH6+S"]@H+"?+"+c%F*@I+G%@+ The Variety and (#)T"G@+ @L$%"HU@+ )HA=?G#B+ )?+ Uniqueness of in the exchange area so far this year was ?G)**+ f=)G@+ BF=HUI+ "HA+ Q"HB+ Private Exchange :8+ *@"A@#?+ >@*)@T@+ G%"G+ Solutions the February 4 announcement that global G%@+ )HA=?G#B+ %"?+ HFG+ B@G+ " health insurance company Cigna would T@GG@A+ G%@+ $*")Q?+ Fa+ Q"HB+ I&$C06UH#$5##/$0/#$ @L$%"HU@+ T@HAF#?6+ <H+ "H+ A4)H*2#$#L("*/-#F$ be launching its own private exchange in "#G)$*@+ (=>*)?%@A+ !"#$%+ C06UH#$5##/$>652$2"*28$ +*% <A% 5"A"30@?D<(8<6M% 0G"% 0/#$#L("*/-#@$!"#$ four initial markets: Atlanta, Dallas, San "=G%F#+f=FG@?+:8+*@"A@#?+"G+ <)&&#4#/(#5$*4#$H*52@$ !"##)FGGI+ S%@+ :FQ@+ R@(FG+ K06$"*H#$&6++C$)/564#<$ Francisco and Washington, D.C. "HA+ ;)GH@B+ XFc@?+ ?"B)HU+ H5@$5#+&$&6/<#<@$9)/-+#$ G%"G+ G%@B+ $=##@HG*B+ %"T@+ HF+ (*44)#4$H5@$76+2)A+#$ (*"H?+GF+QFT@+GF+"+(#)T"G@+@L$%"HU@+"HA+AF+HFG+aF#@?@@+"+#@"?FH+GF+Q"]@+ (*44)#4@$[#2B04T$2)-"2#/)/-$04$(65207).*2)0/@$\#'/#<$ G%@+QFT@+"G+G%)?+G)Q@6 (0/24)=62)0/$H5@$56=5)<).#<$&6/<)/-@$,*>04$7#<)(*+$0/+C$H5@$ 4L$%"HU@+ (#F(FH@HG?+ H@@A+ GF+ #@"*)b@+ G%"G+ G%)?+ )?+ "+ T@#B+ *@U)G)Q"G@+ 76+2)A+#$A40<6(25@$ ?$@H"#)F6+ 'aG@#+ "**I+ G%@+ @aa@$G)T@H@??+ Fa+ "+ (#)T"G@+ @L$%"HU@+ ?F*=G)FH+ GF+ #@A=$@+$F?G?+"HA+)H$#@"?@+@Q(*FB@@+%@"*G%+@HU"U@Q@HG+c)**+A@(@HA+U#@"G*B+ G$=)-$564A4)5#$B*5$2"*2$2"#4#$)5$/02$*$6/)H#45*+$6/<#452*/<)/-$ <A% 0G"% ?D<@?"80;T"% 8<6?7A9g@% 8LDD"A0% "6?#<9""% 5"A"30@% <CC"D;AP@(% YC% 7% 0&$2"#$(0/567#4)57$A+*/$*<0A2)0/$0AA0426/)2CF$*/<$2")5$)5$ 8<6?7A9g@%3A7A8"%7A2%Fh%#"72"D@%7#D"729%G7T"%0G"%8<6?7A9%<A%7%?70G%0<% +*4-#+C$=*5#<$0/$+#*<#45")A@$907#$#L("*/-#5$*4#$&0(65#<$0/$ $FH?=Q@#)?QI+HFG+"**+Fa+G%@+(#FQ)?@A+$F?G+?"T)HU?+Fa+"+(#)T"G@+@L$%"HU@+ 02"#4$&#*264#5F$&04$#L*7A+#F$A0A6+*2)0/$"#*+2"$7*/*-#7#/2$ c)**+"((*B6 S$*/$)7A042*/2$(07A0/#/2$&04$564#$S$=62$+#55$&0(65#<$0/$2"#$ U<A"0G"#"@@M% 0G"% T7@0% 67=<D;09% <C% ;A2L@0D9% D"@"7D8G% i% 5<0G% CD<6% /##<5$*550()*2#<$B)2"$*((06/2M=*5#<$#+#(2)0/@ >)"?@A+ @L$%"HU@+ (*"B@#?+ *)]@+ 'FH+ :@c)GGI+ SFc@#?+ \"G?FH+ "HA+ '*@U@=?+ !"8GA<#<P;"@% 7A2% CD<6% 6<D"% <5="80;T"% <DP7A;e70;<A@% #;B"% E<<29g@M% 4Q(*FB@#?+c)**+H@@A+GF+A@$)A@+c%@G%@#+"+(#)T"G@+@L$%"HU@+)?+#)U%G+aF#+ '$$@HG=#@+"HA+G%@+;449+j+?=UU@?G?+G%"G+Q"HB+@Q(*FB@#?+"#@+*FF])HU+"G+ G%@)#+@Q(*FB@@+(F(=*"G)FHI+>=G+G%@#@+"#@+"+H=Q>@#+Fa+)Q(F#G"HG+f=@?G)FH?+ "+(FG@HG)"*+QFT@+HFc+"HA+c)**+Q"]@+G%@+QFT@+>B+G%@+@HA+Fa+G%@+A@$"A@6 0G"9% Q;##% 3D@0% A""2% 0<% 7A@Q"D% 5"C<D"% 2;@87D2;AP% ?D;T70"% "/8G7AP"@% 7@% 7% QG<#"% <D% =L6?;AP% ;A0<% 7% 8"D07;A% ?D;T70"% "/8G7AP"% @<#L0;<A% Q;0G<L0% CL##9% @T"*="G)HU+"**+Fa+)G?+*)Q)G"G)FH?6+ Theme Two: The Business Development a"?"A2;AP% <A% 0G"% 8LDD"A0% 5"A"30@% @0D70"P9% <C% 7% 8<6?7A9M% 8"D07;A% Opportunity for Consultants and Brokers (#)T"G@+ @L$%"HU@?+ Q)U%G+ HFG+ >@+ #)U%G+ aF#+ G%"G+ $FQ("HBg?+ @Q(*FB@@+ ?<?L#70;<A(%N@%3A7A8"%7A2%Fh%"T7#L70"%?D;T70"%"/8G7AP"@M%0G"9%Q;##%A""2% 30/56+2*/25$B"0$*4#$A40H)<)/-$-00<$#L("*/-#$50+62)0/5$*4#$ GF+)Hf=)#@+">F=G+"**+Fa+G%@+A)$%FGFQ)@?+Q@HG)FH@A+">FT@+"HA+@H?=#@+G%"G+ 5##)/-$)2$*5$=65)/#55$<#H#+0A7#/2$0AA0426/)2C8$2B0M2")4<5$ G%@+ (#)T"G@+ @L$%"HU@+ ?F*=G)FH+ G%@B+ ?@*@$G+ $"H+ "$G="**B+ A@*)T@#@A+ c%"G+ )?+ 0&$G0/$1#B)22U5$PYOQ$#L("*/-#$(+)#/25$B#4#$/02$A4#H)065+C$ H@@A@A+aF#+G%@)#+@Q(*FB@@+(F(=*"G)FH6 G0/$1#B)22$(+)#/25@$W*++*-"#4$)5$*+50$5##)/-$2")5$*5$*$=65)/#55$ <#H#+0A7#/2$0AA0426/)2CF$*+0/-$B)2"$*/$*((06/2$7*/*-#7#/2$ &6/(2)0/@ Theme Four: The Question of the Health

