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Impact of Social Media Usage on Organisational Image Mediated by Customer Trust

considered symmetrical. The positive outcome of the normality testing therefore, confirms the dataset for further research

To test the validity, first, the exploratory factor analysis was carried out. From this study, the loading on each factor is sufficient as the values range between0.474 to 0.725. Since all the values are above 0.4 suggested that the items in the construct are valid. The CFA was performed to establish the convergent validity through factor loading and through average variance extracted (AVE). Factor loading and AVE is used to assess the construct convergent validity of a measurement procedure (Basit, Tiong& Hassan, 2020). The loading of each item on each construct must exceed more than 0.4 (Basit et al, 2020). As all the items in the construct have a loading above 0.644, it is considered that the construct is valid for further analysis (SEM). Also Average Variance Extracted (AVE) is above 0.5 suggested that the construct is convergent valid (Radhakrishnan, Basit& Hassan, 2018). Similarly, discriminant validity applies to identified the same indicators should explain a much lower proportion of variance from other latent variables (Basit, Wong, Hassan &Sethumadhavan, 2020). Discriminant validity is important to measure the validity construct in this research. As proposed by Evans (1996), correlation is an effect size and can be describe the strength where the absolute value should be less than 0.80. Likewise, Hair et al. (2011) and Hair et al. (2012) suggested the acceptable squared correlations value is less than 1.00. Table 6 below show the correlation between the all combination of constructs stay below 0.800 with perceive ease of use and e-business successful implementation have the lowest value of 0.595. Likewise, in squared correlations, the collected data shows all have the value are lower than the threshold and the highest value achieved is 0.543 and both results concluded the construct is valid and acceptable. Also the squared correlations are lower than the AVE values suggesting that there is sufficient discriminant validity (Hair et al, 2011, Radhakrishnan et al, 2018).


Table 6: Discriminant Validity

The squared correlations are below the diagonal are and squared correlations values

To further test the validity of the construct, the construct reliability test was carried out and the result are illustrated in the table 5 above. The Cronbach‟s values are above 0.7 suggested that the items in the construct are highly reliable (Hair et al, 2011).With reference to Hair et al (2011), it is indicated that there is a high internal consistency among the items in the construct as the Cronbach Alpha values are above 0.7 suggesting high reliability. A good reliability criterion is with estimate at 0.7 or higher, which means that all observed variables consistently represent the same latent construct (Hair et al., 2011). Table 5 above shows the calculated composite reliability of this research for each latent construct, and all result show 0.70 and above which means the model is good fit. It is important to evaluate the reliability of supplied data in a research study to ensure the excellent test quality is achieved (Basit et al, 2020). Item interrelatedness and dimensionality may affect the value of alpha, and the acceptable range of Cronbach's alpha for a reliability construct is ranging from 0.70 to 0.95 (Hair et al, 2013). Table above show all four independent and one dependent variables are within the acceptable range and above the value of 0.95, which show the data is high reliability.


4.2.Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is a statistical technique used when investigating the structure of multivariate data and test whether a hypothesized structure is appropriate for multivariate data (Fox, 2010). The four-major purpose of the CFA are (1) psychometric evaluation of measures; (2) construct validation; (3) testing method effect; and (4) testing measurement invariance (Brown, 2006). This study used CFA to examine the research's proposed model either it

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