Plan’s Next Move

S%@+ U*F>"*+ $FH?=*G"HG?+ j+ H"Q@*B+ SFc@#?+ \"G?FHI+ !@#$@#+ "HA+ 'FH+ :@c)GG+j+"#@+G%@+@"#*B+c)HH@#?+)H+G%@+(#)T"G@+@L$%"HU@+?("$@I+"$$F#A)HU+ GF+"+#@$@HG+#@(F#G+>B+!FFABg?I+G%@+$#@A)G+#"G)HU+"U@H$B6+\%)*@+G%@+!FFABg?+ D"?<D0%7#@<%@LPP"@0@%0G"%8<A@L#0;AP%3D6@g%A"7DV0"D6%"7DA;AP@%Q;##%5"%?7D0#9% Faa?@G+>B+A@T@*F(Q@HG+$F?G?I+G%@B+%"T@+>@@H+f=)G@+?=$$@??a=*+?F+a"#+)H+=?)HU+

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HealthCare Exchange Solutions™ I I March/April 2014


POWER OF CHOICE: Game-Changing Combination of Private Exchanges and Health Savings Accounts 1H@+Fa+G%@+QF?G+HFG">*@+"HHF=H$@Q@HG?+)H+G%@+@L$%"HU@+"#@"+?F+a"#+ 0<%7%2"3A"2%8<A0D;5L0;<A%CLA2;AP%6<2"#(%N@%0G"@"%8<6?7A;"@%8<A0;AL"%0<% G%)?+B@"#+c"?+G%@+C@>#="#B+/+"HHF=H$@Q@HG+G%"G+U*F>"*+%@"*G%+)H?=#"H$@+ 6<T"%0<%2"3A"2%8<A0D;5L0;<AM%;0%;@%@7C"%0<%0G70%;0%5<2"@%Q"##%C<D%0G"%CL0LD"% $FQ("HB+9)UH"+cF=*A+>@+*"=H$%)HU+)G?+FcH+(#)T"G@+@L$%"HU@+)H+aF=#+)H)G)"*+ "AF(G)FH+Fa+%@"*G%+?"T)HU?+"$$F=HG?+"?+c@**6 Q"#]@G?M+'G*"HG"I+R"**"?I+E"H+C#"H$)?$F+"HA+\"?%)HUGFHI+R696 S%@#@+ %"A+ *FHU+ >@@H+ f=@?G)FH?+ "HA+ #=QF#?+ >F=H$)HU+ "#F=HA+ Conclusion: The Next Generation of 0G"% ;A2L@0D9% <A% QG"0G"D% 0G"% 67=<D% G"7#0G% ?#7A@% Q<L#2% #7LA8G% 0G";D% Improving Health and Lowering Costs <QA% "/8G7AP"@M% 7A2% ^;PA7g@% 7AA<LA8"6"A0% @""6@% 0<% 8<A3D6% ;A2L@0D9% ?(@$=*"G)FH6+ kG;#"%;0g@%8#"7D%0G70%"/8G7AP"@%7D"%<A%7%D7?;2%PD<Q0G%0D7="80<D9%7A2% <H+G%@+"HHF=H$@Q@HGI+9)UH"+"*?F+HFG@A+G%"G+)?+)?+l"$G)T@*B+("#G)$)("G)HU+ G%"G+G%@B+c)**+$FHG)H=@+GF+?%)aG+@Q(*FB@#k?(FH?F#@A+%@"*G%+$"#@+GFc"#A+"+ ;A%7%AL65"D%<C%?D;T70"%"/8G7AP"@%726;A;@0"D"2%59%5"A"30%8<A@L#07A0@%7A2% QF#@+ $FH?=Q@#kA#)T@H+ QFA@*I+ )G+ )?+ HFG+ $*@"#+ c%@G%@#+ $=##@HG+ @L$%"HU@+ 5D<B"D7P"%3D6@%0G70%07DP"0%780;T"%"6?#<9""@%l;A8#L2;AP%CL##9%;A@LD"2%7A2% F(@#"GF#?+ G#=*B+ =HA@#?G"HA+ G%@+ $FH?=Q@#)?Q+ (FG@HG)"*+ "#F=HA+ %@"*G%+ ?@*ak)H?=#@A+QFA@*?i+"HA+#@G)#@@?6m+ ?"T)HU?+"$$F=HG?6+ !@"Hc%)*@I+ G%@+ X*=@+ 9#F??+ X*=@+ E%)@*A+ >#"HA+ %"?+ "*?F+ >@@H+ "+ +l4L$%"HU@?+(#FT)A@+G%@+>@?G+F((F#G=H)GB+aF#+:E'+"AF(G)FHI+>=G+HFG+ T@#B+ "$G)T@+ )H+ G%@+ (#)T"G@+ @L$%"HU@+ "#@H"6+ :@"*G%+ 9"#@+ E@#T)$@?I+ "+ "**+@L$%"HU@?+"#@+aF$=?@A+FH+(#FT)A)HU+G%@+>@?G+:E'+$=?GFQ@#+@L(@#)@H$@Im+ *)$@H?@@+ Fa+ G%@+ X9XE+ >#"HA+ ?")A+ SFAA+ X@#]*@B6+ + l<H+ a"$GI+ ;A% 3T"% @070"@J% k"##R<;A0M% YA8(M% Q"HB+@L$%"HU@?+"#@+HFG+"c"#@+ Ultimately, however, whether health G%@+ *"#U@?G+ $FQ("HB+ )H+ G%@+ Fa+ :E'+ #@TF*=G)FH+ %"((@H)HU+ X9XE+ '??F$)"G)FHY+ "HA+ X*=@+ )H?)A@+ G%@)#+ Faa@#)HU6+ + S%@#@+ )?+ savings accounts continue their strong 9#F??+ X*=@+ E%)@*A+ Fa+ !)$%)U"H+ #FFQ+aF#+)Q(#FT@Q@HG+%@#@6m 7D"% =<;A0#9% 0G"% 67=<D;09% SFA"Bg?+ ]@B+ @L$%"HU@+ growth throughout this decade and FcH@#?+ )H+ X*FFQ+ :@"*G%+ "HA+ G@$%HF*FUB+ (*"B@#?+ $FQ@+ a#FQ+ into the next will rely on all exchange $=##@HG*B+ ?)G+ FH+ )G?+ >F"#A+ Fa+ "+A)T@#?@+>"$]U#F=HAM+G@$%HF*k A)#@$GF#?6+ 3G)*)b)HU+ X*FFQ+ <P9M% 3A7A8"M% 5"A"30@% 726;Ak vendors — not only those that come :@"*G%+ G@$%HF*FUBI+ G%@B+ %"T@+ ;@0D70;<AM% 5"A"30@% 8<A@L#0;APM% ?=$$@??a=**B+ F(@#"G@A+ %@"*G%+ @G$6+ 5FG+ "**+ c@#@+ )HTF*T@A+ )H+ from a CDHC background. 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March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Exchange Solutions™


G((#55$2"#5#$A40'+#5$0/+)/#$*2$BBB@!"#I133@(07@ HSA/HRA/FSA TECHNOLOGY: ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT

TSYS HEALTHCARE TSYS Healthcare® provides end-toend strategic payment solutions for 706.649.5080 consumer directed healthcare. We partner with benefits administrators, financial institutions, health plans, and software providers to navigate all aspects of HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, transportation accounts, cash reimbursements, and lines of credit. TSYS Healthcare cards offer participants the security they expect along with the ability to conveniently access funds from multiple accounts and manage their benefits payments with simplified single-card access. Clients and partners benefit from simplified processes, reduced paperwork and cost savings that can contribute to improved return on investment. “We built the TSYS Healthcare platform to meet the market demand for reliable, configurable and intelligent solutions. Understanding the dynamic U.S. healthcare market, our customers rely on our option-driven system to prepare them for the future.” — Trey Jinks, Group Executive, TSYS Healthcare HSA/HRA/FSA TECHNOLOGY: ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT



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Since 1988, CieloStar (formerly OutsourceOne) CIELOSTAR has helped brokers, employers and employees 530 U.S. Trust Building navigate the ever-changing world of benefits. 730 Second Avenue South Now, with the dawn of “Defined Contribution Minneapolis, MN 55402 Health Care” we are again on the leading edge. With a team of industry thought leaders, CieloStar 612.436.2706 makes navigating healthand benefits choices easy for employers and employees by offering comprehensive benefits administration solutions with a high-touch, high technology model—most recently launching a proprietary private health insurance exchange.

“Fueled by the far-reaching impact and complexities of health care reform taking effect in 2013 and 2014, employers and employees increasingly find themselves in a ‘farmer’s market’ of benefits choices. Cielostar is uniquely positioned with enabling technology that helps purchasers and consumers make the best possible decisions and create a best-in-class benefits administration process. Our unique comprehensive approach to benefits offers everything from back room technology for enrollment, data, billing and call centers to complete solutions for COBRA, CDHP and health insurance exchanges.” — John Reynolds, CEO, Cielostar HSA / HRA / FSA ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE

Evolution1 and our Partners serve more EVOLUTION1, INC. than 9 million consumers, making us 952.908.9056 the nation’s largest electronic payment, on-premise and cloud computing healthcare solution that administers reimbursement accounts, including HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, VEBAs, Wellness and Transit Plans. It is the only solution that offers a single end-to-end user experience, provides innovative auto-substantiation technologies, and automates workflow for Partners, employers, and consumers. It does all this on one technology platform comprised of 1Cloud™, 1Direct™, 1Pay™, 1View™, 1Plan™, and 1Mobile™. Evolution1 and our Partners are dedicated to delivering value, reducing costs and simplifying the business of healthcare.

“The combination of our innovative products will further our leadership position in a rapidly changing healthcare market. Together with our Partners we are committed to reducing costs and simplifying the business of healthcare.” — Jeff Young Chairman and CEO, Evolution1

HealthCare Exchange Solutions™ I I March/April 2014


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By !"#$#%&'(#)*+,",$-#&

A collection of insight articles, highlighting the latest market forces and trends impacting health savings accounts ACA Employer Requirements Will Contribute to HDHP and HSA Adoption Rising Healthcare Costs Are Driving Health Benefit Innovation The ‘Retail’ Healthcare Environment: How Will Consumers Respond? The Future of CDH Accounts: HSA Adoption Forecasted to Outpace FSAs by 2017 HDHP/HSA vs. PPO: Supporting Employee Benefit Decision-Making Health Savings Accounts: More Than a Spending Account

The 401K Parallel: What Healthcare Can Learn from the History of Retirement Benefits The Alegeus HSA Solution: The industry’s Most Comprehensive HSA Platform The Alegeus Multi-Bank HSA Model: Consumers/Employers Value Choice Avidia Bank Introduces Comprehensive HSA Offering Through Partnership with Alegeus Technologies Who Will Win the HSA Market Opportunity?

ACA Employer Requirements Will Contribute to HDHP and HSA Adoption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A private exchange can become a tool for employers to manage their entire benefits infrastructure in a single platform – lowering benefit administration costs and increasing efficiency.

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Learn more about employer attitudes and perceptions of defined contribution health benefits and private insurance exchanges – download our infographic:


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!"#$%&'(%)*+#$,(%-*(#*. Explore the market forces influencing health savings account and high deductible health plan adoption – from cost drivers, consumerism, legislation and beyond – and learn strategies for building winning HSA programs.





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Overall benefit account growth has been strong, and is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 9% through 2017 – fueled in large part by a forecasted

21% CAGR growth in HSAs. Q!2+3;&.T>0#$&$)OU6)"9930#%')1"<&),&&#)".30#$)>3.) $&9"$&'(),0%)8&.&)>3.!"+*a&$),;)%1&)WUN)*#)cBBc)"')") 7#."*4237$&'($#78,'9#(3$/'$(#27+6(3#$#78,'9##3$&'($ '0,'%"#%*"%&$)1&"+%19".&)&R2&#'&'4)OU6')1"<&):"*#&$) 8'86,*(2/9$24$(#.#4/$9#*(3$*3$*$7#*43$&'($#78,'9#(3$ %3)'022+&!&#%)*#'0."#9&),&#&-)%')"#$)&"'&)%1&)2"*#) '&$24.(#*324;$(#38'432+2,2/9$&'($"#*,/".*(#$.'3/3$&'($ &!2+3;&&'4)OU6):.38%1)1"'),&&#)"99&+&."%&$),;) 24.(#*3#)$#78,'9#($*)'8/2'4$'&$"2;"$)#)6./2+,#$"#*,/"$ 2+"#')H81*91)".&)93!!3#+;)93!2+&!&#%&$),;)OU6'J)

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HDHP/HSA vs. PPO: Supporting Employee Benefit Decision-Making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The Alegeus Multi-Bank HSA Model:

Consumers/Employers Value Choice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d)&R*,*+*%;) %3)-)#"#9*"+)*#'%*%0%*3#'()1&"+%1)2+"#'()%1*.$)2".%;) "$!*#*'%."%3.')"#$),&#&-)%),.3@&.')?)%3)&#",+&)%1&!) %3)9"2*%"+*a&)3#)%1&)ON6)!".@&%)3223.%0#*%;4)C&9"0'&) 6+&:&0')38#')%1&)93!2+&%&)ON6)%&91#3+3:;)'%"9@()8*%1) 4'$)#8#4)#4.2#3$'4$/"2()$8*(/9$)#8'32/$393/#73=$%,#;#63$ *')",+&)%3)3>>&.)9+*&#%')")0#*/0&)_!0+%*T,"#@`)!3$&+)81*91) ,&#&-)%')"++)'%"@&13+$&.'h ) F*#"#9*"+)*#'%*%0%*3#')9"#)*#%&:."%&)%3)%1&)6+&:&0') 2+"%>3.!)"')23%&#%*"+)ON6)90'%3$*"#' ) b3#T90'%3$*"#')3>>&.*#:)ON6')%1.30:1)6+&:&0')9"#) ,#5#(*;#$*49$'($*,,$24/#;(*/#)$.63/')2*43$0$*,,'124;$ &!2+3;&.):.302')%3)3>>&.)3#&)3.)!"#;),"#@)32%*3#')%3) /"#2($#78,'9##3 14


Employer “A” offers these HSA custodians:

Employer “B” offers these HSA custodians:

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Avidia Bank Introduces Comprehensive HSA Offering Through Partnership with Alegeus Technologies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Who Will Win the HSA Market Opportunity?

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Walgreens’ Value-based Insurance Design Program Paying Off


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HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014



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Telehealth Emerges in a Consumer-Driven Marketplace BY JEFF MARKS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, HEALTHPERX

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HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014


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F"1'#,''#%,#)0#GHF#I=>J<#K#?L."#M""0-#NOO This is not insurance nor is it intended to replace insurance. This discount card program contains a

30 day cancellation period. The plan is not insurance coverage and does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act or Massachusetts M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. This plan provides discounts at certain healthcare providers for medical services. This plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services. The plan member is obligated to pay for all healthcare services but will receive a discount from those healthcare providers who have contracted with the discount plan organization. The range of discounts for medical or ancillary services provided under the plan will vary depending on the type of provider and medical or ancillary service received. Member shall receive a full refund of membership fees, excluding registration fee, if membership is cancelled within the first 30 days after the effective date. AR and TN residents: A refund of all fees will be issued if membership is cancelled within the first 30 days. MD Residents: The membership fee and one-time registration fee (minus $5.00) will be refunded if cancelled within the first 30 days and upon return of the discount card. Discount Medical Plan Organization: New Benefits, Ltd., Attn: Compliance Department, PO Box 671309, Dallas, TX 75367-1309, 800-800-7616. Website to obtain participating providers: Only available as employer-paid in UT. Not available in VT, WA

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Minor Health Conditions Treated Through Telemedicine: t t t t t t t t t t t


It’s a win-win situation for all. Individuals save time and money. Employers can see tremendous reductions in absenteeism leading to increased productivity. Selffunded companies can see immediate savings to their bottom line. $A.% R,DDMChL.,D+Ad,P*% <.DDh[.3:-% 0:O.S% @LDT"9"2% ,&M'''% Q<DB"D@% 78D<@@% +&% 67=<D% )@@MC,+3):*% 3:% +A.% '(#(% Gb% +A.% UU% C.1@.:+% )b% Q<DB"D@%QG<%30%0G"%@LDT"9g@%2"3A;0;<A%<C%G7T;AP% ,% @A1):3@% A.,D+A% @):O3+3):% n,*+A2,;% @,:@.1;% O.C1.**3):;% O3,N.+.*;% A.,1+% ,++,@9;% A3-A% ND))O% C1.**M1.;% A3-A% @A)D.*+.1)D% )1% )N.*3+Po;% +A.% +)+,D% ,::M,D% @)*+*% 1.D,+.O% +)% D)*+% C1)OM@+3X3+P% +)+,D.O%eq7%N3DD3):(7 !9?;87#%D"@L#0@%CD<6%7%0"#"G"7#0G%3D6% b1)2%E65J%*A)d.O%+A.%b)DD)d3:-T .% 5Ef;666%2.O3@,D%@):*MD+,+3):* .% Q5%C.1@.:+%)b%C,+3.:+%3**M.*%1.*)DX.O .% QU%C.1@.:+%2.2N.1%*,+3*b,@+3):% 1,+3:.% /:%,X.1,-.%d,3+%+32.%)b%E7%23:M+.*

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HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014


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Immediate access to care by phone or online saves time and money and allows those who need care the most to get in to see a doctor. Individuals can easily save hundreds — if not thousands of dollars a year — in out-of-pocket costs, and companies can not only manage health care costs far better but decrease absenteeism and increase productivity — a goal they have been working on for the last 30 years. C1)OM@+3X.%,:O%1.OM@.%)X.1,DD%A.,D+A%@)*+*(% 0:% ,DD% @,*.*;% +.D.A.,D+A% 3*% ,% *)DM+3):(% 022.O3,+.% ,@@.**% +)% @,1.% NP% CA):.% )1% ):D3:.% *,X.*% +32.% ,:O% 2):.P% ,:O% ,DD)d*% +A)*.% dA)% :..O% @,1.% +A.% 2)*+% +)% -.+% 3:% +)% *..% ,% O)@+)1(% 0:O3X3OM,D*% @,:% .,*3DP% *,X.% AM:O1.O*% s% 3b% :)+% +A)M*,:O*% )b% O)DD,1*% ,% P.,1% s% 3:% )M+h)bhC)@9.+%

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Everyone deserves the opportunity to live one’s best life.

At Alere, it’s more than clinical, it’s personal. We support each person in realizing their individual version of health and wellbeing to nourish life. Our programs combine the compassion of human touch with the power of technology to connect and inspire. We work with each individual to identify and overcome barriers — both personal and those presented by the world in which we live — to create healthy change. As a leading expert, we transform health and wellbeing through proven coaching and care coordination.

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72 March/April 2014 * XXX 5IF*)$$ DPN * HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™

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The gamification concept leverages social networks and technology to engage employees to make lasting behavioral changes; recognizing that members of communities motivate other members, and successful behavioral change happens when people turn new, small and easily implemented actions into long-term habits.

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74 March/April 2014 * XXX 5IF*)$$ DPN * HealthCare Consumerism Solutionsâ„¢

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90+62)0/5$20$"#+A$C064$)//0H*2)H#$"#*+2"$*/<$=#/#'2$A40-4*75@$ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CONSULTING

Intrepid goes beyond the typical expectations of the benefits consultant. We take the time to understand each client’s unique culture in order to implement the most progressive, creative solution to their benefits needs.


Liz Frayer, RHU 400 Interstate North Parkway, Suite 600, Atlanta, GA 30339 888-612-4644

“Our mission is to empower clients to achieve a more sustainable health care policy; it’s about more than just giving the client a plan — it’s a process of educating the client and their employees to better understand the plan and ensure its success. When we see the shift that occurs when employees have their ‘aha’ moment is when we feel we have done our job. — Liz Frayer, RHU, Intrepid


Health Insurance 101: An Orientation is a new, flexible online course offered by AHIP. It is designed to teach health insurance basics to those new to health care or individuals who wish to review the fundamentals. The course is formatted in short modules; you learn at your own pace and on your own time, moving through the materials as you choose. Plus, AHIP will customize the course to fit your organization’s specific learning requirements.

AMERICA’S HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS 601 Pennsylvania Ave., NW South Building, Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20004 Lindsey Miranda Canaley Tel: 800.509.4422 Fax: 202.861.6354


Castlight Health enables employers, their CASTLIGHT HEALTH 85 Market Street, Suite 300 employees, and health plans to take San Francisco, CA 94105 control of health care costs and improve care. Named #1 on The Wall Street 415.829.1400 Journal’s list of “The Top 50 Backed Companies” for 2011 and one of Dow Jones’ 50 Most Investment-Worthy Technology Start-Ups, Castlight Health helps the country’s self-insured employers and health plans empower consumers to shop for health care. Castlight Health is headquartered in San Francisco and backed by prominent investors including Allen & Company, Cleveland Clinic, Maverick Capital, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Oak Investment Partners, Redmile Group, T. Rowe Price, U.S. Venture Partners, Venrock, Wellcome Trust and two unnamed mutual funds. — Giovanni Colella, M.D. CEO and Co-Founder, Castlight Health HSA/HRA/FSA TECHNOLOGY: ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT



10275 W. Higgins Road, Suite 500 Rosemont, IL 60018 855-563-6993

The InsureXSolutions® private exchange offers employers a simplified role in the new health insurance marketplace. Employers with part-time workers or retirees, as well as small businesses can utilize this exchange to empower their employees to choose the health and dental insurance that best fits their personal and family needs. Employers can reduce costs and administrative tasks, while employees receive interactive support tools and personal guidance from our licensed insurance professionals. Available in select markets, InsureXSolutions is exclusively offered and operated by Flexible Benefit Service Corporation (Flex). Contact your broker or consultant, call us directly at 855-563-6993, or visit to learn more. HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014




90+62)0/5$20$"#+A$C064$)//0H*2)H#$"#*+2"$*/<$=#/#'2$A40-4*75@$ HSA/HRA/FSA TECHNOLOGY: ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT

MasterCard (NYSE: MA), is a global payments and technology company.

MASTERCARD WORLDWIDE 2000 Purchase St. Purchase, NY 10577-2509

It operates the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard’s products and solutions make everyday commerce activities—such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances—easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone.


Carena provides 24/7, on-demand access to CARENA, INC. health care by phone, webcam, and house 1525 4th Avenue, Suite 300 call. Seattle-based Carena is committed to Seattle, WA 98101 delivering the best health care experience 800.572.2103 possible. Its technology-enabled care delivery model provides on-demand access to health care 24/7, via phone, secure video, and house call. Carena provides health care solutions to patients through employers, health systems and through its consumer service, CareSimple.

“People are paying more out of pocket for care than ever—through higher co-pays and deductibles, reduced benefits, and in the rising costs of goods and services. Taken together, health care has become more expensive and less accessible. Our goal is to make health care more affordable by providing the right care at the right time for the right cost; to help people live healthier lives by removing the barriers to people taking control of their health care.” — Ralph C. Derrickson, President & CEO, Carena


Orriant helps businesses produce a better, more profitable product by creating a workforce that is healthier, more productive, and less expensive to insure.


9980 South 300 West Ste. 100 Sandy, Utah 84070 801.574.2306

Orriant’s proven strategy is to hold people accountable for improving their health as an integral part of your benefit strategy in a way that is fair and compassionate to all.

“Employers can fight back to control rising health care costs. Orriant’s strategies have helped major employers from almost every industry cut the cost of health care, improve the health and productivity of their workforce, and push hundreds of thousands of dollars to their bottom lines.” — Darrell Moon, CEO, Orrian



March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™

eflexgroup (eflex) is a nationwide eflexgroup administrator of pre-tax benefits 2740 Ski Lane and COBRA. Committed to providing Madison, WI 53713 fast answers, fast claims, and web 877.933.3539 ext 300 self-service, we set the industry standards for service. With a customer focus and Lean Six Sigma methodology, we don’t talk about service, we prove it. See our metrics at

“eflexgroup’s customer service department should be a model for ALL customer service departments. The courtesy, professionalism and knowledge surpass ANY customer service department I’ve encountered! I feel the outstanding, exemplary customer service of eflexgroup is simply the best!” — Kimberly Adams, Southeast Energy Assistance [testimonial]



G((#55$2"#5#$A40'+#5$0/+)/#$*2$BBB@!"#I133@(07@ HSA/HRA/FSA TECHNOLOGY: ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT

TSYS Healthcare® provides end-toTSYS HEALTHCARE end strategic payment solutions for 706.649.5080 consumer directed healthcare. We partner with benefits administrators, financial institutions, health plans, and software providers to navigate all aspects of HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, transportation accounts, cash reimbursements, and lines of credit. TSYS Healthcare cards offer participants the security they expect along with the ability to conveniently access funds from multiple accounts and manage their benefits payments with simplified single-card access. Clients and partners benefit from simplified processes, reduced paperwork and cost savings that can contribute to improved return on investment.

“We built the TSYS Healthcare platform to meet the market demand for reliable, configurable and intelligent solutions. Understanding the dynamic U.S. healthcare market, our customers rely on our option-driven system to prepare them for the future.” — Trey Jinks, Group Executive, TSYS Healthcare HSA / HRA / FSA ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE

WageWorks helps employers support consumer directed pre-tax benefit programs, including health care (FSA, HSA, HRA), wellness programs, commuting and

WAGEWORKS 1100 Park Place, 4th Floor San Mateo, California 94403 United States of America 888-9905099

child and elder care. Wage Works also offers retiree health care and COBRA Services. More than 100 of America’s Fortune 500 employers and millions of their employees use WageWorks.


At HSA Bank, we’ve been helping businesses HSA BANK optimize their health care spending for over 605 N. 8th Street Suite 320 15 years. We offer unmatched service and Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 expertise when it comes to health-based United States of America savings accounts. You can count on our 800.357.6246 dedicated business relations team for turnkey solutions and ongoing support that help your business and workforce save for a healthy future. To connect with your regional representative, call 866.357.5232 or visit

“When implementing one of the first Medical Savings Account programs in the country, I had a belief that health care could be fixed with free-market principles. I still do. By adopting flexible and transparent practices that manifest core attributes of consumerism such as private exchanges, defined contributions, and self-funding; we will reform health care in our nation.” — Kirk Hoewisch, Co-Founder and President, HSA Bank, a division of Webster Bank, N.A. HSA / HRA / FSA ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE

Evolution1 and our Partners serve more EVOLUTION1, INC. than 9 million consumers, making us 952.908.9056 the nation’s largest electronic payment, on-premise and cloud computing healthcare solution that administers reimbursement accounts, including HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, VEBAs, Wellness and Transit Plans. It is the only solution that offers a single end-to-end user experience, provides innovative auto-substantiation technologies, and automates workflow for Partners, employers, and consumers. It does all this on one technology platform comprised of 1Cloud™, 1Direct™, 1Pay™, 1View™, 1Plan™, and 1Mobile™. Evolution1 and our Partners are dedicated to delivering value, reducing costs and simplifying the business of healthcare.

“The combination of our innovative products will further our leadership position in a rapidly changing healthcare market. Together with our Partners we are committed to reducing costs and simplifying the business of healthcare.” — Jeff Young Chairman and CEO, Evolution1

HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014




90+62)0/5$20$"#+A$C064$)//0H*2)H#$"#*+2"$*/<$=#/#'2$A40-4*75@$ EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT TOOLS

Under the CIVA (CodeBaby Intelligent Virtual CODEBABY CIVA Assistant) brands of benefits and health 111 S. Tejon St. Suite 107 advisor, CodeBaby improves the healthcare Colorado Springs, CO 80903 consumer experience and optimizes online 877.334.3465 self-service on any web-based platform or device with absolutely no IT disruption. Benefits advisor offers guidance and selfservice options that help consumers and organizations alike to make better decisions about benefits selection. Health advisor engages new patient visitors on hospital or office websites or existing patients on wellness, prevention & disease management platforms.

“With the rapid changes in health care, our solutions provide organizations innovative ways to optimize their current platform while meeting the demand for an enhanced online experience. CIVA benefits and health advisor solutions are industryleading models that help consumers and organizations more efficiently navigate complex health benefit exchanges and patient portals. “ — Dennis McGuire, CEO, CodeBaby BENEFIT ENROLLMENT AND ELIGIBILITY

Totem Solutions is a boutique benefits TOTEM SOLUTIONS consulting and administration firm offering highly 11330 Lakefield Drive specialized services and products. We serve Bldg 1, Ste 150 benefit management and HR professionals as an Duluth, GA 30097 extension of their team, allowing them to focus on key initiatives and core strengths. Our services 770-295-1600 include Employee Benefits Consulting, Benefits Toll-free 866-481-4917 Administration, Enrollment, & Communication, Health Care Reform Education, Enrollment, Reporting & Compliance, Leave and Disability Management Administration.

“We are hands-on benefits advisors for public and private sector companies throughout the country. Totem delivers employer-centric service that simplifies benefits administration and enrollment in order to facilitate employee understanding and ensure the best possible employee experience. Our goal is also our great passion and commitment: to offer organizations clear and accurate counsel accompanied by services and solutions that are easy to access, seamlessly implemented and custom fit, while providing a worry-free outsourcing solution.” — Debbie Schultz, President, CEO, Totem Solutions


March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™


WiserTogether Inc., helps patients choose the right care at the time. It

WISER TOGETHER Praveen Mooganur

offers an innovative online treatment


selection & shared decision support

platform that helps patients make evidence-based, cost effective

treatment decisions across musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, mental health, diabetes, pregnancy and respiratory illnesses saving payers money. Currently 1.5 million members have access to the platform through employers and health plans in the country. WiserTogether was founded in 2008 and is based in Washington, DC. — Praveen Mooganur, COO, WiserTogether SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH

Delta Dental leads the DELTA DENTAL industry in designing 1130 Sanctuary Pkwy, Suite 600 Alpharetta, GA 30009 innovative dental coverage programs that keep costs 770-641-5196 down and deliver quality care. Our diverse client list includes everyone from Fortune 100 companies to public agencies to individuals and families. Our customer’s satisfaction is based on our expansive dentist network, cost-saving mechanisms and superior customer service. We are part of the Delta Dental Plans Association that provides dental coverage to more than 56 million people in the US.



G((#55$2"#5#$A40'+#5$0/+)/#$*2$BBB@!"#I133@(07@ HSA/HRA/FSA TECHNOLOGY: ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT


HealthPerx is a health and wellness marketing company specializing in creative non-insurance benefit solutions that reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and decrease healthcare costs. Consultants: These benefits differentiate you from competitors.

HEALTHPERX Jeff Marks, CEO Direct: 205 222-4062 Toll Free: 888 417-6187

Corporations: These will give you a far greater ROI than your wellness program while saving your employees thousands of dollars a year. Differentiator: ! Telemedicine Services: offering the entire family unlimited calls with no consult fees 24/7/365—anytime from anywhere ! Additional Health Benefits: offering significant savings for pharmacy, dental, vision, medical advocacy, travel assistance, telephonic counseling (EAP) and more ! Turnkey Program: billing, administration, fulfillment, call center, marketing HealthPerx benefits complement any and all existing benefit plans. — Jeff Marks, CEO PRESCRIPTION BENEFITS MANAGEMENT

Provider of Prescription Benefits Management services to self-funded employee groups, TPA’s, Brokers, and Consultants. Phoenix also offers a prescription savings card, RxAdvantage, for individuals and groups alike.


410 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 4225 Cumming, Georgia 30041 888.532.3299 main office 678.208.6257 marketing & pr 678.208.6252 sales 678.208.6255 fax

Phoenix Benefits Management is a prescription benefit manager providing traditional PBM services to Self-Funded companies, TPA’s, Brokers, and Consultants. We also provide comprehensive 340B services as well as our very own prescription savings card known as the Phoenix RxAdvantage Prescription Savings Card. Though our approach is scalable, our solutions are individualized. It’s been our experience and it is our firm belief that prescription benefit plans are not a one-size-fits-all proposition so we create a plan that is customized to fit the unique needs of each and every one of our clients.

DataPath, Inc., is one of nation’s largest providers of CDH solutions specializing in account-based administration systems.


1601 WestPark Drive, Suite 9 Little Rock, AR 72204

501.296.9990 Since 1984, service providers using DataPath systems have provided administrative solutions for over 1 million participants of FSA, HRA, HSA, and COBRA. DataPath is the only solutions provider to design and deliver a full Suite of systems for handling 125, 105, 132, COBRA, HSAs, Credit and Debit Cards all delivered to account holders through a single Internet portal,

“With the significant changes in healthcare today, our software solutions allow users to create custom plans for clients that benefit both the employer and employee. Not only have we created a single platform for all systems with, with the integration of our mySourceCard Debit Card at Wal-Mart and other retailers, our clients are able to offer a hassle-free solution with 100% compliance.” ®




10275 W. Higgins Road, Suite 500 Rosemont, IL 60018 888-353-9178 It has been an exciting year at Flexible Benefit Service Corporation (Flex). We celebrated our 25th anniversary along with a decade of increasingly popular HSAs. We have been a trusted benefits administrator of these consumer-driven plans since day one and also offer FSAs, HRAs, Transit and COBRA Administration. In fact, we now offer the InsureXSolutions® private exchange to employers with part-time workers or retirees, as well as small businesses. At Flex, we look towards the future and leverage our consumer-driven experience as a way to help our clients move forward in the changing marketplace. Contact your broker or consultant, call us directly at 888-353-9178 or visit to learn more. HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014




90+62)0/5$20$"#+A$C064$)//0H*2)H#$"#*+2"$*/<$=#/#'2$A40-4*75@$ BENEFIT ADMINISTRATION/PRIVATE EXCHANGES

Avoid the Cadillac Tax! Consumer’s Medical Resource® (CMR) helps your employees answer the five most important questions in healthcare: What do I have? What do I need? Where do I go? What will it cost? How do I connect? CMR helps leading Fortune 1,000 companies improve engagement, quality, and satisfaction through informed clinical decision-making with guaranteed savings. “10% of employees drive 70% of your cost. Our services not only help companies save money in areas such as reducing unnecessary elective surgeries, but also empower employees to make some of the most important decisions of their lives.” David J. Hines President and Founder

CMR delivers value by helping organizations take control of their healthcare costs. Find out what we can do for you. i ÞÊ7> >Vi]Ê ÀiVÌ ÀÊ vÊ >À iÌ }ÊUÊ Ü> >ViJV ÃÕ iÀà i` V> °V Ê Çn£ Çä £ÇÓÇÊUÊÜÜÜ°V ÃÕ iÀà i` V> °V


Steven LEVEL1DIAGNOSTICS Level1DiagnosticsDr. uses new M. Helschien Founder and CC&BW 11722 Lightfall Court tools to evaluate employees’ Columbia, MD 21044 cardiovascular health

410-707-5667 ◆ Dr. Steven Helschien, Founder Heart disease is the number one killer Sales: Penny Aleo, Executive VP in the U.S. and costs millions of dollars 443.878.3087 in medical care and time lost from work. Detection and prevention is the key to heart health. Level1Diagnostics is an innovative program that, unlike conventional cardiology tests, provides advanced testing and methods to detect and prevent the earliest signs of cardiovascular disease and encourage optimal health.

There is testing for the early detection of cancer and other diseases, and now we have testing for the early detection of cardiovascular disease.


March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™

Since 1988, CieloStar (formerly OutsourceOne) CIELOSTAR has helped brokers, employers and employees 530 U.S. Trust Building navigate the ever-changing world of benefits. 730 Second Avenue South Now, with the dawn of “Defined Contribution Minneapolis, MN 55402 Health Care” we are again on the leading edge. With a team of industry thought leaders, CieloStar 612.436.2706 makes navigating healthand benefits choices easy for employers and employees by offering comprehensive benefits administration solutions with a high-touch, high technology model—most recently launching a proprietary private health insurance exchange.

“Fueled by the far-reaching impact and complexities of health care reform taking effect in 2013 and 2014, employers and employees increasingly find themselves in a ‘farmer’s market’ of benefits choices. Cielostar is uniquely positioned with enabling technology that helps purchasers and consumers make the best possible decisions and create a best-in-class benefits administration process. Our unique comprehensive approach to benefits offers everything from back room technology for enrollment, data, billing and call centers to complete solutions for COBRA, CDHP and health insurance exchanges.” — John Reynolds, CEO, Cielostar HEALTH DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS

Truven Health Analytics, formerly Healthcare at Thomson Reuters, delivers unbiased information, analytic tools, benchmarks, and services to the health care industry.

TRUVEN HEALTH ANALYTICS 6200 S Syracuse Way, Suite 300 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 734.913.3000

Hospitals, government agencies, employers, health plans, clinicians, and life sciences companies have relied on us for more than 30 years. We combine deep clinical, financial, and health care management expertise with innovative technology platforms and information assets to make health care better by collaborating with our customers to uncover and realize opportunities for improving quality, efficiency, and outcomes.



G((#55$2"#5#$A40'+#5$0/+)/#$*2$BBB@!"#I133@(07@ HEALTH INCENTIVES

MedEncentive offers a patented, web-based incentive system that’s been independently validated


Cecily Hall Executive Vice President

to control healthcare costs. Doctors and patients earn financial rewards for declaring adherence to best practices and healthy behaviors, provided they agree to be accountable to the other party for doing so. Easy to implement and

ExperienceLab has created a breakthrough, CDHCENTRIC patented communication program that saves 507 S. 8th Ave. Bozeman, employers money by increasing adoption and Montana 59715 usage of consumer directed health (CDH) 617.224.6223 insurance plans among their employees. CDHCentric, sold on a subscription basis, delivers regular, multi-media communications that are tailored based on seven unique attitudinal segments developed from proprietary research.

Traditional health plans protect employees from having to learn the basic skills for making cost-effective healthcare decisions. Our segmentation research, which is based on 20 years of behavioral marketing, found 7 unique personality types, and each makes healthcare decisions differently. The result is that, when employee messages are correctly tailored to their personalities, employees become health care consumers! — Roger Travis, President

embraced by users. SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH

Transitions Optical, Inc. is the maker of Transitions® lenses, the #1-eyecare professional recommended photochromic lenses worldwide.


TRANSITIONS OPTICAL 9251 Belcher Road Pinellas Park, FL 33782

800.533.2081 ext. 2262

Transitions Healthy Sight Working for You® is an education initiative that helps HR professionals and benefits professionals communicate the value of the vision benefit to employees. More information and complimentary education tools are available at

“Don’t overlook your employees’ healthy sight when thinking about your business goals. A vision benefit that includes an eye exam and sight-optimizing eyewear helps ensure that employees see their best, so they can do their best work, directly affecting your business.”


WeCare TLC is a medical risk management company that leverages onsite primary care clinics to provide solutions to rising healthcare costs while improving patient health and wellness.


120 Crown Oak Centre Dr Longwood, FL 32750 800.941.0644

Our holistic approach to care empowers the clinic staff to act as patient advocates, which increases compliance and decreases unnecessary expensive services.

“Healthcare is now a right and employers are faced with the challenge of truly managing their healthcare costs. We have created a unique medical home clinic model that properly addresses quality of care and cost. This requires constant, aggressive, creative, and directed attention to accomplish but it can be done.” — Lynn Jennings, CEO, WeCare TLC

HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™ I I March/April 2014






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ADVERTISING INDEX AHIP ...................................................... 75

IHC Radio.........................................HCX 6

Alegeus Technologies ..... 1-16 follows HCX

IHC Save the Date FORUM West 2014....28

Allstate .................................................... 5

IHC Superstars 2014 .......................HCX 8

Best Buy ........................Inside Back Cover

insurexsolutions .......................HCX 15, 75

Buck Consultants ................................... 32

Intrepid .................................................. 75

Carena ................................................... 76

Level1Diagnostics .................................. 80

Castlight Health ..................................... 75

MasterCard ............................................ 76

CDHCentric ............................................ 81

MedEncentive ........................................ 81

Ceridian ................................................. 12

Orriant ................................................... 76

CieloStar..................................HCX 15, 80

Phoenix Benefits Management................ 79

CodeBaby............................................... 78 ..HCX 16, 21

Consumer’s Medical Resource................ 80

QuadMed ................................................. 9

ConnectYourCare ................................... 14

Solstice Marketplace .......................HCX 2

DataPath ................................................ 79

Totem Solutions ..................................... 78

Delta Dental ........................................... 78

Towers Watson ..............................HCX 10


eFlex Group............................................ 76

Transitions ............................................. 81


Evolution1................................HCX 15, 77

Truven Health Analytics ......................... 80

Flexible Benefit Service Corporation........ 79

TSYS Healthcare ..................7, HCX 15, 77

HealthPERX ............................................ 79

UnitedHealthCare ..................... Back Cover

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ADVERTISING CONTACTS 898:;<=:>??=% 89:;<=>?!@A9B




HealthStat ......................Inside Front Cover

WageWorks .............................HCX 12, 77

H!B98I:B#:J#8:FJ9B9F89#@<:F@:B@A!<; 8:B<:BEI9#D9D>9B@A!<;B9<B!FI@

HealthSparq ........................................... 16

WeCare TLC ........................................... 81


HSA Bank ........................................30, 77

Wiser Together ...................................... 78

IHC Innovation Showcase ....................... 28 82

March/April 2014 I I HealthCare Consumerism Solutions™

REWARD THEM WITH A HEALTHY DOSE OF FUN Staying healthy feels better with Best Buy® gift cards.

GIFT CARD INCENTIVES As powerful incentives, Best Buy gift cards energize your health and wellness program by motivating people with the things they want most, from TVs to tablets to smart phones. They’re hard to resist and easy to redeem online or in store. For instant e-mail delivery and easy personalization, choose our popular e-gift cards. Make your wellness program even more rewarding. Visit us online today.


No fees. No expiration dates. Just happiness.™ © 2013 BBY Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Stepping up to make health care more personalized

We’ve made it easier for your employees to find information and resources (even on the go). At UnitedHealthcare, we offer innovative tools that put members in touch with their information. s myHealthcare Cost Estimator provides relevant information on care and estimated costs. s myClaims Manager helps members understand, track and pay their medical bills online. s UnitedHealthcare Health4MeTM is a mobile app that provides instant access to a family’s important health information. s® is a resource for members, providing easy access to personal health care benefit information – whenever they need it. Empower your employees. It’s good for their health – and the health of your business. For more information, visit or call 1-866-438-5651.

All UnitedHealthcare members can access a cost estimator online tool at Depending on your specific benefit plan and the ZIP code that is entered, either the myHealthcare Cost Estimator or the Treatment Cost Estimator will be available. A mobile version of myHealthcare Cost Estimator is available in the Health4Me mobile app, and additional ZIP codes and procedures will be added soon. This tool is not intended to be a guarantee of your costs or benefits. Your actual costs and/or benefits may vary. When accessing the tool, please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Why Your Costs May Vary sections for further information regarding cost estimates. Refer to your health plan coverage document for information regarding your specific benefits. ©2014 United HealthCare Services, Inc. Insurance coverage provided by or through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or its affiliates. Administrative services provided by United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates. Health Plan coverage provided by or through a UnitedHealthcare company. UHCEW683616-000

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